Secrets in the Dark(AU,M/L,ADULT) Ch 33 - AN 08/31/04 [WIP]

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Secrets in the Dark(AU,M/L,ADULT) Ch 33 - AN 08/31/04 [WIP]

Post by starlady »

Hi All,

Although not all the fic is ADULT, I should note that this first part, definitely is! I will post a warning if it goes above TEEN.

Anyway, Enjoy!


Thanks to all of my readers!


Best Author of a Challenge Response Fan Fiction

Title: Secrets in the Dark
Author: Starlady
Category: M/L AU/FF
Rating: ADULT
Disclaimer: Roswell and all the character portrayed in the series are not my creation. God knows who they belong to but I know there not mine. This story is based on the book The Real Father by Kathleen O'Brien but I imagine somewhat different since I have never read the book.

Summary: This story arose from a challenge. Liz, Max & Maria were best friends since very young. Liz dated Max’s twin brother for three years before a tragedy and life circumstances makes her leave Roswell, taking with her a secret. Ten years later, Liz Parker returns to confront her past and discovers that Max has also carried a secret with him. Read on to learn more...

~ Chapter 1 ~

There he lied with his chest exposed to her…. She stumbled through the window and shaked her head to remove some of the fuzziness the alcohol had put there.
The room was very dark but she could see him on his bed. He looked like a god. He had gone to bed w/o a t-shirt and so he lied there barely covered by the soft sheet that exposed the top of his boxers. Liz smiled to herself, “He was a boxer guy after all.” She could hear the soft sounds of his breathing and she couldn’t wait any longer. This was it. This was the night. No more hesitation. In the back of her mind she could hear herself recite all the reason why she should leave right now, all the reasons that she had given through out their three year relationship why they should wait. None of that seemed to matter at this moment. She felt the pull to get closer. The thoughts that had awaken her to this moment kept playing in her mind. “I need him, He is what I really want, I need to prove this to him” It was like a mantra. She kept repeating over an over. She stumbled closer to the bed and started shedding the little clothing she had on. She could do this, She needed him. He is all that she really wanted, She needs to prove this to him.

She kneeled at the end of the bed and started crawling up his body. She moved slowly and reveled in the sight before her. His tan skin looked so soft and yet it was so muscular. His scent was a little different than what she expected, he smelled sweeter. A musky scent mixed with a sweet something. She felt his thighs rub against hers when she moved to straddle him, throwing one of her legs over his while her arms, which were placed on either side of his rib cage supported her movement. She couldn’t take it anymore, she had to taste him. She lowered her lips to his chest. Just a few centimeters from where his heart beat. She inhaled again and was hit again with the peculiar scent he had. Brushing her lips against his chest she finally touched him. She smiled when she heard a soft moan escape his lips. She could do this! She needed him! She trailed hot kissed over his chest and up his neck. She could feel him awakening when her thigh rubbed against him. Her breasts rubbed against his chest and she heard him sigh her name. He wanted this, he had been waiting for this moment for a very long time. No more waiting, she thought. She could do this, She needed him. He was all that she really wanted, She needed to prove this to him.

Her senses was all that were guiding her and those where fuzzy to say the least. She lifted her leg and moved it over his hip to fully straddle him. She gasped as she felt his hands moved over her thigh and caress her, lifting his hips to rub against her heat. She could feel his arousal under his boxers. The thin cotton the only barrier between them. She leaned against his chest again letting her hair cascade over her features. She kissed his neck and moved over his jaw to latch onto his lips, as she reached between them to liberate him from the confines of his shorts. She pushed them as low as possible before completing the task with her foot. She heard him stir to life when she removed her mouth from his lips.
“Liz?” he questioned. He had thought he was dreaming. Another of the many he had had over his lifetime.
“Is this a dream?” He whispered against her lips. His eyes fluttering open.
“Only if you want it to be” she breathed back before she pressed her lips against his more forcefully.
Max closed his eyes again not wanting this to be a dream but not willing to risk waking up just yet. He moved his hand from where they rested on her thighs and caressed her hips on his way up to her back holding her in place against his chest. He could feel her heat rubbing against his arousal and he could barely respond to her kisses due to the sensory overload he was experiencing. His mind seemed to have awakened because he kept hearing this voice in the back of his head that told him that this was wrong. This was not supposed to happen. It kept repeating itself until he felt her hand touch him in the most intimate way. Guiding him, urging him and then he heard her voice whisper in his ear, her breath caressing his skin.

“Please, take me, Let me show you how much I want you. How much I’ve always wanted you”

There were no more voices to be heard. He grabbed her hips and thrusted into her. Her world stood still. His world kept spinning.

She had not expected the brutal entrance, she had not expected the harshness of the movement, and she had not expected the regret that covered her heart. Her mantra continued as she felt him thrust into her again. Her eyes closed trying to hold in the tears that threatened to escape. She could do this. He was all she wanted. She needed to prove it to him.

“Oh, God… Liz!” Max gasped.

She felt herself being lifted and a second later she was on her back. His face hovering over hers. His features looked darker than usual. The light that swept across the room was barely enough to distinguish him. He was so handsome. She brushed his hair off his forehead to look at his eyes. He still had them closed as if afraid to open them.

There it was again, a feeling this time. Something different. What was it? Something in the way he stilled himself over her. As if he was sending a silent prayer to heaven. Was he just as afraid as she was? God, she loved him. Tonight she was proving it to him.

Max finally opened his eyes and what he saw laying before him took his breath away. There she was, her silken strands fanning across the bed. Her eyes filled w/ love. This had to be a dream he thought. He felt himself surrounded by her and he moved again felling her walls squeeze him. That’s when he heard it… A small gasp, a small groan. Was it pain or pleasure?
She was his first. She was the only one he had ever wanted, the only one that he had ever dreamed of having. His knees, which supported him, felt weak w/ pleasure as he debated with himself. His insecurities started overshadowing his pleasure and he paused once again. He had to gain some semblance of control. He needed to make sure that this was right. The voices started up again. He argued with them while he looked into her beautiful face. She wanted HIM. She came to HIM.

“Liz…” he began to say, starting to pull back.
“Shh…” she whispered, seeming to know what he was thinking, and she moved her hips up to take him in deeper.

Max clenched his teeth when he felt her move and with that, all his insecurities flew out the window. He lowered his mouth to her neck and placed hot open mouth kisses that outlined her collar. Lowering his mouth to the valley between her breast, he caressed the small mound with his hand. It felt so soft and full, like rose petals. He had to taste them, so he lowered his mouth to cover the perk bud that had formed over the creamy flesh. He suckled the sweet flesh as if it was a dying man’s last meal. He heard her moan and that, for sure, was a sound of pleasure. He wrapped his arm around her, lowering his hand to cup her buttocks and press her closer to him. He felt her legs wrap around his waist and he slipped deeper into her. His mouth stopped working and he stilled his movement.
“God, what is happening? What are you doing to me?” He thought

Her breathing was labored now. He knew he was doing something right.
He felt her hands entangle in his hair pressing her breast deeper into his mouth.
This stopped being a dream a while ago. Now, he knew he had died in his sleep and he was in heaven.

She had felt him stop his movement but she needed more. She needed him. When had her mantra become real. She did need him. It was a primal urge, a heat that started low and kept burning her insides. She felt another moan escape her lips and felt her insides turn. What was this? This was not the first time she had felt his mouth on her but it was different. He was so different, almost as if he revered her. She could feel the way his tongue moved over her nipple and how he gently nipped at it. He moved from one breast to the other giving it the same reverence.
They had talked about this over and over. He had wanted this and she just couldn’t go there. She questioned, why? Why had she waited? Every caress he placed on her body spoke volumes of the love he had for her. She felt it in the slow steady thrusts he took into her. As if he didn’t want this to end. Ever.
The blanket of regret that covered her heart a little while ago was lifting. He was washing away her fear, her doubts, her regrets with each caress, with every kiss.

She felt his hand open around her hip. His chest pressing her against the bed She felt his hands outline her body from her hips moving slowly up her ribcage, brushing the sides of her breast, raising her arms over her head and finally grabbing her own hands within his. His mouth searing her skin with every kiss he placed on her, working its way up her chest to the hollow of her neck.

“You’re so beautiful” she heard him sigh into her neck.

He put more of his weight on her and with the slight move in position he seemed to hit her in a spot that sent her nerves flying. Her mouth flew open in a silent scream of ecstasy. She turned her head to lean against his.

“Please… “ was all she could say.

Max lowered one of his hands and moved it to the back of her thigh, lifting her leg just enough to give him the movement he needed to finish this. He moved his hand over her hips and between them, lowering it to the bundle of nerves he knew existed between her folds. He felt his fingers in tangle between her wet curls and he touched himself as he slid in and out of her. Her juices covering his fingers, he swept them across her nub and, this time the scream was not as silent. His thrust took on speed as his fingers caressed her folds and all the secrets it held. His mouth covered hers in a searing kiss that told her that this was it for him. After this moment he would never be able to take another. He was hers forever. He felt as if he was losing himself. He could feel himself falling…

He felt her grab his shoulders and her nails dug into his flesh at the moment her body became tense and it shivered underneath him. Then he felt it. Warmth surrounding him and her walls squeezing him in a vice grip. He opened his mouth not knowing what was happening, the pleasure was almost painful. He couldn’t breath. A loud hiss was all that erupted from his throat as he went over the edge after her.

Her body tingled all over. She felt the warmth of his body surround her. He was still in her, pulsating. She could barely breath with the sensations that he had awoken within her. The drops of sweat fell on her body and she looked into his face. His eyes were shut and his mouth partly open as if he was going to speak but his words had fallen short. He lowered his head to rest on her shoulder and she finally heard him breath. She wrapped her arms around him pressing her body even closer to his. She kissed the top of his head and then she felt him return her kiss on her neck.

“Liz… I love you” she heard him say. “There will never be another for me, I have loved you since I can remember, it has only been you. I will love you with my last breath”

She felt the tears roll down the side of her face. In all the years they had been together he had never said those words. Three years. Three years she had waited. Three years doubting him and herself. Why had she doubted him? Why had she doubted her own feelings? Tonight all she had felt was love, all the love he had for her and all the love she had for him.

Liz closed her eyes and sleep threatened to take her away. She needed to tell him how much he meant to her, tell him all that she needed him to hear but she was so tired. The alcohol she had consumed earlier to get her here was taking its toll. Before she surrendered to the sandman she whispered her response to him…

“ I love you too, Zan”

~ Chapter 2 ~

Max stood in front of the sink of the bathroom staring at the image that looked back at him from the mirror. It was Zan. He gripped the sink so tight his knuckles had turned white. His anger flushed his face, his jaw clenched so hard he could have probably broken a tooth.

‘You got what you wanted, Evans’ he thought, ‘You became your brother.’

His eyes closed tight at the thought. He lowered his head and tried to gain some control over the feelings that coursed through his body. He would scream if his Parents were not upstairs in their bedroom sleeping.

Two years. Two years he had worked at becoming his brother. He wore the same hairstyle as Zan. When Zan decided to grow out a goatee, Max had also grown one out. Zan was into sports and it kept his body trim and muscular, Max worked hard to keep his body in the same condition. Even when Zan dyed his hair last year, Max was just a few weeks behind him doing the same thing. Thank god that phase had past because Max hated the blue streaks he had put on his hair.

Max wanted to be Zan and he finally had achieved it. Except now he wished he hadn’t.
Zan knew what Max was doing and although he had hated it at first he paid no mind to him anymore. Zan loved Max and he knew he would get past it eventually.
God, if he only knew what it would take to slap Max out of his ‘phase’.

Max opened his eyes and looked at his reflections again. He couldn’t take it any longer.

“ I love you too, Zan”

He opened the medicine cabinet grabbing the scissors and the razor. He grabbed the hair on his face and started cutting it off.

“Please, take me, Let me show you how much I want you. How much I’ve always wanted you”

Quickly he spread the shaving cream over his face and shaved his face clear of all that was Zan.

“Please… “

He grabbed the ends of his tresses and started chopping off his hair. He had let it grow longer than usual because it was Zan’s new look. He couldn’t stand the hair on his face any longer. The way it curled a bit at the base of his neck. He chopped here and there until he was satisfied that there was no way in hell anyone would ever look at him and see his brother.

“ I love you too, Zan”

‘ARGG! Stop it! Stop it!’ he yelled at himself throwing the scissor to the floor. He opened the curtain to the shower and turned on the hot water. Stepping in, he let the water pound his chest before putting his hands against the wall to support him. He lowered his head between his arms and stood there, letting the water scold his back. He stood there going over the events in his head. He felt the tears burn his eyes as he pounded the wall.

‘You are such an idiot! What were you thinking, Evans? Did you think she wanted you? God Damn Fool! All those years as your friend and as your brother’s girlfriend, You think last night she had an epiphany and said to herself, “Oh yeah, I really have wanted Max all my life and not his gorgeous, popular and witty brother”, Fucking asshole!’

Max stepped back from the wall. He leaned his back against the opposite wall and slid to the ground. Hugging his knees to his chest he laid his face on his arm.

“What the hell where you doing in his room to start off with?” he asked expecting no response.

“Where are you headed, Zan?” Max asked his brother who was decked out more than what he needed to be if he was headed to bed, as he should on a Thursday night.

“What is it to you?” was his reply.

“Sheesh, can I have my head back?”

“What do you want, Max?” Zan asked

“I just want to know where you’re going so that when Mom & Dad wake up in the middle of the night and don’t find you in bed where your suppose to be, I will know where they can find you so they can kick your ass” Max responded while he sat on the edge of Zan’s bed still drying off the remnants of his shower from his hair.

“I’m headed to the old Soap Factory, there’s an underground party there and I’m going to meet some of the better specimens of the female persuasion” Zan said with a half coked smile.

“So, I take it that you’re not taking Liz?” Max said as he stared at his brother.

Zan laughed, “ You got that right! I’m getting some tonight and that statement is equivalent to the fact that my girlfriend is no where to be found!”

Max’s eyes narrowed in anger, “ How can you do that to her?”

Zan looked at Max and shook his head, ”Oh, baby brother, the things you need to learn!”

“What? To be unfaithful? To play with people’s feelings? To manipulate them? Liz loves you and you shit all over it… you could care less about her. Why do you even keep her around?”

“Don’t play the wounded friend card on me Max! I know why you’re asking and it has nothing to do with the fact that you are one of her best friends and has every thing to do with the fact that you would give an arm and a leg to be the object of her affections. Give it a rest Max, it ain’t gonna happen. No matter how much you try to look at like me, she will never look at you like she looks at me!”

Max’s mouth moved but no sound came out. What could he say in response. He had just been slapped in the face with the truth.

Zan sat next to his brother and sighed, “ I’m sorry, Max. I do care for Liz. When I started to date her I thought she was the one. I don’t need to tell you how perfect she is. But I’m not. I’m not perfect, Max. Time passes and things change. People change. I’ve changed. She is this sweet, beautiful, smart girl that will accomplish anything she sets her mind to. Me? I’m this typical jock, three months away from graduating high school with no idea what to do with my life. Hell, if I hadn’t gotten an athletics scholarship I would probably not even be heading to college. Max, I’m not you. You know what you want to do with your life, you put effort in keeping your grades up so you could achieve that. I’m still looking.”

Max stared at his brother. Why was he telling him this?

“Zan…” Max started to say

“ … and part of the process of looking, is to look for the best way to get my next lay. So, I’m out of here!” Zan said as he got off the bed, grabbing his jacket and rushing out the door.

Max let out a breath and just threw himself back onto his brother’s bed. He will never understand Zan. He was popular, athletic, smart and most of all Zan had the love of the woman Max adored. Max brought his arm to rest on his forehead while he stared at the ceiling.

Liz, He had been friends with Liz all his life, or so it felt like it. They had know each other forever. While in middle school he discovered that his classmate was a whiz at science and English. Teamed up as partners in Science, they had developed a friendship that deepened every year. He could barely remember a time that Liz wasn’t there with him. Maria and Alex completed the quartet.
Max had noticed his friends moving around in the social groups when HS started.

Alex, who was a year older than the rest of them, had dated a girl named LeAnn for his sophomore year before developing a crush on Max’s sister Isabel. Isabel was two years older than Max and would not even acknowledge Alex. So, Alex pined away for her until he left for college last year. They still kept in touch but Isabel was a voodoo subject.

Maria was the pixie of the group. Jumpy, energetic and with no hair on her tongue. She would smack you over the head with the truth whether you liked it or not. She had dated her share of guys but was still looking for Mr. Right. “Max,” she had told him one day, “While waiting for Mr. Right, I am more than happy to get to know the finer points of Mr. Right Now!” .

Liz on the other hand was not one to jump around. Her sophomore year she went out to a party at Vicky Delaney’s house, and got to see Zan in a whole different light. Max remembers that she had begged him to go with her. Maria was with her latest fling of the week and Alex was DJ’ing the event. Max was sick that weekend with the worst Flu of his life and just could not drag himself out the door. A few weeks later Zan and Liz were an official couple. Max threw up more the day that he found out than the weekend he had his flu.

Max felt the bed move under him from the weight of another person on it.
Isabel sighed and lied next to her brother.

“Max, he’s right you know. He isn’t you. You can’t live your life pretending to be him and you can’t expect him to live his life based on your expectations of him as Liz’s boyfriend. Liz isn’t blind. She has to know what’s happening. She’s probably going to have to make some difficult choices in the next few months. She’ll be going off to college, as will all of you. College is not a cakewalk, Max. Dealing w/ classes and a straying boyfriend is not a good way to start out. Liz is smart and dedicated. She’s going to make the right choice. Be there for her and don’t condemn your brother for being clueless.”

“It’s hard, Isabel. I see how he treats her and it just pisses me off that he takes her for granted.”

“I know” Isabel responded before she took his hand in hers and gave it a small squeeze.

Max turned his head to face her, his arm still on his forehead, and smiled.

“Don’t mention it. I’m heading out to my apartment. Why don’t you drive up on Saturday? We can do something”

“Sure, Iz”

Isabel gave his hand another squeeze and kissed him on the check before she got up and left Max to his own thoughts.

Max got up off the floor of the shower when he felt the cold pelts of water hitting him. He had to get out of here. He couldn’t stay here and see her when realization set in. She would never look at him the same way again.
Climbing out of the shower he wrapped himself in a towel and headed to his own bedroom. Throwing on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt he moved to Zan’s room.

He stood there in the doorway watching her sleep. She lay on her stomach with her back exposed to him. The soft skin screamed to be caressed. Max pushed his head back and leaned against the doorway. He could still smell her scent. He closed his eyes to inhale it and all he could see was her body laying beneath him, her eyes full of love, taking his face in her hands and pulling him to her for a kiss that now burned his soul.

“ I love you too, Zan”

His eyes popped open and he push himself off the door. He had to get out of here!
He grabbed the door handle and closed the door to Zan’s room. He rushed out of the house in a sprint that threatened to leave all those ghosts behind him, but this was a night that would always haunt him.

Last edited by starlady on Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:38 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Post by starlady »

~ Chapter 3 ~

Liz crawled into her room and found it smaller than she did the night before. Maria laid in her sleeping bag at the foot of the bed. The Coke bottles that held their source of intoxication littered the floor and Liz Parker was no longer a little girl. She heard Maria stir in her sleep and she tip toed over to her bed where she laid down staring at the ceiling.

She did it. Did she regret it? At first she thought she might but before the night was over she knew it was going to be a night she would never forget. A smile swept across her features as she remembered…

“There is no way I’m going to let you do this” Maria told her.

“Maria, this is not your decision to make!” Liz responded.

“Chica, He’s not worth it”

“Why would you say such a thing? We’ve been going out for three years!”

“Liz, you have been dating Zan for three years, he dated you for a year and then he dated the rest of the student body the other two”

“God, Maria! He has never given me a reason to doubt him,” Liz said avoiding the look her best friend was giving her.

“There is no blinder man that the one that doesn’t want to see.”

“Give me that” Liz said as she grabbed the coke bottle out of her friends hands. “You don’t know what you’re talking about” was her response before pressing her lips to the bottle.

“You’re absolutely right, I don’t know. All I know is what I see. Zan is not it! You might think he is or you might want to convince yourself he is, but he’s not.”

“Maria, I feel like I’m losing him.” Liz whispered, tears filling her eyes. “He used to so attentive, caring. He used to kiss me and it was like the world would stop for us. This last year I have felt him pulling away, distancing himself. Last week we were at Buckley Point and things were getting a little hotter than usual…”

“How hot?” Maria asked with a wide-eyed look that told Liz she wanted details.

“MARIA! I’m serious!”

“Sorry.. “

“Well, we were up at Buckley point” Liz continued, “and I had to stop it before we crossed the line of no return. Zan got so mad… He just flipped. I never had seen him like that. He told me that girls were lined up for blocks to get a piece of him and yet his own girlfriend didn’t want him. Then he said something that shocked me…”


“ He asked me if I thought he wasn’t good enough for me? Can you believe that? After three years he thinks that I feel he’s not good enough for me!” Liz said as she took another swig at the bottle of spiked coke.

“Men and their petty insecurity issues! Max and Alex are the same way! All men are!”

“Hey! Max isn’t like that. Hell, he’s never even shown interest in anyone to trigger the insecurity feelings, Alex on the other hand, him and that Isabel issue, had insecurity written all over it”

“Don’t let Max fool you. He is the worse of the whole bunch! He’s wound tighter than a rubber ball and when he lets lose, it’s going to be scary,” Maria said grabbing the bottle out of Liz’s hands and taking a shot. “God, what do you have in this?”

“Coke and some Vodka” Liz responded with a look of indifference

“Vodka is to be mixed with orange juice, not coke!”

“I didn’t have any orange juice! Sue me!”

Maria moved over to sit next to Liz who was on the floor leaning against the foot of her bed.

“Chica, what do you want to do?”

Liz sighed, “I don’t know. I feel I failed him. If he questions my affection, if he doesn’t think I want him, it’s as if I failed him as a girlfriend”

“What a load of crap!”

“You don’t understand Maria.”

“Got that right! Liz, I love you. You’re my bestest girlfriend. I’m going to support you regardless of your decision, but I think you’re making a mistake. I think you re looking for someone else by being with Zan. I think he’s your comfort zone. I think you feel safe with him and for some reason your freaking out at the thought of losing your security blanket before YOU are ready to give it up. Liz, in three months we graduate. Zan is off to UNM, You are off to Harvard. HARVARD, YOU FREAK! Like having Alex across the country at MIT wasn’t enough, I lose you to that retched little state too!” Maria screeched bumping Liz on the shoulder “Anyway, what I was saying is, where do you see this relationship going? Are you going to give up Harvard for him?”

Liz was quiet for a few seconds and then just took another drink of her bottle.

“I didn’t think so” Maria said

“I need to do this Maria. I don’t know why but I feel like I’m losing my best friend” Liz said as she downed another gulp of her drink.

“Wrong brother” Maria responded taking a swig of her own.

Liz looked at her with a quizzical look but said nothing. She had made up her mind, this was going to happen and it was going to happen tonight.

Liz rolled over on her bed grabbing her pillow and nestling it against her body. She had been so scared when she crawled out that window. Even when Zan placed his hands on her that first time she was still unsure, but as he had awakened and realized what was going on, it was as if he was a different Zan. The way he had touched her and the way he had kissed her…. She had never felt that way. Never had felt so much love. It was a rough start but she expected that being her first, but then his caresses had turned into carefully orchestrated movements just to pleasure her. She could still feel his breath on her neck as he declared his undying love for her.

“Liz… I love you. There will never be another for me, I have loved you since I can remember, it has only been you. I will love you with my last breath”

Liz tried to recall a moment in the last three years that Zan had opened himself up like he had done last night. She couldn’t remember him ever doing it.

The first year of their relationship had been filled w/ awkward moments. She was dating her best friend’s brother. Not only were they brothers but they shared the same face. Liz couldn’t get over how much Zan looked like Max. They were physically identical in everyway except for one. Their eyes. Zan’s eyes were darker than Max’s. The average person would never pickup on the distinction but Liz noticed. Max’s eyes were a golden amber color like a topaz gemstone. His iris was sprinkled with streaks of gold while Zan’s eyes where just not Max’s.

