Secrets in the Dark(AU,M/L,ADULT) Ch 33 - AN 08/31/04 [WIP]

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Post by starlady »

The end of this Chapter is NC-17 (The part is the very end. Separated by squiggly lines. It can be skipped w/o affect to plot)

~* Chapter 21 *~

“That didn’t go as bad as I thought it would” Max said to Liz who sat across him on the steps of the front porch.

Liz turned to look at Max. She raised her eyebrows giving him a sardonic look. “Of course not… It could have been worse, I could have invited Mussolini”

Max chuckled. It was late but he just couldn’t bring himself to leave.
The day had been crazed to say the least but they had all survived it and in the end it all worked out in their favor. His parents were able to meet Emily and openly express their love to her, something that Emily seemed to need. He knew that Emily had grown up surrounded by love and acceptance but based on her confession today, he also knew that she had a fear of rejection. She had been so afraid that he would not accept her because of her illness she had almost shutdown to the possibility that he would love her unconditionally.

Emily had wiggled her way into his parent’s heart just as she had done to his. By the end of the day Phillip had her flying over his shoulders and Dianne promising tea parties. Max thought that Emily was a little old for tea parties but Liz said that Emily was into making messes in the kitchen, something that if she recalled correctly was one of Diane’s specialties. Max had to agree on that point. His mother’s cooking talents were very good but when she tried to venture into the land of unknown recipes, it could be scary.

Maria, Michael and Kyle had left a couple of hours ago and his parents, as well as the Parkers had left shortly after. Isabel was the one that seemed to linger behind and he was grateful because it gave him an excuse to stay longer. The kids were sent to bathe and had gone down for the day less than an hour ago.

Max smiled as he remembered how Josh had given him his blessing while Liz helped Emily after her bath.

Josh eyed Max as he climbed onto the top bunk “I knew it was you”

Max smiled as he leaned against the nightstand next to the bunk beds. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Josh smiled at the comment. He knew the details of the conversation Max and Liz shared with Emily. He and Emily were best friends. They didn’t keep secrets. “Are you going to stick around?”

Max smile faded at the question. It seemed to Max that Josh had some serious abandonment issues. He suspected that Liz, Alex and Emily had been the best thing to happen to Serena and Josh. Max saw too many cases in family court where the child would grow resentful and lash out in his teenage years. The child would avoid deepening any type of familial bonds for fear of losing the person. This would lead to a very lonely childhood.
Although Josh knew he was loved and cared for, Max felt he still retained some of those feelings of rejection and he knew Josh didn’t trust, wholeheartedly.

“I’m here to stay. There is nothing that would make me walk away from her.” Max assured Josh.

Josh nodded “I knew Aunt Liz would have chosen someone like you. You’re okay”

Max eyed Josh. Approaching the bunk he leaned his arms against the top bunk and said, “You know, people can’t chose who they fall in love with, it just happens. Sometimes it’s not easy to make out a person’s character if they deliberately hide it from you. If a person willfully tries to deceive you, it might take years to find the truth. You can’t go around not trusting people because you’re afraid that they will be lying. You sometimes need to risk the hurt. Your Mom, she took a big chance on trusting Liz and Alex but if she hadn’t, you wouldn’t have Emily as your best friend. People make mistakes. Me, your Aunt Liz, your Mom. It’s how we handle the outcome of our mistakes and how we rise above it, continue with our lives and become happy, that makes us stronger ” Max watched as Josh listened intently to his speech. “Josh, you are part of this family. You are Emily’s best friend. You have proven to be a good friend to her. You have earned my respect in many ways and I hope you will trust me to not let you down”

Josh turned his head to look at Max. “Thanks Uncle Max. I know you won’t fail her”

“I promise I will try my best.” Max said

“What are you grinning at?” Liz asked pulling Max out of his reverie.

“I was just thinking about the kids.” Max replied as he sat next to Liz on the stairs. It was a quiet night and it seemed to inspire reflection. “Josh is very protective of Emily. He’s good for her.”

Liz smiled “That he is. I don’t know what we’re going to do when school starts.” Liz sighed “I can’t see Serena picking up roots and moving to Roswell. She’s a city girl. She has a job that she has to go back to in September and I don’t know what the kids are going to do if we have to separate them.”

Max suddenly felt chilled to the bone. Would Liz leave Roswell again? Take Emily with her? These were questions that he had not thought about. What if they found a donor for Em? Would she stay until Emily was out of the woods and then pick up flight? “Maybe Serena would let him stay here?”

Liz looked at Max and twisted her mouth, “Could you see me leaving my child in a town with friends while I move half way across the country for a job? Don’t think so.”

“What are you going to do?” Max asked anxiously

“Take it one day at a time. I do not want to think about the future too much. I just want to enjoy my todays.” Liz said as she leaned against the railing.

Max decided not to push it. They would have time to talk about this later. September was three months away. “As much as I have enjoyed today, can we talk about tomorrow?”

Liz smiled a knowing smile “I was wondering how long it would take you to ask.”

“Well, Emily knows now and I really would like to go with her.” Max responded, his voice pleading for this to go with out confrontation.

“Can you get out of your appointments at such short notice?” Liz inquired. Max was an attorney. He must have appointments on a daily basis and even though he was a partner in the firm he had his own responsibilities.

“I can call in some favors and have my schedule rearranged.” Max assured

Liz looked at Max’s hopeful face. Almost 6 hours in small confined spaces with Max Evans… Was that a good thing or would it be torture? She couldn’t deny him; he wanted to be involved in his daughter’s treatment. He had the right.
The Right…. Liz nodded “Okay. We leave at 7am. Do you want us to pick you up?”

The door of the house opened as laughter escaped the confines of the home’s walls. Isabel stepped out onto the porch, Alex following close behind. “Hey, guys. What are you up to?”

“Oh we were talking about tomorrow’s trip” Liz replied.

“Trip?” Isabel asked, looking at Max for some clue.

“Emily has her first doctors appointment tomorrow in Albuquerque. I want to go.” Max stated

“Oh” Isabel replied.

Alex was happy that Max fell into the role of father so easily. He just hoped that Liz would not alienate Max. Alex knew that it was difficult for Liz to ask for help. Sometimes he felt exhausted just trying to convince her to let him do things for her and Emily. It was hard for her to relinquish control. He could see Max wearing her down but he hoped she would make things easier for Max than she did for him. “Take some thing to read, Max. It can be long and boring.”

Max looked at Alex and again felt the stab of jealously hit him. Alex had done this so many times; it was almost a routine for him. He felt sad that a procedure so invasive as it was to receive blood from a stranger was so common among this group. He felt as if something was twisting inside of him. He didn’t want this to be typical; He didn’t want this to be ‘boring’. He didn’t want this for his child. Max lowered his eyes and kept his thoughts to himself.

“Does it take very long?” Isabel inquired.

“Not too long but the drive is a killer.” Alex said still eyeing Max’s reaction. “Last week I took her on Monday for a quick check, after the blackout she had at Max’s we wanted to make sure all was still stable, and the ride took us two hours just to get there and then the appointment was for about 20 minutes and then we drove another two hours back. It was really bad for the kids.” Alex turned to look at Isabel as he finished “That’s why we hope to get the case moved to Roswell, at least the follow-ups. It’s just too far for day trips.”

“I don’t see it as a problem. I’m sure the doctors’ will agree.” Liz said as she stood up, preparing to say good night.

“Well, that’s good. I’m going to start calling my contacts tomorrow to see what we can pull together. Can I call you tomorrow, Liz?” Isabel wanted to help as much as possible. She was happy that Liz and Alex saw past her original reaction last week and opened their home and their lives to her so easily.

“I won’t be back until late, but maybe you can talk to Alex about it all. He knows our schedule and can help you with any information you might need”

Max pulled his hands out of his pockets and pushed his hair back. He needed to get out of here. He needed to put a check on his feelings. His mind told him that he was being an ass but he couldn’t stop from getting aggravated by the fact that Alex was such a big part of his daughter’s life, as well as Liz’s. He needed to be grateful to Alex but this green-eyed monster kept popping up. He just needed to think clearly, realize that his role in Emily and Liz’s life was just starting. He needed to give them time. “I think we need to get going.”

“Sure” Isabel replied. “Alex, I’ll call you tomorrow then. Will you be home or do you have a cell?”

“Oh, no. I’ll be home. Liz is taking the car. So Josh and I are stranded.”

“Oh! Then let me jump by at lunch. I can take you out for a breather.” Isabel was feeling quite daring at her invitation but she couldn’t deny the fact that she had just spent one of the best afternoons in her adult life. She wanted to spend more time with Alex and this was the best opportunity. After Emily came down to meet them all, she had been recipient of many questions from the precautious child and just as much attention from her ‘Uncle Lala’. It was great!

“You don’t have to do that Isabel, I’ll just leave my car here.” Max said, oblivious of the undertone of the invitation.

Three sets of eyes turned to Max and seemed to bore holes into him.

“That’s very nice of you Max.” Liz said trying desperately to fix the goof up “but you know Isabel, the lunch invite sounds great, too. Alex never gets enough adult company. I’m always at the hospital and he’s always stuck with the kids.”

Max wondered it Liz didn’t realize how that sounded so personal. As if Alex was her husband or something. He unconsciously swatted at his shoulder hoping to squash that monster that kept whispering things into his ear.

“That is so true. Sometimes I feel like I’ll break out into anime tunes.” Alex added quickly picking up on Liz’s save.

“Great!” Isabel said beaming with expectation. “I’ll drop by around 12:30?”

“Sounds like a plan!” Alex said turning grateful eyes to Liz. She smiled back letting him know that they would talk about this later. He owed her big time!

Liz looked at Max who seemed to have a contrite look upon his face “Talking about a plan. Here, then. At 7:00?”

Max nodded “I’ll be here… So Iz, we should get going…” Max shook his hands on his side and taking Liz’s elbow in his hand he leaned forward and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for everything”

Liz smiled and nodded. “Don’t be late!” Turning to Isabel, Liz said, “I hope you can come visit another day, when I’m around too. Emily really loved talking to you.”

Isabel laughed and leaned in to hug Liz “yeah, she thinks I’m the jolly green giant! She is quite a character. I hope all goes well tomorrow.”

“Thanks!” Liz replied.

Max and Isabel said their good-byes to Alex and getting into Max’s mustang, left Liz and Alex on the porch.

“You sooo owe me one” Liz said still waving at the retreating car.

Alex swung his arm across her neck from behind and pulled Liz’s face up to his, as he plastered slobbery, noisy kisses all over her face. He then broke out in song as he danced around the front yard giving an awful rendition of “Did you ever know that you’re my hero”

Liz broke out in laughter as she turned to head into the house. Tomorrow was going to be a long day and she needed her rest.


Maria rested her back against the headboard of her bed as she watched her husband close the door to their room. The soft cotton gown she wore was a respite from the cloths she had worn during the day. Even the small pool Liz had purchased did not give her relief from the heat of the day. At 6 and half months, her pregnancy was showing more than with Sammy and her breast had swollen enough to make her very uncomfortable. She leaned over to the nightstand and pulled out a small tube of body lotion. She had started applying the cream to her body in hopes that the elasticity of her moisturized skin would ward off those dreadful stretch marks that she had seen on many women. Sammy had not scarred her skin and she hoped that the little firecracker she now carried would grace her with smooth skin after arrival as well.

Michael walked over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of thin pajama pants. He use to wear sweats to sleep but Maria had given him the ultimatum to either sleep in his boxers or get something in a thinner fabric. She said the jersey material got her hot just looking at it. Unfortunately for Michael it was not the type of ‘hot’ he had hoped for. Her pregnancy seemed to have raised her body temperature and she could not deal with the New Mexico summer heat.

He slipped out of the towel that hung from his hips and put on the pants. He then moved to the bed as he watched his wife lotion her hands and elbows.

“Did Sammy give you a hard time?” Maria asked. Michael had gone to put Sammy to bed after his shower and had taken longer than usual.

“Not really” Michael gestured for Maria to give him the lotion. She gave him the tube and he squeezed a generous amount in his hand before kneeling on the bed and pushing her gown over her belly. He rubbed his hands together and then lying on his stomach settled between her thighs. “I just wanted to watch him sleep”

Maria noticed Michael’s furlong look as he softly caressed the cream onto her belly. Removing the hair that fell on his face, she took in his thoughtful mood. “What’s the matter?”

Michael pushed his hands over the skin that hid his unborn child and softly placed a kiss on Maria’s belly. “I was just thinking about Emily and Josh. Last week when we found out about Josh, I was stunned. He was 7 when they found his tumor. Today we find out that Emily’s disease was discovered at 5. Sammy is 3. She was two years older than Sammy.” Michael’s hands moved over Maria as in reverence “I don’t know what I would do if Sammy got sick like that, or even sweet pea, here” He said as he placed another tender kiss on his child.

Maria looked down at the man she loved. She didn’t know what to say. She had thought the same thing when she first found out. She felt traitorous for thanking god that her son was healthy, for praying that this baby she still carried would never suffer the fate Emily and Josh had been given. “We are strong, Michael. We would do just as Liz has. We would fight with our dying breath to give our children hope for a future.”

Michael slowly unbuttoned Maria’s nightgown and opened it, exposing her breast. Taking more lotion in his hands, he massaged it into her skin. “I can’t help it. I’m scared. It’s just so close to home. Look at Max. To find out he’s a father and then find out his daughter is dying.”

“She’s not dying, Michael. She’s stable. Her fate is not sealed and we can’t think negative thoughts. God forbid, but if it were Sammy, I would not want people thinking that there was no hope for saving him. Everyone in that room today is another chance that Emily has of surviving. If we don’t find a match within ourselves, then we will put together that blood drive that Isabel was talking about and extend the chances for Emily. Michael, we have to be strong for Max and Liz. We have to give them our support.” Maria caressed Michaels face as he leaned over her and kissed her lips.

Leaning back, Michael let his eyes caress ever part of his wife’s pregnant body. Slowly he pushed back and grabbing the edge of her panties, he pulled them over her hips and down her shapely legs. Putting some more lotion in the palm of his hands he proceeded to massage her hips and her thighs. “I hope I don’t mess up. I tend to walk around with a foot and mouth syndrome.” Raising Maria’s leg a bit, he softly placed a kiss on her inner thigh.

Maria let out a soft laugh and let her eyes close at her husbands touch. “I think you don’t give yourself enough credit. Everyone knows your heart is in the right place. If it wasn’t I wouldn’t have fallen in love with you.”

Michael leaned over Maria’s body and brushed his lips over hers “I love you, too” He whispered as he moved his lips to her neck and placed more kisses on every piece of skin he found. Putting his weight on his forearms, he caressed Maria’s face and looked down at her.

Maria opened her eyes and saw the wonderful man that had stolen her heart so many years ago.

“You are so beautiful. I don’t know what you were thinking when you married me but I’m not going to complain. I’m just happy that your sanity hasn’t returned.” Michael professed as he pressed his arousal against her heat.

“Are you saying I’m crazy?” Maria asked as she undid the ties of the pants he had just put on and pulled them off his hips.

“I would never say such a thing. You might kick my ass.” Michael replied as his lips found their way down to the valley of her breast and his legs wiggled out of the confining pants.

Maria grabbed Michael’s fleshy bottom in her hands and pressed him against her “Oh and what an ass to kick”

Michael smiled as he slid into her.

Maria sighed in relief. Her husband was not a man of many words but he always knew exactly what to say to get her to melt in his arms.

Michael moved languidly in and out of Maria “You’re so perfect. I could spend the whole night loving you like this”

“I wouldn’t mind that at all.” Maria replied between breaths.

So Michael did just that.

Last edited by starlady on Tue Apr 29, 2003 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by starlady »

~* Chapter 22a *~

Max walked up the stairs to the front door and putting on his jacket proceeded to knock on the door. He turned around and looked out to the empty street. The neighborhood was still sleeping, although most would start to get up soon.

It was a heavy night for Max. He paced more than he slept, trying to put his feelings in order and trying to make sense of those feelings. Over the weekend he found out that a) he was a father b) his daughter was very ill and c) he might never be to his daughter what he wanted to be. He felt powerless because he couldn’t change the past and the past handed him this present. The questions that he failed to ask were the ones that haunted him. How would he be able to let go of Liz and Emily when the time came? How could he step back and let Alex continue to be a father to Emily when that was what he wanted? And finally, how could he change things in a way that would invalidate all the other questions?

Max knew that Liz was the one for him. In all these years he had not been able to give his heart to another. She was it! He just needed to prove it to her. Sometimes he just wanted to kick himself for being so shy around her. The banter that went on between them was usually a friendly teasing, one that made things comfortable. Max didn’t want comfortable. He wanted Liz and Emily.

“Then make things uncomfortable” Maria told him at 3am when he finally gave up and called her. “If you are feeling all flushed and butterflies are taking resident in your stomach, then your doing something right”

“What if this is not what she wants? I might lose her as a friend. I’ll be making things awkward between us.” Max countered

“That’s what stopped you the first time. Are you going to let that happen again?” Maria asked “You are obviously not happy with the way that turned out because if not, you would not be calling me at… three o’clock in the morning!”

“Um… sorry about that.” Max said hoping that she wouldn’t hang up on him.

“Max, you have to be more aggressive. You are such a shark in the courtroom but you suck at this whole relationship thing. You have to risk loss if you ever want to risk gain. Grab your life by the balls and just do it!”

Max groaned at the last statement because his mind immediately was bombarded with thoughts of Liz in her sweat pants. Maybe it was a message in disguise.

“Can I go back to sleep?” Maria asked after a few seconds of silence.

“Sure… I’m sorry to bother you” Max said again; turning over what Maria told him.

“Honey, you can call me anytime but I’m not giving you the same advice again. You need to do something about this. You can’t change the past but you can change the future.” Maria wanted to make sure that she sent home the message and she hoped Max would finally take her advice. Sometimes she just wanted to clobber those two. Each telling her how they felt and each not listening to her advice! “I love you. Now, go to sleep!”

“Hey! You’re here early. Come in” Alex said as he opened the door for Max “The girls are almost ready.”

“You are up early too. Do you usually get up at this time?” Max asked

“I’m here to get the lecture. You know, the one were Liz tells you everything she thinks you are incapable of remembering even though she has told you a million times.” Alex plopped himself on the stool and rolled his eyes hoping Max could sympathize.

Max smiled.

“Are you talking about me?” Liz said as she went down the stairs. She wore her hair in the customary braid because its length didn’t allow for much more. The rayon sundress hugged her body in just the right places before it flared out at the bottom. It was a red with a blue floral print that went perfectly with the jacket she held in her hands. The leather sandals that she wore added just a bit of height without taking away from the natural look the dress gave her.

Max felt his heart jam in his throat at the sight of her and he wondered how he was going to be more aggressive if every time he saw her she took his breath away.

Unbeknownst to Max, he had a very similar effect on Liz. Liz got an eyeful when she reached the first floor. Max stood in a pair of khakis, which he wore with a light blue oxford. Liz could see a white tee peeking from under his shirt and the dark blue blazer he wore made him look as if he had stepped out of a magazine. He was the epitome of male and she felt the need to swallow to jumpstart her lungs into breathing.

