2023 (CC, Mature) Part 55, 4/23 [WIP]

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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 41, 12/9

Post by starcrazed »

Part 41

It was hard to believe that it had already been a week since she was captured by Nasedo. It seemed like it only happened yesterday. It didn’t help that school moved at a snails pace the entire week. She was pretty sure the only ones who weren’t sick of school were Max and Liz and even Max looked exhausted on Tuesday still recovering from the ordeal.

Taking another sip of her cherry cola she was surprised to find her fries almost gone. Looking around for a waitress she gave up, deciding it was pointless to hang around when none of her friends were working and Alex wasn’t suppose to be here for another hour for their date. She could go home, maybe get some homework done that she neglect to bring with her.

As she was still debating whether or not is was worth going home for an hour Alex slid in the booth next to her taking one of the last cold french fries. She smiled as he made a face.

“Obviously you’ve been here much longer then I thought when I walked by and saw you.”

Her smiled widened and Isabel offered him her cherry cola. “Sorry they’re cold. We can get some fresh ones?”

“That’s okay. I was just stepping in to see Liz. Do you know where she might be?” He declined her cola while answering, at the same time waving down a waitress for one of his own, Tabasco free cherry colas.

“My guess is that she’s studying with Max.”

Alex rolled his eyes.

“Ha, cornball is always studying with Max.”

Both Isabel and Alex laughed as Ava joined them with Zan, who ordered his own set of orbit rings and fries.

“Yeah, the only ones who study more then Max and Liz are probably Michael and Maria.” Zan stated seriously.

Alex and Isabel exchanged looks before looking back at Zan in confusion. Isabel saw the humor in Ava’s eyes though and Isabel was quick to catch the point of what Zan obviously missed.

“Too bad Max and Liz are the only ones using books in their studying.” Isabel couldn’t help herself because Zan, for once, just looked so innocent. It quickly changed to befuddlement.

From her peripheral vision she noticed Alex’s eyes widen in disbelief as what type of ‘studying’ Maria and Michael were most likely doing, but Zan still didn’t seem to find anything wrong with the statement.

Alex cringed even before Ava started to explain. “Zan, the only kinda studying Michael and Maria does involves anatomy…”

“Huh…oh.” Alex was cowering in his seat at the idea as Zan’s eyes took on a devilish glint. “That bastard.”

The others cracked up hardly noticing as Serena and Kyle walked over. Kyle pulling a chair forward that Serena sat in as he leaned across the table and snatched an orbit ring.

With his mouth still full he mumbled around the food, “Who’s a bastard?"


“No kidding, the ass got me in trouble three times the other day in Senorita’s Spanish class.”

“Yeah Kyle, I’m sure you had nothing to do with it.”

“Not my fault he brought in the new biker magazine and was asking me about parts for his bike.”

Isabel rolled her eyes changing the subject. “What brings you two to this wonderful establishment? Did the video arcade run out of snacks?”

“She’s funny. Isn’t she funny Kyle?”

“Hilarious Izzie. Really. Actually, we’ve come to kidnap you’re boyfriend.”

Seeing the other’s flinch at kidnap he amended himself, “Sorry wrong choice of words. Whitman you up for a horror movie?”

“I’d love to…but”

“But we have a date.”

“And we should actually be leaving so…”

Kyle shrugged, “Next time then.”

Alex nodded slipping out of the booth and offering a hand to Isabel while pulling his wallet to cover her meal.

“Definitely. We’ll see you guys tomorrow?”

“Yeah Amy’s having that barbeque thing. She’s really excited about it.”

“Yeah, both her and Jim.”

Serena rolled her eyes at her brother who was happily finishing off his fries.

“We should get going too, Serena the movie starts soon.”

“See you guys later?”

“Yeah Ava, if not around here after the movie tomorrow at least.”


Ava grabbed at the cherry cola Alex left behind and added some Tabasco before finishing off the rest and eyeing Zan who was clueless to the others’ departure as he continued to eat.

“Zan we should probably be studying.”

Zan paused in his eating for a moment at Ava’s off the wall comment. “Thanksgiving hasn’t even happened yet. Finals aren’t until the middle of December. Why would we study?”

“I was thinking more along the lines of Michael and Maria studying.” Sapphire blue eyes twinkled as Zan stuffed the last orbit ring in his mouth simultaneously pulling out money and getting out of the booth. She couldn’t help be laugh as he rushed her out of the booth after him and then hastily pulled her out of the Crashdown.


Gripping the edge of the table, Maria couldn’t help but lean forward biting her lip as her eyes closed in concentration. It was only the sigh from Michael that had them fluttering open, only to refocus on his storming gaze.

He was no longer paying attention to what he was doing a moment before but instead was sliding the chair around the table.

“Don’t even think about it Spaceboy.”

Fake innocence filled his eyes, but the smirk on his face had Maria not falling for it for a second.


“I’m not finished yet. You’ll have to wait you’re turn.”

He rolled his eyes. “Can’t we just share?”

She laughed, “Yeah right. We’d get a lot of work done then. Maybe next time you won’t forget your calculus book in school. Just keep working on your Spanish assignment. I can’t believe you and Kyle got in trouble again.”

“Not my fault Valenti can’t whisper.”

“Kyle can’t do a lot of things these days.”


“Nevermind. It’s not important.”

Michael slid his chair back to his side of the table and continued to conjugate the Spanish verbs for homework having already completely his punishment assignment.

“What else do you have once you finish calc?”

Maria hummed, tapping her pencil on top her notebook, “I have to read some pages for English, but I should be done with that by the time you finish you’re calc problems.”

“Then we can work on anatomy?”

Maria’s green eyes dazzled with mischief.

“Oh definitely.”

Michael held back a growl as he got back to his boring Spanish verbs.


“Max, I think that’s wrong.”


“Well I just don’t see how this equates to physics.”

“It seems very….physical to me.”

Liz giggled as Max lips connected again with her lips before slowly moving down nipping at her skin before dipping his tongue along her collar bone making her shiver.

“It’s just I have chemistry stuff to look at too.”

“I think our chemistry’s just fine.”

“Max, for tutoring!”

“Right tutoring." Max stopped talking almost reflective as he continued to kiss along her jaw,"I think I need a tutor, Liz.”

Liz’s hands roamed up and down Max’s back, reaching the hem of his t-shirt her hands slide underneath grazing his warm skin. Her voice got huskier seeing his eyes dilate further.

“A tutor huh? What subject maybe I can be some help.”

Max lost focus as Liz’s hands traveled higher bringing his shirt with them. Pulling away from her only when she tugged the shirt over his head before tracing her finger tips down his bare chest.


Dazed still, his own hands roamed her body before finding the edge of her tank top and sliding it upwards as his hands delicately danced across her stomach.

Somehow Max recalled the conversation and as Liz sat up pulling her own tank-top off he mumbled an answer granted it ended up sounding more like a question.


“A tutor for anatomy?”

Liz could help but smile as Max’s eyes roamed over her mostly exposed upper half. Her own eyes appreciating Max’s lack of t-shirt.

“Oh yeah.”


He golden eyes met her’s and loved swirled around them as they got caught in each other’s souls.

Liz broke the gaze first in favor of exploring more of shirtless Max. Easily distracted by Liz in any state even more so now; he covered her lips again with his own doing some of his own exploring. At some point in the haze of lust Liz gasped for air arching into Max’s chest more before pulling back a second later.

“I think you’re doing just fine without a tutor Max.”

He smiled sheepishly, “Just fine huh?”

“More then fine.”

“Well that’s good. Although, exams aren’t for a while so we better make sure we keep studying, regularly. We wouldn’t want to leave anything neglected.”

“Definitely not.”

Rolling over and bringing Liz with him their forgotten texts books poked into Max’s back, but somehow he managed to ignore them figuring they’d get to them at some point.


“Kyle…this is so not a horror movie.”

Kyle continued to ignore Serena, much more effectively then other movie goers were managing.

“What are we doing here Kyle? You despise chick flicks. It’s not even one of those funny chick flicks.”

“Just watch the movie Serena.”

The alien in her was suspicious, but the girl in her loved a chick flick as much as the next girl and she quickly settled back into her seat surprised to find Kyle’s hand going around her shoulders, but ignoring it nonetheless.

It was just Kyle.

And it was just a chick flick.

What harm would it cause?

Last edited by starcrazed on Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 42, 12/14

Post by starcrazed »

Part 42

“So have you noticed it?”

“You mean Kyle and Serena?”

Maria nodded digging for another spoonful of ice cream as Liz settled back onto the couch after putting the DVD in and hitting play.

“Kinda hard not to, don’t you think?”

“Definitely. How do you think the others feel about it?”

Taking back her own cartoon of vanilla from the table Liz let the cold substance numb her tongue before gulping it down and answering.

“Honestly, I don’t think Michael or Zan have noticed, shockingly enough,” Liz rolled her eyes and Maria couldn’t help but laugh, “Yeah and you have Max so preoccupied with studying recently I doubt he’s realized anything is going on either.”

Liz blushed but didn’t give any details up for her friend about Max, instead she moved on to the next obvious pair. “I think Alex and Isabel have noticed if only because Alex no longer gets invited to the horror movies.”

Maria snorted, “Yeah horror movies my foot.”

Liz smiled, “I don’t know about Ava she still seems a little…”

Concerned green eyes clouded with understanding, “Skittish.”

“Yeah, skittish is a good word. I remember when I kissed Nasedo when he was pretending to be Max and I got those few flashes.”

Liz visibly shuddered at the memory, “I can’t imagine having been exposed to any more then that and Ava was practically trapped in his mind for twenty minutes.”

“Think she’ll be okay?” Maria inquired trying to figure out what else they could do to help the poor girl.

“Eventually. Every day she’s a little bit more like her spunky self. You can tell Zan’s trying really hard to annoy her, bring her out of it.”

“How nice of him.” Maria’s tone was sarcastic, but the smile on her face was genuine. “What do you think of it?”

“Serena and Kyle?” Liz paused and after Maria’s nod continued, “If they’re happy good for them. Right?”

Maria smiled, “Yeah. I just hope Kyle doesn’t break her heart otherwise he’ll have to deal with Max and Zan. Two very pissed off ex-kings with powers, much worse then your normal over-protective brother.”


“Finally answering my phone calls are you?”

Serena could hear him roll his eyes despite the distance that separated them.

“I’m sure whatever it was you handled just fine.”

“No thanks to you.” Serena couldn’t help the disdain in her tone. “Just because you hate them for forcing you into this life doesn’t mean you can leave them in that kind of danger.”

“I didn’t answer the phone to hear a lecture or argue with you Rena.”

“Why pick up then Kal? You haven’t been answering my calls for almost two weeks now.”

Serena could hear the tired sigh before the shape shifter spoke again. It was filled with more stress than one could gain in a single lifetime. The burdens Kal had from a previous life carried over in that sigh and even more from the life he would eventually have to live, could all be heard. It was enough to almost make Serena regret giving him a hard time.

Hadn’t they dealt with Nasedo just fine on their own after all. Kal was right in some sense, they couldn’t always turn to him to be bailed out of a problem.

She waited, concerned the longer it took him to find the words.

“My contacts have informed me of some troubling news.”

Even knowing he hated it Serena couldn’t help but interrupt.

“How troubling? And how reliable are these contacts?”

“Extremely, on both accounts, Khivar has been busy these past couple of days.”

“Well I’d imagine so; he zapped Nasedo up from right behind my shield to Antar.”

Kal was taken back with the news. “When was this?”

“Two weeks ago, when I called you for help that you couldn’t be bothered with.”

“It’s more then that though. It started then but has continued to progress throughout these last couple of days. It’s getting…stronger perhaps it the word.”


“Closer maybe.”

“Neither sounds good.”

“Well no, I wouldn’t think so. It is Khivar after all.”


Kal chuckled softly answering her question before she could ask it.

“I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know what it is so I can’t tell you what to do. I suppose just be more cautious then usual.”

Sighing into the phone and closing her eyes Serena can’t decide if she’s grateful or not for this new information. Seeming to read her reaction Kal quickly brings the phone call to an end.

“I’ll keep you informed Rena. Be careful, watch out for yourself. And the others…?”

Only having known him for so long enables her to detect that it is a question. Asking her to watch the others for him. Seeing if she can watch over them. Knowing that if she says no, if she refuses or simply can’t do it Kal would scurry over to Roswell despite his hate for the small tourist trap of a town and the Royals that live there. He would do it for her.

“I will Kal. Thanks.”

She looks up at the soft knock at the door as she disconnects the phone call a smile immediately brightens her face as Kyle opens the door and slides in holding up a bag from the Crashdown.


Serena nods, “Starved.”

“I thought that was my line Princess?”

Freezing Serena looks up to find the blue eyes of Kyle Valenti staring at her intently, but the soul behind those blue eyes is not one possessing the kindness of a friend. She closes her eyes as the signs built up of the week swim before her closed eyes.

She should have known, how could she have not known? It was screaming at her from the second Kyle put his arm around her in that movie theater, but it was the nickname that finally gave him away. The nickname attached with that tone.

As he sat down across the counter from her she finally spoke, defeated. Wishing Kal was still on the line with her, “Khivar.”


“Michael, how do you not have sugar?”

Isabel demanded with her hands on her hips turning to glare at her brothers as they continued to ignore her in favor of the PlayStation in front of them.

Ava chuckled from the counter only to find Isabel turning to glare at her.

“Oh please Isabel, sugar? It’s not like Michael’s baking cookies here all the time.”

Alex nodded, “She has a point Iz.”

Rolling her eyes, Isabel concedes the point.

“Fine, but I still need sugar.”

Ava shrugged, not really caring about whether or not the cookies got made, before gliding over and plopping herself in-between Zan and Michael.

Isabel watched as they made room for her on the couch without taking their eyes off the TV screen, yet they couldn’t give her a simple response about the sugar.

Alex pulled her hand off her hip, skimming kisses across her knuckles before whispering so Ava wouldn’t over hear them.

“They’re still worried about her.”

“We all are.”

“I know, but making sure she’s sitting between them safe is more important than your sugar.”

Letting out a deep breath Isabel nodded her head rubbing her thumb on the back of Alex’s palm.

“Nevertheless, Amy is expecting these cookies when we head over to the next barbeque tomorrow so I should finish them.”

“Weekly barbeques? Starting in November? I love Mrs. DeLuca as much as any of us, but does she really think the success of last weeks get together will repeat itself every week? And what are we going to do in the middle of winter?”

