Mutant Love (X-Men,XO,CC,TEEN) A.N 6/11/05 [WIP]

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Mutant Love (X-Men,XO,CC,TEEN) A.N 6/11/05 [WIP]

Post by kassruvalcaba »

Ok this is the frist story I've achally posted and I want to thank my friend elf3748 for encourging me to put it on this site :smilecolros: so thank you for that!!!

Title: Mutant Love

Author: Kassruvalcaba

Rating: TEEN

Summary: X-men/ Roswell x-over--- Maria leaves Roswell when she's 7 and comes back 14 years later but she has a secret will she be able to share it? M&M and A&I mostly. Some M&L and K&T

Disclaimer: I don't own any Roswell characters and/ or X-men characters.

Note: the lyrics don't belong to me either they belong to the band Rooney. I did however change the her or she to he or his

Chapter 1
Arriving Nowhere Special.

Maria sat in the corner of her room strumming on her guitar singing the lyrics she wrote long ago.
"I don't know a lot about him but he knew a lot about me
His family seemed to love him if what they say is true
His friends all shared the good times man that boy has love
That boy has I, I didn't have a clue then that a kiss
would change my whole life again he walked into my room..." Maria stopped and saw a patch of blue fur under her bed. She rolled her eyes "Kurt didn't I tell you to knock before coming into my room" She sighed

"Yeah I'm sorry I didn't want to disturb when I heard you singing." Kurt said with his thick German accent. Maria smiled

"It's okay thank you though." She opened her guitar case that was next to her and carefully placed the guitar in then snapped the case shut. "was there a particular reason why you came into my room?"

"Um...yeah the Professor wants you to come eat with us for one last time."

"I'm only leaving for a few months a year tops."

"yeah but it might turn out like Alex, He's been gone for almost a year and a half." Maria smiled sadly.

"I know...Ok then come on we'll go eat." Maria took one last look around her room which was empty. she grabbed her duffle bag and guitar case and left with Kurt in front of her. They descended the stairs and went to the kitchen.

"SUPRISE" everyone yelled as they entered. Maria smiled. She went to hug all her friends that she had made over the years. She went over to her teacher and father figure Charles Xavier she bent down and hugged him.

"Thank you for everything professor."

"Oh Maria dear it was a pleasure but your not leaving for good you will always have a home here remember that. But we understood that you have some family issues so here." Xavier handed her a small velvet box. Maria opened it to find two keys on a key chin of an X inside of a circle.

"What's this?"

"It's a key to your apartment." Logan explained. Maria smirked

"Really I have my own apartment." Xavier nodded.

"Thank you." She hugged him again.

"Okay then let's eat." Kitty declared as she clapped her hands together and sat down. They all sat down and talked all at once. Once they had eaten they went outside where Maria saw a baby blue classic Cadillac in the driveway.

"Oh My god!" Maria shrieked "Whose is it." Maria turned to Scott who threw her the keys. Maria's smile got wider "Really."

"Really." Scott smiled and hugged her "Have a safe trip." He whispered into her ear."

"I will." Maria whispered back.

"You better get going traffic is going to be hell." Logan said as he hugged her. Maria nodded. She left the group and got into her car. she waved good bye and left the place she now called home to the place she use to call home.


Maria drove down the streets of Roswell the streets she thought she would never see again. She looked at the piece of paper in the seat next to her and took a left on the street. She pulled into a parking lot and got out. she looked up at the building in front of her. The apartment was above the UFO museum which was across the street from the Crashdown. 'god out of all the places they just had to choose this place." She sighed but grabbed her bag and guitar case out of the back seat and made her way up the stairs she picked out the key for the door and turned the knob she walked in and instantly dropped her bag and case in the doorway. The apartment was furnished with a lazyboy couch and recliner. the had an entertainment system and game cube, off to the side was a desk with a Dell Laptop.

"Oh my god." Maria whispered

"Oh my god is right why the hell are you living here if you have enough money to buy a big screen TV" Some one said from behind her. She turned around and looked at the guy in front of her. "sorry to just barge in...Kyle Valenti at your service." Maria smiled

"Maria DeLuca at nobodies service," Maria said making Kyle smile "...Valenti sounds familiar your dads the sheriff right."

"Not anymore. He achally owns the garage I'm working at right now."

"That's cool." Maria picked up her bag and tossed it to the corner and put her guitar case gently on the couch. Then she left the apartment and went down the stairs Kyle behind her.

"I know you don't I?" Kyle asked

"Maybe." Maria answered smirking

"Why don't I remember you. You'd think a guy like me would remember a girl as beautiful as yourself."

"Is that line especially for me or do you use it on all the pretty girls."

"Hey it's how I got my girlfriend so I'm not complaining." Maria went across the street to the Crashdown. She walked through the double doors and sat down at one of the booths, Kyle sat across from her.

"You just don't give up do you."

"No." Kyle said simply. A brunette came up to the table wearing a lime green dress ending just above her knees and a silver alien head apron. She got out an order pad.

"Welcome to the Crashdown where the food is out of this world!" She said as she plastered smile on her face

"Hey Liz do you know someone by the name Maria DeLuca." Liz thought about it then her eyes got huge.

