Twist of Fate (A/I Mature) Addendum 6/6/07

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Twist of Fate (A/I Mature) Addendum 6/6/07

Post by KaraGail »

Twist of Fate

By: KaraGail

"Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended."

Category: Alex and Isabel

Rating: Teen (possibly Mature in later chapters)

Setting: After Surprise.

A/N: This is from a challenge posted by Trude to see what would happen if some how Isabel’s powers got transferred into Alex. Please leave feedback if you are interested in seeing this story continued...(I am still iffy on this story and if I should keep writing) :shock:

Part 1

“So Isabel found the Granolith on the night of her surprise party?” Maria asked Alex’s reflection in the rearview mirror of her Jetta.

He gave a shrug as he starred out the side window at the passing desert, “I wouldn’t know. I haven’t spoken to her since then.”

Alex gave an inaudible sigh and wondered how only a few weeks ago he had been so happy to being in an utterly depressed state. He knew it all had accumulated on the night of the party when the girl he was madly in love with arrived dressed in a beautiful red gown for a date with Grant Sorenson.

Not knowing about the date, Alex had done a strip tease for the birthday girl right in front of her mother. He had been mortified but no more so than when Maria had informed him of the events that had occurred before his surprise dance.

“Are you okay, sweetie?” Liz looked back at him worriedly.

He turned to her and gave her his famous smile. There was no reason for them to worry over him when they had their own problems to deal with so he changed the subject, “So we’re meeting them at the Pod Chamber? They are really letting us see this thing?”

Liz nodded, “Max told me that they wanted to check it out and wanted us there in case something was to happen. They have no idea what this thing can do to them.”

“And it looks like all the gang is here.” Maria commented as she pulled up along the jeep where the four aliens stood waiting.

Alex couldn’t help that his eyes automatically landed on Isabel who was talking to Tess. She looked as gorgeous as usual but he could tell that there was something bothering her. After all these years of watching her he knew all of her expressions and mannerism and right now he was aware that she was hiding something.

‘She doesn’t need you worrying about her.’ He told himself before getting out of the car, ‘She is not your girlfriend. She had made that abundantly clear to you.’

There was not much of a welcome from the aliens as they all stood there. Max seemed to be the only one to acknowledge their presence with a smile which was really only directed at Liz.

“We’re all her now, Max. Let’s get this show on the road.” Michael said and Alex could tell that he had high hopes for what was up there. Out of all of them he seemed to want to go home more and would do anything that he had to do to accomplish his goal.

Max nodded and they all began the hike up the hill. Alex trailed behind everyone wondering exactly why he had been brought along on this even though he was very curious to see what the device looked like.

Isabel was the first to enter the pod chamber and for a moment she flashed back to the night of her party when she had fought and killed Whitaker. That had been the first time she had come here and found the Granolith behind their pods.

She quickly pushed the thoughts of that night aside. Isabel had found that every time she thought about it she would become consumed with guilt and shame over all that the Congresswoman had told her of her past life.

“You have to duck through here.” She stated as she crawled through the pods and into another chamber.

“Wow ” Maria exclaimed in awe as she entered followed by the others until they all stood their starring at it.

“What do you think it does?” Alex couldn’t help but ask as his mind raced over the possibilities.

Isabel looked over at him allowing herself that small pleasure since he had arrived with Maria and Liz. She hadn’t realized how much this guy brightened up her life until these past weeks when she had denied herself from going to him.

Alex didn’t realize it but he was and always would be the one good thing in her life. Even on the worst night of her life he had made her laugh uncontrollably at his gyration with the music while in the police uniform. It had been the only time, the whole night, that she had smiled and just enjoyed being with her friends and family.

Shaking her head of these thoughts she turned back to her brother who was walking around the Granolith examining it, “Maybe we need to connect to it and it will tell us what it is.”

He stepped closer to the machine and with a quick look around at his friends reached out and touched it. Max stood there for a few moments while every one held their breaths wondering what would happen. Finally he frowned and stood back, “I got nothing from it.”

“Why would a piece of worthless junk be placed in here with us?” Michael wondered as he paced the small space, "This thing has to do or mean something.”

Isabel gave into her curiosity and touched the device. Almost immediately a warm feeling spread through her body, "I’m not getting any flashes but there is definitely something there.”

Alex had been watching her, “Do you guys mind if I can see if I can feel anything? Maybe it is something that only affects aliens.”

“Be my guest” Max nodded and watched as the tall boy reached out and at the last second he noticed that Isabel still had her had on it as well.

The second his hand touched, both teens got shocked and knocked back onto the ground. Maria cried out in horror as she ran to Alex who lay unconscious, “Alex ”

Max had also run to his sister’s aid noticing that she was also unconscious from the blast. He did a quick scan of her body and gave a sigh of relief to see that nothing had been damaged and she would be fine. He then made his way to Alex and got the same result.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Tess reach out to the device, “DON’T TOUCH IT! ” he snapped at her as she quickly withdrew her hand, "We don’t know what else that thing will do. Let’s get them out of here and we will come back another time.”

Michael looked like he wanted to protest but then a look at his sister lying on the ground helplessly seemed to change his mind, “Okay. You get Isabel and I will get Alex.”

Before the two male aliens could do anything, both Alex and Isabel awoke at the same time with a moan. Liz and Maria crouched back down by their male friend while the guys looked after their sister.

“What happened?” Alex asked as he slowly opened his eyes to see his best friends looking at him worriedly.

“The Granolith sent out a shock and knocked you out.” Maria answered

Isabel opened her eyes at Maria’s words and remembered the jolt she had experienced. All of a sudden worry surged through her and she tried to sit up even with her brother’s trying to restrain her, “Alex? Where’s Alex?” she asked almost hysterical, “Is he okay?”

"I’m fine, Isabel.” He said from his spot a few feet from her. If he had been able to stand on his own two feet he would have bridged the distance and gone to her, but the shock had made his legs feel like jello.

Hearing his voice Isabel relaxed and shut her eyes with relief. He heart had raced at the thought that something had truly happened to Alex and it would have been all her fault. She reminded herself that this was one of her biggest reasons for why she kept herself away from the humans, especially Alex.

“Why do you think it shocked them?” Maria wondered aloud as she glanced over at the Granolith.

Max shook his head, “I really don’t know. Maybe it is a security alarm that gives off a shock when it feels that it is in danger.”

“Well whatever happened we will just have to find out later.’ Liz stated, “We need to get Alex and Isabel home so that they can rest and then Maria, Michael and I need to get to the café for our shift.”

A few minutes later they were back down at the cars after helping the staggering couple down the hill. As she was being settled into the back of the jeep, Isabel couldn’t help but watch Alex do the same in the back of the Jetta. She was very grateful to whoever was watching them that kept him from being hurt or worse by the alien device.

She gave a small sigh of relief and thought, ‘I will never let anything hurt him that I can prevent.’


Please let me know if I should continue this story. :oops:

Last edited by KaraGail on Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:02 pm, edited 25 times in total.
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Post by KaraGail »

A/N Sorry it took me so long to post this next part. I just hope it holds up to your expectation :shock: Also thanks to Trude and Karen for test reading and letting me know I am going in the right direction with this :lol:

Part 2

Later that evening, Alex was sitting on the edge holding one of his most treasured possessions. Surprisingly it was not his bass guitar but a worn piece of paper that had seen better days. Although he loved his guitar, it only held a second place in his

A few weeks prior Alex had put the item away in a half hearted attempt tp forget. He had thought if he never looked at it again then maybe someday the ache would lesson. He had kept that vow until today when worry and fear had him searching it out again.

He sighed heavily. At least he had been able to hold off from viewing it until he was ready for bed.

Alex ran his fingers along the edges as he remembered how, a year ago, it had come into his possession.

It had been a nasty day of snow and cold weather. Maria and Liz had gotten it into their heads that they wanted to go to the movies and therefore delegated Alex with the task of checking the local newspaper for show times.

He had grudgingly opened the paper and quickly flipped through the pages looking for the one he needed. Alex was so in a rush that he almost missed the picture that covered the length of the Events page.

There she was. The most beautiful and popular girl in school. The girl who could freeze a person with just a look from her dark chocolate eyes.

Isabel Evans.

Alex’s heart had raced at the sight of her in the black and white picture with an uncharacteristic smile on her face. She seemed so happy in what she was doing that she seemed to be glowing with her joy.

Once he had memorized every detail of the picture, Alex finally perused the article that accompanied the picture. A warmth had spread through his body as he read of the many projects that Isabel volunteered with during the holiday season.

Most students had been off enjoying their winter vacation by going skiing, shopping or hanging out with friends. Isabel Evans had spent it in the soup kitchen at the homeless shelter, the orphanage and helping out with the Christmas pageant.

Alex was still amazed at her selflessness. A year ago he had not know the real Isabel Evans but by reading that article and looking at her picture Alex was shown that there was another side to her. One that she rarely showed even to her closest of friends. It had become at that point when Alex’s fascination over the cool blonde had gone into overdrive.

With another audible sigh, Alex laid back on his pillows while still holding the picture. His mind began to drift back to the reason why he had retrieved the article in the first place.

Once the jolt from the Granolith had worn off and he could think straight Alex had been able to do nothing but worry. His brain had spent the time trying to come up with answers on why the Granolith would react in the matter that it did.

Many times through out the afternoon Alex had to stop himself from picking up the phone. He wanted to make sure she was alright but didn’t know what her reaction would be to his concern.

