His Every Fantasy (AU M/L Adult) Chpt. 15: Pg. 3 - 1/29

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Jason's Princess
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His Every Fantasy (AU M/L Adult) Chpt. 15: Pg. 3 - 1/29

Post by Jason's Princess »

Title: His Every Fantasy

Author: Courtney

Category: M/L AU.

Rating: Adult

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the rights to Roswell and its characters. Those all belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement is intended.

Summary: Business partners, Max Evans and Liz Parker decide to go on a spontaneous tropical escape. What happens when these two friends give into the undeniable?

Author’s Note: This is the first time posting any of my work, anywhere. Displaying one’s personal work is always nerve-wracking. It’s like putting a piece of you out there for the whole world to see. Questions and/or comments, don’t hesitate to let me know. Hope you guys enjoy it. Essentially, this is all about the smutty fluff. It won’t be too terribly long either. But we’ll see how things progress. A huge shout-out to Ki-ki for the fabulous banner. You’re awesome girlie.


Chapter One – No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems

I've been up to my neck workin’ six days a week
Wearin’ holes in the soles of the shoes on my feet
Been dreamin’ of getting’ away since I don’t know
Ain't no better time than now… for Mexico

“Max, would you please turn down that music? It’s awfully distracting,” Liz Parker said loudly over the noisy radio. “Some of us are actually trying to work.”

No shoes, no shirt, no problems
Blues, what blues… hey I forgot ‘em
The sun and the sand and a drink in my hand
With no bottom
And no shoes, no shirt, no problems

“Liz, loosen up, it’s the weekend,” he grinned, sauntering into the room with his sexy swagger. “It’s party time.”

“For you maybe, but I have work to do.”

“You have no such thing,” he replied leaning over her desk, staring her straight in the eyes. “I know for a fact you’ve done everything. I checked it over myself.”

“Max,” she sighed, looking away from his face, “what have you always pounded into me? Work first, play later.”

“Later is now,” he smiled.

Want a towel on a chair in the sand by the sea
Want to look through my shades and see you there with me
Want to soak up life for a while
In laid back mode
No boss, no clock, no stress, no dress code

Liz pursed her lips, hoping to hide the hint of the smile that threatened to spill anytime. “You always have to come up with something don’t you?”

“You know me, Parker. Work hard. Play harder.”

“With emphasis on the play harder,” she muttered under a breath.”

“You love me anyways.” He grinned again, before exiting the room. Liz looked down, pretending to be writing.


Babe let’s get packed… tank tops and flip flops if you’ve got ‘em
No shoes, no shirt, no problems
No problems

She quickly gathered the papers strewn all over the desk and began busying herself with organizing the clutter that she called a workspace. No one was left but her and Max, everybody else had already gone home.

His cheery whistles floated into the room, bringing an unexpected smile to her lips. “Oh Max, you never change,” she whispered softly to herself.

After fifteen minutes he poked his head through the door. “You ready?”

“For what?”

“To get out of this place. It’s suffocating.”

“Yeah, just give me a few minutes,” she answered while digging through files.

Max watched her as she moved about the place with such ease and grace that left him wondering if she ever fumbled. Her dark hair was pulled back into a loose pony-tail, leaving a few wispy strands framing her face. Absent-mindedly she pushed them out of her way, as she focused on the paper in her hands.

He smiled at the sight of her so absorbed in her work. Liz Parker was the best thing to ever happen to him, professionally of course. She made her job seem as easy as reciting the ABC’s, and after having disposed of four other assistants, he was grateful he’d come upon her, she was a true asset to the company.

Continuing to discreetly check her out, Max waited patiently while she put the last of her things away.

“I don’t think I’ve forgotten anything,” she said, sighing out loud.

“Liz, don’t worry about it. Everything’s fine.” He strode over to her. “Now, let’s go,” and taking a hold of her arm led her out the door.

* * *

Plopping down on her favorite leather recliner, Liz closed her eyes enjoying the feel of the cool Seattle breeze on her face. She was glad the work week was over. It had been a hectic time, with what getting everything ready for next month’s gala and keeping on top of her latest project, life had gotten way to busy.

As she drifted into a light slumber a knock sounded on the door. Stifling a yawn, she made her way to the door.

“Max? What are you doing here?” she found herself asking the tall figure standing on her doorstep. He was dressed casually in khakis and a light green polo shirt that did nothing to hide his well-defined chest.

He took what appeared to be plane tickets out of his pocket. “This.”

“Tickets? Ok…” she trailed off, unsure of what he meant.

“You and I are going to have ourselves some fun this week-end.” He pushed past her and walked into the living room as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Scrunching her nose, Liz closed the door and followed him. “What are you talking about? I don’t have any plans of going anywhere this week-end.”

“You do now,” he smiled with a twinkle in his hazel eyes.

Liz crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him. “What makes you think I’d go anywhere with you, Evans?”

“Because you’ve worked your ass off these past few weeks and deserve some RnR time. That’s why. Plus, I’m great company.”

She smirked at his last comment. “Right. That’s why I never want to leave the office.”

He simply smiled and headed for her bedroom. “Where are you going?”

“To get you packed.”

“Max!” she protested. Heaving an annoyed sigh, she went after him, as he entered her bedroom.

Heading straight for her closet, he opened it to find an array of attractive business attire along with a variety of casual wear. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a pink baby doll hanging from a hanger. The thought of her in it brought a definite smile to his face.

Grabbing the over-sized duffle lying on the floor he threw it on the bed. “Ten minutes.”

“What?! Max, you’re damn crazy if you think I’m going…”

“Fine. The I’ll pack for you.” He started tossing tank tops and shorts onto the bed.

“Max! You can’t just barge in like this and expect me to go along with your every demand.”

He stopped throwing clothes and walked over to her. “Liz, I want you to relax. You’ve been working hard and I really think you need some off time.”

“And how would you know what I need?”

“I don’t. I’m guessing.” She raised an eyebrow. “Please Liz,” he continued, almost begging. “It’ll be a nice break. Just you and me.”

Shaking her head, she almost smiled. He must’ve noticed because he took her hands into his. “You know you want to.” He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Let’s do it.”

With a final sigh of exasperation, Liz freed herself from his way too inviting hold and began to put her scattered clothes into the bag.

“Fine. But only for the week-end, plus you haven’t even told me where it is we’re going.” Walking around the room she gathered the items she’d need, including her favorite flip-flops. Tossing everything into the duffel she zipped it closed and stared at him.

Max burst into a wide smile. “Jamaica.”

Song: No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems by Kenny Chesney
Last edited by Jason's Princess on Sun Jan 29, 2006 4:59 pm, edited 19 times in total.
Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend | Just what you want to be, you will be in the end
And I love you
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Post by Jason's Princess »

It's really flattering to come in and see that you've all taken the time to leave fb. It means a lot. Thanks a bunch!

I'm posting chapter two so soon because I won't be able to update for a few days. I am having a great time with this story and hope you guys will enjoy it as well. :D


Chapter Two – In a Memory

Liz gazed out the small window, marveling at the sight of crystal clear blue water greeting her from 20,000 feet below, the Caribbean Sea a serene collection of undisturbed stillness.

Max watched her with amusement. Her face was a palette of expressions that changed as she softly whispered to herself. It was amazing to watch.

He stopped breathing. When had Liz Parker become wonderful to watch? Since the day he first spotted her at the crowded bistro.

She sipped her Cosmo quietly; content to watch the people talking amongst themselves, oblivious that a pair of hazel eyes watched her closely.

Max couldn’t tear his gaze away. He’d first seen her as she walked over to the bar. The woman literally exhumed an air of refinement and pure class. He noticed all male eyes turn towards her, but the determined look on her face told them to keep their distance.

Ordinary men. But Max Evans was anything but ordinary. At twenty-five he was already in-line to be next as head CEO of IdeoCreative, one of Seattle’s most highly-regarded marketing firms. Much sought after not only by employers, but also by the ladies, Max was what your mother would call a brilliant catch.

Yet, no woman had ever even come close to capturing the heart of the much sought after bachelor. He lived and breathed for his work.

He focused his attention on the girl with the long brown hair and captivating eyes. She seemed wrapped up in her musings, her facial expressions changing with every second. Looking at her was like watching a flower slowly blossom.

As nonchalantly as only Max Evans could pull off, he walked to the bar and took a seat beside her. She turned around and faced him, biting her bottom lip. That gesture sent a tingle of longing straight to his head.

He kept his gaze fixed on her. “I’ve been watching you.” The words seemed to come out without conscience or measure.

She took a small sip of the orange beverage. “There’s one I haven’t heard before.”

He gave her a gleaming smile, yet it left her unfazed.

She held his gaze steadily for a moment, before returning his smile.

“Pick-up lines don’t work for me.”

“It wasn’t intended as one.”

And that’s how it began. Yet to them it wasn’t an obvious fact that in that very moment a connection of sorts had been established. It’s those that fall the hardest, which are most oblivious.

It was Liz’s turn to watch interested. She snuck a peek out of the corner of her eye, and saw the small smile. His eyes held somewhat of a glint that she’d never seen before. It left a strange feeling at the pit of her stomach.

“What are you smiling about Evans?” Her voice broke his daydream and Max was brought back to the world of the present.

“A memory.”

“Oh.” She wondered what type of memory could make him smile so.

They remained in comfortable silence, neither of them wishing to disrupt the calm that surrounded.

“So, tell me, where are we planning to stay?”

“Shafston. The company owns it.”

“Is this an advance bonus or are you really kissing ass?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he teased back. She had a straight face which made it the more amusing. “I do what I like and they just have to go along with me. It’s in their best interest.”

“I see. Just like it was mine accepting to come with you?”

“Exactly. Glad to see you catch on so quickly Parker.”

“Well you know what they say; a pupil always tries to emulate its instructor.”

“Imitation is the best form of flattery.”

“Just don’t let it get to your head now.”

They exchanged friendly smiles and laughed at the inanity of their conversation.

The pilot’s voice suddenly came over the speakers. “If you could fasten your seatbelts, we’ll be arriving shortly.”

* * *

Once they’d landed, the pair quickly made their way to AVIS, where the rental car awaited.

“Why do I get the impression that you planned this way ahead of time,” she gave him a sideways glance.

“Well, I certainly hoped for it,” Max smiled.

“I bet you did,” she mumbled. Max Evans always seemed to have something up his sleeve and somehow it always involved her. But whether this unsettled, annoyed, or just plain confused her, Liz wasn’t sure. And right now she didn’t care to particularly analyze those feelings. Actually she would prefer to never think about them

The ride to Bluefields was an enjoyable one. Neither of them spoke, appreciating the beauty that surrounded them.

“When I retire, I want to do it here.” Max looked out the window at the tranquility that prevailed and made everything appear care-free. No worries. No problems.

“It is beautiful.”

Upon reaching the guest house, Liz stared in awe at the grandeur of the structure. It was magnificent.

“Pretty snazzy, huh?” he laughed, parking the sedan. “It’s what being Seattle’s best gets you.”


* * *

Inside, the house was decorated flawlessly, with beautiful neutral colors, and complementing ocean pastels, the environment breathed an air of understated luxury.

“Glad to see you like it,” Max watched her reactions. She investigated wide-eyed, taking everything in and relocating it to memory for future safekeeping.

“It’s quite the place.”


After they’d unpacked and had a drink, Liz decided that a dip in the pool would do her well. Slipping into her favorite halter top and matching bottom, she headed to the pool area, hoping to catch the last rays of Jamaican sun.

Max was already there, busily doing laps, so when she came in he didn’t see her.

Liz smiled as a thought ran into her head. “Hey, Evans,” she yelled. He stopped mid-lap and turned to her. Liz swore she saw his jaw drop and a smile form across his perfect mouth. A feeling of satisfaction came over her then. She loved knowing he found her attractive.

“Let’s just see how much,” she said to herself. “Mind helping a lady in need?” She raised the bottle of lotion and immediately he was at her side.