"Oh my god Kyle you don't remember Ria." Kyle looked at Liz then at Maria. Then he hit his head with the palm of his hand.

"Maria! Look at you!" Maria smiled

"All grown up." Maria said "Lizzie how are you. Look at you and is that an engagement ring." Liz looked at her.

"OH MY GOD MARIA!!!" Liz squealed in delight jumping up and down. Maria stood up and hugged the excited girl.

Max watched as his fiancee hugged the girl that had walked in with Kyle. She looked so happy. A moment ago when they had been talking Liz seemed so weary and there she was excited and screaming. How long had it been since she screamed in delight.

"Who's that?" His sister Isabel asked. She had obviously seen Liz with the girl. Michael looked over as well shrugged and continued sipping on his coke.

"I don't have the slightest clue." was Max's response

"Thier coming over here. Why are they coming over here?" Max shrugged as Liz walked over holding the girls hand. Kyle was behind them.

"Look who I found." Liz said smiling from ear to ear.

"Who?" Isabel said acting interested

"You guys don't know who she is. Come on, she's only like my bestest friend in the whole wide world. Except you Iz." Liz added after seeing Isabel's hurt face. Max noticed how the girl had winced when Liz had said 'Bestest Friends.'

"I'll give you a clue...Hey dorkbutt." The girl said looking at Michael

"what's up cheesehead." Michael said out of habit. An old habit. He looked up from his coke just as everyone bust out laughing. Michael looked wide eyed at the girl "only one girl called me that."

"and I'm that one girl." She said smiling. Liz sat down next to Max who slid over making room for Maria. Kyle sat next to Isabel who was sitting next to Michael.

"Welcome back. Where the hell have you been these past 14 years?" Michael asked

"I see you achally noticed I was gone."

"Wait, who are you?" Max asked "who is she?" He asked turning to Michael

"Motormouth Deluca." Michael said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"But people call me Maria." She said smiling

"So I ask again where have you been."

"New York."

"Wow! Why New York and I'm Isabel by the way and that's my brother Max."

"Yeah I know and I've been going to school there for the past 14 years."

"What school?" Liz asked

"Um...a boarding school." Maria said choosing her words carefully.

"What are you doing back in Roswell." Max questioned it wasn't likely to come back to Roswell once you left.

"It's complicated to much detail and to tell you the truth if it had been my choice I would have been in Switzerland with my best friend right now."

"Why didn't you go." Kyle asked

"The deal is we, as in the students, get sent all over the world. He got Switzerland I got Roswell...That simple."

"Where have you been?" Michael asked

"Nowhere but New York this is my first real assignment so I can't afford to screw up. It's more like a job that I don't get paid for."

"So your looking for a real job. Well the Crashdown is looking for new waitress."

"Achally I've tried my hand at waitressing and it ain't my cup of tea I was achally looking for a job where I would be working with cars maybe a garage." She said looking at Kyle with a pouty smile.

"I dont know Ria. Wouldn't you be afraid of like breaking a nail or something." Maria rolled her eyes

"Puh lease I learned from the best teacher! Plus look at my nail does it look like a care what happens to them." Maria put her hands on the table. She was right they were bitten down to the end of her fingers.

"Fine come by the garage at two and I'll give you a test drive."

"Cool, Well I achally got to go but it was so nice seeing you again and I hope to catch up with you Liz."

"Yeah we so have to go shopping this weekend. Me, You, Isabel and Tess."

"That would be great...Well got to run but I'll see you soon." Maria got up from the booth and left the cafe running across the street.

Ok so this is the frist chapter I hope you all liked it and I hope to get kind reviews... :B-fly: so tell me if i should post the next chapter!!!
Last edited by kassruvalcaba on Sun Jun 12, 2005 12:09 am, edited 24 times in total.
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Post by kassruvalcaba »

Ok so thanks for reviewing here's the 2nd part.

Maria ran across the street. Michael following her.

"Hey wait up!" Michael yelled running after her. Maria slowed down.

"So why'd you follow?" Maria asked

"I haven't seen you in 14 years. Is it a crime to try to catch up with someone?"

"You wanna know why I came back huh?" Michael put his hand up to his heart.

"I'm hurt Maria I really am." Maria couldn't help but laugh at how cute he looked. Maria climbed the steps up to her apartment. She unlocked the door and walked in Michael behind her.

"Well I guess we're neighbors." Michael said looking around the apartment. Maria looked at him confused. He looked at her. "I live next door." Maria nodded.

"I think there's something to drink in the fridge if your thirsty." Maria said pointing towards the refrigerator

"You think?"

"I just moved in like half an hour ago I'm not sure if they stocked my fridge or not." Michael smirked but headed towards the kitchen anyway. Maria went over to her laptop and opened it. Big red letters popped onto the screen. She read them.

Well home for now anyway. I hope you like the decor and enjoy your stay in Roswell. I will try to get there ASAP!!
Well down to business, it turns out that Roswell is the mutant capital of the world. So you have a tough job ahead of you but we all trust that you will do a tremendous job!! There's an icon on the computer that says LIST click on that and it'll give you the list of people you need to find...and to make you job even easier it also has their address's and phone numbers
Again I hope you have fun and meet all your old friends and try to make ends meet with your mom!!! (I'll keep my fingers crossed)

With all my love(brother like love of course)Alex

Ok I'll try to post more later keep those reviews coming!!
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Post by kassruvalcaba »

Thank you soooo much for reviewing it made my day!!! so here's the next part for you all!!!