‘Someone would call and tell you if anything was wrong, Alex’ He told himself as he shook his head,‘She doesn’t need you worrying about her.’

Alex continued his contemplation of her picture remembering that for one brief moment in time she had been his. He had tried to push his feelings aside for the last few weeks, but seeing her today and the fear of her being hurt had caused for him to yearn for her more.

“Why can’t you just let me in, Isabel?” he whispered to her image putting all of his heart and soul into that one question.

Suddenly he was no longer in his room, instead he was floating in some unknown direction.

“Whoa That’s the fastest that I’ve ever fallen asleep.”Alex said as he looked around figuring that he was dreaming.

Briefly, he wondered which dream he would be having that night. Lately most of his dreams either involved him being tortured in gym class or walking into class late with not a shred of clothes on his body.

“Please not one of those.” he grimaced to himself remembering the anxiety he feels when he wakes up in the morning after those nightmares.

Alex suddenly felt that this one would be different from those but he wasn’t sure how. He had never been this conscious of the fact that he was dreaming while he was dreaming.

He finally seemed to reach a destination when he found himself standing in the middle of large living area that was furnished with the best that money can buy. Definitely not a place that he had ever been to before, which was very puzzling to him.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw a movement and turned to see someone who was very familiar to his dreams. Isabel had been playing a recurring role in his fantasies for years now so it wasn’t a surprise for her to appear. What did surprise him was the fact that she was currently wearing an outfit that looked like it had come out of one of those fashion magazines that he knew she liked to glimpse through.

It was red, his favorite color, and hugged all of her curves. Short and strapless, it was the kind of dress that could bring a man to his knees just from the sight of her.

Alex stood there in a daze as he watched her come more fully into the room and walk past him. She began fluffing the pillows on the couch and straightening the magazines that sat on the elegant glass coffee table while all the time ignoring the fact that he was there.

He frowned as he continued to stare at her taking in her movements around the room and wondering just where this dream was going to take him. Alex tried to speak but found that his voice didn’t seem to be working and that all he could do was stand there and watch.

“Hurry up we are going to be late.” Isabel called out as she once again straightened the pillows trying to find a new angle for them to sit.

Alex wondered who she was calling to when he heard a noise and turned to find the mirror image of himself walking into the room with a grin and holding a tie in his hand.

‘What’s going on’ he frowned again as he watched Isabel’s face light up at the sight of this other Alex.

He had never had a dream before where he was watching as a voyeur. Alex had always been the main act. Also there was something definitely odd about this other dream Alex. He looked a little older with a more broader body frame and he even walked with a confidence that the real Alex lacked.

“Sorry. I just can’t get this tie knotted right.” dream Alex said with a smile as he stopped in front of Isabel, “Are you sure I have to wear one?”

Isabel reached out and took the tie into her own hands before looping it around his neck and began the task of making a perfect knot. “Yes, you have to wear one.” she grinned and leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek, “I expect you to look just as good as I do for the dinner tonight.”

“That’s impossible.” the dream version of himself said to her as he wrapped his arms around her slim waist. “No one looks as good as you do.”

“Nice” Isabel chuckled and looked into his loving green eyes, “Have I ever told you how thankful I am that you gave me another chance? I still can’t believe that we are together, living in New York, pursuing our dream careers and no longer having to worry over the whole alien situation.”

He watched as the other Alex nuzzled his lips across one bare shoulder and wondered if it was healthy to be jealous over himself. Because right now he really wished that it was him that was holding her so close and tasting her skin. He was still puzzled on why he was having this dream so he continued to stand there and watch everything unfold.

“I knew you were worth the wait.”

He noticed the tears in Isabel’s eyes as she looked at him, “I love you Alex Whitman.”

The other him bent forward and right before his lips met hers whispered, “I love you Isabel Whitman.”

With that shock of information Alex found himself being jolted out of his dream and sitting up in bed gasping for air. He had just dreamed that he was the husband of Isabel Evans.

“Wow ” was all he could say.


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Post by KaraGail »

A/N This part has been worked on so much in the last 2 weeks that I think I am truly sick of looking at it :shock: It's not the best that I have done but it will probably be the best that I can do right now :oops: I have no plans for this fic so if any one has any ideas I would really love to hear them :lol: Thanks to everyone who has been reading!

Part 3

Isabel Evans was currently dead to the world.

The minute her head had hit the pillow, that night, she had fallen into a deep sleep. Ever since the electrical jolt from the Granolith, Isabel had ben extremely exhausted as if all her energy had been drained.

Right now, though, she could not complain about her current state, because for the first time in years her dreams were peaceful and not of her usual nightmare of faceless enemies out the hurt her and the ones she loved.

But not tonight.

No, tonight Isabel was having a vivid and beautiful dream about the perfect life with the most perfect guy. So what if the whole thing was idealized? It was her dream and she would make it the way she wanted.

Isabel snuggled in his warm and strong arms hoping that she could prolong this dream for as long as possible. She knew that as soon as she would wake up the realization that it was just a fantasy would hit her and she would be alone once more.

Something, though, began to pull her into consciousness. Isabel wasn’t sure what it was but she planned to make it’s life miserable for interrupting her sleep. No one messed with the “Ice Princess” without some painful consequences.

Slowly she opened her eyes, and laid there silently as she tried to figure out what had woken her.


Isabel jerked her head toward the only window in her room where the strange noise was coming from. Luckily the curtains were closed but as she continued to lay there motionless her heart pounded with fear.


“Michael?” she finally whispered wondering if he had been unable to get through Max’s window and was now trying hers, “Is that you?”

“Isabel” she heard a voice whisper from outside, “Isabel open up.”

She frowned in confusion and forced herself to get out of bed only pausing for a moment to decide not to alert anyone else in the house. As long as she had her powers she knew she would be fine and could defend herself against anything that was likely to happen.

Isabel crept to the window and brushed the curtain aside. She jumped in alarm at the familiar face that gazed back at her.


Quickly she pulled the window open, “What are you doing here? It’s almost 2 o’clock in the morning.”

The tall lanky teenager took that moment to climb clumsily through the window landing, face first, on her carpeted floor with a thud. As he laid there prone before her he seemed out of breath and took a second to compose himself.

Isabel also took that moment to notice his appearance. Whatever had brought him here so late had been important enough that he had not changed out of his night clothes.

At the sight she felt her face heat up with the memory of the last time she had seen him in those exact same sleep pants and t-shirt. Actually it was a time that Isabel would never forget as long as she lived and hoped that he himself treasured the memory.

Isabel shook her head in order to stop herself from drifting away to the kiss that had tilted her world on it’s axis. She needed to focus and find out why Alex was here, because it just wasn’t a good idea for them to be alone in her bedroom with that memory and her recent dream still fresh in her mind.

“Alex?” she questioned worriedly and watched as he rolled over to his back.

She was shocked to see that his normal sparkling green eyes were now wide with fear and anxiety. Never, since she had really gotten to know him, had she ever seen him this frazzled.

Alex rose from the floor and she watched as he ran his fingers through his dark hair. Isabel could tell that he must have been doing this quite a lot since his hair was standing on end. Something was definitely weighing heavily on his mind tonight.

“What are you doing here, Alex? It’s really late.” she stated again hoping to get him talking.

“Something is wrong, Isabel.” he finally spoke for the first time since entering her room, “I think...”

For some reason Alex couldn’t seem to find the words to finish his sentence. How could he explain to her when he, himself, did not understand? The only thing he did know for certain, when he left his house, was that he needed Isabel.

“Alex...” She sighed aloud in frustration when he didn’t finish, “I really would like to go back to bed. What is it you want?”

He could hear the barely suppressed agitation in her voice and finally said, “I need answers, Isabel. I need to know what’s going on.”

Isabel stood there wondering what he was talking about. Then it hit her. Alex was talking about their non existent relationship, something she had avoided for months. Now it seemed that he wanted answers.

“Alex, I told you that we just can’t be together. Why can’t you accept that?”

Alex was confused and it showed on his face, “What?”

Isabel sighed again not liking what she had to do to him but she knew that there was no other way. She couldn’t be a part of this humans life no matter how much she wanted to.

“It’s time for you to move on, Alex. I have.”

Alex felt the impact of her words and was just standing there stunned. He had not come here looking for a definition or even answers regarding their relationship but it seemed Isabel had misconstrued his actions.

Although, normally, he would have brushed off her comment; tonight he found himself unable to. The stress and emotions he had been under for the last hour had finally bubbled to the surface and caused him to lash out at her.

“Move on?” he asked with anger, “How am I to move on, Isabel, when all I see is you? I see you at school, at the Crashdown, hell I even see you in my dreams. All I see is you!”

Both were startled when the room seemed to come to life around them starting with her stereo. Music from the last cd she had been listening to, before bed, began to play softly through the speakers.

Embarrassment colored her cheeks as the familiar tune brought up memories of a candle lit dance from a long ago dream. The title, of the song, said so much about her relationship with the guy standing in front of her because it was something she could not do.“Let Me In”

Her computer, which had been shut down for the night, began to boot itself up. Document after document flashed upon the monitor as if it was performing a slide show. . Her small television also powered on and then started to systematically flip through the channels, as if someone was just pressing the remote control looking for something to watch.

“What’s going on?”Isabel cried out in confusion as the lights began to flicker on and off in the room. Expecting a response she looked over at Alex only to be greeted by an eerie silence as he stood there is some kind of trance, “Alex?”

