Unforgettable Nights M/L Adult Pg 4 AN 12/14/07 [WIP]

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Post by roswell3053 »

Hey guys. I am posting this as I am trying to leave work, so forgive me if their are any mistakes. I will fix them later.

Chapter 11

After Zan and Rath left, everyone was sitting around the girls apartment thinking about what happened. Max was trying to calm down, and the only thing that was helping him do that was holding onto Liz. Liz was furious with the way Zan was acting. She knew that he was an asshole, but she was shocked that he thought that she would still want to be with him after everything that went down. Michael and Maria were just holding each other wondering why Rath was quiet during most of the time that they were here.

“I’ve got an idea.” Alex suddenly told them. “Why don’t we have a barbeque at my house tomorrow?” He was trying to think of something to help the girls forget about Zan and Rath being in town. He also figured if they were at his house, then they wouldn’t be able to find them.

“That sounds like a great idea. We can all just kick back and relax.” Max said.

“I will call Isabel and see if she wants to join us.” Alex told them while reaching into he pocket for his cell phone.

While Alex was on the phone, Max turned to Liz and asked, “Is there something going on between my sister and Alex?”

“I know that they have been out on a few dates, but other than that, I am not sure. I know that Alex would probably like something more to be going on, so you will probably just have to ask her.” Liz told him.

“Okay. Isabel said that she would love for us all to get together tomorrow. She also asked if it was okay if she invited a friend from work and her boy friend.” Alex told them.

“It’s your house Alex. I don’t have a problem with it, but it is completely up to you.” Max told him.

“Great. How about we plan on meeting at my house around noon?” Alex asked.

“Sounds good.” Maria and Liz said at the same time.


Since the guys stayed with Liz and Maria again, they all just went to Alex’s in the same car. Neither Michael nor Max wanted the girls alone just incase Rath or Zan decided to come back to the apartment.

It only took about 30 minutes to reach Alex’s house. Once they got there, everyone got out of the car and walked up to the door. Liz reached out and rang the door bell.

“Hey everyone!” Alex said as he answered the door. “Come on in. Isabel and her friends are in the back.”

Max, Michael, Liz and Maria all walked through the house following Alex. When they got to the back yard, they were shocked to see Kyle Valenti talking to Isabel and some blonde head girl.

“Hey guys. This is my friend Ava Walker, and I am sure that you all remember Kyle.” Isabel told them. “Ava, this is my brother Max, his best friend Michael, and Alex’s best friend Liz and Maria.”

“Nice to met you all.” Ava said.

“You too.” Said Liz. “Kyle, how have you been?”

“I’ve been good. Are you and Evans together now?” Kyle asked.

Liz looked over at Max, before looking back at Kyle and saying, “Yes we are.”

“Well it’s about damn time. You two spent so much time giving each other puppy eyes in high school, that I am surprised that you were able to graduate.” Kyle laughed.

Max and Liz just turned bright red as everyone else started to laugh with Kyle. Liz started to say something, but she froze with her mouth hanging open because of the voice that she heard behind her.


One hour ago

“Let’s go back over to Ria and Liz’s place. I want to talk to them some more.” Zan said.

“What if the guys are still there? Do you really want another encounter with them?” Rath asked him.

“If they are there, we will just for them to leave before we approach the girls. Besides, I have figured out the perfect way to get Liz back.” Zan snickered.

Rath just shook his head and got in the car. When they arrived at the girls’ apartment, they saw them getting in the car with the same guys from last night. “Let’s follow them and find out where they are going.” Zan said.

When they saw them pull up at a house and get out of the car, they waited until they were inside the house before getting out of the car. They slowly walked around the house towards the backyard where they heard people talking. Zan checked the gate and saw that it wasn’t locked, so he opened it and walked right on in.


“Oh look Zan. They are throwing us a welcome party, but they forgot to invite us.” The voice said.

“What in the hell are you doing here you skanky bitch?” Maria yelled.

Max, Michael and Alex were confused. Max had noticed that Liz stiffened when she heard the girl’s voice, but he wasn’t sure who she was.

“Who are you calling a skanky bitch you cum guzziling gutter slut?” she hollered back.

“Chill, Tess.” Rath said. “Watch your mouth, or you will be walking back to New York.”

