2023 (CC, Mature) Part 55, 4/23 [WIP]

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2023 (CC, Mature) Part 55, 4/23 [WIP]

Post by starcrazed »

A world of thanks to singerchic4 for the rockin' banner!
Title: 2023
Author: starcrazed
Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN
Category: CC
Rating: Mature
Summary: Liz bought them more time but the world is still ending in 2023. Isabel has a plan to go back, changing everything that happens after 'Destiny' hoping it will give the Roswellians the edge needed to stop the end of the world and get that happily ever after ending.

Thank you everyone for this gift:


Inside Granilith Chamber 2023

“Damn it! She warned us this was going to happen. Why didn’t we listen to her? Eight more years than what we had before isn’t enough it’s still…”

“The end of the world. Don’t you think I know that Isabel. Hell, I imagine it’s worse this time around especially since we knew it was coming and couldn’t stop it.”

“We have to fix this. We have to change it!”

“Max tried to fix it before. He only made it worse. Why do you think we’ll do any better?”

“Because damn it Michael we have to. Listen, Max was the only one left with Liz in that timeline. You know how they are, besides that Max lacked so much knowledge. I think I know when he should have gone back.”

“You think? Iz, even I know Max couldn’t have gone back to stop the shooting. He may have been able to break her heart, but he would never let her die.”

“No Michael, that’s not it. I agree it’s the shooting that leads to everything else, but we need that. Max needs Liz as much as you need Maria as much as I’ve needed…”


“Yeah, Michael it’s not fair, more then that it’s not right. God help me, but this isn’t how it’s supposed to be. This is not our destiny.”

Michael scowled at the desperate woman before him,

“You…you want us to follow all that crap Tess fed us? Are you insane?”

“No! That’s not what I meant and there isn’t enough time to explain.”

Just then the whole chamber shook and the two fell to the floor. Loud explosions could be heard outside.

“Khivar will be here soon. I need you to trust me Michael, more than ever before.”

“I trust you with my life Iz. You know that.”

“Fed me your energy. All of it.”

“Isabel that will kill you.”

“The Granilith isn’t here and you’re the only one connected directly to it. You have to give me the energy to go back.”

“What the hell are you going to do Iz?”

“I’ll give us the answers we need to live happily ever after.”

“What if there is no happily ever after for us?”

She glared at him knowing it was only the years of seeing his dreams destroyed that left him so pessimistic,

“You know what Maria would say if she was here. Michael, I need you to believe we can fix this.”

The empty chamber shakes again as Michael nods and reaches for Isabel’s hand. Their connection roars to life and the two ignore the images that fly past for the thousandth time in this life.

Images of happiness, peace, love, grief, violence, war, and death, far too much death. The Granilith is farther away from them than ever before, but both are determined enough to make this work.

Michael feels the energy first. It surges through his veins and he realizes this is most likely their last attempt to jump into the past and rearrange all their lives.

Isabel’s plan also flashes through his mind and he smiles for the first time in years. Maybe there is still hope for them. All of them.

As Isabel dissolves Michael falls to the floor zapped of all power, all strength.

The chamber rattles for a third time and shortly after Michael hears voices from outside. It doesn’t matter though because he can already feel the shift. Time travel is funny like that. Old memories altered or disappeared altogether, new memories took their place.

Before the Michael of 2023 faded from existence forever, it was the quiet outside he noticed. And a rarity occurred as Michael Guerin smiled again before his reality ceased to exist completely and he was gone forever.


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AN: Words in ~Italic~ characters thoughts, dreams, or flashes.

Part 2

The town of Roswell was asleep as the lightening shot through the sky. No one noticed the lone figure appear inside the Crashdown after the flash of light. None of the sleeping citizens in the alien crazed town realized how their lives were about to be altered.


Isabel opened her eyes slowly as she readjusted in the new timeline.

Immediately her eyes filled with tears as she took in the Crashdown. It had been ages since it was lost in an explosion by the Skins, taking far to many of their loved ones with it.

She let a few tears fall as the thought of all their parents and the small, helpless, innocent children, too young to know they were the first causalities in a war they had nothing to do with.

The Crashdown was closed. Isabel looked around for a calendar to see if she and Michael had landed her at the time they needed.

As quietly as she can she heads towards the stairs and Liz’s room. When she gets there Liz’s room is empty. The calendar at the desk tells her it’s May of 2000. Isabel starts to smile in relief then stops.

A lot happened in May. Max could be in the white room. Liz might already be in Florida. Isabel swore as she sat down on Liz’s bed to think.

~Come on Iz. You can do this. I can’t see past self. I don’t trust Tess or Nacedo. Hell, Valenti might not even know yet. Who should I go to first? ~

There were so many different parts to her plan; if she changed one thing too soon she would disappear before she had the chance to really set it all up and actually save the world.

She wanted to keep as many people out of this as possible, but she knew it would take more than the actions of one individual. That’s part of the reason Future Max got it so wrong. Little Lizzie Parker’s actions albeit noble and brave just weren’t enough.

She climbed down the balcony ladder and headed towards Michael’s. Sure he was the most paranoid, but he was the better choice between him and Max. For now at least.

At this point in their lives Michael was the one who was determined to protect them at any costs. Whenever it was in May, she knew this added worry might send Max over the edge; Michael would deal, he was the protector after all. And even though 23 years stood between them he would recognize the same need she had to protect them.

There were no lights on and Isabel didn’t bother to knock as she let herself in to the darken apartment. Its emptiness did little to reassure her. She saw the newspaper and snatched it up scanning for a date. “Shit.”

May 31st 2000, that meant her plan had to be readjusted, but that’s okay because she was sure it wasn’t too late yet. It was still the beginning of summer. Sure all of their lives had taken a drastic turn recently, but it was nothing compared to what they would begin to face starting the next school year.

Isabel heard the footsteps and debated a minute whether to hide or not. Before she had decided what her best option was Michael walked in. He flipped on the lights and saw the intruder. He raised his hand in defense.

“Who the hell…Isabel?” Dropping his hand slightly he looked at her.

She watched as he studied her. From her combat boots to her dark jeans and leather top. She noticed his confusion at her short blonde hair. She shrugged at him. She wasn’t about to explain it was easier to deal with during the war. It was when he squinted at her face harder that she knew she was in trouble. Raising his hand back up,

“You’re not Isabel”

She sighed, but was expecting nothing less.

“Michael, I need you to listen to me. I can explain, but can you please put your hand down?”

The last thing she needed was to get blasted before she had changed anything.

“Why should I? You’re one of our enemies aren’t you?”

