Behrian Empire (AU, M/L, ADULT) 8/4 pg. 4 Completed!

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by IRISH77 »

Another short update... don't kill me!

We made our way back into the bedroom and made love, slept and just… hung out is the best way I can describe it. Max had lunch brought up to his chambers and we watched a little TV until I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer and took a nap. I felt Max get out of bed and quietly make his way over to the desk… he still hadn’t put on any clothes so he brought the sheet with him again. It never got back on the bed, which was fine because it was a bit nippy out with the coming evening and the comforter was keeping me warm.

He was shuffling papers and going through drawers until he settled to do some work and then I fell back asleep. Several hours later I was awakened by another knock at the door, “Your Highness sorry to disturb you but Captain Michael wishes to see you immediately.”

“Not a problem James, let me get dressed and I will be down in my study in 10 minutes. Please inform Michael.”

“Yes Sire.”

Max closed the door and came over to the bed; I stretched to let him know that I was awake and he leaned in and kissed me.

“Hello beautiful.” He said quietly and gently pushed some hair out of my face.

“Max.” I said with a slight smile on my face.

“I have to go meet Michael in my study but I will be back in a half hour.” He leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips.

“K. Hurry back.”

“I have every intention.”

He got dressed in a pair of black slacks and white shirt… mostly buttoned. He has a habit of not buttoning his shirts when he is attending his friends, it is a sexy habit I have thoroughly enjoyed over the years.

He slipped out of the room and I rolled over to watch the sun set from his big, warm bed.


I made my way down the hall and walked into my study. Instead of finding Michael in there waiting like I expected I found… “Tess.” I closed the door with a bang that made her jump. “To what do I owe this displeasure?”

“Max… I had to talk to you… I don’t know what Liz told you but I never meant to hurt her. She started this whole mess between the two of us. I hate that we can’t be together anymore. Don’t you miss me?”

She came over and wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. I pulled her arms out from around my waist and led her to the couch by the window. The dying light of the sun caught a tear at the corner of her eye. Then she started to cry in earnest, it was a while before she calmed down enough for me to talk to her again.

“Tess, you know that we can’t be together anymore. I’m married for christ’s sake, Liz would never approve and I… love her Tess. Please understand that what we had was great but she is my wife and I will stay faithful to her at any cost.”

“Max please think this through, you’ll never be happy with her. I am the only one who truly knows what you like the best.” She got up and straddled my hips and pushed my back against the couch. “I know how you like to be rough and fast sometimes, does she know you like to role play?” She slowly took her top off and loosened her hair one of her bra straps fell down her pale shoulder and her hair replaced where it had been.

“Tess, I…” I tried to talk to her and make her understand but she just put her fingers on my lips to stop my sentence.

“Shhh… Just feel the moment and worry about Liz later, let me pleasure you the way I know I can.” She put her hands on either side of my face and leaned in to kiss me. I put hands on her hips and was about to remove her from her lap when the door opened.

“Max…” Liz stood in the doorway, her beautiful brown hair cascading over her shoulders her arm in a sling. “I should have known. Of all the stupid… I was… what was I thinking!”

“Liz!” I picked up Tess and tossed her to the couch and raced after her but by the time I got to her rooms she had locked the door and told her servants that I was to have no admittance unless death was eminent… and even then I could take a number.”

Live life by the 3 R's

Respect for Self, Respect for others, Responsibility for all your actions
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Post by IRISH77 »

*in loud booming voice*

I now have INTERNET!

Next update :D
I ran down the hall and banged the door to my chamber open and it slammed shut with the additional force. With a frustrated yell I tossed my robe at my closet and turned to my bed. I yanked off the comforter, sheets, pillows and anything else he touched and carried it to the door. I ran for the maid and paced while waiting, I saw the blanket that I had covered him in and hurled it onto the top of the pile.

“You rang your majesty?”

“Sarah I want you to get rid of these, clean them and burn them. I never want to see them again!”

As Sarah was picking up the blankets and sheets I had a change of heart.

“Sarah, just clean them and give them to the homeless or poor, except the blanket. Also have that cleaned and pack it into a box then place it in the back of my closet. Please start a bath for me as well.”

“Yes madam.”

After Sarah had left I started to disrobe when a knock came at my door.

“Your Majesty?”

Maria poked her head through the door before I could say anything then quickly shut it behind her.

“Maria, will you assist me in my bath?”

“Yes your Highness.”

“Please don’t call me that, call me Liz. Right now I am not feeling very royal, just like a stupid woman who has been used and tossed aside for someone better. Though I wouldn’t call her better, just a hussy!” A headache was starting at my temples and all I could think of was laying in bed wallowing in my defeat. I flopped into the tub and dunked my head underwater. When I came up Maria was ready with the shampoo and started to work it into lather.

“I heard about what Tess did.”

“What Tess did? She wasn’t the only one in that room Maria… Max had his hands all over her and her shirt was off! I stupidly thought that he was having a quick meeting with Michael. Quick my ass… he was just going for a quickie!”

“I don’t know if I would believe everything you see, your..” At my pointed look, she quickly corrected herself, “Liz. I know what you saw was incriminating but I don’t think that Max would… that is to say… Tess and he… oh hell… Tess did that on purpose hoping you would see it, but Max is crazy about you. One just has to look at him when you walk in the room, his face Liz, it lights up and he only has eyes for you.”

“How do you know that Tess was trying to make me see them that way?”

“I’m a servant, didn’t you know that we have eyes and ears everywhere?” She said with a gentle laugh and promptly dumped water over my head. “Tess wants power and she thinks that through Max she can get it. I personally don’t think it is Tess who wants the power.” She suddenly stopped scrubbing my back and dipped the sponge in the water. “Please forgive me, I shouldn’t speak so freely with my opinions High… Liz”

“Please Maria, I want you to tell me what you think. Is there something going on in my kingdom that has to do with Max?” I turned and took the sponge from her.

“Do you love the King, Liz?”

“I’m not sure, I hardly know him but what I do know, I like. And when we are together… you know together its great but now I don’t know if he is thinking of me or that… that…. Bitch!”

Maria slowly poured a pail full of warm water to wash the shampoo out of my hair and started massaging conditioner into it. She gentle started at the front of my forehead and thoroughly moved her fingers through the rest of my scalp until the tension had eased and the headache that had started had gone away. “Maria, what did I ever do before you came here?” I turned and stood while taking hold of the towel that Maria held out to me to dry myself off.

“I’m not sure what you did but I am glad I am here for you when you need a friend. May I speak frankly your Highness?”

“Of course Maria, I value your thoughts.” I wrapped the towel around my body and stepped out of the tub onto the mat outside. Maria handed me another towel and I wrapped my hair up in it.

Maria walked over to the vanity and picked up the brush from its surface. “When I first saw you and the King I thought you were both unhappy and you especially looked lonely. I had hoped that we could become friends because lord knows I needed one with Aria and myself being all alone all of a sudden. And well, it doesn’t hurt to know the Queen.” She smiled at me and motioned me over to the stool in front of the mirror.

I pulled my hair out from the towel and ran my fingers to try and get out some of the tangles. I sat down on the stool and Maria started to brush my hair, “Maria?”

“Yes Liz?”

“You mentioned that you didn’t think that Tess wasn’t trying to get power, what did you mean?”

“I don’t know… they are just suspicions… but there are things that just don’t add up. When I first came to the kingdom I had feared for my life with all the stories I had been told in my village but seeing the King and you and how happy the people are that work here, something just doesn’t add up. I know that Tess wants the King but there aren’t many women in the kingdom that aren’t attracted to your husband Liz, I hope that I am not offending you.”

