Twist of Fate (A/I Mature) Addendum 6/6/07

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Post by KaraGail »

A/N: Thanks to everyone who continues to read this fic and have been patient with me :lol:

Part 11

Isabel pulled back the bed covers and slipped between the cool sheets with a long sigh as her muscles protested over the run she had taken around town today. A few months ago, she would have been able to just swipe her hand over her aching body and the pain would disappear, but now it was not even an option. Alex currently had her powers leaving her to suffer like any other human on this earth.

Isabel blinked back the tears as she starred up at the ceiling.

It had been over 2 months and still not a word from Alex. So Isabel had decided that, instead of staying home pining for him, she’d immerse herself into the holiday festivities to get through. But at night, when she was alone and in the quiet of her room, Isabel would find herself, as she was now, near tears and wondering if he was thinking of her as she was thinking of him.

There had been too many sleepless nights because of her relentless thoughts and so Isabel had begun to run every other day looking for a way to clear her head and tire her body out so that she could fall into a deep slumber. Even with the draw back of the aches and pains that she experience, Isabel found that she was enjoying the exercise.

Today had been one of those days that she had pushed herself to the max and so, with one more glance up at the ceiling and a quiet whispered “Come home, Alex”, she turned over on to her side, closed her eyes to find that blissful slumber that she craved….

Isabel found herself walking through the park, admiring all the work she had done for the pageant. Decorations were in abundance and lights twinkled from every tree giving the night around her a romantic glow. She was overly satisfied with the whole project and so she walked around taking it all in.

Hearing running foot steps behind her, Isabel spun around to find a tall shadowy figure coming quickly toward her from the dark park on the outskirts of the lights. She readied herself for defense even as her heart raced in fear.

“Isabel!” the voice yelled out and her eyes widened.

“Alex!” she returned the call and a few seconds later his tall lanky form appeared in the clearing and the lights finally revealed him as he continued to run.

Isabel was unable to move from her spot as he closed the distance between them only to stop in front of her, and drop the duffel bag, that he had slung over one arm, to the ground at their feet. She suddenly felt like one of those girls whose boyfriends had come back from the war and her body shivered with anticipation as his green eyes looked at her with desire. He was going to kiss her and she had a feeling it would take her breath away.

Alex’s arms came around her waist, pulling her against him and she found that her own arms were slipping around his neck. They were only inches away, so close that she could feel his hot breath across her lips causing Isabel to shut her eyes in anticipation of the kiss she longed for.

“Excuse me.” a voice interrupted from behind causing her eyes to pop open in confusion.

This wasn’t the way the dream usually went. Alex was suppose to kiss her senseless and then apologize profusely for leaving her. Never had anything ever interrupted this moment and she could fill the anger rise up inside her at the fact that it had been ruined.

“Go away” she mumbled hoping whoever it was would leave and she could return to the best part of her dream.

“Do you really want me to do that?” the voice said again and Isabel realized that it sounded familiar.

Dropping her arms from around Alex, she turned to give whoever had invaded her fantasy an earful. Isabel’s jaw dropped in shock at finding another version of Alex standing there with a huge smile on his face.

Isabel looked back behind her to see that the Alex she had been about to kiss was still standing there with the exact same smile on his face and gazing at her with love in his eyes. She noticed that he was wearing the same outfit that she had been picturing him wearing in Sweden during the winter months. The cable knit sweater was soft but thick and in a color of green that brought out his eyes causing her pulse to quicken at the sight of him.

Turning back to the intruder she frowned. He was wearing baggy pants and a button up short sleeved shirt that she had seen him wear many times to school. It was definitely not an outfit that she had imagined him in her dreams, but it was something he wore.

“Isabel?” he questioned after a moment as she took in the difference of the two dream Alex’s.

“Okay, just play along.” She said mumbled to herself with a shake of her head as she wondered what this said about her subconscious. “Hello, Alex”

He stepped forward with a grin as she acknowledged him, “So is this what you think of me?” he motioned to the Alex still standing behind her.

Isabel frowned again, “What do you mean”

Alex glanced around at their surroundings and nodded in approval, “This is nice. I think it almost beats my dream dance with you in the gym.”

She looked at him in confusion as she realized something wasn’t right here. Never before had Alex talked this much in a dream besides apologize and kiss her senseless. What was going on?

“I think you can go now…I don’t need the competition” the newly arrived Alex said as he waved his hand in the vicinity of the one, causing him to vanish, “I was hoping that would work.”

Isabel turned and looked at him in wonder as he smiled down at her. He was using her powers!


He nodded and stepped forward opening his arms to wrap around her as the other dream Alex had done just moments before, “Yeah, it’s me. I’m dream-walking you.”

“Your what!?” She stepped back from him as she realized that he was the real Alex and not another figment of her dream.

Alex stuffed his hands into his jean pockets and looked at her with hurt in his eyes that she had moved away from him, “I thought this would be the best way to talk to you.”

“Umm…Hello Alex? Haven’t you heard of email or this little invention called the telephone? Why haven’t you used either one?” She asked her voice strained with anger, “It has been over 2 months and nothing. Not even a goodbye”

“I’m sorry, Isabel.” He said pulling a hand from his pocket and slipping it through his hair, “I couldn’t call you or have any contact with you.”

“Couldn’t?” she focused on that one word, “What do you mean ‘couldn’t’, Alex? What is going on?”

He sighed and shook his head, “We do need to talk, but not now. I don’t know how long I can stay and there is just too much to tell you.”

Isabel stepped forward with worry needing to be near him even when she was frustrated with him, “When can we talk, then? When are you coming home, Alex?”

Alex looked up and smiled again and she had to catch her breath at the sight, “Tomorrow. I am coming home tomorrow.”

“When? What time?” She wanted to be the first thing he saw when he landed, “I’ll pick you up at the airport.”

Alex shook his head and she could see that what ever he was about to say was painful to him, “You can’t, Isabel. It’s complicated.”

“How is it complicated, Alex?” she was tired of this conversation and just wanted answers.

“Look, meet me at the pod chamber Wednesday night at 9:30 and we will talk.”

“If you are coming home tomorrow…why can’t I see you then?”

Alex sighed in frustration, “Just trust me, Isabel. I will tell you everything. Until then we can’t see or talk to each other.”

“What about school? You will be there. Can’t we just talk then?” she pleaded “It doesn’t have to be about whatever big secret you have. I just need to see you, Alex.” A tear appeared in her eye, “I have missed you so much.”

Alex stepped forward and lifted a hand to cup her cheek tenderly, “I’ve missed you, too.”

Her heart was in her throat as she leaned forward and pressed her lips gently to his. Even though she knew that this was just a dream, and he wasn’t truly there, Isabel could swear that she felt the kiss all the way down to her toes. Alex then deepened the kiss, as his tongue dipped between her lips and all thoughts vanished from her mind.

A few moments later, Alex pulled away with a groan and pressed his lips to her ear as he held her close, ”I need to go, Isabel.”

“No” she murmured and held him closer not wanting him to leave, “Don’t go.”

“I have to.” he whispered, “There is something I need to finish before I come back. It’s only one more day, Isabel.”

“What do I do if I see you before Wednesday night?” she questioned as she pulled back to look at him.

“Just treat me like you did a year ago.” Alex smiled as he brushed her cheek with his fingers, “Ignore me and pretend I don’t exist.”

“I can’t do that, Alex.” she sighed, “I don’t want to do that.”

“You have to.” he brushed his lips across her temple, “You will understand after Wednesday night. I promise”

Isabel was tired of fighting him and decided to give in. Alex had to have a reason for the secrecy and she would just have to wait for him, “Okay.”

He smiled at her and hugged her once more tightly, “Thank you.”

She returned his smile with her own as her eyes lit up with mischievousness, “Better be prepared to grovel, Whitman.”

Alex laughed and gave her another kiss before stepping away from her, “I will see you soon.”

Isabel slowly opened her eyes as her dream began to fade. Looking over at her bedside she realized that she only had 20 minutes before her alarm would go off for her to get up for school. Alex had been with her most of the night in her dream world and that thought made her smile.

Quickly the smile dissolved into a frown as Isabel wondered how she was ever going to get through the next 48 hours.

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Post by KaraGail »

A/N Thanks to everyone who is leaving such great FB on this fic :lol ...Especially to my league members :lol:

This short part is mostly taken from a scene in "We are Family"..I am just borrowing the words from the writers and just know that they are not mine :wink:

Part 12

Isabel stepped out of the jeep and looked across the street at her destination. The Crashdown seemed to stand there as a beacon to her, as if it knew that, inside its walls, her happiness awaited.

Anticipation coursed through her veins as she began to walk toward the diner. Isabel knew she shouldn’t be here tonight, but she hadn’t been able to decline Liz’s invitation to view Alex’s slides of Sweden..

She figured she deserved this. All day she had held herself back from searching him out at school. The need had been strong, but instead she had focused her attention on the case that Valenti had gotten her involved with a few days ago when a girl went missing. Luckily, she had been able to get away with not using her special “talents”.

Isabel climbed the stairs, to the private residence above the diner, and her heart began to quicken as she sensed Alex’s nearness. Even though she knew that they had planned to meet later that night, she couldn’t see what harm could come from her spending a few hours with him in the company of their friends. Certainly he couldn’t fault her for that?

Liz answered her knock with a huge smile for her guest in welcome. She motioned toward her bedroom, “Alex is already out on the balcony setting up the slide projector. Maria and I are just getting some snacks together.”

The smaller girl left her then, but Isabel’s attention was focused elsewhere. For the first time in over a month, she got a glimpse of his dark head as he bent over the machine in his lap. Her mouth went dry as she slowly made her way out on to the balcony while here eyes continued to stay fixed on him.

Alex must have sensed her presence as she watched him stiffen before he glanced over his shoulder at her. Isabel felt that her heart had stopped beating when his green eyes landed on her. For a moment their eyes locked and time seemed to stand still. Then he quickly turned away and back down to his work.

“Hello Isabel.”

“Welcome home, Alex.” She responded quietly while feeling the distance he was putting between them.


At that moment, Maria and Liz finally made their way back on to the balcony, both bundled up tightly in coats to protect them from the cold night air. In difference to the night, Alex only wore a short sleeved t-shirt while she wore a thin jean jacket.

“So how is the girl that the Sheriff found?” Liz asked Isabel as the taller girl settled against the balcony wall.

“She’s in the hospital.” Isabel answered but her eyes were surreptitiously watching Alex from her new vantage point. “ I can’t stop thinking about her.”

‘Okay that wasn’t true, but I couldn’t very well tell them that I can’t stop thinking about Alex and really haven’t given much thought to the girl?’

“Well, I’m glad you came.”

Isabel gave a small smile, “So am I. Thanks, I really needed this.”

Alex glanced up at her and for a moment she thought she saw concern flash in his eyes before he quickly ducked his head back down again. She wished she could walk over to him and wrap her arms around him or even just talk openly with him and not worry about the others.