Isabel started off as calmly as she could, but it didn’t last very long,

“Look, I traveled a very long way to get here. To help you. To save Max and Liz, the Valenti’s, Maria and Alex. For one minutes can you just not act before you think and let me SAVE THE WORLD!”

By the end of her rant years of war and death, years of pain and suffering broke free and a very mature, adult Isabel found herself on the floor of Michael’s apartment sobbing hysterically.

Despite his lifetime habit of distrust, he knelt beside this grown woman familiar and yet strange all at once and pulled her into his arms.

Michael took a deep breath to calm himself, inhaling a scent that was purely Izzie and that was enough to convince him, but the former Ice Queen was a mess of emotions and couldn’t help the tide of flashes that hit Michael proving the fact that she was indeed Isabel Evans.

Breaking out of the pods*Getting adopted by the Evans* Finding Michael again at school*Confronting Max after the shooting.*Liz and Maria standing up to them, not letting them leave town* A dream-walk with Alex* Saving Michael’s life with the healing stones.* The pregnancy scare*Destiny Message*Liz running down the side of the Pod Chamber away from Max*

Most of these he recognized. The ones that followed almost had Michael sobbing with her.

*Discovering the Granilith.*The Skins in Roswell*Prom*Alex’s Death*Isabel grieving, seeing Alex’s spirit after his death*Tess’s Betrayal *Isabel’s Wedding*Baby Zan*Years on the run*An explosion at the Crashdown*Kyle’s broken body*A meeting of some sort*The world’s greatest cities in ruins*Humans in camps isolated form their families, working against their will for Khivar.*Lack of natural resources*Ships in the sky, monitoring Earth*Max and Liz captured*Their funeral with empty graves*Constant mind attacks by Khivar*A woman reaching out to the Granilith, her eyes turn black and then back to the golden brown of Isabel’s*Maria’s death*An inconsolable Michael*Further destruction to Earth*An explosion of two planets*Michael and Isabel in the empty Granilith Chamber before she dissolves.*

The raw emotions from the flashes were too much for him as he pulled away finally.

“Isabel, what was that?”

Slowly, Isabel pulled herself together. She looked into the eyes of her husband in another lifetime on another planet, her brother in two others, but always her friend.

“The future, if we don’t change it, your future.”

Last edited by starcrazed on Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:40 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Part 3

Michael stared at Future Isabel like she was crazy.

“I’m not sure where to start with the questions.”

Isabel cut him off,

“Michael where are the others right now. It’s been a while so I’ll need you to catch me up.”

“Well, ah, Liz ran off to hide in Florida, everybody else is in Roswell still, well except Kyle.”

Isabel couldn’t help but grin, “I meant more like emotionally.”

He gazed blankly at her for a few minutes.

“Oh…um… well, Tess is pestering everyone about ‘Destiny.’ Max locks himself in his room brooding over Liz. Kyle is at football camp probably confused like the Sheriff. Isabel…you…eh you know what I mean. You and I both want Max to step up and start acting like the leader. Alex is following you are like a lost puppy dog begging for scraps. Maria’s more obnoxious then Tess with all the damn phone calls. More effective then Tess too though… ah don’t tell her I said that.”

Isabel smiled a little, jealous of her past self and all the pain she had yet and would hopefully never experience. Isabel lost in thought shook herself out of it deciding to start with the most basic and pressing matters.

“Michael, I’m from 2023, in my timeline Khivar, he’s the man who killed us in our last life up on Antar, our planet. Anyway in my timeline, he destroyed two smaller planets with the Granilith in our Five Star System. Then he comes to Earth for resources and tie up loose ends; us.

Michael already had questions.

“Your timeline? Five Star System? Granilith?

Isabel stopped him. “Just let me finish.” She waited for his nod and then started the lengthy tale.

“Just because they are aliens and provide us with answers doesn’t make them good guys, nor does it mean all the crap they are feeding us is true. Nasedo and Tess have a plan for her to get pregnant by Max and go home. Khivar would have killed the three of us, probably Tess too after baby Zan was born.”

Isabel ignored Michael’s gaping look and rushed on,

“More than half the stuff they told us was complete bull. We aren’t the Royal Four, not in this lifetime or any other. We are supposed to produce the Royal Four.”

“Is that why Max and Tess and then you and I are…”

“Ew god no. Our mothers were cousins. We’re related. On Antar we married to protect me from Khivar. Too late did we realize we weren’t supposed to do that because we eliminated the chance for children. Ava…well Tess…was Max’s choice in that last lifetime because they had grown up together and he trusted her. Ava was Larek’s sister and the alliance with their planet to ours was supposed to ensure our safety.”

With Michael’s questioning look Isabel tried to explain it better,

“Larek was the ruler of Antar’s sister planet. He was also a close friend to Zan.”

“The baby?” Isabel had to laugh.

“No, Zan was Max’s name on Antar, Tess was Ava, you were Rath and I was Vilandra. The three other planets formed an alliance led by Khivar; they hoped to overthrow Antar and Tarian’s kings. Antar was the most powerful planet because it housed the Granilith closely followed by Tarian because it had valuable resources for the entire star system.

Khivar was greedy and didn’t want the Granilith on Antar. He felt it was too far from the other planets, plus Antar’s alliance with Tarian gave the two planets a natural advantage over the other planets. At first Khivar just wanted to add soldiers from the other three planets to help become part of the Guardians, protectors of the Granilith, but he quickly grew much more ambitious.

Anyways, the three of us, Max, you and myself, were Antarian Royals. The Granilith is a very powerful, dangerous relic. It chose Zan, to follow as King once our father died. For generations the Granilith had chosen descendants of the Zanderian line because our ancestor Zando was the first fair and just king Antar had in centuries that ruled in peace. For the most part since then all those of the Zanderian line have had peaceful reigns.”

Seeing that Michael was still following their complex history up on Antar Isabel continued,

“Rath became protector of not only the King, but more importantly the Granilith. Rath because he himself was a Royal this was an unprecedented event in the history of the Five Star System. It led to the prophecy of the Royal Four. The Granilith is connected to all of us, but only you can tap into that connection directly. Rath would have children that are protectors of the Granilith and King. Twins, who would be capable of yielding all of the Granilith’s power. Supposedly, Zan and Vilandra would each have a child thus completing the Royal Four.

Basically that’s what was supposed to happen up on Antar, but plans never seem to work out how they’re meant too. Eventually, Khivar was able to kill us all and we were engineered with the human DNA and sent here. On Earth we are to hopefully produce those precious children we never got a chance to on Antar leading to centuries of peace and an alliance with Earth.

Until we have those kids, the three of us are able to use the Granilith to protect ourselves and Earth.”

