Anything But Ordinary (AU, M/L, Mature) [Complete]

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Anything But Ordinary (AU, M/L, Mature) [Complete]

Post by Erina »

Banner by RosDude


Title: Anything But Ordinary

Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended. The songs are not also mine. Also this is based on one telenovela 'Ricos y Famosos' (I haven't seen all episodes, just every fifth or so, lol, but I liked the original idea).

Category: Max and Liz

Rating: Mature

Summary: Liz and Tess are the best friends. Liz meets Max and she doesn't know that he is Tess' boyfriend at first. What happens when the truth comes out?

Author's Note: Thanks to my wonderful beta Heavenli24.
And I know that I have another three fics in progress... :oops: But I just had to start writting this one.

Part 1

“Come on, Liz, you have to come,” Tess whined and followed Liz as the brunette went into the kitchen.

Liz poured herself a glass of water, “What am I going to do there? I probably won’t know anybody there,” she objected.

“But Liz,” Tess continued, “You’re my best friend, I need you there, it’s important,”

The other girl laughed, “Yeah, right, you’ll probably be making out with your new boyfriend,” Tess could hear the teasing tone in her best friend’s voice.

“Ha, ha,” Tess mocked, trying to sound hurt by Liz’s teasing, but it didn’t last long.

“Liz, please,” Tess asked as she sat down by the kitchen counter, “I really, really like him,” she said seriously, “I think he is the one, Liz,”

Liz put down the glass and stared at the blonde. “Tess, a month ago you said that Kyle was the one; three months ago, Tommy was the one, and let’s not speak about Sean, Robert and Brian,” she pointed.

“No, Liz,” Tess objected, “He is different, I feel it. Heck, I’m different with him,” she sighed, “When I’m with him and he looks at me, I feel so...cherished. Like I’m the only one he sees,” Tess finished with a sad glance over the photo by the wall with Liz and her family in it.

“Oh, Tess,” Liz whispered and hugged the another girl, “It’s going to be alright,” she soothed.

Liz watched as Tess started to shake slightly, before the sobs appeared. Her heart broke along with her best friend’s. Since Tess’ parents were rich, the blonde lived in a big house with maids and a garden; her wardrobe was the size of Liz’s bedroom and she spent a month in Cancun every year.

But something was still missing. Tess had as much money as she wanted, but in the end she became tired of Cancun and expensive clothes. She rarely saw her parents, they were always too busy with travelling and parties to even talk with their daughter.

Tess so often wished that her family would be more like the Parkers’. They weren’t rich as Hardings’, but they still managed to live pretty well. The Parkers’ owned a restaurant, called “The Crashdown”, where Liz and her older brother, Michael, worked. Liz was a waitress, while Michael was doing the manager’s job. Especially lately both Jeff and Nancy had to give their children more responsibility, because they had decided to open another restaurant in Las Cruces. That was actually a risky deal, since the Parkers’ had to get a loan and they would lose their house if something went wrong.

But Jeff was optimistic. All his life he had worked hard to provide for his family. Both Liz and Michael adored their parents and Liz wished that she could find a man who would make her as happy as her father made her mom. Liz had never seen them fight and every time Jeff and Nancy looked at each other, Liz could see only love in their eyes.

Liz still was in high school, although she would graduate in six months and she couldn’t be happier. Then she would be able to go to the college. Since Liz could remember, she had wanted to study and learn new things, so the college was the next step in her education.

The thought of going to college, excited her, but sometimes Liz didn’t feel so happy about it, because she would have to leave her family for such a long time.

Michael was older just by one year and had graduated high school last year, but he still wasn’t in college. Jeff hadn’t said anything when Michael had announced that he was going to help his father to establish another restaurant before going to college. Michael had already decided to attend New Mexico State University, so he would be able to help his parents there too.

There was a time when Liz had felt guilty, because she was so eager to leave. She loved “The Crashdown”, she had basically grown up there, but she didn’t want to give all her life to the restaurant. No, she wanted to become a scientist; that was Liz’s dream. Her parents and Michael had supported her decision all the way and Jeff quickly cleared her doubts about staying and helping with restaurant.

No, he had said how proud he was of his little girl and that made Liz smile. She loved her family and would stay in Roswell or Las Cruces if her parents asked. But in reality, Liz would probably be attending Harvard in the fall.

Liz’s friendship with Tess was weird at the beginning. Tess’ parents were rich; the Hardings’ were one of the richest families in the state. So, many people were surprised that Tess, their daughter, had Liz Parker as her best friend. Not only were Liz and Tess so different in looks, Liz had a brown hair and eyes, while Tess was the total opposite with her blue eyes and blonde her, but the both girls were different in the inside too.

While Tess was going on dates non-stop, Liz was in the library. When Tess was talking about her new boyfriend and how heavenly he could kiss, Liz would tell her something amazing about biology, that she had discovered recently. Tess spent her days sunbathing or shopping, while Liz worked in the restaurant.

And the strange thing was...both girls supported and understood each other. Somehow they improved each other. Liz kept pushing Tess, so the blonde’s grades wouldn’t slip too low and Tess was often taking Liz shopping. It wasn’t a surprise to find Tess in “The Crashdown” or Liz in the Hardings’ mansion.

They really were best friends. Liz didn’t like that Tess dated so much. It was like Tess was desperately searching for love – something her parents couldn’t give her. So Tess dated, trying to find someone who would be able to heal her broken heart.

But Tess’ boyfriends broke her heart even more. Tess would date a guy for some weeks, then she usually announced that he was the one, but soon after that she came to Liz in tears, because she had been abandoned again. And it continued and continued. Liz had tried to talk about it with Tess many times, but this time the blonde refused to take Liz’s opinion seriously.

But this time something was really different with this guy, Liz could sense it. Tess had dated him for several weeks and Liz had never seen her happier. Tess smiled more often and she even managed to get better grades. Overall, Tess was happy and Liz was glad for her best friend.

Liz just hoped that this one wouldn’t break Tess’ already fragile heart.

“Thanks,” Tess smiled through the tears as she looked in Liz’s eyes, “Please, Liz. Come with me, I need you there,” she said once again.

Liz sighed. Tess’ boyfriend had a birthday party in a week and Tess was eager to introduce her best friend to him. He would turn 18, just like Liz in a month.

Liz thought about it. She would have to go to Las Cruces, since it was where he was living and celebrating his birthday. Apparently his parents were even richer than the Hardings’, so they were organizing a huge party. Liz didn’t know anyone from Las Cruces and she suspected that Tess would be too busy with her boyfriend at the party, so she would be alone for the majority of time.

“Tess, I don’t know....”

“Please, please, please, Liz! You can bring your brother with you if you want,” Tess said desperately.

“You sure?” Liz asked, because for some reason Tess didn’t get along with Michael.

“Yes, Liz, will you come?” the blonde asked again.

Liz smiled, “Will you promise not to introduce me to your rich friends?”

Tess had a habit of introducing Liz to her male friends and Liz didn’t like them. They were too confident in themselves and Liz was bored with them.

“Urgh, okay, okay, I promise, no introductions,” Tess said, “Will you come?”

“Yes!” Liz said loudly and grinned as she saw Tess’ smile.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Tess said and hugged her best friend, “I so can’t wait to introduce you both, I know you’re going to like each other.”

Liz wasn’t so sure about that.