Maria distracted her from those thoughts by bringing over the snacks that they had prepared, “Okay, an appetizer of swedish fish.” she held them up for inspection, “These are lundstrom bowls from IKEA and a smorgasboard will follow if it doesn’t freeze.”

“Yeah, you know what?” Alex smiled up at Maria and Isabel felt a pang of jealousy shoot through her, “You guys are sissies, cause after a winter in Sweden, this weather is downright balmy.”

She watched him as he continued to work with the carousel and wondered how she could get him to talk to her. Isabel just wanted to hear his voice again and have him give that smile to her.

“That’s a lot of slide carousels, Alex.” Isabel said with a small smile.

“Well, you know, I wanted you guys to feel like you had been there, too.” Alex responded not looking up at her and she had to fight to hide her disappointment.

Before she could think of something else to say to him in hopes to drag him into a conversation, the telephone rang. So instead she just continued to watch him as Liz answered the phone.

“Isabel, it’s the sheriff for you.” Liz said handing her the cordless phone.

Taking the phone, Isabel listened to Valenti plead with her to come over to his home and help him, “Aw man,” she murmured with another glance at Alex before letting out a long sigh, “Yeah, okay, I’ll be right there.”

“Is everything okay?” Liz asked as she accepted the phone back looking worried.

Isabel barely heard her as she continued to gaze at Alex, “ sure...Valenti just needs me to do something for him.” she paused for a moment, “I am so sorry, Alex.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Maybe we can do this some other time.” she moved slowly toward the window not wanting to leave yet.

“Yeah, yeah, just let me know when its good for you.”

Isabel stopped just before climbing back through the window, her heart hurting from his seemingly disregard of her. She took one last ditch effort to get some reaction from him, “Well, I think your trip really agreed with you. You look great.”

Alex looked over his shoulder at her and finally gave her a small smile but something was missing in his eyes, “Thanks. Yeah, I feel great. See you around.”

Isabel paused for a second longer, “Yeah, see you guys around.”

Quickly she made her way through Liz’s room and down stairs. Isabel decided that the sooner she could get this favor done for Valenti then the sooner she could get to the Pod chamber. She had an appointment at 9:30 and nothing was going to keep her away.


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Post by KaraGail »

A/N This part was suppose to be the last chapter...Not sure if I should end here or not... Please let me know your opinnion. :roll:

Part 13

Alex glanced at his watch again knowing that he still had a few minutes before she would arrive, but he was unable to keep from looking at the dial, repeatedly.

‘This must be what a man on death row feels right before his number is called.’ he thought to himself.

He figured he would be a dead man once Isabel got through with him tonight. There was so much to tell her and hoped that she would let him get it all out before she yelled or hit him.

Alex could still recall the hurt that flashed in her eyes when he had brushed off her comments earlier. He hadn’t been expecting her to show up there and was not prepared to hide his feelings. All he had been able to do was keep his head down and not even look in her direction. But she had been so beautiful that it made it even harder for him not to go to her as he longed to do.

Alex had been relieved when she had gotten the call from Valenti. Even though he had wanted to know what was going on with her, he had held his tongue not allowing them to see his worry.

He knew that ff she had stayed one second longer, that some how he’d break and Liz and Maria would see his obvious love for the tall blonde. Alex couldn’t chance for them to know anything until he knew the extent of the situation. None of his girls could get involved.

So now, here he was, standing outside of the pod chamber with a lantern for the dark cave and waiting for Isabel. He just hoped that she would listen to reason and go along with his plan.

Hearing footsteps draw nearer to him, Alex’s heart raced as he saw her appear before him. When she reached him their eyes connected for the second time that evening and he felt like he could drown in those chocolate orbs.

“Hello, Isabel.” he whispered into the night wondering if she could hear the nerves in his voice.

“Alex.” she returned as they continued to be lost in the gaze.

Then before either one knew it, they were in each others arms, holding on tight as their lips fused together. No words were needed while they greeted each other hungrily, neither had realized until that moment how much they had missed the other.

“I’ve missed you so much.” Alex murmured against her lips not wanting to tear himself away.

“Me too.” she breathed out before deepening the kiss and sweeping her tongue across his lips, seeking admittance.

Alex couldn’t do anything but groan and allow her in, caressing her tongue with his own. He tightened his hold on her, pulling her closer, needing the reassurance that this wasn’t another one of his dreams.

Neither knew how long they remained in the embrace nor did they care. It was just a perfect moment that they did not want to end.

Finally, their lips parted and foreheads met as they took in much need air. Isabel’s eyes reconnected with his and for that instant everything was right in the world again.

She wanted to keep on kissing Alex, but knew that he had some explaining to do. The longer they stayed in each other’s arms the harder it would be to do anything else.

Reaching up, she ran her fingers through the back of his hair thinking that it had grown much longer since he had been away. That thought brought her back to the present and she gave a long sigh as she released him and stepped back.

“What’s going on Alex?” she asked simply deciding to get to the point.

Alex stepped back as well and also took a deep breath to regain control over his thoughts and emotions. They always seemed to go haywire when Isabel was near and he needed a clear head for this discussion.

“Let’s go inside the chamber.” he motioned picking up the lantern by his feet.

Isabel nodded and moved to open the hidden access with her hand. When nothing happened, she frowned and tried again.

Seeing her distress, Alex stepped forward, “Here let me.” and with a touch of his hand the entrance opened for them.

Isabel glanced over her shoulder at him and Alex could tell that it hurt her to not have her powers. He had often wondered how she was handling the loss of something that had made her so special. Alex shut the door behind them and quickly lit the lantern so they could see each other and the room. There was no backing out now, he knew.

Isabel turned around taking in the cave and remembering the last time she had been there. She had thought that they were finally ready to take the next step and be more to each other than just friends. But something had happened afterwards and she had no idea what it could have been.

“You said we would talk.” she crossed her arms across her chest, “So talk.”

Alex shoved his own arms deep in his pockets and nodded, “I’m not sure where to start.” he glanced around the cave, “Actually I should start with what happened after our talk here.”

Isabel stood there trying not to let the worry show on her face. Was he going to tell her that it had been all a mistake?

“When we left here, that morning, I felt like I was on top of the world. The most beautiful girl in the Universe had said that she wanted me.” he grinned at the memory of her words and how they had affected him, “And then that’s the last thing I remember until a few weeks ago.”

Isabel frowned at that, “What are you talking about , Alex?”

Taking a hand out of his pocket, he used it to run his fingers through his hair, “I’m saying that one minute I was in school and the next minute it’s 2 weeks later and I had no idea where I was.”

She was shocked at his admission, but also worried, “Was it a black out? Do you think the jolt from the Granolith caused it and you just don’t remember the trip to Sweden?”

Alex shook his head, “I was never in Sweden, Isabel.”

“What?!” she cried out in surprise, “Where were you for the last month then, Alex?”

“At the University in Las Cruces.” he answered recalling how he had run out in the middle of the night, disoriented, to find the first person he saw an demanded to know where he was.

“Why did you lie and tell everyone you were going on an Exchange Program in Sweden?” anger filled her voce. ‘Had he been off partying with college babes and forgetting about her?’

“I can’t believe you, Alex.” she said exasperated as she began to pace in front of him needing to put energy somewhere else so that she didn’t blow up, “I know people go to college and party, but how can you forget 2 weeks?”

Alex frowned att her words wondering what she was talking about, “I wasn’t drunk, Isabel. I was mind warped.”

She turned quickly at his words and stared at him with wide eyes, “What?” she asked in a whispered voice.

“It was Tess.” he explained, “That day she came up to me and asked how I was on computers. It’s one of the last things I remember until I came out of it 3 weeks ago.”

“Why would she mind warp you and send you to the University?” she questioned with disbelief in her voice.

“The destiny book.” he leaned back on one of the walls needing the support as he continued, “There is this super computer at the University that can break almost any code.”

Isabel began to piece the puzzle together, “She wanted you to translate the book?”

He nodded with a sigh, “I was there over a month doing nothing but working on the translations.”

Isabel could see the weariness in his eyes, “How was she able to keep you mind warped?”

Alex let out a small chuckle,” She was only able to do it for the first 2 weeks, but after that it wouldn’t take.”

“Why was that?”

“I think it’s because I now have your powers. Her mumbo jumbo only worked for so long before it had run it’s course.” Alex suddenly felt bone weary and slid to the floor, “I was surprised that she didn’t catch on after that.”

Isabel also lowered herself to the floor in front of him needing to see his eyes, “ Catch on to what?”

Alex gave her a lopsided smile, “Catch on to the fact that I was faking being mind warped for the rest of the time.”

Isabel reached out to take his hand, “Why didn’t you come home Alex? We would have protected you.”

“Then we wouldn’t know what we know now.”

“What? That Tess is a little conniving bitch that used my boyfriend for her little mind games?” Isabel said angrily not noticing the smile on his face when she called him her ‘boyfriend.’

Alex laughed out loud and finally found himself relaxing, “Not only that, but we now know exactly what the book says.”

“You translated the book?” Isabel’s eyes widened again with disbelief.

He nodded while his thumb brushed gently across the top of her hand. This is what he had missed the most, just being near Isabel and touching her.

“So Tess knows as well?”

Alex shook his head and his smile turned into a full fledge grin, “She still thinks it’s incomplete.”

Isabel couldn’t help but return his grin, “Tell me then, Mr. Whitman. What is my destiny?”

Alex wanted so much to tell her that he was her destiny, but he wanted her to decide what she wanted for her life. In her previous life, she had not been able to make her own decisions and it had cost her life.

“There is not enough time for me to get into your past or future tonight, Miss Evans. But believe me when I tell you that Vilandra was not someone you should be ashamed of. “ he tightened his grip on her hand, “You are blessed to be a part of her.”

With his words, Isabel felt the worry and anxiety was away. She knew he would tell her exactly what he meant, but right now she was just relieved to hear him say those kind words about her former self.

“I will tell you more later.” he promised as he rose from his seated position and then reached down to help her rise, “There is something else that the book showed me.”

Isabel followed him into the Granolith chamber and then watched as he began to walk around the glowing machine. It gave off enough light that the lantern wasn’t needed.

“It certainly doesn’t look like a space ship.” Alex mumbled loud enough for her to hear.

“Excuse me? This is a space ship?” she questioned incredulously

He nodded, “Good for one trip back to Antar.”

Isabel starred up at the monstrosity, that took up most of the room, with wonder. This thing could take them back to their home planet.

“It’s what Tess was looking for.” he commented as he continued his inspection, “But it also does other things.”

“What other things?” she asked as she stepped forward.

Alex finally stopped and looked over at her with another of his grins, “ Put your hand right there on the Granolith.”

Isabel wasn’t so crazy about the idea of what this machine could do to her, especially after the last time. But she did trust Alex. She reached out and placed her palm where he indicated and then watched as he did the same on the other side, all the while starring into her eyes.