Neither of them had noticed that the sun had risen, nor had they heard the footsteps that approached the door, but the both heard the door slowly shoved open. Michael and Isabel raised their arms, from Isabel’s shot a bluish purple shield,


Last edited by starcrazed on Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Part 4

Maria gazed curiously at the pair. Isabel finally broke the silence.

“How much did you hear?”

“Enough to be more than a little confused and definitely close to freaking out…Vilandra? And when did you get your hair cut Isabel, I saw you last night and it wasn’t that short.”

Isabel thought for a moment. She could lie, but it was the lies and half truths that torn them apart. Besides if she didn’t tell Maria the truth she would run off babbling about her appearance to everyone. She decided bluntness was the way to go,

“In 2012, after the first attack. Maria I’m from the future.”

At the doubtful look from Maria, Isabel groans and looks towards Michael,

“I have to go. Catch her up and I’ll be back later tonight.”

She gave them both a very serious look it was stern and pleading at the same time,

“Don’t tell anyone about me. It’s vital that no one else knows I’m here yet.”

Michael was still in a semi state of shock and barely managed to shake himself out of it as she was about to close the door behind her,

“Where the hell are you going?”

Isabel looked back over her shoulder at the very distraught Michael.

“To find an old friend.”

And she shut the door softly leaving Maria sniffing at her cedar oil while Michael ran a frustrated hand through his hair pondering where to begin.


Isabel took the long way to her destination using side streets to avoid the few people who were starting to wake up and her younger self who might be out running.

By the time she got across town, it was a more decent hour, still early, but surely the human guardian would understand the necessity of this meeting.

She climbed the steps to the porch of the small house she had grown accustomed to just barging into during emergencies. The place was where war councils were held in the early days. Where they gathered to mourn the dead and celebrate births.

She sighed as she raised her hand to knock briefly wondering how this alone would change so much of their lives.

Out of habit she scanned the area waiting as the movement inside grew closer to the door. She fleetingly wondered if it would be better to be disguised as her younger self, but the locks were already opening.

Isabel braced herself not sure if she was even ready to face this.

“Hello? Oh… you’re Isabel right?”

Slowly Izzie nodded amazed at how different she looked 23 years younger, so full of life and happiness, sure there was sorrow in her eyes and she was hardened by her life struggles thus far, but it was much less obvious now than it would become.

Isabel didn’t miss the instant glimmer of panic either, but that she completely understood. She was about to suck in another person headlong into the Alien Abyss, one who long ago escaped or at least thought they did, but it was unavoidable.

Realizing the woman was staring at her waiting for some sort of answer Isabel smiled softly and greeted her.

“Good Morning. I’m really sorry for what I’m about to do and I’m so grateful for what you’ve done for us and what you will do for us. And I know you thought you would have more time, but we need to contact Serena…”

She paused as the woman paled and swayed slightly.

“We need her to train us to fight the Skins and we need her to bring Ava. Please, I know it’s a lot to ask almost too much, but the world depends on it.”

Isabel noticed the plea in her voice. She wasn’t surprised by it; she was in reality that desperate. Isabel looked into the woman’s eyes knowing all she did about her and prayed to a God she hardly believed in any more to let her plan work. To let this woman once again open her heart and home to them despite all the knowledge she had. To once again put her own life in danger and this time her family’s as well.

She stepped back opening the door wider for Isabel allowing her entrance. Isabel smiled brightly,

“Thank you Ms. DeLuca.”

She returned the smile,

“Isabel…please call me Amy.”

Last edited by starcrazed on Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Part 5

It was hours later that Isabel arrived back at Michael’s apartment. Hope shined in her eyes; for the first time she really had no doubt in her plan.

She quietly let herself back in, knowing Michael and Maria were both at work now. Exhausted from years of battle and months of improper sleep Isabel passed out on the couch waiting for them to return.

~She could fell him mocking her in her own dreams. She pushed him down and locked him away. It was easier now that she was in another timeline. Once Khivar was locked deep within her it was the phantom children that danced through her dreams. Teasing her or perhaps leading her, Isabel wasn’t sure, but she nonetheless smiled at the children who would one day be so important.~


At the Crashdown both Michael and Maria were having quite a day.

Michael was being himself only this time his grunts and harsh mannerisms were even more standoffish then usual because of all that Isabel had told him. Along with those thoughts he realized that despite his best efforts Maria was now back in danger because of who he was.

He supposed it didn’t matter if they were together or not; their lives were alreadyl so interconnected. They would all need each other in the future too. It would actually be better if he could keep her close providing her with his protection.

Besides a part of him was hopeful that these kids he was suppose to have would be his and Maria’s children. He couldn’t imagine anyone but the beautiful, fiercely loyal, and protective pixie being the mother to his children.

He was startled out of his thoughts by the Hurricane herself when he heard her petrified shriek. He looked up to find Isabel, Alex, and Tess walking into the café.

Michael attempt to control the wave of revulsion that rolled over him and it took an enormous effort to keep his hand down and not blast Tess into a thousand tiny pieces.

Then he realized he needed to intercept Maria who was not having as much success in holding back.

Maria flung herself at Alex and was openly weeping for the loss of her friend.

“Ria, what’s wrong?”

Realizing he wasn’t going to get a comprehendible answer through all the sobs Alex settled for trying to comfort his oldest friend.

“It’s okay Ria, I’m right here. It’s okay, whatever it is, it will be fine.”

As Maria looked up she acknowledged Tess for the first time, instantly starting to close in on her.

The three watched in shock as Michael swooped in and grabbed the small girl around the waist and dragged her back into the kitchen.

Isabel and Alex merely shook their heads at the antics of the two as they headed for their usual booth.

Tess’s gaze remained on the swinging door once they had disappeared behind it. A trace of disapproval marring her face before she went to join Alex and Isabel.

In the back Maria was twisting herself and yelling to get free from the barbaric ways of her on-again off-again boyfriend. Michael really couldn’t stop what happen next. She was so close and he had always loved when she got all worked up. It was only natural for him to lean down and shut her up with a kiss.

The flashed hit them both almost at once. A montage of their moments together and life before they met flew past their closed eyes.

*Breaking out of the pod*Maria’s dad leaving*A friendship with Liz and Alex*Finding Max and Isabel again*Hank’s abuse*Maria’s sadness with Michael’s stonewalls*Michael’s struggle to stay away*Both of their hate for ‘destiny’*Maria’s absolute joy when Michael shared with her what Future Isabel had said *Michael coming to her during the heat wave*Visits to the eraser room*A napkin holder*Michael saying he loves her and walking away*Maria wiping at Michael’s tears as he comes in from the rain*Maria being pissed off she didn’t get to say she loves him back*Finally, Michael’s thoughts of Maria and children *

They broke away and stared at each other Maria in shock and awe by Michael’s openness and love for her; Michael in wonder at Maria’s hard held belief in him as a person and her depth of love for him imperfections and all.