I laughed, shook my head and urged her to continue.

“But there seems to be an ulterior motive behind her actions and to be completely honest with you I don’t think that she is smart enough to get the King to bend to her wishes. There is someone else guiding her and possibly giving her ideas on what to do to try and make him trapped or in a position that could be detrimental to his kingdom. There are people in his employ that I don’t like and get a creepy feeling from.”

“Who would that be?” I had a suspicion of my own on who that person or persons could be but I wanted my own feelings said out loud by someone else.

“Nicholas, he gives me the willies.” She said in a hushed voice close to my ear. “I don’t trust him and when he is with the King he has… I don’t know a look of disgust one moment in his eyes. And whenever you speak… he rolls his eyes and I can see he is trying to dissuade the King from taking your advice.”

She motioned for me to stand and when I did she took the towel from my and handed me my nightgown and robe.

“It is time for you to retire, we have a long day planned tomorrow with the festivities coming up and your dress fitting. It is nearly finished and I want to get the measurements correct so that it is finished for the ball next week.”

I grabbed a book from my desk and crawled into bed, robe and all. “Thank you Maria for your assistance this evening and I look forward to tomorrow and seeing the dress we have made.”

She opened the door and turned, “Rest well Liz and don’t worry about the King, he cares for you and only you. Tess will just be a bad memory.” She closed the door gently behind her and I settled into reading my latest novel. I have an extensive library in the palace but I smuggle in paranormal romances once and awhile. Vampires, werewolves, but my favorite were ones about aliens and the trials and tribulations of their romance.


“MICHAEL!” I stormed through the servants hallways and screamed again, “MICHAEL! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!” I started opening doors and slamming them shut when I didn’t find him in the rooms I was searching. “MICHAEL, GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!”

A door opened down the hall and Michael stepped out partially dressed and his sword at his side. “Max, what’s wrong? Why are you screaming up and down the halls?” He didn’t see the punch I threw his way and it caught him square in the cheek. “JESUS MAX! What the hell was that for?” I went to punch him again but he ducked caught my arm as it hooked around by where his head used to me. He turned me around with my back to his chest and pinned my arms by my sides. “MAX! Max!” I was breathing hard and still angry but then it dawned on me that Michael was half naked and sweaty.

Once I had relaxed enough where the urge to punch his lights out had passed and I was calm enough to tell him why I sought him out. Michael released me and turned me to face him, his cheek already red and looking like a good bruise was going to get him a lot of female attention.

“Max, what is wrong with you! What the hell did I do to for you to punch me?”

I uttered a name that I now hated to a person I thought was responsible, “Tess.”

“Damnit! What did that bitch do now?” Michael started to pace in front of me.

“Michael, you should tell your companion that you won’t be returning for some time. Then we need to retire to the Library and you are going to help me come up with an answer to our problem.” I leaned against the wall and rested my head back.

“Our problem?”

“It is now.” I looked at him and angled my head to the bedroom. “I’ll meet you in the Library in 5 minutes, and don’t make me wait longer than that. I am in no mood to take your excuses tonight.” I pushed away from the wall and made my way to one of Liz’s favorite rooms, anything to be close to her right now is enough motivation to fix this fiasco that Tess has put me in. Just when I was making way with Liz, Tess has to come in and mess it all up.”

“Mess it all up? Tess wasn’t the only one in the room Max and you know it. What happened?”

“Meet me in the library and I will tell you what happened. It isn’t pretty Micheal…we might want to break out the brandy again.” I smirked and walked away.

20 minutes later:

I was pacing in front of the fireplace when Michael finally came into the room. “What took you so long Michael?”

“I had to finish what I started Max… you know I can’t just leave a woman wanting!”

He poured himself a drink and sat down hard on the leather couch, a satisfied smile on his face.

“You’re incorrigible Michael!” I resumed pacing and poured myself another drink.

“Tell me what happened Max, what did Tess do to mess up what you started with Liz?”

“James came to me and told me that you were waiting for me in the Study and when I went there Tess was waiting for me. We talked and she somehow got me onto the couch. She started talking about us, and how much she missed what we had. She got into my lap and took off her top, that’s when Liz walked in and saw us.” I stopped pacing and put my drink onto the mantle. “I tried to go after her but Tess wouldn’t get off and by the time I did get her off Liz had gone and locked herself in her room.”

“Damn, I can’t believe she was so forward! And Max… I can’t believe you were so stupid to let her get you into that position!” He looked at me like I had gone crazy… maybe I was. What could get a woman so crazy that she would risk the wrath of my wife?

“Michael, have you heard any of these rumors that I am a tyrant? Did you find out who has been spreading these rumors far enough that Maria’s village heard them? I need to change that or my kingdom will never trust me to do what is right by them.”

“I have heard some things and none of them are good Max. There is even talk that it is starting here, right in your kingdom?”

“WHAT!” I turned around from looking at the fire. Michael was lounged over the arm of the couch with one foot on the bench seat and one on the floor. “Please tell me you’re kidding Michael, that there isn’t something going on right under my nose and in my kingdom! And why are you being so nonchalant about it?”

“Don’t worry Max, I am all over it. Consider it taken care of. But it does involve you releasing someone close to you of their services.”

“Please tell me you aren’t talking about you Michael.”

“NO! Why would you think that? I have got it pretty good here Max. Fully belly, women when I want them and I get to work with my best friend. I am insulted that you would even think of it!” He stood up and clapped me on the shoulder, “Besides, I wouldn’t just come out and tell you I was doing it!” He gave a bark of laughter and refilled his brandy.

“Then who is it that you are suggesting I fire?” I took my drink off of the mantle and sat on the couch next to him.

“I am suggesting that you pay close attention to your advisors. See what they are doing, maybe consider what they tell you but don’t always take their advice.” He sloshed his drink around and spilled some on the couch. “Michael, you are such a slob, does someone actually clean up after you?”

“Shut up Max! Just watch your back, and maybe watch Liz’s too.” Michael got up and put his glass on the table beside the couch. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going to return to my prior engagement.” He did a mock salute and left the room.

I was left to contemplate the new information that Michael left me with, “Damn you Michael!” I realized that he never did help me figure out what I should do with Liz


I woke up the next morning with my book on my chest and a massive crick in my neck. I rang for my maid and Maria walked in.

I put my book on the table next to my bed and threw the covers off of me. “Maria! What happened to Sarah?”

“Surprisingly she got married and moved to the country! So Max asked me to be your ladies maid. Is that alright Liz?”

“Maria that’s great! I can’t believe Sarah got married. I didn’t know that she was even seeing anyone let alone serious with anyone. I thought that we were friends, but I guess we never really were. Are we friends Maria?” I stepped into the closet with Maria right behind me.

“Of course Liz we are friends. I think that you are the closest thing to family that I have. Well, besides Aria.”

“How is the little poppet anyway? Is she getting along with the other children? What do you think about this dress?”

“Aria is doing well and Tess says that she is coming along nicely in her studies.”

I turned around and spat out, “Don’t even mention that woman’s name in my presence again. And why is she still teaching the children? She is supposed to be gone from the palace.”

“Oh my! Liz I am so sorry… I will erase her name from my… vocabulary. I have been learning as well.” She said with a bright smile on her face. “Don’t wear that one, if you want to win Max back you will need to wear something completely different. Another color perhaps.” She pulled out a lovely lilac dress that I forgot that I had and put it up next to me. “Yes, that will do nicely.”