When he didn’t respond to her call, Isabel became even more worried. She didn’t know what was going on with her possessed room, but she did know that she had to focus on Alex and figure out the rest later.

Isabel stepped closer to where he stood as still as a statue. Just as she was about to reach him the room fell into darkness once more, “Alex?.....Alex?”

Finally she reached out to touch his shoulder and gave a sigh of relief when his tense body began to relax and come out of his fugue state that he had been in.


“Yes, Alex, it’s me.” She reassured him by giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze, “Are you alright?”

The lights came back on and she was able to see his nod, “I’m fine.”

“Good.” she gave a slight smile before looking around her room, “I don’t know what’s happening but we just need to remain calm.”

Isabel watched as Alex took a deep steadying breath and then returned her smile. Slowly he reached out a hand and brushed a stray strand of hair from her face and behind her ear.

Then just as suddenly as it began the room became quiet and they were once again standing there in the glow from her bedside lamp.

“What just happened?” Isabel questioned quietly as she looked around her room again bewildered by the situation.

Alex let out a long sigh as he dropped his hand back to his side, “I think it’s what I have been trying to tell you.”

Isabel frowned in confusion, “Tell me now.”

‘Where do I start?’ He wondered to himself before running his fingers through his hair again then said, “I think the Granolith did something to me.”

Isabel took a step toward him, worry reflected in her eyes. Had he gotten hurt after all and not told anyone until now?

“Are you alright?”

“I’m not sure.” he frowned while trying to figure out just exactly was wrong, “ Maybe I am just imagining it.”

“Imagining what, Alex?” she said with frustration in her voice..

Suddenly Alex felt the stress of the day take it’s toil on him and his knees weakend. He moved over to the end of her bed and sunk down on the edge and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands.

As he thought of the event that had led him to her door, Alex shook his head, “No, it wasn’t my imagination. I know what I saw and what I felt.”

Isabel looked down at him allowing him to proceed with out prodding him anymore. He would just have to tell her in his own time even though she felt the need to shake it out of him.

“I headed down to the kitchen to get a drink of water after I had woken from a dream. “ he stated as he lifted his head, gave a slight smile at the memory of the dream, and then looked down at his hands, “Clumsy me dropped the glass causing it to break in the sink.”

“When I went to clean it up I cut myself on a sharp piece of glass.” He turned his hands over examining them, “There was blood every where along with a pretty deep cut. I knew I needed stitches.”

Isabel found herself also looking at his hands and not seeing a mark on them. There was no sign of blood or a wound. If what he said was true then there should be some sign especially if he had hurt himself like he had just described to her.

Alex glanced up at her and saw the questions in her eyes,”I knew from health class that I needed to stop the blood flow so I wrapped my other hand around it,” he paused for a moment knowing that this is where his story becomes unbelievable, “I was just about to call out to my parents when I felt this warmth spread through my hand and the next thing I knew the pain was gone and the cut was healed.”

“Healed?” Isabel questioned in disbelief.

Alex nodded, “I think I somehow healed myself.”

Isabel was shocked but quickly shook her head in denial, ‘That’s not possible, Alex. You must have just imagined it, just like you said.”

“No.” he said adamantly, “I saw the blood. I know it happened.”

“Come on, Alex.” she gave a nervous laugh, “There is just no way.”

Alex felt his frustrations rise again and wondered why she still refused to believe him. He had never been anything but truthful with her from day one. Even though he found his own story preposterous there were other factors that led him to believe something had changed him.

“I didn’t imagine it!”

At that moment the paint on her walls began to change colors. Red, blue, purple, green and yellow. It was every color that could be imagined and all Isabel knew was that it wasn’t coming from her. Had Alex really developed powers? Was what he telling her true and he somehow had been given powers by the Granolith? After all that had happened that evening in her room, she knew that it was a very big possibility.

“Stop it, Alex!” she cried out as the colors started to bleed into each other, “I believe you!.”

Alex watched with wide eyes, just as stunned as she was over the situation, “I can’t stop it. I don’t know how.”

‘Think, Isabel’ she thought to herself as she tried to figure out a way to help him. What had worked earlier? What had she said or done to get him under control?

‘Soothe him.’ her inner voice told her, ‘he needs to remain calm.’

Isabel sat down on the bed beside him and reached out to cup his chin in her hand and turned him to look at her. Looking into his troubled eyes she gave him a reassuring smile, “It’s okay, Alex. I’m here and I promise I am going to help you figure this out.”

Once he saw that Isabel finally believed him and that she was going to help him, Alex let himself relax. As he did, the walls stopped changing colors leaving the room coated in a wild assortment of pigments.

“I’m sorry.” he whispered as he looked at the mess, “I don’t know how to change it back.”

Isabel smiled at him trying to reassure him again, “This is where I come in. I’ll just use my powers and take care of it.”

Alex couldn’t help but return her smile and watch as she rose from her spot beside him and head to the nearest wall. She placed her palm against the riot of colors hoping that she would be able to get the color to be the exact match that her parents had painted it so many years ago.

Isabel brow crinkled into a frown when she noticed that the familiar energy that usually coursed through her body, when using her powers, did not seem to be present. She tried again, this time concentrating on the task more fully.

Still there was nothing.

Turning she looked over at Alex who was also frowning with worry,”What’s wrong?”

She sighed and reached up and pressed a hand to her forehead as a small throb began to appear. Isabel was now sure that she knew what had happened up at the Granolith and why Alex appeared to have developed powers.

“My powers are gone, Alex.” Isabel sighed and looked up at him wondering what they would do now.


The song title used in this part comes from Save Ferris..I do not own it and am just borrowing it. :lol:

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Post by KaraGail »

A/N Sorry this took so long to get posted. :oops: It's just a short part but I hope you still enjoy it.

Part 4

Isabel was unable to control the yawn that forced it’s way out of her mouth, causing more than a few glances in her direction from the other students in the classroom. She was still exhausted and knew that it showed all over her face and in her mannerisms.

Normally, Isabel was very much aware of other people and of upholding her image, but right now she couldn’t even seem to make herself care. There were days when she just abhorred the “perfect” image that she portrayed and unfortunately today was one of them.

The events of the night before were still fresh on her mind causing her distraction in class. Instead of listening to the teacher, she found herself replaying the conversation between she and Alex hours before.

“You’ve lost your powers?” he stood from the bed quickly eyes wide with disbelief, “How is that possible?”

She sighed and shook her head at his question, “I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that you now have them.”

Alex digested that piece of information before finally coming to the same conclusion that she had only moments before.

“You think your powers were transferred to me by the Granolith?”

Unable to remain still, as she thought about their situation, Isabel began to pace her multi-colored room, “It’s the only explanation.”

Alex’s eyes followed her as he remained silent causing Isabel to wonder what he seemed to be mulling over in his head. She had always been impressed on how he seemed to analyze a problem and think his way through it until there was a solution. She just hoped that this would be one such problem that they would be able to correct together.

“I think we should wake up Max.” Alex finally said breaking her from her thoughts, “The answer could be as simple as him doing his healing mojo on us.”

Hearing his theory Isabel let out a relieved breath that she hadn’t been aware that she had been holding in. Of course her brother would just do his “laying of hands” talent and presto change-o they would be back to normal. Why hadn’t she thought of that?

“Good idea.” She flashed him a bright smile. As she turned toward the door Isabel suddenly remembered what time of the morning it was and stopped in her tracks.

“Isabel?” Alex’s voice questioned from over her shoulder.

She turned to him stepping away from the door, “Maybe we should wait.”

“What?!” Alex almost exploded but amazingly enough he stayed calm, “Let’s get this done now, Isabel. I don’t think it’s safe for me to have these powers when I don’t even know how to control them.”

Isabel stepped toward him and placed a calming hand on his arm, “Alex it’s really late and if I walk out of this room to get Max, seconds later my parents will be up wondering what’s going on.”

She could tell that she made her point when his body seemed to become less tense and ready to bolt for her bedroom door.

“What am I going to do until tomorrow, Iz?”

At that moment, Isabel wondered the same about herself. It had been so long since she discovered her powers that she did not know if she could function without them. Although she was somewhat scared over the situation Isabel knew that she couldn’t allow Alex to see that fear, especially when he seemed to be trusting her to get him through this.

“Here’s what we will do, Alex.” she gave him a smile hoping to reassure him, “You will go home and get a few hours of sleep and I will do the same. Then tomorrow we will meet in front of your music class before lunch. I will talk to Max in the morning and let him know what happened and hopefully we can come up with a plan of action. Okay?”

Alex ran a hand through his hair making the dark strands stand on end even more. Isabel knew that hew was frustrated by the whole situation, but she didn’t know what else to say to reassure him that every thing would be alright.

“What do I do if I have another episode?” he questioned as he pointed to the walls, “ I won’t be able to explain this to my parents.”

Isabel sighed realizing that she was about to give her first lesson in power control. It wasn’t that very long ago that she experienced those first scary days of total awareness that something was different about her. With no one to tell her what was happening Isabel had been helpless to all the changes that took place within her.

She made a promise to herself that she would not let Alex go through this alone as she had.

“The most important thing for you to do is to always remain calm, Alex. The more anxious or even frightened that you become, the more likely the powers will surface.”

Alex took in a deep breath, “Remain calm.”

“Yes.” she reached up and brushed his cheek with her fingers unable to help herself.

