That unforgettable girl (ML/AU/Adult) - A/N 7/21/08 [WIP]

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Post by martine »

hey guys, here is the update. I hope you'll forgive my mistakes, I'll post the corrected part as soon as I receive it from my beta.
for the moment, I'd like to thank you for sticking with that fic. I hope that you'll like this part too. just let me know with a fb

Chapter 11

Some days after, Liz was shooting her movie and had more or less forgotten about Max and their kiss. She was working hard as the lead character and was hoping to rest a little before she began that movie.

Sometimes, she was thinking that she worked too much since she was a little girl but she loved her job and then forgot about her tiredness. Actually, she liked the movie she was making and did get along very well with her co actors.

Two weeks after their meeting, Jonathan Frakes called her about the script. Previously, David had called Max.
"Hi Liz, that's me Jonathan.... Frakes."
"Jonathan! I know that we didn't talk since 2 weeks, but do you think that I forgot you. Hahaha! How are you btw?"

"I'm fine sweetheart. What about you? How are you? Not too tired? Is your shooting finished?"
"Not yet, but soon. We're working very hard. I hope that I'll have some days to rest before we begin your movie. Btw, when do we begin?"
"Depends on your answer! When will you be available?
"I don't really know. Around 2 or 3 weeks, maybe more.I hoped that I could have some days off before your movie."

"Liz, everything is ready for us. Last week, we went to Italy to check on every detail before the shooting. We're waiting for you. When you'll finish, we'll begin."
"Jonathan, I'm very sorry for the delay I'm causing. I hope to end it soon. If you want, I can question the director and I'll tell you when he expects to finish. I can call you back this week."

"Actually, I'd like you to come to the office....."
"To take the script."

"Excuse me!!! Directors used to send it by mail. Why do you want me to come. It's really a waste of time. Jonathan, you asked me to be free the sooner than I can and you want me to come at your office to discuss about the script I presume. You'd better send it to me and I'll have some time to read it and..."
"Liz, I'm sure that you can come here tonight. It won't be a waste of time, I have some details to talk about with you."

"You're really acting oddly, Jonathan! Why do you insist for me to come to your office?"
"I just need to talk to you about the script. Nothing else. Please don't make it hard. Can you come... let's say tonight at 8:00?"
"Tonight? Well, I just paused to take that phone call. You're the one who makes things hard. I wonder why and I'm sure that I won't receive any answer. Ok, I'll be there at 8:00."

"Thank you. I'll send you the limo, don't worry."
"Thanks....Oh, wait, here's Jake. Can you hold the line since I question him about the end of his movie?"

While Liz was talking to her director, Jonathan couldn't help but feel annoyed. In the remake, they went further than in the original movie and knowing Liz as he knows her, he is not sure that she'll agree with the new script. Hence that phone call.

Liz went to talk to the director and came back. "Ok Jonathan, he says that the movie will end in about 2 weeks. So, I'll see you tonight."

"Ok. I hope that it's ok with Max too......."
"Max? What does he have to do with that?"

"Liz, you are both in the movie and I'd like to talk with both of you if it's possible. Thus, I won't have to repeat twice the same thing. "
"Oh..Ok. Well I'll be there on time."
" Thanks Liz. I'd better leave you work now."
"Yeah, the director is waiting for me. See you tonight Jonathan."
"Sure.... And Liz?..... Thank you."
"No problem."

When she hang up, Liz thought about that conversation. She knows that Jonathan likes to see his actors and give them the script but here, that's a waste of time!
She has to end this movie and she thought to have some days to rest.
Ok, stop thinking! Jake is waiting for her and if she wants him to allow her to finish his movie faster, she has to go and work very well.

In another part of L.A., Jonathan was thinking about Liz, most of all about Liz's attitude when it came of love scenes. He knew that she'll get angry because of that script. He'll tell her that if they had made a movie about Roswell, it would have ended the same way : Max and Liz making love. Romans holidays will follow the same path. He just hopes that Liz's will be the same good girl he used to know, respecting her job and doing it despite everything.