She started to unbutton the back and laid it out on the stool next to my dressing table. “Cook told me to ask you to stop in the kitchen and finalize the menu. Also the housekeeper told me to ask you about the seating chart. It sounds like there are some certain guests that were put together that really shouldn’t be. I think there is even a couple that aren’t talking to each other! I swear the problems of the gentry I will never understand. Oh, present company excluded your highness!” She slightly bowed and started to almost attack the dress.

“Maria… Maria, stop or you’re going to rip it! To be completely honest with you, all that stuff is boring and the dram of the gentry still confuses me and I have been in it all my life.” I took the dress away from her and stepped into it. She adjusted it across my shoulders and started to button the back.

“Tell cook I will be down after breakfast to finalize the menu, and the housekeeper to do what she thinks is best and if there is anything else she can find me in the solar. Also, will you have Max meet me in there after he has taken his breakfast? We need to discuss that woman and she will be taken care of.”

“I will, let’s tidy up your hair and you will be on your way.” We sat down at the dressing table and Maria started to brush my hair.


“Yes Liz?” She stopped brushing my hair for a moment.

“Do you know how to embroider?”

“No, but I would be willing to learn.” She pulled my hair into a French twist and put some flowers onto the side.

Maria finished my hair with a flourish of her hands and a “Voila! What do you think of my very first professional hairstyle?”

I pulled the mirror from my dressing table and turned around, “Very good, you must have been practicing on the other servants?”

She blushed as I revealed her secret, “How did you know?”

“I have seen several of the kitchen maids with their hair in just the same style. However I must say that this it the best one yet!” We both giggled and made our way down to the informal dining area.

“I will come and fetch you from the kitchen as soon as I am done with breakfast and we will go over the final arrangements of the ball this afternoon.” I hugged Maria and shooed her towards the kitchen stairs.

“Your Highness, I didn’t think you would be eating so late.” Nicholas stood from his seat at the head of the table.

I quirked my eyebrow at his choice of seating and had the serving maid set a place to his left. I may be mad at Max but I wasn’t going to sit at the right hand of his advisor! “Nicholas, it is interesting to find you also dining late this morning. What is the occasion?”

“The King had me running around trying to take care of some loose ends with him and a companion” He turned to look at me for a reaction. I didn’t give him the satisfaction that what he had said made uncomfortable and angry.

“Toast madam?”

“Yes Carl, thank you. Please tell cook that her French toast is very good this morning!”

“I will inform her, she will be pleased that you think so your Highness.”

“Continue Nicholas.”

Nicholas hid his irritation well with his facial features but the color on his cheeks gave it away. “The King also wishes for you to join him in the Study for some final guest arrangements for the ball this weekend.”

“Please inform Max that if he needs to discuss something with me he can find me in the solar. Now if you will excuse me, enjoy the rest of your breakfast.” I stood and placed the napkin beside my now empty plate.

“Yes your Highness.” Nicholas said as he stood. And as the door was closing behind me I heard him mutter something like stupid bitch! But I know that he wouldn’t call me something like that…. Would he?
Live life by the 3 R's

Respect for Self, Respect for others, Responsibility for all your actions
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Location: Frozen Tundra... brrrr

Post by IRISH77 »

Quick update!


“Michael! Where have you been hiding… or should I ask what skirt you were hiding under.” Michael had the decency to blush at that statement. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something you had said earlier. Come walk with me. We made our way to the library where I had recently moved all of my things due to the Study had some very, disturbing images. “I have been watching Nicholas the last couple of days he has been acting agitated lately. He has also been asking off an on about Tess, which also brings me to my next question. What do you think I should do with her? We never did get around to finishing that discussion on why you were sleeping outside my chambers that night.”

“Ah, that night. Didn’t get much sleep, the floor is wickedly cold.” He went to the liquor cabinet and poured himself a small sniffer of brandy and sat down on the plush couch parallel to the fireplace. “She threw some books at Liz and I suspect one of the candlesticks from your fireplace. She drew blood Max and to be honest with you, I am surprised that Liz doesn’t want her blood. I know I would!” He took a small sip of his brandy and looked into the swirling liquid. “She went ballistic on Liz, telling her that you were hers and that you didn’t really want her. That she could do things for you, kinky things, that Liz would never do. When Liz told her to get out, I assume that Tess grabbed books from the shelves and started throwing them at Liz. At one point a candlestick was thrown and I think that is how Liz got the cut on her shoulder. I heard the yelling and crashing of things in your chamber, so I came in prepared to kill someone. Low and behold I find Tess standing over a fallen Liz, ready to slam a stack of books down. Max, if I hadn’t come in when I did… Liz might be dead.” Michael took a sip of his brandy and stared at me.

I didn’t know how to react. I didn’t know that Tess had gone that crazy, tried to kill Liz. No wonder Liz had been hiding in her rooms lately, and looking around corners. She and Maria had become very close and were often found in the Solar with their heads together, whispering about… whatever it is that females whisper about. This Tess situation has to be taken care of, immediately!

I slammed my fist down on the mantle and shook Michael out of his revere. “What?”

“Michael, tell me more about what Nicholas does when he isn’t helping me with, kingdom duties?” I posed the question as I moved over to my desk and pulled out the ledger for the grounds and surrounding townships. “I have noticed some inconsistencies within some of the funding for the buildings and schools.” I flipped to a page I had earmarked, “Like this for example, Nicolas has written that we have allotted $50,000 to build a government funded daycare center.” I motioned Michael to come and look at the books. “But when I went to the town there was a building with a sign that said that it was coming soon. Then here on the side it states that the building has been completed and now looking for employees.” I pointed to the far right side to show him Nicholas’s handwriting.

“I know what you mean, I went to town the other day and there was another building that Nicholas had told us that had been completed. I was going to bring that up to you but,” He smirked, “I got distracted by this woman in a white skirt. She had long black hair and a beautiful pair of...”

“MICHAEL! Concentrate with me, we are trying to figure out our financial mess. Along with getting rid of our issue with Tess.” I looked at the book once more and found my solution. “Get rid of Tess!” I grabbed Michael’s arm, “Get rid of Tess!”

Michael looked at me like I had lost my brain. Which I probably had, thinking about Liz so much lately had made me blind on my only decision on what to do with Tess.

“Michael, call Tess in here right away.” As Michael left the room I went to the wall safe and pulled out some bills. This should get her started on a new life away from the kingdom, and away from Liz. While I waited for Tess to be brought to me, I pulled out some paper and a pen and began to write.

Michael brought Tess into the room. I motioned for Tess to sit in one of the chairs across from my desk. “Tess.” I looked at her; she had… fear in her eyes. “I know that our, for lack of a better word, breakup was hard on you but, I am with Liz. That isn’t going to change, not now, not ever. I want you to go and be a governess to one of my homes in Rhodana. There is a family there that needs you and a small girl who desperately needs your guidance. Please take this money and letter of reference to Roslyn and Jason Shae. They will board you and see to your needs. And I wouldn’t suggest trying to “take care” of Jason, he is deeply devoted to his wife and I would take personal grievance if anything should happen to their marriage.” She had tears in her eyes and I could tell she was scared, but this was for the best, the best for Liz and I to be together.

She slowly got up out of her chair and took the money and letter. Michael escorted her out of the room and shut to door.

“At least that is now taken care of, now onto wooing Liz… again!” I leaned back in my leather chair and stared at the ceiling, “Wonder what she is doing right now.”