“It’s nice to have something to look forward to besides alien hootenanny.”

Alex smiled at her indignant tone, “I’ll go get some sugar form Serena’s.”

“See, that’s why I love you.”

Rolling his eyes Alex kissed Isabel before heading off to the apartment down the short hallway.

When he got to the open door he was about to walk right in until the muffled words behind the door became clearer and he froze.

Minutes passed and Alex didn’t move, suddenly though he found himself running back to Michael’s startling all of them as he barged in and the closed the door behind him quickly.

With their undivided attention on him he whispered hesitantly, “Serena’s in trouble.”

Michael and Zan where immediately on their feet.

“Kyle too…I think”

Michael stopped moving. “You think?”

“He’s Khivar.”

Ava gulped, “Yeah, I’d say that’s trouble.”

Last edited by starcrazed on Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories
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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 43, 12/18

Post by starcrazed »

Part 43

Michael sighs causing the others to look at him, “What do we do?”

“We can’t go in there and blast him. It’s Kyle.” Isabel runs a frustrated hand through her hair.

“It is Kyle right?” Alex asked confused.

Zan and Ava both nodded before Ava spoke, “Should we call the others?”

Michael began to pace, “No, that could take too long and he might hear them coming up. The four of us can handle this.”


“Alex no way. You’re staying right here. He’s possessed Kyle’s mind, we’re not going to risk you too.”

“Possessing…Isabel you’re a genius.”


Zan smiled, almost excited, “Its like when Khivar did that think to Amy through Brody. It probably happened when Khivar zapped Nasedo up from the Hardings place.”

Isabel frowned, “So.”

Catching on Michael continued, “So… you can do whatever it was you did to help Amy. You can do that for Kyle.”

“Guys, something tells me Khivar has a lot more stability with Kyle then he did with Amy if he’s taken control of his body.” Ava didn’t want to be pessimistic, but they had to be realistic about this. It would do them no good if they went in there with misconceptions.

Isabel readily agreed, “And I don’t think Khivar will just let me form a connection with Kyle’s body and kick him out.”

“So force a connection.” Zan stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Can we do that?”

Ava and Zan shared a looked before Zan slowly nodded.

Pointing between the two of them indicating to the shared look Alex asked, “Okay, what was that?”

“It didn’t look good.” Isabel’s frown deepened.

“Sure as hell didn’t.” Michael’s pacing finally stopped as he waited for one of them to explain.

Ava sighed, “Rath and Lonnie used to do it all the time…It, it will hurt like hell, but it may be the only way to save Kyle.”

Isabel closed her eyes in regretful, acceptance as Zan took lead, “Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do.


“You’ve been keeping this secret from them for a long time.”

“Shut up.”

“Why haven’t you ever told them?”

She rolled her eyes at him as if her answer was the most obvious thing, “Because it doesn’t matter.”

“That almost sounded believable. Tell me now though, who are you trying to convince?”

Glaring at him because he knew her so well she spat out, “What do you want. I already told you I wouldn’t help you.”

“I just don’t want them to kill me.”

Laughing she shook her head, “Maybe you shouldn’t have murdered them then.”

“They were being greedy with their resources.”

She ignored him, sick of the same old arguments they already had for what seemed like a life-time. “Well at least your solution to that was reasonable and appropriate. I’m not going to stop them.”

“I know. You’re helping them. And that breaks my heart.”

“Well you broke mine a long time ago.” The instant pain that echoed in her heart from so long ago was almost unbearable. The hurt reflected in her eyes too, unfortunately allowing him to see it.

“I thought you’d forgiven me?” Studying her closely he sighed before continuing, “Will you ever forgive me?”

No longer able to find the words she shook her heard furiously and wiped at the stray tear that found an escape.

“She’s my sister!”

“I needed Vilandra. You were much too intelligent to fall for a ruse like that. Besides you made it impossible for me to think properly.”

Her laughter lacked any mirth, “But you fell for her just like everyone else on the fucking planet.”

“Oh you noticed? I would have thought you were to busy with Rath.”

“He was my best friend. That’s it. We were cousins remember that?”

Ignoring the defense of herself Kyle leisurely plucked at a fry, “She was just a means to an ends, I never loved her like I love you.”

“Why are you doing this? We’ve been over this a hundred times and it always ends the same way.”

“Maybe I’m hoping for a different ending. Maybe you not telling them gives me hope that you’ve change your mind.”

“I haven’t.”

“Ah…” seeming to realize what was holding her back he continued, “you’re just afraid you would lose them if they knew.”

“I don’t love you any more. I’m not that girl.”

“You could be.”

“Yeah, I could be, but I’m not. Thank the universe I’m not.”

“That hurts.”

“So will this.” Isabel stepped forward acting instantly to break the link Khivar held to Kyle’s mind as Michael threw open the door, Zan and Ava standing with their arms raised.


As soon as they left the apartment Alex pulled out his cell phone first calling Max and then dialing up Maria who was hopefully still at Liz’s. After quickly informing them of the situation he hung up and then went back to the door listening closely hoping to be able to hear what was going on.

When Serena screamed, he forgot the others plea that he stay there and went charging next door.



Zan was right; it was possible to force a connection. Isabel felt the shock in Kyle’s body a second after she did, then with frantic force she ejected Khivar swiftly before pulling back out.

The force of the connection, followed by the severed link had Kyle’s body flying backwards as Khivar lost control. With gravity and the presences of Khivar gone, Kyle’s body continued to drop to the floor.

Serena wasn’t fast enough to catch him and the others were still hesitant to move so with a dull thud Kyle hit the tiled kitchen floor.

“What…?..." Alex ran into Ava and Zan who were standing stiff just inside the doorway arms still raised high.

Isabel slowly walked forward, the other three remaining watchful and Alex stuck behind them. Serena dropped to the ground next to Kyle’s head trying to make sure he was alright, only to find he wasn’t breathing.


Checking for a pulse and not finding one Serena began to panic, “Zan you have to heal him.”

Who is he?”

Serena glared, “It’s KYLE. Right Isabel.” It wasn’t a question. Serena could feel now that Khivar was gone. Once she realized he was controlling Kyle she could feel him. And now she couldn’t. But the others didn’t know this and there wasn’t time to explain it so Isabel had to be their proof.

Isabel nodded as tears began to form in her eyes, “Khivar’s gone. I promise. Please Zan.”

Zan moved instantly to Kyle’s still body placing his already glowing hand over his heart. He was glad that the energy was swirling in his core waiting to be used otherwise he might have been too late.

Serena held her breath, the only movement from Isabel were the tears leaking from her eyes, and Ava was trembling until Michael pulled her into his protective embrace. Alex managed to moved further into the apartment when Michael pulled Ava to him and they were no longer completely blocking the door way. Seeing Kyle unmoving was hard for Alex who could recall a hundred memories of the jock constantly in motion. Almost more energetic then Maria.

Zan’s body hummed with energy and he could feel every ounce of it flowing steadily towards Kyle, but still he worried it wouldn’t be enough. Khivar had been present in Kyle’s mind for too long and the swift exit was not only a shock to Kyle’s system, but may have been the last straw for the mostly human body.

As if sensing this somehow, Michael put Ava in Alex’s arms and stepped forward resting his own glowing hand on Kyle’s head using Zan’s healing power and the energy of the Granilith to repair all the damage Khivar had done in the last week to his friend’s mind. Zan could feel the Granilith’s energy swirling in Kyle’s system and he used that as his own strength faded before slowly pulling away a moment after Michael.

At this point everyone jumped as Maria and Liz came crashing into the quiet room panicking. Seeing Kyle’s still unmoving body sent them into hysterics. Michael immediately going to Maria’s side and Liz a moment later finding herself wrapped up in Max’s arms as he slipped in the apartment last closing the door softly behind him.

“Why isn’t he walking up?” Isabel hoped she was the only one to notice the hitch in her voice, but Alex grabbed her hand pulling her away from Kyle’s form she doubted it.

Zan was watching Ava who’s trembling had settled and sapphire blue eyes were suddenly blazing. Pulling away from his strong grip she marched over to Kyle and lifted his head onto her own lap ignoring Serena's soft cries.

Gentle but firm Ava spoke, the spunk the others had missed and worried about instantly returning. “Kyle Valenti you better wake your ass up right now. Do you hear me? I swear to god, I’ll go get the Sheriff, Kyle and then you’ll be in a world of trouble. You said we were family Kyle. Well family doesn’t just abandon each other. Don’t you dare let Khivar take you away from us do you hear me Kyle!”

“How could I not with all the freaking yelling? God Ava, you trying to make me deaf?”

Eyes still closed Kyle suddenly found himself in a death grip of not just a now sobbing Ava, but also a slightly hysterical Serena. A moment later he felt his hands being squeezed and somebody, if he had to guess he’d say Maria, slapping his shoulder.

Alex cleared his throat, “Hmm..women.”

Michael wrapped an arm around his shoulder and squeezed tightly, “Tell me about it.”

Max swallowed the lump in his throat before joining them, “We’ll never understand them.”

Zan let out a relieved sigh before light punching Max in the shoulder, “And yet we still try.”

“Guys…fellas…please…a little help here? They’re suffocating me!”

They shared a scheming look a second before they too all dove on top of Kyle.

“Ugg… not what I meant you guys!!!”

But hardly anyone heard Kyle through the relieved, joyful laughter.

The girls all rolling their eyes, thinking ‘boys will be boys.’

Last edited by starcrazed on Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories
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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 44, 12/30

Post by starcrazed »

Part 44

Eventually that laughter and the tickling died down as did the wrestling moves and the protests from Kyle and the girls. With the carefree attitude fading away Serena could feel the tension escalating quickly, especially from those who had heard some of the things Khivar had said when he had control of Kyle’s body.

Those who hadn’t heard picked up on the mood of the others and were quick to somber, settling down. Serena held her breath wondering who it would be to breach the topic.

“So you and him were…”

Serena braced herself waiting for her to say it, to finish the statement.

“…in love?”

It was whispered by Isabel, but the room was so quiet everyone heard.

Serena’s eyes closed in shame already hearing the disappointment, the mistrust.

She nodded her head remorsefully wishing she could take it all back. Wishing somehow she could talk to her Antarian self as a girl and warn her away from the man who would steal her heart, her planet, and ultimately her life.


“Do you still…” Serena noticed the emphasize Michael place on you. They wanted to know if the Serena of the here and now loved him.

“No.” Would she be completely unaffected by him if he ever got into her head like he had with Amy’s last year or Kyle’s this past week. Probably not.

Zan sighed, “What are we supposed to do with this kind of information Rena?”

Serena struggled not to feel like the little sister she used to be and to act like the older sibling she was now.

“I don’t know what you do with that information. I just couldn’t keep it from you any more not after…” She trailed off wincing at the circumstances that had her revealing her personal history with Khivar.

“Not when he hijacked Kyle’s body to have an intimate conversation with you.” Ava's eyes fumed with anger as they pierced her with a stare.

She was mad, more furious then Serena had ever seen her. And Ava had every right to be. They all did. By withholding this information from them, Serena allowed them to be completely blindsided by Khivar.

Ava gulped for air as she continued, “If Zan and Michael hadn’t been there when Khivar was forced to let go…” she trailed off tears leaking out of her sad blue eyes.

Serena nodded ashamed, not needed a reminder of how close they had come to losing Kyle.

“I know.” She looked at Kyle the sincerity, remorse and shame stiflingly present, “I’m sorry.”

He gave her a goofy smile. She had already apologized to him and he shrugged it off as no big deal even though Serena knew it was.

Max sighed drawing all their attention, “I just don’t understand why you didn’t tell us. After everything we’ve been through this past year, all we’ve managed to overcome, why couldn’t you let us help you with this?”

Serena took a calming lungful of air trying not to be instantly defensive.

“I didn’t need any help with this. Once upon a time I was in love with this man. Fortunately when he killed my sister and brother, and tortured my best friend, then enslaved my planet, and set forth a vendetta to do it all again I was cured of that horrible disease.”

“You can’t just fall out of love with somebody.” Liz looked sad at having to say this to her friend.

Serena nodded knowingly, “I know and believe me I didn’t. I can still hear the echoes of Rath’s screams and yet some part of me loved Khivar while it was happening.”

Maria’s face paled as her eyebrows drew together in confusion, “What changed then.”

Serena smiled; she was the first one to actually seem to believe that Serena no longer loved him, “I did. I got mixed up with some human DNA, grew up on a completely different planet, gained an even larger family that I don’t want to ever see suffer at his hands.”

The apartment was quiet for a long time everyone coming to acceptance in their own ways. “Kal kept saying Amy was compromised and Isabel had to get Khivar out before he gained knowledge about Future Isabel and all that jazz. Is all that moot point now that he was romping around inside my head for so long?”

Kyle once again found everyone’s concerned attention on him. Their gazes filled with caution. Serena was pulling her phone out and dialing the memorized number hoping he would pick up considering the conversation they had not more then two hours ago.

“To what do I owe the pleasure, two conversations in two hours no less?”

She couldn’t help the sarcastic comeback, “that’s what happens when you answer the phone Kal.”

His chuckled and the concerned gazes focused on her made her forget her momentary contempt for the protector.

“That activity you heard about concerning Khivar…”


“It was…he took control of Kyle.”

“For how long?”


“What’s his last clear memory?”

“Kyle, what’s the last thing you can remember?

Pausing briefly Kyle held recollections of dark movie theaters, greasy Crahsdown burgers, and mumbled conversations with his dad, but the last thing he remembered with absolute clarity was Maria telling him to be careful as he walked towards the Harding residence.

After telling them and waiting for Serena to relay that information to Kal he was surprised to learn Khivar hadn’t gained the important information.

“You’re sure?”

“Yes, what he was doing with Kyle would have required less focus on accessing memories of so recent a date. He would have needed more basic things from Kyle, plus a lot of power goes into suppressing the host’s conscious. It would have taken months for Khivar to get that knowledge. Ask Larek if you don’t believe me.”

“I believe you.”

“That’s good…did you tell them?”

Serena turned away from the others as Kal changed topics.


“I assume he was there to talk to you. Did you tell them?”

Gritting her teeth, she spit out an answer to the-know-it-all shape-shifter, who day by day was growing on her nerves. “Yes.”

“And they haven’t executed you?” His shock was evident, “Remarkable. They really have changed haven’t they?”

