You Cant Get Back Yesterday - AU/FF M/L ADULT - [COMPLETE]

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Post by Emz80m »

Thanx for reading guys and a bit thanks too:

Alana - to answe some of your questions..

1. Liz might want to hate Max but lets realisitc even the writers of the show made LIz look like a doormat. My Liz isnt quite so bad and i dont think you'll find she's as happy as you think if you continue reading.
2. Liz changed her personality when Max left because she didnt want to be open to be hurt that way ever again. Being with Max though it bringing the old Liz back. Basically his love makes her who she is.


Berhsgirls77 - No Tan i definetely dont want to make you cry.. i'll work on it for you okay.

Smac - I try to update as often as i can at the moment that's every other day.


Lurkers - Dont be afraid to stop by and say hi

Part 22

Liz’s mind was a mess she had so much going on that she didn’t know what to do with all the information but one thing kept coming back to the surface. Future Max hadn’t come back to get Liz to get Max to fall out of love with her because just like Max had said he never did, and Liz knew that he never would so FM must have known that as well.

Also, it occurred to her then that he had obviously travelled back to make her happy because obviously they weren’t able to have children in the future and that was important to both of them.

‘He came back to make things better’ she whispered then.

‘What?’ Max asked he was concerned about how silent she had gone.

Liz look up and met Max’s eyes then. ‘I was so angry with you, I mean with him because I thought he had ruined my life. I mean after that whole pretend to sleep with Kyle thing our relationship was in ruins. I hated him and he did this all because of how much he loved me and loved our life’ she cried.

‘Liz I don’t understand?’ Max said.

‘What she’s trying to say Max is that you came back to change her body so that the change wouldn’t turn her into a hybrid’ Serena explained.

‘What do you mean?’ Michael piped in.

Before Serena could continue though Liz started to explain ‘When Max healed me he sent so much energy into my body because I nearly died. That energy has just been doormet in my body. I’m assuming that in the future it turned Liz into a hybrid like the rest of you, and that she developed powers’

‘Why would Max want to prevent that?’ Isabel asked.

‘Because by turning Liz in to a hybrid it would have meant that they wouldn’t have been able to have children in the future. You know hybrids weren’t designed to mate with hybrids’ Serena added.

‘So you’re saying that Max came back 14 years from the future with some fake story about saving the world so he could have a chance at having children with you one day’ Tess asked sarcastically.

‘That’s exactly what I’m saying. It might not have been the entire world he was trying to save but it was our world and I have no doubt that we both would have been devastated at the news that we couldn’t have children’ she bit back.

‘Well his plan was a little stupid then wasn’t it’ Tess continued. ‘I mean you slept with Kyle and Max turned his back on you. Maybe he wanted you to have the opportunity to have children with another hybrid but based on what you told us about him insisting that Max be with me I would assume that he didn’t do it for himself’

‘That’s enough Tess’ Max snapped.

Tess took a step back at Max’s anger, she hadn’t seen him like this in a very long time and she didn’t like it. Why was he defending Liz, he loved her and she knew that they were going to work through their problems.

‘Well even if that was his plan it didn’t work very well did it Tess’ Liz said then. Max could see a fire in her eyes and he knew that what was about to go down wouldn’t be pretty.

‘What’s that supposed to mean. Max is marrying me you know Liz’

‘Really. Last I heard he dumped your ass 3 weeks ago’ Liz replied with a smirk.

Tess turned angry eyes on Max; she couldn’t believe that he had told people that the engagement was off.

~I know your angry Liz but please don’t do this. It’s not the way~ Max pathed to Liz through their connection. He realised that their bond had opened their connection so he forced Liz to hear his words.

Liz heard him and knew that he was right but she was so sick of listening to Tess’s bullshit. ~Tell her the truth Max~ she pathed back to him.

The other’s watched on as Max and Liz looked as though they were having a silent conversation.

‘Tess I think that you should be quiet’ he said then.

‘Why do you always stick up for her Max? I mean listen to this garbage she’s carrying on with’ she argued back. She was hurt that Max was letting Liz continue to treat her this way.

‘So you called it off?’ Maria piped up.

‘Yes. Tess and I aren’t getting married period’ he replied throwing a pointed look at Tess.

Michael and Serena exchanged looks. Michael realised that now was the time to let the cat out of the bag especially if he even wanted a shot at getting Maria back.

‘While we are talking about things I have a confession to make’ Michael said then.

‘Go ahead. We might as well get everything out in the open tonight’ Max told him.

‘Serena and I aren’t getting married. In fact we aren’t even a couple and never have been’ he admitted.

‘What?’ Isabel asked confused.

‘Don’t blame Michael’ Serena said then directing her gaze to Maria. “He did this for me so that I could leave my life as a servant on Antar. I consider Michael family but more the brotherly type’ she explained.

‘Why didn’t you just tell us the truth?’ Max asked.

‘We knew you wouldn’t let me return to earth with you’ she shrugged.

Max knew she was right, he wouldn’t have. They had a hard enough time protecting themselves and they were half humans but Serena was a full Antarian.

Michaels gaze hadn’t left Maria, she was being awfully quiet and he couldn’t read her expression.

‘So why did you come back then?’ Maria finally asked him.

‘You know why’ he whispered.

‘We never would have gone on with it Maria if you hadn’t been with Adam’ Serena added then.

‘You could have stayed with your family’ she said to him.

‘You guys are my family’ he replied.

Quick as a flash Maria was out of her seat and throwing herself into Michaels arms, he caught her like an expert and immediately sort out her lips with his own.
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Thanx guys i really appreciate your feedback

- i think you will like the next few parts

Part 23

Max and Liz exchanged looks as Maria and Michael re-united but for them it felt bittersweet. Their reunion had been anything but happy and romantic like that except maybe for this morning. Max desperately wanted to share there news and he opened his connection to Liz to let her know that.

~We should tell them what’s been going on. I don’t like lying to Maria and Alex~ she pathed him.

~I agree but you know it’s not going to be pretty~ he replied. Liz nodded that she knew that and was prepared for it.

‘Sorry guys’ Maria said as she wiped her eyes and made herself more comfortable in Michaels embrace.

‘You don’t need to apologise’ Liz smiled at her friend.

‘Ok back to this energy Liz’ Isabel started. ‘So we think it’s because Future Max changed you so that you’ll be able to have children with a hybrid. How do we know that it worked?’

Liz and Max both looked to Serena; they didn’t know what to do. ‘I think we need to backtrack first, don’t you think Max?’ Serena said then.