I ran into his dark office and slammed down the letter and money. “He.Kicked.Me. OUT!” I sat into the chair in a huff and glowered at Nicholas.

“Wipe that nasty look off your face, you got yourself into this mess!” He stood up so fast that his chair almost tipped over. He slowly moved around the chair until he leaned against the desk directly in front of me. He had a look of cold, menace on his face. The candlelight reflected off of his iris’s enough to make them glow a sickly yellow color. “Where did he tell you to go?” Nicholas asked.

“To Roslyn and Jason Shae.” I said in a whining voice, “They’ll take care of you, some stupid little brat needs your guidance, and blah blah blah!” I crossed my arms over my heaving breasts. I noticed Nicholas’s eyes traveled to the creamy expanse, so I puffed them out a little further.

“Hmmm.” Nicholas stood from his leaning position. He slowly walked around me like a lion hunts it’s prey.

Suddenly hands came from around my back to encircle my throat! I felt his fingers starting to slowly close my windpipe. His voice a harsh whisper next to my ear, “Stupid BITCH! How could you let him send you away? And to think that I thought you could pull something so easy off!” His fingers closed more and I started to get light headed, stars were floating off to the sides of my vision.

A knock on the door, then the door handle rattled. “Ahem, I say! Nicholas! Max would like to see you in his Study. You have 10 minutes.” There was silence, and then footsteps were heard receding down the hallway.

“You got lucky this time Tess. But…” Nicholas took his hands from around my neck and I jumped when he settled them on my shoulders. “I have something better for you to do, than to die. Be here when I get back.” He gave them a gentle pat and moved towards the door. “I want to play my favorite game Tess, doctor. Have the desk cleared and you lying on it… naked, and open to me. That is how I want to be greeted, and if you play well, I might not have to kill you.” He opened the door and exited, without looking back.
Live life by the 3 R's

Respect for Self, Respect for others, Responsibility for all your actions
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Post by IRISH77 »

An update, thanks for all of your patience everyone :!:


A shadow appeared from around the corner and quietly walked to the threshold of the door and pressed an ear to the door and heard rustling around inside the room. They stood next to the table that held a white phone and made a call, “She went to Nicholas.” Nodded their head, placing the phone back in its cradle while turning towards the door, quietly opened and shut the door.

A small shriek escaped from the woman inside the room. “What do you want.”


I stood at the window waiting for Nicholas to enter. A flash of Liz on the ground cowering from Tess made me see red. My hands balled into fists at my side when a knock came on the door.


“Your Highness.” Nicholas bowed as he entered. “You wanted to see me?”

“Yes Nicholas, please, take a seat.” I motioned to the chair in front of my desk. I came around from the window and leaned on the front, directly across from him. The traitor in my kingdom, the man that wants my reputation ruined along with my wife’s death. “I have a couple of questions that I need you to answer for me.” I leaned back and grabbed the ledger that I had been working on for the last couple of days. “Please explain to me what is going on with these two properties.” I handed the ledger to him and pointed at the two inconsistencies that I had first noticed.

He looked over the book and a look of confusion crossed his young features. “Your Highness, I notice no issue with these two buildings. They are currently completed like it states right here.” He pointed to the column at the end of the page where his writing was. “I saw the buildings myself, they are finished and are currently hiring staff for them.” He handed the book back to me and leaned back in his chair confidently.

“My understand that they are still undergoing construction.” I crossed my arms over my chest and looked him straight in the eye.

He sat up straight and had the gall to look offended, “I don’t know who is spreading these lies to you your Highness. But I give you my word that they are completed, I saw it with my own eyes!”

“Then your eyes have deceived you as you have deceived me. I have gone to these two myself to both of these towns and have seen the supposed ‘work’ that has been completed. They are no where near done and when I consulted with the contractors, they told me that they hadn’t been paid for what was already completed!” I snapped the book shut, slammed it on my desk, leaned a hip against the corner and crossed my arms over my chest. Trying to contain the fury building inside of me as I watched a myriad of emotions cross my supposed trusted advisors face.

A look of disgust then rage crossed his handsome features, “Are you insinuating King that I am stealing money from you?” At the slight nod of my head he stood up and tried to face me down. His face turned red as he continued on his rant. “I am outraged that you would even think that after all of these years of service that… you would…I am…”

“Caught is the word you are looking for Nicholas.” I shook my head in disappointment. “Nicholas, tell me something. How stupid did you think I was not to find out about you spreading rumors and stealing money from my kingdom?” A tick in his jaw started before he made his comment.

“Your Highness, I have no idea what you are talking about.” He said through clenched teeth. “Where have you been hearing such rumors and such slander against me? Who has been telling you these things? Has that bitch of a servant your whore for a wife has? All of this started when that peasant came to the kingdom.” He spat out.

“It doesn’t matter.” I nodded towards the door to the side of my office. “Take him down to the cell. Nick, you are going to be sorry for what you have done to me, and my whore of a wife.”


“Quiet!” He said as he closed the door and stepped out of the shadows, “The King knows that you are working with Nicholas. Tell me what your involvement is with him and he might be lenient.”

“Michael, I haven’t done anything wrong. I was the King’s consort and he was with me long before her.” Tess sneered as she started to clear off Nicholas’s desk.

Michael grabbed her arm and yanked her away from the desk. “Listen, Max knows that you tried to kill Liz. You aren’t safe with Nicholas but if you don’t comply with Max?” He shook her hard, “Your as good as dead.”

Tess yanked her arm away from Michael, “I’m as good as dead either way.”

“That might be true, but would you rather have the gratitude of the king… or the servant?” Michael let go of her arm and leaned against the desk, in a very Max-like pose.

Tess contemplated her situation and then sat down. “Fine, I will tell you Nicholas’s plan if you can guarantee my safety.”

“I can guarantee your safety from Nicholas.” He put one leg on top of the desk and relaxed a bit, “Tell me what your part is and the rest of the plan.”


I knocked on the door and opened it when I didn’t hear an answer just the rumbling of voices. I walked into the room and grabbed the first thing I saw and threw it at the woman in the chair. “BITCH! WHY AREN’T YOU GONE YET?” I picked up another object and tossed it in her direction.

Michael darted across the room and dodged the book that came flying after the vase shattered at the desk floor. He grabbed me around my arms and held me back. I fought his hold on me and tried to attack the whore with my feet. “Let me go Michael so I can kill her like she tried to kill me!”

Tess just stood there by the chair with a smug look on her face, “You can’t kill me bitch, you need me.”

“Need you?” I struggled and started to scratch Michael’s arms, “What I need is to kill you. Then I will be rid of you forever!”

Michael shook me until I was dizzy and had to try and stop myself from passing out, “Liz… I know you are mad right now but she’s right. We need her,” He leaned in close to my ear and spoke quietly, “Max needs her, to save his life.”

I stopped struggling and looked from Tess to Michael; at Tess’s slight nod I indicated to Michael that I was calm and not going to kill Tess…yet.
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Post by IRISH77 »

Really short update...

I pushed up off of the desk and made my way to the chair behind it. Sitting down I placed my elbows on the glass top and held my head in my hands. What the hell am I going to do with Nick? I started running my hands through the long strands trying to contemplate how to go about punishing Nick for robbing me without wanting to kill him
The door opened and Liz walked over the threshold looking beautiful in a red, a-line dress that showed off her trim waist and firm breasts. I went instantly hard at the thought of being between her creamy thighs. But with they way Tess had fucked things up, that wasn’t going to happen any time soon.