“You have no idea.”

“All the better for me I suppose. Well, that’s all good. Their reaction I mean, that secret actually had the potential to destroy everything.”

“Kal.” She pleaded with him not caring if the teens behind her could hear it.

“Are you alright Serena? Are all of them okay.”

Her eyes opened wide with shock before turning to look at the others. They held concern for her, but still she could sense the trust and love they had for her and each other.

“I’m fine. We’re all fine.”

“I should let you go then. Oh when the time comes make sure you send me the tickets.”

At a complete lost she repeated the last words, watching as all the teens became equally confused as she was.


“To graduation of course.”

Last edited by starcrazed on Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories
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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 45, 1/17

Post by starcrazed »

Part 45

Twelve Years Later


Serena walked back and forth among the children nodding her head in approval as they continued to practice their powers.

The oldest of the kids at twelve, Adam shot a power blast at Ana who easily deflected it with her bright pink shield. Ben continued to shoot his own energy blasts at ten year old Sarah while her astral form kept projecting sporadically around the practice field in hopes to avoid Ben’s energy blast. Ryan and Rachel as usual were sitting with their backs to each other eyes black as coal as they aimed at their dad who exhaustedly deflected their energy with his own telekinesis or shield picked up by the energy patterns of Ana.

She turned when she heard Maria yelling in the distance at some of the younger kids. Serena couldn’t help but smile as she watched Maria chase down Serenity and Jackson all while holding tightly to a wailing Jaden. Looking beyond Maria she could see David, Callie and Lilly all sitting on the porch coloring in their books.

“Addie, can I get a little help with your brother!?”

“Be right there Aunt Ria!”

The short blonde haired, amber eyed nine year old carefully walked around her cousins David, Callie, and Lily and took the screaming Jaden from Maria’s arms.

Big round tear drops slipped from Jaden’s crystal blue eyes as Addie patted his dark brown curls. “It’s okay Jay. Shh…”


Serena turned back concerned as she heard Michael curse loud enough to draw the attention of the youngest kids.

“Michael? You okay?”

He rubbed at his left arm as he walked towards her, “Yeah. It’s amazing that grown Skins can’t manage a hit, but my kids who are only eight manage to almost take my arm off.”

“Well they have the Granilith on their side.”

She shrugged as he growled at the reminder.

“How long are you here for anyways Michael? Don’t Max and the others need you back at camp?”

“Yeah, but since the fight seemed to be at a standstill we decided I could come and see my wife, spend some time with my kids, help you train our little army.”

Serena reached up an arm and smacked him in his still sore shoulder. “You know they don’t like it when you refer to the kids as that.”

Michael shrugged and looked beyond Serena to Maria who had finally captured their daughter Serenity, seeing that his partner in crime was caught Jackson solemnly trudged over to Maria in surrender.

They watched as Serenity nodded her head mournfully at Maria, but Maria missed the devilish sparkle in Serenity’s green eyes as Maria turned to talk to Jackson.

Michael and Serena were both laughing as Serenity took off at full speed.

“I will never understand what provoked you and Maria of all people to decide to name one of your children Serenity.”

Michael looked over to Ryan and Rachel whose eyes had returned to his dark brown, but they were now sparkling with evil intent as they snuck up behind Sarah. Her amber eyes were closed tight in concentration and only when the twins tugged on her long silky brown hair did her concentration break and she let out a loud yelp.

“Wishful thinking I suppose.”

“There’s always Adam.”

Michael nodded as he proudly watched his oldest son send a blast towards Ana who deflected it once again before sending a quick electrical zap towards him.

At the last minute he managed to channel his brother’s telekinesis and send it harmlessly to the ground but it was still at close call.


She rolled her eyes at him, “I hate when you call me that!”

“It’s your name.” He stuck out his tongue to prove his point.

“Are the others going to come for a visit?”

Michael looked back towards Serena and shook his head before stretching and aiming a small blast towards the twins who weren’t paying attention but managed to deflect it towards Ben anyway. Ben who was paying attention managed to hit it with his own blast before his lanky form dropped to the ground.

“No. Zan and Isabel are busy with the organizing of the troops and training them. Max is doing the leader thing and if Liz comes to visit she won’t want to leave and she knows how much Max needs her out there with him. Plus, her and Kyle started working on some new virus. They think this one might actually work. I don’t think you could pull Alex away from the mega-computers or Isabel if you tried. He’s trying to figure something out too. Something about transporting the virus or activating it or…I dunno. That stuff is all way over my head.”

Serena nodded, knowing what he was talking about in terms of the Skin virus Liz, Alex and Kyle had all begun to work on more heavily this past month.

“What about Ava?”



Hearing no response he tried again, louder this time.

“Aves! Where the hell are you? Zan is looking for you.”

Kyle jumped back a foot when suddenly Ava stepped in front of him. Her crystal blue eyes lit with a dangerous fire.

“I’m gonna kill him.”

Kyle’s eyes widen to the size of saucers, “Him who? Zan?” Then he couldn’t help but laugh.

“What’s he done this time?”

“He knocked me up…AGAIN!”

Kyle’s mouth dropped open for a second. He pulled it shut when he realized Ava had directed her glare towards him. Yet he still couldn’t help himself.

“I told you he’d never settle for having the same amount of kids as Guerin. Everything’s always a competition with those two.”

Ava couldn’t help but roll her eyes knowing it was true. For the past fourteen years, since her and Zan first came to Roswell, Michael and Zan have been having this silent competition between each other. One that is in most cases highly entertaining, but not when it comes at the expense of nine months of uncomfortable pregnancy followed by labor. Not to mention now she’s as good as useless to the fight. Alien pregnancies, they have found out in the past twelve years with the birth of thirteen kids, is quite draining on the mother.

“I have to pack.”

Kyle slugged his arm around Ava and walked with her to her and Zan’s suite. “Anything you need from me you just let Uncle Kyle know. Kay.”

She nodded tears of gratitude filled her eyes making them watery like the ocean. She swiped at them quickly.

“Freakin’ hormones. I tells ya I am gonna kill Zan soon as I sees em’.”

“Calm down Aves.” Kyle started to smile broadly as he continued, “You don’t want to scare the natives with that accent do you? No telling how they’ll react to it.”

Ava found herself once again rolling her eyes as she elbowed Kyle in the stomach and pranced off ahead of him.

“Can you just go find Zan and tell him I needz to talk wit him. You should probably call Michael too. Let him know his vacation to the ranch in about to be cut short.

Kyle gave her a mock salute. Before continuing down the hallway towards headquarters where he knew Zan, Isabel, and Max were all gathered.


“What do you mean the spies haven’t reported back yet?”

“Maxwell, I think it was a pretty self explanatory statement.”

Zan smirked as Max almost growled at the nickname. Knowing Michael and Zan used it for the sole purpose of annoying him. Still after all these years.

“Guys, can you not start?”

Max and Zan shot Isabel quick looks before continuing.

“Within the three nearest camps we have five spies. They were supposed to report to Isabel this morning. I’d understand if one or two of them haven’t reported back yet, but it’s already midday and not a single word from all five of them.”

Max ran a frustrated hand through his short hair, momentarily missing the days of high school when his hair was slightly longer and Liz would run her hands through it. Shaking himself from that distracting thought of his wife he sighed.

“Okay, Isabel can you try to contact one of them?”

“Not without Nex figuring out what I’m up too.”

“We have too…”

Zan cut Max off before he could continue.

“We can’t Max. They knew the risks when they signed up to infiltrate the camps. We can't risk our whole operation to go and rescue five men who may or may not still be alive.”

Turning to Isabel he continued, “Give them until tomorrow morning, then see what Alex can find out.”

As she was nodding the doors to the room slammed open and Max and Zan raised their arms, Isabel having felt Kyle’s brain pattern nearing simply leaned over to mark something on her notepads and commented under her breath about the niceties of knocking.

“Zan buddy. How are you?”

Immediately Zan forehead wrinkled in frustration at his tone, “What do you want Kyle?”

Kyle put on his most innocent face, which even if the three in the room hadn’t known him for over a decade would have known was very far from innocent.

“Ava requested to see you.”

“Requested?” Max grinned unbelieving. Kyle turned to Max and Isabel seeming to forget all about Zan.

“Well, I figured he married her. If he didn’t know what he was getting into back then, who am I too tell him now?”

The confident war strategist form a moment ago disappeared as Zan’s amber eyes widen for a moment,

“Are the kids okay?”

Kyle couldn’t help but smile, “Oh they’re all fine. Ava just really needs to talk to you.”

Zan fled the room without another word.

“Kyle what was that about?” Isabel had raised one perfect eyebrow in question.

Max too lowered the fax that just came in to hear Kyle’s response.

His grin was wider then the kids at Christmas time. “Oh, I would love to tell you. Really I would, but it’s not my secret to tell.”

Both Max and Isabel rolled their eyes as Kyle walked back to the door. He opened it and paused calling back over his shoulder, “But Max, you probably should get Michael on the phone, let him know he has to get back to base.”

Isabel and Max looked at each other in confusion listening to Kyle whistle down the hallway before shrugging their shoulders and getting back to work.


Zan was not a man afraid of much, but when he approached his bedroom door and heard all the banging around he wished he’d taken Alex up on that offer to check out the new computer program when he bumped into him a moment ago.

He knocked on the door for the first time in his life.


She ignored him as she continued to pile clothes into a bag.

It took Zan a moment to realize she was packing her things. He panicked, she wasn’t leaving him. She couldn’t.

“Ava what are you doing?”


“Well I see that.”

“I’m leaving.”

There was silence as Zan tried to grasp the enormity of this situation. He always new that Ava was too good for him, but he never thought she would leave. Not after all they had been through they had four kids, they were family. She couldn’t, no…she wouldn’t just leave her family.

“You can’t leave Ava.”

Zan watched as she stilled and turned stormy blue eyes to him.

“Excuse me?”

“Think what this will do to the kids Aves. I know we’ve been arguing more then usual, but I love you Ava. It’s just the stress of this entire fight. It sucks. I know that, but we can’t let it tear us apart and break us down.”

He watched her closely for a reaction and was very confused when the stormy eyes calmed only to fill with humor before she lunged at him and attacked him with her lips.

Seeing the condition Ava currently found herself in it is no surprise that Zan did nothing to resist her. They only pulled apart when the need for air became unbearable, the passion still humming on the surface of their skin.

“I’m pregnant you goof.”

Zan continued to look at Ava as the words she whispered across his lips slowly penetrated his brain.

“You’re what?”

“Pregnant.” Ava watched in amusement as Zan’s eyes widened in fear for a moment before it was replace by absolute joy. He lifted her off her feet and spun her around gleefully, before laughing and covering her lips again with his own. Minutes later he pulled back.

“We have to get you out of here.”

Ava nodded knowingly, “Kyle’s calling Michael to tell him.”

Zan nodded distracted before what she said and Kyle’s jovial face came back to him.

“You told Kyle first?” Hurt quickly filled his gaze and the excitement from a moment ago seemed to deflate.

Ava reached for his hand tugging on it to get Zan to look at her. “He caught me when I was throwing up; I was really pissed at you for this and kinda took it out on him.”

To Ava’s horror the hurt in Zan’s eyes only increased as he spoke, “Why were you mad?”

Instantly knowing what he was thinking she worked to put those thoughts to a halt. “Zan don’t be an idiot. It’s because now I have to go out to that stupid ranch for the next year. I mean it’ll be great to see Serena and Maria and our kids. Plus all the other kids, but I won’t be able to help you guys out.”

Zan pulled her protectively into his side, “Aves you’re a huge help to us. You can help train the little army while you’re at the ranch.”

She shoved him playfully now that all the worries were put aside for the time being, “You know how much the others hate when you call them that.”

Zan nodded and kissed her temple, “Come on let’s go tell the others at least anyone Valenti hasn’t told.”

“Oh he didn’t tell anyone.”

“You sure?”

Ava nodded with confidence, “Not if he plans on having children of his own one day.”



“Can somebody get the phone!?!” Maria giggled as Michael yelled out the vibrations from his yell tickling her throat.

“You know Serena would not appreciate it if she found us making out like teenagers. Not when there’s a room full of teens that need training and watching as we speak.”


“Please, Adam’s hardly a teenager and he’s the oldest one out there.” Raising his voice again he yelled “Get the damn phone!” Before he dropped his mouth back to Maria’s neck and continued to mumble, “Second of all, I do not believe we were speaking.”

“Well Mr. Guerin what is it exactly that we’re doing?”


Michael growled as he sat up and grabbed the phone.

“Apparently we’re doing nothing.” His own eyes reflected the disappointment that shined in hers.

He kissed her forehead before standing and barking into the phone.


Maria watched as he paced back and forth. She watched in amusement as his frustrated features slowly transformed from confusion to delight, but it was quickly overshadowed by worry.

“Alright Maxwell…Yeah, first thing in the morning. Yeah I’ll tell them.” He dropped the phone back down onto its receiver and turned to Maria.

Her eyes were filled with questions and he sighed before dropping back down on the bed next to her.

“I have to go back.”

Sadness and worry immediately filled her emerald green eyes. “You just got here.”

“I know, but Zan can’t keep his boys in control.”

Michael watched as her beautiful green eyes that he loved to gaze into filled with puzzlement. His laughter only caused her to become more confused and slightly frustrated because he wouldn’t explain himself to her.

“Ava is pregnant…again.”

“OH MY GOD!!!!” Michael covered his ears as Maria began squealing.

A minute later Serena burst into the room with her hand raised, “What?”

“Ava’s gonna have another baby!!!”

Serena dropped her hand as she realized Michael and Maria weren’t in immediate danger. Then what Maria said infiltrated Serena’s conscious and Michael had to dodge out of the room as they began to jump around laughing and yelling at each other.

He walked down the darken hallway into the living room where he found some of the kids.

“Sarah?” She looked up from her book, tucking a long strain of her brown hair behind her ear before letting her molten brown eyes meet his.

“What’s up Uncle Michael?”

He gave her a soft smile, “Nothing much, I just talked to your dad a little while ago he wanted me too send you and David his and your mom’s love.”

She returned his smile and went off to David’s room to tell him before he fell asleep.

Michael dropped into the couch cushion and sighed as he looked up to the ceiling laying his head on the back of the couch. He really didn’t want to leave this place it was almost perfect.

There was no war here.

No doubt or confusion or fear.

There was no death in this place.

