From Wishes to Riches (AU M/L ADULT) Complete

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Post by Dreamer<3 »

Hey guys sorry about the long wait!! It's been so crazy for me lately, and I've finally gotten some time to sit and write. Thanks for the patience! Hope you like it!

Chapter 9

Liz was nervous, her heart was pounding so hard. She had never thought that she would be in such a situation. She had been through a lot of other things that were tough, but she was able to handle them. She had no clue what she would do this time.

She remembered a time when she had felt this nervous, it had been as hard as it was this time.

“Liz, it’s gonna be aight. Don stress shit till you know what’s good.” Maria reassured her as they sat together in the waiting room, crowded with girls just like her.

“Don’t stress it? Maria, this can’t happen to me! It just can’t!” Liz cried. She was so scared for what was to come.

“Mama, it happens all the time, look at the girls around you. If they could go through it, you sure as hell can too. Y you like ten times smarter than them anyways. Plus, if worse comes to worse you know that ima always be hea for you mama, through thick and thin, you ma girl, tu es mi vida, me and you the same people. I aint gonna leave ya side.” Maria said reassuringly.

Liz smiled over at her, she was blessed to have a friend like Maria.

“You know I love you with everything I have.” Maria touched her heart jokingly, in a cocky manner.

“Yo sé. Who wouldn’t love me? Con un cuerpo como mío? Honey, I got all them boys kissin ma feet.” Liz hit her shoulder playfully.

“Yea ok, thas why all them boys be asking you for my number.” Liz laughed playing around. Maria shot her a fake offended look.

“Thas only because they know I got a man.”

“Yeah, and they don’t know that I got Max right. “ Maria glared at her.

“Alright mommy, I got the point.” Liz stared at Maria, wide mouthed.

“Que? You deserved it.” She said with a laugh. Liz rolled her eyes, and waited till they called her name.

A week after getting the blood drawn, Liz had gotten the news, that she was expecting. She cried, with Maria comforting her, for hours. She had just turned 16, she wasn’t ready for a child, she was even financially equipped to have one.

The worst part of all of it was that she didn’t know how to tell Max. It hadn’t been that long since they had been together, only a couple of months, but she already knew she was in love with him. She was so sure that he would leave her, that she hid it from him for two months, and it wasn’t until Maria put her foot down, and insisted that she tell him, when she finally decided to be open with the situation.

By the time she felt ready enough to tell him, it was already too late; she miscarried in her second month. After that, things were off for a long time. Liz was depressed, despite the feelings she felt at first about the baby, it was still a huge part of her, she had created a person, she received god’s greatest gift, and in a flash he took it back. She knew she couldn’t dwell on it for to long, and slowly she managed to get over it. Max never knew about any of it.

As she shook the thoughts out of her head, she repeated the words ‘Breath, in, out, in out.’ through her head. She was running out of patience, all this waiting was driving her insane. She felt like screaming at the top of her lungs, for some type of release. She needed someone to be there for her, she needed someone to hold her hand, and tell her that it would be ok. She just needed to know.

Her prayers were answered the minute the door opened. She jumped in her seat and followed the man’s every movement. She watched him close the door, walk around her and take a seat across from her. She looked in his eyes pleading, for a sign, any type of sign that everything would be ok.

“Mrs. Sanchez..”

As Liz listened, she felt her entire mind explode. She didn’t know how to react, she didn’t know what to say. She felt her whole world crumble at her feet, and this time, she knew that money wouldn’t make anything ok.


As Liz closed the door to her house shut, she clutched onto the handle with dear life. If she didn’t have such a tight grip on it, she’d probably loose control. She rested her head against the door, trying to digest everything. She was having the hardest time putting all the pieces together. She felt like she was falling off a cliff, head first, into the deep blue ocean 500 feet below her, and had no control to stop it.

“Elizabeth? Are you alright darling? I’ve been calling you for the last half hour, your late for dinner.” Johnaten said coming out from the den. Liz looked up staring up at the eyes of her husband, she was so caught up in her thoughts, she had lost track of time.

“Oh honey I’m sorry. I went out to run some errands, and I guess I lost track of time.” Liz said putting up a fake front.

“Oh, it’s ok sweetheart. Are you ok? You look a bit distressed.” Johnaten said looking at the fragile condition of his wife. Liz waved it off.

“It’s nothing dear. Let me just go place my things done in the bedroom, and I’ll be down for dinner.” Liz said walking towards the stairs.

“Of course, oh and we have a guest tonight, so be down in a hurry.” Johnaten said disappearing back into the den.

When he was gone, it had hit Liz.

“Wait? A guest?” ‘NO! It couldn’t be!’ She thought. She raced upstairs, and dumped her purse and keys on the table, before racing back downstairs. Her nightmare came to life as she walked into the den; there sat Max Evans, the love of her life, chatting away with her husband. She gulped hard, and prepared herself for the evening. She really didn’t need this right now.

“Oh Elizabeth honey, your finally here. I invited Max over for dinner, since you guys are such old friends. I hope you don’t mind.” Johnaten said with his half filled glass of Jack Daniels in his hand.

Max looked up, and as his eyes focused on hers, they both got the same rush of feelings of love mixed with misery. They so longed to be together. They had a love that was once impossible to break, but now it was one impossible to follow. The facts were hard to accept, for they both never got over the incident, but it was the way things were.

“Of course it’s no problem. I’m sorry I’m late. Max it’s good to see you again.” Liz said not moving from her stance by the door.

“Same here.” He said as he never left her eyes. She was so beautiful, and he could feel her, feel the same girl he fell in love.

Johnaten watched the two with fire in his eyes. It was at that moment, he was sure that they had to have had an interesting past together.

“Senor, dinner is ready.” The maid said, breaking the tension, that had build so quickly.

“Thank you Martha.” Johnaten said excusing her from the room. He got up from his chair.

“Shall we?” He said walking towards the direction of the dining area.

Max and Liz followed after his pursuit, and once in the room, the three got situated in their seats, and sat silently as the food was being brought out.

Once everything was done with, and everyone had started eating, Johnaten decided to start the conversation.

“So Max, is there any Mrs. Evans in the picture anywhere? I mean surely she would be worried, if you were here instead of with her.”

Liz looked up at him with interest. Her heart was pounding. Was he married?

“Oh, no, no, no. No wife for me. Never had much time, it’s been work, work, work, for the last 5 years.”

Liz wasn’t sure what to feel, she was ecstatic to know that he was not married, but still a little saddened, to think that he had no one.

“But although, I don’t have a wife, I’m sure my best friend Maria, is probably ringing my phone of the hook right about now. She acts like my keeper.” Max said smiling about his thoughts of Maria worrying her ass off about him not calling her once he got off work.

Liz raised her head at the mention of Maria’s name. She couldn’t believe that they were still friends. As all the old feelings rushed through her, she couldn’t help but smile at Max’s comment, it just seemed so typical of Maria.

“Maria Deluca?” Liz asked Max. Max looked up at Liz, he knew that she would be interested with the mention of Maria, she was basically the only family that Liz ever had.

“The slave driver, yes, that would be the same Maria.” Max said. Liz giggled at that.

She gulped before she asked anymore questions, but she had to know.

“How is she?” Max smiled, he could hear the genuine concern in her voice.

“She’s the same, she hasn’t changed a bit. Still driving Michael crazy.” Max laughed, thinking about his best friend.

“Wow, she’s still with Michael?” Liz was amazed, she knew they were in love, but she didn’t think after all this time they would still be together.

“They’re married now, and they have a son too, he just turned 3.”

“Married? A son! Wow.” She was bewildered. She just couldn’t help but think, that she was suppose to know all this, she was suppose to be there when she got married, she was supposed to be there when she brought her son into the world, but she wasn’t. Instead she was tending to a man she didn’t love, and pretending to be someone she didn’t like.

“Yeah, she’s really happy though.” Max looked at her, and he could see the emotions running through her by the way her face was. He could see happiness in her eyes, happiness for a woman she hadn’t spoken to in 5 years, but yet she still cared. It was then, he knew that his Liz was still there.

“That’s good.” Liz said looking down at her plate. She was happy for Maria, she deserved all of it.

“Well I feel out of place. I have no idea who these people are.” Johnaten said breaking the little moment between the two.

“Maria, was just an old friend.” Liz said with sorrow in her voice. It still pained her to think that the two had come to such terms, after all they had been through.

“So Max, tell me how was Elizabeth, back in the day.” Johnaten said plopping his fork into his mouth.

“Oh, um, she was. She was crazy.” Max said looking at Liz, he didn’t know where to start. He could tell him all about her down to her entire soul.

“Crazy?” Johnaten asked intrigued. Liz also looked up and saw that Max’s gaze was fixed on her.

“She was just crazy, she was just a great person. She didn’t care about what anyone thought about her, she did what she wanted to do, and she was happy doing it. She never pretended to be anything that she wasn't, she always acted herself, no matter how crazy she was, she was never ashamed to hide herself.” The way he spoke about her, you could hear a hint of pride in his voice.

Liz looked at him, she knew what he was trying to get at, and he was right, she was no longer the same person, she wasn’t happy. The thing that scared her the most was that he could still figure out her entire mind without even knowing anything about her. She was sure it would bring trouble.

Johnaten felt the jealously come out inside of him, who ever Max Evans was to his wife, he didn’t care, all he knew was that he wouldn’t be that anymore, if he had anything to do about it.
Last edited by Dreamer<3 on Tue Jun 27, 2006 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dreamer<3 »

Hey guys! Sorry for the wait! Thanks for everyone who left feedback! It really means a lot!

A special thanks to my wonderful beta Jill, aka Tinkerbell_Luvs_Roswell!