Michael entered behind Liz with Tess trailing behind him, her head hung low and her shoulders down dejectedly. Liz stopped in the middle of the room and let Michael pass her. As Michael made his way to the desk my view of Tess and Liz was obscured until a loud ‘CRACK’ echoed in the room.

Michael swung around and I shot out from behind the desk, toppling over the chair.

Tess was holding a hand to her right cheek and Liz had a handful of Tess’s long, blonde hair.

As Tess had walked by Liz, Liz’s small hand shot out and smacked Tess right across the face. Her hand was balled into a fist and was pulling up to take another shot at Tess.

Michael reached her first and tore her had out of Tess’s hair and flung her back in my direction where I embraced her in a fierce hug.

“Let. Me. GO!” I tightened my hold on Liz as she struggled to break free of my embrace. “I have to… LET GO MAX!”

I leaned down in her ear and whispered soothing words and tried to get her to calm down, I knew exactly how she felt but if I wanted my plan to work, Tess had to be on board and unharmed… at this point. Once I have Nicholas right where I want him, then Liz can have first dibs on Tess.

“I can’t, I need her.” As soon as the words left my mouth I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. Liz went stock-still and her menacing gaze turned from Tess… to me.

“Not like that!” I tried to reason with her but she jerked away from me, perfectly calm. “Liz, please let me explain what is going on.” I pleaded with her.

“Fine.” She said as she turned to where Michael stood with Tess in his arms, blocking her path to the door. She looked between Michael and myself, gave a slight nod and sat ramrod straight in the couched across from the fireplace.

“Michael?” I turned to address my second in command. “Let’s put Tess over here.” I indicated the chair that I pulled from my desk and turned around to place to the right of the fireplace, farthest away from Liz.

Tess came to me gladly walking away from Michael with a slight sway of her hips. “Tess? It isn’t going to work, I love my wife and what we had is over.” At her pouting expression I reiterated, “Over.” I made a slicing action in the air. She finally took the hint. But not without sending Liz a deadly glare, which to Liz’s credit, she didn’t react to. But I could see from her strained expression and tightly held body that she wanted to either get up out of the room, or move over and stab Tess.

“Michael, why don’t you share what you have learned this evening and then we will get down to business. I want Nicholas taken care of, but I need to do it carefully. My reputation as King is precarious thanks to him and the people are on the edge of rioting.”
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Post by IRISH77 »

I sat down next to Liz on the couch and felt her stiffen beside me. My heart sank at the thought that she would never touch me again or even look at me. At least before this mess she would at least look at me with compassion and support, now it was just anger that filled her beautiful brown eyes. “Tess, tell me what you and Michael discussed. What is Nicholas’s plan?”

Tess looked at Michael who gave a slight nod indicating that she should tell what she knew. She then threw a hate filled gaze at Liz. Finally looking at me she told us what Nicholas had planned. “He has already ruined your reputation with your kingdom. Now he wants power and the only way he figures he can get it is to eliminate you and Liz from holding the throne.”

“That’s insane!” Michael moved from standing beside Tess to pace in front of the fireplace. “He knows that Max has a contingency plan in case he or Liz dies. He witnessed the signing of the document.” He turned back towards Tess with his final statement.

“That’s just it,” Tess said as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Have any of you seen the document since you signed it Max?” She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. At my confused expression she continued. “The document you signed and had witnesses for is no longer in existence. When Nicholas decided that the only way he could have your throne is to take you and Liz out, he destroyed it. Have you asked him lately to see it?” At my slight head movement she again continued with Nicholas’s insane plan. “He knew you would forget about it until the bitch got pregnant.”

Liz suddenly stood up and dove for Tess but thankfully Michael and myself stopped her and set her back on the couch. Liz shook off my hand and moved to the farthest corner of the furniture.

“Oh, and Nick had a plan for that too.” She snickered, “Ever wonder why you don’t ever get pregnant when you,” she shuddered, “copulate? No, you probably don’t think anything of it because it is so infrequent.” She said snidely. “He has someone in the kitchen putting an herb in your daily tea that prevents pregnancy to those that ingest it.”

Liz crossed her legs and arms tightly while staring at the flames. I could tell it was taking every ounce of strength not to go across the room and tear Tess’s eyes out. It brought a warm feeling to my heart to think that maybe she still cared about me. I mean if she is this upset about the herb in her tea, maybe she would still want to have my children.

“I don’t supposed you figured that one out did you, that his reach goes to those also under your employ?” Tess raised her eyebrow again, a habit I was beginning to detest. “His power has undermined you in your own palace not just your kingdom! I don’t see what you think you can accomplish with putting him in prison. You know he will just escape right? He has eyes and ears everywhere and they listen to him, they don’t care if they are going against the King or the Crown. You’re in trouble Max and you don’t even know it. I tried to keep you alive but,” She shrugged her slim shoulders, “You sided with the whore, so now you’ll die.” She looked at her short fingernails and examined one of interest.

Liz stood up and started pacing, “I have eyes and ears in this palace that tell me Nicholas has gotten a little crazy lately in his pursuit of power Tess.” She stopped and pulled a knife out from under her belt. “You call me a whore again? And I won’t have any qualms about throwing this knife at you.”

I could feel the shock on my face; I am sure the same look that graced Michaels fine features. I looked over to Tess and for the first time saw a shimmer of fear reflected in her eyes. “Liz, put the knife away.” Before I had finished she had concealed the knife again under her belt. “When did you learn how to throw a knife?” I inquired gently.

“I’ve had a lot of time to learn how to take care of myself since your mistress attacked me. And you did nothing!” She made a vicious slicing of the air. “You gave her money and a cushy job?” At my look of renewed surprise she angrily continued. “Did you think I wouldn’t know about that? How do you think that made me feel? STOP RIGHT THERE BITCH!”

At Liz’s sudden outburst I saw Tess trying to slink away to the side door exit that Nicholas was taken out of not a couple of hours earlier. Michael strode over to Tess and roughly grabbed her upper arm and walked her over to the chair. I motioned with my head to move her over to the window and for him to be in between her and the door. He made sure the window was secure before setting the chair down slightly away from the window and stood directly behind her. “No more moving for you little one.” He placed a hand on her shoulder and made her sit down in the chair, forcefully.

I looked back at Liz in enough time to see the knife get concealed under the belt again. I shook my head at the shock of Liz cutting someone, but I didn’t begrudge her for learning how to protect herself. I hadn’t done a very good job with taking care of Tess. I should have done a lot of things, thrown her in jail, made her pay for her crimes against Liz but, I haven’t had to be the angry King I was in my youth. I gave those responsibilities over to Nicholas, and look where that has gotten me. I was soft, weak and now paying for that leniency with the very possibility that I will loose my kingdom, and my wife. “No more.”

“What?” Michael said while looking again at Liz.

“No.More. No more will I be soft. No more will I defer all my decisions to other people. No more will I entrust the safety of my wife to herself.” I looked over at Liz with an angry look. “You shouldn’t have to train to protect yourself. I should protect you. I am sorry Liz for the pain I have caused. My relationship with Nicholas,” I threw an angry look over to Tess, “With Tess is over. No more will you have to fear for your life. We will train together to take down this threat.” I walked over to stand in front of Liz. “Can you forgive me for not protecting you like I should? Can you forgive me for not handling Tess the way I should have? Can you forgive me for getting complacent and now our kingdom is in peril?” I put everything I felt for her to reflect in my eyes, how much I loved her and how sorry I was for putting her through the last couple of weeks.