In the same time, David called Max. Although he was surprised to have to meet the directors to get the script, Max didn't have any problem with that. He accepted to come easily even he'd rather like to hang out with his friends when he was not working. He agreed to come at 8:00 pm but for some reasons, David hid Liz's presence from him.

Later, Sean came to visit his girlfriend. He was far from pleased to see his girlfriend being Max Evans' co star in a movie. He read so much about the behind the scenes, and most of all, she refused his proposal a few months earlier. He was scared that Liz could fall for her partner.

"So you're going to make another movie with Jonathan Frakes and David Nutter? I hope that it's not another scifi!"
"Nope. Actually, it's a remake of "Roman Holydays" if you remember that movie with Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn. I got Audrey's role...."
"Of course."

Liz gasped. Once again, like a lot of people, Sean is not surprised to see her get Audrey Hepburn's character. "What? Aren't you surprised? I mean is that obvious that I have to get the job?" she asked a little upset.

"Liz, I'm not cause it's obvious that you're the only one for that job. I mean, look at you! You look so much like her! If I didn't know your real mother, I'd have sworn that you're her daughter! That's normal! What it isn't normal is that they gave Gregory's character to Max Evans. I thought that like they did for you, they would have looked for someone who looks like him. Max Evans doesn't look exactly like Gregory Peck."

"Sean, they first wanted to make a movie from the show...."
"Ros..." he asked dumbfounded
"Yeah. But they gave up on the idea because we grew old and it was a little hard to play high school students at our ages."

"So that's why they kept Max Evans for the lead male character."
"In fact, Jonathan said that they made that movie to please our fans. I mean Max's ones and mine's."
"Huh huh... The fans wanted to see you with Max. Like in the show."
"That's what they said. But Sean, you don't have to worry about that movie. I'm sure it'll be great!"
"I don't worry about the movie itself. All that I worry about is Max Evans. He's another story."
"He didn't give up on the idea to seduce you. I'm sure of that even if he's dating Tess."
"Hmmm... Actually, they broke up since one year or something like that."

"GREAT! JUST GREAT! You see. I've told you! He'll find a way to try to have you. I'm certain!"
"What are you talking about Sean? Do you mean that I'll let him "Have me" like you're saying? I hope that you trust me enough to know what kind of woman I am! And let me tell you something, Sean....I'm not interested in Max!!! Do you hear me! I'm just making that movie and that's all!! Nothing will happen between us! Do you hear me? Am I clear now?"

"Sorry honey. I do know what kind of woman you are. I just don't trust him. When I look at you, I see how much you have changed since the beginning of Roswell. You were a pretty girl and you've become an amazing young woman. Your heart didn't change so your behavior but I just don't trust HIM!

"Do you trust me? Do you believe me when I tell you that I won't let him act the way he wants with me?
"Yeah. I trust you and I believe you Liz. But I can't help but think that I'd be more confident if you had accepted my proposal."
"An engagement won't change anything and it doesn't prevent anything either. Sean, you know why I didn't accept it."

"Actually no. I'm sorry Liz, but now that we talk about that, I'm not sure to know your real reasons."
"Sean, the most important thing in my life is my career. I love my job more than anything else....."
"More than me?"
"Let's say that I want to focus on my career so I can't love you the way you deserve."

Sean turned pale. Liz said that she didn't love him enough to contemplate the idea of being married with him. Hard to hear. Even if he knows that she tries to be honest with him, he's hurt. He's in love with her and he hoped that soon their relationship would go further. He dreams to get married with her, he dreams that she'll stop acting for a while but now he understands that it won't happen...
"Sean, I don't say that I don't love you, I do. But if we were married, some day you would leave me because you couldn't bear to spend another second with me. My way of life will eat you alive and you'll begrudge me. That'll be the end of a great relationship. I just don't want it. We're happy like this, don't ask for more."
"And how do you feel about Max Evans?"

"WHAT??" this time that was Liz who turned pale. *How could he know?...*
"Liz, I know it's stupid but I can't help to be jealous... How do you feel about him?"

