That unforgettable girl (ML/AU/Adult) - A/N 7/21/08 [WIP]

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That unforgettable girl (ML/AU/Adult) - A/N 7/21/08 [WIP]

Post by martine »

Title: That unforgettable girl
Rating : Mature/adult
Category: ML (I can't write about someone else!!)
Disclaimer : The character of Roswell do not belong to me, all rights go to WB, Jason Katims, Melinda Metz and UPN.
Summary : Max and Liz are actors. They were partners in a show: Roswell. When the show ended, they took a different path, but 2 years later, a new project makes them reunited for Max's big pleasure. He never forgot that UNFORGETTABLE GIRL. What will happen when they'll meet and how will they handle that new movie they have to shoot.

A/N: Like some people, I always thought that Shiri looked like Audrey Hepburn and one of her movies I liked the most was "Vacances Romaines" in French. That movie she did with Gregory Peck as partner. She was a princess who escaped the rigidity of her life for a while. She met a sports reporter and fell in love with him as he did too. But, she was a princess and a princess has duties... Do you remember that movie? Do you guess the end? Yeah, I'm sure. So what if Max and Liz met again to shoot that movie and what if they....
I hope you'll follow me here. I know that I have some fics on hiatus and I'm waiting for Kath to tell me what to do to repost them. I'm just waiting for you to give a chance to that fic I wrote 2 years ago but with other characters. FBS are appreciated.

Chapter 1

Max returned from Japan and he had to discuss with his agent about the last movie he shot there. He was in the lounge of the Peninsulla Hotel in Beverley Hills, leafing through a magazine while he was waiting for him.
He was turning the pages when his eyes were caught by some pictures of.... LIZ PARKER!! Liz, his partner in Roswell the last show he did for the tv. He stayed there, looking at the pictures, unable to take his eyes of her face, her eyes. She was beautiful during the show, but here she was gorgeous...amazing....Stunning!!
Max remembered when they were shooting, he liked to work with her. She was kind and smart. She was funny too and he discussed with her very often. Of course, he could do it when Tess wasn't here. Tess.... He dated her for nearly 3 years and he was more than happy to be single now. That was not easy with her every day, in the show.... His eyes were attrated by the pictures again... Liz had been the reason of a lot of arguments with Tess, and yet that poor Liz didn't do anything to annoy his ex-girlfriend. She had just to be there and discussing with him for Tess to feel jaleous.

He stared again at the picture and read the interview...They didn't say anything about her private life. On the pictures, she looked very happy and Max supposed that it had nothing to do with the photographer. He could see it in her eyes, she was happy and Max couldn't help but feel a pang of jaleousy. She was so beautiful, natural, so... so....

"Hey Max! I'm sorry, I'm late." Alex Whitman, his agent said as he reached out his hand.
"No Problem, I had time. Do we stay here or do you want us to have lunch somewhere." Max asked. He was a little tired from the time difference and he was looking forward to sleeping.
"We stay here. Actually, I'd like to talk to you about the movie you shot in Tokyo and after that we have a meeting here. I've received a incredible offer for you. I'll tell you later." Alex said enthousically.
"A movie?" Max whinned. "I just finished one."

Not wanting to let Max continue to complain, Alex changed the subject "By the way, what were you reading when I arrived. You looked complety engrossed by the magazine."
"Actually, not by the magazine itself. Take a look. Do you remember her?"

"WHAOU!" Alex said when he saw Liz's last pictures.
"Yeah, that's what I said too. Do you understand now." Max said sadly.

"Liz... Liz Parker! How can I forget her. She's gorgeous! Different with her hair shorter but definitely stunning. You're right my friend!" he said tapping on his shoulder. Alex was surprised to see Max so sad, he knew that he had a thing for Liz during the show but he thought that he was over it since long. Looking at him, he couldn't help to compare Liz's eyes and Max's ones. Max's eyes didn't shine anymore. He was like if he was tired of something. He loved acting but he was not as eager to work as he was younger. Maybe he was growing older...
*Nah, he's tired from the time difference. At 30 years ofd a man can't be tired, but Max seems like if something was eating him inside. Alex felt sorry for his friend and hoped that, that new movie would help him to smile again.

"Ok, let's go. We have to discuss." he said
"Where do you want to go?" Max replied taking the magazine. And he blushed when he looked at Alex "For my mum. Hum, do you think that I can take it for her, she always liked Liz."

Alex couldn't help but smile, Max was justifying himself for taking the magazine like a child. He changed a lot since he left Tess. He lost his confidence. Yet, Alex was not sure that Max was asking for the magazine like a child. He was using his mother to drool over Liz's pictures and Alex couldn't help to worry a little.

For the moment, he didn't want to question Max "I don't think they'll put you in jail for a poor magazine."

"Humm...Where do you want to go Alex?"
"They gave us a private lounge. Come by this way." he said walking toward
"Whaou! I'm impressed! A private lounge just for us?..." Max said surprised.

"Actually, that's for the meeting..I've told you about it earlier. We begin together and they'll join us later, in about one hour." he explained again.

"Who are those mysterious persons? You can't tell me, I feel like in a bad movie. I'll see them anyways, so you can tell me now. I'm not a spoiled child Alex." Max retorted angrily.

"I know, and please don't start to make your little spoiled child. They're not mysterious, it's just that I'd like to begin our meeting before they arrive or we won't be able to talk about all I want us to do. Got it?" he said sternly.

Without a word, Alex led Max to the private lounge and they were discussing for almost one hour. When the discussion was over, Max questionned his agent. "Now, can you tell me about that incredible offer you received Alex? And if I remember well, I told you that I was more than tired from that last film and I wanted to rest some days before I could be interested by another project." Max said upset.

"Don't make your bad boy with me Max. I'm sure that you'll like that movie and don't worry you'll have time to rest. We're just talking about the movie and..."

"I hope that I'll know about the director and producer before I meet them." Max said cutting him off.
"You're going to meet someone you worked with not far from now." he said

"Couldn't you just tell who they are? I'm not too good in riddles." Max was now irritated by his agent's attitude. He thought that it was childish.

Alex saw that Max was getting angry and prefered to give up his little riddles. "Ok, Jonathan Frakes will come in a moment."

"Jonathan Frakes? He made that incredible offer for me? I'm surprised. Which kind of movie he's going to propose?"Max inquired.
"I don't know."

"Don't be that liar Alex! I know that YOU know. So spill"
"Roswell" he blurted out.

"Roswell? The show?....You said a movie....No, they're not going to make a film!"
"Would you agree to do it?" Alex asked a little worried. He didn't know how Max would react if it was about Roswell.'"

"Alex! ROSWELL? It's over, I thought you agree that I was too old to play a teen."
"Maxwell, I can't be wrong. He asked me for that project since you were in Japan but I'm telling you again, I can be wrong. We have to wait and see." he said. Alex had the feeling that playing again a teen was not Max's real problem here.

"I hope you're wrong Alex. I'm not sure to agree to shoot with the same cast again" he stated
"Because of Tess?"
"Not only." Max replied.

He glanced at the magazine beside him on the table. This time he was not sure to resist to Liz. He was single, but is she? Is she dating someone? She looks so amazing on that pic that he won't be surprised to find her completely showered by her life.

TBC.. IF YOU WANT IT........

Last edited by martine on Fri May 02, 2008 10:33 am, edited 21 times in total.
the way he looks into her eyes.....
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Post by martine »

Hi Guys, here is the 2nd chapter. I'm so glad about that part but I decided to post though. I hope you'll be there to read it and don't forget to leave fbs, I'll try to make it better next time...
just another word to thank you all for the support and say hi to Jazzy, pleased to see you there.
Here we go!!

Chapter 2

They heard a knock at the door… Max opened it in front of Jonathan Frakes and David Nutter. “Hey Max! We’re so happy to see you again… I’m sure you didn’t forget David!” Jonathan said, hugging Max
“Of course not. Hi David, I’m glad to see you again”
“Hey Al, finally our man is back, but to tell the truth he looks sick. Max what happened to you over there? I almost didn’t recognize you. You should gain some weight son!” Jonathan said worried.
“Don’t worry Jonathan, I’m fine. Let’s sit, I know that you have to tell me about your project. So, I’m all ears for you.” Max was eager to know what the pair of directors had prepared for him.

"Tell me about Japan... Did you like to be there?" Jonathan asked first. He wanted to wait for the actress to come before they could talk about the movie.
"That was really fabulous. You know I haven't the opportunity to travel that far before and to tell the truth I adored that country. Shooting there was a great experience. Tell me, do you want to make a Roswell film? I'm not sure about it, I mean, I grew old and all the cast did, Roswell was great when we were younger, now...."

"Max... You're right" David cut him off and Max frow
ned hearing that they were here for Roswell again. "I'm not...." he began
"Max, let me finish will you." David cut sternly. "We thought about Roswell cause your fans wanted it, but... but, with Jonathan, we finally decided for something else.. Actually, I'm annoyed to talk about it with you..."
"Why? I don't understand" Max said surprised. He turned toward his agent "Alex..can you explain to me? What are we doing here if we're not talking about that new movie?" he asked angryly.
"Max...Keep cool. I never said that we didn't want to talk about the film with you, you misunderstood me. I said that...."

A knock interupted David's explanation. Jonathan stood up to open the door, he felt tensed because he didn't know how that meeting would end. Behind the door, there was no one else than Liz Parker, Max's co-star in Roswell and they didn't seem to get along very well at the end of the show. But Jonathan knew that their fans would go wild if they knew that their favorite couple was reunited for a movie.

Max couldn't see who knocked at the door but when he heard "Hi Jonathan! I'm so glad to see you again." he was speechless.... Liz! Liz Parker was there in flesh.
He was drooling at her a moment earlier and now, like in a dream, she was here. He was unable to stand up to greet her like he saw Alex and David do it. He could only stare at her, she had changed since the show... changed into a amazing young woman.

"Hi Liz, I'm happy you could make it. Come in, I'm sure you remember David Nutter and this is Alex Whitman...." Jonathan introduced but Liz was staring at the man beside Alex Whitman "MAX???...."

Max stood up with a small smile, he opened his mouth to talk but no word could go out. He opened it again and closed it. Liz looked at him, surprised. "Max? Are you ok?" she asked again.