He was the first to shake his mind back to reality.

“Maria, we can’t react, not until we know everything from Iz, Future Iz…you know what I mean. We have to act like nothing has changed.”

As she was about to interrupt he hurried to finish,

“Look I know it sucks and will be one of the hardest things either of us has to do, keeping this from everyone, but it’s for our safety. The whole group is safe right now as long as we act like nothing has happened. Okay?”

Maria looked up into his dark brown eyes filled with so many emotions: fear, worry, doubt, anger, but about all that was love for her and faith in Isabel. His eyes told her so much when he couldn’t; she would take a leap and trust his instinct on this.

“Alright Spaceboy, but if the gerbil so much as looks at Alex the wrong way…”

She trailed off not knowing exactly what she would do to the girl, but knowing he understood and agreed.

She went back to serve the masses after planting a brief kiss to Michael’s lips. He watched her skip back off to the people as he turned back towards the kitchen.

It was hours later before they finished closing up for their night and went back to his apartment where they were greeted by the sight of a sleeping Isabel.

Last edited by starcrazed on Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:19 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Part 6

Isabel jumped off the couch, as soon a Maria’s hand was an inch from touching her.

Startled, Maria jumped back, “Sorry Isabel, I didn’t mean too…” she trailed off not exactly sure what it was she’d done.

Her emerald green eyes searched Isabel’s face for some clue. She watched in amazement as it morphed from a mask of caution and awareness to almost relaxed relief.

“It’s okay Ria, just habit with the war and all.”

Maria grinned at the use of her nickname.

“So we saw you, Alex, and the gerbil today,” she had the grace to blush as she continued; “Michael had to stop me from attacking her.”

Both Michael and Maria were shocked as Isabel burst out into hysterical laughter clutching her side as she slide to the floor.

“Sorry I was just remembering. Anyway I stopped by our…ah… guardians today. She’s going to contact me when Serena and Ava get here.”

At their blank looks Isabel remembered she hadn’t explained this far before Maria had interrupted them earlier. Isabel decided she would have to continue with her explanation, revealing part of her intricate plan.

“You both know what was ideally suppose to happen, but before we even found Serena last time Alex was murdered, Tess sacrificed her life, and we assumed Ava was gone too. In this life Serena is our teacher. She was sent with us release our stronger powers that were blocked for our own safety as children and then show us how to harness them.

Serena is Max and my sister. Up on Antar she was younger then us, much younger actually almost ten years. Despite this her and Rath were inseparable as friends. Everyone always thought that they would fall in love and end up together, but Rath felt the same way about her as Michael does about me. Brotherly. Besides they were cousins. A fact most Antarians seemed to forget. Rath, just like you, Michael, is extremely protective of those he loves, of his family.”

Isabel was about to continue until she noticed Maria fidgeting in her seat. It was the same reaction her Maria had in their lifetime when they found out all about Serena.

“Maria, don’t worry. Rath and Serena never would have happened even if we weren’t killed prematurely, just as much as Michael and Serena won’t happen here. Future Michael and I had a discussion about it once…after you were gone. She’s far too much like me for him to even briefly consider going there and…”

Michael decided he could explain the part he already knew, even if he hadn’t met Serena in this lifetime yet. He took Maria’s hand, “And despite my best efforts, you’re already firmly set behind my stone walls, so deeply embedded in my own skin sometimes it scares me because I don’t know where I end and you begin.”

Maria gave him a watery smile, “I love you too, Spaceboy.”

Isabel gave them a moment and turned away reflecting on how much she truly hated Khivar for taking Maria away from her brother, he was never the same after she was lost. Seeing their attention focused back on her she continued sharing what she knew about Serena.

“The way they set up the pods she’s actually older then us here on Earth by three years. She’s on the East coat with the other set.”

“Other set of what?”

Isabel looked at Maria and for the first time in this past she appreciated how really naïve they were back then. With that thought all she could really do was sigh as she lauched into further details about their background.

“Pods, the Antarians made two sets of pods. The other set were a failsafe, back up really. The Antarians made a mistake with the other set’s personality traits. They were distorted and seemed to lack certain sympathy for humans. It’s part of why Tess doesn’t fit in with us. Nasedo twisted her genes as a child to make her like the others. They are for lack of a better term truly alien. Well, at least Lonnie and Rath were. We never actually met Zan because they had killed him. Ava was as different from them as Tess was from us. Liz said so anyway.

By the time the rest of us started to search for Ava, it was too late. She had disappeared off the face of the Earth. Not literally, at least we don’t think so. I don’t know if you guys will be able to trust Tess. Part of me likes to think if we had Serena and Ava around earlier they could have fixed her wiring, but that will be up to you guys since I will have disappeared by then. Hopefully."

Michael suddenly shot up from his seat, “What the hell do you mean disappear?” He ran a hand through his hair in frustration and began pacing.

“Calm down Michael. Once we start to change events, my history won’t exists so therefore neither will the future I’ve come from and ultimately who I am.”

At Maria’s sadden look she hurried to comfort the girl, “Believe me Maria, I’ve accepted it. More than that it’s all I have to live for now, because it means a better future at least that’s the goal.”

“So what’s your great plan to save the world?”

The warrior princess turned towards Michael. He was far from the strategic war general she left behind. A man ravaged by battles, scars that ran so much deeper than skin.

She knew this Michael, despite what he may portray to the world, still had dreams and a hope that they would come true. Isabel even knew Maria was in a lot of those dreams no matter how much he tried to deny that at times.

“It’s not such a drastic event like Future Max’s to get Max and Liz to fall out of love,” she waved off their questioning looks and continued,

“I want to set up a better situation for you guys so you’ll be able to defeat Khivar and the rest of your enemies when they show up. And believe me they will show up. In both lifetimes Khivar comes to Earth the only difference really was when and the amount of damage he was able to create.

The plan requires tweaking many little things. That’s why it has to be done carefully because even the smallest change could affect the future enough so that I cease to exist, but the world still ends.

As I started out to say, I went to see our guardian today, no I’m not going to tell you who it is; she will when she's ready. But the guardian knows the entire plan in case I can’t set it all up before I disappear. The guardian has agreed to contact Serena, who hopefully will bring Ava and Zan with her.”

At the knock at the door Isabel ran to the bathroom.