Almost instantly she felt a tingle flow through her hand and into her arm until it spread all over her body. Isabel had no idea what it was doing to her, but since it wasn’t hurting she decided to ride it out.

Alex was the first to remove his hand as he smiled, “There! I think that did it.”

“Did what?” she shook her head as she also removed her hand.

“I just transferred your powers back.”

“What?” she cried out in astonishment, “You did what?”

Alex went into Scientist mode, “You see..the Granolith allows each of you to transfer powers to the other for use. When you and I touched it, the machine did not take in account that I have no powers to transfer.”

“So I basically got to be human, while you took on my powers?” she couldn’t stop the smile of happiness that spread across her face, “I now have my powers back?”

“You should.” he nodded, “Why don’t you test it?”

Isabel looked around the room wondering what she should do. She hadn’t used her powers in so long that she was excited to do pretty much anything at this point. Spotting a rock on the ground, she quickly picked it up and with little effort changed it so that the rock was now smooth, flat and in shape of a heart.

“I did it!” she laughed out loud as joy filled her soul with the simple use of her powers.

Alex laughed along with her. He was so glad that he had been able to give this to her. It made the month away from his family and friends worth it.

“I can’t wait to tell Max and Michael what you found.” she said continuing to stare in awe at the heart in her hand.

“You can’t do that, Isabel.” Alex stepped forward with a raised hand in her direction while his smile escaped his face.

“I can’t what?” she questioned with a raised eyebrow in his direction.

“You can’t tell them about the Granolith or the translation.” he stated softly knowing that this was the point that she would blow up at him.

Isabel frowned and took a step toward him, “We can’t keep this to ourselves, Alex. They have the right to know.”

Alex nodded in agreement, “And we will.... in time. Right now it’s too dangerous.”

“Dangerous? If this is about Tess, then don’t worry. Max, Michael and I will take care of her.”

“No..I mean yes, it is about Tess..but I also think there is more to it.”Alex explained, “I don’t think Tess was acting on her own.”

“Who is she working with?” Isabel wondered aloud, “Why don’t we just go over there and demand she tell us?”

Alex chuckled at his girlfriend’s bravado, “We can’t do that, Isabel. That will tip them off that we are on to them.”

“Who is ‘them’, Alex?”

“‘Them’ are the ones who want to get the Granolith.” he turned and looked at the machine, “But I don’t think Tess is a ‘them’.”

“Of course she is, Alex.” Isabel shook her head, “She has been mind warping you for weeks. How can you defend her?”

He sighed and turned to look back at her, “You didn’t see what I saw every time she tried to warp me, Isabel. She hated what she was doing to me.”

“Yeah, well, we knew she was a good actress.” Isabel said wondering why Alex was defending her, “She proved that the first time we met her.”

“I know but you have to trust me on this.” he stepped toward her and brushed his hand against her cheek.

“Is this why we couldn’t see each other before tonight?”

“Yes. Tess can’t know about my feelings for you or yours for me.” his thumb brushed along her bottom lip causing her to shiver at his touch, “she knows too much already and that can hurt us.”

“So we go on pretending to not be interested in each other?” she didn’t like this idea at all, “for how long, Alex?”

He shook his head, “I’m not sure. It could be a few weeks or a couple of months. She is still using me to translate the book even here in Roswell.”

“So she will continue to mind warp you?” she shook her head in disbelief, “You just gave me back my powers, Alex. How do you expect to survive more?”

A wicked glint flashed into his eye as he smiled and took the heart from her hand. Their initials appeared on the surface causing her to gasp in surprise as she looked up at him.

“You still have my powers?”

Alex nodded, “I figure that we would both be safe if we had the powers to protect us.” he let his smile slip, “You aren’t mad are you?”

Isabel chuckled and threw herself into his arm with happiness, “ No. I am not mad.”

They held each other for a little bit longer once again enjoying the moment together. Soon they would part and go their separate ways neither knowing when they would be together like this again. But for now they ignored the rest of the world and became lost in each others arms.

TBC... ????

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Post by KaraGail »

A/N Well I am finally back with a new part :? It took me a while on this and though it still doesn't answer a lot of questoins.. I hope it breaks my writers block so that I can continue to come up with the answers you ask for :?

Disclaimer: This part has direct lines taken from the Script of Heart of Mine. They are not mine but I am borrowing them to move my story along :)

Part 14

Isabel walked aimlessly along the deserted streets taking in the cool night air and trying to clear her. She had no planned destination and only wanted to reflect on the past few months, since Laurie Dupree’s appearance and Alex’s return from “Sweden”.

The thought of Alex brought an incredible ache to her heart.

Isabel had faced down an interrogation with a hard nosed FBI agent and even been abducted by her alien possessed ex-boyfriend, but neither of them had hurt her as much as Alex. The fact that he had done it so casually left her still reeling from the sting that his words.

There had been those exciting moments while they had snuck around trying to find time for clandestine meetings behind the others back. Even though Isabel still hated hiding her feelings she had known that they needed to watch out for Tess. Of course, the other alien girl seemed to be acting on her best behavior and not doing anything out of the ordinary.

In fact, Tess had been there when Alex and Kyle were entombed in the Ganderium nest and rhen spent most of the evening with Max and Liz while frantically digging holes in hope of saving them. If it hadn’t been for the death of the “Queen” then they would have probably died down there together.

Isabel could still feel her chest tighten with the panic that rose when they realized that their powers were no match for the Ganderium. When Max had suggested getting the diamond saw in the locker at the UFO Museum, she had quickly volunteered. There was no way that she would have been able to sit and wait for someone else to return.

The night had only gotten worse when she had been abducted by Grant. Soon all of her energy and thoughts had been refocused on trying to get to Tucson and saving the innocent life that had unknowingly become entangled in their lives.

After all that had occurred with both she and Alex, he had somehow known that she would need him and had entered her dreamworld. They had found out a few nights after his return just how realistic their shared dreams could be and there hated been many nights where one or the other wasn’t slipping to spend the time in each others arms. That night, however, they took a stroll along a moonlit beach and for the first time she really opened up to him in a way that she had never done before with anyone. Isabel let down all of her defenses and allowed Alex to take care of her as she mourned.

Isabel had for the first time felt really close to someone and also cherished. With that happiness filling her she constantly wanted to tell everyone the truth, but Alex was adamant and rebuffed the idea leaving her feeling rejected and wanting to hurt him in the only way she knew how.

She let out a loud sigh of disgust as her thoughts drifted back to the groups recent get a way to Las Vegas, ‘Why was I acting so childish? Alex was right there and I went off with a total stranger. Some guy that, even now, I can’t remember his name.’

Isabel was still upset over her behavior and wished that she could go back and erase those few hours where she had made an ass over herself by fawning all over the guy. He had been attentive to her and made her feel special when her boyfriend had been the exact opposite. She’d been so desperate for some sign from Alex that it bothered him, but he had remained cool to her and not allow her to see the hurt that she caused until many hours later.

Alex was always so forgiving of her even when Isabel knew that she didn’t deserve it. He should have sent her away the minute that she had shown up after her “date” with the stranger, but instead he told her not to give up on love and then accepted her invitation for a dance.

For that moment, in his arms, the whole world seemed to disappear leaving the two of them in each others arms, talking and laughing as if the last few hours had not occurred. While the others had become preoccupied after Maria’s song, Alex had taken her hand and they disappeared into the crowds of Vegas looking for a place to be alone.

They ‘d wound up at one of the most romantic spots in the city.. The replica of the Eiffel tower stood looming over them and after a small fee the couple had risen to the top in the elevator. They had stood on the observation deck wrapped in each others arms and enjoying the sight of the Bellagio Fountains as it was brought to life with music.

Isabel couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on her lips when she recalled his words of love and of understanding as they had stood there. He had told her to be patient and that soon they would finally be together.

But Isabel was anything but patient and she hadn’t been able to help herself after overhearing the conversation in the library that morning between two students.

“Um.. I know we've been friends for a long time and I...I wouldn't want to do anything to risk that, but I'm just... I'm just starting to feel like we're more than just... than just friends. You know?”
“You are?”
“Uh, yeah, anyway, I was just wondering if you wanted to go with me to the prom?”
“Of course I can't wait to get a dress...”

Isabel smiled at the sweetness of the moment and her thoughts had instantly gone to Alex and her desire to attend the prom with him, but he had not asked her. She hated this feeling of being in limbo where their relationship was concerned and just wanted to spend this special night with him as the other students were going to do with their dates.

Isabel tried to swallow back the tears that threatened to erupt when her mind replayed the last conversation that she had with Alex earlier that day. They had planned to spend some time together just sitting at a table in the library and studying together. She had chosen it as her moment to bring up the subject.

Sitting there, Isabel kept glancing over at Alex as he made a notation in his notebook. She began to fidget in her seat as she tried to form the words before finally bursting out with, “So...I think Billy Sorian is going to ask me to prom.”

Alex didn’t even look up from his work, “Billy, huh? Are you sure? Cause I heard he was taking Amy Green.”

“Well..the point is, I would have said no.”

He gave her a quick glance but continued to study, “Oh.”

“What about you, Alex? Anyone special?” she asked after giving him another furtive glance a little upset that her first tactic did not work on him.

He did not look up as he responded, “Not right now.”

Isabel knew that wasn’t true but continued to play the game, “Really? Maybe someone special, from your past, whose ready now and before she wasn’t?”

At her words Alex paused from his writing, glance at her before leaning closer and meeting her steady gaze with his own, “Isabel, it would be my dream to take you to prom.”

She gave a small smile of relief at having finally gotten what she wanted, but then the smile slipped at his next words.

“But then we'd wake up the next morning and you'd be onto the next thing and I'd be right back where I was before Sweden. You know, obsessed, pathetic and lovesick. So, I think, amazingly, my answer is no. I'm not going to take you to prom.”he told her calmly before sitting back in his seat and looking at her one more time and she knew he was trying to convey with his eyes for her to just play along with him, “Okay”

Even knowing that Alex was acting, Isabel’s heart still broke at that moment and it had taken all of her strength not to break down and cry then and there at his rejection. Instead she had made it through the day like a zombie wanting to talk to someone but knowing that she could not.

Looking up she took in a deep breath as she finally realized where she was unconsciously heading. The Whitman house was only a few blocks away and it seemed her heart was pulling her to that direction and her feet couldn’t do anything but follow.

‘Maybe if he knew the truth.’ a voice inside her pestered her, ‘Just tell him the reason you want to go to the prom with him.’

Isabel stuffed her hands into her jacket pockets and quickened her steps to cover the distance to Alex’s house. She would just have to make him see this from her perspective and then maybe later she would be able to convince him that they shouldn’t hide their romance with their friends.

A few minutes later, Isabel found the window to his room and could see that a light was on. She could hear him softly strumming his guitar and wondered if she should come back tomorrow.

‘No. Just get it over with.’ she urged herself and rapped lightly on the window with her knuckles.