She looked at Alex... "Hum, sorry. I was so surprised to see Max than I forgot my manners. Nice to meet you Mr Whitman" she said reaching out her hand. "But can you tell why Max is acting so weirdly?" she asked looking at Max.

Actually, Max hadn't recovered his composure, he could only stare at her. He couldn't believe that she was here, in flesh, he was like in a dream. She was so beautiful in that little black dress, the same she was wearing on the magazine, that was, maybe, the reason why he couldn't imagine that she was really there.
"Liz" he said softly....

"He talks!!" she said laughing "You scared me Max. How are you? And what are you doing here?" she asked.
"I'm sorry Liz, I was so surprised to see you flesh..." he began to explain

"Liz, forgive our friend, he was looking at a magazine and found your pictures and suddenly, you're here in flesh in front of him...and I have to agree with're amazing!" Alex explained.

"Thank you" Liz said shyly. She looked around at all the men in the room, they were staring at her, she blushed at the obvious admiration she saw in their eyes and tried to lighten the atmosphere. "Please! stop that. You make me feel weird. I know that I grew old but not that much I hope!" she said hiding her embarrassement chuckling.

"Don't say that Liz, you changed. Our little teengirl became an stunning your woman growing up. Don't you agree with me Max?" Jonathan said.

Max was still staring at her. Jonathan was right, she became an amazing young woman and he was wondering if he was reasonable, for his sake,to work again with that unforgettable girl.

"Max? I was asking you something" Jonathan said slapping his shoulder
"Huh??? oh,'re right. You're amazing Liz." he said with hungry eyes.

Seing that his actors were lost in a staring match, David cleared his throat "Well Liz, when you knocked at the door, we have begun to explain to Max about the movie we wanted to make with both of you....;"

"Actually, they didn't say a word" Max interrupted. "I didn't know that you were coming, I didn't know what movie I was about to now are we all here? Do you expect someone else?" Max asked ironically.

"Whaou! You woke up Max! I'm glad you're with us now, I was scared that we had to repeat twice every sentences. So we thought about a Roswell movie first, because of your fans, of course, but Max was right, even if lots of people dream to see it, we won't do it. But we found a wonderful story to tell with you as co-stars. The subject is a love story between a princess and a sports reporter. Jonathan?"

"Yeah. You're young but I'm sure you heard about Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck don't you? They shot a film "Roman Hollydays", a very beautiful love story and a very funny film, and we thought that it would be good to make a remake of that film. Liz you look so much like her, that I'm sure you'll fit the character the same way she did." he said smiling.

"And do I look like Gregory Peck?" Max asked.

"Unfortunately no!" Jonathan replied smiling. "But it doesn't matter, it's a remake. People don't expect actors looking like the first ones. The exception is Liz because she really looks like Audrey, and that's the reason why we thought about that movie." he explained.

"If you accept the offer, you'll have to travel too. We're shooting in Italy...."
"Roma? All the monuments there, the History...I'd love to to it." Liz said dreamly, "But...I have a question, since you told us to come, I mean Max and I, you said that it's a love story, right? and I suppose that Max's character falls in love with my character.." she asked again.

The directors nodded, waiting to see where Liz wanted to go.

"I think that we could have a problem here." she said
"A problem? What kind of problem?" Jonathan asked
"Max... tell them." she said to Max.
"Me? What do you want me to tell? I have no idea of what you're talking about."he replied. He didn't understand where she was going there.

"Max...Your girlfriend. She hates me. I don't want to have any problem with her. I'm sorry guys, I don't think I'll do it again." she stated sadly.

"Liz, Tess and I, we're not together anymore. You don't have to worry about that." Max said looking at her, with hope in his eyes. Tess did a lot of damages in his life and he didn't want Liz to give up on the movie because of her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"That's ok. I shouldn't have dated her anyways. So the problem is resolved now, isn't it?" he asked.

"I think so." David said

"But you didn't say anything about the script. Do we have to read the previous or have you written another one?" Shiri inquired.

"Good question! But we want to know if you accept to shoot it. By the way, you haven't responded, any of you. So what do you think? Are you with us?" David asked.

"On the principle, yes. But I would like to know what you're going to ask us to do, before." Liz stated
"Are you afraid?" Max asked. He wanted to do it because Liz was the co-star. He was so happy to work with her again but she seems to be afraid of something. *Maybe because of you, jerk. You scared her when she arrived. Now, she has to think about before she can say if she's in or not. Great attitude Max!*he thought to himself.

"No. I just want to know. I think that I have the right to know before I say yes or no, don't you agree?" she retorted

"Liz, I'd like to explain to you something important. You inspired us......" Jonathan began but Liz was so shocked that she cut him off "WHAT? Why me?"

"Because you're Audrey Hepburn for us. Except the fact that your fans asked for a movie, we couldn't think about someone else than you for that character. We thought about Max after, but you came first. If you don't agree, we can't make that movie." Jonathan explained softly.

Actually, they wanted to make that movie mostly because they liked to work with that couple in the show, but if Liz refused to do it, there were no reason to look for another actress, they wanted her for that character. They'll have to find another idea.

"Liz, is there a reason why you could refuse to make that movie? Tell me, I'll try to help." Jonathan said again.

"Actually, I'd like to read the script before giving my word but it seems that you want to work otherwise. If I'm sure that you won't make me do something I don't want, I agree to do it." she replied looking at the directors.

She trusted them but she didn't want to be trapped in a character she didn't like. She knew the actress, not really but she knew who she was but was it enough to agree to shoot a movie lasting months? The answer could be yes.

"Liz you won't do anything you don't want to do. I promise that the role is very beautiful and you'll fit in like a glove. And you're working with someone you know. So..." Jonathan asked

"On the principle I agree, but my mother, she's my agent, will come and see if everything is correct. I can say yes for a movie but my mother has to see the contract too. I'm sure you understand what I mean."

Max felt relieved. He was scared that she could refuse. He was eager to shoot with her, a love story again, he was lucky. He'll hold her in his arms again. He'll kiss her again.
Once again, he was lost in his thoughts and he didn't hear David asking him if he agreed to shoot the movie. Alex smiled and shook his arm "Max?? Are you with us?"

"I'm sorry, I was thinking about something I had to do after that meeting, sorry. Did you talk to me?" he asked blushing about his lie.

"Are you in the movie?" David asked.

"Like Liz, I'm ok on the principle, but you have to discuss with Alex about the contract, that's always what we do." he replied.

"We just wanted you agreement. Then we'll talk with your agents. Liz, we're done if you have to go too. I'll talk to your mom after the meeting to fix a date with her." Jonathan said

"Thank you and I have to tell that I'm glad to work with you again and thank you if you thought about me for that movie." she said shyly.
"You inspired it, Liz. You don't have to thank us. If it isn't you, we wouldn't have thought about that movie." Jonathan said hugging her tenderly. He walked her to the door.

He turned toward Max "Max, you said that you have something to do after that meeting and we don't want to hold you back. We're really happy to work with you too. We're going to talk with Alex about the contract and we'll call back soon."

"Thank you Jonathan.. David, that was a real pleasure to see you again." he said shaking hands with them. He wanted to leave quickly to catch up Liz before she disappeared.

They closed the door after he left. He ran toward the exit. *Where is she?* Max didn't stop to wonder. He was so busy to look for her that he didn't see a woman talking on her phone. Fortunately, he caught her before she fell down "I'm sorry, I didn't.... LIZ! G-d, I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was going." he apologized.

TBC..IF YOU WANT IT........................................................................
the way he looks into her eyes.....
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Post by martine »

Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter. I'd like to thank you for your fbs and pms, they mean a lot for me. I know that, like me, you'd like this story happen in RL, but we know that it's impossible for them to be together but we can have a little hope that, someday, they'll be reunited on screen again.

I hope you'll like this part, it's a little transition in the plot. so you'll tell me, I hope. Till then, I'd like to thank you...

francesca- thank you Fran. yeah, that poor Max was drooling on a pic and then she was in flesh here, and Liz is amazing...hope you'll like this part.

begonia9508- thank you Eve, yeah I thought that Max was thinner in the last season than the first, and as I was refering to the period after Roswell.. about Tess, Liz and'll see later when....wait and see.

Natalie36- thank you. and you're so right. I'd like to see them on screen again. who knows? maybe one day...

madroswellfan- thank you.

FrenchDreamer- thank you. about the summary, I'm sure you agree with me, Shiri do look like Audrey Hepburn...and a movie together should be great. and you're right, it's not his day and...just stick with me and you'll see that it's far from over..

I'd like to tell to those who want me to update the Joker or Not Guilty that I hope I could do it soon, but it's harder than I thought to come back to a story after all that time. I'll do my best and keep checking the board.

Chapter 3

"MAX!!" she cried pulling away from his arms, "I don't know what is your problem, but you seem very weird since the moment we met. Are you sure you're not under some drugs?" she asked looking at him worried.

"Not fair, Lady" he replied upset that she had thought about that, "I don't take anything but cigarettes as you know. But I was running and didn't see who was in front of me. At least, I prevent you to fall down, you could thank me for that!"

"Hey! You ran and I almost fell because of you and you want me to thank you? Who raised you? I'm not sure it's the woman I knew when we were playing in Roswell." she retorted her wists on her hips. She was stunning with her eyes sparkling with anger and her soft cheeks flushing. Max couldn't help but stare at her.

Once again, he was lost in his contemplation of Liz, he realized that she was shaking his sleeve "Hey at least you could answer when I talk to you Max! What's the matter with you? You should consult, I'm sure that you're not normal since you came back from Japan."

"Japan" was the only word Max heard in his daze *how did she know about Japan? They didn't talk about it in front of her, is it possible that the little Liz is interested in him?? No...stop driving yourself insane man, she just talk about it, she surely heard about it, that's all...* he thought and stared at her.

Liz didn't give him the time to react "What? Why are you looking at me this way? What did I say?" she asked.

"Liz, do you have something to do?" he asked ignoring her question.
"What?" she inquired. That man is really weird and she couldn't help to think that maybe he was under some drugs.
"I'd like to invite you for lunch. I didn't see you since years and we could catch up a little." he pleaded.

"I've nothing to do for the moment but to tell the truth Max, I'm not sure to want to spend more time with you. I think that you should go home and rest a little. If you're not under some drugs, you must be stressed or very tired but you're not the same Max I remember." she stated.

