Mutant Love (X-Men,XO,CC,TEEN) A.N 6/11/05 [WIP]

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Location: Playing strip poker with Michael, Logan, and Colin

Post by kassruvalcaba »

Part 20:

"Michael" Maria whispered. She looked around the room to see Max, Isabel and Tess as well.

"Hey" He smiled at her. He started picking up the things she dropped Then she remembered the picture

"Stop." She almost shouted. He looked up at her and stopped standing up again "I’ll get them." She bent down and gathered the presents the picture on top again.

"Maria." Xavier said. Maria looked at him from the floor. "I want you to show them to their rooms and how things work around here." Maria nodded silently. "I also want them to watch your session in the danger room." Maria nodded again and stood up.

"Can I have the room numbers." Maria said even quieter.

"Of course her you go." He handed her a piece of paper. "I also want you to find them uniforms of their size." Maria looked at him wide eyed. "That’s right I expect them to be welcomed on to the team with out complainant"

"Of course but do you think that their qualified to fight along side of the original ten." Maria argued

"With enough training I expect so."

"But professor we’re in the middle of a war."

"I’m aware of that."

"I want them out of it. Magnetos mine."

"Maria no arguing their part of the team now whether you like it or not."

"But professor I don’t..."

"Maria please show them around campus we will talk about this later in private." Maria nodded again.

"Follow me" She said as she left the office.

"Maria when your done come back and we will discuss this if you’d like."

"No that’s fine sir I’ll be fine." Xavier nodded and went back to his work. Maria closed
the door behind her. She looked up. They were all looking at her.
"I see you don’t want us here." Isabel said

"I never said that." Maria responded "I just don’t think it’s a good idea for you guys to fight along side us this is my fight not yours." She said climbing the steps. They were behind her.

"Hey Maria." Someone said from down the hall they were wearing a black jump suit and coming towards her.

"Hey Kurt." Maria said smiling as she hugged him. "How was your session?"

"It was hard" Kurt explained "I was paired up with Jean and Scott." Maria laughed

"Tough love Kurt tough love." Kurt smiled "I see your wearing you image enhancer that’s good"

"Yes I was surprised too see myself in the mirror walking upright." Maria laughed again.

"You’ll learn sweetie. Kurt these are my friends Max, Isabel, Tess and Michael. Guys this is Kurt." Kurt’s eyes narrowed at Michael then he transported. "Kurt?" Maria looked over the railing to see if Kurt had gone downstairs towards the kitchen. "Huh that’s weird." She murmured. She looked at the piece of paper the professor had given her and smiled

Max---Room # 76
Isabel--- Room # 83
Tess--- Room # 78
Michael ---Room # 81

"OK Max you sharing a room with Liz since your marrying the girl" Maria said as she walked down the right hall. "She’s currently in the Bio lab tutoring Kitty but why don’t you make yourself comfortable unpack and everything and meet me in ten minutes in front of the door." Max nodded said his thanks and closed the door behind him. She walked to the room next to him.

‘Tess your sharing with Kyle" Tess smiled wider as she opened the door "He’s down on the field playing football with the guys." Tess nodded and went into her new room closing the door.

"You two follow me." They followed her into the opposite hall on the left side. "Isabel this is your room." Isabel walked in but Maria grabbed her arm and lowered her voice. " I know Alex is in his room right now . He’s the first room." Maria pointed. "But I’m warning you right now that if you hurt him I hurt you And don’t think I won’t Alex is very dear to me." Isabel smiled a warm smile then bent down to whisper to Maria

"same goes for Michael. Just a little heads up he’s been pining for you ever since you left last month." Maria smiled

"I’m beginning to like you Isabel."

"I’m a very likeable person now that was the first room right." Maria smiled and nodded. Maria walked further down the hall.

"I think you forgot me."

"Nope your right here." Maria pointed to the door with her free hand.

"Come on admit it you missed me." He said standing next to his door.

"Get over yourself Guerin I have kept myself occupied this whole month. I have thought of you little." She smiled.

"Fine I guess you don't want your present."

"You got me a present really oh let me see!" She said. He dug around his duffle bag and took out a small velvet box. "Put it on top." She said and opened her arms. HE looked down at the picture.

"Hey isn't that."

"Yeah it is." She said as he put the box on top.