When she didn’t hear him, Isabel knocked once more and looked over her shoulder hoping she hadn’t woken the whole neighborhood with her noise. Finally she heard the blinds shoot up and Isabel spun back in surprise to find Alex standing there holding his guitar like a weapon. After exhaling a relieved sigh he opened the window for her.


“Hey” he intoned back as he stood there in his pajamas and she couldn’t help but remember that morning that she had arrived at his door to ‘generate’ some information.

“Sorry.” she apologized when she realized that she had given him a fright by showing up like that.

“It’s okay.”

“Can I come in?”she gave him a shy smile.

“Oh Yeah, I’m sorry.” he said before reaching out and helping her over the sill of the window shutting it behind her.

They settled on the window bench with Alex sitting indian style while she crossed one leg over the other leaning toward him. She knew what she needed to tell him but didn’t know how to say it.

“Last semester, Miss Rikesdale told me that I only needed to take one more class to graduate. So I did.” she quietly told him.

Alex sat there astounded before seeming to find his voice, “So your graduating?”

“You’re the only person who knows that.”

“So, are you like going to college?” he questioned as they sat there in the dark realizing the seriousness of the situation and the reason she had been insistent on going to the dance with him.

She gave a small shake of her head, “Exactly, I had know idea. But what I'm sure of, is that I'm graduating. And this is my last chance to have a prom, ever.”

Isabel paused and lowered her eyes as the room filled with silence, “Alex, please don't make me just sit here.”

Alex squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before opening them and, keeping his head straight, looked at her from the corners of those same eyes, “ Isabel Evans. Go to prom with me?”

Isabel’s heart filled with joy and a grin spread across her face right before she covered the last little distance and wrapped her arms around him. She laughed with happiness at his acquiescence and when his joined in she didn’t think the moment could get any better.

After a while, Alex pulled back and looked at her with a raised eyebrow, “I suppose this means I will have to get a tux.”

She grinned and ran a finger along that upraised brow, “Don’t worry. I know where to get a great last minute rental.”

He leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips, “ I don’t doubt that one bit.”


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Post by KaraGail »

A/N Believe it or not I am back with another part after taking a hiatus from this fic :) Hope you enjoy this small part and I promise to get started on working on the next as soon as possible for those who are still reading. :oops:

Part 15

Alex wondered how he was ever going to make it through the evening. Isabel had to be testing his will power. All he knew was that she was a very evil woman. Beautiful, but evil.

“Wow!” He let out a breath of air as he watched her descend the staircase. She was dressed in a body hugging red dress that barely left anything to his young imagination.

Isabel grinned down at him as she finally made it to the final step. His reaction had been worth the hours it had taken for her to get this look down perfectly.

“Ditto.” She reached up and straightened the boutonniere that, along with her corsage, had taken them the better part of the afternoon searching for. Isabel had left nothing up to fate and dragged the tall male teen from florist to florist looking for the perfect red roses to compliment their outfits.

“You both look gorgeous!” Dianne Evans beamed at the couple before turning to her husband, “Phillip get the camera.”

Isabel felt the heat creep up her neck and cried out, “Mom!”

“What?” Dianne returned with innocent wide eyes, “My baby is going to the prom. You better believe that there will be pictures.”

Alex couldn’t help but chuckle at the exchange between mother and daughter. His date was acting just like the teenage girl that he knew hid beneath her tough exterior.

Isabel seemed to give in with a long sigh of frustration, “Fine. But we can’t stay for long. We are meeting the others at The Crashdown.”

She didn’t feel the need to tell her parents that she also wanted to spend some time alone with Alex. If Isabel had her way, she planned on spending most of the evening alone with him after making a quick appearance at the prom.

“One or two pictures will not make you late, Iz.” Dianne reasoned just as Phillip returned with the camera, “Alex, come over and stand next to Isabel.”

Seeing her chance to get her hands on him, Isabel became less aggravated about her mothers meddling and slipped and arm around Alex’s waist. He closed the distance and wrapped his own arm around her shoulders causing Isabel to almost moan in pleasure at the feel of his fingers brushing along the bare skin that the strapless dress allowed.

While Phillip snapped away with the camera, the teens became lost in each others eyes. Isabel wanted so much to be able to kiss Alex in that moment and damn the consequences of everyone finding out how they really felt for each other.

It took them twenty minutes before they were able to escape and make the short drive to the diner. Isabel reached across the console and took his hand in hers letting him know with her touch how happy she was to be with him.

Finally, the elegantly dressed couple arrive and were both surprised to find the place packed. Most of the students had stopped off to enjoy the Parker’s pre-prom celebration.

“Looks like almost everyone is here.” Isabel motioned toward Liz and Maria at the counter who were creating last minute touches to their hair.

“Do you want to go over and say hi?” Alex leaned down and spoke into her ear.

Isabel felt a shiver run down her spine as his breath tickled her earlobe. She would definitely have to get him to do that again when they were alone.

“Let’s go say hello to Michael first.” She pointed to her brother who was working the grill. Isabel was disappointed that he had not just bit the bullet and asked Maria to the prom.

“Okay.” Alex agreed and allowed a grin to spread across his lips when Isabel wrapped her hand around the crook of his elbow. He was definitely proud to have her on his arm.

While Isabel spoke with Michael, Alex allowed his gaze to roam the crowded room. Seeing Tess sitting in a booth caused him to pause and worry that he had made a bad choice in bringing Isabel. He did not want the other alien girl to know how much Isabel meant to him.

‘Hey, so are you and know?” A familiar female voice drifted toward Alex causing him to turn his head to find Kyle and Maria only a few feet away talking. Once he heard the topic of their conversation, he couldn’t help but eavesdrop.

“I don’t know actually.” Kyle said with confusion evident in his voice, “It’s like she’s hot.” he paused before continuing knowing that he wasn’t making sense. “I feel really resistant for some reason that I can’t quite put my finger on.”

“Maybe your gay.” Maria said helpfully with a straight face.

“No, that’s not it.” Kyle dead panned in return before the both started to chuckle.

Alex smiled at their playful banter thinking how much they sounded like siblings. Seeing Amy and Jim in a corner booth he wondered how long it would take before it would become so.

“Let’s find a seat.” Isabel said grabbing his attention back from his musings.

Glancing around the room again it was quite evident that the only seats available were with Tess. They gave each other a meaningful look before moving toward the booth.

“Hi Tess.” Alex shifted his weight uncomfortably as he stood there looking down at the girl who had practically kidnaped him.

“Hi Alex and Isabel.” The curly blonde haired girl looked up and seemed relieved to see them, ‘You both look great.”

“Thanks.” Isabel grinned as she glanced over at her boyfriend. Alex had tried on many different style suits until they settled on this one and she was quite proud of how devastatingly handsome he looked.

“Do you mind if we sit with you? This place is packed and low on tables.” Isabel returned her gaze to the girl.

“No it’s fine. I’m just waiting on Kyle.” Tess smiled as Alex slipped into the booth across from her followed by Isabel, “He went to get us some drinks.”

“Kyle huh?” Isabel raised an eyebrow in surprise, “How did that happen?”

The smaller girl shrugged as her gaze strayed to her date who was still at the counter, “He just came to my room and asked.”

“Are you interested in him?” Isabel fished for any details that she could get in order to learn more about this girl who was still a mystery.

Tess’ gaze never wavered from Kyle and Alex almost could swear that he saw something that resembled affection flashing in her eyes. Turning back toward them, whatever it had been was quickly extinguished.

“He’s not my destiny.” She intoned so vehemently that Isabel reached out to squeeze Alex’s hand underneath the table. She wanted him to know that she didn’t agree with Tess and that she was where she wanted to be with the person she wanted to be with.

The moment was broken by Amy Deluca calling for them to join in a group picture over by the counter. While Tess went over to join her date, Isabel waited for Alex to rise from the booth taking her offered hand.

“Did you see how she was looking at Kyle?” Alex whispered to her.

Isabel nodded as her eyes landed on the object of their conversation. There was definitely something going on between them that she was hiding and Isabel decided that they would need to keep an eye on Kyle and Tess.

They arrived at the counter and Amy arranged for each couple to stand together. Seeing another moment to touch and be touched by Alex, Isabel grabbed his arms and wrapped it around her waist. Holding his hand tightly, she made a wish that this night would be the start of all of her dreams coming true.

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Post by KaraGail »

A/N Thanks to Trude for being patient with updates :lol: This part still stays pretty close to the episode Heart of Mine but will depart from it after this chapter. :lol:

Part 16

Isabel’s heart felt so full of love for Alex as they stood there proudly posing for their prom pictures. They had arrived only moments before and she was unable to resist pulling him over to the photographer to immortalize their night together.

Alex smiled widely for the camera, but inside his heart pounded at Isabel standing so close to him. Her hand was resting on his chest and he wondered if she could feel the beat racing away with just her simple touch.

Finally, they were finished and Alex held out his arm for Isabel to take, “My lady.”

Isabel grinned at his playfulness and slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow, “Thank you.”

Making their way into the crowded room, Isabel gave a quick scan to check out the other students. She was excited to be here with Alex and wanted everyone to know that they were together. She no longer wanted to hide their relationship and hoped that tonight would be the night that she could entice Alex to agree.

While Isabel was checking out the room, Alex couldn’t stop admiring the way she looked in the red dress. She was gorgeous and, in his opinion, putting every girl at the prom to shame.

“I’ve got to say, objectively speaking, you are incredibly beautiful this evening.” He grinned down at her with adoration shining in his eyes.

Isabel returned his gaze and felt her heart skip a beat. She knew with Alex that he would never use a line on her and what he said was absolutely true, “You don’t have to say that.”

“I know I don’t.” He agreed before glancing around the room in search of their friends.

Isabel pulled him to a stop and grabbed his attention, “Alex?”

She waited a moment for him to look at her and give her his undivided attention again. Alex could see that whatever she had to say was important.

“Thank you. This means so much to me and I know you didn’t want to come.”

Alex didn’t argue with what she said. Isabel was right. He had not wanted to attend the prom, but looking at how happy she was, he knew he had made the right choice in bringing her.

“Well you just got to promise not to be more beguiling. Otherwise, I will be right back where I started.” He looked gravely into her eyes and watched them light up with amusement as she chuckled then he murmured, “I’m serious.”

Isabel’s smile faded as she tried to read his mind. What did he mean by that? Was he trying to tell her something?

“Let’s dance.” He simply said and she realized that she didn’t have to question Alex. The one thing she was sure of was that Alex loved her and nothing would come between them again.

“Let’s dance” she agreed and they walked over to the dance floor.

Alex and Isabel ignored the blatant staring and whispering that came from her old friends. She no longer cared about being popular and trying to fit into the mold. Now she was with Alex and much happier than she had ever been in the last three years.

“There’s Tess.” Alex murmured in her ear so only she would hear.

Isabel turned to see where Alex was looking and spotted Tess sitting all by herself again. She wondered where Kyle had run off too once more. , “Should we go over there?”