Max was devasted. He scared her. He was so happy to see her that he scared her. *You're a great man, Max! Congratulations instead of making her happy to see you again, she only want to flee from you! You deserve the Oscar of the man the most stupid of the World!* Max cursed himself.

"Liz, I'm sorry. Alex told you, I was reading that magazine earlier and I saw you inside it. Suddenly you were in flesh in front of me, I've been disturbed I guess. But I don't want to scare you. You can trust me, I'm the same and I really want to spend time with you if you're available of course." he almost begged, he couldn't let her go.

Liz looked at him, he was like a little boy pleading to get a toy... "Well, let's see, it's noon...hum...if I have to stay with you for a while, I have to call someone." she said with a shy smile.

"Your boyfriend?" he blurted.

She glared at him "Excuse me?". Max blushed deeply but kept silent. Liz didn't answer and after she thought about staying or leaving, she moved away and called her mom. She had to tell her about the meeting with Jonathan Frakes and David Nutter, but Nancy was not too pleased to hear that her daughter was going for lunch with Max Evans.
Yet, they agreed to meet later to talk about the movie.

"If you still want it, we can leave Max." she said to him. "Where are we going?" she asked.
"Actually, I know a nice place. Come on, you can't let your car here, I'll take you back." he said.
"Ok, let's go." she said with a bright smile.

Liz had decided to stop to care about his strange behavior, Max had always been kind with her and she had no reason to worry. He was a little scary since they met again but she was certain that he was stressed. She wanted to enjoy the moment they'd spend together, they didn't see each other since years, she had no intention to spoil it.

They reached his car. There, Max opened the door for her and when she passed before him to climb in, he coudln't help but inhale her subtile perfume... he felt like if he was intoxicated by her scent. Since he saw her, earlier, he was disturbed, she moved him and he didn't like that. As a lot of men, he wanted to be the leader in a relationship. That was one of the reasons he broke up with Tess. *Cool man!!! you're not even in a relationship with Liz and you're thinking about the leadership in your couple!* he reprimanded himself.

Max was trying to restrain himself. Even if he was turned on by Liz, he had to be a gentleman with her, she deserved that.

"So where are we going? You didn't say it." Liz said.

Poor Max, he was suffering because of this beauty beside him and all that she thought about was their destination! He sighed.

"Well, I know a very nice place out of town, you'll see! Liz tell me about you, what are you doing except the marvelous pics I saw in that magazine? he asked

"They did a great job on me!..."
"They took advantage of you" he cut her off but when he saw her eyes widened, he apologized, he didn't say the right word and she misunderstood him...

"NOOO! Let me explain to you. You're an amazing woman Liz and all that they had to do was to take some pictures of you. You're natural Liz and on those pics, it's just you."
She looked at him surprised...

"Max?.... May I ask you a question?" she asked
"You told me earlier that you broke up with Tess and I'm sorry for you but, are you trying something with me?

Max gasped and could only stare at her shocked. Is he that obvious? Did he act like a teen trembling in front of the first girl he has to ask out. Maybe yes, if she asked him that question. What could he say? The truth.... :wink:

TBC...IF YOU WANT IT................................
the way he looks into her eyes.....
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Location: Shiri's eyes when Jason looks into them

Post by martine »

Hi guys, I'm back with another part. I hope you'll like it. I've tried to do my best but I'm not really satisfied with it. you'll tell me, I hope.
some lines to thanks the readers and the lurkers too.

francesca - I hope you won't be deceived by this part. and don't worry about Max, he recovered his composure.
begonia9508-that's me! 2 parts in the same time but not always. I hope that I enlighten you with that part. and you're right, nothing happened between them b4.
FrenchDreamer-thank you. glad to see that someone agree with me about Shiri looking like Audrey Hepburn. and after the shock, Max will talk to her.
Addicted2AmberEyes- thank you, hope to find you there soon.
LairaBehr4- thank you Laira. I hope to find you here next time too. and you found someone to help you to ask for the Joker, isn't it Eve?
Erina- Hey you! Erina, don't forget that they played in a show b4 and Nancy is protecting her daughter.

Here we go!!
Chapter 4

What could he say? The truth... No, he couldn't. "Liz, don't worry. I'm not trying anything with you, I just wanted us to talk about what you did since the show ended and enjoy a good lunch with you, you see." he said with a bright smile.
"Ok. I'm starved so I can't refuse a good meal." she said returning his smile.

While they were heading toward the restaurant, Max and Liz couldn't stop to glance at each other.
"Max" they said in the same time.
"You go first" she said
"Hum... I just wanted to say that I was sorry about my behavior earlier. I didn't want to scare you but I was drooling on your pics and suddenly you were here...."

"WHAT???" she yelled "What did you say?" she asked completely shocked
"Liz, what do you want me to tell you? You're amazing, you're look so confident. and...."
"And that gives you the right to drool on my pics? Max, what happens to you? Look I'm the same who played Roswell with you and I don't remember you drooling over my pics or anything like this. But I remember you chasing after Tess and completely amazed by her." she said with a little taste of bitterness in her voice.

"Liz, I know that I was not the best partner during the show. You're right Tess turned my head but now, I'm sure that I was just sexualy attracted by her. She was great at the beginning and we spent some good moments together then she began to change and it was over. our relationship ended." he explained.

"I'm sorry to see how much you suffered Max. I didn't know." she said sad to see how many damages Tess did on Max.
"Don't be sorry Liz, if I were wiser I wouldn't have been with her. But let's forget about her and let's just enjoy our lunch together." he said squezzing her hand.

"Where are we going?" she asked again seeing that Max was heading toward the beach.
"We're almost done." he said.

Five minutes later, they were arriving at the restaurant, a little one at the front beach, very cosy and Liz was pleased to see that it had a secluded place to talk. "Max! This place is very nice, I didn't know it." she said enchanted.
"Yeah and you'll see, you can enjoy it without anyone coming to annoy you. I came here a lot of times..."

She didn't want to ask him if it was with Tess or if he brought some other girls but like if he was able to read her mind "No...I never came here with Tess or any other girl." he said softly.
"I....humm....Are you really an alien? Can you read my mind?" she asked hiding her embarrassement behind a joke.
He burst in laugh "Noo. It was just written on your pretty face. You have that kind of look, a little worried. So I thought that you were annoyed by that." he explained.

She rolled her eyes.
"Just my mom or Alex, my agent. That place is ideal to talk quietly for business meeting or with friends, like we're doing. But if you're in the mood to.... make out? I'm your man." he winked at her.

"NOOOOOOO! Silly man! I see that you didn't change despite the time passing by." she laughed.
"Why do you want me to change?" he asked interested.

"Because like me, you grew old and you should be more reasonable." she replied
"Oh, I see that we're going to have a great time together on the shooting! When did you learn to be so straight with people you just met?" he asked laughing.
"I hope you're not talking about you! My dear Max Evans, that's not the first time we meet and for your information, I've always been like that with people. You just haven't time to see the real me." she finished seriously.

"I did Liz. You know that...."
But she cut him off "Max, I'd like us to stop talking about that now. I mean you're taking the wrong way. I'm enjoying beeing here with you and I don't want to get angry with you." she said looking into his eyes.

"I understand.. So what do you want to eat?"
"Do you recommand something good?" she asked
"Let's see...Do you prefer meat or fish?"
They ordered their meal, Max wanted to take the same than her. While they were waiting for it, they wanted to know what happened in their life but were too chiken to begin with.

"So..." they said in the same time.
"Your turn to begin this time" he offered.
"I wondered how was your life? I read a lot about it."
"Whaou! I've read a lot about you too. What do you want to know?" he asked softly
"I don't know. Is there someone else in your life?" she blurted out and put her hand against her mouth like if she could stop the words getting out. "I'm sorry Max. I didn't want to ask you. I mean, that's personnal and I said that I didn't want to discuss about our personnal life." she said cursing herself for her curiousity.

"Liz, I've nothing to hide. I'm single for the moment. But I can't say if I'll be single for long." he said winking at her.

*What does he mean? Does he think that I'm going to fall in his arms when we'll be playing for that movie?* Liz wondered.

"Liz I didn't want to embarrass you. I'm just single for the moment. But tell me about you? I heard that you were...hum....almost engaged? Is that true?" he asked feeling his heart racing in his chest.

"Yeah I read that too...."
"Is it true?" he insisted "Sorry I don't want to push you" he apologized.

"Not yet" she replied. And seeing his widened eyes she explained "I'm not engaged....yet."

Max didn't feel better knowing that she was not engaged yet, but soon.. He really hoped that he could make her change her mind.

"Not sure of yourself?" he asked and bit his lower lip. He pushed to far and was scared that Liz could get angry with him. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to be indiscreet. If you don't want to answer, I'll understand." he said taking her hand in his.

"Max, we played together for 3 years, it seems that we can't hold our tongues. I understand. I'd like to make a deal with you : we tell our stories about our lives once for all but we don't come back on the subject till the end of the movie. OK?" she asked seriously

"Ok. Liz, as I was annoying you with my questions, I let you ask what you want about me and then you'll answer my questions." he said trying to lighten the mood. "What do you want to know?" he inquired.

"All about you and Tess but if I'm indiscreet you don't have to tell me." she said caressing his hand.

Max looked at her hand caressing his and he began to talk "Ok, we broke up because we didn't have anything in common anymore. Each of us had to travel for movies and like they said *far from eyes, far from heart*. We decided to stop our relationship if it was a relationship." he added.

"Why do you say that? I remember that on the location, you were in love." she asked softly.
"Yeah, I know... our kisses, our so-called love..." he said bitterly

"Max! You're hurt. Do you still love her?" she asked anxiously.
"I stopped loving her long time ago."
"So why are you sad? Is it hard for you to talk about her?"

Max sighed and stared at her "You know Liz, living with Tess was not easy every day. She was very tough but I loved her that time. Now it's over and I'm angry with myself cause I gave her a lot and she never returned my feelings." he replied sadly.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"When we were in the show, I couldn't resist her. I mean she wanted to have sex and I couldn't say no. I was so attracted by her body that I couldn't stop myself willing to have her. But apparently, that was all that she wanted from me, sex." he was unable to stop talking and Liz couldn't do anything but listen to him.

"Liz...I'm sure that she just couldn't allow you to have me."
"ME?? What does it have to do with me?"