"Sean, I've already told you that I was not interested in him. He's just my partner. At least we can be friends but that won't exceed the friendship. Nothing more than what we were in Roswell."
"If you're sure."
"I am. Sean, stop worrying about an eventual affair between Max and I. Nothing's going to happen."

"Ok. I won't annoy you with that. And if you promise me that you won't go out or hang out with him during the shooting..."
"NO. Sorry Sean. As much as I love you I can't promise that. We'll be in Roma for months and surely we will hang out with the others actors. You can't demand that. You ask me too much."
"In Roma for months?"
"Yes. I've already told you that."
"That's the first time I heard about this."

"Sean...Do you know why I refused to get married with you? Because, for my job, I'll have to travel all around the world. I'll have to go where the directors will want me to go and I know that it's hard. I can't ask you to sacrifice your own career for me."

"I won't sacrifice anything if I come with you on the shooting."
"NO. I don't want it. Don't worry I won't go out with Max or someone else. I just don't want because that's not normal. I mean you have your career and I have mine. And most of all, if you don't trust me enough, I don't see what we're doing together. Do you understand what I mean?"
"I do and I agree. Go to Roma" he said sadly.

"Sean, I don't want you to be sad or feel that I'm demanding too much. We're a couple even if we aren't living together. I mean, it's too much for me and I need my independance. Sean, can we stop that conversation?"
"Hum...hum...... OK, did you plan to do something this evening?"
"Just spending it with you. I promised you. After that, we won't be able to see each other. I promised to Jonathan to finish that movie as fast as I could be. By the way, I have to meet him at 8:00. I promised to be on time."
"Tonight?... Okayyyy. You know Liz, I think that you promise a lot of things to a lot of people. It'll be hard to hold them all. And why do you have to meet him?"

"Jonathan wants to give me the script."
"What? Why? For the little that I know, directors send the script. They don't need to meet another time their actors."

"You're right, but Jonathan works differently. It's important for him to talk and explain the characters and what he wants from us. Anyway, I said that I'll be there. I will. And I didn't promise to a lot of people. Just you and Jonathan. So it'll be easy."

"Ok, that's fine. I have a meeting with my coach at 6:00. I can't cancel it, so we'll stay together till then."
"Sean, your job is important and I won't ever think to ask you to cancel a meeting with your coach or anyone else. That's what I said. We have our careers and they are important. Now, let's go!"

Actually, Sean had no meeting with his coach, but he was so upset with her. He knows that she had a career to fulfill but he can't understand why he has a so little place in her life. But mostly, he can't stand that Max Evans. He doesn't know him really but from what he knows, it's enough to feel that he'll be a threat for his couple. Most of all, he doesn't want to be a doormat and wait with her till her meeting. If she doesn't want to make an effort for their couple, he won't do it either.

On the other hand, although Liz understood that her boyfriend was upset, she couldn't sooth his fears and she couldn't accept to stay away from Max during the shooting or even cancel her meeting with Jonathan to please him. Her job is the most important thing in her life, after her family of course.

They spend the afternoon walking in the streets of Santa Monica, they went to Venice Beach too. At 5:30 he drove her back to her home.
She stayed there talking to her parents till she heard a knock at the door. That was the driver that Jonathan sent. She walked with him toward the limo and he opened the door for her.
"What the hell are you doing here???"

TBC...IF YOU WANT IT.................................................................
Last edited by martine on Tue Dec 18, 2007 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
the way he looks into her eyes.....
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Re: That unforgettable girl (ML/AU/Adult) - 1/13/08

Post by martine »

Hey guys, I just received the new part from my beta, FamersAmers thanks to her, she did an amazing job here!
I hope you'll appreciate it.
Just let me know

Chapter 12

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Well, sorry to be the one to break it to you Liz but I'm working with Jonathan too. David called me and asked me to come tonight. So we have to share that limo Princess." His voice had an obvious sneer in it.

