Angel Falls (AU,M/L,Teen/Mature) [COMPLETE]

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Amber Eyes
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Post by Amber Eyes »

Hi guys,

Sorry for the alck of update, RL is jsut driving me crazy!!

Anyway, thought I'd sit down and finally get this part typed out and posted. Enjoy and remember lots of feedback please!

This bit continues on from the last 2 parts? I think I split it up cos it was too long.

Part 8C


Once home, Liz took all the bags of Christmas decorations into the living room to sort out and admire. Well, all except for that special bag she had hidden away in her bedroom when Max was putting away the groceries.

Liz was planning on how to decorate the cottage when a knock came at the door.

It was Jack delivering their big evergreen Christmas tree.

Locating a spot in the living room by the window, Jack and Max hefted the tree into place.

"Looks good there!" Liz exclaimed happily.

After jack left, Max and Liz stood there admiring their new tree.

"You picked a good tree." Liz touched the needle branches and giggled at the way it tickled her fingers.

Picking up a bag of tinsel, Liz decided to decorate the cottage first then safe the tree till last. After all, the tree was the best part! She'd seen families get together just to decorate the tree. The wide smiles of children and the cozy family togetherness. Liz had wanted to reach into the viewing pool just to be a part of that closeness, to feel the joys of family life filled with love and tenderness.

While Liz went off to decorate, Max switched on the weather forecast. It was predicted that there would be heavy rain and strong winds by late night. The newscaster urged people to prepare any last minute preparations in wake of the storm and to stay indoors - before night fell - until the storm had passed.

Max looked out the window and saw the greying sky. The tree tops swayed unsteadily in the wind.

Turning, he went into the basement to fetch sandbags to put against the front and back doors. As a last minute thought, he decided to board up the windows too - just in case if the winds got really rough.

By late evening, Max was finally finished with his task. He stood in the middle of the kitchen and wiped sweat from his forehead. Phew! he really wasn't cut out for manual labour; but it still felt like a great achievement on his part.

Liz bounded happily into the room with Bruno at her heels as usual. She had weaved tinsel into her hair like a hair-band. It glittered and danced in the light.

Bounding over to Max, Liz wrapped a string of tinsel around Max's neck. "Wanna help me decorate the tree?"

"Sure, but how about after we eat? I'm famished."

"Oh, ok. Want me to make some pancakes? I'm getting rally good at that."

Max grinned and placed the tinsel around Liz's neck instead and pulled her closer to him. "How about I cook tonight? How does steak sound?"

"Mmm, good. Can I make the salad?"

Max laughed. "Sure." Liz really loved to cook.

Max felt a snout bump into his leg and looked down. Bruno sat there diligently like a good dog with his tongue hanging out eagerly.

"Yes, a nice treat for you too eh Bruno?"

"Woof!" Bruno wagged his tail in agreement.

Both human and angel laughed as they set to work. Bruno trotted over to the corner and lay his head down on his paws his tail thumping on the floor in anticipation of the juicy succulent steak. He waited patiently. Very soon he would have that delicious morsel of meat! Perhaps a quick nap will help him pass the time..... closing his eyes, he slowly dozed off with Liz's enchanting laughter fading in the background.

Some time later

"Oh Bruuuunooooo......" The voice called out to him, taunting him. "Catch me if you can!" The annoying piece of steak made a mad dash for it as Bruno went charging after it. He could smell the tantalising smell whiffing over to him in the wind. Bruno picked up speed and nearly caught up with the running meat. He was so close he could almost taste the delicious aroma.

"Bruuunoooo....." Bruno snapped his eyes wide open to see a piece of steak swinging in back and forth in front of his vision. Bruno growled at Max annoyingly then got up to stretch his body while letting out a tired yawn.

Max dropped the cooked meat into Bruno's doggy bowl. "Thought you were hungry boy."

Bruno gave a snuffle then walked over to Liz. He placed his head in her lap and looked up at her. Liz smiled at him and stroked the top of his soft velvety head.

"You know, I think he's starting favour you more than me." Max said as he wiped his hands on a wet cloth, the joined them at the table.

"Maybe you shouldn't have taunted him with the steak."

Max looked under the table. "I'm sorry Bruno, forgive me?"

Bruno gave a low growl and turned his head away.

"Aww, come on, please? with.....uh.....doggy biscuits on top?"

Liz laughed. "I think he really means it Bruno. What say you give him another chance?"

Bruno looked from Liz to Max then back to Liz. Sighing, he walked over to his bowl and started chomping on his dinner with relish. 'Ha! I've got you now meat!'

Liz looked at Max with a twinkle in her eye. "I'd say you're forgiven Max."

"Ah, you're an angel Liz, coming to my rescue like that."

Bruno suddenly looked up and Liz stopped laughing.

"Liz, you ok?"

"Uh, yeah. Um, I thought you don't believe in angels?"

"I don't really. It was just a figure of speech."

"Oh." She laughed nervously. "Of course."

After the meal, Max sat back and idly sipped his hot coffee. His gaze locked on Liz, he was lost to his thoughts.

Max couldn't believe how much his emotional state had changed since Liz had fallen into his life. He still had no clue as to who she was, no one in her family had filed any missing persons report, and no one had recognised her in town. Though he knew she wouldn't be staying indefinitely, he was glad for the time she was spending with him. His heart still ached for Cara, but somehow, now, it hurt less.

Max continued to mull over his thoughts when he suddenly frowned. What if Liz was homeless? was that why no one knew her or came to claim her back? but if she was, how did she get all the way into the mountains in the first place? was she trying to find a place to stay when something happened to her?

Max looked up worriedly only to meet Liz's dazzling smile aimed at him.

"Wanna see what I've done with the cottage?"

"Uh, sure." Max pushed his worrying thoughts to one side.

Together, they got up and explored the new festivities Liz had brought to the cottage.

"Well? what do you think?" Liz asked excitedly and twirled around, her arms open indicating the place.

"It's great! You made the place more homey and cozy." Max said as he looked around in admiration.

Returning to the kitchen, they washed and dried the dishes, then settled down to watch the weather update. The forecaster repeated the safety precautions to people and showed a satellite picture of a grey twirling mass of storm drawing ever closer to Angel falls.

Max turned down the volume and looked at Liz, who seemed to be in a world of her own. She seemed to be doing that a lot lately, as though she had a lot on her mind. Maybe she was wondering about her family? if she indeed had any, perhaps she as wondering about her lost memories? or the storm even, or, if he really went with his gut feelings, something he had no idea about, something he might not even comprehend or believe.

"Liz, you ok?"

She snapped out of her rivere. "Huh? Oh, uh, yeah..... fine." Liz got up and walked into the living room while Max followed behind. Together they sat on the plush comfy sofa.

"Want me to help you decorate the tree?" Max pointed to the bare evergreen tree.

"Um, can we leave it till tomorrow? I'm really tired. After all, I did decorate the whole cottage." she smiled tiredly at him.

"Wanna go to bed then?"

Liz was silent for a moment.

"Actually, can we just sit here for a while?"


Liz laid her head on Max's chest and snuggled close. Max pulled a blanket over them and held her close.

Together they sat there in each others arms in silence listening to the soft crooning jazz music that had been set on repeat on the CD player.

Liz didn't want to be away from Max. She liked being with him; felt so comfortable and warm in his embrace, it made her heart feel like it had taken flight with the wind. As each day passed, she knew her time with him was growing shorter and shorter. She knew he as starting to heal. When she looked at him now, he was so different to the Max she had first met. Her job was nearly complete. She had kept her end of the bargain. She was helping him move on with his life, and she had kept it more or less impersonal. Had been simple and clear on her role.

If she truly admitted it to herself, she knew things had gotten complicated. Things had been simple, but now no longer was. These strange feelings she was having, it scared her but at the same time, she wanted to explore them further, but she knew if she did, things will change in a big way for her - for them. These feelings were strong, she tried to drop them, it only made her heart ache at the denial.

Closing her eyes, she listened to the gentle soothing rhythm of Max's heartbeat; the rustling of trees outside in the ever increasing wind, she could hear the first drops of it in the far off distance. The soft melody of the CD floated in the background.

She listened and focused on these sounds to soothe her turmoil mind.

It didn't work.

Liz knew she was going to break some rules in the bargain, and it would be beyond her control. What on earth was she gonna do?


A long while later, when he as certain she was fast asleep, Max looked from Liz to his late wife's portrait. She seemed to be smiling down at them, but it was a mischievous smile.

Max stared at the portrait until his eyelids felt heavy and drowsy. His head slowly drooped to lean on the top of Liz's head.

he was fast asleep.