Alex sighed and glanced around the decorated room and then back to Isabel. He did not want to break the mood or their date by spying on the small blonde alien, “Let’s just keep an eye on her for now. She doesn’t look like she is up to anything tonight.”

Isabel grinned with relief. She had not wanted to give up her time with Alex. This was their night and nothing, not even Tess, would ruin her plans. Soon she forgot about the other girl once Alex took her in his arms and they began to slow dance on the crowded floor.

Ever since the night of her first dream walk of Alex, Isabel always wondered if he would be as good of a dancer as he portrayed in the dream. Now as they began to move, she knew that he really could be that suave debonair man that had swept her away so long ago.

“Where did you learn to dance?” She grinned up at him.

Alex blushed slightly and then shrugged, “My mom made my brothers and me take classes when we were younger.” He pulled her more tightly into his arms, “Remind me to thank my mom.”

Isabel chuckled, “I think I am the one who needs to be thanking your mom.”

As the music continued to play, Alex and Isabel became lost in the other’s eyes and quickly forgot that they were in a room full of their class mates. Neither one of them noticed the argument by the punch bowl between Kyle and Malamoot nor did they notice Michael entering the room to surprise Maria.

“Alex, I am going to do something I said I wouldn’t.” Isabel said with passion in her eyes.

He saw this and gave a shake of his head knowing what her intentions were, “Don’t”

Deciding to go for it anyway, even after his protest, Isabel pressed her lips gently to his. It was a soft and gentle kiss and she pulled back almost as soon as they had touched. She was some what worried that he would get mad at her public demonstration.

Alex couldn’t help but smile as he realized his defeat, “I asked you not to do that.”

Their secret was officially out the window, as Alex met her half way in a kiss that left no one in doubt that they were together. Isabel had succeeded in getting what she wanted from the evening and maybe now she could begin working on her next wish.

Ten minutes later, Isabel had enough of being the center of attention and pulled Alex out of the converted gym and into the school looking for the closest closet that they could hideaway in for the rest of the evening. It was funny that now that they were finally outed, she couldn’t wait to get him alone.

Alex just followed along with a racing heart. The whispered words ‘Let’s get out of here.’ kept ringing through his ears and he wondered if he had really heard them. Seeing Isabel dragging him by the hand and looking for a quiet spot made him believe that she had indeed whispered those words in his ear.

Seeing the janitor’s closet, Isabel gave a smile over her shoulder at him but the smile dropped when she heard voices coming from inside. She recognized those voices. Kyle and Tess.

Alex also realized what was coming from the half-closed door and pulled Isabel to a stop and held a finger to his lip to keep her quiet. They leaned against the row of lockers and tried to listen in on the hushed voices.

“You shouldn’t have gotten into that argument, Kyle”

“I wasn’t about to let that bozo say those things about you.” They heard Kyle growl and Alex raised an eyebrow in Isabel’s direction wondering what had been said to upset Kyle., “I still don’t know why I called you my sister.”

“You just got confused, Kyle.” She coaxed, “I know you don’t feel that way about me.”

“Damn right I don’t think of you as a sister.”

A soft moan came from the room and both Alex and Isabel’s eyes widened at the sound of kissing coming from the dark room.

‘Oh My God ’ Isabel mouthed to Alex in shock at what they were hearing.


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Post by KaraGail »

A/N I am officially changing the rating on this fic...Be Aware that this is now a MATURE fic . This is for all of those who were asking me for this scene :twisted: (I find it funny that out of all the chapters that I have written for this fic...this is the longest) :lol:

Part 17

“I still can’t believe it.” Isabel said for the tenth time in the last hour. She was still in shock over the scene that Alex and she had come upon.

“I told you something was going on with her.” Alex spoke up from his position on their special rock as she paced in front of him. They had come out to Frasier Woods in order to find privacy to discuss their discovery.

“She has to be mind-warping him.” Isabel concluded, “One minute he is kissing her and the next he was calling her his sister.”

“Definitely something strange is going on.” He sighed and shook his head, “Why would she want him to think of her as a sister?”

“It didn’t sound like Tess was fighting Kyle off when he kissed her.” Isabel frowned in frustration over the situation, “Do you think she feels the same for him?”

“It would explain her look at the diner earlier.”

Isabel turned back to him with a grin on her face in realization, “Tess likes Kyle but is mind-warping him to protect herself and him?”

Alex nodded, “Kind of like how you kept pushing me away and dating other guys?”

She nodded in agreement, “That would mean that Tess has a weakness.”

“So what do we do with this information?” Alex wondered aloud as he looked up into the star filled sky, “Do we confront her with it?”

Isabel sighed and moved to sit on his lap. Alex smiled and automatically wrapped his arms around her waist to hold her close.

“If it were up to me, I would have been banging down her door the moment that I knew she had abducted you.”

Alex pressed his lips to Isabel’s temple to soothe her from her obvious annoyance, “I know you would, but we need to keep cool until we know what she is planning.”

“I know.” She let out another sigh before turning her head and gently kissing him, “I can’t believe that Tess is ruining our evening.”

“How is she doing that?” Alex murmured against her lips, “I have you in my arms. It can’t get any better than that for me.”

Isabel smiled widely as her heart fluttered at his words, “You’re such a sweet talker.”

He returned her smile before deepening the kiss and making Isabel forget about Tess and her frustrations. Instead she tangled her fingers in his thick dark hair and encouraged him further by parting her lips and inviting him in.

A moan came from deep inside of Alex as he swept his tongue across hers in a gentle caress. He would never get tired of kissing Isabel Evans. Just having a taste of her had made him a life long addict.

They sat there for what seemed like forever, kissing and letting their worries fade away. However, it didn’t take long before hands began to wander and caress each other.

When they parted for a breath, Alex lowered his forehead to her, “I love you, Isabel.”

She reached up and traced his lower lip with her thumb and gave a silent prayer of thanks to whoever had brought Alex into her life, “I love you, too, Alex.”

Alex gave a gentle sigh of happiness and held her even tighter to him. He knew that it was getting late and that he needed to be getting her home, but Alex found that he just couldn’t. He couldn’t make himself remove Isabel from her spot on his lap. He couldn’t walk away from this romantic spot underneath the star filled night sky. He couldn’t drive back to Roswell and back to their problems. But most of all he couldn’t say good night to Isabel on the front porch of her parent’s house.

Isabel seemed to be reading his mind and whispered, “I don’t want to leave.”

“Me either.” He buried his face into her neck and inhaled deeply wanting to drown in her scent.

She felt a shiver run through her body at his words and actions. Isabel had wanted to make tonight special for them and now she knew exactly what she wanted to do to make it so.

“Then let’s spend the night here.”

Alex slowly lifted his head and looked into her eyes to see if she was joking. What he saw in those dark brown orbs made his heart start to beat in over time. Isabel Evans was not teasing him, she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

He closed his eyes to gather himself and also to wonder how his fantasy was coming true. Doubt crept back in and he looked at her again, this time with worry in his eyes, “Are you sure? We didn’t exactly come prepared for an over night camping trip.”

Isabel pressed a gentle kiss to his lips before smiling, “There is no place more perfect than here at our rock and below the stars.”

Every fiber of his being wanted to just lay Isabel on the ground and have his way with her, but his brain put a halt on things. Alex wanted their first time to be special and not a quick romp in the woods. An idea formed in his head and with a wave of his hand the trees around them began to twinkle with white lights. This was definitely the time to take advantage of his new powers.

Isabel’s eyes widened at the sight and gave a small giggle of happiness. When she saw what, he was trying to accomplish her heart leap at his sweet gesture. Wanting to do something as well for their night, Isabel stood up from his lap.

"Take off your jacket.”

Alex raised an eyebrow in amusement over her command, but quickly followed her instructions. Once she had the jacket in her hand, Isabel began to lengthen the fabric and stretch the arms until it was the size of a large blanket. With another burst of her powers, she removed all the small rocks and twigs from the ground before setting the makeshift blanket down.

“Nice.” Alex grinned in approval at his girlfriends solution.

With their combined powers, both teens were able to get a small fire going to keep the night chill at bay. Isabel could tell Alex was nervous as he continued to stoke the fire long after it was necessary.

Slipping off her heels, she used her powers to make her stockings disappear and then knelt on the blanket behind him. Isabel had a feeling that tonight she would have to seduce Alex if she wanted anything to happen beyond sleeping under the stars. She didn’t mind, in fact it turned her on even more to think that she would be having her wicked way with him soon.

Isabel slid her hands up the expanse of his back that was covered by the white dress shirt that only the day before she had helped him pick out. Alex sighed in pleasure and leaned back into her touch silently begging for more.

She took his invitation and slipped her arms around his waist and pressed her chest firmly into his back while she held him. They stayed in that position for a few moments before Isabel began caressing his neck with her lips and causing him to moan in pleasure.

Alex was in heaven as Isabel began to run her hands over his chest before finding the row of buttons that kept her from what she seemed to be looking for. He knew when she used another burst of powers to unfasten every one of the tiny buttons, but couldn’t seem to get anything to come from his mouth but a deep groan when her fingers slipped inside to begin caressing his skin.

Isabel couldn’t help but smile over the power she held over Alex. Though, if truth were known, she was enjoying touching him just as much as he was. Brushing the shirt down his arms, Isabel began to press butterfly kisses along his bare shoulders.

“Isabel.” He sighed her name before finally finding the strength to turn around and wrap her in his arms.

Alex took her mouth in a heated kiss that left no doubt of what the night was about to hold for them. This time, Isabel moaned in pleasure as Alex became the aggressor and pushed her back gently onto the makeshift bed so that he was hovering over her. His body pressed intimately against hers allowing Isabel to feel his evident desire for her.

While he plundered her mouth with his own, Alex fumbled for the zipper of her dress that had taken his roaming hands forever to find on the side. Feeling the dress loosen around her, he slipped the skinny straps from her shoulders and replaced them with his lips.

Isabel was going crazy with all the emotions that were running through her. Her body was on fire from his kisses and touch as he explored every inch of flesh that was bared to him. It wasn’t long before Alex had removed her dress only to be struck dumb at the sight of her black lace undergarments.

“Do you like?” Isabel breathed out when he continued to stare in silence.

All Alex could do was nod and try to swallow the lump that had appeared in his throat. Seeing his dilemma, Isabel sat up and decided to take the lead once again. She was ready to investigate what was behind those black tuxedo pants and wasn’t afraid to go after what she wanted.

Isabel couldn’t help but admire Alex’s form as he sat there with the light of the flickering fire light behind him. She reached out to brush her fingers across his chest, enjoying the contours, and then over his nipples that hardened automatically at her touch. Leaning forward Isabel trailed her lips across his collarbone, giving a small smile of delight when he whispered her name again.

Alex couldn’t believe that Isabel Evans was currently caressing him with her gorgeous mouth and hands. When her lips brushed across his pulse, he wondered if she could feel just how fast it was racing. He reached up and did what he had been dying to do all evening. Alex removed the pins from her hair and allowed Isabel’s golden tresses to drift down her back and shoulders.