Chapter 10

Max walked into his apartment exhausted. Spending the entire night with Liz was unimaginable. He knew that his Liz existed inside her, and he managed to bring her out. He didn’t think that it was possible, that he could do such a thing. It was almost as if she still loved him, no even better, that she really did love him, but there was something holding her back. Make that someone; Johnaten Sanchez.

Max sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He took of his tie, and tossed it on the couch before making his way towards the kitchen.

“Hi Maria,” He said walking in. He headed straight for the fridge without even looking around. He just knew she would be there.

“Hi Maria, that’s all you have to say to me? You leave me in a daze this morning, and then, and then you don’t call me. When I come to your apartment, Que encuentro? NADA! {What did i find? NOTHING!} You weren’t even here! Now can you explain to me where the hell you were?” Max shook his head and took out a carton of milk.

“Isn’t your husband worried about you?” Max said walking over to the table where Maria was seated, taking a seat across from her.

“No, he’s sleeping in your room with Christian. Now stop changing the subject. Donde estaba? {Where were you}” Max rolled his eyes. He was trying to prepare himself for her outrage.

“I’m waiting.” Maria said, tapping her foot impatiently.

“Alright, I’ll tell you, but I need you to be, well not yourself.” Maria raised her eyebrow.

“Dime.” {Tell Me}

“At Liz’s house.” Max closed his eyes trying to refrain from a loud squeal, but heard nothing. He peaked open one eye and saw that Maria wasn’t even looking in his direction, but looked like she was in deep thought.

“Nothing to say?” Max asked surprised. Maria turned to him, eyes filled with tears.


“Why Max? Why? She hurt you, she...she left. Why are you going back?” Maria couldn’t bring it out. She didn’t understand why this had such an effect on her. She cared deeply for Max, and she didn’t want him hurting, but there was something her heart was telling her, and that was that Liz couldn’t possibly try and hurt Max twice.

“It’s Liz, Ria. It’s been 5 years, and I’m not bitter anymore. The past is the past, people make mistakes. We don’t even know her story. God listen to me. She left me for another man, for a man who treats her like she doesn’t exist, but I still love her. I love her so much it hurts. I never stopped. It’s like asking me to stop breathing. I’m not saying that what she did was the right thing, and I’m not forgiving her for it, but I’m not going to punish her for it either.”

“Why? Why not? She punished you when she left you.”

“She also helped me down this path. Think about it Maria, if Liz didn’t leave me that day. I wouldn’t be the man I am today. I would be that boy who was causing trouble with his drug dealing cousin, and probably would have ended up dead in a couple of years. There was only one thing keeping me in the projects and that was Liz. I would have not driven myself so hard, with her around. Deep down she knew that, when we were together, there was only one thing destined for us and that was the 120th projects. I couldn’t have given her anything back then because I wasn’t trying to achieve anything. I thought as long as I had her that would be that, but that isn’t how it works. She knew that, and I know that now. That’s why she left because she saw that opportunity.”

“Porque? Why are you doing this Max, do you really think that? I mean look me and Michael did ok, we aren’t rich but at least we’re happy. That could have been you and Liz; she just took the easy way out. Open your eyes up Max, she’s married, she left you.”

“I know what you’re saying Maria. Hell I’ve been telling myself the same thing for the past 5 years, but the moment I saw her, my heart was telling me something different. There was a reason why, there has to be a reason why she left like she did. I know she loves me Maria. When I look at her I can see it, I can still feel it. When she was with me tonight, she came alive. I did that to her, I know she’s there Maria, my heart keeps telling me that over and over.”

Maria sighed. “She’s married.” She reminded him.

“She’s not happy. You should have seen her tonight. We were talking about you. Her whole body lit up at the mention of you. I know she’s in there Maria, she’s just been tainted because of that man.”

Maria sighed. She looked into the eyes of her best friend, and she could see the passion that he held, and the passion he felt. Everything Max told her rung in her head too, because in her heart, she knew that Liz had a reason for her wrong. She just prayed in her heart that she wouldn’t be disappointed in Liz again, not just for Max but for her too. She couldn’t handle it, Maria might have put up a big front, but deep down, she still craved for her best friend, and ever since she left, their was a void in her heart.

“I wanna see her.”

<center> ***** </center>

Johnaten walked into the building with confidence. There was something that he wanted to be done, and he knew it would get done, without anything stepping in his way.

“Good morning, Mr. Sanchez.” Clara, his secretary said as he walked passed her desk.

“Morning Clara, call up Mr. Johnson and see if he’s busy right now. I need to speak a word with him. If he’s free cancel all my morning appointment.” Johnaten said as he held open the door to his office.

“Sure thing, Mr. Sanchez.” Clara assured, grabbing the phone from off the hook as Johnaten walked into his office.


Liz sat out on her patio gazing out at sky. She didn’t know what she was feeling. There was just so much going on in her life, and she was so damn confused she didn’t know what to do. The thing she hated the most was that she was all alone. She had no one to discuss it all with.

Liz broke down crying. She was hurting so much. Was this the price to pay for wanting, wanting more than what you were meant for? Was this the price for taking the easy way out of a place that haunted her day and night?

She knew leaving Max was the biggest mistake in her life, and she lived with it everyday of her life. But now that he was there, and she saw him after all that time, it all hit her like a bullet at her heart.

This time she was going to make things right. She knew that she vowed to stay away, but she didn’t have much time. She would try and make things right. She needed to be put of her misery.

“Senora,” her maid said from the entrance of the sliding doors. Liz looked up at her and wiped her tears.

“Oh, Martha. Yes, what is it?” Liz said putting her sunglasses on and fixing up her hair.

“You have a visitor.” Liz was baffled. Who would be visiting her? Serena was out of town.

“Ok. Sure?” Liz’s eyes widened in shock as the mystery visitor walked through the doors.

Last edited by Dreamer<3 on Tue Jun 27, 2006 5:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Dreamer<3 »

Hey Everybody! Thanks for being so patient, I know it took a while, I should be done with classes and exams by the 17th so I'll have plenty more time to write! Thanks for all the wonderful feedback!

A special thanks to my amazing beta Jill! Your the absolute best!

Hope you like it..

Chapter 11

“Aww, honey are you lost? Where’s your mommy?” Amy Deluca asked, kneeling down to the 4 year old Liz Parker.

“I don have a mommy.” Liz said looking down at the floor, her big brown eyes filling up with tears. Amy’s heart went out to the little girl, she knew what it was like growing up without a mother, and she didn’t wish it upon anybody.

“Do you know where you live sweetie?” Amy asked in a sincere, caring voice.

“I live in a big building, next to a lot of other big buildings. My daddy told me to leave, and come back at night, but I can’t remember where I live.”” Liz sobbed.

“Aww, it’s ok baby. I’ll help you find your house. We just got to make a little stop, I need to pick up my daughter. She’s around your age, is that ok?” Liz nodded her head as she continued to look down at the floor.

“What’s your name sweetheart?” Amy asked as they walked hand in hand to the laundry mat 3 blocks away.


“Well isn’t that a pretty name. Does it stand for Elizabeth?” Liz just nodded her head, her eyes never leaving the floor.

“Hey Amy!” Sue, the lady who worked behind the counter said as they walked in.

“Hey Sue, thanks again for watching Maria for me.”

“Oh, you know it’s no trouble. She’s the perfect little angel.” Sue gave her a big smile as she folded some shirts.

“Maria, sweetie, your mother’s here!...and who’s this cute little girl? You know she looks a bit familiar, Amy, she your niece or something?” Sue said talking about Liz.

“No, I found her on my way here. Poor little thing, she was just sitting in the corner all by herself, crying. She looked so scared. She said she’s from the projects, but she’s not sure where that’s at. I’m just going to help her find her way.”

Sue put her finger to her lip, and then started to shake her head. “Yep, that’’s where I know her from. That’s Nancy Parker’s kid. Well was anyways, old whore left her no good husband and this darling child right after she been born. Rumor is that she ran away with some pimp.” Sue whispered only loud enough for Amy to hear.

“Anyways, she lives up in second building, I think the fifth floor. That Jeff Parker always causes a ruckus when his lady friends are over, probably why he sent her off on her own. Poor girl.” Sue said shaking her head.

“Mommy!” four year old Maria said running out of the back room straight into her mother’s arms.

“Baby, this is Liz. She lives in the same building as us. She’s going to be walking home with us.” Amy said introducing Maria to Liz.

Maria smiled wide and stuck her hand out at Liz.

“Hi! I’m Maria! I’m Venezuelan, and I can speak Spanish. Can you speak Spanish too?” She asked Liz.

Liz didn’t know what it was about the little girl, but she felt a sense of comfort in her presence, so she let her guard down a little.

“I know a little bit, my mommy was Spanish, well that’s what the lady next door, Martha, says. Martha taught me some Spanish.” Liz said looking up at Maria.

“Well I can teach you some. Can I teach her some mommy?” Maria asked looking up at her mother with pleading eyes.

“Of course, if Liz doesn’t mind.” Amy said.

“GREAT! You can come over every day. I bet we’re going to be best friends, cause mommy says, that you shouldn’t go on with life without a best friend. I don’t have one yet, but if you want, you can be mine.”

“I don’t have one either.” Liz said as Amy smiled at the two.

“I’ll see you later Sue!” Amy said as she walked out with the rambling 4 year olds.

After that day, they remained best friends just as Maria predicted. But of course, all good things must come to an end, and that friendship ended the day Liz packed up and left.


“What are you doing here?” Liz asked once Maria walked in through that door. Liz took the chance to take in every aspect of Maria. She was more beautiful then she remembered, and she glowed with happiness.

