Anything But Ordinary (AU, M/L, Mature) [Complete]

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Post by Erina »

Oh well, here is the final part. :(

Part 70

“I need a light for this,” Sean chuckled. “It nice to see fear in your eyes, I have seen nothing better,” he turned his back. “I’m going to light some candles and....”

Sean never got to finish his sentence as Jeremy used the opportunity and attacked him from behind, trying to take the gun out of his hands.

At first Sean was surprised and the gun fell out of his hands, landing on the floor with a loud thud, but he quickly composed himself and began fighting back.

Liz saw her chance and she quickly slipped the ropes away and moved to where the gun lay on the floor. Unfortunately, at the same time, Sean hit Jeremy and they both moved to her side. A moment later, she was pushed roughly against the wall. She hit her head and it knocked her out completely.

When she opened her eyes again, sometime later, she saw Jeremy lying on the floor, not far from her and there was a pool of blood beneath him. His eyes were closed and it appeared he wasn’t breathing.

Liz’s hand fled to her mouth, muffling a sob.

Sean had killed Jeremy. And she was next.

Liz looked around the room and saw Sean sitting on the chair, holding his right thigh.

“That son of the bitch injured me,” he mumbled, noticing that Liz was consciousness again.

Liz gulped at the sight of the bloody knife in his hands. Her heart raced again, as he stood up and slowly walked to her side, still holding the knife.

“I won’t be good anymore,” he whispered hotly. “You had your chance; now you’re going to die as painfully as I can make it to you,” he promised her.

He knelt by her side and again traced the bloody knife against her soft cheek, leaving a trail of blood, obviously Jeremy’s, on her skin.

“It’s such a shame to cut that pretty face of yours. But...” Sean sighed and pulled her up again, “It’s something I have to do.”

This time he dragged her to the table and made her to lie down on it.

“Let’s begin, shall we?” he asked her with an evil grin and Liz didn’t know what to do. Cry? Beg? Scream? He was going to kill her anyway.

As the knife touched her cheek again, Liz knew… this time it was for real, he was going to cut her.

Then happened something that Liz wasn’t expecting. From out of nowhere a gunshot sounded and Liz held her breath. The door hadn’t been opened and no one had come in.

Sean moved the knife away and slowly turned around. Liz quickly sat up and looked at herself. No, she wasn’t shot. When she glanced to Sean again, she gasped.

He had turned completely and Liz could see his back, which was completely covered in blood. He was the one who had been shot.

She quickly hopped down from the table and hesitantly moved to one side, only to see Jeremy lying on the floor, but this time he had a gun in his hand. He was panting and his hands were trembling, but as Sean took a step towards him, Jeremy fired again...and… again… until Sean collapsed onto the floor. A moment later Jeremy went completely limp as well.

A second later, she heard the sirens.

She had been found.

~ ~ ~

Liz looked out of the window, but she didn’t see anything. She was so lost in thought that she didn’t even notice the worried look on Max’s face. He was sitting by her side, in the back of the car, while Diane and Michael were in the front, driving them all back to the city.

Now that everything was over, the tears... were gone. She felt physically and emotionally tired, and she just wanted to sleep and forget everything that happened today. But unfortunately, Liz knew that this day was now imprinted on her memory.

She continued to look out in the dark, but her mind was somewhere else.

Sean was dead, but so was Jeremy. It hurt her deeply that she had somehow caused his premature death. He had come to her, only to confess everything about Roswell and Tess, and say that he was happily dating some girl...and now… he was dead, because of her.

Apparently he had followed her and Jake all the way and he was the one who had called the police before going into the cabin. She didn’t know the reasons why he had followed her. Perhaps he hadn’t been truthful about his feelings and, just like Max, wanted to make sure she was safe? Perhaps he was leaving and it happened that he was behind them and saw Sean throw the phone out? Perhaps he had recognized Sean as one of Philip’s men?

Who knew now? He was dead and that was something he took with himself.

Liz sighed, wrapped the blanket more tightly around her as she shivered and closed her eyes, willing herself to sleep.

Max had gone frantic when he saw the blood on her face. She had answered his and Diane’s questions about what had happened inside the cabin, but... she did it without emotion. Like she hadn’t been there at all.

What was going to happen now?

Now she wouldn’t just have nightmares about Philip; Sean’s ghost was most probably going to join her as well. Michael was obviously angry with Max and the situation just fuelled his emotions.

