Strawberry Wine (AU,M/L,TEEN-ADULT) Complete

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Part 19

Post by jbehr2002 »

It's a week late but here is the next part. I know it is kinda short but it's all I had time to do. :)

~Sara 8)

<center> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* </center>

Part 19

When Liz woke up on Monday morning it was after 11:30 am. She couldn’t believe she had slept in that late the only time she ever slept in was when she was sick. Then she thought back to the night before and realized that Max really had worn her out. She looked over to Max’s side of the bed and saw that he was gone. She heard the faint hum of the tractor out in the fields and remembered that Max had said he had to get the fields mowed again today. She gradually made her way out of the bed and into the bathroom to take a shower.

Once she finished her shower, she went down to the kitchen where she found Maria reading the paper with her Grandpa. Maria looked up when Liz walked into the room.

“Good morning Liz, did you sleep well?” Maria said with a smirk.

“Yes I slept very well” said Liz.

“There is still some bacon and eggs in the pan on the stove if you’re hungry.” Maria offered.

“Thanks, I’m starved.” Liz went to the stove and filled a plate with bacon and eggs then sat down beside her Grandpa at the table. She noticed he was filling out the form to put an add in the news paper. “What are you doing Grandpa?”

“I’m putting a help wanted add in the paper for someone to do Max’s job in the fall and winter.” He said.

“Oh.” Liz had forgotten that they would only be in Okalahoma for another two weeks.

After she finished her breakfast, Liz went out to the mailbox to check for the mail like she did everyday. As she walked down the driveway she could she Max out on the tractor mowing the fields. When she reached the mailbox she pulled out three envelopes, one of which was for Maria. She returned inside and handed Maria the envelope and her Grandpa the other two.

Liz watched as Maria made a series of strange faces while reading her letter. When she finished she set the letter down and headed for the stairs yelling, “I have got to go home!” Liz continued to follow her into her room before asking what was going on.

“Maria what is wrong?”

“I’ve got to get home and stop my Mom from ruining our lives!”

“What?” Liz asked.

“My Mom is getting married! To Jim Valenti!”

“Your Mom is marring Sheriff Valenti! That is so gross! When did they even start dating?”

“Apparently while I was in Florida, unless she has just been keeping things from me.” Maria said.

“That sucks.”

“Liz I hate to leave so soon but I have to try and stop this from happening.”

“Maria it’s fine, I understand. I’m going call the bus station and get you a ticket while you finish packing up here.”

“Thanks Liz.”

<center> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* </center>

When Max came in from the fields late that night, Liz was watching a movie. When she noticed Max standing behind her she pushed stop and turned around to see what he was doing.

“Are you all done with the fields?” she asked.

“Yeah I went ahead and finished so I could spend the day with y’all tomorrow” said Max. “Where is Maria? In bed?”

“Oh I forgot that you don’t know. Maria received a letter from her Mom today and she had to go back to Roswell this afternoon.”

“What happened? Nothing bad I hope.”

“Well it depends on how you define bad. Maria’s Mom is getting married to the town Sheriff.”

“Well I guess that is bad for her if she doesn’t like the guy. However, this is very good news to my ears being I get you all to myself for our last two weeks here.”

“Well Max if you want me anywhere near you in these last two weeks, you better get your butt up into a shower!”

“Okay, okay I can take a hint. But while I am in the shower I want you to decide what we are going to do with my free day off tomorrow.”

“I think I can handle that.” Liz said waving him off towards the bathroom with her hand.

Liz sat there thinking off all the things that they could do tomorrow. Then she knew exactly what she wanted to do, however she didn’t know if it were really Max’s idea of fun.


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Post by jbehr2002 »

Okay well here is the new part I promised. Sorry it took so long to get it out.


Part 20

Liz got up early the next morning and started to pack a suitcase for Max and her. The night before, she went down to her Grandfathers room to ask if he could spare Max for a few days. He said of course so her plan was set. Today she was going to take Max on a road trip. This weekend they are going to stay in her parent’s beach house in Louisiana, which is only 30 minutes from New Orleans. Once she finished packing her suit case she went down to the kitchen to put together a cooler of snacks and drinks for the ride down. Once she had everything together, she went up stairs to wake up Max.