“It would be a pleasure.” Oh, boy this should be interesting. He tried not to look at her tight bottom, but he was a man after all and not to look would’ve been a sin. She had the tightest, roundest tush he’d ever seen. Control yourself Evans, She’s your co-worker not some easy floozy.

Lying stomach down on the beach chair, Liz handed him the bottle. “Work your magic.”

He rubbed the liquid into his palms and began to massage it over her bare shoulders. A small sigh escaped Liz as she felt his hands on her body, stroking firmly, yet carefully.

He made his way down her spine, all the way to the small of her back. At that spot, he lingered. Sitting down beside her, he made small circles with his fingers, creating a multitude of pleasurable sensations all through her body.

“Max… that feels so good.” He smiled down at her and continued his explorations.

After he’d finished her back, she was about to turn around, when she felt the hot touch of his lips grazing the small of her back. Surprised at this gesture, Liz closed her eyes and let her body be touched by him.

An involuntary sigh passed her lips, and she felt his mouth wander up her spine to her neck. There he sucked gently, tasting the coconut flavor of the lotion. Licking his lips, he sat up and turned her so she was lying down, facing him.

It was as if she anticipated something… his mouth to hers maybe. Eyes half open half closed, Liz spoke softly. “Thank you…”

“No need to thank me Parker. It’s on the house,” Max grinned devilishly. Then he kneeled beside her and looked into her dark eyes before closing the distance between them.
Last edited by Jason's Princess on Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend | Just what you want to be, you will be in the end
And I love you
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Post by Jason's Princess »

Thanks everyone for such great feedback. I'm glad to know you're all enjoying this. :D

Chapter Three – Ride, baby ride!

She’d expected the meeting of lips, but when he actually kissed her, the feeling of overwhelming warmth took her by complete surprise. It wasn’t like she’d never been kissed before. But never by Max Evans.

Softly, he brushed his lips to hers, slightly hesitating, as if expecting her possible rejection, but all she gave him was a sigh of delight.

“Ma… xxx…”

He placed his hands on either side of her face, deepening their kiss. He’d never imagined that kissing her would feel like this. It was as if a great heat wave had unexpectedly enveloped him.

The blazing Jamaican sun beat mercilessly down on them, only serving to increase the heat. Still on his knees, Max groaned into the kiss as he felt her mouth open slightly, almost begging for his entrance.

With all rational thought gone from his mind, he began to tease her lips with his tongue, running it around the edge of her mouth.

Unable to contain her pleasure, Liz wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him down.

“Oh God… Max…” His kisses became sweet and sensual, making her insides turn to mush. Just as he was about to explore her mouth with his tongue, the phone on the chair beside them rung.

Both were startled by the sudden noise, and almost reluctantly Max broke contact, standing to answer it.

“Evans,” he barked.

“What is your deal?” asked the voice on the other end.

“Michael, this not a good time. Call me later ok?” then before Michael could protest, Max ended the call.

She stared at him with surprised eyes. “What if it’s important?”

“It can wait.” He smiled and returned to her side. “This can’t.”

She was about to say something else but he’d already claimed her mouth in a kiss that left her tingling all the way down to her toes.

Liz placed her small hands on his chest, in a gesture that was mildly indicative of uncertainty.

A million sensations. A million thoughts pounded at her. What was she doing? What was he doing? In all the time she’d known him, Liz had always thought of Max Evans as a good friend, but now all of a sudden she found herself questioning just what exactly were they?

“Max,” she moaned as he gently sucked her lip, “Maybe… we… should stop…” The way he was kissing her left her dazed and confused.

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, he pulled away from her, looking her in the eyes. His own were unreadable. “I—”

“Max…” she put a finger to his mouth. “Don’t…” she trailed off. What to say?

“I just don’t think it’s good idea. It feels like heaven, but we work together after all and see each other every day. I wouldn’t want anything to come between our work.” She bit her lip. “You’re a really great friend and I don’t want to give things a chance to turn uncomfortable for us.”

He didn’t know what to think. A minute ago she’d been so receptive and now she was telling him that they shouldn’t because they were co-workers?

“You’re right,” he smiled, yet beneath laid hidden disappointment, which he hoped wasn’t reflected on his face. He stood and looked down at her. “Let’s forget about it. I guess the heat and the relaxed atmosphere is getting to me.”

She nodded and gave him half a smile. “Yeah,” she whispered and looked down at her hands. What was happening?

The last rays of sun cast a glow on the two, and when Liz looked up at him, she couldn’t help but marvel at how unbelievably handsome he was. The sunlight set his dark hair on fire and gave his perfect physique a bronze sheen. Why did he have to be so… breathtaking?

“Let’s go inside,” he said, offering her his hand. She took it and again let herself be led by him.

* * *

On the following day, Max and Liz made their way into town. Liz had been entirely sleepless, thoughts of Max keeping her awake. She was probably reading too much into it, but in the light of a new day, felt as if he had retreated away from her and into himself.

She should have never let him kiss her. Now, she had this to deal with.

Max stole a glance over at her. Her face was turned away from him, looking out the window. All night she’d been the only thing he’d thought about and when’d he had finally fallen asleep, dreamt about what it would be like to make love to Liz Parker.

His eyes wandered down to her perfectly tanned legs, the white shorts she wore riding up slightly. Don’t even think about it Evans. Because as much as he wanted her, Liz was above all things his friend and hurting her was not on his list of things to do.

“We should go biking,” she said suddenly turning to him with a smile.


“Yeah, rent motorcycles and go for a ride around the town.”

He gave her a funny look. “You know how to drive those things?”

“How hard could it possibly be?” Cocking her head to one side, she grinned. “Come on. If I remember correctly you and I are supposed to be having fun.”

“Yes, but motorcycles?” he asked making a turn onto Main Street.

“Don’t tell me you’re scared, Evans?” she taunted playfully.

“Of course not!” he immediately cut in with an indignant tone. “I just think there’s much better things than doing that.”

“Do it for me, please?” Liz asked with her best persuasive voice. “You won’t regret it.”

“Since when did you become so adventurous Parker?”

“Well, we are in a beautiful place, so why not take advantage of the opportunity. Besides there’s always a first time for everything.”

He laughed, shaking his head. “Coming from the girl who didn’t even want to come.”

“True, but now that I’m here, it’s the chance to seize the day. Carpe diem.”

“Right,” he drawled, which produced a laugh from Liz. It filled the car with its lyrical quality, making Max smile at how he loved the sound of it.

“Let’s do it Evans. You know you want to.” She raised an eyebrow and gave him a crooked smile.

With her looking at him the way she was, there was nothing in this world he’d deny her. “If I die, it’ll be on your conscience.”

“Nothing is going to happen, you’ll see.” Fully turning her body to him, she added. “How about this? If you like it we’ll do it again.”

“And if I don’t?”

“You will,” she said confidently.

“If I don’t… what Parker? I need an alternative.”

“If you don’t… we’ll do whatever you want?”

“Really?” he asked with a sly grin? “Anything?”


All right. I’ll remember that.”

“You do that.”

* * *

“Isn’t this amazing?” Liz shouted as they sped down the road. The wind blew her hair into her face and she laughed at the way she rode without her hands on the handlebars. Beside her was Max who wore a dour expression on his face.

“How in hell did I ever let myself be talked into this?” he muttered. “Oh right, anything I want if I don’t like it. But even if I did, I’d never admit it to you Liz Parker.”

Making a wide turn, Liz gave a whoop as she suddenly shot through the air, and made a perfect landing.

“Liz!” Max yelled, shocked.

Giving herself ample time, she prepared to do it again, but her timing must’ve been off because instead of landing on pavement, she swiftly crashed into the sand.

“Liz! What the hell are you doing?” Panic gripped him as he saw her lying motionless.

“Liz!” Quickly stopping his bike, he ran towards her. Her hair covered her face, and he gently pushed it out of the way. “Liz, can you hear me? Please say you’re ok?” Dread like he’d never known before came over him.

“Liz?” he asked softer, stroking her cheek. “Talk to me. Please.” He waited another moment and that’s when she decided to burst out laughing.

“What the…”

“Oh Max, don’t look so serious, I’m fine.” She giggled and looked at him, noticing his somber expression. “Really.”

“You could’ve been hurt. I can’t believe you’re actually laughing. This is serious”

“No, it’s not. I’m ok and you’re hilarious.”

“I don’t see the humor in this Parker. You scared the shit out of me.”

“I’m sorry.” She brushed the sand from her legs. “But I couldn’t help myself.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I did it on purpose.”

“You’re kidding, right? You better be.”

“Nope,” she giggled.

“I can’t believe it.”

“It’s a joke Max. Now you’re the one being uptight. It’s all in good fun.”

He shook his head. “Who would’ve thought that the proper Ms. Parker would pull off a trick like this?”

“Max, you’ve yet to discover the other side of me.” Getting to her feet, she grinned down at him. “I’m not always the picture of decorum.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Apparently.” Liz Parker with a daring side?

He picked himself up from the sand. “We’ve business to finish, you know.”


“Since I didn’t like this whole experience and being that you promised we’d do whatever I wanted…” he trailed off as they walked back to their bikes. “It’s my turn for some fun.”

“And what exactly do you have in mind?” she asked, climbing onto her bike.

Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend | Just what you want to be, you will be in the end
And I love you
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Jason's Princess
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Post by Jason's Princess »

Here's chapter four early because I will be out of town and am not going to update for the next few days. Hope you like it. :wink:
Thanks for your comments.

Chapter Four – Lover’s Leap

“Max, I can’t believe you’re actually making me do this.”

“Anything I wanted, remember?” he grinned.

They walked to the cliff’s edge, looking down at the water below.

“It’s so… far.”

“Where’s your sense of adventure now Parker?” he questioned. “You were all thrills a few hours ago.”

“Well I’m over it now,” she grumbled. “Besides, I’m not a great swimmer.”

“Liz, it’ll be fun,” Max teased, using her own words. “Carpe diem.”

Glaring at him, Liz took off her top and shorts, watching Max do the same. The spot was famous for divers, and when Max had found that out, he’d decided that this was the ‘whatever I want to do, you better follow me or else fun’.

“Legend says that two slave lovers leaped to their deaths here. They would rather die together than be separated in life.”

“Oh, well that’s comforting,” she said in an overly sardonic voice. “That makes me really want to take the leap.”

“Stop whining Parker, and let’s do it.”


He turned to look at her with a mile-wide smile. “See you at the bottom,” and without another word ran off, diving gracefully into the darkness below.

“Max!” she yelled after him. She was going to kill him once this was over.

“Here goes nothing.” She jumped and dove after him.

* * *

He watched as she took the plunge, her body glimmering in the moonlight.

A few seconds later, he heard a splash a distance away. “Liz.”

Swimming towards her, Max finally reached her side, smiling. “Now, wasn’t that fun?”

“No, and if you ever make me do it again, I’ll kill you.”

Max laughed. “Oh, so there’s a chance you’ll do it again?”

“Forget about it Evans.” She began swimming to shore, with him close on her heels.

“Come on Liz, it’s an invigorating feeling, free-falling into water.”

“Shut up.”

He grabbed her arms before she could reach the beach. “You liked it Parker, admit it.”

“Max, you’re crazy.”

“Only when I’m with you.”

Liz had to smile at that. “I’ll take it as a compliment.”

“You should.”

“I am.”

The pair began to walk back up the cliff where their clothes lay.

“We should definitely do that again sometime.”

“More like you alone, by yourself.”

They reached their clothes, dressing in silence.

Liz snuck a peek at him, hiding the smile that was about to spill over. Ok, so maybe she did like it. A little.

A cool breeze suddenly blew and only wearing the damp tank top, Liz shivered.

“Are you cold?”

“I’m fine.” He looked at her and saw her shake.

“Liar.” Then without thinking twice, walked to her and put his arm around her, bringing her close to him. Immediate warmth enveloped her, and she couldn’t help but smile.