At her slight nod I expelled the breath that I didn’t realize I was holding.

I turned towards Tess and squared my shoulders. “Tess, Nicholas isn’t going to win. I am going find out who his spies are and you are going to help me.”

There was suddenly a crash and the sound of breaking glass. Michael was down on the ground and Tess was thrown out of her chair. I rushed over to help Michael up and turned to get Tess righted in her chair when I noticed the blood.
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Post by IRISH77 »

Tess was moaning in pain as she layed on the floor gripping her left arm. “My shoulder’s on fire! Max do something!”

I told Michael to go and get the doctor while I wrenched Liz down near me tearing the bottom portion of her dress as a tourniquet. I tied the first piece of cloth around her upper arm tight to try and slow the blood flow. I ripped open the sleeve of Tess’s shirt to expose the gunshot wound. I then ripped another part of Liz’s dress to wrap around the wound and made sure there was an exit hole. Thankful that the doctor wouldn’t have to dig in her arm for the bullet I sent up a little prayer that the shooter was a lousy shot or else Tess might have been dead and we wouldn’t get anymore information out of her. “Liz! Place your finger here while I tie the knot. Tess you are damn lucky that whoever tried to kill you is a lousy shot or you’d be dead now.”

“Ow! Don’t tie it so tight!” Tess moaned and tried to grab her arm again.

I pushed her hand away and helped her into a sitting position. “It has to be tight so that the blood will stop flowing out of the wounds and start to clot.” Michael burst through the door with the doctor in tow carrying his small travel bag. “She was shot through the window.” I pointed to where Tess had been sitting and then to where she was sitting on the floor. “Take care of her Doc. Michael you and I will scout the surrounding garden area where the shooting might have taken place.” I pulled Liz to the side away from Tess and pulled her close. She didn’t return the embrace but when I pulled back I saw that she was still slightly in shock. Giving her a gentle shake her eyes focused on my face, “Liz, I know you don’t want to spend any more time with Tess than you have to but I need you to stay with her while Michael and I investigate the garden area.” I turned slightly away from her and addressed Michael, “Go get the guards and tell them to get some flashlights. It is dusk and the light can play tricks on us.” I turned back to Liz and noticed that she had a grim and determined look on her face.

“I will stay with Tess.” She responded, “On one condition.” She looked up into my eyes.

“Anything.” I move my hand to cup her cheek.

“She moves out of the palace and into one of the house’s close. She has a contingent of guards with her at all times. All times. If I see her alone, I will take care of the issue. Regardless if you have all of the information you need.” She closed her eyes and it felt like she leaned into my hand ever so slightly. Taking a deep breath she opened her eyes and stepped away from me.

Nodding I motioned to Michael that we were heading out.


Pulling away from Max’s had was the hardest thing I have had to do in the last weeks. I miss his touch but I can’t get over my anger, turning towards Tess and the doctor who were now sitting at the corner table away from the window. A small bowl of water had been brought in soon after the doctor arrived and he was now soaking the bloodstained cloth to wash away some of the blood on her arm. I walked across the room, grabbing a wastebasket on my way to the shattered window and started cleaning up the glass.

I looked down at my exposed leg from where Max had torn my dress to make a bandage for Tess and smiled. He chose my dress over the readily available cloth from Tess or even his own shirt. I stood up and started pulling shards of glass from the window pane and stopped to watch the guards searching the area. Michael was in the middle of them directing the chaos while Max was nowhere to be found.

“Liz.” A small whisper came from the side of the window.

Startled I put my hand to my chest.

“Liz!” A now louder and more insistent whisper came from outside the window.

“Who’s there?” I leaned to the inside of the window.


“Jesus Max! You scared me. What do you want?” I put my head further out the window and saw Max just below and to the right. He tossed his flashlight up to me where I narrowly missed it. “That could have landed right back on your head you know!” I smiled down at him.

“I was counting on you catching it!” He smiled back up at me. “Can you do me a favor?” At my nod he pointed to a small section of exposed grass, “Can you shine the light over there for me?”

I shined the light over to the area where it reflected back at me off a piece of metal. “Max! Do you see that?”

“I thought I was right but I wanted to make sure.” He looked over to the direction of the guards and Michael, “Michael! Over here, and proceed cautiously. This is the area of the shooting.” He pointed to where my light was holding and reflecting off of metal. “Liz, toss the flashlight back down…. Gently!”

I laughed and gently threw the flashlight down to Max’s waiting hands. He bounded off in the direction of where Michael was now standing. I pulled back and found the doctor tightly bandaging up Tess’s arm and creating a makeshift sling with a couple of napkins that were found in the room.

“The bullet went right through her arm and it doesn’t look like anything major was hit. She needs to put this salve on it for a couple of days. It will keep infection down on the skin and take these pills.” He handed me the salve and small bottle of pills. He then turned back to the table and snapped his travel case shut. A small bow and instructions to Tess and he was gone.

“Max won’t get rid of me now.” She said snidely. “He will want to make sure I heal and live.”

I crossed my arms and stood quietly tapping my foot. It then dawned on me that this could possibly have been planned. Her getting wounded and then her thinking that he would keep her protected to ensure her survival.

“He loves me you know. He doesn’t love you like he says he does. And when Nicholas takes over? Max is mine.” She had a smug smile on her doe-like face. “To do with what I please.” She stood up and made her way over to the couch and settled down in a somewhat seductive pose. Or tried to anyway but it was difficult with the sling on her shoulder.

I sat in the chair across from the fire away from her head, it was too tempting to just stand behind her and slit her throat. But Max wouldn’t get the rest of Nicholas’s plan out of her if she is dead and it wouldn’t look very good if the Queen killed one of her subjects. Even if the subject tried to kill her first!

“Michael is gone, and so is that harpy bitch Maria. You know that they have been sleeping together? Maria and Michael? They have even talked about becoming serious…. Michael, settling down with one woman. Maria is dreaming! Michael has laid just about every woman in this palace.”

I crossed my legs and exposed the slender expanse of my thigh. She was trying to bait me. She knew that Max and Michael would be returning soon and she probably figured it would be to her advantage if it looked like I was hurting her.

“Michael doesn’t even like kids. That stupid whelp Aria can’t do anything right. She is always getting things confused and backwards.” She rolled her eyes.

I clenched my fingers into a tight fist to keep from hitting her. My only visual response to Tess was raising the arch of my eyebrow.

“…. Once they have figured out who….” Max stopped suddenly, mid sentence as his eyes clapped onto my thigh. His mouth dropped open, then snapped shut as Michael ran into his back.

“Max! What the hell…” He stepped around Max, “Jesus Liz! I never knew. Max you lucky son of a bitch!” He clapped Max on the shoulder and looked back at me. At my raised eyebrow he fumbled a little, “Sorry Liz.” He said sheepishly.

I laughed and got up from my chair. “The bitch is all yours. Max, please come to my chambers after you have put Tess through her paces.” I gracefully walked out of the room and made my way to my chambers. “James, please get Maria to come to me.”


I walked further into the room and watched Tess try to make herself look desirable which, with her arm in a sling just ended up looking silly.

Michael pulled a chair from my desk area to sit next in-between Tess and myself sitting down he started the questioning.