I will try to update this twice in a week, every Monday and Friday.
Last edited by Erina on Wed Apr 25, 2007 1:46 pm, edited 79 times in total.
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Post by Erina »

begonia9508 - of course, I was inspired by soap opera, and what kind of soap opera is, if there is no drama? :lol:
guelbebek - yeah, that thread is great to find great summaries (and art). :D
Sweet Liz - thanks! :D
POM - aww, thank you so much. I will update my other stories as well. The fact that I haven't started another fic, doesn't mean I will stop writting the other.
martine - Thanks. You'll have to see about Max and Liz. 8)
sydniepaige - thanks! :D

Btw, this story has a banner now too!

Banner by RosDude

Part 2

“Please, Michael,” asked Liz, “I don’t want to go alone, I won’t know anyone there,” she whined.

“Then you didn’t have to agree,” her older brother answered sternly. “I swear I don’t understand how is that possible that the Harding’s daughter is your best friend, couldn’t you find someone...better?” he asked irritated and went down to the restaurant, Liz right after him.

“Stop it, Michael, I won’t let you insult her, she is a good person; you just don’t let yourself to see it,” Liz argued.

Michael opened the door to the restaurant and started making coffee, it was still too early and the restaurant wasn’t open yet. Liz knew it was Michael’s favourite time of the day, when he could enjoy the silence of the restaurant, drink a black coffee and read the local newspaper. And now Liz was using his good mood to irritate him.

“Nah, Liz, you’re wrong, Tess isn’t as good as you think she is. Simply tell her that you can’t go to her boyfriends birthday party, because you had to...I don’t know, do your nails,” Michael said irritated. “Seriously, I just don’t have time for this, the restaurant in Las Cruces will be open soon and there is so much to do,” he exclaimed and took a paper and a pencil. “I need to write everything down.”

Liz watched as Michael started making a list and rolled her eyes, her older brother had a habit of writing everything down, “Come on, Michael, the birthday party is in Las Cruces and we won’t be there longer than an hour or two, I promise,” Liz tried to convince him. “Please, Michael.

Michael lifted his eyes from the paper, only to see Liz pouting. He rolled his eyes; his little sister knew that he couldn’t say no when she was pouting. “Fine, Liz,” he snapped slightly, “I will go there, but we will only be there for an hour. And please...keep that Tess as far as possible from me, fine?” he asked.

“Thank you, Michael,” Liz exclaimed and hugged her brother, “You’re the best, you know that?” she smiled, “Enjoy your coffee, I need to call Tess.” She left, laughing as Michael winced when she mentioned Tess name. Usually Liz would scold him because of it, but she was in too a good mood for arguing.

She and Michael would go to the party; Liz couldn’t wait to tell the news to Tess.


There is some M/T in the next part. If you don't want to read it, skip to the next one.


Someone was whispering his name, but Max assumed that it was still a dream. He had come home late previous evening and now he wanted nothing more than a decent sleep.

But as he felt a hand moving up and down on his chest, he knew that he wasn’t dreaming, especially when he felt the other person to lean to his ear and whisper, “M-Max, wake up, honey,” this time he recognized the voice.

His girlfriend shrieked as Max suddenly moved on top of her and held her both hands.

“Hey, Tess,” he whispered before kissing her hard.

“Good-morning, M-Max,” Tess moaned as her boyfriend started kissing her neck and then moved lower.

“It isn’t like I don’t want you here,” Max mumbled against her skin, “But what are you doing?” Max asked as he briefly looked into her eyes, before slowly opening her blouse.

“Oh!” Tess gasped when Max started to massage her breast, “I w-wanted to surprise y-you,” she replied as Max took off her blouse and bra, “Isabel let me in,”

“So you wanted to surprise me, huh?” Max smirked and started to take off her jeans, “I must say I am indeed....” Max said, but he wasn’t expecting it when Tess suddenly rolled them over, so she was on the top now, “surprised,” he finished.

“Happy Birthday, Max,” Tess said before kicking off her panties.


“Hi, Mom,” Liz said as she and Michael walked into their soon-to-be restaurant in Las Cruces, “Wow, this place really looks great,” the brunette said in awe when she the furniture and decoration. While Crashdown was alien themed and their main clients were tourists and kids, this place was something different. Her parents were working very hard to establish a great restaurant.

Liz watched as her mother’s eyes sparkled and her dad smiled proudly.

“Thanks, dear,” Nancy said and hugged her daughter.

“Come on, Michael,” Jeff rushed his son, “You have to see the kitchen,”

When Liz couldn’t see or hear her brother and father anymore, she turned all her attention to her mother.

“Mom, you have to see the dress I bought today, it’s so ... perfect,” she said.

Usually Liz wasn’t into shopping, but she had suddenly seen this dress and couldn’t help but buy it. It cost a fortune, but Liz thought it was totally worth it.

“Ah, you and Michael are going to some party tonight, right?” Nancy asked.

“Yeah, Tess’ boyfriend is having a birthday party tonight and Tess convinced me to go, I guess she wants to introduce us,” Liz sighed, she hoped that this one wouldn’t be a jerk and dump her best friend. “I didn’t want to go at first, but she was desperate, she even said to take Michael with me,”

Nancy laughed, “Oh, then she really wants you there, dear. She can’t even be in the same room as Michael!”

“Yeah, but I’m not sure if I’m going to be alive after spending an hour in one house with all those rich, spoiled ...boys,” Liz said, “I would be probably too bored, but Tess asked me to come, I couldn’t say no,”

“Who is Tess’ boyfriend?” Nancy asked, “Maybe I know him or his family, I and Jeff had been here already for a while,”

“Hmm, I’m not sure,” Liz thought, “Tess told me his name, but I can’t remember it properly. Matt? No, perhaps Mark? No it isn’t the right one either. Oh, I know, Max Evans!” Liz exclaimed, contented that she had finally remembered his name.

“Really?” her mother said surprised, “I know Max and his family. He is such a lovely boy, his parents are so proud of him,”

Liz was actually surprised to hear it. Usually Tess was into bad boys, Max didn’t sound like someone Tess usually liked.

“Your father knew Max’s father, Philip Evans, in college” Nancy continued, “But apparently they lost contact over the years. They met each other again just last week. And by the way, Philip invited us to Max’s birthday tonight as well,”

Liz smiled; she wouldn’t have to be there with just Michael, her parents would be there too.

“Apparently Philip wants to discuss some business with your father as well. Do you understand what that means? Philip is rich and has all the rights connections, “Our restaurant is going to be famous, Lizzie,”

Liz hadn’t seen her mother so happy about something in a long time. Sure, Nancy was happy, but the thought that their hard work would pay off, really made her mother happy.

In the next part will be something about Max (not M/T stuff).
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Post by Erina »

Thanks! :D

Sweet Liz

Part 3

“Good-morning, son,” Max heard his father say as he went into the dinning room.

“Good-morning, Dad, Mom,” Max kissed his mother on the cheek, “Isabel,” he said as he sat besides her, “Thanks for letting Tess in,” he hurriedly whispered into her ear, before turning his attention to his father, who was asking him a question.

“So, son, how are you feeling at 18 years old?” Philip asked with a smile. A smile that even got Max a little bit confused. It wasn’t like his father was always in a bad mood, but this morning something was different. He was too happy.

“Umm, I’m great, Dad,” he said uncomfortably as Max saw his father’s expression. He definitely had something on his mind, Max thought.

Although Max loved his family very much, he realized that they weren’t so normal, at least not in the way Max wanted. The Evans’ were rich; they could afford everything they wanted. Isabel wanted a shopping tour in Paris – she got it. If Max even said a word about a new car, he got it immediately.

Perhaps that even made them a little bit spoiled, but fortunately Diane had taught them some principles when they were young, so sometimes Max and Isabel could act like some rich and spoiled people, but in the inside they were totally different.