“Don’t get excited princess. I ain’t here for you. As far as I know you and me was done the day you left, and that shit isn’t changin’’.

Liz sighed. She didn’t want to deal with all this right now, but knowing Maria, once she had her mind set to something it wouldn’t change.

“Then why are you here? If you didn’t notice, this is my house, if you ain’t here for me, then you can see your ass out.” Liz said. If Maria wanted to play her cards like that, then Liz wasn’t going to back down.

“Don’t get no attitude with me. I ain’t like ya rich ass, I would not give a damn about fucking my manicure up, if it meant getting the opportunity to straight up snuff you in the face.”

“Then you obviously really don know my rich ass.” Liz said getting up from her chair coming up closer to Maria.

“Yeah, just like I ain’t know you back then either. Funny, you was just as fake as you was back then. Maybe even a little faker.”

“Oh cry me a fucking river Maria. Look at you, always making everything about you. Is that what you’re here for because you think you really didn’t know me like you did, if it is, save your breath, and walk your ass out.”

“Look skank, I’m here for one thing, so don’t get your shit twisted. I’m not stupid, once a hoe always a hoe, so I’m just telling you right, if you fuck with Max, I’ll make sure to have you wishin’ that I would have been done with you today.” Maria said getting loud.

“Ok, how about you don’t get your shit twisted, and I’ll have you wishin’ for your pride back after I’m done embarassin’ ya ass, for tryin’ to pretend like you could even have a chance to fuck with me.” Liz said inching closer to Maria.

“You don’t scare me bitch.”

“It goes both ways sweetie.”

A throat clearing interrupted the two. They turned to face the intruder; Johnaten.

“Honey, what are you doing home early?” Liz asked stepping away from Maria.

Maria on the other hand was rolling her eyes, it was so typical she would go back to the fake rich wife that was bitched by her husband.

“I have some things to take care of. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?” Johnaten said eyeing the blonde haired girl standing on his deck who was looking to kill someone.

“I was just leaving.” Maria said walking towards the back door, heading for the front of the house, but giving Liz a warning glare before doing so.

Once she was gone Liz slumped back down on the lawn chair.

“What was that about?” Johnaten asked bewildered.

“Nothing. What do you have to take care of?” Liz asked trying to get back to her normal facade, but in all reality she was pissed as hell, Maria had some nerve.

“Just some business, but I have some time for my wife.” He said sitting down next to her.

“Umm, actually I was just on my way out.” Liz said getting up from the chair. She knew what he wanted, and she wasn’t in the mood to give it to him.

Johnaten was floored, was she actually rejecting him.

“And where are you going?” Johnaten asked with the hint of anger in his voice.

“I’m going to meet Serena on Madison Avenue, and I’m running a little late. Sorry honey. I’ll be back later, don’t wait up for me.” Liz lied as she walked into the house, grabbing her keys and purse first, before leaving an astonished Johnaten behind.

Once Liz stepped outside that door, it could be said that she was not the same girl she was a week ago, it could be possibly said that the old Liz was finally starting to come back out. All it took was just a bit of Maria’s zest that pushed her to the edge.
Last edited by Dreamer<3 on Tue Jun 27, 2006 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dreamer<3 »

Hey everyone! here it is! Thank you soo much for the feedback! Really it means a lot!

I want to give a special thanks to my beta Jill, who is absolutley wonderful! :D

Chapter 12

Liz drove with thoughts flooding up her head. Next to her on the passenger seat laid her purse and a slip of paper with the address of the man she was desperately in love with. She was fighting with herself over what to do. She knew that if she went to see him, things would be bad. She was after all a married woman, and it was her after all who caused this problem.

What I gotta do
Everything I say, everything I do
You seem to think that I can't tell the truth
What I gotta do to prove to you (I'm still in love)
Even though I try
You seem like you'll never be satisfied

It wasn’t fair to Max. Maria was right, she did leave him, but sitting in the car, thinking about her and Max, and how they use to be, she knew deep down that Max ached for in the way she ached for him, and that it wouldn’t matter. That they could get through it; their love would do what ever they needed it to do.

All you seem to care about is who, what, when and why
I'm doin this, I'm doin that
I jus wanna throw it back
Back to the day, around my way, in VA (in VA)
When everything was cool and all I had to say
Was trust me, babe

He was the love of her life, he made her feel like nothing else ever existed. When they were together, it was the two of them against the world.

But now, no
Everything has changed, will it always (yeah)
Always be this way (ooh)
And I know that
That it's all my fault
One night of pleasure really calls me (it really calls me)

But if that was true then why did she leave? What was wrong with her? She knew she had everything with Max; she had love. If it’s true what they say about love, then why did she leave him? Why couldn’t their love get her what she wanted? Why did she leave him?

I'm the one so wrong this time (I know I was wrong)
The tables have turned (tables have turned)
I've found a really good man, now I've (oh no)
Gotta let it burn
Cuz I'm, still in love
Whoah I'm baby (I'm still in love)
Still in love

Was she afraid of love? Was she afraid of being in love with someone who loved her back for her, and not for her looks? Was she even worthy of being loved? She was left over goods, she was dirty. She let boys take advantage of her. If Max knew about her past before him, would he still want her?

And I'm so proud of you (so Proud of you)
Cuz not alot of guys can do what you do (what you do)
You stay true to me, so faithful (so faithful)
So what I gotta do to prove to you (I'm still in love)
And I cant give up
Because I refuse to lose yah love (lose yah love)

Was it fair to drag Max back into her mess, he made it somewhere. He couldn’t have done that with her around. He couldn’t have gone big, because he would never have left her behind. He managed to do all he did without her. Whenever she was with him, all she caused him was trouble. She was no good for him. She was just a girl from the projects. It was just like her mother told her; she didn’t belong anywhere, she was no good and pathetic.

It's only me and you I'm thinking of (thinking of)
And I cant let it in
Can we start all over again? (no noooo!)
Everything has changed (everything has changed)

But he made her happy, Johnaten could never give her that happiness Max gave her. Was it possible, that she could fix her mess? She poured her feelings out through her tears, she was so sick, so sick of everything. Their was only one time where she found herself happy and carefree, and that was with Max. Back then he was happy with her, but now everything has changed. With her around, Max would be a mess, she would be no good for him. She was just a fuck up; just like her parents.

Will it always,
Always be this way (will it always be this way?)
And i know that,
That it's all my fault (I know, I know)
One night of pleasure really cost me (it really cost me)
I'm the one so wrong this time (this time)
The tables have turned

As Liz cried her tears blurred her vision, and she soon found herself face to face with bright lights. She swerved her car to the only direction she could, and crashed into a tree.

I've found a really good man but I've (oh no)
Gotta let it burn
Cuz I'm still in love
Whoah I'm baby (I'm still in love)
Still in love

Max was panicked. He jumped out of his car as the car, he almost intersected with, swerved and flipped over and came into contact with a tree. He ran in the direction of the car. His heart sped faster once he came in contact with the front seat. He felt his heart drop as he saw Liz sitting there; her head covered in blood resting on the steering wheel.

“OH GOD!” Max cried. He tore the door open and tried to get Liz out of the front seat, but her seatbelt was stuck.

“SOMEONE HELP!” Max screamed as he started to smell gas, which was leaking from the car. Max tried his hardest to calm his nerves so he could get her out of the car.

“Max.” Liz whispered, her voice was so low.

“Liz! Stay with me! I’m trying to get you out. Hold on!” Max screamed trying to rip the seatbelt off of her.

“Max, I’m so sorry, for everything.” Liz cried as she felt her strength slip away.

“NO! Liz! Don’t talk like that! Stay with me! I have to get you out of here! Stay with me!” Max screamed.

Oh hold on, just don’t let it go
Cuz I can't do it without you, it wont hurt no more
Hold on (hold on), just don't let it go
Cuz I can't do it without you, it wont hurt no more

“I’m so sorry for everything. I love you. I love you so much.” Liz said as her eyes closed.

“LIZ! NO!” Max screamed as he tore off her seatbelt and gathered her into his arms, carrying her out from the car. He rushed away from the car, just in time as the car burst into flames.

“Liz, stay with me!” Max said rushing to the top of the hill, where an ambulance waited.

Everything has changed
Will it always, (everything has changed)
Always be this way (will it always)
And I know that,
That it's all my fault (I know it's all my fault)
one night of pleasure really cost me (it really cost me)

Max laid her down on the ambulance bed, and the EMT’s lifted her into the ambulance.

“Sir you have to stay back!.” One of the EMT’s told Max as they closed the doors of the ambulance.

“Wait! NO! I have to go with her! Please!” Max screamed.

“We don’t have time! You can follow us with your car.” He said before rushing to the front of the ambulance, speeding off in the direction of the hospital. Max rushed to his car, and followed after the ambulance.

I'm the one so wrong, this time (I know i was wrong)
The tables have turned (and I know what I gotta do)
I've found a really good man but I (I know I hurt you)
Gotta let it burn (I'll let it burn if I have to)
Cuz I'm still in love
Whoah I'm baby (I'm still in love)
Still in love

He reached the hospital 10 minutes after the paramedics, and rushed into the hospital.

“Liz Parker! I need to know about Liz Parker, she was just brought in her with the ambulance.” Max said rushing to the front desk.

“Sir, we need you to calm down. You have to wait here, and stay seated. The doctor’s will contact you when they can. Please just stay seated.” The receptionist said.

“But you don’t understand!” Max cried.

“Sir please!” She said getting louder. Max felt so helpless, but did as the lady asked. He prayed that everything would be fine, that was all he could do. He called Maria, and then just waited. He would wait as long as it took.