“God you’re beautiful.” He breathed out huskily as he speared his fingers through her hair and brought their lips together once more. He stole her breath away with the passion that seemed to be consuming him.

Soon, she was flat on her back once again, this time in their haste her bra had vanished from her skin. Alex paused, moaned and then slipped his hand between them to gently cup a full breast in the palm of his hand.

“Oh God.” Isabel whispered as her eyes shut at the pleasure of having him finally touch her so intimately. Her whisper soon became an incoherent cry when she felt Alex’s mouth latch onto her other neglected breast.

Alex couldn’t believe that he was actually worshiping Isabel’s breast with his tongue and teeth. The feelings that were coursing through him were so amazing that he prayed to the man upstairs to give him the knowledge to please her.

While Alex was worrying that he didn’t know what he was doing, Isabel couldn’t believe how aroused she was becoming over his ministrations to her breast. She could feel her body tightening in response and knew that this action alone would send her swiftly over the edge.

“Alex.” Isabel finally sighed out his name, “Take off your pants.”

Hearing her command even through the haze of desire that had consumed him, Alex slowly pulled back and looked down into her eyes. Just as slowly he raised to his knees and reached for the fastening of his pants. He was surprised to find that Isabel’s hands were already there and made short work of the button and zipper.

Isabel’s fingers brushed against his straining manhood and Alex gasped and shivered at her touch. She smiled wickedly and touched him again and again until he couldn’t take it any more and had to remove her questing fingers.

Quickly he slipped off his pants, pausing long enough to get rid of his shoes and socks until he sat there only in his light blue boxers. Isabel’s eyes traveled his body and could not help but notice the bulge that was evidently straining to come out and play. She was ready to play as well.

“Hmmm...what are you up to?” Alex murmured as he saw that look flash in her eyes.

Isabel smiled up at him and brushed her fingers across his kiss swollen lips, “Come down here and find out.”

He covered her smiling lips with his own and pushed her back into the blanket so that his body was now covering hers. Isabel slipped her hands around him and lightly scratched her finger nails down his back while his lips traveled to her neck, collarbone and then back to settle on her breast once more.

As Alex’s mouth continued to work magic on her breasts, his hands trailed across her stomach to the edge of her panties. Isabel forgot how to breath for a moment when his fingers slid across her damp panties and then she moaned aloud at the intimate contact as he discovered just what he was doing to her.

Alex wanted to make their first time memorable. He wanted Isabel to come apart in his arms and he had the feeling it would be quite the opposite once he finally became one with her. So in order to give her pleasure before he got his, Alex’s fingers slipped inside her panties and touched her.

“Alex!” She cried out as her body arched into his touch.

He gently caressed her with his thumb causing all sorts of incoherent sounds to come from the love of his life. Alex was amazed at how slick and tight she was as he finally slipped a finger into her passage. He could also tell that she was already close as he inserted another finger while crashing his lips back down on hers.

Isabel wrapped her arms tightly around Alex’s neck as her hips began to move to the rhythm he was setting with his fingers. Her breathing was coming in hard pants and he waited knowing what would soon be happening. He didn’t have long to wait when she shut her eyes tightly and with a sudden sharp cry he felt her contract around his probing fingers.

Alex slowed his movements into a gentle caress as he watched her quiver in her release. Finally her breathing seemed to return to normal and Isabel opened her eyes to look up at him. He couldn’t help but give a grin at the look of satisfaction that he saw there.

“Are you okay?”

“Mmmm.” Isabel hummed in contentment.

Alex chuckled with amusement and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. In that moment, he realized that if she wanted to stop now and not go any further he would still be happy because he had pleasured his love.

While he sat there thinking of how to ask her if she wanted to stop, Isabel had other plans. She wanted Alex to feel the same passion that she had just felt moments before. Having his throbbing erection pressing into her thigh made her even more aware of how much he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

Sliding her hands down his back, Isabel didn’t stop until they had slipped underneath his boxers to cup his firm behind in her hands. His whole body seemed to tense at her touch and she gave a small smile at the feel of him hardening even more.

“Isabel?” He questioned as he looked down at her.

“I’m ready, Alex.” Isabel whispered, “Make love to me.”

Alex could see the desire still alive for him in her eyes and he knew that he could never deny her anything that was within his power. Reaching for his pants that he had shed, he pulled out his wallet and found the foil packets that he had placed there.

Isabel looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, “So you had nefarious ideas for tonight as well?”

He turned red and shook his head in denial, “I never expected this tonight, but I wasn’t stupid to think it wouldn’t sooner or later. I just wanted to be prepared.”

“I’m glad.” Isabel said in relief to know that at least one of them was thinking with their brains when it came to protection. She should have thought about it earlier when she had practically seduced Alex to make love to her.

The blush that had appeared stayed with Alex as he removed his boxers under her steady gaze. He was a little worried over what she would think when she got that first good look of his entire figure.

Isabel’s pulse raced at the sight before her and gave him reassurance by saying, “Believe me, Alex. You definitely have nothing to be embarrassed about.”

He let out the breath that he had been holding in while she appraised his body. Alex had been worried that she would want to pull back once she saw the size of him. He was happy to know that seeing the evidence of his desire for her had made Isabel want him more.

Reaching out a shaky hand, Isabel gently took him into her hand and gave a light stroke of her fingers. She wanted to give Alex the same pleasure that he had given her.

“What do I do?” Isabel whispered.

Alex groaned and wished that he could allow her to continue, but he was so close to the edge and he hadn’t even gotten her panties off.

“I’ll show you another time, Iz.” He smiled at her frown, “I’m sorry, but I know I wouldn’t last very long.”

Understanding, Isabel nodded and let go of him while Alex quickly opened the foil packet and slipped the condom over his straining erection. Once he was done, he waved a hand and with a burst of powers removed her panties until Isabel finally lay bared to his eyes.

“Come here.” Isabel beckoned to him as he slowly crawled up her body pressing kisses along her flesh until her reached her lips.

Puling Alex on top of her, Isabel parted her legs for him as he settled his weight. They each let out groans as he breached her entrance and slowly pushed inside until he felt her barrier.

“This is it.” He whispered as he looked down into her eyes.

Isabel nodded not at all scared about being one with the man that she loved, “I love you, Alex.”

“I love you, too.” Alex responded with his heart in his eyes.

With a snap of his hips, Alex slipped in until he was as far as he could go. Isabel gasped in pain and tightened her arms around him, “Don’t move.”

Alex was frightened that he had hurt Isabel as she continued to lay there motionless underneath him, “Are you okay, Isabel?”

Thinking he was hurting her, he started to withdraw but she grabbed at his hips to stop him, “I’m okay, Alex, I just needed a minute to get used to you.” She smiled lovingly up into his concerned eyes, “I’m ready.”

Deciding to take her at her word, Alex gently thrust back into her as he lowered his mouth back to hers. There was no rushing in their love making. They wanted to make every minute last as their bodies met in a rhythm that was as old as time. Their bodies became slick with sweat as they held each other, kissing and caressing.

Soon Alex knew he wasn’t going to last much longer and wanted Isabel to be there with him when he went. Reaching between their bodies he began to caress her until Alex felt her tighten around his throbbing member and then she cried out his name.

The intense feeling of her orgasm threw Alex quickly over the edge and he returned her cry. Both of their names seemed to bounce through the darkness of the night that surrounded them.

Both were panting with their exertions while their bodies still quivered with the passion that they had just shared. Alex couldn’t seem to stop pressing light and gentle kisses along her lips as they came back down to earth.

They lay like that for a few moments regrouping before Alex realized that he must be crushing Isabel with his weight and moved to rest beside her. Wrapping an arm around her, he drew her near so that they were able to look into each other’s eyes.

Brushing a stray hair from her cheek, he whispered in awe, “Wow!”

Isabel smiled as she reached up and took his hand to place a kiss on. They stayed like that for a few moments before Isabel began to chuckle burying her face into his neck.

“What?” Alex laughed unable to help himself.

“It’s nothing.” She looked at him again, “It’s just that I was thinking that it was a good thing that you turned 18 a few months ago. This could have been illegal.”

Alex laughed aloud again at her words, “What can I say? I’m in love with an older woman.”

Isabel pressed another kiss to his lips and sighed in contentment, “Well this older woman is never letting you go.”

“I’ll never let you.” Was his last words as he pulled her back into a passionate kiss and quickly renewing their desires.


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Post by KaraGail »

A/N Thanks to those who have continued to read this fic and give FB. This has been the longest fic that I have worked on (at least time wise) and I am happy to say that it is almost over. :lol: Thanks especially to Trude who inspired this fic with her challenge. I hope it was worth it. :wink:

Part 18

Alex couldn’t control the huge yawn that escaped him as he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel of the car. He had just spent two long and boring hours sitting across the street from the Valenti house and waiting for Tess to make an appearance.

He knew that Kyle, Tess and the Sheriff were probably all sleeping in after the late night at the prom. Knowing that, though, did not keep Alex from getting more frustrated as each second passed and there was still no movement came from the house.

Alex had come to a decision while lying under the stars with Isabel the night before. He was tired of pretending and no longer wanted to hide his relationship with his girlfriend. Especially not after they had made love.

As if knowing that his thoughts were of her, his cell phone rang. Alex’s face split with a grin as he saw that it was Isabel.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning?” Isabel chuckled through the phone and her voice dropped to a low husky timber, “Try beautiful morning or wondrous morning.”

Alex laughed out loud at her obvious happiness as a chill went down his back over the affection that was apparent in her voice, “I take it that you were able to get pass your parents this morning when I dropped you off.”

“They were still asleep and were not aware that I had snuck in around 4:00 this morning.”

“Good.” Alex said with relief. He would have hated it if they had been forbidden to see each other. Then again, they would have probably found some way around that little inconvenience.

“I had a wonderful time last night, Alex.”

He flashed another grin, “Yeah, it was a great night for me too.”

“Yeah?” Alex could hear the smile in her voice, “So...what are you doing tonight?”

“Tonight?” He glanced back across the street and let out a frustrated groan, “I can’t.”

“Why?” Isabel asked with surprise.

Alex tried to think up a reasonable excuse. He definitely did not want Isabel to know that he was about to confront Tess. He had a very good feeling that she would have very strong words for him if she knew.

“I have a...” He found himself struggling for a reply, “ I’m studying.”

“Alex, an A is the best that you can get.”

“Yeah, I know. But I got a monstrous final in uh....” Alex glanced around his car and spotted a forgotten library book, “Robert Frost? Umm...English. I mean English.” He actually felt the pearls of sweat begin to form on his forehead “I’ve got a killer final, Mr. Broski’s really putting the screws on us.”

“Well,” Isabel began playfully, “If you’d rather stay and study than come out and play with me...”

Hearing the teasing in her voice, and knowing what exactly he would be missing, Alex bit his knuckles in agony. He wanted so much to ditch this idea of confronting Tess and instead run over to Isabel’s, but knew that he couldn’t put this off any longer.