Part 3:

Michael saw Maria sitting at her desk reading something on her laptop. Apparently something that made her very happy because he could her smile with her back turned to him

"whatcha readin?" Michael asked. She quickly closed the laptop and turned around to face him.

"Nothing" She respond quickly. To quickly for Michaels taste. "So what'd you find."

"What did I find?" Michael asked

"Yeah in the fridge." Maria smiled at him

"Oh some soda and some fruit and things for sandwiches."

"Cool." Michael sat down on the couch and looked at the guitar case next to him.

"I still have it, you know." Maria whispered

"Have what?" Maria looked up and went over to the guitar case she unlocked the case and gingerly lifted the guitar and set it on the table. She then tugged on a piece of fabric at the bottom of the case lifting it up making a secret compartment. Michael peered in seeing papers scattered all over the bottom.

"My songs." She explained. Michael nodded silently. He took out a folded paper and gave it to him. "It's yours you should keep it and I'm sorry I took it. I was just so curious and I'm sorry I just needed something to remind me of this place..." Maria trailed off. She replaced the guitar and locked the case. She looked up and saw him staring at her.

"What is it?"

"I took it from your desk the day I left." Michael unfolded the paper a looked the doodling of a girl sitting on rock looking out into the sky

"I thought I lost it."

"Nope just stolen." Maria smiled. Michael stared her and she steadily meet his gaze. They were interrupted by Maria's cell phone ringing. She got up and went to her bag and took it out flipping it open and answering

"Maria here...Oh hey...Yea I'm going over there later today...Yeah miss you guys too..." Michael quietly got up and left the blonde pixie talking on the phone he opened the door to his own apartment and went straight to his room. He knelt down under his bed and took out an old forgotten shoebox and dusted it off. He opened the lid and put the picture Maria had given him and put it with the rest of them.

Hope you like it!!! Keep those reviews coming. I'll post more later. :angel:
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Post by kassruvalcaba »

Just a little note this story is a cross between the movie X-men and the Cartoon X-men(the new ones not the old I'm a geek) so there might be characters (like Jubilee) who are in the cartoon who are not in the movie...Vic versa

Part 4

Michael heard his door open. "Hey Mickey you in here" He heard Kyle yell. He rolled his eyes but put the lid back on the box and placed it back under his bed. he went into the living room where Kyle was sitting.

"You ready." Michael asked grabbing his jacket and opening the front door. Kyle got up and followed Michael out. They saw Maria leaving her apartment to with a piece of paper in her hand and her cell phone to her ear.

"Well what the hell is that supposed to mean...oh thank you so much for the confidence boost." She walked down the stairs ignoring them. Michael and Kyle went down the stairs and into Kyle's red mustang driving off to the garage.

"Logan what the hell am I suppose to say to her." Maria asked Logan as she printed out the address for a mutant named Jubilation Lee "I'm recruiter girl here to take you to my school."

"I was looking more at Mutant girl but whatever works for you." Logan answered laughing at his own joke.

"Oh call the New Yorker Logan made a joke." Maria said sarcastically grabbing the piece of paper and walking out of the apartment.

"Look we know you'll do a good job Maria and if you don't then you can always quit."

"What the hell is that suppose to mean." Maria yelled seeing that Michael and Kyle were staring at her. She knew she should have waved or acknowledged them but then Logan answered her question.

"Look we think you'll do a good Job Ria but if You fail then we have someone lined up ready to replace you."

"Oh thank you so much for the confidence boost." Maria walked down the stairs into her car looking at the piece of paper in her hand. She drove off towards the house.

"Look Ria just trust your instincts. look I've got to go Red lights are going off all over the house I think someone just broke into the danger room so I'll talk to you later." Before Maria had time to respond the line went dead.

"Great just freakin' great." She threw her cell into the seat next to her and watched the road in front of her. "1561...1561..." She looked at the houses and finally found 1561 Crash Ave. She parked across the street, grabbing her shoulder bag and walked over to the house. She saw a girl about 16 working in the garage. She went over to her.

"Hi." Maria said

"Um...Hi." the girl answered looking up from the instruction paper. "can I help you?"

"Yeah are you Jubilation Lee."

"Yeah but people call me Jubilee."

"Hi my name Maria and I'm here to talk about your gift."

"My gift?" She raised her eyebrow and gave her an are-you-ut-of-your-mind look. Maria checked the side of the house to make sure she had the right house...1561. Maria smiled realizing what the girl had done.

"Yes your gift." Maria grabbed a light bulb form the table and balanced it on her finger. she felt a surge of electricity leave her body and out her fingertip making the light bulb light up. "my friends call me Electra."

"Oh. My. God. Your like me." Jubilee said Maria smiled

"yep." she put the light bulb back on the table. "so my list tell me your name and address but doesn't tell me your gift." Maria said looking at her. Jubilee smiled She raised her hands, little balls of different colored energy leaving them. green, blue, red, purple, pink, magenta every color you could think of left this girls hands. Then the color stopped and she brought her hands back down.