Hold on, jus don't let it go
Cuz I can't do it with out you, it wont hurt no more
Hold on (hold on), jus don't let it go
Cuz I can't do it with out you, it wont hurt no more


“No Michael, you had to see ha, I mean her maid was Spanish! She’s a typical rich upper class hoe.” Maria told her husband as they sat at the table having dinner.

“Well, I heard…bout…da…fam…in da newshpapahs..I don..doubt it.” Michael said, his mouth filled with food.

“What I tell you bout eatin with chya mouth full. You ain’t neva gonna learn, is you? Porque? Why did I marry you?” Maria said shaking her head as she brought her fork to her mouth.

The shrill of the phone brought the two out of conversation.

“I got it.” Maria said walking to the phone.

“Dimelo.” She answered.

“Que?....Ok, calm down Max…no, no, I’ll be there…ok…ok…I’ll see you soon.” She hung up the phone and rushed to her bedroom, grabbing her purse and keys.

“Where you going?” Michael asked after her. Maria walked into back into the room, and put on her jacket.

“That was Max, Liz is in the hospital, and he needs me, I’m gonna go.”

“You sure you wanna do that?” Michael asked.\ He still knew that his wife deep down loved her old best friend with all she had, and he had a feeling her trip to the hospital wasn’t entirely just to be there for Max.

“I’m fine Michael. I don’t know when I’ll be back. I’ll call you.” She said as she closed the door to the apartment.


“Anyone here for Liz Parker?” The doctor asked as he came into the ER waiting room. Max snapped his head up at the mention of her name.

“Me!” He said getting up from his chair. The doctor walked over to him.

“I’m Dr. Christensen.” He said shaking hands with Max.

“Evans, Max Evans. How is she?” Max stumbled to get his words out, he was so nervous of loosing her.

“She’s fine Mr. Evans. She had quite an accident. She has a concussion, a couple of broken bones and some deep cuts. We’ve stitched her up, and she’s on pain medication. We’re going to need to keep her for the next couple of days, but other than that, she’s should make a quick recovery.” Max sighed out in relief.

“Thank you so much doctor. Can I see her?” The doctor nodded.

“She’s a little drowsy from the medication, but it’s fine.” He gave make a reassuring smile, and went back to the ER room.

“MAX!” Maria said as she rushed into the doors of the ER. Max turned and caught Maria in his arms.

“How is she?” Maria asked as she let go of Max, straitening herself out.

“She’s fine, I just talked to the doctor, he said she should make a quick recovery.”

“Oh, um well that’s good.” Maria said nodding.

“He said we can go see her.”

“Ohh…no I should get going, I was only here for you. I should get back home, but, call me later… ok.” Maria said backing away going near the exit.


“Max, really you go. I have to go anyways.” She said giving him a smile before walking out. Max looked after her, and knew he would have to speak to her about it later. He took in a deep breath and walked towards Liz’s room. He opened the door and stood by the door frame. Liz had her head turned to the side, and once she heard the door open she turned to face it. When she saw it was Max, she opened her mouth to say something, but then he was quickly pushed to the side.

“Oh Elizabeth! I just got a call. What the hell happened!” Johnaten came rushing into the room, along with his mother and father, all of them completely unaware of Max’s presence. Liz didn’t take her eyes off Max. He just smiled at her and nodded, before he left the room.


Still In Love - Tyra
Last edited by Dreamer<3 on Tue Jun 27, 2006 5:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Dreamer<3 »

Hey Guys!! Thanks for being so patient! It's a long chapter, and I hope you all like it. Sorry if I dissapoint some of you! Thanks for all the wonderful feedback it means so much!

A special thanks to my wonderful Beta Jill, you're the greatest!

Anyways here it is...

Chapter 13

Liz was hospitalized for the next week and a half, it was finally the day of her release, and the doctor needed to go over some things with Johnaten.

Johnaten knocked on the slightly opened door. Dr. Christensen looked up from his paperwork and when he saw Johnaten standing at the doorway, he got up out of his seat.

“Come in Mr. Sanchez.” Johnaten walked in and the doctor ushered him to take a seat. Once Johnaten was seated the doctor took in pursuit and sat down as well.

“Everything seems well with your wife. I already went over this with her, but I just wanted to give you the lay down as well. Elizabeth has done exceptionally well, just as we wished she would. She is on her way to a quick recovery, and I recommended a few doctors, here on this list, for her to undergo therapy with. Other than that things should be good to go.” Johnaten took the paper with the list of doctors on it, and thanked the doctor. Just as he was about to walk out the door, the doctor stopped him.

“Oh, and Mr. Sanchez, I understand how difficult this whole situation is for you and your wife. All that you had on your plate with Elizabeth’s condition, along with this. If there is anything else you need, please feel free to contact me.” Johnaten was confused.

“Condition?” The doctor looked at him in shock.

“You don’t know?”

“Know what exactly?”

“I think perhaps you should have a talk with you wife.” Johnaten pondered as to what Liz could have been keeping from him.

“I’ll think I’ll do that. hank you doctor.” With that Johnaten left the room and headed down to have a little chat with his wife.


“Max you’ve been looking at me like that all week. Hablame, what’s wrong?” Maria said. Max had been acting weird ever since the incident with Liz, and she was getting tired of waiting for him to tell her what’s wrong.

“I need to talk to you? I think you got it all wrong Maria. I think you need to tell me what’s going on.” Max had been waiting for Maria all week to tell him that all the hostility towards Liz was just her fear of being ditched by her best friend again.

“I don know what your sayin.” Maria said getting up from the table walking over to the sink to place her dish in.

“You can’t avoid the subject forever Maria. I’ve been waiting for you to open up to me, you want to let her in just as much as I want to.” Maria rolled her eyes.

“Get the fuck outta here. You have no idea what you’re sayin. I could give two fucks about that bitch. Only thing that concerns me with her is you.”

“That’s not true. I saw you that day Maria. I saw how scared you were for her. You know that our Liz is in there somewhere, but she’s just lost. We need to help her. I’m willing to Maria, because she’s Liz. You’re running scared, your afraid that she’s going to leave us again.” At that point Maria broke down in tears. She was holding all her emotions in and she couldn’t anymore.

“How are you so sure of that? How are you sure she won’t pack up and leave at her first chance?” Maria asked turning to face Max; tears rolling down her face.

“I just am Maria. I just am. I look at her, and she just wants to come out so bad. You know that day of the accident, when I thought I was going to loose her. She looked at me and told me she was sorry for everything, she said that she loved me Maria. She wants to get out so bad, but she needs help.” He walked up to her and took her in his arms.

“It’s going to be ok Maria.”

“Why are you so easy with this Max? She hurt you more than anyone else, I don’t understand why?”

“Because I love her, and as much as she hurt me, the love I have for her exceeds every other emotion I could ever feel.” He explained as he held the sobbing Maria in his arms.


“Elizabeth, I need to have a talk with you.” Johnaten said walking into her hospital room, where he found his wife dressed and sitting on a wheel chair ready to go home.

“What about?” Liz gulped. She knew that he was just with the doctor, and he might have told him.

“I was hoping you could inform me. The doctor said I should talk to you about something. I think it’s clear that you’re hiding something from me.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about honey.” Liz lied.

“Is that so? Then maybe we should bring Dr. Christensen in here and maybe he could explain to me.” Johnaten didn’t know what had gotten into Liz, but he knew it had something to do with Max Evans.

“If that pleases you honey.” Liz wasn’t going to back down, if Johnaten wanted to find out, he could, but it wouldn’t be from her.

“Are you pregnant?” Liz whipped her head at him.


“Are you pregnant?”

“Absolutely not.”

“Are you lying to me because the child isn’t mine Elizabeth? Don’t fucking toy around with me Elizabeth answer my fucking question truthfully!”

“Are you out of your mind! Even if I was, who else’s child would it be! If you hadn’t fucking noticed Johnaten I have no fucking life except for the one I have with you! I’m you’re fucking slave, I stay at home all fucking day, doing absolutely nothing, and when I’m not at home, I’m out with you, or shopping with Serena! So don’t fucking accuse me of shit you have no idea about what you’re fucking talking about!” Liz shouted; he had some nerve.

The knock on the door interrupted them.

“I’m sorry but it was getting kind of loud in here, is everything alright?” A nurse said as she stood at the door frame.

“Everything is fine.” Johnaten growled out. Didn’t he pay enough money to the hospital to not be interrupted?

“Oh Mrs. Sanchez you really shouldn’t be standing on your own.” The nurse said, now fully in the room, walking towards Liz.

“It’s fine, I’m ok. I’m about ready to leave this place.” The nurse helped her into the chair again, and stood behind her to wheel her out the door.

“Johnaten do me a favor, don’t fuckin follow me.” Liz said as the nurse wheeled her out the room.

“Thank-you so much, I wasn’t really up to screaming.” Liz said to the nurse as she wheeled her towards the exit.

“You’re in no condition to be screaming. Also I don’t mean to be one to eavesdrop, but I know what it is like to have a husband who has to have control, it was my pleasure to take you out of that situation.” Liz smiled at the young nurse.

The nurse helped Liz into the car, and the driver asked if she wanted to go home. Liz thought about it, and quickly decided against it.

“Actually please take me to 65 West 70th Street, on the corner of Columbus avenue.” Liz told the driver as she took out sunglasses from her purse and put them on.

“Are we awaiting for Mr. Sanchez?”

“No, you may leave.” The driver did as told and went off in the direction of the destination.

Once Johnaten arrived to the parking lot he was less than pleased to find his driver gone, and even more less than pleased when his wife didn’t answer her cell phone. He called for a taxi, as he walked back into the hospital walking towards the office of Dr. Christensen.