Max’s head snapped up as soon as he heard the name Tess. Now he understood Liz’s reaction. He slowly put his arm around her and pulled her closer to his side.

Liz immediately relaxed once she was in Max’s embrace. After standing there for a minute her anger started to rise. Then she looked up and noticed Tess looking straight at Max.

“Hey stud. Why don’t you drop the mousey, prude bitch, and get with a real woman.” Tess told Max.

Before he had a chance to say anything, Liz was flying out of his arms and landing punch after punch on Tess.

Everyone was shocked to see the normally reserved Liz Parker acting this way. Each person was thinking something different.

Zan was thinking, “I knew this would work. She sees me with Tess, and now she is fighting with her so that she can have me back.”

Max was thinking, “Damn Liz looks hot. When we get home tonight I am going to have to help her channel some of that pent up anger.”

Maria, Isabel, Ava, Alex, and Michael were too shocked to really think anything, but as always Kyle had to actually voice his thoughts. “How come nobody told me that we were going to watch WWE Smackdown? Where’s the beer and popcorn?” His comment earned him a smack to the back of the head from Ava, Maria, and Isabel.

Once the shock finally wore off, Max started walking forward to pull Liz off of Tess.

“Zan, you and Rath better get this bitch off of my property right now. If you don’t, I will call the cops and have you arrested for trespassing.” Alex told them.

“Whatever. You don’t scare me Opie.” Zan told him.

“Well maybe coming from me it will mean something. My dad is the sheriff, and he would hesitate taking all three of you in. Especially once he finds out what you connection to Liz and Maria is.” Kyle told them.

“Yo, let’s bounce man. We don’t need any trouble.” Rath told Zan.

“Not yet. Come on Liz. You are coming back with us.” Zan told her.

“Over my dead body. Do you need a repeat of what happened last night?” Max said.

“I think that Liz can speak for her self.” Zan smirked.

“I am not going anywhere with you Zan. I already told you. Leave me alone and don’t come back. I don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore. I am with Max now and nothing you can do is going to change that. Now leave and take that piece of trash with you. You might need something to keep you warm at night.” Liz said as she turned around and walked into the house with Max right behind her.

“You heard her Zan. Now get out of here. That goes for you too Rath. I don’t want to see you again. I am with Michael, and I am happy. Leave us alone, and don’t ever come back.” Maria told them before she followed Liz into the house.

Rath grabbed a hold of Zan and Tess and started walking back to the car. He could tell that Zan was in shock. Zan actually thought that Liz would come back to him. Rath knew that Liz wouldn’t go back to Zan, but he couldn’t help but hope that Ria would come back to him. He finally understood that she wasn’t ever going to come back to him.

“Let’s head back to New York. It was a waste of our time to come down here.” Rath told them as he put the car in gear and headed out of town.

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Post by roswell3053 »

Hey everyone. I'm back. I am sorry that it has taken so long, but I am here with an update.

I would like to thank everyone for their well wishes for my daughter. She is doing much better now. We have already noticed a difference in her hearing. We have to go back for another hearing evaluation on Nov 8th, but I am sure that everything will be fine.

I am not completely happy with this part, but I just don't think that I can get it much better. I have already deleated everything and started over 3 times, so I am just going to stick with this. I have created an outline of this story, and their are only a few more parts left.

Chapter 12

Maria walked into the house to see Liz relaxing into Max’s arms. She had to smile that the contented look on Liz’s face. She couldn’t remember a time that she had looked so happy.

“How are you doing chica?” Maria asked.

“I’m fine Maria. I just hope that they will take the message and leave us alone, so that we can be happy.” Liz told her as Max gently pulled her closer to him.

“I don’t think that they will be bothering either one of you anymore.” Alex said as he walked in followed by Michael, Isabel, Ava, and Kyle. “Zan and Rath both looked like they finally realized that you didn’t want them any more. I think that they just might understand how much they both screwed up, and that there isn’t anything that they can do to fix it.”

“I don’t know about you, but I am starving. Watching Liz beat that blonde bimbo made me hungry, and since noone had any popcorn…Ow!” Kyle said. He turned and saw the look that both Isabel and Ava were giving him.