“Maria!!! I know your in there. Amy said so and Liz mentioned it when she called. Michael, let me in!”

Michael swung the door open cutting Alex short and pulling him in by the collar. He shut the door and sealed it with his powers.

“What the hell Whitman?”

Alex looked at the menacing alien and merely shrugged,

“I want to know what is going on. I’m sick of all the division and mistrust between our group. We are stronger when we’re being honest with each other. I don’t care what it is or who it was that swore you to secrecy, but I need to help. I’m not going to sit by as the reliable, goofy Alex and not do anything as I watch my friends struggle to stay afloat. Whatever it is, it’s so much bigger than the two of you and it’s not fair for you to have to deal with it by yourselves. So tell me and let me help you.”

Michael didn’t know it was possible for anyone besides Maria to say that much in one breath. Once that shock wore off, the depth of friendship he had found in Alex awed him. Maria merely smiled at her friend’s antics, proud of his unwavering loyalty to stand by them no matter what.

Alex didn’t have time to mull over their reactions because a moment later the sobs from the bathroom drew his attention.

He walked over and pushed the door open carefully.

Words could not describe how he felt when he saw the battle scared emotionally broken Isabel, sitting on the floor her body shaking with sobs as tears streamed from her beautiful brown eyes.

Alex’s thought process and actions that followed was instantaneous. Isabel is in pain. Not acceptable. Fix it. As he dropped to the floor beside her and wrapped his arms around her.


The world seemed to stop. Not in the bad, no more life way that Isabel was use to experiencing, but as in nothing else in the world matters except that moment. Not even the threatening apocalypse.

She could feel Alex’s arm protectively holding her, his strong body solidly shielding her. For that brief moment she allowed herself to forget her burden and dismissed the fact that the number of people who knew of her existence in this time line was steadily increasing.

Isabel allowed herself to indulge for a moment forgetting that she was here to save the world, ignoring the fact that she was an alien princess turned warrior. For that moment she was just Isabel Evans a girl that loved a boy and never got to live a normal life with him, or any life for that matter.

Alex Whitman was here and alive. The boy she loved since the first dream-walk. She wanted to knock some sense into her younger self, but that wouldn't really save the world. Her world sure, but not Earth. Hopefully her actions would give her younger self the time she never got to love Alex as he deserved.

Future Isabel had taken enough time as she slowly regained her composure. She had long moved past her Ice Queen persona with these three, but that didn’t mean she had to be a sobbing mess either.

“Thank you Alex.” She summoned the strength to give him a wavering smile as she watched the confusion fill his crystal clear gaze, such knowing hazel eyes should never be that baffled.

“I suppose introductions are in order. I’m Isabel. Not your Isabel though, I’m from the future. I’ve come to change all your lives which will hopefully save the world.”

She cautiously watched as Alex’s gazed refocused and he took in all that she said. He slowly started to nod his head, holding out his hand he offered a smile of his own.

“Alexander Charles Whitman circa 2000 at your service. My lady.”

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Part 7

Isabel emerged from the bathroom after freshening up to find an oddly silent group.

“Michael why don’t you order us some food. Maria and I can get Alex caught up.”

He nodded and went for the phone in the kitchen as the other three settled in on the couch.

Hours later, it was Alex who broke the silence as Michael reached for the last cold slice of pizza.

“Wow. That’s just…wow. You think we could pull all that off?”

“Yeah Iz, Alex has a point most of the stuff you want us to work on you guys managed in a time span of what eight years probably. You were all more adept at you powers and more experienced at life in general.”

“And some of that stuff never even came up in your time line since the gerbil was dead and Ava was out of the picture.”

Isabel knew they would doubt it, not necessarily doubt her plan, but because they lacked so much faith in themselves it was inevitable that they would think they couldn’t do something like this.

“I know it won’t be easy. You’re right you are so much younger and lack experience, but you can do it. Together, as long as you all work together you can accomplish anything.

Trust me, I know how corny that sounds, but I’ve seen it when we’re together, supporting each other, backing each other up, believing in each other we can do the impossible.

It’s like Alex said, when we’re honest and open with each other there’s no way we fail. It’s when we keep secrets from each other and hide things from everyone, even for their own good that the group falls apart and everything goes to hell.”

Ever the general Michael started, “So how do we work this, obviously as soon as we set off part of your plan the future will be altered so you won’t exist. What part can’t we do by ourselves that we need you for.”

“Nothing, everything I’ve told you guys to do can be done by yourselves once Serena gets here. I have something else I need to do, but I won’t leave until Serena shows up and I know you guys will be safe.”

“Are you going to tell us what you’re going to do?”

Alex couldn’t help it. He knew she was more than capable of taking care of herself but he still wanted to protect her, to help her if he could. It didn't seem to matter what version of Isabel it was, he still needed to protect her.

Isabel looked at their three questioning expressions. She could tell them part of what she was going to do, but not the other. Nicholas was one scary monster.

Sure Khivar was the enemy who killed them before and was responsible for the end of the world in her life, but it was his brother, Nicholas who actually scared them all. He killed for the pleasure of it all. Fear to him was fun. The more pain the victim experienced the better in his eyes. Khivar was motivated by greed and power so he killed quickly. Nicholas thrived on his victims’ screams.

He was the one behind the explosion at the Crashdown that ended so many of their loved one’s lives. It was Nicholas who laughed in their face when they found Kyle’s body. It was Nicholas who had tortured Max and Liz for weeks before allowing them to starve to death to weakened to even attempt to escape. In the end it was Nicholas who turned Michael’s heart to stone when he ended Maria’s life.

It would be Isabel who ended his life in this timeline before he had a chance to even meet any of the people he killed so mercilessly before.

“I’m gonna check out Tess. See if it’s even worth Serena and Ava’s efforts to undue Nasedo’s modifications.”

They watched Isabel as she stood, all three suspecting she wasn’t telling them everything but knowing that they trusted her.

“I know you hate this but you have to act like normal…”

“…teenage kids, hide in plain sight?” Michael scowled as he cut off Isabel’s directions. Maria smiled in amusement.

Isabel too had to laugh at the familiar displeasure with Michael hatred towards Max’s passive view.

“Well that too, but I was going to say act like you still are distancing yourself from Maria to protect her, Alex keep up the friend act with Isabel. I love you; she loves you. We just… she needs time okay?” She finished in a whisper scared that it was asking to much of him.

Alex nodded and Maria rushed in with her own question, “What about me?”

“Last time you pestered Michael a lot with phone calls he wouldn’t return.” Michael smirked when Maria huffed in annoyance.