“The last thing I would do, is talk about you behind your back” Alex replied to her initial question as he winked at Max.

As Liz walked up to the two men that stood around the kitchen bar she started reciting the list of things Alex should not forget. Alex just smiled and nodded while Max stared. Liz was pulling thing out of the refrigerator and putting them into a basket, Max followed every movement taking in how her hips swayed and the dress danced around her calves. He felt as if he was hypnotized. That was, until he felt two arms curl around his waist. Looking down he encountered the sleepy eyes of his daughter.

“Carry me, please!” Emily was not a morning person and having to be pulled out of bed at 6:30 in the morning to get in a car was not her idea of fun.

Max lifted Emily into his arms effortlessly. “Good morning to you too.” He said as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

Emily pulled the blanket she had wrapped around herself a little higher and settled into Max’s arms, resting her head on his shoulder. “Mornnin’” was all she said before closing her eyes.

“She has morning issues.” Liz supplied. Grabbing the basket, she moved over to Alex and gave him a quick kiss on the check before giving him another set of instructions.

“Liz, you have to get going before you get into too much rush hour traffic.” Alex said grabbing her by the shoulders and turning towards the door.

Max fished into his pocket and pulled out his keys, placing them on the counter as he followed Alex and Liz. “The keys to the car are on the counter. The house keys are there too if you want to drop by the house for a swim later on in the afternoon.”

Alex thanked him as he helped Max settle Emily into the car. She was already asleep.
After a few more minutes and several more ‘don’t forgets’ from Liz. They were on their way.


After the first hour Max felt himself ease a bit. Sharing a car with Liz for a long time was wrecking havoc on his senses. She wore a soft perfume that emanated floral scents and did a number on his body. She had kept conversation light with tales of Emily’s misadventures growing up and Max found himself more depressed than before. He hated the fact that he had missed out on so much of his daughter’s life. He was grateful for the stories because it gave him a glimpse of the life they had enjoyed but it also made him feel cheated.

He remembered Maria’s words.

You can’t change the past but you can change the future.

“I feel like I missed so much” He blurted out as he turned to look at the passing scenery.

Liz looked at him before returning her eyes to the road. “I’m sorry.” Liz felt that she had stolen that time from him and his statement reinforced those feelings.

“It’s not your fault” He replied with regret in each word. “We both made mistakes. I’m just having a really hard time dealing with the outcome.”

“I’m sorry” Liz softly repeated.

Max leaned back into his seat and took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. He turned and looked at the back seat where Emily leaned against the door wrapped up in the blanket she had brought with her. How could he explain to Liz what he was feeling if he couldn’t understand it himself. “You have no idea what you do to me, Elizabeth Parker.” He said looking at Liz.

Liz quickly looked at him confused.

“My mind is just one big mush. My feelings are all jumbled up. I regret not being there with you. I resent that I’m was not the one that was there when Emily learned to ride her bike or the one that walked her to school her first day at kindergarten. I have all these feelings of longing and yet I am so grateful to be here, now. I feel cheated, but not by you, but by myself. Do you know what I mean?” After Liz looked at him but didn’t say anything, Max continued, “I should have done so many things differently. I sometimes think I should have kicked Zan’s ass when you two started dating. Told him to keep his distance from you; but then, maybe Emily wouldn’t be here. Then I think that maybe I should have stopped myself that night; but then for sure Emily wouldn’t be here. Then I find the exact place where I went wrong.”

Liz looked at Max once again, waiting to hear what he would have changed.

“I should have stayed in bed that morning. I should have woken you up and told you the truth right then. Instead I ran and that is the thing I regret the most.” Max looked back out onto the passing cars. He wrapped himself in the blanket of self-loathing he carried with him and waited for Liz’s response.

Liz watched for traffic and then veered to the shoulder of the road where she stopped the car. Turning in the seat to face a surprised Max, she said “Is this what I do to you? Fill you with guilt and regret? I don’t want to be the one that does this to you.”

“No, Liz. You misunderstood…” Max said straightening in his seat.

“That day was the first time you ran but I assure you that as much as you ran, you would never catch up with me. I had been running for years before that night. That night was the culmination of the marathon that had become my life. Even after I realized what I was doing, I still ran. I ran from everyone and everything that reminded me of the mess my life was. If it wasn’t for Emily I’d still be running.” Liz’s eyes took a weary look “I’m tired, Max. I don’t want to run anymore.”

Max moved closer to Liz and caressed her check with his knuckles before cradling her jaw in it. “I don’t’ want you running either.” He said as he leaned forward and covered her lips with his.

The kiss was soft but it held all his feelings for her. Max could barely believe that the warmth that emblazed his mouth, was coming from Liz. He couldn’t believe that the soft pressure on his lips meant that Liz was returning his kiss and he hated having to release her.

Max removed his lips from hers but remained at a breathing distance as he moved his other hand to lift her face so he could look at her. Her eyes were still closed and he fought the urge to claim more of the forbidden fruit that were her lips.

Liz slowly opened her eyes and looked into Max’s awaiting ones. Did he actually kiss her or was she dreaming? It could be a dream but then why was Max so close to her? Why could she feel his breath on her lips? Why was he looking at her as if she was his next meal? And why was she looking forward to becoming that entrée?

“This is what you do to me, Liz. You make me want so much more. With all you have given me in the last week I still yearn for more. I want those years with my daughter but I also want those years I missed with you. You make me come alive. I’m on emotional overload because I have been going through my life dead inside and in the week you have been here, you have made me realize that I need more. I’m having problems dealing with all these feelings at once but one thing I am sure of is, I don’t want you to leave and take this feeling away from me.”

Liz covered Max’s hands with hers and softly pulled them away. Her own emotions were twirling in her as well and she needed to calm down because her daughter was asleep in the back seat and she could easily fling herself at the man sitting next to her. Liz turned and placed the car in gear before turning to look back at Max, whose face was filled with expectation. Liz knew he was hoping for a response, one that would give him hope for a possible future?

She smiled at him. A smile that would let him know exactly how much she enjoyed his confession. “I’m not going anywhere”

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Post by starlady »

~* Chapter 22b *~

Hospitals never were on ‘the top ten places to visit’ for Max. They held an ominous feeling to him. The smell in the corridor reminded him too much of the night he had to go in to identify his brothers body. Even when Maria gave birth to Sammy, Max had resisted going to the hospital. It was not until Michael had accused him of being a questionable friend had he broke down and gone in to see Maria. Michael had no idea of what hospitals meant to Max and he later apologized, after Maria told him. Max thought it ironic that, the place he hated the most, was where Liz made her livelihood and where his daughters life would be saved.

Even though it was the first time in the hospital, Liz seemed to know it like the back of her hand. Max wondered if all hospitals had the same floor plan. When he questioned Liz, she basically said just that. You’ve seen one; you’ve seen them all.

Emily seemed to have a burst of energy after waking up. The last half hour of the trip had been a debate on what radio station was the best and a mini inquisition on Max’s profession. Emily was especially interested in all the murderers Max had put away; as if Roswell was the crime capital of New Mexico. She was very disappointed when she found out that lawyers were much like doctors, each specializing in something different. Then she had wanted to know about the dogs that all lawyers kept, because she had heard Madison Reilly’s mother comment something along the lines of, all lawyers had dogs, just like men. It took a while to convince Emily there were no dogs at the firm he worked at.

Max was grateful for Emily’s energy. It gave him something to do. Silence had been the norm since Liz had pulled back onto the road and although there was no awkwardness to the silence, which Max was grateful for but he wondered what his next step should be. It felt wonderful to kiss Liz and even more exhilarating to have her kiss him back, but he was left wondering where should he go from here. The quick glances and tender smiles Liz sent his way, reassured him that she was not upset about the boldness of his move, but his experience in the ‘wooing of the female species’, as Kyle called it, was something he did not have a lot of practice with.

Max saw it almost like throwing himself off a cliff into water. The excitement and the thrill was all there but when you got out of the water you were left wet and cold. You didn’t know if you should just wrap yourself in a towel and wait for another turn at the cliff, actually go up and get the next round over with or just put on dry cloths and call it a day. Max knew for a fact that the last option was not one he was going to consider, so he was left pondering what should be his next move. He hated working with out a plan.

When they finally arrived to the oncology department, Liz went to sign in while Max and Emily found a seat in the waiting room. Max noticed that Emily’s demeanor had changed a bit. She was more withdrawn and he noticed that she held his hand just a little bit tighter. He sat in one chair and when Emily went to sit in the one next to him, he pulled her onto his lap instead.

“Are you nervous?” Max asked as he watched Emily chew on her lip.

“Nu-uh. I’ve done this a billion times. It’s always the same. Feel here” Emily said as she pulled Max’s hand over the side of her wrist. “They put in a caddeder in January. It helps the doctors find my vein. It don’t hurt so much now”

Max’s throat went dry as he felt the small lump the catheter made on Emily’s wrist. When he felt his hands start to shake, he quickly readjusted Emily on his lap as to avoid her noticing the shudder that ran through him.

“When I was little,” Emily continued “My veins were too small and they broke so they tried giving me blood in my thigh, but that hurt more. So now I told mom I wanted a caddeder so my vein wouldn’t break”

Max’s heart hammered in his chest. It was so strong; he thought people could see his shirt move. Liz had never told him details about the procedures Emily had endured during her illness and he now realized he was looking at this illness through rose tinted lenses. Based on Emily’s recount, her veins had collapsed during her last treatment, which lead to a more uncomfortable solution as to how to get the transfusions in the child’s body. He was a fool to think this was a stroll in the park and by the way Emily was avoiding his eyes and fidgeting with her hands, he knew Emily was just as nervous as he was. The difference was, she knew what to expect, which unnerved him even more.

Pushing Emily a little further on his lap, Max wiped his sweaty palms on his khakis before he put his hand under his daughter’s chin and turned her face to his. “Hey, it’s okay to be nervous, even if you have done this a billion times. I get nervous all the time when I go into court and I’ve been to court a TRILLION times.” Max hoped that Emily didn’t notice the small tremble in his voice.

“You get nervous?” Emily asked skeptically

“Yup” Max replied “I get butterflies in my tummy all the time. They start around here” He said pointing to the top of her stomach “and they flutter like crazy when the judge walks in to the room. You know something?”

“What?” Emily inquired

“I’m feeling a whole lot of butterflies, right now.” Max admitted

Emily leaned into Max as if confiding the biggest secret of all, “Me too.” She finally admitted twisting her smile into a sad grin.

“When do they stop fluttering for you?” Max asked, “When I’m in court, they flutter until I give my opening argument”

“Until they put in the needle and the transfusion starts,” Emily said

Max nodded in acknowledgement as Liz walked up and let them know they would be called in shortly.

They were called in less than five minutes later and just as Emily predicted, as soon as the blood filled the lines on the machine and flowed into Emily, all the fluttering that had been going on earlier, seemed to drown out.

Max took advantage of the time that Emily needed to sit for the procedure and decided to get his blood drawn for testing. He asked the nurse when he would get the results back, even though Kyle had told them it would take a week. A week seemed like an eternity to wait. He requested they call him with the results because he didn’t want to wait for them to be mailed to him. He stopped at the cafeteria and picked up coffee for him and Liz and an orange juice for Emily. She probably could use it after they got out of the hospital.

As he walked toward the room where he had left Liz and Emily, he heard singing. Pushing the door open he saw Liz, who was sitting in a chair next to Emily, leaning against the seat where the child rested. She was stroking her hand over Emily’s head, pushing back the hair that might fall on her forehead and although Emily had her eyes closed she had a huge smile on her face.

Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl
you've got the moves to rule the world
that cute inscru-tability
Tokyo girl, you're a mystery

Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl
shaking up hearts around the world
you can't forget that stunning face
smiling at you it's your destiny

she's got the face sweet as a baby
elegant taste and money to burn
her "yes" is "no", "no" is a "maybe"
her language is so hard to learn

Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl
you've got the moves to rule the world
that cute inscru-tability
Tokyo girl, you're a mystery

Max placed the coffee on the table next to Liz, as she continued singing and pulled up a spare chair to enjoy the moment.

Though there's a fire burns inside her
outside is ivory, silk and ice
nothing she wants is denied her
you'd better take my advice

many has tried to get near her
deep in the heart of Tokyo
found nothing there but a mirror
she's no one you'll ever know

Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl
you've got the moves to rule the world
that cute inscru-tability
Tokyo girl, you're a mystery

Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl
you've got the moves to rule the world
that cute inscru-tability
Tokyo girl, you're a mystery

Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl
shaking up hearts around the world
you can't forget that stunning face
smiling at you it's your destiny

in Tokyo - sweet as a baby
in Tokyo - sweet as a baby
in Tokyo - sweet as my baby

Max applauded causing Emily to open her eyes.

“Mommy, you need to teach Daddy the song so he can sing it to me.” Emily requested.

Liz laughed trying to imagine Max striking a tune. “I’ll teach him the lyrics but I think you want to stick with me as your singer. Your daddy can’t really hold a tune.”

Max acted offended. “Why Liz! How can you say such a thing? I’ve improved since you last heard me and if I recall I wasn’t in much of a state to be singing the last time you heard me.”

Liz laughed at the memory of Alex and Max singing karaoke the day of Alex’s graduation. It had taken several beers to get Max to belt out a tune and by then, he was slurring most of the lyrics. “I’m happy to hear you’ve been improving because this is a singing family and everyone has to sing. The first song in the repertoire is the one you just heard. Ready for the first lesson?”

Max nodded with a grin plastered all over his face. He loved the way Liz had just said ‘our family’. That was something that he could easily get use to.


Liz and Emily spent the rest of the morning teaching Max many new songs. From bedtime songs to songs that were sung on birthdays and special occasions. Liz had never seen Emily so relaxed during one of these transfusions and she was happy that Max had been able to join them. It was difficult at times to give up some control but she could see that Max was determined to be a full time father to Emily.

It concerned her that he also seemed to want to pursue a relationship with her. She never really thought it was something he would want. Yes, he had confessed that he was in love with her when they were young but she didn’t think that he might still have feelings for her. Liz thought about something that Maria had told her.

If your feelings haven’t changed for him, why can’t his feelings remain intact?”

She had wanted to believe that Maria was right but she lived in a constant state of denial. She now knew for a fact that Max did have feelings for her. She didn’t know the depth of his feelings but she knew they were there. That was the real problem. At first she had been giddy over the confession he made but now, as the day settled in, reality and logic kept pushing their way through her euphoria. Her major concern was Emily. At this point Emily didn’t see them as a couple, they were just friends, but if they started seeing each other as more, it might give Emily hope for a family unit that might not work out. What if Max discovered that his feelings were not strong enough for a lasting relationship?

Liz was afraid that if the relationship didn’t work out, the interaction between her and Max would be strained and they couldn’t afford to have any bitter feelings between them. They shared a child and the future was filled with enough uncertainties. Liz didn’t want to add more complexity to her and her daughter’s life.

As they walked out of the hospital, Liz put her hand over her lips once again. Even though it happened hours ago, she could still feel his lips on hers. It was a feeling she didn’t want to give up and she tried to think of a way for them to test the waters, so to speak.

“How about we have lunch at the park?” Max suggested as they headed towards the parking.

“A picnic?” Emily asked hopefully

“Well, your mom brought a basket but I don’t think it was lunch she was packing. I think it was just some snacks, but there is a little stand in the middle of the park and they sell hotdogs and pizza. What do you say, Liz?” Max asked

Liz looked at her watch and mentally calculated the time it would take them to get back to Roswell. She wanted to avoid afternoon rush hour. She looked at Emily’s pleading eyes “I guess we have a couple of hours we can kill, and… we have to eat lunch anyway.”

“Oh, Thank you!” Emily said joyously before turning to skip toward the car.


The day had turned out to be quite beautiful. The sun was shining in full force but there was a soft breeze that kept the day from becoming smoldering hot. Max took over driving and had them at the state park in no time. He suggested they bring the blanket Emily had dragged with her, so they could sit on the grass and after picking out a shaded spot they all sat down for lunch.

“Pizza or Hotdogs?” Max asked as Liz pulled out some fruit and vegetables from her basket.

“Can I go with you?” Emily asked

“Sure! Liz?”

“I’ll have a hot dog.” Liz said as Max got up and took Emily’s hand

“Okay.” He replied

“You are not going to ask me what I want on it?” Liz asked smiling

“Ketchup, onions and chili, no mustard or relish” It had been over ten years but he didn’t forget. He wouldn’t forget.

Liz sat with her mouth open staring at Max. He threw her a wink and went off to get them their lunch. The fact that he could remember such a minute detail as what she liked on a hot dog made her realize that she definitely needed to find a way to explore his feelings for her.

When Max returned with lunch Liz noticed that Emily was dragging, what appeared to be a bag.

“What ‘cha got there?” Liz inquired, taking her hot dog from Max’s hands as he settled next to her on the blanket.

“Daddy got me a kite!” Emily stated pulling the tall item out of the bag. “It’s the box kind. It’s really big!”

“Yeah, but we said that we wouldn’t put it together until after we ate. Right?” Max reminded, turning to Liz he said, “I thought there would be enough wind to get it to fly. She said she never flew a kite before, so I couldn’t resist.”

Liz smiled and nodded. She knew Max was just as excited as Emily. This would be a first, which they could share.

Emily seemed to swallow her pizza down in two bites and then pulled Max out to the open field where they built the kite with minimum effort. In a matter of minutes the square kite was flying over their heads. Emily squealed in delight, telling Max how she had seen an exhibit on kites at the Science Museum and she explained how the air swirled around the kite to lift it off the ground. She told him about the Imax theater in the Museum and how she had once gotten sick watching a movie about the Grand Canyon. Emily asked Max if he thought the real Canyon would make her sick as well. He assured her that it wouldn’t. She then told him about the Planetarium and noted how the stars would shine just as bright out in Roswell. They spent an hour flying the kite and chatting about all the things that Emily had seen in Boston and how she related those experiences with things she was seeing in New Mexico.

Max didn’t know where Emily’s energy had come from, but he felt old trying to keep up with her. She wasn’t running or jumping but her mind was so full of experiences that it wore him down. He showed her how to guide the kite and surrendered it to her small hands so he could get a breather and sit with Liz.

Walking over to the blanket he noticed she was lying down and had her eyes closed. He lay down on his side, supporting his body on his elbow. Pushing lose strands of hair away from her face he absorbed the beauty that had captured his heart so long ago. Her skin looked so soft he couldn’t help but touch her. The back of his fingers caressed her jaw line drawing his hand up toward her earlobes. Liz smiled and he knew she was not asleep.

“You are beautiful. You know that?” Max said

“You aren’t too hard on the eyes either” Liz said still keeping her eyes closed as she savored Max’s caress.

Max leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. He then kissed her on the nose and on her eyelids and on her temples. He put his arm under her shoulder and pulled her up against him when he found her mouth again. The kiss was not as soft as before. It was firm and it pleaded for more. Liz found herself dazed by the moment but the movement to her body and the eagerness of his kisses broke through the haze. She put a hand on his chest and pushed him back as she brought herself up to rest on her elbow. She looked past Max, searching for her daughter.

“Where’s Emily?” Liz asked a confused Max.