Max found himself standing in a forresty clearing beside a lake. The moonlight glinted and shimmered on the surface of the water like a thousand diamonds. A waterfall flowed from the rocks and into the lake, but the usual roaring sounds of crashing water was dimmed to a soft whooshing sound. An upbeat classical rendition of a theme he remembered from Swan lake - one of Cara's favourites - filled the air around him.

max looked around but he appeared to be alone.

"Cara?" he called out to his wife hoping she'd appear.

Cara stepped from the shadows and walked towards him holding out her hand.

"I'm here Max." Cara took hold of her husband's hand. "Dance with me?" She asked as the musical melody changed to another classical rendition; this time Pachabel's Cannon.

Holding Cara's slim body, they swayed to the music. Max closed his eyes and placed his chin atop her head savouring the feel of having her in his arms. He breathed in her floral scent and sighed in contentment.

"Oh Cara, my sweet wife. How will I go on without you?"

"You already are. I know Max. Let her help you."



"Liz." Max breathed and opened his eyes. He looked down at Cara.

She lifted a hand and caressed his cheek, her eyes brimming with love.

"I'll always love you Max, I'll always be in a place right here." She touched his heart. "You've reserved a special place for me right in there. Your memory of me won't ever fade because I'll be right there with you."

A tear slipped down Max's cheek at her words.

"But Max, you have to find new love, you have to continue living. You have a heart of gold that's filled with love, don't waste it away on regrets. Use it to make someone else happy like you did with me."

Hugging each other tightly, they continued to sway and dance to the music.

TBC!! Well? what do you think? like it? hate it? let me know!
My AU dreamer fics:
The Auction Teen/Adult)
Angelic Fire (Mature/Adult)
Watching Clouds

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Amber Eyes
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Posts: 191
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Location: Somewhere in my mind......

Post by Amber Eyes »

Hi, sorry for the delay, here's the next part. Enjoy!

Part 9

Max awoke in the living-room; the dying fire playing shadows in the already darkened room. He reached to the spot to where Liz had been beside him and found it cold. He quickly sat up.


He saw her standing by the window, arms wrapped around her waist and gazing out through the boarded-up gap of the window into the darkened stormy night.

Max threw the blankets to one side and got up to go to her.

He touched her shoulder and turned her around. "Liz, what's wrong?"

He was met with a tear stained face.

Max willed himself not to panic.

"Liz, what's wrong?" He tried again, staring into her huge luminous eyes.

"Max...." His name came out in a breathy whisper.

They didn't speak for a moment, but simply gazed and drank in each other's presence.

"Max, I don't feel very well. I think something's wrong with me."

"What do you mean? tell me how you feel Liz." In his mind, Max was already trying to come up with solutions as to how to get Liz to the hospital if she needed it. It would be hard in this storm, and danger awaited them on the mountain.

Not breaking their gaze, Liz reached for his hand and placed it over her heart.

"Here. It hurts and aches in here. And you seem to be the one who's causing it."

Max frowned.


"Every time I think or look at you, my heart feels all funny; its all warm and tingly. And the thought of being away from you..... that's what makes it hurt so much. I never used to feel like this. Max, what's wrong with me?!"

Max pulled Liz into his arms and gently stroked her hair soothingly.

He was still reeling from what Liz had just spoken. He needn't worry about her being ill.

Liz was in love.

With him.

"Liz, you're feeling this because..... it sounds like you're in love."

Max felt her stiffen, then take a step back from him. Her arms wrapped protectively around herself instead of him. Liz shook her head.

"No. I can't be in love Max; I can't. I would know what love is, and this isn't it."

"And how exactly does love feel? have you previously been in love before?"

"I..." Liz was stumped as to how to answer.

Behind them, unbeknownst to them, in the dying embers of the fire, Tess watched the couple with a devilish grin. Liz could be so naive thinking she knew what love was by simply observing people in the viewing pool. But to now experience it for herself, she was clueless. But she will learn. Soon, she will know the true meaning of being human.

"Well, I...." Liz sighed and shook her 'no'.

Max gently touched her cheek.

"They say you can find love in the most unexpected places; I guess it's true."

Liz breathed out a deep troubled sigh. "Max, I can't be in love with you. And besides, I'll be leaving soon. It's not like I can live here forever."

Max stood silent for a moment.

"Liz, why are you so afraid of love?"

"I'm not! I just... I...." Damn, she couldn't mention the contract with Tess; he wouldn't believe her even if she was allowed to tell him. An angel and an ex-angel making a pact together so the angel could experience the mortal life then return to heaven after the time limit set; that is, providing she hadn't broken her side of the agreement. Liz needed to come up with another excuse or at least try to divert the topic being discussed. "Well, uh, it's not like you'll love me back or anything right? There's no point loving someone who doesn't love you in return."

"So you admit it then, you love me." Max grinned and stepped closer.

"I...that is... uh...." Ah nuts!

To hide her embarrassed flushed face, Liz walked over and sat on the sofa. Looking into the fireplace, she frowned when she thought she saw a pair of blue eyes looking back at her, but it was gone in an instant. Shaking her head, Liz put it down to the dying flames playing tricks on her.

Max walked over and sat beside her.

"Liz, what if I told you I felt the same way about you? the same way you feel about me."

"You can't. You're still in love with your late wife."

Max was silent for a moment, as though he was waging an internal battle of turmoil.

"Liz, I have to tell you something; something I wasn't ready to talk about when we first met."

"What is it?"

"You know how it was my fault Cara died?"

"Max, no it--"

"Please, let me finish. I need to do this."

Liz simply nodded and waited for him to continue.

"I had started working late in the office more and more trying to get this project finished. Me and Cara had started to constantly argue. To patch things up, we agreed to spend one weekend together uninterrupted by work. But I got called into the office anyway due to one of the proposals on the project going missing. It was crucial we came up with a back up or months worth of work would go down the drain." Max took a breath and tried to blink back tears. "God, it was the very last time I saw her before she died. She stood there all pregnant with the most crushed expression I'd ever seen. I promised her I'd be back as soon as I could. I kissed her then left. I had my secretary hold all my calls until the meeting was finished." Max sucked in a quivering breath. "It was the biggest mistake of my life. According to Mrs Steinman, our next door neighbour, she'd seen Cara go to the car, and had seemed in pain and clutching her stomach. Dr Greenwood had been expecting her at the hospital, but she never arrived....." Max stared blankly at the fireplace. "If only I hadn't held my calls no matter how important...... if I had gotten Cara's messages, I could've been there for her. Driven her to the hospital myself. She shouldn't have been driving when she was in pain Liz." Max sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "So you see Liz, it is my fault. You now, to live with the knowledge that one simple act that could've altered fate, but never got followed through..... I don't know how I've survived for so long. If I hadn't walked out in the first place, maybe Cara would still be ok. If I hadn't held all my calls, maybe Cara wouldn't have been behind the wheel. If she wasn't in the car to begin with, she might've avoided the accident."

Liz wrapped her arms around Max and lay her head on his shoulder.

Greatful for the support, Max wrapped his own arms around her and laid his chin on top of her head. Closing his eyes, he breathed in her scent. Like apples on a summers day. It seemed to wash away the pain he had harboured for so long.

"Sometimes things just happen Max. You just have to deal with it and move on with life. You can't keep blaming yourself for what is already past."

Max breathed in a shaky breath. "I know. But it's just hard."


"Liz? will you help me move on with life?"

Liz pulled back and stared into his eyes, then cracked a watery laugh. She brushed his bangs from his forehead, then caressed his cheek.

"Of course I'll help you. But you need to do most of the work."

Max laughed and pulled them back on the sofa so their backs rested on the cushions. They sat there in each others arms in comfortable silence simply listening to the raging weather outside.

"Liz?" Max spoke breaking the silence. "Why are you so afraid of love?" He felt her stiffen and pulled her back down when she would've left the sofa. "Liz, talk to me." He coaxed.

Liz sighed.

"Max, it's complicated ok? and like I said before, I'll be leaving soon and it would be unfair on the both of us."

"Liz, we can work something out. I can relocate or you come with me--"

"Max stop! You're not listening to me. I can't be in love with you. It's best if we just remain friends."

Liz got up and walked to the door.

Max also got up.

"Liz, you said I have to move on with my life, so I am. I'm taking the first step. I'm letting go of the pain. As much as I'll miss Cara, it's time to let her go. She'll always have a place in the corner of my heart, but the rest of it needs filling. I want you to fill it. In fact, I think you're already about halfway there."

"Stop! Max please just..... stop." Liz finished weakly. Tears filled her eyes. Why couldn't he just let things be.

Max continued.

"Liz, you can keep denying what you feel in your heart for me, but sooner or later, you're going to stop denying it and admit the truth. Love isn't an emotion that will simply go away. It builds and gets stronger. By denying it, you'll only hurt yourself even more, as you probably already know. Accept it Liz. Accept it and be with me; help me to live life again. Accept me and.... be happy Liz."

Liz shook her head, her face now wet and shining with salty tears.