"My gift comes in handy on the forth of July I'm my moms own firecracker." Jubilee laughed. Maria laughed with her.

"Look I came here to talk to you about my school. A mutant school."

"Really there are more like us?" Maria nodded

"Yeah lots more." Maria took a package out of her bag and gave it to Jubilee. "Here's some information and the school and the phone number as well." Maria took out her wallet and handed the young girl a card. "that's my cell number if you need me reach me. I would love to meet your parents and tell you guys more about it. Why don't you call me and we'll set a date to meet." Jubilee nodded

"That sounds like a plan."

"Great! Well it was a pleasure meeting you and I'll be lookng forward to seeing you again." Maria turned but then remembered something she turned back around "hey Jubi." The girl looked up


"Do you have any idea how to get to The Valenti Garage."

Ok so hope you gus liked it and i'll post more ASAP.
Keep those reveiws coming :lol:
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Post by kassruvalcaba »

OK like I promised once i got out of Hell...opps i mean school i would post more soo here you go.

Part 5

Maria parked in the parking lot of Th Valenti Garage. She walked in the reception area and saw a girl about her age with short curly blond hair. she wore a halter top.

"Um...Hi i'm Maria." Maria said stepping up to the desk.

"Ohhh!! Hi I'm Tess Kyle's girlfriend he's told me soooo much about you." She answered in a perky voice. Maria looked at her confused.

"That's weird I don't remember you."

"You wouldn't." She heard a voice say from the door. Michael came out wiping his hands on a yellow cloth.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Tess tranfered to Roswell sophmore year." Maria nodded "Come on Kyles waiting for you inthe garage." Michael went back ut the door he came from

"So is it only you and Kyle." Michael nodded

"And you if you do a good job." maria smirked

"Oh I will. My auto teacher is probally the best mechnic. He lives on cars. Which doesn't do wonders on his romance life." Maria couldn't help but laugh as she rembr the twisted relationship the was Scott and Jean. MIchael gave her a look. "sorry."

"It's ok. HEY KYLE SHE"S HERE!" Michael yelled. they heard a thump and someone cussing. Kyle came out from behind the car.

"Ohh hey ria."

K I know the ending to that part like totally sucked but I was talking to my friends and time just went like wooosh soo I couldn't really type all that much on the story and please don't hurt me I swear I will so post more tommorw (even if i'm at school*gasp*) :rocol:
Last edited by kassruvalcaba on Thu Apr 29, 2004 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"My girlfriend's the whore! My girlfriend's the whore!!" ~Kirk, Gilmore Girls

"I tried to buy a life on EBAY but they were to expensive"~Me

"I like this shirt. It makes it look like I have boobs." ~Krisy, Bathroom

"I dont like taste like mayo"~Wendy, Sin City premiere
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Post by kassruvalcaba »

OK I apologize again for that very sucky ending so I decided to give you all a treat and post more today but I’m not promising it's going be long cause I’m at the school library posting this and if they catch me I’m in deep trouble so here you go with part 5 1/2!!

Ohh side note a creeper is the wheelie thing that you lay on when going under the car I found this out by extensive research...hahaha no j/k I went to the auto teacher here at school!!!

Part 5 1/2

"Ohhh hey Ria."

"Hey Kyle." Maria bounced on one foot to the other.

"OK a few questions first where did you learn to fix cars?" Kyle asked walking towards a green Mercedes.

"Uhhh...I took Auto shop at my school i guess. Plus the cars kept breaking down for one reason or another so me and Scott were the ones to fix them." Maria shrugged like it was no big deal.

"SO are you any good?" Michael asked "Just because you fixed cars at school doesn't mean your any good."

"Oh thank you so much for the compliment!! Look I have better things to do then waste my time getting interrogated!! To tell you the truth I don't need the money I just thought it would be fun to work with cars so I could feel a little bit more at home but if you guys don't think I’d be any good then I’m outie." Maria turned to leave but Michael grabbed her arm. "That's what I thought." Maria said smiling

"OK do you want to put on a jumpsuit or work like that." Kyle asked

"Work like this is fine."

"Aren't you worried that you'll ruin clothes." Maria looked down at what she was wearing. Blue jeans that flared at the bottom and a white tang top. she shrugged

"Nope I don't think these clothes are even mine I think the shirt is Jeans…Yeah it's Jeans and the pants are i think Kittys." Maria shrugged. The guys gave her a look. "Advantages of living in a boarding school where there are like 20 girls that wear the same size."

" this is going to be the car you'll work on today and if you get it up and running then you get the job."

'Cool. umm do you have the sheet where the problems are at or would you would you like me to identify them."

"Um what ever works best for you I guess."

"OK then" Maria laid down on the creeper and slid her self under the car.

"Aren't you going to tell her that the problems are under the hood." Michael asked Kyle shrugged

"You just get back to work and leave her to it." Kyle walked away and back to the car he had been fixing earlier.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

An hour later:

"Are you sure we can't tell her that the problems are under the hood?" Michael asked again. Maria had been under the car for the past hour.

"I guess you can tell her now." Kyle shrugged as he made his way towards the bathroom. Michael walked over to the car Maria was at and knelt down.

"Hey chesehead." Michael said he saw Maria turn and look at him.