Max turned and pointed out to the open field, where Emily was enthralled by her kite flying abilities

Liz sat up and smoothed down her dress. Her actions made Max feel as if he had overstepped his bounds and he wanted to kick himself. Talk about being aggressive. Maria would be proud but he felt like shit. Maybe he had misinterpreted her reaction to their earlier kiss. Maybe she was not interested in him that way. Maybe he just made a big mistake.

“I… I’m sorry” Max said as he sat up next to Liz and looked out to his daughter. “I thought…”

Liz placed a hand on this forearm “You thought right.” She said, making Max look at her “I’m just concerned and I think we need to talk.”

Max nodded and waited for her to continue.

“I’m worried about how, this” Liz said pointing between her and Max “will affect Emily.”

“I would hope in a positive way.” Max said

Liz’s lips pressed together in an expression that said she was not positive of that statement.

“You don’t think?” Max inquired

“I think that if we… um… explore this between us and it doesn’t work out. Emily might end up hurt. I don’t want that.” Liz explained

“But it will work out.” Max insisted. He didn’t want to give up with out a fight. He knew what he wanted and he just needed to convince Liz.

“You don’t know that for sure. We’ve never been more than friends; we have never taken a chance at a relationship. Maybe we are made to be just friends.” Liz countered “ You said so yourself this morning. You are confused about your feelings, I can’t risk Emily.”

Max shook his head “I’m not confused. I know how I feel about you. I’m just having a hard time finding a place in the established structure of your lives.”

“That’s just it. How do you know that you are not pursuing this because it’s what, you think, should be the place you are to take in our lives. You are Emily’s father so it would seem right that you and I have some type of relationship? I don’t want to confuse Emily.” Liz knew she wanted to explore things with Max but her concern for Emily was taking over and smothering any thoughts of finding a way for things to work for Max and herself.

“But that’s not it.” Max said in frustration. Liz was twisting his words and with each passing second he could see her digging her heels in. He had to turn this conversation around quickly because he was losing this argument and this was one he couldn’t afford to lose. “Truce!” He said silencing the next rational thought Liz was about to throw his way.

He let the silence settle before he started his counter attack. For a moment he thought that it was a good thing Liz chose Medicine as her profession because he would not want to go against her in a courtroom.

“Liz, if I understood you correctly, you said that I was right in assume you wanted this too. Am I correct?” Max said in a steady tone.

“Yes, but…” Liz replied but was interrupted as soon as Max’s hand came up in front of her face, halting her words.

“So you would like to explore this relationship between us just as much as I would, but you are concerned that Emily might get hurt if things don’t work out. Am I correct?”

Liz chose to reply with an affirmative nod.

“Do you think we are both rational adults that love Emily?” Max asked

“Yes.” Liz replied, a little caught off by the question

“Do you think that we are both rational adults that would do what ever it takes to see to Emily’s happiness and stability?” Max asked

Liz studied Max’s features but he was unreadable. “Yes. At least I, put Emily before anything.”

Max’s eyes widen just enough to give away that the stab Liz had taken, had hit its mark. “That’s good to know because, I agree, that is what we should do. Which leads me to this proposal. Since we are both rational adults and we both want what’s best for Emily, I can safely say that wherever this relationship would lead us, we would never jeopardize our friendship. I say this because, as parents we need to be friends first. This is the only way to assure Emily’s happiness and stability.”

Liz opened her mouth to put in her two cents but was quieted as Max continued “Since we both agree upon this, then what is left is your concern over Emily’s hope for more than what we are willing to commit to the relationship. Since it is difficult to control Emily’s reaction to us, I suggest that we… Explore things, privately. We are both adults and we can control ourselves in front of other people, so I see no problem with seeing each other, privately”

Liz looked at Max with a penetrating glare. He tricked her! He had maneuvered the conversation and the interrogation in a way that cornered her into a proposal that made perfect sense. “So, you are proposing we lie to Emily?”

“Not lie. We, as adults are making a decision about an adult issue, which has nothing to do with her personally, but could affect her. This decision is one we are making not just as adults but also as parents.” Max countered.

Liz smiled at Max. He beat her. There was no more arguing to be done. Liz couldn’t be more happier but she wanted to have the last word on this subject. “You know, I think you chose your profession wisely. You are really good.”

Max’s smile radiated “So, do you accept my proposal?”

Liz looked out to where Emily still seemed engrossed with her kite. She leaned forward supporting her weight on her hand, which she had strategically placed high on Max’s thigh. “So, you think you can control yourself in front of the kids?” She whispered into his ear before she ran her tongue over its edge.

Max put his hand on Liz’s waist and fisted the material of her dress when he felt the moisture that her tongue left on his ear. He felt his groin tighten and for an instant he thought that he would lose it. He swallowed hard before he tried to respond and when his voice failed him, he chose to nod. Liz was testing him and he had to keep the upper hand.

Looking over his shoulder quickly he made sure Emily was a good distance away. Still holding Liz by her waist, he pulled her to him and latched his mouth onto her collarbone and proceeded to trail open mouth kisses up to her earlobe where he suck it into his mouth, rolling the soft flesh around with his tongue. When he finally released Liz from his torturous mouth, he was rewarded with a soft whimper. “Does that mean you accept the proposal?” He whispered in her ear.

Liz discovered that she shouldn’t play with fire unless she was willing to get burnt and the fire that coursed through her body at the moment could ignite a city. It was her turn to be left speechless and so she responded the same way Max had. She nodded.

She had no idea where this all would go but one thing was for sure. She was in for a hell of a ride.

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Post by starlady »

~* Chapter 22b *~

Hospitals never were on ‘the top ten places to visit’ for Max. They held an ominous feeling to him. The smell in the corridor reminded him too much of the night he had to go in to identify his brothers body. Even when Maria gave birth to Sammy, Max had resisted going to the hospital. It was not until Michael had accused him of being a questionable friend had he broke down and gone in to see Maria. Michael had no idea of what hospitals meant to Max and he later apologized, after Maria told him. Max thought it ironic that, the place he hated the most, was where Liz made her livelihood and where his daughters life would be saved.

Even though it was the first time in the hospital, Liz seemed to know it like the back of her hand. Max wondered if all hospitals had the same floor plan. When he questioned Liz, she basically said just that. You’ve seen one; you’ve seen them all.

Emily seemed to have a burst of energy after waking up. The last half hour of the trip had been a debate on what radio station was the best and a mini inquisition on Max’s profession. Emily was especially interested in all the murderers Max had put away; as if Roswell was the crime capital of New Mexico. She was very disappointed when she found out that lawyers were much like doctors, each specializing in something different. Then she had wanted to know about the dogs that all lawyers kept, because she had heard Madison Reilly’s mother comment something along the lines of, all lawyers had dogs, just like men. It took a while to convince Emily there were no dogs at the firm he worked at.

Max was grateful for Emily’s energy. It gave him something to do. Silence had been the norm since Liz had pulled back onto the road and although there was no awkwardness to the silence, which Max was grateful for but he wondered what his next step should be. It felt wonderful to kiss Liz and even more exhilarating to have her kiss him back, but he was left wondering where should he go from here. The quick glances and tender smiles Liz sent his way, reassured him that she was not upset about the boldness of his move, but his experience in the ‘wooing of the female species’, as Kyle called it, was something he did not have a lot of practice with.

Max saw it almost like throwing himself off a cliff into water. The excitement and the thrill was all there but when you got out of the water you were left wet and cold. You didn’t know if you should just wrap yourself in a towel and wait for another turn at the cliff, actually go up and get the next round over with or just put on dry cloths and call it a day. Max knew for a fact that the last option was not one he was going to consider, so he was left pondering what should be his next move. He hated working with out a plan.

When they finally arrived to the oncology department, Liz went to sign in while Max and Emily found a seat in the waiting room. Max noticed that Emily’s demeanor had changed a bit. She was more withdrawn and he noticed that she held his hand just a little bit tighter. He sat in one chair and when Emily went to sit in the one next to him, he pulled her onto his lap instead.

“Are you nervous?” Max asked as he watched Emily chew on her lip.

“Nu-uh. I’ve done this a billion times. It’s always the same. Feel here” Emily said as she pulled Max’s hand over the side of her wrist. “They put in a caddeder in January. It helps the doctors find my vein. It don’t hurt so much now”

Max’s throat went dry as he felt the small lump the catheter made on Emily’s wrist. When he felt his hands start to shake, he quickly readjusted Emily on his lap as to avoid her noticing the shudder that ran through him.

“When I was little,” Emily continued “My veins were too small and they broke so they tried giving me blood in my thigh, but that hurt more. So now I told mom I wanted a caddeder so my vein wouldn’t break”

Max’s heart hammered in his chest. It was so strong; he thought people could see his shirt move. Liz had never told him details about the procedures Emily had endured during her illness and he now realized he was looking at this illness through rose tinted lenses. Based on Emily’s recount, her veins had collapsed during her last treatment, which lead to a more uncomfortable solution as to how to get the transfusions in the child’s body. He was a fool to think this was a stroll in the park and by the way Emily was avoiding his eyes and fidgeting with her hands, he knew Emily was just as nervous as he was. The difference was, she knew what to expect, which unnerved him even more.

Pushing Emily a little further on his lap, Max wiped his sweaty palms on his khakis before he put his hand under his daughter’s chin and turned her face to his. “Hey, it’s okay to be nervous, even if you have done this a billion times. I get nervous all the time when I go into court and I’ve been to court a TRILLION times.” Max hoped that Emily didn’t notice the small tremble in his voice.

“You get nervous?” Emily asked skeptically

“Yup” Max replied “I get butterflies in my tummy all the time. They start around here” He said pointing to the top of her stomach “and they flutter like crazy when the judge walks in to the room. You know something?”

“What?” Emily inquired

“I’m feeling a whole lot of butterflies, right now.” Max admitted

Emily leaned into Max as if confiding the biggest secret of all, “Me too.” She finally admitted twisting her smile into a sad grin.

“When do they stop fluttering for you?” Max asked, “When I’m in court, they flutter until I give my opening argument”

“Until they put in the needle and the transfusion starts,” Emily said

Max nodded in acknowledgement as Liz walked up and let them know they would be called in shortly.

They were called in less than five minutes later and just as Emily predicted, as soon as the blood filled the lines on the machine and flowed into Emily, all the fluttering that had been going on earlier, seemed to drown out.

Max took advantage of the time that Emily needed to sit for the procedure and decided to get his blood drawn for testing. He asked the nurse when he would get the results back, even though Kyle had told them it would take a week. A week seemed like an eternity to wait. He requested they call him with the results because he didn’t want to wait for them to be mailed to him. He stopped at the cafeteria and picked up coffee for him and Liz and an orange juice for Emily. She probably could use it after they got out of the hospital.

As he walked toward the room where he had left Liz and Emily, he heard singing. Pushing the door open he saw Liz, who was sitting in a chair next to Emily, leaning against the seat where the child rested. She was stroking her hand over Emily’s head, pushing back the hair that might fall on her forehead and although Emily had her eyes closed she had a huge smile on her face.

Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl
you've got the moves to rule the world
that cute inscru-tability
Tokyo girl, you're a mystery

Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl
shaking up hearts around the world
you can't forget that stunning face
smiling at you it's your destiny

she's got the face sweet as a baby
elegant taste and money to burn
her "yes" is "no", "no" is a "maybe"
her language is so hard to learn

Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl
you've got the moves to rule the world
that cute inscru-tability
Tokyo girl, you're a mystery

Max placed the coffee on the table next to Liz, as she continued singing and pulled up a spare chair to enjoy the moment.

Though there's a fire burns inside her
outside is ivory, silk and ice
nothing she wants is denied her
you'd better take my advice

many has tried to get near her
deep in the heart of Tokyo
found nothing there but a mirror
she's no one you'll ever know

Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl
you've got the moves to rule the world
that cute inscru-tability
Tokyo girl, you're a mystery

Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl
you've got the moves to rule the world
that cute inscru-tability
Tokyo girl, you're a mystery

Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl
shaking up hearts around the world
you can't forget that stunning face
smiling at you it's your destiny

in Tokyo - sweet as a baby
in Tokyo - sweet as a baby
in Tokyo - sweet as my baby

Max applauded causing Emily to open her eyes.

“Mommy, you need to teach Daddy the song so he can sing it to me.” Emily requested.

Liz laughed trying to imagine Max striking a tune. “I’ll teach him the lyrics but I think you want to stick with me as your singer. Your daddy can’t really hold a tune.”

Max acted offended. “Why Liz! How can you say such a thing? I’ve improved since you last heard me and if I recall I wasn’t in much of a state to be singing the last time you heard me.”

Liz laughed at the memory of Alex and Max singing karaoke the day of Alex’s graduation. It had taken several beers to get Max to belt out a tune and by then, he was slurring most of the lyrics. “I’m happy to hear you’ve been improving because this is a singing family and everyone has to sing. The first song in the repertoire is the one you just heard. Ready for the first lesson?”

Max nodded with a grin plastered all over his face. He loved the way Liz had just said ‘our family’. That was something that he could easily get use to.


Liz and Emily spent the rest of the morning teaching Max many new songs. From bedtime songs to songs that were sung on birthdays and special occasions. Liz had never seen Emily so relaxed during one of these transfusions and she was happy that Max had been able to join them. It was difficult at times to give up some control but she could see that Max was determined to be a full time father to Emily.

It concerned her that he also seemed to want to pursue a relationship with her. She never really thought it was something he would want. Yes, he had confessed that he was in love with her when they were young but she didn’t think that he might still have feelings for her. Liz thought about something that Maria had told her.

If your feelings haven’t changed for him, why can’t his feelings remain intact?”

She had wanted to believe that Maria was right but she lived in a constant state of denial. She now knew for a fact that Max did have feelings for her. She didn’t know the depth of his feelings but she knew they were there. That was the real problem. At first she had been giddy over the confession he made but now, as the day settled in, reality and logic kept pushing their way through her euphoria. Her major concern was Emily. At this point Emily didn’t see them as a couple, they were just friends, but if they started seeing each other as more, it might give Emily hope for a family unit that might not work out. What if Max discovered that his feelings were not strong enough for a lasting relationship?

Liz was afraid that if the relationship didn’t work out, the interaction between her and Max would be strained and they couldn’t afford to have any bitter feelings between them. They shared a child and the future was filled with enough uncertainties. Liz didn’t want to add more complexity to her and her daughter’s life.

As they walked out of the hospital, Liz put her hand over her lips once again. Even though it happened hours ago, she could still feel his lips on hers. It was a feeling she didn’t want to give up and she tried to think of a way for them to test the waters, so to speak.

“How about we have lunch at the park?” Max suggested as they headed towards the parking.

“A picnic?” Emily asked hopefully

“Well, your mom brought a basket but I don’t think it was lunch she was packing. I think it was just some snacks, but there is a little stand in the middle of the park and they sell hotdogs and pizza. What do you say, Liz?” Max asked

Liz looked at her watch and mentally calculated the time it would take them to get back to Roswell. She wanted to avoid afternoon rush hour. She looked at Emily’s pleading eyes “I guess we have a couple of hours we can kill, and… we have to eat lunch anyway.”

“Oh, Thank you!” Emily said joyously before turning to skip toward the car.


The day had turned out to be quite beautiful. The sun was shining in full force but there was a soft breeze that kept the day from becoming smoldering hot. Max took over driving and had them at the state park in no time. He suggested they bring the blanket Emily had dragged with her, so they could sit on the grass and after picking out a shaded spot they all sat down for lunch.

“Pizza or Hotdogs?” Max asked as Liz pulled out some fruit and vegetables from her basket.

“Can I go with you?” Emily asked

“Sure! Liz?”

“I’ll have a hot dog.” Liz said as Max got up and took Emily’s hand

“Okay.” He replied

“You are not going to ask me what I want on it?” Liz asked smiling

“Ketchup, onions and chili, no mustard or relish” It had been over ten years but he didn’t forget. He wouldn’t forget.

Liz sat with her mouth open staring at Max. He threw her a wink and went off to get them their lunch. The fact that he could remember such a minute detail as what she liked on a hot dog made her realize that she definitely needed to find a way to explore his feelings for her.

When Max returned with lunch Liz noticed that Emily was dragging, what appeared to be a bag.

“What ‘cha got there?” Liz inquired, taking her hot dog from Max’s hands as he settled next to her on the blanket.

“Daddy got me a kite!” Emily stated pulling the tall item out of the bag. “It’s the box kind. It’s really big!”

“Yeah, but we said that we wouldn’t put it together until after we ate. Right?” Max reminded, turning to Liz he said, “I thought there would be enough wind to get it to fly. She said she never flew a kite before, so I couldn’t resist.”

Liz smiled and nodded. She knew Max was just as excited as Emily. This would be a first, which they could share.

Emily seemed to swallow her pizza down in two bites and then pulled Max out to the open field where they built the kite with minimum effort. In a matter of minutes the square kite was flying over their heads. Emily squealed in delight, telling Max how she had seen an exhibit on kites at the Science Museum and she explained how the air swirled around the kite to lift it off the ground. She told him about the Imax theater in the Museum and how she had once gotten sick watching a movie about the Grand Canyon. Emily asked Max if he thought the real Canyon would make her sick as well. He assured her that it wouldn’t. She then told him about the Planetarium and noted how the stars would shine just as bright out in Roswell. They spent an hour flying the kite and chatting about all the things that Emily had seen in Boston and how she related those experiences with things she was seeing in New Mexico.

Max didn’t know where Emily’s energy had come from, but he felt old trying to keep up with her. She wasn’t running or jumping but her mind was so full of experiences that it wore him down. He showed her how to guide the kite and surrendered it to her small hands so he could get a breather and sit with Liz.

Walking over to the blanket he noticed she was lying down and had her eyes closed. He lay down on his side, supporting his body on his elbow. Pushing lose strands of hair away from her face he absorbed the beauty that had captured his heart so long ago. Her skin looked so soft he couldn’t help but touch her. The back of his fingers caressed her jaw line drawing his hand up toward her earlobes. Liz smiled and he knew she was not asleep.

“You are beautiful. You know that?” Max said

“You aren’t too hard on the eyes either” Liz said still keeping her eyes closed as she savored Max’s caress.

Max leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. He then kissed her on the nose and on her eyelids and on her temples. He put his arm under her shoulder and pulled her up against him when he found her mouth again. The kiss was not as soft as before. It was firm and it pleaded for more. Liz found herself dazed by the moment but the movement to her body and the eagerness of his kisses broke through the haze. She put a hand on his chest and pushed him back as she brought herself up to rest on her elbow. She looked past Max, searching for her daughter.

“Where’s Emily?” Liz asked a confused Max.

Max turned and pointed out to the open field, where Emily was enthralled by her kite flying abilities

Liz sat up and smoothed down her dress. Her actions made Max feel as if he had overstepped his bounds and he wanted to kick himself. Talk about being aggressive. Maria would be proud but he felt like shit. Maybe he had misinterpreted her reaction to their earlier kiss. Maybe she was not interested in him that way. Maybe he just made a big mistake.

“I… I’m sorry” Max said as he sat up next to Liz and looked out to his daughter. “I thought…”

Liz placed a hand on this forearm “You thought right.” She said, making Max look at her “I’m just concerned and I think we need to talk.”

