Behrian Empire (AU, M/L, ADULT) 8/4 pg. 4 Completed!

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Behrian Empire (AU, M/L, ADULT) 8/4 pg. 4 Completed!

Post by IRISH77 »

*Artwork courtesy of Shiesty, beautiful!*

Author: Irish77
Category: AU, M/L - RATING ADULT
Rating: ADULT
Disclaimer: The characters of Roswell belong to The WB, Melinda Metz, and UPN.
Summary: Two people married against their wishes. They try and connect while ruling an Empire.

He walked into the throne room and I stopped what I was doing. I watched him talking to his aid on the next issue he had to deal with before his people came in for their audience.

He was always patient and kind, thoughtful and really knew what was best for all involved except his own problems. The ones he never seemed to control or figure out, he would rely on his aids to solve it and tell him the answer. Although I don’t think they know what is best for him either, sometimes the direction they guide him in doesn’t always work and makes him seem the fool. HE should make those decisions and stop relying on those that are paid to give him advice.

Listen to his heart…. Or that is what I think he should do. But as his Queen I have no say in these issues of his mind or, his heart. We were wed without our consent, his father and my parents. His father figured it was time for him to begin making heirs to the throne; secretly I think he just wanted grandchildren. My parents thought I was becoming too headstrong and independent and they figured that a man might help me see my destiny.

How wrong they were, Max and I are so different in so many different ways. I am bold and speak my mind. I jump in feet first and listen to the consequences later. I have learned that Max is a thinker, thinks before he acts or speaks. This has been in the guarded conversations we have had together during dinner when it takes him 5 minutes to answer a question, it is in this regard that we have stopped speaking altogether. In the last year we have never spent the whole night in the same bedroom either. The marriage was consummated and a couple of times since but we've keep separate bedrooms. It is not a conscious choice we have made but with Max working into the night and early rising with his duties I think that he doesn’t want to wake me.

We have a working relationship, not a friendship or marriage. I don’t think this is what my parents intended but he is a good man and a good king. I just wish that he was more involved with… me and our relationship. A kingdom can run well with a good king but it can evolve and change with a great king, Max can be that king.

I believe with my heart that he will do great things but do I dare share my thoughts and wishes with him or just let things be as they have been?


As I walked into the throne room I caught her perfume on the breeze, she was in the room. I could feel my heartbeat speed up and my breathing escalate. I don’t even need to see her for my mind to remember the last year and those nights when we were together. They are vivid in my mind, the feel of her skin the sounds that she makes, I am getting hard just thinking about it. But I have made the choice to leave her alone to do her own thing, her father warned me that she doesn’t bend to order and if you push she pushes back and then leaves.

I saw her one time before I became the Emperor and she was of marriageable age. I will never forget the way her hair was flying behind her as she ran through the fields on her fathers land. Then to my surprise she ran to the stable, tossed her shoes and took her horse bareback into the woods behind the castle laughing all the while. Her servants were chasing after her screaming “Liz! Lady Liz! Get back here!” Trying to get her to come into the house and do what proper women do, mend, make tapestries, learn to cook and keep the house orderly but I had a feeling that they were hard pressed to get her into the home.

Her father pretty much confirmed this when my father and I gained entrance to the castle for the signing of the bridal contract. She didn’t know it at the time but this free spirit was to be mine to control and harness. Her father warned me that it would be a difficult task but one I was more than capable of handling. She didn’t even know that I was the Emperor at the time. She thought I was a lord of some land she had never heard and cared even less about.

Liz made her displeasure known to her father that day but never to me, if she trusted me enough to tell me she would know that I would never crush her spirit. She told her father that no man would control her and that she would never be happy with a man who thought he ruled her.

She was so angry about the arranged marriage she refused to come and meet me. Refused to have dinner with her family and therefore show her displeasure with their decision. So I have let her be, done only what needs to be done and let her become her own person. She has free reign of the coffers, and the palace. She can come and go as often or as little as she wants. I have not ruled her or tried to tie her down but I don’t understand why she looks at me with confusion and sadness?

I have asked my friends and advisors on what I should do but they give me different answers, different solutions. I don’t know what to do to make her smile again like she did before we were married.

Michael, my military advisor, has suggested bending her to my will at all costs, you never know if she will turn and betray you. Michael has had problems in the trust area, especially with women. The only woman he gave his heart to delivered him to the enemy of the Empire, the evil wench left him for dead while she fled with her lover and army commander of Antarion.

I can not and will not do this. She wanted to be free of a demanding husband so now she is with minimal obligations to me. She is a wonderful queen, kind to her subjects and willing to bear her voice to something she believes in. I ask very little from her other than her presence in the throne room for audience and occasionally in the bedroom.

I have showered her with gifts and dressed her in the finest silks and kept her fed with the best foods and she still has a dull look in her eyes. We have been together a handful of times and each has been wonderful but I only stay until she falls asleep and make my way back to my cold, lonely bedroom.
Last edited by IRISH77 on Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:50 pm, edited 30 times in total.
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Post by IRISH77 »

I finished up the menu for the evening and sent the servant on her way back to the kitchens to get started. I noticed Max stopped and looked up at me standing on the dias where our thrones are located. He had a haunted, painful look in his eyes that he quickly shadowed with a look of happiness that didn’t reach his beautiful Hazel eyes.

He was dressed in the royal garb of robes and scepter. He looked every bit the king he should be.

“My Lady, You look beautiful as always.” He said as he came to where I stood and took my hand and kissed my knuckles.

“Thank you your highness.” I curtsied as is custom, turned and waited for him to precede me to the thrones.

I sat and waiting for the beginnings of the audience session while his advisors prepped him for the first subjects to bring their problems to “us”.

The first hours went by quickly and we took a small break to stretch our legs and get some refreshments prior to the second session beginning. The second session of the day began with a woman and a small child pleading for help because her husband and eldest son had been killed in a raid from some bandits. She and her little girl couldn’t survive without the men and they were in constant fear that they bandits would return again and kill them both.

Max thought about it for a while and leaned to his advisor for his suggestion on the situation.

“I would like to think about this for a little while, why don’t you go and sit near the fire in the other room while we discuss what shall be done for you.” Max stated as his advisor started to question him. Max just raised a hand and the advisor was quiet. “This is my decision at this time.”

“Madam?” I asked, “What is your name and that of your child?”

“My name is Maria and my daughter is Aria your highness.” She pulled her daughter out from behind her skirts where the child had been hiding.

“Maria? When was the last time you and your daughter ate?” I asked in a gentle voice, hoping not to scare the child and also to not draw too much attention to myself.

I very rarely speak up in the audiences due to it is mostly Max’s responsibility and him they are going to advise for but in this case I had to do something.

Maria hesitated before answering and looked at Max for approval to answer, with a nod from him she answered.

“We have had bread and some cheese we found but other than that we haven’t had anything since yesterday morning.” After that announcement her stomach made a strangled sound of hunger. She turned red almost instantly but I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped from me.

“Don’t be embarrassed Maria, I am hungry also. Why don’t we go to the kitchen together and find us all something good to eat? Would you mind if I accompanied you and your daughter?”