"I can't Max. I'm sorry." Turning, she fled the room and down the hall to her room. Before reaching it, she heard Max say "Liz, you can keep denying it, but your heart will always tell you the truth. I'll show you. I'll help you realise what love is." Liz closed the door and sank to the floor; her body wracked with painful sobs.

No, she wouldn't hurt Max by returning his love then leaving him. Cara had already done that. Though, albeit unintentionally. She wouldn't. It was for the best.

Max was wrong, if she kept denying it, then she wasn't admitting the falling in love. She would still keep her side of the bargain..... right?

"Liz, you can keep denying it, but your heart will always tell you the truth.

But what if Max was right? what if by simply verbally denying it and not accepting it in her mind that she loved him, would that be enough to keep her from breaking the pact? what if it was really what was in her heart that really counted?

"I'll show you. I'll help you realise what love is."

Max wasn't going to make it easy for her.

Well, she'd just have to be stronger to resist whatever he had up his sleeve.

And hey, he was finally willing to try and move on with his life. He was just going the wrong way about it. He wasn't suppose to get attached to her. Maybe that was another thing she'd have to try and somehow remedy.

Getting up, Liz wiped her tears away and crossed to the bed, careful not to step on Bruno. She pulled the covers up to her chin and closed her eyes.


Tomorrow she'd deal with Max Evans.

TBC!! Lots of feedback please! :wink:
My AU dreamer fics:
The Auction Teen/Adult)
Angelic Fire (Mature/Adult)
Watching Clouds

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Amber Eyes
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 191
Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2002 11:03 am
Location: Somewhere in my mind......

Post by Amber Eyes »

Hi everyone,

Yes I'm back!!! Thank you for all your wonderful feedback! its much appreciated! I had loads to type up, so it took me a while.

googi: Ok, if you're gonna read this chapter in work, make sure no one peeks over your shoulder, and have a nice cold drink on the ready ;)

Enjoy! :)

Part 10

"Good morning sleepy-head." Max said cheerfully the next morning as Liz walked into the kitchen.

"'Morning." Liz replied sleepily and rubbed her eyes.

Sitting down at the table, Liz pulled her knees up to her chin, and pulling her sleeves longer, snuggled into her warm pyjamas. Hey, she wasn't going out or anything, and they were just too comfortable to get out of.

Looking at Max's figure a little less blurry-eyed, Liz wondered how Max was so awake and.... cheery! Especially after last night. With Max's back to turned to her, she took in his figure. He was still wearing his grey drawstring pants and a baggy white T-shirt.

'Guess he couldn't be bothered to get changed either.'

Turning around, Max placed a plate of pancakes and a glass of juice on the table. Sitting opposite Liz, he gave her a sexy just-got-out-of-bed lazy grin.

"Come on, eat up while its hot."

Liz didn't move.

She simply looked at him sideways with her head on her knees.

She looked.....



"Liz? come on. I made your favourite breakfast; and I added extra syrup in it."

Liz still didn't make a move for the food.

Uh-oh. something was wrong if she wasn't even tempted by pancakes.

"Liz? is something wrong?" Max quickly moved to the seat beside Liz and brushed back her hair. "Liz? talk to me."

Can't you feel my heart ache?
Can't you hear my heart break?
To believe in the greater good,
or follow my heart to eternal love?

Liz frowned.

Great. When did she become such a poet? Though her poetry didn't exactly give her a positive answer to her situation. She couldn't be selfish and choose eternal love since that was impossible, so the painful greater good it will have to do she guessed. But her feelings were still hurtful at present.


Feelings she never had a chance to experience until now.

A lone tear slid down her cheek.

Max gently wiped it away. His face a mask of concern. Scooping her up, he settled her across his lap.

Liz instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck and placed her head in the crook of his neck. She took a deep breath inhaling the scent that was uniquely Max.

With his arms cradling around her body, Max stroked her thigh soothingly.

"Wanna tell me what's on your mind?"

Liz shook her head.

"Ok. Remember, you can talk to me whenever you're ready."

Liz closed her eyes and placed a hand over Max's heart feeling it beat.

She felt so emotionally drained, plus it hadn't helped she'd tossed and turned all night long plagued with nightmares of Max being tortured in hell. And she was the torturer.

A light almost unnoticeable breeze brushed past Liz's skin.

'Maybe you should follow your heart.' A whisper of a voice said.

'Tess?' Liz spoke in her mind.

'Yeah, it's me. Life not going so well for you sis?'

'Go away Tess.'

'Look, I'm not here to piss you off. I hate seeing you suffer so.'

'What do you propose I do without breaking our contract? There is no way I'll let Max take my place.' Liz shuddered at the lingering nightmare.

'Lizzy, Lizzy, Lizzy.' Tess laughed and the breeze blew a little stronger. Liz snuggled closer to Max. 'Chill out and listen will you?'

'All right. Fine. Go ahead.'

'Since the contract was created on my terms, I can.... shall we say, tweak it a little.'

'Go on.....'

'I'll be generous here. You can break two out of the three rules we set, and there be no consequences. Break all three and we're back to you joining me in hell.... ooor' Tess said slyly 'have lover boy here take your place. Which of the three rules you wish to break is up to you.'

'What's the catch Tess?'

'No catch.'

'Yeah right; with you Tess, there's always a catch.'

'Liz, let me take some of this burden away from you. Stop constantly controlling your feelings and let loose for a while. Let yourself feel. And I mean really feel. That's what being human is! To experience all these different emotions whether they be good or bad. So for goodness sake, quit wasting your time on earth, and live a little!' Tess huffed.

Liz was silent for a moment.

'Ok Tess. Hoever, if there is a catch to this and Max gets hurt, I'll personally make sure you stay in hell for good. No back door climbing up to heaven.'

'Geez Liz, remind me to never get on your bad side.'

There was another rustle of breeze and then stillness.

'Stop holding back my emotions....'

Liz looked up at Max. Really looked at him.

Liz turned inwards and focused on her heart, a heart filled with so many loving feelings for this amber eyed man. If he was a god, he'd probably be related to Adonis. It would be so freeing to just tell him she loved him just as he had told her. Surely her heart and soul would feel much lighter. And since Tess had told her she could break two out of three rules......

Leaning up, Liz brushed her lips against his ear lobe. She felt him shiver at the contact.

"Max, I have to tell you something."

Max looked down at her. "Only when you're ready Liz."

"I am ready."

Max nodded and waited for Liz to continue.

"You were right Max; holding in my emotions about how I really feel is making me sick, and I don't want to feel that way anymore. I don't want any unpleasant feelings between is."

Max remained silent, but continued to stroke her back soothing her. Supporting her.

Outside, the elements seemed to hold its breath waiting for Liz's confession.

"You said you had feelings for me--"

"No, not just feelings. Love. I'm in love with you Liz. I don't know how I don't know when but I am."

Outside, a bright flash of lightning streaked across the sky and loud thunder boomed fury at the notion of a human falling in love with an angel.

Liz gripped Max tighter. This was so wrong! it went against the rules; but somehow, it felt so right! If her father ever found out....

Liz closed her thoughts.

"I love you too Max."

Another flash of lightning illuminated the dim room followed by a deep roar of thunder. The wind picked up it's strength and lashed heavy rain against the small cottage.

Liz felt a hundred times lighter after admitting to Max her true feelings. As much as she hated to admit it, Tess was right. She wasn't using her time on earth to her full advantage. With so little time left, and now a little leeway from Tess and the contract, maybe she can experience all there is to being a human without restraint.

Liz felt Max's lips on the corner of her mouth. Moving her head, she let instinct take over and covered his lips with her own.

Gentle at first, the kiss soon bloomed into volcanic fiery passion. Max deepened the kiss as Liz clung to him, never wanting to let him go.

Sweeping her up into his arms, Max carried her to her room.

Max stopped when he reached the doorway and glanced around the room. Shadows danced on the walls created by the flames of the dozen of wide sturdy candles Liz had lit.

"Um, hope you don't mind, I found some candles in the closet, and well, the light from the candles comforts me." Comfort to keep the nightmares away during the night.

Max smiled down lovingly at her. She had unintentionally created the perfect mood for them.

"No, I don't mind at all."

Stepping further into the room, Max spotted Bruno looking up lazily at them.

"Bruno, out." Max commanded.

The dog just snorted and thumped his tail on the carpet.

"Come on Bruno, out the room. Now."

Man looked at dog and dog looked at man in a stand-off.

"Ok, fine, I'll give you a huge treat later on. How does that sound?"

Bruno slowly got up, stretched and yawned, then trotting over to Max, bumped his wet snout into Max's leg, the trotted out with his tail wagging in the air.

Max looked down to see a wet patch of dog mucus on his pants.

"I swear that dog is losing respect for his master."

Liz giggled and buried her face against his neck.