“By the way, Max I have invited the Parkers’ to the party as well, you remember them, right? We talked with Jeff last week,” Philip reminded.

Max didn’t say anything. He was used to and already expected that tonight wouldn’t be just his birthday party, since his father had already invited all his business partners to this event. No, it wouldn’t be a regular 18th birthday party. They lived in a huge mansion and an equally huge garden was around it, where the party would be. There would be servants and champagne and men would be in tux, while women would be in long dresses.

His father had thought of everything. His father, not Max.

Max already suspected what his father wanted to do. His father had business everywhere; Philip owned hotels, restaurant and many other real estate and his dream was that his son would continue his business. This party was some kind of introduction. Philip wanted to show Max to all his business partners, because Max would be the one with whom they would work in the future.

The truth was that Max hated it. He didn’t want to continue his father’s business. He wanted to become a doctor, but as soon as he had mentioned it to his father, Philip had started to shout about how ungrateful his son was.

Since then Max hadn’t touched the subject, but he knew that he hadn’t much time. Max would graduate in six months and he wanted to go to college to study medicine, not business.

But this was something that Philip didn’t want to change his mind about. Max had asked his mother to talk with him, but even Diane wasn’t able to convince him. Max was stuck. He didn’t want to spend the rest of his life, doing something he hated with a passion.

Isabel would love to take Max’s place and run the family business, but unfortunately for Max and Isabel, Philip didn’t want to hear of that either. He was conservative and thought that woman’s place was at home, not in the business.

“That’s great, Dad,” Max replied, referring to the Parkers.

“Jeff has a daughter around your age, Max, I have heard she is a beauty, so be careful, son; remember that you have a girlfriend, okay?” Philip said with a small smirk.

Max immediately lost his appetite. He knew what his father meant. It wasn’t a secret that Philip had been cheating on Diane, everyone knew about it. Max was even sure that his mother knew it too, but for some reason she was quiet and didn’t say anything about her husbands activities outside the house. Apparently, Philip thought that Max was the same; that he would run after the first skirt he saw, although he had a girlfriend.

“Okay, Dad,” Max replied sternly, trying not to snap at his father. He wasn’t going to cheat on Tess, he had seen how much damage Philip was doing to his family and he wouldn’t make the same mistakes. No, he was different.

Max truly cared about Tess. He knew that she wasn’t happy with her life and Max was trying to make her smile as much as possible. They had started dating not long ago, actually only a few weeks ago, and Max already felt something towards her. Was it love? Max knew that he was attracted to her and he wanted her, but was it really love?

Philip pulled him out of his thoughts, “Max and Isabel,” he said sternly, “I’m wanting from you your best behaviour tonight, is that clear?” he asked in a tone, that left nothing to discuss.

“Absolutely clear,” Isabel smiled at her father, but that quickly ended when Philip looked at his daughter.

“And no drinking tonight, Isabel,” Philip said and Isabel’s smile vanished completely from her face.

Yes, Isabel had had problems with drinking for some time, although she was younger than Max by a year. Philip’s rejection was hard to take and Isabel had started to drink more and more until she couldn’t control herself. And now, at the age of 17, she had already been in rehab. She hadn’t drunk any alcohol for five months and it irritated her that Philip mentioned it again and again.

Isabel knew that it was wrong to start drinking, but for a time, it gave her some peace. She had worked so hard to stop drinking, but her father just couldn’t see it. He just scolded her like a little child every time there was some party or dinner; he never had looked at her with that proud smile he often used when looking at his son. At Max.

“Yes, Father,” Isabel replied dully and resumed eating her breakfast.

The rest of breakfast was spent in silence.

~ ~ ~

Max and Isabel were lying by the pool, sunbathing in silence, when Maria came to them.

“Hello, my favourite people,” Maria said happily as she pinched Max’s cheeks.

Max quickly shook her hand away, “Maria, could you please not embarrass me, at least not on my birthday?” he asked with an raised eyebrow, “Seriously, you always make me feel like I’m five years old,” he complained.

Maria simply shrugged, sat down besides Max and took a sip from his drink.

“Yeah, sure, Maria, you can drink it,” he said sarcastically, but he was smiling.

Maria was his and Isabel’s best friend, probably the only one true friend they had. Of course Maria could be weird sometimes, but they both loved and cherished the girl who could make them smile and laugh in any situation.

When Maria had finally finished drinking, she smiled and hugged Max, “Happy, happy birthday, Max,” she said truly.

“Thanks, Maria,” Max replied. “Where is my present?” he asked bluntly. “What?” he asked as both Maria and Isabel looked at him pointedly.

“Max, you will get your present tonight, at your party,” Maria said and laughed when Max slumped back in his seat.

“But that’s what everyone is saying!” he pouted, “I have a birthday, but I have to wait until the evening, ah, life isn’t fair,” Max commented, as he lay down and put on his sunglasses.

“Tell me, Isabel,” Max heard as Maria asked, “What do you know about Michael Parker?”

“Michael Parker?” Isabel said surprised, “I don’t know anything about him, why are you asking me this?”

Maria smiled, “Because he is the most gorgeous man in the world!” she exclaimed rather loudly and with such passion, that Max winced.

“I was walking through the city the other way and saw this...this gorgeous man coming towards me. I saw him walking inside the building where that new restaurant will be open soon. So, I did some searching and found out that his name is Michael Parker, the son of Jeff and Nancy Parker, has a little sister Elizabeth,” Maria eagerly said, “But that’s all I found out, I had hoped that you would know something more. Are you sure you don’t know him?” she asked hopefully.

Isabel shook her head, “I’m sorry, Maria, I don’t know him, but I know where you can meet him,” she said and watched as Maria smiled again, “Perhaps he will be at the party tonight,” Isabel said with a grin.

Max winced again as Maria shrieked loudly. Damn, he thought, what is with those Parkers?
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Post by Erina »

Thank you all for your patience! :D


Part 4

“Hey, birthday boy,” Tess smiled widely as she approached her boyfriend, “How is the birthday party so far? Has your Dad already introduced you to all his business partners?” Tess asked, aware of Mr. Evans’ intentions.

“Nah, I actually haven’t seen him in a while,” Max replied, feeling happy in some way because of it; he didn’t want to spend his time talking to the people he barely knew, “I spilled a drink all over myself and have been in the house for a while now, I guess he just didn’t see me,”

Max leaned down, trying to kiss his girlfriend, but Tess stepped back, “Although I want nothing more than take you upstairs, I want to introduce you to my best friend, Elizabeth,” the blonde said and lead Max to Liz.

Max didn’t see Liz at first, since she was standing with her back to them; besides, Max kept looking at Tess, his eyes barely leaving her, but when they stopped Max hadn’t any other choice but look at his girlfriend’s best friend.

“Liz, I want to introduce you to my boyfriend Max,” Tess said proudly and watched as Liz turned around and looked at Max, “Max, this is my best friend, Elizabeth Parker,” the blonde smiled, unaware of the looks Liz and Max were giving to each other.


A couple of hours earlier

Liz stepped out of the car and looked at the house her family had arrived at.

‘No,” Liz inwardly corrected herself. This wasn’t a house, not even a mansion; this was more like a castle in her eyes. Never in her life had Liz seen anything like it; the house was simply huge. How did the Evans’ not get lost in it, she wondered.

She looked down at herself, smoothing her dress. For a moment, Liz felt like she was in a fairy tale; she had a wonderful long green dress on, which made her imagine that she was a princess and this was her very first ball.

But she wasn’t the only one. Every girl had a wonderful dress on, while the men were in tuxes. Even her brother Michael had to wear a tux, something he didn’t like.