With another wait for a nod from Max, we made our way to the kitchen. That was the most frustrating thing of all being in the throne room. If I made a suggestion to a subject or advisor they would always wait for approval from the King prior to answering me.

Am I not the Queen? Are they not my subjects also? This will have to change somehow, someway they will take me as their Queen and not just something pretty that sits by the King!

I looked down at my lap to gain control of my anger when out of the corner of my eye I saw Max go to touch my hand but suddenly changed his mind and placed it back on his throne. What I wouldn’t give to feel his touch again. It is so soft and tender, the way he holds me when we make love. I gave myself a mental shake, we don’t make love we don’t know each other. We combine our bodies in mutual satisfaction and for his part to make heirs.

I wish I could change this mockery of a marriage but I don’t know where to start. What can I do to make this gigantic canyon that is between us go away, or at least make it smaller.

I rose to join Maria and Aria on the main part of the floor, turned and gave Max a small bow and turned towards the kitchen.
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Post by IRISH77 »

Thanks for all the wonderful feedback and encouragement to write more!

I will be on vacation for the next week so the next update will be a little on the long end!


The first hours were torture, wanting her and not being able to have her. Some people say I should just force her and bend her to my will. She is my wife and I can bed her whenever I to but…. I don’t want to force her to be intimate with me. I don’t want to be her ruler; I want to be her mate.

Our second session began with a haggard looking woman and a small child. The woman was dirty and thin, wearing no more than rags on her pale arms. The child wasn’t any better off and was wearing less that her mother, dirt was smeared across her dress and face. She had small little hands and feet, pale as the moon on a clear night and light brown hair like her mother.

She told us of her predicament and how her husband and son had been killed by bandits and that is why they were in my throne room on this day. She had nowhere to go and no family left to take her and her daughter in. My aid suggested we send her to a home outside the Empire and put her to work. I thought there could have been better use for this woman and her child here in the palace. I suggested she and her daughter go sit by the fire and warm up for a bit while I pondered what could be done about her situation. But before I could come up with what would be the best place for them to be Liz asked their names and when they had eaten last.

This woman beside me is so incredible and caring; I just wish she knew how much I want that given to me. How embarrassing is it that I can’t even get this woman to notice how much I want her when I can get thousands of people to cower in my presence? What kind of King am I if the woman I am married to doesn’t even notice how much I want her to be my wife in ever sense of the word, what kind of man am I?

I almost didn’t notice the questioning eyes that were swung my direction for approval to speak. Don’t these people know that she is also ruling this Empire? That they don’t need my permission to respond to something that she asks?

I felt her anger and disappointment in what Maria did and wanted to offer some sort of comfort. I went to touch her hand and give it a calming squeeze but thought better of it and placed it back in my lap. How I longed to touch her again like the fist night we made love, no not love but we came together with passion. In our first kiss I could feel it just below the surface, a glimmer of what could be if she let go and let me in.

Giving myself a mental shake to put these thoughts out of my head and focus on the task at hand. I have to finish with the rest of the scheduled audience and then figure out what to do with Maria and Aria. With another nod to Maria, she and Liz made their way to the kitchens for something to eat while I finished with the rest of the session.

The rest of the session went smoothly and without incident when a note came to me from one of the servants.

Your Highness,

I would like to make a recommendation on the situation with Maria and her daughter.

While in discussion with Maria I have found out that she is very capable with mending clothes.

It is my recommendation is to have her become one of the Palace seamstresses or my own personal seamstress. This would provide her and her daughter a safe place to live where she will no longer fear her death or the death of her child.


She called me your highness, not Dear husband or Max…. What the hell am I going to do?

“Your Highness?” My aid leaned in to get my attention.

“Yes Nicholas?” I folded the note and placed it the inner pocket of my robe.

“I believe that it is in your best interest to send that Maria and her dirty daughter to you palace in the far north. She can help out in the stables or the kitchen and when her daughter is old enough we can have her work around the grounds.”

“Why is that your recommendation Nicholas?” I angled my head to him to indicate I was listening.

“Because she is not fit to be part of this palace sire. She is homely, dirty, poor, unkept and most likely uneducated. You do not need someone of such a low caliber around you, your Queen or the rest of the people living in the palace.”

“Thank you for your council Nicholas but I think I have decided to do something different.” I stood and adjusted my robes, “Please send Michael to my chambers.” I strode from the throne room with Liz on my mind.

“As you wish your highness.” Nicholas said with a sneer marring his childlike face.

I made my way to my chamber in the family wing when I heard a small child giggling and a softer one made by an older woman. I followed the pleasant sound down the children’s wing to the nursery. Maria was dressed in a servant’s gown and Aria looked stunning for a two year old in an outgrown gown one of the families had left behind.

Maria was sitting in a rocking chair next to the fireplace lost in the flames while Aria and Liz sat on the floor playing with some of the dolls. Light was streaming in through the large bay windows from the late afternoon sun and lit up Liz and Aria in an otherworldly glow. Aria was running back and forth from an open toy box to Liz carrying a new treasure to give to her, laughing and babbling all the while. Liz had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen, it was almost blinding in its unintentional joy. I had never pictured Liz with a child before but now it was a reality that I wanted to come true with ever fiber of my being.

Liz was talking to Aria when she saw me standing in the doorway watching them. She turned her head as her smile slowly disappeared and her eyes darted to Maria to see if she had noticed me. Maria was still lost in the flames and I would guess her loss over the death of her husband and son. I cleared my throat as I entered the nursery; Aria tottered over to me and held up her arms to be picked up. Liz picked herself up off the floor and straightened her skirt as she made her way to the rocking chair behind Maria. I picked Aria up and made my way into the room to sit in the chair across from Maria.


Maria came out of her daze and looked at me.

“Yes your highness?”

She didn’t seem phased that I held her only remaining child in my arms. “Liz and I have made a decision about your situation.” Aria started to squirm to get down so I let her go and she carefully made her way over to Liz and held her arms up.

“Hello sweeting!” Liz softly said as she bent down to pick Aria up, on her way to standing straight she gave me a questioning glance.

“Yes Maria we have.” I gave Liz a reassuring smile and looked at Maria. “How would you and your daughter like to stay in the palace here under my protection?”

“You’re giving me a choice your highness?” She gave me a look of complete and udder surprise.

“Of course I am, why wouldn’t I give you a choice on what you would like to do with your life?” I exchanged concerned glances with Liz and turned my attention back to Maria.

Maria looked scared and turned to see to the safety of her child. With a strangled sound she suddenly jumped up and grabbed Aria our of Liz’s hands. “Are you going to send me to the dungeon for questioning you?”

I stood up and apparently glared at Maria, “I would never send a homeless woman and her young child to the dungeon! Where have you heard such a preposterous thing?”

Liz got in between Maria and I, “Maria” she said in the same soothing voice she addressed Aria in, “Max doesn’t do that kind of thing to anyone. Let alone a woman who has the courage to come to him for help. Please sit down and relax, you are upsetting Aria.”

She turned to me and placed her small hand on my chest, “Your Highness, please sit down and we will find out why she thinks you will throw her in the dungeon.”