With his arm still around her, they walked to the cliff’s edge. The night was a starry one, and illuminated the water dazzlingly. Staring out into the dark horizon, both were content to remain silent. Max tightened his grip on her, holding her close. He felt the goose bumps on her arms, and casually ran his fingers up and down her arm.

Just when her head had come to rest upon his chest, she didn’t know, but the feeling of being in his arms was intoxicating. In the most natural of gestures, Max wrapped his other arm around her, and rested his chin on the crown of her head. They looked like two seasoned lovers and anyone who might’ve seen them would have dared to venture that that was exactly what they were.

Turning her head to better fit his chest, Liz half-closed her eyes, enjoying the way he kept touching her arm.

“That tickles.”

“Does it now?” he smiled. Stroking her elbow, he kissed the side of her head. “In how many other places are you ticklish?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Liz laughed.

“I’m definitely interested.” Something in his voice made her open her eyes, and look at him. The moon cast a shadow over his face, but his eyes glittered mischievously.

She bit the inside of her lip as the overwhelming urge for him to kiss her invaded every sense. No, Liz, you shouldn’t do this, the little voice in her head rang, yet her heart sang a different tune. Maybe…

It was almost like he knew… because ever so slowly his face inched closer to hers, giving her enough time to turn away. But she didn’t.

“I can’t help myself. I’m sorry,” he whispered right before his lips crashed down on hers.

Both moaned into their kiss as Liz wrapped her arms around his waist. He crushed her against him, desperately needing to feel her. There was something about Liz Parker that wouldn’t let him be. As he deepened the kiss, he pressed his hands into her back, making her pull away and gasp for air.

She licked her lips, tasting his lingering scent. “Max… I know… we shouldn’t…”

Max laid a finger to her mouth, silencing her. “Don’t say anything. Words spoil everything.” Bowing his head once more, he claimed her in the most searing of kisses. Parting her lips in a gesture of welcome, Max took it as an indication of pleasure, and sweeping his tongue inside, began to taste every possible corner of her luscious mouth.

“God, Liz, I want you so much. Maybe it’s wrong, but I still want you. I want you even if it is wrong,” he whispered to her on a low breath, in between kisses.

She broke away and looked into eyes full of desire, eyes that reflected her own. “Wrong has never felt so good.”

He chuckled, running a finger around her lips. “Let’s go… I want to show you just how good wrong can feel.”

* * *

Lightning flashed outside as the rain began to fall steadily. Happy to be inside, safe from the storm, Liz snuggled closer to him. They’d finished watching Kingdom of Heaven and were satisfied just to sit wordlessly.

That soon would change. Max slipped his hand under her lacy, pink camisole, stroking her back gently. She sighed in contentment, letting his fingers massage away the tension.

“That feels nice…”

“Good,” he smiled.

Turning her towards him, so they were face to face, Max used his thumb and index finger to tilt her chin upwards. Her brown eyes were closed with half sleep, half desire.

“Look at me.” She opened them slowly, and saw the deep hazel filled with need. “You are so beautiful.” He cupped her cheek and smiled. “I wish for you so much.”

Liz couldn’t help but release a girlish giggle. Never had any of the men she’d dated given her this type of… response. Knowing that Max Evans did made her secretly joyful.

She reached for him, turning his head to whisper in his ear. “Make your wish come true.”

“There’s nothing that I would enjoy more.”

Liz threaded her fingers into his hair and slowly began to kiss him, her touch literally making him weak in the knees.

Wrapping his arms around her, Max positioned her so that she rested on his lap. “So sweet…” he murmured.

Her reaction was a simple sigh that sent a pulse of desire straight to his loins. “Make a fire…” Liz told him through a wet kiss. “I want a fire.”

He smiled at her request. They were in the middle of the Caribbean and she wanted a fire. Putting her to the side, he got up, but not before giving her another long kiss. “Don’t go anywhere.”

Liz watched him with dark eyes as he threw logs into the hearth, bringing it to life. The blue flames danced seductively, as if begging for each other. The room was filled with the glow of red, giving it the most intimate of feelings.

When he turned around, he saw that she was gone. ‘Liz?”

“Here.” She walked in carrying blankets and pillows. Reaching his side, she proceeded to spread them on the floor. Liz lowered herself to the ground, sitting in the middle of the blanket.

Max followed her lead, but before he joined, disposed of his shirt. The firelight cast yet another golden blush on the perfect man standing before her. Liz felt her body react, her eyes roaming over his flawless built. Deep within her, a pent-up desire began to spread, yearning to be as close to him as possible.

I look at you looking at me
Feels like a feeling meant to be
And as your body moves with mine
It's like I'm lifted out of time
And time again
Patiently I've waited
For this moment to arrive

Kneeling in front of her, Max grabbed onto her hips, and brought her directly to him. He ran his hands down her sides, feeling the goose bumps.

Leaning into him, Liz kissed his neck, smiling as she did. Her whispers were heard. “Make love to me…”

He pulled back and looked her square in the eyes. “I want to so much, but I also want to make sure you’re ready. That this is what you really want.”

“I don’t want this Max. Ineed it. I need you.”

How could he protest to that? He didn’t and began to trail kisses down her neck to her shoulder area. Licking the tiny hollow in her throat Max, continued his appraisal of her, kissing along her collarbone.

He pushed her back against the pillows, tugging at her top, pulling it over her head. Max sucked in a breath as a lacy scarlet bra was revealed.

“God, I knew you were perfect, but you’re more than that.”

After tonight
Will you remember
How sweet and tenderly
You reached for me and pulled me closer
After you go
Will you return to love me
After tonight begins to fade

She smiled up at him, as she felt him slid on top of her. “Max… please just…”

His lips crashed down on hers, while his hands worked the clasp of her bra. Liz moaned, as he made his way down to her breasts. His mouth latched onto one, while he massaged the other.

Crying out in pleasure, her head fell back, and Liz tightened her hold of him. Pushing up against him, wanting to feel more, she dug her nails into his shoulders, trying to control the sensations that were so suddenly gripping her.

“Max… ohh…”

The way she said his name, in her lust laced voice, made Max suck harder on the breast he so tenderly assaulted. Groaning, he lifted her, so she was forced to wrap her legs around his waist.

He could feel her through the shorts she wore. Reaching inside, he skimmed her middle.

“You’re so wet Liz, my God.”

“Yes, please… it’s you…”

I feel your touch caressing me
This feeling's all I'll ever need
With every kiss from your sweet lips
It's like I'm drifting out of time
Alone will tell
If you feel the way I feel
When I look in your eyes

Stroking her with one finger, Liz gasped as he pressed into her, sliding in and out, creating a rhythm that drove her crazy.

He pulled away, only to receive a protest in the form of a whimper.

“It’s alright, there’s more,” he smiled. “I’m not even close to being done with you.”

Pulling her shorts and underwear down, Max nudged her legs open, eager to feel her. All of her. Quickly he rid himself of his boxers.

Capturing her mouth in a slow, wet kiss, Max reached behind her, grabbing her buttocks, caressing firmly. She moaned uncontrollably, lifting her hips.

“Ma… xxx…”

“You feel so good…” he whispered to her ear.

“Please don’t stop… ever.”

“Never,” he echoed.

After tonight
Will you remember
How sweet and tenderly
You reached for me and pulled me closer
After you go
Will you return to love me
After the night becomes the day

With his mouth, he worked his way down her body, to the dark place where she yearned to feel his lips.

Taking her into his mouth, Liz screamed as his tongue licked, making her tremble with the pleasure.

“God, Max…” she could barely speak.

For what seemed like forever he sweetly tortured her, enjoying her calls of delight, as she repeated his name endlessly. Finally, he kissed her, and Liz tasted her own musky scent on them.

“I need you… need to feel you… inside…”

With her small hands, she cupped him, and Max let out a harsh groan. Liz Parker was his undoing. Slowly she slid him inside of her, and began rocking her hips, pushing him deeper.

Max felt her walls tighten, calling her name with every movement she made.

“Liz… hold me… take me…”

Time and time and time again
Time and time again
So patiently I've waited
For this moment to arrive

That was all they both needed. Feeling as if her body were to explode from the sheer pressure of his thrusts, Liz tightened and quivered around him.

“Faster,” she whimpered.

Their moans of satisfaction filled the room, and both cried out the enormity of what they were feeling.

Aching for control, Max took a hold of her face, kissing her with all the fervor he could ever feel. Hips grinding against each other, he made one final plunge, sending her into a spiral of ecstasy.

He felt the shock as she climaxed, murmuring her name as they both held on for one last minute before giving into their release.

“Oh Liz,” he cried, as it echoed through the room.

Their breaths were ragged, as the last vestiges of their passion made them quiver. Resting his head to her shoulder, he felt her shudder.

“You’re unbelievable.” Kissing her tenderly, Max felt her smile against his lips.

“Thank you.”

He lifted her in his arms, and carried her to the bedroom where he laid her on the bed. Looking down at the angel before him, he smiled one last time, before crawling in beside her. Bringing her close, together they spooned perfectly, falling asleep to the storm outside.

After tonight
Oh, yeah, will you remember
How sweet and tenderly
You reached for me and pulled me closer
After you go
Baby, will you return to love me
After the night becomes the day
After tonight begins to fade

Song: After Tonight by Mariah Carey
Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend | Just what you want to be, you will be in the end
And I love you
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Jason's Princess
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 33
Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:20 pm
Location: Geneva, New York

Post by Jason's Princess »

Hey everyone. I'm here with a new chapter. Again, thanks for your comments. I love to read and see what everyone has to say.

Enjoy this part. All I have to say is rain lovin'. :wink:

Chapter Five – Raining on Sunday

A few hours later Liz awoke to the soft pounding sound that came from the rain. She glanced over and saw him sleeping peacefully. Her heart stood still as she thought about how gorgeous he looked, lost in his dreams.

Finding one of Max’s shirts on a chair, she put it on and quietly made her way to the balcony. Opening the screen door, she walked into the breezy, tropical night. A light rain continued to fall, but she didn’t mind getting wet. A full moon greeted, surrounded by millions of stars. She smiled at the thought of Max sleeping inside.

During their lovemaking, Liz had felt something deeper, something that moved her heart in a way she didn’t think possible. And it scared her. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it. You can’t think about it. When she was with him, she felt, what was the right word? Connected maybe? Yes, connected.

He stirred in his sleep, rolling over to where Liz should’ve been. Quickly he opened his eyes to find her gone. A rainy waft of air floated into the room, and looking towards the balcony, Max saw the open screen.

Now fully awake, he got up and walked to the terrace. There he saw Liz in nothing but his shirt and giving him the best view of her rounded little butt.

Arousal at seeing her like this urged him to step outside, and walking up behind her wrapped his arms around her waist.

At the feel of his touch, she smiled. “What are you doing awake?”

“I could ask you the same thing,” he said, placing a soft kiss behind her ear.

“Hmm, I woke to the rain and didn’t want to disturb you, so I came here.”

The sounds of the ocean reached them, waves gently being hit with raindrops. Max brought her against his chest, and Liz felt his hardness pressing into her. With a daring smile she started to sway her hips, creating a burning sensation in him.

Max groaned as she continued her movements. He held her hands in front of her, and carefully entered her from behind. She gasped as she felt all of him grow inside her.

“You’re so good. Feels so nice.”

He couldn’t help but grin. “I told you I would show you how good wrong feels.”

All she did was moan in response and with closed eyes, tossed her head back, meeting him in an intense kiss.

Both of them were soaking wet, which only served to elevate their craving.

In a quick move, Max slid out of her, and then turned her around. “Rain has never tasted so good,” he murmured, whilst kissing at her neck.

“Take me,” Liz whispered. “Now.” She raised her legs, bringing them to rest on his hips, intertwining her ankles behind him. Max held onto her, and pushing her back into the railing, pressed into her secret place.

“Ohhh… Max… ohhh…” She vaulted herself over the railing while he held her arms to keep her from falling over.