Liz’s bubble burst when she noticed a couple of guys not so far away, who were looking at her intensively and smirking about something. That only reminded Liz that she wasn’t in a fairy tale, no this probably was going to be a nightmare. Another boring evening with rich people, who thought they could get everything.

“Nancy, Jeff!” Liz turned her head and saw as some man approached them, “I’m glad you’re here,” he said and shook hands with Jeff, “I was already starting to worry if you were ever going to show up,” he laughed.

Liz immediately disliked him. His looks just screamed that he had more money than he could spend and there was just something in his eyes...Something that Liz wasn’t sure if she liked.

“Liz, Michael,” Jeff turned to his children, “Let me to introduce you to Mr. Evans, my friend from college,” he said.

Philip looked at Michael briefly, before turning to Liz, “Oh, please call me Philip; when someone calls me Mr. Evans, I feel old,” he laughed and took Liz’s hand in his. “You’re more beautiful than your father described,” he said, before leaning down and kissing her hand.

Liz pulled her hand away as soon as she could, without looking rude or impolite, “It’s pleasure to meet you, Mr. Evans,” she said.

“Philip,” he reminded her.

Liz blushed. “Philip,” she mumbled, quietly and uncertainly.

Jeff laughed, “Come on, Philip, don’t embarrass my daughter,” he said. “Better introduce us to Max,”

Philip looked at the crowd, “Hmm, I don’t see him now, but as soon as I do, I’m going to introduce you,” he said, noticing one of his biggest business partners. “Excuse me, there’s someone I need to speak to,” Philip said and left Parkers’ family.

The Parkers’ moved further into the party and both Jeff and Nancy immediately started talking with some old friends, leaving Michael and Liz to themselves.

“Excuse me, could you tell me where the bathroom is?” Liz asked to one of the maids, she desperately wanted to wash her hands; especially the one Philip had kissed.

The maid explained quickly, but all Liz understood that there were too many ‘rights’ and ‘lefts’, so when the woman finished explaining, Liz simply nodded and thanked her, aware that she probably had a lot of work to do and Liz couldn’t ask her for another explanation.

Leaving Michael all alone, Liz went inside the house, the bright lights almost blinding her. The house was quiet; all the guests were outside, since it was a nice and warm evening.

After wandering around the house for eternity, Liz finally found something that looked like a bathroom and walked it.

“Oh my God,” Liz gasped at the sight of a very good-looking male standing there only in his underwear.

Liz knew she had to turn around or even better – walk away, but for some reason she just stood there and stared at the guy. Only when her eyes met his and Liz noticed the smirk on his face, she quickly realized what exactly she had been doing for the last few minutes.

Max watched as the girl before his eyes blushed furiously and turned around. He smiled; she seemed cute.

“Uh, I’m sorry,” Liz mumbled as she turned around, “Hmm, I-I was l-looking for a bathroom,” she explained.

Max dressed as quickly as possible, completely aware that he was making the brunette uncomfortable. Max couldn’t help but notice how cute she was, how the green dress looked so good on her body. He liked her, but Max immediately inwardly scolded himself.

He had a girlfriend; he had to remind himself.

Completely dressed, Max came to Liz and said, “I’m ready and will go now, you can use this one,” he offered and before she could say something Max was already gone.

He couldn’t be around her, they had exchanged just a couple of sentences, but Max already felt something. And he wasn’t sure if he liked it.

Liz watched as he walked away, a small smile on her face. She liked him.

As Liz turned to the sink, she realized that she didn’t even know his name. Since Tess had a boyfriend and was now spending less and less time with her best friend, Liz decided that she finally could get a boyfriend too. And if he could be as good-looking and polite as the boy she had just met...

Maybe going to this party wasn’t a bad idea at all, Liz thought with a smile on her face, already determined to search for him at the party and get his name.
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Post by Erina »

Thanks everyone for the great feedback, here is the next part. :D

Part 5

“Liz, I want to introduce you to my boyfriend Max,” Tess said proudly and watched as Liz turned around and looked at Max, “Max, this is my best friend, Elizabeth Parker,” the blonde smiled, unaware of the looks Liz and Max were giving each other.

Max stood there, looking at his girlfriend’s best friend, for a moment even forgetting that Tess was standing beside them. He quickly pulled himself together, hoping that Tess hadn’t noticed his lack of attention.

“Good-evening, Elizabeth,” he said warmly and politely, “I’m glad you came, Tess has told me so much about you,” Max smiled, trying to calm himself.

He wasn’t sure what was happening to him. He had met her just for a moment, a very short moment, but apparently he didn’t need more, since he was already feeling uneasy in the company of Tess and Liz.

Max hadn’t done anything wrong, he knew it, but at the same time he felt like he had cheated somehow on Tess. This was a ridiculous thought; they hadn’t even kissed or done...anything like that. But he had thought about it.

Just this morning his Dad was lecturing him and here he was; doing the same thing his Dad had warned him about.

Max suddenly became aware of Liz’s last name. Parker. She was Jeff’s daughter, Elizabeth Parker, the same girl his father was talking about this morning.

“It’s Liz,” Liz said, a little blush appearing on her cheeks, remembering their earlier meeting.

“Liz,” Max said quietly, thinking that she had a beautiful name that fit her.

“Come on, Max,” Tess interrupted, “I want to give you your birthday present,” she purred into his ear. “Are you going to be okay, Liz?” the blonde asked, briefly turning her attention to her best friend.

“Yeah, sure,” Liz answered uncertainly. What was she going to do for the rest of the evening? She didn’t know where her parents or Michael were.

Tess smiled and hugged Liz. “Thank you again, Liz,” she said quietly. “You don’t know how much it means to me, that you were here tonight,” she admitted and pulled away. With one last wink, Tess disappeared into the house with Max.

Liz didn’t even want to think about what they would do in there. She shuddered at the thought that she wanted Max as her boyfriend not so long ago. Max could never be hers and Liz was grateful that she hadn’t a chance to know him better. Then the heartache would be greater.

~ ~ ~

“So, is everything going according to plan?” a man, who was sitting in the leather chair, asked and lit a cigar.

“Yes, dear,” a female answered, while coming to the window and looking outside at the guests, “They are here, just as we had thought; everything will be so easy,” she laughed.

“Did you see their faces?” the man joined in with laughter, “They expect so much, but the truth is entirely different,”

“Oh, dear, I can’t wait. They appear to be such a happy family,” she sneered, “I bet that one ‘mischance’ will show their real faces,” the female said evilly and turned to the man in the chair, “Have we thought of everything?” she asked, this time somehow unsurely, “I want their property so much, I don’t want any mistakes,”

“Don’t worry, sweetie,” the man smiled. “Everything is covered. They will do everything by themselves, we are just going to ‘help’ them,” he said. “This family has a lot of ambitions, especially her...” he paused and watched as the smoke rose higher, “She is quite good-looking, despite her years,” the man said with a glint in his eyes.

“Hey,” she exclaimed and slapped the man lightly, “Don’t mess everything by sleeping with her before I get their property, okay?” she asked angrily.

“Sure, hon, you know you can count on me. Have I ever let you down?” he asked, trying to sound hurt.

“What about their children?” she changed the subject and sat in man’s lap, “Shouldn’t we worry about them?”

“Nah, I don’t think so,” he shrugged, “The boy is almost the same as his own father; he won’t suspect anything even if it is under his nose,”

“What about the girl?”

“She is...cute,” he replied, “But in my eyes she still is a child. Beautiful, but still a child. She doesn’t want to be in the family business. She wants to go to Harvard in the fall,” the man sneered, “Can you imagine that? We will probably crush all her dreams,” he added dramatically.