Liz sat patiently in the car throughout the ride, with butterflies fluttering around in her stomach. She smiled as she reminisced on another time when she got a real bad case of anxious butterflies; it was her first date with Max.

It was July 13th 1996, two days after Max saved Liz from the sleaze ball thug on the streets. Liz was getting ready in her room with Maria, and she was nervous as hell.

“Mama calm the fuck down. You know damn well you got Max by his balls, just look at you, you got it all, a bangin body, gorgeous face, you aint needa stress nothing, its all gonna be good.” Maria said trying to calm her anxious 15 year old best friend down.

“I don know what it is bout’ him Ria, but I don know, he different ya know. He aint like them otha boys, the ones who just want ya fo ya body.”

“I know mama, he aint like that fuckin’ ass Jose, I’ll tell you that much. I talked to Mike, and he said he a good kid, he got his bad boy status, but you know das needed round here, but he said that when it comes to girls, all he got is mad respect.”

Liz shuddered at the mention of Jose, but brushed it off. She quickly changed the subject.

“Whatchya think bout’ this?” Liz held up a baby pink halter top with a big gold baby phat cat on it.

“It’s cute. Simple y sexy, it’s a good look. Wear them light blue hip huggers you got, and your baby pink chanclas and you good.” Liz went with her advice and 1 ½ hours later she was ready to go.

When Max knocked at the door Maria told Liz to stay put while she opened the door. Max stood nervously at the door, holding a dozen white roses.

“Ay que lindo. Lookin’ sexy there Maxito, Lizzie’s almost ready, come in.” Maria said holding the door open for the now blushing Max. He smiled and walked in just as Liz came out from her room. As Liz walked out Max took in a deep breath, he had suddenly felt a shortage of oxygen, and it was because she took his breath away. She looked like an angel.

Liz smiled when she saw the roses in his hands. How did he know they were her favorite? She looked over at Maria, who gave her a wink, it was like Maria could read her mind.

“Well I’m out, gotta tend to my lover, unfortunate me huh, Lizzie come through when Maxito drops you off, however late that might be, or maybe how ever early it might be too I mean afta all it could be mornin’ when ya done…”

“Bye Maria.” Liz cut her off before she could fully embarrass her. Max chuckled and shook his head.

“Byee.” Maria whined out, before leaving the apartment.

“Sorry, once she starts, you aint never gonna get her to stop.” Liz said.

“It’s all good, I have a cousin like that.” He smiled at her, he was entranced by her beauty.

“Oh..these are for you.” Max said holding out the roses to her. Liz smiled and took them gracefully. She brought them up to her nose and took a gentle whiff from them.

“They’re my favorite. Thank-you.” Liz said walking to the kitchen, grabbing a pitcher from the cabinet, filling it with water and then placed the flowers in them.

“Now I gots a reason to get a vase.” Liz said smiling as she walked back to Max. He smiled back, and held the door open.

“Ya ready to go?” Liz nodded her head and grabbed her keys before leaving the apartment with Max.

Max took her to the local pizzeria, and they sat talking the whole night away. They had so much in common, and Max found himself liking Liz more as the night went on, and Liz found herself falling for this boy she barley knew.

Liz couldn’t remember a night in the past 2 years when she felt this safe, or happy. The best part of the night was that it was the beginning of 5 years filled with nights of security and happiness; nights that would never be forgotten.

“We’re here Mrs. Sanchez.” The driver said bringing Liz out of her thoughts.

“Thank-you Johnny.” Liz smiled as she grabbed her purse.

“Would you like for me to wait?”

“Umm no, actually here’s some money, I’ll call you when I’m ready.” Liz said handing the driver a fifty before heading out.

“Thank-you, do you need help Mrs. Sanchez. I know you don’t have the best of condition.” Liz waved her hand dismissing him.

“I’ll be fine, you go off, don’t worry about me.” She said before closing the door and looking up at the building which she was about to enter.

She took in a deep breath and walked into the building. The doorman greeted her and she walked to the desk to sign in her name. She then walked over to the board that had names and the apartment numbers that belonged to them. When she found the one she wanted she headed off in that direction.

When she reached the apartment, she closed her eyes, re-thinking her decision. Maybe she was wrong for coming. Brushing off her thoughts, she knew that she needed to be here. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.



Johnaten rushed into his office pissed off as hell. That bull shit of a doctor refused to tell him about Liz’s condition. As her fucking husband he should have had the right to know.

“Clara, get me some coffee! And call Mr. Clarence, I need some business I need to talk to him about immediately.” Johnaten said before muttering something about no good doctors.

“Actually sir, I was asked to let you know that Mr. Johnson was awaiting for your return from the hospital. He wants to meet with you.” Clara informed him.

“Very well. I still want that coffee however.” Johnaten said walking towards his boss’s office.

“Christopher, I was informed you wanted to see me.” Johnaten said as he peeked his head in through the half open door.” Mr. Johnson nodded.

“Yes, yes, come in Johnaten.” Johnaten walked in and took a seat.

“Now Johnaten, I’ll let you know, I know that whatever your decision for this maybe better be a good one because, Evans is one of the best damn lawyers I’ve seen.”

“I assure you Chris, my attentions for this decision is for the best.”

“You’ve brought a lot for this company, and that is the only reason why I am doing this for you, but I hope in the future you won’t take it to advantage again. In other words, it’s a one time thing.”

“Of course Chris, thank you again.” Mr. Johnson nodded his head and dismissed a smirking Johnaten.


“I didn’t mean to intrude or anything, I’m sorry if I shouldn’t be here.” Liz rambled, but was silenced.

“Liz it’s fine, please come in.” Max opened the door wide enough for her to enter.

“Should you be standing, or walking? Are you fine do you need any help?” Max questioned.

“I’m fine Max, thank you.” Liz said. Max nodded and guided for her to take a seat as he did too.

“I also mean thank you for everything. With the accident and all, if it wasn’t for you, I doubt I’d be here and I just really want to say thank you.” Max silenced her once again.

“Liz please don’t worry about it, you know I would do anything for you.” Liz stared at him in shock. Tears filled up in her eyes just knowing that he still cared.

“Thank you.” They shared a brief moment of staring into each other’s eyes intensely. There was a feel of want and fear in both their eyes. They both wanted something that they were both terrified of to have.

Liz was the first one to bring the two out of their trances. “You’re not done unpacking?” Liz asked looking around at all the boxes. Max snapped out of his trance and looked around.

“Oh..” Max scratched the back of his head. “Actually I’m moving.” Max said.

“Moving? But I thought you just moved in.” Liz asked confused. Where was he moving to? Was he going far?

“Um yea, but I guess, with my new salary this apartment would be efficient, but since I lost my job this morning, it really doesn’t fit into my budget anymore.”

Liz stared at him shocked. “You lost your job? But you just started, it doesn’t make any sense!” Liz cried.

“Yeah well shit happens, I guess.” Max said.

“Yea, I guess.” Liz said still not believing as too why Max would loose his job. Then it hit her, her husband must have had a hand in this.

“Johnaten.” Liz said out loud. Max felt a twinge of pain hit his heart, she was thinking about her husband while in the room with him.

“Huh?” Max croaked out. Liz looked up at him.

“Johnaten had to have contributed to this somehow. I know him, he’s been acting strange lately, I think it has something to do with you. There’s no other explanation, he had to have a hand in this somehow.” Max pondered as to if her husband could really be that heartless.

“I don’t think so..”

“Max, trust me I know. He has the old fart Chris Johnson in the palm of his hand, if he wanted something out of that firm, he’d get it in a second.”

“But I haven’t done anything to him..” He looked at Liz and she gave him that look, and he understood.

“He knows about us?” Liz shook her head no.

“No, but he’d be a fool not to notice it. Anyone would be a fool not to notice it.” Liz’s heart was pounding fast, she didn’t know if she was ready for this.

“Notice what Liz?”

“The way I look at you.” Liz answered. Max’s heart was pounding so fast he couldn’t hear his own thoughts, the only thing he could hear was the beating of his heart.


“No, please I have so much I want to say and I just…I just need to say it… so please let me…” Liz pleaded. ax nodded not sure if he was ready to hear what she had to say it.

“God, I don’t even know where to start. I’m so sorry Max, I don’t know what I thought when I left you. You were the only good thing in my life, the love I had for you was unimaginable.

There was not one day that went by that my thoughts weren’t with you, that my heart wasn’t with you. Every day after I left you, all I could think about was how wrong I was, and how I wish I could just run back to you Never was there one day of my life after I left was I happy. I could have never of loved Johnaten because my entire heart belonged to you.

I know nothing can justify what I did, but I was fucked up Max. I needed to get out, I just needed to leave so bad. I was dying in the projects Max. Every where I turned… the only thing that was keeping me sane was you and Maria.

Then I met Johnaten, and he was my ticket out. I wasn’t going to leave with him, but then one day, the day before I left, I saw my mother. She said all these things to me, and I just snapped. I took the easy way out, and I know that’s no excuse and I’m so sorry. I love you so much it hurts inside. You didn’t deserve me Max, you deserve so much better than me. I’m sorry, I don’t know, I’m just…god I’m just so fucked up…Max… I need help…you’re the only one I know that can help me and I’m just so lost…” Liz poured her heart out, she was shaking with violent sobs, and she couldn’t stop.

She was finally ready to let Max know everything, the truth, and if he didn’t want her afterwards, at least she wouldn’t have to suffer the after affects of wanting to know what would happen if she didn’t say it.

Seeing her like that Max felt his heart shatter. He rushed to her immediately, and took her into his arms. It had been so long since he could really hold her, and he finally felt complete after being so empty for the past 5 years.