"You became pretty close with Max too since both of the loves of your lives were avoiding you. Stick with that, but remember it’s vital that you get Liz home. Max won’t be any use to you guys until she gets her butt back her and follows her heart.”

Maria dragged Alex away as they said goodbye. As soon as the door closed Michael grabbed Isabel’s arm as she made her way towards the door.

“What aren’t you telling us?”

Isabel sighed, he always could read her especially towards the end. She shook her head. They weren’t the same person. Isabel thought of all that she wasn’t telling him; all the little details she had left out that would surely destroy them if they knew what they would go through if they didn’t change things.

She halfheartedly tried to dissuade him, “Michael it’s nothing you have to worry about.”

“Iz, please don’t. I need to know everything to protect them all.”

Isabel sighed he couldn’t protect them from Nicholas, not now anyways. He wasn’t strong enough yet. She didn’t know if she was, but she at least had a chance.

She quickly considered what to tell him to get Michael off her back. Remembering what she had felt before she arrived in this new timeline,

“Before I got here, when Michael connected to me and used his connection with the Granilith, I got this really strong feeling that the Granilith wouldn’t let us go back again in order to save our future.”

Michael grimly nodded, not realizing that was hardly the most vital thing Isabel was keeping from him.

“We better not screw this up than.”


For the next three days, Michael perfected the art of ignoring Maria.

Maria herself was so caught up in befriending Max and pestering Liz to come home, she almost didn’t notice. Almost.

Alex kept to his word and hung out with Isabel. Silently supporting her as she struggled to come to terms with her ‘destiny.’ He was also working on finding the locations of the other Skin camps like Isabel had suggested.

The three were careful not to interact with each other especially in front of others.

Meanwhile, at the Pod Chamber Isabel was resting up for her upcoming confrontation with Nicholas. Part of her practice was trying to get into Tess’s head to see if she could be turned back towards their side.

It was a difficult task since Tess also had strong mental powers and would be able to tell if someone was creeping around in her mind.

The last thing Isabel wanted was to get her younger self in trouble with Tess. After hours of trying, she finally managed to get into Tess’s subconscious.

Isabel was less then pleased with what she uncovered. However she was not surprised by it. She slowly back peddled from Tess’s thoughts.

Just before she was all the way out she hesitated. It was brief, but she caught a glimmer. The brief glance installed a fear in her so deep she had never felt it before. Not when Alex was killed, not when her brother was dead, not when Maria was murdered and Michael left her for days.

Inside Tess was a horror much more terrible then what Isabel herself had experienced. Isabel pulled away hurriedly trying even harder now not to be noticed. Anything in Tess that had once been Zan’s childhood friend Ava was destroyed.

Isabel's skin had turned white and she was leaning against the wall breathing heavily as she realized Tess was an empty shell running on triggers and commands from Nasedo.

If Tess Harding had ever existed before she was more than gone now and the thing that was left in her place had no chance to be redeemed. It was a pure form of malevolence and abhorrence of which warrior Isabel had never seen.

She was surprised actually that her Tess had not been much worse. Tess should have been their most difficult adversary, but she had sacrificed herself so baby Zan could live; eliminating herself from their world.

Isabel was reflective as her breathing returned to normal and some insights started to form in her clouded mind. It had to be the Valenti’s. Kyle and his dad were the only difference really at this point between the two timelines. They had shown her love and compassion. They allowed her to experience humanity and in the process probably brought forth the small bit of Tess Harding that was struggling to survive. Allowing for all the destruction she caused to be so much less then the potential Isabel saw sitting in this girls mind.

The Valenti’s were probably the only two people in Roswell in her lifetime who ever got to know who Tess Harding should have been if it wasn’t for that bastard shapeshifter. Isabel cursed as she stood up rushing towards the door. She had to get to town and warn them. Serena should be here by now and if not she had to at least warn Amy.

She paused halfway down the cliff. Should she change her plans? Deal with Tess and leave Nicholas?

Maybe she really should give the Skins time to kill Nasedo for them. If she took care for Nicholas they might not do them such a favor.

Isabel continued her trek down the side of the Pod Chamber muttering to herself as she kicked at rocks.

“Stupid time travel with all its conditions. Nothing is ever simple. Can’t do a good thing without leaving them open to worse nasty things. I swear that high power everyone claims to believe in, is mocking me. Laughing as I try to do it a favor and save this place. Calm down Izzie you can figure this out. You always do. Yeah, with Michael’s help and he’s not here now is he. No, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. You can do this. You have Alex, Maria, and Michael here. Alex.”

Remembering in this time and in this place Alex was still alive. He did not have his life cut short by the horrors of Isabel’s heritage. She knew that in this lifetime Alex would live. She would make sure of it. Alex will live.

That was the mantra she chanted all the way to Michael’s apartment. It kept her going through her trip to Copper Summit and it was the last thought that crossed her mind when she eventually did disappear.

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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 8 1/12

Post by starcrazed »

Part 8

Serena pulled the Ford Toyota in front of the Crashdown as instructed by Amy. She had already rolled her eyes a thousand times at all the ridiculous alien memorabilia scattered throughout the town. It was lucky she wasn’t sensitive about her heritage.

She walked through the doors listening to the ding of the bell overhead and genuinely laughed at the decor inside the restaurant. To think her brother and sister practically lived in this place.

She grabbed a seat at the counter enjoying the lively atmosphere of the Café.

It was lunchtime so it was jam packed with hungry customers. Serena watched in amazement as the blonde waitress ran back and forth from the food counter to tables. She practically floated around the tables and small children running around.

Serena attention was draw in front of her at the slight cough. She was met with the blinding smile and blazing green eyes of previously mentioned waitress. Serena watched the girl flick her long blonde hair behind her shoulder and was amazed as it caught the sunlight.

“Hi, I’m Maria. I’ll be your waitress today. Can I start you off with a soda or perhaps Blood of Alien smoothie?”

“Maria DeLuca?”

Maria looked up startled. She took a good look at the young woman in front of her for the first time. She gasped as she saw the familiar gentle brown eyes of Isabel staring back at her.

Serena watched as Maria gaze filled with realization and then shifted back and forth in the restaurant on the look out for someone. She watched at Maria’s eyes found the boys amber ones in the back booth and tensed; only relaxing when he returned his attention to his food.


Serena nodded about to speak before Maria cut her off.

“You have to get out of here. Max will get suspicious and wonder who you are. You look too much like him and Izzie.”

Serena watched in amazement as the ball of energy in front of her scribbled something on her order pad and ripped it off thrusting it into her hand.

“Go there. Talk to Michael. Quick before Max comes over.”