Max nodded and waited for her to continue.

“I’m worried about how, this” Liz said pointing between her and Max “will affect Emily.”

“I would hope in a positive way.” Max said

Liz’s lips pressed together in an expression that said she was not positive of that statement.

“You don’t think?” Max inquired

“I think that if we… um… explore this between us and it doesn’t work out. Emily might end up hurt. I don’t want that.” Liz explained

“But it will work out.” Max insisted. He didn’t want to give up with out a fight. He knew what he wanted and he just needed to convince Liz.

“You don’t know that for sure. We’ve never been more than friends; we have never taken a chance at a relationship. Maybe we are made to be just friends.” Liz countered “ You said so yourself this morning. You are confused about your feelings, I can’t risk Emily.”

Max shook his head “I’m not confused. I know how I feel about you. I’m just having a hard time finding a place in the established structure of your lives.”

“That’s just it. How do you know that you are not pursuing this because it’s what, you think, should be the place you are to take in our lives. You are Emily’s father so it would seem right that you and I have some type of relationship? I don’t want to confuse Emily.” Liz knew she wanted to explore things with Max but her concern for Emily was taking over and smothering any thoughts of finding a way for things to work for Max and herself.

“But that’s not it.” Max said in frustration. Liz was twisting his words and with each passing second he could see her digging her heels in. He had to turn this conversation around quickly because he was losing this argument and this was one he couldn’t afford to lose. “Truce!” He said silencing the next rational thought Liz was about to throw his way.

He let the silence settle before he started his counter attack. For a moment he thought that it was a good thing Liz chose Medicine as her profession because he would not want to go against her in a courtroom.

“Liz, if I understood you correctly, you said that I was right in assume you wanted this too. Am I correct?” Max said in a steady tone.

“Yes, but…” Liz replied but was interrupted as soon as Max’s hand came up in front of her face, halting her words.

“So you would like to explore this relationship between us just as much as I would, but you are concerned that Emily might get hurt if things don’t work out. Am I correct?”

Liz chose to reply with an affirmative nod.

“Do you think we are both rational adults that love Emily?” Max asked

“Yes.” Liz replied, a little caught off by the question

“Do you think that we are both rational adults that would do what ever it takes to see to Emily’s happiness and stability?” Max asked

Liz studied Max’s features but he was unreadable. “Yes. At least I, put Emily before anything.”

Max’s eyes widen just enough to give away that the stab Liz had taken, had hit its mark. “That’s good to know because, I agree, that is what we should do. Which leads me to this proposal. Since we are both rational adults and we both want what’s best for Emily, I can safely say that wherever this relationship would lead us, we would never jeopardize our friendship. I say this because, as parents we need to be friends first. This is the only way to assure Emily’s happiness and stability.”

Liz opened her mouth to put in her two cents but was quieted as Max continued “Since we both agree upon this, then what is left is your concern over Emily’s hope for more than what we are willing to commit to the relationship. Since it is difficult to control Emily’s reaction to us, I suggest that we… Explore things, privately. We are both adults and we can control ourselves in front of other people, so I see no problem with seeing each other, privately”

Liz looked at Max with a penetrating glare. He tricked her! He had maneuvered the conversation and the interrogation in a way that cornered her into a proposal that made perfect sense. “So, you are proposing we lie to Emily?”

“Not lie. We, as adults are making a decision about an adult issue, which has nothing to do with her personally, but could affect her. This decision is one we are making not just as adults but also as parents.” Max countered.

Liz smiled at Max. He beat her. There was no more arguing to be done. Liz couldn’t be more happier but she wanted to have the last word on this subject. “You know, I think you chose your profession wisely. You are really good.”

Max’s smile radiated “So, do you accept my proposal?”

Liz looked out to where Emily still seemed engrossed with her kite. She leaned forward supporting her weight on her hand, which she had strategically placed high on Max’s thigh. “So, you think you can control yourself in front of the kids?” She whispered into his ear before she ran her tongue over its edge.

Max put his hand on Liz’s waist and fisted the material of her dress when he felt the moisture that her tongue left on his ear. He felt his groin tighten and for an instant he thought that he would lose it. He swallowed hard before he tried to respond and when his voice failed him, he chose to nod. Liz was testing him and he had to keep the upper hand.

Looking over his shoulder quickly he made sure Emily was a good distance away. Still holding Liz by her waist, he pulled her to him and latched his mouth onto her collarbone and proceeded to trail open mouth kisses up to her earlobe where he suck it into his mouth, rolling the soft flesh around with his tongue. When he finally released Liz from his torturous mouth, he was rewarded with a soft whimper. “Does that mean you accept the proposal?” He whispered in her ear.

Liz discovered that she shouldn’t play with fire unless she was willing to get burnt and the fire that coursed through her body at the moment could ignite a city. It was her turn to be left speechless and so she responded the same way Max had. She nodded.

She had no idea where this all would go but one thing was for sure. She was in for a hell of a ride.

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Post by starlady »

~* Chapter 23 *~

The day had been full of briefs and meetings. It seemed as if Max had to work double time to make up for the day he took off. Max knew that he had many responsibilities at the office and he couldn’t just take off, but he was a father now, and the long hours at work were coming to an end. His priorities changed overnight. Max had first hand experience on what a workaholic father could do to a family. His father still seemed to regret not haven taken time to appreciate his children until it was too late. Max vowed that would not be a regret in his life.

As he waited for the door to the Parker-Whitman residence to open, Max recalled how the day before had held so much promise for a future with the woman he loved and the child he was denied. It still astounded him how he was able to jump into his role as a father so comfortably. He realized that deep down it was something he was yearning for a while. The problem was that he wanted that with Liz and up until the week before last, everyone was pushing him to give up hope that she would be the one. In just 12 days his life had changed dramatically. Not only did he have Liz in his life but he also had a daughter.

“Hey, Max.” Alex said interrupting Max’s reverie. Moving out of the open doorway, he motioned for Max to come in. “How was the morning?” Grabbing his cell phone, Alex clipped it on his belt and moved to sit so he could tie the laces on his shoes.

“Busy… you know.” Max replied, closing the door behind him.

“Emily! Joshua! Get your butts down here. We’re going to be late!” Alex yelled craning his neck to see if the kids were coming out of the room. “They’ve been at it all morning. First it was Josh and his hair and then Emily couldn’t decide what to wear. To top it off, my boss called saying that they needed a coding module change at the last minute. I wouldn’t mind a busy morning as long as it stays uncomplicated.”

Max could hear footsteps coming from the room above. “Anything I can do to help?”

“Not really. It helps that you are taking Emily for the day. The trip to the airport is long and I’m going to have to stop by the office in Clovis to drop off my changes. It would have been a really trying day on her.” Grabbing the keys to the SUV, Alex gave another holler. “Josh! I’m leaving in 5 minutes. If you are not in the car, you are staying. Your Mom can deal with you when she gets here! Emily! Max is here to pick you up! Get rolling!”

“Uncle Lala! I can’t find my other pink sneaker!” Emily shouted over the railing

“Look in your mom’s room. I think I saw it next to her night stand.” Alex replied, turning to Max, he motioned for him to follow out to the car. “I just want to give you a couple of things to keep in your car. I picked them up yesterday evening. Since Emily will be with you a lot I thought you should keep a small tank with you.” Alex pulled out a small red box and a small oxygen tank with a mouthpiece attached to it. “Just open the valve right here and cover both her mouth and nose with the mouthpiece. This is a first aid kit. It takes a while for her blood to coagulate so it has lots of bandages and antiseptics.”

Max nodded taking note of what he had to do. It was quite a reality check.

“Liz gets out at 6. Since I have the car, that leaves you to pick her up. If you can’t make it, call her so she can grab a cab.” Josh ran out as Alex was finishing his sentence. “Here is a key to the house. While I was out with Isabel yesterday, I made you a copy, so that one, is for you to keep. Any questions?”

Max looked at his hands, which now held all the items Alex had given him and stared back at Alex. “Um… No, not really.”

Alex grinned at Max. “Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of things.”

Josh got into the car as Alex closed the door behind him. “Uncle Max, Mom’s coming home today!”

“So I heard.” Max said leaning against the car door, while Alex went back into the house to drag out Emily. “Are you excited?”

Josh nodded his head vigorously. “I think she’s gonna have a cow when she sees my tips”

Max looked at the blonde tips that covered Josh’s burgundy hair. “Did Alex approve of the ‘do’? Josh quickly nodded “So don’t sweat it. I’m sure your mom will not be too upset. I wore my hair blue for a while. My mom hated it but she didn’t give me much grief.”

“Maybe I can get Mom to visit with Mrs. Evans. Then she can vent.” Josh suggested

“Not a bad idea. Next weekend we’re having the cook out at my house, if my Mom comes by, they can commiserate together.” Looking at the door to make sure they still had some time to talk, Max commented “Hey, Josh, Your Aunt Liz mentioned that you wanted to go to the music store. I was thinking that if you haven’t gone on Thursday I could take you. I was thinking of buying a new game for the console and since I’m really bad at that, I thought you could help me. What do you say?”

Josh’s excitement shined “You are just too cool! I have been bugging Uncle Lala to take me but he keeps putting it off.”

“Excellent, I’m making this an official appointment. Say 3:30?” Max said as he juggled the things in his hands to pull out his palm pilot.

Josh nodded his agreement as he saw Alex and Emily come out of the house. Emily sported a very pouty face.

“Hey, sweetheart. What happened?” Max inquired

“Uncle Lala is making me wear different shoes.” Emily replied, her voice threatening to break.

Max looked down at his daughter’s footwear and noticed that she was wearing a white sneaker and a pink one. “I surmise you didn’t find your other pink sneaker?” Max chuckled as he made his way to the car and opened the door for Emily. “Don’t worry. If I finish early we can stop by the mall and get you a new pair.”

“Really? Awesome!” Emily said, turning to say good-bye to Josh and Alex.

The day was shaping up nicely Max thought.


The day HAD been shaping up nicely. That was until Sarah Andrews arrived at the office.

“Max!” She called, barging into Max’s office. “The Henderson case is missing Ethel Peters deposition. Where did you put it?”

Max looked up calmly. “Sarah, you remember Emily.”

Sarah looked at Emily who sat in a chair next to Max playing with the computer that was used to do investigative work. “Hi.” Sarah said curious as to the child’s presence in the office. Over the few years Sarah had worked at the Evans firm, seeing children in the office was not a common occurrence.

Max sensed Sarah’s curiosity and clarified “Alex and Josh had to go to the airport and since Liz is working, Emily came to keep me company.”

Sarah made a slow OH gesture with her mouth before she moved on. “The Henderson case, Max. Where are the depositions?”

Max asked for the files that Sarah had in her hands. Opening the folder he looked at some numbers written in the corner of the manila file. “I put them in file 2055 in the records room. I need to keep all the depositions on that case together. One client, one central depository for all the material.”

“What’s a deposition?” Emily asked pushing her way on to Max’s lap. She pulled open the file that lay on his desk and started looking at the documents in it.

“A deposition is when someone asks a witness some questions and that person answers under oath.” Max replied, trying to keep it as simple as possible.

“Honey, you shouldn’t touch those papers” Sarah said trying to withdraw the Henderson folder from the desk.

Emily gave them up but stayed in Max’s lap, anticipating more conversation from Sarah.

Sarah for the most part loved children but she was a career oriented, single woman and she believed kids should stay away from the work place. She looked at Max who, in turn, seemed to be expecting her to either leave or say something else. She flustered for a moment before plowing right in. “Um… The Vasquez case needs a court date for the subpoena I have to send to the cousin. Judge McHugh hasn’t issued the subpoena for the phone records on the Shulman case and the Camacho case is going to foster care unless the parents agree on the counseling.“

Max scribbled a note on a small post it pad which Emily immediately posted on his computer screen. “I’ll call Judge McHugh this afternoon to get that subpoena. Talk to MaryAnn for the dates on the Vasquez case. She got them this morning and I already called the Camacho’s and gave them a few names so they can set up the counseling. Anything else?”

Sarah was quite surprised. Max seemed to have his bases covered without her help. “I think that’s it for now.”

“Daddy, is she your boss?” Emily asked innocently

Max laughed, “Sometimes it feels that way.” Max said smiling at Sarah who stood shocked. “She makes sure we all stay on our toes. She checks that I have my facts straight and that the paper work is written up correctly and things like that.”

Emily nodded in understanding.

“Max… Um… did she just call you Daddy?” Sarah asked, “Am I missing something?”

“Nope.” Max replied pulling Emily in a tight hug, which earned him a squealing giggle. “Emily is my daughter”

“But…” Sarah started.

“Em, Grandpa is two doors down on the right. Could you go and say hi to him and see if he has some special work he needs done.”

Emily nodded and jumped out of Max’s lap in a mad dash out of the door.

Sarah flopped down into the chair in front of Max’s desk. “You have a daughter? Why didn’t you ever tell me. I mean we dated for six months! Wait a minute…. Wasn’t Emily Zan’s child?”

Max got up and closed the door to the office offering him more privacy. “We thought Emily was Zan’s but in reality she was mine.”

“So, Your friend, Liz… Right?… She didn’t know who the father of her kid was?”

“It’s complicated. I really would prefer not to discuss it.” Max said

Sarah was very confused but also somewhat hurt. Although she and Max had dated a while ago, the constant interaction she shared with him made it difficult for her to move on. She truly cared for Max and helping him in his day-to-day activities made her feel needed. During the time they dated she felt like she was always the aggressor. She was always the initiator when it came to physical contact. It had taken her 5 months to get him to bed and the only time it had happened, left her feeling empty. It was as if he was not really there. As if he was doing it to appease her. A few weeks later they broke up. Now she finds out that he fathered a child, he had been in an intimate relationship with someone, that based on what she saw at the BBQ, he still had feelings for. “Max… Is she the reason why you and I, didn’t work?”

“Sarah…” Max said, he didn’t want to hurt Sarah’s feelings. Max had tried to avoid dating someone at work because of the awkwardness that came after but Sarah was different. She seemed so lively and easy going that after weeks of Maria pushing the envelope, Max had caved in and asked her out. She was young and beautiful and knew how to keep a conversation moving. They dated for a few months and every thing seemed to be going fine until Sarah pushed for more intimacy. Max had barely kissed her in the first three months they dated and when confronted with deepening the relationship, Max couldn’t find a way to backtrack fast enough. It was at that point he realized that he was still not over Liz and he doubted he would ever get over his feeling for her.

“Just tell me.” Sarah insisted “Liz Parker is the one that stole your heart all those years ago. She’s the one that still has a hold on it.”

Max nodded solemnly. “It’s always been her.”

“Now she shows up with your child… I guess your fates are sealed. It was meant to be.” Sarah sighed

“We’re taking it slowly. We’re not the same people we were ten years ago. We are going to get to know each other and see what happens.” Max said quietly

Sarah bit her lip as she nodded in understanding “It will work out.”

“We’ll see.” Max replied as Sarah gathered her papers and stood up. “She is a great kid, Max.”

Max grinned, “Yeah, she is. She’s got us all wrapped around her little finger.”

Sarah took in Max’s far away look. She could see how proud he was and she knew it was time to let go.

A knock on the door broke the silence and Diane Evans poked her head in the office.

“Hi Max” She said

“Mom! I didn’t know you were in,” Max replied getting up and opening the door wide to let his mother enter the office.

“I’ll let you go.” Sarah said gathering her files. “Don’t forget to call the Judge,” She added as she walked out.

“Thanks, Sarah!” Max said, turning, he made his way to his desk “So, what do I owe this visit?” He asked his mother, although he had a good idea.

“I was in Phillip’s office when, out of no where, we got a little visitor.” Diane said as Emily peeked into the office. “we were wondering if it was okay if I took my granddaughter out for some ice cream at Sullivan’s?”

Max looked at Emily who stood at the door with pleading eyes. He turned to look at the clock. 2:30. It was early enough… “Fine, but only a small ice cream. If I bring her home and we have spoiled her appetite I might be beheaded. So nothing more than a small.”

Both Diane and Emily gave a loud hurray before giving Max a quick kiss and disappearing out of the office.

Max chuckled under his breath.


I couple of hours later, Diane and Emily were still nowhere to be found. Max checked his watch for the fifth time in the last hour. He knew Emily was fine but he still was worried.

“If you think it’s bad waiting for her now, wait until she gets to high school and the clock reads 1 in the morning and you have no clue where your little girl is.”

Max looked up and found his father leaning his shoulder against the doorframe.

“It wouldn’t be fair. I never gave you or mom a hard time. That was Zan and Isabel that kept you up. I was always home at curfew.”

Phillip smiled at the memories “True. You were always the responsible one…” Phillip hesitated a moment before asking to come in.

“Sure, sit down.” Max replied putting down the papers he had in his hands.

Phillip walked in and closed the door. “Max, I wanted to apologize for what happened on Sunday. I was completely out of line and I overreacted. It’s none of my business what went on between you and Liz. It’s obvious that Liz holds no resentment for what happened, so it wasn’t my place to judge. I especially should have never lifted my hand at you. I don’t know what I was doing. I don’t want this to affect our relationship. I’m truly sorry.”

“Dad… It’s okay. I understand. I know I screwed up, I know I hurt, not just Liz, but both you and Mom. You raised me to be a man, as you said and I failed you. I’m really sorry for letting you down.” Max said. In a way he didn’t feel like he was lying to Phillip. Max felt that he could have done things differently back then, been more honorable. Max also knew that he couldn’t continue living with the ‘what if’s’. The past needed to be laid to rest.

“Don’t. You have never let me down, the way you have stood up and have taken responsibility for your actions. I’m proud of you. You made a mistake and you didn’t shy away from the consequences. You are the man I always knew you to be. I’m sorry I reacted the way I did. I didn’t look at the big picture. I love you, Max. You make me proud everyday of your life.” Phillip said his throat thick with emotions.

Max stood up and walked around his desk, to pull his father in an embrace. “Thanks dad. I love you too.”

Phillip held his son tightly before holding him at arms length. “You will be a extraordinary father, Max.”

“Thanks Dad. That means a lot to me.” Max replied as he stepped back and leaned against the edge of his desk, giving his father room to sit in the chair in front of him. “I wanted to talk to you about something and I guess, this is as good a time as any.”

Phillip looked up at his son, waiting for him to continue.

“I want to lessen my workload. I know I just made partner and everything, but I need to be able to take time off and I don’t feel it’s fair to my clients to have their cases waiting about until I can work on them. I want to keep the cases I have right now but I want to hold back from taking anything new. I need to be there for Emily and not just during her doctor’s appointments. I want to have time to spend with her as well. I’ve missed out on nine years of her life and I don’t want to miss out on another minute.”

Phillip nodded in understanding, “I’ll talk to Jesse to see how his workload is, and if we have to hire a new associate we’ll do that. I don’t see a problem. I was looking over some of your files while you were out yesterday and it seems you should be wrapping up a few cases in a matter of weeks so, things should be fine.”

“Thanks, Dad.” Max said looking at his watch once again. “I wonder where those two have gone off. I have to pick up Liz at 6 and I was hoping to get dinner ready before then.”