And what about her? Only this morning she had been dating someone, now he was a dead psycho; and a friend of hers, Jeremy, was dead as well. Her life certainly had some surprising turns.

She glanced at Max, but when she saw him staring right back at her, she turned away. He was obviously worried about her and Liz suspected he wasn’t going to leave her at all.

And the weird thing... it didn’t scare or irritate her.

Life was short and Liz couldn’t hold a grudge against Max and his family anymore. She wasn’t going to let her life and happiness slip out of her fingers again. Not again.

She wanted to have her happy ending with Max.
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Post by Erina »

Well, here is the very last part - the epilogue. Hopefully you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this story, although it was crazy for some time (ok, for most of the time :oops: ). I still have ideas what to do with this story, but...70 parts...I think that's enough, the worst what can happen now is the sequel. :lol:

Anyway, this story is the 2nd runner up in Roswell Heaven Celestial Awards. :D

The Nicholas award (Character most in need of a slap in the face in a AU, CC, slash or UC fic - Philip)
The Universal Friendship League award (Best villain in a AU, CC, slash or UC fic - Philip).

Thanks! :shock: :D


“Mom!” ten-year-old Chris whined. “When they are going to be here?” he asked obviously impatient.

His mother, former Elizabeth Parker, but now Elizabeth Evans, turned from the fridge and glanced over at her son, “Soon, dear, your Dad just called. Their plane has landed and they all are on their way here,” she answered.

He nodded, but Liz knew that after a minute he would be asking the same question, “Perhaps you can go down to the Crashdown? I’m sure Grandpa and Grandma will be glad to see you,” she suggested, hoping that the restaurant will keep Chris’ mind off the waiting.

Chris obviously liked the idea, as all Liz heard from him was a brief ‘ok’ and the next moment he was gone.

Chuckling, Liz turned back to the fridge, looking for ice cream. As she found it, Liz took the spoon and started eating it, while her other hand landed on her belly. She giggled slightly, happy that there would be some good news to share tonight.

Although, the evening by itself was going to be eventful, after all it was Chris’ tenth birthday and the whole family was coming to Roswell... yeah, where she now lived.

After the nightmare with Sean, Liz wanted a change; and then Max suddenly suggested Roswell. Of course, Michael hadn’t been pleased with the idea that she and Chris would be moving so far away, but after all, it was the place where her parents lived, where she was born and raised... it was her home, although she had been away for six years.

And since Chris was starting school, Liz thought that Roswell, a small city, where everyone knew each other, was the best place.

Once again, Max followed her and for a moment, Liz was uncomfortable that because of her issues and needs, he was forced to move again, but he quickly soothed her fears, admitting that even though Roswell held some painful and bad memories, the small town and Las Cruces were his favourite places in the world. After all, they had met and fell in love exactly there.

After the events with Sean, Liz had finally let Max in completely. He supported her and she let him; she even confessed him about her nightmares. She was seeing Philip and Sean every night and it freaked her out every single time. She let Max comfort her and from then on, she spent all her nights in his arms, but that only soothed her nightmares slightly… the problem didn’t disappear.

Liz still had been waking up in the middle of the night, gasping for air, her eyes quickly scanning her bedroom, looking for either Sean or Philip.

When Max suggested she see a psychologist, Liz was hesitant at first. At that time she hadn’t been sure if she could trust again. But when she, Max and Chris moved to Roswell and her nightmares didn’t stop, she agreed and started seeing a psychologist. Now, Liz was pleased with her decision. Although she and Max talked all the time; about themselves and their relationship, and also about Philip, Sean and Tess, her hours with the psychologist were different, when Liz could hear the opinion of the other person and overall... it helped her a lot.

A couple of months later, after they had moved back to Roswell, Michael and Maria finally got married... in Roswell. Although they both had been living and still were living in Boston, they both decided to have the wedding in Michael’s hometown.

Of course, since Michael and Max were both in the same city, her brother used every chance to insult Max…

“You have to stop doing this, Michael,” Liz said to her brother. “I won’t tolerate it anymore.”

“Liz, you’re making a huge mistake,” Michael hissed. “Why are you living together, huh? He has only brought trouble and pain to your life, Liz, nothing more.”

“I love him.”

“Sometimes love isn’t enough.”

“I need him, Michael,” Liz said truly. “I...have pushed my feelings aside for years. I have cried every single night when we were apart, I... was lonely for years, Michael.”