When Liz walked into their bedroom, Max was still sound asleep. He was exhausted from all the long days he had been working. She even was kinda feeling bad for having to wake him up. She would just have to do it the fun way. She slowly crawled back into the bed and straddled Max’s lap. Then she grabbed a feather that was on the nightstand and started to tickle Max’s neck. Once she had him somewhat conscious she leaned down and began to kiss him deeply. Gradually he began to return the kiss. Once she was sure he was fully awake she pulled away from him smiling. “Good morning Max.”

“I just love being woke up that way,” he said.

“Well I love waking you up that way. Well you need to get up so we can leave.”

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise, come on get up and we will stop for breakfast on the way,” said Liz.

Liz made Max let her drive because she wasn’t planning on him finding out where they were going until they were at least half way to the beach. After their quick stop at IHOP, they were on their way to Louisiana. After being on the road for a couple of hours Max finally asked where they were going. Liz thought about it for a minute and decided to tell him. “We’re going on vacation.”

“Where to? You know I only have today off right” said Max.

“You have until Monday off, I asked Grandpa if it was alright.”

“Okay, but you still haven’t told me where you’re taking me.”

“I’m taking you to my parent’s beach house just outside of New Orleans, Louisiana.”

“Why didn’t you think of this earlier this summer?” Max asked with a smile.

“I actually forgot that we had it. My Grandmother, my Mom’s Mother, left it to us when she died. We only went there once a few years ago. I guess it is just hard on my Mom to spend time there now that Grandma is gone.”

“Well you’re gonna have to remind me to pay Grandma a visit one day and thank her,” said Max.

After about three more hours of driving that Liz finally let Max drive, they arrived at the house. It was just as Liz remembered it. The two story house stood tall with huge windows that over looked the white sandy beaches. The one thing that she really loved about the beach was it was private. The other houses along this stretch of beach were at least a mile in each direction. So they were totally alone. They walked up onto the porch and Liz retrieved the hidden key that they had left for the neighbors to use if the house needed to be boarded up for storms. Liz opened the door and Max followed her into the dark and humid house. Liz went into the kitchen and found the list of numbers left by the phone. She took out her cell phone and called the power company to have them turn the power back on. Her dad found it cheaper to leave it off being they really never visited the house. She then repeated the same process with the water and gas companies. Once all the calls were made she went to find Max.

She found him out on the porch starring at the ocean. She slowly walked up behind him wrapping her arms around his waist. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?”

“It has been forever since I had a vacation.”

“Well I think that we better get our things out of the car and then go out to dinner somewhere. The power company said it would be a couple hours until they can get out here to turn the power on.”

“That sounds good,” Max said.

<center> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ </center>

When they returned from dinner the power company truck was outside the house. They got out of the truck and walked around to find a young man turning the power back on. Once he was satisfied with his job he walked over to Max and Liz.

“Thanks for coming out here on such short notice,” Liz said.

“Oh its fine, how long are you planning to stay and I will go ahead and schedule to shut it off for you.”

“You can come and shut it off on Tuesday,” said Liz.

“Okay I will schedule y’all for Tuesday then. Have a great weekend.”

“Thanks we will.” Max said.

They watched as the man drove away. Then Max turned to Liz, “So what do you want to do tonight?”

“Well I was thinking that we could watch some TV until it gets dark, and then we should do a little skinny dipping in the ocean.”

Last edited by jbehr2002 on Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Part 21

Post by jbehr2002 »

Hey guys!

Sorry it took me so long to get this part out. I hope some of y'all are still out there. Well I know it's kinda short but it's better than nothing.

~Sara 8)


Max and Liz watched TV for only a fraction of the time that the sun was beginning to set. Liz was into watching the news, however Max was into watching Liz. Finally Liz shut off the TV and stood up and took Max with her to the upstairs balcony over looking the water. The sun was setting into the water which made the ocean glow a purple-blue color.

“Isn’t it gorgeous Max?”

“I’ve seen prettier,” Max said kissing her neck.

“I know I told you how my Mom inherited the house from my Grandma, but do you want to here how my Grandma got the house?”


“Well back in the early 1940’s, right before the war, my Grandma was dating a man named Charles Bradley. Now Charles was Grandma’s childhood friend. She told me that she had known that she loved him from the moment they met when they were five. Now Charles family owned the whole beach that these houses are built on. Well, Grandma and Charles had the perfect relationship except for one minor problem, Fiona. You see back in the forties the rich families still hung on to the old ways of keeping money in the family. Which was by way of arranged marriages. That’s where Fiona comes into the story; Charles was set to marry Fiona ever since they were born. Charles hated Fiona, and there was no way he ever wanted to marry her, even if his life depended on it. He went to his parents and told them that he wanted to marry my Grandma because he loved her. Charles’ father told him that if he did marry my Grandma he would cut him off from the family.” Liz paused to think.