“Liz, I forgave you a long time ago…I love you so much, I don’t care about any of it, you’re what I need, I’d forgive you a hundred times, as long as I have you, everything is ok.” He whispered into her hair as she cried. After Liz calmed down a bit Liz pulled back slightly from him.

“Max, I need to tell you things, things that I’ve never told anyone, not even Maria, I’ve kept it in so long and I just need to tell you. No more hiding. I want you to see me, all of me.” Max nodded and urged her to continue.

Liz spent the next hour telling Max of her past. What her father made her do for money, what happened with her and Jose. Some of it was to hard for her to get out at once, but Max was at her side comforting her, and waiting patiently for her to continue. At the end of it Max’s shirt was soaked with tears, but none of that mattered.

“I’m dirty Max, I’m sorry, if you don’t want me anymore I understand.” Liz cried. Max pushed her back slightly and cupped her face into his hands.

“Listen to me. Don’t you dare think that for one second what happened to you was your fault. If I could I’d fucking bring that prick back to fuckin life just so I could kill him myself. I just wish you would have told me Liz, I love you with everything I have, nothing would ever change that. I just wish that you had more faith in me.” Max was furious, hurt, angry, sad, and so many other things.

He was furious and angry that a man would let his own daughter go through such torture, but he was also hurt and sad that Liz didn’t have enough faith in their love to know that Max would be there for her no matter what had happened to her.

“I’m sorry Max, I was just so afraid. Afraid that you didn’t want me, and I know I was wrong and I know I should have had more faith, but I just I couldn’t. There were so many times I wished I had the strength to tell you, but I didn’t. Everything just bundled up in me and I just couldn’t stay Max. I had to leave, I couldn’t stay there, I’m so sorry I left you, I wish I could take it back, all of it.” Liz cried.

Max sighed. “Liz, you can’t change the past, I can’t blame you for what you did because I can’t even imagine what you went through. I’m just a little hurt, but I can get past it. What we have now is the choice to make our own future. If you’ll let it.”

“Max, I’m tired of hiding, I’m tired of it. There’s nothing I want more in this world than to have you again.” hat was all it took. Max captured her lips in his. The spark in the kiss hit their bodies like an electric shock, it was too long since they felt each other’s lip. It was the moment that was waiting to happen for 5 years, and it couldn’t be filled with anymore passion and happiness; it couldn’t be anymore perfect.


Johnaten came home 6 hours later from a long day at work, and what he found was very displeasing.

“ELIZABETH!” He called for his wife. He for the life of him couldn’t understand what a moving truck was doing outside his house.

“I’m not a dog Johnaten, if you wanna call for me, call me like I’m an actual person.” Liz said walking down the steps with her hands on her hips.

“What the fuck is all this? What is going on! What’s in these boxes!” Johnaten asked pointing to all men in moving outfits taking things out of the house.

“Well that would be your clothing, and accessories. I’m kicking you out of the house.” Johnaten laughed.

“Kicking me out, honey I own this house.”

“Uh..uh.. WE own this house. My name is on the deed as well. Now be a dear and check on the living room table for me.” Liz said with a smirk on her face. Johnaten seethed with anger, but walked into the living room curious as to what she had planned for him.

On the living room table he found papers, divorce papers to be exact, Liz’s name was already signed and all that was needed was his signature.

“This is absolute ludicrous, we had one fight Elizabeth! I refuse to sign these papers without talking this through. And how in the world did you get these papers so quick!” Johnaten said clutching the papers in his hands.

“I know a damn good lawyer, now if you’d be a dear and sign the papers.”

“I’m not doing a damn thing!” Johnaten screamed.

“Fine, then, I’ll just call the police, your in violation of my restraining order.” Liz said walking over to the phone.

“RESTRAINING ORDER! WHAT THE FUCK!” He screamed, he walked over to Liz and grabbed her arms with intense force pulling her close to him.

“Now you listen to me you little bitch…”

“Let her go, before I break your hands off.” Max said walking out from the foyer. Johnaten looked up and laughed hard.

“You have to be kidding me. I knew it you fucking bitch. You’re pregnant with his child! You fucking whore! Fine you want to divorce me! Divorce me, but I’ll be damned if you get a damn thing from me. You’ll wind up right where I found you, in the damn projects with an unemployed husband! I’ll see you in court.” Johnaten screamed out in fury as he left the house taking the papers with him.

Max walked next to Liz and put his arms around her.

“Are you ok?” Max asked as Liz turned around to face him with a smile on her face. he nodded a yes, and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

“Don’t worry about a thing. It’s funny how much you can find from working at a law firm with gossiping secretaries.” Max said with a smirk as he bent down to give Liz a more passionate kiss.
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Post by Dreamer<3 »

Hey guys sorry for the wait! There's probably only going to be a few more chapters. But anyways I hope you all like it! Thanks for the great feedback!!

Thanks to my wonderful beta Jill who is the greatest!!

Chapter 14

Whomever had said Max was a good lawyer they were damn right. Liz hired Max to be her official divorce attorney, and even though he no longer had an office or law firm to work in, he still managed to tackle the divorce head on.

Johnaten and Liz didn’t come to an agreement in a private meeting, Liz wanted half the marital assets, and Johnaten disagreed arguing that Liz couldn’t get a dime because she had affair with her lawyer. Liz argued that nothing had happened between her and Max that he was a mere friend who helped her when she wanted to file for divorce, there for there was no infidelity involved. Since neither could agree on anything the divorce had been taken to court.

It was the day of the court date, and Max had everything prepared, and he was sure that he had a good solid case.

“Hey you ready?” Max asked walking into Liz’s bedroom. Max decided that it would be best for the case for him to stay with Maria until everything was settled. That however didn’t stop Liz from giving Max the key to the house.

Currently Liz was living in the house, and due to her restraining order against Johnaten, Johnaten had to be at least 100 yards from the property.

““Yeah, almost ready.” Liz said as she placed on her left earring, and sprayed on some perfume.

Max looked at Liz and thought that no woman could ever be more beautiful. He thought it the moment he ever first laid his eyes on her. He knew that she thought the first time they met was the first time he ever saw her, but that wasn’t entirely correct. It was 1 year before he saved her that night when he actually first saw her. He was visiting his cousin Sunny, and they were at a party.

Max was sitting with his cousin smoking marijuana when he saw her standing in the corner. She was fighting with some boy, who he assumed was her boyfriend. Max was drawn to her for some reason. She was the sexiest girl at the party, with her long, shiny, brown hair, and her trim figure. She was wearing a pair of denim booty shorts, and a white halter top. She had on gold hoops in her ears and a butterfly belly button piercing was seen from her flat stomach. She looked angelic.

He didn’t know why, but he wanted to be near her so he moved from his seat and pretended to get some Hennessey which was coincidently close enough to the fighting couple for him to eavesdrop.

“Jose, I’m tired of this shit and I just want to fuckin’ go home!” Liz said in a demanding tone.

“You aint leavin’ till I want to, I own you, or are you fuckin’ forgetting that!” He grabbed her arm harshly. She always managed to piss him off, and embarrass him in front of his friends.

“You don’t fuckin’ own shit, I’m fuckin leavin, you can fuckin’ stay, but I aint stayin’ here and have all ya fuckin drunk ass boys all over me.”

Max’s heart went out to the girl. He had just figured out that the boy was Jose Lopez, he was a high status, highly respected, member of the section of the gang The Bloods that resided on their block.

“Don’t fuckin’’ piss me off even more Liz. You wanna leave fine we leavin.” He dragged her out the house, and that was the last time Max saw her until he saved her that night. Little did Max know was that even though she was granted her wish to go home, when she got home she had hell to pay.

“Max?”” Liz asked for the second time. He had seemed to drift away from her.

Max snapped out of his thoughts. “Huh, oh sorry, you ready?”” Liz nodded her head yes, and they were off.

Liz wasn’t at all nervous about loosing, she had all her faith in Max, and seeing him the past week, and the passion he had when he acted as a lawyer, she found herself proud and very turned on.

Although she and Max never had intimacy problems in the past they decided to wait things out until it was the right time, to move on to the next level. It was driving her absolutely crazy!

When they arrived they walked into the court with smiles on their faces, both knowing they had a strong case.

After two longs days, the judge had ruled in favor of Liz, and had ruled that Liz would get 60% the marital assets, along with the house, and condo they owned in Palm Springs.

Johnaten didn’t have any type against of case against Liz. When he questioned his maids, they all said the same thing, she would spend her days at home, never once did they see Max ever visit the house before she signed the divorce papers. Johnaten had a hard time proving Liz’s infidelity simply because he had absolutely no proof, to the outside world Liz was the perfect wife obeying her husband.

Max on the other hand had proven Johnaten infidelity easily. It seems that someone was unaware of the camera hanging around in his office. The number of women entering and leaving the room was too much to count, and let’s just say they were giving Johnaten the favor, instead of him giving their happiness in the court room. Max brought in his gossiping secretaries and they of course knew way more than just about what messages they had for their bosses.

What Liz found the most interesting was the video tape of a certain Erica Bush and her sneaky unfaithful ex-husband. It seems like Mrs. Bush has her own divorce to attend to now.

All in all Liz was more than satisfied with how everything ended in court and she knew her faith in Max would never deceive her.


A week later, after being embarrassed, robbed of most of his money, and down right pissed, Johnaten walked into his office to one more surprise.

Max looked up from the desk with a smirk on his face.

“You have 10 seconds to get the fuck out of my office before I rip you out of that chair.” Max returned his threat by laughing in his face.