Max had barely finished his sentence when he heard a bang on the door, followed by the jiggling of the doorknob. When the door finally burst open, Emily flew into his arms looking over her shoulder as if expecting to be pounced on. Diane’s amused face came into view a few seconds later.

“You cheated!” Diane said to a giggling Emily

“Na-ah! I‘m just faster!” Emily replied to the accusation

Diane shook her head in defeat. “Sorry, we took so long. We decided to stop by the park on our way back.”

Max pulled his cell phone off of its clip and dangled it in front of his face “I believe you have one of these… How about next time you let me know. I was worried.”

“It’s not my fault that my granddaughter is so charming that time just slips by” Diane said in her defense “Next time, I promise I’ll call”

Max shook his head knowing very well how time flies when Emily is around. “Em, pick up your stuff. We need to stop by the supermarket before heading home and if we are to buy you those sneakers we need to hustle.”

Emily scattered about picking up her cds and books.

“BBQ is at my place next week. If you guys can make it, it would be fun.” Max said to his parents as he organized his desk.

“We would love to but we have to go to Jen Patterson’s house. You know, Jen. She used to make the chocolate pops for Halloween.” Diane said

Max scrunched up his face in disgust “Yes, I remember all to clearly… Well, if you get home early, just drop by… We have to get going.” Grabbing his jacket off the back of his chair, Max leaned in and gave his mother a kiss before taking Emily’s hand “Thanks Mom.”

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Post by starlady »

~* Chapter 24 *~

Max and Emily walked into Roswell Memorial at 6:05 pm. They had been successful in getting in and out of the mall in a record 20 minutes. Emily sported a new pair of Nike sneakers in a silvery pink color, which Max found completely inappropriate. For some reason they looked to trendy for HIS little girl. Yet there she was wearing them. It was during times like these that he realized that he was whipped.

Turning into the pediatric ward, Max walked over to the nurse’s station where more than one nurse had stopped what they were doing to stare at the handsome man that was walking their way.

“I’m looking for Dr. Parker” Max asked the three nurses that were staring at him with their mouths wide open. He got no response. Clearing his throat, he tried once again. “Um… Excuse me… I’m looking for Dr. Parker”

One of the nurses blinked into reality before asking “Is she expecting you?”

“She’s my Mom!” Emily replied.

Max smiled down at his daughter and said, “I believe she is expecting us.”

“Oh… OH!” the nurse replied as if it finally dawned on her who Max and Emily were. Looking down at Emily, she addressed her “You must be Emily. You’re Mom talks about you all the time!”

“This is my Dad!” Emily announced proudly

“I must say, you are a well kept secret, Mr. Parker,” the nurse said flirtatiously

Emily laughed at the nurse. Max looked down at her with a scold in his eyes. Max was use to women coming on to him through out the years but he was surprised that the nurse would be so forward while he stood there with his child. He bent down and lifted Emily into his arms as if the child would serve as a shield to any further advances.

“It’s Max.” He clarified without correcting her possible assumption that he was the male figure in the Parker residence “Is Dr. Parker in her office?”

“Yes, down the corridor, first office to your left.” The nurse offered. Max turned toward the direction given when he heard “I hope you won’t be a stranger around here.”

Max winced at the remark and kept walking. “I think she was hitting on me” Max whispered to Emily

Emily looked over his shoulder to the nurses, which were drinking up the rear view of Max’s retreating form. “I think she’s hentai”

Max nodded in agreement “definitely Hentai”

Liz heard the giggles before the knock on the door and a quick glance at the clock on her desk confirmed who her visitor’s were. “Come in” She said, closing the folders on her desk. As Max and Emily walked in, she offered an apology, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t notice the time.”

Max sat Emily on the chair in front of Liz’s desk and brushed off her apology. “Don’t worry about it. We’re not in a rush.”
Max could appreciate how professional Liz looked sitting behind her desk in her white coat, her stethoscope lying on her desk next to the familiar folders that all medical facilities used. Max realized that the mere sight of her in her work environment was turning him on. Thoughts of ‘playing doctor’ filled his mind and the heat of his body raised to color his checks.

“Max? Are you okay?” Liz asked noticing his flushed appearance.

Max felt his ears heat up in embarrassment. Here he was thinking of all sort of nasty things while his daughter sat not more than two feet away. “Um… yeah. I’m fine… It’s just a little hot in here…. Are you ready to go?” Max asked trying to change the subject.

Liz nodded as she stood up “I was just finishing when you arrived. And, you missy, have not given me a proper hello.” Liz said as she reached Emily. Pulling the child out of the chair in a bear hug, she smothered her face in kisses.

“Mommy! Stop it! I can’t breath!” Emily complained between her fits of laughter.

“That’s what happens when you don’t give me my kiss of the day!” Liz said letting Emily slide to the floor.

Max was wondering if he would be getting the same treatment for withholding kisses of the day. He would have to archive that inquiry for when they were alone.

“Mommy, your nurses are hentai!” Emily announced while Liz pulled off her white coat and hung it up.

“Emily! You know I don’t like you using that word.” Liz reprimanded

“But it’s true. They were all hentai with Daddy.” Emily insisted

Liz looked at Max startled. She then let a grin cover her face as if she was holding in a good laugh “What happened?” She asked Max.

Max didn’t think he could be more embarrassed than what he was a few minutes ago, yet here he was again blushing like a little girl. “Nothing happened!” he replied stomping off to open the door.

Liz let out a chuckle and wrapped her arm around Emily’s shoulder as she walked out of the office. “You see Emily, That is what your Daddy looks like when he blushes.” Patting Max’s check as she passed him, she added “Doesn’t he look cute?”

Max rolled his eyes at Liz’s antics “Very funny, Liz. Very funny”

As the family passed the nurses station, Liz said good night to the staff.

“Good night, Dr. Parker. Good night, Mr. Parker, Emily.” Replied the nurse that had been eyeing Max earlier.

Emily waved goodbye while Max gave a quick nod in acknowledgement.

Liz leaned into Max “Mr. Parker?”

Max bumped Liz with his shoulder “Shut up!”


The drive home and dinner was filled with conversations of how their day had been. Emily showed off her new shoes which, in turn lead to a lecture on how Max shouldn’t run off to buy her new shoes because she’s too lazy to look for her old pair. Liz had been impressed by dinner, which Max admitted was really a trick on it of itself. He admitted using pre-cooked lasagna sheets to make the lasagna and a salad in a bag kit for the Caesar salad. Still, Liz complimented him because dinner was excellent. When dinner was over Liz stood up to pick up the dishes and asked Emily to head upstairs to take a bath since her bedtime was approaching. After a few grunts, Emily climbed the stairs to get ready for bed.

Max took a few dishes into the kitchen where Liz had started to wash them. Placing the plates on the counter next to the sink, he moved to stand behind Liz. “I was wondering,” he said as he spread his legs enough to lower his height the right amount so her body would snuggle against his in just the right places “would you play doctor with me later?”

Liz was startled by Max’s question. She felt his breath tickle her ear with each word he said. His arm encircled her waist and pushed her back against his hard body. Liz could feel his arousal coming to life and her stomach did a little flip at the excitement that the intimacy caused her. Turning within his arms and placing her soapy arms over his shoulders “I would definitely consider it a possibility” She replied.

Max looked down into Liz’s eyes and then moved his sight to her lips, which she moistened in anticipation. Seeing her lips ready for him, he dove in. Max pinned her against the cabinet as he devoured her mouth. His kiss was desperate, like a man dying of thirst. Liz reciprocated with just as much ferocity, as she felt him move his hands to her lower back, pressing her more intimately against him. Tightening her arms around his shoulders, she delved into every crevice of his mouth, seeking to give him the unity he seemed to need. Max wanted to feel every inch of her body against him, but as much as he pressed into her, it was not enough. Releasing her mouth, he let out a throaty growl of frustration. “God, Liz, I missed you.” He said bringing his forehead to rest against hers, their breath intermingling as they forced their lungs to take in air.

Liz felt her body still burning in all the places she had felt Max’s body against hers. Feeling her legs give a little, she placed her wet hands against the back of his head for support. When she felt her breathing return to a regulated pace, she finally asked “Max… You saw me yesterday, what was that about?”

Max closed his arms around Liz’s waist and rested his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes he clung to her as if she were to disappear. “I’m sorry. I think I have been waiting for this for so long, I’m having problems controlling myself.”

Liz leaned to the side and grabbed a dishtowel to dry her hands. She then proceeded to lift Max’s head from her shoulder so she could look at him. “Max, I rather enjoyed what just happened. It just surprised me. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time too and if you think I don’t have my moments that I feel like throwing myself at you, you’re a fool.”

Max lowered his mouth and kissed Liz once again, softer this time. More controlled. As he brought the kiss to an end he looked at Liz and smiled. “I’m happy to hear that because I was feeling a little hentai, as Emily says, with all the dirty thoughts that were going through my mind when I was at your office.”

Liz smiled as Max set a trail of kisses down her neck that sent goose bumps over her body “Max, Do you have a fetish for sterile environments?”

Max lifted his head from her neck and pondered the question. “No. Not really, but I think I have a thing for the lab coat look you had on. It makes you look… domineering.”

Max returned to suckling at her neck, as Liz’s eyes closed in pleasure. “So, you’re into dominatrix?”

Max paused once again and thought about it, he looked at Liz who opened her eyes to gage his expression “Not with the whips and things like that, but I rather liked that you were in charge, when… um… well… you know.”

Liz blushed at the reference of their one time together, “Max…” she said lowering her head to hide her flushing check in his chest.

“I’m sorry” Max said as he stepped back a bit and lifted her chin with his hand “I didn’t mean to…”

“No, Max. It’s just…” Liz said flustered, putting her hands against his chest “You remember that night so well and I… I mostly remember the morning after. I… “ Liz covered her face with her hands “I can’t believe I actually did that! That was just not me…”

Max removed her hands from her face “Hey… If you hadn’t done that, we wouldn’t have Emily, so no regrets. And about remembering that night… Maybe you will let me remind you of the highlights of the evening.”

Liz could feel her cheeks burn at the implications of his words. They had just started this relationship, and although Max had a nak at making her feel like mush every time he looked at her, he made her ache with desire since the moment she first lay eyes on him, she felt it was too early for that next step. She knew she was tempting fate with all the teasing they did but when she was around him she could never stop herself. It was something that came so naturally to them and yet she knew the relationship was too young for more than that. “Max…”

Max could see where Liz’s mind had gone. It was weird that after all the years apart, they could still read each other so well. He softly brushed the loose strand of hair away from her face “Liz. I didn’t mean it that way. I meant, maybe we could talk about it. I would like to know your side, know what you were feeling. I really would like to talk about it. I mean, I tease you about it but, I know that it was a turning point in both our lives and we never had a chance to talk about it back then.”

Liz stared at Max in disbelief. How was it that this wonderful man would want to have a relationship with her? How was it possible that after so many years of dreaming, this could be real? Liz cradled Max’s face in her hands and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Why me, Max? Why would you want me?”

Max wrapped his arms around her and held her tight against his chest. He could hear the motor of a car out in the driveway. He knew that they barely had a few more minutes before whoever had arrived would interrupt them. He kissed her forehead before saying “You have always been the one for me. Since before I knew what love was, I knew it would be you.”

Liz fisted the back of Max’s shirt in an effort to pull him closer. She inhaled the scent that was so… Max, and she let him go as the door of the house opened.


“Sooo… What’s going on between you and papa bear?” Serena asked as she fiddled with Liz’s hair.

It was almost midnight and Liz’s head lay on Serena’s lap, while Alex rested on the bed next to them with his legs all tangled between Liz’s. They had been playing catch up for the last few hours. Even though they spoke on the phone at least twice a week, those calls were mostly about her son’s development. They had not had a good heart to heart since they decided to come to Roswell.

“There is no deal” Liz replied evasively.

“Oh, Please!” Alex jumped in. “If it wasn’t enough to see them eating each other with the sullen looks they give each other, last night, when I went to shut off the lights, they were on the porch playing tonsil hockey!”

Liz turned quickly to look at Alex “You saw?”

“Even if I didn’t see, which I did, the moans and groans coming from the porch would have told me there was little TALKING going on.”

Liz’s hands came up to cover her face in embarrassment.

“Moans and Groans?” Serena asked in an effort to torture Liz.

“Oh Maax! Oh Liiz!” Alex teased mercilessly

Liz sat up and swat Alex over the chest, where he tried to defend himself from her attack. “You are so full of it, Alex Whitman.” Turning to Serena, she denied the charges laid against her “there was no moaning or groaning going on.”

“So there was tonsil hockey but no moaning? Max seems more adept than that. Not even a little moaning?” Serena badgered relentlessly.

“Okay, is this pick on Liz day?” Liz asked, staring at her friends as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Serena and Alex broke into fits of laughter.

“I wouldn’t laugh so much, Alex. Next time you need some alone time with Isabel, we’ll see who helps you out” Liz threatened as she lay down once again on Serena’s lap and kicked Alex’s legs just for good measure.

“Isabel? Who the heck is Isabel?” Serena asked

“Isabel is Max’ sister and our little Alex has googly eyes for her.” Liz replied

“What the hell! Did I just move to Love town?” Serena exclaimed looking between Alex and Liz “I leave you guys alone for two weeks and, the two most single people I know, have gone off the deep end. One is having make out sessions on the porch and the other is making googly eyes at something whose name doesn’t start in Pentium or end in Mega hertz?”

“There were no googly eyes being made, so I have no idea what Liz is talking about” Alex denied.

Liz shot up straight “Now it’s my turn to say, OH PLEASE!” Turning to Serena, she gave more detail “On Sunday, when she left, I had to roll Alex’s tongue back into his mouth and then I had to mop up the porch because he had drooled all over it.”

Serena cracked up at the comment.

“Shut up!” Alex said as he lunged at Liz and promptly covered her mouth. Liz pulled away enough to bite the tender skin between his thumb and his palm. “You Bitch!” Alex shrieked, pulling his hand away.

“Man Whore!” Liz countered

“I wish!” Alex replied

“Enough!” Serena said, acting as an intermediary.

Liz, once again, laid back, eyeing Alex carefully in case of a counterattack

“You guys are worse than Emily and Josh!” Serena said “now, seriously, what’s the deal with all the love connections?”

Liz played with the ends of her braid for a few minutes trying to evade responding but when she saw Serena look at her directly, she confessed. “Max and I decided to see if things would work out between us. I don’t want the kids to know, so we are keeping things quiet.”

“Why don’t you want the kids to know?” Serena asked

Liz looked up at her friend as if, she of all people, should know. “”I don’t want Emily to imagine a happily ever after for her Mom and Dad, and then realize it won’t work between Max and Me.”

Serena nodded in understanding. “So, let me get this straight, you tell him he’s a father on Saturday and by Monday night you have your tongue down his throat?”

“Actually, it was Monday morning and he was the one that initiated it.” Liz clarified.

“Go Max!” Alex cheered earning him a glare from Liz.

Liz turned to look at Serena “He has this thing with words, Rei” Liz said, referring to Serena by her petname. “It’s as if he’s been waiting his whole life to say them.”

“He has” Alex said solemnly. Liz looked at Alex curiously, causing Alex to sigh “You and Max have had these feeling for each other for so long… It’s about time Max made a move, because if it was up to you… I don’t know what you’re worried about. You and Max will work out.”

“So what about you and this Isabel chick?” Serena asked

“Nothing is going on between Isabel and me.” Alex insisted

“Yet.” Liz added

“What’s the story? Obviously, there’s more to this than meets the eye” Serena inquired

“Alex had a crush on her when we were in high school” Liz explained

“And she wouldn’t give me the time of day.” Alex finished

“And?” Serena prompted

“And well… unless I’m reading things wrong, which I probably am, I think she’s interested.” Alex confessed

“Oh my god, Serena. She is sooo interested! She kept looking for the right moment to talk to him and she would touch him every chance she got. Then she took him out for lunch. She is definitely interested!” Liz declared.

“And how about you?” Serena asked Alex

“I don’t know. When I’m around her, I’m all for it. I really like talking to her and to say she is as hot as she was in high school, is an understatement.” Alex answered “but, when I’m not with her, the rational person in me tells me to be careful and not get involved. I mean this is the woman that is responsible for many of my freakin’ insecurities and I don’t want to give her the chance to play me. I guess I need to get to know the person she is now before I trust her with my feelings”

“Smart move” Serena said

“Yeah, but it’s hard, because when I’m around her I feel as if I have no control over what’s going on” Alex admitted

“Be careful, Alex” Liz warned

“I’m trying” Alex replied

Liz looked at her watch and grimaced. “Less than 5 hours before I have to go to work. I think I better head off to sleep.”

“Aw, girl, you need to take some time off!” Serena whined

“No, I don’t. I need to put in as many hours as I can before Emily needs me to take time off to be with her.” Liz said, “It’s not as bad as you would think. I have a steady daily schedule, which rotates weekly AND I have two days off every sixth day. It’s a heck of a lot better than in Boston.”

Getting off the bed, Liz walked out of the room with a quick good night.

Serena stared at the door Liz had just walked out of. “Do you think Max, is for real?”

Alex nodded without hesitation. “It doesn’t get more real than Max. I think that we are going to be losing a roommate soon.”

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Post by starlady »

~* Chapter 25 *~

“So if I pull into this cavern will I be able to find the keys I need to get into the alligator pit?” Max asked as he tried to avoid the spears and darts being thrown at his player.

“No. You get the potion that you have to drink to fit into the key chamber and then you need to find the key.” Emily clarified

“Watch out!” Josh yelled trying to salvage the game by warning Max of the cannibal that jumped at his player.

“Did I just get killed?” Max asked as he tried to move the player and the controls failed to respond.

“Daddy, when your player fly’s away like that, it’s because your dead.” Emily said placing a consoling hand on her fathers shoulder.

“But I was almost on round two!” Max whined

Josh rolled his eyes, just before he felt a pillow hit him in the head. “Hey!” He complained, looking for the culprit.

“What you gonna do ‘bout it, tough guy?” Kyle taunted, trying to sound menacing as he walked into Max’s family room where the threesome sat in front of the TV.

Josh stood up and took on a boxer stance “I can take you, any time!”

“Oh, yeah? I’d like to see that!” Kyle replied, smacking Josh on the side of his head and putting his fists up to guard any retaliation.

Josh kept his eye on Kyle as he moved around looking for an opening to strike. Kyle lifted his right arm to smack Josh again and Josh moved in, ducking as he got in a hit to Kyle’s chest.

Kyle turned to face Josh who was now behind him “Oh, I see how it is. I teach you a few moves and you think you can take down the master?”

Josh laughed as he got ready for Kyle’s come back.

Max’s frustration level was high “Emily, I’m really bad at this” He confessed, “Maybe you should get Michael to play with you?”

Emily refused to give up and moved to sit on Max’s lap when she saw him ready to stand up. Grabbing his face in her small hands, she said, “Daddy, if you don’t practice, you’ll always stink at it.” Putting on her best pout, she added, “Please, Daddy. Michael says it’s a sissy game and it’s too easy. I need to get you good enough, so I can beat you fair.”

“Honey, we need to work on your motivational speaking. In that one sentence you just called me a sissy, a wuss and you told me I’d never be good enough to beat you.” Max pulled Emily’s hands from his face “Do you really think I want to learn the game now?”