“No, let me finish,” Liz said. “You know, in some way it hurts that you’re not trusting me. You don’t support me, although I have always been by your side and’re against my happiness.”

Michael shook his head, “No, Liz, I only want what is best for you. Him being in your life again won’t do any good.”

“And what about Chris?” Liz asked. “He needs a father. Besides you can’t blame Max for his father, it wasn’t his fault,” she defended him.

“And? He could have done... something to prevent his father from hurting you. And what about Tess and Sean, huh?”

“And what about Diane and Isabel, huh?” she had asked back. “Diane and Isabel are good and they support my relationship with Max.”

Michael still shook his head. “I don’t trust him, Liz. I ... can’t trust him with you again,” he sighed. “I did it once, at your wedding in Las Vegas and look how it turned out, he left you shortly afterward.”

“He had his reasons!” Liz had cried frustrated.

“I don’t care about his fucking reasons,” Michael had shouted back.

Liz sighed, her brother was hopeless, “All I want is for you to keep your mouth shut if you can’t say anything good to Max. And if you can’t be happy for us, then...don’t come here anymore, Michael,” she whispered and then added, “When you broke up with Maria because of your stupid way of thinking, I was there...listening and supporting you. When you weren’t sure about going to Boston to find her, I was there again...assuring you to go and be happy. That was all I wanted, Michael, for you to be happy. Why can’t you be happy for me?” she had asked and then left the room.

She hardly saw him the next couple days, but shortly before his and Maria’s wedding, Michael had found her alone and truly apologized. He had admitted that he wasn’t sure if he could forget everything, but he was willing to try for Liz’s sake. And he hadn’t insulted Max since.

Now, although Max and Michael weren’t best friends, they got along pretty well. Liz would love to get to know Maria better, but since they were living in different cities and parts of the country, Liz rarely saw her brother’s wife and thus she was glad that Maria would be there soon.

Alex and Isabel were going to be there as well. Although they lived closer to Roswell than Maria and Michael, Liz didn’t see them often either. She chuckled, knowing that it was harder on Max, after all she was his little sister...a sister, who had her own children now.

Mary and Nathan would be two next month and Liz was happy that Isabel and Alex would be bringing them as well, of course. She missed having a baby around. It was so long since Chris was a little baby and since Max had missed his first years, it was rather a sour topic for him.

Speaking of Max... Diane still ruled her husband’s company, well after making it legal again, but Max continued his dream of becoming a doctor.

His working hours were crazy, but somehow, unknown to Liz, he still managed to do it all. He was a wonderful husband and a great father.

Max was a permanent guest in her apartment in Boston, but after they moved to Roswell... the three of them had started living together. Her parents did some renovations and built another floor, where now they lived. Although lately Max had been complaining that he wanted their own space, where he could not worry about... the noise.

Liz smiled as she thought that now they would need a bigger place for sure.

Not long after Chris’ eighth birthday, she had become Mrs. Evans. For the second and, Liz hoped, for the last time as well. But the last two years had been wonderful and they all easily fell into the day-to-day routine.

Max’s voice disturbed her from her thoughts, “Honey?” he called. “We’re home.”

A moment later she could hear Isabel, Alex, Maria and Michael... all wishing Chris a happy birthday. She smiled again as she stood up, placed the ice cream back in the fridge and went in the hallway to say hello to everyone.

~ ~ ~

She felt him wrapping his hands around her waist and pulling her closer. Liz leaned against Max’s chest, enjoying the sensation of being in his arms.

Chris had opened all his presents and now he was playing with his new toys, it was the perfect chance to...

Liz opened her mouth, but Isabel was faster.

“Everyone, can we have your attention, please?” she said looking around the rather huge table, where were Diane, Jeff, Nancy, Maria, Michael and of course Alex, Max and Liz.

They all turned to Isabel, who squeezed Alex’s hand slightly before saying, “I’m pregnant, we are expecting our third child,” she announced and the next few minutes were spent saying congratulations and doing lots of hugging.

When they all finally settled down, Liz smiled widely and said, “We have an announcement as well. I’m pregnant too,” and for good measure added, “Our second child will join us in seven months.”

Again the next moments were a blur of congratulations, hugs and even tears from Nancy and Diane. As they all finally calmed down, Maria joined the party.

“I guess this is a good time to say that I’m pregnant too, huh?”

<center>The End</center>