“So what did he do?” Max asked.

“Well Charles told his Dad that he didn’t care if he was penniless for the rest of his life as long as he had my Grandma. However, that’s not how this story ends. When Fiona found out of Charles’ plans she was furious. She told Charles that he would pay for what he did to her. Well Charles got a job at the docks and saved up enough money on his own to buy my Grandma an engagement ring. He went to his parents to inform them of the engagement and to his surprise his Father forgave his past actions. For a wedding present his father offered to build him this beach house. The week of their wedding Charles was at the house making sure everything was in perfect order. He was in the upstairs bedroom when he heard someone come into the house. Thinking it was my Grandma he called down the stairs telling her where he was. He continued to work on painting the detail on the door when Fiona walked in the room. Charles turned around just as she pulled the trigger.”

“So Fiona killed him just because he wanted to marry for love?” said Max.

“Yeah, right in the room behind us.”

“That’s scary. Are you sure you want to sleep in their tonight?”

“Grandma lived in this house until the day she died. If she didn’t have a problem with it why should we?”

“That must have been hard on her. How long until she met your Grandfather?”

“Well after Charles died the war was just starting up. Now Charles left everything to her in his will so she was set for life, but she just couldn’t stand sitting around all the time. So she went to be a nurse in the navy where she met my Grandfather.”

“Well on that note are you ready for some skinny dipping?” Max asked with a wink.

“I sure am.”

They entered the bedroom, which now had a strange feel to it; they stripped down to nothing and put on robes, then raced each other to the beach.

When they reached the sand shoreline they both threw their robes off as they ran. Right before they hit the water Max scooped Liz up in his arms and dove into the cool water of the Gulf. Liz screamed as the water hit her exposed body.

“Max, it’s cold!”

“The river in Oklahoma is a lot colder than this! This is warm.” Max said pulling her close to him. “Don’t worry Liz you won’t be cold for long.”


When they returned to the house, they were exhausted from their activities in the water. They dropped down on the couch and just grinned at each other.

“I can’t believe that we did all that in the middle of the ocean where anyone could have caught us,” said Liz.

“It was more exciting that way. The thrill that some stranger could have walked up and saw us in the middle of now where,” Max said joking. “You know I’m sure crowds of people go out walking on privately owned beaches at night.”

“Shut up Max” Liz said throwing a pillow at him. “I’m hungry, why don’t you go make us a snack, and I’m going to go upstairs and put something warmer on.”

“Okay, just don’t put too much on,” said Max.

When Liz returned from changing, Max had found an old movie for them to watch. They sat down with a bowl of popcorn and watched the movie until Liz fell asleep on Max’s shoulder. Max quietly turned off the TV, and then carried Liz up to bed. Once she was settled, he went around the house and made sure all the doors were locked and the lights turned out. Then he joined her in the bed where he fell asleep with Liz in his arms.

They woke up early the next morning to what sounded like banging at the front door. Max quickly pulled on a pair of jeans and an old t-shirt and headed down the stairs.

“Max wait for me!”

“Liz stay up there until I check this out.”

Liz quickly threw on her robe and followed Max down the stairs. As they approached the door they could see that whoever was on the other side had gotten the door opened except for the chain. Max quickly moved to the door and slammed it shut locking the dead bolt once again.

“Open this door right now!” the male voice from the other side yelled. “You are trespassing on private property!”

Liz ran over to the window and looked out, then turned to face Max.

“Max, it’s my parents!”

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Part 22

Post by jbehr2002 »

Well I just happened to have finished this tonight, so here it is!


Part 22

Liz swung open the door startling her parents. For a moment they just stood there staring at one another.

“Liz what in the world are you doing here? Why aren’t you in Oklahoma? Where’s your Grandfather?” Jeff questioned.

“Slow down Dad, now don’t freak out!” Liz said. “We are just taking a little vacation.”

“Who’s we?” Nancy asked.

“Max and I are we.” Liz turned toward Max who just smiled. “Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend Max.”

“It’s nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Parker.”

“It’s nice to meet you to Max,” Nancy replied.

“Elizabeth Parker, go in the kitchen NOW!” Jeff yelled.