After the first year, things fell into a routine. She would go to all his basketball games and they would go to the movies, the dances and all the other typical events a couple were expected to go. Everyone knew them as a couple and she enjoyed knowing he was there, with her. They never had a clingy relationship like many of her other friends had. She called it a more mature path to couple hood, a more seasoned relationship. They had their passion filled moments discreetly. Zan had wanted more but she had told him that she wasn’t ready to move beyond second base. Not that it deterred him from trying. He was always testing his limits and so she learned to dress more appropriately for their outings. She loved when he touched her but when it became more intimate, when he wanted to move below the waist… it felt wrong. As if she was betraying someone… herself? She would stop it and Zan would concede. She could sense his frustration stirring when school began this year. It was as if he needed to claim her, posses her in another way.

The last six months had been so different for them. She was back spending a lot of her weekends and free time with Max and Maria. Sleepovers and Friday night movies had become almost a ritual for them, as it had been pre-Zan. She didn’t mind it.

Wasn’t that weird? She thought. She thought that she would miss Zan more. They were still a couple but it was more of an “I’ll squeeze you in at some point” type of relationship. Everyone thought they were solid and secure so they didn’t have to spend every breathing moment with each other. He would always let her know where he would be and he would drop by the crashdown every once in a while to see her. They still went to all the social events together and there was always the nights out at Buckley Point. She knew something was off. She expected more butterflies in her belly when she saw him. She expected more stolen glances. She didn’t want to feel like an old married couple after three years of dating.

She wanted to feel the way she had felt last night. Cherished.

She had heard the door close this morning and had woken up to find Zan’s room empty. Wrapping herself in his sheets she had walked to the door to see were Zan had gone when she heard the front door close. She was disappointed about not waking up wrapped in his arms but the memories of the night sustained her. She had sat on the edge of his bed and lied back, feeling the coolness of the sheets on her body. She had replayed the evening again in her head, every caress, every kiss permanently etched in her mind.
She moved her hand across the sheets that covered her bringing the edge to her face so she could inhale his scent one more time. Again she found it different in some way. Liz had thought of waiting for Zan to return but decided against it when she heard the floorboards of the room above Zan’s creek. She had got up and dressed quickly, flinching at the soreness between her thighs. She could still feel his weight on her.

It was 5 am and She needed to get home. She had climbed out the window and made the walk to her house in less than 15 minutes.

Liz felt her bed dip with the weight of Maria joining her. She felt her friend spoon her and wrap her arms around her.

“You did it, didn’t you?” Maria asked already knowing the answer.
Liz just nodded quietly.

“I love you, Chica”

“I love you too, Maria” Liz said “and Maria….”



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Post by starlady »

~ Chapter 4 ~

“ Max! Please hurry up, we’re already running late”, Zan yelled from the door.

“And whose fault is that?” Max responded as he walked out the hallway that lead to their rooms.

Zan had arrived not more than half an hour ago and locked himself in the bathroom, making Max wait forever to have access to the shower after his jog. Zan stood there dumbfounded when he first saw Max. “What did you do to yourself?”

“I thought it was time for a change” Max said grabbing his book bag from the floor.

“So you went from this,” Zan said pointing at himself, “ to that!” pointing at Max.

“Fuck off, Zan!” Max replied.

“Watch the mouth, Max!” Diane Evans said as she walked into the room her two sons occupied.

“Sorry, Mom” Max said avoiding her look while trying to get out the door.

“Hold on a minute, Max” Diane said stopping a retreating Max in his tracks. “Let me see.”

Max turned around to face his mother. Diane looked him over, taking his chin in her hand and moving it from left to right. “I must say that the clean shave suits you but the haircut… Who did that to you? It’s terrible! I’ll call Jose from Stella’s shop to see how he can fix it. Come straight home from school so we can go this afternoon. Saturday the salon is always very busy so best get it over today.”

“It’s okay Mom, It’ll grow out” Max replied trying to get out of what was sure to become a bonding expedition between him and his Mother. She would do that every time his Dad would go on one of his business trips. They had been able to scurry around the last few but Max doubted he would be able to get out of this one. His Dad had left earlier this morning to Santa Fe and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow afternoon so Max was surely doomed.

“No, you need that fixed” was Diane’s response. “I’ll expect you here early.”


“No, buts! Get here early”

“Don’t worry Mom, I’ll remind him” Zan said with a smirk on his face while dragging Max out the door.

“Thank you, Zan. Now, have a good day in school you two.”


Liz arrived at school with just a few minutes to spare before homeroom. Maria following in step behind her, looked around to see if she could find Max. He was nowhere to be found. Throwing their stuff into their lockers and grabbing their books for first period they headed out to homeroom.

“Wonder where Max is? He’s never late.” Liz asked Maria while they walked into the classroom.

“He didn’t say anything to me when I spoke to him last night” Maria responded.

Taking their seats in the back they waited to finish hearing the daily announcements before heading to their first class.

Max ran into the school knowing he had missed homeroom. Not that he minded it much. This meant he wouldn’t have to actually interact with Liz until their Physics AP class. They had been science partners forever, and it seems the teachers knew they worked well together because year after year they had been paired together. He just hoped that the teacher had planned a lecture for today reducing the amount of allowed interaction with Liz.

Max signed the late roster and grabbed a tardy slip before racing down the hallway to his US government class.


The day had been uneventful thus far, yet the moment of truth was just around the corner. Literally. Max leaned against the wall around the corner to the door that lead to his Physics AP class. He was hoping to squeeze into the class just as the door was closing after the bell rang. There he stood with his books in his hands, his eyes staring at the water stain that adorned the ceiling over the lockers in front of him.

‘What are you doing?’ He asked himself, ‘you can’t avoid her forever. She’s your best friend! Suck it up! You can do this!’. Rallying all his wits and taking a deep breath he turned the corner just as the bell rang and Mr. Pedrosa went to grab the doorknob to close the door.
Max slipped into clss and with his eyes downcast he walked straight to his seat. He grabbed his notebook and pencil as he heard the teacher begin his lecture. ‘Thank God!’ He thought, ‘lecture day.’

Max continued to shuffle his book and notebook around, trying to ignore the undistinguishable scent that was Liz, when he felt her touch his hand and lean into him.

“Max, Where have you been? Are you Okay?” Liz whispered in his ear..

Max’s head snapped in her direction and he stumbled off his stool when he realized their faces were merely a few inches apart. He scrambled to catch the stool before it hit the ground but he could barely feel his extremities. His legs shook as he took a few steps back grabbing onto the table in back of him for leverage. He stared at her, her eyes full of concern as she grabbed his arm to support him. Her touch burning his skin.

“Max! Are you Okay?” He thought he heard her say but all he could see, hear, sense was her touch and the movement of her lips. The same lips that had covered him with love the night before, the same touch that had caressed his body the night before. He closed his eyes and shook his head vigorously forcing those thoughts out.

“Mr. Evans! Mr. Evans!”

This time he heard his teacher.

“Mr. Evans! Are you alright?”

Max lifted his head to see all eyes in him.

“Yeah” he said regaining his composure.

“Would you like to go to the nurses office? You look somewhat pale.” Mr. Pedrosa prompted.

“N.. No, that won’t be necessary. I… I’m fine. Thank you” Max responded as he bent down to straighten his stool and pick up his notebook.

“Okay then, let’s move on.”

Max ventured to look at Liz when he sat down; concern was etched over her features. He took a deep breath and reached over to cover her hand with his.

“I’m okay, really” He softly assured her.

Liz looked at him carefully. Something was definitely not all right and she knew it! She placed her hand over his and held him tight; as if she let go he would run away. She looked at his hair and his clean-shaven features and she knew something happened. By the reaction he had a few minutes ago she could only think it was not a good thing. They shared lunch period after class. She would talk to him then. Slowly releasing his hand, she looked at him again. He smiled at her, trying to reassure her but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. All she saw reflected there was such sorrow it floored her.

Max could feel the muscles in his arms tense when she placed her hand over the hand that cradled hers. He knew she was analyzing him. She knew him like the back of her hand. He felt the smile display across his lips and tried his best to look the part. She loosened her hold on him and he saw her nod at him.

“We’ll talk later” he heard her say and he knew it was going to be a long day.


The bell rang signaling lunch period and Max was making a mad dash out the door to avoid having to talk to Liz. Liz on the other hand had another idea. Grabbing the end of his t-shirt she held him in place before he got out of her reach.

“And where do you think you’re off to?” she asked him with a look that said there was no way in hell he was getting away.

Max sighed and said “I need to make a pit stop before lunch. You know, bladders are just not as efficient as they use to be. I’ll meet you out in the courtyard”

Liz looked him over knowing he was lying. “I better see your face out there, Max. If not I’ll hunt you down. Remember we have English last period. There is no escape”.

“I swear Liz, just going to the bathroom and my locker before I head out” Max hoped that the little detour would buy him enough time so that Maria would reach the courtyard and he could avoid being with Liz alone. Zan never ate lunch with them so he knew Liz would be joining them for lunch as usual. Liz let go of Max and he rushed out of the classroom.

Liz stared at Max’s retreating figure and knew she had to figure out what was bothering her best friend.

Walking out of class, Liz caught a glimpse of Zan. Her stomach fluttered as the thoughts of last night came surging forward. He was standing against the lockers surrounded by his friends, all donning the exact same letterman jackets. ‘Talk about cults!’ Liz thought smiling to herself. The group of boys were horsing around, doing their best to get into trouble before the week ended. Liz stood there waiting for Zan to acknowledge her and come over. She was hoping to spend sometime with him during lunch. Maybe talk about last night. She wanted to see if things really had changed between them. She thought it would. Last night had been different. Zan had let her see a part of who he was. A part she knew existed but had never been able to see in him. She wanted to talk to him, to get to know this new side of Zan. A part of him that was so familiar but so new to their relationship. Zan never came. He looked over at her and waved in her direction before slinging his arm across Tom Donovan’s shoulders to drag the boy out to the field where he usually had lunch with his friends and followers, which is what Liz called the slew of cheerleaders that followed Zan around like little puppy dogs waiting for a bone to be thrown their way.

Liz looked down at the ground, her brow furrowed in confusion, ‘What is it with these Evan men!’ To say she was hurt by Zan’s indifference was an understatement. Zan was acting as if nothing had happened between them and she didn’t understand why. She knew that his words of love last night were true. She had felt it in every kiss he placed on her, in every caress he had given her. Every movement he had made screamed his love for her, yet here he was acting like the typical Zan she had known the last three years.

Liz lifted her head and stared at the door Zan had just exited, then she looked at the hallway that lead to the boy’s bathroom. Shaking her head she made her way to the cafeteria.


When Liz finally arrived at the courtyard, Max was already there seated at their usual table with Maria hoisted on his knee. Liz smiled at her two friends banter and headed to the table with her lunch tray.

“Liz! Check out the new creation of our friend Edward Scissorhands!” Maria yelled while tugging at Max’s locks.

Max looked at Liz and smiled. Having spied Liz in the cafeteria line purchasing her lunch, he had made a bee line to the courtyard, relieved to find Maria already at their usual table.

“At first I thought a lawnmower had swallowed him and spit him out but our Maxie here admitted it was his own personal creation!” Maria continued.

Liz put down her tray next to Max and stood staring at him. Placing her hand on his head she grabbed his short hair and pulled back to see his face. Looking into his golden eyes, she smiled at him and said quietly “It’s nice to see YOU again, Max”

He smiled back shyly and said “It was just time”.

Maria looked at her friends, as they got lost in their own little world. She shook her head, ‘When are these two going to get a clue?’ she thought. “Okay Guys! Enough!”

Liz and Max looked at her and the both broke into laughter. Liz let go of Max’s hair and sat next to him.

“So, you were feeling creative last night, Max?” Liz asked peeling back the cover of her yogurt.

“You can say that” he responded with a far off look in his eyes that didn’t go un-noticed by Liz.

“Well honey, I think you need to keep your day job because you mangled your hair. What were you thinking? If you wanted a cut you should have told me when we spoke last night. I could have dropped by before going to Lizzie’s and taken care of it for you. I could have done a better job with my eyes closed!” Maria told Max as she flicked at his hair.

“First off, that didn’t sound right at all and second I want to thank you because I know I can always count on you for that confidence booster” Max replied swatting Maria’s hands off his head.

“Mom had the same reaction. She made me promise to get it fixed by a professional today”

“Good” was all that Liz said as she continued eating her lunch. She wasn’t looking at him but she felt when he turned to look at her and she smiled.


Lunch period was almost over when Zan arrived. Sitting next to Liz, straddling the bench she sat on, he pulled her close to him and kissed her on the cheek. Liz smiled at him.

“Sweets, are we doing something tomorrow?” Zan asked her.

“Hello to you too Mr. Personality” Maria snarled, staring at Zan. “There are other people here you know. People who were conversing before you rudely interrupted!”

“Oh, yeah. Hey Maria” Zan spit out before turning back to Liz, “I was thinking we could go out and talk”

Liz turned to face Zan, “I was hoping we could do that today,” pulling a little closer and in a more hushed tone she added, “we really need to talk about last night.”

Liz saw Zan tense but she didn’t notice Max take the same stance behind her.

All Max was thinking was ‘she’s going to find out’. She was going to realize that it wasn’t Zan she slept with last night and then she would never look at him in the same way again. She would never forgive him! He needed to stop her from finding out through Zan. If Zan found out it would completely humiliate her, it would destroy her relationship with his brother and as much as Max would give anything for that to happen, he didn’t want to be the cause of her losing the love of her life. Max thought of the irony in the situation. All this time he had been waiting for his brother to crush Liz’s heart and it would be him that would have the honors. God, could this be more complicated!

Zan looked at Liz and wondered if she knew about the party at the Soap Factory last night. He had a few drinks and before the night was over he had gotten to know Page Stevens a little more than he had hoped to. Yeah he had gone out there to get exactly what he got, but today, he was feeling like shit.

“Sorry Babe” Max heard Zan tell Liz “I got plans tonight. I’m headed with Tom and some of the guys to Carlsbad. Tom’s sister is having a get together and Tom is dragging all of us down there.”

“Zan, I really need to talk to you. Can we meet after school?”

“Baby, Mom has this bonding thing planned this afternoon. Dad had to go out of town on business and won’t be back until tomorrow so she’s all maternal and stuff; right Max?”

Max turned to look at his brother. Liz looked at him with a questioning gaze while Zan’s eyes pleaded for some backup. If he backed up Zan’s story it would give him time to talk to Liz before she said anything to Zan about last night but he hated to lie to her.

“Mom’s a bit clingy today Liz. She wouldn’t even let me go on my own to get my hair fixed. She hasn’t taken me to get a haircut since I was 11.” Liz nodded, she believed him. Why wouldn’t she? He never lied to her and even now he hadn’t really lied to her. He hated this! “I gotta go” Max said standing from his seat and heading towards the school.

“Wait up!” Max heard Zan call out to him. “Baby, I’ll call you tomorrow morning so we can make plans, okay?” Kissing Liz on the cheek Zan got up and raced after his brother.

“Zan!” Liz shouted giving it a last ditch effort

“I promise, tomorrow!” Zan yelled out.

Liz sighed watching Zan and Max go into the school when she felt Maria’s arm wrap around her shoulder.

“Men!” She said.

“Yeah” Liz said.

Zan put his arm around Max’s shoulder. ”Thanks Man.” He said

“I didn’t do it for you” Max replied dumping his garbage in the nearest trash bin.

“I know, but thanks anyway. Do you have a minute?” Zan asked

“Not really, I need to get some stuff out of my locker before next period”

“Only a minute” Zan said pulling Max down the hallway and into the closest empty room, which happened to be the band room.

“What is it Zan? I really have things to do!” Max said to his brother while pulling out of Zan’s grasp.

“I’m letting go, Max” Zan said looking at his brother.

“What are you talking about?” Max asked turning around to face his brother while wondering what the hell he was talking about.

“I’m breaking it off with Liz” Zan responded


“I just wanted you to know before it happened. You were right last night. Liz is special and deserves a lot better than I give her. Liz and I…” Zan paused searching for the right words “we’ve been suffering from an identity crisis”.

Max shook his head in denial and passed his hand through his hair. Trying to make sense of this conversation was getting more difficult with every minute that passed. “I don’t understand…”

“Liz has been confusing me with someone I’m not and I’ve been pretending to be that someone in her eyes. I was being honest last night. I do care for her but I can’t do it anymore. This morning when I saw that you had let go of me, I realized I had to do the same. No more pretending to be who I’m not. She’s going to need your support, Max. I know I don’t have to ask you to be there for her because that’s just part of who you are but I thought I would let you know what’s coming. She thinks she loves me.”

“No, Zan. She does love you” Max replied recalling her words last night.

“I love you too, Zan”

“No, Max! Haven’t you been listening to me?” Zan said as he started to pace the darkened classroom, “She doesn’t love me because she doesn’t know me. I’ve spent so much time trying to be who I wasn’t; I never gave her a chance to know who I was. You made it so easy for me. Every time I would change my appearance you would too. You just kept feeding the illusion. I thought for sure that you would stop doing it when I dyed my hair last year but there you were, not two weeks later, with the blue streaks in your hair. Do you know how much I hated having to dye my hair!”

Zan moved closer to the doors that lead to the hallway before turning again to face Max.
“Something happened to you last night, I don’t know what it was but it made you wake up. You realized you had to stop pretending to be me. It’s time for me too. I need to stop pretending to be you, Max” Opening the classroom door, Zan looked at the ground in front of him and continued, “Tonight. The trip to Carlsbad. It’s true. Tom’s sister is 33 and has two kids. It’s a family thing but Tom didn’t want to go alone so he’s taking three of us with him. Things are gonna change, I’m gonna change, Max. Liz needs a chance to do her thing too” Looking at Max again, Zan said “Take care of her Max” and with that he walked out of the room leaving a very confused Max to make sense of their conversation.

‘What the hell was Zan talking about?’ Max knew that Zan must have been screwing with his head. Why else would Zan say he had been pretending to be him? Zan was always the outgoing one, the one that won all the competitions, had all the girls and all the praise from their friends. Why would Zan pretend to be HIM? Max heard the bell ring and lifted his head to look at the clock that rested on the wall. “Shit, now I’m late”


The rest of the day passed in a haze. Max thought he would never get Zan’s words out of his head. That was until he saw Liz in English class and thoughts of having to tell her the truth about last night invaded his mind. At one point he had almost convinced himself into not telling her. Zan was breaking up with her after all. That would reduce the pillow talk between them. She would be less likely to reminisce over past sexual encounters and therefore it would reduce the chance of Zan pointing out that last night’s encounter, was not with him. Max knew he had to tell her. He most likely would lose her forever but he had to tell her the truth. He only hoped she would eventually forgive him, and not let his confession of love, bring up a wall between them.

The last bell of the day rang and Max picked up his books, walking over to Liz.


Liz lifted her eyes from where she had been packing her notebook in her bag, “Ready for your parental bonding day?” She asked flashing him a smile that just melted Max’s resolve.

Gathering the little strength he had left, Max took a deep breath and said “ I need to talk to you about something”

Liz tilted her head to the side to look at Max a little better. His stance was all wrong and he was fidgeting. ‘Something’s not right’ she thought. “Does this have to do with what happened in Physics this morning?”

“Yeah, it does.”

“You want to drop by tonight?”

“No! I mean… Can we talk over breakfast? I have something to do tonight” ‘Like find myself a backbone’ Max thought.

“Hot Date?” Liz teased trying to lighten the enormous amount of tension in the air.

“Wouldn’t you love to know!” Max replied taking her cue

“I start my shift at 10, so if you want to drop by for breakfast I’ll be free” Liz said hoisting her bag over her shoulder.

“Sounds good” Max started to lead them out to the hallway before turning to look at Liz again, “I’ve got to go. Mom said she wanted me home early. I’ll see you tomorrow”

“Okay” Liz was happy that Max had approached her to talk about what ever was bugging him. She was relieved that she wasn’t going to have to pester him to confide in her. Liz knew Max didn’t tell her everything he held in that head of his but if it were important, Max would always talk to her. Recalling this morning’s incident, his behavior through out the day and to top it off his dabbling in the fine arts of grooming, she knew something was bothering him. And it was really important!


Max returned home with his mother around 8:30 that evening under a torrential rain. Zan had left a note for his Mom, letting her know that he would be home late since the ride to Carlsbad was about 2 hours and he didn’t know at what time the event would end.

Max and Diane popped some popcorn and settled on the couch in the family room to watch Diane’s favorite movie, Pride and Prejudice. Max had agreed to sit through the lengthy film because he knew his mind wouldn’t be on the movie regardless what movie they picked to see.

Max kept watching the time tick by. Every second bringing him closer to his meeting with Liz. He had no idea what to say to her. ‘Hey Liz, Remember Thursday night when you thought you were making love to your boyfriend? Well you weren’t really having sex with him. It was me, his evil twin, who took advantage of the situation and fucked you senseless.’ Max shook his head, ‘You’re pathetic, Evans!’ His mind had played out so many scenarios; he had lost track of how many ways Liz could walk out of his life forever. All he wanted to do was to go up to her and tell her it had been him. That he meant every word he had told her that night. That he would always regret hurting her but never regret loving her. He wanted to tell her that, that night had been the single most treasured moment in his life. That he would always remember the way she had felt, the way she had tasted, and the way she had looked at him. He knew there was no way he could go on living the way they had. He would never get over her.

When his mind decided to re-inhabit his body he realized it was almost 3 in the morning. Max got off the floor and looked at his mom who had fallen asleep on the couch. Taking the throw that rested on the back of the couch, he covered her before heading to his own room. When he reached hallway he heard the doorbell ring. He stood there for a moment thinking that he probably imagined it when he heard it again. This time followed by an insistent knock.

Max walked briskly to the door to see who could be knocking at this ungodly hour. Opening the door he found himself face to face with Deputy Hanson.

“Son, are your parents home?”

“My Dad’s out of town but my Mom’s here. She’s asleep. Can I help you?” Max asked looking at the flashing lights of the squad car parked in the driveway. The rain made the red lights flicker more brightly than usual.

“I need to talk to your mother” was Hanson’s response.

“Max? Who is it?” Max heard his mother ask from behind him, he turned to see her walking into the foyer still wrapped in the throw he had placed on her just moments ago.

“It’s the deputy” he answered turning back to face Hanson.

“Ma’am, There’s been an accident.”

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Post by starlady »

~ Chapter 5a ~

The alarm blared in her ear. She wanted to kick herself for forgetting to turn it off before going to bed last night. Liz stretched her arm over to her nightstand banging the off button, silence, once again, enveloped the room. Liz slowly opened one eye to peek a look at the time. She knew exactly what time it was. The alarm had been going off at the same time for years, yet she had to look to convince herself that she had just woken up at 6 in the morning on a Saturday.

‘This is ridiculous!’ she thought.

Pushing the sheets off of her, she crawled out of bed. ‘I guess I have plenty of time to get ready for my meeting with Max’.

Opening her closet she looked at her wardrobe. ‘I need to get myself something new!’ she thought. Her closet was full of winter clothes. Roswell was not much of a seasonal town. You had two seasons. Hot and not so Hot. The not so hot season was on it’s way out and it was days like today, when at 6am you already were feeling warm, that you knew it was time to pull out the tank tops and shorts. Liz pulled out a pair of Cargo pants from her closet. They were comfortable. They fit loose and fell to her hips, which meant that there would be some air circulating even with them on. She then grabbed a small cotton tank top. It had thin straps and a row of small buttons adorned its front as well as some very pretty embroidery. The blouse reached her waistline and it’s princess cut was exactly what the weather called for. The blouse gathered under her small breast and then bellowed out making her feel like she could fly. It was her favorite blouse. She had worn it so many times the embroidery was faded and the cotton was very worn. She smiled as she laid her outfit out on her bed. Pulling out her boots, she completed her ensemble before closing her closet.

Liz grabbed a robe and her underwear before scurrying into the bathroom. She was in for a long day. First her talk with Max and then, another pending conversation with Zan, squeeze in a 6 hour shift at her parents restaurant and the day had exhaustion written all over it. She knew what her conversation with Zan would be about but she was concerned about her meeting with Max. She had no idea what was waiting for her when he showed up. He seemed so closed off yesterday. He had avoided her most of the morning and then the little scene in physics… She knew something big was bothering him and she just hoped she had the right advice or even the right words to alleviate some of his burden. He was always there for her, listening to her rant about everything and, although she loved Maria tons, Max’s advice always seemed more grounded.

Liz laughed at the thought of some of the advice she had received from Maria. Her favorite advice to give was always “Let’s kick their ass”
When they were in third grade, Liz complained ‘Sherry Mckalister is making faces at me, Maria’, Maria’s advice ‘Let’s kick her ass!’

When they were in seventh grade, Liz complained ‘Mr. Shwartz gave me a C on my project!’, Maria’s advice ‘Let’s kick his ass!’, by then Max had become part of their circle and he had suggested a better approach “Let’s work together on the next one”

When in eighth grade, Liz had complained ‘The nurse ran out of sanitary napkins’, Maria’s suggestion ‘Let’s kick her ass!’ Max’s comment ‘Do I really have to hear about this? Go to the store and get some!’

When in ninth grade, Liz had complained ‘Peter Cohen had the nerve to ask me out!’, Maria’s response had been ‘Let’s kick his ass!’, Max’s response, ‘Let’s kick his ass!’
Well… Max wasn’t always full of great ideas! Liz shook her head at her friend’s antics. They were always there for her and she would be there for them too.

Liz stepped into the shower and let the water relax her. Wetting her hair she kept thinking about her meeting with Max. She hoped that this episode Max was going through was not as big as she thought it was but all the signs told her she was right on the dime with this one.

Suddenly Liz saw the shower curtain open and a hand turn off the water before having a towel thrown in her face. Covering her body instinctively, she looked at the intruder.

“Get dressed, there’s been an accident”

There in the middle of her bathroom stood Maria, still in her pajamas. Her face was red and blotchy and her eyes were swollen. Liz felt panic take hold of her.

“What are you talking about” Liz asked while stepping out of the shower wrapping the towel around her body.

“This morning, M... Mom heard it from Sheriff Valenti” Maria was taking deep breaths as if the thought of what she was saying was suffocating her, “Accident, Jus... Just out of town, fatal, two boys” Tears streaming down her face she looked directly at Liz “One was an Evans”

Liz pushed Maria out of the doorway that lead to her room. Grabbing the pants and shirt she had laid out earlier she threw them on her naked body. Maria was rambling between her sobs. “I couldn’t go there alone, Liz. I didn’t know what I would find. I don’t know if it was him” Maria was falling apart. Liz grabbed her boots and the keys Maria held in her hands before running out of the room. Her mind just registered two parts of Maria’s story, “fatal” and “one was an Evans”.

Five minutes later Liz stopped the Jetta in front of the Evan’s house. She jumped out of the car leaving the door open behind her. Not wanting to stop to put on the boots she had brought, Liz could hear her bare feet slapping the wet concrete of the driveway as she ran to the door of the house, Maria just a few steps behind her. The door had been slightly opened when Liz burst through it, running into what seemed like an empty house. She ran through the hallway that lead to Max’s room, to find the room empty. Holding onto the doorframe while she surveyed the empty room she felt her world tumbling into darkness. Maria ran up behind her peering over Liz’s shoulder she gasped and said “Oh God, Liz…” Pushing herself off the doorframe, Liz shoved Maria out of the way as she ran back through the house. ‘This isn’t real, this isn’t happening!’ she thought as she ran up the stairs to Diane and Philip’s bedroom. Turning the corner of the stairs she stopped dead in her tracks.

He sat on the floor leaning against the side of the closed door like a sentry on guard. His arms propped on his knees. His shirt clenched in one of his hands, he wore a pair of gray sweats and his tattered jogging sneakers. His face hidden within the circle his arms formed. He looked like he had just come home from an exhausting jog and was just resting. Liz let go of the breath she had been holding. Closing the distance between them, she slid to the ground in front of him. She slowly pried his arms apart so she could move closer to him. He let her open his arms and she scooted between his legs. Placing her hands on either side of his face she lifted his head to look at him.

Her eyes devoured him. She swept her hands across his cheeks, his eyes, his ears. Supporting his head with one of her hands she let the other tunnel through his short hair and finally she broke down. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and hugged him to her; she pressed her hands on his bare back trying to grab onto him, trying to bring him into her. All the possibilities of losing him crashed into her and she sobbed uncontrollably. She pushed him back and looked at him again. She could barely make out his features, her eyes clouded with her tears. She caressed his face and kissed his forehead and then pulled him back into her arms where she pressed against him like he would vanish if she let go.

She felt his arms move around her waist and latch onto the small fabric of her blouse. He needed to hold onto her too. With the fabric of her blouse scrunched in his fist he pressed her to him, burying his face in the nook of her neck, he trembled against her as sobs wracked his body.

“I had to go down there, Liz” He said, his voice hoarse and low “Dad, he wasn’t here” Max’s body shook more vigorously with every word he said, “I couldn’t let her do it… I’m the man of the house… I had to do it… He was just… just lying there… There was so much blood on him… I couldn’t make out his features”

Liz felt Max tense and she enfolded him closer in her embrace. His fists were white as he grabbed her blouse tighter making small tears in the worn fabric with his fingers.

“The scar!” Max said as if it was a revelation. Pushing Liz at arms length he searched her face looking for some type of recognition to the statement. “You know, the scar from when he fell on the fence while playing basketball with me when we were eight… I saw it, Liz… It was there on his shoulder”

Liz held onto his shoulders looking at his tear stained face. She pushed his hair back waiting for him to continue. She heard Maria’s sobs from behind her but her focus was on Max. She felt his arms slack from where he had held her shoulders and she pressed herself against him again not willing to escape his warmth just yet. Warmth that told her that Max was alive.

“H… He’s gone, Liz” Max said burying his face against Liz’s neck “He’s gone”

It hit her at that moment. It finally hit her. From the moment Maria had told her about the accident, all she had thought of was losing Max. How she wouldn’t see his golden eyes again. How he wouldn’t climb up the ladder to her balcony anymore. How he would never smile at her or laugh with her. How she would never feel his arm draped over her shoulder. How there would be no more sneaking him into her room when they had a girlfriends sleepover. How she would never look over her shoulder to find him looking at her. All she thought of was how her heart was being ripped out of her chest leaving her so hallow and so cold. How for a moment, when she had seen his empty room she felt she had died a million times over.

When she found him she felt her chest implode, a cry of relief struggled to free itself from her body and all she thought of was touching him. Making sure he was not a figment of her imagination. She had sobbed at the thought of what could have been but then her tears had been of joy. Tears of happiness. Happiness of having Max in her arms, alive. She had not thought of Zan once. Even as Max spoke to her, she felt detached from what he was saying.

“Oh god, forgive me!” She choked out, lifting her eyes to the heavens above. Zan was dead and all she had thought was ‘thank god it wasn’t Max’

~ Chapter 5b ~

Max sat on the floor leaning against the wall that faced Zan’s bed. His brother’s stereo playing the tunes on Counting Crows Angels of Silence

~ Well I guess you left me with some feathers in my hand
Did it make it any easier to leave me where I stand?
I guess there might not be too many who would stand beside you now
Where'd you come from? Where am I going?
Why'd you leave me 'til I'm only good for...

After the service, the visitors started to dwindle and Phillip had not needed him to be around so much so he had found himself seeking refuge in the room. For the last two days, he would sit in the same place for hours trying to make sense of what this all meant. Thinking that he could find the meaning of life if he could just find the meaning of his brother’s death. In his hands, he fiddled with the jacket of the CD that was playing. Funny how even though they had distanced themselves the last two years they still found solace in the same music. He listened to the song and although the rhythm was upbeat the words were just like most of their songs; a tad bit sad.

~ waiting for you
All my sins...
I said that I would pay for them if I could come back to you
All my innocence is wasted on the dead and dreaming ~

Max had shared his room with Zan all his life, until Isabel went off to college. The bunk beds were dismantled and Max moved in to his sister’s old room. He remembered how he had approached his parents insisting he needed his own space and that no 16 year old would be caught dead sleeping in a bunk bed. Gone were the days when they would huddle into the lower bunk with their action figures to play at the glow of the flashlight. The mornings would always greet him with either Superman or Spiderman hanging from the links of the top bunk. Usually dangling from their shoelaces. Sometimes they would stuff the edge of their sheets under the top bunk making an impromptu tent giving the illusion of a campout. They would then convince Phillip to sit out side the ‘tent’ with figures, which would reflect against the sheets and make it more ‘real’.

~ Every night these silhouettes appear above my head
Little angels of the silences that climb into my bed and whisper
every time I fall asleep every time I dream
"Did you come? Would you lie?
Why'd you leave us 'til we're only good for... ~

Those days were long gone. Zan had discovered his prowess in the basketball court and the friendships he made on the team eventually took it’s toll on his relationship with Max. Then there was the ‘Liz’ thing. Another good reason to get out of sharing living quarters with his brother. That first year had been a nightmare. Zan would constantly ask Max all sorts of questions about Liz’s likes and dislikes. Max was about to die when his parents finally gave in and let him move out of the room.

~ Waiting for you"
All my sins...
I said that I would pay for them if I could come back to you
All my innocence is wasted on the dead and dreaming ~

Max looked at the jacket of the CD again. Even with the ‘Liz’ thing between them, Zan had been a good brother to Max. He recalled how 8 months ago Counting Crows had come to play at a charity event a few towns over. Tickets had sold out within the first half hour of the sale. Max remembered how Zan had gotten a pair two days before the show. He could’ve taken anyone but he had come to Max’s room that night, tickets in one hand and Max’s jacket in the other; throwing Max the jacket he had said “Com’ on bro! We have a date with darkness!” Max later found out Zan had paid triple the face value for each ticket.

~ I dream of Michelangelo when I'm lying in my bed
Little angels hang above my head and read me like an open book
Suck my blood, break my nerve offer me their arms
Well, I will not be an enemy of anything
I'll only stand here ~

Max pressed the plastic to his forehead; closing his eyes he let a tear slip down his face. Max heard the door of the room open and he quickly composed himself wiping the tears off his face with the back of his hand.
Looking up to see who it was, he saw his sister closing the door behind her before walking over to him. She slid to the floor next to him.

“I thought I would find you here” she said

Max smiled at her as she leaned her head on his shoulder. They sat in silence while another song started playing in the background.

“I miss him” She finally said.

“I know. Me too.” Max replied

“Do you think it will always feel this way?”

“I don’t know. I hope not.”

“I was thinking I should move back home”


Isabel smiled at Max’s quick response. “I can feel the love Max”

“Izzy, I don’t know how to explain it but I think things should go back to normal sooner than later” Max said before a shroud of silence fell across the room again. A few minutes later he continued. “I was thinking about going back to school on Thursday to get things going but in my case I think it’s best to wait until Monday... It’ll give people more time to detach.”

Isabel lifted her head to look at her brother “Detach?” she questioned.

“Haven’t you seen the way Mom looks at me? Zan’s friends have the same look. As if they can find him, if they stare at me long enough. Detach. Cut the attachment they seemed to have made between me and Zan.”

“Oh, Max! I’m sorry, I never thought…”

“ ’cause you don’t do it.” Max interrupted “Dad doesn’t either. I’m so happy I changed my looks before all this happened. It’ll make it easier on everyone”

“How about for you, Max?” Isabel asked having heard the undercurrent of distress in Max’s statement.

“Zan was my brother, my twin. He’ll always be a part of me like he will for you. Remember last week when you told me I had to stop pretending to be him? I did. Zan noticed. He told me he was happy I did. He said he was going to change too. I let go of him before I lost him, Iz. I just wish other people would see that.”

Isabel tightened her hold on his arm, acknowledging what he said. Silence enveloped the room once again. A few minutes later Isabel said “Maria called again.”

“I know, I heard Dad talking to her.”

“Are you going to call her back?”


“She wants to be there for you.”

“I know”

“Let her do this for you, Max”

“It’s more complicated than that, Iz.”

“Tell Me”

“With Maria, comes Liz. It’s a package deal and I’m not ready to face her yet. It would hurt too much to see that look in her eyes too. I just can’t do it yet.” Max choked out while lowering his head to try to regain some composure.

He tried not to think of Liz since the day of the accident. Liz had been with him until his father arrived that morning but he didn’t remember much of her time there. He had been so out of it that he literally thought the world had stopped on its axis and time had stood still. He remembered that Maria and Liz had held his hands while he had recounted the tale to his father and then Philip had taken a dazed Max into his room and had him lie down. When he awoke Liz and Maria had left. He hadn’t seen them again until the funeral service and he had avoided them. He had let this ordeal sink in but there was just so many more issues that complicated the situation that he could not deal with all of these things at once.

The room had darkened significantly with sunset. The dials of the stereo illuminated the space just enough to cast an eerie glow to the furniture. Philip opened the door to the room and found his children on the floor. “Hey there” he said walking in and sitting across them on Zan’s bed. “I thought I would order a pizza. I’m getting tired of the casseroles everyone brought during the wake. What do you think?”

“Sounds good” Max and Iz responded.


As Philip got up Max asked, “How’s she doing?”

Philip turned to look at his son, “The same. It’ll take some time Max.”

Max nodded in acceptance to his father’s words. Philip moved closer to Max and kneeled in front of his children.
Putting a hand on Max’s knee he spoke, “Max, you and your brother were a blessing to us, as was Isabel” he said caressing his daughter’s cheek. “Children fill your heart with such love… you never think you have the capacity to feel so much until you have them, hold them. You put all your hopes and dreams in them. You stop living for yourself and start living for them…. It’s not natural to lose a child. You always expect they will be the ones burying you. When something like this happens, the love you had for that child remains in your heart but you lose all those hopes and dreams you had put in them. You lose all the memories you could have made and there is this hollowness that nothing else can fill… It’s quite overwhelming to feel that emptiness…”

Philip’s voice had trailed off as if in reflection. Max placed his hand over his father’s acknowledging Philip’s own pain. He was brought back from his reverie and continued; “It’s going to take her sometime before she starts to fell again. Be patient”

Max nodded and Philip pulled his children into a hug. Kissing both of them on the head he said “I love you, both of you. You and your mother are the reason I get out of bed in the morning.”

Releasing them from his embrace, Philip got up and left letting the room fill with the sounds of Counting Crows A Long December.


Maria walked into the dark room and found it empty. Walking to the window that led out to the balcony she saw the petite silhouette huddled on the lounge chair, illuminated by the few candles that were lit around her. Maria opened the window and crawled out onto the balcony. Liz didn’t move. Pulling a lawn chair over, Maria sat across from Liz.

“Did you call him?” she asked

Liz didn’t look at Maria but acknowledged her question when she responded, “I don’t know what to say to him”

“Anything would be better than silence”

“I know, I just… I don’t know why I feel this way… I feel so… so dirty”

“What are you talking about?” Maria asked trying to make sense out of her friends emotions

“I feel… I feel like a hypocrite…. Why don’t I feel loss?” Liz sat up in her chair and finally looked at Maria. “Three years! Three years I was with him and just last week… last week I gave myself to him! Why? Why don’t I feel loss? Yeah, I’m sorry he died, but that’s not what I’m supposed to feel. I know that’s not what I’m supposed to feel. If I loved him, I should feel loss, I should feel the emptiness I felt when I thought it was Max.” Liz got up from her chair and started pacing her balcony. The anxiety she had been feeling was getting the best of her. She needed to make sense of all of this. She needed for Maria to tell her what was wrong with her. “Maria, it’s not right!”

Maria looked at her friend and shook her head in exasperation. She just couldn’t deal with this anymore. “Do you ever listen to what is coming out of your mouth? You’re always so logical but you never listen to your own logic. It’s like, you analyzed everyone’s life but you fail to get it right on your own. Even I can figure this one out! All your double talk and your thoughts of what should be and what can’t be, has got you so messed up you can’t see what’s right in front of your face!”

“What are you saying?” Liz asked staring at the ground in front of her while she continued her exasperate pacing.

“Let me quote ‘If I loved him, I should feel loss, I should feel the emptiness I felt when I thought it was Max’. Why did you feel the loss when you thought it was Max?”

“Because Max is my friend, because I love him.”

“Let me quote again, ’because I love him’, Why are you so eager to deny it? Listen to yourself, Liz. You don’t feel the loss because the one you love is Max and he is alive and kicking”

Liz’s walls were crumbling but she wasn’t going to give up with out a fight, “Of course I love Max, so do you!”

“Yes, but I’m not IN love with him.” Maria retorted back at her.

There it was. Liz stopped pacing and looked at Maria. Someone had actually said it out loud. In the recesses of her mind it was the thought that kept haunting her since she had run over to Max’s house on Saturday. She could try to deny it; hell she had done a great job at that for the last three years, or she could fess up to it and start dealing with it. Her eyes filled with tears as she fell to her knees wrapping her arms around herself.

“Why didn’t I see it? Why?” she sobbed

Maria approached her friend and threw her arms around her, “Chica, it’s not easy falling for your best friend. I think you were afraid of losing him. Zan was a safe substitute”

“ A safe substitute?” Liz felt herself get nauseous at the thought, “Zan was his brother. How could I do that to Zan? I used him… God, Maria, I used him and he knew it!” Her sobs wracked her body, “That’s why he didn’t push me until that day. He told me that I didn’t want him. You knew too! Everyone knew. God, what have I done?”

Maria rocked Liz in attempts to comfort her, “Liz, it’s gonna be okay”

“No Maria, it’s not. I slept with his brother! I was so desperate to hold on to this fallacy I slept with Zan. How sick am I? I lost him. How can I even look at him after what I did to Zan, with Zan?”, her voice hitching at the end, “That’s why I’ve been feeling this way… That’s why I’ve been feeling so... so… dirty”

“You’re not sick or dirty or any other thing you want to call yourself. You were scared, honey. Max won’t deny you. It will all work out, Liz… It’s gonna be okay” Maria said.

They sat there on the balcony floor until the spring breeze brought a cold chill to the air. Maria got up and taking the throw Liz had on her chair, wrapped her friend in it and helped her into her room where she could rest. Maria knew this was far from over and just hoped that she had spoken the truth when she told Liz that it would all work out.

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Post by starlady »

~ Chapter 6a ~

Even though she had not packed too many things she still felt the room bare. With the pictures and mementos she cherished packed away the room was not quite her. She picked up the last of her picture frames. It was the one she had next to her bed. It held a picture of four friends in the midst of a great memory. The picture had been taken at the party they threw for Alex’s graduation. Max and Alex sat on a bench; Liz sat between Max’s legs while Maria was on Alex’s lap wearing his cap. Max had one of his hands on Liz’s hip as he reached behind her to grab the cap off Maria’s head; Liz appeared to lean back into Max’s chest in a hearty laugh as Maria had tried to swat Max’s hand away from her. The moment captured forever. Liz outlined Max’s image bringing forth the memory of that day. A good day.

For the last month and a half Liz had been living day by day. Classifying each one between good and bad. If by the end of the week there were more good than bad, she was ahead of the game.

Liz sat on the edge of her bed and looked at her reflection in the mirror.

‘God Liz, What are you doing?’, She placed her hand over her belly and closed her eyes. She had thought about this long enough to know that she wouldn’t be changing her mind. She had to get out of Roswell. She felt like she was drowning here. As soon as her parents found out she was expecting she would never be able to leave. She would have to live a life full of resentments, regrets and stares for a life that could have been. The Evan’s would be the next to find out. She would be attached to his family forever. She would have to see him everyday of her life, see him make a life for himself that, most likely, didn’t include her. Have him look at her like that day…

That first week Max had returned to school Liz had avoided him as much as he had tried to avoid her but she knew this song and dance couldn’t last forever. She had observed him at times during their class and she knew he was having a hard time dealing with Zan’s death. She could see it in his demeanor. He seemed stressed, tired.

Maria had become the source of information on all Max related. It was weird that Liz sat next to him during class but knew nothing about what was happening to him. She had never felt this isolated from him before. Maria had urged Liz to speak to Max. She had suggested they keep things simple. Liz was still trying to deal with her own feelings. Accepting the fact that you have been in love w/ your best friend for years while dating his twin brother was a lot to digest. Liz was definitely not ready to talk to Max about her feelings. Maria told her that Max needed his best friend. Yeah, they were all close but Max had always had a special bond with Liz that he didn’t share with anyone else. It seemed as if they could soothe each other just by sharing the same space.

It had been two weeks since the accident before Liz was strong enough to see him. That Friday after class she went home and changed clothes before heading out to the Evan’s home. When she got to Max’s house she paused a moment in front of the door, hesitant again. Wondering what she would say to him, trying to bite down those feelings of guilt and remorse. She raised her hand to knock when the door flew open and Max stumbled onto her almost knocking her to the ground. Max grabbed onto the body that he had trampled so they wouldn’t fall and then looked down to see who had been standing at his doorstep. Liz raised her eyes to meet his and what she saw there frightened her beyond imagination.

His eyes blazed with anger, so much rage, so much pain. He stared at her for a second and she shivered under his scrutiny. Then she felt him push her away, as if touching her burned his skin.

“What do you want? Looking for a replacement too?” She heard him yell at her. He then came up to her and poking at her forehead said “Get it through your thick skull! I’m not him! I will never be him!” Continuing his rant, he started to back away from her, “Were you thinking you could just swap us out?”
He raised his arms as he continued to walk backwards “It just doesn’t work that way!”. With that he turned around and started to run away, yelling over his shoulder, he gave the final blow “ Go home Liz, there’s nothing left for you here!”

Liz heard Diane reach the door, yelling for Max to come back but he kept running. Liz never thought it would get to this. She turned to look at Diane and took a step back away from the house. Liz felt her world falling apart. This was it. It was her worst nightmare becoming a reality. Maybe if she ran home she would wake up and it would have never happened. With that thought she turned around and ran away from that hell.

Max hadn’t come back to school after that. Maria told her that he had tested out of his subjects. His grades had always been excellent and so he took the pass/ fail option without it affecting his chances to get into a good college. In the long run it didn’t matter, he had rejected his acceptance to the University of Michigan, the only college he had ever talked about attending, and accepted entrance to UNM. He started school next week. He decided to enroll in the summer session to get a heads start on his freshman courses. He had worked full time for his father at his law firm since he left school. Maria told Liz that, although he was doing menial work, he was really enjoying the atmosphere and the challenges that were presented. He had told Maria he was thinking of going into law.

Liz looked at herself in the mirror once again and stood from the bed. Walking to her closet, she swept her hand over the cap and gown she had worn just a few hours ago. She saw him at the ceremony. He had not taken part of it, but when she was on stage accepting her diploma she had looked out into the crowd and saw him. It was the second time she had seen him since that day.

At the end of April, Alex, having heard about Zan, came home during his spring break to pay his respects and lend Max some support. She had seen them playing basketball on her way back from school that week. They hadn’t seen her and so she stood there for over an hour watching them play. Max seemed more relaxed, more at peace with himself. God, he was beautiful, she had thought to herself. After a month of analyzing her feelings she could say it. ‘This is the man I love, the man I will always love, my best friend.’ She had walked to her house dejected because she also realized that, that was the man she lost.

That was the week Liz had first thought she had to leave Roswell. Maria had come over to invite her out on Friday night. Alex was going back to school and she wanted the gang to get together and have a goodbye dinner, maybe go out to the local pool hall to have some fun. Liz knew that Maria was trying to get them all together so that she could speak to Max, but Liz couldn’t do it. She made up some lame excuse to forgo the festivities and Maria said she would stay behind as well. That was Maria. Always a friend. True and loyal. After a long argument about personal space, Maria had agreed to go with the boys.

That was the way it would be from now on. Friends split between friends. It was just wrong. Liz thought that it would be better when she left for Boston. Maria wouldn’t have to choose, Liz would be gone.

Four days later, Liz found out she was pregnant. This changed everything. So many thoughts went through her head. So many people that would be affected. Her parent’s, the Evan’s, Maria, Max.

She decided she needed to leave Roswell sooner than she had planned. Her parent’s disappointment was something she was never going to see. She was determined to prove to her parents that she could accomplish everything she ever wanted. She would not let them down; but she also knew that they would never let her go away, after they found out. They would question her and doubt her. No. She had to leave before they knew. If Maria knew, she would never let her go alone.

Then there was Max and the Evan’s. She would be taking their grandchild, but it was a bond that she could not make. Max’s words resonated in her mind., “there’s nothing left for you here!” , she still cringed at the memory. No. She was a coward when it came to Max. She was selfish and scum of the earth, but she couldn’t do it. She could not live bound to the love of her life without having him. She could not watch him make a life with someone else. She could not watch him think so little of her. How could she be so altruistic on behalf of her parents and Maria but such a coward when it came to Max?

Liz decided she needed to leave right after graduation. She would be showing soon and she had to leave before then. Liz convinced her parents to let her leave for college early, with the excuse that she wanted to find a decent job and apartment before the school rush arrived. She also told them that she wanted to get to know the area before hand. They weren’t thrilled, but they accepted it.

She didn’t tell Maria. Maria would insist on spending the summer with her. Make it their last hurrah! It broke Liz’s heart to leave this way, but Maria was so stubborn! There was no way she would be able to convince her to stay behind. No. It was better this way. No one would know about the baby for a long time. Hopefully by then she had made something of herself, made her parents proud. Maybe by then Max wouldn’t hate her and maybe by then…. She wouldn’t love him so damn much!

Liz looked at the photo she held in her hand again. Placing it in her suitcase, she closed it.

“Are you ready honey?” Jeff Parker asked his daughter startling her with his words.

“Yeah, I’m ready” Liz responded with a soft sigh.

“Honey, are you sure you want to do this?” he asked noting her melancholy

‘NO’ she thought, “Of course I’m sure daddy, I’m going to have a great time” Liz said trying to put as much energy in her response as possible, as to convince her father.

“We’re going to miss you” Nancy said walking in to the room and embracing her daughter.

“I’m going to miss you too,” Liz said trying to swallow back the lump in her throat as she returned the hug.

“Sweetheart, call us if you need anything”

“Sure, mom”

“Stop it you two! You’d think we’re never going to see her again! Christmas will be here in no time,” Jeff said grabbing Liz’s suitcase

“Yeah, Christmas…” Liz answered knowing that Roswell would be the last place she would be on Christmas.

“Come on Lizzie, it’s a long ride to the airport” Jeff said walking out of her room.

Liz turned to look at her room one more time. “I’m coming.” She said.

Liz walked down to the Crashdown, memorizing every thing she past. The living room in her home, the stairs that led to the restaurant, the couch and the lockers in the back room, the murals, the tables, the noise. She tried to hold tightly to all the memories that were made here. Then she turned to exit bumping into a deliveryman on her way out. Getting into the car she drove away from her life.

Inside the Crashdown, a beautiful arrangement of white roses would sit waiting to be delivered.

~ Chapter 6b ~

“Max? Is that you?” Diane called out.

“Yeah Mom I’m out here!” Max had returned from the graduation ceremony with too many thoughts in his head. He sat, out on the deck of his house trying to gather them; which is where his mom found him.

Diane walked out onto the deck and resting her hand on her son’s shoulder she asked, “ What did you think of the ceremony?”

“It was nice.”

The school had setup a memorial for Zan during graduation. The basketball team had retired his jersey and the Evan’s were presented with Zan’s diploma.

“Do you regret not participating?”

“No Mom. I’m happy how things worked out. Maria and Liz have always been my only real friends and, well… with the way things are with Liz…. It was best this way.”

Diane pulled a chair closer to her only son and sat next to him. “Max, you really need to talk to Liz. Clear things up. You two were so close. She’s a very sweet girl. We miss her in the house.”

“I miss her too. It’s just… really complicated. I said some really stupid things that day”

“No, Max. You were hurt and you just took it out on the wrong person. She’ll understand; but you have to talk to her. Explain things.”

Max got a far off look on his face; one that Diane recognized seeing on his face far too often, one that told her that he was reliving that day.

“Talk to her, Max” she said moving his face so he would look at her.

Max smiled at her, “I will”

“Soon” she reiterated.

“I promise” he said

“Good” Diane responded. Placing a soft kiss on his forehead, Diane got up and left Max with his thoughts once more.

She was right, he thought. Maria had been telling him the same thing for over two months and she didn’t even know the whole truth. If she ever knew… Maria would skin him alive.

“God! Talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time!” He said placing his head into his hands and closing his eyes shut, as if he could block out the memory by blocking out his view of the world.

The week had been much worse than he ever imagined. He could deal with the sorrow in the eyes of the teachers, but having your brother’s friends, friends that a week ago wouldn’t give you the time of day, want to take you in as their own, was a bit much.

And then there was Liz. The tension between them was palpable. They shared two classes and were forced to interact in one. This week they had just one lab and the guidance counselor had called Max in for grief counseling which had been a blessing in disguise since it gave Max a place to hide for the morning. Max found it easy to avoid the quad at lunch but eating out on the field had exposed him to more ‘friendly’ companionship from Zan’s teammates.

Unfortunately, Max’s torture was not limited to classmates. After his day at school he returned home to Diane who had become a doting mother. The problem was that she doted on the wrong son. She would watch his movements looking for Zan in Max. Conversing with her had become difficult to say the least. She would constantly point out similarities between Zan and him. She would cook Zan’s favorite foods and she went out shopping to buy clothing for Max that was not his style.

By Thursday Max was ready to explode! He found himself hiding in the library for most of the day and then, when school let out; he would go out to the desert where he spent his afternoon looking out into the vast nothingness just waiting for time to go by.

Friday finally arrived and he was grateful the week was over. No more pretenses at school and with Isabel and his father at home, life would become bearable again. The day had started out as every day of that week. The basketball team had come to rally him into school but today all they seem to talk about was the invitational game they would be playing against their rivals, The Hawks, in three weeks. Max had found it peculiar but he had shimmied his way out of their clutches and moved to try and find Maria. She was at her locker… with Liz. Max decided to head to homeroom. Max thought, this day was just not gonna be easy and he had no idea how right he was going to be.

The day had seemed endless. At noon, Jessy Roberts and Melissa Hart, who wanted Max to join them on a ride out to one of Zan’s favorite hangouts, had cornered Max outside the library. Max had gotten away from the dynamic duo just to realize that the basketball team had actually followed him into the library and seemed to have forgotten the concept of personal space because they spent the rest of lunch period guarding him in what could only be called a very offensive stance. His stress level was at an all time high when he was pulled out of his English class by request of Coach Rivers.

Max entered Coach Rivers office and found the coach sitting behind his desk. He pointed to the seats in front of him and Max sat down. Silence was their companion for the first few minutes. The coach had the ‘look’ in his eyes and Max squirmed under his stare.

“Max, Thank you for coming in” The coach started

Max looked at him thinking he was unaware the meeting was even up for discussion.

“You know Zan was one of my best players. He was under my tutelage for four years. He was a gifted athlete.”

Max wondered if this was another one of those ‘He could do no harm and he will be terribly missed’ conversations. He had heard too many of those this week and was tired of it. “Really? We didn’t know that. It wasn’t like we had scouts knocking down our door” he snapped at Rivers.

The Coach eyed Max and then chuckled, “Seems you have his same attitude. I like that Max”

Max saw red. Why was he letting this get to him? He took a deep breath and tried to settle his nerves.

“ The boys and I have been talking”, The Coach continued “Max, have you heard of the invitational that will take place in a few weeks?”

Max nodded wondering where this conversation was going.

“Well, when we lost Zan, we not only lost a dear friend but a great offensive team mate” The Coach rose from his seat and walked around to lean in front of the desk opposite to Max. “The boys, they tell me you play…”

Max looked up at the coach with incredulity in his eyes. He just couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“The boys and I would be proud if you would take part in the invitational and wear your brother’s jersey. We still have time to practice and if you half the talent Zan had we are sure you will make us proud.”

There it was.
This was it.
This was the last straw.

Max shook his head in disbelief. “Coach,” he said rising from his seat, “Do you know where hell is?”

The coach eyed Max with a questioning gaze.

“I’m gonna write you some pretty good directions on how to get there because that is exactly where I want you and your boys to go, seeing that I’ve been living there for the last week I can assure you of the accuracy of the directions” with that Max walked out, slamming the door to the office on his exit.

Max couldn’t believe the audacity! He knew this wasn’t going to get better. He just couldn’t see an end in sight. He ran down the corridor out to the parking lot where he jumped into his jeep and fled home.

‘I’m not going back’ were Max’s thoughts as he entered his house. ‘There was no way they will make me set another foot in that school’ he mused.

“Max! That was the principal on the phone” Diane said walking into the kitchen where Max stood breaking oatmeal cookies, that lay in a plate on the counter, into little crumbs. “He said you left school grounds without being dismissed… He also mentioned you had a few choice words with Coach Rivers”

“He wants me to play on the basketball team” Max responded, as if the simple statement would explain the whole incident.

“I don’t see how that would make you react the way the Principal just described”

“They want me to wear Zan’s jersey” He said hoping it would dawn on her.

“Oh Max! What a wonderful thought!”

“ARRG!! MOM!!” He yelled, conceding that she was just not ready to see. “I’m not going back! I’m going to test out! I’ve seen some kids do it when they need to move overseas before graduation. I have the grades. I know I can do it. I can’t go back there. I can’t take another day!” Max stated trying to make her understand, trying to make her see that he had a plan.

“Max, You will NOT drop out!” Diane said still reeling from having Max yell at her.

“I’M NOT GOING BACK!” Max spat out, taking the last cookie and crushing it in his fist.

“MAXWELL! Stop that! I baked those for you, they’re your favorite!” Diane said reaching to remove the plate in front of him.

“NO, MOM! I HATE OATMEAL COOKIES! Those were Zan’s favorites!” He screamed flinging the plate at the wall, shattering it across the breakfast nook. “I’M NOT ZAN! Not matter how many cookies you bake, I’ll NEVER BE ZAN! I’m sorry to disappoint the coach, I’m sorry to disappoint his friends but most of all, I’m sorry to disappoint you, Mom! I’m sorry that I spent the night here with you, I’m sorry that I wasn’t the one out on the road instead of Zan, I’m sorry that I spent the night here watching Mr. Darcy woo Elizabeth Bennett. I’m sorry I didn’t leave half of my skull splayed on the highway that night! But you know mom…. It’s not too late! I’ll get right on that!”

Max pushed past Diane and headed to the door in a blind fury. He should have been the one. He should have been the one to die; He thought. He could count with the fingers of one hand those that would mourn him. As he jerked the door open and ran out he stumbled over something… someone. Grabbing the person to steady them, he looked down to see a large brown doe eyes looking at him. Why was she looking at him like that? He questioned. Was that the way she looked at Zan?

Max felt his heart constrict. Was he destined to be Zan for the rest of his life? Was this his punishment? he thought pushing Liz away from him. He didn’t want to be Zan! He gave up that charade after the smack of reality Liz had given him that night. He had to be himself. He couldn’t pretend anymore. Not anymore!

Max felt his anger peak and he lashed out. All he saw was the face of every person who was trying to push him into being what he wasn’t, who he wasn’t. Not anymore! He heard the words rushing out of him, heard the hate they held and he realized he was losing himself. He felt he had been fighting a battle that already was loss and all he wanted to do was runaway. Run far away and that is what he did.

He ran. And he ran. He felt the wind on his face making his hot tears feel cool on his skin. He ran until he felt the ache in his legs, the burn in his lungs and then he ran some more. He found himself kneeling at the foot of his brother’s tombstone, yelling to the gods to swap them out. Yelling at Zan for leaving his Mom, for leaving Liz, for leaving him. He yelled until he was hoarse and his body couldn’t support itself. Phillip found Max the next morning laying across Zan’s grave with soil tightly held in his fists.

Max got up from the chair on the Deck. The memories haven taken a toll on him, he passed his hand over his face as if wiping away the pain of those days. It had been hell. Walking to the edge of the deck he leaned against the railing recalling how Alex had helped him recover his sanity.

Alex had come home for spring break and came to see Max immediately. Up until that week Max had been functioning on automatic pilot. Phillip hadn’t thought twice of having Max test out of his courses. After the school issue had been put aside, Phillip took his son to work with him everyday. At first it had been more a matter of just getting him out of the house, out of his bed. Then Phillip thought it might bring him some purpose while they waited for summer session to start at UNM. He would give Max some small task and as if a robot, Max would perform the task before returning to his silent crucible. Maria had dropped by to see him, dragging some conversation out of him but Max was not ready to face the world.

Alex came to Max’s house on his arrival to Roswell and gave his condolences. They sat for a while talking about mundane things and then Alex left, just to return that evening.

He walked into the house excusing himself from Diane and Phillip and requesting that they let him ‘talk’ to Max without interruptions. He then walked to Max’s room and locking the door behind him proceeded to beat the shit out of him. At first Max couldn’t believe his scrawny friend had just punched him, that was until he landed another one right across Max’s jaw. They had an all out brawl in his room, toppling lamps and bookcases and speakers… After 15-20 minutes of pounding each other, they lay sprawled out on the floor. Alex said he wanted Max to know he was alive. Max had stared at the ceiling in his room for a few minutes before breaking out in a full and hearty laugh. It was the first time he had laughed in close to a month and it was music to his parents’ ears, which at that moment were stuck to the other side of his door.
Max asked Alex if Maria had put him up to it but Alex just said that she had insinuated it.

Max was blessed. He had the best friends any man could ask for. Alex and Maria had dragged him out of the darkest place he had ever been. Now he had to do the rest on his own.

Max turned and walked into his house. It was time to bring the light back into his life. Walking over to the phone, he called the local florist and placed an order. He knew he had a lot to make up for. He knew that he could never be what Liz wanted him to be but he could be her friend. Maybe… She would be able to see him again. Not a reflection of Zan, not the crazed lunatic that yelled at her but just him. Her best friend. There might be a long road ahead of them but he would never get there if he didn’t take the first step. In two months Liz would leave for college. He was going to make these the best two months of her life.

Hanging up, he pulled his shirt off and headed to take a quick shower. He was going to do it. He would beg for forgiveness and reclaim his best friend.

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Post by starlady »

~ Chapter 7 ~

Ten years later…

Liz sat in Dr. Walters’s office waiting the results of the latest battery of tests. The office might have seemed cold to a new patient but Liz had seen her share of doctor’s offices and this one had a homey feel to it, a ‘trust me’ feel to it. And she did, trust him that is. Jeremy Walters was like another father to her. Head of staff of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute pediatric ward, Jeremy Walters had been there with Liz during the most trying times of her life and Liz knew he would guide her the rest of the way. Jeremy Walters had been the savior of many and they all watched over him in the collage of smiling faces that adorned his wall.

“Liz, How are you doing today?” Dr. Walters said walking into his office.

“Fine, Thank you”

“You look good. Have you been to see Emily yet?

“No, I was hoping to get the results of her tests before going down to see her.”

“Well, they just came in.” He told her “Anne? Can you bring in Emily’s test results” He said into an intercom that rested on his desk.

A few minutes later the door opened to admit Dr. Walters assistant, Anne Mathews. She handed Dr. Walters a large envelope and left nodding at Liz.

Silence fell upon the office while Dr. Walters opened the envelope and removed its contents. He got up and moved to a light box that was attached to the wall, where he secured the films he had retrieved. He unfolded some papers and observed its findings on the film.

“Well it looks good,” He finally said turning to Liz.

Liz let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding.

“Liz, just because we have been able to control her disease doesn’t mean she is cured. You know this. You also know that at this stage of the game when she relapses there will be just one possible treatment. I care for you and Emily a lot and I am being completely frank with you because you are a doctor and you can easily take these tests and read them yourself.” Dr. Walters said taking his seat behind the desk once again. Leaning forward he continued. “This was Em’s second relapse. It took a stronger treatment to stabilize her to where she has been these last six months. She needs that transplant. I would let things go but I know you have family that hasn’t been tested. She has been on the BMT list for over a year and we have found no match. Please Liz. Don’t wait.”

Liz looked at the older man that sat in front of her. His eyes held such concern. She knew he was telling her that Em would need that transplant sooner than later. As it stood Emily had never been in remission for more than a year. Her medical history told Liz that it was likely that Em would fall into the grasps of this disease in less than four to five months time. Liz’s medical experience told her that for Emily to survive not just the surgery, but also the chemotherapy and the radiation she had to undergo before the surgery she needed to be in her best condition. Dr. Walters was basically telling her to get her head out of her ass and look at this professionally and not personally. But how could she? They were discussing her baby’s health.

“Jeremy,” she said referring to him as a friend and not her daughter’s physician. “I’ve already started to make arrangements to see my family in Roswell. I just wanted to make sure Emily was stable and well enough for the trip.”

“I’m so happy to hear that.” Dr. Walters said visibly relieved by the news. “ Does she know?”

“No, I’ve not wanted to worry her about the reasons why we are going. I know that as soon as I mention the trip she will figure it out and to tell you the truth, I know she is very scared of what it all means”

“I don’t blame her. Chemo was tough on her and she’ll have to go through a stronger regimen for the surgery. What about you? What are you doing about your residency?”

“I spoke to my supervisor, Robert Mann, about transferring to Roswell Memorial for the remainder of the year”

“Good. I’ll wait to hear from you. I hope we find a match.”

“Me too. I’m having a little get together next week to say good bye, please join us.”

“I’d love to sweetheart. Mabel would kill me if I told her you left without giving her a chance to say goodbye.” He said referring to his wife who had adopted Liz almost the instant she saw her.

“Thank you.” Liz said getting up from her chair and walking to the door “I better get down there. Alex said he would drop by at noon in case she was released. I’ll probably get down there and find that he has already kidnapped her.”

“Call me with the details about next week”

“Absolutely, Thanks again” Liz said closing the door behind her.

Walking through the corridors of the Institute she headed to her daughter’s room. Emily Marie Parker was nine years old and had been a resident of the hospital for four out of those years. At least it felt that way to Liz. This being her second year of residency, she felt she spent more time at the Dana Farber Institute than at the hospital she worked at. As she walked she thought of what Dr. Walters had told her. She knew her return to Roswell was inevitable but she had hoped that it would be a joyous return and not one full of ulterior motives. Yeah, she could see it now… ‘Hi this is your granddaughter, can we have your bone marrow?’ Liz knew that if her parents were a match, they would never hesitate in their decision but she was not sure about the Evan’s… and especially Max. She had tried not to think of him but how to avoid it when her daughter held the eyes of the man she loved. How would he react to Emily? He was the best chance Em had, being Zan’s twin.

Liz looked through the glass window that let her see inside her daughter’s room. Alex had arrived and was talking vividly with Emily. His hand gestures told Liz that he was spinning quite a tale for her daughter.

Alex had found Liz waiting tables in Harvard Square five months after her arrival in Boston. He had been floored when he saw her about to pop. Liz made him take an oath of secrecy as to her whereabouts or she would up and move on him. It had taken Alex five months to find her and he lived in the same city as she did. He knew she would have no problems disappearing on him if he didn’t comply. So he took the oath and had been her support system ever since. She would have never been able to complete her studies in the short amount of time that she had, if it hadn’t been for Alex. After many nights of babysitting and staying over at her house, he proposed that they move in together. Liz didn’t have to think about it too much. Having to pay rent on her own was slowly draining her college fund and with the expense of the baby, his offer was a godsend.

“Hey sweetie” Liz said entering the room.

“Mommy!” Emily yelled extending her arms out to Liz.

Wrapping her arms around her little girl, Liz asked “You ready to ditch this joint?”

“We can leave?” Emily asked

“You betcha!” Liz answered looking at Alex who was throwing her a questioning gaze.

“Wohooo!!” Emily yelled scrambling out of bed to get dressed.

“Now, we can’t over do it. So, slow down.” Liz called out after Emily who was already in the bathroom getting ready.

Turning to Alex she addressed the unasked question, “She is still stable but we need to go home”

“When are we leaving?” Alex asked knowing exactly what she meant.

Liz’s eyes filled with tears. Reaching to take his hand she said “I love you , Alex”.

He plastered a smile on his face and with a squeeze to her hand he answered “Right back atcha, kiddo!”


“ Aunt Liz, Is it very hot in Roswell?” asked the boy that was trying to stuff his corduroy pants into an already full suitcase.

“Way too hot for those pants to be worn in comfort” Liz responded pulling the pants out of his hands and hanging them back in the closet.

Joshua Richards was one of the other two residents in the Whitman/Parker/Richards home. Liz had first met the boy when she found him sharing a room with Emily at DFCI (Dana Farber Cancer Institute). He was just 7 years old and had a world of knowledge to share. He quickly befriended a scared Emily and they became inseparable. Serena Richards, Joshua’s mother was like Liz in many ways. A single mom, who was struggling to come to terms with her only child’s illness. They had shared a lifetime of tears in each other’s arms that year and they had become dependent on each other for everything. They fixed their working schedules to cover for each other at the hospital. When Liz was not in their children’s room, Serena was there. When Neuroblastoma claimed Josh’s leg Liz sat beside Serena giving her the fortitude needed to move on. When Emily had gone through her chemotherapy, Josh was there every day after school helping his friend through something he remembered all too well, while his mother and Alex held Liz together.

Serena and Josh were an integral part of their support system and they would go anywhere Liz and Emily went. The trip to Roswell was not an exception. It helped that Serena was a teacher and had the summer off which let her join Liz, on her crusade to save her daughter. She would be joining them in two weeks, after school let out.

Josh on the other hand insisted on going now. He was like a son to Liz and it didn’t take too much convincing for her to agree.

“Josh, Roswell is a little hole in the wall. It is not the fashion capital of the world! You dress for comfort.” Liz told the boy who was eyeing her as if she was forcing him into losing his coolness.

“Aunt Liz…” He started to say before he was interrupted.

“Hey, where is everyone?” Alex called out approaching the room the kids shared.

“We’re in here…” Liz called out.

“Hey, Are you guys almost finished packing?”

“Almost.” Liz answered

“Uncle Lala, Tell Aunt Liz that sometimes you dress for something besides comfort!” Josh said.

Alex looked at Josh and laughed. “Now, Liz… You’re cramping his style! If I recall, someone around here use to were leather jackets in May because it was flattering to the figure”

Liz turned to give Alex a penetrating stare “Do you want to get to the restaurant by 8?”

“Josh, In Roswell you dress for comfort! Now get going!” Alex said flailing his arms about as to reemphasize the ‘get a move on it’ portion of his statement.

Liz smiled and shook her head.

Serena walked in a few minutes later and went straight to the kids room. “How are things going in here?” she asked immediately taking inventory of what was left to pack.

“Good. Josh is almost done with his DVD collection which means that at some point today he’ll get to his playstation games and then for sure he will be able to pack some of his toiletries.” Liz said eyeing Josh again.

“But Aunt Liz, you said Roswell was a hole in the wall. I know I’m not going to find a Hollywood Video to rent anything decent! How can I choose what to leave behind? You know I have to have my Cowboy Bebop fix. And what’s a day without a Mecha? Plus… I’m not just packing MY DVD’s, I have Em’s in the box too!”

“See what I mean.” Liz said to Serena that was giggling under her breath.

“How’s Emily?” She asked peering at the small figured that was lying on the lower bunk of the kid’s beds.

“She’s doing well. She’s been asleep for two hours now. It’s good she finally took a long nap; the short ones are not enough to keep her going. She’ll be rested for the trip tomorrow.”

“Excellent. I’m going to pop in the shower” she told Liz before addressing her son, “Josh, You have 5 minutes to finish the DVD’s, then you will have another 15 for all game related pieces, that includes the Playstation Advance and the Gameboy Xtreme. If in 20 minutes you don’t have all of it done you leave it. Are we clear?”

“But Mom! I can’t just throw them in a box! It’s my ANIME!”

“Are we clear?” She said firmly

“Yes, Mom” Josh grunted.


That night Liz, Serena, Alex, Emily and Josh went out to meet with friends who wanted to say good bye to the group. They met at an Italian restaurant close to the Prudential building and between food and laughter they all reminisced over the times shared in Boston and how they would miss the summer which was usually filled with picnics on the lawn next to the Charles river and visits to see the performers in Faniuel Hall.

Liz quietly hoped that their trip would require a longer stay, which meant that Emily might have found a donor. She also hoped that this trip would mend some fences that were probably torn down over the years. Liz had never contacted Maria in the 10 years she had been away. She knew Maria would hold some resentment but she hoped that by the time summer was over they might be on talking terms. Max was a different story. Liz palms sweat just at the thought of seeing Max again. How could you be away from someone for ten years and still love them that much? She had missed him so much. Every time she looked at Emily she saw Max staring back at her. The golden streaks that made his eyes so unforgettable were splashed all over her daughter’s. She even found that Emily had many of Max’s mannerisms. They were both left-handed and Emily had the same lopsided grin as her uncle. She sometimes found Emily watching TV in the same position that Max used to sit as well. Max was always with her. She wondered what he was doing now. Was he married? Did he have children of his own? Had he ever thought of her? Questions that would be answered in a matter of hours.

The next morning, Liz, Alex, Josh and Emily made their way to Logan Airport and mounted a plane headed to Santa Fe, NM.


The drive to Roswell had been long but they finally arrived to the house Liz rented on the outskirts of town.

Liz had not wanted to show up on her parent’s doorstep toting two kids and expect them to take her in. She decided it was best to rent a place for the kids and her. A safe house so to say. The house looked a little run down but it was cozy. The real-estate agent told her that the house came furnished, which was a big seller for Liz since she didn’t want to spend money on furnishings for the few months that they were going to be there. The house had four bedrooms and two bathrooms, a small kitchen, a living room and most important of all a yard. The kids were not used to a yard, living in the city and all, so she had wanted to make sure they had that experience during their stay here.

Alex parked the SUV that they rented in the driveway of the house. Josh jumped out of the jeep and stretched his body. Emily followed lazily behind rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

“Nice” Alex commented

“Yeah, not bad” Liz responded looking over the dwelling they would reside in for the next few months “The Agent said it had just gone on the market, older couple going on sabbatical in Europe for the next six months.”

“Close enough to walk to town but far enough to avoid the noise. I like.” He said.

“Aunt Liz, can we look around?” Josh asked

“First I want to get the bags in to the house, then you and Em can go look around.”

“K, Let’s go Em.” He said tugging on Emily’s t-shirt

“When are you going to head into town?” Alex asked knowing that Liz would try to procrastinate as much as possible to avoid the inevitable meeting with her parents.

“I’m going over there tonight. I was hoping you could stay with the kids. Were you planning on visiting your parents tonight?”

“I thought I might but I can wait until tomorrow. I spoke to them a few months ago.” Alex responded. Alex had kept in contact with his parents over the years. They would sometimes go on vacation together or he would fly down for the weekend but he never asked about the others in Roswell and he never spoke of Liz to them. They didn’t even know Liz had lived with Alex for the past nine years. Liz felt bad that Alex had given up so much for her but he said he would never have it any other way.

“Thanks Alex”

“Okay, where’s my little Sakura!” Alex yelled while running into the house to find the kids.

Liz could hear the screams and the giggling coming from the house and she smiled. She looked out towards the town. The intimidation rearing its ugly head again. She sighed as she wrapped her arms around her body. ‘God, I hope this goes well, for all our sakes’ she thought as she turned and entered the house.

~ Chapter 8 ~

It was nine o’clock when Liz headed out to the Crashdown. She waited for Emily to go to sleep before announcing her departure. Alex and Josh were quite busy setting up the Playstation console. Liz smiled as she walked through the quiet streets thinking that Josh couldn’t go a day without his gaming tools. They all had chipped in to buy him the latest version of Playstation last Christmas. If he wasn’t watching his dvds, he was playing some type of electronic game. Liz originally thought it wasn’t good for him to spend so much time on these games but when she heard him talking to Alex about pixels and encoders and compression rates, she knew it was more than just a toy. It was a passion and she respected the boy for having something like that at such a young age.

The night was dark and cool. Liz had put on a black short sleeve cotton blouse, which was covered by a khaki colored jacket. She wore a faded pair of jeans with white sneakers. She felt anxiety grow within her as she turned the corner, onto the street where the Crashdown was located. It was close to 20 past nine when she finally reached the familiar landmark. She didn’t know what she was going to say to her parents but knew that when she was face to face with them it would come to her. She walked up the alley and climbed the stairs that lead to the door of her parent’s home. She decided it was best to avoid the Crashdown and go for a more private entrance. Liz stood there looking at the door of her old home. She felt her stomach twist and turn. Her cheeks seem to go cold, so she slapped them lightly to add a bit of color knowing that she must be pale with fear. This meeting was nerve wrecking and Liz thought maybe she should have prepared something to say.

After 10 minutes of standing there, questioning her decision to come alone, she finally shook her shoulders and hands out. Lifting her eyes to the door, she knocked on it. There was no response. With a trembling hand she brought it back up and knocked a little harder. After a few seconds, she heard shuffling behind the door and heard the locks being undone. Liz felt like running. She wanted to hide. She froze as the door opened.

“Yes?” Said a voice that brought a torrent of memories to Liz.

She raised her eyes to look at the woman who had cleaned her scraped knees so many times, the woman who had taught her to braid her hair and brush her teeth and given her the ‘sex’ talk. Liz’s eyes filled with tears. The woman that stood before her looked so much older than she remembered. Nancy’s hair barely reached her shoulders, her skin looked worn and her eyes were sad. It broke Liz’s heart to think that she probably was the cause for each line that graced her mothers’ features; she was probably the cause for the dull look in her eyes.

“M… Mom…” was all that Liz could say before the tears began to fall.

“Liz?” Nancy said her own eyes brimming with unshed tears. She brought her hand up to cover her mouth, trying to regain some of her senses. She felt her mouth move but no other word would come out. This was her child. She was not the young girl that left her home 10 years ago. This was a woman and yet she was still her child. Her hair was much longer, almost to her waist, her skin was pale but her face was still the same. This was her baby. Her baby was home.

Nancy stretched her arm out to touch Liz, trying to make sure that what she was seeing was real. Her fingers softly touched Liz’s cheek and before she knew it Liz had seized her hand in hers pressing it against her face. Nancy’s eyes closed as she finally let the reality of the moment sink in.

“Jeff…” Nancy whispered between breaths. “Jeff” she called out louder taking a step toward Liz who still held her hand against her face. “JEFF!” She finally wailed pulling her daughter into an embrace.

As both women held onto each other they heard a voice call from within the house, “What is it, Nancy? I was going to head down to the store to give the final closing instr…” Jeff stood fixed in his spot when he saw the scene in front of him.

Nancy pushed Liz into the house closing the door behind them before turning to look at her husband.
Liz looked at her father and all she could say between her tears was “Daddy?”

Jeff looked between his wife and his daughter. He crossed the distance in two steps and before Liz knew it she was being pulled into hug that screamed out in longing. “Thank god, you’ve come home” was all he said holding his daughter as if his life depended on it.

“I’m so sorry Daddy” Liz managed to say between sobs.

“Shhh…” Jeff said pulling back to look at his daughter. He raised his arm to bring Nancy into his embrace “We’re just so happy to have you here, home.”

After a while they all composed themselves and sat together on the couch. Liz sat between her parents, each holding her hand or caressing her arm. They just needed the physical contact to make sure this was not a dream.

“Please Liz, tell us everything. We need to know where have you been for the past ten years?” Nancy finally asked.

“Mom…” Liz said, when she was interrupted by a knock on the door that led to the Crashdown.

“I’ll be right back that must be Carlos getting the closing instructions,” Jeff said getting up with regret.

A few minutes later he was back and sat down.

“I’ve been in Massachusetts. Boston to be precise” Liz said

“But we looked for you…After you sent us that letter we waited 6 months and Jeff went out there to look for you” Nancy said

Liz remembered the letter she had sent her parents. It was cryptic at best. She had driven to Rhode Island to mail it so they could not trace it back to where she lived. She had told them that there was a lot going on in her life. A lot she needed to figure out and that she would not be returning to Roswell until she had done just that. She had told them she was safe and not to worry about her and they shouldn’t expect any further communication from her. “I’m so sorry for that. I just…. I needed you to know I was safe but I wasn’t ready to come home”

“Why honey? Please tell us what was going on?” Jeff pleaded.

Liz sat up and moved to sit on the coffee table facing her parents. She then told them how she had gone to Boston to study just as they had planned but that she had carried a secret with her. She told them about Emily and how Alex had found her. She told them about how they had worked together so Liz could finish her degree. She told them how Serena and Josh were part of their lives. She then told them HOW she had met Serena. Told them about Emily’s illness, about how difficult it had been the last four years. She told them how many times she had wished they could be there with her. She told them how she feared they would hate her for running away and how she had been so afraid of losing their respect.

After a couple of hours Liz had summed up her life and there was not a dry eye in the house.

“Where is she? Where is our granddaughter?” Nancy finally asked

“Alex and I rented a house for the summer, just on the outskirts of town.” Liz answered

“Why? Why don’t you stay here? We have plenty of room…” Jeff asked hopefully

“Oh, Daddy! You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that. To have you open your home back to me and take us in like that, but there are a lot of people I need to talk to. Make amends with, and I thought it best to keep a neutral zone available” Liz said begging her parents to understand.

“We understand, but I hope you understand we want to have our granddaughter running underfoot as much as possible” Nancy said knowing that after 10 years, Liz would need her own space. She wasn’t their little girl anymore. She was a woman. A mother.

“Thank you for understanding” Liz said squeezing their hands in reassurance. She was not going anywhere, anytime soon.

“Honey? Are Alex and You…” Jeff tried to ask but found it difficult to utter the words.

Liz looked at him with a puzzled look trying to determine what her father wanted to ask, when it dawned on her. “Oh! God, No! Alex is like my brother! Never Alex, Daddy! Oh My lord!” She said laughing as if the whole notion was preposterous.

Jeff and Nancy looked at each other and laughed along with her.

“Honey, you said you had to talk to many people…” Nancy asked

“Yeah Mom. Maria for one. The Evan’s…” Liz said losing herself in the thought of seeing Max again.

“They don’t know? About Emily I mean.” Jeff asked, already knowing the answer. Those first years Max had become a permanent fixture at the Crashdown. Jeff knew that if Max knew anything about Emily he would have told him about it many years ago.

“No, Daddy. They don’t. Which makes this situation more difficult.”

“Don’t worry sweetie, they’ll understand.” Nancy said trying to sound optimistic.

“I hope so, for Emily’s sake.” Liz said looking at her mother.

“Well, Maria helps us manage the Crashdown. She completed her degree in business at UNM and now manages her Mom’s store as well as helps with things here. She used to work for a marketing company in Clovis but she got married about 4 years ago and wanted to settle down in Roswell, so she gave it all up.” Jeff informed Liz

Liz sat there taken aback by the news. Maria was married. She worked at the Crashdown. She had given up a high power career for the ‘simple life’. ‘God, I miss her’ Liz thought.

“I’m hoping to see her at some point this weekend. No reason to put it off…”Liz said

“Well, She lives right off Murphy Street. She should be dropping by here on Sunday to go over the weekly receipts and bills.”

“I’m going to try to see her before then. I don’t want to meet her here, it would be awkward.” Liz stated

“I agree; it might be best. Why don’t you come over with Emily tomorrow so we can meet her and we can get to know her while you go and meet with Maria.” Nancy offered hoping to encourage Liz.

“That actually sounds wonderful! We can come over for breakfast!” Liz said finding the idea very appealing since it would give Alex time to go see his parents as well.

Nancy looked over at Jeff and almost giggled in excitement. Jeff looked at his wife and just wanted to cry. Not only did he have his daughter back but also, his wife had been reborn in front of his eyes.

“So…Umm… I better get going. We have a big day tomorrow…” Liz said standing up

“Do you have to leave so soon?” Nancy said almost in a whine

Liz looked at her watch “It’s almost one in the morning, if you want me here before noon, I do need to head out.” She said turning to look at her parents “Dad, Mom… I know I could have done things differently but at the time, this was all I could think of doing. I should have trusted you more and I’m sorry for that more than anything else. I want you to know that I had planned on returning eventually… I wanted to finish my residency. I wanted to come home as a full fledge doctor. I wanted you to be proud of me. I don’t want you to think that I came back here just because of Emily’s need. She just made the trip needed sooner, but I was always going to come home”

“Honey,” Nancy said cradling Liz’s face within her hands “We don’t care why you came back, we’re just happy you are here and hope that we can help Emily.”
Liz hugged her Mom and then turned to say good-bye to her father.

“Wait!” Jeff said grabbing his jacket off the coat rack “I’ll drive you. I don’t want you walking around town at this hour”

“Daddy, I’m used to this. Sometimes my rotation at the hospital ends at 3 am and I walk to the train station on my own all the time.” Liz said

“That’s in Boston where Alex takes care of you. Here in Roswell you’re not walking alone at this hour at night. You’re on my watch,” He said thinking that he would have to talk to Alex about letting Liz walk around the city alone!

Liz smiled at her father and shaking her head, brought her mom into another embrace.

“Thank you Mom. I love you” Liz whispered into her hair

Nancy held her daughter to her chest in a tight hug. Kissing her hair, she said “I love you too baby”

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Post by starlady »

~ Chapter 9 ~

Liz walked into the Crashdown the next morning at around 9:30. Alex dropped her off on his way to his parents house and now she stood between Emily and Josh taking her first look in ten years, of the restaurant that had been such a large part of her life.
Emily looked at the murals that adorned the walls and Josh smirked at the antennas the waitress wore.

“Aunt Liz, Did you have to wear the antennas too?”

Liz looked at the young waitress that was taking an order at a nearby booth and smiled as she recalled the many times her father found the antennas stuffed in her apron.

“Most of the time “ Liz responded

“Mommy, Please tell grandpa that this alien theme is just not very cool”

“Why don’t you tell him yourself since he’s right over there” Liz said as she bent down to her daughters eye level and pointed to the man that stood stoic at the entrance to the back room.

Emily looked up at the man and immediately recognized him from the many photos her mother kept of her youth in Roswell. It was a grandfather that she never met but one she knew very well from the stories Liz would tell her. “Grandpa!” she yelled running into the arms of her grandfather, a 100-watt smile plastered on both their faces.

Liz took in the scene and felt herself choke up.

“Don’t get hormonal on me, Aunt Liz”

Liz looked to her side with a scowl. “Josh, where did you hear that term? What do you know about hormones?”

“Oh Please! I live in a house with three women. I know all about hormones. Uncle Lala explained them to me years ago! He thought it best I know about it so I could stay safe during certain times of the month.”

“Well, maybe I should have a talk with UNCLE LALA!” Liz said pushing Josh in front of her to approach her father.

“Hey, don’t kill the messenger”

“Hi Daddy” Liz said walking up to her father and ignoring Josh’s last comment. She would definitely have to talk to Alex about appropriate conversations to have with an 11 year old.

“Hey sweetie” Jeff said still coming to terms that his daughter stood in front of him and he was holding his grandchild in his arms. He looked at the little girl in his arms and was in awe of how much she looked like Liz as a child. She was petite for a 9 year old but he assumed it had to do with her health, as was the way her skin was so pale you could see the tiny veins that carried the malfunctioning blood through her body. Her nose was a little button just like her mom’s while her hair was a chocolate waterfall reaching mid way down her back. The smile that graced her face was not inherited from the Parkers; her lips were full and her smile wide. Her eyes were just another trait that screamed, ‘I am an Evans’.

Jeff moved his eyes from his granddaughter and looked at the young boy that stood beside his daughter.
“You must be Joshua,” He said. The boy reached Liz’s shoulder. He wore his hair short but the ends stood in all sorts of angles. He wore a pair of carpenter jeans and a charcoal color t-shirt that had a blond character with the words Dragon Ball Z plastered in front of it.

“Yup. That’s me” Josh responded with a small nod.

“Well, It’s a pleasure to meet you” Jeff said patting Josh’s shoulder. “Come on up stairs, Nancy has been waiting for you since 6 this morning” He said holding the door to the back room open so Liz and Josh could pass “You know how she gets” He continued as he rolled his eyes.

Liz chuckled knowing that her mother probably didn’t sleep last night in anticipation of meeting her grandchild.

They all headed upstairs where they sat down to get to know each other and have breakfast.

An hour later the kids were fidgeting and looking for other things to do.

“Emily, Josh why don’t you go downstairs and have Jenny make you an alien smoothie? Grandma is going to take you sight seeing in a bit, while your mom visits a friend.” Jeff told the kids noticing they were getting bored.

“Cool! Can we mom?”

“Sure, I’ll be down in a bit”

Emily walked through the backdoor of the restaurant and found a booth to sit in. Josh sat across her and pulled out the menu from the little stand that held it up.

“Check this out, Em. All the food have alien related names,” He said showing Emily the funny names.
Emily giggled thinking it was so goofy to order Men in Blackberry pie.

Just then the bell on the door rung and Emily reflexively looked up to see who was entering. Her breath caught in her throat and she slapped Josh’s hand.

“Ow! Stop it! What’s up with you?” He said looking at his friend who had not taken her eyes off the person who just walked in.

“It’s her, it’s her…” she said before bounding out of the booth toward the woman that had walked into the restaurant.

“Who?” Josh asked following his friend with his eyes. He knew exactly who it was as soon as he laid eyes on the blonde that entered.

“I know you!” Emily blurted out as she stood in front of her namesake.

“You do?” Maria said looking down at the little girl blocking her way to the backroom.

“You’re Aunt Maria! I’m named after you! You use to have short hair!” Emily babbled, “You talked a lot and were very violent”

Maria stared at the girl in front of her and crinkled her brow wondering who was this girl that seemed to know a lot about her. “What do you mean I was violent?”

“Yeah, you used to want to beat people up.”

Maria laughed thinking that she still did, sometimes. “Well, little lady, you seem to know all about me. I think it’s only fair I get a name to go with your beautiful face”

“Mommy named me after you! She said you were her best friend! My name is Emily Marie! Although everyone calls me Em.” Emily continued, “You are taller than you looked in the pictures. Mom used to tell us stories about you and her. She said you were going to be a rock star!”

At this point Maria was intrigued by the little firecracker who’s mouth seemed to be moving faster than she could catch up with. She bent down to really look at the girl that stood before her. She looked at her face carefully trying to think of whom this child belonged to. She’d recognized those eyes anywhere but she knew the angel before her, was not Max’s! She moved her hand and touched the girl’s long dark hair, letting it slip through her fingers. It couldn’t be, she thought.

Before another thought crossed her mind, Maria was being dragged to the booth that Emily had been sitting in.

“Aunt Maria, this is MY best friend, Josh”

Maria tore her eyes away from the petite child to look at the boy that sat in the booth.

“So you’re really her?” Josh said with a little awe in his voice.

“I guess so…” She responded still not sure that what she thought was possible.

“Is it true you wore a water bra to school once?” Josh asked intrigued by the woman that had been subject of so many tales.

Maria froze at the reference. Only three people knew about the aqua bra incident and two of them had been missing from her life for ten years. Feeling her legs about to give in under her, she sat in the booth across from Josh.

Grabbing Emily’s hand to draw her attention, Maria asked, “Who are you kids?”

“I told you, I’m Emily and this is my best friend Josh” Emily stated, a confused look marring her features

“No, No. Who are you? Who is your mother?” Maria responded trying to clarify the question.

“My Mom’s your best friend” Emily restated furrowing her brows

“But who is…” Maria started to ask before she heard Josh yell to someone over her shoulder

“Aunt Liz! Look who we found!”

Maria’s gripped tightened on Emily’s hands. Had she heard this boy right? Maria thought. Slowly turning around in the booth she confirmed her suspicions. There in front of her, just as shocked as she was, stood Liz Parker.

Maria felt Emily wiggle her hands free from her grip and run towards Liz.

“Mommy! Look, it’s Aunt Maria! She looks just like the pictures but her hair is longer.” Emily said pulling Liz to the booth they had been sitting in. “You need to speak loud. I think she has problems with her hearing” She commented quietly hoping only her mother would hear.

At the comment, Maria’s eyes dropped from Liz to look at the child that stood in front of her “Why would you say such a thing?” She asked shocked.

“It’s okay, we all have our disabilities; it’s nothing to be ashamed of.” Emily said

“I can hear just fine!” Maria argued

“But you kept asking the same questions!” Emily stated

“It’s true, I heard her ask us the same question three times!” Josh chimed in.

“It’s a matter of interpretation! You just didn’t understand what I was asking” Maria retorted

Emily and Josh looked at each other and then looked up at Liz who was still standing next to the booth with her mouth open. Returning their focus to Maria, Emily said, “Okay”

“Uncle Lala told us that when we met you, we should never get into an argument with you.” Josh said matter of factly.

“WHAT!? Who’s Uncle Lala? And why would he say something like that?” Maria asked unnerved by the calmness in which Josh had delivered that statement.

Liz snapped out of it with Maria’s words and quickly realized this conversation was going down the wrong path. “Okay guys. It’s great you met Aunt Maria! Now I need to talk to her, so why don’t you both go upstairs to see what’s holding up grandma?”

“But we didn’t get our smoothies yet.” Josh whined.

“Josh, You’ll get it later” Liz responded begging for him not to argue, begging for him to realize she needed to talk privately with Maria.

“Let’s go Em” He said nodding at her while pushing out of the booth and pulling Emily toward the backroom.

Emily was almost at the door before she turned around and ran to the booth throwing her arms around Maria’s neck. “I’m so happy I finally met you. Mommy and Uncle Lala missed you so much, I knew you had to be special, even if you are hard of hearing” kissing her cheek Emily released Maria and ran through the back doors up to her grandparents house.

Maria sat in the booth staring at the backdoors trying to get a grasp of what had just transpired. Did a child just get the upper hand in an argument with her? She was brought out of her reverie by a voice from her past.

“She carries more of you than just your name…” Liz said, hesitantly sitting in the booth across from Maria.

“When did you get back?” Maria asked turning to face Liz. Her tone was unreadable.

“Yesterday afternoon” Liz responded quietly, “I was actually headed over to your house”

“Why?” This time her tone was unmistakable. She was upset.

“I wanted to see you. Talk to you; Talk to you about everything. Try to explain…” Liz said flustered by the harshness in Maria’s voice

“Why?” Her tone unwavering

“I left without telling you… I… I wanted you to know why”

“I just met why, didn’t I?” Maria said, her eyebrows raised as if daring Liz to deny it

“In a sense, yes.”

“She’s Zan’s isn’t she?”

“Yes” Liz responded feeling Maria’s recriminating look upon her.

“God, Liz! Why? Why did you do it?” Maria finally blurted out

“I was afraid.” Liz said hoping her old friend would understand.

“Of what?”

“Of losing my parents respect,” Liz answered laying her hands flat on the table in front of her as she raised her eyes to look at her friend “I got knocked up by my boyfriend, someone I didn’t even love. I was afraid people would never look at me the same. I couldn’t live like that. I needed to get away, prove myself, not just for them but for me.”

“When you say them, you mean Max, don’t you?”

“Maria…” Liz said, a pleading look in her eyes.

“Did you even think about me?” Maria snapped in anger

“Yes, that’s why I didn’t tell you” Liz responded quietly lowering her eyes to her hands.


“I knew you would never let me go alone, you’ve always been so stubborn,” Liz said looking at her friend under hooded eyes. Maria’s face stayed solemn. “You would have insisted on going with me and I couldn’t let you do it”

“I would have wanted to go. God Liz! How could you just walk away? You were like my sister! Don’t you get it? It was my choice to make.” Maria said softly trying to make Liz understand how much she had hurt her.

“I did what I thought was best” Liz said

“You always did that! Making decisions that weren’t yours to make! For someone that was prized for her good judgment you sure screwed up a lot! You always rushed into things just to regret them later!” Maria bit out

“No, Maria. I don’t regret leaving you behind!” Liz said emphatically “I missed you, God I missed you! But when I see your life… I don’t regret leaving you behind”

Maria looked agape at Liz. Hurt shadowing her features once again. “How can you say that? You don’t know ANYTHING about my life!”

“I know you went to college, completed your degree. Got a great job, met a man you could love and would love you back. Got married and by the looks of things will be adding a new member to your family” Liz said pointing at the small belly that protruded from Maria’s body. “You think you would have any of that if you followed me?” Liz asked, the tears that had threatened to fall, finally flowing freely “No, you wouldn’t”

“You don’t know that! We could have done it together!” Maria replied, pleading for Liz to acknowledge her statement as true while tears streamed down her face.

“Yes, I do know!” Liz said grabbing Maria’s hand as if to have her look at her. “Maria, I’m a single mother that juggled a schedule of full time classes and a part time job to make ends meet. I dragged down anyone that offered to help because I couldn’t do it alone. As much as I wanted to think I could, I couldn’t”

“It was your choice! I could have been there for you” Maria sobbed trying to pull her hands from Liz’s grasp, but Liz held tight as she continued.

“I regret many things in my life but dragging you down the road I have walked will never be one of them. I didn’t want that for you. You’re right. It was my choice, my choice to go that night to Zan, my choice to have my baby. My choices were what led me to that crossroad. You didn’t have to pay for choices I made. I bless the day I made the choice of leaving you behind. It was the only right thing I did.
Maria, I was a fool. I was a fool to think I could do this alone. I had no idea how hard it would be. If it hadn’t been for Alex I don’t know where I would be today.” Liz sobbed

“Alex?” Maria questioned still trying to absorb half of the things Liz was saying

“Uncle Lala.” Liz said clarifying the kid’s term of endearment for their friend “Alex found me about six months after I arrived in Boston. I was at a local restaurant waitressing. 8 months pregnant, a dwindling college fund and grades that were scraping bottom. I was headed nowhere fast. He saved me, and I let him. I was such a coward; I grabbed on to him and let him sacrifice everything for Emily and me. He almost lost his own scholarship because of me. He held me up when I thought I couldn’t do it anymore. He’s still doing it and after all these years, I still let him. Do you know he’s here?” Liz asked raising her red and puffy eyes to her friend before continuing, “He rearranged his life to make sure he could be here. Maria, I didn’t want that for him. Even though at the moment, I had no idea how bad it could get, I didn’t want that for you either. One thing I did know at that moment was that I would have never been able to say no if you insisted on going. So I left without telling you. I swore Alex to secrecy. He knew why and respected my choice. I think deep down he didn’t want to drag you down that road either.”

“Liz…” Maria choked out. Hearing her friend talk, she couldn’t even imagine what she had gone through. Maria thought of her life in Roswell, surrounded by friends and family. She understood that an act of chivalry had been made… by Liz and subsequently by Alex as well. Maria squeezed Liz’s hand “I wish I would have known, I just wish I…”

“Maria, believe me. I am so sorry I hurt you. I thought about you all the time, and I’m so happy your life turned out so well.”

Maria smiled at Liz recalling her earlier conversation with Emily and Josh. She obviously had remembered their friendship. She had cherished it enough to have her child raised on stories about their adventures together. “Well, if you call being married to Michael Guerin a good thing. And obviously, I’m losing my hearing as well!” Maria said referring to Emily’s comments; her own hurt feelings taking a back seat to the emotional turmoil Liz had lived.

Liz smiled wiping the tears from her face with her hand. “You know she didn’t mean it.”

“Oh she meant it! You didn’t hear what she told me before she left!”

Liz looked at Maria and turned serious, “I’m sorry, Maria. I really am.”

Maria looked at her friend and knew this was it, “Liz, there is obviously a lot I don’t know about the ten years you lived away from us, years that based on what I heard up to now where not a walk in park, but I need you to promise me something right now. I need you to promise me something before I let go of ten years of hurt.” She said pulling a strand of hair out of her friends face “Promise me there will be no more running away. Promise me you will share the load with me from now on. Alex obviously needs a breather and I’m here now. Promise me you will let me do this.”

Liz’s eyes filled with tears once again as she nodded “I promise”

Maria smiled between her own tears and said “At least you chose good judgment when you named your daughter! I can’t believe you told her about the aqua bra!”

“I didn’t! I swear! Alex told her.” Liz laughed, realizing this was going to be okay.

Maria laughed before she continued with a more serious tone “When are you going to tell The Evans?”

Liz sat back and sighed knowing exactly what Maria was referring to. “I…”

“Oh My God!” Maria shouted, “What time is it?”

“About 11.” Liz answered looking at the frenzy her friend was in.

“Oh My God!” She reiterated just as the bell on the front door of the restaurant ran and giggles filled the air. Grabbing Liz’s hand in a vice grip she looked at her friend with sorrow in her eyes, ”I’m so sorry, Liz”

Liz turned around to see who had just entered that might have caused such a reaction in her friend and came face to face with her worst nightmare.

“Max…” she whispered.

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Post by starlady »

~ Chapter 10 ~

Max looked breathtaking. He stood at the entrance of the restaurant his arms stretched out over his head holding what Liz believed to be two small ankles which seemed attached to a little boy that dangled upside down across his back. The way his arms stretched over his head gave Liz a pretty good view of the muscles in his triceps. He wore a dark blue t-shirt that had rode up with the extension of his arms, giving Liz a clear view of just how low his jeans hung, they were barely hanging on to his hips; it also gave her a glimpse of the abdominal muscles that were hidden under his shirt.

Liz’s eyes drank in the sight that was Max Evans. She never thought he could get more handsome, that was, until she saw him today. His skin seemed more bronze and his face had a rugged texture, which made her realize that the boy she had left behind was standing in front of her as man. Liz took in the rest of the scene before her. There next to Max stood a young woman, a little taller than Liz. She had red hair that, given her tone of skin and the freckles adorning her face, could be deemed natural in color. She was thin and seemed to have a nice body to go with her glowing features. Pearly whites showed through her smile as she looked between Liz, Maria and Max, hoping she would be introduced. Liz looked at the stroller she pushed in front of her and then at the giggling boy still dangling from his feet in Max’s arms and surmised that this was definitely her worst nightmare come true. There in front of her was the portrait of a perfect family. The one Liz had dreaded to find and yet knew she would.

“Liz?” Max said still frozen in place, the small toddler banging small fists into his back forgotten.

“Max…” Liz said, trying to swallow the lump that had become lodged in her throat. The thought of Max with a family of his own, tearing at her guts. She knew she was being selfish. They had never even been together in that way. He had never known about her feelings for him. She left him behind, never even trying to establish a relationship. She blinked back the tears forming in her eyes.

Maria crossed over to Max breaking the moment that she knew could last forever. “Max you want to let Sammy down before all his blood rushes to his head?”

Max looked at Maria as if she had grown another head. “What?”

Maria pointed to Max’s back “Sammy?”

Breaking out of his trance, Max pulled the toddler over his shoulders to hold him upright. “Sorry” he said returning his gaze to Liz.

“Do you want to give him to me?” Maria asked holding out her arms to receive the boy.

“Oh, yeah. Here” He said still keeping his eyes fixated on Liz, as if she would disappear if he looked away. “When did you return?” he asked Liz as he handed the toddler over to Maria.

“Yesterday afternoon” Liz replied trying to keep her nerves in check. She needed to be strong and accept the fact that Max had made a life for himself. She needed to be happy for him. Happy that he had met someone he could love. She smiled to herself thinking that Max must be a wonderful father.

“How did this morning go?” Maria asked looking between Max and the young lady that stood just a foot behind him.

When Max failed to answer, the woman responded “He was great, Maria. A real trooper. You should have seen him! Max made all these funny faces to distract him but in the end, he sat real still all on his own. I hope it’s not too short” She said passing her hand over Sammy’s head.

Maria examined the child’s haircut and said, “It looks really good”

Maria looked at Max who still stood mesmerized by Liz and gave him a kick in the shins.

“Ow!” Max said bending down to rub the now sore spot.

“Stop staring!” She whispered into his ear as he bent down. “Some introductions would be appropriate, don’t you think, Max?” Looking at the woman that stood next to him and then at Liz.

“Oh. OH! I’m sorry! Sarah, this is Liz Parker. Liz, this is Sarah Andrews.” Max blurted out his face tinged with a slight pink color.

“And this, is my main man Samuel Robert Guerin” Maria said proudly, hefting the toddler higher in her arms.

Liz extended her hand out to Sarah before she processed the name order. It dawned on her as she stepped back. Sarah Andrews…. Not Sarah Evans. Samuel Robert Guerin…. Not Samuel Robert Evans. This was not Max’s family! She felt dizzy at the realization and took another step back to hold onto the booth.

“Are you okay?” Max asked taking a step forward, extending his hand in case she needed further support.

Liz nodded “I’m fine. I’m sorry”

Max stood firmly in his new spot, close enough to Liz to extend his arm and touch her. He just stood there, consuming her with his eyes. Her hair was so much longer; her skin covered her features in a taut stretch yet it looked silken soft. He had to hold himself from bringing his hand to her face and touch it, just to verify its texture. Her body frame was the same but there was strength in her posture, one that wasn’t there 10 years ago. Even as he noticed her sway a few minutes ago, the lapse was momentary and here stood a strong woman before him. He felt like he was 18 years old again as he stared at her. All his insecurities flaring to life. Feelings he had thought he had long buried came flushing forward teasing him into insanity.

“When are you leaving?” he asked, kicking himself as soon as the statement escaped his lips. She just got here and he was already asking when she was leaving.

Liz felt a little hurt by his question. She wondered if he already was wishing her away. “I’ll be here for the summer, at least” she finally answered lowering her eyes to escape his penetrating stare.

“That’s great!” He said elated that she was staying in town that long. He had so many questions to ask her. So many blanks to fill, but before he could formulate any other statement he felt someone pulling at his t-shirt. Looking behind him he saw Sarah who was pointing at her watch. He crinkled his brow and shook his head as if asking her what she wanted.

“Meeting…. One O’clock… The Hardy’s” She said as if this was not something he should have forgotten.

“Oh! Yeah!” He turned back to look at Liz. “I’m so sorry Liz, I would give anything to talk to you more but I have an appointment at one” He said with such regret, Liz knew he was being sincere. He really would have wanted to stay.

“With the Hardy’s” She smiled and Max took in a sharp breath, losing himself in her once again.

Maria stood with the squirming toddler in her arms, shaking her head at the scene. Some things just never change, she thought.

Max felt himself being pulled backwards by his shirt and faltered in his step. Looking over his shoulder he saw Sarah again, nodding towards the door. “Are you staying with your parents?” He said realizing his time was limited.

“No, I rented a place at the edge of town” Liz told a retreating Max.

“Oh…” Max said trying to formulate a quick plan to see her again but none would come up! He wanted to kick himself. Ten years he had waited for this moment and he was walking away without a plan! ‘Damn it!’ he thought. “Will I see you again?” He finally said giving up on a plan and hoping she would take pity on him.

Liz was slapped back to the reality of her situation by Max’s question. Of course he would see her again. She had to talk to him and his family about Emily, which was the reason she was in Roswell in the first place. “YES!” She said braking out of her thoughts. She stepped forward, following Max who was now being dragged out the restaurant and down the street. “I need to talk to you! I need to talk to your family as well! Are your parents home this evening?” She yelled as she saw Max slapping the hand that was pulling at him by his shirt and walk two steps in her direction.

“Max! We’re going to be late!” Sarah called out

“Can I have a freakin’ minute!” Max snapped at her before turning to Liz who had closed the distance between them and now stood in front of him. “Sorry” He said apologizing for his outburst. “They’ll be home tonight. They asked me to come for dinner around 7, so I know for a fact they’ll be there. Would you like to join us? Mom would love to see you” He said discreetly crossing his fingers.

“I don’t think I can join you for dinner…” Liz said, Max’s shoulders slumping just a bit at her statement. “but I can drop by after dinner. Is 8:30 good?”

“Yes!” He said elated, A plan! He came up with a plan! Actually, Liz came up with the plan but he had a good follow through, he thought. “8:30 sounds great!”

“Wonderful! So I’ll see you then” Liz said

“Yes! I’ll see you then,” Max said stepping back towards the car.

Liz smiled and Max turned to get into the car, his mind wrapping itself around the fact that he was going to spend time with Liz this evening. Liz Parker was back!

“Nice meeting you, Liz!” Sarah shouted from the driver’s side of the car, waving at her.

Liz smiled at her and waved good-bye.

Maria walked up next to Liz who was watching the car drive away. “I’m sorry I didn’t give you more notice. I forgot all about meeting them. Not that it really mattered… You two are just as pathetic as you were ten years ago!”

“Who is she?” Liz asked knowing that Maria would know exactly who she was talking about.

“Wow! It took you all of 5 seconds to ask” Maria said smirking at Liz.

Liz rolled her eyes as she turned to face her friend. “Maria…” She said in a warning tone.

“Sensitive are we?” Maria laughed “She’s a paralegal at the Evan’s law firm. Max and her dated a few years back but they broke it off after about 6 months” Maria said wistfully “It was the longest relationship Max has had since you left. We thought for sure she was it, and then, all of a sudden they broke it off. She’s a good kid. I think she still has feelings for Max but she’s accepted that it will never go anywhere.”

Liz looked down the street where Max’s car had disappeared. “I’m going to his house this evening, I’m telling them about Emily. It’s sooner than I hoped for, but I think it’s best I tell them before Max runs into Em. It’s not like we can deny she’s an Evans”

“It’ll be okay.” Maria reassured her.

“I hope so,” Liz said wrapping her arm around her friend and walking toward the restaurant

~ Chapter 11 ~

At 8:30 that evening, Liz stood in front of the Evan’s residence. She had not stood at this door since the day Max had lashed out at her. The memories of that day played vividly in her mind as she stood there staring at the door. She felt her fingers twitching at her side, willing themselves to reach out and knock, but she kept remembering how the door had opened that day. She remembered the words Max had yelled and she had to admit that after 10 years they still burned. She shook her hands out and gave herself a mental slap. ‘That was ten years ago, for God’s sake! Everything’s fine, Max INVITED you over!’ she thought to herself as she brought her hand up to knock at the door. As if reliving a nightmare, Liz saw the door swing open. Instinctively, Liz stepped back and coward behind her raised arms.

“Liz?” She heard Max say before peaking a look in his direction. Lowering her arms, she regained her original posture and tried to pretend nothing happened.

“Max! Hi… Um… I hope I’m not early,” She stuttered out nervously.

“No, Not at all. I saw you at the door, so I opened it. I’m sorry if I startled you.” Max said, berating himself. He too recalled, in vivid detail, the last time Liz stood at his parents doorstep. Based on her reaction to him, the hope that the incident might have been buried over the years, was quickly replaced by the realization that it had not.

He was a fool to think things would go smoothly for them. He had hoped that tonight would be the first step of mending his friendship with Liz. He didn’t want to throw away another minute. Ten years she had been missing from his life. From the lives of everyone that loved her.

He had gone to see her after graduation just to find out that he had missed her by about 15 minutes. He thought for sure she would be back later. That evening Maria called him to rant about how Liz had left for Boston without saying goodbye. He had been to the Crashdown everyday the first three months, waiting to hear any news from her. At first he thought her parents were keeping things from him, but as the months passed with out news from Liz, he noticed how her parents had been just as affected by her disappearance as he was. The visits to the Crashdown had become more infrequent but he still went three times a week for the first two years. As the years went by, he had, slowly, tried to put his life together. He was a successful lawyer that just made partnership; he had a loving family, a great group of friends and was emotionally dysfunctional, as Maria often told him.

This morning was the first time in ten years he had felt any elation. The first time in ten years he had any hopes. The first time in ten years he had looked forward to something, anything! And now, as he stood looking at Liz, he realized that he was a fool to have hoped he could join the emotionally functional so soon. He had no idea what she had been through. What had she done with her life? Was she married? A quick look at her ring finger told him she wasn’t, ‘She must have a boyfriend. She’s so beautiful, she has to have hundreds of men after her’ Max thought. He knew he had to take things really slow. Heck he was just happy to be in her presence and if all she could offer him was friendship, then he would grab it with both hands.

“Max?” Max heard Liz say.

“Hm?” Max replied coming out of his thoughts.

“You spaced out there for a minute” she said with a soft smile. “Can I come in?”

“Oh! God! Yes! I’m so sorry!” He said completely embarrassed as he opened the door and step out of the entrance.

“Is that Liz, Honey?” They heard Diane ask from within the house.

“Yes, Mom” Max responded closing the door, turning to Liz he said “We’re in the living room” pointing in the general direction she should go.

Walking in to the living room, Liz saw Diane and Phillip both get up. Diane walked up to her and pulled her into a quick hug as Phillip stood back, gracing her with a smile.

“It’s so great to see you again, Liz” Diane said holding her at arms length seeming to inspect her. “You haven’t changed a bit! You’re thinner than you should be but just as beautiful as always.”

“Mom!” Max said embarrassed that his mother felt the need to voice all her thoughts.

“Nice to see you again Liz” Phillip said as he chuckled at his wife. “Come in and sit down”

Liz moved and sat in an overstuffed armchair that was beside the fireplace, facing the sofa that Diane and Phillip moved to occupy. Max sat on the armrest of the loveseat that was next to the sofa. Liz felt her mouth go dry and she started fidgeting with the ring that she wore on her thumb.

“Would you like something to drink?” Max asked, as if reading her mind.

“Water would be fine” Liz said

A few moments later Max returned, placing a coaster on the coffee table in front of her and handing Liz a glass of water. “Thanks” she said.

Max had no idea what was going on but it was obvious Liz was nervous. Her eyes would settle anywhere but on the people that occupied the room, the way she kept rotating the ring on her thumb was getting him dizzy and for someone that said she wanted to talk, she sure was letting silence fill the room rather quickly.

“So Liz… What have you been up to?” Phillip finally asked noticing that the silence was beginning to get unnerving.

Max wanted to kiss his father at that moment. Finally the silence was broken and with just the right question to fill them in on where she had been up until now. Max leaned in a bit as he listened intently, as Liz told them of living in Boston, about her years at school, about how wonderful living in New England could be, with beautiful Fall foliage and very white winters. Pleasantries were exchanged and Liz was told how Max had become a lawyer, practicing family law at his father’s firm. Phillip boasted proudly over his son becoming a partner recently, having earned his partnership on his own merits.

Max was embarrassed by the praises his parents bestowed upon him but he let them ramble on. He was too caught up observing Liz. She had painted a pretty picture of her life but he knew there was something else she was leaving out. He could feel it in the air. She seemed more relaxed to the average observer but the twirling of her ring was a dead give away that she was still on the edge. And if he was still in doubt, the way she would occasionally bite her lower lip confirmed his suspicions. He had tried to dismiss it at first. Maybe he was reading too much into this. He hadn’t seen Liz in so long, it was arrogant of him to think he could still read her so well. Yet every move she made convinced him he was right. Liz had spoken about her life outside of Roswell but had not mentioned why she had cut off all ties with those here. Maria had persuaded him that it wasn’t his fault. She said that it was mighty self-centered of him to even think that Liz based her decisions on what he did or didn’t do. That Liz’s world didn’t revolve around him. He realized she would not forsake everyone she loved for him, he was just not that important to her.

Max came out of his thoughts as he realized silence had settled in the room once again. He was just about to break it when Liz spoke.

“You must be wondering why I wanted to talk to you.” Liz said, finally looking at Max before looking at Diane and Phillip. Liz tried to fill in time, tried to avoid this part of the evening but in the end, she knew she had come here with a purpose.

“I thought you were visiting all your friends” Diane said looking at Max wondering if he knew there was more to this visit than just catching up on old times.

“Yes, but my visit here is more important” Liz clarified.

‘Here it is’ Max thought. He noticed how Liz sat upright in the chair and held her hands steady. There was the strong woman he observed this morning. Hundreds of scenarios played through his mind but none were even close to what Liz said next.

“I have a daughter” Liz said firmly

Diane looked around to her husband and son who were staring at Liz wide mouthed, silent She turned and looked at Liz utterly confused as to why she was telling them this. “Th… That’s wonderful dear,” she finally said with a questioning look on her face.

Liz sat a little higher in her seat and steeled herself before she continued, “She’s Zan’s daughter”

‘And there it was!’ Max thought, letting himself fall into the seat, needing more support than what the armrest offered. He sat there staring out into the room trying to process what Liz had just said, trying to make the connections on how this had all played out, ten years ago.

Phillip was the first to break the silence. “Are you sure she’s Zan’s?”

Liz took no offense in the question. She knew they would ask. “Yes, he was the only one”

Max lowered his head into his hands, burrowing his fingers into his hair. ‘No he wasn’t’, he thought. He was a fool not to tell Liz about that night, but after Zan’s death he had been lost to all rational thought. After pulling himself out of his grief-induced haze, he had convinced himself that telling her would serve no purpose. Liz probably had many nights with Zan to remember him by. That night was Max’s and even after all these years he cherished the moment she laid beneath him moaning in pleasure, the feel of her soft skin against him, her mouth covering him with kisses. At this moment, though, he knew it had been wrong to keep it from her. ‘God, she was pregnant!’ Max thought.

This was the reason she left. This was why she ran way from everyone she loved. He felt tears brim his eyes ‘It was my fault after all’ he told himself. He yelled at her, told her not to come back, showed no regard for her. She was pregnant with his brother’s child and he told her she wasn’t welcome in his house! She couldn’t tell his parents because he had closed his house off to her. Her own parents not only lost their daughter, but also their grandchild because he was such a fucking prick!

Max closed his fist in his hair pulling at it tightly. He felt like he couldn’t breath, as the sob he held in threatened to choke him.

Liz looked at Max and felt her heart break. He couldn’t even look at her. She thought that he must see her as a terrible monster that stole his niece away from him, his parent’s grandchild. He must think she was an idiot for getting pregnant in the first place! She felt her will falter but she breathed deeply as she thought of Emily. Over the years she knew this would be the hardest part when returning to Roswell. But to return under these circumstances and ask them to help her save the child she had denied them, was beyond her imagination.

Liz picked up her knapsack and opening it, pulled out a small picture of her daughter. She placed it on the coffee table and pushed it in front of Diane and Phillip. “Her name is Emily Marie” she said “She doesn’t know much about her paternity, but she knows her father lived in Roswell, I guess she hasn’t reached the inquisitive age.”

“Why tell us now, after ten years?” Phillip asked sensing there was more.

Liz looked once again at Max. He had not moved from where he sat, not raised his head, not uttered a word and Liz felt her hand tremble at having to tell them about Emily’s illness. She wanted them to know Emily first. Meet her; see her as the wonderful little girl she was.

“I always planned on returning home, but I had goals to achieve and personal reasons to stay way until now.” Liz said hoping to move this conversation onto a better footing.

At that statement Max raised his head and looked at Liz. The movement caught her eye and she looked at him. Liz saw such raw pain in his eyes, her breath caught in her throat. At this point she knew she couldn’t continue. She knew she had to leave; there would be another opportunity to talk. She would let them absorb what she told them. Chancing another look at Max she noticed he had tears in his eyes.

Closing her bag, Liz stood up. Phillip did as well, while Diane just followed Liz’s movements from where she sat, cradling the small photo in her hands.

“Personal Reasons? What personal reasons do you have to keep her away from us?” Phillip said, anger filling each word he let out.

“I just wanted you to know her” Liz said as she moved out of the living room.

“Now? Why couldn’t we know her all her life?” Phillip continued as he followed Liz.

“Dad!” Max said finally noticing the situation was escalating out of control.

At this point Diane was crying and Liz was halfway down the hall.

“Phillip, please…” Diane sobbed

“NO! I want to know why we have been denied our right to see our own granddaughter; and now all of a sudden we are being welcomed into her life!” Phillip yelled

At this statement, Liz turned around to face Phillip.

“Your right? Your right?!” she asked, catching Phillip off guard. Taking a step toward him she continued “You wouldn’t even know about her if I hadn’t just told you. And about your RIGHTS, you’ve enjoyed the same rights my parents have. For ten years my parents had no clue if I was alive or dead in an alley someplace. That’s something I have to live with everyday of my life, to have made them suffer like that... It’s to THEM I owe the explanation, it’s in THEIR eyes I need to redeem myself, not in yours!” Liz took a breath and continued more calmly “I have a daughter which your son fathered. I want her to know where she came from, know her family. She deserves the love and affection of her grandparents for as long as she can have it” Choking back tears Liz said, “There is more to Emily than you think. More that I can’t say right now” Letting the tears fall, she looked at Phillip and Diane with pleading eyes “I… I need you to love her” she said as she turned and walked out the house, leaving a very confused Diane and Phillip.

“LIZ!” Max yelled, desperately running after her.

He caught up to her as she got into the SUV. “I’ve got to go, Max” She said trying to avoid looking at him.

“Please, Liz, don’t go like this, they’re shocked, that’s all. Please, Liz…” He implored.

She finally looked at him as she turned on the car “What about you, Max? Aren’t you shocked? Little Lizzie Parker got knocked up by her boyfriend and left, leaving everyone behind”

“I know why you did it” Max replied, as he held onto the car door while she pulled out of the driveway.

Liz paused a minute, looking at Max. After all these years there were still so many secrets between them. Bringing her hand to his face she traced his features softly. So beautiful. She laid her hand on his cheek and sobbed softly as she said, “You have no idea”. At that, she turned in her seat and drove away.

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Post by starlady »

~ Chapter 12 ~

Liz felt her feet hit the pavement at the same rate her heart beat in her chest. She looked to her side and found Josh easily following in step. Liz had never really enjoyed running when she was growing up but now it was like therapy. It had started as just that. The doctors urged Josh to get more exercise in hopes to give him more control of the prosthesis he was fitted for, so Liz had suggested he walk in the mornings before school. Serena had started off every other day with a short stroll but soon Josh needed more and so Liz had picked up on the other days. After a few months Josh was dragging everyone on power walks. Serena discussed the extreme exercise with his doctors and they had been elated, quickly encouraging Josh to go as far as he felt comfortable with. That week the walk turned into a jog and a few weeks later it turned into a full out run. Liz enjoyed the exercise so much she had taken full duty of accompanying Josh every morning.

Today was especially therapeutic. She felt as if with every step taken, she left behind a little more of last night’s confrontation. The day was bright and beautiful; holding the promise of better things to come.

“I hope you know where we’re going” Josh said. Being new to Roswell he had no idea which way to go and found himself following Liz’s step, which was not usually the norm.

“Josh, I lived here all my life. We’re turning left at the next corner so we can run on the outskirts of town. We can then head over to the Crashdown. I told Alex to meet us there with Emily in about 40 minutes” Liz responded giving josh a sense of control, which she knew he needed.

“We’re gonna eat?” Josh asked hopefully

“I thought we could have breakfast there”

“Excellent! I’m starving!” Josh said, picking up the pace a bit.

“You ate close to a whole pizza last night!” Liz said incredulously as they approached the corner.

“I need my energy, I’m a growing boy!” Josh said as he flexed a barely there bicep.
Liz laughed as she grabbed the end of Josh’s cap and pulled it over his eyes.

Josh stepped out of Liz’s reach before he pulled up his cap, just in time to see what was about to happen.
“Watch out!” He yelled, causing Liz to turn to see what had frightened him.

It was then that she felt herself slam into a wall. The impact was so strong, Liz felt herself fly back at least two feet before hitting the ground with a thud.

“Oh shit!” she heard someone say. Bringing her hand up to her chest, she tried to regain the breath that had been knocked out of her. The movement caused her to wince in pain.

“Are you alright?”

“Didn’t you see us?” Josh told the stranger as he tried to push him aside to help Liz.

“I just turned the corner and there you were, God I’m so sorry ,Liz”

When Liz finally was able to process the conversation she realized the wall she had careened into had a name. “We really have to stop bumping into each other like this, Max. I don’t think my body can endure another encounter” Liz said as she grabbed both Josh and Max’s hand as she stood up.

“Uncle Max?” Josh asked eyeing the man that was trying to help Liz regain her balance.

Max turned to look at the boy that was with Liz and wondered who he was and why was he calling him Uncle Max?

Liz tasted the blood. Bringing her hand up to her lip she quickly confirmed that she had in fact cut her lip. “Work out much, Max?” Liz said as she stared at the blood on her fingers, chuckling at the whole situation.

“Oh God, you’re bleeding!” Max said grabbing the t-shirt that hung off the back of his shorts and bringing it to her lip.

Liz finally got a good look at Max as he moved around her checking for further injuries. He seemed to have been out doing the same as she was. By the shine of perspiration that covered his body she ascertained that he was at the end of his morning run. He had a vast expanse of skin showing everywhere, all he wore were some running shorts and his footwear since Liz held his shirt against her lip. Liz’s eyes swept across his powerful chest, which definitely confirmed he worked out. His muscles rippled under his skin with every movement he made. Moving her eyes lower she realized that running shorts needed to become illegal because they left nothing to the imagination. Max was a big boy; she chuckled to herself as she flushed with the thought. Max’s legs were strong from his years of running and his body held not a gram of fat on it.

“Aunt Liz, are you okay?” Josh asked when he noticed that Liz looked dazed and lost in her thoughts.

“Yes, Josh. I’m okay, but I think our run has come to an end” Liz said pulling her mind out of the gutter.

“Liz, you are not okay. Please, I live up the street. Let me get you something for that…” Max said pointing to the t-shirt that covered her lip “and you have a nasty scrape on your shoulder that can use something on it” he continued as he pointed to her shoulder.

“Josh, this is Uncle Max. Max, Josh Richards” She said introducing the pair.
“Nice to meet you” Max said as Josh nodded in acknowledgement “Please, Liz I’m right up the street”

Liz looked at Josh and then at Max before nodding in acceptance. Max quickly took her by the arm to help guide her to his home as Josh followed.

The house was very beautiful. The immaculate lawn and the mixture of stonewall and wood siding gave the house and elegance that made it stand out among the others. Max made his way up the porch and opened the door. Liz entered the foyer and took in her surroundings. The wood accents and large staircase gave the entrance a dark look. To her right she saw a formal living room closed off by glass doors, to her left was a formal dining room that looked like it seated 8. It was homier than the living room, but still formal. Max led her through the dark hallway in front of her and as she reached the end she noticed how the house seemed to bath itself in light.

The hallway forked into a three way split. To her right there seemed to be a short hallway that led to a closed door. In front of her was the entrance to a sunken family room. The far wall of the room seemed to be made out of glass with exception of the fireplace that sat in the middle of the wall, the glass allowed the room to fill itself with natural light, which gave the room a lively feeling to it. To the right of the room was a huge Entertainment system. The wall seemed to be filled with electronic equipment, while the opposite wall, the one on the left, had built in shelves that seemed to be filled with books. This room was confusing because it seemed as if the person decorating it couldn’t decide to go modern or conservative in the style. The furniture seemed to be covered with velour slipcovers and Liz could see many cushions littering the floor. It seemed very cozy.

Max placed his hand on Liz’s arm and led her down the left hall, past the family room. She walked into a huge kitchen area where she was guided to a small kitchen nook. Max moved quickly to, what Liz could only believe, was a linen closet; he grabbed a dishtowel and taking an ice tray from the freezer, emptied a few cubes onto the fabric. Removing the t-shirt from Liz’s lip he gently placed the icepack against the tender skin.

“Here, hold this against your lip” He said moving her hand to support the towel.

“Ugg… That stings” She said wincing a bit at the cold feel of the icepack.

“It looks nasty” Josh said, trying to peak over Max’s shoulder to get a look at Liz’s wound.

“Thanks a lot!” Liz chided

“I’m so sorry, Liz.” Max said in a barely audible voice. He just wanted to kick himself. Liz hadn’t been in town more than 48 hours and he already ran her over. He kept thinking how all he ever did was hurt her.

“Don’t be, I should have been paying more attention to where I was going” Liz said trying to ease the guilt that was rolling off every word he said. Liz looked at Max and tried to smile but found herself dazed by the amount of flesh that lay before her. Now that they were indoors it seemed almost indecent to walk around in those little nylon pants and Liz found herself blushing at the thoughts she was conjuring up in her mind. Liz looked away when her innocent smile, involuntarily turned into one of mischief and want. ‘What is wrong with you?’ Liz thought “Nice place you have here” she said as she moved her sights around the kitchen trying to avoid looking at Max, who had placed the first aid kit on the table.

Max seemed to pick up on her uneasiness and looked down at himself. He realized that the running shorts where not something he wanted to be wearing when he was in Liz’s presence. She had a certain effect on him that caused the shorts to become completely inappropriate and somewhat embarrassing if in her presence too long. As if an afterthought, Max felt his body start heating up. He quickly turned around and headed back in the direction they had originally entered. “I’ll be right back” he yelled over his shoulder before he disappeared into the hallway.

Liz and Josh looked at each other, wondering what had gotten into Max.

“Aunt Liz, you never told us Uncle Max was rich” Josh said moving over to a pair of French doors that seemed to lead to the backyard.

“Well, he wasn’t the last time I saw him” Liz replied as she followed Josh movement from where she sat.

“Aunt Liz! He has a pool!” Josh announced in excitement as he peered out the doors curtains. Liz smiled at the curiosity of the child.

Josh moved past the doors and followed the wall to what seemed to be some stairs and an entrance that Liz could only assume led to the family room they had past earlier. Josh bent down a bit to look up the stairs as if he would be able to discover what the second floor rooms held by the small action. He then took a peak into the family room. Turning excitedly to Liz once again Josh said, “Do you know what he has?!”

“What do I have?” Max said as he reappeared barefoot into the kitchen. He had changed into a pair of loose khaki cargo pants and a dark blue t-shirt. His hair was wet from the cold water he had thrown on himself before getting dressed.

“You have a Playstation Advance! We have one at home but your TV is waaay bigger than ours!” Josh babbled off.

Max just couldn’t decipher who this child was in relation to Liz. Obviously he was very dear to her but he talked as if he was part of her family. Max laughed at the energy Josh showed and wondered about the prosthesis he wore. “ I have no idea what I have in that room, Kyle and Michael keep it stocked. You are welcome to go in and check it all out”

Josh turned quickly to look at Liz with pleading eyes. As soon as she nodded her consent he was running into the room. A few moments later he was back in the kitchen with a wide-eyed look on his face.
“He has a 512 chip! AND he has Final Fantasy, the Legend of Urd! Can I? Please, Please, Please?” He implored like an addict needing his fix.

“Josh, we really need to get going. We’ve imposed on Max long enough” Liz said as she started to get up from the chair.

“Actually, could you stay a bit? I really need to talk to you” Max asked. He had been thinking about Liz all morning and trying to find a way to convince Maria to tell him where she was staying when he collided into her. Now that she was sitting in his kitchen he couldn’t let her leave without telling her everything that had been haunting him since last night.

“We actually need to meet Emily and Alex at the Crashdown in a bit” Liz said trying to avoid what she knew Max wanted to talk about.

“They won’t be there for a while, Aunt Liz. PLEASE!!!!” Josh begged

Liz looked at Josh and then looked at Max

“Please?” Max also implored.

“Fine! Just a few minutes” Liz said as she sat back into the chair.

“WoHoo!! Wait ‘til Emily sees this!” Josh yelled before disappearing back into the family room.

Max walked over to the entrance of the Family room. Quietly he slid a door with an ornate glass panel that appeared to come from within the wall and closed the entrance to the room allowing them a little more privacy.

Liz watched as he walked over to her, pulling a chair out and sitting in front of her.

“Liz…” Max began, looking at her.

“Max, I’m so sor…” Liz began to say sensing that Max was going to bring up last nights encounter. Max brought his fingers to her lips, silencing her immediately. Pulling the icepack from the corner of her mouth and placing it on the table, Max took both of Liz’s hands in his and resting his arms on his knees, leaned forward.

“Liz, I need to tell you a few things I should have told you ten years ago. Maybe if I didn’t have my head up my ass back then things would have been different…” Max said. He needed to tell Liz everything. He didn’t want secrets among them anymore. He knew that rehashing the past would open old wounds but he needed to open them if they were ever going to heal properly.

“Max…” Liz said trying to avoid the inevitable.

“No, Liz. Please listen.” Max interrupted “There are a lot of things I’m not proud of and it seems that they all have to do with my silence. I need you to know. A lot of things happened back when Zan died. Things that really messed with my mind. I… I felt as if I was losing myself. Everyone wanted me to be Zan and up until the week before his death, that was what I wanted to; but something happened that made me realize that I needed to be myself. The week after Zan was buried, I was feeling as if I had been thrown into an episode of the twilight zone. Be careful what you wish for and all that… When you showed up at my house that afternoon, I took a week of frustration out on you.” Max stared at their hands as he continued, “I just had a blowout with my mom and all of a sudden you were at my doorstep. I… I didn’t want you to look at me and see Zan”

“Max… I would never…” Liz started to assure him, her heart breaking at his words

“Liz. Please. Let me get this out.” Max interrupted again knowing that there was much to say and he was not strong enough to deny himself her comfort. “I said some really stupid things that I have regretted for ten years. I want you to know that I never meant any of it. I’m sorry it took me so long to apologize. I should have gone to see you and apologized for my idiotic words, but I waited. I was so ashamed of myself. When I finally got the nerve to go see you, you had already left” Max brought their hands up to his forehead and closed his eyes as if in prayer. “Please Liz. Forgive me. I know it’s a lot to ask, but I’m so sorry. If I hadn’t been such an insecure bastard, you would have been able to come to us about the pregnancy. It was my fault. I slammed the door to my house on you that day and left you with no where to turn and I’m so sorry for all you had to go through.”

Liz pulled her hands abruptly from his grasp and pulled his face up so she could look at him. “Don’t you EVER blame yourself!! There were many reasons I felt I needed to leave and they all were about me, and my insecurities. I was weak. I still am…”

“No! Liz you are so strong. You left here and made a life for yourself. You completed college and your almost done with your residency. You did all this and raised a child, all on your own.” Max said in awe of Liz.
“I did no such thing. I never said I did it alone. I would be nowhere if it wasn’t for Alex Witman and Serena, Josh’s mom” Liz clarified. She was not about to let Max revere her when she knew the truth.

“Alex? Our Alex? That’s the Alex you’re meeting at the Crashdown?” Max said sitting up a little.

Liz nodded and then went into explaining to Max how Alex had become part of her life and how much she owed him and Serena for their moral support. How they had helped each other throughout the years and how Alex gave much more than received. Liz made sure it was clear that she in no way could have gotten where she was without the support of her friends. Liz tried to make Max understand her life but she knew he would not understand the extent of what she was saying until she told him about Emily’s needs and that was not something she wanted to discuss at the moment.

Max listened to the other part of the story that Liz hadn’t shared with his parents and in the end was more in love with the woman that sat in front of him than he ever before.

“So you see Max. I am weak. I’m not a super woman. I made choices back then that I still have to live with today. I could have made different choices if I was stronger, but I didn’t and now I live with the consequences of those choices. Max. Never blame yourself for my mistakes. And another thing never, EVER think that I would see Zan in you. I realized a long time ago that you and him were different.” Liz told Max. She then continued softly, with a far off look in her eyes, as if she was voicing her thoughts, thoughts not meant for Max’s ears “The realization came late for me and Zan. I wish I would have had a chance to apologize to him…”

“Apologize?” Max asked confused

“Oh.. I’m sorry I was thinking out loud.” Liz said a little flustered

“Why would you have to apologize to Zan?” Max insisted

“Max, Zan’s death was a catalyst to a lot of things. The way he died, the way I reacted to his death…” Liz started saying as she stood up and took a step toward the French doors. “It put my feelings for him in perspective. I… I…I convinced myself I felt one way and in reality I didn’t feel that way toward Zan.”

“Ok, I’m lost” Max said completely confused by the cryptic words coming out of Liz’s mouth.

“Max, It’s hard for me to say this because he was your brother. I don’t want you to hate me, but I… I wasn’t honest with Zan. Hell, I wasn’t even honest with myself back then. I didn’t love him, Max.” Liz finally said, “I convinced myself that I loved him, I needed to believe that he was the one, but he wasn’t.”

Max sat there with his mouth agape. “But…”

Liz turned and looked at Max, “I didn’t realize my true feelings until he was gone. I felt so guilty, I felt so ashamed and I felt I had betrayed my heart. Then I found out about Emily and I was just not thinking straight…”

“I’m sorry, Liz. I’m sorry you had to go through that.” Max said standing up and walking over to Liz. They stood there for a moment each lost in thoughts of how messed up their lives had been back then. Teenagers dealing with adult feelings and adult situations. Max realized he needed to tell her the rest. It was confession time and she had to know it all. He realized that telling her about that night also meant that he would have to confess his feelings for her but she had the right to know what happened and why it happened. “Liz, there’s something else I need to tell you”

“What is it Max?” Liz questioned as he took her hand and led her back to the chair where she had been sitting.

“I told you that something had happened that made me realize I needed to be myself…” Max started as he paced in front of the small table that Liz was sitting at.
Liz took in Max’s movements and knew that what Max was going to tell her was weighing heavily upon him.

Max stopped abruptly and sat in the chair in front of Liz, “Liz, you’ve always been special to me. We knew each other for a very long time and were friends for… forever. What you never knew, though, was that I use to daydream about…”

RING… RING… came the shrill sound from Liz’s fanny pack, interrupting Max in mid sentence.

Liz lifted her finger to halt Max’s words as she dug through the bag that she had tied around her waist looking for the cell phone. Liz looked at the small screen that told her who was calling and answered without hesitation.

“Alex? Is everything alright?” Liz asked immediately on guard

“Yeah, Emily just wanted to talk to you. We’re heading out to the Crashdown, are you already there?”

“No. I bumped into an old friend while we were out on the run” Liz responded as she threw Max a small smile

“Are we still meeting there?” Alex asked, knowing Liz would tell him about her encounter later.

“Yes! I’ll be a little late but we’ll be there. How about you order for us?”

“Ok, Here’s Emily, she’s driving me nuts!” Alex said trying to squirm himself out from under Emily who was trying to grab the phone away from him.

“Mommy! Did you run a lot?” Emily asked excited to talk to her mother for the first time this morning.

“Hi honey. No I didn’t run a lot today. I met an old friend and I have been talking the morning away.” Liz said as she got up and started walking toward the entrance to the family room to look in on Josh who had been awfully quiet.

Max took in the change in Liz’s demeanor as she spoke to her daughter. She seemed softer. Not in the tactile way but in the way she spoke, the way she moved. He knew she was a wonderful mother.

“Yes, you know who he is” Liz continued “No, I’ll tell you later……. Sure, wait a minute” Liz opened the connecting door “Josh. Em wants to talk to you,” She said as she handed Josh the cell. Turning to Max she said, “I’m sorry for the interruption Max”

“You’ll never guess where I am and what I’m doing!” Josh said into the phone “I’m at Uncle Max’s and he is so setup you can’t even imagine!”

Max smiled at Josh’s excitement. Looking back at Liz he said, “That’s okay. Can I ask you something?”

“Sure”, Liz said approaching him

“Why does Josh call me Uncle Max? I mean, I had never seen the child before today”

“You might have never seen him but he has seen you many times.” Liz responded. Taking in his confused look she continued, “Emily was raised surrounded by pictures and stories of everyone here in Roswell. She calls Maria, Aunt Maria and she just met her, physically meet her I mean. Josh and Serena have been living with us for a few years and Josh has adopted all Emily’s relatives. Em knows you as Uncle Max, but not because you are actually related to her, but as a term of endearment. She could recognize you anywhere because she has seen many photos of us growing up… It was always important to me that she know the people I love and she has learned to love them as much as I do.”
Max was floored. “I’m honored that you would do that.”

Liz smiled shyly at Max just as Josh barged into the kitchen again.

“Here she wants to talk to you.” He said pushing the phone at Max who stood there shocked, staring at the small device in the boy’s hand. “She doesn’t bite… At least not on the phone” Josh said giggling at the funny expression on Max’s face.

Taking the phone, Max put it up to his ear “H… Hello?”

“UNCLE MAX! Don’t let him play with all the games!” He heard yell from the other end

“Emily?” he said tentatively

“Of course it’s me! Didn’t Josh tell you it was me?” she asked him

“Y…Yes, but “

“It’s not fair that he gets to play with all your games just because he can go running with Mommy. “

Gaining his senses Max decided to seize the opportunity, “Well, how about you come over this afternoon and play the games yourself. I’m having a BBQ with some friends this afternoon and if your Mom agrees” He said looking up to gage Liz’s reaction “you can come over and we can meet in person and you can play with the games as well as swim in the pool.?”

“Oh, Please say yes Aunt Liz!” Josh pleaded, pulling at Liz’s arm while Max pulled the phone away from his ear at Emily’s shriek of joy.

“Max! I can’t believe you just did that!” Liz said scolding Max for playing the kids against her.

“Oh, come on. It’s just going to be Maria and Kyle and Sarah. They come around every Sunday. Why do you think I own such a big house? Come on. Please” Max said looking at Liz with his trademark puppy dog eyes.

“Fine!” She said shaking her head.

“She said yes!” Max told Emily who was waiting for a response.

“AHHHH!!! We’re going to Uncle Max’s house for a BBQ” Max heard her inform Alex.

“I’m going to pass you over to your Mom” Max said as he handed Liz the phone.

“I’ll talk to you in a bit, Em….. I love you too.” Liz told her daughter before hanging up. Turning to look at Max, she smiled “You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into”

Max shrugged and smiled.

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Post by starlady »

~ Chapter 13a ~

It had been tough getting out of Max’s house but they had made it. He had insisted in driving them to the Crashdown but Liz finally convinced him that Josh needed to get some type of exercise done before breakfast and the short walk to the Crashdown would do the trick.

After breakfast everyone headed back to the house to get ready for Max’s BBQ.

“So, how was it?” Alex asked walking in to Liz’s room and letting himself fall on her bed.

“It went well” Liz said sitting beside her friend, “I was scared shitless at first but after we started to talk it was easy. God, Alex, he was blaming himself”

“Well, he was a bit to blame” Alex told her referring to her feelings for him and how her shame and guilt guided her actions throughout the years.

“It was never his fault! I was so screwed up.”

“You still are my dear” Alex said pulling his friend down on the bed and wrapping his arms around her so she lay safely spooned against him.

“I told him I wasn’t in love with Zan.” Liz said

“Did you tell him you were in love with him?” Alex asked knowing the answer

Liz was silent.

“You should tell him. I think he’ll surprise you.”

“It would just complicate things. He might think I’m saying it to get him to test for Emily.” Liz said with a sigh

“You don’t give him enough credit.”

“Why should I confess my feelings to him? If I thought there was a chance for us, it would be different. But… he’s Emily’s biological uncle. Talk about confusing the girl. “My uncle is my daddy”, Yeah, that would fly.”

Pushing her out of his embrace, Alex sat up, “Stop looking for excuses and admit that your scared”

Liz turned to face her best friend. “I’m scared. I’m scared of having my heart broken in a million pieces. I’m scared of telling him how I feel and having the awkwardness between us. I’m scared of all the same things I was scared of ten years ago.”

“At least this is a step in the right direction. Do you remember when we took Emily in for her first diagnostic? You were scared then too. You didn’t want to know but you realized that Emily’s life depended on it. You walked into the doctor’s office and heard her diagnosis. It was the worst news you could get but it was something you needed to hear so you could deal with it. This is the same thing. You don’t know if he has the same feelings. He might not, but until you know for sure, he’ll always be a ‘what if’. You need to tell him.”

“Maybe. After Emily.” Liz said


“Maria, did you bring extra juice?” Max asked his friend who was stocking the refrigerator with the essential Sunday fare.

“Yes, Max. For gods sake! Calm down!” She said exasperated by Max’s jumpiness.
“Well, there are more kids today. It’s always been just Sammy.” He said trying to justify himself.

“What? Maxie nervous?” Michael teased

“Shut up Michael, or it will be cold night in the Guerrin bed!” Maria yelled at her husband

“Look at him! You’d think he’s never been around a girl before!” Michael said pointing at Max who was glaring at him.

“She’s different!” Maria responded

“Guys. I am in the room you know!” Max finally chimed in hating how his friend talked about his love life, or lack there of, as if he wasn’t in the room.

“What are we talking about?” Kyle said walking in to the kitchen with a box of beer. Max stared at Kyle and then looked behind him wondering where he had come from.

“Maxie here, invited Liz over for the BBQ” Michael said helping Kyle put the box of beer on the counter

“Liz Parker? When did she come back? I thought she fell off the face of the planet years ago”

“Well, she’s back in town two days and Maxwell is a blubbering idiot” Michael replied, pulling the beer out of the box and placing them on the counter where Maria kept piling into the refrigerator.

“Again, I am here!” Max yelled out.

“So, what’s the deal, Max?” Kyle asked trying to get the full scope.

“Nothing, She came back on Friday and it seems she came back with Zan’s daughter.” Max said quietly

“Shit!” Kyle responded knowing how much that must have hurt Max. Max and Kyle became friends when they had been assigned as roommates during their freshman year in college. It was weird at first since they knew each other from their years at Roswell High but had never really been friends since they ran in different circles. Regardless, Kyle had discovered a great friend in Max and had been privy to Max’s heartbreak due to Liz Parkers disappearance.

“Oh, you’ve got to see her! Emily is such a cutie! And she looks so much like Max!” Maria squealed, “I mean she looks like Liz too but she has the Evan’s smile and Max’s eyes”

Michael and Kyle looked at each other and raised their eyebrows at Maria’s statement

“What? For gods sake! Zan and Max were twins! Of course she’ll look like Max!” Maria scolded the two that stood in front of her picking at the chips that lay open on the counter.

“Who looks like Max?” Sarah said walking into the kitchen with two plastic bags in her hands.

“Doesn’t anyone knock anymore?” Max asked as he walked past Sarah to lock the front door.

“Max, you never lock the door!” She told him as he past by her.

“We were talking about Liz and her daughter” Maria said happy to have another female in the house.

“Liz Parker? The lady I met yesterday?” Sarah asked interested in knowing about the woman who had affected Max so much the day before.

“So, you met her? What’s she like?” Michael asked hoping to get a less bias opinion

“She seemed nice enough. I really didn’t spend time with her, we were just introduced. She has a kid?”

“Max’s dead brother’s kid” Michael answered in an eerie tone.

“God, Michael! Can you be more insensitive? Where’s Sammy? Go get him” Maria yelled hoping that she could get him out of her face. Sometimes she just didn’t know what made her fall for Michael Guerrin.

“Holy Crap! So, the kid looks like Max?” Sarah said trying to digest the information she was given

“She looks like Max’s brother, who was Max’s identical twin. So yeah, Emily looks like Max.” Maria clarified

Max walked back in to the kitchen hoping they had moved past the Liz topic.

“Where’s Michael?” Max inquired noticing the missing body.

“He’s upstairs checking on Sammy” Maria answered

“Thank God!” Max said relieved that he didn’t have to deal with him for the time being.

“So, Is Liz still hot?” Kyle asked popping a chip into his mouth

“KYLE!” Both Max and Maria yelled


Alex parked the SUV in the parkway of Max’s house.

“Sheesh. Max is doing well for himself!” Alex commented opening the back door for Emily to jump out.

“I guess so.” Liz said with a smile on her lips.

They walked up to the door and knocked.

The door opened abruptly and in the doorway stood a tall man. His hair was ash blond and was long enough to reach his shoulders. He had what appeared to be a piece of toast sticking out of his mouth and an infant in his arms.

“You’re not Uncle Max!” Emily said with her brows furrowed in confusion

Pulling the toast out of his mouth, Michael responded, “No, I’m not. I’m Michael, Maria’s better half and this is Sammy.”

“Nice to meet you Michael, and I’ll make sure Maria doesn’t hear about the better half comment” Liz said moving into the house and pecking Sammy’s check.

“How long have you been married to Maria? Wasn’t it something like 4 years?” Alex asked Michael as he passed him. “I would think you would know better”

Michael stood at the door with his mouth open, realizing that in a matter of seconds he had become vulnerable to these two strangers. He just had to learn to keep his mouth shut.

“Lizzie!” Maria squealed running up to her friend as she walked into the kitchen, which was their favorite hangout spot since the men always took over the family room.

“Hey Maria! It’s so good to see you again.” Liz said as she hugged her friend.

“Aunt Maria!” Emily yelled running to Maria

“Who do we have here? Is this the little angel I met yesterday?”

“That’s me!” Emily said proudly

“She said ‘Angel’, Em. That disqualifies you!” Josh said

“Stuff it Josh!” Emily sneered back.

“Hey, watch it Em!” Liz reprimanded

“He started” Emily whined giving Josh a death stare, while he grinned at her.

“Oh… these are the things I’m not looking forward to,” Maria said rubbing her small belly.

“Hey beautiful, do I get some lovin’?” Alex said as he stood next to Maria and wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her against him.

“Alex! Oh, God I’ve missed you!” Maria cried out pulling her friend into a tight embrace. “you look so good! If I knew you would fill out so nicely I would have waited to snag you”

“Hey! Husband on the premises!” Michael said walking in to the kitchen having recuperated fairly well from the earlier comments.

“Are they here?” Max said following Michael into the kitchen dragging Kyle behind him.

“We’re here!” Alex said opening his arms out in showmanship fashion

“Alex!” Max walked into the friendly embrace and smacked him on the back before pulling back “It’s great to see you!”

“Likewise!” Alex said as he moved forward to introduce himself to Kyle.

“Uncle Max!” Emily cried out as she ran up to Max and jumped in to Max’s arms.

“You must be Emily!” Max said lifting Emily effortlessly.

“That’s me! You’re so tall!” Emily said, turning to Liz, she asked, “Mommy, why does everyone look so tall in person?”

Liz approached her daughter smiling “Maybe the pictures were too small? Hey, Max.” she said shyly

“Hi Liz. Thanks for coming” Max replied in the same shy tone “That doesn’t look too bad” He said pointing to the small cut on her lip.

“The ice did the trick” Liz responded bringing her hand to softly touch her lip.

“Look Mom, Uncle Max has a lot of muscles! He works out! He’s really strong” Emily said poking at Max’s chest.

“Hey, what are you implying there?” Alex chimed in, walking behind Max and pulling at Emily’s braid “I’ll see who’s going to be carrying you up the stairs when you pretend to be sleeping”

“Ah, Uncle LaLa, You know you’re my favorite.” Emily said as she leaned back and took Alex’s face in her hands to place a chase kiss on his lips.

All the men turned to look at the scene and opened their mouths at the same time. “Uncle LALA?” a few seconds passed and then they all burst into laughter.

“Hey! No teasing!” Alex said as his checks flushed in embarrassment.

“Where the heck did that name come from?” Kyle asked as he walked over to say hello to Liz, whom he knew from many years ago.

“When Emily was a baby it was difficult for her to enunciate the name Alex, so when she started wording monosyllables Alex decided that Lala was close enough to his name. So every time Emily would say LALA, Alex would respond. It eventually stuck” Liz said as everyone started to move toward the nook area.

“Hey, at least mine was the first name she said after Mama” Alex said proudly

“I didn’t know that story. I thought it was because he always sang to her” Josh said

“That’s what he tells everyone else” Liz said smiling at Alex.

“Hey Josh. Nice to see you again” Max said ruffling Josh’s hair. Putting Emily down he asked “Are you going to show Emily the games from this morning?”

“Yeah!” Josh answered pulling on Emily’s arm so she could follow him to the Family room.

“What games? Who is playing games?” Kyle said perking up to the sound of his favorite pastime, after football that is.

Max rolled his eyes and pointed to the family room. Kyle rushed over and followed the kids out of the kitchen.

Maria looked at her husband who was giving her a pleading look and she shook her head, “Fine, give me Sammy, you can go too”

“Uuuu, that’s why I love you so much!” Michael said as he deposited the infant in his mothers arm and raced to the other room.

Liz wanted to die laughing until she eyed Alex walking backwards headed in the same direction. “Alex! Where are you going?”

“I think someone needs to watch Emily” Alex said before turning around and following Michael.

“Men!” Max said with a straight face. A few seconds later everyone burst out laughing.

~ Chapter 13b ~

“You know, I’m no child psychologist but I have to say, your lucky Alex is in there” Sarah commented returning from the family room where she went to supervise the ‘kids’. “Michael and Kyle are discussing a game where they get extra points depending on the body count”

“What?” Liz said ready to get up to see what was going on

“Oh, don’t worry. Alex has put in his two cents. I believe his words were ‘stop talking about that because Liz won’t let us play if she hears you’” Sarah said choking back her laughter

“Nice to see you haven’t lost your touch” Maria said to Liz.

Liz chuckled leaving a lingering smile on her lips. Max took it all in and silently sighed. Liz looked radiant. She wore a soft blue rayon summer dress with small yellow flowers. Thin straps held it on her petite form and the fabric was like a waterfall caressing her curves. Her hair was pulled back into a soft braid, which let strands of her long hair fall around her face. Her neck and shoulders were exposed because of the style of the dress and her skin looked flawless. It looked so soft, Max found himself fisting his hands under the table in an effort to keep them from stretching out to touch her.

Max suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking up he saw Sarah had moved to stand next to him.

“So Liz, How long will you be in town?” Sarah asked as she pulled Max’s thigh out from under the table and sat on it.

“I’m not sure yet, but definitely we’ll be here for the summer” Liz replied watching the red head sit in front of her on Max’s lap. Liz felt a surge of jealousy go through her at the level of intimacy Sarah was displaying with Max. Liz knew they weren’t together but she also knew that at one point they had been. She also knew that Sarah still harbored feelings for Max.

“What are you going to do about work? Do they let you just take off for that amount of time?” Sarah continued, oblivious of any discomfort she might be causing Liz.

“Well, I’m in my second year of residency and I had some people place some calls so I could work at Roswell Memorial while I’m here” Liz said as she watched Sarah fidget on Max’s leg

“That’s great Liz!” Max commented trying to get Sarah out of his line of vision. “So when do you start?”

“I’m heading over there tomorrow to report to my supervisor. We’ll see what they tell me when I get there”

“If Max could learn to keep his head screwed on properly I might be able to take a vacation” Sarah said elbowing Max in the gut so he would stop moving around. “God Max! Will you stop moving, I’m gonna fall off.”

“Here, sit on a chair!” He responded pulling out the chair next to him so she could move over.

Sarah got up and slapped his arm “Move over” she said pointing to the chair he had pulled out.

“I’m not moving! You sit over there!” Max replied staring at her in disbelief

“I want the edge,” She complained

Liz watched the whole argument with fascination. She could see the familiarity between Max and Sarah but the way he argued with her was more reminiscent of his banter with Maria. Sarah might have feelings for Max but it was clear Max didn’t see Sarah in that way.

Maria walked up to Sarah and putting a nickel on the table in front of her, she quietly said “Here, go get a clue!” then she stepped back to make eye contact with the girl and signaling to Liz and Max, who were back to staring at each other, Maria returned to the kitchen.

It then dawned on Sarah that she shouldn’t be so physical with Max in Liz’s presence. “Sorry” she said looking at Max and sat next to him. “Max is a great lawyer but his organizational skills are not the best” Sarah said continuing the conversation she was carrying before the seating problem.

“Think of it this way, If Max ever got organized you would be out of a job!” Maria added from the kitchen.

“You see, that’s where you’re wrong. If Max could get organized, I could probably get more of MY job done. You know, a Paralegal is not short for administrative assistant!” Sarah retorted

“You know, I think I’ve become invisible again” Max interrupted

Liz laughed at the scene. It felt so good to be back in Roswell. She had missed being around so many friends. Alex and Serena were always great to be with, and they had made sure to have their share of great times, but life was always running full speed in the city and here, it was just… Home.

Max got up and paused next to Liz on his way to the deck. He softly touched her arm with the back of his hand before he addressed her with a soft smile “I’m going out to the deck to start up the grill. It’s not like they’ll stop talking about me in my absence”

Liz nodded and continued to listen to Maria and Sarah discuss all Max’s shortcomings.


Emily padded her way out to the deck where she found Max pulling out some buns for hamburgers and laying them on the small table attached to the large grill. She stepped up on the bench that ran around the whole deck and hoisted her self to sit on the railing.

Max looked at the girl and smiled. She looked so much like Liz, he thought. She wore her hair in two french braids, but he could see it was soft and silky like Liz’s. Her frame was small and somewhat fragile. She wore a pair of floral denim short overalls with a cotton tank top underneath, which made her look younger than 9. She looked so tiny that Max felt like picking her up and protecting her from the world. The same feeling he got when looking at Liz. Emily was a small replica of Liz and it warmed his heart to see how comfortable she was around him. “What happened with the game? Got tired?”

“Playing with Uncle Lala and Josh is one thing, but those other two are too much! Especially that Kyle guy. He’s got Josh all riled up in there. Josh can be such a guy when he’s around people like that.”

Max giggled at the way Emily sounded so grown up in her observation. “So he’s not a guy when around you?”

Emily turned to look at Max “You know what I mean.” Grabbing a slice of bread from the table next to her, she looked at Max more closely. “Uncle Max…”

“Uhmm…” Max said busy pulling hamburgers from a plastic container

“Why are you not like that?” She asked quizzically

“What do you mean?” Max said raising his eyes to look at Emily

“You’re not like that… You’re not into games and sports and all the guy things”

“I like playing those games and I like sports and I do guy things…”

“Yeah but you’re not obsessed with them.” Emily clarified stuffing another piece of bread in her mouth

Max sat down on the bench next to Emily and thought about her question “I guess, I always found other things more entertaining. I like reading because it lets me use my imagination to conjure the pictures that authors paint, and I like running because it’s quiet and lets me hear my own thoughts more clearly. I like to talk with friends because it makes my life more full…”

Emily scooted down from the railing and pushed Max back a little so she could snake herself onto his lap. She turned in his lap to look at him. Taking his face in her hands she pushed his hair off his forehead and stared at him. “You’re like a chameleon, Uncle Max.”

“What do you mean, honey?” Max asked putting his arms around the little girl to support her.
“Mommy has so many pictures of you but you look different in everyone. You use to have blue hair” She said picking at a strand of his hair, “and you use to have hair on your chin” she said caressing his face once again. “I thought I wouldn’t know you if I met you. I’m happy I recognized you. I like how you look now. You look… happy.”

Max felt tears prick his eyes at the way Emily, who was merely a child, had analyzed his life through pictures. He tightened his arms around her bringing her against his chest. Emily wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder “I feel happier now, Emily” Max answered.

“Uncle Max, Can I ask you something?” Emily said pushing out of his embrace.

“Sure” Max replied still taken aback by her earlier words

“I look like you. See… I have eyes like yours” Emily said opening her eyes as if the close proximity wasn’t enough for Max to see the color of her eyes. “Auntie Serena says she has never seen someone with eyes like mine, but you have the same as me.” Emily lowered her eyes and started to fidget with the buttons on her overall, “Mommy, brought us to Roswell to find my family. My daddy use to live here, you know.” Raising her eyes, she met Max’s penetrating stare, taking a deep breath, Emily asked, “Uncle Max, Are you my Daddy?”

Max thought his heart would jump out of his chest. It was beating so hard he thought people from all over Roswell could hear it. ‘God, I wish I was’ he thought, his breath caught in his throat as he took in the pleading look in the child eyes. A look that held so much hope. A look that begged for him to confirm what she thought was the truth.

“Hey, you two. Whatcha doing?” Liz said as she walked out on to the deck. She noticed the intense look Max and Emily shared before she saw Emily leaned forward and hug Max.

“It’s okay…. I love you anyway.” Emily whispered softly into Max’s ear before releasing him and wiggling out of his lap. “Mommy!” She said jumping into Liz’s arms.

Max sat there, shell-shocked.


“Hey Max, Those burgers done?” Maria said as she walked onto the deck.

“Almost…” Max responded quietly. He still was far from recuperated from his interaction with Emily and fought a battle to act normal. It was obvious that Emily didn’t want Liz to know about her inquiries and it was also, plainly obvious, that Liz had not spoken to Emily about her father. Max just didn’t understand how Liz could have filled her daughter with splendid memories of her friends from Roswell but had failed to acknowledge Zan as part of her life here.

“Aunt Maria, you should hear me sing. I can sing in Japanese!” Emily announced from the comfort of her mother’s lap

“You can? How’d you learn to speak Japanese?” Maria said as she sat across from Liz.

“I watch anime!” She answered like that explained it all.

“Ok. I obviously am not in any more…. What’s anime?” Maria said hoping for some clarification

“Japanese Animation” Josh said strolling onto the deck

“Oh, like cartoons in Japanese” Maria said

Emily crinkled her brow in frustration “Not cartoons! They are not cartoons!”

Maria looked at Emily and caught sight of Liz shaking her head vigorously, letting her know this was not up for debate. “Oh…. Sorry”

“Just because it’s animated doesn’t make it a cartoon, Aunt Maria. They are in a whole different genre. Think sitcom vs. soap opera. Documentary vs. Feature Film. David and Goliath.” Josh tried to explain.

“OooooKaaayyy” Maria said. Turning to Emily again she asked “So, you learned Japanese by watching this anime?”

“Well, I don’t know a lot but I know some…. I like the music. I can show you.” Emily said trying to get out of Liz’s lap to proudly display her musical inclination to Maria who she knew shared a similar passion.

“I think we need to curb your excitement just a tad bit, don’t you think, little Lady?” Liz said holding her daughter tightly in her lap. Due to Emily’s medical condition she was not to over excite herself. These were times that Liz’s heart broke for her daughter. Through the years she had seen how much Emily had wanted to participate in many activities but was always limited because of her illness. The bad blood that coursed through her veins made the circulation of oxygen difficult and with the way her blood failed to produce platelets, any injury could lead to hemorrhaging.

Emily understood what her mother was telling her and settled back into her arms. “Maybe some other time…” She said quietly.

“Well, I’ll be looking forward to the show.” Maria said “In the mean time, how about we go out and have a dip in the pool before the burgers are done?”

“Can I, Mom?” Emily said once again excited

“Sure, but keep the splashing down to a minimum. The suits are in the car. Josh your crutches are there as well. The keys are in my bag.” Liz informed the kids that were already running into the house.

“Crutches? Who needs crutches?” Michael asked walking out onto the deck with a beer in his hand, followed by Sarah who held a squirming Sammy in her arms and Kyle who was munching on some tostitos chips.

“Josh lost his leg when he was 7” Liz informed the group

“What? He uses a prosthesis? He walks so well… “ Kyle noted, turning to look at the retreating figures of the children. Kyle had studied sports medicine in college and now was a physical therapist, so he was familiar with people who had gone through similar situations.

“You should see him running” Max interjected as he flipped the burgers that were cooking on the grill

“How’d it happen?” Michael asked, obviously affected by the news. He had just spent a couple of hours with one of the most delightful kids on the planet and to know that at such a young age he had suffered such a blow made him feel vulnerable.

“He had Neuroblastoma.” Liz said

“Neuro what?” Maria asked, shocked herself by the news. She had spent not just today with Josh but also yesterday afternoon and had not noticed anything different in the child.

“It’s a form of child hood cancer” Kyle informed them “Has he ever relapsed?” He asked Liz

“No, thank god! It was behind his knee. After the amputation, he went through some mild chemo to clear things up for sure but he was in remission within a few months.” Liz said recalling the day the doctor had given Serena the good news. Emily had gone into her first remission a few weeks after. They had been so happy.

“Poor baby. I can’t imagine what his parents went through” Sarah said, holding Sammy a little closer to her.

“It’s just his Mom. Serena is great.” Liz clarified

At that moment the kids returned to a somber group of friends.

“Where can we change, Uncle Max?” Emily asked, happy to be spending time in the pool. She loved the water and although she couldn’t swim, just splashing around was a delight.

“I’ll show them to your room Max, that way I can change in the bathroom down the hall” Maria said walking up to Sarah to retrieve her son.

“Great. Follow Aunt Maria, she knows where to go” Max said removing the hamburgers from the grill.


Emily walked out of the bathroom in Max’s room wearing a red Speedo swimsuit. “You should see that bathroom, Josh. It’s huge! I think it’s bigger than our room.”

“Were you snooping?” Josh asked in reprimand

“No…. Well… Just a little. He has a Jacuzzi tub and a separate see through shower stall. There TWO toilets! One flushes upside down! He has this huge closet with tons of suits!” Emily informed Josh trying to entice him into being her accomplice.

“You know you’re not suppose to snoop!” Josh said unmoving

“You’re snooping too!” Emily said pointing at the picture frame he held in his hand.

“This was on his nightstand, I didn’t go looking for it” Josh replied trying to save face, “It’s Aunt Liz”

“Let me see.” Emily said sitting next to him on the bed. The picture seemed familiar but they couldn’t pin point where they had seen it. Liz appeared to be sitting and Max was in back of her, both laughing and looking out beyond the edge of the picture.

“I know where I’ve seen this!” Josh said as if he had a breakthrough in his thought process “This is the picture Aunt Liz has in her room, but he seems to have cut out everyone else and left just Liz and him”

Emily looked at the picture more carefully and realized Josh was right. This was the picture taken the day of Alex’s graduation. “Why do you think he cut it?”

“Duh! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist. He has a thing for Aunt Liz.” Josh responded standing up to look around the room.

The room was situated next to the family room and was almost as big. It had a vaulted ceiling and a sitting room that was nestled in a bay area made out of glass. The room looked dark though because, long curtains, which gave the room privacy, covered the wall of windows. Josh moved over to the dresser that was directly across from the bed and picked up another picture frame. He saw Max surrounded by an older couple, that he could only assume were his parents and another lady that had short brown hair. It looked like a typical family portrait. Putting it down he picked up the picture next to it and he couldn’t believe what he saw. “There’s two of him!” he yelled to Emily who quickly put down the picture frame she was holding and ran over to his side.

Emily looked carefully at the photo he held. It was a picture taken the Christmas before Zan had died. Sitting in front of the Christmas tree were Zan, Max and Isabel, smiling straight at the camera. “Do you think, this might be him?”, Emily asked almost in a whisper.

“No. I still think its Uncle Max” Josh said, “Did you ask him?”

“Umhm.” Emily replied, “I don’t think it’s him.”

“It has to be. You saw him. You look like him. And what about the picture? He obviously has a thing for Aunt Liz.” Josh pointed out “Plus you’ve seen how Aunt Liz gets when she talks about him. It’s got to be him!”

“I don’t know… I look like him but there’s another one of him. I also look like this other guy. Which one do you think is Uncle Max?” Emily asked softly, trying to differentiate the two boys in the picture.

Josh looked at the picture carefully. “I don’t know.” He sighed. Moving over to the bed, Josh started to unbuckle the prosthesis he wore, “We’ll find out soon anyway.”

“Do you think he’ll want me?” Emily asked still mesmerized by the picture in front of her

“Oh! Baka! Of course he’ll want you” Josh said as he stood up assisted by his crutches and walked over to his friend. Grabbing the picture out of her hands, he said “What’s not to like? You’re a girl, so you have that sweetness factor in; you have good taste in music, good taste in movies and since you hang with me, you have also displayed a good taste in guys!”

“I’m sick” Emily said, not convinced by her friend’s praises

“You won’t be for very long.” Josh said quietly. “You’ll see. We’ll find a match here and then you won’t be sick anymore”

“You think?” Emily asked

“Of course. When have I ever lied to you?” He said pulling Em into a hug

“When you told me that the jelly bean wouldn’t get stuck up my nose”

“Um.. Ok.. but that was the only time”

“Na ah… You also told me….” Emily started to say

“FINE! Sheesh a guy can’t do anything right!” Josh said moving over to pick up his things from the bed.

“Hey, you guys ready?” Maria said as she opened the door to the room.

The kids nodded and headed out of the room.