Serena rose from her seat and gracefully fled the Crashdown.

Once she was back the car she broke out into hysterical giggles.

“I think I’m going to like that Maria girl.”


By the time she got to this Michael’s apartment she figured he was Rath, since Maria commented about her looking like Max and Izzie, she reasoned they were Zan and Vilandra.

She wished Amy had been more detailed in her brief phone conversation.

She took a deep breath readying her self for this moment. She mumbled to herself in much that same manner Future Isabel had done on her way down the Pod Chamber cliffs.

“Okay Serena you can do this.”

She raised her hand and knocked briskly before she could talk herself out of it.

The door swung open and an identical pair of eyes met her own.

“Oh Rena!” Isabel threw herself into Serena’s arm. The other woman was too shocked to do anything other then open her arms for Isabel.

Hesitantly she responded,


Calling her by the childhood name she had for her older sister when she couldn’t pronounce Vilandra.

She felt Isabel nod into her shoulder and she gently stroked her hair, calming her.

“It’s okay Vilandra I’m here now. No need to worry anymore.”

Isabel pulled back she gave Serena a welcoming smile then seemed to realize Serena’s error.

“It’s Isabel. I’m Isabel here, not Vilandra, never Vilandra again.”

She nodded in acceptance. She noticed the unsympathetic tone, understanding the other woman’s hesitation to associate with her past life.

“Don’t take this the wrong way Isabel, but um…you’re old. Like older then I am. I thought I was older than you and Zan in this life?”

“Max. His name is Max.”

After Serena nodded Isabel continued,

“You are older then us. I’m not of this time line. I came back to fix it and I need your help to do that. I had Amy contact you. Where is Ava?”

Overwhelmed by the wealth of knowledge she gained in an instant she stumbled to recover and provide Isabel with an answer.

“Oh, I dropped them off at the inn on the outskirts of town. Nice setup you have there.”

Isabel chuckled at the sarcasm, must be left over from her days of hanging out with Rath.


“Yeah, Amy said bring Ava and Zan for safety reasons?”

“Look I can’t really explain it to you now. We have to get out of here before Michael comes back.”

She automatically answered Serena’s unspoken question. Years spent together in her own life taught her to read her sister easily.

“If you run into Michael or anyone else from this time line, it could shift everything and I’ll disappear before I accomplish what I came here for.”

“Save the World?”

At the skeptical tone Isabel laughed, definitely Rath’s influence, “Yeah more or less.”

“Ah… I should tell you then I ran into that Maria girl.”

A memory surfaced in Isabel’s mind as she recalled another using those same words so long ago. She smiled at the thought. Then her mind took a downward spiral and she allowed herself a minute to wonder what had become of her brother since she left him alone.

“Just Maria?”

“Well I went to the Crashdown, but only spoke with Maria. She sent me here.”

“I’ll take you to Amy’s. She can get you set up and then I have to go.”

“Go where? You can’t just leave me here to deal with all this?”

Isabel gave her a disapproving glance.

“Serena, it’s what you’re here to do. Trust me you do it well too, once you stop running from your role. I realize that it’s a lot sooner than any of us thought it would be, but you’re ready for this. I have faith in my sister that she can do this. That she can help me save the world.”

Serena slowly nodded her head as Isabel’s motivating tirade reached her subconscious.

“Sure, Iz, no pressure or anything though right?”

Future Isabel looped her arm through her sisters and led her out the door. She shook her head in amusement. Her younger self and the others were sure in a lot of trouble once Michael and Serena were reunited. There would be no end to the sarcastic jibes.

“None whatsoever.”

Last edited by starcrazed on Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 9 Update 1/13

Post by starcrazed »

Part 9

Michael walked into the Crashdown shortly before the dinner rush was bound to hit. He sat himself in the normal booth and waited for Maria or another waitress. Maria ran past in a rush with anther tables drinks before she turned back towards him,

“Oh my god Michael, thank god you’re here.”

He raised an eyebrow at her widening his eyes slightly as she broke with the plan to avoid each other.

Maria was completely oblivious to his warning though and she rushed on in a quieter voice.

“What are you doing here? Where did Serena go? Did you scare that poor girl? Do you know where Izzie is? You know that Izzie. And you would not believe how difficult Liz is being. I think I’m gonna have to lie to her or something.”

Michael couldn’t help the smirk that crossed his face at Maria. By the time she finished her barrage of questioning. Her hand was on her hip and her foot was tapping furiously waiting for his response. He recovered quickly though.

His eyes filled with an apology as he spoke in a harsh voice.

“And I would care about any of that because…”

Maria’s mouth dropped open in shock.

Isabel and Tess slide in across from Michael as Maria managed to pull her mouth shut.

Seeing them, Maria’s eyes widen in horror at her slip up. She needed to cover fast. Allowing some tears to gather in her eyes and stuttering slightly she choked out.

“You know what Michael. Fine. You don’t return my phone calls. You treat me like a complete stranger. Forgot it. I hope you’re very happy with your ‘destiny’.”

The tears that threaten to fall at the start of her admonishment where gone in favor of the anger. Sure they had gotten past all that, but it still had hurt her very deeply so the emotions behind her words were very real and believable.

Her scowl allowed Isabel and Tess to determine what she thought of their ‘destiny’ as she stormed off to the back room.


He glared at her, “Drop it Iz.”

“No, Michael I won’t. You obviously love the girl. And she clearly feels the same why I can’t let you…”

He cut her off in true Michael Guerin fashion, gruffly asking, “How’s Alex, Isabel?”

Her mouth snapped shut and a second before her eyes turned icy with anger they clouded with pain.

Michael instantly regretted the barb, but he had a job to do.

He scooted out of the booth hastily.

“I’m out of here. See ya.”

He went around back searching for Maria. He found her right outside the back door bent over breathing heavily. She sat up as he approached and furiously wiped the tears from her eyes.

“Michael, I…”

She was cut off as he pulled her tightly to his chest muffling whatever it was she was going to say.

“I’m sorry Blondie. I didn’t mean any of that.” He felt her nodded into his chest and pull away slightly.

Her green eyes shiny with renew tears.


It was a whisper filled with so much emotion. Fear, awe, regret, contentment, confusion, happiness, worry, sadness, but above all was love. Each one reflected in her eyes.

“I know Ria. God, do I know.”

His own understanding reflected back to her in his eyes.


She sniffled and wiped the last few tears away.

“She came to the Crashdown. Max was there and I freaked out and sent her to your place.”

“I haven’t been there since Iz showed up and kicked me out.”

Maria glanced around lowering her voice, “Future Izzie?”

“The one and only.”