We didn’t get done with Tess until late into the evening but I still made my way up to Liz’s chambers. I knocked on her closed door and when trying to turn the knob found it was locked. I knocked slightly harder and heard footsteps padding across the floor. The door unlocked and a sleepy… Maria opened the door. “Hello your highness.” She did a slight curtsy and opened the door enough for me to enter.

“Please Maria, call me Max.” I crossed over the threshold and entered into Liz’s sitting room.

“Ok….Max.” She closed the door behind me and locked it.

“Why are you locking the door? Tess is in custody, out of the palace actually, and it isn’t like she can do much damage in her condition.” At Maria’s confused look I explained. “Didn’t Liz tell you she got shot?” Maria nodded. “Well, she is in a confined home located on the grounds with guards stationed in and out of it. She will be constantly watched per the terms of my agreement with Liz.” Maria smiled and motioned for me to enter Liz’s bedroom.

She was sitting up propped against pillows with a book in her lap; the space next to her was pulled down invitingly. I walked into the room and the door shut gently behind me. As I got closer to the bed I noticed that she was asleep.

I shrugged off my coat and unbuttoned my shirt, placing the discarded garments on the chair beside the bed. I moved to her and drew the book out from under limp hands, marked the place with her bookmark and placed it onto the bedside table. I pulled the covers back from her waist and exposed a shapely calf above small, delicate feet.

I moved up next to Liz removing some pillows from behind her. Putting one arm around her shoulders and one underneath her knees, I slowly lifted her up and adjusted her to a lying position. I placed the warm comforter back over her slim body where she curled up and let out a contented sigh.

I unbuckled my belt and slid out of my slacks, placing them with my jacket and shirt. I walked around to the other side of the bed and softly got into bed trying not to disturb her.

“I still have my knife so don’t try anything sneaky Max.” Liz smiled slightly and went back to sleep.

I smiled and turned on my side so we were facing each other. I loved watching her sleep; her gentle breathing motion somehow calmed me. I closed my eyes and visions of her writhing underneath me…. My eyes popped open. Those aren’t the kind of thoughts that will get me to sleep! I closed my eyes again and pictured us sitting beside the lake with a blanket beneath us and food in a wicker basket. Children were playing and swimming when one came running up from the water yelling, “Daddy!” And launched himself into my lap.
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Post by IRISH77 »

Quick update:

A smile was on his face when I woke up to warmth I wasn’t used to. His arm was thrown over my chest while his hand had found its way up underneath my shoulder. I adjusted slightly and he woke with a start with my knife in his hand and ready to do battle.

“Max?” He looked around the room until he deemed that there was no threat then looked back at me.

“Huh?” He lowered the knife and looked at it confused.

“What are you doing?” I looked at him and I could feel a smile creeping up along my lips. “Can I have my knife back?” I held my hand out, palm up, in silent demand.

He looked down at the blade clutched in his hand and slowly put it handle first in my outstretch hand. “Uh sorry, habit lately.”

“Really?” I questioned as I put the knife back under my pillow where it was safe. “Since when did you start sleeping with a knife?”

“Since I put Nicholas away, I should have never trusted him. But like a fool I followed my advisors.” He hung his head in shame, but then looked up at me, his eyes peeking through his tousled hair. “The only thing I did right, was marrying you.” He turned to me and went to take my hand but pulled back at the last moment. “Look Liz, I’m sorry for not taking care of Tess and Nicholas. I know that we have had our differences in the past and I know that we haven’t had a real marriage lately…” He hesitated at my raised eyebrow, “Or ever.” He chuckled slightly. “But I want that to change.” He then took my hands in his and brought them towards his body. “I haven’t been running a kingdom; I’ve been running away from my responsibilities, letting others handle them. And look where that got me. You hate me, Tess almost got killed and I know Nicholas is trying to kill me.” His hands tightened around mine. “I want to be a better husband and a better king, but I can't do that without you. You're pure, honest and you're real and right now that is the only thing that's important to me. Liz Evans, will you marry me…. again?”

Utter shock and disbelief were the only things running through my head. ‘Huh? Wha? Did he just ask me to marry him?’ “What do you mean, marry you again?” I shook my head confused.

“The first time I asked you to marry me we were in front of our delegations and family. It wasn’t the way I wanted to propose to someone but that was how it was done. It was cold and impersonal. I’m not that person, I know I’m not. And before all this crap started I saw that you didn’t think so either. Lately I haven’t seen the warmth in your eyes, your compassion and strength. I didn’t realize how much I needed those things from you until they were gone.” He took one of my hands and placed it palm down on his bare chest, right over his heart. “So now I ask you, not as the King of a country in need of a Queen but as a man in need of a wife.” He hazel eyes looked deeply into mine, “Liz Evans, will you marry me.”
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Post by IRISH77 »

A small update:

I was completely taken aback. Max was asking me to marry him. I felt the heat radiating off of his chest and I could feel his heartbeat pounding against his ribcage. His fingers curled around mine pressing my palm to his body. His warm, hazel eyes were penetrating the anger, frustration and fear that had been coursing through my body for the last couple of weeks. Without thinking I slowly moved my head…. “Yes.” I heard myself whispering.

He took my other hand and brought it to his lips. “Liz I am so sorry for putting you through hell. Let me make it up to you.” He gently kissed each of my fingertips and slowly nibbled his way down to my palm. He placed gentle kisses on my forearm and bicep, his body moving along with his mouth. Laying feather light kisses on my shoulder and neck he made his way to my lips.

His body gently pressed me down onto the bed while his left hand moved towards the hem of my short nightgown. Sliding it up my thigh he palmed my buttock and pressed our cores together.

A low, feral moan came from one of us; I wasn’t sure whom since I wanted him badly enough to vocalize it. I had missed his touch as much as his company. I hadn’t realized that what we had before Tess came in and messed things around was a comfortable friendship. We didn’t share our deepest, darkest secrets with each other but we at least had a common goal: Protect our kingdom and our people. His family crest had the image of a Tiger for strength and my families crest has the image of an Eagle for our wisdom, together we can conquer anything.

His hand had made its way up to cup my breast and the sudden heat from his palm on my cool skin made me gasp. He started to pull away but I grabbed his head and firmly brought it back to my waiting mouth. Our tongues collided in mutual need for each other while I wound my hands around his neck and down the hard planes of his back. His other hand helped take my flimsy gown up and over my shoulders to be discarded haphazardly on the floor.

My trembling fingers fumbled at the waist of his pants trying desperately to get them off his lean hips. Max brushed my hands away from his zipper and fully undressed himself in one fell swoop. His body was still magnificent, but a bit more defined. I got up onto my knees and explored the ever present sharp planes of his collarbone but when I lightly brushed my fingers down over his pectoral, I could see the muscle bounce and quiver in anticipation. “You’ve been keeping yourself occupied I see.” I glanced up to his handsome face and found his now chocolate eyes, heavy with desire.

“I had a lot of anger and frustration to work off.” His hands came up to run his hands through my silky hair. “Some of which I am going to take care of right now.” He lowered his face to mine and ran his tongue along the outside of my lips.

“Max.” I whispered quietly and reached up and ran my fingers through his tousled, wavy hair then forcefully brought his lips crashing down upon mine. I needed the feel of his warm skin pressed to the coolness of mine, and told him so with the slight moans at the back of my throat. My hands racing all over his body, wanting more of him: touching me.

The need coursing through me was as fierce as our pent up passion. He pressed against me until we were buffeted by the massive pillows at the head of the bed. At the same moment my head hit the feathery down he pressed into me in the most intimate of ways. My body adjusted to this new, sweet intrusion on itself, accommodating the size and length that was entirely Max.