"Why are you so sarcastic with me? I just asked you a question." But it hadn’t just been a question had it.

"You just asked? Whoa, and what do you do when you address people you're not so happy to see?" there was that sarcastic tone again seeping from his lips.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that you would be here too.” She was trying to make this as painless as possible. “Shall we? I have to be at work early tomorrow morning."

"I hope that you know I didn't set this up with Jonathan. “ She looked at him funny and rolled her eyes.

“You act as if that I planned this.” She said nothing again. “Oh and by the way Princess I know that you work, you don’t need to throw it in my face”

"STOP IT!" now she was upset

"What?" he asked startled.

"You keep calling me Princess with that tone. I am trying to be nice and the least you could do is act civil to me. What did I do to you?" she

"Liz, you didn't do anything to me. Well sort of. I'm sorry, I'm just a little tired."

Liz turned her head to look at the window. She was upset, after her conversation with her boyfriend, she thought that she would have some time to get her composure back. Finding Max in the limo took her by surprise and she was angry that Jonathan had trapped her like this.

On the other hand, Max was silent too. He knew that they had to pick Liz up, the driver told him before they got there, but he didn't accept her attitude. First of all, he couldn't forget what happened with her the first day they saw each other again. He couldn't forget her, period and that enraged him. After all this time she had an effect on him.

He knew she disliked her nickname of Princess and that it enraged her, but that his how he felt about her. She was a princess, at least in his eyes.

After a while he turned to look at her. She was beautiful and he was getting tired of the games.

“Can we stop?” there was confusion written all over her face.

“Stop what?” she really had no idea what he was talking about.

“Can we stop this game we are playing and act like o civilized adults”

"Max, I'm not playing any game and for the record, I was thinking about Sean." His face paled. He actually thought she was upset about them and it was all about Sean.

He was nothing but a fool. He believed he was important to her that he meant something to her. In the end it was Sean who was still her boyfriend and held the biggest place in her life. ‘She isn’t yours Max, she isn’t the girl she used to be’ his brain was screaming at him.

Liz looked over and saw how quiet he was. She knew that quiet didn’t always mean something good especially when it came to Max.

“Cat got your tongue?” he turned to her and shook his head

"No. I was just thinking."

"Thinking, my foot! You haven’t been quiet since we met!” He wanted to tell her he was thinking about how she had turned his life upside down. He wanted to tell her that he was a fool, he wanted to tell her that they could be more than friends but he couldn’t.

“Did I do something?”

"No Liz. You didn't say or do anything and I'm not upset. I've got nothing against you. Actually, I was really thinking about stuff."

"Some home I don’t believe that” she crossed her arms and he rolled his eyes.

"Liz, did you become that kind of girl who acts like a child when she didn't get what she wants?"

"No, of course not. Why?"

"Cause I was waiting for the moment when you'd begin to whine"

"Whatever. I’m tired can we just not talk" she looked out the window again and reminded herself that she needed to be cool. She needed to be kind.

"What are you brooding about?" he asked but she remained silent.

"Ok, do what you want Liz. You know what, I'm surprised to see that the amazing woman I saw days ago could change into such a spoiled, whiny little girl. That's sad."

She knew that she needed to keep her mouth shut but it was getting harder and harder. When they had talked on the phone he was kind to her and they had ended the conversation well. Maybe her reaction to him when she saw him wasn’t the best but he didn’t have to be this way. If they had to work together this was not the way to go about getting along

She looked at him and he was shaking his head. “Max, we have a movie to shoot and for the sake of my sanity and everyone else’s. Rome is going to turn into hell if we keep this up.”

“It isn’t my intention to bother you with my “whining”. I am the same I was the last time you talked to me” he laughed

“Why were you upset when you saw me in the car?”

“I was just surprised. I admit I didn’t go about that the right way. Jonathan didn’t tell you would be here now. I didn’t know we would have to share” now she sounded like a little girl.

“Obviously we would have to share. We are going to the same place.”

"Yes...You're right. Sorry Max. I am just…"

"Do you feel better now?"