"The problems aren't under the car their under the hood." Michael said

"Yeah I know but most of the problems that I have found lead to the hood." She turned back and twisted a little knob then slid back out. Michael followed her. She popped the hood and checked the oil. "OK I'm done." Maria said as she wiped her hands on her jeans. Michael looked at her in awe.


OK so it was a little shorter then I had originally planed but it's okay. So I hope you enjoys and Keep those reviews coming!!!! :multi:
"My girlfriend's the whore! My girlfriend's the whore!!" ~Kirk, Gilmore Girls

"I tried to buy a life on EBAY but they were to expensive"~Me

"I like this shirt. It makes it look like I have boobs." ~Krisy, Bathroom

"I dont like taste like mayo"~Wendy, Sin City premiere
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Post by kassruvalcaba »

I now you guys probably hate me right now cause I waited so long to post more but school is sucking all the fun out of my fun time. I had STAR testing and projects and... OH god you guys don't want to hear bout my school problems *sigh* ok no that I'm done ranting here's part 6 it's way overdue!!!

Part 6

"she done yet." Kyle asked coming out of the bathroom.

"Yep." Maria replied she took out her cell phone as Kyle checked over the car. she pt the phone to her ear.

"You have 1 missed message sent today at 3:33 pm Hey Ria it's me Logan I got some bad news about Alex so call me back when you got the chance." Maria looked at the phone. then she quickly dialled the Logan's cell. It rang and rang.

"defeats the whole purpose of a cell." she murmured to herself when she got his voice mail. she hung up and dialled the school number.


"Kitty me Ria get me Logan."

"Ria Hey....sorry you just missed him."

"WHAT!" Michael and Kyle looked at her

"You missed him"

"Oh god do you know what happened to Alex."

"No I haven't heard anything but Logan, Jean, Scott and the professor were cooped up i the office for like an hour and they all came out looking pretty upset."

"Oh god I just hope he's ok."

"What are you talking about."

"Logan called me on my cell saying he had bad news about Alex."

"Oh wow."

"That's all you have to say."

"Well what the hell am I suppose to say Ria."

"Sorry I'm like freaking out right now."

"It's okay look I'll tell Logan to call you when he gets back."

"thanks kitty."

"And calm down I'm sure Alex is okay." Maria swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat.

"I hope so i really hope so. Bye."

"Bye." Maria hung up and shakily put the cell back in her pocket.

"You okay." Michael asked. Maria had become pale and was shaking.

"No! and I won't be fine."

"Wanna talk about it sometimes that helps." Kyle said trying to help.

"You guys wouldn't understand. can we just sort of drop the subject."

"Uh yeah did an excellent job on the car and your hired do you wanna start tomorrow if possible you can start today maybe it'll help take your mind off things. Maria shook her head.

"Nah I'll start tomorrow. thank you though."

"Hey we're all having dinner and the Crashdown you wanna come."

"again thank for the invite but I'd rather not if you want you guys can come over to my house after you eat maybe we could catch up or something."

"That would be cool I'll tell the gang." Michael stated with a sad smile Maria returned it. Se turned and headed for her car and drove home. She parked her car and walked up to her apartment and to her room that she still hadn't had the chance to see She opened the door and gasped at the sight.

"Oh god." She looked around posted to the ceiling was a banner that said welcome home Ria. a dozen lilac roses lay in her bed still fresh next to a teddy bear. she walked over them and read the card attached to the roses.

I know you probably already read the computer monitor but I just wanted to wish you an extra good luck and to remind you that I'll always look after you even if I'm not there I love you Ria (in a brotherly way of course) and I just wanted to remind you of that. you don't have to worry about me but I will always always look after you!!! ~Alex aka Ice man

Maria wiped away the tears that wee soaking her cheeks. 'god what happened Alex and are you okay!!!' Maria thought as she lay down on her bed and closed her eyes falling asleep.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Are you sure it's okay that we're coming." Isabel asked as they walked u to Maria's apartment.

"She said to." Michael told her He knocked on the door.

"I don't know Michael maybe she just told us to come over to be nice." Tess said

"Then why would she invite us. if she really didn't want us t come." Kyle replied as Michael knocked again. a faint 'coming' was heard form inside. a few seconds later Maria opened the door.

"Oh Hi...What time is it?" Maria asked Michael looked at his watch

"seven thirty"

ok sorry about the ending you guys deserve a much better ending but i have to get off the internet now or my mom is going to kill me but I'll try to post more ASAP!!!
"My girlfriend's the whore! My girlfriend's the whore!!" ~Kirk, Gilmore Girls

"I tried to buy a life on EBAY but they were to expensive"~Me

"I like this shirt. It makes it look like I have boobs." ~Krisy, Bathroom

"I dont like taste like mayo"~Wendy, Sin City premiere
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Post by kassruvalcaba »

Ok so I’m sitting here and class and I’m wondering what the hell I should do and my inner voice is screaming "DO YOUR PROJECT!!!!" But I shove that to the back of my mind and listen to the little voice saying "post more post more!!!" So here I am sitting in front of the computer and my fingers are doing everything LOL So here it is part 7

Part 7:

Maria opened the door wider for her friends. Were they her friends she hadn’t been there for more then 12 hours. Had she regained Liz’s trust back so fast? Maria doubted it. She had always played with Liz when she was younger but when she left she left Liz all alone. She had never really played with Max or Isabel and the only time she had ever talked to Michael was to yell at him for pulling her hair or taking her lunch or picking on Liz.