He startled and looked into her beautiful eyes.
"She knew like everyone on the show that I had something for you." he stated and Liz was shocked. *He had something for her? My eye! The only girl he had something for was Tess, why is he lying now?* she thought "It's over now. And we have another movie to shoot. That's important." she said sternly.

He looked at her intensly, he knew that it was not over for him. They met again after all those years and he was going to endure hell because of her. She was worth it and if she could give them a chance he was able to suffer 1000 deaths for her, but he was certain that she didn't change. His life will be a living hell with her around.

"As I satisfied your curiosity, I ask you for the same. Tell me about you and that boyfriend."

"What do you want to know? I met him after the show and last month he proposed." she stated.

Max was dying but wanted to continue though "And?"
"I love him but I'm not ready to get married." she replied and Max felt like if he was dead. He couldn't stop thinking "It's over, she loved him" again and again in his head.

When he was able to breathe again, he stared at her adoringly, knowing that his words will kill him even more "I'm sure that soon, you'll tell me that you're getting married and you'll be happy to do it."

Liz pulled him toward her to kiss him on the cheek but he turned his head at the same moment and the kiss ended on his lips. Max was first surprised but then, he tightened his grip and kissed her passionately.

TBC....IF YOU WANT IT.....................................................................
the way he looks into her eyes.....
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Post by martine »

Hi guys! another chapter, I hope you'll like it.

Chapter 5

When she pulled away, she stared at him, shocked, then she slaped him, and without a word, she climbed out of the car.
Max stayed there, stroking his cheek. He couldn't help it but needed to kiss her, he has that fierce yearning since the moment he saw her in this lounge.
To tell the truth, he didn't know what to do now. He went out of his car to check where she was. He saw her running and without thinking, he ran after her. He couldn't let her go without trying to explain the kiss. He just hopes that she'll let him talk.

"LIZ!!!" he yelled

She startled and tried to open her car to flee from him.
"Liz... Please" he begged
"No Liz, no please! Leave me alone"

"Liz, I'd like to apologize and explain, at least try to explain why...."
"I don't want to listen to you! I don't want anything from you! I'm just going to call Jonathan to tell him that I cancel my agreement for the movie." she said while she she climbed in the car and was about to close the door.

"Please Liz, don't! Liz, let me explain to you." he begged again.

Shiri glared at him with anger in her eyes and when she talked that was with a sterne voice "Stay away from me Max. I don't want to have anything to do with you and I won't shoot with a psycho like you."

"Liz, just listen to me. I didn't want to scare you, I....."

Without listenning, she pushed him away, closed the door and started the car. Max stayed shocked, alone in the street. Suddenly, he remembered what she said about the movie, no, he couldn't let her give up on the project. She had to do it and he hoped that she could forgive his behavior. He called his agent.

"Alex, it's me Max"
"Yes Max, what's up?" he asked surprised to hear his client and friend on the phone.
"Alex, just listen to me. I just left Liz and she intended to give up on the movie"
"WHAT??? Why that? What happened?"
"I kissed her."

"YOU WHAT???" Alex couldn't believe what he was hearing from Max. He couldn't have be that jerk.
"Don't yell at me Alex! I kissed her, not a big deal!"
"Why? Arrgh!!" he growled and tried to calm down. "Max what happened for you to kiss her? Couldn't you restrain yourself? Among all the women you know, you just found her to kiss!"

Max heard someone talking beside Alex "Tell him to come back!"
"What? Who's speaking?"
"Jonathan. He wants you to come back to the lounge. Where are you?"
"I'm in front of the hotel, I just came back with Liz. Are you still in the hotel?"

"Yeah and bring your bag of bones here at once if you don't want Jonathan and David come down and kick your ass! We're waiting for you."
He hung up without letting time to Max to say a single word.

Depressed, he went back to the hotel. He knew that the directors will kill him for what he did and Alex won't spare him too. He didn't need to wait for long, he found Jonathan in front of him before he reached the door.

"I'm sure you're proud of you! You couldn't restrain yourself huh? You have to jump on the first skirt you see, you pervert! I can't believe it. Why did you kiss her? Why?" Jonathan was so angry that he couldn't stop yelling at him.
"First you don't have to yell at me like this Jonathan. I know that I made a mistake but that's not necessary to cry out like this. You won't make me feel worse than I am."

"Good to you that you feel bad, at least you realized that you made a mistake. Unfortunately, you did it too late young man! Who do you think you are? And who do you think she is? not the kind of bimbos you're used to date for sure!" David said more calmly.

"OK...May I talk? I can explain, just let me explain my behavior. I'd like to try to do it."
Jonathan shook his head to say no.
"NO. First of all I have to talk to Liz."

He dialed Liz's number "Liz, that's me Jonathan. Where are you?"
"Why? What do you want Jonathan?"
"Are you in your car?"
"WHY?? Geez Jonathan, can't you just tell me what do you want? And if it has something to do with that psycho, I don't want to hear a single word."

"Liz...Come back to the hotel please."
"Max is there?"
"Then, good bye Jonathan. I'll call you later. I don't want to....."

"Liz!! please. Do I have to beg you? Since when did you become so stubborn?"
"Liz? Please I know you Liz. I know that you're not that kind of woman who likes people to "kiss" her feet before she agrees to come back. So be the Liz Parker we all know and love and come back to the hotel, please."

"Ok. I'm coming Jonathan because I respect you and David...BUT, tell to that psycho that I won't talk to him or even look at him and he better do the same with me. I don't want anything to do with him."
"I'll do it. Thank you Liz. We're waiting for you."

When he hung up with Liz, he turned around to glare at Max.
"She's coming back. Now you...tell me what happened and I want the truth!!!"

"Do you think that I'm going to lie? I'm not...."
"I don't care about what you are or not! You put us, all of us, in a bad position and I want you to tell me what made you go crazy enough to jump on her and kiss her."

Max frowned, he didn't like to be treated like a little child, he knew that he mistook with Liz but that doesn't mean that he has to be killed for that.

"Ok. When we left, I asked her if she wanted to have lunch with me and after a while, she agreed. We went to the restaurant and had fun there talking about our respective lives since the end of Roswell. Everything went well and when we came back here, she left her car here, I don't know how it happened but..."

"You attacked her"
"NOOOO! Are you crazy? I didn't attacked her. I kissed her but I didn't force her."
"You're saying that she kissed you back?"

"I don't know really. I mean I was so enthralled by her in my arms after all that time. I just felt. I mean I didn't think with my head..."
"No just with your..."

"JONATHAN! Stop that. I'm sorry but Max apologized and you don't need to insult him like this. I'm sorry I had to intervene."
"I was wondering if you were going to defend me, your friend."

"MAX!! STOP! You're completely wrong here, so aggravate your case."
"Alex... Jonathan, I just kissed her. I didn't try or even really rape her! I made a mistake I agree but does that mean that I have to be killed or at least, hung on?"

"Noo. You're right Max, you just kissed her. WITHOUT HER CONSENTMENT jerk! That's wrong. You just betrayed the trust she had in you. That's not important. That's essential for you and for us. Don't you see that."

"So you mean that I made an huge mistake and for that, I deserve the worse, maybe not to be killed but maybe I should go to jail for that ?"


"Shiri? Come in."

the way he looks into her eyes.....
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Post by martine »

hey, I'm back with another part. I hope you'll like it. I've tried to write it despite the crazy life I have for the moment, so excuse all the mistakes.

FrenchDreamer- yeah, they shouldn't yell at him like that but he shouldn't have kissed Liz with her consentment. he has to deal with his mistake. thank you and I hope you'll like this part too.

begonia9508- hey Eve you're surprised by Liz's reaction? you're right thinking that she overreacted but he did it without any sign from her that she was wanting a kiss, that was the reason she slapped him. and maybe she's a tigress! thank you Eve.

francesca- haha!! that would be too easy francesca! and Max needs to know that he can't take everything for granted, al least not Liz Parker! thank you

Icequeen - Jazzy don't worry I know that RL life is eating you the same way it's eating me. and about Liz, maybe she has her reasons to reac the way she did. thank you and I'm looking for the updates of your fics.

Chapter 6

"If you don't deserve jail, Max, at least you deserve something for your behavior! I don't trust you anymore! and I don't want to make that movie with you.....I'm sorry Jonathan and David." she said coming into the room.
"Liz, take a chair and listen to me. I've already told you that you were right, that silly guy acted like a vulgar man, but it's a good project, don't let your anger take over you. You know that I'm not pushing you shoot that movie. I like you like my own daughter, Liz this movie is your movie, even if you don't want to shoot it for the moment. It'll never be another actress than you for it." Jonathan said.

He was looking at her with a real affection in his eyes and Liz began to feel bad. Then she looked at Max "I don't want to shoot with him" she said closing herself again.

Jonathan looked at Max like if he wanted to kill him, embarrassing him and turned around toward Liz. "As much as I want to do it, I just can't. I'm sorry Liz."
"WHY??" she yelled
"The producers, they want you and Max together. I can't do otherwise."
"If he doesn't do it, they could give up on the project?"
"I think so."

Liz stopped asking questions and looked at Jonathan and David. She thought about all the people involved in that project and eventually looked at Max.... No, she couldn't make the film with someone she couldn't trust, since the moment she saw him again this morning, she had felt uncomfortable with his way to stare at her...and then he kissed her!!
She knew that it was just a kiss, not a big deal after all, but he kissed without her consentment, that's the problem.

"Jonathan and David, I'm sorry. I'm not playing the diva but for the moment, I can't do it. I've to think about it and tell you what I've decided to do. I'm really sorry....."
"Liz, may I say a word?" Max asked shyly "I know that I messed everything with you and I really don't know why I've done what I did. Even if you can't forgive me, please don't give up on the movie. I don't ask for me, I just came back from Japan, I don't need to make another film right now, but think about those people who came to ask us to work with them. And I add that I won't annoy you during the shooting, it's a promise.

Liz stared at him coldly and without a word, she walked out the room.

Max looked at the door she just passed and without thinking ran after her. He found her waiting for the elevator.
"Max, just leave me alone! I don't want to talk to you, is it so hard to understand for the great and famous Max Evans?" she said angrily.

"Liz I've told you that I was sorry for my behavior. I shouldn't kiss you...."