The woman stood up and poured a drink into a glass, “You know, I was just like her ten years ago. So naive,” she said with disgust, “I didn’t know anything about the real world and I can’t wait for her to realize that everything isn’t just about her or her family...or Harvard,”

“Hey, since when we are becoming so emotional, huh? We don’t care about them, business is all what matter, is that clear?” he reminded her somehow coldly.

She looked at him. “Completely dear,” she said before leaving her glass on the table and walking out of the door.

~ ~ ~

Liz was sitting all alone by one of the many tables, when she saw a guy approaching her.

“Hey,” he said politely and warmly, before adding a wide smile.

‘Great,’ Liz thought to herself, ‘Another one who thinks he is the gift of God,’

“Do you want something?” Liz asked simply. She had met guys like him before. Rich and so secure in themselves. There wasn’t any need for politeness.

The boy’s smile vanished and he looked confused, “Umm...W-Well, I-I noticed that you w-were sitting here, all alone and I-I thought, I-I thought, I would keep you company,” he said uncertainly.

Liz raised an eyebrow. He indeed looked uncomfortable with her bold question. That still didn’t mean he was a nice guy, she thought.

“Thanks, but I’m fine,” she said and expected that he would go away.

He didn’t.

“Please?” he asked. “I swear I won’t bite or anything,” he said trying to convince her.

Liz thought about it. He looked very good. He was tall, with dark hair and eyes; he truly was handsome. Maybe a simple talk wouldn’t hurt?

Before Liz had a chance to say anything, he held out his hand, “I’m Jeremy,” he said, “I thought if we knew each other’s names, it would be better,”

Liz hesitated a moment, before placing her hand in his, “Liz,” she said.
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Post by Erina »

Thanks, here is the next part. :D

Part 6

A month later

Liz closed the textbook with a tired sigh. Only a few months and she would graduate high school and be on her way to Harvard.

Life was good.

Her parents were in Las Cruces all the time, preparing the new restaurant for the grand opening, which would happen this weekend. At first, Michael was in Roswell more than he was in Las Cruces, but as the time went by, Michael could be found in the Crashdown less and less.

That was the main reason Liz was so tired. Not only did she have to study, but Liz had to manage the Crashdown as well. She had to wake up every morning before six in order to open the restaurant. Then she would go to school. After classes, she usually had to work at the restaurant and it was already late when she finally had some time to herself. Fortunately for her, Liz was able to study a little bit during her breaks and weekends were all hers, so she didn’t have to spend all nights up.

Her mother had been worried when she had come to Roswell and had seen her only daughter so tired. But Liz was able to persuade her that she was perfectly fine with everything. It had only been a month and she couldn’t wait until the restaurant opened and Michael would be back in Roswell.

Liz hadn’t seen Max since that evening, but she had thought about him she couldn’t deny that. At first it confused her, she shouldn’t have been thinking about her best friend’s boyfriend, but then she found an explanation, that she was probably just worried about Tess and hoped that Max wouldn’t hurt her best friend.

And Tess...Liz had seen her just a couple of times during the last month. It worried her. Tess wasn’t even in Roswell lately, but she had a high school to finish. Since her parents were rich and powerful, nobody said anything about Tess skipping school for so long.

Then the fights between them started. Liz tried to convince Tess to not to skip classes anymore, she was already behind and there was a chance that Tess wouldn’t finish school with her own powers.

Of course, even if Tess wouldn’t finish school by herself, her parents would ‘arrange’ everything and that literally irked Liz. Tess didn’t worry about it anymore. Liz had thought she was different, but apparently Tess was so blind in love with Max, that she didn’t care anymore.

And why didn’t Max, her boyfriend, say anything? His girlfriend was skipping school for days, even weeks, and he was okay with it?

Liz hadn’t even talked with Tess in the last days; she was always in Las Cruces. Before, they at least were talking on the phone, but now nothing.

Sometimes Liz even was thinking that their friendship was falling apart rapidly, but Tess didn’t even care.

And then there was Jeremy, the guy she met at Max’s birthday party. During the last month, Liz had come to conclusion that he was indeed a nice guy. He was smart and nice and Liz could talk with him about everything. He was nothing she had imagined he would be.

And he had asked her out. Many times. All the times Liz had say no, although she wanted to reply positively. But with school and the restaurant, she truly didn’t have time or strength to go out on dates.

Jeremy proved that he was wonderful in everything, in this too. Although he was living and studying in Las Cruces, Jeremy spent almost every weekend in Roswell. He sat in the Crashdown, just watching her and talking with her.

And that’s it. Nothing more.

He was truly great and this weekend would be their very first date. Sort of. On Sunday, the new restaurant in Las Cruces would have his grand opening and Liz would go there with Jeremy as her date.

She could hardly wait.

Liz didn’t know if Tess would be there. Sure, she had given an invitation to Tess, but since they rarely talked nowadays, Liz wasn’t sure if she was coming. And if Tess came, then Max would be there too. Right?

On the other hand, Philip and Diane had become pretty close friends with the Parkers lately. So, Max could be there without Tess too.

In either way, Liz couldn’t help but admit that she was looking forward to this meeting.

~ ~ ~


“Hmm,” he grumbled, trying to concentrate on Math.

“Can you take a break?” Tess asked.

She had been watching him for the past half an hour and he was studying all the time. She was bored.

“Just a minute, Tess,” Max mumbled.

Tess sighed, annoyed a little bit. “You have been telling me this for the last half an hour,” she whined and came closer to him. “Come on, Max, take a break, you need it. You’re studying all the time lately,” she pointed out, slowly closing the book.

She kissed him slightly. “Let’s go out and swim for a while,” she suggested.

Max hesitated for a moment; he had a major test tomorrow. But once he looked at Tess, Max knew he couldn’t say no.

“Okay,” he said. “But let’s talk first,” Max suggested.

Tess’ smile faded for a moment. “Talk?” she whined again, “We can do it later at the pool,” she suggested.

Max shook his head. “When are you going back to Roswell?” he asked.

Tess frowned and her smile faded completely, “Are you tired of me?”

“No, Tess,” Max said quickly. „It’s not like...that. But you need to go to school too and lately you’re spending all your time here. What about school?” he asked.

Tess shrugged. “What’s wrong with wanting to spend some time with my boyfriend?” she smiled.

“Tess, you have school to finish,” Max didn’t back off.

“Fine,” Tess sighed. “The Parkers’ restaurant will be opened this Sunday, after that I will go back to Roswell with Liz, is that okay with you?” she asked.

Max stiffened. Liz. He would be lying if he said that he hadn’t thought about her in the last four weeks. And that made him uneasy. Tess was around him all the time, but all he could do was think about Liz...or school. Something was definitely wrong with him.

“Y-Yeah,” he finally stuttered. “You’re already behind, you need to catch up with all the school work,” he explained. “Then we will have all the summer to ourselves.”

Even when they were swimming, Max couldn’t clear his head and thoughts about Liz didn’t give him peace.

He smiled at the thought that he would see her again this Sunday. Her parents were opening a restaurant in Las Cruces and Max, along with his girlfriend and parents, would be there.

He could hardly wait.
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Post by Erina »

Thanks for the great feedback! :)

Part 7

Liz was just finishing her make up, as the doorbell rang, indicating that Jeremy was there.

The big Day had finally come. Today was the grand opening and Liz was indeed nervous, although she basically had done nothing for the new restaurant; her parents and Michael had done all the hard work.

Liz knew that Michael, for example, hadn’t slept properly for days. She was worried about her big brother, but hoped that after tonight he would get some sleep.