“You need to learn so you can prove me wrong!” Emily argued.

“You see. Now, there is something that can get me motivated.” Max said as he felt Josh bump into him. “Hey, guys! Want to take that outside?”

Kyle who had Josh in a headlock, apologized as he dragged the boy out to the deck.

Serena caught sight of the two as they passed the kitchen where she and Maria were seasoning some meat for the grill. “Hey! I want my son’s head attached to his body when I leave this evening!”

Kyle looked at Serena and loosened his grip on Josh, which was his downfall. Josh wiggled his way out of the headlock and before Kyle had stopped staring at Serena, Josh had jumped on Kyle’s back and was strangling him. Kyle whipped around and continued onto the porch.

Serena smiled “I can barely believe the things Josh is doing. I mean, I leave him for two weeks and he is horsing around with such enthusiasm, I feel bad telling him to stop.” She told Maria who was on the other side of the counter.

Maria looked out on the deck. “Kyle is really great with him. I always said he was better with older kids. He just has more experience with the kids on the team and all. I tried to get him to baby-sit Sammy once… That was a mistake.” Maria said remembering how Kyle had become a blubbering idiot when she had tried to leave him instructions on how to change a diaper.

Serena watched how Kyle banged mercilessly on Josh. “He treats him as if he was just another 11 year old. Josh doesn’t see that often. Men usually treat him as if he was defective. Alex is not very physical, they horse around and everything but never that rough.” Serena cringed as Josh connected a kick to Kyle’s inner thigh, making the man fall to his knees. “Josh!” she yelled.
Maria and Isabel laughed as Kyle rolled on the deck and Josh jumped up and down celebrating his victory.

Michael walked in to the kitchen with bag of ice in his hands, depositing it in the sink he turned to whine to his wife. “I don’t see why I can’t play some games, today. Alex is doing fine at the grill.”

Maria gave her husband a penetrating stare and then pointed at Sammy who was in Isabel’s arms. “You have baby duty.”

Michael moved and took Sammy. “Sammy likes to play video games.”

“Are you going to play his Fisher Price games?” Maria asked, knowing what his response would be.

Michael cringed at the thought.

“I didn’t think so. Last weekend I watched him. The week before that, I watched him. This weekend, you watch him. And I don’t mean just watch that he doesn’t get into trouble. I mean entertain him. Take him for a swim; help him build something with his blocks; do something!” Maria argued.

Michael nodded in defeat and went out to the deck where Kyle was now recovering from nearly losing his family jewels and Alex was flipping burgers.

“I swear, he’s ridiculous. At home, he sits with Sammy and does all these things with him. As soon as he’s surrounded by ‘the boys’, he doesn’t have time. I told him that I was sick of it. He needs to get his shit together!” Maria huffed.

Isabel stifled a chuckle that wanted to bubble out. Thinking it was best to move to another topic she tried to change the conversation. “So, what time is Liz arriving?”

“She had to work until 6, so she should be dropping by around 6:30. Max left her the car so she can get here on her own.” Serena responded, she then leaned in as if the next part was meant to be kept between the girls “So, what do you all think about this Max & Liz thing?”

Maria waved her hand at Serena “Oh, that is so old news! They need to just get it over with and come out of the closet! I mean, we all know what’s going on. And I know what Liz says, but I think it’s all hogwash. I think that she just can’t admit that she is worthy of him and then you have that idiot in there” Maria said pointing to the family room where the sounds of the TV were still going strong “that thinks Liz is too good for him!” She sighed in frustration “At least he actually made a move! I thought I would have to hold his hand through the whole ordeal. I mean for god sakes! They’re adults!”

Serena burst out laughing. “Oh, Maria. I’ve known you for less than a week but you are the best! I so agree with you. Alex and I haven’t really pushed her but we have been discussing the possibility that we might be going back to Boston on our own.”

Isabel was quiet and taking in the conversation. Alex had commented that Max and Liz were going to try at a relationship but by what Serena said, it looked more serious that he had made it out to be. “Maybe I’m out of the loop but when you say he made a move…. What exactly are you talking about?”

Maria shook her head as if disregarding the whole question. “Don’t worry Isabel, Your brother is the slowest player on the team. I’m celebrating that he got to first base. The way things are going. Emily will graduate from high school before they move to second.”

“Well, don’t you think it’s better for them to go slow?” Isabel inquired.

“Oh, please! Liz just needs to get laid!” Serena said then choked on her soda when she saw Max standing in the entrance to the family room.

He stood there frozen, knowing that he had come into the room at a bad moment. He lifted his glass signaling that he was just refilling his soda. He walked into the silent kitchen and as he opened the refrigerator and reached in, the girls all burst out laughing.

“Well Max could use a little lay time as well.” Maria stated as if Max were not standing right next to her.

“MARIA!” he yelled

Maria turned and looked at him, defying him to deny it. “Max, Serena is the only one here that hasn’t known you for most of your life and for the last 4 years she has been living with the other celibate of the group, so get over it.”

Max turned and looked at the three women in front of him “I want my sex life to be off the list of topics for today.”

“What sex life?” Isabel threw out, having fun at her brother’s expense. She really didn’t want to know about his sex life but seeing him all bent out of shape over the conversation was priceless.

“ISABEL! “ he yelled, then staring at the girls once again, just shook his head and retreated into the family room.

The girls looked at themselves and burst out laughing once more.


Liz pulled in to the driveway of Max’s house. The day had been long but her weekend was finally here. The scheduling of her hours was wonderful. She loved that her shifts rotated on a weekly basis and not daily. It had been a delicious treat to have working hours that ran from 6am to 6pm. The following week she would be doing the evening shift, which was 6pm to 6am but before she started she would have a long weekend. The change of shifts afforded her to have a 3 day weekend because she didn’t have to report into work until Wednesday at 6 in the evening. She knew that the following weekend would be cut short because of the same rotation but it was as close as normal as she could get and she loved it. The hospital was not at all like the ones in Boston. It was quiet and everyone knew each other. Of course this also meant that her resume wouldn’t look as impressive as if she had done her residency in a larger, city hospital, but she had never been career driven. Maybe at one point in her life she would have cared but the twists and turns her life had taken, made her value her family and friends much more.

She walked up the driveway taking in the pile of lumber that rested to the side of Max’s house. It was peculiar because there was a lot of it sitting there. She wondered if Max was making some home improvements. Shrugging it off she went up to the door and rang. She quickly heard the barreling of footsteps heading toward the door, which swung open a few seconds later. Max smiled at her from the entrance and a second later was pushed forward onto her.

Max held onto Liz as he looked over his shoulder. Emily peered up at her mother from behind Max. “Hi Mom!”

“Hi Sweety.” Liz looked up at Max who still was holding her.

Max let her go quickly and straightened. “Sorry, umm… we were racing.” He explained.

“I assumed that.” Liz said trying to hide her laughter. Liz loved to see Emily and Max getting along so well. It warmed her heart how Max reassured Emily of his presence and his commitment to their relationship. After the day Emily had learned the truth, he had never had to reassure her using words. He did it with his actions. He showed Emily how important she was to him in everything he did, every time he dropped by, every time he sat with her, every time he tried to learn something new to please her. Liz knew that Emily was feeling more secure in her relationship with Max every day that passed.

Emily ran back down the hallway towards the kitchen as Max closed the door after Liz had entered. “What are you doing with all that lumber I saw out front?” Liz asked curiously

“Oh. I’m… umm... making some home improvements.” Max answered vaguely.

“Where?” Liz asked looking around as they walked further into the house.

“Upstairs.” Max replied, “We saved you some dinner” He said trying to change the topic.

“Excellent. I’m famished!” Liz said as Max moved behind the kitchen counter and removed a covered plate from the oven.

“Why don’t you go out onto the deck, while I heat this up.” Max suggested.

“Sure, thanks” Liz said already on her way to the deck.

“Liz!” Serena exclaimed when she caught sight of her roommate. “Ready for the weekend?”

“Ugh. Yes! Thank god! I’m happy to be able to just relax for a few days.” Liz responded as she sat down in a patio chair. Looking out to the pool she could see Alex and Josh splashing around. “Alex is in the pool?” she asked wide-eyed

Serena laughed at her question “Yeah. We finally convinced him to shed his clothing and dive in.”

Isabel was curious as to why Liz found it surprising that Alex was in the pool. “Why do you seem surprised?”

“Alex took Emily to the YMCA for swimming lessons when she was a toddler and had to be pulled out by the lifeguards when he almost drowned. It was quite embarrassing and since then, he has avoided pools like they were infested with piranhas.” Serena recounted with amusement. “I think this is the first time I have ever seen him get into a pool”

Isabel looked out to the pool surprised at the tale; Alex seemed to be at ease with the kids in the pool. She looked back at Serena who was still watching the boys’ horse around in the water and felt jealousy edging it’s way into her. Liz and Serena seemed to be guardians of anecdotes of what Alex’s life had been for the last ten years. She realized that she wanted to know those anecdotes. Wanted to know more of the life of this man she had disregarded so many years ago. The couple of days she had spent with Alex had been fun. Alex had charmed her with his quick wit and tender heart. She had watched him handle the children with the natural talent a father developed over years. He was smart, caring and to add to all his other attributes, handsome. She didn’t know how much time she would have with him but she was willing to take what she could get. Alex was the first man, after her failed marriage that she was willing to risk her heart for.

Max put down a plate in front of Liz, who had Emily already curled up on her lap. “Emily, why don’t you let your mom eat dinner?”

“Don’t worry about it, Max. I have learned to eat around her. Thanks for heating this up” Liz said, pulling Emily higher on her lap.

Max sat on the bench next to the railing of the deck and discreetly signaled Emily to join him. Emily looked at Liz who was in animated conversation with the other women and then looked back at Max who patted his own lap. Emily turned and gave Liz a quick kiss and then moved over to Max who grabbed her by the arms and swung her onto his back as he stood from the bench.

“We’ll leave you all to catch up. Emily and I are going for a dip.” Max informed everyone as he made his way down the steps.

Liz kept her eye on the two and sighed.

“They’ve been like that all day.” Maria said. “They seemed to be attached at the hip”

Liz smiled, still watching Max as he pulled Emily’s top over her head. “He’s really good with her.” Liz commented.

“And this is a bad thing because?” Maria asked wondering if there was more to Liz’s comment.

Liz put down her fork and looked at the three women that sat with her. “I think it’s wonderful that Max is so gung-ho at being a great father. He is doing a remarkable job at soothing Emily’s original misgivings that he might disappear from her life. I’m just concerned that Max might be in denial of Emily’s illness.”

“I think you’re a worry wart!” Maria said dismissing Liz’s concerns. “I don’t think that he has to think about losing his daughter every moment of the day.”

“It’s not that I want him thinking about losing her. I just wish he would talk about it with me. I think that when the time comes he won’t be prepared to deal with the illness. ” Liz responded trying to make Maria understand.

“I think I understand what you are saying.” Serena said looking out to the pool where Max just pushed Emily in and dove after her. “You think that he’s going to freak out when it’s time for the transplant.” Turning to Maria she tried to explain. “This procedure is not cut and dry and can be emotionally draining. I don’t think that Liz is saying that Max isn’t ready to watch his daughter die. No parent can ever be ready for something like that. I think, what Liz is saying is that he is trying to ignore the possibility all together and thus, ignores what they will have to go through to make sure she stays with us.”

They all looked out at the pool as Serena’s words sank in.

“Is the procedure that daunting?” Isabel asked. She never thought about the road to recovery. Her focus was on organizing a blood draw, to increase Emily’s chances of finding a donor.

Liz stared at the four men that leaned against the side of the pool. She slowly nodded her head “Think of the worst flu you have ever had. Now multiply that feeling by 10 and extend the time you were sick by months. Now, think about feeling that way in Emily’s body”

Isabel’s eyes weld with tears at the thought. Maria sat with her mouth open; she had been thinking it would be a walk in the park.

Serena extended her arm and placed her hand on Liz’s forearm. “Hey,” she said quietly lending her support to her friend. “Talk to him.”

Liz swiped at a stray tear that had made it through her defenses “I have been waiting to see if he would bring it up but he hasn’t. I know that he was shocked on Monday. It was written all over his face when we went in for the transfusion, but he hasn’t wanted to talk about it. He just wants to talk about us. He spends all his free time with the kids but he hasn’t spoken about what he saw on Monday, at least not to me.” Liz said looking at Isabel and Maria hopefully.

Isabel shook her head and looked at Maria.

“Nothing here either.” Maria said, answering the question in everyone’s eyes.

“I think you should bring it up, Liz.” Isabel said. “You know how Max is, he might not want to bring up something that he thinks is painful for you to talk about.”

Liz nodded, knowing Isabel might just have hit it on the head. “Mom and Dad got their results.”

“Based on the face, I’d say they weren’t a match.” Maria commented

Liz brought up a french fry and put it in her mouth as she nodded.

“Well, Michael and I went in on Wednesday. I know it’s a long shot but we’re keeping our fingers crossed.” Maria continued.

“Mom and Dad get their results tomorrow, I get mine on Tuesday.” Isabel sighed heavily “Maybe we won’t need to organize the blood drive after all.”

Liz looked at Isabel and smiled. “Thanks for taking time to put the drive together. I know it has taken up all your free time.”

“Hey, she’s my niece. My time is nothing.” Isabel assured her.

The evening was coming to a close too quickly. Liz really enjoyed the weekly get together the group had become accustom to. Although she spent time with everyone one on one, she loved getting together as a group. Maria had told her that they started the tradition a few years ago when everyone seem to have gravitated back to Roswell after graduation. Max was always trying to get out of the weekly foray and since he didn’t want to go to the party, the party was always brought to his door. When Max decided to buy a house, he decided to buy it large enough to accommodate them all. He had given up on fighting the whole scene and finally conceded he enjoyed the company. It was the first time Serena had joined them and she fit in as if she had been part of the group since it’s conception. Isabel would drop by often but she too, was not a regular at the get together, although after today, she would be making an effort to get to the weekly BBQ more often.

Maria had left a little while ago and Isabel was helping Alex pack up the SUV.

“Max, can we talk for a moment?” Liz asked as Kyle and Serena picked up the kitchen and the kids put in there last round of video games on the playstation.

“Sure” Max said with a gleam in his eye. He had been dying to get a few minutes of alone time with Liz since she had arrived and now he would have a chance. Taking her hand in his, he place the bag of chips he was closing on the counter before moving into the hallway towards his room.

Walking into his room, he closed the door behind him and with a swift motion, twirled Liz into his arms. Before she could react, Liz felt his lip descend upon hers. She could barely think as she felt his mouth cover hers. Her body heated up and the conversation she wanted to have with him flew out of her mind. Within seconds she was responding fervently to the passion he ignited in her and the kiss deepened.

Max released her lips and gasped for much needed air. He moved his hands to Liz’s lower back and pressed her against his hard body. He trailed his lips across her neck to her shoulders leaving a burning sensation low in Liz’s belly. “I’ve been waiting all day to do that.” He said before he resumed his ministrations.

“Mmm” was all the response Liz could afford. She felt like putty in his arms and found herself unconsciously grinding her hips into his. She lifted her arms and rested them securely on his shoulders before pulling his lips from her neck and back to her mouth. He angled his head and immediately deepened the kiss.

Max knew things were getting out of control but he couldn’t control himself as he moved one of his hands up her ribcage to rest below the swell of her breast. He slowly passed his thumb over the elastic of her bra, feeling the underside of her breast in the process.

Liz moaned at the contact and her body turned to allow his hand to move higher.

“Max? Liz?” They heard from the other side of the door.

Max fisted the material of the back of Liz’s cotton blouse in this hand. Releasing her mouth he laid his forehead against her shoulder, taking in shallow breaths in an effort to regain some control. “We’ll be out in a minute” He replied after a few seconds.

“I just wanted to let you know that we’re all packed. We’ll wait for you outside.” Alex said as if he knew he had interrupted.

Liz rested her head on Max’s chest “Will it always be like this?” she whispered

“I… I guess I got carried away, again.” Max replied embarrassed by his lack of control. He pulled back a bit to look at Liz. “Sorry about that.”

Liz smiled “Did we not discuss this already? It wasn’t just you. I got a little carried away myself.”

Max smiled and softly kissed Liz. “I missed you.”

Liz laughed against his lips. “You always miss me, even when you’ve seen me everyday this week.”

Max straightened and let Liz’s hands move to rest against his chest. “I know but for some reason, today I missed you more.”

Liz smiled in understanding. She had missed him too. She then remembered why she had wanted to be alone with him. Turning serious she said, “Max, we need to talk, but it seems that it won’t be today.”

“What’s the matter?” Max asked concerned by the change in her demeanor.

“I just think we need to talk. About Emily.” Liz answered

“Is everything okay? She was fine today. I even had her go down for a quick nap around one. She didn’t want to, but she slept for an hour.” Max said trying to assure Liz that he could care for Emily.

“Everything is fine. I just want to talk.” Liz said. She really didn’t want to start a conversation they could not finish and so it was best just to let him know she needed time alone with him to talk.

“Okay. How about I call you tomorrow and set up a lunch date? It could be our first official date.” Max said smiling

Liz laughed at his enthusiasm “That sounds perfect” She then leaned in and placed another kiss on his lips. Max had been made to be kissed. He’s lips were full and soft and ripe and…. Liz shook herself back to reality. “I think I better leave before they send in backup to get us out.”

Max nodded but continued to kiss her.

“Maaaxx!” Liz mumbled from beneath his lips.

He released her and then pulled her in a hug. “Tomorrow. I’ll call you tomorrow” he whispered against her ear.

Liz nodded as she stepped away from him. Max helped her fix her blouse and then opened the door to join the others.

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Post by starlady »

~*Chapter 26 *~

Serena opened the door and found a familiar face on the other side. Her stomach did a little flip flop at the sight. “Hey, Kyle” She said turning to go back into the house, trying desperately to guard her features. Within three days of her arrival she had come to the conclusion that Roswell was the site of chemical testing. The government was putting pheromones in the water or something like that because she was feeling the most outrageous attraction to a man that she would never have given the time of day back home in Boston.

Serena was the dater of the group. She had a social life back East and she enjoyed it. She didn’t have tons of time but she made an effort to socialize with the opposite sex every once in a while. She went for tall, dark and very unattainable. She liked it like that. After Josh’s father had bailed on her, she made sure not to give her heart so easily but she was a women and she had her own itch to scratch.

A week ago she arrived in Roswell not only to find her roommates tittering on the edge of relationships, but she also found a man that was not that tall, definitely not dark and very attainable tugging at her own heart strings. She attributed it to the relationship Kyle had developed with Josh. She loved the way he took time for her son and that he seemed to do it for his own pleasure and not to impress her. Lots of guys had played the daddy card to get close to Serena. It was an act that Josh could spot a mile away and Serena didn’t put up with it. Kyle on the other hand befriended Josh before he even met her, demonstrating that his interest in Josh had nothing to do with her.

She kept her attraction under check because she had no interest in destroying her son’s friendship with Kyle. She wouldn’t mind a roll in the sack with Kyle but she knew that it could never be just that. He was smart, caring, understanding, patient, responsible and funny too. These were all attributes that had nothing to do with how well he filled out his Levi’s button fly jeans and it scared the begibees out of her.