Maria was here.

His kids.

Most of his family.

Michael thoughts turned to the rest of his family still at camp and he ran a hand through his short hair, missing his spikes of so long ago.

Suddenly there was a tap at his knee and he looked down up to find nine year old Ben looking up at him with Isabel’s eyes that knew far too much for a nine year old.

Ben folded his lanky body onto the couch before speaking.

“Why was Auntie Ria screaming?”

Michael laughed, “She’s was just happy, Ben.”


Michael cursed Alex Whitman and his never-ending sense of curiosity seeing it was now directed at him in Alex’s son.

“You’ll find out tomorrow buddy. Promise.”

Michael managed not to flinch as Ben turned the Ice Princess glare towards him, the one Isabel perfected long ago. Michael had years of withstanding that glare though, so it was Ben who gave up first getting up and going off to bed with a shrug of his shoulders.

Michael and Maria had already tucked in Serenity, Ryan, and Rachel leaving only their eldest son Adam awake.

Serena had put Jackson and Jaden to bed over an hour ago, and Addie, Callie and Lily were all getting ready for bed now.

Ana and Adam suddenly slipped into the kitchen not noticing Michael’s form on the couch.

As Adam reached for the refrigerator Michael spoke.

“Don’t even think about it.”


“Nope, time for bed son.”

Ana looked at Adam and rolled her eyes, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration. Adam looked back at her resigned.

“Just cuz I can’t see you Zilla doesn’t mean I don’t know you’re rolling your eyes at me.”

She huffed. “How do you and dad do that?”

Michael smiled as he joined them in the kitchen, “It’s a gift. Now get to bed, long day tomorrow.”

She sighed, her blue eyes filling with knowledge no eleven year old should have, “It’s always a long day tomorrow.”

Michael nodded regretfully and kissed her temple before she went on her way. “Night Uncle Michael.”

Adam looked up at his dad with a raised eyebrow in question.

“I have to go back tomorrow. Ava’s coming down here instead.”


“Your mom will tell you tomorrow.”

Adam tried to glare at Michael, but knew it only worked when his mom or one of his sisters did it.

“You did well today with you powers. Watch after you’re mom for me while I’m gone?”

Adam nodded his blonde hair falling into his eyes momentarily.

“And you don’t have to worry about Ry or Rachel I’ll keep an eye on them too.”

“I’m your guys’ dad, I always worry. It’s my job.”

“I thought your job was to save the world.”

Michael let out a soft chuckle. “Smartass.”

Adam gave his dad a quick hug before going off to bed himself.

Maria slid her arms around Michael’s stomach and inhaled deeply before burying her head into his back.

“I’m gonna miss you so much.”

“I know, but I have to go.”

Maria nodded her acceptance into his back, but he could feel her tears already soaking through his t-shirt.

He turned and wrapped his arms around her protectively.

“It’s okay Maria. We’ve been through a lot.” She didn’t respond so he continued, “Remember high school Blondie. We got through that and will get through this too.”

“There’s so much more too lose now though.”

Michael didn’t have an answer to that. What she said was true so he just held her tighter knowing it would be much too soon that he would have to let go and head back to camp.

Last edited by starcrazed on Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories
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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 46, 2/2

Post by starcrazed »

M/L: Sarah-10, David-6
A/I: Ben-9, Callie & Lily-6
M/M: Adam-12, Ryan & Rachel-8, Serenity-3
Z/A: Zillana (Ana)-11, Addie-9, Jackson-5, Jaden-3

Flashbacks are in Italics-little insights to what went on in those 12 missing years.

Part 46

“You’re here early. Everything okay?”

Michael joined Maria on his dilapidated couch placing a hand over hers that was protectively guarding her stomach.

“Fine, I just couldn’t deal with my mom fussing over me anymore and her mumbling insults about you. It’s like she thinks we intended for this to happen. We didn’t want to be parents before graduating.”

“She just loves you Ria and she’s worried. It’s not like we can go to a doctor.”

“That’s actually why I’m here. I was wondering if you could connect with the baby and find out what we’re having. I know Max and Zan know from check-ups, but I want you to find out and tell me.”

Ignoring her watery eyes, Michael leans forward and kisses her pouting red lips, as if he wouldn’t do anything she asked him to. He gently pulls her hand away before sliding his warm hand under the hem of her shirt. As his hand makes contact with her belly he doesn’t even have to try to form a connection as he’s suddenly pulled into one.

Protective warmth flows through him followed quickly by unconditional, trusting love. Michael can’t help but smile as he feels a conscious brush up against his own, “Daddy.”

Michael pulls back looking up to Maria’s questioning green eyes, his own filled with tears. “The baby knows who I am, it recognized me.”

Maria can’t help it, as she brushes away a tear form Michael’s face, “It?”

“It’s a boy.”

Maria smiles for a moment but then her eyes cloud in confusion and her brows furrow with more questions.

“Just a boy?”

Michael pulls back at her tone, “What do you mean just?”

She can’t help but blush as Michael hand comes away from her stomach and settles her wayward blonde hair behind her ear.

“We’re supposed to have twins Michael.”

The matter of fact certainty that she says it with fills him with a rush of emotions he could never explain. Kissing her again, longer this time, more thoroughly Michael finally looks back both their eyes glistening from the force of emotions in them.

“Maybe next time.”

With a half shrug and a smirk he gets up as Maria’s eyes widen and her mouth drops open. He’s in the kitchen getting them both drinks when he hears her faint response.

“Next time…right.”


“I can’t believe we’re high school graduates.” Liz finishes, lighting the rest of the candles on her balcony before settling between Max’s legs on her lawn chair.

Wrapping his arms around her, Max inhales the scent of her vanilla shampoo before he responds, “I can’t believe Amy hasn’t killed Michael.”

Liz squirms as Max’s fingers wiggle into her sides, stifling a groan he closes his eyes as Liz answers with a soft chuckle,

“She knows Michael isn’t going anywhere on his own free will. Granted she’s upset they’re so young; she knows Michael’s not going to abandon Maria. Michael loves his family too much.”

“We are all so young though, despite everything we’ve been through in high school. Sometimes I think it’s craziest that we’ve all fallen in love this young.”

Liz smiles tilting her head backwards to give Max a kiss. When he pulls away she grins, “Romeo and Juliet were even younger.”

“Well then…” Max trails off and shifts Liz so she’s sitting across his lap as he reaches into his jeans. Liz giggles and tumbles unsteadily above Max’s sudden movements. “Max?”

“I was going to wait. Wait until we were older or graduated college or something, but honestly I don’t really want to wait a moment longer than I have to…”

“Wait for what Max?”

He shushes her, placing a finger over her lips.

“From the moment I stepped off that bus in third grade. I just knew. I knew that even though I was different, that Isabel, Michael, and I would never truly fit in here, I was home. I had found my reason for being. Even in third grade I knew that who I was supposed to be would be made that much better if I could do that with you at my side. But back then I was too afraid that my differences wouldn’t allow me to even be a friend to you, let alone to have all of this.

That day in the Crashdown Liz, it changed my life because before then, I knew why I was here. It was to love you, even if I had to do so from afar. Then you were shot and we saw into each others' souls and for the first time I wasn’t afraid of being different because I knew it didn’t really matter. Sure I pretended it did for a while to keep you safe, but what high school has taught me is that we do a much better job of keeping each other safe, all of us really, when we’re together.”


“Not yet,” Liz’s eyes were clouded with tears, but she nodded her head and continued to meet Max’s intense gaze as he went on,

“Liz Parker, I want to keep you safe forever. I want to make you happy for eternity. I’ve loved you almost as long as I’ve been alive and I’ll continue to love you long after I die. You’ve already made me more, more in ever dimension this life has to offer and I know I don’t deserve it, but you’re the most pure, giving, loving soul I’ve ever known and because of that I’m going to ask you for this one more thing. Liz, my strength, my reason for being, love of my life will you be my wife?”

The built up tears had been leaking steady down her cheeks and when Max finally finishes asking the question Liz couldn’t help but bury her face into his chest as she continued to weep, ignoring the small box Max had opened to show her the ring.

Kissing her temple, Max ran his hands through her hair a moment before she looked up again smiling brightly despite the tears still streaming down her face.

“Oh Max.” Words failed her as silent tears of joy fell from Max’s amber gaze too and she crashed her lips onto his instantly softening the kiss and wrapping her arms around his neck, through his hair.

Mumbling her answer with their lips still touching she could feel his smile as a hundred words of agreement passed from her swollen lips barely discernible.

Possibly hours later she pulled fully away, both of their eyes finally dry but still dancing with endless enchantment.

“Max Evans, it would be my greatest dream come true to be you wife.”


“Why does this seem familiar?” Michael scratches at his eyebrow with his free hand, the other arm protectively wrapped around a very pregnant Maria.

“What’d you mean Spaceboy? We’ve never been to Vegas.”

Alex chuckled pointing at Liz beyond the doors out of their line of sight, “Yeah and who would have thought it would be so those two could elope.”

“Our mother’s going to kill him.” Isabel tucked her head under Alex’s chin as he wrapped both arms around her.

“Wait till the Parkers find out.” Kyle says from his spot against the wall as they wait for their turn in the Elvis Chapel.

“Why are they doing this again?” Zan asks reaching for Ava’s hand as she skims through the hotel guide on Vegas night life.

“Because they love each other.” Serena answers oddly at such an obvious question.

“Cuz, I think he meant why like this.” Michael smirks as he sits in the back row pulling Maria carefully onto his lap.

Maria sighed, “It was Liz’s idea. She didn’t want to wait. Hell, I think they would have run off without all of us if I hadn’t caught her packing a suitcase. Almost sent me into labor when she told me.”

Feeling Michael’s arms tighten around her she kissed his cheek, “We’re fine, Spaceboy.”

Ava looks up, “They’re next. Come on lets get to our spots.”

Maria’s the last of the group waddling down the isle, “I might never forgive her. Getting married while I look like this.” She huffed her wispy bangs floating in the air momentarily.

“You’re beautiful.”

“Michael you keep saying that.”

“Because it’s true.”

Zan laughs before mumbling under his breath, “Because you don’t want to sleep on your own couch.”

Ava and Isabel both manage to whack him as they slide into the front row. Alex and Kyle both laughing helplessly at the Elvis impersonator standing in the front of the chapel looking tired and bored as the music interlude begins and the back door opens.

Michael holds out an arm in front of him as Max wavers on his feet in front of him. He checks Maria who’s standing across from them Alex at the ready, just in case.

Liz walks slowly towards Max, her white dress sparkling as it catches the light and throws it back in rainbows of color. Her hair hangs lose around her bare shoulders with a slight wave and glitters dazzling back at them.

She reaches Max and takes his hand. It takes an elbow from Michael for Max to keep breathing because Liz is so breathtakingly gorgeous. For Max and Liz it goes by in a blur the only thing they realize is the love shining towards them from the other’s eyes. Dancing deep in each others' souls at some point the say their “I dos” before sharing their first kiss as husband and wife.

It is up until that very moment, the happiest, most perfect moment of their lives, so naturally Michael would have to ruin it.

“Oh shit.” The only one not actively gawking at Max and Liz, Maria being much more intriguing, he notices her slight wince before she’s looking down hesitantly at her broken water.

“We have to get back to the hotel. Now.”

Michael has Maria up in his arms and is out of the chapel before the others register what is happening. Zan stands up pulling Ava with him and leading the two of them out after Michael. He pauses at the door when no one follows him. He’s dumbfounded for a moment as to how to get them to snap out of it when Ava yells out,

“Hello people, first Czechoslovakian baby about to be born here! Move it!”

By the next morning the Evans and Parkers aren’t the only furious parents. Amy DeLuca-Valenti finds it near unforgivable that her grandson, Adam Zachary Guerin was born without her presence.


“Why November?” Ava asks, as she flips through one of the multitude of wedding magazines covering the end table in Maria’s living room.

Maria shrugs, “It’s what she wants. And what the Ice Princess wants, she gets.”

“Better watch it Ria. You have two very hormonal pregnant women here and the Wedding Nazi will be back any minute.”

Maria rolls her eyes at Liz, “Whatever, we better get all this done this weekend while we’re all together. You’ll all be headed back to school Monday and the next time we’re together it will be for their wedding. I’ll be damned if I get stuck planning this by myself just because you two had the sense to go further away for school."

The door crashes open and Serena flies inside, she waves a hand at the magazines across the table and they going flying out of sight, “Hey!” Maria roars as one almost hits her in the head.

“Amy’s coming,” is Serena’s only response.

“Good move.”

“What about Isabel?” Ava munches from the bag of chips she’s resting on her very pregnant stomach. Glaring at anyone who eyes them, even Liz who barely shows with her own pregnancy.

“She still hasn’t told the adults?” Liz asks sipping her cherry cola laced with Tabasco cringing only because of the thought, but loving the taste.

Maria lifts an eyebrow, “After the last wedding can you really blame her?”

Liz manages to blush as not just Amy, but all their moms pile into the apartment followed by Isabel.

Maria looks fearful being the only non-pregnant, non-engaged one besides Serena, already deciding this can’t end well for her. Holding her hands up in surrender, while trying to figure out if escaping now is worth the risk as she indignantly yells,

“Now? You’re going to tell them now?”

Nancy and Diane appear curious, Amy matches her daughters outburst, “Tell us what?”

Isabel merely blushes holding forth her left hand showing off the radiant diamond. As the older woman squeal over it and Ava and Liz fight over the chips only Serena sees Maria slip out the door unnoticed.

Cracking the door open to her and Michael’s apartment she slides the door shut swiftly locking it in place.

Without a word Zan, Alex and Kyle rearrange themselves on the couch making room for her as Max hands over Adam.

When Michael comes back from the kitchen he smiles at Maria shaking his head, but doesn’t say a word as he drops a kiss on top of her head and goes back to his chair. As the squeals next door grow louder Maria sighs in relief as all the guys cringe before turning the hockey game up just a little bit louder.


“I think we’re losing” Alex states gloomily as he sinks into the couch of the small apartment they had rented for the semester.

Without looking up from the text book Isabel manages to ask, “Losing what?”

“Well this baby thing has obviously become a contest.”

One eyebrow raised, and the text book now closed Isabel’s asks “Contest?”

Frowning Alex nods his head, “Obviously a very silent, never mentioned, but definitely understood contest. Michael and Maria with Adam started it and then Zan and Ava followed with little Zillana, and now Max and Liz have just given birth to the heir to Antar’s throne with our precious goddaughter, Sarah.”