Her parents weren’t much better; Nancy and Jeff were so proud and happy that they finally had been able to move further in their life; the Crashdown was great...for tourists, but they both longed for something more.

“Hey,” Liz said as she opened the door, “Come on in, I’ll be ready in a minute,”

Jeremy gave her a bunch of white roses, her favourite. “These are for you,” he said shyly.

Liz blushed lightly, “Thanks, I will put them in water.” She went in the kitchen, leaving Jeremy in the living room for a while.

As Liz was putting the flowers in the vase, she couldn’t help but think that Jeremy was indeed a great guy and she truly liked him a lot.

They were similar actually. Jeremy, just like Liz, was kind of quiet and rather shy, but not completely. Now, knowing him better, Liz wasn’t sure where he got the courage to approach her that evening one month ago.

They both liked to study and had the same taste in cuisine, music and books. Even more – Jeremy wanted to go to Harvard as well. He had already met her parents and Michael, who actually even liked Jeremy. That, of course, surprised Liz; since Michael hadn’t liked any guy she had gone out with.

In one word, Jeremy was perfect. But even Liz wasn’t that naive; she suspected that Jeremy had his own secrets and flaws. No one could be this perfect, they just couldn’t.

Liz grabbed her purse, “I’m ready,” she informed Jeremy with a smile.

Liz closed the door and climbed into the car. It wasn’t raining, something Liz was grateful for. The opening of the restaurant had to go without problems. Rain would definitely ruin it.

As they were driving to Las Cruces, Liz and Jeremy easily slipped into light conversation, as usual. They talked about the school and the grand opening.

Suddenly Jeremy said, “Max is going to be there too,”

“That’s great,” Liz smiled.

A month ago Liz couldn’t imagine that Jeremy and Max...were best friends actually.

Jeremy and Max hadn’t the same ‘connection’ as she and Tess had had not so long ago, but they were close. Jeremy was his closest friend, apart from his sister Isabel and Maria. Jeremy said that Max only trusted Isabel completely.

Just like Tess, Max hadn’t spent much time with his friend lately either. Jeremy mentioned that Max and Tess were basically together all the time. That, of course, didn’t surprise Liz.

It was fate, she thought. She and Tess were best friends... And here were Max and Jeremy, who were friends too. Who had thought that Liz would like someone such as Jeremy?

When Liz and Jeremy finally arrived at the restaurant, Liz found herself looking for Max...and Tess, of course. As soon as she realized what exactly she had been doing, Liz scolded herself inwardly. This wasn’t the right place or time, her parents had been working hard, and she should be with them.

Liz turned her attention to the restaurant. Everything seemed great; it looked like her parents and Michael had thought about the smallest detail. Everything was brand new and so...expensive.

“Jeremy,” said Liz as she saw her mother in the crowd, “Could you excuse me? I need to speak with my mother,”

Jeremy nodded and Liz hurried to her mother.

The first thing Liz noticed was the huge smile on her mother’s face. “Hey, Mom,” she hugged her, “Congrats, everything looks great,”

“Thank you sweetie,” Nancy said. “I’m glad you like it. Someday everything is going to be yours and Michael’s. Although I hope we can open another restaurant, but let’s face the truth; your dad and I aren’t getting any younger,” she laughed.

“Where are Dad and Michael?” Liz asked, not seeing them.

“Oh, they are in the kitchen, together with Philip and Diane,” Nancy replied. “You can’t imagine how much Philip has helped us,” she said.

Liz stiffened, “What you mean, helped?”

“Umm, we kind of needed more money,” she admitted. “We wanted everything to be the best and new, so we run out of money; that’s where Philip came in. He helped us,”

“So, you just borrowed some money from him?” Liz asked, not liking the idea that her family owed something to him.

“Not exactly, sweetie, Philip didn’t have any spare money at that moment, but he found someone who was willing to invest into the restaurant,” her mother explained.

Liz frowned. Philip was rich. He was so rich, that he basically controlled the whole state. How was it possible that he hadn’t any spare money?

“You’re going to meet her soon, honey,” Nancy said. “Look, there is Mr. Whitman, I have to say hello to him,” she said and hurried away, leaving a very confused Liz behind.

She didn’t like Mr. Evans. Liz hoped that her family didn’t owe much money to him.

Liz smiled when she noticed her best friend. “Tess!” she called.

Tess smiled as she saw Liz. “Hi, Liz,” she said, “You look totally gorgeous,”

“Thanks. How are you, Tess?” she asked. “We haven’t seen each other or even talked in a long time,” Liz pointed out.

“Sorry for that, Liz, I know I haven’t been the best friend in the world lately,” Tess said sadly. “But I’m coming back to Roswell with you, Max insists that I need to go back and finish school by myself,”

Liz smiled as Tess mentioned Max. This was so wrong, she thought, but couldn’t help herself. “That’s great, Tess, I will help you catch up,”

“Oh, thank you so much, that means a lot,” Tess said. „But I have to go and find Max, this is our last evening together, I will go back to Roswell tonight and since he is busy with school, I don’t think we will see each other much in the next few weeks,” she said dolefully.

“Sure,” said Liz and watched as Tess disappeared in the crowd.

Liz started to wander around the restaurant looking for Jeremy. Her feet were starting to hurt and she desperately wanted to find somewhere to sit down and take off her heels.

When she found something like a storage room, she quickly went in and sat down on the bench.

She frowned, when someone coughed behind her back. Liz turned around.

“Hi, Liz,” he said.

“Hey, Max,”
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Post by Erina »

Thank you for the feedback. :wink: :) Here is the next part.

Part 8

“What are you doing here, Max?” Liz asked confused. She had expected to meet Max at the opening, since both Jeremy and Tess had said that he would be there. But she was surprised to meet him in the storage room.

“Umm, I-I...” Max stuttered, not knowing what to say or how to explain his presence in the room. How could Max explain that he had seen Liz disappearing in this room and his own body carried himself to her?

“Umm, I thought this was the bathroom?” Max asked rather than stated.

Liz couldn’t hold back a chuckle when she saw his expression. She could almost see the wheels in his head turning, trying to find a good reason for his presence in the room.

Max heard her soft chuckle and his own lips curled into a small smile.

Soon they both were laughing hysterically, holding their stomachs at the force of their laughter.

‘She has a beautiful laugh,” Max thought to himself. He knew he shouldn’t be there, thinking what he was thinking, but he couldn’t fight the obvious attraction anymore.

Liz was still laughing when Max calmed down a little. He noticed her flushed skin and her eyes, which almost sparked with life.

She was beautiful, he thought over and over again. At that exact moment, Max came to the conclusion that Liz Parker was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

Liz frowned as she became aware of Max’s eyes on her. She hadn’t noticed the moment he had stopped laughing. Now he was looking at her. ‘No,’ Liz corrected herself, he was watching...observing with such an intense gaze, that Liz found it hard to breathe.

Liz’s eyes widened as Max started walking towards her. The storage room was small and it took Max just a couple of seconds to reach her.

For a moment, Max looked deeply into her eyes, before bringing his lips down to hers. What was he doing, Max thought; but he didn’t have any control anymore. And the thought that he perhaps didn’t want any control at all scared him.

When Liz felt his lips on hers, she froze at first. She lifted her hands for a moment, as if trying to push him away or something, but almost immediately her arms returned to her sides.

When Max cupped her head in his hands gently, Liz returned his eager kiss passionately and she lifted her arms again, this time wrapping them around his neck, pulling him closer until there was no space between them at all.

Soon the need for air became too strong and they both pulled away, still breathing hard. Although their lips weren’t touching anymore, Max and Liz remained locked in the tight embrace. Liz’s arms were around his neck, while Max rested his hands around her waist.