How could someone be so trusting even after all the times that she had hurt him? She had no right no expect it of him , yet he gave it willingly to her as he stood there blindly offering his trust in her and her ability to get them through this mess.

“Okay.” he sighed and reached up to press her palm against his cheek.

Isabel allowed herself that moment to gaze into his crystal clear green eyes and become lost in them. Standing there she was taken back to her dream of only and hour ago.

She had been looking into her dream husbands eyes and seeing Alex gazing back at her with the love and adoration that she always longed for. He had been everything that she wanted and, looking at him now she knew that, even though it was a dream, Alex was still that man to her.

Finally she broke the spell and stepped back from him taking her hand with her, “You better go the way you came in.”

Alex looked disappointed for a brief moment but then nodded his head and moved over to the window, pausing before climbing out, “What about your walls?”

Isabel smiled, “I’ll just get Max to change it back before my parents notice.”

Alex returned her smile and gave her a slight nod, ‘Good night, Isabel.”

She watched as he scrambled out the window and whispered back, “Good night Alex. Everything is going to be alright.”


As she returned back to the present, hours later, Isabel wondered if she had lied to Alex. Was everything going to be okay?

Even though she had awoken this morning with the best of intentions of setting this straight and getting everything back to normal it just seemed that the world was against her today.

Her day had started with her oversleeping.

She had planned to talk with Max before breakfast that morning but her late rising had caused him to leave the house with out her. Isabel had been regulated to taking her mother’s car to school and was late to her first class of the day.

Unable to get together with Max, she was now faced with meeting up with Alex with nothing to tell him. Already she was letting him down and he didn’t even know it.

Isabel found herself, for the thousandth time today, wondering if he was alright. Was he taking her advice and remaining calm or was his powers running havoc?

Looking at the clock she was surprised to see that class was almost over and then she could meet up with him and see for her own eyes that he was alright. No matter how scared she was that her secret would be discovered, it didn’t hold a candle to her fear that Alex was now even more at risk.

All she knew was that she had to protect him as she had done over the last few months. This time, though, instead of her keeping her distance to insure his safety, she would be right there beside him until everything went back to normal.

Nothing would happen to Alex. At least not on her watch.


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Post by KaraGail »

A/N Thanks to all of those who have been patient with this story and given me encouragement to continue. :lol:

The next part has not been sent to my usual test reader but it has been almost a month since I last posted and I wanted to get this part up as soon as possible. It is a short part but I hope it was worth the wait. :oops:

Part 5

Alex barely heard a word that the teacher said as he sat in Music class. Usually this was one of his favorite subjects yet today he could not seem to get himself involved.

Instead, he could only sit there with one elbow propped on the desk while trying to hold up his head with his hand. He wondered if Isabel felt this tired.


He found himself drifting back to the night before when he had crawled through her window in distress. She had been so worried for him, but never seemed to drop that aloofness that lately she always greeted him with.

The image of her standing there in front of him in her red satin pajamas flashed through his mind and made him blush slightly. He had been really out of it to notice much but looking back now he realized that he had been in Isabel’s bedroom while she was in her night clothes.

Alex closed his eyes, trying to block out the image that his thoughts had conjured. He was only tormenting himself with the vision of her and knowing that they would be all he ever had of her.


Hearing the familiar voice of the girl he was just thinking of, Alex opened his eyes and looked up into her brown eyes. For a moment he wondered if he had fallen asleep in class and was having another vivid dream, but then she reached down and placed her hand on his shoulder giving him a gentle shake.

“Alex?” Isabel voice was filled with worry.

She had found him sitting there with his eyes shut and she had rushed over to make sure he was alright. But even after calling his name over and over, Isabel hadn’t been able to get a response out of him.

Then when his eyes opened and he looked at her she let out a sigh of relief, “Alex are you alright?”

He gave her a slight frown, “Isabel? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in class?”

Isabel returned his frown, “Alex, don’t you remember that we made plans to meet at lunch today?”

Alex nodded before looking around the classroom and noticing that it was empty besides him and Isabel. Somehow he had missed the bell for lunch as well as students packing up and leaving the room.

He began to pack up his own books while taking the moment alone to talk freely with her, “What did Max say?”

Isabel let out a loud sigh at his question and shook her head, “I wasn’t able to speak with him this morning. I slept late and he left for school without me.”

“You didn’t tell Max?” his eyes widened and Isabel could swear that she saw the panic rise in them.

She gave another shake of her head, “Don’t worry. I will talk to him after school.”

“After school!?” Alex felt his heart begin to race, “But that’s another four hours, Isabel!”

“Calm down, Alex.” she stepped toward him but was unable to reach him in time.

Just as it had last night in her bedroom, the empty classroom came to life. Random musical instruments that were lying around the room began to play a cacophany of sounds.

“Alex!” she cried out over the noise.

His green eyes found hers and she could tell that he was scared. The powers he now possessed did not come with an instruction manual and she knew that he felt as if everything was out of his control.

Looking over at the open door of the classroom, Isabel knew that it would only be a matter of time before someone noticed that the instruments were playing by themselves. She needed to do something and she needed to do it fast.

Then, for some reason, Michael and Maria popped into her head. He had told her of the only way he had known to calm his “pixie” down.

So taking a page from her brothers book, Isabel reached out and pulled Alex’s face to hers until her lips covered his. At first he was unresponsive, but then his arms came around her and pulled her tightly up against his body as his mouth returned her caresses.

Isabel tried to stay focused on her goal of getting him to calm down but the feel of his lips parting under hers caused her to forget everything but the emotions that he was stirring inside of her. She couldn’t say no to his blatant invitation and her tongue darted in quickly tasting his unique flavor.

Alex had stopped thinking of anything but the woman currently in his arms. There was nothing more important to him than Isabel and the way she was making him feel as the kiss seemed to deepen even more.

Finally, Isabel parted her lips and pulled them from his even as her heart was screaming in protest. She wanted so much to kiss him again but she held herself back knowing that it would be a mistake to repeat the moment.

Letting out a ragged breath she stepped back away from him and looked around the room, “It worked.”

Alex frowned as he tried to regain control over his uneven breathing. All he could do was stand there and watch her withdraw from him and act as if their kiss had never happened. He knew he couldn’t let her get away with it again.

“What worked?”

Isabel wrapped her arms around her waist hoping he didn’t notice how her hands were shaking, “I figured if I distracted you then you wouldn’t be able to panic over your powers anymore.”

Hearing her say that caused Alex to take a step back even as his eyes remained on her. His mind was reeling at the thought that the kiss hadn’t been real while his heart felt like it dropped to the pit of his stomach.

“Oh.” was all he could say as he gave a nod of his head. ‘Of course it had been fake, you big dork. There is no way she would kiss you for real.’

Isabel had to turn away at the sight of the disappointment and other emotions that she was shining in his eyes. She knew that he had feelings for her and that what she said had hurt him but she couldn’t tell him the truth. She couldn’t tell him that he had just made her see stars with his kiss and if they had continued then there was no doubt that she wouldn’t have ever been able to let him go again.

The room had lapsed into quiet once more and the two of them stood there waiting for someone to make the next move. Alex took the moment to shake off Isabel’s obvious rebuff of his affections. The quicker they could find a way to transfer her powers back then he would be able to keep the distance that it seemed she so desperately wanted from him.

“Okay, so you will talk to Max after school.” he reminded her of the conversation they were having before his freak out. “Will you call me afterwards?”

Isabel turned back to him and was glad that he seemed to have moved on from the moment, “Hopefully we will have found an answer by that time.”

Alex nodded at her before picking up his books, “Well we better get to lunch. We only have half an hour left.”

Isabel gave him a smile, “How about I buy you a slice of pizza?”

He returned her smile unable to help himself and followed her out the door. One thought crossing his mind ‘I’m just a glutton for punishment.’


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Post by KaraGail »

A/N I have really enjoyed all the comments that have been stirred up with this story (Incognito and Mt. Gazer especially!) :lol: I also want to thank Trude for taking time out from reading L&C to glance over my little contribution to A/I and give me advice :lol: :twisted:

Part 6

“Alex, dinner will be ready in about 10 minutes.” his mother called from the kitchen causing him to look down at his watch.

It was after 5 o’clock and he still had not heard from Isabel and he was starting to worry. Scratch that. He hadn’t just started to worry; he had been in a constant state since he discovered his powers. Even now he found himself pacing in his living room, near the phone, waiting for her call.

Normally, after school, Alex would have been at the Crashdown spending time with Maria and Liz while they worked. Today, however, he knew that if he had gone they would have noticed that he had a secret and was not telling them. So he used his best tactic and planned to avoid them for as long as possible.

Just as he was about to pick up the phone and check that it was working, the doorbell rang.

“Alex, would you see whose at the door?” his mother’s voice wafted into the room once more.

He let out a sigh and with one last glance at the phone Alex headed for the front door. No one they knew stopped by without calling so he gave a brief thought of who it could be since he knew that Maria and Liz were at work.

Opening the door he was shocked to find Isabel standing on his front porch and for a moment he had a sense of deja vu.

“Isabel?” he frowned, “I thought you were going to call?”

She gave him a small smile as she looked at him. Her own thoughts had drifted to that long ago morning and she wondered if he was also remembering that special moment.

Isabel gave her head a mental shake of the image knowing that if her thoughts kept going in that direction there would be nothing to stop her from reenacting that moment.