"Maybe you should stop teasing him so often."

Kicking the door shut, Max carried Liz over to the Queen size bed and laid her down the middle.

"Right now, there's someone else I'd like to tease."

Following her down, Max kissed her soft lips then braced his weight on his elbows as he gazed down at her then stroked a finger down her cheek.

"You are so beautiful."

Liz traced her own finger over his brow and around his face memorising his features.

"You're not so bad yourself Mr Evans."

Max playfully nipped her finger as it traced over his mouth.

"We'll work this out Liz. Whatever the future holds, we'll work it out. Together."

Liz gave him a sad smile. "Lets not talk of the future right now. Let us just enjoy this moment and take things one day at a time."

"Ok." Max replied after a moment of silence.

Leaning down, he settled his lips over hers as his fingers went to unbutton her pyjama top.

Outside, the storm howled its rage. This wasn't how it was suppose to be. This defied the order of the universe. The wind and rain lashed all the harder at the cottage condemningly. But inside the small cottage, the couple paid no heed to the outside world. Right now, in this moment, there was only them.

Liz gasped at the sensation of having Max's mouth suckling her breast while his other hand roams over her soft body creating a hear of fire within her she was sure was hotter than the bowels of hell. She arched her hips and rubbed against his naked body trying to satisfy a desperate urge she knew in her soul only Max could satisfy and complete. But still she moved against him, stoking the fires of her desire.

"Max.... I need.... I need...." Liz panted then groaned and twisted her body in ecstasy as he licked and suckled a particularly sensitive spot below her belly.

"I know Liz, I need it too."

Reaching into the bedside draw, Max retrieved then ripped open a condom and sheathed himself. Positioning himself at her entrance, Max gazed down at Liz.

"I love you Liz."

"I love you too Max."

Liz gasped out as she felt Max push himself inside her and begin to rock back and forth creating sensations unlike anything Liz had ever experienced. Liz raked her nails down his back as she too shifted her hips to match his thrusting rhythm. Max hissed at the erotic sensations and increased his thrusts harder and faster. Liz moaned when Max nipped and teased her nipple. If this was what it truly felt like to be human, to feel these bursting sensations in joining with a man she loved, then she would gladly give up her angelic soul if it meant an eternity in this bliss with this man. But her deal was different. Whether in heaven or hell, she would still have to leave him in the end. Liz felt Max nuzzle and kiss her neck. She blinked back her unhappy tears and thoughts. She wouldn't think about that now. Right now, this moment in time belonged to her and Max. Liz marvelled at his aura joined with hers as their body had; his soul twining with hers.

Turning her head to the side, Liz gazed at the golden flames of the candles and gasped at the sight of the flames flickering and twisting together to form images of couples in the acts of the carnal just like her and Max. The images showcased different positions the couples were engaged in, but they all shared one thing in common: Heated passion and raw desire for one another. They seemed to whisper and moan along with her and Max; everything seemed to blur in the heated room. Liz closed her eyes and focused on Max. He felt so good on top of her; in her, his scent, their scent surrounding her. Something that had been building where they were joined welled up and climbed higher and higher until it threatened to consume her.

"Maaax!" Liz cried out as her climax hit her hard and fast. A rumble of thunder crashed outside and lightning sizzled in correspondence to the heat of her orgasm. Liz arched her back off the bed and barely noticed all the candles extinguish as though a strong wind had blown them all out. But they all flickered back on a moment later.

Looking above her, she saw Max arching his back, his muscles straining as he rode out his own climax. He sighed then fell on top of her, exhausted but sated, a smile on his boyish face. A face no longer filled with grief and pain, but with love. How she wished she could see that expression for all time. Liz lovingly stroked Max's hair. A passing thought made her stiffen. A thought she had not considered in her plan.

She had come to earth to help Max move on in exchanged to experience life as a human for herself. Max had given her that gift, one she'll cherish forever. But what about Max? If it hurt her that much at the thought of being away from him, what if he felt the same way? What if because of his love for her, he refused to move on? move on and......

Liz swallowed the lump in her throat.

.....move on and be with someone else?

She would have to leave him in the end. But there was no way around it.

Hugging Max closer to her, Liz whispered a language not known to man in his ear as her tears threatened to fall.

"I love you Max, no matter what happens I'll always love you."

TBC!! Buam Buam Buam........ ooh! what's Liz gonna do? feedback and speculations welcome. LOL :mrgreen:
My AU dreamer fics:
The Auction Teen/Adult)
Angelic Fire (Mature/Adult)
Watching Clouds

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Amber Eyes
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Post by Amber Eyes »

I'm getting loads of ideas on how this story will turn out.... you'll probably be shocked...... :shock:

Anyway, here's the long awaited next part!! Feedback please!!

Part 11

The next few days passed in a luxury haze of passion for Max and Liz. They spent most of their time making love and only left the bedroom to feed Bruno and to find food for themselves - food in which they fed each other in bed and playfully ate off each other's bodies.

Liz had to constantly push unhappy thoughts of her eminent time left was fast approaching. Instead, she concentrated on her precious time with Max.

'Its better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.'

No matter how much it will hurt in the end.

Christmas day had finally come and Max and Liz had sat under the Christmas tree and exchanged their gifts. Max gave Liz a necklace with the letters 'LIZ' as the pendant, and a photo of them grinning into the camera like two lovesick teenagers, that was taken two days ago. It was a memory he wanted her to have, though she couldn't remember her family, he wanted her to always remember him and the happy times they'd shared together.

Liz had kissed him breathless in thanks, then pulled out a small package from behind the tree.

"You're turn." She grinned and held his present out to him.

Max opened the small box and under all the white tissue paper had found a snow globe with a figurine of an angelic angel sitting on a rock with her head on her knees dozing with a smile on her lips. As he shook the snow globe, sparkly bits of tiny paper floated in the water and rained down on the angelic angel making the scene even more magical.

"So you'll always be reminded that there are higher powers in this world that do do good on earth. It's where faith and hope comes from." Liz had said to him.

Max had been so touched by her gift, the only way he could think of to show her the value of his thanks was to make love to her right then and there under the tree in front of the burning fireplace.

Walking into the living room the next day, Liz sat down next to Max, who was watching the evening news.

"The storms passed, but it's left some serious damage behind." Max said as he took Liz's hand and entwined his fingers through hers. "Some buildings have collapsed and people are trapped. There's also flooding in areas."

"How awful." Liz said. Her gaze riveted on the screen. "Is there anything we can do to help?"

"Yeah, they're asking for volunteers to help find the victims and for general support in making sure people are taken care of."

"We should get down there first thing tomorrow." Liz's heart went out to all those unfortunate people who were either trapped and needed to be rescued or had lost their homes.

The next day, Max and Liz made their way down the treacherous slippery mountain to the battered town below.

Liz gasped as she got of the car and surveyed the damage the storm had left behind. They had been lucky up the mountain since their cottage had been sheltered by trees. The small idealic town below them had not fared so well being in the open.

Cable poles had crashed into some of the buildings and water had flooded areas without drainage. Liz could hear the trapped victims cry for help and saw the fire department doing their best to free them. Distraught family members sobbed and called out their support for their trapped loved ones.

All around here there was chaos.

"Come on Liz, let go see what we can do."

Max and Liz split up. Max went to help with the removal of debris and finding trapped victims; while Liz went to help the wounded and calm the distraught.

Liz bandaged wounds, but secretly used her angelic powers to semi-heal them. She couldn't bare to see people suffer any more than they need to. Her powers also had a calming effect on the people she physically touched. Her kind words gave them faith and hope.

After a while, Liz took a break and sat on a chair. She wiped sweat away from her forehead. Healing people by absorbing their wounds and transferring back her energy was starting to drain her.

"Liz, you ok?" Max asked as he offered her a bottle of water and sat down next to her.

"I'm fine. Just tired." She offered him a weak smile.

"Wanna go home and get some rest? most people are already leaving. The fire department are changing shifts and will work through the night. We can come back in the morning."

Liz nodded tiredly and after saying goodbye to the families, they headed home.


The next few days past in routine for Max and Liz. Each day they would go and help the town then head home in the evenings.

Though the town was starting to regain some control and whatever passed for normalcy, it was apparent that it had taken its toll on Liz.

Max had noticed how pale Liz had gotten over the past few days; not to mention the shadows under her eyes and her irritability.

He was seriously worried about her.

Liz walked into the kitchen and gingerly sat down for her morning coffee.

Max placed a cup in front of her then sat down opposite her and looked worriedly at her.

"Liz, are you sure you're ok? You're awfully pale and constantly exhausted."

"I'm fine." Liz replied sipping her hot coffee.

"Liz, I don't think you should go into town today. It might be best if you stay home and rest."

"I said I'm fine Max. I'll catch up on rest once the town is settled again. Those people need all the help and support they can get."

"True, but not at the expense of the helper falling ill."

"Look Max, I know you're worried but I'll be fine. Really."


"Max, will you stop!! I'm actually doing good here and it feels great! New Years is approaching and people need hope and faith." Liz sighed and slumped her shoulders. "Look, we'll leave early today and I'll get some rest."

"It's great you're giving these people the strength to continue living and surviving, but you need to look after yourself too."

"I am."

"No, you're not Liz. You're working yourself to exhaustion and you don't even realise it!" Max was losing patience fast.

Liz pushed back her chair and stood up.

"I don't want to argue with you Max. Lets just get going. Time is a wasting."

"Stay home Liz, at least for today."

"DAMN IT MAX, I SAID NO!! Which part of that don't you understand?" Liz ran a agitated hand through her hair.

There was a moment of silence.

A quiet whining interrupted the silence.

They both looked at Bruno, who was sitting on his haunches watching them with a frown and worried eyes. He didn't like it when his master and mistress fought.

Max was the first to speak.

"Ok Liz. But we're leaving early today."

Snatching up his car keys, they headed to the car. The drive down the mountain was filled with silence.

Once there, Liz got out and headed straight towards the Thomas family; leaving Max to watch after her retreating back.


"Hey Mr Thomas, how are you today?"

George Thomas, a 50 year old grandad of two looked up from his conversation with his son Peter and gave Liz a huge smile.

"Liz, you're here!" He embraced her in a warm hug.

Peter grinned at her and did the same.

"How's Ellen?" Liz enquired about George's wife who had been taken to hospital.

"She's stable for now. But the truth is she's not as young as she used to be; but she has a strong spirit. She'll wake up again. I know she will."

"Of course she will George, just have faith."

"Well, I better get back to work. Good seeing you again Liz, though don't work too hard ok?" Peter downed the rest of his coffee then left.

Liz turned to face George. "What can I do to help today?"

"Mainly refreshment duty today. They'll be lots of hungry men today." He gave her a wink.

Liz blushed as she walked to the makeshift tent and stood behind the food table to help.

Glancing up in Max's direction, she watched him wipe sweat from his dusty forehead. His white t-shirt and blue jeans moulded his form and showed off his muscles to perfection. Heat crept up her face as she remembers the feel of his body under her hands, the way it rippled when she kissed him. The way his weight had felt on top of her as they made love. How amazing it was to be human and experience the emotions as well the as physical.

Liz curbed her thoughts and sighed.

She was leaving in a few days and she didn't want Max to miss her or pine after her. If he did that, he would be stuck in square one again. Coming up with the idea that if Max hated her, then he wouldn't miss her when she left. He would hopefully think he was better off without her and move onto....Liz swallowed the pain in her chest....hopefully move on to find someone else. Someone human. Someone he could truly love.

But not her.

As though sensing her watching him, Max turned his head to look in her direction.

Liz quickly looked away and returned to the task of spooning food onto plastic plates for the volunteers and firemen on break.

TBC!!! You know that angel snow globe? I actually do have one! I thought it'd be nice to use in the story. :)
My AU dreamer fics:
The Auction Teen/Adult)
Angelic Fire (Mature/Adult)
Watching Clouds

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Amber Eyes
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Post by Amber Eyes »

Hi everyone,

I got my uni results the other week and I actually did better than I thought! I was pretty much suprised when the results read I'd got a 2:1 (which is just below a First, but you need to get A's in pratically everything.) So a 2:1 is the next best thing!

I'll be graduating next Tuesday! (12th July) I'm kinda nervous actually! It's gonna be a big day!

Part 12

As the day wore on, the tension in Liz wound tighter and tighter. Stretching her back to relax her muscles, Liz gave a relieved sigh and rubbed behind her neck. It had been tingling all afternoon; kinda like Spiderman's Spidey Sense. But she didn't know what it was warning her about.

"Hey beautiful, you look tired."

If only people would stop telling me that.

"Hi Nick, and likewise." Liz laughed and handed Nick the fireman a bottle of water.

He grinned at her in thanks; his left cheek dimpling.

Liz smiled then Liz looked at the scene behind him

"New Years is in 2 days; it's not exactly the start people are expecting."

Nick looked behind him. "No, but they're strong people. This town'll pull itself together. I should know, I've lived here all my life."

"Must be nice." Liz said absently and rubbed the back of her neck again.

"Liz, you ok?"

"I'm.... not sure...." Liz walked around to the front of the table; her gaze never leaving the scene before her. A scene where fire crew and town volunteers were clearing rubble from a half collapsed building, but was said to be stable for now. A building where a poor soul was trapped and calling for help. A building where she could see Max working.

A hand touched her arm.


Liz looked up startled to see Nick's worried expression.

"My spidey sense has been tingling all day."

Nick arched an eyebrow at her. "Like Spiderman?"

"Yeah, you know like when you get that feeling at the back of your neck when something's about to go wrong."

Nick looked at the surrounding area. "Well, I'd say everything is wrong with this picture."

"No, it's more than that. Something bigger...something......"

Liz's words died in her throat as she watched the scene unfold before her in slow motion.

A load crack reverberated through the air and a apparently unstable phone pole lost its fight with gravity and went crashing on top of the half crumbling building. Rubble and dust filled the air in a misty fog and only the darting silhouettes of people and the red and blue strobing siren lights cut through the fog as though in the ghostly realm where souls still haunted the earth.

Though it all happened in a matter of seconds, to Liz it felt like forever. And forever to an angel was infinity by human standards.


An anguished cry pierced the air and reached her ears, it was then she realized it was her own.

TBC!! :shock:

I can't believe what's happened in London. Its kinda sppoky, cos I wrote this chapter the night before, I had this headache that wouldn't go away, plus I couldn't sleep, the next morning it was still there, then I turned on the news and bam, there's that attack in London. Spooky huh? Maybe I shoudn't have written the chapter the night before...... :shock:
Last edited by Amber Eyes on Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
My AU dreamer fics:
The Auction Teen/Adult)
Angelic Fire (Mature/Adult)
Watching Clouds

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Amber Eyes
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Post by Amber Eyes »

Hi everyone,

I had some time to spare, so I got the next part typed up for yous. :)

Enjoy! and it's slightly longer than the last chapter to make up for it :)

Part 13

Once reality had instilled itself back into Liz, she darted forward to reach the scene.

To reach Max.

But something was pulling her back; she turned her head to see what was stopping her and tried to struggle out of Nick's grasp.

"Liz, it's too dangerous!"

"Let me go! Damn it, let me go! I have to get to Max!"

Liz continued to struggle, and somehow, her foot ended up stomping onto Nick's instep. He
let go of her with a pained curse. Once free Liz ran towards the pile of debris.

"MAX! Oh God, oh God!" Liz didn't care if her father heard her, she just wanted Max to be ok. "MAX!" Liz placed both her icy hands over her mouth as tears streamed down her face.

She watched as fire fighters scrambled to secure the site while trying to locate the trapped. But it was difficult due to the haze of the dust and the falling night that was starting to descend the sky into darkness.

"Oh God, Max, please be alright!" If only she could just find him!

Scanning the rubble, she saw the back of a man picking up and throwing away bits of rubble from a spot not far from the other workers. As the rubble cleared, Liz could see an arm protruding limply from the cement and debris.

"OH GOD! NO! NO! MAX!" Liz rushed forward, her eyes never leaving the scene before her. A scene where the man - George Thomas - carefully moved Max's limp body from beneath the crush of the rubble and settle him onto a slightly more even spot.

He looked up at Liz as she approached; her eyes wide with tears and fear.... fear for Max's condition.

George took his fingers away from the pulse on the side of Max's neck and looked at her grimly.

"I'm sorry Liz."

Liz stood there numbly and shook her head in denial. Her whole world crashing down before her.

No. George was wrong. Max couldn't be dead. He just couldn't!

Kneeling down on the rubble heedless of the pain digging into her flesh, Liz touched Max's face. He had a deep bloody gash on his temple, small red cuts dotted about his face and body. Tears continued to slide down her face as she gently wiped the dust and dirt from him.

George sighed at her distraught face. No one should go through the agony of losing someone they love

Liz continued to caress Max gently as though he was made of fragile glass. She sniffled then looked up at George Thomas.

"Could you leave us for a while please?"

With sadness in his eyes, he nodded then got up and left.

Making sure Mr Thomas wasn't near them and that everyone else as busy with the rescue, Liz turned her body so her back blocked Max from view.

"Max, you can't leave me. I'm sorry for the arguments. Please don't hate me. Please come back to me. I love you Max; I love you!" Liz wept.

Spying a jagged piece of broken mirror, she picked it up and stared into it.

"Tess, get your evil ass here right now!"

A minute later, Tess's form shimmered into view in the mirror.

"Tess, it's not suppose to happen this way. Max wasn't suppose to die! What I'm I going to do?"

Tess closed her eyes and sensed for a moment.

"He's not quite gone yet Liz. His soul is trying to move on, but his mind won't let it. If you hurry, you may e able to heal his soul back into his body."

"Then that's what I'll do!" Liz said resolutely.

"Liz, listen first. There are dangers to healing those who have nearly passed on. It takes a huge amount of your power and energy. Just look at you lately, your healing has already drained you, anymore exertions of power you give could...."

"Could what Tess? Angels don't die right?"

"No in that sense, but similar. Liz.... you could disintegrate forever. Is that something you're willing to risk?"

Liz looked back down at Max and her heart gave a painful squeeze.

"I'll do anything to bring him back, even die for him if it means he'll live. I love him. I understand now Tess." Liz looked back at her sister. "Being human isn't just about the material things humans enjoy in this world; it's also about love. The feelings I have inside of me, the feeling I feel for Max are so strong it's tearing me up inside. And it's also about sacrifice too Tess. What one is willing to do and give up in order to help a loved one."

"No, Liz, listen to me--!"

Liz tossed the piece of mirror away and focused on Max. If she could heal him without using all her energy, perhaps she stood a chance....

"Don't worry Max, we'll be together again, everything will be all right. We still have 2 days left. I promise we won't fight anymore. We'll make love and laugh and cook and go for walks together, then make love some more." Perhaps after she left, she could even sneak down from heaven once in a while to see him.

Placing a hand over his heart and the other over his head, Liz closed her eyes and concentrated. Gathering healing white energy inside her, Liz let it flow through her arms and into Max. She healed his internal bleeding bit by bit and let her energy flow into him; in return his energy flowed into her. Liz could feel sweat sliding down her face. Her energy was draining quickly and she was unable to cleanse the energy Max gave her fast enough. Liz choked and vomited up crimson blood, but still she continued her healing.

Her mind concentrated on getting his blood flowing through his body again to get his heart to start beating. At the same time, she used her mind to call out to Max's soul.

'Come back Max; come back to me. It's not your time to go yet. Please don't leave me.'


'Yes Max, it's me. Relax, let me heal you.'

'Heal me? what are you talking about? where am I?'

Liz let white light flow around protectively around Max's soul. In her mind's eye, she could see her Max floating in a warm white light in limbo. The place of in-betweens.

'You're safe. Please Max, we don't have much time.'

Liz could feel herself getting light-headed. Breaking the connection briefly, she looked down at her arm and could see it starting to shimmer then disappear and reappear. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on her mental spiritual link with Max again.

'Max, you have to let your soul re-enter your body. If you don't, you can't ever come back again You'll be lost to me forever.'

'Liz, why are you glowing?'

'Please Max, there's no time!' Liz said desperately.

She could see Max floating there just looking at her with a frown on his forehead.

'So it's true. You really do exist.'

'Max please!' Liz pleaded.

But Max ignored her.

'You're one of them. You're an angel aren't you?'

In one last desperate attempt, Liz gave her last push of energy and felt Max drifting back into his body. She tried desperately to hold out as long as she could until she knew he was safely back in his body before she ended the healing. But in her desperate attempt, Liz had unwittingly given Max all her energy.

The glow of white light began to dim in the space of limbo; dimming until there as only darkness. Liz couldn't continue the healing any longer and prayed that Max's soul had made it back safely into his body without any damage. She felt a whoosh, as if invisible doors had been shut behind her.

'I love you Max.'

With her final thought, Liz's mental connection was severed and her ether floated into eternal darkness.


George Thomas couldn't believe his eyes! He had been helping another group with the rescue, but had been keeping his eye on Liz. The poor dear. At first nothing seemed out of the ordinary; just a young girl grieving for her beloved. But then, he had noticed a strange white glowing light emanate from Liz and flowed into Max. Telling the other's he'd be right back, he had gone over to investigate.

To his shock and amazement, and that his eyes weren't deceiving him, he saw before him a picture of unearthly magicks taking place.

The girl kneeling before he beloved wasn't just an ordinary girl.

She was a healer. She was one of God's people. An angel sent to earth.

As he looked on, the glow that emanated from the couple got bright, so bright that he had to shield his eyes. Through the cracks of his fingers, he could see the faint silhouette outline of a white delicate wing on Liz's back.

Looking around to see if anyone else was witnessing this miracle, he saw he wasn't alone. Almost everyone had stopped working to watch in awe the mesmerising miracle taking place.

Who would've believed it? Angel Falls really did have a resident angel!

As the light around Liz began to fade, people began to gather closer to ground zero. They watched as the light completely vanished and the angel slump weakly over her beloved.

TBC!! Sorry to leave it at another Cliffie. Feedback please!
My AU dreamer fics:
The Auction Teen/Adult)
Angelic Fire (Mature/Adult)
Watching Clouds

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Amber Eyes
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Location: Somewhere in my mind......

Post by Amber Eyes »

Hi everyone,

Ok, here is the next part! sorry for the delay, I did some editing on it and had to do some research for some parts. Mainly about greek myths and stuff ;)

Part 14

No feelings.

No pain.

No emotions.

Just eternal darkness and flashes of fragmented memories. memories that made no sense; just glimpses of pictures passing by in the blink of an eye.

Liz's ethereal soul drifted like a cloud of fog through oblivion.


There was no hope for those ethereal beings who entered this place of darkness.

Or was there?.....


"It was unbelievable; it was so bright, the light she used to heal him--"


"For real?"

"Yeah, you should've seen it, it was like......"

Most of the town was talking about the miracle that had taken place. The angel girl who had brought a dead man back to life. But at what cost to herself? for she was now lying in a hospital bed in a coma. The strangest thing was, with every passing hour, she seemed to get paler and paler until she almost shimmered with translucency. It was as though she her body was slowly fading away and disappearing into thin air.

The people knew the angel had given up more than they could ever imagine to help them. Their injuries that should've taken much longer to heal had healed in only half the time. When she was near, they had felt comfort and peace. And now to save her love, she had sacrificed her own life for his.

Flowers brought in by people spread in her room; candles, cards and yet more flowers lay outside the hospital as a sign of vigil for her to get better. People prayed; people cried; people paid their respects.

Though the angel had brought her beloved back to life, no one knew how successful she had been, for he, like her was also lying in a coma.

Day and night they continued to pray in the hope that the approaching new year wouldn't be one that started off with loss; but rather, with another miracle that resulted with life.

A new beginning.


His head felt as though it had been hit with a jackhammer repeatedly. The pain ricocheting around his skull like Ping-Pong balls.

He felt himself surfacing.


Rising to the light and away from the depths of darkness.

His eyelids flickered from the intense light that created sharp pins of pain in his already painful skull.

'Darkness. Let me go back to the darkness.'

Yet he kept floating up higher and higher towards the shimmering bright light, as though he looked at it while underwater.

Up and up, beyond his control.

He heard a steady beep, beep, beep.

The higher he surfaced, the more feelings and sensations he felt.


Pain that ached all over his body and not just his mind.

He could smell strong antiseptic that made his stomach churn and want to vomit.

He surfaced higher and higher, right to the top until there was nowhere else to go.

Slowly, his eyelids flickered open.

A white ceiling with rivers of tiny black dotted patterns was the first thing he saw; then a male face that looked to be in his mid to late 40s came into view. A stethoscope was draped around his neck.

He grinned.

"Welcome back to the land of the living Mr Evans."


Deep below the earth in another realm, fire and brimstone collided to create a noxious gas vapour that was the air of the underworld.


A place of never-ending torment.

A place where damned souls are sent for punishment for their misdeeds while alive.

A place that was ruled by the ruthless Hades; though he has many other alias's.

The brother of Zeus and Poseidon, Hades ruled over the infernal regions of the underworld while his brothers ruled over the heavens and sea.

Dressed in a dark charcoal grey pinstripe suit, Hades sat back in his comfy leather high back chair and inhaled his cigar before lighting it and taking a drag.

He exhaled a cloud of smoke and regarded his niece.

"You want me to do what?"

Tess looked at her uncle sitting there cross legged, smoking a cigar, all lord of the manor, or in this case, the underworld. His salt and pepper hair all neatly combed back. In human years, he looked to be in his early 50s; but in reality he was much older than that. A few millennia older.

Tess watched her uncle blow out the cigar smoke and flicked an invisible flint off his trousers. He reminded her of the Godfather; ironically enough, it was one of her favourite movies.

"I told you uncle Hade, I need your help. I need you to get Liz out of oblivion. She doesn't belong there. Why is it that things never go according to plan?"

Hades smiled dryly at his niece. "Free will my dear; something even the fates cannot control." Hades narrowed his eyes at Tess. "Why is Liz in oblivion anyway?"

Tess hesitated. No one knew about their pact. But if it'll get Liz out of oblivion, then she'd have to reveal their secret.

"Liz and I made a secret pact. She wanted to experience the life of being a mortal and I.... no offence uncle, but I wanted to shorten my sentence here if possible. I do enjoy it here, but I really want to go home."

"And just exactly how, pray tell, is this deal of yours suppose to do that?"

"The terms are that while Liz was on earth, she had to help a mortal man, Max, move on with his life since he was so infused with grief in losing his wife."

Hades blew out a ring of smoke that turned into a misty skull.

"So if Liz helps this mortal move on, it's all her doing right? nothing to do with you."

"It has everything to do with me. Since I can't help him directly myself, I sent Liz."

"And what if this 'good deed' of yours doesn't get you a lighter sentence?"

"Then Liz will come to hell to keep me company."

"I doubt Liz would agree to that."

"She will if she breaks the 3 rules set."

Hades arched his eyebrows.

Tess continued. "She's not allowed to sleep with or fall in love with him. And she can't reveal that she's really an angel. I suppose Liz does have the option to refuse, but then Max will have to come here in her place, and if our Lizzie has fallen for him, I doubt she will let that happen."

"And has she? broken the rules that is."

"I gave her 2 'get out of jail free cards' so to speak, which of the two rules she breaks is up to her, the last will have to be kept. Liz has already broken 2 of the rules. She's fallen in love with him and has slept with him. But there as an accident and a building collapsed on Max. Silly girl used all her powers to heal him and now her ether drifts in darkness since she didn't have the energy to bring herself back."

"Why the nicety?"

Tess flounced down on a chair. "You should have seen her! The foolish girl wanted to experience mortal living, yet she kept holding herself back."

Hades chuckled.

"So, you decided the 'kindness' of your heart to help her along."

Tess beamed a satisfied smile. "That's right."

"And as an added bonus to your cause, she'll be breaking the 2 rules and would probably be breaking the third in no time."

Tess's eyes widened at her uncle's deduction.

Hades bellowed a hearty laugh.

"You might try to make nice Tess, but you'll always be a schemer at heart."

Hades leaned forward and stubbed out his cigar in a crystal ashtray.

"You might want to go home to Olympus, but it is down here that you are truly appreciated for being yourself. For being who you truly are. Heaven is just a little to fluffy bunny for my taste. Plus that whole none judging you thing. Bah!" He waved a dismissive hand.

"Tess was about to interrupt but Hades continued.

"But, this scheme of yours does seems fascinating in how it might play out. And besides...." Hades leaned back in his high back leather chair and touched his fingertips together in an arch. His eyes shimmering ruby red before turning onyx then back to normal again. "I'd like to see my other niece again. Its been such a long time." Hades regarded Tess with a serious expression. "I'll retrieve Liz from oblivion, but remember, free will can alter the path set by fate."

"Thank you uncle. I need to go check on the mortal world. I'll be back for dinner later." Walking over, she kissed his cheek and sauntered out the door.

Hades lit another cigar. Sitting back in his chair, he chuckled to himself and shook his head in amusement.

This was going to be fun.

TBC!! :shock:

I loved writing the part of the underworld scene, and how I depicted Hades, dunno why, but its just how I pictured it. Hope the chapter wasn't too messed up cos I kept added stuff then deleting stuff. :roll: lol.

What do you think of it? I love writing fantasy! FEEDBACK please!

Oh! I'm going to Milan tomorrow (Monday) whoohoo! Can't wait!
My AU dreamer fics:
The Auction Teen/Adult)
Angelic Fire (Mature/Adult)
Watching Clouds

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Amber Eyes
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Part 15

Max stared up blankly at the ceiling while he tried to collect his jumbled thoughts. The last thing he remembered clearly was working at the site when he heard a loud crack then something heavy falling on him. But then..... this was where it got sketchy. He thought Liz had been there; she'd done something to him; something to bring him back when he should've been a dead man.

Max closed his eyes and concentrated. Bits of memory floated back to him. There had been a place of white, and so very bright. He had felt at peace and comfortable there. He was heading somewhere, but then Liz had been there urging him to go back. She was.... healing him. He remembered now. Remembered what he'd asked her.

"You're an Angel aren't you?"

Though Liz hadn't answered, deep in his heart he had always known the truth. She was one of the angelic beings. Was she sent to earth to heal his broken soul after Cara had died? Did Cara send her? It might explain why she was covered in all the bruises and scratches when he first found her in the woods. Had she literally fallen to earth from up above?

Max sighed and tried to piece together more of his thoughts, even though it seemed crazy.

He'd remembered Liz's desperate plea for him to return to his body, then a rush of warm wind pulling him along a tunnel. He'd heard Liz's fading whisper of "I love you Max."

Then... nothing.

The next thing he knew, he heard bits of fragmented noises that pulled him further and further towards it. The he had woken up.

"And how are we feeling today Mr Evans?"

Breaking out of his thoughts, Max turned his head and saw a nurse entering his room.

"I've been better." He winced when the slight movement caused his head to pound.

"I'm not surprised." The nurse gave him a sunny smile and picked up his chart from the end of the bed. "You've had a nasty concussion, plus a few broken ribs." Placing the chart back, she walked over to him. "You're a very lucky man."

"You wanna trade places?" Max asked wryly.

The nurses chuckled then sobered.

"How much do you remember?"

"No a lot. Just that there was a loud crack at the site where I was working, then something falling on me, then the doctor looking down at me welcoming me back." Max decided to leave out the bit about Liz. The nurse would probably think he'd gone nuts from the head trauma. But he knew it was more than that.

The nurse was silent for a moment.

"Ok, what?" Max asked.

"Look, to be honest with you Mr Evans, you shouldn't even be here. The injuries you suffered should've rendered you dead. But the strangest thing is, they seem to be slowly healing itself."

Max arched a puzzled eyebrow at her.

"Apparently some girl healed you, Most of the town saw it happen. Said she was some angel."

Max swallowed.

If most of the town had seen it, then he wasn't mistaken about who Liz really is.

"And where is she now?"

"She's still in a coma. We put her in a room down the hall."

"She's in a coma?"

"Yes. Though, the strangest thing is, she seems to be fading away."

"Fading?" Max whispered in a choked voice. Though everything was so confusing at the moment, he couldn't bear the thought of losing Liz. She'd come to mean so much to him.

"Yeah. Maybe that's how angelic beings return to heaven once their job is done. I dunno. Anyway, you seem to be on the mend, but you'll still needs lots of bed re--"

"I'd like to see her."

"You really shouldn't be out of bed."

"Please! I have to see her."

The nurse hesitated.

"I'll be fine." Max assured her. "Wheel me there in a wheelchair if you want, but I need to see her; just for a little while at least."

The forlorn expression on Max's face tugged at the nurse's heartstrings.

Sighing, the nurse headed for the door.

"Fine. I'll be right back with the wheelchair. And if we see the doctor coming, we're outta there, you hear? this is my job on the line here."

Max managed a smile.

"Thank you."


5 minutes later, Max sat in his wheelchair and let the nurse push him down the hall towards Liz's private room. He saw dozen's of flowers and cards neatly lined the sides of the hallway.

"The towns people wanted to wish you and... Miss Parker was it? a speedy recovery."

As the nurse opened the door to Liz's room, Max found himself holding his breath.

The nurse wheeled him over to Liz's bedside then told him she'd be back in 10 minutes to get him.

Alone with Liz at last, Max released the breath he'd been holding as he took in Liz's shimmering form.

A tear slid down his cheek, then another and another.

Bending over and ignoring the biting pain in his body, he lay his head down beside Liz's and held her hand close to his heart.

"Oh Liz, what did you do? What did you do?"

TBC!! :shock: Ok, I wasn't sure what to do with this chapter, nothing much happening in it, so hope it wasn't too boring a read! lol :oops:

Feedback please! or just drop in to say "hi" :D
My AU dreamer fics:
The Auction Teen/Adult)
Angelic Fire (Mature/Adult)
Watching Clouds

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Amber Eyes
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Location: Somewhere in my mind......

Post by Amber Eyes »

Yes, 'tis me again! and yes, you haven't waiting a month since the last update. lol. I was on a role the other night with the writing and got loads done with this chapter and the start of the next.

Micheala141: I do still post over on Alien Blast. Usually right after I've posted here. So you have 2 places to choose from where to read this fic :)

Cherie: Ah, only time will tell.... I think more will be revealed in teh sequal if not in this one. :D

Erina258: "Hi" back. ;) lol. Glad you're enjoying this story even though the last chapter was kinda upsetting.

Bixie: Sorry, can't reveal what will happen. Its a secret. Don't forget there will be a sequal to follow on ;)

googi: lol, at least you didn't have to wait another month from the last chapter to this one! And hey, you're as young as you feel. ;)

83 AlienAngel: Oh wow! check out all the cool smilie icons you posted! It jazzed this thread/page right up! I love the alien greeting me. heehee, made me laugh. :D

Liz's father will make an appearance, though I'm still trying to see if it'll be in this story or the sequal. Depends on the flow of the storyline.

AN about sequal

You know, even as I write for this story, already lots of ideas and plot outlines for the sequal are already floating through my head and screaming for me to put on paper. I think you'll like the sequal. Lets just say it'll be darker, sexier, more intriguing(?) and takes you to earth as well as the underworld. You'll get to meet some new characters as well as some already mentioned.

I actually did do some research for these stories regarding the greek myths and characters of the gods/godesses, some are what I've found, but some stuff I've had to make up for my own story.

Anyway, I'll stop babbling now.


Part 16

The fragmented images were now no longer fragmented. Instead, the now flowed through her senses as though a movie was playing.

Faster and fast.

Image after image.

It flowed into a blur of colours then exploded into a bright white light.

Liz gasped and looked around disorientated, then looked down at herself. She could see her hands; her arms. Choking back a laugh, she placed her hands on her shimmering white dress and felt.... yes! She was corporeal again; at least as corporeal as an angelic being can be in limbo.


Startled, Liz's head snapped up to the voice.

"Uncle Hades?"

"Yeah, it's me honey. Don't you wanna give your dear ol' uncle a hug?"

Floating over to him, she went into her uncle's embracing arms.

"What are you doing here uncle?"

"Tess told me you ran into a bit of trouble, and asked me to come and get you."

Pulling back she looked up at Hades in surprise.

"You brought me back from oblivion? But how could.... I mean, I thought no one could ever escape oblivion once there."

Hades chuckled. "Lets just say I still have a few tricks up my sleeve."

Liz frowned at her uncle. "You broke the rules didn't you?"

Hades chuckled again, finding this an amusing conversation. "I was never much of a follower of the rules. And besides, rules are always made to be broken. that's my motto."

Liz gazed at her uncle for a moment the sighed.

"There's a price to be paid right? Nothing comes for free."

"Ah! You remembered my other motto. I am well pleased." Hades beamed.

"I think that's why father stopped me visiting you; you were getting to be a bit of a bad influence in your teachings."

"But it's all true though! And they come in many forms, as you very well soon see." Turning Liz around, Hades pulled Liz to walk with him. "Come child, times a wasting. Lets get you back into the mortal world."

As they floated along the tunnel of light, Liz turned to regard her uncle once more.

"How's Polarriz?"

Polarriz had been a tiny baby dragon given to her as a gift when she was a child by Kel, her childhood friend. Someone who she hadn't seen in a long time. Kel was her uncle's aide's son. Polarriz was forbidden to enter Olympus since dragon's, once fully grown, are known for their fiery destruction. So Hades had offered to let Polarriz live in the underworld where he was sure he would feel right at home with all the fiery environment.

"He's grown very large of late. He misses you."

"I miss him too." Liz said. Her expression crestfallen.

"You could come visit him."

Liz shook her head. "I can't. Father would be furious if he found out I went into the underworld."

"You think he won't be mad at you for going down to earth without his knowledge or permission?"

"I was doing a good deed. I was helping Max."

"But you are not an angelic agent who is specifically sent to do 'good will' on earth."

"Tess and I made a deal. That in itself is enough of a reason."

Hades laughed.

"Everyone has a darker side that is full of secrets and intrigue; seems to me you've just uncovered yours."

Liz remained silent; and all that was heard was Hades's merry bellowing laugh echoing around them.

TBC!! Lotsa feedback please!! please let me know what you think of this story, your speculations etc. Its always nice to read your thoughts. ;)
My AU dreamer fics:
The Auction Teen/Adult)
Angelic Fire (Mature/Adult)
Watching Clouds

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Amber Eyes
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Post by Amber Eyes »

Part 17

Opening her eyes, Liz slowly sat up from the bed and looked around. She was once again in the mortal realm. Swinging her legs to the floor, Liz shivered from the drafty air. Looking down, she saw she wore a thin hospital gown and grimaced.

'Ok, this will never do. Why do they insist on putting these ridiculous thin clothes on patients is beyond me. You could probably catch your death in it; or at least a potential cold.'

Waving a hand over herself, she magically transformed the hospital wear into the white dress she was wearing in limbo.

'Much better.' Liz smiled at her handy work.

Walking out the door, Liz noticed all the flowers and cards that lined the hallway. Bending down and selecting a random, she flipped it open and read the inscription.

May the heavens above save both your souls;
May your angelic being find the light

Standing up, Liz walked to stand outside the nearby glass window to a private room and peered in. She placed a hand against the cool smooth glass as though trying to touch the man inside.

"Max." A quiet whisper of his name.

She had to go see him.

To touch him.

To say one final goodbye, for this night was to be her last on earth. She had broken the final rule. He knew who she was, but she had no choice when was trying so desperately to save his life. And now, it seemed to whole town knew as well.

Entering Max's private room, Liz sat down next to the bed and gazed at his sleeping form.

Reaching out to brush an unruly bang from his forehead, Liz smiled as he mumbled something incoherent in his sleep.

Her gaze drank in his form; his every detail, for memories are all she would have of him.

Placing a hand over his head and body, Liz closed her eyes and finished the final stages of healing Max. A light emanated from her palms and entered his body. All his wounds and injuries repaired and healed themselves until he sustained no more discomfort or pain.

"It's nearly time Liz."

glancing at the jug of water on the bedside table, Liz saw Tess reflected in the water. Without saying a word, Liz simply nodded her head in acknowledgement.

"You know you, could always let him take your place, and you can go back up to the land of the fluffy clouds."

Liz glared at her sister then hissed in a whisper, "Do you really think I would send the man I love with all my heart, body and soul, to take my place in hell? What is wrong with you!"

"Hey, I'm just saying..."

"Well, don't." Turning away from Tess, Liz focused her attention once more on Max. She saw his eyelids flutter then open to gaze directly up at her.

He blinked groggily at her. "Liz?" he breathed out her name.

Liz smiled and leaned in closer to him. "Shh... it's ok, you're just dreaming."

"I'm dreaming in a dream?" Max asked puzzled.

"Yeah, dreams are weird aren't they?"

"Uh, I guess...."

"Go back to sleep Max, I'll watch over you."

"I need to sleep in a dream? Ok, this is the weirdest dream I've ever had. Are you sure we're not really awake?"

"If you were awake, I'd still be in the other room right?"

"That's true...." Max conceded. "And it's nice to see you in solid form again rather than transparent. Transparent means you're going to go away somewhere; and I don't want that to happen. We belong together Liz."

Hearing him say those words made her heart tighten in pain. It didn't matter what form she was in; either way, she'd be leaving.

"Close your eyes Max" Liz whispered gently.

But before he did, Max lifted her hand and brushed a tender kiss over it. "I love you Liz. I never thought I'd be capable of ever loving again since Cara..... but you have shown me I can, and you have given me the chance to live life again."

A tear slipped down Liz's cheek. "I love you too Max."

Bending over, she kissed him with all the passion and love she felt for him. She wanted to make it last into eternity.

Smiling, Max closed his eyes and breathed out a contented sigh. "Best dream I've ever had."

Laying herself horizontal next to him on the bed, Liz draped her arm over his waist. Immediately, Max's hand sought hers and entwined their fingers together.

For half an hour, Liz lay their and watched him in a peaceful sleep.

"Liz, you have to leave now. The sun will be up soon." Tess whispered from within the jug.

Pushing herself into a siting position, Liz continued to watched Max sleep. She really didn't want to leave him, but she had no choice. She'd made a deal and the contract was set.

Touching a finger to the necklace she wore around her neck, Liz recalled that Christmas morning. She had given Max a snow angel globe and in return, he had given her the necklace with her name on it.

Using her powers, Liz changed the necklace into a locket, but kept the name design on it. Materialising a photo they'd taken together at Christmas, she shrank it in size and placed it into the locket. She gazed at the grinning couple gazing into the camera. Such happy times. Taking a deep breath, Liz snapped the locket shut with a click. Now Max would always be with her.

Sliding off the bed, Liz bent down to give Max one final kiss and caress of his cheek.

"Goodbye Max. The sunrise awaits for me, so I'll have to go; but remember, I'll always love you."

This time, there was no turning back.

Her time was up.

And hell gleefully awaited for her arrival.


So did everyone have a ncie halloween? I calved a pumpkin and made it into a goofy looking vampire face. It had 2 fangs at the top and only 2 tooth on he bottom. :mrgreen:

I can't believe its November already. Where has the year gone? :|
My AU dreamer fics:
The Auction Teen/Adult)
Angelic Fire (Mature/Adult)
Watching Clouds
