Roswell3053's FanFiction A/N 1/23/07

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Roswell3053's FanFiction A/N 1/23/07

Post by roswell3053 »

Okay, I finally decided to do one of these. I only have 1 story out right now, but I have quite a few that I am trying to work on. I have made some banners, but I am going to have to redo them because they look like crap. If you would like to make a banner for me, that would be great, but either way I am going to try and work on the ones that I have made. I know that some of the pictures are real distorted right now on the banners, but just give me sometime to fix them. Enjoy!



Title: Unforgettable Nights
Rating: Mature
Category: M/L AU w/o Aliens
Summary: Liz and Max had a crush on each other during high school, but they were both to scared to say anything. What happens when their friends get together and decide that it is time to set them up?



Title: Birthday Surprise
Rating: Mature
Category: M/L w/o Aliens
Summary: Based on a challenge by Emz80m found here.

Coming Soon


Title: Roswell's Big Brother
Rating: Mature
Category: M/L w/o Aliens
Summary: 10 strangers. One house. Competition, Evections, Vetos, and One Million Dollars.
Author's Note: I got this idea from the Big Brother show that is on CBS. The rules of the game are going to be basically the same as on the show.


Title: Royal Destiny
Co-Written: w/ cowgirl
Rating: Mature
Category: M/L, M/M, A/I w/ Aliens
Summary: To the outside world, Max Evans and Liz Parker are in constant competition with each other. However, their families know that they really desire each other. Find out what happens when true love conqures all, and true destiny is revealed.
Last edited by roswell3053 on Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by roswell3053 »

Well I was hoping to have Unforgettable Nights completed by now, but it doesn't look good. I had just about everything typed up and saved on my computer at work. However, when I came in this morning, the whole hard drive had crashed overnight. Luckily i still remember some of what i had written, but most of it I will have to re-write. Please bear with me, and I will get back on track as soon as possible.

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Post by maya »

Thanks for letting us know. Looking forward to your update!
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Post by roswell3053 »

I'm not sure who all is reading this, but I figured that I would leave a note anyways....

After the computer fiasco that I had, I decided to write all my stories down in spiral notebooks that way when it was time to update, all I had to do was type it up. Sounds like a good idea right?? :roll: Well I thought so too, and since my sister-in-law, cowgirl, and I were brainstorming on most of the stories and actually writing one together, I had my note books at her house were I thought they would be safe, and they were until my brother-in-law decided to clean house and threw all of my notebooks away. :x So I'm pretty much back at square one on everything. :cry: Here is an update on where I was, and where I am now with each story....

Unforgettable Nights WIP (actually in D&B section right now)

There are only 2 parts left of this story, and I had everything lined out and almost completely written. Now I have to go back to the drawing board for the last 2 parts because I can't remember what I had written. I am working on this, and once I have both parts completely written I will have a request sent to get the story reactivated. :)

Royal Destiny - Coming Soon (actually 1 chapter in the testing section over at Write On)

I had about 6 chapters of this story written, and almost the whole story outlined as to what I wanted to happen. Now the only thing that is left is what I posted in a testing section. Hopefully I can get motivated enough to write this again, but right now I'm so frustrated, that I don't know when it will happen. :x

Roswell's Big Brother - Coming Soon

I pretty mush had this whole story planned out. I had all the veto competitions, HOH competitions, and food challenges figured out. I knew the order that the characters were leaving in and who would be the deciding vote. The only thing that I had not planned on this story was who would win. I was down to the final 2 though. Everything that I had for this story is completely gone. I basically have to start from scratch on this one. I have thought about listing it as an RPG, but I don't quite know if I want to relinquish control over the order that is in my head for the eliminations. We'll see... :?

As for all of the other stories that I had either started or was in the process of planning out ideas for, they are all gone. I had about 15 different story lines that I was throwing around and making plans for, but now they are only in my head so I have to start all over again.

I'm going on vacation next week to Disney World in Orlando with my kids, so hopefully some of the rest and break from RL will help me to get started again. Thanks for all the lurkers and feedbackers that read any of my stories. Hopefully, I will be able to come back with a completed story, and many others in the works. :wink:
Check out my fic.

Unforgettable Nights
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