My heart beat sped up and I was instantly hard, “Only if you call me Max.” I growled out.

I could see in her eyes her keen mind turning that request around, “Yes Your Hi…, Alright Max.” Her voice had gone a couple of octaves lower.


I had to move away from her touch or I was going to embarrass myself and her in the presence of Maria. As I stepped away from her I felt her hand trail down my stomach through my parted robe.

I walked towards Maria and motioned for her to sit down in the rocking chair she suddenly vacated. Saying in the calmest voice I could muster, “Maria please sit down and explain to me why you would think that I would do such a horrible thing to you and your daughter? Please answer honestly and don’t be afraid of me, I won’t harm you or your child.”

I sat on the edge of the chair while Liz went and retrieved a chair from one of the small desks that were in the room. She sat down in between Maria and me with a questioning look on her face. She has been wearing that expression a lot lately…

Maria looked hesitantly at me first then looked at Liz, with a comforting pat on the arm from Liz, she looked into the fire and began to tell her story.
Last edited by IRISH77 on Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by IRISH77 »

Next update!

“I had only been in the village for a couple of years when I met my husband. My family came from another small city far from here to try and make a living at farming. My father was very good at farming, he could convince anything to grow out of soil that didn’t wish to produce anything!” Her eyes became glazed over with the happy memory of her father. “I met Kyle one day at the lake by my family’s home, I was washing clothes and all of a sudden there was a man swimming in my soapy water! I almost fell in with the start he gave me but we had a good laugh and since that day were good friends. He started making more serious advances about a year after we met and we were then married a year later. It was after we were married that I stared hearing stories of the tyrant king.”

After she said this she looked at Max with fear in her eyes, after a reassuring nod from Max she continued. “There were stories of a king as big as a giant eating his people when the larder was empty, and that when someone came to request a favor they were to do something for him in return… a sexual favor. Or the story of how a woman came to him wanting help from an abusive husband and she was told that if she wanted to see abuse he could show her, took her captive and did. They say that she was dragged down to the dungeon and strapped to a table and had all sorts of disgusting things done to her. And once the King was done with her he turned her over to his men, and they in turn turned her over to the servants. She was let go a week later cut up and barely able to walk.”

“There is another story where a husband and wife died and left their three children all alone. A neighbor brought them to the king, you I guess, and was thanked for her wonderful ‘gifts’. These children were never seen or heard from again. It is rumored from a woman that comes to the kingdom often that they were made your ‘personal’ servants.”

She stopped speaking and gave a small shudder.

“Who told you these stories Maria?” I asked trying to remain as calm as possible and not lash out at her.

“Different men in the village. At first I thought they were just telling me these stories to keep me listening to Kyle but then the women started. While we were washing they would say they would have to send 40% of their earnings to the king and if the didn’t they would have to bear the consequences. They told me to get ready to live on a small amount of our income because the king takes it all.

I looked at Liz to see if she had heard any of these stories. With a shake of her head no I turned my attention back to Maria.

“I also heard that you made your subjects pay huge taxes along with giving up 40% of our earnings. Supposedly you need to keep all of your mistresses clothed in the finest silks and give the most expensive gifts you can find to keep them happy. They say you have horrible sexual habits and need to give gifts so that your women will do what you want them to do. And if you don’t pay your taxes or you don’t earn enough profits your personal army will make an example out of us.

“What do you mean example.” Barely containing my growing anger.

She looked into the flames again recalling the memory.
“Well, one day when I was walking home with my son, he was 5 then, some mean looking men came into the village on horseback. They stopped me and inquired where the home of Seamus O’Brian’s shop was. I told them that his shop was the last one on the lane but he was closed for the day. They told me that it didn’t matter because they had orders from the King.”

“They urged their horses down to Seamus’ house and broke through the front door. Then all of a sudden Seamus was thrown from his shop already bloody and they continued to beat him right there on the street.”

“They yelled, ‘By order of the King Seamus O’Brian is to be made an example to all of those who think that they can not pay their taxes or try and keep profits from the King. His punishment is to be beaten close to death and if he makes the same mistake again next month…. There is such a thing worse than death. Heed our warning, we do not wish to come back to this hovel you call a village to make an example out of you to!’ They pointed to me and finished with, ‘We do not care if the example is the parent or the child… punishment will be held for the accuser.’ I didn’t know what to do so I stood there and watched as they mounted their horses and rode back to the Palace.”

Maria shook her head free of the awful tale and turned to face me, she had turned pale and her hands were shaking.

“There was only one other person that I know of that didn’t want to pay your taxes.” Her face hardened into anger for the first time since she had come to me for help.

“Kyle didn’t want to pay taxes… your taxes and now he’s DEAD… you had him killed didn’t you! Don’t deny it… you had him killed didn’t you… DIDN’T YOU!”

She suddenly jumped up and launched herself towards me her hands balled into tight little fists with a wild look in her eyes.

I caught her hands before she could pound my chest and pressed them to her sides.

“Maria…. Look at me” I gave her a small shake, “MARIA! I have never ordered anyone killed for any reason. I am sorry for your loss and though I will never understand what you are feeling know that I am not responsible for your husbands death but I will find out who did kill him and they will be punished!

Once the wild look had left Maria’s eyes I had her sit back down in the rocking chair and looked around for Liz. She wasn’t in the room and neither was Aria, where could they have gone off to?

Liz almost immediately entered the room on the tail end of that thought holding a sleeping Aria in her arms.

As she walked over to the crib and placed Aria in it, “She was getting upset from the tone of Maria’s voice so we went outside in the hall and walked around until she calmed down and finally fell asleep.” She came over to the small chair and sat down facing Maria. “Would you like to know what the King… ah Max has decided?”

“Yes, please, with all the stories I had forgotten that you had made a decision your Highness.”

I sat back down in the chair I had recently vacated and adjusted my robes.

“Maria, we have decided to keep you here at the Palace as one of Liz’s seamstresses. Possibly a ladies made in time if Liz so wishes.”

“What will I do with my daughter your Highness? I don’t have any other living relatives to take her and I don’t really want to be separated from her.” She asked with a questioning glance at the crib then Liz, then back to me.

“She will be raised here with all the other Palace children and will get a wonderful education which will allow her to do anything her heart desires.” I finished with a satisfied nod and looked at Liz for her consent to the idea.

Liz bowed her head but I could see a faint smile cross her beautiful lips. She stood up and turned to Maria, “Maria, we will go shopping on the morrow to get some fabrics for you and Aria to start with. There is also a dress design that I would like to discuss with you for a new gown.” She turned to me and motioned with her head that she wanted to talk to me in private. “Maria, will you wait for me outside in the hallway? I need to have a word with the… Max.”

“Of course your Highness.”

Once Maria had left the room and partly closed the door I got up out of the chair and said to Liz, “You are going to have to work on saying my name instead of having to stop yourself.” I made my way to the crib where Aria slept peacefully.

“I know, it is something that I will endeavor to work on…. Max” It was accompanied by a small laugh, it was music to my ears.

“You wished to talk to me about something?” I turned from the crib and walked towards her stopping a hairs breath away from her.

She cleared her throat and shifted slightly. Good I make her nervous standing so close, this could be promising.