“I had planned on calling.” she assured him while wrapping her arms around her waist for warmth. It had gotten cold during the day and all she had on was her black leather jacket to protect her.

Alex saw her shiver and stepped back into the house, “Come inside.”

Isabel nodded and followed him in, stopping to wait as he shut the door before moving into the livingroom. Alex motioned for her to sit on the couch and then he made himself comfortable on the other end facing her.

“So...” He raised his brow in question, “what did Max say?”

“I wish I could tell you that I talked to him, Alex.” she let out a frustrated sigh, “He went straight to work after school and I didn’t get a chance to speak to him.”

Alex could tell that Isabel was getting discouraged and felt his own anxiety slip away. He realized that, for her, he would push aside his own worries to help her as much as she was helping him get through the situation.

He couldn’t help but chuckle which caused Isabel to glance at him in confusion. The last time she had given him the news Alex had freaked out allowing the powers to control him, but now he was remaining calm.

A flash of sadness overcame her and she wondered if it was due to the fact that she wouldn’t have an excuse to kiss him again.

“What’s so funny” She questioned.

Alex flashed her his smile and shook his head, “It just seems the world is against us right now.”

Isabel couldn’t help but return his smile before reaching out and wrapping his hand with her own, “We will get through this, Alex. We will find the answer together.”

He was surprised at her response as well as her hand on his. This was the closest he had been with Isabel in a long time where she dropped her guard with him and showed her true caring personality.

“I would have thought you would be more upset at the loss of your powers.” he mentioned with a shake of his head in wonder, “and yet you are the one keeping me calm.”

Isabel’s smile widened even more and she squeezed his hand, “There is no use for us both to freak out.”

Alex couldn’t help the laugh that escaped as he threw his head back in amusement. Soon Isabel joined in when she found his laughter contagious.

“Alex?” a voice broke into their laughter causing both teens to turn their heads.

There stood Mrs. Whitman with an amused look on her face as she took in the scene before her. She had just come out of the kitchen to find her son with a beautiful young woman and automatically her curiosity was peaked.

“Hi mom.” Alex rose from the couch as did Isabel, “This is my friend Isabel Evans.”

The tall blonde smiled, “Nice to meet you Mrs. Whitman.”

“Nice to meet you too, Dear.” she smiled and then turned to her son with a question in her eyes but still spoke to Isabel, “I hope Alex invited you to stay for dinner?”

Alex felt his face flame up with embarrassment as he heard his mother. He knew that the moment between Isabel and himself had officially been broken and her rejection would soon be on it’s way. His mother had no idea that she had just given the girl the perfect opportunity.

Isabel glanced over in his direction for a moment before looking back at his mom, “Well Alex hasn’t invited me but if it’s not too much trouble I would love to join you.”

‘Did she say what I think she did?’ Alex’s eyes widened as he looked over at her, “You’ll stay?’

She nodded and a small giggle escaped her lips at his obvious look of surprise. He had really thought that she would turn him down but for some reason she hadn’t wanted to leave. Isabel wanted to spend more time with Alex and his mother had given her the perfect reason to stay a while longer.

“Great.” Mrs. Whitman smiled at the pair, “Alex show Isabel where to wash up. Dinner is ready.”

Alex, who had been as still as a statue up to that point, finally moved and escorted Isabel to the guest bathroom before entering the kitchen where his mother was finishing placing dinner on the table.

“So that’s the famous Isabel Evans?” His mother chuckled as Alex’s face turned red, “You were right. She is very beautiful, Alex.”

He nodded but his eyes turned sad, “Beautiful and way out of my league.”

Her smile instantly dropped from her lips as she heard the pain in her sons voice. She never liked to see her children hurting and because Alex was her baby she hated it even more.

“I don’t believe that, honey.” she reached up and cupped his cheek tenderly forcing him to look at her, “You are a great guy, Alex, and if Isabel Evans can’t see that then it’s her loss.”

Alex couldn’t help but smile at his mother. He knew she was trying to make him feel better and in some ways it was working, “Thanks mom.”

She caressed his cheek one more time before the kitchen door opened and the object of their conversation walked into the room. Alex turned and gave her a tentative smile before showing her where to sit and then sliding into the chair across from her.

“Alex’s father is working late tonight so it will just be us three.” Mrs. Whitman sat in her seat and smiled at Isabel, “You have come on a good night. We are having one of Alex’s favorite meals.”

Hearing this Alex’s stomach chose that moment to growl causing him to blush in embarrassment. One look at Isabel, across the table, and he could see the amusement in her eyes.

“My mom makes the best lasagna.” he praised just before helping himself to the dish.

Alex realized then that he hadn’t really eaten anything in almost 24 hours. Even the pizza that Isabel had bought him at lunch had been hard to choke down and he had attributed it to the scene in the music room and the stress over the whole situation.

Isabel watched Alex load his plate unable to conceal her smile over his obvious enormous appetite. Her eyes then glanced over at his mother and the smile suddenly went shy as she noticed that the older woman had been looking at her in turn.

“Go ahead, Isabel. Help yourself.” Mrs. Whitman encouraged with a wave of her hand.

Isabel began to assemble her own plate wondering briefly if it would be appropriate to ask for some hot sauce for her lasagna. One more glance at Alex’s mom and she decided that it would be better just to take small portions and somehow force the bland food down.

A gagging sound came from across the table and Isabel looked up in alarm at Alex. He sat there with a frown on his face as he tried to discreetly spit the bite of food into a napkin.

“What’s the matter, honey?” Mrs. Whitman looked at him worriedly.

“Did you forget to put something in the lasagna?”

She gave him a slight frown and shook her head, “No. Why?”

Alex gave a shrug of his shoulders and let his fork play with the food on his plate, “It just doesn’t taste the same.”

His mother brought a fork full to her own mouth and tentatively tasted it just to see if he was right.

“Taste fine to me.” she declared after chewing for a moment and then turned to Isabel, “What do you think?”

Isabel noticed both of the Whitman’s eyes on her and knew that she would have to eat with them watching. She brought her own fork to her mouth and almost instantly flavors that she had never before tasted burst on her tongue. She could actually differentiate the taste of the spices that had been used in the preparation.

"Oh my God, Mrs. Whitman. This is so delicious!” she gushed as she lifted another bite to savor.

Alex frowned as he watched her dig into her meal with so much gusto. Never before had he seen her so enthusiastic about a meal. He could swear that he heard little moans coming from deep in her throat after every bite.

“Do you think you are getting sick, Alex?’ Mrs. Whitman dropped her own fork and reached over to place her hand on his forehead, “You feel normal.”

‘Normal? No, mom I’m not normal. I was blasted by a huge alien machine and have received powers that I do not know how to control. Now to add to that I have now lost my taste buds causing everything to be bland.’ he shook his head of these thoughts knowing he could never voice them to his mother. “I’m fine, mom.”

Just then the phone rang from the living room startling them.

“Wonder who is calling?” Mrs. Whitman wondered as she rose from the table and went to answer it leaving Isabel and Alex.

He watched her finish the small portion on her plate unable to stop the smile that spread his face when she reached to get another helping. "It’s good isn’t it?”

Isabel looked up from her plate and gave a happy smile, “It’s fantastic, Alex. I don’t think I have ever eaten anything as good.”

Alex nodded, “I wish I could say the same but it seems that not only did I get your powers but I also got your taste buds.”

“Oh no!” Isabel’s eyes widened.

“Yep!’ he smiled finding the humor in the situation, “You are now experiencing how it feels to be me when I eat and by the looks of your second helping you may be eating for me as well.”

She chuckled at him before looking around the kitchen, “Does your mother keep any hot sauce or Tabasco sauce in the house?”

Alex nodded and got up from the table to search for the condiment in the cabinet. He couldn’t imagine pouring this on his lasagna but if Isabel seemed to think it would make it taste better then he was all for it.

He was surprised, a few moments later when he took a bite, that it did actually help with the blandness. It wasn’t what he was used to but it would get him through the dinner and fill him up so that his stomach didn’t feel as empty as before.

“So how is it?” she questioned him worriedly.

“Better.” he smiled.

Isabel felt her heart race at the way his smile reassured her. He continually amazed her at the way he was able to adjust to any new thing thrown at him. Even when he first was told that she and her brothers were aliens he took it in stride only asking her to prove it to him.

Suddenly images seemed to flash through her mind.

Alex stepping forward to help Michael when he was sick

The stake out as they spied on Tess

Telling her he would be there for her if she was pregnant with Michael’s baby

Stargazing with her during the camping trip

Stripping at her birthday party and making her laugh.

All of these thoughts flew at her and Isabel felt herself choke back tears. Alex had been there so many times for her and she hadn’t been able to let him in because she had been worried he would get her but it was hurting even more to stay away from him. ‘Maybe they couldhave a future.’

“Alex...” Isabel started but was halted when Mrs. Whitman came back into the room.

“That was your father. He should be home soon.”

Alex nodded but found that he could not look away from Isabel. There was something different in her eyes and he was helpless but to try to figure out what it was. She was definitely looking at him in an odd way.

“I guess you were finally able to eat.” His mom cut in again noticing that his plate was half empty.


Mrs. Whitman frowned at her son’s obvious distraction and found herself glancing over at Isabel. She was surprised to find that the younger girl was returning his gaze and they seemed fixed on each other. ‘Wonder what happened while I was in the other room?’

The moment seemed to drag on for a little longer until Alex’s mother became uncomfortable and cleared her throat startling both teens, “So what are your plans for tonight?”