Ignoring the last part of his comment Isabel sighs, “Alex we’re still only in college. We have the rest of our lives to catch up with the others. We were just married and quite frankly I’d rather hog you to myself for a little while longer.”

“Being coy, Mrs. Whitman.” Disbelief and humor cover his tone and his eyes dance with joy at the thought of her not just taking whatever it is she wants.

Isabel can’t help the blush that covers her cheeks. “Only if I have too. Besides, the others will exhaust themselves early on if they keep up at this rate.”

With spirits much more inflated, Alex springs up from the couch and nuzzles Izzie’s neck, “Doesn’t mean we can’t practice?”

Closing her eyes as his hands travel up her sides she manages an answer, “Definitely not.”

Nine months later in March of 2004 Benjamin James Whitman is born.

Last edited by starcrazed on Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories
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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 47, 3/2

Post by starcrazed »

Part 47

“This is so frustrating.”


“No, Alex I’ve been working on this for my entire life it seems and I still can’t get it right.”

“You will.”

“OH yeah smarty pants how do you know that?”

“Because you won’t give up until you do.”

“Yeah, but that’s what I’m afraid of: what if I take too long to figure it out and the Skins have completely overwhelmed Earth by then.”

Alex gave her his heartwarming smile, “See Lizzie, that’s where the rest of us come in. Well, not me per say, but the rest of our little group. They’re busy beating back those forces buying you time to figure out this virus of yours. And while you work on that I get to work on my gadgets for your gizmos.”

Liz couldn’t help but laugh as Alex wiggled his eyebrows and turned back to his main computer screen typing away feverishly.

“I just miss the kids Alex.”

He paused in his typing, “I know Liz.”

“And I feel horrible for missing them considering I can see them every day by astral projection, yet none of you have that luxury and still you don’t complain.”

“Lizzie its hard on all of us. It doesn’t matter if we’d get to see them every night as they go to bed or get to spend a weekend with them while we're recuperating. Raising children in this environment where we don’t get to spend every day with them, it’s hard.”

“It feels like we’ve been doing this forever. At the same time I can remember Jackson and Serenity’s first birthday party and I think has life really only been like this for three years? I look at Ryan and Rachel, Ben and Sarah and all I can think of is that day when we have to send them away to some foreign planet. They’re so young Alex, I don’t care if they’re the Royal Four they should have time to be children. All of them should.”

Alex didn’t respond. He couldn’t. Everything she said he was feeling too. It was his son they were talking about, Liz’s daughter, and Maria’s twins. It didn’t seem fair at all.

Instead he wrapped his arm around Liz who had long ago abandoned her microscope in favor of mopping at her desk.

“Sorry for interrupting…”

They both looked up to find Kyle entering the lab. “I just wanted to get you guys so you could say bye to Ava before she left.”



Kyle grinned realizing he was getting to tell more people about Ava’s condition.

“Oh yeah, she’s gonna have a baby.”

“Another one?” Liz smiled happy for her friend despite the times.

“I bet Zan’s in trouble.” Alex chuckled knowing that now Ava would be out of the fight and she’d hate that part of being pregnant.

Kyle laughed, “Oh you have no idea. I think he was hiding in Guerin’s room when I was walking here.”

“Is Michael coming back then?” Liz was concerned for their safety.”

“Yup, he’s leaving first thing in the morning from the farm. Ava’s transport leaves once Michael’s back at camp. How’s the virus going?”


“That good huh?”

Alex smiled as Liz went back to the microscope and tuned them both out.

“Aren’t you supposed to be helping her with it?”

Kyle shrugged, “I did all I could ages ago. Now it’s up to her.”

“She’ll get it.”

“Oh I know.” Kyle paused for a minute, “Maybe Serena, should come here instead of Michael. She could take a look at it. A fresh perspective you know. She’d be the only other one to understand that scientific mumbo-jumbo anyway. Michael’s more then capable of training the kids.”

Alex glanced at Liz who was looking at Kyle mulling the idea over in her head, “Not yet.”

Kyle and Alex shrugged, “I just need…yeah alright. Kyle can you run the idea by the others. Now would be the best time since Michael’s already there. I need to get out of this lab.”

They watched her go. “She’s pushing herself to hard.”

Alex nodded, but understood her motivation, “She feels like it’s the only thing she can do to help out. You know how we all hate feeling like a burden to the cause.”

“You’d think by now we’d all be over that.”

Shrugging Alex turned back to his computer, “Our insecurities creep up on all of us now and again. It’s no different with Liz.”

“Maybe she should take some time off.” Kyle suggested worried for his friend.

“She’d never go for that and you know it. She won’t leave the camp until she figures out a way to make the wormholes collapse on themselves as soon as they’re opened…or something like that.”

“I thought she was trying to infect the molecules in the wormhole to kill Skins before they get here?”

“Yeah, that’s it.” Alex looked sheepish, “hey man I’m just in charge of transporting the virus through the wormhole, I dunno what it’s supposed to do.”

“I tell Ava you’ll be by later?”

“Yeah, thanks Kyle.”


Ava was lifting the last of her bags as Alex rounded the corner of the hallway nearest her and Zan’s room.

“Obviously no one realizes you’re leaving soon, otherwise you would not be lifting those heavy bags.”

Ava cracked a smile and raised an eyebrow, “What makes you think they’re heavy?”

“Ah…you’re a girl?”

Smiling and shaking her head Ava pushes the larger bag into his chest, “Since you’re here first you get to help me.”


Shrugging, “I think everyone else is greeting Serena helping her with her stuff.”

“Not feeling neglected are we Ava? Serena's here already, that was surprisingly quick."

Ignoring the latter part of his statement, “Ha, hell no. I’m glad I’m getting out of here before everyone starts taking it upon themselves to feel the baby kicking and asking when I’m due.”

“Izzie hates that too. I’m surprised you just don’t have Zan zap people.”

“He’d get too much pleasure out of it, besides I don’t think Kyle could handle all the voltage.”

Their laughter echoes down the hallway as the walk towards the main entrance. Eventually their laughter intermingles with the incoherent chattering that accompanies Serena’s arrival. Questions fly around about Maria, about the kids, about the Ranch, and even a few questions about Kal are discernable in the mess of voices.

It’s the loud shrill of Liz’s whistling that brings the noise to an end.

“Alright guys, I think we should give Serena some space. She’ll be here for a while.” Serena’s cheeks are still warm from all the attention as Liz brings the focus to Ava who’s standing away from everyone. One hand is on her stomach the other clutching her bag. Zan is immediately at her side, taking the bag from her hand replacing it for his hand. Threading their fingers together he brings her hand up and brushes a gentle kiss over her knuckles ignoring the others waiting their turn to say good bye to Ava for now.

Liz and Isabel wrap Ava in the three way hug of which Zan is a participant as he refuses to release her hand. Next Max drops a kiss on Ava’s cheek and gives her a charming smile, “Be safe, Aves.”

She nodes her head dutifully and smiles as Max steps aside Kyle steps forwards and wraps her in a hug ignoring Zan as he pulls away and ruffles her hair up. She swats him away with her hand, but leans up to kiss him on the cheek anyway, “Try not to get into much trouble while I’m gone. And don’t annoy Zan.”

Kyle looks appalled, “I would do no such thing.” The others laugh as Ava shoves him aside and pulls Alex down for a hug who until then has been standing quietly unnoticed next to her. “Make sure Lizzie doesn’t go insane.”

“Only if you keep Ria sane.”

“Oh that’s not fair.” Ava groans but nods her head in agreement and snorts a laugh as Alex jokingly reaches for her stomach.

Helping Serena with her bags most of the others move back down the hallway out of the way. Tossing her last bag at Kyle who snatches it from midair, Serena pulls Ava into a bear hug loosening her grip on Zan.

“I wish we could spend more time together.”

“When you’re back at the ranch we will.” Ava manages to mumble out, her breathing restricted in Serena’s tight grasp.

“Congratulations on the baby Ava. I’m so happy for you.” Letting go and pulling a surprised Zan into another bear hug she continues, “both of you.”

Before they realize it Zan and Ava are standing alone at the main doors the sounds of the others fading as the seconds pass.

“Well this sucks.”

Zan proclaims as he drops Ava’s hand in favor of wrapping his arms around her and pulling her as close as possible into him.

“Yeah, it sure does. I’ll see you in five weeks though?”

Zan groans at the endless amount of days the span between now and then.

He finally pulls away from Ava who is suddenly surprised to find herself lifted from the floor, instantly wrapping her legs around Zan for support, he gentle pushes her into the nearest wall and entraps her lips with his own. Ava pulls at his shirt, yanking him closer to her. She melts into him as he crushes her into the wall. Groaning Ava rips her mouth away from Zan’s heaving in deep breaths. Blinking, Zan take in a single deep breath of his own before resealing their lips together and tries to consume her ever so slowly.

Whimpering Ava pulls away again, “Zan.”

“Love you Aves, more then anything.”

She slides down his body enjoying his tortured moan.

“I love you too Zan.”

“Give the kids my love.”

Reaching up her hand she wipes at Zan’s swollen lips with her thump, “Of course, you silly fool.”

As she’s slipping away from him towards the door he pulls her to him again for one last fierce kiss filled with the passion of a crazed man before he lets her go, opening the door of the transport vehicle unsurprised that the others have loaded it up already with her bags.

Zan watches as the vehicle grows smaller and smaller the blonde hair in the backseat growing more and more unnoticeable until even the sun has dropped under the horizon and Zan finds himself being pulled back inside by an understanding yet surprisingly silent Kyle.


It’s early in the morning, yet Isabel isn’t surprised when she walks into headquarters of camp and discovers not one, but both of her brothers staring over detailed maps and recovered Intel from the past month. Max occasionally pausing to jot something down on a notepad; Zan on the other hand, Isabel is willing to bet has been staring at the same sheet of paper for however long he’s been down here.

“Morning Max. Zan.”

Max drops the pen and papers he was holding, “Hey Izzie. I don’t know what to do.”

At first Isabel’s confused because it hasn’t been since high school that Max has appeared to be so lost and confused. His glance over to Zan clarifies things for her quickly.

“He’s been like that since I got here at six am. Kyle said he brought him to his room last night at nine, but who know how long he stayed there before camping out here.”

“He’s unresponsive?”

“Kinda, more like just ignoring everything else.”

“We don’t have time for this,” Isabel stops as she turns to the wall and pushes a few select buttons on the intercom and waits for a response.

“Great Buddha, they’re not even serving breakfast in the cafeteria yet.”

“Good morning Kyle.” Max can’t help but laugh knowing Kyle still would sleep until noon if they let him.

“Evans of course it’s the Evans, only you three have the capacity to annoy me so much.”

“It’s Whitman, and it’s only fair considering everyone else has to deal with you. Can you come to headquarters? I need a favor.”

The only response they get is a groan from the other end before the communication light blinks off.

Smiling in triumph Isabel joins Max at the table, “So what were you looking at?”

“He’s coming?”

“Of course.”

“How do you figure?”

“It’s Kyle.”

“Right... Jefferies sent a fax confirming our suspicions about our spies being compromised.”

“All five of them?” Although expecting it Isabel is still surprised that Nex found out about all of them.

“See that’s the thing, Jefferies has men in there too, his top guy,” scanning the notes briefly Max continues briefly acknowledging the very sleeping looking Kyle standing in the door way studying Zan.

“The top guy, Franklin says, Rice and Perkins have been discovered and eliminated, but no word either way on the other three.”

“How do we find out?”

Kyle loudly drops into one of the few chairs in the room, “Pull the troops back.”

“That doesn’t make sense.”

He shrugs, “Exactly. Khivar will know we found out about Rice and Perkins and we’re backing out because our sources of intel are gone. At least that’s what he’ll think we’re thinking”

“That actually makes sense. What can you do about Zan?”

“What’s wrong with him? If you ask me this is an improvement.”


Max goes back to his maps rethinking the pros and cons of Kyle’s suggestions, tuning out the rest of the conversation knowing it’s all about pushing Zan’s buttons for a reaction.

“What? Hey, don’t come crawling to me at this hour for help. If duke wants to clamp up and become a useless blob you might as well have sent him off with Ava.”

“Maybe you should be a little sensitive here Kyle.”

“And where exactly will that get us? Besides being woken up at an ungodly hour and being forced to form coherent sentences without breakfast.”

“Since when have any of your sentences ever been coherent Valenti?” Zan snapped.

Max hid his smile behind the most recent fax while Isabel sigh of relief was audible to anyone in the room.

Kyle smirked, standing up, “Good point, wanna get some grub, cafeteria should be open about now.”

Zan frowned but Kyle didn’t miss a beat, “Come on Zan we all know Max is better at the whole silent brooding depressed thing. Let’s go zap some people, it’ll make you feel better.”

Once they were gone Max dropped the paper he was holding, “Should we worry?”

Isabel sat down looking over papers herself, “About those two?” She looked up saw Max’s answering nod and smiled, “All the time.”

Last edited by starcrazed on Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories
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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 48, 5/6

Post by starcrazed »

Part 48

Part of her was relieved, as the sight of the ranch grew with the vehicle getting closer and closer. The lights shining down from every window brightening up the darkness outside; even before the car halted the front door flew up spilling forth more light.

She couldn’t help the smile that split her face at the sight of Michael towering in the doorway holding back Ana, Addie and Jackson. Three year old Jaden was rubbing at his sleepy eyes from his spot in Maria’s arms. If Ava bothered to notice she would have seen all the other kids also up well past their bedtime waiting to greet her.

The car rolled to a standstill and Ava got out only to be quickly bombarded by her two eldest who obviously managed to push passed Michael. Or he had given up.

Ava dropped to the ground too as Jackson’s small legs carried him forward. Pulling her five year-old into a tight hug she pulled a giggling Addie down with her. Ana jumped on top of the rest of her family; not caring about anything else then seeing her mom again. Happy tears of joy streamed form Ava’s blue eyes as she looked beyond the dog pile she found herself in to the shadow looming overhead.

“Hi Maria.”

“Don’t want to forget this little guy.” Maria laughed; dropping Jaden carefully into Ava’s outstretched arms.

“Hey Ava, round up your rascals and get em’ in the house will ya?”

“Your one to talk Guerin.”

“All my rascals are in bed where they belong.”