"Not really but... Ok, let's talk about something else. Tell me, weren't you surprised when Jonathan asked us to come and take the script?"

Max looked at her, thoughtfully. Ok, if she wanted to talk about something else than her bad mood, let's do it. He'll find out later what was wrong with her.

"Of course I was, but David told me that it was Jonathan's way of directing so I agreed to come. I didn't even ask him why the meeting had to be this evening instead of...."

"That's my fault! I had a lot of things to do and I couldn't be free before 8:00 pm."

"Oh, ok... That's fine for me. Is it you day off?"

"No. I worked all morning. Jonathan wants me to be free as soon as possible, we're working very hard to end the movie on time. I had some free time this afternoon to see my friends"

"And your boyfriend. How did he react when you told him about the meeting?"

*How does he know about Sean? Liz, stop being paranoid. He's just asking about Sean, that's normal.*

"Sean knows that it's important for me. He knows that my career is my first priority."

"That's the reason why you refused to be engaged with him, right? Your career."

"Yes. I know that he's sad and upset, but I have gotten some good roles since Roswell and I love my job."

"If HE was an actor instead of you, how would you react if you'd like to marry him and he refused like you did?"

"I don't know... maybe like he did. I'd be upset and sad. But you know I can't change my mind. I mean, I just need time to think about all this."

"To reflect on the proposal?"

"No, to reflect about my life now and what I want to do. You know I love Sean, not the same way he loves me, but I love him and he makes me happy. I think that I'll agree to marry him let's say.....within one year or two." He frowned at her. If she didn’t love him like he loved her she needed to do something.

He was hoping that during the movie shoot he could change her feelings.

"Why would you agree in one year or two instead of the end of our shooting?"

"You're right! I mean I could ask him to join me in Italy and we could find a synagogue there. Oh, that could be so romantic!!" Max hadn’t meant for her to do that, he was making a statement he was not giving an idea

"Do you think that it's a bad idea?" Yes it was a bad idea! But he shook his head, it wasn’t a bad idea if he were the groom. But, he couldn’t tell her that.

"Liz, it's a wonderful idea. But what about your family, your friends? Are you going to fly them all in, what are you doing to do?”

"Oh, you're completely right. I didn't think about that. No, no, of course I want all the people I love to be at my wedding!"

“Am I invited?” had he just said that out loud? Damn Max!

“Of course! Sean isn’t jealous anymore he would agree.” The second she said it she regretted it!

“Jealous?” she had said it now he needed to know.

Liz bit her lower lip as she mentally kicked herself. ‘Stupid girl, don’t you know when to keep your big mouth shut’

"He heard a lot about you and me during the show and even if I swore to him that they were just rumours and nothing happened between us, he couldn’t help to be jealous. I told him that you were in love with Tess and I was just your partner, he doesn't believe it and he's scared of the shooting in Roma."

"Did you have an argument about that?" this is good he thought.

"Yeah..... He doesn't trust you." What! Why would he not trust him? Sean was starting to get on Max’s nervers

"How couldn't he trust me? He doesn't know me. He's just paying attention to the gossip, gossip that isn’t even true. I have never stepped on another man’s shoes and I am not about to start now. I am not going to lie to you, I like you, you know that but I respect you and your relationship and I am not about to be a weasel. “ that made her heart flutter, he was a good guy and she knew it.

"I know that. I told him that he had no reason to be scared of you. Max.... I trust you. I mean, despite the kiss we shared the other day, I trust you. You're my friend."
Max stared at her. Even if he doesn't consider her just like a friend, he's pleased to hear that she defended him with her boyfriend.

"You're right, we're friends."

"Just friends?"


"Sorry, I was joking."

They remembered that episode and what happened there.... the hot kisses.... Liz turned her face toward the window but Max couldn't help but stretch his hand to caress her cheek.... but he stopped himself. She trusted him. And he had to restrain himself, he had a promise to hold and a place in hell for living.

TBC..IF YOU WANT IT.............................................
the way he looks into her eyes.....