"Exactly! I trusted you Max! How could you act like this with me? Do you think that I'm the kind of woman who betrays her boyfriend?"
"No! Of course not. Liz.....Liz, I can't explain why I've kissed you, I just yearned to do it. You're an amazing young woman Liz, you've changed. I left a beautiful teen and I found a stunning woman. That's why, when you came into the room, I couldn't take my eyes off you. I know you Liz, I know that you're a faithful girlfriend. I'm sorry if I made you feel so bad."

"Ok, Max. I heard you. Can you leave now?"
"NO! Listen to me Liz. Don't give up on the film. I've told you, that's not for me, I'm tired and all I want is to rest a little before I can think about another project. But I want to do this one with you Liz. I missed you. I missed our moments when we were on Roswell....."

"OUR MOMENTS? What the hell are you talking about Max?"
"Liz, we were close and without Tess....well, we did get along very well if you remember."
"No, I don't remember."

Max sighed, he knew that she wouldn't make it easy but he couldn't let her go without fighting. "Liz, I want to tell you something : don't let the anger take the best of you. You agreed to shoot that movie because the plot seems to be good and....they are right you know...."

Liz looked at him puzzled "You look like Audrey Hepburn, I always said it. So think about all the marvelous places we're going for that film, think about the impact on your career, think about everything but me. Liz, I'm little in front of all the people who trust us."

"You're right, I have to think about all the people who trust me enough to hire me for that film, but I have to think about you in that film and I have a big problem here."
"For a kiss?"

"NO. Don't make me feel like a none who has never been kissed please! It's just that I never gave you a hint to do it. Did I show you that I was waiting for a kiss?"

"No, you're right and I apologize again Liz. I swear if you come back in the project I won't annoy you."

"The problem is that I don't trust you anymore Max." she said glaring at him.

Max sighed again, the battle is not finished. He couldn't believe that Liz was so tough. "Please Liz, you can trust me. I won't do anything incorrect during the show, I swear it. Now, come on, Jonathan and David are waiting for us, they trust us enough to give us the main characters in a movie and you heard it, the producers want us, US together. Forget your anger and come with me. We'll make that film like two old friends and nothing more. Please come to talk with Jonathan and David."

Liz looked into his eyes, he seemed really sincere and he wanted him to forgive him. He swore that he wouldn't annoy her....Maybe she could trust him...after all that was just a kiss....Maybe she overreacted....but....ahhhrrgh!!!!

"Ok Max. I agree to make it BUT don't forget what you said here. I swear to you that you'll have my lawyers on your back if you don't hold your promise."

Her words were cold but her heart was racing. She didn't know why and she didn't want to analyse it.

"Liz I swore to you. I won't annoy you..... and Liz?.... Thank you."

Liz cleared her throat, that damned man is able to make her feel guilty since he was the culprit. "Ok, let's talk to Jonathan and David."

They came back to the lounge. The directors were anxious to know her decision and were upset with Max. They wanted to make that film to please all their fans and because of that crazy man, maybe everything is ruined.

"Jonathan and David, I'd like to apologize for my behavior. I shouldn't be that angry with both of you. Max behaved very bad but that was not your fault. So please excuse me and I'll make your film even if he's in the project. He swore to me that he won't annoy me and I agree to trush him again....."

"He won't bother you, you have my word Liz" Jonathan cut her off, taking her hands in his. He kissed the tips of her fingers "You're a great woman Liz. Thank you."

Liz felt embarrassed "Hmmm... My mother will come tomorrow to sign the contract with you. You didn't tell me when do you expect to begin the shooting?"

"When do you finish your film?"
"Oh, you're waiting for me?" she asked shyly. "I'll do my best to be ready at the end of that month. Is it ok with you? I don't want to....."

"Liz, it's ok. We'll begin after that." David cut her off. "We have to check the location with the crew and find some extras. Of course we have to contact all the actors we want in that movie. We'll call you around two weeks to tell you. I'll give you the script then."

"Ok, that's fine for me. Sorry, now I have to leave. Bye Jonathan, David." she said kissing them. "Alex, that was a pleasure." she said turning aroung toward Alex.

"The pleasure was mine." he said shaking her hand.
"Thank. Bye everybody."

They saw her walk out of the lounge but as soon as the door was closed "I swear to you Max that if you dare to behave like you did today, I'll fire you even if the producers sue me." Jonathan said sternly.

"Jonathan, I've already ask for Liz to apologize and I've sworn that I wouldn't annoy her, but that's not enough for you, I see. What do you want from me?" he asked angrily

"To stop being a little boy in front of a wonderful toy, the only toy he ever wanted in his life. To be a gentleman instead of a man who was unable to behave correctly in front of his dreamgirl."

"WHAT???? What the hell are you talking about? Who is my dreamgirl? Liz? Are you crazy?" Max couldn't believe that he had been so transparent. He felt betrayed and then Jonathan was right. He lost his control today.

"I'm not. Just be honest Max. You didn't kiss some unknown girl, you didn't stare at some unknown girl, you did that with Liz Parker!! and...."

"Nothing, just think about it calmly. I'm sure you'll find out the reason of your strange behavior." David said.

"Ok, we're not sleeping here, let's go out. Max we'll call you in two weeks like I said to Liz and I'll give you the script. And don't worry, everything is fixed with Alex."

"Okay.. I just want to say that I'm happy to work again with you. I'll do my best to deserve the trust you have in me." Max said shaking their hands.

He walked out of the lounge with Alex "So everything is ok with them?"
"Yeah, they agreed with all that you asked, don't worry. You know them, we can trust them."
"That's good. So...."
"Max, may I ask you a question? What happened to you with Liz? Are you in love with her?" Alex asked straightly.

"WHAT?? NOO! I'm not. I mean I like her, I've always liked her but I'm not in love with her. I told her that I had seen her in this magazine and suddenly she was in flesh in front of me..."
"And that's the reason why you kissed her without her consentment?" he asked again amused
"No...Alex I don't know why I did it, I mean that when I saw her, so beautiful, so amazing, I couldn't stop staring at her like a dumb and I had that incredible yearning to kiss....I did it. That's the only explanation I can give you."

"Do you think that she'll forgive you?"
"I have no idea. I hope so cause we're going to be together for months in Italy. It's important to get along well."
"It's all in your hands Max and I agree with David, you should think about what happened and why it happened with Liz Parker."

TBC.....................IF YOU WANT IT!

the way he looks into her eyes.....
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Post by martine »

ok guys, this part was easier to write than "not guilty". so I began with that. Hope you'll like it and I'll appreciate some fbs.

Chapter 7

In the meantime, Liz arrived at home. She went to talk to her mother, of course she didn't tell anything about the kiss or she wouldn't shoot that movie with Max.
*Max... why did he act like this? He told me that he didn't see me like a slut but he was strange since I put a feet in that lounge. Did I change that much as he said? I don't think so...ok forget Max!*

"Hi Mom, I'm home!"
"Hi honey, how was the meeting?"
"Fine, they are waiting for you tomorrow to check if everything is all right with the contract and sign it."
"Liz, you didn't tell me too much about the movie, what is the subject? Something interesting?"
"Yeah! You won't believe it, they want to make the remake of "Roman Holydays" that movie with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. Do you remember it? And the most insane is that they thought about me because they said that I looked like her."
"They are right. Sometimes, I think that you look more like her than to me or your father. And believe we have nothing to do with her unfortunately. And Max Evans will make it with you?" she asked a little tense.
"Yeah, he'll be Gregory Peck's character"
"And you agreed with that?"

Liz looked at her mother, she was upset that was obvious but she didn't understand why. Her parents have always trust her judgement why is she scared this time?
"Yeah, I agreed. Why not? Mom, it's a great movie, I mean it's a big opportunity for me. Why are you upset?"
"Liz, when you shot Roswell, I liked Max. He was always polite with me and kind. But I don't think you should make that film with him."
"Why? I don't understand why you're so cautious?"
"Liz, do you know the plot? Do you know what kind of movie you agreed to shoot with him? A love story!"
"I know that! It's a beautiful love story even if they didn't give us the script, I'm sure that the remake will be as beautiful as the original movie. So don't be scared."
"Liz, you know what a love story means for you and Max. Are you sure to be able to kiss him for the movie without feeling like you did during Roswell?"
"I was younger Mom. I grew up and I can handle it."

Nancy looked at her daughter. Despite what Liz was saying, she was afraid that she could fall for Max once again. "What about Sean? He proposed to you but you postponed your answer, don't you think that it's time to give your answer?"
"Are you that scared that you want me to be engaged with Sean before the shooting? Mom, I didn't say yes cause I don't love him that way he loves me. I don't want to hurt him and I don't want to use him. I'm still with him and I'll shoot that movie with Max without problems. Please trust me."
"Liz, with your father, we always supported you. We'll do it this time again. How does he look like?"
"The same."
"Still with Tess Harding?"
"Humm....No, they broke up"

"YOU SEE! What did I say? He's single now, I'm sure that he'll try to seduce you and you're going to fall for him once again. Please Honey, give up on that project. I'm sure you'll find something else."
"Mom, you said that you were trusting me. I'm not the same young girl anymore and Max said that he won't bother me during the shooting. He promised that to Jonathan and David today. And we talked about it too. He swore to me that he won't tempt anything."
"And you trust him?"
"Actually yes. I don't think that Max Evans would jeopardize his place in that movie by tempting something with me. I mean, Jonathan and David wanted to please our fans but they said that I inspired them, me looking like Audrey Hepburn. I'm not sure they'll keep him if he does something wrong this time."
"Ok Honey. Like I said, we won't stop support you because of Mr Evans. We trust you and I hope that everything will be all right during the shooting."

Meanwhile, Max was in his car, thinking about what happened today. *First Liz.....Liz Parker. I've been completely amazed by her beauty and I've been unable to take my eyes off her. She had changed for the best and I forgot myself. That kiss we shared! Cause before she slapped me, she kissed me back. Maybe that was the reason why she was so upset! Man, you're lying to yourself. She told you that she was almost engaged, that was the real reason. Max, just forget Liz Parker!*

Without stopping thinking about Liz, he drove till his mom's appartment.
"Mom, that's me!"
"Maax, I'm happy to see you my son."
"I came here to tell you about the meeting I had this morning."
"It lasted till now?"
"Not really. I have to explain to you. They want to shoot the remake of "Roman Holydays" you know that movie with Gregory Peck......"
"And Audrey Hepburn. I know it. A wonderful movie. A great love story! And who is your partner?"
"The only actress who looks like Audrey Hepburn......"
"Liz? Liz Parker is your partner?"
"Exactly. She came to join us at the hotel. Mom, she's really gorgeous."
"I know. I almost ruined the project after the lunch."
"WHAT??? What did you do this time?"
"After the meeting I asked her for lunch and we went to our restaurant, you know....." seeing his mother's glare he continued "Ok, when we went back to her car, I kissed her...."