“Please excuse by boyfriend. His brain and mouth aren’t really friends, so they don’t communicate well with one another.”

This had everyone laughing and successfully lightened the tension in the room.

Everyone enjoyed the rest of their day at Alex’s just laughing and having fun getting reacquainted with old friends and getting to know new ones. Max and Michael decided that they wanted some alone time with Liz and Maria, so Max dropped off Michael and Maria at the girls’ apartment.

When Max and Liz arrived at his apartment, he grabbed her hand and led her inside. As soon as the door was shut, he swooped down and captured her lips passionate kiss. When breathing became an issue, Max reluctantly pulled back and looked into her eyes. “I love you.” He told her while looking directly into her eyes.

“Oh Max! I love you, too. I think that I have always loved you, I was just too scared to admit it.” She said as she reached up for another kiss.

Max slowly lifted her so that she could wrap her legs around his waist and started walking them to the bedroom. When they reached the bedroom, Max sat down so that Liz was on his lap. He slowly pulled back to look her in the eyes. “I think that I have always loved you too. I am so glad that I found you again. You make me so happy Liz, and I promise that I am going to do everything in my power to make you just as happy as you make me.”

“If you really want to make me happy, then why don’t you show me exactly how much you love me?” Liz whispered seductively in his ear.

She heard Max growl before he stood up and laid her on the bed. He slowly started pulling her shirt up and off of her body. He brought his lips back down to hers and kissed her with a renewed passion. He broke the kiss for air, but his lips never left her body. He kissed a line from one ear all the way to the other. He then kissed his way down to her collar bone, and to the valley between her breasts.

Liz arched into his kisses. All of the attention that he was giving her was arousing her to the point that she was going to start ripping his close off his body soon. “Please Max…Don’t tease. I need you so bad.” She pleaded with him.

Max smirked as he slowly reached around her to release the claps of her bra. He pulled one strap down, then the other, and then he discarded the garment on the floor with her shirt. “I’m not teasing baby. You wanted me to show you how much I love you, and that is exactly what I am doing. I am loving every inch of your body that I can.”

“We can do slow later. I need you now. Please…” She pleaded.

“Okay baby. What ever you want.” He told her as he grabbed for her shorts and finished undressing her. Once she was lying there completely naked, Max got off of the bed and stripped himself.

“I love you, Liz” Max said as he entered her in a powerful thrust.

“I love you too, Max” Liz said as she moaned in pleasure.

Max tried to move slowly in and out, but Liz wrapped her legs around his waist and starting thrusting faster. Max started matching her thrust for thrust. He knew that she was close, and he wanted her to fall apart in his arms. He picked up the pace of his thrusts, moved one hand down to pinch her clit, and sucked a nipple into his mouth all at the same time.

This proved to be too much for Liz and she exploded in his arms, but max never stopped thrusting. He continued hammering in and out of her until she climaxed again, only this time her followed her over.

Once they both had time to come down from the powerful orgasm, Max rolled off to the side of Liz and then pulled her into his arms. “I love you so much. I don’t think that I will ever get tired of saying it.” He told her as he kissed her on the forehead.

“I feel the same way, and I don’t think that I will ever get tired of hearing you say it. Let’s take a nap. I am exhausted.” She told him with a yawn.

“What ever you want baby.” Max told her.

They both held onto each other while they slept off the days events. Although neither one of them could lose the smiles that were on their faces while they slept.


Back at Liz and Maria’s apartment

Maria opened the door for Michael to walk in, and then shut the door behind them. She put her keys on the table by the door and walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

Michael followed her lead and sat down on the sofa next to her. He reached his arm out and started to run his hands up and down her back. “Talk to me. What is going on in that head of yours?” Michael asked.

“Every thing. I am mostly just relieved that they are gone. I was so mad at Liz for giving Rath the address to where we moved, but I realize now that it was a good thing that she did. That was a chapter of my life that I needed to close so that I could move on, and I even though I thought that I had already done that, I hadn’t. Now that I have seen Rath again, I realize that you don’t treat someone you love the way that he treated me, and I deserve better than that.”

“You’re right. You deserves so much better than how he treated you. I care about you a lot Maria. Will you let me show you how you should be treated?”