“Okay, well then she probably intercepted her. So we’ll just have to wait until we hear from one of them.”

Michael nodded in agreement, “I should…”

Maria finished, “go… yeah probably. If they’re still at your place tell Iz I said hi okay.”

He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss to answer her before he moved away and disappeared from the alley around the corner of the street.

Maria let out a long sigh and headed back to work.


Michael returned to his very empty apartment. Then looked around for something from Isabel. Not seeing anything he went to the kitchen and made him self a sandwich before settling in front of the TV.

He turned it on and as he doused his sandwich and drink with Tabasco sauce he looked up seeing the paper taped to the screen.

He set his food on the end table and got up grabbing the note and turning the TV off.

Dear Michael,

I won’t bother asking you not to be upset with me because I know you too well for that. Hopefully though we will not be seeing each other again. I’m sure Maria has told you by now that Serena is here. She brought with her Zan and Ava. I sent her to the guardian so she can learn the plan in its totality. Don’t ask her to reveal it all to you because I’ve told her not to. She’ll tell you what you need to know; what I’ve figured you should do when the time is right. Trust her. I know it’s hard for you, but give her a chance and it will be one of the smartest things you’ve ever done.

By the time you’ve begun to read this I’ve already left Roswell. There is something I have to do. Something none of you can do because you’re not strong enough yet. More importantly because I’m not willing to take that much innocence from any of you. Serena is suppose to give me a few days to finish it before she introduces herself to you. If she moves to soon I’ll cease to exist before I do this one last thing for all of you. But if I am unable to do this final thing, Serena knows what it is and she’ll tell you when you’re ready to do it.

I’ve done all that I think I can Michael. I hope it’s enough. I wish so badly that none of you ever have to go through a fraction of the horrible pain we all suffered in my time line. If you do or god forbid I’ve even made it worse I hope you can forgive me. I have one last piece of advice for you Michael. Give up on going to Antar. It’s not home, even when we lived up there it didn’t fit right with who we were.

Earth is our home; more specifically Liz, Alex, and Maria are our homes. So grab onto Maria and don’t ever let her go. Because of all that I’ve learned in the 23 years after ‘destiny,’ the one thing that I know that is absolutely true, no matter what time line, something that is so deep in my bones it’s undeniable. They’re our strength Michael. Those three humans who we feared for so long and ran from even longer make us who we are. They make us strong enough to be what we're meant to be.

Don’t deny that of yourself and don’t deny Maria of your love. Make sure Max and my younger self listen to that too. Thank you Michael for all that you’ve done, for all that you will do to keep us safe.

Your sister always,


Michael read the letter five times before he was able to put it down on the table. She was wrong. He wasn’t mad, how could he ever be mad at her to risk so much to save their lives. He was and will forever be eternally grateful to the warrior princess Isabel who defied space and time to save the world.

Last edited by starcrazed on Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:34 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: 2023 (CC, Mature) Part 10 Update 1/26

Post by starcrazed »

Part 10

Serena sat in the DeLuca kitchen sipping tea with Amy. Isabel had left a mere 20 minutes ago leaving them both to silent reflection about all the life changes occurring. Despite knowing about each other for years this was their first actual meeting.

Amy hesitantly breached one of the many questions she had.

“So you brought the other set with you?”

Serena instantly nodded showing she had, but then realized she should clarify.

“Not Lonnie or Rath. Isabel’s right. Something is definitely up with those two. I dropped off Ava and Zan at the Inn on the way into town.”

At Amy’s silence, Serena offered her own question.

“So you took over for Shelia Hubble?”

Serena only knew vague details about the guardian’s role.

“Nasedo killed her in hopes that he would be able to get a hand on all four of the Pod Children. He neglected to realize that as her best friend, Shelia had already shared with me all that Kal had charged her with. In the same way Liz Parker couldn’t help but share with Maria about the existence of other life forms, Shelia couldn’t keep from me that she had the duty to guard over them.

A couple years later when I had gotten back to my life, Kal made a trip down to Roswell and approached me. He asked if I would be willing to take up her role. At first I was baffled because I didn’t have powers like Shelia did. But then he explained those were an enhancement of her own natural gifts. Shelia was a human with slight telepathic abilities; Kal brought those skills out to help her in her role. He told me he could do the same for me with my intuitive feelings about people. Learning that, I was honored to be placed in such a position as to protect Antar’s Royal children.”

“Wow. That’s quite an induction into this ‘Alien Abyss.’ I believe that’s the term Isabel used.”

“How did you end up in New York with the others instead of the Originals?”

“Kal brought me out there. In 84’ I hatched out of my Pod and Kal was there. He took me to New York. He taught me everything I know. When the other’s hatched from their Pods he cared for them too. Told them their history, showed them the basics of their powers. For about four years after they were born he made trips back and forth checking up on us all the time, making sure we were okay.

A couple days after my fifteenth birthday he told me the truth. He told me about my job here on Earth, about the Prophecy, about the fake ‘destiny’ as a ploy to keep Nasedo thinking he had the upper hand, then he told me I wasn’t suppose to be with the New York set.

Kal took me with him; we ended up living in L.A. for a while, about three years ago I went back to New York to watch out for them. I had heard through Kal’s sources that they weren’t having an easy time of life on the streets. When I got your call I left, taking Zan and Ava with me.”

“What did you tell Lonnie and Rath when you were leaving?”

“Nothing, they weren’t around. Besides those four are used to disappearing on each other for days. Once they notice I’m gone though they’ll know something is up.”

Amy absorbed it all taking it in stride and moving on to the next question. “How long before we start with Isabel’s plan?”

“We have to give her a few days to take care of Nicholas. We can’t change anything or she’ll disappear too soon.”

“How long do you want to wait?”

“I don’t know, three days sounds good. Keep a look out on new people though. Give me a heads up if you sense anything off about anyone.”

Amy nodded, “And you’ll be at the inn with Zan and Ava? What will you tell them when they have to sit around for three days?”

Serena cringed in disgust;

“Don’t worry Amy I’m sure they won’t mind me putting them up in a warm room with a comfy bed for a couple of days. Probably will be too wrapped up in each other to notice. Let alone care.”

Amy sympathized for the young woman. “It must be hard watching out for them all the time, by yourself. And now there’s three times as many to look out for.”

Serena nodded in agreement, “Yeah, but at least I’m not alone any more.”

Amy shared a smile with her knowing it was true. She was in this now for good, no matter what they would have to face in the coming years.

Especially since she knew her daughter, and pigs would surely fly before Maria left her loved ones to fend for themselves.

Last edited by starcrazed on Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:35 am, edited 3 times in total.