“Alex just took the kids out for ice cream a few minutes ago.” Serena offered as she pulled out the rubber band that held her hair up and redid her ponytail. She looked over her shoulder and found Kyle’s eyes glued to the shorts that clung to her hips. “Enjoying the view?”

Kyle’s head snapped up and his face burned in embarrassment at being caught.

Serena chuckled and shook her head. These were the things that got to her. The men she was use to dealing with would not have been embarrassed at being caught ogling the merchandise, but the tint on Kyle’s checks let her know that he was one, among a dying breed.

“Um… Sorry, ‘bout that.” Kyle said looking everywhere but at Serena, who walked into the kitchen with her red hair pulled up off her bare shoulders, giving him a good view of the freckles that dusted her back. Kyle thought that if he didn’t look at her he might eventually win the battle his body was waging against him. Serena had the ability to put him on the edge. She had the looks that would knock the socks off any man and it took every thing in him not to stare at her.

“Want something to drink?” Serena asked

“Sure, thanks.” Kyle replied as he sat on one of the stools at the counter. “Do you think Alex will be bringing them home soon? The junior baseball league will be having one of the last games of the school year this afternoon and I was hoping Josh might want to go.”

“Was that the door?” Liz said running down the stairs. “Oh. Um… Hi Kyle.” She said trying to sound happy but was unable to hide the way her face fell at the sight of him.

“Hi Liz. Everything all right?” Kyle asked concerned

“Uh… Yeah. I’m… I’m just going to go finished what I was doing. Um… Nice to see you Kyle.” Liz said padding her way back upstairs.

Kyle looked at Serena after Liz had disappeared “What’s wrong with her?”

Serena sighed, “Max was suppose to call her yesterday to arrange a lunch date and he never called. Yesterday was the first time he didn’t stop by after work to spend time with Emily and Liz is worried. She called his cell but no one answers.”

Kyle looked surprised “That’s not like Max at all. Did she call him at work?”

Serena nodded. “ She called him this morning and left a message. He hadn’t come in yet.”

Kyle looked back to the stairs. “Maybe he’s really busy.” He said knowing in his gut that something was not right. Besides the fact that Max would never pass up on the chance to be with Liz, he definitely would have called to make sure Emily was not waiting for him.

“That’s what I said, but Liz is freaking out. That’s one of the reasons why Alex took the kids. They seem to have a knack for figuring things out and with Liz jumping all over the place; it was best to get them out of the house.” Serena explained

Kyle nodded in understanding. “Where were they going to get ice cream?”

“They were going to Sully’s. Alex commented it was close to the park so I think he might be headed that way afterwards.” Serena said. She looked at Kyle who seemed to be engaged in playing with a spot on the counter. “Why do you do it? I mean… Why do you have such interest in spending time with Josh?”

Kyle looked up at Serena, surprised at her question. “Um… I don’t know. He’s a great kid. I’m not a pervert or anything.”

Serena shook her head “I didn’t think you were. It’s just weird. I mean you’re a grown man. You have a business to attend to, you have kids on sports team that depend on you; you have your own friends and family. Why do you invest so much time with Josh?”

Kyle thought about it for a minute. He really couldn’t pin point when Josh became such an important part of his everyday life. It just happened. “I don’t know why I like hanging around Josh. He’s just this great kid. The day after I met the kids, I was driving to work and I stopped in to pick up a video game for him. He had liked the one at Max’s so much I thought I would get him one. That day, I found him at the Crashdown shooting hoops. I don’t know what had gotten into him that day but he wasn’t too receptive of my company. I think he was feeling self-conscious with his physical abilities. I offered to shoot hoops with him and nearly got my head snapped off because he had said he wasn’t good at it. Now that I know him better, I think he didn’t want me to think less of him.”

“Sounds about right. He has a problem with male bonding over sports. He runs and all, but running is a very independent sport. The whole team thing scares the shit out of him. He doesn’t like letting people down and as much as people try to avoid it, the teammates tend to hold individuals responsible for their losses. Joshua tends to put enough pressure on himself to have other people add to it.” Serena said

“Well, by the end of the day, I had enjoyed my afternoon so much I couldn’t wait to spend more time with him. He’s always so eager to try new things and it makes me feel great that he trusts me enough to do them.”

“You know, it amazes me that he feels so comfortable around you. I have only seen him open up like that with Alex. Even that didn’t happen over night. As much as it amazes me it also scares me. I’m afraid that he is getting really attached to you, to everyone in this town. It’s not home for us. Liz and Emily might have attachments here, even Alex; but Josh and I… well, I just hope that you don’t make long-term plans with him. I don’t want him to feel as if anyone let him down. I especially don’t want to be the bad guy come August and it’s time for us to pack our bags and leave.” Serena said trying to avoid looking at Kyle.

Kyle felt like someone had kicked him in the gut. He didn’t understand the feeling and he was hesitant to analyze it. He had just met this woman and he had hoped to get to know her better, yet here she was telling him, don’t get attached, we’re not here for the long run. For some bizarre reason the statement didn’t bode well with him. As he opened his mouth to ask her why was she in such a rush to leave Roswell, the phone rang and Serena rushed to pick it up.

“Hello?” She said into the mouthpiece. “Oh, hi Isabel. How are you?”

“I’m good, thank you. I was hoping to speak to Liz. Is she around?” Isabel inquired

“Sure. Let me call her.” Serena replied. Covering the mouthpiece she called to Liz. “Liz! Isabel’s on the line!”

Serena heard some footsteps overhead and then heard the other line being picked up. “Isabel?” Liz asked

“Hi Liz. I was hoping to catch you at home.” Isabel said as she heard Serena hang up the third line.

“Do you know where Max is?” Liz rushed forward, disregarding the reason for Isabel’s call.

“Um.. no. He’s not over there? I would have sworn that he would be there.” Isabel replied concerned.

“No. He was suppose to call yesterday to arrange a lunch date but never did. I was hoping he would drop by last night but he didn’t. I’m starting to get worried. For the last week he has been dropping by after work and… well… I’ve called him on the cell and left a message a work but… nothing.” Liz told Isabel. She knew that she would be worrying Isabel but she was going insane and she needed to know what was going on with Max.

“Liz… I don’t know where he is. I called him at work before calling you and Sarah said that he had gone into work yesterday and around 10:30 had packed up his stuff and left. He hasn’t been back since. For the life of me I didn’t think much of it. I spoke to Dad and he had expressed his concerns as well but I blew him off. I told him that he probably was with you and that you guys probably had planned a day out. I thought he had just forgotten to call. He gets so involved when he’s with you and Emily… I really didn’t think much of it, but now… I’m worried.”

Liz rolled over what Isabel told her and her fears went into overdrive. Regardless of how involved Max got with her and Emily, he wouldn’t just take off from work and not tell anyone. It was just not something that he would do. “I’m going to go over his house. I’ve gotta go.” Liz said as she started to hang up

“Liz!” Isabel called.

“What?” Liz asked courtly, she wanted to get off the phone so she could get to Max’s house.

“I called because I got my results.” Isabel said pausing.

“Oh.” Liz said, her heartbeat picking up pace.

“I didn’t match.” Isabel informed Liz in a rush. It was news she didn’t want to give. She had hoped to give it to Max, hoped that he would break the news to Liz but with his disappearance, she knew that it would be up to her to deliver the results to Liz.

“Oh” Liz said softly

“Mom and Dad weren’t either.” Isabel added, “I’m sorry”

“Don’t be.” Liz said passing her hand over her forehead as she tried to sound like the news wasn’t devastating. Emily’s probable donor list kept dwindling down to strangers and that meant there was less of a chance in finding her the right match. “I really appreciate that you all went out and got tested. There were no guarantees. Thanks for telling me.”

Isabel was silent for a moment before she continued, trying to sound optimistic. “It will all work out, Liz. The drive will bring in many people and we’ll find her a donor.”

Liz nodded even though Isabel couldn’t see her. “I’ve gotta go. I’ll call you when I find Max.”

“Yes, please do that. Even if you don’t find him, could you call me?” Isabel requested

“I’ll do that.” Liz said “Thanks again Isabel… For everything.”

Liz hung up the phone and sitting on the edge of the bed, proceeded to pull on her running shoes. Alex had the car and she wanted to get over to Max’s as soon as possible. She could easily jog there; she had passed his street many times on her morning run with Josh. It was not more than a couple of miles. The exercise would drain some of the tension from her body. Pulling on a zip up sweatshirt she headed down the stairs.

“Hey! Going out?” Serena asked as she watched Liz click her knapsack onto her waist.

“I’m going to run over to Max’s. Isabel hasn’t heard from him since Sunday and I’m tired of waiting around. I’m going to see if he’s at home.” Liz said

“Didn’t you already call there?” Serena asked already knowing the answer

“I did, but for some reason I need to see if he’s there.” Liz replied walking toward the door. “Could you watch the kids until I return?”

“Sure.” Serena responded. She understood that Liz couldn’t stay idly waiting.

“Would you like me to drive you there?” Kyle offered.

“No thanks, I’m just going to jog out there. Thanks anyway.” Liz answered walking out the door.

Kyle and Serena looked at each other. Both concerned for Max but also for Liz.

Liz didn’t stop to stretch, as she would usually do when she went out for her morning run. She hit the pavement running and by the time she reached the corner of Max’s street she was out of breath and her muscles ached, yet still she pushed on until she could see his house. Parked in the driveway was Max’s mustang and the sight spurred a new batch of energy, making Liz sprint the rest of the way. As she reached the driveway, Liz passed her hand over the trunk of the car, as if she needed to touch it to make sure it was real. Putting her hands on her knees, she bent over and took a few gulps of air in an effort to calm her heart rate. She looked up to the porch and taking the steps two at a time, walked over to the door. She knocked several times but got no response.

Peering into the house through the window, Liz noticed the house appeared to be empty. She turned and thought of another way in. Liz knew Max was inside and the fact that he was not answering his phone or her incessant knocking filled her with another type of concern. She worried that he was hurt, that maybe he couldn’t get to the phone, to the door. She raced around the house and up the deck, where she tried to open the French doors. She exhaled a sigh of relief when they opened easily.

The stillness in the house was unnerving. The family room was dark as was the hallway that led to the front door. It was as if there was no one there…

“Max?” She called out moving past the kitchen into the hallway. “Max?” She called out louder as she moved toward his bedroom.

Opening the door slowly, afraid of what she might find. She stopped cold when she finally laid eyes on him. “Max…”

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Post by starlady »

This Chapter is rated R. See note at the end.

~* Chapter 27 *~

The curtains were drawn in the room making it dark, but the light that crept in from the bathroom illuminated his body. He sat bare chested on the floor leaning against the bed, his legs extended in front of him. His eyes were open but unseeing. They focused on an imaginary spot on the wall. An empty cup lay next to him with several ruffled papers.

Liz had not seen Max in a catatonic state since Zan’s death. Rushing forward she assessed his condition. He didn’t have any outward injuries and she felt a small degree of relief.

“Max.” she called as she straddled his thighs, pulling his face into her hands and moving him in an effort to get him to focus on her. His eyes slowly came into focus and immediately filled with tears. “Max, what’s the matter? Are you hurt? What happened?” She asked hoping that her questions would bring him back to reality.

Max shook his head out of Liz’s hands but she grabbed him once again, forcing him to face her “Max, look at me.” She pleaded, “Tell me what’s wrong.”

Max averted his eyes from Liz and moved to grab her arms, trying to peal her hands away from his face.

“No!” Liz ordered, pressing her knees together in an effort to immobilize Max. She knew Max was larger and stronger than she was but she also knew that he was in no condition to fight her. Pulling his face back towards her, she leaned in so that his sight was filled with her. “Don’t fight me Max. Tell me what’s wrong.” She insisted.

Max went limp, his muscles relaxing as his mind gave up the struggle. “Please, Liz… Leave me.” He supplicated in a painful sob

His low voice was music to Liz’s ears and she pulled him forward so his head could rest on her shoulder. She cradled his head in her arms as she softly smoothed his hair. “I’m not going anywhere. So there is no use in insisting.” Liz replied. She could feel his shoulders trembling. She pulled him closer to her body and after a few minutes she felt his warm arms wrap around her waist. She closed her eyes in relief, knowing that she had gotten through.

They stayed that way for what seemed a lifetime. Liz supporting Max as he let his pain out. When she heard his breathing even out, she pulled back and looked at him. His face was streaked with tears, his eyes puffy and his face flushed. She wiped his face with the sleeve of her sweatshirt and ventured to ask once again. “Are you okay?”

Max nodded but said nothing more.

“Can you tell me what’s wrong?” She asked, regretting the question immediately when she saw his eyes fill with tears once again. “Shh…” She said pulling him to her once again “You don’t have to tell me until you’re ready.”

Max shook his head against her shoulder and replied hoarsely “I’ll never be ready”

Liz pulled back and sat on her heels, trying not to put too much weight on his extended legs. She softly brushed his bangs to the side so she could see his face. She could see the pain in his features and she didn’t know what to make of it. He looked so defeated… It was a look that seemed familiar but she couldn’t pin point under what circumstances she had seen it. “Max… what ever is bothering you… whatever is causing you so much hurt… I want to share it with you. “

Max began to shake his head and Liz rushed forward with her words “You’re always telling me that I’m not alone, that you want to be part of our lives. It’s not a one-way street. If you want me to feel comfortable sharing my life, I need to know that you will do the same. Are we together or has everything you said been a lie?”

Liz knew her words were harsh but it was all she thought would get through to him. Max was not one to say things he didn’t mean and when confronted with the possibility that someone would doubt him… well she hoped that it would cause him to react. And he did.

Max slowly fumbled with the papers that were by his side and silently gave them to Liz. She swept her eyes over the fax and realization dawned on her as to what was going on. The medical documents were familiar to Liz. She had been given similar ones several years ago. It confirmed the fact that the subject that had given blood samples was not a match for bone marrow transplantation for a specific patient.

“I can’t do anything right” Max said as the information sank into Liz’s head. “I thought that if I couldn’t see her come into this world, I could help her stay here, but I couldn’t even do that right.”

Liz looked back at Max and the loss she found there was devastating. She recalled now where she had seen the pain reflected in his eyes. It had been in her own reflection when she received the same news after she had herself tested. She knew exactly what he was going through. The sense of loss, the sense of futility in the fight. “Max, don’t say those things. You have done everything you could. There were no guarantees. We knew that from the get go. There was just hope and that is not gone. This is just a set back. Don’t give up on us, Max. We need you.”

“What for? You came here to save Emily. I was your best bet and I failed. She needed a father that could save her, I’m useless!” Max struggled to get up as the anger he thought had receded into self loathing sparked once again.

Liz struggled to keep Max where he was. She needed to get through to him. “Max!” She yelled grabbing his arms to stop him from pushing her off of him “Stop it! Yes, we came here in hopes that we would find a match and we are still hoping to find one.” Using the experience she had developed handling struggling patients in the ER, she pinned her shoulder against Max’s chest, holding his hands between their bodies. “You forget that I also came here so Emily could meet her family, get to know them. I wanted them to love her. I wanted her to know that love. I was not blind when I got on that plane. I knew there was a possibility that Emily would not live though out the year. What I didn’t know when I got on that plane was that I could give her more than just an extended family. That she had a father waiting to be part of her life. That was something that I never thought I could give her and you came into our lives and you gave her that, Max. You gave her life in a way that no blood transfusion could.”

Liz felt Max surrender to her words and his shoulders trembled, indicating that he was crying once again. “Max, you can’t take that away from her.”

“I wanted to give her more…” He replied between sobs

Liz loosened her hold and rested her head on his shoulder, softly trailing her hand over his chest in a rhythmic motion trying to soothe him. “I know. She knows. We all give what we can.”

Max wrapped his arms around Liz and pressed her firmly against him “God Liz, How can you accept this? How can you deal with this?”

“I haven’t accepted anything. This is just a set back. I don’t lie to myself. I know there is a chance that all our efforts might fail but I can either see the glass half full or I can see it half empty. I don’t want to waste the time I have with Emily thinking about not having her with me. I can’t.” Liz looked up at Max and found his eyes tightly shut; his lower lip captured in a bite that Liz knew would cut through his tender flesh. She raised her hand and caressed his face hoping to ease his muscles, hoping to relieve the constricted pain in his features. “You can’t give up Max. I need you strong. Emily needs you strong.” She said softly.

Liz moved in Max’s arms and pulled up to place a tender kiss to his jaw, as she continued to caress his face. She saw his teeth release it’s grip on his lip and the crinkle between his brows ease out. His head hung low as Liz got back on her knees and resumed her position on his lap. “Max, look at me.” She requested taking his face in her hands.

Slowly Max opened his eyes and looked at Liz. “I don’t know how to be as strong as you need me.” He said regretfully.

“Do you love Emily?” Liz asked already knowing his answer.

Max slowly nodded his response.

“That love you feel for Emily will give you the strength you need to see this through. It won’t be easy, Max. I’ve been dealing with this for many years now and I still have moments where I just need to scream to get the pain out, but after I have it out, I strap on my shield and get back into the fight.” Liz pushed Max’s bangs off his face once again and kissed his forehead “That’s all we can do. We take things one day at a time and above all, we never give up.”

“I just… I just thought it would be me, the one to… “ Max admitted quietly “save her.”

“I know. When I tested, I thought the same thing. I was her mother; I should have been able to take all her pain away, but I couldn’t. I didn’t match either.” Liz recounted, letting Max know that she understood perfectly what he was going through.

He pulled Liz into a fierce hug. Max felt a heavy load being lifted off his chest and he felt as if he could finally breath after suffocating for two days. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, securing her body against his. Her warmth a soothing balm to his soul. His lips caressed her shoulder as he confessed in a soft sigh, “I love you, Liz.”

The confession was one that Liz had dreamed of. In her dreams, Max would come to rescue her and Emily. He would sweep her into his arms and tell her he couldn’t live without her, that she was everything to him. Even though the scenario was not as in her dreams; the words had been spoken and she could feel every dream she ever had come to fruition. Liz tightened her arms around Max. Her fingers combed through his hair. She closed her eyes as she said, “I love you too, Max… I love you too.”

Max was the first to break the silence that their mutual confession had elicited. “I’m sorry Liz. For making you worry about me. I should have called you right away… Answered your calls… I just…”

Liz put a finger over his lips to stop the endless recriminations she knew he would have for himself. “Shhh… I understand, but I hope you understand that this is a one-time deal. No more slinking off to a corner when dealing with tough news. Remember… it’s a two way street.”

Max felt his heart expand. This was what he needed. He needed Liz. She was the only person who could understand his pain, who could sooth his heart. Brushing the back of his hand over her cheek, he secured it to the nape of her neck. Looking into her eyes, he pulled her in for a tender kiss. “Thank you,” he said breaking the kiss.

Liz watched the darkness that had surrounded Max since she arrived, dissipate and she knew that things would be fine. “Max” She said “I’m serious about bottling things up. There will be tough times ahead. It doesn’t stop when we find Emily a match. The treatment. It’s tough, not just on Emily but on everyone. She has to deal with the physical aspects of it, but the emotional part is one we all have to share. I have always had Alex to pull me through, but it’s different now. I know you want to be a part of this and you need to be prepared.”