“I’ve got you. You’ll never fall as long you’re with me.”

He steadied both of them, and prepared to delve deep within her when the shirt she wore fell open, exposing perfect breasts. Liz breathed in hard as the rain hit her bare skin. She got a better hold of Max, gripping his arms. “Please… please…”

Arms about her waist, maintaining a firm grasp, Max finally entered her, making her cry out in contentment. “Yes, oh God, yes.”

He grunted as her center tightened around him, giving him immense delight. “You’re magnificent.”

Thrusting further inside, Max kissed her hard, heightening her bliss. As he went deeper, their sounds of elation became louder, signaling their union for all to know.

“Harder,” she yelled, raindrops pounding their faces. “Harder.”

He obeyed and with one final push, drove both of them over the edge of ecstasy. Gasping for air, Liz wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him. “You’re the magnificent one.”

Max lifted her fully into his arms, remaining intimately connected. He walked towards the bedroom and with one hand holding onto her, he used to other to close the screen.

He put her to bed, never letting go. With smiles of pure fulfillment, once again they fell asleep.

* * *

Early morning dawned soon enough, while a gray sky thundered with the promise of more rain.

Her legs were tangled up in his and her coffee hair was fanned out on his chest. Max opened drowsy eyes, which came to rest upon the still dormant Liz. He smiled at how her mouth was curled, like she was dreaming of wonderful things.

She really was beautiful; flawless skin, wonderful gingery hair, dark lashes sweeping against fair cheeks, a lovely mouth that was made to be kissed and a body that was meant for loving upon… by him.

Lightly, he ran his finger along the curve of her cheek, brushing away a loose strand of hair. He could stare at her for hours and never tire of it. Ever since day one of knowing her there hadn’t been a day that he hadn’t thought of her. He realized that now. Liz Parker was somehow always in his mind.

Liz felt his fingers on her skin and loved how warm and dear they made her feel.

Opening her eyes, she found herself looking into his hazel ones, which were filled with tenderness; a tenderness that she’d never seen before.

It ticks just like a Timex
It never lets up on you
Who said life was easy
The job is never through
It'll run us 'til we're ragged
It'll harden our hearts
And love could use a day of rest
Before we both start falling apart

“Good morning.”

“Morning”. He was looking at her in way that completely made her… what was it… uncomfortable. Uncomfortable… because never in her life had anyone looked at her like that, like she was a most precious thing. She gave a small smile. A nervous smile. How could that be? It’s not Liz. It’s not. It’s Jamaica is what it is. It’s so romantic, and secluded, and beautiful… and God you’re rambling.

He noticed uneasiness creep into her features, but brushed it off, choosing not to be bothered by it. Instead he leaned down and kissed her, wishing to erase any feeling of uncertainty she might have.

“Are you hungry?”

“Why? Do you plan on making me breakfast? If you are then yes, I am,” she smiled teasingly.

Max laughed at her response. “I’ll make you anything you want. Your wish is my command.” He leaned down and rubbed his nose to hers.



“You said it Evans, not me.”

“So, what do want?” Max asked through a kiss.

“Strawberries… and cream.”

He raised an eyebrow. “That’s it?”

“Hmmm, for now,” she but her lip.

“I’ll be back then.” Giving her another kiss, Max stood, wrapping the sheets around him. Liz stared after him, a strange sort of smile on her face. This man was something else. Something else entirely.

Five minutes later he walked back in carrying a tray with a large bowl filled with fresh strawberries and a saucer of whipped cream.

Her gave her a grin and set the tray down on the nightstand. “Since I went and got you strawberries, you have to do something for me.”

“What’s that?”

Max took one of the fruits from the bowl and dipped it into the cream. “You, Ms. Parker are going to let me feed you.”

Liz’s eyes widened and a smile formed on her lips. “Interesting request. I’ve never been feed before.”

“First time for everything, right?” he gave a devilish grin. Liz stuck out her tongue and started to lick the cream off of it. He watched her with eyes of sin and lust. Outside the rain continued to pour, adding to the tempting atmosphere.

Pray that it's raining on Sunday
Stormin' like crazy
We'll hide under the covers all afternoon
Baby whatever comes Monday
Can take care of itself
'Cause we got better things that we could do
When it's raining on Sunday

Max’s eyes never left her face, and when she bit into the ripe fruit he felt himself harden. Watching her was sweet torture. Her lips were stained with red juice, and a small trickle ran down her chin. He couldn’t resist it. Leaning in, he licked the juice off, and ate what was left of the strawberry.

“Mmmm, Max…” she moaned as his tongue licked her lips. He could taste the sweetness of both the fruit and her, and it drove him wild. Getting another berry, Max put it in his mouth, nibbled on it, then proceeded to kiss her.

He smiled at the way she closed her eyes and opened her mouth waiting for him. Liz took the strawberry in between her lips and sucked hard. She looked at Max who seemed like he was ready to devour her.

“God, do you know what you do to me?” he asked through a harsh whisper, as she licked the juice from his lips and ran her tongue along the edge of his teeth.

“Possibly,” she murmured, continuing her study of his mouth. Another berry was taken from the bowl and dipped in cream. This time Liz was the one to feed him, and he took it greedily, claiming her in a mind-blowing kiss.

Your love is like religion
A cross in Mexico
And your kiss is like the innocence
Of a prayer nailed to a door
Oh surrender is much sweeter
When we both let it go
Let the water wash our bodies clean
And love wash our souls

She fell back onto the pillows, her arms wound around his neck. “Make love to me Max…” she whispered, feeling his hands travel down her sides to her hips.

Grabbing a strawberry, and covering it with cream, he began to make a trail of desire down her body. Liz sighed at the feel of his hands caressing her breasts. Could she never get enough of him?

Along the way Max sucked the juice off of her body, going all the way down to her navel. There he stopped, receiving a protest from Liz.

“Please…” her body trembled with her need for him. She needed to feel his mouth there

With half a berry, he reached that aching place and began to rub her gently, yet firmly with the fruit.

“Oh my God!” she screamed, as deep pleasure filled her. She moaned hysterically, and arching her back, grinded against him.

Max smiled, knowing he was driving her wild. “This is just the beginning. I intend to ride your sleek little body until all you can do is beg for more.”

Lowering his head, he sucked the juice from her thighs, and then made his way to her aching spot, where he flicked his tongue over her, again and again, making her call out his name frantically.

“I didn’t know… it… was going… to… feel… like… this…”

“Parker… you feel so good.”

His mouth still engaged; Max felt her hands on his back and cried out in pain and pleasure when she dug her nails into his skin. In response, he swirled his tongue in and out of her, until Liz thought she was going to die.

She bucked against him, giving him more access. He took the chance and filled her with his tongue and fingers.

She shrieked at the top of your voice, grasping at the small hairs on his neck. “Maxxx… please… I… want… more…”

He chuckled and grabbed her hands, holding them above her head, giving him full control. Again he laved her, nibbling to his heart’s content. Her breathing became rapid and rough, and she cried out her ecstasy, reaching her climax and falling into the abyss that was bliss.

Pray that it's raining on Sunday
Stormin' like crazy
We'll hide under the covers all afternoon
Baby whatever comes Monday
Can take care of itself
'Cause we got better things that we could do
When it's raining on Sunday

As she came down from her high, Max hovered above, wiping away the slick strands of hair from her face. Her eyes were closed and her face was flushed, giving her a rosy color that stirred his desire even more.

“I’m not done yet, baby,” he whispered in her ear. “I’m far from being over with you.”

Liz shook her head and moaned. “Max, that was… unbelievable… just… incredible.”

“There’s more where that came from,” he kissed her hard.

Still feeling aftershocks of her pleasure, Liz wrapped her legs around him, bringing herself to sit on his lap, straddling him.

His arms went around her. They could feel their heartbeats racing; both of them ready to be fulfilled.

Max lowered his head and took a rosy nipple into his mouth, sucking sweetly.

“Hmm… yes, oh, Max…”

With her hands, Liz reached down and felt up and down his shaft, eliciting a groan from him.

‘Let me…” she trailed off, sliding off his lap. He watched as she slowly skimmed him, licking along his shaft. He grew bigger with every movement of her lips.

“Liz…” it was the only articulate word he spoke. His head fell back, and lacing his fingers into her hair, nudged her deeper. Sucking and pressing with her lips, she slid down his length, tickling him with her tongue and fingers. She licked the end of it before opening her mouth and fully taking all of him in.

“My God… Liz…” he rasped, growing inside of her. He couldn’t breathe. Ready to explode, Liz pulled out and ran her mouth down the sides again; the only sounds in the room were his cries of satisfaction.

She looked up, smiled, and then kissed him.

“Open up for me,” he moaned. Liz spread her legs and raising her knees, wrapped her legs around his shoulders. Holding onto each other, Max slid effortlessly into her, producing a loud sigh of happiness from Liz.

“You’re wet Liz,” he whispered seductively. “So wet…”

“Because of you.” He thrust, pulsating inside her. As he sank in, Liz whimpered his name.

“Faster, Max. Go faster,” she urged, feeling him move inside her. He pressed into her as hard as he could, and felt her walls tighten around him, giving him the rush of his life.

They began to rock as one, the rain from outside pounding rigorously in time with their rhythm. Their grunts became sighs of delight, and right as they reached the pinnacle, Liz was hit over and over again by her orgasm, screaming out in enjoyment.

Her core squeezed him so hard that he could barely move. Her body convulsed as his seed spilled within and Liz cried out when he grabbed her buttocks massaging it, drawing himself deeper. Finally they reached their breaking point and holding hands, collapsed on top of each other.

Max pulled her to him, so her head came to rest directly over his heart. “Parker, I do believe you’re my heaven.”

Pray that it's raining on Sunday
Stormin' like crazy
We'll hide under the covers all afternoon
Baby whatever comes Monday
Can take care of itself
'Cause we got better things that we could do
When it's raining on Sunday
When it's raining on Sunday
When it's raining on Sunday

Song: Raining on Sunday by Keith Urban
Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend | Just what you want to be, you will be in the end
And I love you
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Jason's Princess
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 33
Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:20 pm
Location: Geneva, New York

Post by Jason's Princess »

Chapter Six – Back to reality

He held her arm as they walked through the small airport. Their flight was scheduled to leave in two hours, so they decided to grab a bite to eat.

“How about pizza?” Max asked as they entered the small restaurant.

“Cheese and pepperoni.”

“Alright. That it is.”

She took a seat at a booth by the window. The rain had stopped and the outside world glistened with misty afterglow.

Liz waited as Max ordered their food, and took the chance to check her voicemail. ‘You have five new messages,’ the perfunctory voice chirped. The first two were from her parents, while the next were from Maria. Once she came to the last message her heart skipped a beat. ‘Hey baby, it’s me. Call me as soon you get this. I really need to talk to you.’


She couldn’t believe it. After how many months of not hearing from him, he’d now decided to call?

Max returned to the table to find Liz with a lost look on her face. “Hey, is there something wrong?” he asked, concerned. She held her phone in her hand, but didn’t say a word.

“I—it’s fine,” she nibbled her lips in a nervous gesture. “Nothing’s wrong.” She was lying through her teeth and Max knew that, but again decided to brush it off.

“Let’s just eat,” she said with an unnatural smile.

They ate their dinner silently, Liz, gripping her phone so tightly, her knuckles turned white from the pressure.

“I’m going to the ladies room. I’ll meet you at the gate.” And before he could say another word, she left, walking away hastily.

Max stared after her disappearing form. Something was clearly bothering her. What, was the big question.

* * *

Thirty minutes into their flight Liz announced she had to pee… again. “I’ll be right back, ok?” she whispered softly to him. Brushing past him, her butt accidentally grazed his knees, instantly making his bulge harden.

They’d spent that entire day in bed, and even now, hours later, Max remembered what she’d felt like beneath him. He really could not ever have enough of Liz Parker. As discreetly as he could, he rose from his seat and walked towards the bathroom. He found her standing outside, waiting.

