You Cant Get Back Yesterday - AU/FF M/L ADULT - [COMPLETE]

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You Cant Get Back Yesterday - AU/FF M/L ADULT - [COMPLETE]

Post by Emz80m »


Title: You can’t get back yesterday
Author: Emz80m
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything it’s all borrowed.
Category: M/L FF AU ADULT
Summery: 3 years into the future Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess return from Antar.. They left when they found out Tess was pregnant. Alex isnt dead though. Will things ever be the same again?


Max Evans came running down the stairs when he heard the knock at the door. He was surprised when he opened the door and saw the person standing on the other side biting her lower lip in nervousness. He hadn’t seen her in two weeks and it had been the longest two weeks of his life, and here she was un-expectantly standing outside his door.

‘Hi’ he said.

‘Hi’ she replied ‘I know I should be here but I need to talk to you’ she told him.

‘Come in’

She followed him into the living room looking around quickly at the place. There was very little colour anywhere, just a big cushiony lounge in the middle of the room in front of a coffee table and TV. She also noted that there weren’t any pictures either.

‘So I realise I shouldn’t have come but I have to tell you something’ she started.

He smiled, he wanted to take her in his arms and tell her how much he had missed her these past two weeks, the taste of her skin the feel of her body against his but he knew that wasn’t what she wanted to hear.

He nodded in response.

‘I’m pregnant’ she blurted out and then waited for his reaction.

‘Are you sure?’ he asked her.

She didn’t answer him though she simply pulled up her blouse and showed him her abdomen, which remained flat the only telling sign were the two tiny handprints that were glowing from within.

‘Oh my god’ he gasped and then fell to his knees in front of her placing his hand near the hand prints.

‘I didn’t think it was possible’ he said and she could tell that he was trying hard to hold back the tears, she however couldn’t and they were sliding down her face and over her smile.

Max felt the tear hit his face as it fell from her eye and he looked up at her beautiful smiling face and matched her smile with one of his own.

Without a second thought he pulled her down to him and wiped her tears away with the pads of his fingers ‘How do you feel about this?’ he asked her then.

She smiled at his concern ‘I don’t know really I only discovered it myself a couple of hours ago and I came straight here,’ she told him and it had been completely true. She had been having strange dreams for past months that included herself with Max and a family but she concluded that he was just reminiscing about what could have been.

‘But I’m happy’ she finished ‘What about you?’ she asked then concerned that he wouldn’t want to have her children.

‘This is the happiest day of my life’ he told her ‘I didn’t think I would ever be able to have children and the fact that they’re your children is just amazing’

She smiled at his words her heart jumping a because just like her, he wanted their babies

Part 1

‘Max’ Tess walked straight into Max and Isabel’s apartment without knocking. She knew that he was here somewhere and had decided that they were going to talk today no matter what. She wanted her fiancé back she missed him.

‘Max’ she called out again when no one answered and made her way into the living room, she stopped abruptly at the site of her fiancé and his ex-girlfriend sitting on the floor together.

‘What’s going on?’ she asked startling them both out of their silent conversation.

‘Tess, what are you doing here? I didn’t hear you knock?’ Max asked her as he helped Liz up off the floor.

‘Oh’ Tess said embarrassed at being called out for not knocking ‘I didn’t think I needed to knock’ she mumbled. ‘I came to see Isabel actually’ she finally answered and gestured to the bag she had flung over her shoulder. The bag had nothing to do with Isabel but she didn’t want them to know that.

‘Oh well she’s actually at Alex’s but you can probably get hold of her on the mobile’ Max answered her. He knew that he shouldn’t feel so awkward around her, she was his fiancée up until two weeks ago after all but right now she had walked in on one of the biggest moments of his life with his soul mate and he didn’t want her to ruin it.

‘So what are you doing in Boston Liz?’ she asked her.

‘Oh Maria and I had to come and pack up the rest of out stuff from the apartment so we flew in this morning’ she answered. Liz wanted to tell her it was none of her business what she was doing in Boston.

‘Oh so you’re going back to Roswell tomorrow?’ she continued she needed as much information on Liz’s whereabouts as possible at the moment she had a bad feeling about her sudden appearance in Max’s apartment.

‘Actually our flight is booked for tonight’ Liz smiled.

‘Oh great well I’m just going to drop this stuff of in Isabel’s room’ she said and then made her way out of the room and down the hall.

‘I’m sorry Liz I don’t know what she’s doing here’ Max told her.

‘Don’t be sorry Max, I mean you are going to be married soon anyway’ Liz tried to shrug off that thought; she didn’t want Tess Harding anywhere near her children.

Flash back

Three years and 3 months earlier

Max watched her from the balcony knowing that what he was about to do would be the hardest thing he had ever done in his life. He could tell from the way she looked on the bed that she was sleeping peacefully and he was miserable that he would be the one to shatter that.

‘Liz’ he whispered as he made his way towards her.

‘Max?’ she questioned slowly waking up.

‘Yeah sorry to wake you but I needed to see you’ he replied and took a seat beside her.

‘What’s going on Max?’ she sat up and looked at him.

‘We’re leaving’ he whispered.

‘What?’ she cried.

‘Tess is pregnant and we think it would be better to have the baby on Antar’ he told her, never once looking her in the eye.

‘Pregnant?’ Liz stuttered and looked at him begging him with her eyes to tell her that the baby wasn’t his.

‘I came to say goodbye. I couldn’t leave without seeing you’ he said then ignoring the questions he saw in her eyes because he knew admitting that he had given up on them to her would be worse that not saying a word.

‘Well you should have’ she snapped.


‘Save it Max. I cant believe you slept with her, how could you do that to us’ she cried.

‘How could I have done that to us?’ he yelled back. ‘Liz you slept with Kyle there was no us after you did that’

Liz allowed the tears to fall then and silently shook her head. Max took one look at her and knew then that he had made the biggest mistake of his life. He moved towards her and lifted her chin so that she was looking at him in the eyes ‘Oh god you never slept with him did you?’ he asked her.

Liz shook her head ‘I would never do that to you, to us’ she whispered. Max pulled her to him forcefully ‘oh baby I’m sorry, so sorry’ he whispered against her hair. He looked at the clock and realised that he left it too late to come to her, they were leaving in 10 minutes and he needed to leave now.

Pulling away from her briefly he whispered so quietly that only she would have heard ‘I love you with every breath in my body’ and his lips descended on hers in a sweet kiss. When Liz opened her eyes he was standing by the window looking at her longingly. ‘A year Liz, I promise I’ll be back’ and with that solemn promise Liz Parker watched the love of her life walk away. Little did she know at the time when she made the decision to wait for him, to be there when he returned that she wouldn’t see him for 3 years.

End of Flashback

‘Tess and I broke up about 3 weeks ago’ he told her.

‘Oh’ Liz replied. Inside her heart was racing a mile a minute. She had sworn to her self when Max had come back into her life again 3 months ago that she wouldn’t let him back into her heart but she knew now that was pointless because he had never left it. Yes she was bitter, yes she hated him for deserting her but did she regret one moment of the last 3 months, the answer was absolutely no.

‘I think we should call Serena and ask her to come over, I have some questions about some things that have been happening and I’m sure you do to’ he said then. He hadn’t ignored the fact that the moment he saw Liz at his front door this morning his body had instantly responded, it was the first time in almost 2 weeks and it was taking all his control to not attack her.

Liz looked at him and saw the desire in his eyes and knew without a doubt her eyes matched his, she was craving him and she had been for two weeks now. In the end she had insisted on coming with Maria even though she had nothing left in the apartment just so she could see him, it had been on the plane that morning when she had gone to the toilet that she had discovered their surprise.

‘Max’ Liz called ‘before you do that do you think you could take care of a little problem I’m having?’ she asked him quietly as she made her way towards him. She was more than aware that his ex-fiancée, ex-wife from hell was somewhere in the apartment.

‘I have an itch that really needs to be scratched’ she told him.

‘And I would love to scratch it but we’re not alone’ he groaned.

‘I don’t care. I’m at the end of my rope here Max I’ve been literally craving you for 2 weeks now. Get rid of her please’ she begged.

‘OK but you need to hide so I can pretend that you’ve left’ he said and led her to his room. ‘Hide in the bathroom’ he told her.

As soon as Max safely hid Liz in his room he went out of the front and firmly shut the front door, knowing that Tess would be out within seconds of hearing the sound.

‘Oh is Liz gone?’ she asked innocently.

‘Yep and you need to get going too because I have to get out of here’ he told her.

‘Where are you going?’ she asked annoyed.

‘I have an appointment at the Uni and then I’m meeting up with Michael’ he lied hoping that his mate would back him up.

‘But I wanted to talk to you’ she whined.

‘Well it will have to wait for later’ he told her and started to move her towards the door.

‘Okay so I should come back tonight?’ she asked him.

‘Yep sure’ he replied without thinking. ‘See you then’ he said and then shut the door in her face, locked it and then sealed it with his powers.
Last edited by Emz80m on Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:00 pm, edited 33 times in total.
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Part 2 & 3

Post by Emz80m »

Okay guys this might help clear up something before you read part 3. This story is going to go between 3 different parts in time. 3 years ago, 3 months ago and 3 months ago.

The next two parts should answer the Max/Tess baby questions but if you dont get all the info you want to figure it out you'll just have to keep reading...

evil i know.

Part 2

3 months earlier

‘Liz, Maria are you here?’ called out Alex as he used his key to enter his two best friends apartment.