Maria gave him his answer in the most profound way that she could think of. She pulled him into an earth shattering kiss that left Michael breathless. After he regained his bearings, he swept her up into his arms and carried her to the bedroom that they had shared for the last week. Even though they had been sleeping in the same bed for a week, they still had not become intimate yet. Tonight all of that was about to change, and they both knew it.

Michael put her down once he reached the side of the bed. “If you only want to cuddle please tell me now because I don’t think that I could stop my self from talking you once I start undressing you.”

Maria silenced him with a finger to his mouth. “Take me Michael. I don’t want you to stop. We can cuddle after.”

Michael didn’t waste any time bringing Maria to the highest pleasure over, and over again before they finally passed out cuddled in each others arms.


Back at Max’s

Max woke slowly. He smiled when he realized that it wasn’t a dream. He had actually told Liz that he loved her, and she told him that she loved him too. A smile broke out on his face as he decided that he was going to ask her something. He was broken out of his thoughts when he felt her move against him. He looked down just in time to see her eyes start to flutter open.

Liz looked up into his eyes and smiled. “Hey.”

“Hey yourself beautiful.” He told her.

“I could wake up this way everyday.” She told him as she snuggled in closer to his chest.

“Move in with me then. That way we can wake up like this everyday.” Max told her.

Liz was shocked. She wasn’t sure what to say, but all it took was one look in his eyes. “Okay.” Was all that she said.
Check out my fic.

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Post by roswell3053 »

Hi everyone. I just wanted to let you know that there are only 2 parts after this one. This chapter wasn't suppossed to go the way that it did, but once I started writing, this is what came out. I hope that you enjoy it.

Thanks for all the feedback and "Hi" to all of you lurkers out there.

Queen Fee
Dreamer 4 Ever

Chapter 13

6 Months Later

Alex was hosting another barbeque at his house and Isabel’s house. Isabel had just moved in, and was excited to have everyone over. Everyone was going to be there, and she wanted everything to be perfect.

The first guests to arrive were her parents, Phillip and Diane Evans. They were so happy for her that she had finally found someone that cared about her and not just how she looked.

Next it was Alex’s parents, Charles and Gloria Whitman. Isabel introduced the parents. This was the first time that they were getting together so that all of the families could meet.

While the parents were talking and getting to know one another, the door bell rang so Isabel went to answer it. She was shocked when she opened the door to find Michael, Maria, Ava, Kyle, Max, and Liz all standing there. “Did you all ride together or something?” She asked jokingly.

“No. We all just seem to have really good timing.” Liz said.

“Come on in. My parents and Alex’s parents are already here. Are the rest of your parents still coming?”

“Mine should be here soon. They had to wait for Jose to get to restaurant before they could leave.” Liz said.

“Dad and Amy will be here soon. He said something about sharing some good news with us. Whatever that means.” Kyle said.

Maria looked at Kyle funny, and then said “Mom told me the same thing.” As Maria was thinking about what could possibility be going on, she didn’t notice the rest of the parents arrive.

Everyone was getting along great just talking about what was going on in their lives.

Max was starting to get a little nervous, but he was just waiting for the right moment. “Do you think she knows what’s going on?” He asked.

“You know that she doesn’t.” was the answer that he received.

“Do you think that I should have asked her parents for their permission first?”

“It’s a little late for that now don’t you think. You already have the ring, and you are the one that said you couldn’t wait another day. I’ll take care of my part, you just worry about not acting like a complete buffoon.”

“Right, I can do this.” Max said to him self. After taking a few calming breaths he was ready. “Okay I’m ready. Do your thing.”

As he watched Michael walk away he couldn’t help but reach in his pocket just to ensure that the ring was still there.

“Excuse me ladies, but Liz I think you need to go talk to Max. I’m not sure what is going on with him, but he is acting really strange.” Michael told her.

“I noticed that earlier, but I thought it was just me. I’ll be back in a few.” She told them before she walked over to where Max was standing all by his self. As she got closer, she could see that he looked very distracted, and she wonder what could be causing it.

“Hey sweetie. Is everything okay?” She asked.

“Not really. Can we talk for a minute?” He asked grabbing her hand.

“Sure.” She said with a hint of worry in her voice.