Alex felt a slight blush creep us his neck but he decided to take a chance and for once just go for it when it came to the lovely Miss Evans, “Isabel would you like to go and get some ice cream with me?”

Isabel felt the smile split her face at his invitation. Maybe, just maybe this could be a fresh new start together.

"I would love to."


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Post by KaraGail »

A/N thanks for all your patience with this story and me...I hope that I can make it worth your wait once I finally complete this. :lol:

Please give me feedback on this story since I still don't know where I am taking this. :roll:

Part 7

Alex wasn’t sure who was enjoying their trip to the ice cream parlor more, Isabel or himself? All he knew was that she was beside him collecting the little pink spoons from the server as she demanded to taste every flavor in the bin.

He couldn’t seem to control the smile on his face as he watched her take her first bite of the confection sans her normal Tabasco sauce that doused out the true flavors. Alex was pleased that he was the one who experience this first with her.

It also didn’t hurt that every time she took a sample; Isabel’s eyes would roll up into the back of her head, a moan would slip from her lips, and she would turn to him with a huge grin. The sight, alone, had made him glad that he had worn his baggy jeans today.

After the last pink spoon had been licked clean, Isabel’s brows came together as she began to contemplate her choice.

“I can’t decide which one I want.” She sighed as she continued to look into the glass bin.

Alex chuckled aloud at her dilemma before stepping forward and looking down at all the flavors. There were so many to choose from and he definitely knew that it would be hard to decide on one.

“Can I chose for you?” he questioned with a glance in her direction. Alex worried that it would upset her if he did it without her permission.

Isabel smiled with a nod. Her heart was thumping against her chest as she watched his smile turn into a huge grin and she wondered if it would ever slow down again. It seemed to have started when they were in the car on the way over and she had mentioned that maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to go get ice cream since he wouldn’t be able to enjoy.

Alex had given her that smile and assured her that it was something that he wanted to do for her. Just that look and those words from his lips had increased her pulse rate into over time.

‘He really would do anything for me just to make me happy’

Isabel sighed as she watched him interact with the girl behind the counter. For some reason as she stood here with Alex she couldn’t remember all of her excuses for not being with him. Right now, she couldn’t imagine her life without him in it and she didn’t want to.

‘All you have to do is tell him and you will never have to experience it again’

She gave a slight nod of her head to acknowledge her thought. Tonight would be the perfect time to tell him that she wanted to be with him.

“Here you go, Izzy.” he turned to her and her eyes widened at the sight of the huge waffle cone in his hand.

“Oh my goodness” she looked at the cone that was filled with 3 different flavors of ice cream and her eyes lit up as if it were Christmas morning and she got a tree full of presents.

“What can I get for you?”

Alex forced his attentions away from Isabel, and the sight of her, to the server who was looking at him expectantly. He dropped his gaze back to the bin and wondered which flavor would interact well with his new taste buds.

Seeing his dilemma, Isabel leaned toward him so that she could whisper in his ear, “I have Tabasco sauce in my pocket.”

Alex felt the shiver chase down his spine as he felt her lips brush lightly against the lobe of his ear. He lost all train of thought as he stood there frozen in position.

“Umm…” He felt heat spread across his face when he finally looked up to see the girl behind the counter watching them both.

“I’m going to find us a table.” Isabel murmured as she quickly stepped back hoping that her legs would hold out until she sat down.

The accidental brush of her lips had sent a jolt stronger than what she had experience with the Granolith to rip through her body causing her to feel weak in the knees. She needed to get herself back under control and the only way Isabel could do that is if she had a moment to herself and away from the boy who caused her to feel so many emotions all at once.

Isabel heard the girl behind the counter ask Alex once more for his order as she sat down in a booth and took a deep breath to calm herself. Tonight was definitely when they needed to straighten out everything between them. There was no way she could continue on denying her feelings.


She gasped as she looked up into the familiar eyes of the man she had recently been seeing, “Grant! What are you doing here?”

The swarthy Geologist smiled down at her, “I was walking by and saw you in here and wanted to say hi.”

Isabel found her gaze traveling over to Alex and let out a small sigh of relief at the sight of him in conversation with the server and his back turned toward her. Hopefully she could get rid of Grant before he noticed.

“So how about we go out this Friday?”

She glanced back at him and for the first time she really looked at him. What had she ever seen in this man? He was too short, too stout and, well frankly, he wasn’t Alex.

“Friday is not good for me, Grant, and I really can’t discuss it with you now. I am here with my friend, Alex.”

He frowned and looked around, “Alex? Is he in the bathroom?”

“What?” Isabel also frowned and looked over at the counter where he had been only moments before but now the server was waiting on someone else.

Her heart sped up and this time in fear as she rose from the booth and went over to the girl, “Where did my friend go?”

The girl seemed startled since her attention was focused on the next in line. She saw the distress in the taller girl’s eyes and decided to answer.

“I’m not sure. He was standing there all tense and mumbling to himself to stay calm. When I asked if anything was wrong he asked me to put his ice cream in a cup and then just left after paying for both of your orders.”

Isabel felt a cry catch in her throat as she quickly ran out the door of the shop. She needed to find Alex and explain Grant’s presence. She knew he was upset and Isabel didn’t know what could happen with the powers he now had in his possession.

Tears formed in her eyes as she realized he was gone.


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Post by KaraGail »

A/N Thanks for all the feedback on this fic.. I love that everyone seems to switch back and forth from sides on minute you are mad at Isabel for always rejecting Alex and then your mad at Alex for leaving Isabel at the ice cream shop :shock: :roll:

This story is becoming bigger than I first thought. I had planned it to be a short little fic but then I went to the beach last weekend and on the way I plotted out a lot more chapters with many twist and turns for our favorite couple. I hope everyone is strapped in for a long, bumpy ride :twisted: :lol:

BTW Welcome WomanofMystery to the world of A&I. :lol:

Part 8

Isabel couldn’t believe it. Alex had stranded her without a ride.

Sure, she could have gone back inside and asked Grant, but for some reason she didn’t want to do that. Isabel did not want Grant, she wanted Alex and she was afraid that maybe she had lost him for good.

Throwing the melting ice cream cone into a nearby trash can, she began the short walk to the UFO museum. Max would be getting off work soon and she would be able to get a ride home with him.

Isabel violently brushed away the tears that had slipped down her cheeks during her walk. There was no way that she would let her brother see how upset she was.

The front door of the museum was still unlocked even though the lights were out, so she made her way inside. The sound of muffled voices coming from one of the back rooms had her heading in that direction.

Isabel’s steps faltered as she recognized the voices. One was her brother and the other belonged to the boy who had just ditched her.

‘What was Alex doing here?’ she wondered slipping quietly to the door.

“I’m telling you, Max. The Granolith did something to us.”

She saw Alex run his fingers through his hair in the same manner as he had done earlier that morning in her room. Isabel had come to be able to read his body language and knew that this was a sign of his frustration.

“What are you talking about, Alex?” Max sighed as he continued to sweep the floor.

“Look, Max, somehow Isabel’s powers were transferred to me.”

Her brother looked over at the tall boy and he shook his head in disbelief, “That’s not possible, Alex.”

Isabel continued to watch silently as Alex sighed and also shook his head.

“Fine you want proof? Here is your proof, Max.”

Alex turned toward on of the alien exhibits and without a motion from him two of the aliens sat up and turned their heads toward them. Even Isabel was some what taken aback at the sight. This was the first time all day that Alex seemed to have control over the powers and make them do what he wanted.

She turned her attention back to her brother noting how he had taken a step back from Alex. She could tell from his expression that he didn’t believe what he was seeing.

“Okay, Alex. Enough with the jokes.” Max let out a nervous chuckle, “ I need to finish cleaning up so whoever is helping you with this gag better come out.”

Alex shook his head again as his eyes remained on the green alien skeletons that began to rise from their seated position until their feet touched the floor.

Isabel couldn’t help the small laugh that slipped from her lips when the “aliens” began to dance “the macarena”. The show seemed to last a few minutes before Alex turned back to Max.

“I’m serious, Max. I need your help.”

Max stood there shocked as he obviously did not know what to say or do. His eyes were fixed on the dancing aliens and wondering how Alex was making it happen.

Isabel decided that it was time for her to step in and make her presence known to the two boys.

“He is telling the truth, Max.” she called walking into the room while her eyes automatically sought out Alex’s. She saw the surprise in his face and the fake aliens fell to the floor in a heap.

“So you are in on the joke, Isabel?” Max let out a short laugh and shook his head, “You almost had me believing you had powers, Alex.”

“It’s not me doing it, Max.” she moved over to her brother and placed a hand on his arm, “My powers are gone.”

Alex stood there watching the siblings with his heart in his throat. He had not expected to see Isabel so soon after leaving her with Grant at the ice cream parlor.

He still couldn’t believe how much it had hurt to look over his shoulder and see the older man with Isabel. Alex knew he had no right to be jealous, but for some reason his heart didn’t agree.

So he had left the shop hoping to get out of there before he did something stupid, like use his powers by accident. He knew that it had been wrong to leave Isabel, but he truly believed that she would have just gotten Grant to take her home instead.

Finding Max had been the only thing he could do as he walked out into the night. Alex was tired of the constant rejection and only wanted to get back to normal so that maybe he could find a way to move on.

“So you are telling me that Alex now has your powers? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Max asked incredulously and Alex realized he had tuned out most of the conversation, “We live together for goodness sakes, Isabel.”