‘In the bathroom Alex’ Liz called out.

‘Where’s Ria?’ Alex asked then.

The sound of the door opening halted Liz in answering his question, Maria walked through the door with a huge smile on her face.

‘You look happy’ Alex observed.

‘What’s not to be happy about. I just got back from seeing Adam and I have got to say that man in the sweetest’ she smiled dreamily.
‘So what are you doing here Alex?’ Liz asked him as she came out of the bathroom dressed only in her black silk robe. Alex still wasn’t used to the new Liz, she had her hair cut and styled to just below her ears and a totally knew attitude to boot. He had seen her transfer herself into sexy temptress that she was today but it still shocked him sometimes. Maria on the other hand had almost turned into Liz herself. She pulled back into herself and although she continued to date sporadically ‘Hurricane Deluca’ never returned instead she was eventually replaced by cyclone Liz.

‘Wow it’s lovely to see you too Liz’ he smirked.

‘You how much I love you Alex but you don’t normally show up at out apartment unplanned at 6 o’clock on a Friday night. So spill?’ she said.

‘Um okay but do you think we could sit down?’

‘Why not’ Maria replied as they all sat down.

‘So I got an unexpected call last night from Roswell, New Mexico’ he started. Liz and Maria exchanged confused glances.

‘Who was is?’ Maria finally asked.


‘Oh god, are they back?’ Maria asked, panic setting in already.

‘Yeah they got back last week. Isabel wanted to see me so she’s flying out. In fact she will be here in a few hours I know that she would like to see you two as well, she said so in fact’ he continued on. Maria’s reaction was expected it was the unwavering look on Liz’s face that had him worried. Her eyes told him that there was still a lot of anger there but everything else about her reaction to his news told him that Liz Parker couldn’t care less.

‘Well that would be nice Alex. Maria, Adam, Riley and I were planning on going down to O’Neils tonight anyway so you two should join us’ Liz smiled.

‘What about Max and Michael?’ Maria asked quietly.

‘They’re back too’ Alex replied, not meeting Maria’s gaze.

‘Spit it out Alex Whitman’ Maria snapped at him, she knew that he was keeping something from her.

‘Look Maria don’t kill the messenger, just chill. Alex will tell you everything you want to know’ Liz replied trying to calm the situation down. However, she got up and made her way out of the room making it clear to Alex that although she expected him to tell their best friend what ever he knew, she herself didn’t want to hear it.

‘Um they all came back. Max, Tess, Isabel, Michael and someone called Serena’ he told her.

‘And?’ she pushed him.

‘I’m not to sure but I assume that their coupled up. Izzy was pretty keen to be done with them. It seems her and Tess aren’t the best of friends that they once were and she hated Antar and everyone on it. I know that she really missed all of us’

Maria could feel the tears prickling her eyes it was times like this that she wished that she was the Maria of old, or more like the new Liz, they would never have cry over a guy like Michael Guerin.

‘Ria you better get dressed the guys will be here in an hour’ Liz said as she popped her head out the door.

Part 3

Alex was nervously sitting on the girls couch waiting for the knock on the door that he knew was coming. Isabel has called his cell about a half an hour ago and told him she was in Boston. He had given her directions to Liz and Maria’s apartment and they all were waiting on anxiously on her arrival. A knock on the door snapped him out of his thoughts and he but ran to the door and yanked it open.

On the other side Isabel Evans stood nervously waiting for a reaction from the man that she now knew would always own her heart. A day hadn’t gone by in the last 3 years that she hadn’t regretted following her brother home to a planet that she knew that she never would have belonged to.

‘Hi Alex’ she smiled.

‘Hey Iz,’ Alex smiled back and took a step back to let her into the apartment.

‘Isabelle is that you?’ called out Liz as she came walking into the living room. She was already dressed for the night out, a pair of tight black leather pants, a silky red top that showed plenty of her toned stomach, on all account she was a knock out and Isabelle told her so.

‘Thanks you look great too. Space travel obviously agrees with you’ she smirked as she let the taller girl pull her into a hug.

‘Maria’ Liz called out ‘Isabelle is here’

‘I’ll be right out’ she yelled back.

‘So Liz how’s school and everything?’ Isabel asked. ‘Made any major scientific break throughs yet?’ she asked

‘I’m actually studying law. Biology just wasn’t empowering enough for me after all. But I love law, in fact I only have 6 months to go’ she replied with a smile.

‘Wow. I cant imagine quiet shy Liz Parker as a lawyer’
‘Yeah I know I thought the same thing Iz but you should see her, she’s great’ Alex replied.

‘Max is actually planning on doing law too Liz’ Isabel said then. Knowing eventually that she was going to have to bring up the subject of her brother.

‘Good on him Iz but truthfully the care factor here is zero’ Liz replied, the tone in her voice didn’t indicate sarcasm or bitterness, which surprised Isabelle.

‘Well I know that he would really like to see you. Him and Michael have been talking about it ever since we got home’ she continued.

‘Well tell them from me not to bother. I don’t have time to waste visiting Max and his happy family’

‘Um actually there is no family’ Isabel replied wanting to clear that subject up quickly.

‘Isabelle’ Liz started but she was cut off by Maria ‘No Liz I would like to hear about it even if you don’t. I want to know what happened to Max’s precious wife and child, the very ones that he ruined all our lives for’ Maria said.

‘Speak for yourself Ria. My life is great. The best thing that even happened to me was Max Evans leaving this god forsaken planet. It’s fabulous to see you Isabelle’ she smiled genuinely ‘but I wish Max would have stayed there’ she finished. Isabelle, Alex and Maria’s mouths all dropped open at that.

Over the years Liz had never said anything that shocking, the Max factor was normally dealt with by denial or simply ignorance but never such hatred.

They all took a seat when the shock of Liz’s words wore off. ‘Well Tess actually lost the baby about a week after we arrived. It seems that we were never meant to procreate with each other. In fact Tess should never have been able to get pregnant to begin with so as soon as her body entered the Antar atmosphere is started rejecting the pregnancy.’

‘So you saying that her destiny speal was what? a crock of shit?’ Liz laughed.

‘Yeah pretty much. Nasedo just let her interpret things the way she wanted. We were never supposed to return home, never supposed to pair up in fact it was strongly recommended that we return home and find ourselves some humans like us to be with’ Isabel told them.

‘Why did you stay so long?’ Maria asked.

‘We didn’t really. To us it was only about 3 months. Michael had some family and Max had some King things to deal with. He formally abdicated and we made plans to come home. Tess didn’t want to but she was out numbered in the end.’ She replied.

‘So your home for good?’ Alex asked hopefully.
‘Yeah’ she smiled back.

Before they continue there was a knock at the door and Maria got up to let Riley and Adam in.

‘Isabelle this is by boyfriend Adam and Liz’s boyfriend Riley’ Maria introduced. ‘Guys this is Isabelle Evan’s she’s a friend of ours from Roswell and she’s visiting so her and Alex are going to join us tonight’

‘I don’t want to intrude if you had plans’ Isabelle told them.

‘Nonsense Izzy, you’re like family that could never be thought of as intruding’ Liz told her with a smile.
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3b & 4

Post by Emz80m »

Part 3b

Once they got to the bar the girls took a seat while the guys went to get them some drinks. ‘So how long have you two been with Adam and Riley?’ Isabel asked curiously. Both of them having significant others was some what of a relief considering her brother and Michael’s present relationship status, however, Isabelle secretly believed that Max would finally find the courage to break up with Tess once he saw Liz.

‘Oh Riley and I have been dating for about a year now’ Liz replied ‘Pretty sexy hey?’ Liz grinned knowingly as Isabel checked out her boyfriend. ‘Yes and completely not your type Liz, I mean he’s blonde!’ Isabel laughed.

‘That’s what I said but Riley was nice enough to set me up with Adam about 6 months ago so I totally love the guy’ Maria told them.

‘Hmm interesting that the two of you are once again dating best friends’ Isabel said quietly.

‘Yeah you’d think we’d have learnt out lesson by now but Liz just has this knack of attracting guys who have great looking best friends’ Maria replied, silence drifting over the table at her declaration.

‘So what are we talking about’ the guys asked when they returned to the table, Alex took a seat next to Isabel and she was just about to respond when her mobile went off.

‘Excuse me’ she said getting up and walking away from the table so that she could talk to the person on the other end.


‘Izzy? Where are you?’ Max asked.

‘Um out’ she replied.

‘Yeah I realise that, out in Boston to be exact. We’re here and we want to meet up with you. Have you seen Alex yet?’

‘Um yeah I’m actually out with him. But I don’t think you stopping by would be a very good idea.’ She told them.

‘Why not?’ she heard Michael ask in the background.

‘Iz?’ Max questioned when she remained quiet ‘who else are you with?’

‘Um Liz and Maria are here too and some friends of there’s’ she finally admitted.

‘Great well we might as well get it over with don’t you think?’ he asked.

‘No I don’t. I think you coming here is a very bad idea, both of you’

Isabel saw Alex approaching her and knew that she wasn’t going to avoid telling him who was on the phone.

‘Max?’ he mouthed and Isabel nodded. ‘Hold on Max’ she told her brother and then placed her hand over the mouthpiece. ‘He wants to come and meet up with us’ she told Alex.

‘What are they doing here?’ he asked her.

‘When I told them I was coming to Boston they insisted on coming because Max wanted to check out the university and lodge his app for next semester’ she explained.

‘No Izzy believe me it’s a very bad idea’ he told her.