“Max, what are you doing?” she smiled.

“I just…”

“What?” Suddenly the door opened, and out came out an older woman. She stared at them suspiciously as if she knew what they were up to.


“Come on,” she pushed him inside, locking the door behind her.

Bodies crammed into the tight space, Max pulled her against him, loving the way she fit into his arms.

“Max… you’re crazy,” she whispered softly. The adventure of doing it, knowing that there were people surrounding them, truly made her giddy.

You make me crazy,” he said, giving her a light peck. “We have to be as quiet as possible,” lips grazing her neck. Running his hands down her breasts, he felt her nipples harden.


With her back against the wall, Max placed his leg in between hers. Liz grinned and then began to grind against him. The small space they were confined to increased their level of arousal as bodies were crushed against each other. Liz felt his erection press hard into her, and with one hand cupped him through his jeans.

He hissed harshly as she tightened her grasp. Max’s arms reached behind her, clutching her rear, forcing her to rock against him.

Swiftly, Max pulled down her slacks and released himself from his jeans. Ready to penetrate, he kissed her long and hard before entering.

“Now,” she said, eyes closed. With his hands on her waist, he lifted her, and Liz wrapped her legs about his hips.

With a quick thrust he settled fully within and Liz let out a muted whimper; his own enjoyment had to be stifled otherwise they’d be found out. They couldn’t help themselves and when Max moved inside her, they both moaned loudly in unison.

“God, Liz!” he said in the quietest of whispers. She rocked against him, as he expanded inside of her and Max felt himself cum. This woman was his every delight.

He rested his forehead to hers, trying to regain self-control and breathing back to normal. She gave him a smile and kissed him. Still grinning she slid down the length of his body and pulled her slacks back up while Max zipped his jeans. As he opened the door, they met with a flight attendant, whose arms were crossed across her chest, and a scowl marred her features.

“Only one person at a time in the restroom.”

* * *

The drive to her house was a hushed one. Now, at the end of their trip, Liz didn’t know what to say. What could she say? What was the right thing to say at a time like this?

He parked in front, turning off the car. “Let me get your bag.”

Max opened the door and fetched her duffel from the trunk. She stood near him as he closed it and handed her her belongings.

“Thank you for everything,” Liz smiled nervously. Thankfully it was dark out and she couldn’t see his face clearly. “I guess I’ll see you at work—”

Before she could finish the sentence he’d taken a hold of her, and kissing her hard, lifted her off the ground so she stood on her tip-toes. The bag fell from Liz’s grip, and she instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck.

For what seemed like an eternity, they kissed, Max kissing her like it was the last time. Finally he let her go, gasping for air. He rested his forehead to hers, and spoke softly. “That’s so you don’t forget me,” he grinned, giving her yet another passionate kiss.

At last he released her, but before he drove away, turned around and with a sparkle in his hazel eyes, told her, “I’ll be seeing you pretty girl, in dreams.”

* * *

It was a sunny day that October afternoon, with the sounds of nature filling the world with a peaceful pace.

“Where have you been all week-end?” demanded Maria as she and Liz walked through Discovery Park. “I’ve been calling you like mad.”

Liz took a bite out of her ice cream. She wasn’t exactly sure what Maria would say about her tropical adventure.

“I was with Max.”

“Max? Doing what?” Maria looked over at her friend. She knew what the expression she wore meant. “I’m guessing this wasn’t work related.”

“Not exactly.”

“Alright, spill.”

“He just invited me to Jamaica for the week-end,” Liz said it like it was the most normal thing in the world.

“What?” she practically shrieked, making bystanders look over at them.

“I don’t want all of Seattle to find out,” she replied sarcastically.

“I’m sorry,” Maria squealed. “We better sit down for this.”

Liz rolled her eyes. She should have known Maria would want the entire play-by-play.

“So… what happened?” Maria prodded. She needed to know everything.

“Nothing really.”

“Nothing? What do you mean nothing? It’s Jamaica. It’s Max. Combine the two and you have yourself hot sex waiting to happen.”


“It’s true.” She studied Liz’s face for a second. “Tell me, did you sleep with him?”

Her silence spoke volumes. “Oh Liz,” she said, now in a much serious tone.

“What? It was going to happen, eventually. You said so.”

“And the fact that he’s your boss doesn’t make it the least bit awkward?”

“Well, at first I was hesitant, for that very reason, but Maria he really is gorgeous. I tried to stop it once, but it was useless.”

“So you like him?”

“Obviously I like him enough to sleep with him.”

“Liz!” It was Maria’s turn to protest. “How can you say that?”

“What? It’s the truth.” She looked over at Maria who was looking at her with unbelieving eyes. “Don’t look at me like that, like I’ve done something terrible. It was just sex.”

“Liz this is so unlike you.” Maria shook her head. What had gotten into her?

“I’m allowed to have my fun.”

“You’re right, but you sound like me.”

Liz laughed. “I guess you’ve rubbed off.”

“Liz… I can’t believe this. Max Evans invites you to Jamaica, alone, and you act as if it’s nothing.”

“What’s the big deal?”

“The big deal is that you and I both know you don’t do well with casual sex. You never have. Look what happened with Chris.”

She looked over at Maria who gave her the ‘I know you well enough to know what’s going on’ look.


“So? Liz, do you mean to tell me that you’re fine with this? That having slept with Max isn’t going to change anything?”


“Right,” Maria raised her eyebrows. “You don’t even believe that.”

“We’re still friends. We work together. It’ll be alright. Just because we had sex doesn’t mean anything. I mean, sure Max and I could become lovers or whatever, but that doesn’t mean I love him.”

Maria could not believe what she was hearing. “What has gotten into you? I think the Jamaican sun screwed with you’re reasoning.”

“Oh Maria, don’t sound so shocked. You do this all the time. What’s wrong with me getting a little piece of cake?”

“You’re right. I do this. But Liz, you know well enough that all the times you’ve even tried to act like it didn’t bother you, it did. Do I have to remind you about Chris?”

“No,” she replied, a type of ache lacing her voice. “He called by the way.”

“What? When?” Maria hissed, her eyes turning into narrow slits. “The nerve of that… prick.”

“When we were at the airport. He left a message.”

“You don’t plan on calling him are you?” Maria asked, almost expecting for Liz to say yes but hoping against it.

“I don’t know. Maybe.”

“Liz,” Maria spoke to her like she would to a child. “Chris is a first class bastard. Why on earth would you want to even speak to him after what he did to you?”

“I have my reasons.”

“Oh yeah? And what could those possibly be?”

“Do you have to know everything?” Liz asked annoyed, getting up. “Maybe I just want to talk to him. Do I have to have an explanation for every action I take?”

“No,” Maria called after her, as Liz started to walk off.

“Liz, wait!” She ran up to her friend, taking her by the arm. “I don’t mean to try and tell you what to do. I’m just looking after your best interests. Chris is a fucking douche. He doesn’t deserve the time of day.”

“It’s not like I’m planning to hook back up,” Liz sighed. “It’s more curiosity than anything else. I just want to know what he wants.”

“It’s obvious. He wants you.”

She glanced over at Maria. “Don’t worry,” she said with a tiny smile. “I’m not planning to take him back. I’m not that stupid.”

“If you say so,” she said, holding her arm tighter. “Remember, if you even start to think about it, don’t. Call me, and I’ll kick his sorry ass.”

Liz laughed. She knew Maria was just looking after her. “Trust me, if I feel the need for that, you’ll be the first to know.”

* * *

Over the next few days, Liz saw little of Max. He was busy with new clients that required his full attention. As much as she tried to deny it, Liz missed seeing him come into her office, looking at her with those wonderful eyes of his.

Towards the end of the day on Thursday, while she was putting the finishing touches on the Mercer report, he popped in wearing a brilliant smile on his face.

“When I’m good I’m damn good,” he gave her a flashy grin.

“You closed the contract?”

“You bet I did.” He walked to her desk, leaning over in his usual manner.

“Let’s go celebrate.”

“On a Thursday night?” she asked with arched eyebrows.

“It’s a special occasion.”

“I wish I could, but I still have to make some phone calls and finish this,” she motioned to the stack of papers on her desk.

“Come on Parker. It’s five o’clock. The workday is over.”

“Max, but—”

“No butts. You’re coming with me.”

“What are you going to do? Force me?” she laughed.

“If I have to.”

“You’re crazy,” she murmured. He was looking at her again… in that way that made her nervous.

He walked over to her side, and without another word, pulled her up to him. “Come with me Liz. I’ve missed you,” he said, nuzzling her neck.

“Max…” she tried to protest, but his lips had already found their way to hers, and were making all her objections disappear.

“Hmm, we can’t do this,” she sighed, as he gripped her bottom. “What if someone comes in?”

“No one’s here. It’s just you and me. Besides the door’s closed.” He pushed her against the desk, making room for her to sit on.

His hands wandered down to the buttons on her blouse and Liz moaned when he began to rub her gently.

“Oooo,” she cried as his mouth closed in on a rosy nipple.

“Always so sweet…” his breath was hot next to her skin.

“Will you go with me?” he asked through a smile, while making a wet trail around her breasts.

She moaned in response and nudged his head closer. “Only… if you… promise…

“What Parker? To drive you crazy for me?”

“You’re so conceited,” she muttered.

“Maybe, but I want you and I want you now.”

She lay on her back, on the edge of the desk, spreading her legs. Max pushed her skirt up, eager to ride her. He’d missed having Liz Parker.

“Nice underwear,” he smiled at the sight of her green thong.

“Shut up,” she moaned in enjoyment. He slipped his hands inside and pulled her undies down to her knees.

Unzipping his pants, Max released himself and with a sudden thrust was inside, making her squirm. The action served to arouse him and with his hands on her back, raised her, and attacked her neck in sudden tiny kisses.

“Oh God, Max…” She seized his rear and pushed him deeper inside.

“Hmm, Liz… so does that mean you’ll come with me…”

They both groaned as he came inside her, rocking their bodies with the force of their fulfillment.

“What do you think Evans?”
Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend | Just what you want to be, you will be in the end
And I love you
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Jason's Princess
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 33
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Location: Geneva, New York

Post by Jason's Princess »

Thanks everyone for such awesome feedback. I truly appreciate you all taking the time and leaving your comments.

Chapter Seven – Sweet Taboo

They laughed as Max opened the door to his condo.

“For a girl, you’re pretty good at pool.”

“You’re so chauvinist.”

“Whatever,” he grinned. “You know I’m kidding.”

Max took off his coat, and walked over to the full size bar.

“What’ll it be?” he asked, taking out two goblets.

“Hmm, do you have Chianti?”

“Of course,” he smiled and took out a bottle from one of the cupboards.

“Gosh, it’s hot in here,” Liz exclaimed, tossing her blazer on the couch, and unbuttoning her blouse halfway. She walked up to Max and leaned, in brushing her bosom against him.

He handed her the glass of wine, involuntarily looking down at her chest, catching a glimpse of a lacy bra. She bit her lip when she felt his bulge press into her leg.

Already tipsy from the martinis she’d had at the bar, Liz started to remove his tie with one hand, while the other held the glass carelessly.

“Tell me, Evans, has anyone ever given you… a show?”

“A show?” he asked, now completely aroused.

“Yeah,” she said through a sip of wine. “A private show,” Liz giggled. She drank the rest of the liquor in one gulp and set the glass on the bar. Turning her attention to him, she grinned.

“Have you?” she asked again, going back to removing his tie.

“Uh, can’t say I have.”

“Well there’s a first time for everything, remember,” she slurred.

“Liz, you’ve…”

“What Max? I’ve what?” Don’t you want a private viewing… by me?” she grinned, unbuttoning his shirt. “You’ll like it. I know you will.”

Max was sure he would. He’d never seen her drunk before and found it to be utterly interesting. “You’re going to… strip for me?”