Liz followed her Dad into the kitchen. Nancy turned to Max. “Would you please excuse us for a moment Max?”

“Sure,” Max said as he went upstairs to clean up the bedroom.

Liz sat at the kitchen table and waited for the yelling to begin. For what seemed like a few minutes her parents just starred at her. Almost as if they didn’t even know her. Finally Jeff spoke up.

“What are you thinking coming here alone with a boy? I sent you to stay with your Grandfather this summer so he would have someone to help him around the house. Not so that you could abandon him to do who knows what with a guy that is a lot older than you. Liz I thought we raised you better than this.”

“Dad I didn’t abandon Grandpa. I asked him if we could come here for the weekend and he said it would be fine. Grandpa was the one who got Max and me together in the first place.” Liz replied. “And he is not that much older than me. You would really like him if you would just give him a chance.”

“Well I’m going to have to give your Grandfather a call and find out if he really knows about all this.” Jeff said. “I also want you to go and tell Max that he needs to go home. We’ll call Grandpa and have him ship the rest of your stuff back home.”

“WHAT! There is no way Max is going back to Oklahoma without me. I’m supposed to finish out the summer up there! I’m going back with Max!” Liz yelled.

“Liz please,” Nancy intervened. “You are too young to be making such big choices. Just stay here with us and do as your father says.”

“Mom I’m almost 18 and you’re saying that I’m too young to decide who I date! Just let me ride back to Oklahoma tonight with Max and then I will catch the bus back to Roswell in two weeks like I’m supposed to.”

“Liz, I will allow you to ride back to Oklahoma with Max tonight. However, your mother and I were planning to spend a couple nights here then drive up to surprise you later this week. So when we meet you up there on Tuesday you will be returning to Roswell with us.” said Jeff.

“Liz why don’t you go and find Max and tell him what is going on. Then ask him to come out to breakfast with us.” Nancy said.

By the time Liz found Max in the bedroom she had tears streaming down her face. She was finished talking, what she needed now was to be held. Max started to ask her what happened but stopped when she stepped into his arms and let the tears flow freely. Max just held her close to him in his strong arms until she was calm enough to talk.

“Baby what happened down there?”

“Max they aren’t gonna let me finish out the last two weeks at the farm. They said that we can ride back together tonight, and they will be there on Tuesday to pick me up.”

“Man that really sucks”

Liz started to wipe the tears from her eyes and smooth out her hair. “My Mom wants us to go out to breakfast with them. I guess we better pack our bags that way we won’t have to stay too long once we get back.” Liz then began throw thing mindlessly into her suitcase.

“Come here baby,” Max said as he pulled Liz into his arms. “Look we will make the most of the next two days. Not even two weeks after you leave for Roswell I’ll be there too.”

“I know Max, it’s just that I don’t want to be apart from you for even two weeks. How am I gonna get any sleep without you by my side.”

“Well you are just gonna have to spend the night at Maria’s all the time.” Max replied tilting her head up for a kiss. “Now let’s get our bags pack so we can get breakfast over with and get on the road.”

<center> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ </center>

Breakfast had been hell for both Liz and Max. Her parents had bombarded them with all sorts of embarrassing questions. Liz’s Mom had flat out asked if they were sleeping together. Max nearly spit out his drink on Jeff’s plate while Liz started choking on the food that was in here mouth. Even though neither of them answered Liz knew they figured it out by their reaction. By the time they got back to the house Max quickly ran up stairs to grab the bags. Saying that if they didn’t get on the road they wouldn’t be able to drive straight through. Now they sat side by side in the truck head back to their last few nights together in Oklahoma. Liz was so upset with her parent’s reaction that she had cried herself to sleep within the first thirty minutes of the ride. She woke up to Max gently running his fingers through her hair as he drove. At first she didn’t move because she loved the feeling of the chills that his touch sent down her spine. Finally she slowly sat up just as her stomach started to rumble. She was such a nervous wreck at breakfast that she had barely gotten two bites in her mouth. Liz turned to look at Max and found him smiling at her.

“Baby are you hungry?”

“I’m starving; I didn’t eat anything while we were at breakfast.”

“Okay, well there is an exit a couple miles up and we can go through a drive through.”

“That sounds good,” Liz replied.

When they pulled off the exit ramp they decided to go to McDonald’s. They went through they drive through and got their food, then pulled off to a parking space to eat.

“So how are you doing?” Liz asked. “You keep asking how I am, but I didn’t ask how you felt.”

“I’m okay, I’m disappointed that our time will be cut short, however I plan to make sure we spent ever minute of the next few days together.”

“I really love you Max,” Liz said leaning over to kiss his cheek.

“I love you too baby.”

<center> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ </center>

When they arrived back at the farm it was late. Surprisingly Grandpa was waiting up for them when they arrived.

“I should have known you two would find a way to ruin things!” he said joking. “After all I did to get y’all together.”

Max and Liz looked at each other confused. Then Liz turned back to her Grandpa and asked, “What do you mean everything you did to get us together?”

“You don’t think I hire just anyone to spend the whole summer with my only granddaughter? I hand picked Max out of all the men who wanted to work here. If only my pig headed son would see what you guys have is special.”

“So Mom and Dad called you?”

“Yeah your father called me at 9AM this morning yelling at me telling me I shouldn’t have yet you run off with some guy. I told him that I wouldn’t let my only granddaughter run off with anyone that I didn’t trust. He said he is gonna give me a piece of his mind when he gets here. I don’t know if he remembers that I am his father.”

Max started laughing, “Until now I have been dreading their arrival in a couple days, but I have a feeling it’s gonna be quite entertaining.”

“So you were hoping for Max and me to get together?” Liz asked.

“Well when I heard about Max from one of the ladies I play bingo with I called him and offered him a job. When I met him a couple weeks before you arrived, I just knew you would have chemistry. The kind that I had with your Grandmother.”

Liz didn’t know what to do or say so she just hugged her Grandpa. “Thank you, for everything.”

“Well it’s late and we need to get some rest, you two look exhausted. Good night you two.”

“Good night Grandpa, I love you.”

With that they all headed for bed.

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Strawberry Wine Part 23 (The End)

Post by jbehr2002 »

Hey everyone!

Well here it is the last and final part of Strawberry Wine. It took be two years to write it and it is finally finished. I may or may not write a sequel to it. Now I am going to turn all my attention to "A Darkened Past". Well I hope you guys like it!

~Sara 8)

<center> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ </center>

Part 23

The next morning things were surprisingly relaxed around the farm. Max got up early like always to get the animals feed, and Liz made breakfast for everyone. After breakfast Max told Liz that he had to run into town, and that she should spend the time with her Grandpa being it was her last full day there. At first Liz didn’t like the idea at all, but being Max was being so adamant on not telling her what he was doing she figured it couldn’t be all that bad. After Max drove off Liz went to find her Grandpa on the porch.

“How are you today sweetie?” he asked as she sat down in the rocking chair.

“I could be better.” She said watching him carve a piece of wood. “I really don’t want to leave you and Max tomorrow Grandpa.”

“Well if it were up to me both of you could live here forever.” He said giving Liz a wink.

“Can I ask you something?”

“What’s on your mind Lizzie?”

“Last night when we were talking you said that you did everything to make sure Max and I got together. Why did you want me to get together with someone while I was here?”

“Well first of all I didn’t originally plan to try and fix you up with anyone while you were here, but when I met Max I just knew that kid had something special in him. When your father called me asking if I would mind having you this summer, because he didn’t want you hanging around with all the knuckle heads that y’all call a football team, I had to say yes. I met Max later that day and knew you two would hit it off.”

“So are you gonna tell my Dad that you set us up. You can’t let him take Max from me.”

“Did I ever tell you the story of how Grandma and I met?”

“Yeah you said you met when you were in your thirties.”

“Well that’s when we actually got together, but we actually met when we were teenagers, just like you and Max. I was working with my Dad for the summer and your Grandma was in town staying with an aunt. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. We spent one month together before I had to ship off to the war. I was scared that I would never see her again. One day I was helping my Father out in the fields while he was ill and I saw her standing by the fence just starring at me. I didn’t have to look twice to know it was her. From that day on we were never apart, until the good Lord took her to be with him.”

“So you just want me to have what you had.”

“I’d never want anything less for you darling.”

<center> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ </center>

Max arrived back at the farm later that afternoon. Liz was out in the yard sunbathing when he drove up. He got out of the truck and had nothing with him. Liz started to get up as he approached her, but stopped when he motioned for her to stay where she was.

“Where did you go Max?”

“I told you that I can’t tell you,” he said as he sat down next to her.

Liz decided to try the pout “Please Max,” she said giving him the eyes.

“No you’ll find out before the end of the night.”

“Fine” she said pretending to be upset.

“I need you to do one more thing for me.”

“Will you stay out of the kitchen for the next hour?”

“Are you trying to kill me!”

“I’m serious Liz, I won’t have you ruining my surprise.”

“Okay but I want two things from you first.”


“I want you to bring me something to drink, so I don’t die from the heat.”


“And I want you to kiss me.”

“Well you don’t have to ask me twice on that one.” He said as he covered his lips with his in a long passionate kiss.

“Now I really need that drink!” Liz said laughing when they broke apart. “You make my blood boil baby.”

“I try.” He said walking away to get her drink.

<center> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ </center>

By mid afternoon Liz was itching at the seams to know what Max was up to, but when she tried to get him to tell her he just sent her away. Finally Liz decided to take a bath to try and relax. After an hour long soak in the tub Liz was so relaxed that she decided she would take a nap to pass the time.

She woke up to Max placing little butterfly kisses all over her body. At first she pretended to still be asleep, but Max finally figured out what she was doing and attacked her mouth with his. Liz then pushed him over and climbed on top of him.

“So are you finally ready to spend the last few hours of the day with me? What time is it anyway?” She asked.

“It’s about 5:30, and I spent the whole day doing something to make your night wonderful.” He replied pulling her down for a kiss.

“So does that mean you will tell me now?”

“No, but you need to get dressed, we’re going for a ride to our spot.”

“Okay, is there a dress code I need to go by?”

“No you can where whatever you want, just remember we are taking the horses.”

“When are we leaving?”

“I already have the horses ready so as soon as you’re dressed.”

<center> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ </center>

When they arrived at the edge of the woods, Max asked Liz to wait with the horses while he made some finishing touches. While waiting for Max, Liz dismounted her horse and tied him up next to Max’s horse. When Max returned to the clearing he took her hand and lead her down the path that lead to their spot by the waterfall. When they arrived Liz gasped at the beautiful scene that lay in front of her. Max had placed a thick blanket on the big rock that jutted out over the water. On the blanket he had a picnic set out, and there were candles everywhere.

“Max this is beautiful,” she said turning into his arms.

“Well I had to make sure it was extra special for you.”

“Thank you Max, I love it.” She said gentle kissing his lips.

“Are you hungry?” he asked leading her over to the blanket.

“Yes, I’m starving; somebody wouldn’t let me in the kitchen all day!” She said teasing.

“Well lets see what we have here.” He said pulling out the contents of the basket. “We have cheese and crackers, chocolate covered strawberries, and a bottle of wine.”

“Well let’s start with the cheese and crackers so we can move on to the dessert.” Liz said.

As they slowly ate the crackers Max poured them each a glass of wine. Liz watched as Max became more and more nervous as the night went on. Right before Liz was about to ask him if he was feeling okay he took her hand and began to speak.

“Liz, you know how much I love you right?”

“Of course I do.”

“Well the other day when your parents showed up I thought they were going to try to take you away from me, and that scared me because I’ve never cared for anyone as much as I do for you. Well I want to ask you something tonight.”

“What is it Max?”

Max reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny box. Liz gasped having a pretty good idea of what was in that box.

“Liz, ever since the day at the bus station where we first met I have loved you. I’m sure I will love you for the rest of my life.” He said as he opened the box and took out a ring. “Liz I want you to take this ring as a promise of my love for you. I promise you right now that when you’re ready I want to marry you. After you graduate of course.”

Liz was shocked. After graduation next spring Max was going to ask her to marry him for real! Finally Liz realized that she hadn't said anything to him. "Yes Max I will promise to marry you." she said trying not to cry. Before she knew it Max had slipped the ring onto her left ring finger and was placing little kisses all over her face. By now tears of joy and love were flowing freely between them both. When they pulled away from each other they both looked at Liz's hand. The ring was gorgeous, it was a Claddagh ring and where the heart was pink pearl.

"I wish I could have gotten you something better..." said Max.

"Max this ring is beautiful! I couldn't even dream of anything else it's perfect." Liz said. "You have made tonight the best night in my life." Liz then slowly grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down on top of her.

Their kisses were slow and passionate making sure every inch of their bodies was covered in a kiss. Max slowly undressed Liz kissing the newly exposed skin. When Liz was totally undressed it was Max's turn. Liz pulled his clothes off slowly knowing she was torturing him with her lingering touches. After a while Max couldn't take it any more and finished the job for. He rolled them over and took one of her nipples in his mouth. Liz threw her head back with a moan as Max sucked on her nipple. As max switched sides, he inserted his fingers into her wet center. "Max I need you now!" Liz moaned arching into his hand. Max quickly unwrapped the condom and rolled it up his aching cock. With one swift move he entered her warm center. They slowly made a rhythm that was right for them. Moving faster as they came together. Max rolled them over so that Liz lay across his chest. "I love you Max" she said as they dosed off in each others arms.

Liz woke up to Max tracing her lips with a chocolate covered strawberry. When she realized what it was she leaned up and took a bite. Then she kissed Max smearing the chocolate onto his lips.

"How long were we out?" she asked.

"Only a couple of hours."

"Good, I don't want to miss out on my time with you."

They spent a couple more hours lying on the blanket wrapped in each others arms just content with being together. Around 11:30 PM they decided that they better get back to the house. They walked hand in hand to where the horses were tied and road off into the moon light ending the perfect night.

<center> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ </center>

Liz woke up the next morning around 6 AM; she rolled over to find that Max was still sound asleep at her side. After they arrived back at the house the night before, they had kept each other up well into the night talking, cuddling, and making love into the wee hours of the morning. Now she was perfectly content on watching her future husband sleep. Wow her future husband, it all still felt like a wonderful dream, but the proof was on her hand. The tiny ring was the reassurance that what they had this summer would go on past tomorrow. She jumped when she felt Max’s hand making his way up her thigh. Quickly he pulled her to lie on top of him.

“I caught you,” he said pulling her down for a kiss.

“Doing what?” she asked between kisses.

“Thinking too much for your own good.”

“I can’t help it; it’s just how I am.”

“Well let me help you forget whatever you were thinking about.” He said rolling them over so he was on top. Just as his lips touched hers the door bell rang.

“I’ll give you two guesses on who that is,” Liz said dryly scooting out from under Max.

“You better move you things back into your own room that way they won’t know that we’ve been sleeping together.”

Liz quickly threw on her clothes and ran down stairs to meet her parents at the door.

<center> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ </center>

Liz spent most of the morning sitting at the kitchen table with her Mom while her Dad fought with his Father over the whole “situation.” Liz sat there half listening to her Dad and Grandpa, and half listening to her Mom jabber on and on about school shopping. Liz watched out the kitchen window for Max to get back from letting the horses out to pasture. When he finally returned, Liz told her Mom some excuse of how it was her day to feed the chickens and ran out to the barn. Once inside she stopped to look for Max in each of the stalls, as she turned to look in the last stall Max walked out just as she was walking in colliding with her. Liz hit his chest so hard that she fell backwards landing on her butt.

“Ouch!” Liz said as she hit the ground.

“Liz are you all right? I didn’t see you there.” He said as he took her hands helping her up off the ground.

“Yeah I’m fine.” She said wiping the straw off of her butt. “I was just looking for you; I told my Mom I had to feed the chickens.”

“But we don’t have any chickens.”

“She doesn’t know that.” Liz said. “I got sick of sitting there listening to my Dad call Grandpa names. You would think he was five the way he argues.”

“So who do you think is gonna win the fight?”

“Grandpa better win, besides I think my Mom is starting to come around to Grandpa’s side.”

“Well how about you help me put feed in the horses stalls and then I can go in and help you make everyone lunch.” Max said giving her a quick peck on the lips and handing her a scoop for the feed.

By the time Max and Liz returned inside Liz’s Mom was making lunch and the house had gone quiet.

“They didn’t kill each other did they?” Max said to Liz.

“No, I sent them to their rooms telling them to think about what they were saying because they were acting like two preschoolers.” Nancy said laughing at Max’s question.

“Maybe they fell asleep.” Liz said. “Mom do you need any help with lunch?”

“No I’m fine, anyway you better go and make sure you have everything packed, because you Dad wants to leave fist thing in the morning.”

“Mom why won’t you let me stay through next week like I was supposed to?”

“Lizzie if it were up to me I would let you but you know how your father is when he gets something in his head.”

Liz turned around and started up to her room. There was no use arguing with her Mom, her mom wasn’t the problem. Once she was past her Mom’s line of vision she ran the rest of the way to her room throwing herself on her bed in tears. Within seconds she heard Max enter her room locking the door behind him. Then he was by her side pulling her into his arms letting her cry out her anger. Gradually the tears stopped and Liz looked up into Max’s face. “Some times I wonder why you put up with me,” she said. “Now I’m acting like a five year old crying because I can’t have my way.”

“Baby, its okay to cry when someone is hurting you, and I put up with your crying because it keeps me from hurting your Dad for making you cry.”

“Have I told you I love you today?”

“Yes but I love to hear it anyway.” He said kissing away the remains of her tears.

“I love you Max,” she said kissing him. “But we need to take care of one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“We have to get you in the shower, because you smell like a horse.”

“Are you going to join me?”

“I thought you’d never ask.” She said jumping to her feet pulling Max with her.

<center> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ </center>

Liz sat on the balcony outside her room wrapped in Max’s strong arms. She didn’t want to leave in the morning, especially after the way her Dad treated Grandpa. She had just left her Grandfather’s room after him telling her want her father had said to him. He told her not to let her Dad ruin the good things in her life, because he will never come around if you give in to him. He also told her that she better not mention that Max will be going to college in New Mexico. Now as she sat in Max’s arms she just processed the day’s events in her head. Finally she had to ask the one question that was bothering her.



“I have a question about you going to college at UNM.”


“Well I know that UNM is a hell of a lot closer that NYU, but it is still almost four hours away from Roswell.”

“Liz, baby, I forgot to tell you that most of the classes I have left are online courses, so I will only have to go up there to take some of my finals.”

“Thank God, because I don’t think I could manage being even four hours away from you.”

“I just got off the phone with the apartment complex a couple hours ago, so in two weeks I will be living in Roswell.”

“Max, I don’t know what to say.” She said turning around to look at him. “Come here,” she said as she pulled him down for a long sweet kiss.

<center> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ </center>

The morning came around too fast for Liz. After everyone had gone to bed, Liz snuck into Max’s room, unable to sleep without him. Of course sleep was the one thing that didn’t happen until the sun was already rising. Liz had snuck back into her bed room, and falling asleep only to be wakened by her mother an hour later. Now Liz slowly packed up the remains of her summer in her suit case. Once packed, Max came in to help her carry her things downstairs. Liz just looked at him and started to cry.

“You must think I’m turning into a big cry baby.” She said as he wrapped her in his arms.

“No baby I don’t.” he said kissing away her tears. “Listen I will be there this weekend to sign the papers for the apartment, then I will be back in another week and a half to move in.”

“I will clear my weekend for you.” She said. “That will also get me out of having to go school shopping with my mom.”

“LIZ!” Jeff yelled from downstairs.

“I guess it’s time to go then.” Max said as he picked up her luggage.

“I guess so.” Liz said looking around the room one last time before heading out the door behind Max.

Max handed her bags to Jeff and Liz stepped into his arms. They just looked at each other for what seemed liked years, and then Max tilted her chin up as kissed her long and hard right in front of everyone. Liz almost laughed at the faces for her parents when they broke apart. Liz then turned to her Grandpa, “Thank you for giving me the best summer of my life.” She said hugging him.

“Anytime sweetheart, anytime.” He said hugging her back.

She then walked hand and hand with Max out to the car where they shared one final kiss.

“I love you Liz.”

“I love you too Max.” she replied. “Don’t forget to call me when you get in town this weekend.

“I won’t.”

Liz then got into the back seat of her parents car and watched Max join her Grandpa back on the porch. He parents started the engine and began to drive away. She watched as her Grandpa and Max grew smaller and smaller with the distance. On the radio Deana Carter began to sing “Strawberry Wine”

He was working through college on my grandpa's farm
I was thirsting for knowledge and he had a car
I was caught somewhere between a woman and a child
When one restless summer we found love growing wild
On the banks of the river on a well beaten path
Funny how those memories they last

Like strawberry wine and seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
My first taste of love oh bittersweet
Green on the vine
Like strawberry wine

I still remember when thirty was old
My biggest fear was September when he had to go
A few cards and letters and one long distance call
We drifted away like the leaves in the fall
But year after year I come back to this place
Just to remember the taste

Of strawberry wine and seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
My first taste of love oh bittersweet
Green on the vine
Like strawberry wine

The fields have grown over now
Years since they've seen a plow
There's nothing time hasn't touched
Is it really him or the loss of my innocence
I've been missing so much

Like strawberry wine and seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
My first taste of love oh bittersweet
Green on the vine
Like strawberry wine