"Oh Max why did you kiss her? I read that she was engaged!"
"Not yet. She refused or postponed her answer but you're right she has a boyfriend. But she kissed me back before she slapped me....Then she got angry with me and refused to shoot the movie. I had to apologize and swear that I won't annoy her during the movie."

Diane looked at her son, she knew that this shooting would be hard for him if Liz Parker would be his partner. She knew that he had strong feelings for her "Honey, I'm scared. I mean this story is a strong love story and I'm sure that Gregory Peck fell for Audrey Hepburn during the shooting."
"And you think that I'll fell for Liz....."
"I wonder....."
"Why don't everybody stop thinking that I'll fall for her or worse, that I'm in love with her?"
"Who said that?"
"Alex did. Mom, I like her, I'm not in love with her. I was in love with Tess, I know what love is and I don't feel the same for Liz. You know what, I'm fed up of this story!"

"Max, please calm down. You don't have to be so disturbed, I understood what you said and the shooting is not for tomorrow, is it?"
"No, we'll receive the script in 2 weeks, Liz is shooting for the moment. They said that we'll begin in a month."
"Fine and what are you going to do now?"
"For the moment, going home. I had a hard day and I need to rest a little."
"Ok, Honey. Have a good rest. You know what, you should talk to Kyle, he'll give good advice."
"I have Alex for that. I pay him for that."
"Your agent is good for your career since your brother is good for your private life. Bye Honey."
She pushed him and closed the door on his face. Max remainded there surprised. What the hell does she mean? He's going to call his brother, he has to know."

TBC...IF YOU WANT IT.....................................................
the way he looks into her eyes.....
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Post by martine »

hey guys, I'm back with a new chapter. I hope you'll like it.

ken_r - Thank you Ken, I hope everything is all right now.
Erina - they are close to their parents both and they needed to hear what they had to tell about their meeting. as for'll have to read the next part to know.
begonia9508- well Eve, Max was with Tess and he was certain that he loved her. He can't imagine that he lived with her without loving her. And no, he's not a player here. He's a genuine guy who thinks that he knows what love is, bc of his story with Tess.
Icequeen - Because he's sure that that's what he had for Tess. He'll see the difference later. For the moment, he knows that he feels something for Liz but he has not clear his eyes to see what are those feelings.

Thank you for those fbs. I hope I'll find you there for the next part. I'll update the Joker and Not Guilty certainly that weekend.

Chapter 8

Liz was on the phone with her friend Maria. "So how was the meeting?"
"Fine, there was Jonathan Frakes and David Nutter, they want to shoot a remake of "Roman Holidays......"
"With you in Audrey Hepburn's character? I'm sure....oh Liz, you look so much like her! That role is for you! And who will play Gregory Peck's one?" Maria said excited to see her friend involved in a great film.
"You won't believe it!"
"Why? Do I know the actor?"
"Pretty well yes, even if you didn't see him since a long while"
"That can't be Max?"
"Which Max?"
"The one and only one Max Evans! Who else?
"How did you guess?"
"That's him? WHAAAAAAAOUUUUUUUUUU!!!! Unbelievable!!! Oh Liz, what are you going to do?" she asked jumping on her feet.
"What do you think I'm going to do? I said yes and I'll shoot that movie despite Mr Max Evans."

"What happened?"
"Liz, calm down, I'm just asking you what happened during the meeting! Maybe there is something that you need to tell me that I don't know?" she said staring at her phone with a inquiring look.
"NO" she almost yelled.
"Too fast, spill. I'm all yours"
"Maria!!! Nothing happened! Why do you always think that something has to happen?"
"Because my 6th sense tells me that something happened and that you're trying your best to hide it from me. By the way, why did you call me? I'm sure that you don't call me to just tell me that you'll going to shoot that remake with Max Evans, that's all! Come on Liz, tell me!!" she whinned. "I feel that something important happened, am I right?"
"As always...." Liz sighed.
"I knew it!!!!! Tell me! Please tell me!!"

"I was going to say always, you're going to sue me to know even if nothing happened! Don't jump on conclusions that fast!"
"Ok, Liz. Now I'm more than certain that you're hiding something from me, I don't know why. But let me tell you that I'm the only one you're able to talk about that. Remember that I was there, I was with you. I saw you hurt and trying to hide your strong feelings for him."

Liz closed her eyes and breathed deeply "It's over Maria. I'm with Sean now. Don't you remember that I have a boyfriend?"
"It's easy Liz. You take him like a protection again."
"What are you talking about?"
"Nothing, you won't be glad to hear. Let's drop the subject Liz and tell me about the meeting. What happened?"
"You're not interested by what happened between me and Max anymore?"
"No. I'm sure you want tell me even if I know that you'll tell me when you'll be ready to do it. So you're going to shoot a remake of that wonderful movie? Ahh! Audrey and Gregory were so great in that movie. There was a great chemistry between them, do you know the story?"
"Of course! it's a love story between a sports reporter and a princess. Jonathan said that they'll change the end, they want a happy end. He said that nowdays, a princess can get married with common people."
"He's right. That'll be great I'm sure. Ann...d are you ready to shoot a love story with Max Evans? You, Liz Parker?"
"Of course, I, Liz Parker, am going to make a movie with Max Evans, even a love story. I've no problem with that."
"If you say it."
"Yeah, they won't make love. Jonathan can't change the story that much so I'm able to shoot that movie without second thoughts."

"Fine. And I'm sure that Jonathan and David were very pleased to see you again after so long"
"Sure! Me too. They told me how much I had changed, I was so embarrassed when Max..... when they were staring at me when I came into the lounge....."
"........I'm sure they couldn't help to look at you as if they wanted to eat you alive! " Maria said rolling her eyes. Liz was so stubborn sometimes when she doesn't want to see what is under her nose.
"Sort of yeah. I was really embarrassed"
"See! I think that I could be a clairvoyant sometimes!"
"Yeah tell me about it! Anyway...."
"And they told you that you were the only one to play in that movie, huh?"
"Maria, first they thought about a movie on Roswell! But they changed their mind thinking that we all grew old and maybe it would be hard for some of the actors to play a teen at their age.... If you think about Max, he's almost 30.... Anyway, they found a wonderful story to tell and you have no idea how eager I'm to make that movie!" she said with a bright smile.

"The fact that they wrote it thinking about you and mostly the fact that Max Evans is your partner again has nothing to do with your eagerness, girlfriend?"
"Noooo....I mean yes!! Listen, I'm proud that they thought about me for that role....."
"They wrote it for you, that's different!"
"Ok, they wrote it for me and I told you, I'm proud of that, I'm glad that they trust me enough to give me the lead role. As for Max, I'm pleased to shoot with him but it would be the same with any other actor! Even if you're right, it's easier to play with someone you already know."
"Huh huh...."
"What! I didn't say anything!"
"I know you as if I gave you birth! Nothing happened!!!"
"OK!! I already heard that. I'm not deaf nor dumb you know! So nothing happened between you and Mr Sexy, ok!"

Liz sighed "OK...He told me that I was amazing. Nah! Are you happy?"
"Thanks for the information. I was sure that he would told you something like that."
"That's all?"
"What do you want me to do? To jump to the ceiling? Ok, he saw how amazing you became and he told you so, what a big deal!" she was faking indifference. She knew that Liz wouldnt stop here.
"I know you. You're pushing me to know the truth!"
"You told me the truth, I have no reason to push you for anything! I heard what you said and I'm glad that he noticed the changes in you. ok, end of the story."
Maria smiled and, even if Liz coudln't see her, she made a little dance. "So?"
"You're impossible! No one can resist to you. So when I got there, he was very surprised to see me and he was just staring at me, speechless. Alex, his agent, told me that earlier, he was looking at me in that magazine and a few minutes later, I was there in flesh. And as I told you he kept staring at me without talking a lot during all the meeting. And take that smile off you face young lady or I stop the story here."

While Liz was telling her what happened during the meeting, Maria couldn't help but smile. She knew that Max wouldn't stay quiet face to that amazing Liz and seeing the discomfort of her friend, she was sure that something more happened.
"Liz, I'm not smiling! I'm listenning and I love what I listen. By the way, how do you know that I'm smiling, you can't see me."
"I've told you that I knew you more than if I was your own mother! And don't begin to think about a love story between Max and I."
"Of course not! I just love to hear that my best friend is appreciated. I have that right!"
"Oh, thank you. I'm sorry. So they told me about the movie and when we finished, we left, I mean, Max and I and he offered me to have lunch with him that I accepted after a little call to my mother. Oh, they broke up with Tess."

Maria gasped and her eyes widened. *That's incredible, they finally broke up! And that stupid girl won't agree that she's happy to hear that*
"Maria? You're still here?"
"Of course, where do you want me to be? I'm just surprised that he eventually understood"
"I won't say that. He's unhappy without her."
"Did he tell you that?"
"No. But he said that he was sad to have spent so much time with her. He loved her and she never returned his feelings. Sad no?"
"WHAOU!!! At least he found out that the only thing she wanted was to take him from you"
"How did you know?"

Liz was shocked. How Maria could know about that? Was it so obvious for all the people they worked with, except for her and Max? "Don't be upset Liz, I knew. Actually, everybody knew except you and that poor Max."
"Why did you never say it to me?"
"If I did would you have believed me? NO. Liz you were so.... naive! Until now, you can't see the devil in a person. That's you but even if I'm younger than you, I know how people are and do when they see someone as a threat for them. And that's what you were for her. Liz, you might be older, you're the same than years ago. Like they say in France, you don't see further that your nose"
"I'm not naive!"
"You're right, you're more suspicious now but when it comes to your love life, I'm sure you're the same."
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing more than what I said. Please Liz, for your sake, open your eyes and open your heart"
"Are you telling me that I have to fall in Max's arms during the shooting?"
"Not at all! And now, please continue about the meeting."
"Well, but it's not over between us. So we went to a very good restaurant...we should go there next time... and then everything went well. We talked about our lives since the end of the show and when it took me back..."
"Yeah? Liz do you want to kill me? What happened?"
"Don't you have any idea, Mrs Clairvoyant?"
There was a silent then "WHOOOO HOOOO I know! He kissed you!"
"Maria!! Are you crazy? You made me deaf! And stop your imagination, I slaped him.'
"What? Why?"
"Why? I have a boyfriend that I love, that's why"
"Ok, and what did he do after that?"
"Did HE do? What did I do? I was very angry with him and I wanted to cancel everything."
"Yeah, for a kiss! I trusted him and he betrayed that trust. Ok, to make the story short, he apologized and told me that he won't bother me anymore. I returned to the lounge to tell them that I'll continue the project if he doesn't annoy me. End of the story."