"Maria?" Liz tapped her on the shoulder. Maria realized she was still standing at the door while they were sitting in the living room Maria shook her head

"Sorry I was just thinking. Let me go start some coffee." Maria closed the door and went to the kitchen and put on the pot of coffee then she went back to the living room and sat down on the lazy boy recliner with her feet under her.

"You seem upset." Liz said looking at her "you also look like you've been crying."

"That's because I have." Maria answered

"Why." Isabel asked

"Is this because of the phone call that you got at the garage?" Kyle asked Maria nodded

"What call?" Tess asked

"I'd rather not talk about it. Either way I’m expecting a call from a friend."

"Why'd you leave Maria?" Liz said quietly. Maria looked at her

"It's a sore subject rather not talk about that."

"Maria you left without saying goodbye."

"Yeah I know I didn't know I was leaving my mom had been packing me up while I was at school and when I got home she drove us to New York. Again can we please not talk about this."

"Why not!" Liz asked raising her voice

"Cause that was the day I felt that I wasn't wanted Happy Liz God" Every one just looked at Maria. Maria closed her eyes and wished for Logan to call when she opened them all eyes were still on her.

"I said it before Liz If I had had it my way I would have never come back to this damn town. I explained to him that the whole time here I was going to be avoiding my dear mother" Maria said that sarcastically "but they promised me that Alex would be...." At that moment the phone rang. Maria leaped off the couch and went to the counter and grabbed the phone


"Maria it's me Logan"

"Oh thank god you called I have been nothing but worry since you left me a message and then a called Kitty and she said that she didn't know anything...of course I feel asleep after seeing the flowers and Alex’s note not to worry but of coarse I worry about him I mean I haven’t...."

"Maria shut up your babbling."

"Sorry...Logan tell me is it bad." She head someone cough in the background


"oh god...what happened"

"They found him." Maria just stayed silent letting his words sinking They had found Alex they weren't suppose to be able to find Alex "Maria...Maria."

"Yeah still here what happened."

"Wanda found him and she was with the damn brotherhood. Alex was fighting and had a couple of newbies with him and they couldn't control their powers so they lost the fight and sent Alex to the hospital."

"Oh My God no. I swear this all my fault Logan."

"No it's not."

"Their looking for me Logan."

"They still think your dead."

"I know he knows I’m alive." Maria started crying.

"Maria, Alex says to stop crying and laugh at the fact he got his ass kicked by a girl and a toad." Maria let out a little laugh and smiled

"Is that why I couldn't get a hold of you? You went out to Switzerland with him."

"Yep Xavier wanted me with him since your were out there and everybody else is either still in classes or busy fighting." Maria shook her head

"It's my fault."

"Stop that right now okay if it’s anyone’s fault it’s Wanda’s"

"I swear when I get my hands on that little bitch I will kill her." She turned around to find all eyes on her again 'damn' Maria thought

"I know you will babe in the mean time you just find all those missing mutants and get them to help us I'll keep a look out on Alex's computer."

"Logan Promise you'll tell me when something else happens."


"Thanks I've got to go and tell Alex I love him and I worry about him everyday."

"Will do." the next thing she heard was the dial tone. Maria hung up the phone and sat there staring at it the only thing heard in her apartment was the coffee pot.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

There's part 7 and I’ve got to go cause the bells about to ring but I hope you guys like it and I’ll be expecting reviews. Part 8 coming soon. Maybe sooner then you think!!!
Last edited by kassruvalcaba on Fri May 21, 2004 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"My girlfriend's the whore! My girlfriend's the whore!!" ~Kirk, Gilmore Girls

"I tried to buy a life on EBAY but they were to expensive"~Me

"I like this shirt. It makes it look like I have boobs." ~Krisy, Bathroom

"I dont like taste like mayo"~Wendy, Sin City premiere
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part 8

Post by kassruvalcaba »

Took me a while Huh....ok thank you for all the reviews here's part 8

Part 8:

"Maria you all right?" Liz asked she placed a hand on her shoulder Maria shrugged it away and shook her head. "What's the matter." Maria let out a bitter laugh

"you know I really don't want to talk about it with you." Maria said

"Maria we've known each other since forever. you can tell me anything."

"Liz stop. you have NO idea what i have been through these past few years."

"Well if you'd just tell me..."

"If I told you what has been going on you'd think of me differently."

"Maria nothing you say will make me think of you differently."

"You said something about killing someone." Michael said Maria laughed again

"of course you catch that part it's a figure of speech." Maria lied in her mind she was telling herself that when she saw Wanda she was going to tear her limb form limb.

"you also said something about 'him knowing you were alive. what is that suppose to mean." Maria looked down and looked back up

"Look I would appreciate it if you stayed out of my business I did not invite you guys here for you to interrogate me." The phone rang again Maria picked it up.