“What made you decide on what to do with Maria and Aria?” She asked while looking at the hem of her skirt.

“Well you see I got this note from a beautiful maid that I know and she had a wonderful solution to my problem. I just wish that she would speak up more in our audiences. Then maybe our people wouldn’t always defer to me for the final approval and they wouldn’t question your authority.” I put my finger under her chin and moved it slowly up until our eyes met.

“Liz, I really wish you would speak up during our audiences. Your father once told me that you helped him with his “domestic” problems on a regular basis so you know what you are doing. And to be quite honest with you it really bothers me that they always wait for my approval on anything you say or suggest. I know you have a keen mind and know that you can be outspoken when you need to be.”

I moved my hand from her chin to her cheek and touched the soft, silky skin there.

“Liz…. I wish I could…. Can I ….”

I started to move closer and her eyes fluttered closed. Our breath started to mingle as I got closer to her lips.

“Your Highness’s?? There is someone cominnnngggg….” All of a sudden Maria was pushed into view and a man stormed in after her with a fierce look on his face.

“Max! Where the hell have you been?” Sword drawn and ready to fight.

Liz jumped away and started towards the doorway with Maria looking shocked and embarrassed all at the same time.

“Michael…. I forgot that you were waiting for me.” I gave Michael an irritated look to which he shrugged, “Liz…. We will finish our conversation later.”

“As you wish Max.” With a small curtsy she was out the door and grabbing Maria on the way.
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Post by IRISH77 »


I grabbed Maria as I walked out the door and made my way to my rooms, “We need to talk about that design for the gown I want made.” I said as I pulled Maria into the Royal wing.

“Who was that with the sword?”

“That was Michael, the Kings military advisor. He is a little rough around the edges and doesn’t let any woman near his heart but at the core he is a good man.” We reached my rooms and sat down in the sitting room and I tried to slow the rapid beat of my heart and get my emotions under control.

“Your Majesty?” Maria said after a long silence.

I took a deep breath, “Yes Maria?”

“Are you o.k.? I know that we don’t know each other very well but I… well I sense something is bothering you greatly. My mother always said I was a good listener, if you wish you can let yourself go of what is bothering you and I promise that I will never tell another living soul.”

“Thank you Maria, right now why don’t we take care of this dress for the Fall Festival coming up in a couple of months.”

“Of course your Highness, as you wish.” Maria sat down at the small writing desk and took out a sheet of paper to start drawing the dress design and we got to work.

Three hours later and several dress designs on paper we were ready for a small stretch break. We decided to go for a walk in the gardens where the children were playing where we could visit with Aria and get some fresh air.

We made our way into the garden to the wonderful smells of fresh cut grass, fragrant flowers and the wonderful sound of children laughing. Aria rushed towards Maria once she spied her at the edge of the small field on the grounds.
“Mama!” Aria exclaimed as she toddled towards a crouching Maria and several small children gave chase. The next thing I knew Maria was sprawled on her back with four young children crawling all over her. The nurse came rushing forward when she saw me and Maria and started apologizing for not watching the children closer.

“Do not worry Tess the younglings are fine and I am sure Maria is content to be with her baby and the other wild ones crawling around.” Tess threw a worried glance at the children still climbing on Maria and then back at me.

I smiled gently as one of the smaller girls came over to me and tugged on my dress. I got down almost to my knees and became at eye level with the little girl. “What can I do for you young lady?”

“My brother Jessie says that you are the Queen and we are to pretend that whatever you say is the smartest thing. I told him that if it is dumb I will tell you, and then he said that if I did you would cut off my head!”

“No sweeting, if you don’t agree with something I have to say we will talk about our ideas and come to an agreement on what to do. Don’t worry your head about what Jessie says…. It is the King you should be worried about.” I sat down on the ground and spread my skirt around me and she climbed into my lap.

“Why should I be afraid of the King?” She said with eyes as big as saucers.

“Because I heard that if you disagree with him… he will tickle you until you agree with him” I said as I gave her sides a gentle wiggle with my fingers. “So you see, whatever the King says you should tell him you will think about it and then come and discuss it with me, I will face him and his wayward fingers.”

She giggled again and ran off to tell her brother she was wrong.


“Where the hell have you been Max?” Michael started pacing the length of the room, “I was waiting in your antechamber for an hour with no message. I went in search of you when a servant said you were in the nursery, as I was walking down the hall I heard your voice raised in anger then silence. When that girl came out of the room… I thought something had happened to you. Jesus Max, don’t ever do that again!”

“Why are you so worried something is going to happen to me Michael?” I motioned my head to go back to my rooms. “I have to talk to you about something that is very disturbing to me. There are these… stories… horrible stories going around my empire that I am an evil man.” We reached my rooms and the guards opened the doors to let us in.

Michael and I sat around my antechamber discussing what Maria had told me and Michael telling me that there are rumors going around the ranks that my soldiers aren’t getting paid and they are practically starving when they go on expeditions to other parts of the Empire.

A couple of hours later and no answers to any questions I decided to take a walk around the grounds.

The sound of children’s laughter has always made me happy and I knew that Tess would have the children out for recess in the mowed field created for just this reason. Of course my father always said it was to have room for outdoor gatherings, but my father always had a soft spot for younglings. He built a school on the grounds for all the children in the Palace to learn, even if they are children of the servants they would still get an education, it is a tradition that I have continued and one that I am proud of.

I came into the grove to the sound of laughter and the beautiful, creamy expanse of Liz’s upper back, naked to the eye and ready for me to feast on.

I hadn’t heard what the young girl had asked but I heard Liz’s answer and didn’t realize that I was holding my breath until my lungs started to burn.

Michael was walking behind me and didn’t see that I had stopped just yet and slammed into my back which made me lurch into the grove and almost fell all over Tess.

“Your Highness!” She exclaimed and started to blush. She started touching me on my arm and chest, “Are you all right? I didn’t hurt you in any way did I?”

She was almost panting all over me and that is what Liz turned around to face when she finally made her way up from the ground, Tess all over me.

“Max, I didn’t know you were coming down here.” She said as she did a small but elegant curtsy.

“I enjoy seeing the children and watching them play. Michael and I have joined them a time or two in some field games.” I said as I tried to gently remove Tess’s hands from my body.

“Really…” She said with a questioning look in her eye as she glanced towards Tess and me.

Great… now I will never get her to see me as nothing but a cheating husband and with the help no less.
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Post by IRISH77 »

Short update!

Tess? Why does she act like she knows Max… intimately? I will have to rethink her being the children’s nanny.

I watched Max try and pry her knowledgeable hands from his body, he had changed into a more comfortable outfit than his royal robes. A pair of cream colored slacks and a black silk top, he seems to favor black tops and slacks. Of course they look good on him so I don’t think any female in the Palace minds that he wears all black.

I went to turn towards the children when I heard a little girl scream, Aria had fallen from one of the low hanging trees and Maria was tangled up with one of the other small children. I went rushing forwards with Max running ahead of me to pick up the small wiggling body from the ground.

“I think she has broken her right arm,” Michael said from behind me, “Look how she cradles it with the left.” He pointed as Maria came rushing up to look at Aria.