"What that "end of the story" means?"
"Nothing more than that, end of the story. I left after that and they'll call me in 2 weeks. That's all."
"And Max? What did he do?"
"I don't know what he did, I left them discussing. I was not interested to know what they had to tell him."
"And now?"
"What do you mean? I'll wait for them to call me and I'll shoot that movie like I do for every movie I'm interested to do."
"I hope that soon, you'll open your eyes."

In the meantime, Max called his brother.....

TBC..IF YOU WANT IT............................................................
the way he looks into her eyes.....
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Post by martine »

Hey, here is a new chapter of this fic. I hope you'll like it. This time it's Max's turn to talk with someone to understand what happened that day between him and Liz. But you'll see reading it.
begonia9508- Eve you'll see that the french proverbe "Qui se ressemble s'assemble" is good for both Max and Liz. Thank you for being here.


Here we go....

Chapter 9

Max called his brother, Kyle, he had to see him, he had to know what his mother meant...
"Kyle, it's me."
"Hey bro, what's up?"
"What are you doing for the moment?"
"Nothing. Just lurking with my computer, why?"
"I'm coming. I have to talk to you."
"Hey, do you have a problem? You're not used to call me to just talk."
"First, I've no problem, I just want to talk to you about something. Does it bother you?"
"Don't be stupid and come. I'm waiting for you."

It doesn't take too long for Max to reach his brother's house. While he was driving, he couldn't help but think about his conversation with his mother. Why did she want him to talk to Kyle? He knew that his life was gloomy, that after Tess he didn't date anyone seriously, what a big deal? He needed to make a break and he didn't see what Kyle could say to help him more than anyone else. Weird.
When Kyle opened the door, he found his brother scratching his head like if he had a big problem to solve.
"Hey are you ok?" he asked a little worried.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I can come and talk to my brother without having something wrong in my life, you know." he said a little abruptly.
Seeing Kyle's expression, he regretted his bad mood. "Sorry bro, I didn't have to talk to you like this. It's not your fault."
"Fault? What's going on? I'll be happy to help you and you look like someone who need it."
"No, it's just about Mom."
"Mom? What's your problem with Mom?"
"I don't have a problem with Mom. I went to talk to her after the meeting, and she was weird. She almost threw me out of her house telling me to come and talk to you."
"Max, if you told me since the beginning. What was that meeting about?"
"I had a meeting today about a movie I'd be supposed to shoot...."
"Nothing more than the routine."
"Can you let me talk without interrupt me, Kyle?" he asked angryly.

Kyle looked at him surprised. What was Max's problem to be so touchy? "Max, I'm sorry but even if I see that you're disturbed, stop being so touchy. You came here to talk to me, I didn't know that I had to listen to you with my mouth shut. If you want me to help you, stop acting like a jerk." he burst.

Max looked at his brother, shocked. He knew that he was right, he was touchy, but is it necessary to yell like he just did? "Kyle, I didn't want to shut your mouth, I need to make my mind clear and you were interrupted me....."
"So what? I can't interrupt the great actor Mr Max Evans?" he replied sarcasticly.
"I never disdained you Kyle. I never pretended to be greater than you. I hope you're just angry with me but doesn't believe a word you're saying."
"Ok.. Yeah I'm angry. If I can help you, I'll do it with pleasure but don't ask me to shut my mouth."
"Ok, let's drop that argument. I had a meeting today with Alex. We met Jonathan Frakes and David Nutter....."
"You're going to play in Roswell again?"
"No, even if they thought about that first. No we're too old to play teens again. But they have another project, that seems rather good. They want to make a remake of "Roman Holidays".
"With Liz Parker?"

"Max, if they're making a remake of Audrey Hepburn's movie that couldn't be another than Liz Parker. She looks like Audrey a lot. I see that it's not only my opinion."
"You're right. Liz Parker is going to play that movie with me."
"Why do I have the feeling that they thought about her first and then asked you."
"Actually, they asked to us in the same time. I met her this morning."
"That's why you're so touchy, so disturbed. I understand why Mom told you to come to talk with me..She's not able to handle...."
"Handle what? What are you talking about?" he asked angry.
"Max, I'm your brother and it's easier for me to talk to you than Mom, she's your mother after all!"
"I must be stupid cause I don't understand a word of this. What do you mean?"

Kyle looked at his brother, that silly man didn't understand why their mom couldn't talk with him, he didn't understand that if he was that angry, sad or anything else, that was because of Liz Parker. The only one woman able to turn Max Evans's life, heart, mind upside down. Is Max able to agree with that? On the other hand, maybe if he could have an affair with her, that could be enough for him to let her go.

"Mom is right. But I'm not sure you'll accept to hear what I have to tell you."
"Give a try. I'm sure that my mind won't be too weak to understand you." he said sarcasticly.
"Don't be that sarcastic, bro. I'll tell you but don't come after that to tell me that I didn't warn you, you won't like it. It's about you and Liz."
Max turned pale. What does he mean?
"Max, you like her very much..."
"That's not a secret."
"Do you think that if you......sleepwithher?"
"What??? I don't understand, or I'm scared to have understood what you said. Repeat again clearly please!"
"Ok, but don't yell at me! I wondered if you slept with her maybe you could get rid of that obssession you have for her. You could forget her once for all."

Max was speechless, his brother must have fallen on his head. Sleeping with Liz? She slapped him when he lost his mind and kissed her let alone to sleep with her? Max shook his head to clear his mind, his brother couldn't help him...."Kyle, I don't want to yell at you but.....Did you fall on your head?????" Max yelled.
"Hey! Stop yelling! I'm almost deaf!" Kyle said shaking his head. "Max you came here to have some help but you refuse to hear what I have to say, I'm useless. So go back home and try to clear your mind alone. I can't help you Max."

"Kyle, I'm pretty lost here and I came here to have some help. You suggested that I slept with Liz Parker to get rid of my obssession for her. Do you hear what you suggest ? That's crazy!"
"That's not if you forget her after you sleep with her!"
"I can't....I can't forget her, she's unforgettable!"
"Do you love her?"
"NOOO.. I mean I like her, very much but I'm not in love with her. I know what love is, I was in love with Tess, remember?"
"Yeah, Tess. We'll talk about her later, just tell me why Liz Parker is unforgettable for you? Be honest Max, you never get over with her, I'm sure she's the reason why you broke up with Tess."
"Do you like Tess now?"
"No, you're the only one for that. Don't you remember that I didn't see you while you were with her? For the moment, we're talking about your obsession for Liz Parker."
"Kyle, you're crazy! You're pushing me to sleep with Liz, just know that she has a boyfriend."

Kyle sighed, that'll be harder than he thought. "A boyfriend doesn't mean that she's engaged, Max."
"She refused as she told me."
"And how my little brother reacted hearing that wonderful news?"
"I...I didn't react, I mean I don't have to, that's her life after all."
"WHOO! WHOO! Pinocchio, your nose is lengthening! How can you lie like this?"
"I'm not lying! Stop harass me Kyle. I've told you, that's not my problem, that's her life! Period."
"Can you look into my eyes and repeat that knowing that she's not engaged doesn't matter you? You can do it?"
"YEAH....." Max yelled. "Kyle I like her but she does what she wants with her life."
"Max, you're an actor, you know how to hide your feelings, the true ones. But you're lying to me, to Mom, but mostly and that's the most important, you're lying to yourself. Max, in the bottom of your heart, you know the truth. And if I'm wrong, sleep with her once for all......Or tell her the truth." he finished with a mischevious smile.

"You're completely crazy! Which truth?"
"You're in love with her since the first day you saw her."
"You lost your mind Kyle!"
"I didn't. Be honest for G-d's Sake and admit that YOU are loosing your mind. Did you look at her? I've seen some recent pics and she's really gorgeous...."
"I saw them."
"Yeah, and don't come to tell me that you didn't feel anything when you saw them, and don't come and lie telling me that you didn't feel anything when you saw her in flesh. What did you do when you saw her, did you stare at her? Did you drool over her?"
"NOOO! I kissed her!"
"I kissed her. After the meeting I offered her to have lunch with me but when I took her back, I couldn't help but kiss her. Are you happy to hear that? Kyle, I'm not in love with her!!!! Do you hear me for good now! Oh and I'm fed up of everyone! BYE!!"
"Max, wait...."
But Max left.

Kyle ran after him "Max...Max please."
Max stopped and turned around toward him "Leave me alone Kyle. I don't want to talk about that anymore."
"Max, I'm sorry. I shouldn't talk to you like that. Please come back to talk like two brothers."
"Kyle, even if you're my brother, you're like the others. I mean, I'm fed up of hearing people say that I'm in love with Liz Parker."
"Max, please not in the stairs. Come back to my place and let's try to work things out calmly like two brothers. Will you?"
Max sighed "You're lucky, if you weren't my brother."
"But we are. Come."
They came back into Kyle's appartment. "Here we are, what do you want to tell?"
"Max, can we talk without yelling?"
"Of course but stop telling me that I'm in love with Liz. I don't want to hear anyone tell that again, not you and no one else."
"Who else...."
"Doesn't matter. Kyle I'm tired...."
"OK. Max, could you think about your behavior today. I mean you told me that you kissed her, why? I mean why did you need to kiss her? Do you even know?"
"To tell the truth?.......No.....I don't know why, I just had that fierce yearning to do it since the moment I saw her this morning."