Ava stood up holding Jaden in one arm, wrapping her other arm around Addie while still holding Jackson’s hand. “Is that so?” She looked behind him to see three of the four Guerin children behind him. Serenity too young to be awaken by the excitement of her arrival.

“They better be if they know what’s good for 'em.”

Immediately, eight year old Ryan and Rachel dash for the stairs followed a second later by Adam. After a moment’s hesitation Ben and Sarah ran after them deciding that they could wait until morning to greet their aunt properly.

Michael wraps an arm around Maria and waits until Ava enters the ranch with all her kids attached to her, each one striving for her attention. With a kiss to Maria’s temple Michael closes the door locking in securely in place behind them before reactivating Alex’s security codes.

Michael and Maria make themselves comfortable on the couch as Ava’s kids drag her upstairs to get tucked into bed.

“I’ve missed Ava. I miss everyone.”


“I’m glad you get to stay a little longer.”

“So am I.”

“I wonder how Zan is doing without Ava there.”

Maria pulls away from Michael as he snorts, “I’m sure Kyle’s keeping him occupied.”

“It’s not the same.”

“True, but I’m sure after a few round of harmless zapping Zan will be fine, at the very least feeling better. Kyle will make sure.”

“Kyle will make sure what?” Ava asks as she comes down the last few stairs clearly exhausted but nonetheless thrilled.

“That the hubby of yours doesn’t waste away without you.”

“Oh he’ll be just fine without me. It’s his own fault if he isn’t.”

Michael smirks as Maria lights up with interest, “How so?”

“He’s the one that knocked me up.”

The smirk turned into barking laughter and Maria just shakes her head, “Last time I check it required participation from both parents.”

“He’s not touching me again, this time I mean it.”

“Remember right before college graduation, Addie was turning one and I was enormous with the twins ready to burst forth any second.”

Michael smiles at the memory pulling Maria back towards him now that he was done laughing at Zan.

“Yeah so?” Ava questions, her curiosity adding a spike of adrenaline and keeping the sleep at bay.

“I swore Michael wouldn’t lay another hand on me ever again." She states it so seriously Ava can’t help by laugh before pointing out,

“Yeah, three years later we spent the hottest summer of Roswell together growing to the size of whales.”

Recalling the summer and what happen before that Michael can’t help mumbling under his breath. Yet both of them catch the comment,

“Not before Amy threatened us.” Maria immediately breaks out into hysterical laughter but Ava’s confusion has her asking, “What?”

Somehow Maria manages to speak between deep breaths and laughter, “Oh you’ve had to of heard this.”

When Ava continues to look bemused Maria pulls her laughs under control to retell the story. “Let’s see David was just born in the beginning of January and by February Izzie had Callie and Lily,”

Michael interrupted the story, “Amy took one look at Maria’s face and started hitting me with the newspaper.”

Maria’s not the only one laughing as Ava snorts with laughter, believing every detail of Michael’s statement. Finally she manages to ask, “Why” as she wipes the tears from her eyes laughter still bubbling forth.

Looking adoringly up at Michael, Maria explains, “She told him he better not dare think of impregnating me again unless we were married. Said she no longer considered herself your guys’ guardian and had no alms of ending his life if he made me an unwed mother for a forth time.” She finishes just as her laughter escalates again.

Ava nods knowingly, “That explains the rushed ceremony.”

“Michael was whiter than a sheet after she said that.”

“Can you blame me,” He asks still frighten at the deadly look in Amy’s eyes, “For Christ’s sake you were already two months along with Serenity.” Michael gets up dropping a quick kiss on Maria’s lips before heading to the stairs for bed.

“Night ladies. I gotta be up early, last day with the kids before I head back to base ”

They barely acknowledge his departure, carrying on with their conversation.

“That September I had Serenity and two weeks later you followed with Jackson.”

“I’ll never forget that month, remember that conversation we had?”

Smiling, “How could I forget?”

“We have to stop spending so much time together.”

Ava nods picking up Jackson from his crib, “Yup, the second one of them starts to cry the other one follows a minute later.”

“I’m sure they get it form their fathers.”

“I knew it!” Isabel exclaims as she enters the room with Lily in her arms, Callie still thankfully napping in the other room.

“Knew what?” Liz questions, as she checks the temperature of the bottle adjusting David to her other arm.

“Zan and Michael cry like big babies.”

“Yeah, I’m sure they weren’t implying that the babies wanted Maria and Ava’s undivided attention about as much as Michael or Zan.”

Isabel sticks out her tongue, “Smarty pants.”

“Very mature, Isabel. We really need to get you away from Alex. He’s a bad influence.”

“Well Liz, you and Maria have no one to blame but yourselves. He is the product of your training after all. Surely Isabel can’t be held responsible for that.”

Suddenly Callie starts crying, Isabel hands off Lily to Maria, and the jostling stirs Serenity who begins wailing again. Isabel returns with Callie apologizing, but Maria waves it off and after a few moments the five youngsters are settled down again.

Maria smiles, “Do you ever feel like we’re just mass producing an army to save the Universe?”

The others offer soft smiles of understanding, “If we didn’t love them so much and weren’t willing to die for them so they could have the universe, I’d say yeah, but…” Liz trails off shrugging her shoulders and tracing her finger along David’s nose.

“But we're not getting knocked up every couple years to save the world.” Isabel points out candidly.

“We’re getting knocked up every couple years because our guys can’t keep it in their pants.” Ava observes equally blunt.

When their laughter unsettles the babies again none of them really mind all that much figuring this has to be easier then running around the zoo with the other eight kids.

And Kyle.


“Long day?”

“Not to bad. What about you? I haven’t seen you since I left this morning with the exception of Serena’s arrival and Ava’s departure.”

“Yes and no. I was in the lab all day long, but Serena and Alex were doing most of the work. All of the work to tell you the truth. I just kinda sat around not doing all that much. I felt kind of useless actually. Debated visiting the kids, but I figured they’d be all hyped up with Ava just getting there so I can wait until tomorrow.”

Max pulled the covers down on his side of the bed as Liz watches him from the bathroom mirror rubbing in her face moisturizer. Settling onto his side of the bed Max studied Liz, years of practice aiding him in noticing the tension between her shoulders and the questions in her dark eyes.


In the same way, she can decipher a plethora of meaning from her name alone as it crosses his lips. Switching the light in the bathroom off, she climbs into bed rest her head onto Max’s shoulder as his arms warps themselves around her waist.

“They’re so young Max. All the kids are. I’m scared for them. All the time. Sometimes, it’s overpowering, all I can think of is some day their gonna hop on a spaceship and fly who knows how many millions of miles away. They’re not ready to do that let alone go up against Khivar.”

“We’re not sending them off tomorrow Liz.” Max tries to comfort her with his words as he pulls her closer too him, offering her comfort with his presence.

“I know, but even if they don’t leave for another ten years, fifteen years, they’re our kids. We’re never going to want to let them go.”

“It’s not forever. And we don’t have to worry because they will be ready. From what Michael says out at the ranch, I don’t think he would have a problem sending them as they are now concerning their powers.”

“Michael said that?” Liz asks doubtful, after all he would be losing two children to the war on Antar.

“Well not exactly, but he really was impressed with what the kids could do already.”

“It’s hard to impress Michael.” Liz reached over turning the bedside lamp off.

Max smiles turning his own light off before sliding down and pulling Liz’s back flush against his chest. “I’m sure he adjusts his standards for ten year olds.”

“Debatable.” She mumbles as she gets comfy.

Max chuckles softly. “You good?”

Liz hums, drowsiness already coming over her after her long day in the lab, “Better, like this. And thank you. I’m still worried, but not so scared for them.”

“It’s why I’m here.” Kissing the back of her neck Max pulls the covers higher up, closing his eyes as the long day catches up with him too.

“Love you.”

“Love you.”


Serena finally drew her attention away from her computer screen after meandering down to the lab at five in the morning only to find Alex staring at his computer screen.

“Whitman, why the hell are you up at the crack of dawn?”

“I could ask you the same thing.”

“Yes, but my answer is much more logical when compared to the fact that your wife is all alone in that cozy bed.”

“Actually, Isabel went out running twenty minutes before I even work up.”

“My sister is so weird.”

“Because she enjoys physical fitness?”

“Because she enjoys physical fitness so damn early in the morning.”

“Well yes. Why are you up so early?”

“I live in a ranch with thirteen adolescents.” Alex looked at her perplexed, totally missing what to most would have been obvious.

“Eight of which belong to either Michael and Maria or Zan and Ava.”

As if first realizing this number Alex’s eyes widened and Serena couldn’t help but snicker at his facial expression.

With more control than Serena thought possible this early in the morning she steered them away from their sleeping habits to the matter at hand. The matter that very nearly has Liz Parker-Evans pulling her hair out.

“So this virus…” stopping when Alex suddenly got up and then came to her, or rather Liz’s, work desk. Slouching over her shoulder and reading what she had adjusted.

“Yeah, mhhmmhh, yup.” Alex grinned and then walked back to his desk typing in a few things as Serena watched him, her curiosity soon giving way to a dumbfounded expression which faded into frustration as he seemed to forget she was sitting there.

“Alex? Alex what does that mean?”

“Hmm?” Rolling her eyes she addressed his questioning sigh. “The ‘yeah, mhhmmhh, yup” what exactly did you mean?”

“Oh that it looks exactly the same as it did when I looked at it the other day when Liz was working on it. Just as I didn’t understand a single notation then I still do not understand the notations you may or may not have altered. Like I told Kyle the other day I’m just working on the transportation for this virus I don’t know what it does, let alone how it’s suppose to do it.”

The humor dancing in his eyes too didn’t reflect well for Serena’s mood. “You won’t even help?”

“More like I can’t help. Not my area of expertise Rena, which is why we brought you in.”

“And here I was thinking I was missed.”

“Who told her that lie?”

“Funny Kyle. What are you doing here?”

“Max requests an update on the progress of the thingy mi-jigger that’s gonna move the whatchamacallit Liz was working on.”

With eyebrows raised, as he turns away from his work desk Alex restrains his mocking laugh if only momentarily, “Did he now?”

“It certainly sounds like something my brother would say. “ Serena didn’t care about Kyle’s feeling all that much and had no quandary about laughing in his face.

“Yeah, well okay so it was more like I was threatened to remove myself from headquarters and it was nicely suggested that I come and bother you two and find out something useful proving my existence wasn’t wasted space and matter.”

As Serena and Alex became non-functioning fits of hysteria Kyle busied himself with one of the numerous entertaining knick-knacks that Alex had created to decorate the lab.

Kyle was debating leaving for lunch and coming back when it appeared Serena at least was pulling herself together enough to form an answer.

“I changed a few things that Liz already had nothing too obvious and I’m not even sure if it would make a difference yet. It’s all too theoretical still at this stage. Tell Max I think its time we produce a proto-type and then make adjustments according to those results.”

His face scrunched up like he was trying to understand what Serena was saying but after a minute’s pause he nodded and turned questioningly to Alex exhibiting a show of patience unheard of among the Valenti men.

The cackling had died down so Kyle knew Alex was about finished with his outburst, it was just a matter of getting oxygen back into the brain.

“Oh my god that’s it.”

“What’s it?”

Serena got up from her station to join Kyle who was now watching Alex’s fingers fly across the keyboard, all humor and antics gone as his face was very serious and focused as binary codes and numbers neither of them could understand were logged into the system.

Unfortunately for Kyle, he now needed to wait even longer for whatever it was the Alex had suddenly figured out.

“The problem was how to get something further into the wormhole without the pressure of the actual wormhole obliterating that object including the virus before it had a chance to disperse and incapacitate the wormhole. This might push it far enough. ”

“Did you follow any of that?”

Serena nodded trying to focus harder on the commands Alex was rapidly firing into the computer.

“Well that makes one of us.”

When neither of them responded a second time Kyle turned around, “Right so I’ll just let Max know that…something…is going on here…right...yeah…see you guys later.”

Kyle wasn’t phased much by there lack of response, it was after all almost lunch time and Zan had been banned from the cafeteria yesterday so that at least should provide him with some entertainment.

Last edited by starcrazed on Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories
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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 49, 7/3

Post by starcrazed »

Part 49

Isabel’s eyes snapped open and she looked around the foggy landscape. Taking a hesitant step forward she watched fascinated as the dirt shifted around her boot and a small puff of air could be heard at the movement. Glancing at her surroundings the fog swirled slowly around her making the shadowy trees in the distance seem even more ominous. The slightly orange tinge to the landscape didn’t help calm her either.

Watching as the orange moon set and the sky turn to lighter shades of purple Isabel’s breath caught as the bright green and yellow leaves on the trees took on color and whistled a melody to her without the slightest indication of a breeze. Walking towards the trees, Isabel felt the dirt continue to reform around her boots until the next step was made impossible as the dirt stuck in place molding her boot to it.

*What the hell?*

*Actually, Antar. What the Antar.*

Isabel turned her body looking for a body to the voice that spoke in her head.

She knew that voice. Had encountered it somewhere. She just had too…


She could detect the slanted smile in his reply.

*I told Khivar you would remember me.*

*You think I couldn’t recall the present psycho who’s out to kill us?*

*I’m not certifiably insane. Trust me they have tested me a few times*

*What are you doing in my dream? *

*I’ve been told you and yours have been curious about where you come from. *

*That’s such a load of crap*

The bright green and yellow leaves grew silent and the faded purple sky grew darker with threatening clouds that flashed with electric red bolts of energy.

*Lets just say this is Khivar’s attempt to open up some talks of negotiations. And who am I to pass up a chance to peruse the mind of the great Princess Vilandra?*

Trying to remove her foot she still found it solidly stuck in what was turning into a growing area of mud. Instead she raised her hand, *Let’s try Warrior Isabel if you guys are all gonna insist with the ridiculous nicknames. *

Feeling pressure at her temples Isabel cringed before materializing her purple shield, which appeared luminescent as the clouds turned the day into night.

*See Isabel, that doesn’t really work if I’m already in your head, its simple really. All Khivar wants is a Royal Decree of Zan’s renouncement of the throne as well as any present or future hybrids with relations to the Royal House to deny a claim to Antar. As for the Granilith, a Council will be assigned as its new Guardians.*

Dropping her shield and her hand Isabel fights back the only way she can, *It seems like Khivar only ever offers to negotiate when we’re kicking his ass. *

*Be that as it may…he won’t hesitate to eliminate all the spies you’ve flooded out into our cells on Earth*

She pauses, wondering briefly if he could see her even when she can’t see him. She has a suspicion that he is hiding somewhere behind those deceptively peaceful trees. Only pausing when she senses his impatience. Not bothering to answer any more then that.