Max nodded and then quickly stood up. He needed to walk to work through what needed to be said.

‘Wow this is harder than I thought’ he said then.

Liz gave him a sympathetic look, she knew that it would be bad for her when Maria and Alex got hold of her but Max had to deal with Isabel, Michael and Tess.

‘I’ve been keeping something from you’ he said finally directing his gaze to Isabel and Michael and then lastly to Tess.

‘I’ve been keeping something from you too Ria, Alex’ Liz added.

‘Oh My God’ Maria said then causing everyone to turn and look at her. ‘You two did it’ she stated pointing at them and causing everyone else to look at them too. Max and Liz immediately turned bright red from her accusation.

‘Don’t be stupid Maria’ Tess snarled.

‘Nah I know that face. I cant believe I didn’t notice it before that’s Liz’s I got laid look’ she continued.

‘Maria’ Liz gasped.

‘Sorry chica but you cant hide anything from me’ she laughed.

‘Max?’ Isabel questioned with a small smile on her face ‘is that what you wanted to tell us?’

‘I’ he started to answer but before he could he was interrupted by Tess.

‘Tell them its bullshit Max’ she said.

Max raised his eyes to look at her then, he could see the hurt on her face when she saw the confirmation she needed in his eyes.

‘Why would you do this to me?’ she cried. ‘I thought we were going to work things out’ she told him.

‘That’s not all’ Liz spoke up then.

‘Liz as happy as I am that you and Maxwell got down and dirty I think I speak for all of us except Maria when I say spare us the details’ Michael joked.

Max felt like a jerk as he watched Tess falling apart while the rest of the room joked about his sex life. He was torn from taking a seat next to his mate and going to Tess to comfort her. But then that sickly feeling emerged again at the thought of being so close to her and he knew that his body had won the battle.

‘Actually this is important’ Serena spoke up causing everyone to look at her, most of them shocked that she had known.

‘They’ve bonded’ she said then. The room was quiet except for a small gasp from Tess but Michael, Maria, Isabel and Alex just exchanged confused looks.

‘Bonded?’ Alex questioned.

‘It’s an old Antarian custom when two soulmates unite and share themselves, it’s not very common but it basically means that Max and Liz have chosen each other as their life mates. They cant have any other partners its physically impossible’ Serena tried to explain.

They all turned questioning looks to Max and Liz then.

‘Fix it’ Tess’s demand broke the silence.

‘Excuse me?’ Serena said.

‘I said fix it, reverse it’ she repeated.

Everyone was looking at Tess then.

‘You can do that?’ Max asked.

‘I’ Serena stuttered sending a confused look to Max and Liz. The look of devastation on Liz’s face couldn’t be hidden. Max’s question had hurt her however innocent it could have been.

‘Max, I know that we can still work through this. I’m hurt that you would sleep with Liz so soon after we broke up but I can get past this. We can still make a life together but you have to make her reverse it’ Tess begged.

‘It wasn’t just once’ he admitted quietly, but everyone in the room heard him clearly.

‘What?’ Tess asked.

‘It hasn’t just happened once’ he repeated, louder this time.

‘What do you mean?’

‘Liz and I have been sleeping together behind everyone’s back since we got back to Roswell’ he confessed.

‘WHAT?’ the whole group gasped.

Tess started her sobbing again collapsing to the ground with force from Max’s admission. ‘Why would you do this to us?’

‘Can you reverse it?’ Liz asked then starling the group. She could read the pain clearly in Max’s eyes and was convinced that he thought he made a mistake by being with her, by creating their babies. She wasn’t going to force anyone to be with her if they didn’t want to be. She could raise her children without him. She’s survived three years without him after all.

‘Not easily’ Serena replied.

Serena’s words caused Tess sobbing to soften, as though she had been given renewed hope.

‘What would you need to do?’ she asked.

‘Well firstly only the granolith can do it and you would both have to be willing’ she explained.

For the first time since their confession Max turned and faced Liz and his heart almost broke at what he saw there. It was a look of hurt and devastation that he had clearly missed before but there was also something else there that he didn’t recognise.

‘Liz’ he whispered ‘is that what you want?’
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Hey guys well the feedback was huge so i know that you liked the last part :twisted: so on with the torture. Just for the record, I am a huge fan of Max and Liz, and especially as a couple. I dont like making one of them a saint and the other the devil but sometimes it just turns out that way. BTW if you're reading My Favourite Song i updated that earlier today and look out for a new part of You've Got Mail tomorrow. Cheerio

Behrsgirl77 - gotta keep you all on your toes Tan
Jason's Lover
- um wow
Smac - you were onto something there.. he's definetely mis-understood in this situation.
cocpucks - ah someone who understands, thank you
extingman - it was actually Liz that initiated the 'lets fuck' rule and he was also the one that admitted that he loved her. Liz has yet to return any of those sentiments to Max.
- Max will let it rip soon so watch out for it.
- anothe great point. Serena said the bond was both sided.
con angel
Omega Ram1

Part 24

Liz heard the words but she couldn’t believe that he was asking her them. This morning they had both been so happy at the new they were going to be parents and they had made love joyous over their news. Now not 8 hours later her entire world had fallen apart again. Without thought she reached out to her children lifting her blouse so that she could place a hand on her abdomen, she was surprised at the peace it bought her. But then the thought of raising her children without the man she loved, their father won over and the tears she had been trying desperately to keep at bay fell.

Michael, Maria, Isabel, Alex and Tess looked on confused they didn’t understand why Liz was placing a hand on her abdomen.

Max almost cried when he saw her reach out to their children and without thought he fell to his knees in front of her. When she finally raised her face he saw the tears and he reached out to wipe them.

‘Don’t do this Liz’ Tess interrupted. ‘Don’t ruin Max’s life and mine over a mistake. You don’t belong with him you know that. You’re not even the same species’ she continued.

Max could feel the anger building in Liz, he wanted to tell Tess to shut the fuck up but he knew the most important thing was Liz at the moment. He could feel the energy building.

‘Baby is that what you want?’ he whispered again, his voice begging her to tell him she wanted him and their babies. That there was a possibility that they were going to build a life together.

Liz shook her head ‘No’ she whispered but Max heard her and that was all that mattered. He immediately pulled her to him crushing her into his embrace whispering over and over again ‘thank you. I love you baby’

‘No’ Tess cried out when she saw them.

‘No Max you love me, I know you do’ she yelled. ‘DAMN you Liz Parker’ she continued.

‘That’s enough’ Max said then his tone evident that this was a warning.