“Don’t worry Maria we have the best doctors available to set it and get her right as rain once again and playing in the sun.” Max walked out of the field and into the Palace telling Michael to fetch the doctor to the Nursery.

“Your Highness?” Tess said from behind me.

“Yes Tess?” I turned towards her smug smile.

“I hope you don’t think that there is anything going on between your husband and me. We haven’t seen each other since around your wedding. It has been the first time I have seen him in awhile and I wanted to make sure he was o.k.” She gave me a funny look, one that I have known other women at my home to say to the wives of the men they are sleeping with.

“Don’t worry Tess, what Max does is his business but if I catch you anywhere near his quarters you will be looking for a new position… in a different country.” I turned smartly on my heels and started to make my way to the nursery.

At the entrance to the nursery I saw Max sitting on the bed with Aria cradled in the comfort of his shoulder. A jolt of jealousy rang through my body for a short moment before I brought it under control; she is just a child and no threat to me or my marriage.

Max held Aria and placed her face to the side of his body so that when the doctor set the arm she could scream into his body and not to the whole room. Then he placed his head on hers and murmured comforting words while she whimpered while the doctor started placing her right arm in a plaster cast.

He looked up and smiled at me, it felt as if I had been punched in the belly and the feeling of wanting him to do that with our children raced around in my head.

Michael was off to the side holding Maria’s arms so that she couldn’t go to the bed until the doctor was finished.

The plaster now set Maria is at Aria’s side fawning over her and making sure she is comfortable. Max and Michael are in a quiet discussion with the doctor on what needs to be done so that the arm can heal correctly. I made my way towards the bed to whisper comforting words to Aria telling her I will be back later to check on her, as I straightened I catch Max looking at me with a slight smile.

I make my way out into the hall and towards the royal chambers when Max catches up to me.

“There was something that I wanted to discuss with you Liz.” He says as he matches his long stride to mine.

My stomach does a little lurch thinking about what had almost happened in the nursery earlier that day.

“I have told Michael about what was said by the villagers to Maria. We are unsure of where these awful rumors are coming from but I just want you to know that the stories aren’t at all true.” He stopped and turned me while gently laying his hands on my upper arms, “I need for you to tell me that you don’t believe them.”

“Is it that important to you Max?”

“Yes!” He squeezed my arms and then relaxed a little bit, “It is very important that you know that I am not that kind of King, not that kind of man.”

I turned back towards the hall and continued to make my way down the hall. We reached the door to my chambers and I stopped before opening the door, “No Max, I don’t believe the stories are true but we need to find out who is doing these awful things to our people. Maria believes them and stories like these usually stem from some sort of truth.”

“Thank you for believing that that isn’t me, but if you have any ideas your council is always welcome.”


I made my way to my chambers and made myself a stiff drink… after the day I’ve had and all the emotions that I have gone through I owe myself one.

Michael came in shortly after I had poured my second brandy with news that Aria was sleeping and Maria is keeping watch over her, he reached for the brandy and poured himself a hearty drink.

A couple of hours and two bottles of perfectly aged brandy later, Michael and I were properly drunk. We had been reliving the good days before I became King and he Commander of my army. So many responsibilities had come down on us at such a young age, but we were more than willing to shoulder that for the good of my fathers’ empire.

Michael decided he wanted some female companionship to round out the evening and went in search of it in the kitchens.

I on the other hand had a lonely room to look at and sit and think.

“I am not alone and I do have someone that I can be with!”

I made my way towards Liz’s quarters.


A knock came on the door around 11:00 that night, I had just gotten into my nice comfortably warm bed and now a servant needed some other kind of direction!


“Liz it’s me Max. I need to talk to you.”

He sounds drunk? “Max! It’s 11:00 and we have a million things to do tomorrow, go back to bed.”

“But I really need to talk to you Liz.” I heard a thunk at the door, I threw the covers off and ran towards the door and swung it open. Only to have an armful of Max leaning on me because he fell into the room!

“Wha? Max? What was that sound.”

“The hallway started moving so I put my head on the door to make it stop. We need to talk about something.”

“What’s wrong Max?”

“Have I ever told you how beautiful you look?” He reached up to cup my face.

“Max you’re drunk… why don’t you go back to bed and sleep it off” I reached up and took his hand in mine to bring it down to his side when instead he grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips.

“Liz… my beautiful Liz.” He opened my hand and kissed my palm. I looked into his eyes and didn’t notice that he had walked into the room until my knees buckled and we fell onto the bed.

I could smell the sweet scent of the brandy on his breath and his own personal smell of sandalwood and horses emanating off his clothes. He brushed the hair that had fallen into my eyes away and settled a knee up on the bed beside me.

“Liz… why do we act like this? Why can we not be husband and wife? We are just roommates in this huge Palace. Have I done something to you that you don’t like? Do I repulse you?”

“No Max… I just… I don’t want…”

“I know, you don’t want to be ruled. I have never pushed that on you Liz, never!” His hand fisted into my hair then gentled and slid behind my neck.

“Max, what are you doing.” I questioned softly because I had no breath left in me.

“What I have wanted to do for a very long time.” He then pulled my face up towards his…
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Post by IRISH77 »

**Really short update!***

His lips gently touched mine and I felt my desire liquefy and pool in the juncture of my legs. His hands tightened in my hair almost painfully but I hardly noticed because his tongue slowly moved across my bottom lip trying to gain entrance to my mouth. I opened my mouth and it was plundered, he tasted of brandy and… chocolate. It was an intoxicating taste and I returned the kiss with as much as I was given.

Max had never been this bold with me before, most times we had been sitting in the library reading a book or enjoying music and it would just progress naturally. He never sought me out and took control, it was something I wasn’t familiar with but one I am surprised that I enjoyed.

His lips moved from mine to trail a hot line down my neck and gently grazed my breasts. He started to pull the shoulder from my dressing gown down to expose more skin that he could claim with his lips.

My hand found his thigh pressed up against my leg and I had to grab hold because my world was spinning out of control with every space of skin his lips touched.

“Liz, so soft… wanted… long time…” He said in-between kisses and exposing more flesh.

“Max” I said as I tried to push at his shoulders but then he kissed me on the mouth again and I had to hold onto him to keep the room from spinning.

He finished thoroughly kissing me and pressed his forehead against mine. “Liz, let me be with you… it has been so long since I got to touch you.” He looked into my eyes and it was hard for me not to say no.

“I didn’t know you wanted to touch me Max.”
“Ever since the moment I met you and every day since then.”

“Max get up…I can’t do this when you’re drunk. You don’t know what you’re saying; you will regret this in the morning I promise you.”

“No Liz,” He said almost pleadingly, “I won’t regret it and neither will you.” He shifted his weight and tried to pull off more of my gown but when he shifted the fabric bunched up around my ribs and started to cut off my breathing.

“Max… I can’t breathe.” I said gasping for air.

“I have wanted you for so long, I can’t breathe either.”

“NO! Max… I really can’t breathe; you’re cutting off my air!”

“Oh! Liz I’m so sorry!”

“Let me get up and change into my night shift and then we can talk.”

“Don’t be too long Liz. I can’t wait to get my hands back on your soft skin.”

He got off of me and crawled up into my bed and got comfortable with a couple of pillows behind his head.

I made my way to my dressing room to change into the black silk negligee that I bought on a whim one time in town. I returned to my bedroom with butterflies in my stomach and itchy anticipation running through my body.

“Oh Max..” He was still in the same position that I had left him except there were soft snores coming from his slightly parted mouth.

I grabbed a blanket from one of the chairs by the fireplace and put it over his sleeping body. I touched his face and kissed his forehead, as I pulled back I noticed that he was pretty much sprawled out covering almost every inch of my bed!

“Max! Where am I going to sleep?” I crossed my hands over my chest and started to think. If he has taken my bed then there shouldn’t be anyone sleeping in his bed, I made a small adjustment to the blankets to make sure he wouldn’t be cold during the night and started to step away.

Max moved and started to roll over in his sleep, “Liz…I miss you.”
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Post by IRISH77 »

**Another short update**

I felt a little devious walking down the hallway in my robe and negligee making my way to Max’s room.

As I got to the door I heard a scuffle and a muffled “Ouch!” I opened the door to the antechamber I saw that the fireplace was going and there was someone spread out on the rug in front of it.

I entered and closed the door loudly and the body popped up quickly. The first thing I noticed was the tumble of blond hair and creamy shoulders, then red.

“Max? I didn’t mean to fall asleep it just happened.” She turned, “I had a disagreement with my roommate downstairs and none of the guest chambers were….” The words died in her throat as she saw me in the doorway.

“G.e.t. O.u.t” I said through clenched teeth, my fists were tightly balled by my side and I stood with my legs slightly spread apart.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know Max was expecting company other than mine.” She stood and pulled the blanket around her partially naked body.

“You knew he wasn’t expecting you or else you wouldn’t have had that lie ready on your lips. Now I think that it is time you left, Tess.” I commanded my feet to move and walked with my head held high and a determined look on my face, at least I hope it looked determined.

“You can’t make me leave only Max can.” With a saucy toss of her hair she took her stance by the fireplace.

I stepped to the side with her by the fire and the rest of the room. “I have just as much authority as Max does, or do you forget that I am The Queen? And I don’t mean out of his chambers, I mean out of the palace and out of the Empire.” I looked her in the eyes and ground out, “If I ever see or even hear about you in conjunction with Max or my kingdom… I will have you put to death.”

Her face went slightly pale and then the anger started to surface. “I will not leave until Max tells me to leave. He is the only one with true control over the Empire and its subjects. You are just a pretty piece of ass that looks nice on his arm and in the throne room. I am the only one who can satisfy him in the way he needs, you need me around or else he will show you what his appetites needs to be satisfied. And I doubt that your fair skin can take the punishment he can dish out.”

“What are you talking about? You’re insane, Max isn’t that kind of person and you are just want him for yourself!” I had slowly backed away from the fire and around to the bedroom door in order to try and push her out with my presence, if not my hands. “Tess I think it is time for you to put some clothes on and leave. Have some dignity and walk out of the Palace of your own free will and not at the hands of the guards.”

“I am NOT LEAVING!” Tess scrambled for a candlestick that was on the mantle and hurled it in my direction. I was almost out of the way but the base nicked me in the shoulder and blinding hot pain shot down to my hand and into the back of my neck.

Rubbing my shoulder I made my way towards her to physically move her to the chamber door but she moved away and towards the bookshelf. She ran and started grabbing thick books and throwing them at me, she narrowly missed a shot at my head and a vase on the table next to the chairs shattered. Tess grabbed another handful of books and started running towards the bedroom when she was picked up by a pair of arms and held close.

“Drop the books Tess.” Said a voice that I was surprised to hear.

I got up from the floor where I had tripped over my robe and fallen. Thankfully she was stopped or I would possibly been pelted to death, well probably just severely injured but still it would have been bad.

I shook my head to try and clear the pain that was throbbing in my shoulder and looked up into warm brown eyes.

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Post by IRISH77 »

Sorry about that! I got a little more into it than I thought I would... hope you enjoy :)

I woke up in a really small bed with a blanket in my face. How the hell did I get here? I pulled the blanket from my face and the room was a little fuzzy, I rubbed my eyes until the room was clear again.

I slowly got up and it was then that I noticed the little men with hammers banging around inside my head. The one of the little devils flashed a picture of Liz lying under him on this very bed with her dress partially off her shoulder and exposing tantalizing amounts of skin.

“Liz!” I looked around the room frantically, then the little men decided to do double time in my skull so I slowed down my perusal of the bedroom.

Blue and silver were the predominant colors in the room with a touch of… cherry wood. A small smile crept onto my face in the knowledge that their rooms were somewhat similar, cherry wood with shades of blue and burgundy. She had changed the room since the last time I was in here. The colors were mostly pink and white which didn’t suit her but it was my mothers old chambers and that is what she liked.

I slowly made my way up and out of her bed while tossing the blanket on the back of a nearby chair. There was a small desk off to the side and at an angle so that the sun could shine on her beautiful back while she is working or writing. There was also a small fireplace with a…. bearskin rug in front of it?

That seemed a little out of place but then thoughts of Liz lying naked under me while the flames danced across her creamy skin. I was hard instantly and aching at the tingling sensation that the image of Liz on the bed was recent memory and not from our past encounters.

I made my way… slowly… out of Liz’s room and onto my room when I practically fell over Michael sleeping on the floor outside my room.

“Michael…” Holding my hand to my head while my voice echoed inside my brain like the Grand Canyon, “What are you doing lying outside my door? You could have just come in and… seen that I wasn’t in my bed.”

“Yeah, well you aren’t the reason that I am sleeping on the floor.” He said as he got up and started stretching.

“What do you mean?” I opened the door to my antechamber and saw the mess on the floor. “What happened to my room?”


The name that I hoped to never utter again, “Tess, what about Tess.” I started to pick up the stack of books that were in the middle of the floor and made my way to the bookshelf. The crunch of glass beneath my shoes made me look sharply at Michael. “What the hell happened?” I started to shove the books into the shelves and not caring that the pages were bending or possibly torn.

“I came here looking for you to see if you wanted to find some additional entertainment besides the brandy we put away. But I came into your room to find Tess going crazy on Liz and throwing books at her, I don’t know what happened to your mother’s vase but I am sure that the book lying besides the table is an indication of what happened.” Michael bent over and put the book on the shelf and called a servant to come clean up the broken glass. “There is something else that you should know….” He didn’t look me in the eye which made me a little nervous. “I told Liz to go sleep in your room.” He looked at the floor first and slowly made his way to looking me in the eyes. “You don’t hate me do you?”

“Michael!” I said with a short bark of laughter, “I was in Liz’s room before coming here… I think I might have done something that she will regret but for a moment I touched her… really touched her. And I think that I might have said some things, but she didn’t knock me over the head or anything, I was lying on the bed with a blanket over me…. I don’t remember a whole lot… I….” *Sigh* “Passed out.” I shoved the last book into the shelf and started pacing the room.

“Max… she was scared when I saw her but I don’t think that she hates you or anything. Why don’t you just go in and wake her and talk… actually talk to her and not her parents. Find out what she thinks of you and your marriage, I know that might be hard but it is something you two have got to do!”

“I think I will… I just don’t know how to go about it.” I stopped and looked at my bedroom door.

“Just go in there and wake her up with a….say…” Michael ran his hands through his hair, “Kiss her… just kiss her and take it from there. Then afterwards maybe take her out on your horses, you know she loves to ride….” *cough* “horses.” He finished with a really stupid grin on his face.

“I knew I kept you around for a reason. Thanks for the suggestion Michael, I just might do that.” I slapped him on the back and made my way towards the threshold to my future, and my wife.

“Glad I can help Maxwell, and you keep me around because I protect you, and I am a great drinking buddy!” He said as he made his way out the door.

I was at the door to my bedroom and went to take the handle when I noticed that my hand was shaking… I’m nervous? I’m never nervous about anything, especially when dealing with women! But Liz…Liz is different; she is my obsession, my dream, my wife, my queen. I shook myself out of the nervous haze when I heard a voice behind the door. I grabbed the handle and pushed the door open fiercely expecting another person in the room besides Liz.

“Max… you… want… Max” Liz was tossing and turning while mumbling in her sleep.

I walked up to the bed and watched her toss and get tangled in the sheets, it was then that I noticed the blood running down her arm. I panicked and almost shook her awake but caught myself just in time.

“Maybe if I take care of it she will wake up with my touch.”

I made my way over to the basin by my dresser and took one of the hand towels that were left on the warming rack then dipped it into the cool water. Grabbing a dry towel I made my way back over to the bed and sat down facing her and slowly untangled her arm from the mess of sheets.

I carefully started blotting up the dried blood but since she kept on tossing the cut on her shoulder kept on opening and spilling new blood. I heard the servant in the antechamber cleaning up the mess that was left and got off the bed to send for some bandages to be sent up to my chambers.

The bandages came and I started to clean the wound again, thankfully the cut had started clotting so just covering it was needed. I wrapped the bandage around her arm and lifted her up to get underneath her shoulder when she started mumbling again.

“Tess… mistress…Max ….shoulder…” Her head turned towards me and her lips were parted slightly. Her pink tongue darted out and moistened her bottom lip, I couldn’t stop myself.

I leaned in and kissed her lips, and a small moan escaped through her lips. When her hands tentatively touched my hands then gradually gained confidence and moved up my arms I deepened the kiss.


Max and Tess were sitting in front of the fire when I entered the antechamber in just a nightshirt. I couldn’t tell if they had been kissing but Max had his hands on her upper arms in a fierce grip. And Tess looked a little frightened but had her hands on his chest and was trying to talk to him. He looked up when he heard the door creak open and a look of horror crossed his handsome features.

“Liz… this… it isn’t what it looks like.” He said as he let go of Tess and practically shoved her towards the door.

“Like what Max?” I said as I closed the door to the bedroom.

“Tess came in here and I had to tell her…” He looked between me and Tess.

“Tell her what Max?” I tried to appear calmer than I felt on the inside. I held my hands in front of me to keep them from shaking.

“That we… she and I…. That I want… you Liz… I want you.” He left Tess standing at the door and gathered me in his arms and kissed me.

This time I it felt real, his lips pressed against mine, his body pressed up against me. I could taste and smell him… like sandalwood and leather. I gathered his shirt in my hands and could feel the texture of his shirt, the strength of the muscles that it covered. Then the feel of him started to disappear as it always does when he picks me up to carry me to bed.

But this time when I woke I could still fell his breath on my face… the feel of his shirt beneath my hands.

My eyelids fluttered open and there was Max, kissing my neck then slowly moving to my throat. I clenched my eyes shut and savored the feeling of his lips on my skin, the texture of his whiskers leaving little pinpricks along my neck.

He moaned… he never moaned when we had been together before! I wrapped my arms around his neck when a sharp pain ripped through my body and I quickly sucked air into my lungs.

“Liz! Are you alright?” He pulled away, just far enough to look into my eyes.

“My shoulder burns… She must have cut me with the candlestick.” I said as I lowered my hand down his arm and felt the muscles flex.

“I bandaged it the best I could but we should probably see the doctor tomorrow.” He moved his hand along my cheek and rubbed my bottom lip with the pad of his thumb.

“Of course we… why wouldn’t I go?” A hurt and questioning look passed over his face before he hid it.

“I didn’t think you cared so much.” I lowered arm from his shoulder and my gaze to his chest where noticed the shirt was partly unbuttoned… did I do that?

“Liz I….I don’t know what I was thinking with Tess. Yes, there was a time where we were intimate but it was before we met and hasn’t been since we got married.” He brushed away a stray hair that had fallen in my face. “Liz..”

He kissed me again and put his hand behind my head and brought me to a sitting position. I put my hands on his chest and felt his chest muscles twitch beneath my hands. There was such a feeling of power to make this great man twitch at my slightest touch, reign in so much strength in one person.

He stopped kissing me long enough for me to tell him what I truly wanted “Make love to me Max.”

A small smile crossed his lips as he reached down and pulled my negligee from my body. He then removed his polo shirt in one swift move over his head and tossed it to the floor where my negligee had been discarded.

He placed both hands on either side of my face and kissed me until my mind went foggy and the memory of the dream had been erased. He broke the kiss long enough to toss the covers from on top of me and slide his hands beneath my knees.

He picked me up from the bed and carried me over to the fireplace where he kicked several of the discarded pillows towards one of the chairs. He knelt down and placed me gently on the… bearskin rug? I started to giggle then full laugh’s escaped from my mouth where I hurriedly put my hand over to cover the sound. He looked at me and a broad smile broke out on his previously determined face.

“I saw the rug in your room and thought the same thing. That this is what they were meant to do. I want to watch the shadow of the flames dance across your skin Liz, I want the heat of my touch make you hotter than the fire next to us.”

He stood up and unbuttoned his fly jeans and pulled them down to form a puddle on the floor, where I noticed that he didn’t have any underwear on! That was surprising… Max going commando? I wonder how often that happens…

He got down on his knees and pulled me to mine, he tucked some loose hair behind my ear again and framed my face with his calloused hands and kissed me again. He lowered himself so that he was below me and had me straddle him. I placed my hands on his chest and watched the muscles ripple as he placed a pillow behind his head.
“What are you doing Max?” I laughed a little and looked into his grinning face.

“I want to be able to look at you when we make love, watch the fire dance off your skin. I want to watch what I do to you and how that makes you feel, I want to see it… all of it. And I don’t want you to hurt yourself any more that Tess already has.” He reached up and brushed my shoulder with the back his fingertips where the bandage was stark white against my slightly tan body.

His turned his hand to palm my shoulder and slowly trail his fingertips down my right breast and gently cupped it. He then sat up and replaced his fingertips with his lips and a shudder went through my body.

My arms wrapped around his head and slowly raked my nails down and up his back bringing my hands to cup his head to my breast. His other hand skimmed my body until he found the core of my passion and placed a finger on that small little button. I closed my eyes as my body started to respond to his slow ministrations of all that heat and passion.