"Hello...oh hey Jubi...well how bout tomorrow it's to late and I don't think I'm in the condition to really do anything right now...yeah you guys can come over here for dinner...yeah I have all the info here so it would be better if you came over here...yeah you can talk to him let me find the number." Maria got up and went to her room she came back out smiling"it's 555-4903...yeah I know I live there I just give people my cell more then that number...blonde at heart as my friend says...ok I'll see you tomorrow around 7 then ok bye jubi." Maria hung up smiling. She had just recruited her first person.

"Maria who was that." Max asked Maria looked at him

"A friend." Maria answered

"you just got here." Isabel looked at her stunned

"You wouldn't understand...Look I'm in Roswell for a reason and one reason only and that reason does not include rebuilding a relationship with Amy or rebuilding friendships cause Roswell just ain't home for me."

"Maria?" Liz asked

"I would like to be friends but you gotta understand once I finish here I'm leaving and I'm not coming back." Maria shrugged "so I don't want to get close and only feel bad about leaving that's why I just can't tell you guys anything and I'd appreciate it if you stayed out of it please. and i don't mean to sound like a bitch so please don't hate me."


look I g2g but I'll post more later promise
"My girlfriend's the whore! My girlfriend's the whore!!" ~Kirk, Gilmore Girls

"I tried to buy a life on EBAY but they were to expensive"~Me

"I like this shirt. It makes it look like I have boobs." ~Krisy, Bathroom

"I dont like taste like mayo"~Wendy, Sin City premiere
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Post by kassruvalcaba »

AWWWW Thanks you guys I really like reading posts. I felt like carp a few seconds ago and then i read the posts and I still felt like crap but my mood was happy!!! :fadein:


Maria looked at the room full of shocked faces.

"Maria you've never said nothing like that...EVER." Liz said Maria shrugged "you were like the nicest girl ever what happened?"

Maria shrugged again

"I don't know Liz." Maybe it was near death experience that got me to be bitchy! Maria thought to herself she smiled.

"Maria talk to us." Max said Maria looked at him

"It's weird how people think that just because there marrying my friend they have a right to know everything about you."

"Maria I didn't mean it..."

"I know you didn't it mean it that way...Look I'm not really up for talking right now..." Maria hoped they'd take a hint. She saw Liz nod and head towards Max who took her hand and got up off the chair everyone else followed suit and left the apartment. Maria went and locked the door and went to her room.

Michael opened the door to his apartment and everyone went in and sat around the living room like they had for years.

"What the hell is up with her." Kyle asked from his position on the floor by Tess's feet who had taken the chair.

"She found out something bad...I can tell by the way she talked on the phone I mean she even cried" Isabel stated looking at the group Michael just sat on the couch.

"We've got to find out what." Tess said everyone looked at her.

"NO!!" Liz yelled "We will not start this again you got me nobody I mean nobody is going to spy on her!!" That's when they heard screaming coming from Maria's apartment.

Maria laid on her bed looking through her contacts list on her cellphone...Kitty...Kurt...Logan...Scott...Toad. Maria stop and looked at the last one.


Maria clicked dial and listened to it ring

"Hello" a nasally voice answered

"Tell my where your little bitch is and I'll give you $200 dollars." Maria responded

"Make it six hundred and you got yourself a deal"

"Your not up to negotiations."

"six hundred or you won't find out where she is."

"Look here you little basterd you are one of the few people that no I'm alive so you whether tell me now or my list gets shorter which is fine bye me!!"

"ok ok I have no idea where she is."


"Magneto only calls to us when he needs us. I swear"

"I don't believe you."

"No I swear."

"Look Wanda sent one of ours to the hospital so you either tell me where she is or when I get back to New York your ass is mine!!"

"I swear Electra I have no idea where she is!!"

"Your dead toad...oh are you ever dead!!" Maria hung up and screamed into her pillow.

Michael woke up the next morning to loud booming music playing somewhere in the apartment building. He rolled out of bed and put his sweatpants on he walked out of his room to find Isabel and Tess talking over cups of coffee. He looked over at the clock 10:30

"How'd you two get in?" Isabel waved her hand in front of Michael's face he just nodded in response as he sat down next to Tess at the counter.

"Where's that music coming from?" Michael asked

"Maria's! She's been at it all morning. Me and Isabel just came back from our run when the music started." Michael looked at Tess and nodded again. Isabel handed him a cup of coffee


"You look like you need it." Isabel replied

"What are we going to do about her?" Tess asked looking at her two friends Michael shrugged

"You heard Liz we can't do anything and what Liz says Max orders and what Max orders we must obey."

"Michael I think she knows something." Isabel said quietly

"We can't do anything about it Iz I say we wait and if something happens out of the norm we act. Even if Liz said not too"

"Something has happened out of the norm! She's threatened to kill someone and then acts like bitch and kicks us out of her house when she invited us!" Isabel yells

"You said yourself something bad happened last night that got her upset."

"I never trusted her from the moment she walked into the cafe yesterday I felt she couldn't be trusted." Isabel said

"I know Iz look I say we act normal just like we have for years and act like everything is fine. Even have that girls night you have with Liz, take her shopping and act like her friend. We don't want any attention drawn to us ok." Isabel nodded

"Ok" Tess said and took a sip of her coffee.

I've Become so numb
I can't feel you there
Become so tired
So much more aware
I'm becoming this
All I want to do
Is be more like me
And be less like you

Kick ...One Two Three...Kick...Punch...One Two Three...Kick...One...Punch Punch...Kick... Maria fell back on the matt and laid there unmoving...she felt so... numb. She was in the training room which she had found this morning mistaking it for the bathroom. She sent an electric blast towards the stereo shattering it to pieces. god out of all the people to be sent to the hospital it had to be Alex! one of the nicest people in the world. she banged her fists against the mat.

*knock knock*

Maria got up and walked to the door locking the training room behind her. she went to the front door and was surprised to see Michael standing there.

"Michael?" Maria opened the door wider "What are you doing here?" Michael didn't answer he just stared at her. His gaze roamed her body. She looked down to see what exactly he was looking at. Then she understood she was wearing her triaging bra that pushed her cleavage up way too much her stomach was bare she was also wearing training sweats which hugged her body in all the right places. Maria couldn't help but smile

"I'm up here you know." Maria said Michael looked up and turned away


"ohhh no don't apologize it's not everyday you catch your neighbour looking at your chest." She saw Michael blush. "so what are you doing here?"

"See if you wanted a ride to work." He looked at her again Maria stared at him.

"A ride to work ohhh come on Michael couldn't you come up with a better cover story then that."

"What are you talking about?"

"Liz sent you her didn't she? se wanted someone to check up on me after I turned psycho yesterday."

"Maria not everything revolves around you I just came over here to ask if you wanted a ride apparently not so I'll be leaving now." Michael turned and left closing the door behind him leaving a stunned maria standing there.

Michael leaned against the door to Maria's apartment. How a girl like that made him Michael stonewall Guerin to blush was besides him. He got up off the door and headed down the stairs. he climbed on his motorcycle and headed towards work.

Maria walked into the garage wearing sweats and a white tang top. her hair was in a messy bun perched on top of her head and her black Dior sunglasses hiding her electric green eyes.

"Hey Maria." Tess greeted.

"Hey Tess." Maria smiled warmly.

"Kyle told me to show you to your locker so follow me." Maria did as she was told. She followed the blonde girl to the lockers. "here's yours."


"no prob. Hey the girls and I are going shopping later if you want to come." Maria smiled again

"Thanks for the invite but I can't I have plans for dinner."

"Ohhh is it a guy." Tess teased she was following what Michael had told them this morning play buddy buddy with Maria maybe she would talk. Maria laughed

"I wish but no it's a 'business' meeting sorry and I really don't like shopping all that much." Maria lied truth was she just didn't want to deal with bubbly girls that wanted to pry her for information she didn't want to share.

"What girl doesn't like shopping!" Tess exclaimed Maria shrugged

"I don't do the shopping scene it's just not me." Lie again She a shopoholic if they had shoppers anonymous she would be in it. Alex would have to be her sponsor. Tess frowned


"Yeah really I'd rather work on cars then go shopping."Maria shrugged . Another lie the only reason she worked on cars was because it was a way to spend time with Scott since he usually spent his free time with Jean or on missions.

"Ok well if you change her mind then tell me and I'll come pick you up." Tess turned and went back to her desk Maria rolled her eyes. She put her glasses in the locker and went towards the garage. Kyle looked up at her.

"nice of you to join us miss. Deluca. your twenty minutes late."

"Yeah about that see I was delayed I'm sorry."

"And what was this delayment."

"Well see I killed someone this morning and I was busy hiding the body." Kyle stopped and stared at her "i was kidding I was in the shower and I just decided to stay in there a few extra minutes and then I ate breakfast I'm sorry won't happen again." Maria smiled and Kyle nodded

"Here's the car you'll be working on today." At that point Michael walked in

"Hey man sorry I was late." Michael said as he headed towards them

"No problem man."

"wait hold up. I get yelled at because I'm twenty minutes late and Michael just gets a 'no problem man," Maria tried saying it like Kyle. "I have to say that's sexism buddy."

"Maria, Michael punched in an hour ago and told me he was leaving and coming back in an hour unlike you who just shows up late." Kyle said turning, Maria glared at him "Oh and by the way my dad married your mom last year. so it's nice working with you sis." Maria glared at him even harder. she shuddered kyle Valenti her brother. Maria's body shook ugh this was going to be hell. She ran over to Kyle

"wait Kyle."

"yes." Kyle said slowly

"you haven't told her I'm here right?"

"Maybe yes maybe no."


"No I haven't"

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't" Kyle looked at her

"fine whatever."

"thanks oh and call me sis again and that body i was talking about will be yours." Maria turned and got under her car.

'damn that chick scares me.' Kyle thought as he got back to work

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

ok i'm not sure if that's long or not so llet's hope it is!!! Part 10 is in progress i'm going to be working on it tonght and who knows maybe even part 11 ohhhh

*note song lyrics are not mine they belong to linkin park (OH YEA BABY) :multi:
Last edited by kassruvalcaba on Sat May 29, 2004 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"My girlfriend's the whore! My girlfriend's the whore!!" ~Kirk, Gilmore Girls

"I tried to buy a life on EBAY but they were to expensive"~Me

"I like this shirt. It makes it look like I have boobs." ~Krisy, Bathroom

"I dont like taste like mayo"~Wendy, Sin City premiere