I reached around to his back and brought my legs up to wrap around his waist. As he thrust in and out I pushed as much as I could with my hands until the wave of ecstasy hit me full force, I then arched my back to take all of him.

He yelled out my name as he poured his essence into my waiting body. His arms finally lost their strength, his body pressed against mine. Gentle tremors wracked his body as the final effects of what we had done were coursing through his veins.

“God, I love you Liz.” He lifted his head and looked deep into my eyes. “Liz, I…” Everything that he wanted to say was reflected in the hazel pools.

I slowly moved my hand from the small of his back and trailed it up his shoulder, where as I went under his arm to reach his face must have touched on a ticklish area because he gave a slight laugh. He opened his eyes again with mirth dancing around with the other wealth of emotions reflecting back at me. It was at that moment that I understood something that I had chosen not to see. Something that I had denied myself since we were first married. It was something I saw back then when he took my hand in his, “I know Max…I know.” I leaned up to place a gentle kiss in the crook of his neck, “I feel the same.”
Live life by the 3 R's

Respect for Self, Respect for others, Responsibility for all your actions
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by IRISH77 »

Are you ready? Here is an update that I hope you enjoy!

Seeping, cold pain starts to penetrate my bones. Sitting in this cell for the last couple of days has started to wear on my patience and resolve that Nicholas had a plan. Of course with him sitting in the cell next to me didn’t help my faith any.

Wishing I had chosen to side with Max, Liz and Michael would have been the wise decision, but I chose to throw my lot in with Nicholas. And look where it has gotten me, sitting in the dungeon with little to no food and this penetrating cold.

While sitting there pondering my current situation I hear Nicholas moving around his cell. “Tess my love.” His high-pitched whisper came through the bars of my cell.

“Go away Nicholas.” I slumped against the wall wrapping the tattered bedding around me tighter.

“I have a plan love, but it involves you sleeping with that wretch Michael.” I could see his pale hand grip the bar of my cell. “Come here love and I will tell you.”

“I didn’t mind sleeping with Michael the first time to get into the palace. I wouldn’t mind sleeping with him again.” He hissed at this revelation. “What, did you think you were the only one with plans Nick? You were the only one with a conniving mind?” His hand disappeared from the bar.

“You Whore! You told me you had never slep with someone before me.”

“I lied love, just like you. At least Michael knows how to please a woman. Unlike other men.” After his whore exclamation I continued on, “leaving me to find my own satisfaction. Someone more skilled in the art of seducing women, Michael is the consummate professional.”

I could hear him pacing the floor of his cell, “When was the last time you slept with Michael Tess?”

“It was a fortnight ago Nicholas, you had just taken your pleasure with my body but still left me wanting so I sought out Michael.” Nicholas slammed a fist or a foot into the wall causing dust to fall from the ceiling. Grinning in satisfaction that I was finally able to twist the knife in his back, making the wound deeper and deeper “He thankfully was leaving a housemaid’s room and our paths crossed. Thanking my good luck I sought his attention and led him back to my room in eager anticipation of my fulfillment.” Another slam from his cell, more dust falling. “He has the finest body that I have seen since laying with Max. A sculpted chest and stomach, unlike the paunch of some of my other lovers.” This time I think the bed was tipped over and kicked against the wall. A broad smile graced my now dirty face, “Tight flanks that any woman of passionate blood will fight for. And a manhood that makes me swoon just thinking about it. He did everything right, touched every part that needed it, nay welcomed it. He entered me so swiftly and precisely that I almost reached my satisfaction at that moment! He was wonderful Nicholas, you should really try to please a woman before you decide to use her. At least Michael has something to negotiate with, while you on the other hand have nothing, a sorry excuse for a plan to take over the kingdom. Did you think that Max wouldn’t find out? Did you think that he was so stupid to not figure that you were the one behind the defamation of his name?” Giving Max more credit than was actually due, knowing full well that Max was a bit slow, but once he figured it out, quick to resolve the issue and take swift action.

“YOU BITCH! I can’t believe that you would tell me all this! I thought that you were loyal to only me. We had a deal, a pact that we would take over this kingdom together.”
Nicholas was yelling so loud and tossing around his meager bedroom that the guard posted at the top of the stairs yelled down to be quiet.

“Nicholas, stupid Nicholas. I always knew your plan was to get rid of me after Max was taken under. I have always looked out for myself, ever since I was a small child under my father’s roof.” I stood up and stepped into the very small shaft of moonlight that had made its way into my cell, providing my only light. “I was the only girl in a house full of men, did you know that Nicholas? I had to cook and clean for my family and try and stay out of my abusive father’s way. The first time he beat me I decided to look out for myself, that no one in this world would do it for me. I was 6 Nicholas, you were being pampered by your parents at that age, coddled and comforted when you were sick and hurt. You are the weak and stupid one Nicholas. I will get out of this predicament that I have found myself in.” I tried to see the moon but decided that could wait for another day. Stepping out of the moonlight I made my way back to the bed to try and think of a way to barter for my freedom. “You Nicholas will only see cold, sharp steel. If you’re lucky, the end of a hangman’s noose.” I lay down and closed my eyes, a plan already formulating in my mind.


Liz and I had been sitting in the Library for some time trying to figure out what to do when Maria entered unannounced. “Sorry your Highness, Liz.” She curtsied low to the ground. “Forgive the interruption but Liz, you need to get ready for the ball! We have a day to plan your hair and accessories not to mention the cook has final preparations that need to be approved and the table settings need to be re-arranged due to Nicholas not being in attendance. Oh, we also have a very late response from a Sir Nasedo Lawrence-Smith from America. The ship was delayed in getting here and there is a whole mess about where he is going to stay!” Maria had been pacing frantically in front of the fireplace completely unaware of the entertainment Liz and I had been getting from her hysterical chatter.

Liz stood up and intercepted Maria on her return path to the left side of the mantle. “Maria! It is alright, we will just place Sir Lawrence-Smith in Nicholas’s place at the head table.”

I stood and walked towards the two women, upon reaching them I pulled Liz to me. “Fix these issues and we will decide about what to do with Nicholas when Michael comes to our chambers.” Kissing her on the forehead I made my way out of the Library and went on my way to find Michael. We still had to come up with a suitable punishment for both Tess and Nicholas. I for one voted for Nicholas to hang for trying to besmirch my reputation and trying to take over my kingdom. Of course I wanted Tess dead also for trying to kill Liz but due to her cooperation we now know what Nicholas’s final plan was to take over. And I don’t think that Liz could stand to have the blood of someone on her hands were she to command Tess’s death. As much as she would like to see Tess dead, her mind, not to mention her heart would not be able to let her sleep or move on once Tess was dead.

Michael was found, as always, in the servant’s quarters. Rolling my eyes I knocked on a chambermaids door that is known for entertaining Michael frequently. He answered with his sword at his side and a state of undress. “Michael, I hate to pull you away from Rhoda’s company but we have a lot to discuss and the situation at hand is not going away any time soon.”

He stepped out of Rhoda’s room and asked for anther 20 minutes assuring me that he would be at my chambers ready and set to discuss our current situation.

Trusting that he would be there I left him to continue on with his carnal pleasures as I recalled my own from the previous nights.

Liz and I had been inseparable since I asked for her hand again. I finally felt that our love was as it should be, complete in both mind and body. We had made that connection that I had been longing for these last years.
Live life by the 3 R's

Respect for Self, Respect for others, Responsibility for all your actions