“I don’t know what if funnier, you thinking that you can actually rip me out of this chair, or you thinking that this is your office.” Max said propping his feet up on the desk.

“Look you little thug, I said...”

“Is there a problem, or do I have to call security?” Mr. Johnson walked into the office when he heard voices getting raised.

“Yes call security, this asshole thinks that he still belongs here!” Johnaten said sending an icy glare towards Max. Max rolled his eyes and brought his feet down from the desk and stood up.

“Well, then there must be someone in the wrong in this room.” Mr. Johnson said folding his arms.

“Chris why are you just standing there, do you want me to call security, honestly can you fucking do anything?” Johnaten blew out. He went to grab the phone.

“Of course call security, won’t do you any good, it’ll just get you kicked out.” Johnaten whipped his head in Mr. Johnson’s direction and slammed the phone back on the receiver.


““That’s right you son of a bitch, you were bought out by yours truly.” Max said stepping out from behind the desk standing next to Mr. Johnson.

“WHAT! You didn’t even have a job less than a week ago. You couldn’t possibly buy me out!” Johnaten couldn’’t believe what was happening.

“Actually, since he is my lawyer he does get 20% of what I received, with that and a little loan, he had plenty of money.” Liz said walking into the office.

“YOU FUCKING BITCH!” Johnaten screamed and before he knew it he was trying to lunge at her, but only to be pulled back by security. Johnaten screamed profanities the whole way down out of the building.

“Well, I’ll just leave you two alone, and umm Max, I hope you do know that you have to now take on the cases Johnaten has been working on.”

“Yes of course sir.”

“Very well then, I’ll just be on my way now.” He said, nodding at Liz before he headed out.

“So interesting morning then?” Liz said as she walked to sit in the chair across from Max’s.

“Nothing I couldn’t handle lets not forget I am from the projects, no little rich boy can out do me.” Max said closing the door behind him making sure to lock it from any unwanted intruders.

Liz couldn’t help but notice how delectable he was looking in his suit and she couldn’t hold it in any longer. She stood up and grabbed him and pulled him close to her their lips meeting each other’s in one instant.

Max pushed her back against the desk and lifted her up to edge of the desk. As her skirt slid higher up Max massaged the newly visible skin on her thigh.

“Max I need you.”” She moaned and that was all it took. His mouth latched onto her neck and he ravished her neck. Continuing his assault on her neck Max hiked up her skirt. The need to be gentle and passionate was not a necessity at the moment. They had waited to long for the moment to arrive, and the need for it was too overwhelming.

Liz reached down and unzipped his pants and unbuttoned his button. Once it dropped down to his ankles, she reached for his hard member and pulled it free from his boxers. Pulling back slightly from Max she looked down and licked her lips.

“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” She said pulling him back for another kiss. They kissed hungrily, and eagerly. Without wasting anymore time Max shoved her panties to the side and with one full thrust he entered her hard.

Liz hissed out loudly from the contact. The thing that had haunted and invaded most of her dreams at night was finally once again a reality and it was the best damn feeling in the world. Max pumped in and out of her hard and fast and she moaned his name in a chant.

“Harder Max.” Liz moaned out as she was closer to her climax. Max did as requested and pumped even harder, she always knew how to drive him wild.

“Max hold me.” Liz said as her orgasm ripped through her body. She clutched onto him hard and after a few more thrusts he spilled his seed inside her. They both collapsed on the desk.

“God, that was amazing.” Liz said as she breathed heavily.

“That was just a preview baby.” Max said smiling before he felt himself get hard once again.
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Post by Dreamer<3 »

Hey I just want to say thanks to all those who left feedback! Well there's only the epilouge to go after this, and I want to say thanks to anyone who has ever left feedback, it truly means a lot.

A special thanks to my beta Jill, who is the absolute greatest!!

Anyways here it is, I hope you all like it!!

Chapter 15

The next month was pure heaven for Max and Liz. The month was filled with so much love and happiness, anyone looking at the couple couldn’t help but smile when they were around them. With everything the couple had been through, people were surprised that they were together once again, but that’s what their love managed to do. Their love managed to bring them back together, and help them grow for each other more. They had a love stronger than iron and to them that was all they needed in the world.

Of course Johnaten didn’t like that very much and as much as he tried to separate the two and make their life a living hell the harder it was on him. Johnaten was now facing a 3 month sentence in a corrective facility for reckless behavior. What a great lawyer he was huh?

And then there was Maria. Maria was one tough cookie. As hard as Liz tried to prove herself, Maria still wouldn’t budge. Deep down Maria knew that Liz was true and that her old Liz was back, but she was afraid to let her in again because she was afraid that she might have to loose her again, and she couldn’t deal with that pain.

Max was away dealing with a case and Liz was left home alone. Liz knew what she had to do, and she was afraid to let Maria in. She was afraid what Maria’s reaction would be, but she needed to let her know. Let her know that she never meant to hurt her and she decided to try and work things out.

As she stood in front of Maria’s apartment she took in a big breath. This was it; it was time Maria got to learn everything that was in Liz’s mind for the last 12 years of her life. With her, Liz held a closed journal tightly against her chest. She knocked on the door and after a minute Maria opened it, surprised with who was visiting her. She of course being Maria didn’t invite her in, but instead crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow.

“What?” She spat out rudely.

“I know, I hurt you when I left you all those years, and I know you think that I can’t make it up to you. But maybe this will help. I kept this in myself for all these years because just like you I was afraid. I was afraid of what would happen if I let someone really in, I was afraid that they would turn against me and I would be alone. But I’m tried of running scared. You were my best friend Maria, you have a place in my heart that not even Max can replace. I’m sorry I kept things from you, but you have to know I never meant to hurt you. That was the last thing I ever wanted to do, and well…anyways I’ll just let you think for yourself.” Liz put her arms forward and handed the journal to Maria.

“Here.” Maria looked at is suspiciously.

“What is it?”

“It’s my journal. I’ve been writing in it since I was 13 years old. The last entry was about 4 months ago. Read it and you’ll know the true me.” Maria took it from her and looked up into Liz’s eyes which had tears welling up in it. She gave Maria a weak smile.

“I should go, but you know where to find me, if you want to.” With that Liz left and Maria was left with many thoughts going on in her head. She closed the door to her apartment and walked into her bedroom.

She sat down on her bed and looked at the journal in her hands. She was slightly shaking and she was afraid of what she might read, but she knew that she wanted to read it. She needed to read it. Taking a deep breath she opened it up and for the next 3 hours she was indulged in it.

By the end of it she was covered in tears. Maria couldn’t even explain the emotions she felt running through her body. She was hurt, scared, and mostly sorry. She was hurt because Liz couldn’t be strong enough to tell her because she was afraid that Maria would look at her differently. She was scared that Liz wouldn’t forgive her for being selfish for all these years. She never pushed Liz, she always knew something was wrong with her, but she never pushed for the answer. She was sorry, sorry that her best friend went through so much trauma and she was right there with her, but yet didn’t know almost a damn thing.

But now she understood. She really did, she knew why she left, and as much as it hurt to know she left, they had now to make up for it, and if what she wrote in her last entry was true, she might not have much time to do it.

Maria wiped her tears and rushed out the house in the direction to Liz’s. Her heart was racing but this was it. When she came to the house she found the door wide open. Not thinking anything about it she walked in.

“LIZ?” Maria called out. It was a big house, and Maria wasn’t sure which direction to go in, but something inside her was screaming to go to the left where the dining room was. When she went the sight she found was discomforting. There Liz was lying on the ground unconscious.

“Oh My God! LIZ!” Maria rushed to her side. She was shaking and tears were coming to her face as everything was overwhelming her. She reached into her purse and grabbed for her phone. She dialed 911 and told Liz’s state.

“Oh Lizzie, please stay with me. Lizzie, why didn’t you come to me? Why didn’t you tell me?” Maria sobbed as she held Liz close to her.

The ambulance showed up 5 minutes later and took them to the hospital. Once there Maria was told to wait in the waiting room while they checked out everything with Liz. Maria took that opportunity to call Max.

“Hello.” Max answered when his cell phone rang. He was in his hotel room and was packing for his flight home.

“MAX! It’s Maria. Liz…oh god Max…you need to come home right now.” Maria cried into the phone not really able to get the words out.

“Maria! What’s wrong? What happened?” Max asked panicked.

“She’s in the hospital, Max you need to be here.” Maria cried.

“I’m leaving right now!” Max didn’t even care about his clothes. He ran out of his hotel room to the airport, Liz invading his mind.

Maria then called Michael and let him know about what was going on and then she paced the hospital floor. She couldn’t be calm at the time, and she sure as hell couldn’t sit straight. She just paced and prayed that everything would be ok.


Max sat in his plane fidgeting. Maria hadn’t been clear about what had happened and he was anxious to know. His heart was thumping so hard he was sure that the man sitting next to him could hear it as well. There were just so many things that were going on in his mind.

He knew that Liz had been sick lately but she had said it was nothing, just a bug. Something inside him told him it might have been something more, but he decided not to push her. He knew she would come around on her own time. He just prayed that when he got back home that she would be fine.

He prayed that god would let him keep his angel and not take her away for himself. He didn’t know what he would do without her.


“Is there a Mrs. Guerin?” A doctor said coming out from the emergency ward. Maria stopped pacing when she heard her name.

“That’s me.” She said walking up to him.

“Hi, my name is Dr. Walker. I’m sure you already know of Miss Parker’s condition, and she was asking to see you. We’ve moved her out of emergency. Just take the elevator to floor 2; she’ll be in room 233.” Maria thanked the doctor politely and went in the direction of Liz’s room.

