Here Without You (UC, Mi/L, K/I, ADULT) Ch 14A [WIP]

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Chapter Ten

Post by Dimensia »

<b>CHAPTER TEN » </b><i>Weight of the World</i>

I stood guard outside the room as Liz finished getting ready, leaning against the doorframe, my arms crossed in front of my chest.

Kyle paced quickly between his room and mine, stopping ever so often to attempt a look through the blocked window of the former, where Max and Isabel were talking. His paranoia was contagious, and the urge to trip him and end the maddening attack on my nerves was overwhelming.

“Kyle!” His movement halted at the sound of my voice, and he looked back at me. “You said there were no psychotic vibes in his aura or whatever, right?”

He shook his head, one hand drumming a frantic beat on his hip. “Would I have left him alone with Iz if there were?”

“I don’t know, Thumbelina, you’ve done dumber things.” He scowled at me, and I relented. “Fine, then stop wearing a damn hole in the concrete. You’re driving me nuts.”

He propped himself up next to me, letting his head fall back to the wall. “I had some seriously whacked out dreams last night.” I gave him a wary look, suddenly fearful of whatever perverted, homoerotic images may have spewed from his subconscious, and he chuckled. “Nothing like that, Fezzik. I dreamed that El Presidente had returned with the van, and Buddha himself sat in the passenger seat, egging me on while I ran the royal tightass over. Right out there in the parking lot.” He shrugged casually. “I wondered about the spiritual lesson in that, but I went on faith. Apparently the thud he made when he hit the grate was highly enlightening.”

I managed to blink at him, my mind playing the mental image in a dizzying loop.

“And then I threw it in reverse and backed over him.” He closed his eyes, his face torn between amusement and nausea. “I heard his skull crack, man. Sounded like a bad melon. It was strangely satisfying, though. The big guy high fived me and everything.”

<i>Twisted. Who knew he had it in him?</i> I struggled to hold back laughter. “What the hell did you <i>eat</i> last night?”

He groaned, clutching his stomach, and dropped his chin to his chest. “Steer clear of the $1.99 buffet next to the lobby. Is shellfish supposed to be green?”

Unable to restrain myself any longer, I doubled over, my shoulders quaking as I laughed hysterically. My eyes glazed over, and I gripped my knees, crouching low against the wall. Kyle kneed me in the side, and I brought my head up, desperately trying to control my outburst. My laughter stopped abruptly when my tear-clouded gaze met steely brown instead of indignant blue.

Max glared down at me as Kyle slipped back into his room.

“We need to talk.”

I nodded stiffly and slid up the harsh stucco, all humor gone.


We walked silently across the parking lot, a good five feet of air between us. When we finally stopped, I repeated my earlier stance against the lot’s concrete back wall, while Max stood in front of me, shifting his weight back and forth.

“Where’s Liz?” He kept his eyes locked on the ground as he asked, and I stared at the top of his head, daring him to look up at me.

“That what you brought me all the way over here to find out?” He stayed silent, transfixed by the cracked asphalt, and I scratched at my eyebrow. “She’s around.” He nodded emphatically, and my frustration got the better of me. “Out with it, Maxwell. Might as well get this over with.”

He looked up slowly, fixed on a random spot next to my head. “Di… Did you sleep with her? That’s what this is about, right?”

I snorted, shooting him a hard look. “Yeah. She held out this long on you just to become my virginal fuck bunny. I like ‘em innocent and impressionable.”

His eyes grew dark, and he clenched his jaw, turning away from me. “You’ll have to excuse me, Michael. I just don’t understand what kind of twilight zone I wound up in. You two don’t even like each other.” His voice was laced with condescending sarcasm, and it almost concealed the underlying rage.

My temper spiked, and I wanted to reach out and shake him, to bruise him like he’d bruised Liz. “Where the hell have you <i>been</i>? We’re not in Roswell anymore, Toto. Things have changed. You can’t seriously be that blind.”

“<i>Blind</i>?” he shot back. “You mean I’m not seeing this clearly? You didn’t wait for a weak moment, and move in on Liz when she was vulnerable and confused?”

I smirked effortlessly and gave him a nonchalant shrug, knowing it would piss him off. “For once, you’re absolutely right, Maxwell. That’s not what happened at all.” I shook my head, laughing a little. “Buy a clue.”

He seemed shaken for a moment, off balance, and when he spoke again, his words had lost their venom. “It’s not like… I mean, this is <i>you</i>,” he said matter-of-factly. “You don’t feel anything for her. You can’t.” My fingertips bit into my arms as I instinctively tried to close my fists.

Burying my hands in my pockets, I cocked my head a bit and met his eyes. “Sure, Maxwell. You’d know better than anyone that it’s impossible to fall for Liz Parker.”

His face twisted, and an empty laugh trickled from his throat. “Who are you kidding, Michael? You think Liz could ever feel anything for you? That she could ever <i>be</i> with you? I never took you for the optimistic type.” He stepped toward me, stopping just out of reach. “You always wanted to be me. You wanted everything I had. The family, the powers, the <i>throne</i>… Guess it’s not a far stretch to want the girl, too, is it? Can’t find your own happiness, but you’re damn willing to steal mine.”

<i>We’re in Vegas. I should’ve put money on where this would go.</i>

“You get off on this. Reminding me that I’m beneath you, that you had everything I ever wanted. It just doesn’t have quite the same effect that it used to.” I pushed off the wall, drawing myself to my full height, and looked down at him. “I may have deferred to you in my last life, but that’s over. Out here, you’re nobody’s king. You’re a little boy who’s running scared. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re in the same boat here. I don’t envy you anything anymore. The key word is <i>had</i>. The throne is on Antar. Your family’s in Roswell. And the girl is with me.”

My eyes narrowed, and I dropped my voice. “I didn’t steal anything from you, Maxwell. You gave it away.” Brushing past him, I started back across the lot. “Find some new material.”

I could hear him fall in behind me. “How long do you think this can last, Michael? We both know you’re not good enough for her.” He scrambled in front of me, and I stopped just before we collided, meeting turbulent eyes. “Have you really fooled yourself into thinking you deserve her? All you can do is hurt her. What’s going to happen when she figures out what you really are, Michael? She’s pure, and you… Well, you’re a killer. It’s what you do. I’m your own brother, and you couldn’t care less what you’ve done to me. You’ll break her without thinking twice. And who do you think she’ll need to pick up the pieces?”

Clenching my jaw, I willed myself to stay calm. Raw energy coursed through me, aching for release, and I bit out a warning. “Move. Before I move you.”

Above his head, I could see Kyle and Isabel spill from their doorway, and seconds later Liz followed suit. Max stepped gingerly to the side, a bitter smile warping his features, and I strode purposefully back to the building, contemplating how many times I could blast the television and put it back together before the excess power drained. He followed me slowly as I made my way to my door.

Liz caught me before I could crash through it, looping her arms around my midsection and locking me in place. Her hair was brushed over her shoulder, hiding the discolored skin, and her eyes were soft, urging me to stop. I pulled her closer, smoothing a hand over the back of her head, trying to fight the anxious burning in my limbs. Her hand slipped to my side, seeking bare skin, and a cooling sensation spread over me, her tiny fingers absorbing my angry energy.

I turned in her arms, nudging her behind me as Kyle and Isabel closed the distance between us. Liz’s hand lingered at my waist, her fingertips whispering soothing words to my nerve endings. Max ground to a halt in front of us, taking in the group in front of him.

“Liz, can we talk?” His voice had lost its edge, reverting to the sweet, vulnerable strains he reserved for charming his way back into her good graces. “We could take a drive, someplace quiet…“

“Quiet? More like bound and gagged,” Kyle cut in. “We’ve all seen you <i>talk</i>. You really think we’d let her leave with you after what you pulled?”

<i>Is he joking? Or is that what he really sees?</i> I turned my head to look at him, trying to read his face, and Liz started to move. I looked down, panicked, as she stepped to my side, dragging her fingers along my waistline, never breaking the contact.

“We should talk, Max,” she said firmly. “We can – “

“<i>No.</i>” She brought pleading eyes up to my gaze, and I shook my head firmly. “It’s not gonna happen. No way in hell.” A barrage of warring emotion exploded under my skin, flowing freely from her palm, and I shut my eyes at the intensity. “You need to talk to him. I get that, Parker.” The energy receded, pulling back, and I took a deep breath, turning back to him, speaking in clipped sentences.

“No van. Public place. And I go with you.” She squeezed, pressing her hand into my skin, and relief flooded my pores.

“That’s not your call, Michael,” he said smugly, and I smirked, growling back at him.

“Nonnegotiable, Maxwell. Take it or leave it.”

He pressed his lips together, nodding in defeat, and Liz slipped her hand into mine, threading our fingers together. I turned to the couple on my right, trying to dissolve the apprehension etched on Isabel’s face. “Chill, Iz. He just needs to learn some things the hard way.” Kyle stepped forward, latching a hand on my arm.

“Are you sure you wanna do this, man?”

I nodded, my eyes wandering to the van as I stepped toward the street, Liz securely at my side. “No worries, Kyle. He tries anything, and I’ll make all your dreams come true.”


We walked in silence, Max trailing behind us. Liz held on to my hand, applying gentle pressure, letting me sort out my thoughts while we wandered down the crowded strip. Halfway down the long stretch, a sign caught my eye.

<i>The Mirage. Fitting.</i>

I jerked to a stop, and Liz let out a startled gasp as she was yanked back into me. “I know you’re not big on words, Michael, but a simple ‘stop’ would have sufficed,” she grumbled. I looked down, burying my face in the top of her head, and laughed into her hair.

“Sorry, Parker.”

She glanced around frantically, her eyes settling on the front of the hotel. Confused, I questioned her. “What?”

“You actually uttered an apology. No sarcasm, no verbal run-around, no provocation. That’s got to be the hand of Satan himself.” She looked up at me, eyes dancing, and a wide smile crept across her face. “So I’m waiting for that volcano to spout lava over the city and take us all directly to the inner circles of hell.”

“You’re hilarious. Really,” I said dryly, and she laughed softly.

“Are we going in or what?” Max’s sharp voice cut in, and I sighed heavily, tugging Liz toward the entrance.

We cut through the busy casino, stopping at a small pavilion with an empty stage. It was virtually deserted, but a few people milled around, nursing coffee and talking quietly. Music filtered through overhead speakers as I settled Liz into a seat, then turned to face Max.

“Behave,” I warned, standing back.

“Are you just going to hover over us for the entire conversation?”

I smirked, crossing my arms, and raised an eyebrow. “Seriously contemplating it.”

His eyes darkened, and he turned to face Liz, reaching for her hand across the table. She shrunk back slightly, and I grabbed his wrist, pressing a silent admonition into his skin. “Hands to yourself, Maxwell. <i>You don’t touch her.</i>” My palm was heating slowly, and he clenched his fist, his tendons standing out against my fingers.

“I could say the same to you,” he ground out.


I turned to Liz, finding calm eyes, and released him slowly, sliding into a table across from them. He spun back to her, lost expression firmly in place, and I rolled my eyes as the first few bars of Berlin’s “Take My Breath Away” strained over the noise of the crowd outside. <i>Great, he’s got a</i> soundtrack. <i>Could this be any more sickening?</i>

“Liz,” he started. “Things have been hard, I know that. But we need to get through this together. Remember, the way it used to be? You were always there for me, whenever I needed you, and that’s what’s important. We’ve gotten through tough times before, and we made it through because we had each other.”

<i>Obviously, it can.</i>

He smiled hesitantly at her. “I know you’re worried that we can’t go back, but we can. We always find a way. Whatever happened with Michael doesn’t matter. It’s forgiven.”

She held up a shaky palm before he could continue with his rant, her other arm dropping below the table. Her fingers gripped the side of her chair, and the color slowly drained from her knuckles, leaving them stark white splotches that bled into the rest of her golden skin. I could almost feel her over the small distance, trying to detach herself to get through what she needed to say. The silence stretched, and she kept her hand up as the music began to fade away.

Her voice picked up the vacant beat between songs, fighting to stay steady. “I don’t know what other comments you have prepared, but I need you to listen now.” His mouth opened, and she gave him a hard look, pushing her hand farther toward him. “Without interruptions.”

Grinning sheepishly, he hung his head, but the rest of his body didn’t follow suit. He sat stiffly in his seat, tapping a foot nervously, and his hand was tightly balled at his side. She dropped the barrier then, letting her hand fall to the table, and took a deep breath. Above my head, a deep baseline started, harsh in the aftermath of the weepy ballad that had come before.

“There was a time when all I wanted was to be with you. I loved being there for you, for all of you, doing what I could to help. I loved feeling like I was part of something bigger, something more important than I could ever be. Nothing was simple, nothing was easy, but I loved you, and that was enough.” She paused, and briefly my mind processed muffled words over the music.

<i>I’m full of regrets
For all the things that I have done and said</i>

“That time though, Max, has come and gone. Everything got so twisted… There are a lot of things I wish I could change, but nothing more than wishing I hadn’t let this go on for so long. I had no right…” Her eyes slipped closed, and she shook her head. “It wasn’t fair, not to you, and not to me.”

<i>And I don’t know
If it’ll ever be okay to show my face
Around here</i>

“A big part of me can’t help but feel responsible for all this. Where we are, the way you’ve changed…”

I shifted loudly in my seat, and her glance darted over to me. <i>Don’t go down that road, Parker. We’ve had this talk.</i> I shook my head, and she nodded, almost imperceptibly, before turning back to him.

“But it doesn’t solve anything. I know now that what’s done is done, and even we can’t undo the past.” A small, sad smile flashed across her lips, and then her face settled back into cool resolve.

<i>Sometimes I wonder if I disappear
Would you ever turn your head and look
See if I’m gone</i>

“The day I was shot, I <i>lost</i> myself. Part of me knew that, even then, but I thought I could find out who I was again, in you. Instead, I lost everything else. My family, my friends, my dreams… I tricked myself into thinking that I could follow you through the emptiness and feel like I still had something. That someone wanted me to find my way. At first you led me through, and I depended on that more than I should have. Even after you dropped my hand I could follow your voice, I still knew you were there. But somewhere along the way, Max, you stopped trying to find me. I can’t pinpoint when, but I know it’s true. Because I used to call out to you in the dark, and you’d answer. And now, all I get is an echo.”

Her voice trembled, and she stopped to swallow hard. “Nobody’s innocent here. We all have our demons. But this obsession with control, with holding on to me, is yours, and it’s eating you alive. We’re strangers now, Max, and we have been for awhile. There’s nothing left for us to go back to. Somewhere in your heart, you know that.”

<i>Cause I fear
There is nothing left to say to you
That you wanna hear
That you wanna know
I think I should go
The things I’ve done are way too shameful</i>

She sat back a little, her eyes dropping to the tabletop, and I released a jagged breath. “I’m finally out of the dark, Max. It’s terrifying, it’s unknown, but it’s living. And I’m ready for it now.”

He had lost his grin early in her musings, and the face left behind was hard, guarded. His eyes drank in her face, unblinking, and for a moment he didn’t even draw breath. I could almost see the wheels turning, figuring out how to spin the conversation, to twist her words to fit his needs.

<i>You’re just an innocent
A helpless victim of a spider’s web
And I’m an insect
Going after anything that I can get</i>

“I’m sorry that saving your life came at such a price, Liz,” he said softly. “There was a cost on both sides. It wasn’t an easy decision to make, but I couldn’t just let you die.”


Her head shot up, her voice instantly apologetic. “That’s not what I was saying, Max.”

He smiled tightly. “I didn’t think you looked at our relationship like… So many good things came from saving you, Liz. I saw your soul. I can’t see why you would ever want to change that.”

<i> So you better turn your head and run
And don’t look back</i>

“That’s the problem, Max. You can’t see. We were different people then. Whether I wanted it to change or not, the world changed around us, and you can’t just stand still. You either adapt, or you die.”

“But… we were so happy…” He stumbled through the words, and she tilted her head to one side, searching his face.

“Can you honestly tell me that you’re happy now?”

<i>Cause I fear
There is nothing left to say to you
That you wanna hear
That you wanna know
I think I should go
The things I’ve done are way too shameful</i>

“I’ve never been connected to anyone the way I’m connected to you.”

Reaching over, her fingers shifted through her hair, pressing into her bare skin. I winced involuntarily, knowing the pain it had caused her, and my shoulder stung in sympathy. “Did you feel that?”

“Why would I have felt that, Liz?” he asked, his voice teetering on boredom.

“I didn’t expect you to. Because we’re not connected anymore, Max.”

“Of course we are. We’ll always be connected,” he snapped.

“Back then, even at our worst, I knew you had <i>died</i>, with twenty states between us.” She shook her head softly. “I was dead for a long time after we left home, three feet away from you, and you never had a clue. Don’t you think that says something?”

Her calm words seemed to aggravate him further. “What’s happened to you? All I’ve ever wanted was you, Liz. We had a rough patch, but I thought I had you. You loved me, you trusted me. You still do. Where is all this coming from?”

“We had more than a <i>rough patch</i>, Max. We had enough disaster and catastrophe to create our own soap opera. It should have ended, over and over again. But we were both too lost to let go. I’m trying to fix that now, and you have to let me. Telling me how I feel doesn’t make it real.” His mouth moved wordlessly, and she finally got frustrated.

“You need proof that it’s over, Max? That the trust is long gone?” She swept her hair behind her shoulder, revealing her bruised skin to his unguarded eyes. He squinted at her, as if trying to focus, and she bit down on her bottom lip. “There’s no love in this.”

<i>And I’ve done you so wrong
Treated you bad
Strung you along
Oh, shame on myself
I don’t know how I got so tangled</i>

“Liz, what… How…?”

My anger rose to the surface, and I piped in bitterly. “What, you don’t remember? Check with your fingers, I think they left prints behind.” Liz shot me a quelling look, and I shrugged. “I know you’re running the show, and I’ve kept quiet this long. But he doesn’t get to play that card.” I turned back to him, sliding lower in my chair. “Cut the shit, Maxwell, that dish ain’t on the menu today.”

He shook his head frantically, staring at her with wide eyes. “Liz, I never meant to… I was thrown. There was too much going on… It wasn’t me.”

“It wasn’t the first time.” I snapped my head toward her, shocked at the words, and my fingers dug into my thigh. He looked taken aback, and she spoke again, firmly. “The phone call, Max. After Alex was killed.”

A spark of recognition lit his features, and his eyes closed tightly. “God, Liz, that was <i>different</i>… I was trying to protect you, to protect all of us.”

“It’s always different, isn’t it Max? Every time you lash out at someone like this, you always have a good reason. Something to justify it in your head. What is it this time?”

He ground his jaw shut, a nerve along the side jumping furiously under his skin. “Well it’s not every day you find out that the woman you just proposed to is screwing your best friend.”

She laughed softly, low in her throat, and his eyes flew open. “I knew you’d think of something.” Shaking her head, she leaned forward, her voice hard. “You really want to be in control, Max? Learn to control <i>yourself</i>.”

He reached out quickly, gripping her arm, and I shot out of my chair.

“I thought we were clear on this, Maxwell.” He swiped his eyes over Liz, then let go, scowling at me.

“We’re clear.”

I nodded, and Liz rose from her seat. Our palms met at my side, our fingers winding together, and I was cradled in the steady pulse of her energy.

“It’s in your hands now, Max,” she said softly. “And you have two. Did you even stop making excuses long enough to contemplate why there’s only one bruise?”

<i>You better turn your head and look
See if I’m gone…</i>

She squeezed my hand, merging her churning emotions with mine, and we slowly walked away.


“Precisely when were you going to tell me that he’s ventured through the Land of Domestic Abuse before?”

Liz sat down on the edge of the bed as I closed the door, her back to me. “It wasn’t an everyday thing, Michael. Tensions were running high, and I was shutting down, blocking out everything but finding out what really happened to Alex. You know what I was like then.” Stopping in front of her, I cupped her chin, raising her face to mine.

“Don’t make excuses for him. He’s not worth it.”

She shook her head, and I let my hand fall from her face, kneeling between her legs. “What happened?”

Her gaze found the floor, and she twisted her hands nervously in her lap. “I needed answers, Michael. I called the Swedish Embassy in Washington, looking for the building in the photo of Alex and ‘Leanna’. Max overheard me on the phone and drilled me about it. We argued…” She shrugged. “He grabbed my arm. It left a bruise.”

I brought my hand up to her bare arm, absently stroking the skin he’d grabbed moments earlier. “Are we done with the visual aide now?”

She nodded quickly, tucking her hair behind her ear. Shifting the strap of her shirt down her shoulder, I pressed my palm lightly over the dark patch of skin. The heat came quickly, bursting from my hand and into her bruised flesh, and as the crystalline glow began, disjointed audio started to play in my head.

<i>”What the hell were you and Sean Deluca doing here last night?”</i>

<i>”Who were you just talking to?”</i>

<i>”This has to stop. I will consider the possibility that Alex was killed by an alien if you consider the possibility that he killed himself.”</i>

<i>”You have nothing to lose here, and we have everything to lose.”</i>

A faint throb started in my forearm, the air around it becoming an invisible hand. The energy faded, and I pulled in fresh oxygen, my ears ringing with Max’s voice.

“<i>Jesus…</i>” My free hand rubbed harshly at my skin, still tingling from the flash’s phantom touch. <i>What the hell?</i>

Liz pulled her eyebrows together, peering at me curiously. “Michael, what…” Her fingertips grazed my aching arm, sliding against my fingers. “Did it hurt you?”

My hand still rested on her shoulder, the skin beneath it restored, and tiny slivers of fear were slicing open my palm. I shook my head. “Calm yourself, Parker. You worry too much.” I braced myself on the bed, one hand on either side of her, and kissed her mended collar, her skin still warm from my efforts. The tip of my tongue traced slow circles over the smooth surface, and she shivered, running her fingers through my hair.

A frenzied thought burned across my brain, and my head shot up suddenly.

“It didn’t hurt you, did it?”

Her mouth curved gracefully, the corners stretching for the heavens. “<i>No</i>. Absolutely not. It felt wonderful, Michael.” She bent forward, brushing her lips across my forehead, and whispered against my skin. “Calm yourself, Guerin, you worry too much.”

“Oh, you’re just on a roll today,” I mumbled, pulling back to look at her. Smirking, I ran a hand up her thigh, winding the other around her back, and stood up, throwing her over my shoulder. She shrieked in surprise, clutching my shirt, and I swatted the back of her legs playfully. “Still have jokes?”

“Michael, put me down!”

I let her slip lower down my back, and her calves curled tightly around my arm. “What happened to your sense of humor, Parker?”

Laughing, she surrendered. “I think the vertigo scared it away. I’m done, I swear.”

Nodding, I flipped her over, tossing her onto the bed, and crawled into the space next to her. She was still giggling, and her face was flushed with deep, dusty rose, her dark hair a tousled halo around her head. I brought a hand to her face, trailing my fingers over her features, and my breath caught in my chest.

“<i>Beautiful.</i>” The word was soft, barely a whisper, but she smiled brightly, turning her head to kiss my fingertips.

I curled my hand around her nape, drawing her down to me. I could feel her soft breath on my face, and she paused to lock her eyes on mine in the seconds before my lips met their goal. Then there was only her, us, the warmth of our embrace outdone only by the slow burn of her energy, slipping beneath my skin, heating me from the inside.


The seconds had stretched to days, years, millennia. Time was a distant memory. I could have easily believed that the world had stopped abruptly, that life outside had ceased to be. All I knew was the sweet mouth fused to mine, the soft skin under my hands, and the magnetic pull Liz’s life force, warming my blood, teasing my pulse, coaxing my heart into matching her unique rhythm.

I was ripped from my hypnotic reverie by the sound of a throat clearing harshly, and I groaned, reluctantly opening my eyes. Liz was sprawled over me, her hair forming a thick curtain around us, and I had to push it aside to see the rest of the room.

“Dammit, Valenti, don’t you have anything better to do?!? Your timing is priceless,” I growled. My gaze shifted from him to a tired-looking Isabel, the closed door at her back. “And this time you brought an accomplice. Wonderful.”

“Third time’s a charm.” His voice was devoid of all emotion, and I frowned, staring at him. Liz rolled to the side, and I sat up, my brows furrowed. He ran a hand through his hair and looked down, his face grave.

“What is it?” When he didn’t answer, I explored other avenues. “Isabel?”

“I have no clue. He went to get lunch and came back all cryptic. Without food.” She shook her head, shrugging stiffly. “I couldn’t get anything out of him, Michael. I tried, and he brought me in here.”

“I’m still here.” He looked up at her, waving one hand. “<i>Yoo-hoo</i>. Third person’s not necessary.”

“Then talk to me, Kyle! <i>What’s wrong</i>?” He shuffled over to the door, wrapping her in his arms, and she squeezed him tightly. “It’s too much… I’m starting to freak here.”

I waited for his ever-present sarcasm to diffuse the tension, but his words met my ears, choppy and broken as they fell from his lips.

“We’ll be alright, Princess. I promise you that. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. We’ll be okay…”

Icy panic spread through my veins, and my eyes met Liz’s, both sets of retinas silently screaming the same syllable.



“Are you sure you didn’t run him over? Cause in that case, I’d be willing to break it to them.”

Kyle shook his head absently, pushing me into place between Liz and Isabel, then walked backward a few feet, stopping directly across from me. Taking a deep breath, he turned to Liz.

“You can do this?” She nodded mutely, and I looked back and forth between them, wondering what I was missing. I looked over at Isabel, only to find her staring at Liz, her eyes soft with sympathy. Annoyed, I broke the sudden silence.

“Some of us still don’t have a clue what’s going on.”

Kyle chuckled, nodding in my direction. “You’d think he’d be used to it by now.” Growling, I pinned him with a stare, and he wiped his smile away. “Play nice. Just take Liz and Isabel’s hands, everything else will be self-explanatory.”

Isabel slipped her hand in mine while my other hand engulfed Liz’s. Waves of uncertainty were lapping against my skin, tinged with fear, and I pressed my thumb into her palm, still thoroughly confused. Kyle wrapped his fingers around Isabel’s free hand and turned back to Liz.

“Whenever you’re ready.”

She took a deep breath, slowly reaching for Kyle’s outstretched hand, and I took in the group. We were huddled in a small cluster at the foot of the bed, paired off, linked together, and realization hit me hard.

<i>Four square.</i>

The tips of Liz’s fingers grazed Kyle’s skin, and I was instantly aware of the people around me. I could feel them all, three separate, distinct energies.

The familiar hum of Liz was dulled by the new additions, and I squeezed her hand tightly. My breathing slowed, and the sound of multiple heartbeats filled my ears, amplifying slowly until there was one solid rhythm. I could feel Isabel’s fingers stiffen slightly, then relax, and her eyes slipped closed. Kyle’s eyes were shut tightly, and his hand was still molding to Liz’s. I turned my head in the millisecond before their contact was complete, expecting her eyes to be closed as well. But they were wide open, the pupils black and enlarged.

And she was glowing.

Then her fingers closed completely over Kyle’s hand. Images poured into my head, translucent over the sight of Liz lit up like a Christmas tree, and I had to shut my eyes to see them clearly.

<i>Max was standing outside a room, </i>this<i> room, his head peering slightly through the cracked door. He looked faint, muted by a thick fog that clung to him with disturbing intensity. I crept silently toward him, and my ears caught a scream, followed by the melodic peal of Liz’s laughter in the background. He closed the door softly, turning away, and stepped fully into the light.

He was covered in a cloud of color, the garish haze swirling around him. It was a rich charcoal at the base, murky, and splotches of deep sulfur and sickly orange cut through in jagged streaks. An opaque layer of blazing red covered everything, throbbing violently.

“See anything interesting, Max?” a curious voice rang out, and Max looked toward me.

No, not just me. </i>Us.<i>

I could feel the others clearly, as if we four separate energies had been crammed inside a single body. The mystery male spoke again, and a strange tickle started at the base of my throat, as if my vocal chords were producing the sound. Then my brain processed the voice.

“I’m assuming you learned things the hard way.”

</i>Kyle. We’re all in Kyle’s head.<i>

“He healed her,” Max said dejectedly, his eyes wide.

“Yeah. He’s been doing that for awhile. Healing her.”

Max shook his head rapidly. “Michael can’t heal. He can’t. He’s too weak, he doesn’t trust himself enough…”

Kyle’s low laughter vibrated through my chest, angry in my ears. “And yet, you saw it with your own eyes. Obviously things have progressed.”

“She let him… How could she do that?”

“</i>She<i> trusts him. They’re connected. You remember what that was like, don’t you Evans?”

He screwed his eyes shut, clenching his fists, and the ball of colored gas around him started to shift. We stepped closer, eyeing the tears silently rolling down his cheeks, and he swiped at his skin with the back of his arm.

“No need to be embarrassed. I can see it anyway.” Tiny spots of green had broken through the dim gray, slicing through to chip away at the crimson veil. “Epiphanies are powerful things.” Kyle’s voice had softened, and we had stopped just outside the dense cloud.

“I hurt her, Kyle,” he rasped, his voice broken. “Then, now, it’s all a big blur. And not just Liz. I hit Michael, I almost killed that Leanna girl, I attacked Tess trying to make her shapeshift…”

“Well, in hindsight, we should probably congratulate you on that.”

The blots of green were growing slowly, creating a network of tiny veins of light, and the angry red was dimming. He put a hand to his chest, panting.

“I don’t know how to fix it. I’m not even sure I can.” His voice was empty, and he fixed vacant eyes on us. “I didn’t want this for her, for any of you.”

“She’s making things right for herself. We all are. You need to do the same.”

“How do I do that?” he asked hopefully.

“Wish I could tell you. But even I am not that wise. Hard as it may be to believe.” Max’s face broke into a small smile at Kyle’s crack, and the green patches pulsed. “You’re on your way, man. The blindfold is gone now. That’s the first step. But before you can truly </i>see<i>, you have to let your eyes adjust.”

“See what, Kyle?”

“The real world, Evans. What you’ve been blocking out for years. It’ll be confusing, and frustrating, and probably painful as all hell.”

“Can’t wait,” he said dryly.

“You’ve already started, Max. Liz and Michael? </i>That’s<i> the real world.”

He looked panicked for a moment, and inhaled swiftly. “I can’t do this,” he said softly.

“Yes you can.”

“No,” he shot back, gesturing wildly at the door. “</i>This<i>. I can’t just sit and watch them together. It’s too much to ask, Kyle. I’m not strong enough. I can’t handle it. I </i>can’t<i>… I can’t be here.”

“Evans…” Kyle said, distressed.

He started to back away, shaking his head. “You said I need to fix this for myself. I can’t do that near them, near </i>her<i>. Please, Kyle… Make Isabel understand. </i>I have to do this.<i> It’s the only way to make things right. It’s the only way…” He stopped at his room, his hand on the doorknob. “Tell them I’m sorry,” he said quietly, and disappeared inside.</i>

As the extra energy dissipated, my pulse slowly became my own again.

<i>Jesus, Maxwell, what did you do?</i>

Isabel ripped her hand from mine, and I blinked rapidly as my vision cleared. Kyle was crouched on the floor, and Liz was in a crumpled heap at my feet. I dropped to my knees next to her, cradling her head in my hands.

“Liz?” I asked frantically. “Parker. Wake up, baby.” I lowered my ear to her lips, feeling her shallow breath tickle my skin, and scooped her into my arms, laying her gently on the bed. Isabel rushed to her, kneeling by the side of the bed, running her hands through Liz’s hair. Kyle paced behind me, and I whirled on him, furious.

“<i>What the fuck is going on?</i>”

He was watching her intently, unfazed by my outburst. “She overdid it…” Isabel answered for him, and I turned back to her.

“<i>What?</i>” I growled. “Iz, I have no clue what’s happening, but <i>somebody’s</i> gonna tell me before I completely lose it.”

She didn’t answer, her attention focused solely on the girl in her hands. Isabel stood, walking to the other side of the bed, and stretched out next to Liz. “I think I can get in,” she said softly, closing her eyes. I stood frozen, transfixed by the scene, and Kyle’s words, whispered repeatedly behind me, did nothing to alleviate the confusion.

“<i>I’m sorry…</i>”

<i>The weight of the world has fallen
And the rubble is at my feet
The voice of a girl is calling
I can hear her but she’s buried so deep
And all my truths are broken
They’re fragments of love and hate
The words that remain are a token
Of honesty that came too late…</i>

Last edited by Dimensia on Fri Mar 18, 2005 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
{ Polarist | Incrowder | Drifter | X-tremer | Lollie | Cheerleader | Stud }
{ Here Without You | Taking Over Me }
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Chapter Eleven A

Post by Dimensia »

<b>CHAPTER ELEVEN » </b><i>As the World Falls Down</i>

“She’ll be okay. She has to be.” Kyle laid a gentle hand on my arm, and I shrugged him off. Every second felt like an hour, and I had no grasp on how much time had gone by.

Suddenly, Isabel’s eyes flew open, and a strangled sob filled the room. “<i>God…</i>” Kyle was next to her in a flash, leaving me rooted in place.

“Izzy? What is it?”

Her wide eyes darted around frantically, then settled on me. “Michael, your connection! She’ll let you in. We have to hurry…”

“What?” I asked dumbly.

She scrambled off the bed, yanking me toward Liz’s still form, and began to ramble. “I found her, I could see her, I called to her but she won’t come to me. I scared her… She’s not going to let me help her. You can.” She pushed me onto the bed next to Liz, then settled into the space at her other side. “Can you feel her, Michael?”

“I can always feel her,” I whispered, stretching a hand toward her face. My palm curved around her cheek, and I brushed my thumb over her lips. But the familiar rush of energy didn’t come, and my blood ran cold. “<i>No…</i>”

“No?” Kyle echoed. I pressed my skin closer, to no avail.

“I can’t...” My throat constricted, and I couldn’t bring myself to finish the sentence. Both of my hands were on her now, cradling her face, and a cruel emptiness was beginning to creep into my chest. “Parker…”

“No, Michael, she’s there!” Isabel cried. “You have to get her out. I can’t do it, she won’t let me.” Kyle sat down next to Isabel’s head, pulling her halfway into his lap. “I hurt her. She trusted me, and I <i>did</i> this. I didn’t mean to…”

<i>She trusted me…</i>

Sliding one hand down Liz’s neck, I spread my fingers over a golden shoulder that had been black and blue less than an hour ago. My fingertips pressed lightly into the skin, and I lowered my palm to rest flush against it.

The emotion didn’t engulf me as usual. It barely registered a tingle against my nerves, but it was there. The undeniable sensations coming from her almost made me recoil, but I kept my hand on her collar, fearful of losing the connection.

“Isabel,” I panted. “I’ve got her.”

Warm tears sprang to my eyes, a physical manifestation of the tiny bursts of agony flowing into my fingers. I fought to breathe, choking out jumbled words. “Oh god Iz, she’s <i>terrified</i>…”

Throwing her palm over my hand, she issued quick orders, her self-flagellation on hold. “Don’t think about it. It’s important, Michael. Whatever you’re feeling, don’t bring it in there with you. You’ll only make it worse. <i>Clear your mind</i>. Just concentrate on getting her out.”

I nodded, not understand anything, and she closed her eyes and pressed her other hand to Liz’s temple. The room swirled, then faded away, and I was engulfed in darkness.


I’d been walking down the seemingly endless hallway for ages, trying to feel my way through the blackness. Isabel had stayed hidden, acting as an invisible link into Liz’s subconscious. The fear bleeding under my skin increased with every step I took, guiding me in the right direction. I could feel a steady gust of wind on my face, pushing desperately at me, trying to alter my course.

<i>I’m close…</i>

A fierce wave of emotion hit me suddenly, cold and clammy, and I doubled over. I could make out a sliver of light at my feet, and my eyes grew wide. Turning, I sought the source of illumination, and found a crack in the dirt wall to my left, floor to ceiling. The breach was narrow, too small to even fit my hand inside, and I pressed myself against the packed earth, fighting to see what was on the other side. A powerful tide of petrified energy seeped through the tiny space, crawling over my exposed skin.

A tiny room had been hollowed into the dirt. The only occupants were the lit candle in a far corner, and Liz, curled into a ball against the back wall. She rocked herself ever so slightly, her arms wrapped tightly around her knees, and her eyes were open, unblinking, unseeing.

Now that I’d found her, I had no idea what to do.

I slid down the wall, crouching low to the ground, and called out to her, my voice barely above a whisper.

“Liz.” She didn’t seem to notice my presence at all, and her gentle rocking continued. I tried again, raising my voice a little, but there was no change.

Finally, I ran a dusty hand over my face and let my tone return to normal.


Her head snapped up, whipping around toward my voice.

“Michael?” she whispered. “How did you get here?” The thick blanket of fear in the air thinned a bit, and I expelled a long breath.

“I followed the bread crumbs,” I deadpanned. “Tasty.” Shifting on the soil, she slowly began to crawl toward me, and I unconsciously tried to move closer. She stopped a few inches from the thick wall, blocking out most of the light, and I could barely make out her tear-streaked face.

“I’m not gonna make you come out, Liz,” I said softly. She shut her eyes, and fresh tears escaped.

I changed position, settling myself on the ground, and her eyes flew open. “Go about your business, Parker, don’t mind me.”

“What are you doing?”

“Getting comfortable.” I raised an eyebrow at her. “You expected me to leave you down here?”

“But, you said…” She trailed off, confused.

“I said I wouldn’t make you leave. That doesn’t mean I’m going anywhere.”

She looked at me with wide eyes, brimming with tears, and raw pain gripped my heart. “You can’t stay. It’s lonely here, Michael. It’s dark and cold and – “

“Safe,” I interjected. “That is why you’re here, isn’t it?” She didn’t answer, and I leaned my face closer to the wall. “You’re safe with us, Liz. With Kyle and Isabel and I, out there. You’re safe with <i>me</i>. If I do nothing else in life, I will make sure of that.”

“I know,” she whispered, trembling.

I sat back, giving her a little more breathing room. “That will still be true whenever you decide to come out of there.”

“It’s never been this bad before, Michael, I’ve always been able to get out. I could be stuck here for all I know.”

I chuckled, locking my eyes on hers. “It’s your wall, Parker. You put it up, you can bring it down.”

Biting her lip, she averted her gaze. “I don’t want to stay here,” she said quietly, testing the words. She took a deep breath and repeated herself, firmly. “I don’t want to stay here.”

She turned quickly back to me, her eyes hopeful but unsure. “You’re not leaving?”

“Hadn’t planned on it. Not without you.”

She stood, nodding, and a brief smile flashed across her face. “I don’t suppose you have a plan.”

I scratched my eyebrow, climbing to my feet. “Well, unless you want me blasting around in your head… I suggest we start digging.”


The familiar sight of the motel room settled around me, and I groaned, struggling to sit up. Isabel and Kyle were staring down at me, and I could feel Liz stirring in my arms.

“How long were we under?” I asked blankly.

“Uh…” Kyle glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand. “About ten minutes.”

“Bullshit. It took me over an hour just to find her, and we were tunneling through that damn wall forever.” I flexed my fingers, one hand still curled around Liz’s shoulder, and she moaned.

I nudged her gently, dropping my lips to her ear. “Come on, sleepyhead. I dug my ass off, and I’m awake already.” Her eyes fluttered open, and I pulled my head back, running my hand up and down her arm, reveling in the steady purr of her energy.

She smiled sleepily, raising her hand to trail a finger down my jaw. “Michael…” I turned my head and pressed a soft kiss to her palm.

Then Isabel flung herself at Liz, cracking me on the forehead and knocking Kyle off the bed in the process.

“<i>Ow</i>,” I grunted, pushing the heel of my hand to my brow bone.

“Ditto,” Kyle chimed in from the floor.

Liz was struggling to breathe in Isabel’s fierce embrace, and I tried futilely to pry her fingers away. “Iz… What’s with the death grip?”

Kyle pulled himself back on to the mattress, grimacing.

“Princess, I think Liz could use some breathing room, don’t you?” His eyes settled on hers, almost pleading. “It’s a little soon for us to be crowding her.”

She jumped clear across the room, her cheeks flaming, and fixed her eyes on the floor. “Sorry,” she mumbled under her breath. Liz sat up slowly and looked at her intently.

“It’s okay, Isabel,” she said, smiling reassuringly at the tall blonde. “<i>Really</i>. It’s alright.” Liz stood and walked shakily to her, slipping her hand into Isabel’s.

<i>Why is everybody talking in code?</i> I cleared my throat, clapping my hands together. “<i>Okay</i>. Answer time.” I looked between them, my eyebrows raised. “Anybody wanna tell me why we were all in the hobbit’s head?” Isabel’s face drained of color, and she spun quickly and flew out the door, dragging Liz with her. Kyle hopped off the bed and followed them without hesitation.

I pushed myself to my feet, grumbling as I made my way toward the door. “Guess not.”

Isabel was calling for him before she even got to his room, pausing briefly to pass her hand over the lock. She threw the door open, looking around wildly.

“Max?!?” She stumbled into the bathroom, flicking on the light. Kyle had followed behind her, trying to calm her down, and Liz was standing in the middle of the room, looking a little lost. I had planted myself in the open doorway, watching the scene unfold. Isabel had resorted to searching the small closet, and Kyle tried to reason with her.

“I don’t think he’s hiding behind the ironing board, Princess.”

“He didn’t just <i>leave</i>, Kyle,” she snapped back. “He wouldn’t do that.”

I spoke quietly from my spot in the entryway. “He’s done a lot of things we never thought he’d do, Iz.”

Kyle nudged Liz with an elbow, and she snapped out of her trance. “Can you…?” She shook her head rapidly, worrying her bottom lip, silently reminding me that I still had no idea what was happening. When she spoke, her voice was soft, detached.

“What if he… did something to himself?”

Isabel’s head snapped up swiftly, and Kyle ran a hand through his hair, stopping mid-swipe to gesture around the empty space. “This room obviously didn’t fall victim to spontaneous alien combustion. Do you see any piles of Max-shaped dust lying around?”

Pausing, he took a deep breath, briefly closing his eyes and rolling his head toward the ceiling.

“Look, he wasn’t planning to off himself. I know that much, I saw it. We’ve searched the room, his bag isn’t here. He’s gone.”


Liz settled a silent Isabel into the van while Kyle packed up their things. I emerged from my room, my bag on my back and Liz’s tucked under my arm, and he jogged toward the office to check us out. Liz hopped down onto the pavement as I tossed our bags inside.

“Well, I spent my morning fumbling through the dark corners of my girlfriend’s subconscious,” I drawled, crossing my arms. “Explanation time.”

She looked up at me, her eyes begging for my understanding. “Michael, can we not do this now? There’s too much going on to get into it. Max is gone, Isabel isn’t talking… and on top of that, she thinks she hurt me.”

“What could she have done to hurt you?!?” I swiped a hand over my face, my fingers digging into my temple. “This doesn’t make any sense. You put yourself in there, Parker. I want to know why.” A bitter laugh spilled from my lips. “Apparently everyone else already does.”

“It’s not important…” Her face clouded with apprehension, and she dropped her head, hiding behind her hair. “I’m gonna get her some water,” she mumbled, starting toward the lobby, and I stared dumbly after her.

Behind me, Isabel began to speak softly. “Don’t push her, Michael. It’s a lot to deal with.” She shifted to the edge, swinging her legs outside the door, and I sat down beside her.

“She speaks,” I cracked, looking over at her, and sighed heavily. “I just wanna know what’s happening to her, Iz. Something’s wrong with her. I can’t help her unless I know what it is.”

“You’ve <i>been</i> helping her,” she said, laying a hand over mine. “Don’t forget that.”

I dropped my head back, shifting on the floor, and Kyle’s haphazardly packed duffel fell across my lap.

“Crap,” I mumbled, frustrated. The contents were littered around the van, and a few things had dropped to the ground outside. I stuffed handfuls of items back into the bag as Isabel leaned over, trying to retrieve whatever had escaped the van. She’d reach up ever so often and place things on the floor, and I’d shove them inside and make room for more.

“Hold on,” she called out as I started to close the bag. “There’s something underne – “ She froze, bent in half, and the words died in her throat. I peered around her, trying to see her face. She sat up slowly, clutching something with a white hand, her mouth slack and her eyes wide.


She was gripping a set of photos, her thumb pressed down so hard they were creasing in the center. I squinted to get a better look, and when my eyes focused, a glossy, smiling Max and Isabel stared back at me, their arms wound around each other.

“Oh god,” she wailed, scooting to the back wall, the prints dropping to the carpeted floor. She curled into a ball, wrapping her arms around her ankles, and began to shake her head slowly, her eyes welling with tears.


“How could he do this, Michael? He said that everything would be better, but it isn’t. It can’t be, he’s <i>gone</i>. He didn’t even try. He just left.” Sobs wracked her body, and her voice pushed through them, strained and cracking. “What about our enemies? He’s all alone out there, Michael. The government, the skins, anything could happen to him. They’ll find him, they’ll… they’ll do things to him. <i>Why is he doing this?</i> Kyle said he was getting better, he could have changed… He said things would change, he <i>told</i> me. I thought he would be okay… But he lied to me.” Her hand swiped at her nose, and I looked on helplessly. “He left me. He didn’t even say goodbye, he just left me. Everyone leaves me.”

“Hey,” I cut in. “I’m not going anywhere.” Planting a finger under her chin, I made her look at me. “And I’m pretty sure you’re stuck with Kyle.”

One corner of her mouth tugged upward, and she met my eyes. Then her face crumbled, and her tears unleashed a fierce storm on my skin. “Our lives weren’t supposed to be like this. <i>I’m losing everyone I love.</i>” She jerked her head away, falling to her side on the floor. “Why can’t we go back, Michael? Not home… I don’t know where home is anymore. But there has to be something better than this. I want to be happy. Don’t we deserve to be happy?” She closed her eyes. “I just want to feel safe again…”

I fingered the picture at my side, tracing the image of a smiling Isabel. It slid along the floor, revealing the photo underneath, and I held the new image with a shaky hand.

Liz was leaning into me, her face nestled in my neck, and I was wrapped around her, my head on her shoulder, my eyes blissfully closed. The canyon stretched out behind us, and we clung desperately to each other, each the other’s anchor, guarding against the perilous fall just beyond.

The sound of Isabel’s sobs wrenched at my heart, and I clenched my jaw, willing the tears not to come. I stared blankly at the image before me, until it was nothing but a muddled block of color and light, and took a deep breath.

“We can go back,” I whispered.

I knew she wouldn’t hear me, but the words came anyway, and I wondered if they’d been meant for her at all.


By the time Liz and Kyle returned to the van, Isabel had cried herself to sleep. I was sitting next to her, propped against the side of the van, one arm thrown over her shoulders.

“What happened?” Kyle asked, scrambling inside.

“She broke, man,” I said quietly. “The Ice Queen can’t hold out forever, she had to melt down sometime.” He stroked her cheek, pushing her hair off her face. Liz climbed in behind him, crouching in front of me, and I looked away.

“Max took his share of the savings, some of the supplies… We’ll have to stock up again before too long.”

She laid a hand gingerly on my leg, trying to meet my eyes, and I pushed past her, stepping outside to air out my frustration. “Look, we’ve already decided that we need to get the hell outta dodge.”

I gestured at the pictures strewn about the floor, and Kyle gathered a few in his fingers, lifting them to the light. “It’s a good place for now. Iz felt safe there, and it’s only a couple hours away. We’re still good on funds, we can just lay low for a couple days, come up with something from there.” I squinted at him, scratching at my eyebrow. “What do you think?”

He nodded, looking back down at Isabel. “Sounds like a plan.”

Liz crawled to the edge of the van. “Michael – “

“Save it,” I bit out. “Don’t bother with the apology or the excuse. Cause in the end, all it comes down to is you not trusting me, Parker. Otherwise you would have told me the truth. So don’t even waste your breath.” I shrugged, shoving my hands into my pockets. “It’s not important, right?”

She flinched, and Kyle looked between us, his brows knitted together. “Liz, can you stay with Isabel?” She nodded quickly, and he gave her a penetrating look. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m… it’s fine,” she mumbled, turning away.

Kyle glared at me, and I rolled my eyes, pushing a hand through my hair. “Are you driving or am I?”

“We can talk about this later, man. Just cool it for a bit.” He kept his eyes locked on me, silent for a moment. Finally he turned behind him, where Liz was stretching out next to Isabel. “I will.”

I swung the doors closed and pulled myself into the passenger seat. “Fine. Let’s get this show on the road.” He settled in beside me, turning the key in the ignition, and the ancient engine sprang to life.

Sighing, he looked over at me. “What about Evans?”

I twisted in my seat, raking my eyes over the bodies huddled together in the back. I stared for a long moment, taking in Isabel’s tear-stained face, the frown etched into her features, the tiny shivers that emanated from Liz and traveled to the sleeping girl next to her. Clenching my fists, I turned back to Kyle, my voice hard.

“Fuck him.”


The hole we’d tunneled, just big enough for Liz to crawl through, was still there, but she was nowhere to be found. I tore down the dark hallway, temporarily blinded by my surroundings, screaming for her at the top of my lungs. In the distance, a faint glow called to me, growing in intensity as I neared the end of the passage.

I burst into the light, skidding to a halt, and threw my arms out wildly, fighting for balance. When my feet were firmly planted, I looked around frantically, confused. To my left, there was a deep ravine, seemingly bottomless and darker than the night, echoing with the cries of those its eerie depths had already claimed. On the right, several stories below, a sea of broken glass was scattered over the ground. Razor-sharp pieces were embedded in the soil, glinting menacingly, each edge and sharp point ready to draw blood. In the center of the madness, a brilliant ball of light was hovering above the ground, pulsing audibly.

I was balanced on a solid wall, the rock nearly a foot thick, stretching out as far as I could see, and even from above, I recognized it instantly.

<i>Not another head trip. I’ve had enough for today.</i>

My eyes caught movement ahead, and I started to walk, placing my feet carefully. She came into focus quickly, and I sped up, stopping a few feet from her. She was perched on the edge of the wall, clad in the tattered dress from my sketch, her legs dangling over the glass below.

“I do trust you, Michael. You don’t ever have to doubt that.” I looked around blindly, and she jumped to her feet, perfectly centered on the wall beneath her. My heart skipped at the motion, and I automatically reached out to steady her. She shook her head, evading my hands. “I’m not the one in danger of falling here, Michael. How long are you going to keep this up?”

I pulled my hands back, looking away from her. “Nothing can touch me up here.”

“You say that like it’s a good thing.” I whipped my head around, and she started at me with sad eyes. “That ‘nothing’ includes me, Michael. Is that what you want?”

“But you’re here,” I argued weakly.

She shook her head, frowning. “I can’t stay. And neither can you.”

“It’s not that simple, Liz. You can’t exactly help me here.”

Her hand reached toward my face, and she stopped it halfway to its destination, pulling it back to her side. “If you want my help, you have it. Always. But I can’t make the decision for you.”

The pulsing behind us got louder, and the light began to grow. I stomped a foot, feeling the rock under my boot. “I can’t just dig out of this one, Parker.”

“Solid stone is just sand and water, Michael. And a million years gone by.”

She locked her eyes on mine, and I reached toward her, my arms encircling her waist. The ground began to shake violently, and my ears were assaulted with the sound of glass against glass. A low rumble started at the base of the wall, and I clutched her tighter as the light became blinding, threatening to swallow us both. Her face was buried in my arm, and she smiled against my skin, the smile turning to laughter as I pulled my head back to look at her.

Softness brushed my arms at her back, and my eyes widened as majestic wings unfurled behind her, the same regal lines and curves that I had committed to paper. They cut lightly through the air, and the breeze settled over my skin. A soft finger traced over my face, and she shook her head softly.

“I’m not letting you go, Michael.”

She wrapped her arms around me, and I closed my eyes, letting the words wash over me, and pulled her closer. We hovered there, bathed in vibrant light, as the stone crumbled beneath our feet.


continued below...
{ Polarist | Incrowder | Drifter | X-tremer | Lollie | Cheerleader | Stud }
{ Here Without You | Taking Over Me }
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Chapter Eleven B

Post by Dimensia »

“Hey,” Kyle’s voice cut in. He shoved against my arm, and I woke with a start. “We’re here.” I could see the campground spread out through the windshield, and ran a rough hand over my face. Kyle opened his door, dropping to the ground, and I turned to the rear.

My eyes locked on Liz’s before my head stopped moving, and we stared at each other silently. Isabel was still asleep, her head in Liz’s lap, and she was soothingly stroking Isabel’s hair. Then she smiled softly, knowingly, and I looked away, stumbling from the van. Kyle threw the side doors open, walking out to a bare patch of grass, and I followed quickly.


He grimaced at my tone. “You sure you don’t want to hear this from her?”

“Would’ve been nice,” I said dryly. “But life’s full of disappointment.”

“She wasn’t trying to keep it from you, man.” I cut him off with a level glare, and he looked away. “The abridged version… Liz is the reason we were all able to share one connection. But the control she has on that power is delicate, and it’s easy to overload. Sustaining a link with all three of us, especially with Isabel’s heightened emotions and the connection she already has with you, was too much for her. She couldn’t handle it. Hence, the mental hide and seek.”

<i>And that means… what, exactly?</i> I scratched my eyebrow and ground out my disapproval with his explanation. “Why don’t we try the unabridged version?”

He took a deep breath. “You sure? It’s a little… complex. We’re talking <i>seriously</i> unabridged.”

“Try me.”

He gave me a curious look, but obliged. “We’re not like you,” he started simply. “We were born human, and ultimately, our bodies weren’t meant to have this kind of power. For awhile, we thought that the emergence of her powers was painful because her body had to adjust. Then, when mine showed up and I coasted through the whole process, we threw that theory out. But we were looking at it the wrong way…’

“Your powers are connected to your emotions. Ergo, the walking time bomb you’d turn into whenever you’d have serious problems with Maria.” I glared at him, but nodded in agreement, and he continued. “It’s the same with Iz. You both have powers that were engineered with you, in your spacey genes, but they’re triggered by your human side. There’s a balance there that we don’t have. There <i>are</i> no little blood blueprints that tell our bodies what we can do. Sure, the molecular structure mumbo jumbo was there, but that signature gift had to be created from scratch. So when we changed, the basis of power had to change with us. Instead of being controlled by our emotions, they built around them.” I shot him a blank look, and he let out an exasperated puff of air. “Buddha was spiritually advanced enough to be able to read auras. Very few people are. My enlightenment is very important to me, it’s a huge part of who I am, and I was already well on my way to a higher plane when my powers manifested. So, they adapted to my emotions. To my life.”

His words began to make sense, and I nodded as they slowly sunk in. “Wait, how is that connected to Liz and her premonitions? I’m pretty sure she wasn’t Miss Cleo before she had powers.”

Chuckling, he clicked his tongue, a pained look on his face. “I’ve given you far too much credit, young grasshopper. The premonitions are just a part of her true power. Like a side effect.”

<i>What’s more powerful than being able to see the future?</i>

Looking over, he squinted at me, and I could tell he was sifting through the hazy layers around my form. He cracked a small smile, then turned away. “Being able to do this is rare. I mean, if the concentration is there, the focus, then anyone is capable of seeing auras to some degree. Faintly, and briefly. But the odds of being able to see every layer and color are slim. And seeing them constantly, every minute of every day, and reading them flawlessly is damn near impossible. But it’s what I can do.”

“And what’s the color for modesty?”

“Funny, Gigantor.” He shook his head rapidly, pursing his lips, and then sighed. “It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Sometimes it sucks. But it’s a gift. And I’m telling you about it to help you understand Liz’s.” My mouth dropped open, ready to tell him to get to the point, and he turned toward me, more serious than I’d ever seen him. “You never wondered why the premonitions weren’t constant? Why she had to get the visions through touch? Why she wasn’t just bombarded with random pieces of the future? Come on, Guerin. You’re smarter than that. The woman in the Crashdown. The little boy in the parking lot. <i>Us</i> at graduation. Connect the dots.”

<i>”We haven’t found a decent cup of coffee here yet,” I grumbled, bored with Pennsylvania. Liz laughed at my side.

“Like you taste it anyway. It’s a solid wall of sugar by the time you’re done doctoring.”

I turned my back to reach for the Tabasco and heard her yelp in pain. Whipping around, I found her bent over, rubbing the backs of her ankles furiously. A shopping cart was rolling slightly, back and forth, just inches from her. My eyes focused through the crisscrossed pattern of metal, and I could see a dark head just below the rim, reaching up to rub small fingers along the handle.

“Some aim you’ve got there,” I called to him, and he stepped out from behind the cart while Liz glared at me. He was smaller than I originally thought, thin, with a mop of dark hair and a generous sprinkling of light brown freckles. He frowned up at Liz, looking on the verge of tears, and her hands left her legs. She crouched down in front of him, seeking his eye level, and grinned.

“That’s a big cart to be pushing all by yourself,” she said, laughing lightly. “Where’s your mom?” He shrugged a bit, but gave her a tremulous smile. His eyes were fixed on her face, wide open in sheer amazement. “You wanna go find her?” He nodded, pointing to the checkout lanes.

“She’s up dere,” he said softly.

Liz turned to me, one arm reaching toward him. “I’ll be right back, Michael, I’m just going to ta – “ Her words stopped abruptly as her hand found the top of his head, and she stood there, frozen.

“Dere she is!” the boy called happily, oblivious, and took off down the aisle at a dead sprint. Liz didn’t move, her arm locked in place in thin air, and I was halfway to shaking her when she broke out of her trance, her voice piercing the silence.


Spinning quickly, she was gone in a flash, her feet flying and her hair trailing behind her. My mind was reeling, confused, but my legs picked up the insane pace she’d set. She tore through the front of the store, a tiny brunette tornado, and I was barely able to keep her in sight.

I had just reached the door, still half open from her departure, as one tiny foot stepped off the curb and over the parking lot. Liz was a blur of motion, yanking him backward into her chest, and they tumbled to the pavement as a towncar passed quickly by, honking its horn.

She rocked him as he shook, her eyes closed, and whispered softly in his ear. “It’s okay, Tyler. I’ve got you. It’s okay.”</i>

“Death,” I breathed. “They… <i>We</i> were all going to die.”

“Give the man a prize.”

“Are you telling me that Liz… What is she, like the opposite of the Grim Reaper?”

He rolled his eyes, frustrated. “I spoke too soon. Maybe you aren’t smarter than that.” Laughter sailed past his lips. “Think about it. My powers affected my spiritual side, the thing that’s most powerful in me. Liz’s signature trait is all that damn selflessness. Everybody around her has to be alright before she’ll worry about herself. Couple that with her brain power, and what have you got?”

“Why don’t you just tell me what it means?!” I snapped.

He smirked, amused by my outburst. “Liz is an empath. A very powerful one.”

“Okay… and what does that mean for those of us who don’t speak Buddha?”

“Sixth sense, genius. And not in the ‘I see dead people’ vein… Although I guess she does, doesn’t she?” He lost himself in thought for a moment, and I snapped my fingers, bringing him back to the present. “She can sense emotion. She’s extremely sensitive to moods, any emotional sensation, hell, <i>thoughts</i> if her connection is strong enough. And it’s not just limited to humans. She can read animals, even inanimate objects if they’ve had recent contact with something living.” I was desperately trying to absorb the information, and he studied my blank face, deciding to break it down in layman’s terms. “I can see exactly what’s going with people. But Liz… She can <i>feel</i> them.”

My eyes widened, and he took a deep breath. “It was in her nature, but the powers made it… unbelievable. I’ve read about a few of the better-known empaths out there, man. As far as I can tell, none of them have anything on our little scientist. She could hold a paper bag you threw out last week and read it like you were standing right in front of her.”

I blinked, floating somewhere between shock and awe. “And the premonitions…?”

“She doesn’t need contact to be able to use her gift. It’s constant, just like I’m permanently visually impaired. It’s an extra sense, completely separate from the five that most people have. When things are heightened, that sense naturally gets stronger. Her eyesight, her hearing, and her sense of smell are already involved. But touch adds another one to the mix, and amplifies the power. Dramatically. It’s like she’s connecting to <i>herself</i>. And Liz always did use a little more of her brain than the average girl. All that power gives her mind a jolt, and when there are extremes on the horizon, things that overload emotion, her combined senses can sort of… bend time.” He chuckled. “I’d hate for her to lick somebody and complete the little sense circle. The world would probably be sucked into some distant alien galaxy.”

“Extremes,” I whispered. “Like death.”

A small smile played on his lips. “More like extreme pain, or at the other end of the spectrum, pure bliss. Death isn’t an emotion. She sees death, yeah, but it’s because of the moments before. The intensity. What’s leading up to the end of <i>all</i> emotion. But you’re finally catching on.”

The ground was swaying slightly under my wide stance, and I turned toward the van, watching her gnaw through her lip while she tried to comfort a stirring Isabel.

Kyle’s voice popped in again, but I kept my eyes locked on her. “In special cases, when the connection is pure, she can also project her own emotions. That’s something that’s completely unique to her. But then, you already know that.”

I looked back at him, and he shot me a shrewd grin. “You were a jock, Kyle. Not exactly a brainiac. How the hell do you <i>know</i> all this?”

He tapped a finger against his skull. “Never underestimate me.” I stared him down, and he scowled back at me. “Okay, Liz figured out most of it. But I helped!”

A thought flashed across my mind, and for a second I could have sworn I saw a little light bulb. “You said you were wrong about your bodies needing to adjust to the powers. If that wasn’t it, what was it?”

“Liz and I talked a lot about this after we left, before she got too bad…” He trailed off, then seemed to shake himself. “It wasn’t her body adjusting. It was her power reacting to Max. There was so much turmoil there. I didn’t like to look at him, and it wasn’t just the ears.” I conjured up the memory of him, surrounded by that sickly rainbow, and nodded my understanding. “Being around him was painful for her, but physically touching him was agony.”

I raked a shaky hand through my hair. “So how did she stop it?”

“At first, she just learned to suppress it, like turning down the volume on a radio. But after graduation, she couldn’t get a solid handle on it anymore. So… she severed the connection.” My eyebrows shot up, and he raised his hands in surrender. “Don’t look at me, I don’t have a clue how she did it. It was a one time deal, it only worked with him.”

<i>”We’re not connected anymore, Max…”</i>

“And today?” I questioned.

“Today, she tapped into everyone to show you what I saw, at once. She’s like a receiver. She connected with me and split it to send to you and Iz. Essentially, we all connected <i>through</i> her.” He smiled a little. “It’s pretty incredible, when you think about it.”

“So she can feel... everything.”

“That’s the gist. For awhile after my powers made their debut, I actually thought I understood. But seeing and <i>feeling</i> are two different things.” His voice dropped, barely above a whisper. “She worked hard to learn to control it, Michael. It almost killed her, but she managed.”

<i>Killed?</i> “What the hell are you talking about?”

He turned to me, his face solemn. “If you took in every emotion around you, unfiltered, twenty four hours a day, where is the <i>last</i> place you’d wanna be?”

The little light bulb flickered in my head, then burst into violent flames. <i>Oh god.</i>

“Mixed emotions are one thing. You learn to deal, to balance them. But having that much misery so close, being trapped in that van, unable to escape it… She had to pull back from it all. It was the only way she could learn to filter it, to channel it.” His voice shook, and he cleared his throat, trying to cover the sound of vulnerability.

Her voice came back to me, echoing softly in the small space. <i>”It’s never been this bad before, I’ve always been able to get out…”</i>

My chest deflated, and I expelled a ragged breath, fighting nausea, and screwed my eyes shut. <i>All that time, she was in that room… I think I’m gonna be sick.</i> I groaned, vaguely aware of Kyle continuing his musings.

“She cut Iz off first. Maria was kind of a barometer – Liz would sit with her every once in awhile and test how much control she had. I helped her as long as I could, but after some time on the road, I did more harm than good.”

Hooking my thumbs in my pockets, I looked up at him. “Max?” He shook his head mutely.

“She couldn’t get anything from him.”

My mind began to replay snippets of memories – the warnings, the confrontations, the proposal… Times Kyle had stepped in to protect Liz from the one person she couldn’t feel. <i>It’s all coming together…</i>

I swiped a hand down my face. “Okay, my brain is starting to hurt.” Pulling in a deep breath, I rubbed harshly at my temple. “If she can do what you said, project her feelings or whatever, why didn’t she do that then? Why isn’t she doing it now, with Isabel?”

“You weren’t paying attention, Loverboy.”

“The connection has to be pure, you told me,” I grumbled.

He stepped closer, meeting my eyes. “But you obviously didn’t get it. In order for her to project her energy to someone else, using that empathic power, the person on the receiving end has to be completely receptive. Their energy has to be compatible with hers, down to the tiniest detail. The two forces combine to form a complete picture, like a jigsaw puzzle. No gaps, no holes. That’s why it’s a rare deal. Statistically, it’s virtually impossible to find.” I shook my head, and he laughed openly at my confusion.

“What I’m saying, Einstein, is that in the case of your all-powerful connection with Liz, she’s not the special one in the equation.” His hand clapped firmly on my back, and he smirked up at me. “You are.”


<i>Okay, I </i>still<i> don’t get it. What the hell do I have to do with Liz’s powers?</i>

I scowled as he started to walk away. “Sure, spout alien psychobabble the length of a bible, then end it like that. Isn’t it against your religion to be cryptic?”

He laughed, and we approached the van silently as Isabel stepped down to the ground, Liz right behind her. I pulled the blonde into a tight hug, and her hands clenched at my waist, grabbing handfuls of my shirt.

“I’m okay, Michael,” she whispered in my ear. “I’m just worried about him. He’s lost, and now he’s alone. I know he’s not the same person he used to be, but I still need him.”

I nodded against her cheek, and she pulled back to look at me. “You don’t have to baby-sit me. I’ve got Kyle for that. He’s smothering enough all by himself, trust me.” Shaking her head, she sniffed, plastering on a brilliant smile. “I believe you have some things to take care of.”

My eyes drifted over her shoulder and settled on Liz. “That’s an understatement.”

Isabel rolled her eyes, shoving me away from her. “So <i>go</i> already. Do I have to do everything for you people?” She stepped around me, into Kyle’s waiting arms, and he kissed her softly. I stepped toward Liz, and she eyed me carefully, her arms wrapped around her middle.

“Hey,” she said evenly.

I nodded in response, staring down at my feet. “We should talk.” She didn’t answer, and I looked back up at her, one eyebrow quirked, and extended a hand. “Can we talk?”

She contemplated my gesture, her eyes locked on my outstretched arm, then slid her hand into my palm. Her energy reached out to me, relieved but apprehensive, and I squeezed the small fingers she’d woven into mine. We crept toward a deserted picnic table, foregoing the benches to sit side by side on the slatted tabletop. She angled her body toward me, crooking up a leg between us, and I rubbed her soft skin with my thumb.

“So…” She trailed off, picking a fallen leaf from the wood and twirling it in her free hand, and I cleared my throat.

“Kyle… explained some things.” I paused, and she reluctantly met my gaze. “That really was you, wasn’t it? In my dream. It was how I see you, but it was <i>you</i>.” She nodded, letting the leaf fall from her fingertips.

“I just… I wanted you to understand, Michael. I was going to tell you about all this… But it’s a little overwhelming, and I didn’t want you to shut down on me before I had the chance to explain.” Her teeth bit into her lip. “I guess that kind of backfired.”

I shrugged, scratching my temple. “Okay. Explain.” Her eyes drifted over our joined hands, and the connection shook with twinges of concern. “Parker, I was engineered by an alien race. I helped you dig a hole in your head. And I just had an intellectual conversation with Tattoo. At this point, nothing you tell me is going to rank too high on the charts of disbelief.”

Her mouth curved into a small smile. “Where do you want me to start?”

<i>I swear, she has the market cornered on loaded questions.</i>

“The beginning always works.”

She took a deep breath, and waves of strength pooled at my fingertips, trying to stamp out her nerves. “I don’t know when it started. It grew very slowly, I didn’t even notice it at first.”

“That you could feel people.” She shot me a grateful look, nodding quickly.

“When my powers started to flare, that’s when it got really powerful. I could sense everyone around me, and it scared me, Michael. I felt like a human tuning fork.” She laughed under her breath. “Though, not so human after all.” I squeezed her hand, and she continued. “The other powers were manifesting, I couldn’t control them, and everything was happening with Max… I didn’t give the emotional power much thought, I didn’t think it was connected. But it played a big part in why I went to Vermont. Being able to sense the feelings of everyone I knew wasn’t exactly something I cherished.”

“I’m guessing being stuck with the five of us mid-meltdown wasn’t all that pleasant, either,” I mumbled.

“By then I had a pretty good theory on what was happening. Kyle helped a lot, especially after his change. Our powers actually overlap quite a bit. But it was hard, Michael. Maria and Isabel were in constant pain, and Kyle was fighting to reign in his emotions, but he was hurting, too. I could barely deal with myself, much less all of that."

My curiosity spiked, and I blurted out a question. “What about me?”

“You were in a different kind of pain, Michael. Anxiety just radiated from you, this steady stream of self-doubt. It didn’t take too long to realize that you were worried about how to protect the group.” Her fingertips pressed into my skin. “It didn’t hurt me, not like what I got from the others. I’m actually grateful, in a weird way, since you’re the one that gave off the strongest vibes.”

I chuckled. “Always a vibrator.” She grinned at my blatant use of Maria terminology, and I smirked back at her. “How did you learn to control it?”

“Basically, I had to set up a buffer around my energy. Most of the time, I can choose what to let through, and it helps me block out what I don’t want to feel. It took awhile to build, and I had to distance myself from everything, emotionally, to do it. But I tested myself along the way, to make sure I had a handle on it. After awhile, it just became second nature.”

“So what happened today?” I asked quietly. Her hand began to tremble before the fear in her energy even reached me. “Spill it, Parker. I know it wasn’t just Isabel.”

She smiled sadly. “She was worried about Max, Kyle was worried about her…”

“And I was worried about you,” I finished.

“It’s not your fault, Michael,” she said quickly. “It’s no one’s fault. I just wasn’t prepared for it, and it threw me.” She closed her eyes. “I haven’t been in there in a long time.”

I ran my free hand through my hair. “Kyle said… you broke the connection.”

Her eyes opened slowly, and she looked down at her lap. “I had to. The connection Max and I had was tainted, Michael. When this power showed up, it let me know that loud and clear. I couldn’t even touch him without physical pain. For awhile, I could block the connection altogether, but my control didn’t last long. So I cut it completely.” She read the unspoken question in my eyes. “I’m not sure how I knew what to do. I can’t even explain it.”

“Show me.”

She shook her head frantically, chewing on her lip. “I don’t want to relive that, Michael. But more importantly, I don’t want <i>you</i> to.” Tears welled in her eyes. “It was painful,” she whispered. “The way we’re connected, you’d feel it.”

I brushed my free hand over my arm, remembering the strong clutch of desperate, invisible fingers. “Liz…”

“<i>No.</i> I’m not going to do that to you, I won’t.”

Her features were set in stubborn defiance, and I clawed at my eyebrow. <i>She actually thinks I’m going to let this go.</i>

“You know, I’m not happy that he left. Part of me is glad he’s gone, yeah, but Isabel is suffering for it, and he couldn’t care less. And I’m beyond pissed that he hurt you, and that it’s happened more than once. But dammit, Parker… <i>He left you down there</i>. You were locked in your own head for months, and he didn’t do a damn thing.” I turned away from her, not trusting myself to look in her eyes. “<i>I</i> didn’t do anything.”

She wrapped her fingers around my face, gently pulling my head back. “Max couldn’t have gotten me out of there, Michael. I made sure of that when I cut him out of my life.” Her hand dropped away. “Even if he’d seen where I was, I wouldn’t have been any better off. He would’ve come into my head and fought his way into that room, without even knowing why I was there. I didn’t need to be rescued. I needed to save myself. The choice had to be mine. You knew that. It’s why I’m out here now.”

She smiled warmly, clenching her fingers around mine, and a few stray tears slipped down her cheeks. “Max always tried to catch me, Michael. You just want to break my fall.”

I released a shuddering breath and wrapped my arms around her. She buried her face in my neck, her warm tears pooling against my skin, and I asked the question that had been burning a persistent hole in my mind.

“Why me?” I breathed. She pulled back, and her hands fell to my sides. “If your connection with him was so wrong, why is this different?”

“Did Kyle explain this to you?”

I waved a hand through the air. “He tried. Didn’t take.”

She laughed, grinning at me. “Michael… I can feel people’s emotions, but no one without empathic power can feel mine.” Her hand left my waist, and she brushed her fingertips along my cheek. “Except you.”

“I got that much, Parker.”

“For a long time, I tried to figure out why I could feel you more distinctly than anyone else. Even before we left. At first, I wrote it off as you just being you.” I raised my eyebrows, and she clarified her point. “You’re stronger than you know, Michael. Not just mentally and physically, but emotionally. That comes through in your energy.’

“But after that first connection, it was different. Like someone had thrown open a floodgate. Kyle started lecturing me about auras and chakras and Buddhist terms I still can’t comprehend, but it’s simpler than that. Your energy completes mine. I can’t project my emotions without it, you’re the key to that aspect of my empathy. When we connect, it unlocks my ability to redirect that power. You can feel me because, well… you’re my other half.”

<i>Well that clears everything up.</i>

“It’s growing. I can feel it every time I touch you. I’m not even sure how powerful this could get, but I know I’m stronger when we’re together.”

She cradled my head in her hands, and our eyes locked. A smile touched the corners of her mouth, and an overwhelming wave of euphoria flowed into my skin, so powerful it threatened to bring me to my knees.

“This could only happen with you, Michael. <i>You</i> are my soulmate.”


We ate a quiet dinner, paired off around the campfire. Darkness settled around us, and the sounds of the woodland on the outskirts of the camp began to come alive. I was sprawled on the ground, with Liz nestled between my knees. Isabel and Kyle had unpacked the van, and she rose to her feet, dusting herself off, and headed toward her sleeping bag,

“Ah, cold hard earth, how I have missed you,” Kyle grumbled bitterly. “We should invest in air mattresses. It’s a poor excuse for the real thing, but I’ve recently been spoiled by Serta.” I chuckled softly, letting my head fall forward into Liz’s hair.

Isabel spoke up cheerfully. “You know, I think we could all use some one-on-one time with our significant others.” Her voice dropped to a whisper, and she fumbled with the strings on her bag. “It’s been a tough day.” Kyle climbed to his feet, winding an arm around her shoulders, and she shook herself. “We can find somewhere else to camp, the grounds are practically deserted. You two stay here with the fire.”

My eyes fell on my bag, and I shook my head. “It’s okay, Iz.” I stood, pulling Liz to her feet in front of me. “I have something to show Liz anyway.” I smirked at her, and was rewarded with a genuine smile. “We’ll be out of your hair in just a minute.”

Kyle grinned and turned to his girlfriend, waggling his eyebrows. “All alone in the dark, whatever shall we do?” She laughed, dropping a quick kiss on his lips.

“<i>Sleep</i>, Buddha Boy.”

I gathered our bags, and Liz tucked our sleeping bags to her chest. A slow smirk spread across my face, and I dropped my voice, leaning toward her. “You think you can handle a night in the wilderness with me? I bite, you know.”

Laughing, she kissed my nose. “I’ll survive somehow.”


I opened the sleeping bags completely, creating makeshift blankets, and spread them out beneath the ancient oak tree. Taking Liz’s hand, I plopped down next to my duffel, pulling her into my lap. She leaned back against my chest, and I wrapped my arms around her waist. The lantern at the edge of the fabric bathed us in soft shadows, intensifying the tan sheen of her skin.

“It’s peaceful here,” she said quietly.

Smiling against her neck, I nodded. “That’s what I thought.”

“You’ve been here before?” I threaded her fingers in mine, and she squeezed my hand in response. “This is where you were. The morning you disappeared.”

Reaching over to my side, I pulled my sketchbook from my bag. I set it in her lap, and she ran her hand over the cover before opening it. Pulling aside her thick sheet of hair, I kissed her shoulder blade, and her breathless sigh ran through me.


I peered over her shoulder, watching her fingertips trace the lines of my sketch. “It’s amazing,” she said softly.

“You gave that to me, Parker,” I said, my voice muffled against her skin.

“Yes, I remember,” she joked, and I shook my head.

“No… being able to do that again. To create. You gave that to me.”

She turned her head, and I moved closer to kiss her softly, my lips sliding lightly over hers. Then she disentangled herself from my embrace, setting the sketchbook at her side, and reached into her own bag. She pivoted gracefully, sitting in front of me, her bare knees brushing my legs, teasing me through rough denim. Her cool fingers gripped the back of my neck, pulling me to her, and she kissed my forehead while she slipped something into my hand. I looked down absently, then froze in blinding realization.

The tiny foil square rested in the middle of my open palm, and soft crinkling met my ears as my hand began to shake.

“Liz…” I started. She silenced me instantly, holding a finger to my lips.

“You’ve been inside me, Michael. Deeper than sex could ever take you.” She brought her hand down, lacing our fingers together, the packet pressed between our palms, and searched my eyes. I shivered, more at her words than at her touch, and she smiled. “You’re a part of me. This is just the last piece of the puzzle.” Her face was completely open, trusting, and my heart pounded in my chest.

She kept her eyes locked on mine as she inched closer, stopping a millimeter away from my mouth. The brilliant orbs asked a simple question, and her breath caressed my skin as she hung there, waiting for my answer.

The condom slipped from my fingers, forgotten as I swiftly closed the gap, claiming her mouth, and she wove her hands into my hair. My tongue teased her lips apart, and she sighed into my mouth, leaning further into the kiss. I flattened a hand on her back, crushing her against me, and our tongues mingled, flirting, teasing.

We broke apart suddenly, desperate for air, and I lowered her to the ground. I dropped my head, unfolding my legs to lay beside her, and kissed her languidly, stroking her tongue teasingly. She wrapped her arms around my back, gripping my shoulders, and lifted her head, trying to increase the pressure.

My hand inched under her shirt, my fingertips trailing lightly over her skin, and she giggled softly as I traced her ribs with my thumb. I traveled higher, letting my palm graze her breast, and she gasped against my mouth, her hands tightening on my back. I pressed my hand between her breasts, dragging it down her chest and over her abdomen, squeezing the smooth flesh between my fingers.

She released her hold on me, and I pulled back, worried that I had hurt her somehow. Her hand splayed across my chest, pushing me away, and she sat up, yanking her shirt fluidly over her head.

I froze for a moment, entranced by her boldness, but stayed her small fingers on the edge of her shorts. My eyes searched hers, silently asking for permission, and she settled back, her hair fanning around her.

My hand combed through the silky mane, pausing to rub the strands between my fingers. I traced a light path over her neck, and she moaned as my fingers encircled her breast, sliding smoothly over the skin. I watched her nipple tighten under my touch, the color of warm cinnamon. My hand darted to the other side, never leaving her skin, and I retraced my steps for its twin, cupping it gently, feeling the slight weight against my palm. Heat radiated from every point of contact, intensified by the inflamed energy pressing into my pores.

I smoothed my hand over her stomach, pressing down gently, and slipped lower, easing her zipper down. Rolling to the side, I crouched over her, curling my fingers into the waistband, and dragged the denim down her body, her underwear pulling away with it. I reached behind me to slip the sandals from her feet, tossing them into the grass.

Drawing in a deep breath, I sat back on my knees, drinking in the sight before me. Yards of golden skin filled my vision, capped by chocolate eyes that held the secrets of my soul. She sat up slightly, a slightly self-conscious smile on her lips, and rested on her elbows as she offered herself to me.

“You are so damn beautiful,” I breathed.

Her smile widened, strengthening with new confidence, and I leaned over her again, running my hands up her legs. I lowered my mouth to hers, nibbling on her the soft lips swollen from our kisses. She licked into my mouth, running her tongue over my teeth, and I sucked at it hungrily, lightly biting into its softness. My lips slid down, caressing her chin, and I slipped my tongue over her throat. Her heartbeat was erratic, but its beat matched mine, and the furious rhythm was echoed in the intangible force that pulsed around me.

My thumbs drew lazy circles over her legs, teasing the sensitive skin on the inside of her thighs, and my mouth traveled lower. I wound my way through the galaxy of freckles scattered across her collar, pressing soft kisses on the stars embedded in her skin. Turning my head, I licked at the underside of one breast, reaching up to caress the other, and her breath hitched in her throat.

I swept my tongue across her skin, inching closer to her tight peak, and my open mouth hovered over it for a moment, bathing it with my warm breath. Then she whimpered, trembling, and I closed my lips around her nipple. Gasping, she clutched my head to her chest, her fingertips biting into my scalp. I rolled my tongue back and forth across the puckered skin, then clamped my teeth lightly at the base of her nipple, sucking it into the wet confines of my mouth. She arched her back, pressing my head closer, and I raked my teeth across the soft globe.

“<i>God, Michael…</i>” A violent shudder ran through her, shaking a voice already low and cracked with desire. Her energy assaulted me, latching on to every curve and crevice of my body.

I pulled my head back, blowing over the trail of wetness on her skin, and her fingers tightened in my hair. Her free hand snaked down between us and around my waist, and her fingers bunched around the hem of my shirt, dragging it up my back. I lifted myself off of her, balancing on my palms, and she tugged it over my head. It dropped to her chest, and I disentangled the cloth from my arms and tossed it aside.

She raised her head to meet my lips, her arms winding around me, pulling me down to her. I swiped my tongue across her mouth, sucking on her bottom lip, capturing it between my teeth. Her nipples kissed mine, sending tantalizing shocks through my chest, and she held me closer still. I groaned into her mouth as skin met skin, fierce waves of need pressed intimately between us, demanding release.

I slid down her body, tracing the long curve of her side, and propped myself up on one elbow. My fingers teased the skin behind her knee, and my gaze settled on the dark, wiry curls that hid the only flesh she hadn’t laid bare. I brushed a hand over them, letting them tickle my palm, and she curved into the light touch. I flattened my other hand over her stomach, anchoring her to the ground, and my fingertips met raised skin.

A scar was engraved in the flesh near her navel, textured and slightly darker than her skin, perfectly round and smaller than a thumbnail.

<i>Like a bullet.</i>

I swept my fingers over it, and a shaky stream of dread crept over the connection, battling with the desire. Dropping my head, I kissed the marred flesh softly, laving it with my tongue, and felt the fear ebb away.

My palm still rested at the apex of her thighs, surrounded by the heat of her arousal. My fingers grazed over her folds, coaxing the dampness hidden behind them, and she spread her legs farther, opening herself to me. I nestled my head into her abdomen, my other hand inches from my face, and swiped my fingers back and forth over the soft skin beneath the curls, applying more pressure with each pass. Her hand settled in my hair, picking up the easy rhythm, soothing my scalp as I explored. Reaching lower, I dipped one long finger into her, teasing the nerves at her opening, and she hissed, pulling strands of my hair through clenched fingers.

I pushed my finger farther into her, feeling it slide along her slick walls, then let it retreat. Her hand fell to my neck, gripping my shoulder, and I eased it back inside, setting a steady pace, tracing delicate patterns inside her core. My hand was coated in liquid heat, and I slipped another finger into her as the scent of her sex mingled with soft lavender and ever-present vanilla, creating an intoxicating aroma all her own.

A little cry slipped past her lips, silenced almost before I could hear it. I looked up, seeking her face, and smiled slightly at the sight of her lower lip trapped firmly between her teeth. Taking my hand from her stomach, I freed her lip with my thumb, and she opened blackened eyes to look at me.

“Let go,” I rasped, softly stroking her face in time with the fingers within her. “No one can hear you but me.”

She moaned, low in her throat, and clamped her hand around my neck, pulling my head to hers. My lips ground against hers, our tongues dueling erotically. My fingers picked up speed, sliding in and out of her with ease, and I thrust my tongue into her mouth, mimicking the pace of my hand. She gasped, breaking my hold on her mouth, and her hips began to move under my hand.

“<i>Michael,</i>” she cried hoarsely. “Yes, God, right there…”

My thumb inched up, rubbing lightly around her clit, and she arched her back, bucking against my hand. Shutting her eyes tightly, she let her head fall back, her lips parting, and I watched her face, mesmerized. Her small hand gripped my arm, digging her nails into the skin, and her inner walls began to tense around my fingers. I pressed the pad of my thumb against the tiny nub, and she exploded, locking my fingers in place. A deafening outcry of pleasure died in her throat as her body spasmed, and I stroked her skin with my free hand, trying to draw out her climax. Her energy bombarded me, trickling heat into my veins, padding my bones with static electricity.

She came down slowly, grabbing for air, tiny tremors shooting through her body. I withdrew my hand once her body stilled and her breathing evened, bending to kiss her softly. Her warm breath mingled with mine as I pulled away, and my eyes locked on hers.

“That was… I don’t even know how to explain how phenomenal that was.”

I smiled down at her. “I aim to please.”

Her eyes flashed, and she trailed a hand down my bare chest, cupping me through my pants. I closed my eyes, groaning at the contact. She ran a finger up and down my fly, pressing through the harsh material. “Can we get rid of these now? You’re a little overdressed for the occasion.”

I sat up, and she followed suit, her hair swinging behind her, whipping the strands against my back. Her small hands fumbled with my belt, finally pulling it free. I unbuttoned the jeans for her, and her hands shoved gently against my chest, pushing me to the ground. I heard the telltale sound of a zipper, followed closely by her sharp intake of breath, and smirked.

“I warned you, Parker. Commando is always a possibility.”

She giggled, slipping her hands inside the waistband, and I raised my hips automatically. She inched down my legs, slowly pulling me free of the confining fabric. The pants caught at my ankles, and she unlaced my boots, pulling them off one by one and tossing them over her head. Her fingers tickled my insole as she tugged my socks off, and I fought back laughter. I sat up, taking in her serious expression, and quirked an eyebrow at her.

Her eyes traveled over me, and a slow smile crept across her face. “No wonder you’re an artist,” she murmured. “You’re a work of art, Michael.”

Warmth crept over my cheeks, and she moved to kneel next to me, dragging her fingers over my skin. Her fingertips danced across my chest and over my nipples, and my breath caught. She slid her palm down my stomach, my muscles clenching under her light touch, and I hissed as her hand slipped lower.

She wrapped delicate fingers around the base of my shaft, and I shuddered at the contact. Her hand crawled upward, applying gentle pressure, and she curled a loose fist around the head, then stroked back down again. Her energy pooled in her palm, pressing her awe and curiosity into my arousal, and I sucked in a breath through clenched teeth.

“Liz,” I panted. “After watching you, I can’t take much of that.” She met my gaze, and her hand slipped to my upper thigh as she leaned toward me. She slid her tongue over my lips, and I moaned, slanting my mouth over hers.

We kissed each other breathless, our hands wandering over foreign skin, exploring each other. I rolled over, tucking her under me, and tore my mouth from hers, looking down to search her eyes.

“Are you sure?”

She reached to her side, plucking the condom from where it lay abandoned, and ripped it open with her teeth. Reaching between us, she rolled it over my hard length, and I clenched a hand at her waist, groaning. “I guess that’s a yes.”

She looked up at me, her eyes fiercely determined, darkened with desire, and my heart constricted. “I want you, Michael. I want all of you.”

Her legs parted beneath me, wrapping around mine, and she settled her feet on the backs of my calves. I lowered my head, dropping a soft kiss on her mouth, and whispered against her lips.

“You have all of me, Liz. Everything I am.”

The tip of my shaft pressed into her core, sliding in easily, and I inched forward, stopping when I reached her barrier. The air around us crackled, glowing a deep indigo, and swirls of rich amber mixed with the blue. I settled my arms on each side of her head, drawing hers with me, and laced our fingers together. Her eyes bored into mine, and an overpowering wave of trust radiated from every inch of her skin, pulsing where our bodies were joined.

Pulling back slightly, I buried myself in her heat, wincing as the thin tissue tore away. I stilled myself, every muscle straining with the effort, and my mouth fell open as I fought to control my vocal chords.

“I’m sorry, baby.”

My voice was a hushed whisper, and the words caught in my throat. She brought a steady hand to my face, brushing my hair back, and leaned up to kiss my forehead.

“I’m not.”

She squeezed my fingers, spreading silent reassurances over my palms, and raised her hips hesitantly. Staring into her eyes, I drew back, almost completely out of her, and slowly slid back in. I set a languid pace, testing her threshold, reveling in the feel of her tight walls around me. Our skin rubbed together, creating a delicious friction, and time seemed to slow as I moved within her, lost in her eyes, her heat, her energy.

The shimmering swirls of light thickened around us, becoming almost solid, trapping us in our own world. My heartbeat pounded in my ears, hers overlapping in perfect time, increasing the intensity. Faint chords sounded in the background, the rich strum of a violin, the strings singing the melody of our joined energy.

Liz arched against me, pressing closer, and she lifted her legs higher, locking them behind my thighs. The pace quickened, both of us falling into the same swift cadence as we moved against each other, as naturally as breathing. Another instrument joined the procession in my ears, adding a different key, and my moan faded into the newfound harmony.

I could feel her starting to tighten around me, her core fluttering with the promise of release, and the rhythm became frenzied. She wrapped her arms around my waist, pressing the small of my back, pulling me deeper inside of her. My hands slid under her shoulders, crushing her to me, and I covered her mouth with mine. Music exploded in my ears, the straggling violins now a symphony, and our desperate pants and moans became part of the concerto, blending seamlessly with the composition. She released my lips, struggling to speak over the beautiful noise.

“Come with me.”

I leaned my forehead against hers, drowning in her eyes.


Her nails raked across my back, and she convulsed around me, sobbing my name. Tiny pinpoints of blinding light seeped from her pores, and images assaulted me, flashing across my mind as she came undone in my arms. Surging inside of her, I unraveled, spiraling through the energy that threatened to suffocate me, and finally collapsed in her embrace.

We were breathing together, our heartbeats slowing, and she ran a hand through my damp hair as I settled against her chest. My fingers traced over her hip, making her shiver, and after a few minutes, I found my voice.

“Thank you,” I whispered. “For trusting me. You didn’t have to. I never gave you a reason to.”

Her soft laugh echoed through her chest, vibrating against my cheek. “Of course you did, Michael. No one can hear me but you.”

<i>There's such a fooled heart
In search of new dreams
But I'll be there for you
As the world falls down...</i>

Last edited by Dimensia on Fri Mar 18, 2005 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
{ Polarist | Incrowder | Drifter | X-tremer | Lollie | Cheerleader | Stud }
{ Here Without You | Taking Over Me }
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Chapter Twelve

Post by Dimensia »

A/N: Sorry about the long delay in posting... I got the post-holiday flu, and am really just getting back on my feet. kitkat405, thank you for your feedback. Calinia, it's been great seeing the sudden influx of Polar/Incrowder pairings in fic. I'm the world's biggest Kyle fan, and he and Isabel always just made sense to me. As for the nookie... this was my first scene, so that's quite a compliment, thank you. Hope you both enjoy this chapter.


<b>CHAPTER TWELVE » </b><i>Stillness of Heart</i>

I slowly slid my eyes open, squinting against the early daylight. Liz’s chest rose and fell evenly beneath my head, and her arms were wound around me, one hand tangled in my hair. I tipped my chin back, seeking her face, and my pulse quickened as thoughts of the previous night floated through my mind, the memory flooding my senses. The feel of her surrounding me, the straining, breathless moans in my ear, the flashes that had raced through my head at breakneck speed.

My fingertips skimmed over her hip in lazy circles as I drank in her smooth eyelids, her parted mouth, and I turned my head, pressing my lips to her neck. Her fingers shifted in my hair, and I pulled back to find her dark eyes locked on my face.


She stretched against me, a bright smile briefly illuminating her face. “Hey yourself.” Her voice was hushed, sleep-laden, her hair was tangled around her, a maze of dark strands, and her eyes were at half-mast, almost fighting to stay open. The steady stream of her energy, muted in sleep, began to grow as it awakened, lapping at my skin, unencumbered as she curled her body around mine. I stared up at her, unsure of what to say, and she held my gaze easily, silently, her eyes soft with understanding.

Sliding a hand under her shoulder, I rolled her toward me, tracing my fingers down her spine. My thoughts were racing, torn between spilling out everything I was feeling and running naked back to camp.

Revealing the contents of my heart would strip me of everything, more than shedding my clothes ever could.

Her lips slipped over my forehead, and she nestled her face in my hair, breathing warmly against my scalp. My nerves were screaming, and soon my head joined the assault, telling me to embrace the incredible woman in my arms, to hold on to her with everything I had.

“Michael,” she murmured into my hair. “We took this step because we were ready to. You don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for.” My hand stilled on her back, and I nudged her closer, shaking my head. I lifted my palm, pushing her hair off her face, and dropped my head back. Her eyes burned into me, truthful and trusting, and brushed my lips across hers before I returned her gaze, a new clarity silencing my turbulent thoughts.

“Liz – “

A familiar voice broke in, cutting my declaration short.

“<i>Oh. My. Buddha.</i>”

Liz jumped slightly against me, a startled streak running through her energy. I tightened my arms around her, flattening her to my chest, trying to shield her from Kyle’s prying and perverted eyes. She tipped her head back, meeting my gaze. The chocolate pools danced with amusement, perfectly complimenting the wry smile quickly spreading across her face, and my tightly wound muscles relaxed a bit. I bunched the makeshift blanket around us, turning toward Kyle’s voice.

“Comparing my ass to god now, Webster?” I drawled lazily, craning my neck to look at him. “I know it’s impressive, but that’s blasphemous.”

“Don’t flatter yourself, Nuno, I have no interest in your pasty alien derrière. Ever think about getting some sun?” Narrowing my eyes, I glared at him, and he shook his head rapidly. “I come in peace. Iz sent me to fetch the two of you for breakfast.” He snickered. “Something tells me you’re probably famished.”

He remained rooted in place, making no move to leave, and I finally quirked an eyebrow. “Little privacy would be nice.”

Chuckling, Kyle crossed his arms, relaxing his stance. “And here I thought an end to the dry spell would have made the Green Gened Giant a little more jolly.”

“Valenti, you’re about two seconds from getting strangled with your string tie.”

“Boys, it’s too early,” Liz broke in. Her hold on me loosened, and she wiggled away, pausing to drop a kiss next to my ear. I tightened the blanket at her back, drawing it further up her side, and she sighed in mock exasperation. “Honestly, Michael, it’s not like I’ve never been naked with Kyle before.”

“She makes a good point,” Kyle agreed, grinning. A growl of warning reverberated through my chest, and he raised his hands in surrender, backing up a step. “A purely platonic point. No need to slag me with your death ray.”

“If you know what’s good for you, Gizmo, you won’t mention it again,” I ground out, clenching my teeth. “Now get lost. The peep show is closed.” The sound of Liz’s laughter met my ears, and I quickly turned to look at her, scowling. “Glad you find me so entertaining,” I grumbled. “You had to take it there.” She shook her head, biting her lip in a futile attempt to quell the erupting giggles.

“You practically walked into it,” she choked out, sitting up, one hand holding the sleeping bag to her chest. Kyle’s laughter joined hers as he spun on his heel, starting the trek back to camp. I rolled my eyes, flopping onto my back, and Liz finally managed to quiet herself, rubbing my arm with a soft, consoling palm. “It’s just skin, Michael.”

I waved a hand at her. “Whatever. Go on, frolic nude through the woodland. Makes no difference to me.” She shrugged, planting a hand on the ground next to her, and started to push herself to her feet. My arm shot out quickly, snaking around her waist, tugging her back down to my chest. “Don’t you dare, Parker.”

She rolled to her side, half on top of me, sliding a smooth leg between my calves. Her hair swept back and forth across my skin, and she dropped her head, dark eyes full of mischief.

“Wasn’t planning on it, Guerin,” she purred, her husky voice sending a violent shiver up my spine. “I have no sprite-like tendencies. Besides, nudity is reserved for a certain grumpy alien who’s truly adorable when jealous.”

I wound my fingers into her hair, toying with the silken strands, and she inched closer, her mouth hovering just out of reach. A low groan crawled up my throat, and I slipped my hand around her neck.

“You are going to be the death of me,” I murmured, tracing her face with my eyes. She smiled slyly, one brow arching skyward, her rapidly heating energy flowing into my skin, a steady current of pure electricity.

“Is that so?”

“Mmhmm,” I nodded, the tip of my nose brushing hers, and pulled her head down the last fraction of an inch, mumbling against her lips.

“But what a way to go.”


I was perched on the edge of the van, one leg crooked on the carpeted floor, watching Liz and Kyle disappear into the distance in search of firewood.

My mind was in overdrive, trying to sort through the jumbled images I’d received from Liz the night before. There was a young Italian man sitting at a large mahogany desk, immersed in a stack of papers. An excited Kyle in a severe looking suit, shaking a tall woman’s hand. A dark-haired girl, her back to the scene, jumping up and down in the grass. And there was me, gazing down at a smiling Liz, her arms looped around my neck. The background was filled with unfamiliar faces, but our eyes were locked on each other, as soft moonlight streamed in from large portrait windows behind us.

I chewed on my lip for a moment, stopping abruptly when I realized where I’d picked up the habit. Suddenly Kyle seemed to trip over his own feet, and Liz doubled over, holding her stomach, the faint sound of hysterical laughter drifting back to me. A broad grin broke across my face, and the sound of Isabel’s voice snapped me out of my trance.

“I must be delirious,” she mused dryly. “Was that a smile?”

“Even I can crack one now and then, Iz,” I retorted, my eyes still locked on the small forms walking into the woods.

“I know that, Michael. But I thought you rationed them. I lost count during breakfast.” I finally turned to her, and she sat down next to me, her hands clasped in her lap. “I take it you had a good night.”

Groaning, I scowled at her. “Your vertically challenged boyfriend needs to keep his mouth shut.”

She immediately raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Kyle didn’t say anything.” I eyed her carefully, and she chuckled. “He didn’t <i>have</i> to, Michael. You’ve been grinning like an idiot all day, watching Liz like a hawk. Didn’t exactly give my deductive reasoning skills a hard workout.”

Laying a hand on my arm, she found my eyes. “I’m happy for you. Both of you.” She shot me a bright smile, and I swallowed hard, nodding. Her palm slid down to my hand, and she rolled her eyes. “God, Michael Guerin in love. The world isn’t ready.”

“The world may not be alone,” I mumbled.

She scrunched her face in confusion. “Wait, I thought…” Understanding passed quickly over her face, and she yanked her hand away. “<i>Michael.</i>”

I clawed my eyebrow, the skin stinging furiously as punishment, and half shrugged. The van lurched suddenly as she jumped to her feet, screeching in a vocal range usually reserved for canine hearing. “<i>God</i> Michael, you slept with her and you still haven’t told her?”

My mouth moved wordlessly as she began to pace frantically, ranting all the while. “Just when I thought my faith in men had been restored, you had to go and do something completely imbecilic.” She snorted, halting in front of me, throwing her hands into the air. “And you have the nerve to be <i>pleased</i> with yourself?”

“She wasn’t all that verbal, either,” I muttered.

“Oh, that’s really mature, Michael,” she scoffed in response. “What are you, six?”

I could practically see the last strands of her control snapping, cut by the sharp edge of female solidarity.

<i>Deflect, Guerin.</i>

“Wasn’t my decision. It was her choice.”

“So you just sat back and let her think she was servicing you for the night, is that it?” she yelled, jabbing a finger into my chest.

<i>Okay, deflection isn’t working.</i>

I scowled, brushing her hand away. “Don’t go all Sex Nazi on me. It’s none of your business.”

Her eyes flashed dangerously, and she planted her hands on my knee, leaning closer. “None of my business,” she mimicked evenly, her tone deceptively calm.

<i>Mayday, mayday…</i>

“What exactly is none of my business, Michael? The happiness and well being of my family? Or the fact that my dear brother has his head stuck firmly up his ass?”

I nearly grimaced at her uncharacteristic crudeness. “Kyle is rubbing off on you.”

She sighed, pushing off my leg, and sat heavily beside me. “He has. A lot more than you know.”

My face twisted in disgust. “Not a mental picture I need.”

“That’s not what I meant,” she snapped, glaring at me, and blew out an exasperated puff of air. “Work with me here, Michael. I’m trying not to throttle you.”

Smirking, I crossed my arms, and she turned away as she continued. “I loved Alex. I did,” she whispered, her tone laced with regret. “He was the first person who ever cared about me without an obligation to.”

“That’s not true,” I cut in. She dropped her head, smiling sadly.

“Yes it is. You and Max because of the otherworldly connection, my parents because they’re the ones who found us, the girls at school because they wanted to be popular by association. Alex… He didn’t want anything but me.” She sniffed, swiping her hand across her face, and looked over at me. “Don’t think I’m not grateful for the people I have. Had.” Her face darkened briefly, almost too quick to catch. “This isn’t a pity party, I’m done with all that. I just need you to understand.”

“Can’t say a whole lot is dawning on me here, Iz.”

“He was amazing,” she replied wistfully. “And I loved him. But not the way I should have, not until he was gone.”

I ran a hand through my hair, trying to mask my confusion, and waited for her to go on.

Leaning back, she propped herself on the door hinges. “I took him for granted, Michael. I played with him, strung him along… And I know he thought I didn’t care, when really I just… I wasn’t <i>ready</i> to let someone love me, when I wasn’t even sure who I was. God, I was <i>terrified</i> of just being me. But I was selfish. I couldn’t let him in, but I couldn’t let him go either. In the end, I tried to change. I wanted to be better for him, Michael. To be who he needed me to be, who he deserved, but it wasn’t something I was capable of.” She tilted her head, narrowing her eyes. “Is any of this ringing any bells?”

A warning sounded in my head, shrill and unforgiving, and I shut my eyes.

“I thought so,” she said softly. I gathered enough resolve to look at her, and she stared back at me, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. “I miss him, every day. But we weren’t supposed to be together. I couldn’t let myself go enough to love him, because I was afraid to let him see who I really was.”

“Do you know what’s different now?” She took a deep, shaky breath, continuing as if she hadn’t expected a response.

“Kyle sees me, whether I let him or not. The part of me that I always tried to hide from people, the parts that scare me, the parts I’m ashamed of. He sees it all. And he loves me anyway.” She reached over, resting a hand on my leg, her tone almost pleading. “I’ve stopped running from myself, but you’re still going, and there’s no <i>reason</i> to. I know you’ve been hurt before, but…

“You don’t have to change, Michael. You don’t have to give up any part of who you are. That’s not what love should be. It’s possible to have someone who accepts you completely, without reservation. Alex wanted to be that person for me, and I let it slip away. But I’m embracing it now, with Kyle, and he’s taught me more about myself than I ever hoped to know. In the past, it was always about who I was afraid of becoming. Now, I finally know who I <i>want</i> to be.”

Her voice trembled, and she had to pause. “Alex is a part of me. He was my first love, but not my greatest, and not my last.” Smiling slightly, she let her tears begin to fall, not bothering to wipe them away.

“He was my Maria, Michael. Kyle… Kyle is my Liz.”

I clenched my jaw, trying in vain to swallow over the lump in my throat. “You’re jumping the gun, Isabel.”

“Am I? I’ve never seen you as happy as you were this morning, ever. Not even in those damn dreams.” She sat back again, wiping at her cheeks. “It couldn’t have just been about sex, Michael.”

“I never said it was!” I shouted, clenching my fists. “Don’t put words in my mouth.”

Chuckling under her breath, she shook her head tightly. “Since this conversation started, you’ve said that sleeping together was her decision, that you might not be ready, and that I’m assuming things.” She raised a haughty brow. “You’ve never once said that you don’t love her.”

I dropped my eyes to the floor, absently scratching my eyebrow. “She knows how I feel, Iz.”

“She probably does,” Isabel agreed quietly. “But that power of hers can be a blessing and a curse. Are you just going to let it go at that?” My mouth fell open, and I stared at the carpet, my vision blurring, the fibers becoming a mottled block of color.

“God, Michael, how would you feel if you <i>knew</i> that someone loved you, and they never told you?”

Cupping a hand around my chin, she drew my gaze to her face. “Some things need to be said, and heard.” Her fingers fell away, but her eyes locked my head in place. “But one of you has to speak up first. I am not going to let you two dance around this until you break each other. I’ve been watching my family slowly fall apart, and I won’t do it anymore.”

“Iz – “

“No, I won’t. I love you too much. Both of you.” She pressed her lips together, pushing her hair behind her ear, and I almost smiled. I wasn’t the only one who’d picked up Parker quirks.

“This is black and white, Michael, there’s no gray area you can hide in. If you keep trying to do this halfway, then you’re no better than Max.” I blanched, blinking hard.

<i>Oh, low blow.</i>

“I almost… This morning,” I conceded, my voice hushed.

“You did?” she questioned, looking puzzled. “What happened?”

“You sent Tiny Tim after us.”

<i>And deflection finally works in my favor.</i>

“So I’m to blame for your little regression.” She groaned, letting her head fall back to the metal. “Wonderful. Just perfect.”

Then her head shot up rigidly, and she glared at me, the Ice Queen lurking just below the surface. “Sooner or later, you’re going to have to make a decision,” she said coolly. “Either love her or lose her. Are you willing to give her up just because you’re scared?”

Familiar laughter rang through my ears, sweet and melodic, and I turned to see the two missing members of our caravan, trudging back to camp with armfuls of long branches.

Liz was grinning, a long smudge of dirt streaked down one leg, scattered leaves tangled in her hair. As they approached, I began to feel the unmistakable tingle of her energy, reaching out to me from several feet away, faintly calling to my own. I knew the instant she felt me – her head swung in my direction, her brows drawn together in concern and confusion. Gentle, soothing waves licked at my skin, dimmed by the distance, but even the light touch, soft as the breeze, pressed into my nerves, making me feel whole.


She fell behind Kyle, walking slowly as she searched my face, then reluctantly turned back to him, dropping the wood near the fire pit. My eyes remained locked on her, and I lost myself in thought.


We rose to our feet after a few minutes, Isabel striding quickly to stand behind a kneeling Kyle, bending to kiss the top of his head. He tipped his head back, smiling up at her, and she ruffled his hair playfully. Liz’s life force grew stronger as she made her way toward me, throbbing almost tangibly by the time she stopped at my side, and I looked down at her, taking in every detail. Her eyes were still on the couple across the campsite, and she shook her head, smiling to herself.

“I can’t believe she’s the same person,” she breathed. “She was so angry for so long… But she seems so at peace now, even after everything that’s happened.” Her smile spread, and she turned to me. “Maybe it’s Buddha,” she cracked, laughing, her expressive eyes shining in the golden light of the setting sun.

“Somehow I doubt it,” I said absently, reaching up to retrieve one of the leaves snagged in her dark tresses.

The leaf fell away, fluttering softly to the ground, and I let my hand linger in her hair, twisting strands around my fingers. Some part of me wondered how she could be so calm, when every cell in my body, human and alien, seemed to be in deep turmoil.

“I can feel you,” I admitted quietly, sweeping my eyes across her face. Her features pulled together, a mask of intense concentration.

“Well technically, hair is made up of dead cells,” she mumbled thoughtfully, biting into her lip. “But I suppose they’re capable of transmitting energy.” I dropped my hand, the hair curled around my fingers unraveling in smooth coils, and took a step back.

“No, Little Miss Scientist,” I countered, smirking. “I can <i>feel</i> you. From here. And if you want to get technical, you’ve got a good twenty foot range.”

She narrowed puzzled eyes at me. “What?”

“It started when you and Tinkerbell came back to camp. Faint, but it was there. And last night, I got flashes. Kyle, a little girl, some guy I didn’t recognize. And us, Liz, you and me. But the scene in the flash, it’s never…” I jerked a hand through my hair. “What the hell is happening?”

“I don’t have the slightest clue,” she responded flatly, sinking to the ground. “I… I didn’t see anything.” I dropped down beside her, my shirt brushing her bare arm, and we sat in silence for awhile, comforted by proximity.

“I’m just as scared as you are, Michael,” she finally whispered.

“Doesn’t seem like it.” There was no accusation in the statement, but it was laced with curiosity, confusion.

She shrugged, twirling a blade of grass between her fingertips. “The reasons are different, I guess. I’m afraid of the unknown. I don’t know how any of this is going to play out, or where we’re going to end up. I’m afraid of going back to that dark place I was in, and not being able to escape. I’m afraid that you’ll wake up tomorrow and decide that all of this is too much for you, and you won’t want to come anywhere near me.” She shook her lightly, chewing on her lower lip. “But you’re…”

“What?” I cocked my head to the side, intrigued by the rest of her unfinished sentence. “Share with the class, Parker.”

Turning her head, she met my gaze with piercing eyes. “You’re afraid of <i>me</i>.”

I never knew four simple words could mean so many things. Or that they could hurt so much. But they ripped through me, shredding everything in their path.

Clenching my jaw, I tore my eyes from hers. “Why the hell would I be afraid of you?” I’d meant the words to be light, flippant, but she chuckled softly, methodically, the quiet laugh cutting through my ruse.

“Because you’ve been alone so long that you take comfort in it, and you don’t want to let go of that. Because you still can’t let yourself believe that you deserve to be happy. Because I gave you something I never gave Max, and you can’t use him as an excuse anymore.”

She paused, her voice losing its edge. “Because I’m in love with you.”

Some invisible force sucked all the air from my lungs, and my heart constricted almost painfully. I snapped my eyes back up to hers, the determination etched in the dark orbs matched by the unmistakable challenge that crackled in the air around us.

“You think that scares me?”

“I think it terrifies you. But it’s something you need to work out on your own, Michael.” She climbed to her feet, brushing off the backs of her legs, and walked away without a backward glance. Her energy began to fade, leaving an emptiness behind that cooled my blood.

She was right, of course. I’d admitted it to her myself, my fear of needing her, and she’d called me on it. The urge to laugh was overwhelming, as I contemplated how I would contend with a stubborn streak almost as fierce as mine for the rest of my life.

The rest of my life.

I marveled at how easily the phrase slipped into my brain, natural, comforting.

<i>”Either love her or lose her… Are you willing to give her up?”</i>

As afraid as I may have been of completely depending on someone, of becoming my brother, nothing scared me more than the thought of living without her.

I finally answered Isabel’s question, my voice full of conviction, though barely above a whisper.

“<i>Hell no.</i>”

I shot to my feet, jogging up behind her, relishing the magnetic pulse that steadily increased as I drew closer. “Parker…” She kept walking, slightly quickening her pace. “Dammit, Liz, stop.” I reached out, closing my hand around her shoulder, pivoting her gently to face me.

Lighting struck beneath my skin at the contact, an addictive sizzle, a seductive burn, shooting up my arm and into my chest. Unfiltered emotion poured from her, unrelenting, and the intensity left me breathless. Great swells of frustration, confusion, regret crashed through my skin, crested by wave after wave of love, so pure and unwavering that it humbled me, and warm tears sprang to my eyes. Suddenly the energy tapered, pulling back, almost peaceful in the aftermath.

“I’m sorry,” she said quickly, stumbling over the words. “I couldn’t… I’m sorry. I know it’s stronger for you now… We’ll find a way to control it.”

<i>Jesus, she thinks she hurt me. That she scared me.</i>

I smirked down at her, raising an eyebrow. “So that’s Parker uncensored, huh?”

Bringing my hand up, I cradled her cheek, stroking her smooth skin with my thumb. Even after everything she’d done, and everything I knew she was capable of, her strength never ceased to amaze me.

“My little powerhouse,” I murmured, shaking my head in awe. “I don’t want to control it. And I don’t want to be afraid of you, not anymore.”

My head swooped down, and I captured her mouth, her gasp of surprise muffled against my lips. Her energy reached out to me, tentative but hopeful, and she parted her lips in silent invitation. I kissed her with everything I had, releasing the dam on my own energy, letting the final pieces of my wall come tumbling down and disintegrate to dust.

Wrapping my arms around her waist, I molded her to my body, letting my lips soothe the ache I’d caused, erasing the hurt with every broad sweep of my tongue. She tangled her hands in my hair, gripping me closer, embracing the gesture, accepting my effort. The air around us was charged, alive, and I fed its fury, trying to match the unyielding emotion I’d felt from her, to return the gift she’d given me.

I held on, fighting the protest in my lungs, until I was sure I’d poured out the last drops of my soul. We broke apart violently, gasping for air, and I leaned my forehead down to hers, trying to calm my racing pulse. Her fingers slid down, grasping my arms, and I lifted both hands to her face, willing myself to look at her. Deep chocolate filled my vision, glistening with unshed tears.

My mouth curved into a small smile. “Get the message?”

She nodded slowly, an unspoken apology in her eyes. “Michael, I didn’t… It was too fast,” she mumbled, trying to look down. My palms kept her head steady. “I mean, it hasn’t even been a week.”

I shook my head, sliding my thumb over her mouth. “It’s been a lot longer than that. Stop trying to save me from myself, Parker.”

The space around us began to glow, the same rich amber and brilliant blue that had enveloped us the night before, sparkling with a deep, hypnotic pink.

<i>Some things need to be said...</i>

Leaning in again, I pressed my lips to hers, softly, almost innocently, keeping our eyes locked, and the drops began to spill over. I brushed them away quickly, pulling back, and she bit down on her lip. I stared at her, my gaze steady, taking a moment to revel in the warmth of our joined energy. It was something I’d become addicted to, that I craved, and I fed off the strength she gave me. The faith she had in me.

“I know you can feel me, Liz,” I started, my voice threatening to break. “But you still have no idea how much I love you.”

She shut her eyes tightly, the tears now streaming down her face, and buried her head in my chest. I wound my arms down her back, resting my face in her soft hair, and the shell of vibrant color surrounded us completely.

The reverie was broken by the sound of Isabel’s shout, a strange blend of frustration and triumph.


<i>All that I want
Is stillness of heart
So I can start
To find my way
Out of the dark
And into your heart…</i>

Last edited by Dimensia on Fri Mar 18, 2005 12:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
{ Polarist | Incrowder | Drifter | X-tremer | Lollie | Cheerleader | Stud }
{ Here Without You | Taking Over Me }
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Post by Dimensia »

A/N: Selected lines were used from "Ch-Ch-Changes."

Cassie, thank you so much for your feedback. Hope you continue to enjoy the story.

Calinia, there's definitely an internal battle when it comes to Michael being vocal. In my eyes, he's a man of few words but many thoughts. He doesn't use ten words when two will do. He doesn't waste time saying things that don't need to be said. But speaking from the heart is hard for him, naturally, since he hasn't exactly done it all that much.

In Isabel's case, I think it was her frustration boiling over. Michael knows how he feels, yes, but so does Isabel (and Kyle, and ultimately, Liz). Isabel has watched him struggle with this, watched him try to sort it out and come to terms, and now that he has, I absolutely think she's frustrated that he won't give that final inch. Especially knowing that they've slept together. And it's also concern for Liz. She's been strung along, she's done the yo-yo thing, and Isabel genuinely doesn't want to see Michael repeat Max's mistakes.

Plus, let's face it... Isabel is pushy. Hehe.

Until next time...


<b>CHAPTER THIRTEEN » </b><i>Sick Cycle Carousel</i>

Previously, in <b>Here Without You</b>…

<i>“I know you can feel me, Liz,” I started, my voice threatening to break. “But you still have no idea how much I love you.”

She shut her eyes tightly, the tears now streaming down her face, and buried her head in my chest. I wound my arms down her back, resting my face in her soft hair, and the shell of vibrant color surrounded us completely.

The reverie was broken by the sound of Isabel’s shout, a strange blend of frustration and triumph.



I chuckled into Liz’s hair, feeling her echoing laughter through the fabric of my shirt. Her energy was humming, singing a pure and elated tune as it rejoiced in the afterglow of my confession. The swift beating of my heart and slight tremble of the hands on her back told me that my own was answering in kind. All the barriers were gone, and I felt light, almost weightless, anchored to the earth only by the tiny woman in my arms.

Closing my eyes, I pressed my lips to the crown of her head, breathing in her unmistakable scent. Rich vanilla notes that wound through the sweetness of lavender and the natural spice of her skin, creating a perfume I could never get enough of. One that smelled like new beginnings. Second chances. Like home. Life. Love. I froze at the thought, going rigid in her embrace.

I loved Liz Parker.

It wasn’t the storybook romance she had shared with Max once upon a time, even with all the talk of soulmates, other halves, and matching energies. And it wasn’t the knockdown, drag out, hanging-by-a-thread love I’d had with Maria, though I’d fight tooth and nail to hold on to it, if that’s what it took. No, this was solid and sure and so damn <i>right</i> that I could feel it surging through my veins, burrowing into the very core of me.

That wasn’t new.

I’d felt it the first time we connected. I’d felt it every time since. In town after town, in smoky bars, in seedy motels, in the close confines of the van. It had stayed with me, dormant and repressed, bubbling to the surface at random moments. The scene I’d made in the Painesville café. The reaction to Liz’s unexpected gift. The post-sketch breakdown. I had realized it early on, and acted on it with Liz’s prompting, with her permission. Hell, now I’d even told her. The words had tumbled from my mouth with surprising ease, accompanied by a newfound freedom. But the emotional exchange wasn’t the reason behind my sudden shock.

What had me standing in the grass, wrapped around my girlfriend and frozen in astonishment, was the realization that I’d actually admitted it to myself.

I <i>loved</i> Liz Parker.

That simple fact had been glaringly obvious to everyone around me. To Kyle, who had tried to nudge me in the right direction with knowing looks and offhand comments. To Isabel, who’d skipped the gentle prodding and gone straight to railroading. Even Max had recognized it in the end, and just the thought of prolonged exposure had sent him running for the hills.

Through it all, I had remained firmly rooted in denial. Through a sketch that seemed to draw itself, leaving the winged spirit of Liz splashed all over the page. Through trusting myself, and our connection, enough to heal her. Through talks and touches and tears and thoroughly mind-bending, flash-inducing sex. I had been satisfied with letting my actions speak for me, with showing her how I felt. I’d thought it was enough. And she hadn’t pushed, assuring me that I didn’t have to do anything I wasn’t ready for. She knew how I felt, and no matter what Isabel said, that was enough for Liz.

It just wasn’t enough for me.

Feeling it was amazing, but saying it made it real. And after everything we’d been through, I wanted this to be real. Undeniable and indisputable. To be the one thing I could have without strings or repercussions, that I could hold on to. That I didn’t have to give up.

At this point, I didn’t think I could.

Warm lips brushed my heart through soft cotton, prompting me to unclamp my eyelids. Liz tipped her head back, meeting my gaze. The corners of her mouth crooked into a soft smile, and I grinned in response. Her eyes were alive, alight with hope and happiness, and I fell all over again. Words that I’d locked away for so long, that I’d strung together aloud just moments before, rang through my head, providing a melodic chorus to the soothing song of her energy.

<i>I love Liz Parker.</i>

Smirking, I lowered my mouth to her forehead, my lips slipping over her skin as I spoke.

“Keep looking at me like that, Parker. Does wonders for my ego.” I laughed again, easy and free, and Liz joined me, the feminine peals blending with my throaty chuckle in an oddly beautiful harmony.

<i>”Michael Guerin in love…”</i>

Damn straight.


We made our way back to the other half of our fractured group, still loosely entangled in each other. Kyle’s face bore a knowing grin, while the statuesque blonde at his side wore a self-satisfied expression. She arched a haughty brow as we approached, and I braced myself for a happily chastising speech from my sister.

Instead she reached out for Liz, gently tugging her away, and I raised an eyebrow, puzzled.

“What, no ‘I told you so’?”

Isabel answered with a shrewd wink and saccharine smile. “Girl talk. You understand.” Shrugging, Liz looked up at me, giving my hip a gentle squeeze before submitting to Isabel’s domination. I stared after them as they walked away, shaking my head, and a clearly amused Kyle ambled to my side.

“She’s stealing my thunder,” I mused dryly, watching Isabel ramble excitedly to a dumbfounded Liz over dinner preparations. “How’d she know?”

“You told her,” he stated simply.

“We’ve established that already, Gimli. Try to keep up.”

Kyle shook his head slowly in response. “Not Liz. Isabel.”

I furrowed my brows in confusion, replaying my earlier conversation with her in my head. When my mental recap produced no answers, I stared blankly at Kyle. “Okay, I’ll bite. <i>What?</i>”

He didn’t acknowledge the question. After a minute he crossed his arms, snickering as Liz ducked an overzealous hand, only to be hit by the piece of stray bologna that followed. I cleared my throat harshly, and he tore his attention from the girls, sucking in a deep breath. “Your aura, and Liz’s. That’s how she knew.”

Snorting, I clawed at my temple. “Bullshit. Iz can’t see auras.”

“She can if she’s connected to me.”

I blinked hard, as if the action could make some sense of his statement. “Run that by me again.”

He tossed a panicked look toward the girls, then grabbed my elbow to steer us out of earshot. Dragging a hand over his face, he sighed heavily. “My brain is still fried from our last heart to heart, so I’ll try to make this as painless as possible. When Izzy and I are connected, we can share power.” He held a palm in the air, cutting my interruption short. “I don’t know why.”

I nodded, completing the thought for him. “But you know how.”

“Well,” he started, flushing immediately. “Not how so much as, uh, <i>when</i>. I guess it wasn’t totally new, the signs were there, and it kind of built the closer we got… But it didn’t really… I couldn’t <i>see</i> it until…”

Kyle was rambling like Isabel, like Liz, something both women displayed under fierce attacks of nerves. The action was highly uncharacteristic for him, and I tilted my head to the side, watching his flustered antics with puzzled interest.

“You can start making sense any day now.”

“It started after we…” Trailing off, he turned his eyes to the ground, and something clicked in my head. I gritted my teeth almost painfully, wishing for nothing more in that moment than his absolute silence. “We, ah – “

“Valenti, finish that sentence and I guarantee you’ll regret it.”

The relief in his shaky sigh was palpable. “So you get the picture.”

“Unfortunately,” I said tightly, glowering at him. The sound of choppy, nervous laughter wound through the air, and my scowl deepened. “What the hell is so funny?”

“Me, I guess,” he replied, scratching the back of his head. “It’s not every day you tell your best friend that you’ve nailed his sister. Plus, this whole thing has an underlying ick factor. I dated Liz, you and Isabel shared wet dreams, and now we’ve all switched partners. It’s like Extraterrestrial 90210.” I growled in response, mechanically clenching my fists, and he brought eerily calm eyes back to my face.

“Chill, Chewie. Once I climb out of the hole I just dug, I’ll be sure to hand over the shovel so that you can beat me with it.”

Groaning, I retracted my nails from my palms. “I’m not going to pummel you, Kyle,” I grumbled. He shrugged in response, flashing a sardonic grin.

“I know. But it’s nice to make you feel important.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose, squeezing my eyes shut. “So Iz has X-ray vision.”

“Only when we’re literally connected,” he offered. Dropping my hand, I glared at him, and he rushed to clarify. “Not <i>that</i> literally. I’m talking casual contact.”

“And she understands what the colors mean.”

“Perfectly. I can only guess how. She must be able to read them because I can.”

He shifted on his feet, looking uncomfortable, and I narrowed my gaze. “So what are you not telling me?”

“I…” Pausing, he watched me for a moment, trepidation evident in his eyes. “I think it’s happening with you and Liz, too,” he finished.

<i>Of course it is. Life just wouldn’t be complete without these alien curveballs.</i> I hung my head, furiously rubbing the back of my neck. “And you’ve come to that conclusion how?”

“Your auras have shifted,” he admitted quietly. “Usually a person’s aura is all their own. Sure, they can be affected by other auras, and react to them, but they don’t interact. But yours, they’ve… blended, for lack of a better term. Instead of being separate fields, they’re one combined force. I’ve only seen it happen once before.”

“With you and Isabel.”

He smiled grimly. “And even that’s different. Our auras combine when we’re connected, but they’re otherwise normal. Yours and Liz’s seem to be permanently melded. It’s like you’ve branded each other.” His smile broadened briefly, followed by a low snicker. “Though I guess this is better than tattooing her name on your ass.”

Noting my utter lack of amusement, his face grew serious. “Look, there are seven auric levels. When I’m connected to Iz, ours blend on three of them, the most prominent three, the ones closest to the body. They’re the mental and emotional layers, most people capable of reading don’t see beyond those, they can’t. The other four are connected to the spirit, to the soul.” He pulled a hand through his hair, planting the other on his hip. “Your auras are completely synchronized, man. On each and every level. To tell you the truth, it’s a little freaky. But I think I get the ‘why’ on this one.”

“Feel free to enlighten me,” I mumbled, snorting.

“Isabel and I can connect almost effortlessly. Most times eye contact is all it takes. But a connection has to be made, a conscious one. You and Liz don’t have that problem, do you?”

A gentle hum had been tugging at my senses since the conversation began, a familiar presence hovering at the edge of my awareness. I could feel her clearly across the distance, content but a bit overwhelmed at Isabel’s fervor, and had embraced the sensation without a second thought. As if sensing my attention, the energy changed, curiosity and concern leaping to the surface. I shook my head, somehow knowing that her eyes were on me.

“No,” I answered concisely. “We don’t.”

Kyle nodded, pressing his lips together. “That’s what I thought. Your auras are bound because <i>you</i> are. Because your connection is constant. It’s just a visual of your combined energies. Like a diagram.” He shot me a crooked grin. “Guess that jigsaw puzzle came together after all.”

<i>A visual.</i>

“What does it look like?” I questioned. His features pulled together as he studied me.

“Separately it looks like any aura does,” he started cautiously. “Only it’s duplicated, split between the both of you. When you’re together it’s like a glowing dome, and so dense it almost looks tangible. But your auric colors always weave together. Liz’s base is a deep blue – “

“And mine is a warm brown. Amber,” I finished, conjuring a mental image of the colorful canopy that had just made an encore appearance.

“Yeah,” he confirmed. “Okay Guerin, how in Buddha’s name do you know that?”

“I’ve seen it.”

Kyle’s arms fell to his sides as his mouth dropped open, his eyes growing wide as he gaped at me. “Tell me you’re joking.”

“I’m joking,” I said flatly. “Manifesting big balls of color for your personal amusement is right up my alley.”

He scowled in my general direction, shaking his head in disbelief. “This is insane. A guy can’t even be unique among aliens.” Taking a deep breath, he rubbed his forehead roughly. “You and Liz get horizontal and now you’re sharing powers with <i>me</i>? You’ll excuse me if I find that a more than a tad disturbing.”

My brows furrowed as my brain retrieved filed memories. “I don’t think that’s it. The… horizontal thing.” I glared as a muffled snicker left his lips. “You weren’t all that eloquent about it yourself, Tiny Toon.” He quieted, and I scratched my eyebrow thoughtfully.

“I saw it today, and I saw it last night. The amber and indigo all marbled together. But I’ve seen colors before.”

“<i>Before</i> the sex?!” he exclaimed, his earlier hemming and hawing obliterated by shock. “When? <i>What?</i> When?”

I chuckled before I could stop myself, but quickly sobered at his look of utter disbelief. “Our second connection, there was a whole rainbow thing going on. And I saw pastels once, the time she, uh… had her hand up my pants.”

“And you never thought to, I don’t know, share this information with me?” he hissed.

“I didn’t know you could see the stupid things until three days ago! What the hell was I supposed to say? ‘By the way, Kyle, I’m seeing Crayolas on parade’?"

“Okay, correct me if I’m wrong here,” he said slowly, ignoring my outburst. “It only happened when you two connected, and you can’t see any other auras.” At my nod, he sighed heavily, closing his eyes. “You and Liz have the one-in-a-million energy swapping deal, and auras are basically tinted fields of energy wavelengths. If your connections were pretty intense, it might be possible for you to <i>see</i> the energy itself. You two sealing the deal had nothing to do with you seeing spots before the fact. But it did alter your auras, that I’m sure of.”

I quirked an eyebrow, impressed with his deduction, and he opened wary eyes to me. “I’m just wondering what else it changed. Obviously the end of the sexual frustration era hasn’t made you a happier camper. Is anything different?”

The welcome presence of Liz’s energy was still caressing my every nerve, and I nodded reluctantly.

“Like you said, the connection is constant now. I don’t need contact to feel her anymore. She’s just… <i>there</i>.”

He blew out a long, shaky breath, then laughed to smother it. “Just when you think life can’t get any more interesting… Look, Iz and I haven’t exactly experimented on this front. For all I know, I can dreamwalk if I’m connected to her. I don’t know if this works both ways, or how much of each other’s abilities we can take on…”

<i>“It’s growing… I’m not even sure how powerful this could get, but I know I’m stronger when we’re together.”</i>

Liz’s voice rang through my ears, overlapping with Kyle’s, and I froze, vaguely aware of him continuing his thoughts. “I guess all we can do is wait.”

“So this… being able to feel Liz. It’s connected to the empathic thing.”

“Looks that way, Slash,” he said tiredly, squinting in my direction. “Did you hear anything I just said? I know I have a lovely speaking voice, but I’m above talking to myself. It’s a mile marker on the road to insanity.”

<I>“The premonitions are just a part of her true power…”</i>

The images I’d been trying to decipher shuffled through my mind at blinding speed.

<i>”Her combined senses can bend time…”</i>

“You okay, man?” Kyle’s concerned voice pierced the night air, distant and distorted, as if he were speaking through water.

<i>“The intensity… Things that overload emotion… Pure bliss…”</i>

I laughed hoarsely, the sound hollow and flat, and trained my eyes on him. The form in front of me merged with the suited Kyle in my head, creating an odd double exposure.

<i>”The scene in the flash, it’s never…”</i>

Happened. It had never happened.

“You’re freaking me out here, Guerin.” His tone was teetering on the edge of panic, and I swiped a hand down my face, drawing in a deep breath.

“I think… I saw the future, Kyle.”

His face blanked, leaving his features slack and his eyes glazed, and I was sure the expression mirrored my own. “<i>Whoa.</i>”

“Great,” I scoffed, throwing my hands in the air. “I’ve joined the psychic friends network, and you’re channeling Keanu Reeves.”

“Sorry, sorry, first thing that came to mind.” He swallowed hard. “You saw… <i>what</i>, exactly?”

“When we… finished, I got flashes. Liz and I, a guy I’ve never seen before, and you grinning at some chick who wasn’t Isabel.” I pinned him with an accusatory glare, hoping he could somehow prove me wrong. “You ever been in a gray suit and shaken hands with a blonde? Five seven or so, blue eyes, kinda pretty?”

“How pretty are we talking?”

“Did it happen or not?” I snapped, exasperated.

Pulling his eyebrows together, he shook his head pensively. “Not ringing a bell.”

“So I had premonitions.” I scratched my eyebrow harshly, barely registering the sharp sting. “Well at least nobody croaked.”

“Yeah, that would’ve sucked,” he said thinly. “Talk about killing the mood.”

“Oh boys,” Isabel’s voice rang out, startling us both. “If you’re done comparing notes, we’d like to eat sometime this century.”

We exchanged cautious glances before turning to amble slowly back to camp. Kyle clapped me on the back, his eyes wide and mischievous.

“Who knows, maybe we could make this profitable. An 800 number, some infomercials… Liz is a resourceful girl, she could pick up the accent. Can’t you just see it?” His voice rose a few octaves, sounding artificially Jamaican. “’Do me now for your free reading!’ We’ll make <i>millions</i>.”

I chuckled halfheartedly, and he wrapped his fingers around my arm, halting my forward motion. “Seriously man, are you okay with all this?” Shrugging, I buried my hands in my pockets.

“With whoring my girlfriend as a human fortune cookie?” I deadpanned. “Not so much.”

“You know good and well what I meant,” he said sourly. “We had a lot to deal with already, and now you’ve got visions of the future thrown into the mix.”

He tossed a meaningful glance at Liz. “I just want to make sure you’re not going to do anything you’ll regret.”

“Not gonna happen.”

“Just checking,” he replied, raising his hands, a hint of disbelief still evident in his tone.

I swept my eyes over to Liz, watching her grab bottles of Snapple from the cooler and glide fluidly back to Isabel. She set the drinks down and looked up, meeting my gaze, and flashed me a brilliant smile that meant a million different things at once.

I took a deep breath to alleviate the sudden tightness in my chest, then turned back to Kyle.

“She’s got me as long as she wants me,” I said firmly, raising a challenging brow. “Tell me I’m lying.”

He cocked his head appreciatively, laughing under his breath, and stepped forward. “Come on, Shaggy. Clammy bologna awaits.”

We resumed our short journey back with a quickened pace. Kyle strode ahead to Isabel, while Liz met me halfway.

“I thought maybe you two just needed to talk for awhile…” She trailed off, biting her lip, and I knew instantly that my emotional turmoil had come through loud and clear. “What’s wrong?”

Smirking, I shook my head, trailing a hand over her cheek. The invisible force of her spirit bombarded my senses as skin met skin, and I let it wash over me, reveling in the sheer power we created together. Her hands settled on my waist, and I tugged her closer, folding her into my embrace.

“Nothing’s wrong,” I assured her, shocked at the conviction in my voice. My fingers wound into her hair to cradle the back of her head, and I dropped my lips to her shoulder, my voice muffled on her skin.

“It’s not wrong at all.”


Night fell, and we ate in contemplative, companionable silence, then settled around the fire. Liz was propped up against my shoulder, while Kyle and Isabel were huddled together across the dying flames.

“Ugh,” Kyle grumbled, rubbing his midsection in slow circles. “I’m sure Oscar Meyer and Chef Boyardee are fine fellows, but I wouldn’t mind seeing other people now and then.”

Liz smiled sympathetically, nestling her head into the crook of my arm. “It could be worse, Kyle,” she offered.

“How? Botulism?”

Chuckling, I supplied him with an answer I knew was more than suitable. “Considering our budget, we could be living on Top Ramen and SPAM.” I shuddered at the mere thought of watery noodles and mystery meat, and Kyle seemed to follow suit.

“Oh Buddha,” he groaned, clutching his stomach, and fell ungracefully onto his back. “Nevermind, I take it back. Long live brand monogamy. Bring on the Spaghetti-O’s.”

“As fascinating as the conversation is,” Isabel chimed in dryly, “I’m gonna call it a night. I’m beat.”

“From <i>what</i>?” I asked incredulously. “You didn’t do anything.”

“You’re right, Michael,” she retorted, practically spitting acid. “I made three meals, handled the clean up, and single-handedly prevented your burgeoning love life from imploding in spectacular fashion. Child’s play. I shouldn’t be tired at all.”

“Brat,” I mumbled, unable to come up with anything to counter her points. The childish display earned me a bright smile, and I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. Isabel spread out next to Kyle, and he curled one arm around her shoulders, looking nauseous but moderately appeased.

Liz pivoted away, rocking to her feet, and kicked her shoes into the grass. She bent slightly at the waist, pausing to look down while she wiggled her toes in the thick blanket of earth. The innocence of the action matched the twinges of delight in her energy, and I smirked at her back. Tossing a casual glance over her shoulder, she unbuttoned her shorts, peeling them down her legs and stepping out of the material gathered at her feet.

“Was something funny, Michael?”

I propped my arms on my knees, trying to pry my eyes away from all the newly bared skin. “Besides you stripping down before all of nature? Hell of a free show you’re putting on, Parker.”

Smiling softly, she spun to face me. “There’s nobody here, Michael. Unless you’re counting the elderly guy in the bifocals and his dog, clear across the grounds.”

I snorted, and she laughed lightly, throwing her head back, her hair swaying around her shoulders. She walked slowly back to me, the corners of her mouth still curled upward. Her hips rolled with the movement, and I barely swallowed the groan that threatened to emerge. One small hand found the top of my head, and she pulled her fingers through the long strands, her thumb tracing my hairline.

“Relax, Guerin,” she murmured, her gaze following the slow path of her hand. “I’m <i>changing</i>, not planning an orgy.” The sly smile became a full-fledged grin, and a spark lit in her eyes, highlighted by the firelight. “Though I’m sure Kyle wouldn’t object.”

“Sure he would,” I croaked, wincing at the sudden drought in my throat. “I think he’s down for the count.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, my furry friend,” Kyle called out, still flat on his back. “Sex waits for no man, woman, or indigestion.” Isabel swatted a spot low on his stomach, and he grunted. “Careful with the hands, Princess. The belly is angered, and you are definitely in the line of fire.”

Standing, I rid myself of my jeans, the seductive spell broken by Kyle’s patented humor. Liz’s low giggle followed my actions, and she raised an amused brow.

“I see you’re experimenting with underwear today.”

“Too much information!” Isabel cried, burying her face in Kyle’s chest. Our joined laughter permeated the air, oddly beautiful in its four-part harmony. Liz stretched out on the ground, pulling me down after her. I tugged my shirt off, rolling it into a ball, and shoved it under her head.

“Maybe now that the royal cheapskate is gone, we can get some damn pillows,” I grumbled, pulling her flush against my chest, molding myself to her back. The fierce embrace left no room between us for even the strong current of our energy, and it settled around us in a calm, colorless shell.

“A great big Buddhist ‘amen’ to that,” Kyle drawled.

“Go to <i>sleep</i>, Kyle,” Liz and Isabel said in unison, prompting another round of tired chuckling.

Liz sighed contentedly as the laughter died down. “This is good, isn’t it? Not just us, but <i>this</i>… The four of us together. I think we’re going to be okay, Michael. I really do.”

I tried to remember the last time we’d gathered as a group, laughing and in relatively good spirits, and couldn’t conjure a memory that didn’t exist. But the flashes came back immediately, each one a possible glimpse of the future, and I saw her smiling up at me, her heart in her eyes.

“Yeah. We’re good, Parker.”

She scooted further into my arms, and my breath caught at the sudden squirming. “I think I liked the sleeping arrangements better last night.”

“Did you now?” I rested my cheek on her soft bed of hair, bringing my mouth close to her ear. “Any particular reason?” Biting down on her lip, she seemed to ponder the question for a moment, then gave a dismissive shrug.

“No, not really.”

“I bet,” I mused, nipping at her earlobe. My hands inched under her shirt, craving the warmth of her skin. I slid a bare leg between hers, and she wound her calves around it, locking us together. Her head turned, and I propped myself up on one elbow, leaning over her shoulder. I dropped my chin, my mouth hovering just above hers.

“I love you,” she breathed, sending an electric shiver down my spine, and I smirked against her lips.

“Sure, you say that <i>now</i>. What happened to ‘not really’?”

She smiled, rolling her eyes. “I may have reconsidered.”

Her head rose slightly, pressing her lips to my own. I kissed her hungrily, licking into the sweet recesses of her mouth, and she gasped, curling her arm up to clutch the back of my neck. My eyes slipped closed as the velvety softness of her tongue tangled with mine, and she rubbed a smooth leg down my calf. I trailed my palm over her silky skin, caressing her stomach, and slipped lower, my fingers grazing the scar next to her navel. Suddenly Liz’s disjointed voice sounded through my head.

<i>”This is serious, Kyle. Something is happening to me… I think I’m changing.”</i>

I tried to pull away, but all control was gone, leaving only the ominous echo of her voice.

<i>“Am I going to die?”</i>

Volts of sharp static shot through my arm, shocking my skin and singing my nerve endings.

<i>”It hurts.</I> Stop!<i> I can’t…”</i>

Pain flared within, steadily building as wave after wave of energy flowed into my torso. The air was pressed slowly from my lungs, and I fought for oxygen, my breath coming in shallow gasps.

Blinding light flashed behind my eyes, and the ache became bearable, a dull throb.

<i>”Just stop hurting me. Stay away. You’re</i> doing <i>this.”</i>

A spark lit in my skull, searing and electric, concentrated in one temple. Somewhere inside my head Liz screamed in agony, and the sound gnawed at my heart, my chest constricting painfully. Then my eyelids were wrenched apart, fluorescent points of animated light hindering my vision, and I found myself staring at Liz.

My mind was reeling, and I fought to open my mouth, to ask her if she was alright, if she knew what had happened, but the words wouldn’t come. She raised a hand to her face, and soft, agile fingers rubbed my forehead.

<i>Oh god.</i>

I wasn’t looking at Liz.

I <i>was</i> Liz.

This was more than a flash. I was reliving something stored inside of her.

She took a small step back, closing her eyes, shutting out her reflection. A deep, ragged breath was pulled in to my lungs, and I savored the stale air, trying to calm a frantic heartbeat that wasn’t mine.

A sharp knock reverberated through the small space, and her eyes shot open, her head snapping toward the door. A familiar voice drifted through the old wood.

“Liz? You okay?”

She swallowed thickly. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Her voice cracked and broke, dying completely by the end of the sentence. A nagging cloud prodded the back of my brain, hers, and she clenched her fists, trying to push it away.

The doorknob turned, and her eyes widened in blind panic.

“I’ll be out in a second, Max.”

He opened the door anyway, ignoring the reproach, and held it there while he peered inside. The fog in my head began to seep through the thin barriers keeping it at bay, accompanied by dozens of dizzying emotions that could only belong to the conflicted man who’d just entered the room.

Faintly, I could hear voices in the background, raised in anger.

“I’m cramped here! God, can’t you just move over a little? Is that too much to ask? Hmm?” When silence followed, Maria fell back on her strong lungs, her scream piercing the air. “<i>Michael!</i>”

My voice rose to the same volume, my deep bellow responding to her shrieking. “I can’t pull space out of my ass, Maria! <i>There is no more room</i>. I’m curled up like a damn Popple as it is.”

The argument came back to me from memory, even as it continued to rage outside. A service station in tiny Jackson, Tennessee, a mere two months after we left Roswell.

<i>And she can still feel Max.</i> The thought came at the same moment as his sheepish, apologetic smile, and he stepped further inside, shoving the door closed at his back. Liz backed away almost instantly, her level of alarm rising another notch.

“Um… I’ll be right out,” she stammered. “Really, Max, I just need another minute.”

He stared at her intently, stepping closer. Liz continued her slow retreat, forcibly halted when her back met the wall. Max stopped just in front of her, raising a hand, and his outstretched fingers seemed to slow to a crawl as they pushed across the short distance.


<i>Maxwell… Don’t kiss her, I’m begging you. I’m thoroughly freaked already.</i>

The swirling emotions emanating from him thickened the air, saturating every pore, too chaotic to decipher. They clogged my head, erratic and demanding, pulsing to the point of pain.

His hand reached its final destination, settling on her waist, meeting the bare skin between her shirt and shorts. The skin beneath his palm burned furiously in protest, and Liz bit down on her lip at the sudden torment of contact, hard enough to draw blood. I could taste the metallic flavor as it seeped into her mouth.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked, his eyes penetrating. Pressing her lips into a tight line, Liz nodded.

“I’m just tired, Max,” she affirmed, absently laving her injured lip with the tip of her tongue. Nodding, he squeezed her flesh lightly between his fingers before his hand fell away. She dropped her chin, her hair falling around her face like a shield, and unleashed a shaky sigh. His presence in my mind began to dim as he moved toward the door, completely oblivious to the torture he’d just exacted.

Liz raised her eyes as the door creaked on its hinges. The sound of Maria’s shrill objections filtered through the opening, and Max turned back.

“Everybody’s just… adjusting. It’ll get better, Liz, I promise.” He slipped through the door, closing it behind him, Liz’s answering whisper following on his heels.

“I hope so.”

She shuffled back to the sink, twisting on the rusted faucet, and splashed frigid water on her face before turning her gaze back to the mirror. Angry, frustrated tears welled in her eyes, and she swiped them away with the back of her arm. The patch of skin Max had touched was slowly cooling, but still throbbed, the blistering ache a painful reminder. Sniffing, she lifted her shirt, and the resulting gasp echoed through the tiny room. The weary image of Liz reflected in the mirrored glass ended halfway down her torso, barely revealing the edge of her skin’s new addition. She looked down, startled, and choked out a strangled cry.

The mark taunted her like a brand, spread across the flat expanse of her stomach. Silver, glowing, the clear imprint of a hand.

Fumbling hands found the fly of her shorts, separating the zipper before yanking down the edge of her underwear to reveal the mark in its entirety. One finger trailed along its outline, her disbelief evident in its halting movement. She seemed to hesitate for a moment, swallowing harshly, holding her hand just above the tinted skin. Then she closed the small gap, fitting her palm over the handprint.

Heat coursed through my every cell, white-hot, and Liz cried out in anguish, gripping the sink with her free hand. Her muscles strained as she tried to pull the other away, but it didn’t budge, seemingly fused to her skin.

Every nerve was aflame, so intense that it threatened to rip me apart from the inside. The blaze crawled through my veins, leaving nothing but unrelenting pain in its wake. It pulled through my system in a never-ending loop, feeding on itself, growing stronger as slow seconds ticked away. The lit match in my head, sparked by Max’s emotional turbulence, became a raging inferno, tearing away at my consciousness. My lungs burned as Liz’s breathing slowed, but her cries still echoed between my ears.

A new cycle began, flaring low in my midsection, the unmistakable agony of ripping skin. I’d felt it once before, and the nerve endings in my left shoulder seemed to scream at the mere memory. The feel of metal boring into muscle, tearing through flesh, that only a bullet could cause.

Dizziness crept into my head, battling with the searing pain. Liz was fighting for air, the arm bracing her writhing body shaking with the effort of holding her upright. Tears ran freely down her face, and I could taste the saltiness of them on my lips, feel them hitting my heated skin as they fell from her cheeks.

Then, as suddenly as the assault started, it stopped.

Fresh oxygen came in deep, sobbing gulps. She wrenched her hand away, and through blurry eyes, I could faintly make out the dark splotches on her palm. The handprint was gone, but in its place, a circular scar was burning into her flesh. Liquid crimson almost masked the wound’s underlying glow as it etched itself in her skin. Then the green ring of light flickered and faded, leaving only blood behind.

The room swayed as Liz lost her grasp on the ancient porcelain sink, and her knees buckled, sending her limp form into freefall. But the point of impact never came, swallowed by the deep, black void of nothingness.

<i>So where will this end, it goes on and on
Over and over and over again
Keep spinning around, I know that it won’t stop
‘Til I step down from this for good
This is a sick cycle carousel…</i>

Last edited by Dimensia on Fri Mar 18, 2005 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
{ Polarist | Incrowder | Drifter | X-tremer | Lollie | Cheerleader | Stud }
{ Here Without You | Taking Over Me }
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Chapter Fourteen A

Post by Dimensia »

A/N: This update, at nine pages, is on the short side (note the "A" label). My beta has already reprimanded me, so consider me dully chastised. But the next part is coming very soon, followed by a final present-time chapter and a glimpse at the future. Okay, a few glimpses. Thanks and praise go out to my lovely beta, my partner in crime, and my number one stalker. Love you all to bits.

kitkat, that's one of the many things I love about Michael. He can put so much behind so few words, and the fact that he's invested enough cared enough to actually say them makes it mean that much more.

Calinia, I agree with you completely. Isabel has a tendency to love by overcompensating and, in extreme cases, smothering. Sometimes it can be endearing, and others, it's just sort of overboard. What gives me a thrill is not squelching the flaws in the characters - by doing that, you change who they are at the core. It's more important to me to let them embrace their quirks and shortcomings, and with Isabel, that meant painting Michael into a corner. Hehe. I don't necessarily think she was right, either, but it was effective nonetheless. The characters are running the show, I'm just relaying the story. My brain is merely a vessel. ;) As for Michael and Kyle, I started HWY with a promise to myself that I wouldn't repeat insults. Always a challenge coming up with new ones.

Asabetha, thank you so much for your thoughts and kind words, they're greatly appreciated.

Hope everyone enjoys the new part. Until next time...



<b>CHAPTER FOURTEEN A » </b><i>Somewhere in Between</i>

Previously, in <b>Here Without You</b>…

<i>Then, as suddenly as the assault started, it stopped.

Fresh oxygen came in deep, sobbing gulps. She wrenched her hand away, and through blurry eyes, I could faintly make out the dark splotches on her palm. The handprint was gone, but in its place, a circular scar was burning into her flesh. Liquid crimson almost masked the wound’s underlying glow as it etched itself in her skin. Then the green ring of light flickered and faded, leaving only blood behind.

The room swayed as Liz lost her grasp on the ancient porcelain sink, and her knees buckled, sending her limp form into freefall. But the point of impact never came, swallowed by the deep, black void of nothingness.</i>


I swam through muddy darkness, heavy and weightless all at once. My thoughts were my own again, and the pain had receded to the point of nonexistence. But I could barely feel Liz - her energy was dimming, leaving mine behind.

She was dying on a grimy bathroom floor, and I was outside arguing with Maria.

<i>Calm down, Guerin. It’s just a memory. Liz is alive and lying right next to you.</i>

But at this moment, she was slipping away, and I couldn’t do anything to stop it.

Then a frantic voice cut in, echoing through the void.

“Come on Liz, wake up,” Kyle pleaded urgently. “Oh Buddha, please… <i>Liz!</i>”

Something wet sloshed across my face, spilling into my nostrils, and I was ripped back to consciousness, Liz’s energy rushing back in full force with one great, gasping breath.

“Guerin!” Kyle’s voice sounded again.

<i>Wait, that’s the wrong name.</i>

Groaning, I struggled to sit up, the air thick and heavy on my chest. Liquid burned in my nose, clogging the back of my throat, and I coughed up water, sputtering, while a heavy hand pounded on my back.

“Chill, Heimlich,” I snapped, my eyelids still clamped shut. The clapping stopped immediately, and I froze at the sound of my own voice.

I slid my eyes open, and they immediately landed on Isabel’s frightened face, a wet sheen of tears brimming. Turning, I caught sight of a shaken-looking Kyle, his palm still resting on my spine.

“Oh my god!” The stricken blonde threw herself at me, clutching at my neck, and I caught myself on my palms as she squeezed.

“It’s okay, Iz. Just a nightmare or something.”

My torso burned in memory of phantom pain, the flesh around my navel aflame.

Over Isabel’s shoulder, I could see Liz sit back on her heels, her face drawn and pale in the feeble light. Carefully, I pried my sister away, the sound of her sniffling in my ear too much to take.

“Was this an Elm Street kind of nightmare?” Kyle asked, sounding dazed. “Cause for awhile there, man… you stopped breathing.”

<i>Definitely ‘or something.’</i>

“So you tried to drown me. What was the reasoning there?”

“Drown?” He drew his brows together, his expression puzzled. “He was oxygen deprived for too long. Wonderful. The last thing he needs is further brain damage.”

“Kyle,” Isabel warned, her voice hushed and choked with worry, “this isn’t funny.”

“No, but I need to hold out hope for humor. I’m on the verge of some serious freaking here, and unless somebody laughs soon, I may break down like a little girl.” Finally taking his hand from my back, he swiped his palm down his face, eyeing me carefully. “Care to let us in on what just happened?”

“When I figure it out, you’ll be the first to know,” I muttered, wincing at the sharp ache still knifing low in my stomach.

Kyle threw his hands in the air. “Okay, so you had a freak narcoleptic attack while making out with your girlfriend. Nothing to brag about, but we’ll let it slide just this once. Next thing we know you’re knocking on death’s door, and I’m trying to figure out if summer camp CPR works on aliens who are turning blue. But oh no, it doesn’t stop there, folks. Just when I think you might be the world’s largest Smurf, you rejoin the land of the living. <i>Choking</i>, I might add.

“So let’s recap for the thinking impaired. In a nutshell, you scared the <i>shit</i> out of me.” He snapped his fingers. “Let’s go, Lazarus. Fill in the blanks.”

I blinked hard. “You left out the impromptu shower.”

“There was no water,” he tossed back, his tone brittle. “Try to keep up. You, passed out. Me, <i>freaked</i> out. Feel free to start making sense any minute now.”

“Yeah, I was choking. You dumped a river up my nose.”

“No, he didn’t,” Isabel interjected quietly. “Everything happened just like he said.”

“I fucking coughed it up, Isabel!” I exclaimed, sliding a palm across my stinging abdomen. “I’m wet…”

Liz had yet to speak, but the panic racing through her energy beat like a drum between my ears, echoing, almost painful. Her eyes were fixed on my chest, glassy and hollow, her mouth parted and slack.

Looking down, I felt the air rush from my lungs.

Just above my waistband, a thick streak of maroon was smeared across my skin, almost black, the sticky warmth dotting my open palm. A neon green ring glowed faintly through the streaks of blood, emblazoned on my flesh, dimming before my eyes.

<i>No fucking way.</i>

“Michael, you’re bleeding!”

I stared at the expanse of splotched skin until my vision blurred and my eyes started to water. “Thanks, Iz,” I said flatly. “I hadn’t noticed.” I covered the area with my palm, grinding my teeth against the harsh sting as I tried to focus my energy.

“You can’t heal it.”

My head jerked up at the sound of Liz’s voice, hollow and empty in my ears. She was visibly trembling, the hair at her shoulders drifting even in the absence of a breeze. “I’ve tried, it doesn’t… It never goes away.”

Then her eyes slid tightly shut, and she lurched to her feet. “I think I’m gonna be sick.”

She stumbled away, disappearing behind a thick line of bushes.

“Liz…” I climbed to my feet, dragging my jeans up my legs, grimacing at the pain that ebbed through my abdomen.

“Maybe you should lay down, man,” Kyle started hesitantly. “We could get you something to drink, or see if there’s an exorcist in the area…”

Bending against the burn in my torso, I scooped my crumpled shirt from the ground, shoving my arms into the sleeves and yanking it over my head.

“Michael, wait – ”

I silenced Isabel with a glare. “I don’t know what the hell is going on,” I ground out, looking down at her stricken, concerned face, “but I’m going to find out.”

Clutching my stomach in one hand, I strode down the path Liz had taken, thick grass brushing my bare feet, becoming rock and dirt the farther I went. Gnarled branches reached out to tug at my clothing, scratch at my skin, bending against their will as I pressed forward.

Streaks of sickly energy poured through me, leading the way, pointing me in the right direction. I veered left, cutting through dense brush and willowy trees, the rough, uneven soil digging into the balls of my feet.

A flash of skin caught my eye, hovering near the ground ahead, accompanied by shallow breaths and muffled, broken gasps.

I crept toward Liz, stopping to crouch down next to her… and waited.

“I’m sorry, Michael.” After a long moment of thick silence, the voice that finally emerged was muted, drained, her gaze fixed on the hands curled in her lap, balled together over her crossed legs. “I didn’t want you to… I never meant for this to happen. I’m so sorry.”

“You said you broke the connection,” I started, struggling to keep my voice even. “Never mentioned that you didn’t exactly have a choice.”

She inhaled, a quick rush of air through her mouth, snapping a thick twig in her fingers. “I did. Sever it. I did.”

“<i>He did</i>,” I countered tightly, snorting. “Of course he did. Fucking control freak wouldn’t have had it any other way.”

She took another breath, deeper, tipping her head back to the sky, her teeth latching on to her lower lip. “I don’t think he had anything to do with it, Michael.”

“How do you know that?!” I snapped, pain and panic and blind fury melding together in my booming voice. “He touches you and all the sudden his handprint is back for a curtain call? That’s not coincidence.”

“I didn’t say it was,” she said quietly. “But it doesn’t mean he’s responsible, either.”

I ran a hand over my face, trying to calm my frantic nerves, and rocked back on my heels, straightening. “He did something to you, Liz.”

“Why would he do that, Michael? Do you honestly believe…” Her head shook rapidly, and she climbed to her feet, certainty in her eyes but anxiety rolling off of her in waves. “No. <i>No</i>. Max couldn’t deliberately hurt me that way. He wouldn’t.”

“Because he’s never hurt you before,” I said flatly, sneering. “Jesus, why are you defending him?”

“That’s not what I’m doing.”

“It’s what you always do!” I roared. “After all the shit he’s pulled, is this really a stretch?”

“You were <i>there</i>, Michael.” She squarely met my gaze, fierce determination swirling in her own, battling with guilt, with bright flashes of sorrow.

“Yeah,” I scoffed, “the hole in my gut is a handy souvenir.”

The painful light in her eyes spread, morphing into self-disgust, blotting out the willful fire, bleeding into her energy. I gritted my teeth in contrition, looking down at the ground, kneading the back of my neck with a clammy palm.

“No, I meant… You were there, when I talked to him, you heard it yourself. He thought we were still connected. He didn’t know. I’m not making excuses for him, I’m not. I just… I can’t blame him for something he’s not responsible for.” I looked up as she trapped her lip between her teeth, sinking into the soft flesh hard enough to draw blood. “Max didn’t do this, Michael. He doesn’t even know what happened. It was <i>me</i>.”

“It happened to me, too,” I bit out, shaking my head. “I watched it, dammit. I <i>felt</i> it. So don’t tell me you did that to yourself, Parker. I don’t buy that.”

“Michael, I – ”

“You were dying, Liz,” I cut in firmly. “The handprint, the pain… the <i>bullet</i>. I caught the whole show. Alien instant replay is a bitch.” Her features tightened, and I pinched the bridge of my nose between two fingers. “Jesus, why didn’t you tell somebody?”

She pressed her lips together, and an insistent cry prodded the back of my mind. <i>”Wake up! Oh Buddha, please… Liz!”</i>

My hand fell away, and I pinned her with a disbelieving stare.

“Kyle knew.”

Nodding slowly, she hugged her arms to her chest. Dread wafted from her small form, regret, sharp and thick and burrowing under my skin. “He… he saw Max leave and came to check on me. The water you felt… He threw it <i>then</i>, Michael. That’s how he snapped me out of it.”

I chuckled low, the vibration a scratch of sandpaper in my throat. “Isabel?”

“No.” She looked away, tightening her hands until her knuckles paled in the faint glow of moonlight. “I don’t think he told her until Vegas.”

“Great,” I drawled blandly, my mouth twisting into a bitter smirk. “So I wasn’t the only asshole in the dark until <i>recently</i>.”

My memory conjured images of my sister, broken, frightened, uncharacteristically out of control, sobbing an apology to her equally rattled boyfriend. <i>”She trusted me, and I </i>did<i> this. I didn’t mean to…”</i>

She’d known that Liz had been there before.

<i>If it had been her then, if she had caused it…</i>

“That wasn’t Isabel.”

I blinked, off-balance. <i>What, now she’s a mind-reader?</i>

“She didn’t do that, Michael. I <i>told</i> you that, and I meant it. Just like Max didn’t do this.” She took a hesitant step forward, slivers of silver-blue light dancing across resigned features and imploring eyes.

“Vegas, that was… I wasn’t prepared. Connecting to everyone, feeling all that at once, it just caught me off guard. And what happened in that bathroom was the end of something that started before we even left. Whatever changed in me, gave me these powers… It needed to be rid of whatever mark Max had left. So that I could finally be <i>alive</i> again. Without any part of him.”

The entreating waves rolling from her, padding my bones and pressing into my pores, were almost overpowered by the plea in her gaze. For understanding, for forgiveness… Leafy shadows had deepened the rich orbs, leaving them black pools of swirling emotion, lit by a single, stubborn spark.

“This couldn’t have happened any other way,” she finished quietly. “<i>We</i> couldn’t have happened.”

She held me there in silence, dark eyes burning into me as the furious current of building energy crashed between us, reason at war with rage. Sporadic flashes of bright color coiled in my line of vision, tiny spheres of brilliant amber and shimmering blue. Her words hung in the air, leaving behind a selfish stab of happiness.

She was free of Max. We were free of Max.

Her eyes softened, the storm of emotion dying down, and my arms came up at my sides, balled fists unraveling as I started to reach out for her.

Then my waistband shifted, scratching harsh denim over my skin, and the burn flared low, tightening, crawling over my abdomen. Her cry of pain echoed through my head, morphing into a fading pulse that drummed in my ears, and molten fire came back to me in full force, the agony of flesh and sinew slowly tearing away… triggered by a single touch, and the mark it left behind.

I dropped my hands, a knot of tightened muscle pounding in my jaw, and took a slow step back.

Nobody ever said freedom didn’t come at a price.

“Michael – ”

Raising an open palm, I cut her objection short. “<i>Don’t.</i>” I shuffled further, backing into the shadows, away from the pinpricks of pain stabbing through my chest like needles.

Halting feet from her, miles, I shoved my hands into my pockets, looking upward to break eye contact. The canopy of branches and leaves lashed through the night sky, bending and weaving with the breeze, the sounds of the night merging with the voices in my head until the chant of white noise left me dizzy.

“I’m not walking away from you, Liz.”

Dropping my head, I glanced back at her as she pushed tousled hair behind her ear. The nod came slowly, barely perceptible, her eyes averted.

Swallowing hard, I turned on my heel, taking large strides back toward camp.

I wasn’t walking away from her. I wasn’t sure I could if I wanted to. But before her logic and reason got to me, before I lost the anger winding me tight and burning behind my eyes…

There was something I had to take care of.


Tiny points of light smeared into the night sky, and I blinked to clear hazy vision, disoriented. The warm glow of strung bulbs blended with the pinpoints stretched out below, streaks of green, gold, blue, dotting a sweeping skyline, the silhouette of a sprawling mountain range barely visible in the distance.

“I figured somebody would come,” a soft voice rang out. “A little surprised it’s you.”

My jaw set tightly at the hushed, resigned declaration, and I looked to my left, catching the faint, fuzzy reflection of the speaker in crystal clear glass as fury flared anew, my own voice raw and brittle in my throat.

“I’m full of surprises, Maxwell.”

<i>‘Cause I cannot stand still
I can’t be this unsturdy
This cannot be happening
And I’m somewhere in between
What is real and just a dream…</i>

Last edited by Dimensia on Fri Mar 18, 2005 12:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
{ Polarist | Incrowder | Drifter | X-tremer | Lollie | Cheerleader | Stud }
{ Here Without You | Taking Over Me }