Max took a deep breath before he started. “I have some thing that I want say, but I need you to just let me say it before you say anything. Okay?” He waited for her to nod before he began. He looked over her shoulder and saw that Michael was getting everyone to be quiet so that they could hear what was going on.

“First I want to say that I am so sorry about everything that you have had to go through recently. I know that it had nothing to do with me, but I still feel that I should have helped you in some way. I regret that I never told you in high school that I had feelings for you. Maybe if I did none of that would have ever happened to you, but because of what you have had to go through you have become this amazing person. Even more amazing to me than you were before. I love you so much and I thank God every day that he brought you back into my life, but it just isn’t enough anymore.” He saw the tears start in her eyes, but he knew that she wouldn’t say anything until he was finished. He reached up with his thumbs and brushed her tears away as he continued. “You are the air that I breathe. I don’t know what I would do with out you in my life, and I hope that I will never find out. You have filled my life with so much happiness these last 6 months that it is hard for me to even comprehend how I had a life before you.” Max slowly bent down on one knee, and took her left had in his. He heard her gasp of shock, but he knew that this was right. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring to show her. “Elizabeth Claudia Parker, love of my life, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

“Yes.” Liz cried out as Max put the ring on her finger. Max had barely stood up before she launched herself into his arms, kissing him with all of the love that she had. It took a few minutes for the clapping and well wishes to break through their little bubble, but once it did, Liz pulled back and stared at her gorgeous ring. “I love you.” She told Max before locking their lips in another passionate kiss.

“Oh Lizzie, congratulations.” Her mother said as she pulled her out of Max’s arms to give her a hug. She looked over her mom’s shoulder to Max getting the same treatment from his mom.

Next it was the dads turn to congratulate them. Jeff hugged his daughter and whispered, “Congratulations honey” in her ear. While Phillip shook Max’s hand.

Max felt that he should apologize for not asking her parents for permission. “Nancy, Jeff, I would just like to say that I am sorry that I didn’t ask you for you blessing, but I just didn’t know how to ask you. I know that it is no excuse, but I truly believed that I already had your blessing just because you respected Liz and I enough to bless us living together for the last 6 months.”

“Max, you don’t need to apologize for anything, and you are right. You did already have our blessing.” Jeff told him as he shook his hand.

“Ditto.” Nancy said as she brought Max into a hug.

“I am so happy for you Lizzie.” Maria said as she pulled her into a tight hug.

“Thank you. I am very happy for me too.” Liz said with a laugh.

“See and you were nervous for nothing.” Michael told Max as he slapped him on the back.

“We are going to be sisters.” Isabel said as she took her turn congratulating Liz. “We have so much planning to do. Let me go and get my planner so that we can pick a date and start writing everything down. You need to pick a color scheme and flowers and a dress…” She said turning into full organizer mode.

“Isabel, I just asked her, give us sometime to adjust before you start planning.” Max laughed at his sister’s enthusiasm.

“Sorry. I am just so excited for you.” Isabel said as she pulled her brother into a tight hug.

“Well I guess now would be as good a time as any to announce our good news.” Amy Deluca said while holding onto Jim’s hand. “Jim proposed to me last weekend, and I accepted. Last night we flew to Vegas, and got married.”

Maria’s mouth dropped open. “Do…Huh…What?” She said dumb founded.

“Breathe Maria.” Michael told her.

“Shut up Michael.” She said hitting him on the arm. She took a few deep breaths before she started to talk again. She could feel the anger and hurt over what her mom had done, and she couldn’t contain it when she opened her mouth to speak. “What I want to know,” she said as she turned around and faced her mom with her face full of hurt and anger, “is how come I wasn’t welcome at my own mothers wedding?” she cried out before turning to flee into the house.

“Maria…” Amy cried out as she started to follow her only to be stopped by Michael.

“Let me talk to her for a minute.” He told her.

As Michael went into to the house to talk to Maria, everyone else congratulated the newly married couple. Liz recognized the signs straight off that Kyle was just as hurt as Maria, so she knew that they were going to need some time to talk things over.

“Why don’t we all go over here and let them talk?” Liz suggested.

“I think that is a great idea.” Isabel said as they all started to walk off.