Isabel raised an eyebrow and looked at her brother, “Relax, Max. We didn’t realize what had happened until early this morning and then we haven’t been able to get a moment alone with you all day.”

Alex decided to step in, “We were hoping that you could connect with us and see what happened.”

“Lucky for us Milton has already left for the evening.” Max set his broom down.

A few minutes later he had finished his assessment on his sister and friend, “Well I don’t see anything. It hasn’t affected either of your physiology but it could have genetically.”

Isabel paused in her pacing that had began while Max was connected to Alex, “So you think the Granolith some how altered our genes..which in effect gave Alex powers and is now depriving me of my own?”

Max shrugged, “I have no idea, Isabel but I won’t rule it out.”

Alex spoke up then, “So what? We do the Four Square thing and we will return to normal, right?”

“I don’t know, Alex, but it is certainly an option.” Max stood up and sighed, “I think the three of us should go up to the Pod Chamber in the morning. Maybe it’s as simple as you both touching the Granolith again.”

Isabel nodded although not looking forward to the jolt that she had experienced yesterday, “Should we tell the others?”

Her brother shook his head, "Not yet. Let’s just see if we can get some answers of our own before we bring the others in.”

Alex also stood up and slipped his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans. It was getting late and he needed to get home.

“I better be going.” he paused and looked over at Isabel whose own eyes were already focused on him. She seemed to want to say something to him and he wondered if she was going to blast him for abandoning her earlier. He knew he deserved whatever she was thinking.

“We’ll meet you at the chamber at 7 a.m.” Max called as he once again picked up his broom.

Alex nodded and with one last glance at Isabel he hung his head low and walked out the door. He wondered if he had just imagined the hurt look on her face.

“I’ll be ready in a few minutes, Isabel.” Max called to his sister as he left the room also but her attention was focused on the tall boy who had just walked out.

Isabel had hoped to speak with Alex and apologies for Grant ruining their date. Yes, that’s what she had perceived their night out together to be and one that she had been enjoying up until the interruption.

With a deep sigh of frustration Isabel realized that she was about to have another sleepless night. Hopefully the pint of ice cream in the freezer would help her get through some of it. She had only a taste of it earlier and right not she would let that comfort her as she tried to figure out how to get through to Alex.


Btw..I am not very good with action so if the dancing "aliens" description didn't work for ya then I truly apologize :?

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Post by KaraGail »

A/N as always thanks for leaving FB and reading. I do appreciate your words and sometimes it helps me come up with a scene (this one came out of some questions that one FB wrote) :o Thanks are always out to Trude who still encourages me to write :lol:

Part 9

The early morning rays of the sun beat down on the desert sand as Alex waited for Isabel and Max to arrive. In his eagerness to return back to normal, he had showed up earlier than the time the had scheduled leaving him with nothing but time to think.

‘Could the really transfer the powers back to Isabel?’

Alex knew that she had to be missing them. You just couldn’t have powers all your life and not be lost when they are gone.He knew she was feeling the loss deeply, even though she was putting up a good front with him and Max. Isabel hated attention focused on herself and would, as she had done last night before dinner, down play her own emotions.

Alex sighed and shook his head to try and clear his thoughts. Even after the disappointing end to their evening, the night before, he still found himself unable to stop thinking of the tall blonde. Especially the image of the disappointment he could have sworn was in her eyes as he left the UFO Museum.

The sound of the jeep wheels coming to a stop behind his car brought Alex out of his thoughts. He took a deep breath before stepping out of the car just as Max and Isabel jumped out of their jeep.

“Hey Alex.” Max smiled as they met between the automobiles, “You ready?”

Alex nodded at him but his eyes strayed over to Isabel who was focused entirely on him. The same look that had haunted him the night before was still reflected in her dark brown orbs.

“Good morning Alex.” she gave him a small smile as she stood behind her brother.

“Good morning, Isabel.” he said after a moment hoping she hadn’t noticed him trying to find his tongue. She looked so beautiful standing there with the golden rays of the sum shining down on her like a halo. For a moment he wondered if instead of an alien, Isabel was really an angel sent down to earth just to torture him with her beauty.

“It’s too cold to stand out here much longer.” Max said as he zipped up his jacket in deference to the chilly November morning. He turned and began the walk up the cliff leaving Alex and Isabel to follow behind.

By the time they arrive, Max had already entered the chamber and was waiting for them. The door was quickly shut as they made their way in with the Granolith.

“What do you want to try first, Max?” Isabel asked once they had all entered the room.

“I was thinking that we should try and reenact the moment you first got the jolt.” Max commented as he waled around the massive alien technology as if he were trying to inspect it.

“Aren’t you at all worried that we can get hurt, Max? I can tell you that it wasn’t fun the first time and I highly doubt it will be better a second time.” Alex said apprehensively.

Isabel heard the worry in Alex’s voice and longed to go over and give him some comfort. She was also afraid but knew that she had to remain strong for them both and show him that she believed that everything would be alright.

“Come on, Alex. It’s just a small jolt.” she motioned for him to move to the side of the machine that he had touched only two days prior.

He gave a short not, took a breath for courage and pressed his palm to the machine with his eyes tightly shut. Alex was prepared for the jolt that for some reason never came.

Slowly he opened his eyes searching for Isabel’s. Alex could see the discouragement in them as he realized that nothing had happened and that they were no closer to finding the answers.

“Well that was a bust.” Alex stepped back and ran a hand through his hair, “What next?”

Over the next hour Max had them trying different things but to no avail. It was a last ditch effort that he had Alex trying to connect with Isabel.

“This is not working.”He stated stepping away from Isabel, his frustration starting to show oh his face. He had truly hoped that they would walk out of the chamber back to themselves.

Isabel felt the same frustration as Alex, especially when he had tried to connect to her and hadn’t succeeded. Somewhere, deep down, she had hoped he would and Alex would see what was truly in her heart.

Max looked down at his watch, “Great it’s after 8:00 and I am already late for class.” He started for the door, “Alex will you give Isabel a ride? I’ll see you both later and we will decide what to do next.”

He was gone before Isabel and Alex could stop him leaving them alone together. They stood there in silence for a few moments, neither knowing what to say and hoping the other would go first.

Finally, Alex started toward the opening, “We better get to school also.”

Isabel felt her moment slipping away and stepped forward, "Alex wait.”

Without looking at her he continued, “I know we both have study hall but we better get going.”

“Alex!” She raised her voice reaching out to him to grip his shoulder and halting him from further movement.

Slowly he turned to her, stealing himself for whatever she was going to say to him. Alex was so use to her rejection that he was sure it would be the topic of their conversation and he didn’t think he could handle it again.

Seeing his look Isabel sighed, “Alex, we need to talk.”

“About what?” he questioned, “If your going to tell me, once again, how we can’t be together then you can just forget it. I don’t need to hear it again. I think it’s finally sunk in, Isabel so you don’t have to worry. Once we have reversed all of this then I will leave you alone forever.”

Isabel stood there with wide eyes as he spoke, “No Alex! I don’t want you to leave me alone.” tears threatened to spill from her eyes, “I was stupid to push you away. I want you in my life, Alex.” she paused and then shook her head, “No! I need you in my life.”

Alex couldn’t believe her heartfelt words. ‘Could she really mean it?’ He was scared to find out.

“I just can’t go through this again, Isabel.” he sighed, “I can’t get my hoped up that we will finally be together and then for you to later tell me that you can’t be with me anymore. Do you know how badly it hurt me to hear you say that and then see you with Grant Sorenson?”

Isabel felt the large lump in her throat and she fought to speak around it, “I know, Alex. All I can say is that Grant was a way for me to feel normal. After hearing those words of destiny from my mother all I wanted was someone who could make me feel like an average ordinary girl. I used Grant so that I could pretend for a while.”

Alex nodded understanding her motives but it still didn’t reduce the heartache he felt, “Isabel you will never be an average ordinary girl even if you were human.”

She sniffled and brushed the tears from her cheeks whispering, “I want to be with you, Alex.”

He took a step back from her and ran a hand through his hair, “And the next time something happens? Will you push me away again? Will you claim that you are trying to protect me and tell me that we can’t be together?”

Isabel felt a sharp pain in her chest with each question he demanded of her. ‘Was she capable of opening up to Alex and letting him in as he wanted?’ She knew that there would be times when she’d still feel that he would be better off without her, but she had a feeling that they would be few and far between.

“If you had asked me that a few days ago I wouldn’t have been able to answer you, Alex.” She walked back over to the Granolith, “I think this thing not only took my powers but it also made me open my eyes to what has always been standing in front of me.”

Alex wondered for a moment id he was dreaming this conversation. Isabel was saying everything he had longed for and more, slowly chipping away at the thin wall he had built around his heart. Unable to say anything, he stared into her expectant eyes as she waited for him to respond.

‘What did you say after something like that?’ the answer came to him suddenly and he stepped forward, ‘You don’t say anything. You take her in you arms and you kiss her senseless letting her know with the caress of your lips that whatever she wanted you would give freely.’

Isabel was surprised when his lips met her, but she was soon an eager participant. Her tongue stroked across his as she drank in the taste of him and wondered how she had gone so long without it.

She reached up to wrap her arms around his neck, threading her fingers through the soft strand of hair and pulled him closer. The heat was growing between them and neither seemed to want to be the one to pull back first.