Removing her hand Isabel spoke to Max again ‘Max listen I need to get back so I will see you when I get back to the hotel.’ She told him.

‘Isabel just tell us where you are?’ Michael said into the phone after grabbing it from Max. Following his lead Alex took the phone off Isabel.

‘Max?’ he asked.

‘Alex is that you?’

‘Yeah, listen I don’t want you to put Isabel in the middle of this but believe me when I tell you that you should just let this whole idea go. Your presence here is very unwelcome. Don’t get me wrong Max, I have a lot of time for you and Michael but two very important women in my life don’t.’

‘Alex, you either tell us where you are now or we will be knocking on their door tomorrow’ Michael said into the phone.

‘O’Neils just off campus from BU’ he replied and then hung up the phone.

‘I take it Michael wouldn’t take no for answer?’ Isabel asked as they made there way back to their seats.

‘Yeah listen I think it would be better to just not say anything to the girls ok’ Alex told her.


Part 4

10 minutes later Liz was standing at the bar getting herself another drink when she felt it. It was an unwelcome feeling and she felt her body stiffen with it. Right after they had left and for almost 2 years later she had craved the feeling of knowing where he was but right now knowing that he was standing at the entrance to her local hangout, invading her personal space infuriated her. Who the hell did Max Evans think he was?

Max, Michael, Serena and Tess walked into O’Neils and looked around for Isabelle. They found her sitting at a table with Alex, Maria and two other guys that they didn’t recognise. Before they made their way over to the table Max turned back to Tess ‘Please don’t embarrass us’ he pleaded with her. He knew that this meeting was bound to be uncomfortable for everyone and didn’t want it to be made worse by Tess rubbing Liz’s nose in it.

Liz made her way back to the table with the tray of drinks for everyone, after handing them out she noticed Isabel’s apologetic smile, apparently she wasn’t the only one that had sensed their arrival.

‘So Izzy, are you going to stay in Roswell?’ Liz asked taking a seat on Riley’s knee; he automatically wrapped his arm around her waist without halting his conversation with Adam.

‘Yeah I’ll probably spend the summer at home, catch up with Mum and Dad and then depending on what happens I’ll start uni next semester’ she told her.

‘Where have you been?’ Riley asked suddenly, Isabel hadn’t realised that he was even listening to their conversation.

‘Oh I’ve been travelling over seas with my brothers’ she explained vaguely ‘speak of the devils’ she added when she noted Max, Michael, Tess and Serena were now standing at the table.

‘Hi’ Max smiled.

‘Lizzie? Is that you?’ Michael asked coming over and pulling Liz to him.

‘Hey Michael’ she smiled ‘it’s good to see you’ she told him ‘Um this is my boyfriend Riley. Riley this is Michael one of Isabel’s brother’ she introduced.

Michael and Riley exchanged handshakes and then Michael introduced Serena. To say that she was shocked when Michael told her who the mystery women was would be an understatement, when she noticed that Riley’s attention was not on the introductions being made by Maria she whispered ‘It’s a bit of a shock meeting you Serena. I think that Michael you and I should sit down and talk about a few things sometime in the future’ Liz said piking the curiosity of Michael and Serena ‘Checkoslavkian?’ Michael asked and raised an eyebrow.

‘Yeah of the worse kind’ Liz answered ‘Nothing to worry a bout anymore though’

‘Michael pull up some seats’ Alex called out from across the table.

‘Ok’ Michael answered, his gaze being pulled away from the beautiful blonde across the table who was trying to pretend that she was listening to Max.

‘Actually don’t worry about it Michael. Riley and I are going to hit the dance floor so why don’t you take out seat’ Liz told them as her and Riley got up from their seat.

‘Liz your friends just got here, don’t you want to catch up with them?’ Riley asked, confused at Liz’s wish to take off. ‘You haven’t even introduced me to Isabel’s other brother yet’

‘That’s because neither him or the blonde are friends of mine’ Liz snapped but her demeanour quickly changed when the next song change started up.

‘Ria’ she squealed to get her best friends attention. Maria was instantly on her feet and her and Liz disappeared onto the dance floor.

Fly by friend who thinks he such a man
Like a child with the weight of a rocket
He comes around here with a license to love
I don’t know where he got it
I trusted you, offered everything
But I’m not sure you deserved it

Both girls sang the words to the song as they danced to the song,

You tell me that I’m lucky but I feel like giving up
Cause a heart like mines lost on you if you don’t know what you’ve got

You throw it away
Throw it way
All the heart and the soul I’ve been giving
You throw it away
Throw it way
Like it’s no big deal you’ll be missing
Throw it away
Throw it away

Everyone at the table was oblivious to the undertones of the song except Max, Michael, Isabel and Alex. Both Isabel and Alex had a hard time keeping the smiles off their face when they realised that their reaction to the song was an obvious knock at them.

You wouldn’t know what love it
If it hit you like a rock
Cause a girl like me is lost on you
If you don’t see what you’ve got

You throw it away
Throw it way
All the heart and the soul I’ve been giving
You throw it away
Throw it way
Like it’s no big deal you’ll be missing
Throw it away
Throw it away

(Delta Goodrem – Throw it away) Words aren’t exact

When the song ended both Maria and Liz turned laughing eyes at the two male aliens at the table and Liz even snickered at the look on Tess’s face when she realised that her ‘man’ couldn’t seem to take his eyes of her.

‘Looser’ Liz mouthed to her.

Max couldn’t get over the girl that he saw dancing on the dance floor, she was still as beautiful if not more than he remembered but he could see the innocence that once shone through in her eyes was gone and eventually the Liz he knew and loved with every fibre of his being had left too. Without a second thought he used his powers to change the next song.

Found myself just the other day
In the backyard of a friends place thinking about you
Thinking about the crowd your in, what you’re up to, where you’ve been
Just thinking

You know the clothes that you wear and the colour in your hair
Shouldn’t change you
Now you tell me why’s it’s so
Now you’re bigger than Mighty Joe, at least you think so

At first Liz and Maria didn’t think anything of the next song until they listened carefully to the verse and Liz realised Max was trying to send her a message. Well that was too bad she thought and she pretended to continue to dance to the song feigning ignorance to the message.

Got my fingers burned now when I think of touching your hair
You have changed so much that I don’t know,
If I can call you and tell you I care
And I would love to bring you down
Plant you feet back on the ground

Throw my smoke down on the ground
Turn my head and I heard the sound
That reminded me
Of the days so young and sweet
Were always so much fun to me
At least I thought so

Now you your so damn fine
You can rule the world
Well not mine I don’t think so

Got my fingers burned now when I think of touching your hair
You have changed so much that I don’t know,
If I can call you and tell you I care

(Pete Murray – So Beautiful)

When they returned back to the table Liz took a seat on Riley’s lap again and tried to concentrate on the conversation he was having with Michael and Alex about the latest hockey match.

‘So Liz aren’t you going to introduce us to your friend?’ Tess asked coming up behind her.

‘Why would I want to do that’ Liz smiled back. Riley had turned his attention to them by this stage. ‘Hi I’m Riley Brown’ he told her.

‘Tess, Tess Harding and that’s my fiancé Max Evans’ she said gleefully indicating over to where Max was talking to Isabelle.

Liz immediately looked to her ring finger and when she noticed the absence of any ring she began to giggle ‘Congratulations Tess, what no ring?’

Liz saw the signs of embarrassment at the comment immediately in Tess’s face and happy that the moment was done with turned her back on the blonde indicating she didn’t have any intention on continue that or any other conversation with her.
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Part 5

Post by Emz80m »

A/N Hey guys thanx for reading. This will be another double post but dont get too used to them. They are double posts so that i can get RF up to the same spot i have this story at LOD after this double post that will be it.

Part 5

It was late in the afternoon before Isabel got together with Alex, Liz and Maria again. They had invited her over to their apartment for dinner that night. She arrived around 5 and was surprised that the apartment was full with both Riley and Adam there as well as Alex.

‘Hey’ Liz called out from her seat on the couch where they were all veging out on.

‘Hey ‘ she smiled back and walked over and took a seat next to Alex. Her immediate reaction was to feel uncomfortable at the coupleness of the activities she was partaking in with Alex, Liz and Maria and their significant others and hoped that she wasn’t making Alex feel uncomfortable, they hadn’t even had the chance to talk about things yet and she knew that 3 years was a long time and she had not idea what had been going on in Alex’s life.

The phone ringing brought her out of her thoughts and she watched as Maria went to answer it.

‘Hello’ she said.

‘Maria?’ he person questioned.

‘Um yeah. Who is this?’

‘Maria it’s Jim Valenti’ he explained.

‘Hey Jim’ Maria said into the phone. Her mother and Jim had married about a year ago bit it was unusual for him to call.
‘So what’s up Jim?’ she asked.

‘Actually Maria I’m ringing in capacity as Sheriff.’ He paused. ‘I actually need to speak to Liz’

‘Oh ok. Is everything ok?’ she asked.

‘No not really so don’t go far ok?’ he said trying not to say too much before he spoke to Liz.

‘Ok hold on’ placing her hand over the mouthpiece.

‘Liz’s its Jim for you’ she said to Liz and handed her the phone.

‘What’s he want?’ Liz asked her best friend confused, he was her step dad after all. Maria shrugged ‘He didn’t say’

‘Sheriff’ Liz said as she answered the phone. He had told her many times not to call him that but it was a habit that Liz couldn’t kick. It was a sign that the Liz Parker of old was still in there somewhere. Maria looked at Alex worriedly when Liz turned her back to him and started talking into the phone.