When she reached Liz’s room, Maria was thinking of what she would say. She decided that she should just stop stalling and that she should just go in there. She grabbed the doorknob and pushed open.

Liz’s head was facing the wall and she was hooked up to so many machines Maria felt the tears rush to her eyes. She tried to be strong and tried to choke back a sob, but she couldn’t.

When Liz heard the door open she knew it was Maria. She couldn’t bring herself to face her, but when she heard a cry she looked up. There in front of her Maria was breaking down in sobs.

“Maria.” Liz said weakly, unable to strain her tears as well. Maria walked over next to her and took a seat.

“Why didn’t you tell me Liz? Why didn’t you tell me?” Maria cried. Liz slowly reached over and grabbed a whole of Maria’s hand.

“About which thing?” Liz asked her voice raspy.

“All of it. I would have had your back Liz. I always had your back.” She cried.

“I know, I was just scared, I don’t know how to explain what I was going through, but I just couldn’t tell anyone. I never even told Max, until recently. I just wanted to forget everything, and live in a reality that wasn’t really real.”

“Does Max know about…” Liz shook her head no.

“He doesn’t know, I was going to tell him when he came back, I guess now I really have to.”

“Why’d you hide it Liz?”

“I was running scared yet again. I guess old habits die hard.” Liz let out a slight laugh. She looked up into Maria’s eyes.

“I’m sorry Maria. I know you were afraid that if you let me back in, that you would loose me again. I know you don’t want to go through it again, and I’m sorry I bought you back in.” Liz cried.

“No, Liz listen to me don’t say that. I was just being selfish, because I didn’t want to be hurt, but don’t you dare say that. I would rather be here with you right now then anyone else. I’m so proud to have you in my life again. I’m sorry that it took me so long to come back to you.” Maria’s heart ached with sorrow. Even though she was afraid, she wasn’t going to let fear chase her away this time.

“I’m just glad that you’re here right now.” Liz said giving her a weak smile.

Trying to forget the current situation Maria lightened up the room by bring up regular conversation. The two chatted and made up for the last 5 years in that time.


Once Max landed he called Maria to get the name of the hospital. Now he sat in the cab 5 minutes away and he was still nervous as hell.

He knew that something was off and he couldn’t help but have this feeling in his heart that things were going to change. Shaking off his thoughts once he arrived, he paid the driver and walked in.

When he reached Liz’s room, the sight he found inside brought joy to his heart. There lay he love his life on that bed, yet there was not any sign of distraught from her. She was laughing, and sitting on the bed with her was his god son, and on the chair next to the bed was his best friend and her husband. It was kind of like old times, only they were older, and the scenery was different.

Everyone looked up when they saw Max. Liz bit her lip, and Maria gave him a smile.

“Come on guys, I’m a little hungry, so we’re just going to go the cafeteria. Max, do you want anything?” Maria said grabbing Christian in her arms and getting up from the chair.

“No thanks.” Max answered. Maria nodded and the three of them headed out.

“Hey.” Liz said weakly.

Max walked over next to the bed and sat down in the chair that was just occupied by Maria.

“Hi.” Max took her hand into his hands and took a deep breath.

“So this is just a bug?” Liz looked at him apologetically.

“I was going to tell you when you came back. It’s just we were doing so well, and I didn’t want to ruin anything.” Liz said.

“Tell me what Liz?” Max didn’t know if he was prepared for what she had to say.

“That I have cancer.” Max closed his eyes, and held onto Liz’s hand tightly. He tried to digest it, but he knew that was what he we dreading to hear from her mouth.

“How long have you known?”

“About 4 months now.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I wanted to, but I was just so happy. It was just another reminder that things won’t turn out like I hoped, and that I really fucked up with you. That I could have spent my last years with you, but instead I didn’t.” Liz was now openly crying, and Max wasn’t to far away from it either.

“Liz, I, don’t know what to say. There’s just so much in my head right now.”

“I’m sorry. There’s not much I can do or say to change things. But you know what I think?” Max looked into her eyes.

“What’s that?”

“I think that you were brought back to me because of all this. We were always meant to be and we knew this, but maybe what happened between us was suppose to, but it was fate that we were brought back together. So that we could spend my last days with you.” Liz cried as she brought her hand to cup his cheek. A single tear fell down Max’s face and Liz wiped it away with her thumb.

“Don’t say that, we’re going to fight this Liz.” Liz shook her head.

“I’m so tired of fighting Max. Did you know, I found out a few years back, my mom died from cancer as well.” Liz snorted a laugh. “Isn’t that just great, I guess that’s the price for being the only daughter of Jeff and Nancy Parker.”

“Baby, look at me.” Liz turned her face to face him.

“You are so much better than them. You have something they never had, you have a beautiful heart, and a beautiful soul. Even though they created you, what made you was your real family, and that’s Maria and Me. Liz you’re a strong person, and I love you so much for that. I’ve loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you, and I want to spend forever with you.”


“Liz Parker, Marry Me? Fulfill my dreams.” Liz smiled and her tears of sorrow were replaced with tears of joy.

“We might not have that much time.”

“We have all the time in the world, and even though you might not be with me, you will always be with my in my heart. Just like you were when you weren’t with me for the last 5 years.”

Liz smiled. “There’s nothing more I would want in this world than to be your wife.” Max’s heart thumped with happiness and he leaned over and gave her a gentle yet passionate kiss.

No matter what was going to come for them, he was going to face it head on because nothing else could bring him down, because his entire happiness lay in the sole fact that Elizabeth Parker loved him and would become his wife.

The End
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Post by Dreamer<3 »

Hey guys I just want to say thanks to everyone who ever gave this fic a chance. I'm sorry I ended it this way, but I always planned on it ending like this. Thanks to all your wonderful and thoughtful feedback, it was all greatly appreciated.

Anyways I want to give a special thanks to my wonderful beta Jill, who I helped me so much!

And last but not least I want to dedicate this fic to a cousin of mine who I've lost recently, she was more like a sister, and she's so young, and I wish she could be here with me now. I love you so much, R.I.P, you will never be forgotten.


One week after Max’s proposal, Liz wasn’t well enough to leave the hospital, so Max and Liz got married in the chapel that was in the hospital.

Have you ever loved someone so much?
That even though you know you got to go
You just dont know how to let go?
Thats how I feel about her...

Maria had brought her laptop, and showed Liz various dresses that she could wear. Liz picked a simple yet elegant white lace gown. The top part was plain white satin, off the shoulder, and the plain white satin flowed into white lace at the bottom.

If tomorrow you feel lonely it's ok
Te prometo princesita volvere
Please stop your crying
Se me va el avion
When you miss me pon nuestra cancion

When the day arrived Maria did Liz’s hair in a loose bun with curls hanging out. Liz looked radiant, it was hard to tell that she was as sick as she was.

Aquella cancion de amor
Que nos fascina a los dos
The song we always play
When we make sweet love
Me da pena sorry that I have to go

The wedding was small. It was just Max, Maria, Michael, and little baby Christian. Maria was of course the Maid of Honor, and Michael stood as best man, but first he gave Liz away.

No me digas adios
Sometimes in life you don't get what you want
Me duele mucho tenerme que alejar
Baby girl, you know well you're my boo
Te prometo que en mi mente estaras tu

Although the wedding was small it was still perfect, and it held more love than imaginable.

Aquella cancion de amor
Que nos fascina a los dos
The song we always play
When we make sweet love
Me da pena sorry that I have to go

They spent the whole time reminiscing on events that happened in the past. Liz and Max would spend the night talking about all their old dates, and Liz and Maria would bring up their fights, and their stupid moments. Everyone forgot about all that had happened, and all the drama, because in that moment, there was nothing more important than their little family.

No me digas adios
Sometimes in life you don't get what you want
Me duele mucho tenerme que alejar
Baby girl, you know well you're my boo
Te prometo que en mi mente estaras tu

Two weeks after the wedding, Liz passed. As expected everyone was devastated, but their hearts were able to live freely. They were able to move on with life, knowing that they all got to their points in life with knowing Liz. They were all very proud to have Liz in their lives.

Tell me that you'll miss me
Tell me that you love me
And you need me
Say it girl before I go

Max of course got mostly everything. Except one thing which was given to Maria, and that was the house. Liz had left a note attached to it reading, that Maria deserved to give her god son the best of life, and even thought Maria had done good for herself, the house was a great place for Christian and their future kids to grow up in.

Dime que me amas
Dime que de lejos que tu me extranas
Dime estas palabras
Me voy mi amor

Maria gave Max Liz’s journal to read. The Journal gave Max some type of closure, and every entry from after the day she left, had Max in it. In all those entries she would describe the pain she felt for leaving him back, and the amount of love she still had for him.

Mi cielo its not over
Don't you cry
Con tu mirada y tu tristeza
Voy a llorar
Yo se que piensas que esto ya llego al final
Pero en tu radio you will hear our lullaby

Max cried so hard but at the same time it was for happiness. He knew that Liz Parker had loved him with everything she had and that made him feel like he could go on with life because her spirit would always be in him because just like she had written in one of her journal entries,

Y aquella cancion de amor
Que nos fascina a los dos
The song we always play
When we make sweet love
Me da pena sorry that I have to go

Her and Max were one of two people who shared the same soul. They were meant perfectly for each other and they complemented each other in every way.

No me digas adios
Sometimes in life you dont get what you want
Me duele muccho tenerme que alejar
Baby girl, you know well you're my boo
Te prometo que en mi mente estaras tu

Even though she wasn’t there with him, and he couldn’t touch her, or kiss her like he wished, he knew that she would always remain in his heart, and to him that was enough.
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Post by Jason's Lover »

I can't believe she died! It's so sad! :cry: