Strawberry Wine (AU,M/L,TEEN-ADULT) Complete

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Strawberry Wine (AU,M/L,TEEN-ADULT) Complete

Post by jbehr2002 »


Strawberry Wine

By: Sara Hudspeth (jbehr2002)


Rating: TEEN could possibly go up to ADULT

Disclaimer: I do not own anything to do with Roswell! I also do not have any rights to the song “Strawberry Wine,” by Deanna Carter.

Summary: (AU-M/L) Liz’s parents send her off to spend the summer before her senior year in Oklahoma, at her Grandpa’s farm. Liz is really upset about her situation until she meets Max, a college student working on the farm.


~ Part 1 ~

Liz sat on the bus reading a novel by her favorite author. She had thought that by reading a book, the miles would fly by faster. Why did her parents have to submit her to this torture. They were sending her all the way to Oklahoma, to a farm in the middle of no where! She had wanted to spend the summer with her best friend Maria. Maria’s Mom had let her go all the way to Florida to stay with her aunt, and she had invited Liz to come join her. However, her parents thought that spending two and a half months with her grandfather would be better than spending the time on the beach. She had already been on the bus for four hours, and still had an hour to go. She felt like screaming! What in the world was she going to do on a farm for the entire summer? Play with the pigs?

It was around six that night when the bus pulled into the station. She grabbed her carry-on bags and got off the bus. It felt so good to stand up for a while. Once she got the rest of her luggage she headed over to the pick up area. She looked around for her Grandpa, but didn’t see him anywhere. Then she noticed someone holding up a sign that said, ‘Liz Parker.’ She walked over towards the guy, but stopped when she was about ten feet away. The sight of him caught her breath. He was the hottest guy she had seen in her whole life. Finally, she realized that she better tell him that she was who he was looking for. She walked the last ten feet and stopped in front of him. “Hi” she said getting his attention. “I’m Liz.”

He couldn’t believe his eyes, she was beautiful. “Hi” he replied back to her, suddenly very nervous. “I’m Max, I work for your Grandfather.”

“It’s nice to meet you Max” she said. She wouldn’t mind meeting him anywhere! “Where is he?”

“Who?” Max said. “Oh, you mean your Grandfather. He is waiting in the truck, it’s hard for him to walk long distances or stay on his feet too long.”

“Well then I guess we better go and see him” she said.

As they walked out to the truck, Liz followed a few steps behind Max. If someone would had told her the guys out here were so hot, she wouldn’t have pitched such a fit with her parents. Liz looked over to where Max was walking, Man did he have a great body or what. It looked as if every inch of his body was pure muscle, and look at that butt! She snapped out of her trance when they reached the truck, and ran over and opened the passenger door to where her Grandpa was sitting.

“Hi Grandpa!” she said as she gave him a big hug.

“Hey sweetheart, how was your trip?” he asked her.

“It was fine.”

“Well I’m glad to hear that.” He said. “Well are you ready to head over to the farm?”

“Sure” she said.

She shut the passenger door and walked around to the driver’s side where Max was waiting to let her in. She climbed in suddenly excited about the ride to the farm next to Max. Max put the key into the ignition and they were on their way.


So what do you guys think? Should I continue?

~Sara :)
Last edited by jbehr2002 on Mon Apr 18, 2005 10:33 pm, edited 76 times in total.
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Part 2

Post by jbehr2002 »

WOW! I never thought that so many people would read my story! You guys are awesome :D Well being y'all gave me such a great response I figured I could give you a thank you by giving you a new part! I'll try to give you new parts often but I'm writing one other fic right now (Concrete Angel) So we will see what happens! Thanks Again! :D

~Sara 8)


~ Part 2 ~

When they arrived at the farm, Max pulled the truck up alongside the house. He got out of the truck and went over to the passenger side to help Mr. Parker out. After helping him get up the porch steps, he went back to the truck to help Liz with her bags. He grabbed the two heavy suitcases and Liz got her carryon bags. Once inside the house, Max set the suitcases at the bottom of the stairs so he could help Mr. Parker once again.

“Mr. Parker, Which room do you want to settle down in before dinner?” Max asked.

“I think I’ll go and watch TV in my room for a while.” He replied. “I can get there myself. Why don’t you go and help my little Lizzie settle in.”

“Okay.” Max said excited about the task he was assigned. “Liz your room is up this way.” He said picking up her suitcases and heading up the stairs.

Liz followed him up the stairs. She still couldn’t believe that such a hunk worked for her Grandpa! She sure hit the jackpot getting to spend the summer with him.

“Her it is.” He said opening the door at the end of the long hallway. “Your Grandfather said that this use to be your Dad’s room growing up.”

As they entered the room, Liz gasped at its size. “Wow! It’s huge.” It had to be twice as big as her room back home. It had a king size bed, a big walk in closet and a full size bathroom. It looked as if it didn’t belong on a farm.

“Yes it is. I thought the same thing when I saw my room when I arrived a couple weeks ago.” He said. “Your Grandfather told me that your Grandmother had wanted to turn it into a bed and breakfast before she died.”

“Oh yeah, I think I remember my Dad telling my Mom about that.” Then she remembered what he had said about coming here a couple of weeks ago. “What do you mean you arrived a couple of weeks ago? You’re not from around here?”

“No, I’m working here for the summer, trying to pay off some student loans.”

“Oh. Where are you from?”

“Well I’m from Texas, but I go to college in New York.” He told her.

“I want to go to Harvard after I graduate next year. So out of all the jobs you could have gotten this summer, why did you choose to spend it working on a farm?” she asked.

“I was going to go home for the summer, but I needed to find a job that would pay really good. One of my college buddies told me that his aunt knew a guy who needed help on his farm. Your grandfather offered me a great deal so here I am!”

“Oh” she said not knowing what else to say.

“Well I guess I’ll go and let you unpack. I’m going to order a pizza for dinner so it will probably be here in about an hour.”

“Okay” She said sorry that he was leaving.

“If you need anything, my room is the one next to yours on the left.” He informed her.

“Okay. Thanks.”

She watched as Max walked out of her room. When he shut her door behind him, she walked over to the bed and fell back on it. Somehow, she knew he was going to be the death of her.


The next morning she woke up to the sun coming through the windows of the French doors leading from her room to the upper porch. She got out of bed, deciding to go out on the porch and check out the view she had. She put on her slippers and walk outside. She was surprised to find Max sitting on one of the rocking chairs further down the porch. He looked up from the book he was reading when she walked out.

“Good Morning” he said.

“Good Morning” She replied back to him.

“Did you sleep okay?”

“Yes I did, that bed is really comfortable.” She replied.

“Mine is too.”

“So what’s there to do around here for fun?” she asked him.

“Well I was thinking that after I got the front field mowed, maybe you would like to go horse back ridding with me and see the whole farm.”

“Sure I would love to!” She said thinking of the possibilities the day could bring.


Please continue to let me know what you think! Feedback is my motivation! :)
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Post by jbehr2002 »

Hey Guys~

WOW! You guys are incredible!

Blessed4Ever- I was thinking of the end of the summer too…What to do? :?

Lattegirl – Thanks for the feedback! Just where you know, my other fic isn’t going to turn out like the song in the end :D I have plans for a sequel that is purely a love story! Thanks for reading!

Bubbles – Gee…You may have got me there! (Referring to your comment about Mr. Parker) :wink: Thanks for the feedback and bumps! :mrgreen:

Lynn- Thanks for the feedback and bumps! :D

Lindsey- Thanks for the feedback and bumps! :mrgreen:

All the Following people Thanks for the feedback! :mrgreen:

I Love Orli
Dream Girl

Okay Here is the next part as promised! :)

~ 8) Sara 8) ~


~ Part 3 ~

Liz went into the kitchen to find something for lunch. She walked over to the refrigerator to see what she could make a sandwich with when she found a note from Max.


I should be done mowing the field around 12:30pm.
Meet me in the barn at 12:45 and we will leave for
our trail ride.

See you soon,


P.S. Make sure you wear your swimsuit under your
cloths. I have everything else we need.

Liz put the note in her pocket and looked at her watch, to see how long she had. It was 12:15, she had to hurry. She opened the refrigerator and got out the jelly, then she ran to the pantry to find the peanut butter and bread. She quickly made two sandwiches, one for her and one for her Grandpa. She put one on a plate, and brought it into his room. It was a good thing she was asleep, because she didn’t have enough time to talk. She quickly wrote him a small note telling him where she was, then she ran upstairs to her room.

She still hadn’t finished unpacking, so she would have to look for her swimsuit. Lucky for her it was in the first bag she opened. She quickly undressed and put her suit on. Then she threw on a pair of jeans and a tank top. She went through another bag pulling out her tennis shoes. Finally she grabbed her sandwich and ran out the door.

Liz looked at her watch and slowed down her pace being it was only 12:35. She had gotten ready faster that she thought she could. She walked into the barn and found a place to eat. Once she finished, she got up to explore until Max arrived.

She had walked down to the end of the barn where she found a set of stairs leading up into the rafters. Max still hadn’t arrived so she decided to see what was up there as well. When she reached the top all she saw was hay, animal feeds, and an old stack of quilts. Just as she was about to come down, she saw Max walk into the barn. For some reason, her mind told her stay put. Max walked over to a table and grabbed a stack of cloths. Liz couldn’t believe her eyes! Max started to take of his sweaty shirt and shorts. She didn’t know if she should turn her back, or keep watching. She couldn’t tear her eyes off him. She thought he was sexy before, now he was standing there in only his boxers! He started to pull his boxers off, when he realized he wouldn’t be able to get them over his shoes. Liz stepped away from the edge when he left her line of vision. How was she going to get down there without him noticing her? She stepped back up to the edge to look down again. There he was wearing his swim trunks and a wife beater. She saw her chance to get downstairs when he went into one of the stalls. She quickly went back stairs and started walking towards the front of the barn. She stopped when she reached the stall that he was in. He turned to her and smiled. She couldn’t help but blush after all she had just seen.

“So are you ready to go?” he asked.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” She said, not exactly know what she meant by that herself.

“I just have to finish saddling up Big Red here and we will be off.”

“Okay” She said watching his muscles work as he lifted the saddle on the horse’s back.

“Liz are you ready to go?” he asked snapping her out of her daze.

“Oh, yeah” she said. “Uh…Max? Are these horses tame?”

“What’s wrong? Haven’t you ever ridden before?”

“Well I don’t suppose those little ponies at the fair count?”

Max laughed. “No, I’m afraid they don’t. Don’t worry about it Liz, These guys are just big babies.” Max said rubbing Big Red’s nose.

“Okay if you say so.”

“You are going to ride Big Red here.” Max said patting the horse. “I’m going to ride Rhubarb.” He said pointing to the horse in the next stall.

Once they got all their things hooked on the saddles, Max helped Liz onto Big Red. Once he felt that she was okay, he got on Rhubarb and they road out of the barn.

TBC… :mrgreen:

Feedback makes me write faster! :wink:
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Part 4

Post by jbehr2002 »

Hey guys!

Thank you so much for all the feedback! You are all awesome! Being I like you all so much I brought with me the next part! :D



~ Part 4 ~

They had been riding about twenty minutes, when Liz finally spoke up.

“So Max, Where exactly are you taking me?”

“I’d tell you but then I’d have to kill you.” He responded. He had always wanted to say that to someone.

“Oh so you’re telling me that I’m riding out into the middle of no where with a guy I haven’t known but eighteen hours, and he wont tell me where he is taking me.” She said joking with him.

“Liz, I was just kidding!” he said thinking she was serious.

Liz laughed at the expression on his face. “I know,” she said. “I was just kidding with you as well.”

“Oh” he sighed in relief.

“So where are we going?” She asked again.

“Nope. Not gonna tell you.” He said. “Lets just say it’s a really beautiful place.”

Just then they rode into a wooded area, and started going up hill into the trees.

“How much longer?” Liz asked.

“Um…we will be there in about five minutes.”

As they rode on, Liz started to here a faint roaring sound growing louder and louder. After another minute, it began to sound like thunder. “Max, what is that noise? It sounds almost like thunder, but it’s so sunny out.”

“You’ll see” Max replied smiling.

Just then they came around a bend, and there Liz saw the most beautiful sight. There was a waterfall about fifteen feet high that ran down into the river.

“WOW!” That was all she managed to get out.

“Yeah, I know what you mean.” Max said.

“How did you find this?”

“Last week I took Rhubarb out for a ride and stumbled across it.”

Max dismounted the horse and tied him to a tree, and then he went over to help Liz down. He lifted her petite body to the ground, and tied Big Red to the tree next to Rhubarb. Then he grabbed his book bag and led Liz out onto a big rock that jetted out into the water. There her got out a blanket and laid it down for them to sit on. Then he pulled out two sodas and a bag of pretzels.

“So Liz, why don’t you tell me a little about yourself.” Max said.

“Well lets see…I’m seventeen, I live in Roswell, New Mexico with my parents. I’ll be a senior next year and I hope to graduate and go to Harvard to study Molecular Biology.”

“That’s cool”

“So now that you know about me, why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?”

“I’m twenty, I currently live in New York City, but I grew up in Texas. Both my parents are lawyers. My sister Isabel ran off to California to get into modeling. I’m currently majoring in architecture, but I’m still not sure if that’s the best field for me.

“Interesting” Liz replied.

“What else is there to know about you Liz?”

“What do you mean?”

“What’s your favorite color, food, movie, and anything else that you like.”

“My favorite color is baby blue. My favorite food is Chinese. Movie, I would have to say Armageddon. I love white roses. C.S.I. is my favorite TV show, and I absolutely love looking at the stars at night.” She told him. “What about you?”

“Well…My favorite color is black. I love Mexican food, and Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. My favorite movie is Forrest Gump. I rally like the TV show 24, and I love to read books.”

They sat there for a minute not really knowing what else to talk about. Finally, Max spoke up again. “So are you up for a swim?”

“Is the water warm?” she asked.

“Um…a little.” He told her. “I was in it the other day, it’s not unbearable.”

“Okay, I’ll give it a try.”

Max stood up and removed his shirt, exposing his perfect upper body. Liz had to look away in fear of him noticing her red cheeks. She finally stood up and removed her tank top and jeans, leaving her only in her small bikini. Just the sight of her caused Max to get very aroused. He looked down at himself, making sure that he wasn’t embarrassing himself. Well not too much yet, however he had to get in that cool water before it gets too late. Max started down a small path that led to the river, and Liz followed her eyes still stuck on his body. Once the reached the bank Max jumped right in. He came up from under the water to find Liz still standing on the edge.

“Hey, aren’t you going to come in?” he asked.

Liz walked closer to the edge and stuck her foot in the water, only to yank it back out. “I don’t know what your definition of warm is Max, but the water is freezing!” she exclaimed.

“Just jump right in, you’ll get use to it faster.”

Liz looked at Max, and then the water. “Oh what the hell.” She said jumping in. When she surfaced, Max was no where to be seen. She turned a complete circle in the water, and then screamed as something grabbed her foot. Max popped out of the water laughing.

“Ha ha, I got you!”

“You jerk!” she yelled as she splashed water in his face.

“Sorry Liz, I was just playing.” He said.

Liz continued to ignore him pretending to be mad.

“Liz, I swear I was only playing around!” he said walking closer to her.

Just as he got about a foot away from her, Liz moved her leg quickly under the water coming up behind his knees knocking him down into the water. He came up quickly and looked at her.

“Ha ha, I got you!” she said laughing.

“Oh you think your clever do you?” Max said lunging towards her.

Liz tried to run, but the water slowed her down. Just as Max was about to catch her she tripped and hit her knee on a rock.

“OUCH!” she yelled grabbing her knee.

“What happened? Are you all right!”

“Yeah, I think so, I just cut my knee open on a rock when I fell.”

“I got a small first aid kit in my bag. Let me take a look at it.”

They slowly made their way back up to the big rock. Once they got there, Liz sat down on the blanket while Max looked for alcohol pads and Band-Aids to clean the wound. Once he found what he was looking for, he made his way back to Liz.

“That looks worse than I thought it was.” He said looking at her knee. He opened the alcohol pad and gently wiped it over the cut.

“That stings!” Liz said wincing.

“I know, but you never know what is in a river.”

“Okay Max, I think it’s clean enough.”

Max put the pad down, opened up the Band-Aid, and put it over the cut. “How’s that?” he asked.

“It still hurts a lot.”

“Maybe I can fix that.” He said leaning down toward her knee. Once he reached his destination, he placed a feather light kiss on her wound. “Is that any better?” he asked.

“Um…It still hurts a little.” She replied. “Maybe you should try again.”

Max smiled as he leaned down and placed a few more kisses over her knee. Liz got goose bumps all over her body, as Max kissed her knee. The she looked down at Max just as he looked up at her. Slowly they leaned in as their lips met for the first time.

TBC… :mrgreen:

Remember feedback is my motivation! 8)
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Part 5A

Post by jbehr2002 »

Thank you for all the feedback guys! That last part had over 1000 views on its own! :shock: Well I'm here to give you the first part of part 5 I'll try to post the second half either Wednesday or Thursday.

~Sara 8)


~ Part 5A ~

Their lips lingered on each other for a moment, until Max pulled away. Liz shyly looked down at her legs. For a moment they didn’t speak, couldn’t speak not knowing what to say. Finally, Liz spoke up for a change.

“My knee doesn’t hurt anymore, but I’m feeling a bit lightheaded.”

Max looked at her and smiled. “Yeah, I’m feeling a bit lightheaded myself.” They both laughed no longer feeling nervous. Max looked down at his watch. “I didn’t know we had been out here so long, it’s already a quarter til four.”

“Well I guess we better pack up and get back before Grandpa starts to worry.” Liz said, not really wanting to leave and return to reality.

Max turned and grabbed her arm as she started to pick things up. “Before we go I want to ask you something.”


“Your Grandpa told me about this club in town that has a under 21 night every Thursday. Well I was thinking that we could go out to dinner and then stop by the club on Thursday night. That is if you want to.” Max nervously blurted out.

“Sure, that sounds like fun.” She said.

“Cool” was all Max said. However, inside he was jumping up and down and doing cartwheels.


Dear Maria,

I just love it out here on the farm! (and no I’m not joking with you.)
When I arrived last night, there was this incredibly hot hunk waiting
for me in the station. It turns out that Grandpa hired him to help
out on the farm for the summer. His name is Max, he’s 20 years old,
and did I mention what a hunk he is? This afternoon he took
me horse back ridding to this beautiful waterfall. Well I hope
you’re having fun at the beach!

Love Always,


P.S. He kissed me!


Sorry it's so short but the 2nd half will be a lot longer! I guess you could say this part is a preview. 8)
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Part 5B

Post by jbehr2002 »

Hey guys,

Thanks for all the feedback. You know I love it! :mrgreen: This part is longer than the last (it's sill short!), but is just a transition. The date comes next I promise. I have an old friend in town until Saturday, so I was trying to give her most of my attention! Well I hope to give you the next part soon!

~Sara 8)


~ Part 5B ~

The week seemed to be in slow motion for Liz. Max was always working in the fields and the only time she saw him was at dinner each night. He was so tired from working all day he would barely say a word during the meal, and then he would go straight to bed. It wasn’t as if he were avoiding seeing her, there was just so much to do before it got too hot.

Thursday morning Liz woke up with a rose and a card on her night stand. She first picked up the rose and breathed in its sweet aroma. Then she noticed that it was also white. She couldn’t believe he had remembered that they were her favorite. She laid the rose in her lap and opened the card.

Dear Liz,

I’m sorry I haven’t been around much this week,
but I have finally finished the fields and only have
a half days worth of work to do today. I was hoping
that you will meet me in the kitchen for lunch around
noon. I can’t wait to go out tonight!


Liz closed the card and placed it on the night stand. Then she went into the bathroom, where she remembered seeing a vase. She filled it with water and brought it back out to her room and placed the rose in the water.

Once Liz got dressed she ran downstairs into her Grandpa’s room. When she walked in she found him watching Wheel of Fortune. She never would understand how people could watch game shows all day.

“Hi Grandpa.”

“Hi Liz” he replied while he searched for the remote to turn the volume down on the TV.

“I was wondering if I could borrow the keys to the truck to run to the Food Mart?”

“Sure, they’re on the hook next to the kitchen door.” He said. “While you’re there, can you pick up some more sodas and pretzels?”

“Sure Grandpa” Liz replied walking out of the room.


When Max walked into the kitchen at noon, Liz was already finishing up on the Tuna salad and Macaroni and Cheese.

“Something smells good”

Liz turned around with a grin on her face. “It’s Mac n’ Cheese and Tuna.”

“That sounds great! I’m going to go upstairs and wash up real quick”

“Okay” Liz replied turning back to the food.

When Max returned, Liz had the bowls of food ready on the table. They ate in silence for a moment every now and then looking up at each other.

“So what kind of food do you want to get for dinner tonight?” Max asked

“I don’t care, surprise me.”

Max smiled to himself, if it was a surprise she wanted, then a surprise she’ll get. Max wanted to make tonight perfect for her, because she deserved nothing less.

TBC… 8)
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Post by jbehr2002 »

Wow you guys stuck around! :D I was literally going to kill my computer last week! It made me so mad :x Thanks for all the feedback, it really keeps me going! :) Well here is the next part that I had promised you last week!

~Sara 8)


~ Part 6 ~

Liz was in her bedroom putting on her make up when she heard a gentle knock on her door. She quickly put her make up away and went to open the door. Only to her surprise, no one was there. When she started to close the door, she heard a knock again. She turned around realizing that is was coming from the French doors that led out to the porch. She saw Max standing there in jeans and a polo shirt with his hair slicked back with gel. She unlocked the door and let him in.

“Wow! You look beautiful.” Max told her as his eyes devoured her body.

“You don’t look so bad yourself.” She replied loving how she could see his abs through his shirt.

“So are you ready to go?” He asked.

“Yeah let me just get my purse and we can be on our way.”


Max pulled into the parking lot of the local Chinese Buffet. He jumped out of the truck and walked around to the passenger side to help Liz out of the truck.

“So, Chinese food is your favorite if I remembered correctly?”

Liz smiled at him. “Yes it is.” She replied as she took his hand.

When they had finished their meal, the waiter brought them a plate with a freshly cut orange and two fortune cookies. They each took a cookie and opened them to reveal their fortunes.

Liz laughed as she read her fortune.

“What’s so funny?” Max asked.

“My fortune is pretty weird. It says, ‘someone is watching you from afar.’”

“That is weird, maybe you have a stalker.” Max joked. “Mine says, ‘Someone special has come into your life.’ I guess that these fortunes are true.” He said smiling at her.

“Yours might be true, but if mine is that would be too freaky.” Liz replied.

“Yeah I know, you might have a cow or chicken just waiting to attack you when we get back.”

“Very funny!” Liz said rolling her eyes at him. “I get your point.”

“So are you ready to go and check out that club?”

“Yeah, let me just go and wash the orange off my hands.”

“Okay, I’ll meet you at the door.”

When they pulled into the parking lot of the club, they could already hear the music blaring through the doors. They got out of the truck and walked hand in hand into the club.

Once inside they found a table for two at the corner of the dance floor.

“So, do you wanna dance?” Max asked Liz after they had been there for a few minutes.

“I would love to.”
Max pulled Liz onto the dance floor just as the song “You Shouldn’t Kiss Me Like This,” by Toby Keith came on. Liz placed her arms on Max’s shoulders as they slowly began to dance.

I've got a funny feeling
The moment that your lips touched mine
Something shot right through me
My heart skipped a beat in time

There's a different feel about you tonight
It's got me thinkin' lots of crazy things
I even think I saw a flash of light
It felt like electricity

Max pulled Liz in closer to him and gave her a soft sweet kiss.

You shouldn't kiss me like this
Unless you mean it like that
Cause I'll just close my eyes
And I won't know where I'm at
We'll get lost on this dance floor
Spinnin' around
And around
And around
And around

Liz slowly pulled away from Max’s lips, looked him in the eyes, and smiled as they continued to dance.

They're all watchin' us now
They think we're falling in love
They'd never believe we're just friends
When you kiss me like this
I think you mean it like that
If you do maybe kiss me again

Everybody swears we make the perfect pair
But dancing is as far as it goes
Girl you've never moved me quite
The way you moved me tonight
I just wanted you to know
I just wanted you to know

Liz laid her head on Max’s shoulder as they continued to dance. Max loved the feeling of her small body against his. He couldn’t help but thinking of how perfect they fit together.

You shouldn't kiss me like this
Unless you mean it like that
Cause I'll just close my eyes
And I won't know where I'm at
We'll get lost on this dance floor
Spinnin' around
And around
And around
And around

They're all watchin' us now
They think we're falling in love
They'd never believe we're just friends
When you kiss me like this
I think you mean it like that
If you do baby kiss me again
Kiss me again

As the song ended, Liz leaned in and kissed Max. When they pulled away, Liz didn’t want to let go of Max.

“Wow that was some dance.” Max said as they started to walk back to their table.

“Yeah.” Was all Liz could say.

“So you wanna wait here while I go and get us something to drink?” he asked.

“Okay that sounds good.”

When Max returned with the drinks, they sat cooling off for a while. They spent a few hours talking and dancing at the club. Around 10:30 they finally decided to leave.


When they returned home, it was around eleven. They got out of the truck and walked into the house.

“Do you want to go and sit on the upstairs porch?” Max asked.

“Sure, but let me check on Grandpa first.” Liz replied.

“Okay I’ll meet you on the porch in five minutes.”

Max went upstairs and Liz went over to her Grandpa’s room. As she pushed his door opened, she saw that he was asleep. She walked over to his bed, and leaned down and kissed his cheek. “Good night Grandpa” she whispered and left his room. Once she was in her room, she decided to change her cloths before she met Max. She put on a pair of cheerleading shorts and a tank top. Then she walked outside to find Max waiting for her.

“What’s all this?” Liz asked when she walked outside.

Max had a blanket and a bottle of sparkling cider with two wineglasses on the side.

“I thought that we could sit out her and enjoy the stars together.”

Liz smiled as she walked over to him. “You are really racking up the points tonight aren’t you.”

“Well I just wanted you to know that I really like you.” He said pulling her into his arms.

“I really like you to.” She replied and stood up on her tiptoes to kiss him.

They laid out the blanket and sat down next to each other. Max poured them each a glass of cider.

“So what should we toast to?” Max asked, handing her a glass.

“How about to our future relationship?”

“That sounds good to me.”

“To us.” They said in unison, then took a sip out of their glasses.

Once they finished their cider they laid down on the blanket to look at the stars. They laid there for a few minutes in silence. Then Liz rolled over so she was looking down at Max.

“Thank you” she said.

“For what?” Max asked.

“For giving me the perfect night.”

“You’re welcome.” Max said as he pushed a loose strand of hair back behind her ear. Then she leaned down and kissed his. The kiss was slow, but passionate. When they pulled away, Liz laid her head on Max’s chest and fell asleep.

TBC… 8)

Feedback keeps me writing! 8)
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Part 7

Post by jbehr2002 »

I can't believe how many views this thing is getting! WOW! :shock: I just wanted to thank y'all for all of the wonderful feed back. I just love hearing what you all think. Well here is the next part, I hope you like it!

~Sara 8)


~ Part 7 ~

Liz woke up with Max lightly running his fingers through her hair. She lay there with her eyes closed for a minute or two just enjoying the feeling of his strong hands in her hair. She felt Max lean down and brush his lips across her forehead. Before he moved his head back up, Liz leaned up and caught his lips with hers. Their lips lingered on each other then Max made a trail of kisses down the side of her face to her neck, where he left several butterfly kisses before leaning back up.

“Good Morning” Max said, smiling down at her.

“I sure wouldn’t mind getting up every morning if I woke up like that.”

“It could be arranged” Max replied kissing her forehead. “You hungry?”

“Yes, I’m starving.”

“How does French Toast sound to you?”

“It’s my favorite.” Liz replied.

“Okay I’ll go downstairs and start cooking, and you can get your Grandpa out of bed and into the kitchen.”

“Well I guess I’ll see you in a bit” Liz said stealing a quick kiss before running into her room.

<center> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ </center>

Max was almost finished making breakfast when Mr. Parker came into the kitchen with his walker.

“Good Morning Mr. Parker”

“Good Morning Max, Something sure smells good.”

“It’s French Toast. Where is Liz?”

“She went up stairs to change her cloths. So how did you kids like that club I told you about?”

“You were right, it was pretty cool. I really think Liz liked it too.”

“What did I like?” Liz asked as she came through the kitchen door.

“The club we went to last night.” Max replied.

After they finished with breakfast, Max went out to the barn to feed the animals. Liz helped her Grandpa get settled for the day. Once she had gotten him everything he needed she headed out to the barn to see Max. She walked in to find him carrying a large bag of oats on his back. She thought back to the last time that she was in the barn without him knowing she was there. Max turned around to find Liz starring at him with a really weird look on her face.

“Liz, are you okay?”

“Wha…What?…Oh yeah, I’m fine, I was just thinking about something.”

“Well once I finish feeding the horses I’m through for the day. Do you know if there is anything you wanna do today?”

“How about we go back up to the waterfall again.” She suggested.

“That sounds good to me.”

<center> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ </center>

They arrived at the waterfall around 11AM. Max took the saddles off the horses, while Liz set up the blanket on the rock. Liz took off her tank top and shorts that covered her small bikini and sat down on the blanket waiting for Max to finish. Max finished with the horses and walked over to the blanket were Liz was. He took off his shirt and jeans, leaving him in his swimsuit. Then he sat down behind her pulling her between his legs to rest against his chest.

“It is so beautiful here.” Liz commented looking at all the different scenery.

“Yes it is, but not as beautiful as you.”

Liz turned around and looked at him. “You know you don’t have to try so hard anymore, you have already won me over.”

“I know I don’t have too, but it is the complete truth.” He said leaning down to catch her lips with his.

“You know what, I think we better take a swim.” Liz said standing up.

“Why? I thought the water was too cold for you.”

“Well it is cold, but we need to get you cleaned up a bit if we are going to continue to get close.”


“Well I love kissing you Max, but you smell like a horse.” She said grinning at him. As she started to run for the water.

“Oh you better run!” Max said chasing after her.

Liz jumped into the water with Max just a few steps behind her. When she came up from the water, she quickly wiped the water from her eyes and dove back under as Max went to grab for her. Max chased her around in the water for a minute or so before he finally caught her in his arms.

“So I smell like a horse?” he said pulling her up against him.

“Well not so much anymore.”

Max started swimming them towards the waterfall.

“Max, what are you doing?”

“Well there is something I had wanted to show you last time we were here, but I forgot when you hurt you knee.” When they were just a few feet from the waterfall Max stopped them. “On the count of three take my hand and dive under the water and swim to the other side. One…Two…Three.” They dove under the water coming up on the backside of the waterfall.

“Wow! It’s amazing under here.” Liz said looking around.

“I know” Max replied as he pulled her back into his arms and started to place little kisses all over her face. He finally reached his destination when his lips met hers. They slowly forgot about the rest of the world giving into the desires they held for one another. Liz parted her lips inviting him into her mouth. Max took the invitation caressing her tongue with his. This went on until they finally had to break apart for air. Max held her in his arms as they both caught their breath. He noticed that she was shivering.

“Are you cold?”

“Yeah a little.” She replied.

“How about we take this back up onto the blanket?”

“That sounds good to me.”

They spent hours that afternoon on the blanket kissing, talking, and cuddling with each other. Until they had to return to the real world once again.

TBC… 8)
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Post by jbehr2002 »

I've been really lazy about doing thank you's on my fics lately so I decided to do them today!

Lynn~ No worries it's a Dreamer fic! However, I really have no clue how I plan to end this! :?

The rest of you: Devilish Cas, roswellluver, narly21, Pegleg, BehrObsession, Alien614, Blessed4Ever, Bubbles, SarahWhitman, LPorter, The Better Twin, and AZfire. I think you all came to the same conclusion. That it was sweet! :) Well that was my goal so I'm gald you all thought that way! :mrgreen:

Okay now with the next part! This is actually not what I planned this part to be, but when I started typing it I got a whole new idea and had to use it. The song is "She Thinks my Tractor's Sexy" by Kenny Chesney.

~Sara 8)

<center> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ </center>

Part 8

Liz woke up on Saturday morning with Max putting little kisses all over her face, just like the day before. “Hey.” She said as she opened her eyes. “What time is it?”

“It is seven o’ clock.” Max replied.

“What makes you think that I want to get up at seven on a Saturday morning?”

“Two reasons. First, you told me that you wanted to wake up like this every morning. Second, I have to get to work early so I can spend the afternoon with you.”

“Okay, you win.” Liz said as she wrapped her hand around the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

“Well I’ll see you around lunch time.” Max said kissing her once more before heading to the door.

“Wait!” Liz said before he was out of her room. “What do you have to do this morning?”

“I just have to mow the back field. Why?”

“Can I come and ride along on the tractor with you?” she asked giving him her most flirtatious smile.

“I guess you can come, but you’ll have to sit in my lap.”

“Oh that’s not a problem.”

“I’ll go and lave your Grandfather a note and you meet me down at the barn in five minutes.” Max said as he left her room.

<center> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ </center>

Max was sitting on the tractor when Liz ran out of the house. She had on a pair of jeans, a tank top, boots, and a cowboy hat. Man she is hot, Max thought to himself as he watched her run toward him. “Hey, you ready to get going?”

“I sure am.” Liz said as she took his hand and he pulled her up onto the tractor. Once she was situated in his lap, he started the engine and they headed out to the field.

“Do you wanna listen to the radio?”

“There is a radio on the tractor?”

“Yup, I installed it myself.” He said as he reached down to turn it on. When the music came on, the beginning of a song began to fill the air. Liz realized what song it was before Max did and began to laugh. “What’s so funny?”

“Just listen.” She said as Kenny Chesney’s voice began to fill the air.

Plowing these fields in the hot summer sun.
Over by the gate, Lordy here she comes,
With a basket full of chicken and a big tall jug of sweet tea,
I make a little room and she climbs on up,
Open up the throdle and stir a little dust,
Just look at her face she aint a foolin' me,
She thinks my Tractor's Sexy,
It really turns her on,
She's always staring at me, while I'm chuggin along,
She likes the way its pullin while were tillin up the land,
She's even kinda crazy about my farmer's tan,
She's the only one who really understands what gets me,
She think's my tractor's Sexy.

Max began to laugh as well by the end of the chorus.

We ride back and forth til we run out of light,
then take it to the barn put it up for the night,
Climb up in the loft sit and talk with the radio on,
She said she's got a dream and I ask what it is,
She wants a little farm and a yard full of kids,
and one more teeny weeny ride before I take her home,
She thinks my Tractor's Sexy,
It really turns her on,
She's always staring at me, while I'm chuggin along,
She likes the way its pullin while were tillin up the land,
She's even kinda crazy about my farmer's tan,
She's the only one who really understands what gets me,
She think's my tractor's Sexy.

They were both singing along to the song. Liz turned around to straddle Max’s lap as she sang the words in his ear.

Well she aint into cars or pick-up trucks,
But if it runs like a Deere, man her eyes light up,
She thinks my tractor's,
She thinks my Tractor's Sexy,
It really turns her on,
She's always staring at me, while I'm chuggin along,
She likes the way its pullin while were tillin up the land,
She's even kinda crazy about my farmer's tan,
She's the only one who really understands what gets me,
She think's my tractor's Sexy,
She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy,
She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy

The song came to an end and Max had to stop the tractor where it was to keep them from crashing into anything. “Do you know what you are doing to me Liz Parker?”

“Nothing bad I hope.” She said not taking her lips off his neck.

“You are going to be the death of me.” He said as he kissed her neck as well.

“Sorry Max, but you are just really sexy on that tractor, and it really does turn me on!”

“No matter how much I would like to continue this, I do have to get done with this field before one.”

“Why?” she asked as she sat up in his lap.

“Your Grandpa is going to the all night bingo game at the senior center and wants me to drop him off early.”

“So what you’re telling me is that we have the whole farm to our selves tonight?”

“We sure do.” Max replied as he started up the tractor once more and continued their journey to the field.

TBC… 8)
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Part 9

Post by jbehr2002 »

Guess What! I'm actually here with a new part. It is really short, but I figured you all deserved something for waiting so long! :) I can't belive all the views this story gets, it is amazing. :shock: Well I really hope I can give you some more soon, but until then here is part 9!

~Sara :mrgreen:

<center> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* </center>

Part 9

When Max left with her Grandpa for the seniors all nigter, Liz made her way up to her bedroom to find something to wear that night. She walked into the room to find that her grandfather’s housekeeper had been there that day. She walked over to the bed noticing that there was some mail. There was one letter from her parents, which she immediately set aside when she noticed a letter from Maria. She quickly tore open the envelope and pulled out the folded paper.


I can’t believe you go to the middle of
nowhere and find a hottie. I swear you
have all the luck with guys. Not that
Florida isn’t full of hot guys. (I wish now
that I didn’t invite Michael to come along
with me.) You better send me a picture
of the two of you together in your next l
etter so I can approve. Well I have to go
and pull that pig of a boyfriend of mine
off the life guard stand. I miss you!

Love Always,


P.S. Write me soon!

Liz refolded the letter and set it on the desk in her room. Then she walked over to the closet to find something for where. She finally settled on a sundress with a Hawaiian print. As she pulled it over her head, she heard the truck pulling up the drive.

She ran down the stairs and got to the door just as Max was coming through it. She quickly grabbed his collar and pulled him to her for a passionate kiss. Max groaned at the greeting and wrapped his arms around her perfect body. He pulled away grinning at her.

“Hello to you too!”

Liz blushed, realizing what she had just done. “Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself.”

“Don’t be sorry, you are free to greet me like that anytime you please.”

“So, What did you have in mind for us to do tonight?” Liz asked having some plans in her head of what she would like to do with him.

“I thought we could start with dinner and a movie. I stopped by the video store on the way back and rented a couple movies. Then I called for a pizza to be delivered on the way home.”

“That sounds good.” She said as she reached for the bag of videos in his hand. “After we watch the movies what did you have in mind.”

“I just thought we could play it by ear from there.” He said as he gave he a quick kiss, and led them to the family room.

TBC… 8)

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