“Max...” they both said at the same moment and burst out laughing again. However this time the moment was more awkward.

Max and Liz stiffened as they heard footsteps just outside the room.

“Liz? Lizzie, where are you?” a male voice asked, which Liz recognized as her father.

In the storage room, Max and Liz looked at each other with wide eyes. Their flushed faces and puffy lips would clearly indicate exactly what they had been doing in the room.

They heard the footsteps just at the door, when Liz finally reacted.

“Here,” she ordered as she took Max’s hand and lead him quickly to the other side of the room. There was a large supply closet, behind which Max could easily hide.

“Liz?” she heard her father as she quickly brushed through her hair with her fingers and smoothed her wrinkled dress.

“Lizzie?” Jeff asked, as he came into the room, “What are you doing here?” he asked, frowning at the sight of her flushed face, “Jeremy is looking for you. Are you okay?” he asked concerned.

Liz smiled, trying to act casually, “Yes, Dad, I’m fine. It was just too hot and loud in the restaurant, I needed a peaceful room,” she explained, trying to hide her nervousness, “Besides my feet were killing me.”

Jeff chuckled, “Okay then. Come on, if you’re ready, not only is Jeremy looking for you, but your brother as well. You have yet to see him tonight,”

“Sure, Dad,” Liz nodded.

“Let’s go,” Jeff took Liz’s hand and led her back to the main room of the restaurant.

What Jeff didn’t know was that they were leaving Max Evans behind.

Liz quickly ran back to the ladies room, to re-apply her lipstick, before going back to the restaurant. If her father didn’t notice anything, it didn’t mean that someone else wouldn’t.

The party went on. Jeremy was by her side almost all the time, being a complete gentleman. Her parents smiled all the evening; it was obvious that the restaurant would be popular in the future. At the opening were the most powerful and richest men in the state, including Philip Evans.

In the next few hours Liz didn’t see either Max or Tess and she was very grateful for that. She felt guilty. She felt...Liz didn’t know how exactly she felt.

Yes, she was attracted to Max. But Max was Tess’ boyfriend. Her best friend. What was she going to do? How could she look at Tess without guilt in her eyes?

That wasn’t right, Liz knew it. Their kiss was a mistake. Max was with Tess and Liz would never steal her best friend’s boyfriend. Even if she liked him.

The evening was ending as Jeremy excused himself to go to the bathroom and Liz was left alone. Slowly she went to their car, wanting to wait for Jeremy there.

“Hey, Liz,” Max said behind her and Liz turned around quickly.

“Hey,” she answered.

“Um, listen, Liz, I wanted to talk about what happened,” Max said, not quite meeting her eyes.

It was awkward for both of them.

“I understand everything, Max, that was a mistake and it would be better if we forget it, okay?” she told him with a confidence Liz didn’t know she had.

Max frowned. “Yeah...It was a mistake,” he murmured.

“We’re not going to tell Tess about it, right?” Liz asked. Although she would hate to hide something like this from her best friend, but this would be for the best. Tess didn’t need to know it.

Max nodded, “I’m not going to tell her,”

“Hey, Max,” a male voice interrupted them as Jeremy appeared by them. “Haven’t seen you lately, how are you?” he asked.

“Come on, we have to go,” Tess said as she came to them. She quickly kissed Max on the lips before climbing in the car, not even noticing the awkward glance her boyfriend sent to Liz.

Soon Jeremy, Liz and Tess were leaving Las Cruces.

While Jeremy and Tess chatted about something, Liz wondered when she would see Max again.
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Post by Erina »

Wow, I haven't updated this story for so so long time. Sorry for that. But now I have just this and another story to write and this story should be updated more often in future. :wink: Thanks for the awesome feedback!

Part 9

“Are you okay, Liz?” Jeremy asked and Liz looked up to him from her biology notebook.

“Yes,” she replied confused, “Why are you asking?”

“Hmm, nothing,” Jeremy shrugged, but after a moment, continued, “It’s seem so...windy lately,”

Liz took a glance down to her notebook; she really needed to finish the chapter; the exams weren’t far away anymore. Just a little more and Liz would finish high school and go to Harvard.

But Jeremy was important too. Their relationship after the grand opening had progressed and now they were going out regularly. Liz even suspected that he wanted her to be his girlfriend, but the truth was that Liz hadn’t any desire to have a relationship with him.

Yes, of course, Jeremy was good-looking, stable, with good grades and he respected her. But still Liz couldn’t find the needed feelings inside her heart.

Another man had taken her thoughts and Liz was scared because of it. Max Evans was in her thoughts almost every second and she felt guilty before Tess. Liz shouldn’t think about her best friend’s boyfriend. It was wrong.

So, she tried to push him out of her head, before he could steal her heart. She buried herself in her studies, the Crashdown, her friendship with Tess and her relationship with Jeremy. Liz just hoped it wasn’t already too late to banish Max Evans from her head.

“What do you mean ‘windy?” Liz asked, closing her notebook and giving all her attention to Jeremy.

He shrugged again, “Dunno, you are here, but... you aren’t here with me. In your thoughts, you’re away,” Jeremy explained.

“It’s probably just your imagination,” she replied.

Jeremy shook his head. “No,” he said, obviously wanting to discuss this topic, “What’s going on, Liz? You are spending more time with me, but at the same time I don’t feel you. Emotionally you have pulled away,”

“I just have a lot to think about,” Liz said, “College, the’s nothing big, Jeremy, don’t worry about it,” she explained, hoping that Jeremy would drop the subject.

But Jeremy didn’t.

“Do you…want us to stop dating?” he whispered unsurely.

And at this moment, to Liz it seemed like the perfect solution. She wasn’t looking into a relationship with Jeremy, he was her security blanket and it wasn’t fair to him. Or her.

Liz looked down. “Yes,” she said.

When she didn’t hear anything from him, Liz continued, “It’s just...I don’t think it will work. We are going to two different colleges in the fall and...I really don’t see a future to our relationship,” she said, without looking at him.

Liz knew she was being coward by not looking at him, but deep inside she suspected that Jeremy had real feelings for her and ...she didn’t want to hurt him. Or see pain in his eyes.

“But I love you, Liz,” came Jeremy’s whisper and Liz closed her eyes.

Her fear had come true.

She opened her eyes and looked at him, “No, Jeremy,” she shook her head gently, “You’re not love with me, you just think so...or you want to make me stay with you because of these words,” she said. “It wouldn’t work even if you love me, because I can’t say the same things,”

Jeremy shook his head, “No, Liz, you are the one who is wrong, not me,”

“But I’m not going to pressure you with anything,” he said and stood up. “I will leave you alone, Liz. For now. I will give you time to think, to clear you head and when you at least expect me...I will be there,”

“Jeremy,” Liz said, also standing up.

“No, Liz, don’t say anything,” Jeremy interrupted her, “I am going back to Las Cruces now,”

He walked to the door. “Bye, Liz,” was the last thing he said before opening the door and disappearing outside.

Liz sat back on the couch, but she didn’t touch her notebook again. Instead, she stared blankly at the opposite wall. Had she and Jeremy broken up?

Liz didn’t have much time to think about it, because Tess came in the room.

“Hey,” Tess said as she sat besides Liz, “Still studying?” she asked noticing the book on the couch. “I’ve finished for today; I think I will pass biology exam,” the blonde said happily.

Liz tore her eyes from the wall and smiled weakly. “I’m glad for you,” she said sincerely. “Do you need some more help?”