“If you want me to,” she smiled again, taking his glass and drinking all of it. Walking away from him and to where the stereo was located, Liz started to flip through the stations, until she stopped at one, the jazzy sounds of Ella Fitzgerald filling the room.

I have a feeling, it's a feeling,
I'm concealing, I don't know why
It's just a mental, incidental sentimental alibi

She turned back to him, placing the tie around his neck, bringing him to the couch.

“Sit down.”

He obeyed, his eyes roaming her body. Max felt his desire for her begin to consume him ever so slowly.

Her dark tresses fell to her shoulders, as she took the clip out of her hair. The firelight cast a glow on them, bringing out the highlights.

She looked like a sinful goddess.

Swaying her hips to the song, she finished the buttons on her blouse, and tossed it aside. Watching her undress was one of the most erotic things he’d ever done.

But I adore you
So strong for you
Why go on stalling
I am falling
Our love is calling
Why be shy?

Swallowing hard, Max watched wide-eyed as she bent down and went back up again, moving her body in time with the music. She bit her lip as she proceeded to remove her bra, and smiled at the way his jaw dropped when it fell, exposing her breasts to him.

With one arm covering her, Liz unzipped her pants and let them fall in a pool around her feet.

Max felt his loins turn to fire. She wore nothing but a skimpy pink thong that didn’t leave much to the imagination.


Let's fall in love
Why shouldn't we fall in love?
Our hearts are made of it
Let's take a chance
Why be afraid of it

“Shush. I’m not done.” She made her way to him, still covering herself. Grinding her hips up and down, she danced for him, whispering seductive words.

He reached for her, but smiling she stepped away. “Not yet…”

How much more of this he could take, Max wasn’t sure. All he knew was that he needed to touch Liz Parker. Now.

Let's close our eyes and make our own paradise
Little we know of it, still we can try
To make a go of it

Licking her lips, Liz slowly revealed herself and walked back to him. “Evans,” she whispered in her most lustful tone…

Grinding her hips right in front of his face, Liz grinned, seeing Max gulp harshly, as her legs brushed his. Not being able to touch her was killing him and she knew it.

“Just a little longer,” she whispered, leaning in close to his mouth.

Max took a deep breath, trying to keep calm as he watched her sway back and forth to the music. This woman was going to be the death of him.

He couldn’t do this anymore. Kneeling in front of her, he ran hands down her legs, feeling all the way down to her feet, where she still wore high-heeled shoes. Something about her almost naked in high-heels drove him crazy, and taking off one shoe, kissed her toes, one by one.

Liz gasped at the feel of his tongue on her feet. He did both and proceeded to work his way up her legs to the dark place which he ached to feel.

“Max,” she groaned, lacing her fingers into his hair.

We might have an end for each other
To be or not be
Let our hearts discover

He hooked his thumbs inside of her of her thong and slowly slid it down her legs with his teeth. Max used his tongue to tease her, and nibbling gently, made her scream in sudden pleasure.

Now completely naked, Liz grinded her hips up and down the length of his upper body. Faster and faster, she rose up and down with the music, giving him a full view of what would be his.

Let's fall in love
Why shouldn't we fall in love?
Now is the time for it, while we are young
Now is the time for it while we are young
Let's fall in love
Let’s fall in love

“Take off your clothes, she whispered, joining him on the floor. “I need you.”

Max practically tore at his shirt. Liz unbuckled his belt and frantically worked at getting his pants down.

“Make love to me…”

They fell on top of each other, rolling around on the soft plush carpet.

We might have an end for each other
To be or not be
Let our hearts discover

Liz positioned herself on top of him, as he slid easily into her. In a rhythm that drove them wild, she moved up and down, enjoying his calls of ecstasy.

He grabbed her hips urging her on; never tiring of the way her body filled him. “God Liz,” he cried loudly, as she increased her speed. Soon they were panting for air, holding the other as her orgasm rocked them both.

Max flipped her over, so that now he was the one with control. “Max, please just…”

He lifted one of her legs, and nibbled the bottom of her heel. The simple action sent electric shocks through her body, and Liz wiggled madly underneath him.

“Oh God, Max that tickles, and feels so good,” Liz gasped.

“I know baby.” He switched to the other foot, this time sinking his teeth into her flesh.

“Hmm…” she moaned.

Satisfied, Max moved to her belly, licking down to where the dark curls started.

Liz dug her nails into his shoulders, bracing herself for what was to come.

Kissing and stroking her inner thighs, he nibbled gently, and then intensified his loving of her by flicking his tongue over her most sensitive area.

She bucked fiercely, her legs shuddering, wanting to feel even more of what he offered. “Ooo, Max…”

Max savored her, thrusting his tongue inside, nuzzling with his fingers and tongue, until Liz screamed, and voiced her utmost pleasure.

He gently lifted her into his arms, using his hands to stroke her body as she came down from her orgasm. “Look at me Liz,” Max whispered hoarsely. Eternity would not be enough time to spend with this woman.

She opened her eyes and looked at him; his own were brimming with an ardor and fire that threatened to consume them.

“No fantasy compares with the reality of what I feel for you.” He kissed her longingly, wonderfully and Liz wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Max,” she moaned softly. God, how come she felt so satisfied when he spoke to her like that? “Just hold me. Hold me and make me a part of you.”

He smiled and began to ride her slowly, giving them both the highest of climaxes. As one they began to sway together, echoing the other’s cries of sweet surrender. Max looked down at her and saw the look of delight etched on her face. She was his forever.

Let's fall in love
Why shouldn't we fall in love?
Now is the time for it, while we are young
Now is the time for it while we are young
Let's fall in love
Let’s fall in love

* * *

Early the next morning Liz awoke to a clear and sunny day. Her head pounded as the intense sunlight filtered in through the curtains. Memories of last night flooded her mind, and Liz all but groaned, remembering what she’d done.

That was why she didn’t drink often. She always ended up making a fool of herself when she’d had too many drinks. Looking over at Max, who still slept, the sheets barely covered his naked behind, Liz half-smiled.

Once again he’d shown her not only with words, but also actions what it was like to feel honest passion. And that frightened her. This was all becoming much too… complicated. Why couldn’t she just enjoy herself without becoming… involved?

Sex was sex, and with Max it was definitely an adventure. So why couldn’t she just benefit from it without all the added stressors? Sex without commitments sounded great, but Maria was right, ‘casual sex’ had never been casual when it concerned her. She always managed to develop feelings for her partner, and then sadly he would disappoint and hurt her because he didn’t reciprocate them.

Just like Chris. Liz, you have got to stop thinking like this.

Shaking off unwanted thoughts, she got out of bed, and glanced over at the clock. 4:30

There were still a few hours left before work. The thought of a hot shower suddenly sounded appealing. She was sure Max wouldn’t mind if she took just a quick one…

* * *

The sound of running water roused him from a placid sleep. Max glanced over at the empty spot where Liz had lain. Her scent still lingered and he took a deep breath, as if trying to embed it into his memory.

With a sly smile, he made his way to the bathroom. Once inside he caught a glimpse of her naked figure through the shower door. Quietly, he opened it, and stepped inside.

Liz froze as she felt someone grab her from behind. Max.

“I hope you don’t mind that I—”

If I tell you
If I tell you now
Will you keep on
Will you keep on loving me
If I tell you
If I tell you how I feel
Will you keep bringing out the best in me

“Of course not.” He placed a small kiss at the nape of her neck. Max turned her around, so they faced each other. “Did I ever tell you, that you look extremely gorgeous wet?” he smiled and kissed down her nose to her mouth, nipping gently at her lips.

“Hmm, I don’t think so…”

“Well you do.” His hands had found their way to her back, and were now stroking gently, up and down, in the most relaxing of motions.

You give me, you give me the sweetest taboo
You give me, you're giving me the sweetest taboo
Too good for me

The hot water pounded both of them, and releasing her for a moment, Max used his fingers to slick his hair back, exposing dark hazel eyes filled with love and desire. He gazed down at her with a penetrating stare, appreciating the splendor of her nakedness.

Her breath caught in her throat. That look. Those eyes. They made her completely weak in the knees, and Liz wondered why she wasn’t a puddle of goo on the shower floor.

There's a quiet storm
And it never felt like this before
There's a quiet storm
That is you

Wrapping his arms around her again, he smiled before leaning down, claiming her in the most intense of kisses. Liz’s small hands traced down his chest, feeling every muscle as it tightened with her touch.

He continued to explore every corner of her mouth, tongues dancing with each other, engaged in a sensual match of lust and longing. Liz moaned, and winding her arms around his neck, pressed closer against him.

Max hugged her tightly, loving the feel of her wet skin sliding against his. “Do you know how much—” he stopped. He’d almost said it. Almost. Thankfully he’d caught himself in time before the words were spoken.

“What Max?” Liz sighed, into their kiss. She played with the wet curls at the nape of his neck, twisting them around her fingers.

There's a quiet storm
And it never felt this hot before
Giving me something that's taboo
Sometimes I think you're just too good for me

“I want you. How I love feeling you close to me. How kissing you, making love to you, are some of the most fulfilling experiences of my life.”

She grinned, feeling the butterflies dance crazily in her stomach. “Why do you always say such wonderful things to me? I don’t deserve it.”

“You deserve the world Liz Parker. I say it because it’s true. Never in my life have I met someone like you. You, who sets me on fire,” he kissed along her jaw line, and up to her cheek, giving her long, wet kisses.

Liz giggled, biting her lip. “Oh Max…”

You give me the sweetest taboo
That's why I'm in love with you
You give me the sweetest taboo
Too good for me
Sometimes I think you're just too good for me

“I need you Liz,” he whispered seductively to her ear. “Need you like I need to breathe…” Slipping his hands into her hair, he gently began to massage her scalp, sending tiny electrical shocks to her head, all the way down to her toes. She tilted her back, sighing at the way his lips bit lightly at her neck.

“Then take me.”

Max pushed her to the wall, kissing her. She took his face in between her hands, licking the tiny water droplets from his skin. He groaned at the feel of her hot tongue on his body.


I'd do anything for you, I'd stand out in the rain
Anything you want me to do, don't let it slip away

His hands ran down her sides, down to the place where she yearned to feel him. With his thumbs, Max started to knead her inner thighs, and Liz’s head fell back in pleasure, locking her fingers in his dark hair.

Her lips parted in a soft moan, indicative of her enjoyment. With deft fingers, Max caressed her most intimately, and then without a second thought, lowered his head and slipped his tongue inside. Liz’s knees became weak and wobbly as he pleasured her to the fullest, the feel of the hot water combined with his movements, adding to her satisfaction.

“M… aaa… xxxx…”

There's a quiet storm
And it never felt like this before
There's a quiet storm
I think it's you
There's a quiet storm
And I never felt this hot before
Giving me something that's taboo

When he was done, Max turned her around, bringing them both directly under the shower head, hot water beating into them with a relentless, steady rhythm.

Lifting one of her legs to rest upon his hip, Max did the same to the other. Liz placed all of her weight on him, keeping her arms around his neck. She looked into eyes bright with desire; desire that was all for her.

“I want you now,” she whispered. He smiled sexily, hazel eyes becoming darker with every passing second.

You give me the
Sweetest taboo
That's why I'm in love with you
You give me, keep giving me the sweetest taboo
Too good for me

Kissing her, Max slowly lowered himself into her. Hips grinded against each other, as Liz’s back slid up and down the shower wall with each movement. She made a soft, strangled sound as he lifted her, settling himself fully inside her center.

Max swore when her wall tensed around him, giving him immense delight. They cried out in unity as he penetrated further, pushing himself to her limits. Liz raked her nails down his back, tossing her head from side to side, sighing his name.

His hands on her tight bottom, Max crushed her to him, fervent to feel her come. As their breathing became harsher, irregular, they increased the speed at which they rode each other.

“Faster…” she yelled, grinding against him recklessly. Max gave a sharp groan as her body trembled in his arms. With one final plunge, they both toppled over the edge of their bliss. Max caught her lips in a kiss as Liz shuddered and moaned with the force of her orgasm.