‘Tess I don’t how much more clearer I can be but you and I are over. We have no future together, we never did. I made the biggest mistake of my life when I slept with you and instead of admitting that I tried to stand up and be a man, take responsibility for my actions. But I wont sacrifice Liz’s or my happiness any longer. My future is with Liz and my children’ he declared

‘Children?’ Isabel gasped.

‘Congratulations Iz you’re going to be an Aunt’ Liz said then.

‘OH MY GOD’ Maria and Isabel simultaneously gasped and quickly ran towards Liz and Max to engulf them in congratulatory hugs.

‘Oh chica I’m so happy for you, but I can’t believe you didn’t tell me’ Maria chided her best friend.

‘I know I was kind of ashamed. It wasn’t all sunshine and roses. I was pretty horrible to Max and I didn’t find out about the babies till this morning’ she admitted.

‘Oh so that’s why you looked so green on the plane?’ she asked.

‘Yeah, discovering glowing handprints on your stomach while going to the toilet can do that to you Maria’ she laughed.

‘Congrats guys’ Alex said as he approached them.

‘Yeah same here’ Michael smiled too.

‘How far along are you?’ Michael asked then.

‘We can’t be sure’ Max started ‘But we think at most a month’ he said then.

Everyone was so wrapped up in the news that they completely forgot about Tess who was still sitting devastated at what she had heard. Serena looked on sympathetically, she didn’t know Tess very well but she still felt for the girl.

‘Serena do you think everything will be normal and that Liz will be able to go to a hospital?’ Isabel asked.

‘Since Liz is human and Max is partly everything should progress normally. You should be able to got for all the normal check ups but I would probably be reluctant to go to the hospital for the first child of your kind, you don’t know what might be a little odd’ she thought.

It was then that everything hit Liz.

‘Serena when you said hybrids couldn’t breed did you mean it’s impossible to happen at all, or just that a foetus wouldn’t survive?’ she asked her quietly.

‘Hybrid sperm shouldn’t be able to fertilise a hybrid egg’ Serena confirmed.

‘What would happen if I was to go to Antar pregnant?’ Liz asked then still being careful to keep her voice down so no one else could hear their conversation.

‘You couldn’t. The babies wouldn’t survive, the atmosphere is like poison to human foetus’s’

‘Oh god’ Liz gasped ‘She lied’
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N Hey guys, wow I didn't cop such a hard time from you all so you must have liked the last post. For those of you reading My Favourite Song it will be updated today too. You've Got Mail and Finding a King was updated yesterday and I will hopefully update again tomorrow. Thanx for reading my fics guys!!

Coley 452
- good point but neither Serena or Isabel have see that. They only appear when Max or Liz touch the abdomen
Jaon's Lover
- Where is my update Tan?
- I aim to please
con angel -
- hey welcome

Lurkers - feel free to drop my and say hi anytime

Part 25

Liz sunk down on to the couch trying to make sense of all the information she had. Tess had lied it wasn’t possible for Max to have fertilised one of her eggs which only meant one of two things.

One, that Tess had mind warped Max and everyone else on earth and then the people on Antar once she had got there to believe that she was pregnant with his child, which Liz doubted. Liz didn’t think that Tess would have that type of power to maintain something like that and she was sure that Isabel had mentioned that they had used their technology on her to try and save the baby.

The second possibility was that she had slept with someone else and then after bedding Max passed that child off as his. The distress was probably most definitely a mind warp and the worst part was that Liz had a pretty good idea who the real father of the baby was.

‘Liz what’s wrong baby?’ Max rushed to her side.

‘Oh god Max she lied’ she said.

‘Who lied sweetheart’ he asked, he was a little worried about her behaviour and also a little confused.

‘Tess’ she said causing everyone in the room to look at her, including Tess.

‘What are you talking about Liz?’ Michael asked her.

‘Oh God Maria do you remember just after they left and he came when he heard the news. He was so hurt and we were too busy feeling sorry for ourselves we didn’t even listen’ she said.

‘Who are you talking about chica?’ Maria asked confused.

‘She’s talking about Kyle’ Alex piped up then. He always could read Liz a little better than Maria and always thought it was because he was so used to putting everything through the Maria filter.

‘I can’t believe you did that to him’ she yelled pointing at Tess. ‘God he loved you and you treated him like a piece of trash and then took his baby to Antar and killed it’ she screamed.

Tess literally crawled back into herself at the sounds of Liz’s anger.

‘Liz sweetie calm down. This cant be good for the babies’ Max tried to sooth her.

‘Don’t you see Max she lied to you, to all of us and she ruined our lives, she took three years away from all of us that we can never get back’ she cried into his chest.

‘Liz I don’t understand what you’re trying to say’ he told her.

Liz sat down and let being in Max’s arms soothe her emotions so that she could finally tell them what needed to be said. Max was right she was letting her anger get the best of her and the babies could feel it and were also feeling distressed.

‘The baby Max, the reason you went to Antar. It wasn’t yours’ she finally said.

‘What?’ Michael asked confused.

‘What are you talking about Liz?’ Isabel added.

‘Serena correct me if I’m wrong but you said a hybrid sperm couldn’t fertilise a hybrid egg. So if that’s the case then it’s impossible that Tess was having your baby Max.’

‘She’s right. I can’t believe I didn’t think about it before. I just assumed something funny had happened. But the signs are all there she was definitely pregnant and based on her reaction to the Antar atmosphere she was carrying a human child’ Serena confirmed.

‘Kyle’s’ Max replied before turning on Tess. She looked like a deer that had been caught in the headlights.

‘Did you know?’ he asked her but she didn’t answer. ‘DID YOU KNOW?’ he shouted then.

‘Yes’ she finally whispered. ‘Don’t you see Max it was the only way. You were never going to accept out destiny and you were never going to leave this god-forsaken planet. All you ever cared about was that bitch, but what about me Max I was your wife. It took me loosing my child for you to treat me with any decency and even then you only agreed to marry me out of guilt. Why was I never good enough for you Max?’ she yelled.

‘Don’t you ever call the mother of my children a bitch’ he raged back. ‘From the minute you stepped foot in Roswell you did nothing but cause trouble. I don’t know how many times and in how many different ways I needed to tell you that I wasn’t interested.’ He raged.

‘Was any of it true?’ Isabel asked then. ‘Did he even sleep with you’ she clarified when Tess looked back confused.

‘Yes that was true but I had to use a mind warp to plant the suggestion that I might have been Liz’ she replied.

‘Oh god’ Liz cried.

That was enough information for Isabel; she launched herself at the smaller blonde and began hitting her with her fists. She had no intentions of using her powers she new there would be so much more satisfaction had by using her fists.

‘I hate you’ she screamed.

‘We left our home for you, our families, the people we loved’ she yelled.

After a while Alex stood up and pulled Isabel off her, once he was satisfied Isabel had done her best. Tess appeared to have a broken nose, chunks of hair had been pulled out and there were scratches and bruises everywhere.

‘Poor Kyle’ Maria cried from her spot near Liz where she was trying to comfort her best friend.

The whole thing became too much for Liz and eventually she asked Maria to take her to Max’s room so she could lie down. She knew that Michael wouldn’t let Tess get away even if Max didn’t have the balls to take care of her in some way.

‘Are you happy now?’ Michael asked her.

‘I never wanted for things to turn out this way. I never knew that the baby wouldn’t survive’ Tess cried. ‘I was the one that lost my baby and I will never forgive myself for that’

‘No Tess’ Max said then. He had moved to window where he had begun pacing trying to take in all the information that he had learned.

‘Thanks to you we all lost something. We were there’ he yelled ‘we grieved your child, we gave up our lives for your child.’

‘You don’t deserve forgiveness and you will never ever get it from me’ he finished.

‘What are we going to do with her Max?’ Michael asked then.
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Thanx for the feeback guys.

Jason's Lover
con angel
Omega Ram1
- to answer your question I;m not sure.

Part 26

Max remained silent while he contemplated the answer to Michael’s questions. He knew that this was something the whole group should decide considering not one of them had been spared by Tess’s manipulations. Then he thought of Kyle, should they tell him or should they let the deceit go? He didn’t think anything good could come of telling Kyle, but he knew if their positions had been reversed he would definitely want to know.

Max looked to Michael and Isabel. ‘What are our options?’

‘I think we should get rid of her’ Isabel said.

‘We cant do that Izzy. None of us are killers and I don’t know about you but I don’t want to change that anytime soon. I wont have the rest of my life clouded with guilt for taking a worthless life like Tess’

‘Max please, you have to forgive me. I know what I did was wrong but you have to know that I did it for us.’ She cried.

‘No Tess you did it for yourself don’t you dare say you did this for me. If you had thought about me for one second when you stole my life from me or Kyle when you betrayed him then you would know that you never did this for me.’ he yelled at her again.

‘I think I have a good idea’ Serena piped up then. She had been listening and observing from the fringes.

Max, Michael, Isabel and Alex turned to face Serena then and Tess looked on from the floor.

‘We take her powers off her so that can never use them to harm anyone again’ she told them.

‘That’s it. We just take her powers and let her go with what? “Have a nice life”’ Isabel asked.

‘Well if you don’t think that’s enough we could send her home and have the Council deal with her. She could be charged with treason against her king for the lies she’s told.’ she replied.

Michael sighed; he didn’t like the idea of sending her back to Antar with a note asking them to deal with a problem they couldn’t handle. They already felt like the laughing stock of the planet when they had returned home to fight for their planet, which was supposedly at war and ravaged. Huh what a joke.

‘I think that taking her powers off her is the best place to start. What do we need to do?’ Max asked Serena.

‘Oh I have a device which is back at the apartment which will do it. The only problem is that you need to give the powers to someone else otherwise they’ll just stay in the device and the next person that uses it will be given the powers. Not a good idea because you never know who could get their hands on it’ she explained.

‘Ok can you go get the device I want to take care of this tonight’ he requested.

‘Sure’ she replied before taking off.


‘Liz sweetie you really need to calm down’ Maria begged Liz as she sobbed on Max’s bed which was still unmade from their morning activities.

‘Oh Maria don’t you see it’s never going to get better’ she cried.

‘What’s not?’ Maria asked her best friend. She was totally confusing her at the moment.

‘This alien abyss. We lived 3 years peacefully and now that they’re back all this hurt and alien crap has been all brought up again’

‘Oh Liz I know you know that when all is said and done that you agree with me that all this crap is 100 times better than 3 years of no feelings, of being apart from the people we love’ she told her.

‘What am I dong Maria. He was willing to marry her, how come he couldn’t see through her? You and I never trusted her, how could he just open his mind to her and let her plant those thoughts in his mind?’ she continued to cry.


Max was standing on the other side of the door listening to Liz crying and talking to Maria and he felt as though his heart was being ripped out. Even if she agreed before to not reverse the bond he knew from her words that it would only be a matter of time before she changed her mind.


‘Lizzie you know he doesn’t love her and that he never did. He only has eyes for one girl and she’s here right now and you’re going to be the mother of his children’

‘You know I love him Maria but I don’t know if that love is going to be strong enough to get us through this, to get us through everything that has happened in the past 4 years. I mean first the Future Max debacle and then the whole sleeping with Tess thing. I’ve been so angry for so long with him and now that reason I was angry doesn’t exist anymore. He thought he was with me how can I be angry with him about that?’ she asked her best friend.

‘I don’t know Lizzie. I guess you cant but only you can work through that but you need to talk to him Liz, your having children together your gong to be connected for the rest of your life’ Maria advised.

‘I don’t know if this is the life I want for my children’ she whispered then, but Maria heard her as did Max who was still standing on the other side of the door.

‘What are you saying?’ Maria asked her.

‘Maybe it would be best if I raised the twins alone. I mean no one would have to know that they’re Max’s since I’ve been with Riley for so long and no one knew that we were together’ she reasoned.

‘Don’t do this to him Liz’ Maria said then.


‘He already lost one child Liz even if it wasn’t really his.’ She said.

‘Oh Maria’ she wailed.

Max couldn’t take it any longer he had to talk to her, to beg her to give him a second chance. Knocking on the door softly he waited for Maria to answer the door and let him in. When he entered Maria left the room silently.

‘Liz?’ he said softly as he approached to get her attention.

‘Max’ she answered. ‘You heard didn’t you’ she said then unwilling to look him in the eye.

He nodded his head even though he knew she couldn’t see.
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Hey guys thanx for the feedback i really appreciate it. This fic is starting to wind down so i wont be able to update as often. At this stage there is only another 5 or 6 parts to go. BTW My Favourite Song was updated yesterday and look out for an update for You've Got Mail tonight as well. I really appreciate all your support and feedback with all my fics guys

Jason's Lover

- Max never realised that Tess planted the idea that it was Liz he was sleeping with. He woke up the next morning and Whamo they'd had sex. Yes they only had sex 1 time ever. All your questions about the engagement will be answered by Max in the next 2 updates. The bond formed the night that Liz caught Riley with Adam and Max declared his love for her. You have to remember that yes Max may have been engaged to Tess but Liz was also very happy in a relationship with Riley. Basically Max and Liz have never communicated which is why there has been all this confusion between them. Neither telling each other what they want etc.


Part 27

He moved into the room further and sat down next to her. He reached out a hand to brush the tears that were falling away from her eyes.

‘You shouldn’t have been eavesdropping’ she said quietly.

‘I didn’t need to be eavesdropping to know that something was wrong baby. I can feel you remember’ he replied just as softly.

‘I realised a few things as I was standing outside the door’ he started to tell her.

‘Yeah it’s been quite day for epiphanies hasn’t it?’ she scoffed.

‘I don’t know about you but despite the crap out there with Tess this day is the best day of my life Liz’ he replied.

‘How can you say that’ Liz cried.

‘I can say that because you gave me the most precious thing in the world when you told me this morning that you were going to have my babies. I cant tell you how many times over the years I’ve dreamed of having that with you Liz’

‘Do you mean that?’ she asked him then.

Max’s breath caught in his throat when he saw the look in her eyes when she asked that question. She was scared, scared that he was going to change his mind some time down the track and leave her again. He couldn’t blame her for feeling this way he had hurt her so badly in the past.

‘Oh baby’ he cried before lying down so that their eyes were locked. ‘I love you so much that sometimes it hurts. You are my sun and moon Liz Parker and even a galaxy couldn’t change that. There is no one on either Earth or Antar that could take your place in my heart, or nothing that happens between us could shake the love I feel for you. You’re my life mate Liz, my soul mate and we chose each other without thought, nothing or no one can ever come between us again’ He declared. He opened their connection earlier so that she could feel everything he was feeling when he spoke the words to her.

‘I love you too’ she declared softly. ‘But I cant do this anymore’ she said.

‘Cant do what?’ he asked.

‘All this hurt between us and all this alien destiny crap’ she replied.

‘I swear to you baby that we wont. I abdicated the throne and I have no further responsibilities to Antar. When I did that and we told them we wanted to return to Earth they promised that we would be left alone and I promise you I’m having Tess taken care of right now.’

‘She violated me Liz’ he whispered then ‘she used our love to manipulate me and ruin everything good in my life. I’ve never hated someone before Liz but I hate her with a fiery passion’ he told her truthfully.

‘What’s going to happen to her?’ she asked then.

‘Firstly we are removing her powers so she cant use them against anyone ever again’ he told her ‘After that I think it should be up to all of us, what she has effected all of us’

Liz nodded. She had a lot to think about. She knew that Max would do everything in his power to keep her and their babies safe and she knew he loved her, she could feel it so strongly that if she wasn’t laying down it would have knocked her off her feet.

‘I want to be with you Liz, for always. I don’t want to waste another second being away from you’ he told her then startling her out of her thoughts, thoughts which he could probably hear ‘please tell me that you’ll give me a chance to prove that I can make you happy and safe’

‘Are you just doing this because of the babies?’ she asked then. ‘Because despite what I said to Maria I wouldn’t keep them from you Max I couldn’t do that to you’ she admitted.

‘No I’m not doing this because of the babies, they are just one more reason why I wont wait any longer. Do you know how much I’ve missed seeing your beautiful face everyday Liz? Do you know the only reason I came to Boston was so that I wouldn’t be away from you’

‘Why Max, why would you ask her to marry you?’ she cried then.

The last wall had crumbled and he could see and feel everything through their bond. Liz loved him and she wanted him and their children as much as he did but what hurt her deeply was that she had spent so much time hating him because of something that she thought he did that turned out to never be his fault, and because of that their children hadn’t been conceived out of the love that they should have been.

‘Oh baby just because we didn’t tell each other we loved each other didn’t mean that we didn’t. We bonded the night our children were conceived, and we couldn’t have bonded ourselves to each other unless that love was unconditional’ he told her ignoring her question for the time being.

‘You said it and I just ignored you’ she cried into his chest.

‘Baby I didn’t need you to say it. I saw it in your eyes and by your actions. You loved me completely and I loved you and our children were conceived out of the purest love don’t ever doubt that, please’ he told her.

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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Ok people i'm glad to be able to say this but this part will finally answer all the questions about the 'engagement'. Not sure if you'll be satisfied but this is the way i've chosen to go :? Thank you again for all your great feedback and for continuing to read this story and my others. YGM and MFS have also been updated.

- thank you and i love your feedback also. I only have one other comment tonight cause it's late but basically PSYCHO. That's what Tess is and Max has known it all along just like the rest of us.

Jason's Lover

Part 28

They lay there together for some time before Max realised that he should go back to the living room as Serena was probably back by now. ‘I didn’t ask her to marry me’ he whispered.

‘What?’ Liz asked.

‘I never asked her to marry me, I never gave her a ring’

‘Then how were you engaged?’ she asked confused.

‘I will only ever ask on women in any lifetime to marry me Liz and that’s you. In the last lifetime it was arranged and as far as I’m concerned the engagement in this life between Tess and I never existed. She was upset that she was loosing the baby and she blamed me for it, she said I didn’t love her or the baby because of you. I told her that despite our circumstances I did love my baby, and I did Liz I wont lie about that. When I thought that baby was mine I loved it. How could I not, it was just an innocent child. She asked me would we be a family and I told her we would, it seemed like an innocent enough answer but after everything was said and done she made an announcement that we were going to be married. I should have pulled her aside and explained that wasn’t what I meant but the people of Antar didn’t give me the chance before they made the announcement. It was just a big mess Liz’

Liz thought about what he said and she understood that the situation was awkward but that didn’t explain why he had continued the charade once they had returned to Earth.

‘I didn’t’ he answered her thoughts softly.

‘When we got back Isabel and I went straight home and spent a couple of days with out parents. One day we were having lunch at the Crashdown and Tess, Michael and Serena showed up. Tess just came up and asked my parents had I given them the good news, I tried to stop her but she wouldn’t listen and the next thing I know she’s announced our engagement to the entire Crashdown. Somewhere along the line I realised that she had done it hoping it would get back to you and that I wouldn’t be able to get out of it now that everyone knew’

‘Or that I wouldn’t want you once the news reached me’ she added.

‘Once we reached Boston I could feel you again you know’


‘Yeah’ he smiled.

‘I couldn’t feel you until that night at the club’

‘I hated you’ she said then.

‘I know’

‘Is that all you have to say? I tell you I hated you and you don’t say anything?’ she sat up.

‘You wanted to hate me but you never did’ he shrugged.

‘No I hated you’ she argued ‘everything I did was because I hated you’

‘No you didn’t’ he smiled ‘you wanted to hate me but you couldn’t because you loved me. You never stopped and hopefully you never will. I can feel it Liz, your heart and soul talk to me now just like mine will talk to you if you listen’

Liz looked at him for a minute trying to understand what he was saying. She knew that he could feel her emotions and hear her thoughts but it hadn’t occurred to her that she could do any of that stuff. She realised then that she was blocking him, and had been since the discussion about their bond.

Unconsciously she reached into her mind for the door and opened it, all of Max’s thoughts and feelings instantly rushed at her but instead of feeling overwhelmed she felt them sooth her soul and any last doubts she had about Max and the way he felt about her and their children vanished instantly. He loved her to the ends of his galaxy and hers and then back again. And his happiness and love for their unborn children awed her.

The tears started to fall again, this time out of happiness and love.

‘I’m sorry’ she cried then before throwing herself at him. Max pulled her against him and let his own tears of happiness join hers. ‘I love you’ he whispered.

‘I know’ she grinned at him when she pulled back.

‘Can you forgive me?’ her asked her then, the mood turning serious again. He needed her forgiveness more than anything else in the world and even though she swore to herself that she would never give it to him she felt herself hand it to him freely and it lifted a huge weight off her heart.

‘Always’ she replied without thought. ‘Can you forgive me?’ she asked in return.

‘There is nothing to forgive’ he mumbled before taking her lips in a passionate kiss when he pulled back though he didn’t take his hands away from where they were framing her face ‘Promise me you will never doubt how much I love you again, promise me you wont doubt us’ he begged.

‘I promise’ and she meant it to the very core of her being. She would no longer let anything come in between her and Max again. There would be no more standing aside for ex alien wives who claimed him as destiny or for the good of a planet she would never know or for the FBI or government. Max Evans was her mate and even though she knew they would never get back yesterday she was happy with the fact that they would have a million tomorrows.

Is that the sound, knocking at my window
Lord I’m trying; I’m trying to let you in
But then life stairs me like a stranger
I’m learning how to begin again

Promise me this
You will never understand me
Promise me this
You will always always hold me
Like you hold me now
You’ll hold me like your holding me now
Promise me this

The thought of you my faith began to wander
You woke me up in the middle of the night
I have so many please I can run to
Lets not run away this time

Promise me this
You will never understand me
Promise me this
You will always always hold me
Like you hold me now
You’ll hold me like your holding me now
You will hold me like your holding me now
Promise me this

Promise me this
Promise me this

(Promise Me – Pancho’s Lament)

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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Well i'm a little disapointed that you guys werent happy with Max's explanations but unfortunetly that's all i've got for you guys :( When i started writing this fic the main change in my characters was to Liz. She became a different person and i believe that was obvious with the way she acted and also the fact that she cheated on her boyfriend to 'fuck Max'. Although i acknowledge that Max wasnt a saint in my fic he wasnt supposed to be the 'pric'. Max changed Liz back to the person that she was. So even though we dont want to forgive him for allowing the charade of an engagement to continue i can forgive him for everything else. In my opinion Liz was running the show. PM me if you have any questions.

Anyway thanks for you all feedback on this fic. This is the final part but it i will follow it up with a 2 part epilogue.

Earth Angel
Jason's Lover

Part 29

When Max and Liz finally returned to the living room hand in hand Serena was waiting for then along with everyone else.

‘Did you get it?’ Max asked her.

‘Yeah. I also brought something else that might help’ she advised.

‘Ok’ Max said and gestured for her to explain.

‘This is a tracker; you should be able to implant a signature to Tess and use this to keep track of her. That way you’ll know where she is and if she’s close to any of you at any time’ she explained.

Max nodded. It was a good idea that way he would be able to tell if Tess ever stepped foot into Roswell.

‘Ok guys the first thing we need to decide it what we are going to do with Tess’s powers’

‘What do you mean?’ Liz asked.

‘Once we remove her powers unless we give them to someone else they’ll stay in the device. Not a good idea’ Serena explained.

‘I think Liz should have them’ Isabel said then.

‘What!’ all the humans shrieked.

‘Think about it. In the other future Liz would have had powers. We still need a fourth, someone that we can trust and Liz is the best option’

‘Can we give the powers to a human?’ Michael asked.

‘Yes and out of Liz, Maria and Alex I think Liz would be your best option’ she answered.

‘Why’s that?’ Max asked concerned. He didn’t want Liz to have these powers if it could harm her or upset her at all.

‘Liz was changed by you Max she already has the energy and we know that since she had powers in the future she can handle them mentally and emotionally. I also agree with Isabel you need a fourth to make up your square just in case and Liz would be the best option considering her relationship to all of you’

‘And it wont harm her or the babies?’ Max asked again.

‘No’ Serena replied. ‘Remember your powers come from the human part of your brain’

‘Liz?’ Max turned to his mate then to see what her reaction this would be. They had just worked out everything and he had told her that alien crap was over with and once again she was right back in the middle of it.

‘Ok’ she smiled surprising everyone is the room.

‘Ok?’ Max asked. He opened their connection a little so that he could try and get a better feel of her emotions and thoughts. He could tell she wasn’t upset just a little shocked and then the thought that she was happy about it, that she would be like him and that no one could ever come between them again.

‘Its fine Max’ she smiled ‘Someone will just need to train me how to keep control of them’

Max smiled with pride at his mate, and sent her waves of love and awe over her answer.

~I love you too~ she pathed to him back.

‘Ok so lets do this’ Michel piped up then.

Serena nodded and then walked over to Tess who was sitting in the corner. Isabel had knocked her out so that she wouldn’t use her powers to try and escape before they could take them.

Serena placed the device on the back of her head and then placing her hand over her head Serena used her powers to wake her up.

‘What’s going on?’ she asked groggily as she came to. Her face was still a mess with dried blood, her nose crooked from where Isabel had broken it and a bruise was beginning to form on her jaw. Isabel had really done a number on her.

‘Heal yourself’ Max ordered.

‘What’s going on Max?’ she asked then.

‘Just do it Tess’ he said again this time a lot louder.

Tess followed his instructions not wanting to get Max any angrier than he already was and when she was finished Max gestured to Serena to get ready.

‘The thing on the back of you head is a device used on Antar to remove powers from people who have committed a crime.’

‘No!” she cried.

‘What you have done to me, to Kyle and to everyone else may not be a crime by earth standards Tess but on Antar you have betrayed your king. You sprout about how Antar is such a superior planet to Earth so we have decided to judge you by their standards. Go ahead Serena’

Serena activated the device and Tess screamed out in pain.

‘Max you’ll need to connect with her now to attach the signature’ Serena advised but Max shook his head. ‘No, someone else can do it’ he replied. He would not connect with Tess he knew that his hatred for her alone would almost kill her.

‘I’ll do it’ Michael advised and then stepped forward. After a couple of minutes and stepped back and advised it had been attached and Serena confirmed this when she turned on the tracker.

‘It’s working’ she advised.

‘Good’ Max replied.

‘Tess you are now a mere human and stuck on earth. Consider yourself dead to us and don’t even think about stepping foot in Roswell again. If you approach any of us I will know and I wont hold either Isabel or Michael back from killing you next time’ he warned.

‘Max please?’ she begged.

‘Leave Tess’ he said sternly before turning his back on her and going back to the comfort of his mate’s arms.


After the whole scene with Tess everyone broke of into their twosome with the exception of Serena and went their separate ways. Maria claimed her and Michael had some catching up to do and Isabel pulled Alex out for pizza feeling the need for some normalcy after the night they just had.

Max and Liz were sitting on the couch with Serena still. They both still had a few questions.

‘Are you two ok?’ Serena asked eventually.

‘Yeah we’ve got some things to work through but we’re going to do that soon’ Max replied.

‘You do realise that you cant continue to live across the country from each other don’t you?’ she asked them then.

They both shared a knowing look, no they hadn’t thought about it but they knew that was never an option once Liz revealed her pregnancy but certainly knew they would need to talk about it.

‘Your bond won’t allow you to be that far apart from each other ever’ she explained.

‘Well I guess I’m moving back to Roswell’ Max said then.

‘Max no!’ Liz objected. ‘What about school?’

Max turned to Liz with a small smile ‘Baby I can go to school at UNM with you and Maria. I don’t need to be in Boston to go to school I would much rather be in Roswell to tell you the truth. I only applied to go here because I though you’d be returning here. I just want to be with you and our babies Liz and I don’t care where I have to be to do that’

Liz smiled at Max ‘We’re really going to make this work this time aren’t we?’ she asked him.

‘Was there ever any doubt’ he grinned back before taking her in his arms and caressing her lips with his own.

Serena took this as her cue to leave. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do now that everything had been brought out into the open about her and Michael. She realised she was free for the first time ever in her life to do as she pleases.

She thought that she might like to return to Roswell with Max and Liz, and even possibly Michael and Maria. Michael had become like a brother to her and she thought that learning to live a life on earth would be easier in a small town like Roswell. Maybe she could go to school as well, or get a job working with Liz and Maria even. The possibilities were endless but one thing she did know was that she wanted to be around when Liz gave birth to the heirs of the Antarian throne, it didn’t matter as far as she was concerned that Max had abdicated it was a historic event that no one would ever see again.


Max carried Liz to his room and laid her gently onto his bed. They kissed slowly and lovingly both trying to re-establish their love.

They slowly removed each other’s clothing taking the time to kiss and love each other’s bodies as they did.

‘I love you’ Max sighed as he lay on his back with Liz straddling him.

‘I love you too’ she replied before lifting her hips and sinking down on him.

‘Oh Liz’ he moaned as she started a slow rhythm.

He sat up and hugged her body to his as she continued to ride him. He needed to be as close to her as he possibly could be. He took one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked on it and then moved to the next one.

‘Oh god Max’ Liz moaned and Max continued his ministrations.

Liz started to up the rhythm needing to feel Max faster and deeper in her body. Max hands went to her hips to help her and eventually they were hammering against each other.

‘Oh god I cant last much longer baby’ Max groaned.

‘I’m with you’ she cried just before her walls clamped down on his cock and started milking him until he shot his seed deep inside of her.

‘Oh Max’ she sighed when they both came down from their orgasms ‘I love you so much’ she cried against his chest. She couldn’t believe that she had almost gave this up, gave up the chance of having Max and being a family with him and their children.

‘Oh baby I love you so much too and I cant wait to start a life with you’ he replied.


BTW i have updated YGM
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Eplilogue Part 1

Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Thanks guys i'm glad you enjoyed it. Well here is the first part of the epilogue only one part to go!!.

Jason's Lover


3 Months Later

Something about you
Oh could it be I finally found
My destiny
Now here you are within my reach

How did I miss you?
How did I miss you?
When you were out there all of this time
It took this moment to make me realise

Once in a lifetime
You find your reason for living
You find the one who makes your every dream come true
Though I could search the world forever
No one else would do
Cause once in a lifetime you find someone life you

Liz glided down the aisle on the arm of her very best friend Alex towards her fiancé, the man who within minutes would be her husband.

It had been an emotional 6 months for Liz and the gang but it had all lead to this moment. The perfect moment where Max Evans would finally become her husband.

Max, Michael, Maria, Serena and her returned to Roswell 3 months ago where they all returned to college with the exception of Michael. With Michaels help Liz turned the shop next door to the Crashdown into a bar when Amy refused her offer to convert it into her shop and it opened last week. Michael was going to manage the place along with the Crashdown so that Liz could continue with college and then afterwards she was considering joining her future families law firm with Max.

The opening of the bar was an emotional one for Liz. They had decided to name it Parker’s for her parents, especially her father since it had been his dream for some time to open it, and it was doing very well too. Michael loved managing the place and Liz pretty much let him do what he liked as long as the bar remained profitable.

It only took a week for Liz to break down and ask Max to move in with her to the apartment above the Crashdown. She didn’t want to rush their relationship wanting them to take it slow and get to know each other all over again as well as learning to communicate again. But in the end it drove them both crazy being apart with their bond and Max hated missing any part of Liz’s pregnancy, including the part where he got to hold her hair back every morning when she was sick. He had been her saviour during those sick mornings and her light when she was tired at the end of the day and desperately needed a massage to relax.

In the end it had actually worked out well. Maria finally worked up the courage to tell her mother that she was moving in with Michael, which surprisingly didn’t go as bad as she thought considering that Amy Deluca has plans to shack up with Sheriff Valenti and was just happy that her daughter was living in Roswell again, and when Maria moved in Liz and Max asked Serena to move in with them. Liz had two spare rooms and they both agreed that it would be nice to have Serena close through the pregnancy and also for the birth. For Liz it was also a great opportunity to get to know the alien that knew so much about Max’s past life, and so that they could become friends.

Serena was overjoyed by their invitation, overwhelmed that they would welcome her into their family so easily. Liz and Max didn’t think she would stay long after the birth of the twins though when they saw her with Kyle. The two had started dating after they had been introduced upon their return and it certainly looked like love. Liz couldn’t remember ever seeing Kyle look so happy even when they had dated.

Sadly Liz and Max sat down with Kyle and told him everything. He was understandably upset but thankful they had told him the truth and surprisingly he didn’t resent Max instead he thanked him for doing everything he could to save the baby and for loving his child in his place. Liz had expected him to pull away from them after the news but instead he became a constant guest at the apartment and a regular customer at the Crashdown and it was easy to see that he loved Serena as much as she loved him and everyone was overjoyed for them both.

Philip and Diane Evan’s had been overjoyed at the news of the Liz’s pregnancy as well, with both their children grown and living their lives the idea of grandchildren was wonderful and they welcomed Liz into their family with open arms which meant so much to her considering she no longer had her own parents to share the news with.

Alex and Isabel were both still attending college in Boston. Isabel moved into the apartment that Liz had purchased for Alex when Max had moved home to Roswell. But Alex was due to graduate at the end of the year so they decided that they would move back to Roswell then to be closer to their family. Isabel planned to continue at UNM and Alex already had a job secured at a top computer company who were located in Albuquerque but had agreed to let him work from Roswell, which meant a minimum amount of commuting.

As her and Alex continued the journey towards her life she couldn’t help but think back to the night that Max had proposed to her a month ago. It all felt surreal but she new that it was right; nothing had ever felt more right in her life.

Max had taken her out to dinner at Senor Chows and they had danced and played pool like they had on their first date so many years ago.

‘Did you have a nice time?’ he asked her as they walked back towards the Crashdown hand in hand. They could see the lights and hear the music coming from Parkers.

‘Yep’ she grinned ‘but you still suck at pool’ she added.

‘Oh you think you’re funny do you?’ he laughed with her as he pulled her into his arms. They had just entered the Crashdown through the front doors and Max had used his powers to turn the jukebox on.

Everybody needs a little time away
I heard her say
From each other
Even lovers need a hard day
Far away, from each other

Hold me now
It’s hard for me to say I'm sorry
But I just want you to stay
With me

And after all you’ve been through
I will make it up to you
I promise you
And after all that’s been said and done
You’re just a part of me I can’t let go

‘I love this song’ Liz sighed into Max’s chest as they moved slowly to the music. “I don’t want this night to end’

‘Me either so lets not let it’ he murmurs in reply against her hair.

‘And what magic power do you have to prevent that?’ she laughed.

‘You don’t need a magic power, or alien powers for that matter to never let this night end’ he replied quietly. ‘You just have to make it so memorable that every time we touch, every time we kiss, every time we make love that we see it. That we can both remember how we smelt and tasted’ he replied.

‘Oh Max that sounds wonderful’

‘You’re wonderful, you’re everything to me Liz Parker do you know that?’

Liz pulled back so she could look into his eyes after hearing the serious tone in his voice and smiled at him. Max never let a moment go by anymore without telling her what she meant to him and it didn’t matter how many times she heard it she didn’t think it would ever stop feeling so good, to stop putting goose bumps on her arms.

‘Yeah I do’

‘Good’ he replied before pulling her to him and caressing her lips with his own.

‘You know everything started here’ he smiled.

‘I know’

‘That chapter of our lives started here and now I was hoping that we could start the next chapter of our lives here. In the place that we first found each other and the place that mean so much to us both for so many reasons’

‘You know you didn’t just save my life that day Max, you saved my heart’ she told him.

‘Then can I have it forever and a day?’ he asked her then never taking his eyes off hers.

‘Max’ Liz gasped as he slid down on to one knee in front of her.

Cause I cant be kept away
Not for a day
From your body
I want to be swept away
Far away
From the one that I love

Hold me now
It’s hard for me to say I’m sorry
But I just want you to know

Hold me now
I really want to tell you I’m sorry
I could never let you go

After all you’ve been through
I will make it up to you
I promise to
I promise you
And after all that’s been said and done
You’re just a part of me I can’t let go

I can’t let go

He reached into his pants pocket then and pulled out something and held it in his hand.

‘You complete me Liz Parker and that’s the only way I ever want to feel. Your soul is my souls twin. I love you baby. You’re already my mate will you marry me and be my wife?’ he asked her nervously.

Liz fell to her knees in front of him ‘Yes’ she whispered.

‘Yes?’ he asked as he scratched his ear.

‘Yes’ she replied again, this time laughing at his nervousness and the fact that he thought she would say no. Liz Parker couldn’t resist Max Evan’s and she had given up trying to.

‘I love you’ she cried when he placed the beautiful ring on her finger.

‘Oh how I love you’ he replied.

Liz’s thought were broken when her and Alex reached the alter and he handed her to Max before taking his place beside Isabel.

She saw the tears of happiness in his eyes the minutes he turned to her.

‘Hi’ she mouthed with a big grin, her own tears now falling.

‘Hi yourself’ he whispered ‘you look beautiful’

‘Max and Liz have written their own vows to say to each other today’ the priest advised.

‘Liz I know we agreed to keep this simple because you told me you didn’t want to cry but here we are both crying on the happiest day of our lives. So I will keep my promise and only tell you how much I love you, how complete I feel standing here with you and how I cant wait to start our journey in this life together. I will promise to tell you everyday that you are my north, my south, my east and my west. You Liz Parker are my galaxy’ he smiled through his tears at her before sliding her wedding ring on her finger.

‘Max, I cant tell you how happy I am and how thankful I am to have you in my heart and in my life. I love you with every breath in my body and I can’t wait to spend my life with you. I will promise to tell you everyday that you are my north, my south, my east and my west. You Max Evans are my galaxy’ she was openly crying now as she slid his wedding band on his finger.

‘By the power invested in my by the state of New Mexico I now pronounce you binded together in life as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride’ the priest announced.

Max wasted no time pulling Liz into his arms and taking her mouth in a passionate kiss which she happily returned, they let their tongues slowly slide against each other when they finally broke apart the priest announced ‘Ladies and Gentleman it’s my privilege to present to you for the first time Mr and Mrs Max Evans’ and the guests at the wedding all clapped in happiness.

TBC - what did you think?
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Post by Mariael311 »


That was so great! I had some catching up to do but I'm glad I did!!

I'm so happy to hear that Tess is no longer going to hurt them and that M/L finally get to start a new life together! I hope the second half of the epiloge will be about the kids! :D
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