Max pulled up his legs, essentially trapping Liz between his thighs and his chest. He lowered his eyes to the zipper on the front of her sweatshirt and moved his hand to play with it. “I’m aware of it. When I learned about Emily’s illness I did my research. I know what’s involved… I just wasn’t expecting not to match.” He confessed shyly

Through out the whole ordeal Liz had never realized the proximity of their bodies. The shift in Max’s position brought it to the forefront of her thoughts. She looked down at his fingers as they toyed with the zipper and she swallowed… hard. She didn’t think that Max was aware of how his actions, under different circumstances, could be interpreted in a very different manner. She knew her reaction to his innocent movements were outlandish. She knew they were in the midst of a very important conversation, but her traitorous body was rebelling against her reason. “Umm… “ She said trying to gather her thoughts back to Max’s words “That’s good.”

Max didn’t raise his eyes. He was completely oblivious to the blush that had blossomed on Liz’s face, her accelerated breathing. “I received that fax on Monday and I felt the world give out from under my feet, I just wanted the earth to open up and swallow me. I kept thinking that it was not real. I called the hospital to make sure they had sent me the correct results.” Max grabbed the zipper he had been playing with and pulled it down a bit before pulling it back up, the zipping noise serving as a background to his recount of the last 48 hours. “At first I was angry, but that just lasted a little while. Then the pain was so… acute. I couldn’t breath.”

Liz sat still, half her mind listening to Max and the other trying to control the burning sensation that was settling in her belly with every tug he gave at her zipper. Her body had become completely aware of every breath he took, every movement he made. If she looked carefully she could see his calm pulse beating against the skin on his neck.

“I got in the shower and just screamed. The water felt good and I got angry again for feeling any relief. I didn’t want to feel anything. Then, I couldn’t get past the sense of loss, the fact that I wasn’t going to save Emily. I wanted to just disappear. I didn’t want the world to exist.” He admitted giving the zipper a tug as he lifted his eyes to look at Liz. His hand froze at the sight in front of him. It was his turn to swallow… hard.

Liz’s eyes had darken, her pupils merely a speck in the pool of darkness. She had a predatory look that he had never seen, never imagined she could have and he felt his groin tighten in response.

“Liz…” was all he could mutter before her mouth crashed upon his. She pushed him hard against the edge of the bed, her hands grasping at the bedcover that was behind his shoulders. Her tongue took advantage of his surprise to thrust into his mouth, exploring, searching. Her hips grinding into him was what pulled Max out of his stupor. He snaked his arms around her back and pulled her the few centimeters that were still separating them. His response to her, fierce with passion as he pushed his back off the edge of the bed to a sitting position. His hands lowered to cradle her bottom and push her against his groin.

A groan of satisfaction reverberated through Liz’s throat as she felt his manhood come to life. Her head was spinning with the latent desire that had been bottled up for so many years. They broke for much needed air but Liz’s hands pulled Max’s head against her throat as she gulped the needed oxygen. Her covered breasts pressed against his bare chest as he moved one hand from her rounded bottom up under the back of her sweatshirt, under her small tanktop, to splay his fingers on the bare skin he found.

Max latched onto Liz’s throat, sucking at the tender skin that hid her raging pulse, feeling it under his tongue. Feeling her heaving for air against his chest. Liz threw her head back, trying to find enough oxygen to fill her lungs, to calm her body.

“Max…” She moaned rocking her hips in an effort to soothe the ached that had settled at her core.

Her voice was raspy and Max thought it was the most sensual thing he had ever heard. He cupped her face and pulled it down to cover her mouth with his. His tongue was granted immediate access and it darted out to taste the sweetness that was Liz. He released her face and fumbled with the zipper of her sweatshirt, peeling it off of her body. He needed to feel her against him, her skin against his.

Liz quickly pulled her arms out of the garment and wrapped them over his shoulders, holding his mouth against hers. The feel of his skin was warm and inviting, causing her to want more. She rocked her hips once again, because the ache was unbearable.

“Max…” she pleaded, she begged, hoping he would soothe the irrational reaction she was having.

Max put his hands on her ribs and lifted her just enough to move his legs from under her and lie her on the rug in front of him, his body following her down. He settled himself in the apex of her thighs and thrusted against her body. His mouth still drinking of hers, he let his hands move up from her ribs, pulling the small tank top with them, exposing her soft skin to his sculpted abdomen.

As he reached her breast and cupped them, Liz released his mouth and took a quick intake of breath, only to release it in a groan of approval. The air that Max took in at that moment seemed to jump start his brain and he realized what was happening. His body screamed in frustration as he stopped all movements and put his head on Liz’s shoulder to breath in more thought provoking oxygen.

Liz withered beneath him, still seeking release from the torture her body was in. Max closed his eyes in an effort to pull himself together, but it only made his senses more aware of Liz’s movements.

“Liz…” He let out, hoping she could help him, but she was not hearing any of it.

He felt her hands work themselves between their bodies and fumble with the drawstrings of his pants. He quickly moved one of his hands to cover hers and still her progress. He looked down at the women he had always loved and kissed her once again. The battle of his mind and his body raging on, contradicting themselves.

“Liz, what are we doing?” He managed to choke out.

Somewhere in Liz’s mind the question registered. “I don’t know, but I don’t want to stop.” She replied pushing herself up to capture his lips. Max responded with hunger, eating at her lips.

He pulled back once again and looked at Liz. She stared at him with pleading eyes. His mind kept saying ‘No! Not like this!’ while his body was saying ‘Shut the fuck up!’
It had been like this the last time… He had given into his body and everything had gone to hell in a hand basket. Max didn’t want that to happen again.

“Liz,” He said holding her hands still at the waist of his pants. “I have just enough will power to stop, Are you sure this is what you want?”

The seriousness in Max’s tone was enough to bring back some of Liz’s senses. She looked down at their bodies. Max hovered over her with his weight supported on his left elbow, while his right hand held hers immobile. Her wiggling had pulled her Capri sweats low on her hips, exposing the small panties she wore underneath; her tank top was pulled high enough to expose half of her nipples. Max’s chest rose and fell with each ragged breath he took almost touching the harden peaks exposed. She didn’t know what came over her. Didn’t know what possessed her, but at that instant she knew that it was right. The scene looked bizarre, look crazed, but damn it look so right. She had no doubts. This was not something she was going to regret, this was something she wanted. Her body knew it before her brain did. She lifted her eyes and looked into Max’s. She smiled.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

Max bit his lip in an effort to control himself. He could take her that instant but now that both their brains were functioning, he needed to act responsibly. “Do you have protection?”

Liz’s smile faltered and with a sad look replied “No.”

Max’s head fell forward and rested against the cook of her neck. His body tense with the effort he was making to control himself. “Fuck me to hell!” He bit out.

Liz was surprised at Max’s use of profanity but let out a laugh at their predicament. “Don’t you have something? All men do!”

Max laughed, “All men that have sex do, but I don’t!”

Liz looked up at the ceiling, silently praying for an answer to their dilemma. After a few seconds, she smiled once again and tugged at Max’s drawstrings. “I’m due in about three days… we’re safe!”

Max raised his head to look at Liz “What?”

“The rhythm. My fertile days are behind me. I’m due to get my period in three days, we’re safe.”

Max’s high school health course made its presence known as he interpreted what Liz was telling him. He bent down and captured her mouth in a searing kiss “God, I love you!” He said as he released his hold on Liz’s hands.


The next chapter is NC-17. For those not of age, I will isolate the chapter so that you can skip it without loss of plot. So, don't worry you won't be missing anything that has to do with the story line.
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Post by starlady »

This is NC-17 and should be skipped if you're not of age (that would be 17 and above, I guess...)

~* Chapter 28 *~

His arm snaked under her body, pressing her against him, essentially immobilizing her hands once again. They were trapped between their bodies and his mouth was covering hers, taking away her breath as well as her reason. Max lifted her off the floor and steadied himself on his knees. Liz’s legs instinctively wrapped around his waist and her arms, freed in the motion, settled on his shoulders. Max stood and turned around. He placed one knee on the edge and softly lowered Liz onto the center of the bed where he followed her.

Releasing her lips and trailing kisses down her neck, he splayed his hands over her ribs and then headed north, caressing her skin as he pulled the tank top over her breast and up her arms. He threw the small top on the floor and raised himself to look at Liz. She looked beautiful lying there with no bra. Soft tendrils of hair had loosened from her braid and she lay across his bed with her arms over her head. Her eyes full of the same passion he knew were reflected in his. Her pert breast stood at attention, raised higher due to the position she lay, they looked like morsels of candy waiting to be devoured.

Liz bit her lip in nervousness. She had never been on display for anyone and having Max scrutinize her body was unnerving. The loss of his warmth was not something she would accept for long and she let him know. “Max…”
She whispered raising her arms and pulling him down onto her body. His body covering hers provided the closeness she was seeking. Her breast rubbing against his bare chest.

“You’re so beautiful, Liz.” He murmured in her ear as his hand molded her breast.

Liz moaned at the contact. It was exquisite and she wanted more. So much more. She caressed his back feeling the tense muscles that were hidden under the soft skin. She felt his lips find a path down her neck, her collar, her chest and then pause over her breast. He stared at her right nipple, as if it were an anomaly. Her hands combed through his hair. “Max…” She repeated, more in a plea than anything else.

He heard his name escape her lips once more and for an instant, closed his eyes to relish the sensation. It was like a caress to his senses. The last time it was not his name that Liz had called and if he could have her whispering his name all night he would do everything in his power to achieve it. Lowering his head he snaked his tongue out to taste the morsel that begged to be tasted. It was heaven.

Liz felt his mouth and fisted her hands in his hair. His tongue moved over her breast, suckling, devouring and then he moved to her other one as if to compare the similarities or just to discover the uniqueness of each one. His hand covered the abandoned mound and as she felt his teeth scrap over one side of her body, his fingers squeezed and molded the other. She had not been touched by a man for ten years and her body burned in his hands. Pulling his mouth away from its treat, she pulled him up and covered his mouth. Her tongue snaked out and invaded the warm cavity of his mouth.
He responded in earnest. Supporting his weight on one elbow, he let his other hand move beneath Liz, trailing down her back, under her pants, under her small panties and gripping at the soft flesh he found, lifted her hips to grind against him. Her mouth opened in an inaudible cry of pleasure as Max bit her lip in an effort to withhold his own cry.

He released her, his forehead resting over her lips. His body still pressed tightly against her core. “Liz… I need to see you.” He said softly. Liz nodded imperceptibly, understanding what Max wanted.

With great effort, Max pulled his body away from Liz and resting on his heels, quickly undid the ties of her sweat pants. He kept his eyes fixed on Liz’s as he pulled the pants over her hips, dragging her undergarments with them. Her knees closed in front of him, facilitating the task and hiding her body at the same time. Discarding the pants onto the growing pile of her clothes that lay on the floor, he heard her say, “You too.”

He knew exactly what she was saying and as he still held her eyes, he finished unfastening his own sweats and pushed them off his body. Their breathing fast and labored, their heartbeats strong and unsteady, they released each other’s eyes and took in each other’s body. Caressing the contours of the others chests until reaching the other’s navel, which was all they could see from their limited viewpoint. Max placed his hands on Liz’s knees and with his heart beating a hole into his sternum, he parted her legs.

They fell open like a rose blooming and between them he found the petals of her womanhood, pink and swollen, glistening with the dew of her desire. He felt lightheaded at the sight and swallowed hard to get his heart out of his throat.

Liz watched her legs part and Max in all his glory was displayed in front of her. She felt a tightening in her lower belly and the muscles inside her clenched at the sight. She had not really looked at him that first time. It had been dark, as it was now, and her nervousness that night had made her cover him with her body as quickly as possible. Not today. Today he knelt before her like a Greek god, his muscles tight and skin bare. His manhood erect, throbbing and weeping with his desire; His desire for her.

Max seemed mesmerized at the sight before him. His hand slid from her knee, caressing her inner thigh as it made it’s way to her center. With the backs of his fingers he softly touched her lips and Liz’s muscles constricted. She fisted the sheets at her sides and closed her eyes to settle the sensations coursing through her body. Her movements caused Max to look up at her as he licked his lips. She was withering with need. He then touched her again, this time with more intent. He leaned forward to cover her body and took her mouth, invading and insistent.

His fingers ran over her sensitive lips, coating themselves in her juices and then circling back up to her small nub, touching but not touching, teasing her and filling her with more need, more want. Liz pulled her mouth from his grabbing at his shoulders and pushing her hips up trying to chase the fingers that touched but would not.

“Max, Please…” She pleaded when she couldn’t find release. The tightness in her body coiled and sought respite at his hands

“What do you want, Liz?” He asked trying to stave his own desire, knowing but needing to hear her reply

“You. I want you.” She responded between breaths. “Please touch me.”

He cupped her core and let his middle finger edge into her body while he swiped at her bundle of nerves with his thumb. Liz’s body arched off the mattress into his chest, her head flew back and her nails sunk into his shoulders. Her body stilled a moment before fluttering down back onto the mattress.

Max wondered if she had an orgasm. He then felt her wetness coating his fingers and was fairly positive that she had.

“Are you okay?” He asked with concern

Liz let a lazy smile work it’s way to her face and said “Wonderful”

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Max. She wondered why had she not seen it that night. His bangs fell over his face and, even though it was dark she could see his eyes luminous and full of love. Love for her. She cupped his face and kissed him. Soft at first but then deep and needy. Her tongue swept over his and explored every crevice of his mouth. She felt his finger pull out of her and caress her nether lips once again before sinking into her once more. Her hand slid from his face, down his chest, over the taut muscles of his abdomen, until it reached her goal.

Max felt her hand encircle him and his body tensed. He battled for control and now that she was touching him, he was sure he would lose it. He didn’t want this to end but her touch was so sweet, so tantalizing, all he could do was steel himself. He gripped the sheets under her shoulder tightly when her hands slid lower and cupped his sacs.

“Agghh…” He moaned, his body tense, his face lowered, resting on her shoulder “I don’t want to end it.” He pleaded, “I want to… I want to be in you… Please…”

Liz spread her legs wider and his body fell into the cocoon she provided. The moisture of her body was slick on his flesh. Max groaned at the feeling. Liz caressed his length before moving her hand to his hip. His skin was so soft, so heated. She knew he was on the edge. She felt his fingers caress her core once again, felt the heat of her need seep from her body. His strained breath fanned her neck.

“I want to please you.” He struggled to speak “but I don’t think I will be able to do that. I swear it’ll be better next time. I’m just… I’m too close.” He admitted shamefully

Liz cradled his face and pulled it up so she could look in his eyes. He removed his hand from between their bodies and placed it beside her to support his weight. The tip of his erection settling instinctively against her entrance. She bit her lip at the feeling and as she watched his eyes rollback, she closed her own eyes at the sensation. They would be joined soon.

For a moment, Liz thought about saying something inspirational, something to ease Max’s concerns. She thought about the cheerleaders they use to tease in high school and she almost laughed out loud. All thoughts raced out of mind when she felt Max enter her.

Her body was slick but still so tight, Max had to push harder. He felt her expand to accommodate him. He looked down at her and saw her eyes closed, her teeth gripping her lip, her hands, that had moved to his shoulders, holding him tightly. He paused, a fine sheen of perspiration covering his body, her walls squeezing him.

Taking a deep breath to control his voice, he asked, “Are you okay?”

She nodded vigorously but didn’t open her eyes. She was drowning in the feel of his body taking possession of hers. “Don’t stop… Please.” She said desperately.

He pulled her knee up and placed her foot on his thigh. He caressed her leg and her hip and her belly. Lowering his head he covered her breast with his mouth, where he caressed her with his tongue. He released her just to kiss the upper swell of them, and move to her neck. He heated her skin and slowly moved further into her, he suckled her neck and lapped at her earlobe, kissed the pulse that beat under her skin, her jaw, all the time pressing another inch into her body. By the time he reached her mouth, he was sheathed in her. He stilled, his breath mingling with hers, his forced intakes of air shared with her.

She was the first to say anything, the first to regain her sanity “I love you, Max.”

He opened his eyes and looked at her. This moment was theirs; there was no one between them, no false identities. Ten years. Ten years of dreaming, of hoping she would come home. Come home and be his. He kissed her fiercely. His lips telling her everything he felt, every dream he had over the years, telling her that things would never be the same, that things could never be the same.

Liz combed her hands through his hair and returned his kiss with ardor. She used the leg on Max’s thigh as leverage and lifted her hips. Max let out a groan against her lips and Liz let her tongue jut out and caress the roof of his mouth. Max chased her lips, fusing his mouth to hers as he griped her hip and his body moved of its own accord.

Liz came up for breath as Max placed his head on her shoulder and thrust into her once again. His chest rubbed against her sensitive breast, the friction he created as he entered her body driving her wild. She held onto Max as if she would fall off the edge of the world if she didn’t. The muscles in his thigh tensed and tightened in the same rhythm that his body danced over hers. His thrusts deep and steady. His body slid over hers, bathing her in his sweat. He slipped his arm under her and lifted her body, just enough to increase the friction of his thrusts.

Liz opened her mouth, but no sound came out. Just struggling attempts to scream out her pleasure. She tightened her grip on his shoulders but Max grabbed her hand and pulled it between their bodies.

“Feel us, Liz.” He said hoarsely

Feeling his body entering hers, the slickness of her juices that coated him every time he withdrew, his fingers guiding hers as he caressed the swollen lips that ate his flesh, she felt her body tightening. Her lower belly and back tensed. Her nipples strained.

“It was just you… and me…. but now… this is us.” He said breathlessly into the crook of her neck.

He then circled her bundle of nerves and pinched it softly between his slick fingers.

Her inner walls gripped him unyieldingly as she let out a guttural roar, her muscles tensing, causing her body to arch off the bed once again. Seeing Liz in such a state, feeling her body’s reaction, sent Max over the edge.

“Liz…” He groaned as his seed spilled into the cavern of her body.

Their heavy breathing was all that could be heard as they regained their senses. Their bodies covered with sweat made them shimmer in the darkness that enveloped the room. Their muscles weak with the ecstasy that had coursed through their bodies.

“Are you okay?” Max asked once again, trying to force his body to hold his weight off of her, in an effort not to crush her.

A few moments later Liz responded, “I’ve never felt better.”

Max smoothed her wet tresses off of her face and then kissed her cheeks, her eyelids, her nose, her lips. She smiled against his lips. She let her fingers trail over his back, softly caressing his muscles. His body, still sensitive, shivered at the contact.

“I love you.” He professed as he turned over, taking her with him so she rested over his chest. The stress from the last 48 hours, and the exertion of their lovemaking taking its toll on him. “Don’t leave me.” He begged as he felt his body relax.

Liz snuggled against him, her body sore but satisfied. “You’re not getting rid of me that easy. You promised me more.” She replied closing her eyes, her breathing finally steady. Her heart rate returning to normal.

Max chuckled softly. “Can I rest a bit first?”

Liz smiled “We have plenty of time” She replied and as she heard Max’s breathing settle in an even tone she added, “We have a lifetime”