Eyes closed, bodies still quivering, they held onto one another, whispering sweet words of joy and adoration.

Finally, Max set her back on the ground. Liz could barely stand, the reverberations of pleasure making her weak. Her knees suddenly gave out but Max caught her before she could fall.

“I’ve got you baby.”

You've got the biggest heart
Sometimes I think you're just too good for me
Every day is Christmas, and every night is new year's Eve

With her in his arms, Max turned off the shower, and carried Liz back to the bed. He grabbed a towel and wrapped her in it. Lying beside her, he ran his fingers through her wet hair, smiling lovingly down at her. She looked up at him, and for some strange reason felt the prick of tears threatening to spill. She didn’t deserve him; didn’t deserve to be so cared for by this marvel of a man. As her eyes drifted shut, she heard him whisper softly.

“You are my dream come true.”

Will you keep on loving me
Will you keep on, will you keep on
Bringing out the best in me

Let’s Fall in Love by Ella Fitzgerald
The Sweetest Taboo by Sade
Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend | Just what you want to be, you will be in the end
And I love you
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Jason's Princess
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 33
Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:20 pm
Location: Geneva, New York

Post by Jason's Princess »

Chapter Eight – Starts with an L…

One month later and a week before the gala

“I can’t believe you waited until the last minute to go shopping for dresses,” Maria said, while examining an outfit. “What if you can’t find one?”

“Don’t be silly. There are plenty of dresses in Seattle. I’m sure one of them will suit just fine.”

Liz wandered over to another rack, spotting a dark moss-colored gown; rhinestones lined its silky straps, as well as the waist of the dress. It was cut in a low V-shape, giving it a simple, yet tasteful look. She trailed her fingers down its smooth material, smiling. She wondered if Max would like it.

“I think I found it.”


“My dress.”

“Let me see it.” Maria walked to where Liz stood.

“It’s gorgeous, but green?” she asked, eyeing the dress wearily.

“I like green. Green looks good on me.”

“It’s your night. Your dress.”

“Yeah,” Liz spoke softly. “You think Max will like it?”

Maria was surprised by the question. “Does it matter?”

“Well, yes, I guess.”

“Yes or no?”

“Yes, it does matter Maria,” Liz told her friend with a slightly irritated tone. She suddenly felt annoyed and didn’t understand why. “I want him to think I look nice.

“I’m sure Max always thinks you look good,” she smiled.

The women made their way to the register where Liz paid for purchase.

“So, how are things going between you guys anyway?” Maria asked as they exited the store. Lately Liz had been spending more and more time with him, leaving Maria to wonder if there was something else going on that she didn’t know about. She only hoped that Liz wasn’t becoming too involved, not because she didn’t want a relationship for her best friend, but because she was afraid Max would end up hurting her, just like Chris had.

“Alright. He’s in Boston, on a company meeting.”

“And you didn’t go?”

“I have other things to do, like finalize all the plans with the gala.”

“I see.”

The women walked silently back to their cars. Maria snuck a peek at Liz, whose face had suddenly turned ashen. She looked like she was ready to faint.

“Hey, you ok?”

“I’m fine.”

“You don’t look too good.”

“It’s nothing, just a slight headache.”

Liz reached her Camry, and opened the door. She looked over at Maria. “I guess I’ll see you later.”

“Ok, call me,” Maria smiled, sliding inside. “Let me know when you can do lunch.”

* * *

Liz parked in the driveway, surprised to see Max’s car.

“What is he doing here?” she half smiled.

She walked to the door, and suddenly looked down at the leaves arranged in a message on her lawn.

<center>I’m falling for you</center>

“Oh Max,” Liz whispered softly, feeling the tears in her eyes. He was nothing short of the sweetest man alive. Only he would think of doing such a thing. She heard the door open and looked up to see Max walk out wearing a huge smile on his face.

“I thought I’d surprise you.” He reached her, wrapping her into a tight embrace.

“You’re back?” she said through a teary smile, burying her face into his chest. God, how she had missed him.

“I am, and I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.” He kissed the top of her head. When he felt something wet against his shirt, Max lifted her head gently, looking into tear-filled brown eyes.

“Baby, why are you crying?” He stroked her cheek gently, brushing away tears.

“I just—I’m glad to see you. I’ve missed you,” she sniffled. All of a sudden she felt so… emotional, and again did not understand why.

“I’ve missed you too. You were all I thought of,” Max smiled, giving her a soft kiss. “Now I’m here, with you and I plan on spoiling you for the rest of the night.”

* * *

“Max, are you done yet?” She was sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for him to come back from the bathroom. He’d told her to wait, while he prepared a bath for her, but it had been over twenty minutes and she was still waiting.

“Almost,” he called back. After another five minutes, he walked into her bedroom, carrying a dozen red roses.

“Max!” she gasped. ‘Where did you get those?”

“It’s a mystery,” he winked. “Come on, it’s ready.”

A little hesitantly she followed him into the large bathroom. Her jaw dropped open when she saw what he’d done.

Candles were lit all along the edge of the tub, glowing prettily in the dark. Soft instrumental music wafted through the room and rose petals littered the tiled floor.

“Max, I can’t believe this…”

“Believe it because it’s real,” he kissed her cheek. “All because of you.” He walked over to the tub and threw the roses in, the petals scattering all over the water. He turned back around with a smile.

Liz stared in awe at the scene before her and felt the tears once again graze her eyes.

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything, just enjoy it.” He turned her face towards him and wiped away the tears with his lips. “Let me show you how beautiful you are to me.”


He placed a finger to her mouth. “Shush, don’t talk, just feel.” He proceeded to unbutton her sweater, fingers grazing against warm skin. Liz made a move to help him, but he stopped her by taking her hands and kissing them.

“I want to undress you. Let me.” He continued with the buttons and slipped the sweater over her shoulders, letting it fall to the ground.

Smiling Max ran a hand across her flat stomach, making Liz shiver with his simple touch. “So pretty,” he murmured and bent down to place a tender kiss on her tummy.

Liz closed her eyes, allowing a tear to run down her cheek. He was just… unbelievable.

Her skirt came next as, it fell around her legs. She stepped out of it, and into Max’s arms. He kissed her shoulder, and unclasped her bra, followed by the disposal of her undies. Holding her flush body against his, Max ran his hands down her bare back, kissing her face while he did so.

“You’re perfect. I know I’ve said it before, but I have to say it again because you are.” He pulled back and looked her straight in the eyes. “You’re a fantasy come true.”

Liz giggled. “Why do you say such lovely things about me?”

“Because…” he couldn’t bring himself to say it for fear of her reaction. Instead he kissed her sweetly, and whispered to her mouth. “Because you’re wonderful and I can’t help but marvel at how much you mean to me.”

“Max…” she sighed. Why?

“Let’s not talk anymore,” he told her, wrapping her into a hug. “I want to be with you.”

Liz smiled at him. “I want to be with you too.” She pressed herself into him, rubbing her breasts across his chest. “It’s my turn to undress you,” she whispered in a seductive tone. Unbuttoning his shirt, Liz kissed down his body, as she took it off. Splaying her palms to his chest, she smiled as candlelight flickered on him, giving him shadows and secret places that were yearning to be touched.

He watched her with dark eyes as she unzipped his pants, and cupped him softly. He moaned and grabbed her by the waist.


“Hmmm,” she murmured.

Max stepped out of the pants, wearing only boxers. Liz slowly slid them down his legs, caressing along the way.

They stood naked, looking at each other with looks of passion and love; a love that was unspoken. Liz tilted her head, closed her eyes and leaned in for a long, deliberate kiss. He wrapped his hands around her waist, while she wound her arms around his neck. They kissed and held each other, caressing one another with the most loving of touches.

“Join me,” Max said softly leading her to the tub. He helped her in and watched as she sat down, sinking in slowly until her head was the only thing above the water. He followed, taking his place beside her.

Once he was settled, Max pulled Liz to him and began to massage her legs beneath the water. She sighed in delight and leaned her head back into the crook of his neck, where it fit perfectly.

“That feels good.”

“You like that don’t you?”

“Yes, I love it.”

He repeated his method on the other leg, smiling at the way Liz practically purred with enjoyment.

Soon they were both touching and caressing each other in the most intimate of ways. Liz wrapped her legs around his waist, sitting on his lap, the water flowing slowly about them.

“Max, you’re amazing. I want you to know that.”

He smiled and leaned in for a lengthy, wet kiss. “Thank you.”

“You make me feel so… special.” She played with his hair, and kissed his cute ears.

“You are very special, pretty girl.”

“Pretty girl,” she murmured to herself. The way Max said it made her feel warm and loved.

My pretty girl.” He held her closely, hands on her neck as he delicately kissed her eyes, nose, cheeks, and lips. “I need you all to myself,” he whispered to her open mouth. “I’ve become very selfish when it comes to you.”

Liz giggled, enjoying all his wonderful words. “You have me Max.”

“I’m lucky.”

“I’m the lucky one,” she kissed him.

“I want to make love to you. Sweet love to show you how much I want you,” Max told her, while kissing her neck. “Let’s make love,” he whispered in a voice that made Liz glow inside.

“I could make love to you all night long.”

Smiling at each other, Max stood and carefully lifted her in his arms, and carried her to the bed.

“I want to love you,” he whispered, closing the distance between them.

Hands and souls were soon joined in a dance of love and light, spirits rejoicing as they met and became one.

As he took her to the highest of places, Liz’s eyes drifted closed. Something was happening inside her, something that was too much for words; an expanding feeling of bliss and shared connections.

Max watched her facial expression as she reached her climax, marveling at the look of peaceful contentment that followed. God, how he loved her.

“Look at me Liz. Open your eyes.”

She obeyed and when he stared down into them saw his own feelings echoed there. It was the most incredible thing he’d ever experienced.

“You’re my fantasy. My every fantasy. I never want it to end.”

She smiled up at him, as if hiding a wonderful secret within. “Never,” she whispered back. Her eyes drifted closed again, and with the most tender of smiles fell asleep in his arms.

Max watched her, admiring his sleeping beauty. He could stay like this forever and never tire of it.

Finally, sleep overcame him, but before slipping into dreams of love, he spooned around her perfectly, arms wrapped around her waist, his hands resting on her stomach.

“I love you,” Max whispered softly enough, so she would not hear.
Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend | Just what you want to be, you will be in the end
And I love you
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Jason's Princess
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Location: Geneva, New York

Post by Jason's Princess »

Chapter Nine – What if you and I…

“Whew! I’m tired,” she exclaimed plopping down on the leather couch. Stifling a yawn, she let herself fall back into the cushions.

She’d finally finished with the planning details for the gala and all that was left was the big day itself. The door opened slowly, revealing a gray-haired woman.

“Liz,” she called. Startled, Liz looked up at her.


“You have a call.”

“From whom?” she asked, getting up from her place on the couch.

“They didn’t say. He sounded urgent.”

“He? So, it was a man?”

“Yes.” Greta looked at the younger woman closely, examining her. Liz walked past her, but Greta grabbed her arm before she went any further.

“What is it?”

“Liz, I know about you and Max.”

“What?” Liz’s eyes widened in surprise. “What are you talking about?”

“I’ve seen him. Seen how he acts around you, how he looks at you.” Greta tightened her grasp on Liz. “I heard you two the other day; you were in the storage room.” Greta narrowed her eyes. “Don’t you think it’s unethical to be sleeping with your boss?”

Liz’s temper flared. “First of all, what I do is my problem and mine alone. I don’t see how it concerns you.”

“It concerns me because I work in this company and from experience know that when an employee starts dating her boss things always tend to turn nasty. You wouldn’t want others to think that your promotion was because of him, would you?” she jeered.

“I could care less what anyone thinks,” she shot back. “If Max and I are indeed together that is none of your goddamn business. It’s between him and me.” Liz pried Greta’s fingers off her arm. “I suggest you keep your nose where it belongs and stop trying to intimidate me because it’s not going to work. Now if you’ll excuse me I have a phone call waiting.” She stormed off, Greta watching after her.