Tess shook her head slowly. “No, I don’t think so. Oh God, I can’t wait for exams to be over,” she said dramatically. “They are killing me, I won’t need to know even the half of this stuff,” she groaned.

“By the way, where did Jeremy go?” Tess asked then. “I thought he was here with you,”

“Jeremy won’t be here anymore,” Liz replied quietly. “He went back to Las Cruces,”

Tess eyes widened. “What?” she said shocked. “What happened?”

“Umm, we broke up,” Liz said.

Tess stared at her best friend for a good minute, “You what?” she almost shrieked. “I can’t believe that you did it,”

“Did he dump you for another girl?” Tess asked a moment later, almost angry just by the thought.

“No, no…it wasn’t like that,” Liz replied. “I actually started it, because I understood that our relationship doesn’t have future,”

“Oh,” Tess said and hugged Liz. “It’s good that he didn’t break up with you because of another girl; I can’t stand cheaters,” she said. “But...Why are you sad, Liz? Do you regret the break-up?”

Liz shook her head, trying to make Tess’ words about cheating boyfriends disappear.

“I don’t know...I don’t regret anything, but we had a great time together; I’m sad that he won’t be around anymore,” she explained.

Tess stood up. “Come on, Liz, we are going to eat ice cream,” she said. “You need something to take away your sadness,”

“Oh no,” Liz objected. “I need to finish this chapter and go to the Crashdown...”

“Don’t even try to say ‘no’ to me, Liz. You have studied enough for today; besides Michael is here. He is a big boy and he can take care of the restaurant,”

“But –”

“No ‘buts’, Liz,” Tess laughed and Liz couldn’t help but smile as well.

Although Tess had her flaws, she was a good friend and she was able to make Liz smile and laugh.

Liz just hoped she would be able to not tell the truth about her kiss with Max.
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Post by Erina »

Hey, I know that I said in my author's page that I wouldn't update for a while, but well... I had a small surgery today and I feel like I need to do this (to get some great feedback from you :) ). I have written until part 14 *including*( yay for me), so I will try to update this like...every Monday and every Friday. Hopefully.

Oh well, here is the part 10.

Part 10

Max was running downstairs, when Isabel stopped him,

“Hey, where are you going?” she asked.

Max stopped for a moment, he knew he should spend more time with his sister, Isabel was still going through a difficult period and he was rarely around her lately, either studies or Tess preventing him to be with sister.

“I’m going to Roswell tonight,” he replied, thinking about the decision he’d made a moment ago.

Isabel was surprised. “Really? But you have an exam tomorrow,” she pointed out.

Max sighed. “Yeah, I know, that’s why I’m running. I wanna be back tonight and get some sleep before it,” he explained.

Isabel was still confused, “I’m kind of worried about you, Max. Can’t it wait? Why are you going to Roswell tonight? Can’t you do it tomorrow after your exam?”

Max shook his head. “No, I need it to be done tonight,” he said.

Seeing that Isabel was about to ask another question, Max quickly added, “Look, Is, I know I haven’t been a good brother lately, but I promise that after the exam I will spend more time with you, but now...I really have to run, Is. Goodnight,” he said and run out of the door, before she could stop him.

The truth was that Max was confused about his behaviour as well. He was going to Roswell to break up with Tess. He knew that perhaps he should have waited until tomorrow, not rushing to her now, but he wanted to do it as soon as possible.

He had made this decision only an hour ago. He and Tess didn’t belong together; in fact they were two different people.

He had thought about breaking up with Tess for a while, but his talk with Jeremy today made him to go to Roswell tonight.

Max smiled. Liz and Jeremy were over. Since he and Jeremy had been talking almost every week, he pretty much knew that there wasn’t anything big going on between the two of them, but still the thought of them not being together anymore, made him smile.

Just like he and Tess didn’t belong together, it was the same for Liz and Jeremy. Max wondered if their break up was somehow connected with the kiss at the Grand opening of the Crashdown.

Max hadn’t been able to get Liz out of his head since and now he wasn’t even sure about his feelings towards her. Did he love her? Max wasn’t sure. Did Liz feel something towards him? He didn’t know that either.

But he was. On the road. He was going to break up with his girlfriend, only to talk with Liz. Of course, he couldn’t go straight to Liz. Liz was Tess’ best friend and that idea caused Max’s smile to vanish.

What if Liz pushed him away?

No. Max shook his head and concentrated on the memory of their kiss. He needed to be free from Tess, not only because of Liz, no…Tess wasn’t the one for him. Of course, once he had thought she was beautiful, but now Liz was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

His feelings towards Tess were vague, while Max still couldn’t define what he felt about Liz.

Soon Max reached Roswell and when he pulled up outside the Harding’s residence, he didn’t know how to tell Tess that he didn’t want to be with her anymore.

Max was very much aware of how insensitive Tess’ parents were. He couldn’t understand why they had a child, since they obviously didn’t know how to take care of her, or even love her.

He wasn’t even aware that he had knocked at the door. Max returned to reality only when Tess opened the door and threw herself at him.

“Max!” she shrieked. “What are you doing here? I wasn’t expecting you,” she said, still hugging him.

Still not knowing what to say, Max decided to use the standard phrase. “Tess, we need to talk,” he said seriously.

Tess smile faded. “What’s going on, Max?” she asked quite worried now.

“Let’s go inside,” Max suggested and without a word they both went into the living room.

When Tess sat down on the sofa, Max said nervously, “Tess, I-I don’t know how to tell you this... I care about you, I really do. You know that, right?”

Tess nodded, “Why are you talking like this, Max? What do you want to say?”

“I have been thinking lately,” he said and sat beside her. “And...I don’t think it’s going to work, Tess,”

Tess expression didn’t change. “What isn’t going to work?” she asked Max.

Max gathered all his strength. “Us. We are too different, Tess, I don’t think we should stay together. I want to break up with you,”

He had finally said it.

Tess immediately stood up and started pacing. “You are what?” she yelled, “How can you break up with me, Max? I thought that everything was great between us,”

Tess started to sob.

“I love you, Max,” she said and tears appeared, “H-how can you do this to me?”


“NO!” she yelled, “Shut up, Max, just...shut up,” she furiously wiped her eyes. “You are just like everyone else, aren’t you?” she accused.

“What? No, Tess, it’s not what you think,” Max said. “I-I never wanted to hurt you, but ...I’ve realized that I don’t have feelings anymore and…that would be a horrible mistake if we continue this relationship,” he explained.

“No, no, no, no,” Tess whispered over and over again.

“Tess...” Max said and tried to approach her, but she backed away from him.

Her next declaration shocked him. “I won’t let you,” Tess said more calmly.


“I won’t let you break up with me, Max,” Tess explained.

Max was surprised how calm and collected Tess now looked. “You can’t prevent it, Tess,” he said. “I don’t want to be with you. Look, I know you’re hurt, but you’re beautiful…inside and out and I’m sure there is a guy for you, but...that’s not me, Tess,”

Tess snorted, “Don’t use that crap on me, Max, I won’t let you throw me out,”

Tess approached him. “Your Dad likes me and he loves to see us together, Max,” she whispered. “Do you know that our fathers have already planned our future? They want us to get married; you would lead your Dad’s companies and after our marriage my father will give everything to us. They want to make an empire through us, Max,”

“You can’t end this relationship; even if you want it, your Dad simply won’t let you,” she said and touched his lips with her finger. “You are perhaps thinking that you’re an adult now and that Philip can’t control your life anymore, but...oh, Max, you’re so wrong. In the end you would do everything your Dad will say. You will marry me, Max,”

“ pretty much understand that you can’t break up with me,” Tess said and kissed him on the lips.