“Dad,“ Kyle said, “I’m not going to act a bad as Maria did, but I would like an answer to the same question.”

“Kyle please understand that we didn’t do this to hurt either one of you. It was just something that we decided to do last night. We were going to tell you today about the engagement, but while we were talking yesterday, we both decided that we didn’t want a big wedding. We just wanted a quick and simple wedding.” Jim said.

“I understand that you just wanted it to be a quick and simple wedding, but did you ever take our feelings into consideration? Did you think that Maria and I might have wanted to share in your happiness?” Kyle asked hurt.

“I’m sorry Kyle. It was an impulse. We just wanted to get married. We thought that you would both be happy for us. We didn’t realize that it would hurt you as bad as it did.” Amy said trying to defend their actions, but she knew that Kyle was right. They didn’t think about their children’s feelings.

Amy knew that Maria was hurt, and she didn’t know what she could do to fix it. It had been just her and Maria for so long that she should have known how something like this would her hurt her. She didn’t do it on purpose, but she still hurt her daughter all the same. “I need to go talk to Maria.” She said as she started walking towards the house.


Meanwhile in the house…

“Maria, calm down baby. Everything will be okay.” Michael tried to sooth her. “I am sure that you mother didn’t mean to make you feel like you weren’t wanted at her wedding. You just need to let her explain.”

“No, Michael. It has been just me and mom since I was 7 years old. She tells me everything. She told me when her and Jim first started dating. She asked me if I was okay with that. She told me when she started to feel that things were getting serious between her and Jim. We had even talked about the possibility of her and Jim getting married.” Maria said as she cried even harder. “I just don’t understand why she would do something like this without even thinking about me.”

“Baby, maybe that is the whole reason right there. She didn’t think. She just felt. She knew that you liked Jim, and that you were okay with the possibility of them getting married. Maybe she just needed to stop thinking so much and just let her heart tell her what to do.” Michael told her.

“Michael’s right, Maria.” Amy said as she stepped into view. “I don’t want you to ever think that I didn’t want you at my wedding. You are my baby girl, and you were my only reason for living for so many years. I was so afraid of getting involved with anyone while you were younger because I didn’t want you to think that I didn’t love you. I love you so much that it hurts me to think that you are hurting because of something that I did. I would give my life for you just so that you can be happy. Please don’t ever doubt that. When Jim mentioned just going to Vegas and getting married, I didn’t even think. The only thing that was going through my head was that I had finally found someone who truly loved me so much that he couldn’t wait to marry me. I have wanted someone to love me like that my whole life, and now that I finally found it I grabbed a hold of it with both hands.” Amy said looking directly into Maria’s eyes.

“I’m so sorry I acted the way I did mom. I am truly happy for you. I know that you deserve to be loved that way. I guess it just hurt because I wanted to share in you being that happy. I have never seen you as happy as you are now.” Maria cried as she ran into her mother’s open arms.

Michael decided that he should leave them alone for a while so that they could just be mother and daughter for a few minutes. He slowly slipped outside without either one of them noticing.

As Michael walked outside, he saw that Jim and Kyle were slowly walking back to join everyone else. “Jim, could I talk to you for a minute?” He asked.

“Sure.” Jim agreed.

“I just want to congratulate you and let you know that I understand why you did what you did, and I think that as soon as Maria calms down some, you will see how happy she is for you.” Michael told him.

“Thanks Michael. I hope you are right.” Jim said with a nervous laugh.

Both men walked back over to join everyone else in the backyard.

About 30 minutes later Maria and Amy rejoined everyone. Maria walked straight up to Jim and gave him a big hug. “I am so sorry for how I reacted. Thank you so much for loving my mother. She is so special to me, and I am glad that she has found someone as wonderful as you.”

“Thank you.” Jim said as he tightened his hold on Maria. “I am so sorry that we hurt you, but I just couldn’t wait any longer. I love her with everything that I am, and I will do everything in my power to make her happy for the rest of my life.”

Maria turned around, smiled at her mom, and made her way over to Michael.

“So chica, when are we having this wedding? What color is my dress going to be?” Maria rattled off letting everyone know that she was okay.

tbc... (Remember only 2 parts left)
Check out my fic.

Unforgettable Nights