“I’m going to laugh when Max Evans dumps you. You’re just another one of his flings,” she hissed.

* * *

“This is Liz.”

“Baby, it’s so good to hear your voice again.”

Her breath caught in her throat. “How did you get this number?”

“Come on Liz, it’s not that hard. It was a matter of asking the right people.”

After she’d received his message that day, Liz had pondered whether or not to call him but in the end decided against it. She never thought he’d actually try to get a hold of her again.

“Chris, what do want?” she asked, tiredly.

“To see you.”

“You’re nuts. Why in the world do you think I’d want to see you?”

“Because I’ve done a lot of thinking over the last few months. I know what I did was wrong and I want to make things right.”

“Too late. I’m not interested.”

“Please, Liz. I’m sorry.” She could hear the earnestness in his tone, and wondered what had suddenly caused this turnaround.

“That’s not going to cut it. You made a choice and there’s no going back.”

“I know that I’m a bastard, and I am ashamed of what I did to you. You didn’t deserve it.”

“What is this Chris? Damage control four months too late?”

“No, it’s me trying to ask you to please give me another chance. I want to see you, talk to you. I miss you.”

“I don’t want anything from you. So forget about it. Don’t call me again.” She was about to hang up when she heard him yell.

“Liz! Don’t! Please don’t hang up,” he pleaded. “At least let me see you. Please.”

She sighed. Maybe it would do her good to finally rest that demon to peace. See him one last time before truly moving on with her life.

“Fine. Meet me at the Waterfront at 1 tomorrow.”

“Thanks so much baby. I promise you, you won’t regret this.”

“Don’t promise anything Chris. You’re not good at keeping them. I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow.”



“I love you.”

“Good-bye Chris.”

She hung up the phone with a sigh. What if she was doing the wrong thing?

“Who was that?” she heard his voice from behind her, and turned around a bit startled.

“No one important,” Liz smiled tentatively. Max walked towards her, wrapping her in a tight hug.

“If you say so.” He buried his head in her neck, inhaling her sweet scent. “You smell good.”

“Hmm,” Liz mumbled.

“Come home with me?” he asked, kissing her nose.

Liz bit her lip in a nervous gesture. “Max, I wish I could but I’ve to finish some things.”

“I’ll wait for you.”

She half-smiled, touching his cheek. “Ok.”

Max leaned down and kissed her soft and slow. “I could wait forever for you and not mind.”

* * *

They lay spooned together watching a movie, Max’s arms wrapped around her possessively.

“Liz,” he sighed into her hair.

“What is it?”

“I’ve been thinking about us.”

“Us?” She suddenly rose from her place in his arms, turning around to look at him.

“Liz, I’ve to be frank.” She stared at him; his hazel eyes were dark. “Ever since we went to Jamaica I can’t stop thinking about where we’re headed.

“Do we have to be headed somewhere?”

“It’s only natural.” He took her hands in his larger ones. “I don’t even know where to start…”

“Max, don’t, please,” she begged.

‘What’s wrong?” he asked, looking at her intensely. “I think we ought to talk about a few things.”

She gnawed on her lip miserably. “Why? We’re fine. There’s nothing to talk about.”

“I think there is.” He began to rub her knuckles in a horizontal motion, making Liz even more uneasy. “Liz, you know that message I left you? The one in the leaves?”

“Yes.” Why did all of a sudden her voice sound squeaky?

“It’s true.”

“Max,” she sighed, almost in hopelessness. “Why?”

“Because ever since I laid eyes on you for the very first time, when I spotted you in the bistro, you’ve been a constant thought. I think about you all the time. I think about you first thing in the morning and the last thing before I go to sleep.”

She couldn’t believe he was actually telling her this.

He gave her a small smile and continued. “Jamaica only served to strengthen what I knew I already felt.”

Liz closed her eyes briefly, when she opened them again, she was afraid of what she’d see echoed in his deep hazel ones.

“I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything.”

“I feel like I should.”

“Say whatever you feel.”

“I think you’re the most amazing man I’ve ever known.” She lowered her stare and bit her lip. “That’s why I don’t understand why you would ever feel like that for me.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Because I don’t deserve you. I’m so flawed and…” she trailed off.

Max used his forefinger to raise her chin up to him. “You’re perfect.”

“I’m not,” she cried. “You just say that because of the newness of your emotions.”

“Never Liz.” He wrapped her into a warm hug. “I know what I feel and it’s a lasting, lingering sensation that is not going to ever go away.”

In no way before had she felt like she did now. Being with Max Evans was the most gratifying experience of her life, yet those feelings, his and hers, left her completely at a loss for explanations.

“I—I don’t understand.”

“What’s not to understand?” Why was she acting this way?

“Max, you don’t know a lot of things.”

“Tell me then.”

“They’re better left unsaid.”

His brow creased and he looked at her questioningly. “You can tell me anything.”

“Never mind,” she sighed. “I’m tired,” Liz spoke after a moment’s silence.

He knew she was trying to evade something. Deep down Max felt like she was also hiding something, something that would not let her talk to him freely and honestly he didn’t know what to do or think about it.

He’d hoped to tell her those three words he’d been dying to say, but something held him back.

Max let her go, and stood. “If you don’t want to talk about this now, fine. But don’t think that I’m going to let it go.”

“Max—” Suddenly her entire face paled, which did not go unnoticed by Max. Liz grimaced and made a mad dash for the bathroom.

He stared bewildered after her, a strange expression on his face. “Are you alright?”

No answer. He started towards the bathroom, meanwhile hearing her heaving loudly.

“Liz?” He saw her sitting on the floor, leaning over the toilet. Worry lined his face as he took in her pallid complexion. Max bent down, wiping away the slick strands of hair matted on her cheeks.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m fine.”

“If you were fine this wouldn’t be happening,” he spoke softly.

All that could be heard was her heavy breathing. “Max, I’m fine. It’s just a little upset stomach. That’s all,” she said after a moment’s silence. “I’ll be ok. I’m also really tired. With what planning the gala and work, and everything else in between I haven’t gotten proper sleep.”

“You need to take care of yourself.”

“I will.” Liz stood and walked over to the sink, proceeding to wash her face and hands. She could feel his eyes on her, which made her self-conscious. Taking a deep breath, she turned around and faced him. Why all of a sudden did she feel so uncomfortable?

“I’m going to go.” They stared at each other wordlessly. Finally, Liz gave a weary smile and patted him on the cheek like one does a child. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Liz, wait—”

“I really am tired Max. Whatever you need to say you can tell me tomorrow.”

Then she turned on her heels, and walked out of his place without another word, leaving behind a somewhat perplexed Max Evans.
Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend | Just what you want to be, you will be in the end
And I love you
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Jason's Princess
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 33
Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:20 pm
Location: Geneva, New York

Post by Jason's Princess »

Thank you for all the feedback. My apologies for this being so short. I don't feel well, but I wanted to post this today.

Chapter Ten – For old times’ sake…

She walked down the pier holding her handbag against her body as if it were a shield. The day was overcast and gloomy, a sudden change from the bright sunshine of yesterday.

Liz looked towards the harbor, watching the sailboats dip silently in the clear waters of the Pacific Ocean. A sudden gust of wind blew, chilling her, and then she felt hands on her back.


She jumped slightly, almost tripping over her own feet, but he caught her before she could fall.

“You alright?”


Liz turned around slowly, almost afraid to see his face.

“I’m so glad you came.”

“I’m not.”

“Don’t say that,” he told her, his hands still holding onto her arms. He led her to a nearby bench, and sat down, grasping her hand.

“I’d hoped you’d come.”

“Just make it quick. I don’t have much time.”

He sighed. “I want to be with you. Plain and simple. I’m sorry for what I did. I think about it all the time and I know was wrong, but I want to make things right.”

She cocked an eyebrow. “Be with me? Make things right? Don’t you think it’s a little too late for that?”

“It’s never late for love.”

Liz rolled her eyes. “Give me a break, Chris.”

“I’m serious. Liz, I love you.”

“Well I don’t. Not anymore. I loved you so much, but you took care of completely destroying it.”

“I said I’m sorry and I am. I regret what I did to you. It wasn’t fair, and you didn’t deserve it.”

“Damn right I didn’t.”

“So forgive me. Please.” Liz looked up at him, and stared directly into his eyes. She always had loved Chris’ eyes. They were such a beautiful green…

“Why should I? You hurt me, and I can’t let go of it that simply.”

He was silent for a moment. “God, Liz I know I screwed up. Big. But I am apologizing. I mean it. Can’t you give me another chance? For us. For what we shared. We were so good together, and we can be again.”

* * *

“Where’s Liz?”

Greta looked up from her computer. “She left early, said she had to meet someone.”


“I don’t know. That she didn’t say. Why? Is there something you need?”

“No, I just was wondering.”

Greta stared at the man in front of her. He really was quite handsome. Smiling to herself, she mulled over her thoughts, before speaking up again. “If you really want to see her, I do believe she’s down at the Waterfront.”

But Max had already left.

* * *

Liz sat across from him in the small open-air café, not knowing exactly why she’d even agreed to come. Maybe it had been his heartfelt tone, or maybe she had lost her mind entirely.

“I broke up with Britni.”

“I don’t care about you, her, or anything that has to do with either of you.”

Britni had been her best friend, her sister almost. Almost. But then she had gone and slept with Chris and nothing had been the same since then. Liz still remembered. She’d actually found them in the act, in her apartment, in her bed.

He reached for her hand, but she pulled it away.

“Why should I care about you and her?”

“Liz, I hurt you, I know, but I already said I’m sorry. Give me a chance to prove to you that I’ve changed. I want you in my life, I need you. And I know it’s hard, but if you need time I’ll give it to you. All the time you need. I’ll wait for you until you’re ready Liz. I’m going to show you that I am truly sorry for what I did, that I still love you and always will.”

He reached for her hand again and this time she didn’t pull away. So many thoughts, so many emotions, feelings were running through her right now that it made her head spin with a dull ache that pounded away at her senses.

“Chris, I don’t know. I can’t risk being hurt again. Because if you left me again, I don’t know what I’d do.”

“Baby, I’ll never leave you.”

She smirked, but it was more of a lonesome smile. “That’s what you said last time. You’re not good with promises, so don’t make any.”

“Fine. I won’t, but just know that I intend to stay true to my word, no matter what you think.”

Liz glanced over at him with tired eyes. She felt so… drained. “Whatever.” She closed them for a moment, as a strong sense of disgust and the very real sensation of gagging overwhelmed her. Her faced turned ashen and she covered her mouth with her hand.

“Liz, what’s wrong?” Chris squeezed her free hand.

“Nothing. It’s nothing.” She took a calming breath, trying to gulp back the bile she felt crawling up her throat. “I want to go home.”

“I’ll take you home.” He stood and helped her to her feet. Liz clung onto him like a lifeline, using him to keep her balance. The world around her spun unsteadily and soon she felt like her legs would give out beneath her. With one of his hands on her back and the other firmly on her waist, Chris gently pushed her towards the front of the place.

The cool breeze felt good to her flaming cheeks and Liz leaned on Chris to guide her towards his parker car. As soon as they reached it, she reclined against it, but Chris managed to keep her from falling.

“Honey, are you ok? Talk to me.”

“I’m fine. All I want is to go home and sleep.”

“I’m going to get you there, ok?” he said kissing her face and tucking the errant strands of dark hair behind her ear. Chris bent his head, laying his cheek next to hers.

Unbeknownst to them was the man watching with shocked eyes.


It was a small whisper, however the wind seemed to pick it up and capture it.

Max stood there, speechless, all the color gone from his face. It was like he was fixed to the ground because even when he clearly saw the blond man cup her face and lean down and kiss her, he stayed.

He watched with his heart breaking; watched as the woman he most loved be kissed by another.
Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend | Just what you want to be, you will be in the end
And I love you