‘Liz, hi sweetie how are you?’ he asked her.

‘Good thanks, what’s going on?’ she asked.

‘Liz I’m sorry to have to do this, especially over the phone but I didn’t want a stranger knocking on your door. There was an accident on 285 this afternoon, your parents were in it’

‘Oh god are they ok?’ she asked quickly.

Jim paused on the other end. He knew that this would be the hardest thing he had ever done. He had watched this girl turn into a woman. ‘I’m afraid not Liz. They both died on impact. I’m so sorry’

Liz dropped the phone cold and turned towards her two best friends who were standing bye her now.

‘No, no, no, no, no’ she kept repeating and eventually collapsed into Alex’s waiting arms. Maria picked up the phone quickly and let Jim explain what was going on.

By the time she hung the phone up Liz was on the floor sobbing her heart out with Alex and Riley wrapped around her.

‘Liz’s parent died in an accident on 285 this afternoon’ Maria explained in between the sobs that had started overtaking her body.

‘No’ screamed Liz getting up from the floor pushing Alex and Riley away from her forcefully. Pain had started to over take her body. She was more than aware of the green bolts of electricity racing through her body now. It had happened before and she knew that she couldn’t let Riley see them. The pain it was causing and the grief in her heart took over her and she started picking up things and throwing them against the wall.

‘No it’s not true’ she screamed. Maria moved forward and tried to engulf her into her arms but as soon as she touched her Liz threw her off, she didn’t want them touching her.

‘Don’t touch me she screamed’

‘Liz sweetie. Come here’ Riley pleaded as he crept up on her. Before he could get close enough to her Liz turned on her heel and ran out the door.

Isabel grabbed Alex ‘Did you see her arms?’ she asked her beginning to panic.

‘Yeah’ Alex said as they raced out of the apartment following the others after Liz.

They reached her in the park where she was screaming at Maria and Riley to leave her alone. Alex stood back and watched his usually calm friend turn hysterical.

Isabel could see that both Alex and Maria were at a loss of what to do, she wouldn’t let her two best friends anywhere near her. Picking up her cell phone she hit the speed dial of the only person she believed would help the situation.

‘Max’ she said when he answered.

‘Yeah. What’s up Iz?’

‘You need to get to the park opposite Liz and Maria’s apartment right now. Leave Tess and Serena and get here now’ Isabel pleased in a panicky voice. It wasn’t just the concern of Riley and Adam discovering Liz’s power show that was worrying her, it was the damage that this was doing to Liz mentally, physically and worst of all emotionally.

‘I’m in the car already with Michael what’s going on?’ he asked his sister.

‘Liz’s parents are dead Max and she’s hysterical. She wont let anyone near her. I’ve never seen her like this before. I don’t know what to do’ she cried into the phone.

‘I’ll be there in a couple of minutes ok’ Max said and then hung up on her.
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Part 6

When Max and Michael pulled up in front of the park the first this they heard was her sobbing, and Maria pleading with Liz. They both took off towards the voices but stopped abruptly at the site, Liz Parker was on her knees in the middle of the park sobbing her heart out and when anyone made a move to approach her she would throw what ever she could find at them to keep them away.

‘Max’ Isabel cried when she saw him. Max didn’t stop to talk to his sister his feet moved him without thought towards Liz.

‘Liz’ he whispered quietly as he approached them. Riley put his hand out to stop Max’s movements towards his girlfriend knowing that anyone’s presence was unwelcome but Max wouldn’t listen. He opened his mind and pushed at their connection to let her know he was there and she instantly turned her doe eyes up towards him. Maria and Alex watched in amazement as Max Evan’s walked directly to Liz and engulfed her into his arms.

Riley also stood there is shock at the scene before him. He had no idea who this guy was except that he was Isabel’s brother but he watched as he waltzed right in and calmed his hysterical girlfriend down.

‘Max’ she sobbed into his chest when she felt his arms around her.

‘I’m here baby’ he told her and let her cry.

And she did, for the next 5 minutes and he sat there with her in his lap stroking her now short hair. After some time she pulled back slightly to allow her hands to slip between their bodies.

Max looked down and noticed the green energy immediately, he wasn’t sure what they were but he took hold of her hands and rubbed her wrists with the pads of his fingers. He could feel the energy currents he was draining from her body. He continued the motion until he could feel her drifting off to sleep in his arms. Without a second thought he pulled her more solidly against him and lifted her up. When he turned towards Alex and Maria they both rushed forward ‘Thank you’ Maria cried.

Max smiled ‘you don’t need to thank me, do you want to show me where her room is and I’ll put her in bed’

‘Yeah sure’ Maria replied and turned to lead the way back to their apartment.

‘Um thanks but I can take her now’ Riley said then making his presence known to Max.

‘I don’t think that’s a good idea Riley’ Alex said interrupting him, he knew it was going to be a hard for Riley to hear but Liz was the important thing at the moment and even though he had his doubts over the past 3 years he didn’t have any more. What was best for Liz Parker right now was Max Evan’s.

‘What do you mean. I’m her boyfriend Alex I’m more than capable of taking care of her’ he replied.

‘That’s not what I meant Riley. It’s pretty clear that Liz doesn’t want any of us around her at the moment. I think it’s best that when she wakes up Max is there’ Alex tried to explain.

‘What? I don’t even know who the hell this guys is’ Riley said, anger starting to creep into his voice.

‘I’m Max Evan’s’ Max told him as though it would be obvious. But when he saw the look on Riley’s face he knew that it was anything but.

‘Yeah I figured that. But’ Riley replied but before he could continue they walked into Liz and Maria’s apartment and Maria stepped in.

‘Riley, Liz is like my sister you know this so take my word for it. Max is the person Liz will need to see when she wakes up’ Maria said leaving no room for arguments.

So without another word from anyone Max took Liz into her room shutting the door quietly behind him and placed her on the large bed in the middle of the room. He took the time to take a quick look around at small room, the photos of her, Maria and Alex, of her parents and then the one on her bedside table of her and Riley. Kicking of his shoes Max hopped on the bed beside Liz and automatically pulled her towards him.

A few hours later Max was woken by a squirming Liz who was calling out in her sleep, he realised that she was having a nightmare so he gently shook her.

Liz awoke with a start her hands going out and green energy shooting out from them, Max reacted instantly, his shield going up and blocking the energy bolts easily.

‘Max’ Liz shrieked.

Max released his shield immediately at the sound of his name from her lips.

‘Is is true? Are they gone?’ she asked then, tears welling in her eyes again.

‘Yeah it is. I’m so sorry Liz’ he told her. He let her sob again for a while before he noticed the energy consuming her body again.

‘Liz when did this start?’ he asked her quietly as he once again tried to withdraw the energy from her body by rubbing her wrists.

‘About 3 months after you left. It would come for a day or so but it was never like this and it wouldn’t last long’ she sobbed.

‘Does it hurt?’ he asked her then. She nodded her head.

‘I think it might be triggered to your emotions. I think it will help if you calm down’ he suggested. Liz could feel the energy slowly leaving her body where Max touched her but it wasn’t enough she felt like she needed to release it.

‘What are you dong here?’ she said then.

‘Izzy called. She was really worried about you’ he explained.

‘I don’t want you here’ she snapped then and tried to move away from him.

‘Well I beg to differ. I think you need me here’ he said, refusing to let go of the hold he had on her arms.

‘Let go of me. I hate you’ she yelled.

‘No’ he replied calmly but her declaration hit him hard.

The energy running through her began to increase and Max could tell it was from her anger towards him. ‘You need to calm down Liz or it’s going to over take you’ he tried to explain to her.

‘Were you upset when it happened before?’ she wouldn’t answer him so Max got up and walked to her door and called out to Maria. She came to the door immediately and Max noted out of the crack that he had opened that everyone was still there.

‘The energy when it happened before was she upset or angry or something?’ he asked quietly.

‘Um yeah it’s only happened 3 times before’ she whispered back.

‘When? What was happening?’ he asked.

‘Um the first time was 3 months after you guys left just before we were supposed to leave for college. She got so upset because she didn’t want to leave. It only lasted an hour or so and Alex and I were able to calm her down. We didn’t think anything of it. The second and third times were the same. She got very upset over something and it lasted an hour, it never hurt though she said it was just like to much energy flowing through her.’

‘Okay. Thanks Maria’ he said and then closed the door and made his back over towards Liz. She was lying down on her side, tears still flowing from her eyes freely and now her face was cover in green.

‘I’m not sure why but it seems to be triggered to you emotions lets see if we can calm do you down a little and release it’ he said. She nodded at his words, willing to try anything now. The pain was becoming unbearable.

Max started running his hands over her face and arms trying to suck as much energy out with his touch. But he could feel that it wasn’t enough. ‘What happens when something makes you very happy’ he asked her.

‘What do you mean?’ she asked.

‘So it’s never happened when you were happy?’ he confirmed.

She shook her head. Thinking about the information for a couple of minutes he seemed to come to some sort of decision in his mind. Before Liz realised what was happening he fused his lips with hers. She felt their connection come to life and immediately began to respond to him.

Max kissed her passionately, his tongue making love to her mouth repeatedly. He laid out beside her and let his hands drift down over her body; he cupped her breast over her clothes and began kissing down her neck.

Liz gave herself over to the feelings without second thought. All feelings of hatred for Max were now forgotten as Max kissed his way down her body with his hand on her thighs pulling her skirt up with it.

Max didn’t think twice about touching Liz after all this time it came natural to him. Pulling her skirt up to around her waist, Max quickly removed Liz’s panties. Once that task was completed he let his hand drift back to her core which was now wet. He traced her outer lips slowly barely touching her; his eyes remained on her face. He watched the satisfaction on her face at his actions and also noted that the green energy was fading quickly. With that thought he moved further down her body until his face was between her glorious legs.

Liz opened her eyes and saw him looking up at her from his position between her thighs without second though she lifted her hips up in invitation thrusting her wet heat into his face.

Liz was still new to sex, with her and Riley only becoming intimate about a month earlier, and rarely since then due to both their hectic schedules but he had never orally satisfied her like he had been by her.

Max didn’t need to be asked twice his tongue poked out and immediately he licked Liz from her top to bottom. Liz thrusted her hips against his tongue indicating that she enjoyed that and wanted more so Max continued. He alternated between licking her and thrusting his tongue in her opening while all the time lapping up her juices that were flowing in satisfaction. When Max could tell that she was close he moved his mouth to her bundle of nerves and began sucking and tugging on it while simultaneously thrusting a finger into her opening.

It took everything in Liz’s power not to cry out as her orgasm washed over her, and it was a huge one. Just as she opened her mouth to do so a huge rush of energy exploded out of her body bathing the room in a light show.

Max too watched in awe as the light faded ‘Wow’ he said when it disappeared. He crawled up her body ‘Yeah wow’ she mumbled and Max could tell that she would be asleep within seconds obviously exhausted from the combination of her orgasm, the energy drained and the grief over the loss of her parents.

When she woke early the next morning Liz was alone except for a note from Max with his cell phone number a few hugs and kisses.
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Okay lets see if i can clear a few things up.. firstly this part is back to present time so dont get confused.. i wont pop back again for quite a few more chapters afer this... everything else in between is what has lead them up to this moment etc. Hopefully in future parts you'll start to catch on to what's going on with everyone lives.. why Max and Tess are engaged etc but if I have you too confused to wait PM me and i will try to explain it to you. Thanks for reading.

Part 7

Present time

Max rushed straight into his bedroom when he heard Tess get in her car and drive away. When Liz heard him in the bedroom she opened the bathroom door and popped her head out.

‘She gone?’ she asked with a raised eyebrow and slowly opened the door revealing her shapely leg.

Max didn’t answer his eyes riveted to the door where Liz’s leg was poking out.

‘Max?’ Liz smiled and pulled the door open further revealing that she was naked except for Max’s black satin robe that she had found on the back of the door. As she approached him she swung the ends of the tie of the robe around as she slowly made her way towards him and watched as Max’s eyes made the journey up from her ankle to her eyes.

‘She’s gone alright’ he told her and in a second she was in his arms.

Max’s mouth covered hers quickly his tongue plunging into her mouth like a starving man, he hadn’t tasted her in two weeks and he had a lot to make up for. Liz trailed her hand down his chest, undoing buttons as she went so that she could touch his skin.

‘One of us is wearing too many clothes’ she whispered huskily when they broke away from their kiss. Max’s mouth instantly went to her neck.

‘What’s the rush, we’ve got all afternoon’ he replied huskily.

‘I’m in no mood to go slow’ she told him ripping the shirt from his body and snaking her hands down to the belt and buckle of his jeans. After removing the belt and yanking the zipper down she moved to pull the last two pieces of clothing quickly from his body.

Max stood there and watched as she practically tore his clothes of his body. ‘I love it when you go all cave women on me’ he grinned at her as he stepped out of his jeans and boxes.
‘Shut up and kiss me or I’ll zap you’ she laughed holding her hands out which were already showing the tell tale signs of the green energy.

‘Well under a threat like that, how can I say no?’ he said.

Max swooped in and captured her lips as he backed her against the nearest wall. Liz looked over longingly at the bed for a moment before putting her hands around his neck and pulling herself up his body. Max wrapped her long legs around his waist securing her to his body so he could release his hands to remove the robe from her body. He wasn’t disappointed when the silk finally hit the floor because she was definitely completely naked.

‘God I missed you’ he moaned into her chest as he took one of her plump nipples into his mouth.

‘I missed you too’ she replied and followed it with a moan.

‘Max please’ she begged then, knowing that she couldn’t hold out any longer.

Placing a hand between their bodies Max traced her lower lips before thrusting two fingers into her heat.

‘Your so wet baby’ he told her ‘is that for me?’

‘Yees’ she sighed as he continued the fast rhythm.

‘Do you like that?’ he asked her.

‘Hmm’ she moaned again when his finger grazed over her bundle of nerves. Knowing that she was close Max swiftly removed his fingers from her heat and with one powerful thrust joined them together.

They both screamed out in pleasure at the joining. Liz coming immediately bathing Max’s cock in her juices. Max waited until she came down from her orgasm before he began thrusting back into her. It didn’t take long before Liz was coming again this time taking Max over the edge with her.

He rested his face in the crook of her neck for a while before pushing them off the wall and carrying her to his bed in the middle of the room. He placed her gently on the middle of the bed and then leant down to give her a loving kiss and then laid down beside her pulling her to him. He watched as she placed her hand on her abdomen where he new the tiny little lives of their children was growing and then gently reached down and covered her hand with his own, tangling their fingers together. They both watched with ecstatic smiles on their faces as the little handprints appeared and the connection with their children opened.
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Post by Emz80m »

Hey everyone thanx for the feedback

extingman - um i can answer some of your questions Max and Tess have only ever been together once and that was when the child was supposed to have been concieved.

Part 8

3 months earlier – Roswell New Mexico

Liz stood with Maria and Alex on either side of her at the cemetery as she watched them lower her parents in to the ground. Her tears fell freely down her face as she realised that everything that had happened over the past few days hadn’t been a dream. Max, Michael and Isabel stood with the Evan’s to her left, Jim, Amy and Kyle to her right. Riley and Adam had even made the trip and were standing slightly behind them however the presence of all these people that loved her parents didn’t do anything to soothe her soul at the moment.

As everyone stepped forward and threw in their flower Liz stood back and let the sobs over take her as she listened to the words of one of her mothers favourite songs.

On days like these
When the rain won’t fall
And the skies so dry that even birds cant call
I can feel your tears disappearing in the air.

Carry on the brave
On days like these

Its years like these
That makes a young man old
When he’s backed against the promises that life should hold
They can make him wise,
They can drive him to his knees

Ain’t nothing comes for free
In days like these

But you cant reap what you don’t sew
And you can’t plant in hollow ground
So let us fill this empty earth with hope
Until the rains comes down

In life’s like this
When every moment counts
I add up all the things that I cant live without
When the one thing left in the blessing of my dreams
I can make my peace

I can make my peace
I can make my peace
With days like these

(Janis Ian – Days Like These)

As the song ended she finally stepped forward and threw in the 2 white roses and stared into the ground. Without warning she felt the sobs overtake her body as she realised the finality of the situation and she sunk onto her knees.

After the funeral everyone made there way back to the Crashdown. Amy had arranged to have some food catered and for some of the staff to help out by getting some drinks, but other than that the Crashdown has remained closed and no one knew when it would reopen.

Liz sat at the back of the restaurant in a booth. Riley had decided to plaster himself to her side hoping that being there for her would ease some of the pain that she was feeling. She accepted the sorrowful words of her parent’s friends and people that she had known over the years with small smiles and a quiet thank you.

From his place across the room where he was discreetly watching her, Max could tell that she wasn’t dealing with this very well at all. He acknowledged that she certainly wasn’t the Liz Parker that he had known with his very soul anymore but she hadn’t changed so much that he couldn’t tell what was going on in her mind.

She was hurting and the pity attention she was receiving from her boyfriend and parents friends was doing nothing to soothe that. He noticed that Alex would continue to go over to her and whisper a few words and that her face would change, her eyes light up slightly, he knew then that she would be ok eventually so he excused himself and quietly left the Crashdown.


A few hours later Max made his way back to the Crashdown in hopes of a few words with Liz. He wanted to check that she was ok, and talk to her about relapses with the green energy.

The bell above the door jingled when Max walked through startling Maria who was sitting at a booth talking quietly with Adam and Riley, she got up and made her way towards him when she saw him.

‘Hey’ he smiled.

‘Hi’ she replied.

‘How is she?’ he asked, keeping his voice low.

‘I don’t know. She took off a couple of hours ago and I have no idea where she went. Alex drove around to a few places but she wasn’t there’ Maria replied sadly.

‘I don’t know what to do Max she’s closing her self off’ Maria cried.

‘It’s ok. I have a pretty good idea of where she is, do you think it would be ok if I went there?’ he asked, he was still a little concerned about her reaction to him being home and they hadn’t spoken since the day she found out about her parents and the little moment they had in her room.

‘As must as I hate to admit it I think your what she needs right now. Bring her home soon though’ Maria told him and then watched as he turned and walked out of the Crashdown and hopped into his old jeep.


Max wasn’t surprised when he found her sitting near the tower where they found the orbs quite a few years ago.

Of all the things I believed in
I just want to get it over with
Tears fall behind my eyes
But I do not cry
Counting the days that pass me by

When she heard the door slam when Max got out of the car she turned around to face him.

‘What are you doing here?’ she snapped wiping the tears away from here eyes.

‘I was worried about you. Are you ok?’ he replied.

I’ve been searching deep down in my soul
Words I don’t hear and I’m starting to get old
Feels like I'm staring all over again
Last 3 years just pretend

Liz scoffed ‘your concern for me astounds me Max.’

‘Liz’ he sighed. He had hoped that she would let him be there for her but it was apparent that she was going to fight him tooth and nail.

I said

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

‘You know what Max? Why don’t you just fuck off? Go back to where ever it is that your living now and leave me the hell alone’ she yelled at him. She could feel the energy begin to hum in her body and knew that any minute now it would be shooting around her body.

‘No’ he replied.

‘No?’ she mocked.

‘No. You need me even though you don’t want to acknowledge it. I’m not going anywhere till I know you’re ok’

‘Till I’m ok? You’re kidding me right. I don’t want your pity or your friendship or anything else your offering out today Max. I hate you and right now if I had one semblance of control over any of this alien power I have I’d hurt you with it’ she seethed.

I still get lost in your eyes
And it seems I cant live a day without you
Closing my eyes and I chase the thoughts away
To a place where I am blinded by the light
But it’s not right

‘God Liz when did you become such a hateful bitch?’ he asked.

‘You shouldn’t judge Max’ Liz spat out ‘I’m just the person you turned me into’

Max bit his tongue then and dropped his eyes to the dessert floor, knowing that she was partly right.

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

It hurts to want everything and nothing at the same time
I want what yours and I want what’s mine
I want you
But I m not giving in this time

‘4 fucking days Max’ she screamed then causing Max’s head to snap up at the emotion in her voice.

‘I sat out at that rock formation for 4 days, I didn’t move once because I was determined I was going to be there when you got back, when you came back for me. But you never fucking came did you? You promised me you’d be back in a year and I believed you’ she was screaming at him by now.

‘So you wanna know why I hate you, why I’m such a bitch there you go. It’s something I reserve just for you because no one has ever ripped out my heart and stomped on it before but you cornered the market on it’

By the time that she was finished the energy was once again back full force. The current was running through her body. It was agonizing but she bit the inside of her mouth to stop herself from crying out and forced herself to concentrate on her breathing as she made her way towards the car. All thoughts of Max were already gone she just needed to calm herself down. She only made it to Max’s jeep before she fell to her knees with the pain, sobs taking over her body.

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

The one thing that I tried to hold onto
The one thing that I tried to hold onto

And when the stars fall I will lay awake
You’re my shooting star

‘Shh’ Max cooed as he pulled her against him from behind and immediately began running a hand up and down her arm drawing as much energy from her as he can.

‘Come here’ Max said and pulled her into his arms and sat her on the bonnet of the jeep.

Liz sat there, her body shaking but telling her clearly what she needed. ‘Tell me what to do Liz? How can I fix this?’ Max asked her while he continued to rub her skin.

‘I, I need’ she stuttered find that even the simple task of talking was too much.

‘What do you need. How can I make this stop?’

‘You’ she uttered. She wasn’t sure how she knew it but everything was telling her that the only thing that was going to fix this was him.

Max looked at her for just a second before he pulled her to him. His mouth seeking out hers, demanding entrance. Liz wrapped her legs around his waist pulling his hard erection against her heat. ‘Not here’ he told her in between moans and then grasped her ass and moved them into the back seat of his jeep.

They didn’t waste time removing each other’s clothing as they kissed there way all over each other bodies. Moving them around so that he was sitting with Liz straddling his lap Max began to caress every inch of Liz’s body. ‘Your fucking gorgeous’ he groaned.

Liz reached down and grabbed hold of his huge cock and began to caress it. ‘I need this inside me now Max’ she moaned her words causing Max’s cock to swell even harder than it already was if possible.

Reaching down between their bodies Max caressed her wet folds before thrusting a finger inside her. He stroked her a few times before removing his finger and guiding his cock towards her entrance and helped her sink down on him.

It took Liz a few seconds to customize herself to his size and girth ‘Wow I’m so full’ she moaned as she slowly rocked against him. ‘I know you’re so tight baby’ he moaned into her chest where he was busy sucking on her breasts.

Liz used her knees to lift herself up and down on his hard cock, her pace was fast and Max raised his hips to meet every thrust sometimes reaching so deep inside her he felt like he was touching her womb.

The feelings of being inside Liz was overwhelming for Max he wanted to cry out in joy over the situation, sex with Tess was nothing like what he was experiencing right now in the back of his jeep in the middle of the dessert.

Liz was so close so she arched her back and threw her head back and rode Max’s cock faster that she thought possible, the new angle causing him to sink deeper ‘Oh fuck’ Max groaned knowing that he was going to cum very soon so he reached down and began rubbing her bundle of nerves.

The minute Max added his finger Liz contracted against him and came with full force, once again dislodging the excess energy from her body in a bolt of light. It wasn’t as powerful at the first time and caused immense pleasure to Max as it flowed into his cock causing him to come immediately and with such force that Liz’s body couldn’t take it all.

‘That’s was fucking unbelievable’ Liz moaned unable to stop the movement of riding Max’s now semi hard cock.

‘You can say that again’ he replied reaching out to grasp her breasts.

‘I can’t believe we just did that’ Liz said eventually. Max lifted his eyes to hers expecting to see them full of regret but was surprised when they weren’t.

‘I know’ he told her, but conveying that he didn’t regret it for a second either with his eyes.

‘I mean it’s not like we did it because we wanted to. I think it’s pretty obvious that we need to have sex, or fuck to control this alien energy’ Liz reasoned.

‘You’re right. If anyone else could take care of it for you we’d go that way but we definitely cant let this get out of control’ Max replied.

‘No and I mean you’re the king. Its your responsibility to take care of this situation and I expect you too’ she told him then and Max could tell that she was very serious.

Max bit back a grin then, he wanted to tell Liz so much that very second. He wanted her to know that he still loved her with every breath in his body even though she didn’t feel that same way. He wanted her to know that he didn’t want to marry Tess that he dreamed of marrying her every night. But he knew that he couldn’t, he had already hurt her too much to go back, she had made that very clear. So he would savour the moments that she was in his arms moaning his name, and doing his very best to look after her and keep her safe.

‘Yeah it’s a tough job but some bodies got to do it’ he smiled at her as she pulled off him and began to dress herself.
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Part 9

‘Riley I think you should head back to Boston in the next couple of days’ Liz told Riley from where she was sitting on the window seat leading out to her balcony.

Riley looked at her but didn’t respond for a second. ‘When are you coming back?’ he asked her then.

‘Not sure. I have to see my parent’s lawyer tomorrow and I’ll make a decision then I guess. But I’ll be here for the summer at least, the Crashdown needs to stay open’ she told him.

‘Well I’ll stay and help you with that and then we can head back to Boston for school at the end of summer’ he told her.

‘No. You have a great job opportunity you should take it. You know how long you have been looking forward to it’ she reasoned.

‘I know but I’m sure my father will understand Liz’

‘Look Riley. I really don’t want you to do that. It’s important’

‘You’re important’ he bit back.

‘Riley I need to breathe’ she said then.

‘What do you mean Liz?’

‘I need this time Riley. To sort this mess that my life has turned into out and I need to do that here in Roswell.’ She explained pleading with her eyes for him to understand. She could see that he was going to argue though ‘by myself’ she added.

‘Does this have anything to do with this Max guy?’ Riley asked then

‘What’s Max go to do with this?’ she snapped back.

‘Well the guys shows up last week, he’s the only one that could calm you down and then both Maria and Alex told me to leave you be that Max was what you needed and I guess I’m wondering what the deal is Liz?’

‘The deal is? There is no deal’ she responded avoiding her gaze.

‘He was surprised that I didn’t know who he was’ Riley added then. ‘Why would that be?’

‘Conceited jerk, thinks the whole world revolves around him’ Liz mumbled in response.

‘Liz?’ he questioned.

Liz sighed. ‘This has nothing to do with Max. Max and I used to be, well it’s complicated but you have nothing to worry about. He’s engaged to Tess and I’m with you’ she told him then. Yeah right Liz, you sure meant that when you were riding him to heaven this afternoon she said to herself silently.

‘Ok’ Riley replied.

‘Ok you’re going back to Boston?’

‘If that’s what you want then yes’ he answered.

‘It’s not what I want Riley, it’s what I need right now. You can still visit any time you like’

‘I intend to’ he told her and made his way over to pull her into his arms.

Liz sighed as she walked into the office of Evans and Associates. She knew that Max was here she could feel it through they’re connection, she hadn’t seen or heard from him since there little meeting in the dessert a couple of days earlier and hoped that they’re first meeting after wouldn’t be today.

‘Can I help you’ the secretary at the front desk asked.

‘Yes I have an appointment with Phillip Evans’ she replied.

‘Your name?’

‘Elizabeth Parker’ she responded.

‘Mr Evan’s? Elizabeth Parker is here for your 11 o’clock appointment’ she said into the phone.

‘Mr Evans will be right out’ she told her and seconds later Phillip Evans was walking towards her.

‘Liz, how are you sweetie?’ he asked placing his hand on the small of her back to guide her towards his office.

Once they were seated inside Liz watched as Phillip pulled out a folder, which she assumed held the contents of her parents estate.

‘Ok Liz I’m not sure how much you know about your parents estate so I’ll just explain everything I can as simply as I can ok?’ he told her.

‘That’s fine Mr Evan’s’

‘Its Phillip Liz’ he smiled at her.

‘Ok well you father never touched your grandma’s estate so that is also combined. Basically they left you nearly everything. You have the titles to the apartment and building, your grandma’s properties in Tahoe and Florida. The only thing that I can see here which you might not have expected is your parents request that Maria Deluca is to become your partner in the Crashdown, the building though is still yours.’

‘They left some of it to Maria?’ she asked tears forming in her eyes ‘They loved Ria so much’ she said then.

‘They loved you a hell of a lot to Liz’ he soothed ‘In fact I have a letter here for you, but before I give that to you they also left an account with almost 3 million dollars solely to you’

‘I don’t want it’ she cried then ‘I’d give every cent of it back for just one more moment with them’ she sobbed. Phillip quickly came around the desk and pulled her into a fatherly hug but was almost sent backwards by the jolt of green energy running harshly through Liz’s body.

‘Liz are you ok?’ he asked concerned.

‘Need Max’ she explained.

‘Ok come on we’ll go to his office’ he said and then helped her out of the chair and towards Max’s office being careful to only touch areas where clothing covered her body. Luckily on they’re way to Max’s office they didn’t pass anyone.

Phillip burst into Max’s office without knocking and led Liz in.

‘What’s going on Dad’ he asked when he saw his father rushing into his office. He hadn’t caught sight of Liz yet.

‘Max’ she cried out to him, the energy now causing immense pain to her body.

‘Oh god Liz’ he cried and ran towards her. He immediately pulled her against him and started rubbing his hands up and down her arms.

‘What’s going on Max?’ Phillip asked.

‘Can we talk about this later Dad? I really need to concentrate on Liz at the moment’ he pleaded.

Phillip nodded. ‘What happened Dad?’

‘Oh we had an appointed to go over her parents estate’ he explained.


‘Can I do anything?’ he asked then feeling very helpless.

‘Um yeah don’t let anyone come in here or interrupt us. I don’t care who it is just tell them I’m in an appointment’

‘Ok’ Phillip answered and then headed out the door

Tess was standing at the main reception desk waiting for the secretary to get off the phone when she saw Phillip lead Liz Parker into Max’s office. What is she doing here she thought to herself.

‘Can I help you’ the secretary asked.

‘Yes I’m Tess Harding, Max Evan’s fiancée could you please tell him that I’m here’

The secretary picked up the phone and paged Max and was surprised when Phillips voice greeted her instead.

‘Sally Max is in an important meeting and there are to be no interruptions until further notice ok’ he explained.

‘Not a problem Mr Evan’s she responded and placed the phone back down.

‘I’m sorry Ms Harding but Mr Evan’s is unavailable’ she explained.

‘I’m sure if you would have told him it was me there wouldn’t have been a problem’ she snapped at her.

‘Mr Evan’s was very clear that Max wasn’t to be interrupted. I’m sorry I can leave him a message?’

‘I don’t want to leave a message. I want to have lunch with my fiancée’ she raged.

Phillip was walking by when he heard the high-pitched annoying voice of the girl his son was planning on marrying. Why he had no idea, him and Dianne both couldn’t stand the girl.

‘Is there a problem here Tess?’ he asked.

‘Oh Phillip I came to have lunch with Max but she wont tell him I’m here’ she whined.

‘That’s right. Max is in an appointment’

‘With Liz?’ she asked then

‘Yes that’s right’ Phillip replied a little confused how she knew that.

‘Well it’s only Liz. I’m sure Max would want to know I’m waiting and that Liz wont be annoyed’ she explained.

‘I’m sorry Tess but you need to understand that Max has a job, and in this office we have protocols and one of those is that certain meetings require no interruptions and this is one of them.’

‘Well what time is the meeting due to conclude. I can wait’

‘Actually Max and I will be leaving anytime now for a lunch appointment’ he added then.

‘Who with?’ she cried then.

‘Not that it’s any of your business but Liz Parker’ he told her.


Tess, Liz is a very important client of ours and Max will be handling her personally so I suggest that you get over your jealous and self-centred ways. I think it would be best if you left. Sally will inform Max that you stopped by’ he said then, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Tess considered using her mind warp to get by them both and find out what Max’s meeting with Liz was about but knew that if Max found out her wouldn’t be happy

‘Please tell him I stopped by and to call me immediately’ she told Sally then and left.
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Post by Emz80m »

Very NC-17

Part 10

‘Sweetie calm down’ Max told her as he sat back down on his office chair and pulled her into his lap.

‘I cant’ she told him and immediately reached out to loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt. Max hesitated for a moment before he helped her, and when he was completely undressed he helped her remove her clothes too.

Liz pushed some files off his desk before she sat on the edge of it and spread her legs wide for Max. Max’s mouth watered at the sight of her and he immediately fell to his knees and began licking her opening. He licked and sucked at her lower lips before using his fingers to spread them open and plunge his tongue inside her over and over again.

Liz was pulling on Max’s short hair and moaning continuously at the pure pleasure he was giving her. The energy had already settled and wasn’t causing as much pain as it was before. Liz could feel herself about to orgasm when Max suddenly stopped his assault on her and rose to his feet.

He leaned down and took her mouth in a scorching kiss ‘I want you surrounding my cock when you cum’ he whispered huskily before he led his cock to her opening and thrust inside her. They both groaned at the sensation of their joining and their connection opening.

‘Oh god Max, harder’ she moaned as Max continued to thrust in and out of her.

‘God you’re wet baby’ Max grunted.

Max continued to thrust into her over and over again for what seemed like eternity to Liz, she was so close yet so far away from reaching her peak.

‘Max please’ she begged.

‘What do you want Liz?’ he asked her.

‘I, I’ she stuttered all of a sudden falling back into the shy girl Liz Parker used to be. The minute the thought occurred to her she shook her head.

‘Fuck me harder Max, fuck me so hard I wont be able to walk for a week’ she growled.

Max groaned in response to her command, his cock swelling even more from her naughty words. He should have been surprised he thought to himself but he had learnt quickly that the new Liz Parker was full of them.

‘You’re being a very bad girl Liz’ he groaned as he spread her legs wider and pulled her closer to the edge of the desk.

‘What would our friends think Liz if they new you were here on my desk begging me to fuck you’ he whispered in her ear, causing her to shiver. He pulled right out of her then so that only the tip of his cock was still inside her ‘What would you’re boyfriend think?’ he added as he hammered himself back inside of her.

‘Yes, Max oh don’t stop’ she moaned.

Max’s dirty words were causing havoc to her body; she almost came immediately when he asked about her begging to be fucked.

‘I have no intention of stopping’ Max growled. His eyes were now the darkest black Liz had ever seen them, he was wild and something primal had taken over him. He continued to thrust into Liz’s body hard and fast at times so hard he thought he would split her in two but he couldn’t get enough.

‘Does Riley ever fuck you like this Liz?’ he asked her.

Liz raised her hips to meet every thrust ‘I’m so close Max’ was her reply.

‘Tell me Liz?’ Max growled.

Liz looked up into his eyes then and if she didn’t feel the same primal need for him she might have been scared at the look on his face and she shook her head. ‘No one has ever fucked me like this, like you’ she replied huskily.

Her words were all Max needed he new he was going to shoot his seed deep in her body so he reached down and rubbed her bundle of nerves. She came violently around him her contractions causing his huge orgasm as well.

He pulled out of her body but without a second thought pulled her against him and back into his lap as he sunk into his chair, not caring that his sweaty skin was sticking to the leather seat.

‘There was no light show’ Liz’s quiet voice broke their silence.

‘I know’ he replied.

When he knew that he could stand without his knees giving out he lifted them both out of the chair and headed towards the small bathroom that his office had.

‘How does an intern get such a good office?’ she asked curiously as she watched him turn on the shower.

‘Well my father knows I know everything a uni course could teach me so we kind of lied and told people that I’m about to start my 4th year’ he told her a small mischievous grin forming on his face. ‘It wasn’t hard for most people to believe since I’ve been gone from Roswell for so long’

‘Oh’ she replied.

They stood under the shower spray together washing their love making off their bodies. There was nothing intimate about the shower, Liz returning to her emotionally closed off self.

As they were re-dressing Liz asked him what his thoughts were on the disappearance of the light show during her orgasm.

‘Let’s talk about it over lunch, we just worked up quiet an appetite’ he smiled and pulled her out of the office before she could object.


Maria sat in a booth at the Crashdown watching as Isabel and Alex exchanged loving smiles. ‘Will you two stop it’ she snapped.

‘Okay Maria. You’ve been biting everyone’s head off all morning what’s wrong?’ Alex asked her.

Maria sighed ‘I’m sorry guys’ she apologised. ‘It’s just that Adam and Riley left this morning. I mean I know Liz wanted Riley to but I don’t understand why Adam had to go with him and we had a fight’ she explained and Alex could tell the tears were already waiting to fall.

‘Anyway enough about me’ she said quickly ‘We haven’t had much of a chance to talk Isabel about what happened when you guys were away so why don’t you tell me about it?’

‘Um ok’ Isabel said hesitantly ‘What do you want to know?’

‘Well you said Tess lost the baby but that doesn’t explain why Max is still with her let alone going to marry her’

‘Yeah. Well when we got to Antar she got sick instantly and she was being totally irrational, insisting that Max was killing the baby because he didn’t love them, and that as soon as she lost their baby he was going to leave her. Everyone kept telling her to calm down, telling Max to calm her down so he told her what she wanted to hear to do that. No one ever expected her to loose the baby but she did a week later and by that time she had already conned Max into saying he would marry her. He thought that when she lost the baby she would let it go but she didn’t.’ Isabel explained.

‘So if he doesn’t want to marry her why doesn’t he tell her so?’ Alex asked.

Isabel shrugged ‘I think. Well about a week after having the baby they were pretty much separated until about a week before we came home. They don’t act like a couple that’s for sure. Max is living with us at my parents while Tess is stuck at Michael’s apartment.’

‘He’s still a coward’ Maria said then. ‘Just like Michael’ she added.

‘You’re right Maria. Michael should have come and talked to you by now. If it’s any consolation I don’t think Serena is the love of his life’ she tried to console her friend.

‘Nah she’s just like him though isn’t she Isabel. I thought I used to understand how Liz felt about Tess because of you. I had no idea until now, and I don’t feel anything for him like I did 3 years ago’ she said sadly.

Maria got up then and went back to working behind the counter.
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11 **VERY NC-17**

Post by Emz80m »

**VERY NC-17**

Part 11

Liz sighed as she locked the door the Crashdown. It felt like she was doing the same thing nearly every night for the last 6 weeks. Since her meeting with Phillip Evans regarding her parents estate Liz still hadn’t sat down with Maria to discuss what they wanted to do and she was more than aware that she was running out of time. Amy had already told her that she would take care of things if she needed her to so that was a bit of a relief.

Liz went about closing the Crashdown the same way she had since she started working here. She was placing the chairs on the table when she heard the knock on the glass.


She hadn’t seen him in a few days. They had continued on with their affair over the past 6 weeks somehow managing to keep it a secret from their friends and for Max from Tess. It hadn’t been easy though on a few occasions Liz was sure Maria was about to walk into the store room of the Crashdown or her bedroom and catch her and Max going at it. It seemed that’s all they ever did anymore and if Liz was honest with herself she would admit that it stopped being about the alien energy and more about the feelings and craving for each other they had a while ago.

Liz walked towards the door and opened it ‘Hey’ he smiled.

Liz like usual didn’t return his smile ‘ok I thought we might have been making some progress in the friends department obviously I was wrong’ he added.

Liz sighed again, he was right she was being such a bitch ‘Your right, sorry’ she said and took a seat at the booth Max usually occupied.

‘Hi’ she said when he sat down across from her.

‘Busy night?’ he asked her as he reached down and pulled her feet up in between his legs he then removed her shoe and sock and began to rub her feet.

‘Why do you do this?’ she asked him then instead of answering his question.

‘Do what?’ he asked her.

‘This, you know rub my feet for me. Try to be my friend?

‘Oh this’ he smiled at the agitated expression on her face

‘I’m making it hard for you to continue to hate me aren’t I?’ he asked.

‘Look Max I appreciate what you’re doing for me, you know’ she said raising an eyebrow ‘but I don’t know if I want to be your friend, I’ve never been just your friend’ she explained.

‘You’re right and I can understand that but I don’t want to loose you from my life Liz you’ve always been such an important part of it I kind of feel like I’m cutting off my arm or something’

He finished massaging one foot and then moved to the next one he smiled as he watched her close her eyes enjoying it as he rubbed at a particularly sensitive spot.

‘Riley and Adam are flying in tomorrow. I think it would be best if you made yourself scarce from the Crashdown’ she said eventually.

Max bit on the side of his mouth to stop the frown that he knew was going to find it’s way there over her comment. Of course Riley would be visiting her was her boyfriend, the guy she loved, the person she had given her virginity too. They on the other hand were two people who once openly admitted that they were the love of each other’s life who now occasionally fucked on the pretence of controlling alien energy.

‘Only if you promise that you’ll find me if you need me, for anything’ he told her locking his eyes with hers conveying how serious he was.

‘I promise’ she said.

She got up from her seat then and grabbed hold of her shoes and socks, which were on the ground.

‘Maybe you can take care of business while you’re here’ she said then raising her eyebrow at him in question.

Max looked at his watch and noticed that it was almost midnight. ‘Only if you don’t kick me out of your room after’ he replied not moving from his seat.

‘Maria is at Amy’s tonight so I don’t think that will be a problem’ she shrugged and then walked off towards the back of the apartment.

Max followed her as she left doors open on her way towards her bedroom. As he got to her bedroom he noticed that her shoes had been dropped in the door way and the trail of clothes followed indicating that she was having a shower. Max hesitated for a second before ripping his own clothes off and following her in. Usually it would be against Liz’s rules to have a shower together, she had told him on numerous occasions he was there to fuck her and then leave but he sensed a difference in her tonight, that maybe her walls were crumbling slightly.

He pulled open the shower curtain and stepped in behind her immediately wrapping his arms around her small waist and pulling her body snug against his front. When she didn’t object he began to place small kisses down her neck and over her shoulders. She suddenly turned in his arms then and reached out and pulled his lips down to hers, he opened his mouth wide over hers and immediately sucked her tongue into his mouth, he let one of his hands drift up her body to cup her breast and let the other drift down in between her thighs. He traced her lower lips with his pinkie amazed at how wet she already was.

He turned them both around then so that Liz was facing the back wall of the shower and moved her so that her hands were grasping the towel rack her body slightly bent, her ass sticking up towards him. He came up behind her and grasped his cock and rubbed it teasingly over her wet folds.

‘Hold on to the towel rack’ he whispered, he was leaning over her so he could talk to her in her ear. One of his hands was caressing her breast while the other continued to tease her with his cock.

Liz moaned ‘NOW’ she demanded and Max didn’t disappoint. He thrust into her from behind and then pulled back out and rammed himself into her tight heat again and again. Liz adjusted her stance so that he legs were spread as wide as they could in the space. She then began to thrust back against him causing his cock to stroke her even more deeply. The angle was different to what she was used to it made her feel so full.

‘God yes’ she moaned as they continued their rhythm.

‘You like that baby?’ Max grunted.

‘Hmm yes’ she moaned.

‘Do you want me to fuck you harder beautiful, maybe stroke you deeper?’ he continued.

They were both used to the dirty talk now, both finding it pushed them to a higher peak; Max couldn’t get over how horny it made Liz sometimes.

‘This kind of reminds me of what I could have done to you when you had your shower fantasy. Do you think I would have fucked you so hard then baby?’

‘No you would have had too much control to fuck me at all’ she growled in response.

‘You’re probably right’ he laughed. He new he wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer from the way her heat was hugging him so he reached down and rubbed her clit. ‘I bet you wouldn’t have cum like this either’ he whispered huskily as he continued to thrust into her watching the look on her face as she came around him.

‘Fuck yes Max oh god’ she cried out.

Seconds later Max joined her ‘oh god Liz, baby uh’ he cried out as he came hard inside her tight body. He rested against her back for a while before he felt her give a little under him. He pulled her back against his body and then moved back under the spray of the water using his powers to make the water warm again and they both washed the residual of their lovemaking off their body before exiting the shower.


An hour later they were lying in bed after another vigorous ‘fuck’ when Max’s cell phone in his jeans pocket went crazy.

Liz was lying on his chest still trying to catch her breath and growled at the sound ‘Who the hell would be ringing at this time of the morning?’

Max looked at the clock and realised that it was almost 2 in the morning. ‘One guess’ he sighed and then quick as a flash rolled them over so Liz was underneath him and he was close enough to reach out for his jeans.

He picked the phone up and with his eyes locked on Liz answered it ‘What?’

‘Max?’ came the annoying voice, Liz’s mouth came open to say something and Max quickly closed it shut with his own.

‘Yeah’ he said when he broke away from the kiss breathless.

‘Where are you?’ she asked.

‘Where are you?’ he asked her in return.

‘I came to your window hoping we could spend some time together, you know’ she said the comment causing Liz to smirk.

‘I mean we haven’t had a chance to since we got back from Antar Max and I’m so horny for you’ she whined ‘I don’t know how you can hold out’

‘I already told you Tess that I wont disrespect my parents like that. Where are you now?’

‘Back at Michaels’

Liz reached down between their bodies and grabbed hold of Max’s cock which was once again hard and began to stroke him.

‘Max’ the voice whined again

‘Fuck me’ Liz mouthed ‘I want you to fuck me now’ she mouthed again.

Max couldn’t resist, she guided him to her and he thrust inside her quickly only just managing to bite back a groan

‘Max?’ the voice whined again.

‘Hold on would you’ he growled into the phone and then put it down so he could flip him and Liz back over. She was on top now ‘Ride me hard’ he mouthed to her.

‘Max’ he heard again so he picked up the phone.

‘What Tess? I mean it’s 2 in the morning for Christ sakes’ he said.

Liz continued sink down over him.

‘Where are you?’ she demanded then.

‘I’m asleep on the couch at home I’ll talk to you tomorrow’ he replied and then flipped the phone off and threw it on the ground.

‘Do you like fucking me while your fiancée’s at home horny for your cock Max?’ Liz asked him.

‘I just like fucking you period’ he growled in reply grabbing hold of her hips and help to lift her up and down over him.

‘What time does Riley get in?’ he asked then.

‘Don’t know Maria’s picking them up’ she grunted, picking up the pace slightly feeling close.

‘You better change your sheets before then Princess we wouldn’t want lover boy to smell how well you’re getting serviced’ he growled as he flipped them over and plunged back into her hard. The movement caused Liz to come immediately her juices flowing freely and the feel of her walls contracting against his hard flesh caused Max to come with her.

‘Yes, Yes’ she cried.

‘God I love how tight you are’ Max growled out.

When they had both come down enough from their high Max rolled off to the side pulling Liz with him and they both fell into a peaceful sleep