"So which room is your room."

"I live in the basement with all the whips and chains." She said smiling He just smirked

"No really."

"you'll find out sooner or later." She said pushing him into his room with her free hand. "Unpack and I'll meet you outside in ten minutes." Then she closed the door. then walked to her own room which was next door.

She opened the door and walked inside not bothering to close it if he wanted to find out what room she was he would figure out. She put the two picture frames with all her others. She loved pictures they always reminded her of all the good things she had experienced pushing her bad ones further into her mind. she took the envelope with the coupons and put it in her desk drawer. then she went outside onto her balcony and sat down at the table. NYU papers scattered everywhere including the floor which had books. Her laptop was open and had the beginnings of her NYU essay. She looked down at her hands with the small box in the palm of her hands.

'ok so he got me a present...does that mean he likes me likes me or likes me as just I friend...cause I mean I like him...a lot. I don't know how it happened but it did I mean Jesus I've been trying to forget about the guy this whole month but nothings helped and now he gets me a birthday present and god I should just call Courtney.' She argued with herself as she made a grab for the phone. "543-802..." her finger hovered over the 5 "No!"
She hung up and put the phone back 'I've got to do this myself' She nodded her head in agreement to herself then shook her head to clear her mind. She opened it slowly until it pooped open. Inside was a small chain she lightly picked up the chain until it was out of the box she put the box on the table and fingered the small charm that was hanging from the bottom of the chain. She looked at it closer it was a small fairy hoping a sparkling wand.

"Oh my god." She said.

"I'm glad you like it."

"Oh my god!" She said again this time in surprise grabbing her chest. "how long have you been standiong there." She asked turning around in her seat to face Michael.

"Ever since you picked up the phone." Maria smiled

"oh" She stood up and went over to him.

"You know this is a nice room." She rolled her eyes. She held the necklace up to him she grabbed it lightly with his fingers and took it out of her hands. She turned around and moved the hair out of the way. He put it around her neck and did the clasp. She turned around again.

"Thank you. It was very sweet of you to give me this."

"Wel it is your birthday."

"Yeah by the way how did you know it was my birthday?"

"Tess talked to kyle who talked to Alex who told him it was your birthday."

"I'll kill him."

"Who? Alex or Kyle?"

"Both of them." Michael laughed. Maira shivered.

"you cold?"

"No why?"

"You shivered." Maria frowned

"No wind...." She closed her eyes. "Michael is there something on the table other then a mess of papers and my laptop."

"Um yeah a box. Why?" Maria turned around to find the box sitting neatly on the table. she went over to it and read the card attached to the red ribbon.

'Happy Birthday dear niece! From your Uncle Eric'
"My girlfriend's the whore! My girlfriend's the whore!!" ~Kirk, Gilmore Girls

"I tried to buy a life on EBAY but they were to expensive"~Me

"I like this shirt. It makes it look like I have boobs." ~Krisy, Bathroom

"I dont like taste like mayo"~Wendy, Sin City premiere
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 39
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Location: Playing strip poker with Michael, Logan, and Colin

Post by kassruvalcaba »

Wow!!! I'm so sorry you guys!!! I know i havn't posted in mike a year and i really should and here is the reason i havn't been able to! I had soem things going on at home and besides that i had horrible writers block! I also had the next part finshed but when i was going to load it i got a new computer and it got deleated before i had a chance to tranfer it on top this it may be on the one at school but just my luck a few weeks ago all my files got deleated and when my teacher called the computer guys to ask to retrive my files she asked if i absolulty needed all my files and i said no cause i have everything on my comp then i remebered i didn't and well bye bye files!

Now this may sound like a bunch of bull and you may think that i'm just coming up with excuses to why i havn't updated but I'M NOT!! This is all very true!!!! I'm so seriuos! So once i reread this whole story and see what happens i might just be able to post...i'm writng other stories at the moment and well...this one sort of just got lost!

Again I'm so sorry about all of this!!

Thanks for being such loyal readers :P
"My girlfriend's the whore! My girlfriend's the whore!!" ~Kirk, Gilmore Girls

"I tried to buy a life on EBAY but they were to expensive"~Me

"I like this shirt. It makes it look like I have boobs." ~Krisy, Bathroom

"I dont like taste like mayo"~Wendy, Sin City premiere