"And do you think it's normal? Can't you see that when it comes to Liz, you're acting differently?"
"Yeah....Max you have feelings for her....strong feelings...."
"Are you going to repeat that I'm in love with her? Cause I'm leaving!"
Max was really angry and Kyle tried to make him realize that he was indeed in love with Liz Parker, that Tess... "Ok, let's say that you're not in love with her, why don't you agree that you have those strong feelings for her? And let me tell you that you feel that way since the day you met her......"
"Two years with Tess don't mean anything for you?"
"You didn't love her. You were attracted by her, she did so much for that, but that's all. Your heart was not involved Max, just your body. I'm sorry to tell."
"You can't know what I'm feeling Kyle. Let's continue your idea. So you want me to sleep with Liz Parker"
Kyle nodded.
"Don't you see that you're suggesting the same with Liz than with Tess? You just say that my body is involved again."
"Max. That's not the same. When it comes to Liz Parker, you're not the same man. She means a lot for you. Even when you were with Tess, Liz had a part of your heart. That's the reason why you never played with her...."
"Are you kidding? What did I do all this time?"
"That's not what I meant Max."
"Tell me"
"Max, you never PLAYED with Liz Parker. You were yourself, Max Evans. Your kisses, your caresses, your looks were true. I didn't invent that "incredible chemistry" everyone talked about! That's what we saw on screen and for me out screen too."

"I know that we had that incredible chemistry between us but that doesn't mean that I'm in love with her. I can't deny that I like her, a lot...And today, when I saw her so beautiful, I couldn't resist, but I have to forget Kyle. She has a boyfriend and I don't want neither to ruin her relationship nor be unhappy again. I paid a lot with Tess."
"Max, believe me, Liz is nothing near to Tess in your heart. You should think about it before the movie. I think that you should give a try to a real relationship with her, and don't worry, she won't reject you."
"Do you think that I'm denying because I'm afraid of being rejected?"
"Yeah. Max, Liz Parker suffered because of your relationship with Tess. I have to tell that your ex was not too discreet and she couldn't resist to be proud to have won over Liz. I understand her, poor girl. Who could have thought a minute that you would have chosen her over Liz Parker. Max, you should think about our conversation and wait and see. I think that's the best advice I could give to you as brother."
"Sure. Thank you.....Hum Kyle.... can you not tell to Mom about this conversation?"
"I can but your Mom is far from stupid, she already knows, not about that converstation but about your feelings for Liz Parker. Where are you going now?"
"Home. I need to rest and reflect about all this before the shooting."
"OK...See you soon Bro."
"Thank you. We'll keep in touch."

Kyle looked at his brother leaving, pensive. *I hope that I've made things move a little, that crazy man is able to miss his happiness because of his stubborn attitude. I hope that Liz Parker is still the same than in the past or Max will be unhappy, for good this time.*

TBC...IF YOU WANT IT....................................................
the way he looks into her eyes.....
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Post by martine »

hey guys, I'm back with a new chapter. I have to say that I got an amazing beta, FamersAmers aka Amy who did a great job with that part and very fast. And she even had been able to take some words from my mind and write them here. I asked her if she was clairvoyant, I'm waiting for her answer!!!Thank you very much Amy. as I'm thanking people, I'd like to do it for the faithful readers who didn't give up on that fic. Lurkers, if you want to go out from your quiet lurkingland and come here, you're welcommed.

begonia9508 - yeah for once Kyle has a good part. Eve, Max didn't ask her to jump in bed with him, he always had a thing for Liz but Tess kept him from express it, now that he's single.... but he just forgot that it's Liz and not Tess he's chasing after now, that's completely different! thank you for always be here to read my work, Eve.

Natalie36 - well, I see that Max didn't get your votes here! hope you'll change your mind later. thank you sticking here.

kittens - because we can't figure Tess otherwise than having the bad role here, and she has it and don't worry she'll use it. thank you

keepsmiling7 - I'm here with another part. hope that you'll like it. thank you

ken_r - Ken, thank you for reading my work. I wondered that too. but I think that some actors didn't pretend. that's why I wrote that fic. I'm glad that you liked Max and Kyle talk, I think that family is important for people who are in the cinema industry, that's their roots. and I'll finish telling you that I'm glad that I stirred a lot of provoking thoughts within yourself, I hope I did the same with the others too.

Ok, I'd like to add that I'll try to send some parts of the other fics to Amy to correct them, but as always, it'll depend on my work for my magazine. Keep checking!!

~*~Chapter 10~*~

Liz hang up the phone, after that conversation with Maria she didn't know how to act with Max. Actually, she was surprised by his behavior! Why did he kiss her?

What's wrong with her, she had a boyfriend, someone who loved her with all his heart and here she was kissing Max, her former and her next partner...

Maybe she should call Sean, he was always the calm one and he would know exactly what to say to calm her nerves. WAIT, NERVES? Did she have nerves about Max?

No, no nothing would or could happen between them she might have loved him in the past but that was the past and it was over.

At that moment, the phone rang..


“Liz, it is Max” Liz gasped...she was thinking about him!

“Max! Hey…um….”

“Yeah, I bet you are wondering why I am calling you. I know...actually, I don't know why.”

“You seem upset is there something I can do for you?” she was trying.

“Actually you could do a lot, I am just not sure you want to do it”

“What are you talking about” she looked at her phone with confusion written on her face.

“Nothing, I am kidding” He was like a little boy, unable to talk, or to tell her what he wanted to.

“OoooKaaay, so why are you calling me?”

“Actually, I was thinking about what happened between you and me, earlier”

“Max it was…. I slapped you and I’m sorry for that, I lost my temper! Why did you kiss me?”

“A fierce yearning. What they told you was true, this morning I was looking at your pictures in Maxim and a moment later you were there in front of me, in the flesh. I lost my mind, I think. Are you still angry with me?”

“Is that's important for you?

“Of course, we're going to shoot together! I don't want you to be uncomfortable with me.”

“I never was, and I never will be.”

“So that kiss was nothing for you, just something you can get upset about and forget?” she could tell he was getting angry.

“Yes. I forgot it.” She knew that she was lying to him. Before his call all she could do was thinking about him, but she would never admit to him that she was thinking about him or that damn kiss!

“Huh, huh.. That's good to know, I’m glad” Once again, he was lying. He was sad to hear that their kiss didn't mean anything to her. It was not the same for him. He was calling to try to find a way to talk about it and maybe...maybe what? She had a boyfriend and she loved him.

“Did you talk about it with someone?”

“NO. Why should I have?” She lied again, “Did you?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Can I ask you with whom?” not that it was any of her business but she felt like she needed to know.

“The first was my agent, then my mother, you know how much she likes you.” She did know that, Diane had always liked her.

“ Then I talked about it with Kyle”

“Wow that is a lot of people”

“They were annoying me with their questions so I confessed”

“You should have turned them down. And what did they say?”

“Something about me being insane and a complete idiot” she wanted to laugh but she had to contain herself.

Liz knew he wasn’t being honest. She was very interested to know what all those people had really told him, but Max didn’t want to tell her. She had lied to him and with that lie came the right not to push. She had no rights at all, so she didn’t say a word. She simply waited for Max.

Max however was waiting for her and he could tell that she was not budging. “Ok, I don't want to annoy you any more than I have”

“You didn't, we're going to work together it's important that we get along”

“We used to get along great on the set of Roswell” it wasn’t a lie, they were all like family and they all got along.

“That was a few years ago. We have grown up, gotten older, gotten better”

“Liz did you forget all about the shooting of Roswell or you want to forget it? I'm a little confused now.”

“Neither I haven’t forgotten nor do I want to. That time is over, and even if it was great we have to move on”

“Yeah, but moving on doesn't mean that you have to forget your former life.”

“Max I didn't forget, I’m not that kind of person. That is just a time period in my life where I don’t want to remember every detail. That is all what I meant!”

“OKAY! I understand! You know what, I think we should worry about our relationship for this shooting! If this is how you react when I talk about Roswell how are you going to act in the coming months?” he was sad to say it but he wanted to know. He didn’t need any more trouble.

“ There is nothing to worry about. I am sure while on the set we can be professional” she was hinting at him that bringing up Roswell wasn’t the smartest or greatest of ideas.

“Yeah, although it is bound to come up”

“Ok we'll think about this on the set, it's not worth the worry now. Besides we are friends we can make this work. We’ve always been just friends”

“Just friends?” he could remember back to the episode where he told her that and the way she looked when he had said it.

“That was a great episode!” she let herself slip! There was silence on the other end of the line and she knew she has said something she shouldn’t have.

“Are you there?” she heard him breath and she knew he was.

“Yeah but I don't understand! When I talked about Roswell, you didn't want to go on. And now here you are, the one to remind me that episode... you're driving me crazy, not wanting to mention it and then you do!” he was frustrated and he didn’t understand!!!

“I'm sorry that wasn’t what I wanted to do. Did you call because you wanted to hear my side of the kiss?” that is exactly what he wanted.

“You kissed me back, I think it is only fair”

“Why did I even bring it up, I must be stupid!”

“you aren’t stupid. I think that like me, and I think that scares you. I think you are worried about working one on one with me on this project and falling for me?”

That is exactly what I am afraid of” she had tried to say it quietly.

“What did you say” dammit he had heard her.

“It was nothing…nothing at all. I was just thinking” she didn’t want to tell him how she felt, she didn’t want him to know

“Oh ok I should let you go then”

“Yeah, although you never did tell me why you called” she knew though.

“Let’s just say it was to hear your voice and be sure that you're not angry with me.”

“I’m not angry”

“Good, I'm happy to hear that. Oh and Liz, I am really happy about working with you again” it didn’t hurt to try and butter her up.

“Me too Max” she smiled at the thought, why was this so hard!

“Goodnight Liz. I will see you in a month”

“See you in a month” there was silence for a few moments. Neither one of them wanted to hang up, but sooner or later it would have to be done.

“Night Max”
“Night Liz”

When she hung up the phone she was standing in the middle of the room thinking. The shooting was going to be hard. It was impossible to forget Max and it was going to be hard to be around him.

She knew she really needed to call Sean, however she couldn’t get Max out of her head. The end of the movie kept re-playing in the back of her mind.


Max rolled over in the bed and looked at the clock. He knew he shouldn’t have called her, he should have just gone to bed. Kyle was right, his head wasn’t on right when it came to Liz. It was difficult now that he was single, it was harder for him to forget her and the chemistry they once had.

Since he had seen her in the morning he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He couldn’t stop thinking about the way she fit in his arms and the way she felt. Why did he have to say yes to this movie?

TBC....IF YOU WANT IT....................................
Last edited by martine on Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
the way he looks into her eyes.....