His voice increases in volume making her wince and the tone has taken on an edge of hatred, losing the amused playful quality that was there a moment ago, *Perhaps you won’t be so careless when its your children we slaughter instead of expendable strangers.*

Not missing a beat, Isabel ignores the comment about their kids, *Nobody’s expendable. Not even strangers. That’s the difference between us. *

*That’s what you’d like to think. When the truth is, Isabel we’re not all that different when you get down to it. Khivar really does not want to waste any more resources on your measly little planet but he will do so if you and your siblings don’t corporate. *

Isabel looks up as the voice lifted away from her mind into the clouds above her, a permanent red tint to them, as they flickered every now and then. What could only be described, as a spacecraft was growing smaller, indiscernible almost before it dropped behind a cloud out of her sight for good.

*You’ll see Isabel.*




Her eyes snapped open again only this time she found herself in her familiar bedroom at base. Alex leaning over her reclined figure concerned etched in all his features. Reaching up a hand to cup his check she smoothed out the worry lines on his forehead before smiling at him.

“It was just a dream.”


“Okay, it was more like a nightmare.” Sitting up, Isabel glanced at the clock. “Dinner’s over. You were supposed to wake me for dinner.”

Alex held up a bag, “You looked too content to wake up an hour ago. So I brought you something. Stop trying to change the subject.”

Relaxing her body, she dropped her forehead to Alex’s shoulder relaxing further when she heard the bag dropped on the bed next to him as he started to rub reassuring patterns across her back. Occasionally brushing the ends of her blonde hair as it fell from her messy bun, skimming her shoulders.

“I was on Antar.” She stopped when Alex tensed, wrapping her arms around him offering comfort. Only explaining more when he had resumed drawing the patterns on her back.

“It was really kind of amazing. Beautiful with its purple sky, an orange moon, blindingly bright green and yellow leaves that sing to you from the tree branches. Until Nex showed up.”

Alex pulled fully away from Isabel then slightly ticked that she had waited so long to bring up the fact that the number one guy gunning for their lives on Earth currently, just happen to be strolling around in her head.

“What about your blocks.”

“I was taking a nap; they’re never as reinforced when I’m asleep. It’s too distracting.”

“What happen in the dream?”

Isabel fell back into Alex focusing more on the steady beat of his heart as she relayed the dream to him.

“We have to tell Max.”



“I’m not keeping secrets, I’m just saying later. Not even a long later, just later on today; when we get back from the training exercise.”

“That’s not till eleven.”

Isabel smiled, her eyes sparkling with pride, “Yes, but your forgetting we have a meeting scheduled anyway because my genius husband figured out how to transport the virus successfully into the wormhole.”

“I did, didn’t I?”

Isabel nodded as seductively as she could with her hair still all messy from her nap and her clothes wrinkled, it didn’t hurt that she knew Alex could care less about that stuff. “I have an hour before I have to leave. Any ideas?”

“You could eat you’re dinner. I’m sure you’ll need you’re energy for the training session.”

Her lips stretched into a smile a moment before she fit them to Alex’s. Slowly caressing them, moving her hands along his arms, dancing her fingers along his neck. Basically, torturing him the best way she knew how.

But if eleven years of marriage, almost twelve, were good for anything, it was the few tricks Alex had learned along the years. As Isabel sank back into her pillows Alex still attached to her lips she pulled away, “I was more concerned with you keeping your energy levels up.”

He ignored her teasing tone, rolling his eyes and continued were he left off.


Slipping out the side door, Isabel groaned at the two fools smiling at her knowingly. “You two. Why do I always get stuck with you two?”

Zan faked hurt, “Iz, that’s no way to treat your brother.” He shook his head disappointed and quickly turned to face the troops so she would catch his smirk. Knowing if she saw it, he’d do nothing, but earn himself a smack in the head.

Kyle replied more seriously, “I think its cause Max doesn’t want us. And you know with Michael we’d never get any work done.”

“Nobody ever gets work done with you two around.” Isabel hefted a bag with the weapons over her shoulder.

“Let’s get this over with. It’s the laser shots tonight right?”

Zan nodded grabbing another pack up. “What’s the hurry?”

“She wants to get home to her hunny.” Kyle sniggered, glaring a moment later at the two of them for leaving him the last two heaviest bags.

“There’s a lot to discuss at the meeting tonight. And now that you mention it yeah, I am a little tired.”

“Nobody said…” Zan trailed off and looked stricken at Isabel, “Dude! You’re my sister.”

Isabel rolled her eyes as Kyle laughed, “But its okay for you and Kyle to insinuate things?”

“Yes.” was the immediate, forceful response from both of them. Zan clarifying, “Its one thing to assume, another thing to know.” Drawing out the last word Zan cringed.

Isabel smirked, a trait she had picked up from Michael somewhere along their journey so far,
“Zan brother dearest, we’re married. You don’t have to assume anything.”

Leaving them behind, Isabel called the newest troops to attention and started showing them the ways and weapons of the Fight for Freedom


The strange hours they kept didn’t keep any of them from being all that tired at they gathered at headquarters. A much more crowded space with all seven of them squished in there.

“Why do we always do this?” Alex sighed as he lunged for the last open chair before Zan or Kyle showed up.

“What?” Max asked half distracted still from the note Jefferies had sent him, confirming that the three spies where still alive and for now it looked like it would be staying that way.

“If I had to venture a guess, seeing as how I’m usually not here, I’d say meet in this tiny space.” Serena faked a stretch, proving with the demonstration how very small the room became with all of them in it. And they were still waiting for three of them.

Liz smiled in understanding, “Unfortunately it is one of the bigger rooms. And it’s usually not a problem except when we have our meetings."

Kyle chose that moment to stroll in after a quick shower getting rid of the desert sand that had accumulated over his body since Zan and Isabel decided it would be fun to toss him around a bit. “You’re telling me they still haven’t decided you’re important enough, Max, to get a throne room.”

Max smirked, “I already have my jester picked out when they find the funds to build it.”

His eyes narrowed, but really took it in stride, more upset over the fact that he didn’t have a place to sit. Kyle took comfort knowing Zan would be standing too. Not Isabel though, sap Whitman would give up his chair the second she walked in the room.

A minute later Alex, not only gave up the chair, but also held it for her as she sat down then proceeded to rub her shoulders.

Zan as usual, when Michael wasn’t there, was the last to arrive. Bringing with him, a pile of junk food that he tossed onto the center of the table, which had been cleared off. Everyone started grabbing for their favorites as if they were still concerned somebody would get the snack they wanted. As if they hadn’t for the past two years now gotten and eaten the same snack every time they had one of these meetings.

With the extra snacks in a neat pile in the center, snacks for Maria, Michael, and Ava, the others quietly and quickly devoured their chocolate bars, potato chips, ho hos, and protein bars.

“So who’s starting tonight?” Kyle asked around a mouthful of ho ho.

“I had an idea.”

“Well, share it with the group. No need to be shy fearless leader.”

Max really was going to kill Michael one of these days for sharing that with Zan.

By this point in their relationship though, Max reacting too it only added fuel to their amusement so ignoring the fearless leader comment he persisted with the idea that had been swirling in his thoughts since Serena had joined them. Encouraged further by the talk he and Liz had the other night.

“While Ava’s pregnant, I figured each of us could go spend some time at the ranch and refresh a week before Serena heads back for good. What do you guys think?”

Isabel was the first to protest, “The fight is too important to go off vacationing.”

“It’s no good if we’re all burnt out.”

Kyle leans away from the wall snatching Michael’s usual snack off the table and unwisely hovers by Zan as he replies, “You just wanna see Ava.”

“I wouldn’t mind seeing the kids.” Alex, ever the peacemaker adds in trying to distract them momentarily at least.

Casting a glance around the room Max sees that Isabel is really the only one that is not one hundred percent behind this idea.

“This is important too Iz. All of it is. We just have to prioritize. How much are we willing to let Khivar take from us?”

Snatching the Twinkie from Kyle and shoving it in his mouth Zan swallows it quickly before Kyle can react at all. “Bastard aint getting nuthin’ from me.”

Ticked at the loss of the Twinkie Kyle can’t help but do what he does best. Make fun of Zan. “Look out. He means business, the accents creepin’ out and everything.”

Zan shoved Kyle into the wall. Hard. But Kyle prepared for the typical reaction easily passes through the wall with his phasing ability courtesy of Max Evans. Zan wastes no time touching the wall and the others watch entertained as a light blue electric current covers the entire surface.


Most everyone enjoys a laugh at Kyle’s pain, listening as he moves around on the other side of the wall looking for a place to get into, but only responding with yelps of pain.

Liz brings the subject back as Kyle finally enters through the closed door.

“I’ll make a schedule for us.”

“What about the virus?”

“Geez Isabel, what’s with all the negative vibes? Ria would be having a fit if she were here right now.”

Sending Kyle a glare, she turns to Liz for her answer, but Liz is waiting expectantly for Isabel to answer Kyle’s question.

Finally Alex sighs, “It’s the dream, but we’ll get to that. Liz…”

Shaking her head disappointed in herself, she openly admits, “I need a break from it. The virus notes are blurring together making no sense. Serena’s working on it right now anyways.

Feeling bad, for making Liz doubt herself Isabel reaches for Liz’s hand next to her. Squeezing gently in reassurance, “I’m sure you’ll get it. Fresh eyes after a visit to the ranch and it’ll be a piece of cake.”

Max nods deciding at least one thing was accomplished; sometimes they were lucky if they got that much done. “So I’ll call Michael as soon as we finish here.” Glancing at his watch before continuing, “I don’t think he’s suppose to leave for another two hours anyway. I’ll let him know that he has until the end of the week at the ranch. Now Isabel…the dream?”

And for the second time Isabel repeated the dream the others listened respectfully and when she finished everyone took their time absorbing it, trying to determine what Nex meant. What the spacecraft meant.

“You don’t think Khivar’s getting ready to send more Skins do you?”

Liz gulped, the last batch that came through the wormhole were already a step up form the kind they dealt with in high school. As much as she loved science, Liz really didn’t want to see what other type of advancements the Skin process had come up with in the two years since the Fight started.

Isabel didn’t have an answer for her. Alex did though. He had to do something with his time once Isabel was gone and he had figured out the transportation for the virus.

“I’m already getting in touch with Brody, so Ava can contact Larek. See if we need to worry about more Skins mobilizing or Nex was just trying to freak us out.”

Zan sighed tired emotionally and psychically. From missing Ava. From training the newbies.

“Nex doesn’t really do freaking out does he.” He stated more then asked wishing they would end this so he could just go sleep for the next two days.

“Yeah, I think Nex is into idle threats about as much as Michael is.” Isabel’s own fatigue catching up with her as she yawned.

Max noticing the glazed looks starting to form sent everyone on their merry ways off to bed for what was left of the night.


“Kal!!! What the hell are you doing here?”

Maria spun dripping pancake batter from the spatula all over the floor as the shifter let himself in the back door.

“You know how much Michael hates it when you bypass the security system.”

Kal clicked his tongue, “The Commander’s here? How come? Are the kids okay?”

Maria couldn’t help, but smile. Who could really after seeing Kal with the kids.

“The kids are fine Kal. He was just here for the weekend, but now he gets to stay for the week because Ava’s pregnant again and Serena had to go to base and help Liz cause she was close to freaking out. And Alex figuring out his side probably just made it worse even though …

She was forced to trail off as Michael had stumbled into the kitchen still half asleep, but managing to find her lips as he held tightly to her waist, ignoring the spatula of pancake batter smearing his t-shirt.

Kal chuckled helping himself to what he knew would be a tasteless pancake but not caring as he ignored the pair that were engrossed in each other. However, when even he could tell the pancakes were burning he stepped in.

“Breakfast Commander. You’re ruining breakfast.”

Michael pulled back from a dazed Maria slowly smirking at both her reaction and his response to Kal, “Nope, that be you. Why are you here anyways?”

“The kids of course.” Maria whispered.

“The kiddies of course.” Kal intoned a second after her.

Ava walked into the kitchen upon seeing Kal she froze. When his eyes zeroed in on her a minute later a wide, almost frightening smile crossed his face.


“You told him!? Unbelievable Maria!” A furious Ava hastily spit out before fleeing back to the safety of her room.

“It could be some weird sixth sense alien thing. I don’t get why every one always blames me. “ Maria went back to the pancakes as the kids started filing into the kitchen.

“It might have something to do with that rambling thing Auntie Ria.”

Smiling, and waving a spatula, “Hush now Ana, eat some breakfast and stop teasing me.”

As it had usually worked in the past, Kal acted like a magnet to all the kids. Eventually all of them were surrounding the table meant for eight and Kal had them all engrossed in some sort of story.

Wrapping his arms around Maria he muttered into her ear making her blush. Clearing her throat she nodded once as if Michael thought she would disagree.

“Kal you’re in charge of cleaning up the kitchen. And do some training stuff with the kids okay?” Maria added the okay at the end as an after though. More to be polite then anything else because if Kal new what was good for him he’d listen to her.

“Sounds wonderful Maria.” Kal turned back to the kids and the kids certainly didn’t care when Maria grabbed Michael around his shirt collar and dragged him out of the kitchen back up the stairs to their room.

“Now where did I leave off last time?”

“Khivar used Princess V to get onto the grounds…” Ben trailed off stabbing his last pancake with his fork before dipping it in the Tabasco/syrup combo.

“Yes, now this is the part where it gets frightening. Can you all handle it”

The kids looked on wide-eyed, nodding their heads enthusiastically.

Last edited by starcrazed on Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories
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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 50, 7/29

Post by starcrazed »

Part 50

Michael was stomping down the hallway, only back for one day and already pissed off at anyone that got in his way. Not that anyone expected anything different; all of them were a little off anytime they returned from the ranch.

It was such a different world there. It’s where their kids were. Returning to the militant headquarters in charge of fighting for their freedom instead of laying around watching the kids harmlessly zap each other all day was bound to put anybody in a mood. Even more so when that person was Michael, already working on a short fuse.

Luckily, it was Liz turning the next bend in the hallway not paying attention as opposed to some innocent bystander or worse a bored Kyle or agitated Zan.