“I don’t want to, but I have to.”

Isabel let out a resigned sigh, “”Well..if you change your mind, I’ll be at the Crashdown, probably until closing . So,....”

“Okay, well...” Alex started but spotted the Sheriff leaving, “I’ll see you later.”

“Okay.” She said with disappointment, “I love you, Alex.”

Her words stopped him and caused another smile to linger on his lips, “I love you, too.”

Alex closed his phone, took a deep breath, stepped out of his car and finally crossed the street. It was time to take his stand.

“Hey man.” Kyle greeted when he opened the front door, “I didn’t expect you this morning.”

“Actually I came to see Tess.”

Kyle eyed Alex for a moment as they stood in the entry way. Something in his friend’s manner alerted him to something going on.

“I think she is still in her room.” He raised his voice as Alex followed him into the living room, “Tess, Alex is here to see you ”

The small blonde exited her room with a frown upon her face, “What are you doing here, Alex?”

“Finding some answers.”

“Answers to what?” She seemed even more confused by his cryptic response.

“Why did you send me to Las Cruces, Tess?” Alex stated not wanting to pussyfoot around the subject.

Tess’ confusion turned into wide-eyed fear, “What?”

“I know you sent me to the University.”

She shook her head in disbelief, “I have no idea what you are talking about, Alex. I think you are confused.”

At that moment, Alex felt Tess pushing at his mind and he let out a chuckle, “No, you can’t mind warp me.”

Tess continued to try while Alex crossed his arms across his chest and waited for her to realize that her efforts were in vain. There was no way he was going to let her inside his mind again and control him.

“What’s going on?” Kyle glanced between them, “What are you talking about, Alex?”

Alex shrugged, “Ask Tess. She has been keeping a lot of secrets.”

She took a step back and groaned in frustration, “Why isn’t it working?”

Deciding to let her in on his own secret, Alex raised his hand toward the radio and music began blaring from the speakers. Giving a smile at the small blonde, he began flickering the lights on and off.

Tess’ mouth dropped in shock as she witnessed Alex’s use of powers. He was pretty sure that she was trying to figure out how he had come by them.

“Don’t worry. You didn’t give them to me.”

“So you’re part alien now?” Kyle questioned over the loud music as he looked at his friend with amazement.

Alex smiled, “Could be.”

He decided to stop his exhibition and turned the power off on the stereo and left the lights on. Alex just hoped he hadn’t showed his hand too early in the game.

Tess seemed to deflate as she sank into the Sheriff recliner, “How long have you known?”

“I was in Las Cruces 2 weeks before I snapped out of the mind warp.”

She looked up in confusion, “If you knew, why didn’t you leave?”

Alex sighed and sat down on the couch facing her, “I figured that there must have been some important reason for you to go to those drastic measures to get it translated.”

“Mind warp?” Kyle frowned at Tess, “You’ve been mind warping Alex?”

Alex sighed as he looked up at his friend, “I’m not the only one that she has been mind warping, but, unlike on myself, the warp has been working.”

Tess glanced quickly at Alex with desperation in her eyes, “Don’t.”

“He needs to know, Tess. You can’t keep this from him.” Alex urged her, “You have to stop.”

“I can’t.” The tears appeared in her eyes and she shook her head, “I can’t do this to him.”

“What is going on?” Kyle demanded not understanding what was not being said.

Alex let out a sigh and then turned his head toward him, “Kyle, how do you feel about Tess?”

“How do I feel about her?” He asked in confusion but was quick to reply, “She’s like a sister to me.”

Tess let out a sob at his words and Alex could see how much it was hurting her. He wanted her to understand that what she was doing was wrong and that it was okay to love Kyle and have him love her in return.

“Do you really feel that way? Think for a moment, Kyle.” Alex urged as he watched him think about his feelings for Tess.

“Please don’t, Alex. He will hate me.” Tess whispered in desperation.

“This has to end, Tess. “ Alex said adamantly, “How else can we help you?”

“Help me?” Tess let out a humorless laugh, “You can’t help me. No one can.”

“How can we if you don’t tell us what is going on?” Alex demanded.

“Why do you want to help me, Alex? I’m the one who mind warped you and had you lie to your friends and parents about where you were.” Tess dropped her face into her hands and mumbled, “How can you ever trust me again let alone help me?”

“Because it’s who I am, Tess.” Alex stated calmly.

“He’s right, Tess. You have to tell us what’s going on.” Kyle knelt down in front of her and took Tess hand in his, “I don’t want to lose you.”

Tess looked up and gazed into his eyes, and Alex knew at that moment that everything would be okay. He could tell that Kyle was no longer under the mind warp and was looking at Tess with the same love and affection that Alex knew was in his own eyes when he looked at Isabel.

“I don’t want you to get hurt, Kyle.” Tess sniffed back a tear.

He smiled up at her and brushed the stray tears from her cheeks, “ I don’t plan on getting hurt.”

“We need to know what we are involved in, Tess.” Alex interrupted their moment.

She let out a deep sigh as she reached up and caressed Kyle’s cheek. She starred into his eyes what seemed like hours before coming to a decision and gave a nod of her head, “Okay, I will tell you everything.”


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Post by KaraGail »

A/N Thanks for all those who tried to keep this story alive :lol: I just wanted to thank Trude for giving me this challenge idea and sticking by me even when I took so long between chapters. :wink:


Isabel decided that staying inside the entry way of the room was the safest place to be for the moment. There was no way she would go back inside and get caught up in the whirlwind that was known as “Hurricane Deluca.”

The sight of Maria frantically moving around a seated Liz as she chattered aloud excitedly brought a smile of amusement to Isabel. They had been at it for almost half an hour and she knew that Liz was getting more antsy be the second.

“I still can’t believe they are going through with it.” A voice from behind startled Isabel from her musings.

Turning to her fellow pod mate, Isabel gave a shrug at the smaller girl’s comment, “I really don’t blame them, Tess. Especially after the year we all have had.”

“But eloping?” Tess asked with disbelief while craning her neck around Isabel to see what was happening inside the room.

Isabel’s attention also drifted to her future sister-in-law and Max’s brash decision to run off and get married after graduation. She knew it came from the fear of being parted, especially when Liz found out that she was accepted to Northwestern.

The couple had assembled the group together and they had all sneaked away to the closest wedding chapel that they could find. Max and Michael had gone off to arrange the ceremony with the justice of the peace, while the girls found a small room to get Liz ready for the upcoming nuptials.

Isabel let out a sigh that was tinged with jealousy, “I just wish it was Alex and I.”

Tess chuckled and shook her head, “What’s the point? You practically live with each other anyway.”

Isabel returned her laugh as she remembered her parents reaction when she took the small apartment after her own graduation nearly a year ago. That reaction, though, had been nothing compared to when they showed up unannounced to find Alex wearing only his boxer shorts.

“Alex and I are both over the legal age, so neither of our parents could say much about our relationship.” She looked back at Liz and Maria, “Liz and Max didn’t have that luxury and now they fear that they will be torn apart.”

Tess nodded in understanding, as they both watched the two girls frantically get ready for the nuptials. Neither one had to mention that Tess had been one of those reasons that Max and Liz had been apart for so long.

A year ago, Isabel had never even dreamed of how things would turn out. She could still remember that night when Alex had showed up at the Crashdown, as she had hoped he would. She’d been disappointed that he had opted to stay at home and study rather than to come out for a night with her.

He had entered the diner while she was sitting in a booth alone and admiring the prom pictures as Michael and Max discussed the pros and cons of some of their favorite movies. Isabel barely restrained herself from jumping out of her seat and into her boyfriend’s arms. She hadn’t seen him since that morning and she felt like she must have been having withdrawals.

The sight of Tess and Kyle entering in behind Alex made her freeze in her spot and a sick feeling spread in the pit of Isabel’s stomach. By the expression on the trios faces, She knew that something had occurred.

Alex called everyone to attention, and for the next hour Tess had confessed to her role in Nasedo’s and Khivar’s plot to capture the royal four. They had all been shocked with disbelief at the links the girl had gone in her quest to do her guardians bidding.

Liz and Maria had been livid with anger when Alex’s role in the plot was revealed. Michael had to physically restrain Maria while Tess sobbed into Kyle’s shoulder as he whispered words of reassurance into her ear.

Isabel, on the other hand, sat quietly in her booth not joining in with the conversation; instead she lost herself into her own thoughts. Even though she heard Tess’ words, all Isabel was able to focus on, at the moment, was Alex.

Hurt and betrayal had settled inside her heart as she slowly realized that he had lied to her earlier in the day. After all of their talk about working together, Alex had gone behind her back and confronted Tess and, in doing so, putting himself in danger.

After everyone had finally begun to calm down and the meeting was over, Alex tried to speak with Isabel but she hadn’t been able to trust herself to speak with him. So she had grabbed her purse and quickly headed for the door in hopes of escaping before she broke down in front of everyone.

Alex followed her out trying to get her attention and apologize for his actions, but Isabel hadn’t wanted to hear anything from him. Instead, she had gone home, grabbed a pint of ice cream from the freezer and retreated to her room for a long crying jag that seemed to last for days.

Coming back to the present, Isabel looked back at Tess, “Have you seen Alex?”

“He was just with Kyle. I think they are planning to do something to Max’s car.” Tess grinned knowingly at what the boys were up too.

Isabel shook her head in amusement knowing that Alex was bound to use his powers to embarrass the newlyweds before they set off for their honeymoon. There had been many times, over the last year, that she had to scold him for using them unconsciously in public places. Even though he continued to promise that he would be careful, she couldn’t stop herself from worrying over him.
As if reading her thoughts, Tess gave Isabel a reassuring smile, “I made sure that Kyle knew not to do anything too drastic.”

She let out a small relieved sigh knowing that Kyle would do anything that Tess asked of him. Ever since that fateful meeting, he had delegated himself as her protector spending every free moment with her. Much to the chagrin of the sheriff, Kyle and Tess finally came out as a couple a few weeks later.

During the time that followed the night at the diner, it seemed everyone had retreated to their own corners. They needed time apart from each other to focus on their relationships that had been so fragile in the last few months.

Alex had spent weeks groveling and apologizing to Isabel in every form imaginable. Flowers, gifts, cards, letters, e-mails, telephone calls, text messages and even a singing telegram hadn’t gotten Isabel to listen to his explanation.

It had been the death of Sean Deluca in a car accident that brought the group back together as they comforted Amy, Maria and Liz on their loss. Alex’s attention shifted to his best friends, leaving Isabel to realize that life was just too short to be angry at the one you loved.

“Stop pulling on my hair! ” Liz cried out loud breaking Isabel from her thoughts.

“Stay still then! ” Maria growled down at her best friend.

Isabel was startled when she felt arms go around her waist, but quickly relaxed when she recognized them, “What have you been up too?”

Alex chuckled as he lent down to nuzzle her ear, “Kyle and I got the car decked out. How’s everything going here?”