After several moments, Alex drew back to look at Isabel, still not able to believe that she wanted him, but he only got a few inches away before sh reclaimed his lips with her own. He couldn’t do anything but once again become lost in the kiss.

Somehow they made their way to school and even though they were still reveling in their new relationship both knew that they had to split up and go their separate ways. Isabel left Alex at his locker but only after giving him another one of those mind altering kisses that he was becoming quite addicted to.

Alex couldn’t stop the grin that was spread across his face and he started to whistle to himself. He finally had the girl of his dreams and added to that, Christmas was only a few weeks away and he would be able to spend it with her. Alex felt on top of the world and he knew that nothing would bring him back to earth.

“Alex?” a familiar female voice called from behind him causing him to turn.

“Hi Tess.” He said somewhat surprised that the girl was talking to him. In the past she rarely ever seemed to acknowledge his presence., “Is there something you needed?”

“Alex, you are pretty good with computers and their language, right?” she asked in a quiet voice while taking a quick glance around the empty hallway.

He shrugged and nodded, “Yeah. I am better than average.”

Suddenly her expression changed , excitement flashed in her eyes and something else that he couldn’t grasp, “Great! Then I have a project that I need your help on.”


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Post by KaraGail »

A/N I have decided to ignore the episodes where the Dupes appeared. The following parts happen in lieu of that time :roll: (I hope that makes sense) :lol:

Thanks for all the great feedback and responses to this fic. I have really enjoyed reading all of them :lol:

Part 10

Isabel wondered if the tears would ever stop.

Right now, she felt that if she didn’t quit soon that she would drown in the pool that she was no doubt creating. She didn’t know how long she had been sitting there but she could still remember what drove her to her bedroom in the first place, hugging her pillow to her chest and looking for some comfort.

Isabel turned the jeep off and looked up at the house wondering if Alex was home. She had not seen him at school so ditched Max right after the last bell, leaving him to catch a ride with one of the others, while she went searching for answers.

She checked her make up in the rearview mirror before quickly slipping out of the jeep and up the walk way to the Whitman house. It had been almost 3 days since the last trip to the Pod Chamber and the long conversation that she’d hoped had cleared the air between them two.

Isabel believed that they had been on their way to a new start in their relationship. But ever since separating at school, Alex had been avoiding her like the plague and not returning her many phone calls. She was getting so upset, the idea that maybe he was doing this on purpose, to get back at him for all the times he had rejected her, had crossed her mind. She had quickly discarded that thought because she knew that no matter how angry he got, Alex was just not the revenge sort of person.

‘Well I won’t let him run away from us.’ she reassured herself as she climbed the steps and rang the doorbell. She would just have to trap him in a corner and demand the truth hence coming over to his house where he couldn’t escape from her.

The door opened a few moments later and she was greeted by Alex’s mother smiling at her, “Hi Isabel. How are you?”

“I’m fine Mrs. Whitman.” Isabel returned her smile thinking how much it reminded her of Alex. “Is Alex home? I was hoping to talk to him about something.”

Mrs. Whitman’s smile dropped from her face and her brows knitted together in confusion, “Alex is not here, dear.”

“Do you know where I could find him?” she asked not willing to give up on finding him.

“Alex is in Sweden, Isabel.” the older woman stated.

“Sweden?” Isabel said in shock stumbling backwards on the porch. Catching her footing she asked, “What’s he doing in Sweden?”

“He didn’t tell you?” his mother asked incredulously, “Alex signed up for the Exchange Program at school and his plane left just this morning.”

“Exchange program?” She questioned shaking her head in denial, “He never said anything.”

“To tell you the truth, Isabel, I was surprised as well.” Mrs. Whitman shrugged, “I found out two days ago; and when I asked Alex when he had signed up he told me that it had been a few months ago when he had felt the need to get away from Roswell.”

Isabel’s heart sank. She knew that he had meant that he wanted to get away from her. But why hadn’t he said anything these last few days? Why had he run off with out telling her?

“I had no idea.” Isabel whispered as tears filled her eyes, ‘When will he be back?”

Mrs. Whitman’s own eyes shimmered with her own unreleased tears, “After the holidays.” she sniffled, “This will be our first Thanksgiving and Christmas apart.”

Isabel’s heart went out to the older woman who, no doubt, missed her baby son. How could Alex have done this to them?

“If you hear from Alex would you tell him to call or e-mail me?” she asked taking a step back from the door way hoping to make an escape before the tears came even harder.

“Okay, dear.” Mrs. Whitman gave a watery smile, “But don’t you be a stranger just because Alex is away. I’ll make my lasagna again and we could talk.”

“Thanks Mrs. Whitman “ Isabel forced a smile on to her face before heading down the steps and back to the jeep.

Once she had arrived home, Isabel had gone straight to her room where she collapsed on her bed in tears. Why had he not told her where he was going? Had everything he told her in the Pod Chamber a lie?

She had felt so close to him after everything they had said and the kisses that had left her breathless. Isabel had no idea that this was coming and it totally blind sided her.

“Isabel?” her brothers voice sounded from the other side of her bedroom door, “Are you alright?”

She quickly brushed the tears from her face and gave a silent wish for the powers that would have removed the traces. Maybe Max wouldn’t notice. Yeah right.

Her brother opened the door and stepped inside. When he saw her it caused him to pause at the door and repeat his question with worry, “Isabel, are you okay?”

Seeing his worried look, Isabel was unable to remain put together and, once again, felt the tears release in a flood. Max rushed quickly to her and knelt down by her bed.

“What’s wrong? What’s happened?”

“Alex is gone.” she sobbed and leaned forward to bury her face in his shoulder.
“What? Where is he?” Max asked slightly confused.

“Swe...den” she choked out.

“Sweden? What’s Alex doing in Sweden?” he asked not realizing that Isabel had asked those same questions only half an hour earlier.

Isabel took in a deep breath to try to stop the tears and sat up. She quickly brushed the wetness from her cheeks hating for anyone to see her like this.

“I went over to his house after school today but his mother said that he had signed up for this Exchange Program and he left this morning.”

“That’s not like Alex to not say anything. “ he rose from the floor and picked up her phone and dialed a familiar number.

“Liz?” he said after a few seconds where he was waiting for the phone to be answered, “Its Max”

Isabel could only hear one side of the conversation but she was listening intently hoping that the small brunette had the answers that her heart needed.

“Did you know anything about Alex in an Exchange program?”

“A couple days ago? I wonder why he didn’t say anything earlier.” he paused and then a look came over him as if he had been kicked in the stomach, “Oh. I guess we haven’t talked much lately.”

Isabel frowned thinking that maybe she should take the phone away and grill the girl herself. It didn’t seem that Max was getting anywhere fast.

“No... Everything is fine.” he glanced over at his sister and sighed, “I am sure it can wait until he comes home.”

A few seconds later Max hung up the phone and shrugged, “Liz said that Alex told Maria and her two day ago that he was leaving. They had no idea until then that he had ever had an interest in the Exchange Program.”

Isabel buried her head in the pillow that she was still holding, “It’s because of me. He wanted to get away from me.”

“Don’t, Isabel.” Max reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder, “I don’t believe that and neither should you. Alex cares for you deeply.”

She looked up at him and he could see the fresh tears in her eyes, “I know that he cares for me, Max, but I have hurt him so much.”

Max couldn’t disagree with her on that. He had seen how Isabel had treated Alex over the past few months but he knew that their friend loved her anyway.

“I had thought we had gotten pass all of that.” she sniffled, “We talked at the Pod chamber that morning you left us and we were going to give it another try.”

Max looked shocked, but thinking back he should have known something had happened. Isabel had come home so happy that afternoon and now he had the reason why.

But what had happened between then and now for Alex to bail on his sister?

“I’m sure Alex will be calling you once he lands in Sweden and explains, Isabel.” Max sat down on the edge of her bed, “He will make one of his usual witty remarks and everything will be right in the world again.”

Isabel couldn’t help but smile at that thought. Alex did always have something to say that would loosen the tension and make everyone smile. It was one of the things she loved about him.

Seeing that she was calming down and would be alright, Max rose from the bed and moved for the door. Before he could open it, Isabel stopped him.

“Max, wait.” she stood up quickly from the bed, “Alex still has my powers.”

Max turned back to her unable to believe that they had forgotten such an important detail. He had planned to get the three of them together this weekend and work on some other ways to transfer them back.

“What are we going to do? It’s going to be obvious to the others that I don’t have my powers any more.” she said frantically and began pacing now finding herself focused on the new crisis.
“Do you think we should tell the others now?” he watched her pace in front of him, “Michael is going to flip out.”

Isabel’s eyes widened at the thought. Her brother was always the hot tempered one and did not think rationally. He wouldn’t know how to deal with Alex being half a world away with her powers.

“We better not. There is no telling what Michael will do.” she let out a sigh with a shake of her head, “And if you tell Liz, she will tell Maria, who would inform Michael.”

Max agreed with her, “So we will try to keep this quiet until Alex comes back and we can figure out what to do next?”

Isabel nodded, “If we have to tell them at some point, we will, but right now let’s keep it between us.”

He sighed in frustration. There was always something going on with them. Why couldn’t things just be simple?, “I’ll see you at dinner.”

She waved at him, her mind already back on Alex and understanding his motives. Once Max had left her room, Isabel headed to her computer. She felt a little better after their conversation and decided she would send Alex a note telling him how she felt and how much she missed him. Then maybe he would let her know what the hell was going on.