I grabbed onto a fist full of his long hair as a finger entered my core and brought me almost to the edge of ecstasy but he pulled out and brought my lips to his as I slowed my breathing down.

“I want to watch you as I fill you with me and your face as I bring you to your brink then push you over. It is something that I have wanted for a very long time Liz.”

He slowly entered me and I could feel my body adjusting to his width and length. I love that sweet sensation of fullness that no man has ever given me except Max. He slowly started to move his hips and the fullness gave way to more sensations that I hadn’t felt the other times we had been together. I closed my eyes and saw tiny little sparks flashing in time with his gentle rocking. My head rolled back and I put my arms on his bent knees to take more of him. He laid back down and took my hips in his hands, I could feel his fingers digging in as he held on. I brought my head up and our gazes connected until the feelings that we brought about were too much for him and he closed his eyes. It was amazing to watch him, the shadow of the flames danced across his skin. The other times we had been together had been quick and for a reason, I never got to touch him or look at him. I decided that this time would be different for both of us.

I took my hands from his knees and put them on either side of his head and my hair fell around to frame his face. He opened his eyes, looked at me and smiled. I leaned up and traced my fingers across the side of his face on down to his mouth where I ran my thumb across the full bottom lip. He opened his mouth and nipped at my finger and laughed, when he did that he pushed farther inside me, as suddenly as he started he stopped and a glazed look came over his eyes.

I continued my exploration of his body by tracing a line down his throat onto his chest. I bent down and started kissing his collarbone making a trail down to one brown flat nipple. I flicked it with my tongue and felt his chest rumble with a groan, a small satisfied smile was on my lips, knowing that I had the power to bring this strong, commanding man to his knees…. Or back rather.

I trailed a line of kisses to his other nipple and flicked it with my tongue, “You’re killing me woman!”

All of a sudden I was on my back and Max was above me, our intimate contact never wavering… I wish our marriage was like that. He started thrusting and the pressure was coiling and clamoring for release. I brought my arms to around his back and scratched as he started pounding harder and harder, I wanted to leave my mark. I lifted my legs to wrap around and grabbed his buttocks to get as much of him in me as possible. The sweat made our skin glisten and I watched as a small drop trailed a line down his sculpted chest and wonderful abs. I looked at where we were joined and almost went then.

“Are you ready?” He asked as he looked me in the eyes.

I nodded because I didn’t have the will to speak, he started to move and I matched him thrust for thrust. The tight coil of my desire was about to break, I arched my back to take in as much as possible. Then all of a sudden the dam broke and light shattered behind my now closed lids. He let out a mighty yell and started shuddering above me, he let all of his weight go and I was surprised that I enjoyed his whole body covering me.

His head was next to mine and he started to kiss my neck and licked a line of sweat from my neck to my lips. His kiss was one of tenderness and caring… and also a hunger that lay beneath that still wasn’t satisfied.

A smile curved on my lips when I realized that I wasn’t done yet either.
Last edited by IRISH77 on Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Live life by the 3 R's

Respect for Self, Respect for others, Responsibility for all your actions
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Post by IRISH77 »

**short update to tide you over till Wednesday**

We moved to the bed and made love until we were exhausted. Slumber came and went when a knock came from the door, when I didn’t get up and answer it the person started to pound on the door.

“Max…. Max… DAMN IT MAX! If you don’t answer this door right now I am coming in with my sword drawn and I am going to skewer whomever is in the room with you”

I yanked open the door with a blanket around my waist because I didn’t have time to put anything on.

“Shut up Michael… you’ll wake Liz up.” I looked over to the bed and saw she had rolled over and taken my pillow to cuddle. Smiling I turned to Michael and ushered him into the antechamber, “What is wrong that you come barging into my rooms so early?”

“Early? Max it is 11:00am and you were due in the throne room an hour ago.”

I sat down in one of the chairs with what I could feel was a stupid grin on my face…. We had made love till dawn.

“Besides we still need to take care of the Tess issue.” Michael said as he sat with a thump in the chair across from me.

“Tess issue?” I was confused and don’t remember Tess being part of last night.

“Part of the reason that Liz is sleeping in your bed, and …. There is blood on the floor.”

“What!” I jumped up and looked at the floor where Michael was pointing, “Must have been where Liz fell. Now I remember Tess was here, what happened anyway.” I turned and sat back down and draped a leg over the arm of the chair.

“I’m not exactly sure what happened before I got here but when I heard the vase breaking I came in and Tess had a stack of books ready to throw and Liz was on the floor at her feet. It was crazy, by the time I got here Tess was yelling like a mad woman and Liz was on the floor ready to take the first book on her forearm. That was another reason why I came to see you.”

“I better tell Nicholas that I won’t be in the throne room today and to make other arrangements for our audience.” I rang Nicholas to come to my room with the intention of signing anything that needed to be taken care of today but to mostly push it off for tomorrow.

A sharp rap came on the door not 5 minutes later, “Enter.” Nicholas came into the room with his ever present black binder and a concerned look on his face.

“Your Highness is everything alright? I heard that you sent Tess away last night, did she not please you?” A look of concern and utter disbelief crossed his face.

Not sure if it was the state of my dress or that he thought Tess was wanted in my chambers. “Nicholas, Tess was never welcomed in and no she did not please me, in fact she harmed my wife. But that is something that we need to discuss at a later date. I will not be attending audience today so please make other arrangements for the people to voice their troubles in writing and I will be sure to gather them at the end of the afternoon before dinner. Is there anything you need signed today?” He handed me several sheets of paper to sign, when I was done I handed them back to him and told him that was all. “Oh Nicholas, I almost forgot… please have the doctor sent to my room in a timely manner.”

“Is everything alright?” His hand was on the door waiting to leave to get on with the days business.

At his inquiry the door to my bedchamber opened and Liz came into the antechamber in her negligee. “Max? Are you in here? I heard voices… oh hello Michael…. Nicholas.”

Her tone chilled a couple of degrees in her greeting of Nicholas, curious. I must remember to talk to her about that later.

“Everything is fine Liz, how is your shoulder feeling?” At her small smile I am guessing she is remember the care I took in our lovemaking not to injure it further.

“It is ok. The bleeding has stopped but it is throbbing and my fingers feel a little funny.” She came further into the room and I noticed how Michael couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

“Michael… Michael!” His eyes shot to mine and a guilty flush crept up over his face.

“Yeah Max?” He smiled a little but then took on a more serious face, his eyes were still dancing with laughter.

“Please accompany Nicholas to get the doctor, I think we should see him sooner rather than later.” I stood from the chair and at her slight shiver I went around her and unwrapped the sheet from my body and pressed my body heat against her. Then shook the sheet out and wrapped us both in its comfortable warmth. “Michael, Nicholas? I expect the doctor here within the hour. If there is nothing else, I have more important things to do until then.” With a nod of their heads they made their way out of the antechamber and closed the door.

I slowly turned Liz towards me, “Hello more important thing.” I leaned into stop a short hairsbreadth away from her lips. A barely audible sigh escaped her before she placed her lips on mine.
Live life by the 3 R's

Respect for Self, Respect for others, Responsibility for all your actions