“OUCH! Damn it, Maria! ”

“I guess that answered my question.” He smiled as he watched his two best friends.

“Tess braved the fire and went in a few seconds ago.” Isabel murmured to him as she slipped her fingers through his and pulled him closer against her back.

“You know, I’ve heard that weddings are like an aphrodisiac to women.” Alex pressed his lips to her bare shoulder, “Do you think it’s true?”

Isabel turned and wrapped her arms around his neck, “I guess you will have to wait and see.”

Alex groaned at the desire that flashed in her eyes. Even after a year together, it still surprised him that Isabel seemed to want him almost as much as he wanted her. Sometimes he felt like he had to be dreaming never truly believing that she was really his.

“Max and the JP are ready.” He cleared his throat getting Liz’s attention, “How about you?”

Liz took a deep calming breath and nodded just as Maria put the final touches on her hair. Rising she made her way to the door and smiled up at her male best friend who was grinning from ear to ear with happiness.

“Alex, would you do me the honor of walking me down the aisle?” Liz asked

Isabel felt his breath hitch at Liz’s request and held him just a little tighter to her. She knew what it meant for him to be given such an honor by his best friend on this special day.

It took him a while to find his voice, but he finally smiled and whispered, “Definitely.”

Alex stepped away from Isabel and wrapped Liz into his arms a few seconds later Maria made it a group hug. The three humans became lost in their world as they laughed and cried over the emotional moment that they were experiencing.

“Hey what’s going on here?” Kyle said as he stood behind Isabel with a frown of confusion on his face, “We still having a wedding?”

Tess’ face seemed to light up at the sight of him and soon she was settled at his side, “Well come on. Let’s get this show on the road.”

A few minutes later, Alex was leading Liz down the short aisle toward her future before taking his place beside Isabel. She slipped her hand into his and held tightly as they listened to the Justice of Peace begin the service.

Silently Isabel gave a small prayer of thanks to the Granolith and the jolt it had figuratively and literally given her and Alex. She felt a shudder pass through her body at the thought of how things could have turned out if Alex had not received her powers leaving him defenseless with Tess and the mind warps.

Alex felt her shudder and looked down at her with worry, but she just gave him a smile and mouthed “I love you.”

He returned her smile and lent forward to brush his lips gently across hers and whispered for her ears only, “I love you, too.”

All else seemed to fade away, as they stood there looking into each other’s eyes. There was only Alex and her and the happiness that they shared just by being together. Isabel knew that by finally letting Alex into her heart and her life she had gained so much and had found herself at last.

The End.

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Post by KaraGail »

A/N This is for Nathan who asked for it....


“Hi sweetie.” Isabel called from the sofa when she heard Alex enter her apartment with his keys. They hadn’t seen each other in almost two days and had vowed to spend the weekend holed up at her place so that they could make up for that lost time.

“Hi.” Alex grinned as he shut the door and came over to sit beside her. He had not realized, until that moment, how much he had missed being with Isabel and just seeing her. They had spoken on the phone many times but to be able to hold her was so much better, “How was school?”

Isabel shook her head in mock annoyance, “What kind of greeting is that? Where’s my kiss, Mr. Whitman?”

He grinned before leaning over and pressing his lips to hers in a kiss that left her with no doubt how much he missed her and was glad to see her. Alex was breathing hard when he finally leaned back to look into her half lidded eyes, “How’s that?”

“Perfect.” She whispered with a smile.

Alex reached up and began to play with her hair that was currently draped over her shoulders, “I am glad you decided not to cut it off.”

“What else could I do when you practically begged me not to?”

“I didn’t beg.”

Isabel raised an eyebrow with disbelief at his declaration.

“Okay. Okay. Maybe I begged a little.” He conceded, “Especially when you threatened to dye it brunette.”

She chuckled at the memory of his face when she had told him that she planned to make her hair darker. He had definitely been abhorred by even the idea of it, “I knew that would get you in a huff.”

“Yeah...well,” He slipped his fingers through her hair in a way that he knew she loved, “don’t do it again.”

Isabel sighed and shut her eyes to enjoy his ministrations while thinking how amazing it was that Alex was still able to make her feel weak with just a touch even after being together for almost six months. They were still discovering and exploring every possible way that they could love each other.

“How was your test?”He finally asked causing her to open her eyes to look into his own.

“I passed.” The test had been one of the main reasons Alex and she had not been together in the last few days. She had been hard at studying and they had found out a few months prior how difficult it was to actually get anything done with the other one near by. So she had devoted her time to her books while Alex worked on a project for his own class work.

“I knew you would.” Alex smiled proudly at her, “My girlfriend is a very smart college student.”

Isabel grinned back at him before slipping her hands around his neck and pulling him to her for another kiss making him forget the conversation. A soft moan escaped her as their lips met again and again, hungrily.

Alex still couldn’t believe that this amazing woman was in his arms and that she wanted to be there. He had feared over and over that she would wake up one day, turn over, see him and dump him. How could this goddess be in love with the tall lanky geek from high school?

Pulling back a short distance he whispered huskily, “How did I ever get so lucky?”

“Hmmm.” Isabel’s eyes sparkled as she leaned forward to trail her lips down his throat, “Play your cards right and you will see how lucky you can get.”

His responding chuckle turned into a moan of pleasure as Isabel’s tongue darted out to taste the salty skin that concealed his Adam’s apple. She loved to explore his body and knew every part of him and how it would respond to her touch. It made her excited to know that she was the only woman who would ever get to experience the pleasure that came from making love with Alex Whitman.

For a few weeks after they had first made love, after prom, Isabel hadn’t been sure that they would ever be that close again. She had been so angry to find out that he had confronted Tess and lied to her about what he was doing. The fear of losing him had been so strong that she had once again pushed him away not able to even listen to his apologies.

Starting to unbutton his shirt, Isabel was glad that she had finally let the anger go and allow Alex back into her life with a promise that they would always talk to each other truthfully. The shirt was quickly discarded as Isabel’s lips traveled further down his chest causing Alex to sigh and roll his head back.

Needing to reciprocate the sensual pleasure that she was giving him, Alex slid his hands from her waist to cup her breast gently in his palms. Isabel’s responding whimper caused his own breath to hitch at the erotic sound that emitted from her.

Alex continued to caress her, alternately cupping her full breast and rubbing his thumbs across her tightening nipples. The whimper soon turned into a gasp of his name, before she raised up seeking his lips again and crushed them beneath her own.

Quickly, being swept up in the passion, Alex pulled Isabel onto his lap and began to fumble with the small row of buttons that lined the front of her sweater. He got half way through his task before he gave up in frustration and pulled the sweater down until her lace-covered breast were revealed to his lust filled eyes.

While Alex began working on removing her bra, Isabel found the button of his jeans and deftly unfastened and lowered the zipper to free him to her touch. She traced the outline of his straining erection through his boxer short, causing a shiver to race through his body.

Unable to take any more of the teasing, each quickly undressed themselves before she slipped back onto his lap with a long sigh of gratification. Alex’s hands were already caressing her skin as he starred up into her eyes getting lost in the dark orbs.

“God you are beautiful.” He whispered in awe while reaching up to brush the hair that he loved, from her shoulder.

Reaching down between their bodies, Isabel cupped his erection in her hand causing Alex to make that growling noise that she loved. Their lips fused together once again as she stroked his hard length enjoying the way his body tensed at her touch.

“Izzy?” Alex hissed out as he broke their kiss, “We need to go to your bedroom now.”

“Uh huh” she shook her head before bending forward to nibble on his earlobe, “I want you here.”

“The condoms are in the bedroom.” He finally got out after enjoying her gentle nipping, “I don’t have any on me.”

Isabel leaned back and smiled seductively, “Not a problem”

Reaching over to the side table, near the couch, she picked up the small foil packet that she had placed there only minutes before his arrival. Isabel had planned on not going too long from being away from his arms and was prepared to seduce him the moment he entered the apartment.

Alex raised an eyebrow in question, but soon forgot everything as, within moments, she had rolled the thin sheath over his erection and settled over him. Isabel felt herself stretch with the feel of him filling her causing her to gasp with pleasure. Dropping her head to his shoulder, she began to rock her hips, slowly lowering herself inch by inch letting the tension build within them both.

Wrapping his arms around her and caressing her back and shoulders, Alex took intense pleasure at feeling her wet heat that surrounded him. Her velvet walls fluttered causing a moan that ended with a sigh of her name.

Isabel was in ecstasy as Alex’s hips rose up to meet her own, finding a rhythm that was sure to bring them over the edge quickly. Their strokes grew more desperate as mouths clung to one another in hopes of drowning out the cries that wanted to escape out.

Suddenly, Isabel pulled back with her mouth open gasping out as her climax overtook her. The sensations of her contracting around him overwhelmed Alex as he was pulled over the edge along with her.
Almost immediately, Isabel latched her mouth to his and pulled him into a drugging kiss feeling his chest rise and fall against hers as he tried to catch his breath. He had brought her so much satisfaction, physically and emotionally, that she couldn’t keep the tears, that suddenly sprang to her eyes, from slipping down her cheeks.

Tasting the saltiness, Alex pulled back to look at her with worry, “Are you okay?”

Isabel nodded and gave him a smile as she slipped her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. She wanted to tell Alex how happy she was, but the words got lodged in her throat and all she could do was lean forward and hug him to her tightly.

For a few moments they sat there, Isabel astride Alex’s lap, and just enjoyed the closeness that always came after their love making. He gently brushed his hands up and down her back in a soothing motion while pressing his lips to her temple.

The sound of the door bell soon broke the mood and Alex pulled back to look up at her questioningly, “Expecting someone?”

Isabel smiled, “I figured we would need to keep our energy up so I ordered pizza.”

“God, I love you.” Alex said in awe of his girlfriend and her thoughtfulness.

She chuckled and slowly slid from his lap, “I know you do.”

Isabel grabbed up Alex’s shirt and slipped it on while he used his powers to clean himself up and dispose of the condom. Throwing him his boxers, she motioned at the door and headed toward the kitchen.

“You get the pizza and I’ll get the drinks.”

Alex nodded and came to his feet hoping that his legs would hold up. The door bell rang again causing him to rush in slipping his boxer shorts back on and grab his wallet out of the pocket of his jeans.

“Make sure that they added the hot peppers!”

“Yes, dear!” He grinned and shook his head in wonder as he counted out the money and tip that he would need to give.

Opening the door, Alex hoped that the pizza delivery guy had not left when Isabel and he didn’t answer on the first two rings. He didn’t want to have to chase them down, especially in the state of undress he was currently in.


The sound of a familiar voice made his head rise with a start where he came face to face with Isabel’s parents. He stood there rooted to the floor as the color drained from his face.

“Uh....Is...Isabel?” He stuttered in embarrassment while wrapping his arms across his bare chest in hopes of trying to conceal his nakedness.


“Your parents are here.”


The End (REALLY!)