“Watch it Parker.”

Liz didn’t have to look up from her formula notes to know there was impatience and anger simmering off the man in front of her, but they had been friends for years and Liz wasn’t concerned with such trivial things at the moment. She got straight to the point knowing Michael as well as any of them knew each other.

“Michael” She paused a moment pursing her lips together before folding the notes and sticking them in her pocket. Looking up, sincerity soaking off of her, “How are the kids.”

And just as easily Michael’s temper deflated. Liz gestured and Michael nodded turning and following her in the other direction. Not minding he would be delayed in his route. It’s not like he had an important destination in mind. He was merely searching out Kyle or Zan hoping to annoy one of them in hopes that he would feel better.

“Considering their situation…” Michael shrugged trailing off for a moment to gather his thoughts.

“I guess the younger ones, well, at least they aren’t worrying themselves like the older kids are. They’re content to color in their books and have Maria chase them around.”

Liz smiled noticing Michael’s eyes soften even more at the mention of her best friend.

“Considering their parents, whether it’s their smarts or their curiosity the older kids know just enough to be worrying about us just as much as we worry for them. It’s not the childhood I wanted for them Liz.”

He sighed almost defeated by the way their children would have to grow up, by the way they were already growing up.

“It’s not what any of us wanted Michael, but it’s better than the alternative.” Liz swiped her key card in front of the lab door and stepped back allowing Michael to enter before her.

Looking around for the others in distraction for moment, “Where’s Serena?”

Liz chuckled joining Michael off in the corner of the lab, turning the plasma screen on and setting up the video console as he sat down in one of the plush leather chairs, “She’s taking a nap. Says this is the time Serenity, Jaden and Jackson go down for naps and she takes advantage of the quiet to recuperate for the afternoons.”

Taking the controller Liz offered him Michael just nodded another hint of nostalgia for the ranch overwhelming him. “I thought that it would be different Liz. When Future Isabel left I just had this idea in my head that it would be so much better this time. “

“It will be Michael. We’re already a lot better off and we’re not going to be away from our kids forever.”

For a while the lab fell quiet besides the sounds emitted from the plasma screen showing the racing track Michael and Liz were completely focused on. Almost an hour went by before Michael paused the game.

“You never got to see her Liz. Where she came from, that future broke her. Sure she was tough as hell, but on the inside she was so broken. I don’t want that for any of us. I can’t let that happen.”

“You almost sound like Max.” Liz smiled as she tossed the controller to the floor, tucking her feet underneath her watching Michael as he studied the screen.

“He wants to protect us, you want to protect us, and Isabel wants to protect us. Sometimes I think you all forget that we’re in this together. Even after all this time you all tend to think it’s just on your shoulders or your duty to save the world. She was trying to save you from that too ya’ know.”

She smiled to soften the worlds Even though over the years between all of them a dozen of these conversations had taken place.

“How’s Maria.”

Michael’s eyes lit up, “She was so thrilled Ava was having a baby. Almost lost my hearing with all the damn squealing her and Serena did. Then Ava showed up and I got booted from the family room every night and there was no ice cream for anybody but those two.”

A genuine smile flickered across Liz’s face, “God, I can’t wait until it’s my turn. I miss Ria so much and Sarah and David.”

There was sadness in her voice that Michael tried to alleviate,

“She misses you too. Pretty sure I saw a carton of vanilla on their grocery note with your name next to it Parker. And David and Sarah. They’re so much like Max.”

Shaking his head he grins remembering his younger days with Isabel bossing them around and Max’s quiet control before going on,

“It’s almost unbelievable. Watching over all the others trying to keep them out of trouble. For the most part anyway, I think Ana and Adam are on their own when it comes time to facing Serena or Maria. They’re brave too, just like their mom. Standing up for the youngest ones no matter what it costs them. They’re great kids Liz.”

“Thank you for saying that.”

“It’s not just words, it’s the truth.” With a deep breath Michael reaches over grabbing Liz’s controller and shaking away the heavy emotional atmosphere that had settled around them,

“Come on Parker we got time for one more round before them come looking for us.”

“You’re gonna eat my dust Guerin.”

She couldn’t help but laugh when he winked at her effectively ending both of their sour moods and twenty minutes later when Kyle strolled in looking for them Liz was studying her microscope and Michael was fast asleep on the couch.

Serena not being the only one in need of naps it would appear, but their undisclosed racecar video games sessions still a secret for another day.


Alex finds his elbows up in dishwater somehow getting stuck doing the dishes after dinner. He glances over his shoulder to see Kal propped up on the couch, “You know you could do this with a simple wave of your hand.”

“It builds character.” Kal grumbles before turning the TV up just a tad bit louder. Almost an hour after dinner was finished Alex finds himself draining the sink and groaning at the thought of drying and putting all the dishes away.

“Dad! Come on I wanna show you how much I learned since last time. Aunt Ria’s been helping me”

Alex follows the call of Ben from the kitchen, happy to put off the dishes, slipping into the upstairs room a few of the boys shared. A wave of nostalgia hits him as he sees his old guitar and the lanky boy with dark hair leaning over it making adjustments.

Hearing his dad loiter in the hallway, Ben briefly pauses in what he’s doing to check his dad’s face, “I’m not that good at tuning it. I still need help with that sometimes.”

Alex smiles proud as he sits next to Ben taking the offered guitar.

“It is tricky.” Alex comments to reassure the boy as he strums a few strings listening carefully.

“Did you learn any songs yet?”

“Not really, we’re working on the chords. Maybe you could show me.”

“Okay, well this is the very first song I ever learned to play on this very guitar. You ready?” Ben nodded emphatically and Alex chuckled softly absorbing every detail of the moment so he could replay it later for Isabel.

What seems much to soon for Alex he feels the dead weight of Ben fall against his shoulder. He looks down finding his son sound asleep in what has to be the most uncomfortable position.

“He can sleep just about anywhere.” Maria whispers from the doorway. Alex looks up smiling as he gently sets the guitar against the bed and shifts to lay Ben down and under the covers before dropping a kiss on his forehead and stepping back. “If I recall it was a skill his father exhibited at a many a sleepovers.”

Following Maria out into the hallway he can hear the sounds of the others getting ready for bed. He shuts the bedroom door halfway so Ben isn’t disturbed, “Speaking of sleepovers of our yesteryears, well, I guess more about the hostess.”

“Liz?” Alex cringes at the note of worry and concern in Maria’s voice. It was the exact reaction he wanted to avoid. “I’m worried about our third musketeer.”

“So was I when Serena left instead of Michael, but I let myself get distracted.” Sighing she leans into her tall friend who’s developed some lean muscle in these past couple of years.

“Understandable after not seeing Michael for so long.” Pausing reflectively, before half shrugging, ”I’m not even sure if it’s that serious.”

“If you’re concerned it’s because that means Liz has already been hiding it for a while. I don’t understand why the formula is proving so difficult to figure out and why she’s letting it get to her.”

“It’s so hard because it’s all theoretical and she lets it get to her for the same reason any of us would.”

“And by any of us you mean…” Maria jabs his side stifling a giggle at the face he makes.

“Us lesser, human folk. Those of use who have to prove ourselves.”

When the reach the living room Kal is suspiciously absent, but neither one of them questions the shape shifters whereabouts. They merely sink into his indented form on the couch. Maria protectively tucking her feet under her as Alex wraps a supporting arm over her shoulder.

“I continue to wonder who worries more about proving themselves to the other side. Is it us because we don’t have super fancy powers or them because they do have all those abilities at there disposal.”

Twirling a strand of hair around her finger debating her own question until the weighty silence is broken, “Daddy! Story time.”

Maria chuckles at the ridiculous grin that suddenly makes itself present on his face. She’s still chuckling when Lily hops down the stairs as quick as her six year old legs will take her.

Alex panic stricken, meets her half way and pulls her up into his arms with Lily laughing at the movement. He offers Maria a smile at her comment, “They look so much like Isabel.”

He nods turning away for a moment at the noise, “Dadda come on! Bedtime stories!”

Maria snorts, “Just as demanding as the Princess too.” With a mock glare at Maria, Alex steadies Lily on the top stair and tells her he’ll be right there.

“How did I ever get so lucky Ria?”

“I think we all go lucky Alex…I’ll finish up the dishes for ya.”

“You’re the best DeLuca.”

“Yeah, yeah, go tuck in the princesses. And it’s DeLuca-Guerin bucko.”



Maria warmly embraced Max as he lets himself in the front door of the ranch. He smiles setting his bag down just inside the door, “Hey Ria. How’s things?”

“Yeah yeah…later…how’s Chica?” She tuggs at his arm pulling him through the foyer past the kitchen where some of the kids were snacking.

Around mouthfuls of crackers they greet him. Sarah and David abandoned their food and tugat Max’s other arm for hugs and greetings.

Ava watches amused from the recliner as Max eventually falls onto the couch Maria at one side yammering on about her concern for Liz after what Alex had said and the kids telling him their most recent accomplishments with their powers.

He looks up helpless at Ava, but she just smiles and waves her spoon at him, before digging in for another bite of cereal.

Ten minutes later Ava finishes up her breakfast and Max looks even more overwhelmed by the kids and Maria. Now switching off as they rapidly told him everything.

Ava stands up, hooking her arm through Maria’s and dragging her with her into the kitchen.

“Thanks Ava.” Max calls out settling back onto the couch and pulling Sarah to the other side of him so he was in the middle.

Maria for the most part was shocked at Ava’s action, her mouth hanging open as the smaller and pregnant woman dragged her out of the room. Once in the kitchen Ava drops Maria’s arm and goes to wash her bowl and spoon.

Ignoring the shape-shifter who was hidden behind the newspaper.

“What’d you do that for Ava?” Maria demanded trying not to let her temper get the better of her for being manhandled.

“Ria, he hasn’t seen his kids in…too long. You can catch up with Max once they’re all in bed. Let the kids spend some time with their dad okay? He’ll be here for a whole week.”

The newspaper rumbled as the figure behind it chuckled.

“Right. I just got…excited for a second. I haven’t seen Girlfriend in a long time either.” Maria pouted.

The newspaper fell to the table as Kal dropped it in favor of nursing his side as he laughed,

“Girlfriend!? Oh, what a riot.”

Maria’s pout turns to a glare before she spins her back to him asking Ava, “Why is he still here?”

Ava shrugs looking beyond Maria to an amused Kal who was picking his paper up to finish the funnies. “Good question. Maybe fearless leader will be able to get an answer outta him.”

“Michael sure couldn’t and I don’t think Alex cared all that much.”

Ava just laughed, “I think Michael had other things he was worried about.” She quirked an eyebrow towards Maria and Kal snorted behind his paper.

Huffing Maria fled the kitchen commenting about Ava being the pregnant one. She paused in the doorway of the family room looking at Max perfectly at ease with a blissful smile on his face. One arm around Sarah as they both listened to David’s tell them about getting to play catch with Uncle Michael because Adam and Ben wouldn’t play with him and now him and Max could play all day.

“I can’t wait son.”


“I’m in charge now that Max’s gone. I’m da King.”

Kyle snorted at Zan’s indignant facial features and his tone.

“No way. “ Michael shook his head furiously, “I’m Second in Command.”

Alex rolled his eyes pulling out his PDA and opening a program figuring they’d be at this for a while longer.

“Yeah, Second to the King. Me.” Zan pointed at his chest.

Michael laughed, “You? You’re the rejects, the duplicates, faulting wiring remember?” Zan’s nostrils flare in anger, “I’ll show you faulting wiring.”

He held out a hand his fingertips already dancing with electricity. Michael held up his hand ready to defend himself when suddenly their argument was interrupted.

“What the hell are you two doing?” Isabel demanded, hands on her hips expectantly waiting for some explanation.

“Guys, what’s this about?” Liz tried a bit calmer than Isabel deciding it couldn’t be too bad if Alex was playing on his gadgets and Kyle was laughing at them.

Under the stare of both Liz and Isabel Zan mumbled something under his breath.

“What was that?” Isabel asked trying to hold up the facade of anger and not giggle.

Alex cleared his throat, “He said they were trying to pick captains for the football game.”

“Football?” Liz asked wrinkling her eyebrows.

“Captains?” Isabel asked in disbelief.

“Touch football actually. Wussies don’t want to risk a game of tackle.” Kyle huffed.

“Unbelievable!” Isabel threw her hands up in exasperation.

Liz couldn’t help but laugh a little, “Guys, this is the third time in a week. You hardly ever even play football when Max is here. I don’t get it?”

This time it was Michael who was mumbling.

“Huh? Sorry Michael, I don’t understand grunts and mumbles.” Isabel remarked an impatient hand finding itself back on her waist.

“He said,” Alex drawled out handing over the PDA so it wouldn’t get broken in the duration of the game knowing that despite Kyle’s complaints at some point it would turn into a game of tackle football.

“We don’t play when Max is here because Max and Kyle team up and kick every one else’s ass.”

“I didn’t say that.” Michael grunted out crossing his arms over his chest.

Kyle smirked, “It was something along those lines. Whitman’s right. Evans and me kick ass so none of these babies ever wanna play us.”

“More like kiss ass…” Zan smirked picking up the forgotten football and tossing it to Michael who caught it easily.

Suddenly the door behind them opened and Jefferies joined them followed by a dozen or so other troops dressed in their football gear.

Isabel smile, “See we thought it would come to this and decided to invite some others to play with you guys.”

Liz nodded in approval, “Jefferies and Peterson are team captains. End of story.” She headed back for the main building.

Isabel glared at the four men in front of her, “Bring one spec of dirt into that compound again and none of you will sleep for the next month without dreams of each other haunting you.”

She spun quickly her hair following the movement as she caught up with Liz.

Liz held out her hand and Isabel gave her the twenty with a sigh, “How’d you know it’d be football?”

Chuckling she pocketed her money from their bet, “Serena and I busted them this morning for basketball. And they played baseball yesterday.”

She nodded remembering how ridiculous some of them had looked with baseball caps on. “It’s a wonder we ever get any work done here.”

Shrugging Liz held open the door to head quarters for Isabel, “They’re just letting some steam off. Besides this way they’re not arguing about who gets to be in charge in here.”

Isabel beamed, “That’s cause they all know we’re in charge.” Liz returned the smile sinking into a chair across from Isabel and helping her go through the details that Max was so focused upon recently, trying to find the flaw in Khivar’s strategy.


artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories