His Every Fantasy (AU M/L Adult) Chpt. 15: Pg. 3 - 1/29

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Jason's Princess
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Post by Jason's Princess »

Guys, my deepest thanks for all the comments. I love to read them. Again, this chapter is rather short, but that's because I've been studying for finals and all that jazz.

Chapter Eleven

“Please don’t ever do that again Chris.”

“I can’t help myself. I just want to show you how much I love you.”

“You had your chance, and blew it,” she said with a sigh. “Can you take me home now?”

He opened the door for her, helping her in. As they drove off, Chris ran over the pile of scattered, broken red roses that lay in a mess on the gravel road.

* * *

“Are you feeling better?” Maria asked. She’d come over after Liz had called, asking if she could come.


“Maybe you ought to see a doctor. It’s not normal for you to be feeling like this.”

“I know. I made an appointment to see Dr. Jones tomorrow morning.”

Maria studied her friend closely. She looked terribly exhausted… and a little green about the gills. “Liz, you’re not pregnant are you?”

“What? Of course not.” Liz shot up from her place on the couch. “Why would you ask that?”

“It’s just a question, calm down. And a possibility. I mean you have been doing it without protection.”

Liz sighed, falling back on the pillows. “So?”

“So, you could be, that’s all I’m saying. Are you late?”

She closed her eyes for a moment. “Kind of.”

“Kind of? How are you kind of late Liz?” Maria asked, looking up from the magazine. “You either are or you’re not.”

“I’ve never been regular, so when I miss a period I don’t usually worry. Sometimes I don’t get them for months.”

“You should definitely go see the doctor. That is not usual.”


The women sat in silence, for the next few minutes, until Maria spoke again. ‘What if you are?”

“Maria! Give it up. I’m not pregnant. God forbid,” she said rubbing her eyes.

“What would you tell Max if you were?”

“Oh my God, I’m serious, what is it with you?”

“Liz, I’m only saying because from what you keep telling me, how you feel drained, nauseous, and moodier than usual, it all indicates that you could be pg.”

The brunette rolled her eyes. “Or it could just be stress. I have been working more than usual and getting less sleep than I should.”

Maria flipped the page. “While that may be true, I still think you should go and see for yourself. I’ll go and buy you an EPT.”


“What? Come on Liz, I want to know. I have a feeling about these things.”

“You’re psychic now?”

“No,” she responded, a little hurt. “I’m concerned, and I want to know whether you are or not, because then I can stop worrying and go baby shopping.”


“I’m kidding. Well only half,” she grinned. “But seriously Liz, let me go and get a test from the pharmacy. It’s just around the corner.”

“Fine, whatever.”

* * *

Max drove around aimlessly.

I know somebody and they cry for you
They lie awake at night and dream of you
I bet you never even know they do, but somebody's crying

Now he understood her reluctance. Her aloofness. She didn’t want to get involved with him because she already was with someone else. How could she do this to him? All he’d done was love her.

I know somebody and they called your name
A million times and still you never came
They go on loving you just the same; I know that somebody's trying

“I guess everything happens for a reason,” he mumbled, biting back tears.

So please, return the love you took from me
Or please, let me know if it can't be me, I know when
Somebody's lying, I know when somebody's lying

“I’m not good enough for her? Is that it?” Why can’t I be good enough for her? he shouted out the window. Why?!

I know that somebody's lying; I know that somebody's lying
Give me a sign and let me know we're through
If you don't love me like I love you

He stepped on the accelerator, the needle leaning on 90, then 100, and higher, and higher, until the tears that ran down his face were nothing but a numb sensation cutting away at his heart.

But if you cry at night the way I do I'll know that somebody's lying
So please, return the love you took from me
Or please, let me know if it can't be me

I know when somebody's lying; I know when somebody's lying
Oh I, oh I…

* * *

Liz paced across the room. Now that she was actually going through with it, she felt her anxiety twist and knot inside her. What if Maria was right? What was she going to do with a baby? Max’s baby?

“Please don’t let me be,” she whispered to herself. “Please.”

Five minutes passed. Ten. Maria sat on the easy chair, reading Vogue biting her nails.

“God, I can’t take this anymore!” Liz exclaimed, exasperated. “Will you just go see?”

“Fine.” She rose and went to the bathroom, returning with the test in her hand.

They both took a deep breath at the same time, making Maria burst out laughing. “Oh Lizzy, here we go.”

Maria looked down at the tiny window, a half-smile forming her lips.”


Maria glanced up at her friend, suddenly aware that she’d turned dreadfully pallid, and before she could reach her, Liz crumpled on the floor.

Song: Somebody’s Cryin’ by Chris Isaak
Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend | Just what you want to be, you will be in the end
And I love you
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Jason's Princess
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Post by Jason's Princess »

Sorry for such a quick chapter, but I'm trying to juggle finishing my schoolwork and studying with writing.

Chapter Twelve


Slowly she opened her eyes. The room seemed to spin as she tried to recover her sense of place. “God, my head hurts so badly,” Liz cried, falling back on the floor.

“We should go to the hospital. Now. Where’s your cell?”


“Your phone. Max needs to know.”

“Max? Why would he need to know anything?” Liz asked, closing her eyes. “He has nothing to do with this.”

“I think he does. He definitely does,” Maria muttered under a breath. She rose, headed for Liz’s bag which sat on the small coffee table. Taking out the phone, Maria searched for Max’s number and then dialed, hearing it ring several times before his voicemail answered.

“Dammit.” She looked over at Liz who lay unmoving on the floor. “Oh Lizzy…

Maria tried again, and this time he answered.

“Liz?” came the male voice.

“No, this is Maria, her friend.”

“What do you want?” He sounded upset, his voice tinged with restlessness.

“I’m sorry to bother, but there something seriously wrong with Liz.”

“What’s wrong?” Maria noticed the immediate change in his tone. He was worried.

“She passed out a few minutes ago, she’s awake now, but not really moving. She looks sick Max. I don’t know what to do. I want to take her to the hospital but I can’t possibly carry her. She doesn’t look strong enough to walk. I thought maybe you could come and take her—”

“I’ll be there in ten minutes,” he said, cutting her off. And then the line went quiet.

* * *

He sped all the way there, concern clouding his senses, all other thoughts out of his mind except for her. Liz. The sudden thought of there being something wrong with her plagued him, and the mere idea of Liz being ill overcame him with a sense of alarm and uneasiness.

Once he reached her place, Max bolted out of the car, knocking on the door anxiously.

Finally it opened, revealing an anxious Maria. “Thanks for coming.”

“Don’t mention it,” he said on a deep breath. “Where is she?”

“On the sofa.”

Max walked past the blonde, at once seeing a very ghost-like Liz with her eyes closed lying limply. Fear coiled in his stomach, and his first reaction was to take her in his arms.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Max asked in a teary voice. She felt extremely cold to the touch. Too cold.

“Max,” Liz spoke quietly, faintly. “I’m sorry.”

He frowned, looking down at her. Sorry? There was no way that she had seen him.

She tried to sit up, but was too exhausted to do it on her own, so Max held her up by the elbows. Liz felt the nausea overwhelm her again, this time worse than before. Max watched her face turned ashen. She placed her hand over her stomach, closing her eyes, taking deep breaths. She really was sick. He reached around and massaged her back and shoulders.

“It’s all right. Just breathe. Is that better?”

Liz nodded. When she spoke her voice was parched and lethargic. “Yes. I just feel so… disgusting.”

“Let’s get you to the hospital.” Max lifted her into his arms, holding her body like one does a child’s. She felt so tiny, so light. Liz buried her face in his chest, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“You should ride in the back with her.”

Maria merely nodded, and followed him, closing the door behind her.

* * *

Once they reached the ER, a group of nurses came scurrying towards them, one of them pushing a wheelchair.

“Set her down gently,” she ordered and Max did as he was told. He started to follow them as the taller nurse wheeled Liz away, but stopped when she looked questioningly at him.

“You can’t come, I’m sorry.”


“Are you family?”

“No, I uh –I’m just a friend.”

“Well you’re going to have to wait here. Hospital regulations I’m afraid. Only immediate family allowed.”

Maria watched the exchange with a weird expression on her face. ‘Just friends, huh,’ she murmured to herself, anger rising. ‘Yes, of course Max, because friends knock up their friends just like that.’ She saw him walk to the small couch, and plop down on it, aimlessly. He ran his hands over his face, not noticing she was looking at him. Max sighed, then stared up at her.

“What?” She was looking at him with an unreadable face and that made him squirm.
“Nothing.” Maria sat down beside him. “Thanks for being here.”

“I already told you, don’t mention it.”

“Yeah, but you didn’t have to come, but did anyway.”

He murmured something unintelligible below a breath. “What happened?”

Maria bit her lip. She wasn’t going to be the one telling Max Evans that he was going to be a father. That was Liz’s job. “She told me she was feeling sick, so I came over to see what was wrong. When I got there she looked really tired and pale. And then the next thing you know she faints on me.”

Max burrowed his eyebrows. “I see.”

“Max, look I don’t know exactly what’s going on between you and Liz, so I can’t really say anything, but what I can say is that she is my best friend and if anything happens to her I’m blaming you.”

“Me?! What the hell? Why?”

“You’ve been working her too hard. She’s stressed over whatever gala it is that’s coming up and not to mention that hag that you have for a secretary is—” Maria stopped mid-sentence, catching herself before she could tell Max. Liz had made her promise not to tell Max about Greta’s snarky behavior.

“Greta? Is that whom you’re referring to?” Max asked, with an odd voice. “What about her?”

“Nothing. Never mind. Forget I ever mentioned it.”

“No, now I want to know. What’s up with Greta? Did Liz say something to you?”

“Liz didn’t say anything. I’m rambling, alright. I do that when I’m worried.” The blonde looked down at her hands. “I’m just concerned for Liz. I think she needs a break. Too much strain and worry if you ask me…”

“Well, I am asking you now, why would Liz be so worried, strained to the point that she makes herself sick?”

Maria looked over at Max, and rolled her eyes. “You two do after all have a rather high-stress level job. It was bound to happen one of these days.”

“Liz has been working for me for quite a while now. It’s not normal for her to start behaving like this after she’s always handled herself and her work with great care and diligence. Unless there’s something wrong with her.” Max studied Maria closely. “Is there something you’re not telling me? Is there something going on with Liz that you don’t want me to know.”

“There is nothing like that going on and even if there was, it’s not my place to tell you. That’s Liz’s job.” Maria twiddled her thumbs. “I’m sure that when she’s feeling better, she’ll tell you anything that needs to be said. Right now though, she needs not to be pressured on.”

“You know, for someone who supposedly doesn’t know what’s going on, you seem to keep hinting at something that I’m not exactly sure what it is. But trust me when I say that I’ll find out.”

“If you cause Liz any more headaches and worry I will kick your ass myself,” Maria hissed. “I can promise you that.”

Max lowered his gaze, almost as if trying to hide the hint of the smirk that was forming his lips. “I don’t understand why you’re treating me with such disrespect. After I come and help you out, the least you could do is be civil.”

“I am being civil. Believe me when I say that you’d know if I wasn’t.”

Max was about to say something else when Maria jumped from her place on the couch. He looked to see as one of the nurses who’d helped them come their way.
Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend | Just what you want to be, you will be in the end
And I love you
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Jason's Princess
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Post by Jason's Princess »

Hey guys. I know I updated only yesterday, but being that I'm done with finals and heading to my grandparents for the holidays tomorrow, I thought I'd post early, since I'm not quite sure when I will be able to next. My thanks to everyone for your continued support.

Chapter Thirteen – Triple trouble

“How’s Liz?” Maria was the first to ask.

“Your friend is fine, a bit exhausted. She was dehydrated, so we gave her an IV. Also, we did some blood work, which should be back in about an hour, so if you could stick around that’d be great. After that, she’s free to go home.”

“What made her so sick?” Max asked.

“Stress. That and severe morning sickness.”

“Morning sickness? How—”

“Can I talk to you privately, please?” Maria interrupted before Max could go on.

“Of course.” Maria took the nurse by the arm, leading her away from Max. He watched them with a blank look on his face. Morning sickness?

Maria spoke in hushed tones. “Liz took a pregnancy test earlier today and it came out positive.”

“She told me she’d taken one, but said she wasn’t sure what the result was because she passed out before you could tell her.” She looked at Maria strangely. “Tell me something. Is the man with you the father?”

Maria chewed the inside of her lip. “Yeah.” She glanced over at Max who was now sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. “He doesn’t know though. And he can’t know. Not yet at least.”

“I don’t understand.”

“It’s not for you to understand. Please, just don’t let him know.”

“Is there something wrong?”

“No, Liz doesn’t want him to know right now. She’ll tell him when she’s ready.”

“I see. If those are her wishes, I guess I’m to respect them.”


An hour later Liz sat in the doctor’s office, anxiously waiting for an explanation.

“Liz?” she heard her name called as the tall, raven-haired doctor came in. She gave Liz a warm smile. “I bet you’re ready to get out of here.”

“You have no idea.”

She took a seat across from Liz. “All right, well I’ve the test results.”


“According to your blood test, hCG levels are quite elevated. hCG is the hormone that determines whether a woman is pregnant.”

“What does that mean?”

“You’re five weeks pregnant Liz.”

Liz’s eyes widened. So it was true. She was pregnant. Pregnant. God, what was she going to do? She wasn’t ready to be a mom. Not even a little bit.

“Liz?” The doctor’s voice snapped her out of her minds’ wanderings.

“Yes, I heard you.”

“Judging from your results I’m taking it to be that not only are you pregnant, but also expecting more than one baby. I can’t be totally sure right now.

Her eyes grew larger. “More than one baby?”

“Yes, once we perform a sonogram we can be sure how many exactly.”

“Oh God,” Liz whispered to herself. More than one baby. She let out a long sigh, and looked up at the doctor who was staring at her with a weird smile.

“I take it to be you weren’t planning this?”

“No. I never even though that… God, it’s just so unbelievable.”

“You better believe it Liz. It’s real.”

“I know,” she whispered softly. “I know.”

“I don’t mean to pry, but does the father have any idea of this?”

“No, he doesn’t and he’s not going to.”

The doctor raised an eyebrow. “Well, that’s your decision, but Liz you need to know that because you’re almost certainly carrying more than one baby, you’re considered more of a high-risk pregnancy. You’re morning sickness is pretty serious from what you’ve described. In fact, you might have what is called hyperemesis gravidarum. That’s a condition in which severe nausea and vomiting are present throughout pregnancy, and if not treated appropriately, can lead to several problems including possible termination of the pregnancy.”

“Is that why I feel so queasy all the time? It’s a persistent feeling, and doesn’t really go away.”

“Most likely. That’s why you became so dehydrated. It’s essential that you drink lots of liquids. It’s a serious thing Liz, one that should not be taken lightly. I need you to come in tomorrow so we can perform some additional tests and give you a more thorough check-up, in order to make a proper diagnosis. You need to rest and not overburden yourself. Also, your blood pressure is extremely low, which is another indicator that you may have hyperemesis.
Now that you know you’re pregnant and understand the complications that can arise, you must not only watch and care for your health, but also those of your children.”

Her children. Hers and Max’s. What was he going to say? He wasn’t going to say anything because she wasn’t going to tell him.

“I understand. I really do. And I will take care of myself. It’s just that I’m so taken aback by this. Honestly, I’m more scared than anything else. I never expected it to happen. Ever.”

“No woman is ever really ready to be a mother I think. You just do the best you can.”

“And that’s what I plan to do. These are my babies you’re talking about.”

“What about their dad? Don’t you think they deserve to have him too?”

“They don’t need him. They have me and that’s enough.”


The drive back was a silent and awkward one. Maria rode in the back mumbling to herself, while Max and Liz didn’t even look at each other. Liz had never been happier when they finally got home. Once they arrived, she got out of the car as fast as was humanly possible for a woman who was still feeling weak and nauseous.

“I’m heading back home,” Maria said, taking out her car keys.

“Maria, wait,” Liz called. She took her by the arm and dragged her away from where Max stood. “He doesn’t know right?”

“Of course not.” She looked at her best friend. “You need to tell him Liz. He has a right to know that you’re carrying his baby. Well, babies to be precise,” Maria added surreptitiously.

“I do not plan on letting anyone know anytime soon, okay? So you better not open your big mouth.”

Maria rolled her eyes. “I’d never do that to you Lizzy.”

“Good. Just making sure.” Liz mustered a smile and gave Maria a quick hug. “Thanks for being here for me. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

The blonde smiled and returned Liz’s affection. “And don’t you go forgetting that. If you need anything, call me.”

“I will. Don’t worry.” Liz bit the inside if her lip. “I hope he doesn’t suspect anything.”

“Oh Liz, he’s not. He’s a man.”

The women laughed, and Max glanced up and stared at them. He creased his forehead, wondering what in the world could possibly be so amusing after tonight.

He saw Maria get into her car and drive away, leaving Liz standing alone in the middle of the lawn. With a sigh, he walked over. He needed to talk to her about a lot of things, but figured right now wasn’t the most appropriate time, considering she’d just come back from the hospital and looked a bit pale.

She turned around and saw him walking towards her. “Max.”

He reached her and once he did, didn’t know what to say. They stared at each other, the silence in the air thick with uncertainty.

“Is this how it’s going to be? Are you going to be that immature and not talk to me?”

“What?” Max asked, stunned by her comment. “Not talk to you? Liz, I—”

“You didn’t say a word to me since we left the hospital.”

“What do you want me to say?”

“I don’t know. Anything. Just say something.”

“What do you want to hear? That I was worried sick when Maria called and told me you weren’t doing well? That I drove like a madman so I could reach you, anxious to see what was wrong with you so I could make it all better? Is that it Liz? You obviously love knowing that I’d drop everything for you.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I have never said that. I’ve never even thought it. Besides I didn’t tell Maria to call you. She did it herself, without my permission.”

“Oh, so now—”

“Forget it, okay?” she said, interrupting him. “Thanks for coming. I do appreciate you taking me to the hospital and all,” Liz added, almost grudgingly. “I’m just not feeling well, and crankier than I should be.”

Max gazed at her with a nearly unreadable expression, although deep in his eyes the flicker of compassion and love could be seen. Looking at her, how she seemed so weak and small, the urge to sweep her into his arms was a great one, but common sense and the reminder that he’d seen her with another man held him back. And now that he thought about it, why was it him that Maria called instead of the blond stranger Liz had kissed. It didn’t make sense.

“It’s not a big deal,” he said, finally.

Liz looked down at her hands, then up at him, staring into his beautiful hazel eyes. He really had such lovely eyes.

“Thanks anyway.” She pursed her lips, unsure of what to say next. “I just need to sleep,” she said more to herself. “Rest and sleep.”

“The doctor did say you should take it easy. Look Liz, if you’re not feeling up to par for work, don’t worry about it. I can make do without you.”

The way in which he said it, made Liz look up at him with a strange expression. It was if he were almost daring her not to go.

“I’m fine. I’ll be there tomorrow, like I always am.” They stared at each again, this time Liz inched closer to him. Her emotions were getting the best of her. She closed her eyes briefly. “I’m sorry if I’m—”

“Don’t apologize.” Max held up his hands. “Don’t.” His tone was that of hidden anger and resentment, making Liz’s stomach coil with something that was similar to fear. Why was he acting like this?

Liz crinkled her eyebrows. “I’m sorry for being sorry.” She watched him intently, but when it was clear that he wasn’t going to say anything else, turned to walk away. She could feel his eyes boring into her back and on pure impulse and some other unknown feeling, turned around and ran back to him.

“Thanks again.” She stood directly in front of him, and raised herself up on her toes, leaning towards him, aiming for a light peck on the cheek. Max turned his head, not deliberately, but their mouths met anyhow. Max froze for a second, and just about pulled away, but instead longing took over, and he gave a small moan, drawing her into him, crushing her lips with his.

Naturally, Liz’s arms went around his neck, and she lifted herself higher, making herself more accessible. Max murmured words that she could not understand into their kiss. But she didn’t care. All she cared about was his mouth on hers, and how she felt when his hands pushed on her back, bringing her closer to him.

“Max,” she whispered, breathily. Her small fingers threaded into his dark curls, and she began to gently graze his scalp with her nails.

He groaned, feeling Liz’s touch send waves of electricity all through his body. He couldn’t help but pour all his love and affection into his kiss. Taking her lower lip in between his, he began to nibble it gently.

Liz made a sound at the back of her throat and held onto him tighter, pressing her small body into him. In turn, Max lifted her slightly off the ground, letting her slide down the length of him.

“I want you Max,” Liz whimpered.

Her words seemed to break the spell her kisses were having on him, and Max suddenly broke contact. He set Liz back on the ground, and started to back away.

“What is it?” she asked, surprised.

“Nothing. I have to go. It’s late and you need to rest.” Just as unexpectedly as he’d ended their kiss, Max turned around, almost running to his car.

“Max! Wait!” she yelled after him. But he was already speeding off.

Liz frowned, rubbing her temples. What was wrong with him? One minute he’d been so responsive, and the next distant and curt. Something was up and she needed to know what.


The next morning Liz arrived bright and early to work, feeling much better than she had in the last few days. When she checked Max’s office, he was nowhere to be seen.

“Hmm, wonder where he is?” she mused out loud. Walking to her own workplace, Liz set her things down on her desk, noticing the blinking light of the voicemail.

“I am not in the mood for anyone. Too bad, you’re just going to have to wait.”

Liz made her way to the large window overlooking downtown Seattle and the spectacular Mt. Rainer as its backdrop. She sighed, thinking about what the doctor had told her. Her life was changing rapidly. A baby. No. Not just a baby, but more than one. Instinctively her hand traveled down to her flat stomach. A small smile graced her lips.

It was hard to believe that tiny lives were growing inside her. With her hand still on her stomach, Liz sauntered over to the plush leather sofa. She laid down on it, smiling tenderly.

As he was about to enter her office, Max caught a glimpse of Liz lying on the couch. Her hands were rubbing her stomach and she was talking to herself. He hid behind the door frame, listening quietly.

“Hey little ones. It’s so strange to me, all of this. I never planned on you, you know. You’re an absolute surprise. I can’t believe you’re actually inside, here,” Liz smiled, stroking her tummy in circles. “I admit that at first I was frightened, but you know what? You’re mine and I love you all so much. So very much,” she patted her middle gently. “I can’t wait to meet you.”

“I’m going to make every effort and be the best mom for you. You’ll see.” She stopped talking for a second. “Your dad, he doesn’t know about you. I don’t know how to tell him that you guys are coming. How do I tell him, huh?” Liz sighed. “What if he doesn’t want you? Don’t worry about him though. If he doesn’t want you guys, we don’t need him. My love will be enough for all of you.”

Max stood outside wide-eyed, his mouth partly open. Liz? Pregnant?
Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend | Just what you want to be, you will be in the end
And I love you
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Jason's Princess
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Post by Jason's Princess »

Hey all. Thanks for great feedback. Just to clear a few things. The babies are of course Max's. Who else's would they be? :wink: It has been about a month and a week since their little tropical escapade, so indeed Liz is around five weeks pregnant.

Also, this story is soon coming to an end. There are but a few chapters left. Four or so, depends. Hope you all enjoyed it. And not to worry, all will be as it should be in the end. :wink:

Enough rambling. I have a new chapter. I apologize for its short length.

Chapter Fourteen – Spite

Max stood silently. Pregnant? WTF? A million thoughts rushed into his head. How far along was she? Were they his? Of course they were his. They had to be. Right? Wrong. He had seen her with another man, who was to say she wasn’t sleeping with him. The thought chilled him. No. Liz wouldn’t do that to him. His sweet Liz. Yes, he’d seen her kiss someone other than himself, but for her to actually sleep with the other man while she was with him, was too much.

Without a sound he walked away and into his office. Pregnant. Now everything made perfect sense. The paleness in her face, the fainting spells and her morning sickness all pointed to one thing: she was pregnant. And she had not told him. Why? Was it because he wasn’t the father? No, he had to be the father. The idea of another man getting Liz pregnant repulsed him. And enraged him. It was absolute proof of her betrayal. How could she do this to him?

How was he going to confront her now about seeing her with the blond stranger? He definitely needed to talk to her. Clear things up. Set them straight. He needed to know what was going on. The truth. Needed to rid his head of wayward thoughts and assumptions.

He was so wrapped up in his thoughts; Max didn’t hear when Liz came in.


He finally looked up, a lost look in his eyes.

“Max, I’ve been calling your name for the last five minutes.”

“I-I’m sorry. I was just thinking.”

She looked at him closely. “About?”

“Nothing in particular.” Max replied, trying to keep his emotions in control and his expression unreadable.

“Right? Because nothing in particular makes you think?”

“Just drop it Liz. What do want?” he asked tiredly.

“I just came to tell you that I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon so I’ll have to leave early.”

“That’s fine,” he said, brushing her away.

“Max, what’s wrong with you? Why are you so irritable?”

“I’m not irritable Liz. I told you it’s fine for you to leave. How else do you want me to say it?”

She sighed, feeling a pulsing sting start to pound her temples and Liz closed her eyes as her head spun. Max looked up and saw her grimace.


“What?” she asked, eyes still closed.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I just felt a little lightheaded there for a second.”

“Maybe you should sit down,” concern lacing his voice.

“I’m okay now.” She took a deep breath, calming herself. “All better,” Liz tried to smile, but it came out as another grimace.

Max was by her side instantly when she looked like she was about to collapse. He held her arms firmly. “You don’t look too good.”

“Really, it’s alright Max. I’m fine.”

Taking another calming breath, Liz smiled a little. “I’ve got to go finish some paperwork.” Then she turned around and left him empty-handed.


Liz was finishing her report as she looked up and saw Greta standing directly in front of her desk.

“What do you want? And haven’t you ever heard of knocking?”

“Did Max finally come to his senses, seen what a whore you really are and kicked you to the curb where you belong?”

“Excuse me? Where do you get off talking to me like that?”

“I would’ve thought that after yesterday he’d dump your sorry ass.”

“What the hell is your problem, and what are you talking about?”

“I heard you on the phone the other day, with Chris.”

Liz’s eyes narrowed and she glowered at the woman. “You were eavesdropping on a private conversation?”

Greta ignored her comment. “Max asked me where you were yesterday and I told him.”

“Stop talking in pieces and say what you’re going to say Greta. I don’t have time for this.”

The older woman smiled nastily. “I told Max you were at the Waterfront with Chris.”

Liz’s breath caught in her throat. “What?” she could barely speak.

“That’s right. I told Max where you and your lover were meeting. He saw you, you know, kissing Chris.”

“You bitch. You did this on purpose, didn’t you?” Liz whispered lethally. Her stomach did a merciless tumble and Liz felt all energy drain from her body. Now she understood why Max had been so distant. Dread made its way into her heart, as she thought about him seeing her with Chris. He probably thought…

“Oh God,” she cried, covering her face with her hands.

With another spiteful smile, Greta walked out, satisfied with herself.

“Serves you right, Little Miss Liz Parker.”

Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend | Just what you want to be, you will be in the end
And I love you
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Jason's Princess
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Location: Geneva, New York

Post by Jason's Princess »

Hey all. So sorry for taking so long with this.

Chapter Fifteen

Liz sat in the doctor’s office fidgeting nervously with her handbag’s straps. She’d been waiting for over an hour now and was beginning to become seriously annoyed. While she waited, thoughts of Max plagued her.

She hadn’t seen him or even talked to him since Greta had told her about it. That bitch. How she loathed her. How dare she snoop into her personal business? Hate was not a usual emotion for Elizabeth Parker, but when it came to Greta, she felt all the despise in the world for the older woman.

She really needed to see Max. Talk to him. Explain herself. Explain a lot of things. He probably hated her. She hated herself. She knew she should have never accepted that stupid meeting with Chris. Look where it had gotten her.

Liz let out a long sigh, thinking about all the reasons why Max would never forgive her. He most likely thought she was sleeping around.

“Oh, God.” If he thought she was bed-hopping, he wouldn’t hesitate to question the paternity of these babies she carried. How in hell had she gotten into such a mess? At the beginning, Liz had thought she could keep things light and casual with Max. But as time wore on, she realized that could never be the case. Too late. She’d realized the truth too late.

“What am I going to do?” she mused out loud. “What?”

Just then the doctor made her appearance. “Sorry about the wait, Liz. I was getting the results of your tests.”

“It’s fine.”

“Alright.” Dr. Schmidt took a seat at her desk, looking down at the clipboard she held. “Let’s see what we have here.”

Liz waited for her to proceed. “So?”

“Well, everything seems to be fine. You are indeed five weeks pregnant. And from what I can see, you don’t have hyperemesis.”

Liz didn’t know why, but the breath she’d been holding, suddenly let out. “That’s good. I guess.”

“Of course.” Dr. Schmidt looked up. “You’re healthy, Liz, but you do need to take care of yourself, especially now that it’s not just about you. You have babies to think about.”

“I know that.” She sighed.

“Keep in mind that because of your petite build, this pregnancy will wear hard on you. You must take good care and keep up to date with your check-ups and visits with the obstetrician. I know an excellent one. I’ll give you her number if you’d wish.”

Dr. Schmidt smiled. “Now, would you like to see them?”

“What? Them?”

“Yes, the babies.”

“Um, yeah.” Something she could quite explain fluttered in Liz’s stomach. The babies. They were going to show her her babies.

“Let’s go then.” Liz stood and followed the other woman out the door, to where she’d be able to see them.


Triplets. There really were three babies inside her. She’d seen it for herself during the sonogram. Three.

As she drove down the interstate, Liz thought heavily about what this all entailed. She wasn’t just going to be a mom, but thrice a mother. And Max, he was going to be a dad and didn’t even know it.

But how was she going to break the news to him? It’s not like they were together. Well kind of, but then again no. Besides what if he didn’t want them? And her? What if he wasn’t ready to take on all the responsibly of being a father? She wasn’t ready to be a mom either, but whatever.

A million thoughts stormed her. What was she to do? She never even imagined she’d get pregnant. Sure, she’d thought about having kids in a near future, but not right now. The future was here, as uncertain and unclear as anything ever was.

“I’m crazy.” Liz sighed loudly. “Damn crazy.” Turning on the radio, to try and distract her from dangerous ideas, Liz focused on the road before her.

I'm gonna do it darlin'
I could waste time tryin' to figure it out
But I'm jumpin' in anyhow
I've never been this far
Didn't know love could run so deep
Didn't know I'd lose this much sleep

“Why does everyone have to sing about love?” she moaned, hearing the words of romance fill her car.

Holdin' you close, chasin' that moon
Spinnin' all night
Lovin' just who you are
Sparks flyin' in the dark
Shootin' out lights, huntin' down dreams
Figurin' out what love really means
Baby, givin' you my heart
Is a real fine place to start

A mental picture of a certain dark-haired man popped into her head. Max. Where was he right now? She did have to talk to him, but the courage she knew she must muster to actually confront him, was seriously lacking,

Somethin' is goin' on
I can't explain, but sure can touch
It's callin' both of us
Stronger than any fear or doubt
It's changin' everything I see
It's changin' you, it's changin' me

Liz smiled, thinking about him. He was so—beautiful. And she didn’t deserve him.

Holdin' you close, chasin' that moon
Spinnin' all night
Lovin' just who you are
Sparks flyin' in the dark
Shootin' down lights, runnin' down dreams

Figurin' out what love really means
Baby, givin' you my heart
Is a real fine place to start

Her phone suddenly rang. Liz looked down briefly at the Caller ID. Chris. What the hell did he want? She wasn’t going to answer. Not right now. Not ever.

Right here, right now's the perfect spot, the perfect time.
The perfect moment when your skin is next to mine.

Out of the corner of her eye, Liz spotted Max’s car. He was coming up right beside her.

Yeah, yeah
Holdin' you close
Chasin' that moon.
Spinnin' all night
Lovin' just who you are
Sparks flyin' in the dark
Shootin' out lights
Runnin' down dreams,
Figurin' out just what love really means
Baby, givin' you my heart's a real fine place
Real fine place to start
Oh yeah

Song credit: Real Fine Place by Sara Evans
Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend | Just what you want to be, you will be in the end
And I love you