On The Other Side (AU,M/L,TEEN) Pt 34 - 09/13/04 [WIP]

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Post by Maia »

For a second time today, Liz left Max´s apartment in tears. God how much of a fool she had been. Liz thought as she ran down the corridor.
"Hey Doll what´s with you"?
"Nothing...nothing". Liz pushed her hands onto the chest of the creepy neighbour she had met in the hallway last weeks. "Nothing". She pushed herself away from him and ran as fast as her legs could carry her.
If there was a moment in Liz´s life that she thought was the ultimate low point in her life this was it.....ironically a little over a week ago, Liz life had been on the biggest high. How easy it could fall, and now Liz´s life was spinning on a spiral of absolute devastation, her life was crashing down all around her, and Liz felt like she couldn´t come to grips with anything, anymore.
Liz knew she couldn´t face Max ever again, the pain was to much for her, the humiliation she couldn´t bear, the hopelessness. Doing the only thing she thought was right, in that moment Liz knew what she was going to do next.

She pulled herself to a sudden stop. Her normally untarnished beautiful features pulled themselve into an unrecongnisable tortured grimace. Liz was ashamed of herself that she could have let herself down so easily, she was ashamed at how she allowed her blinded love for Max lead her into this huge shamble. Hell her life was just one huge joke, she was just a joke. Lifting her feet voluntarily into stride, Liz knew what she was going to do now, she was desperate and desperate measures were needed in her case to erase this joke of a life of hers.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Strangely enough, Max was at home catching up on the all of the work he had missed from last week. He had loads of notes to catch up on and didn´t think he would get through it all today or even tomorrow when the telephone rung.
Standing up from his chair, Max popped his pencil behind his ear, "who the hell can this be"? Max said to himself not impressed at being interupted during his studies.
"Yeah hello Max here". He rolled his eye in an attempt to at least sound enthusiatic to the caller, but almost jumped out of his skin when he heard the responding voice.

"Hi Max, this is Jeff Parker her, Liz Parkers Dad".

Max knew all to well who was on the other side of the line, as soon as Jeff Parker had spoken the first syllable out of his mouth.

"Mr Parker this is a surprise". A shocked Max calmed amber pools now bulged out from his head, and Max´s only redeeming saviour was the fact that he was talking on the telephone with the man. "What can I do for you Mr Parker"? Max asked cautiously, but as calmly as he possibly could.

"Max I´m sorry to disturb you like this, but I´m in a bit of a dilemna. I´ve been trying to contact Lizzie for a few days now, but haven´t been able to get a hold of her. Maria DeLuca, you know her has been really worried about Lizzie too. None of us haven´t spoken with her for days, and well your Mom was kind enough to give me your phone number. I was wondering if you would have any idea where Lizzie could be. Since you and her are sharing classes and everything I thought I would give you a call".
His hand raked through his distangled hair, it had dawned on Max that Liz hadn´t been at any of there lectures since she left the other night, but Max hadn´t acted on her unusual non-appearance at any of the lectures.
"I´m sorry Mr Parker, but I can´t say I can help you. The last I saw Liz was 2 days ago, I´m sure Liz is just shacked up at the library or something. You know how studious Liz can be". Max feigned a comforting smile.
"Yeah your probably right Max, Lizzie does have a tendancy to get carried away with herself when she hits the books. Look Max, if you happen to bump into her could you tell her to give her Mom and Dad a called, we´re getting a little worried about her, for that matter it´s probably wouldn´t hurt her to call Maria as well. Those two are like sisters, you wouldn´t mind would you Max"? Jeff asked him somewhat despondant.
"Yes Sir, I´ll let Liz know next time I see her". Max reassured the man.
"Thanks Max".
"Your welcome Mr Parker". Max replied before he heard the phone click an the telephone line went dead.
Last edited by Maia on Sat Mar 27, 2004 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter
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Post by Maia »

Wow, I´m so overwhelmed to see so many new readers join this fic, :shock: thanks heaps for giving this fic a go!!! :lol:

Also to my regular readers, without you´s all I don´t think I would have been so motivated to post on my fics so often. Thanks for all of your continual readership. :D :D

To say that Max is a major A at the moment, is a huge understatemen. Some men are a real pity to there sex.


Part 29

Max swallowed the lump in his throat, that had somehow unconsciously grown while he had been talking to Liz´s Dad. Nobody had seen or heard from Liz in days. Max thought, a slight wave of guilt consumed him, but not to the point of dread, Max grimaced thinking he should be feeling alot worse than he actually felt presently, but although he tried, the over consuming guilt was somewhat numb on his conscious.

If anything Max only could only sum up, that Liz was probably really embarassed and had probably gone AWOL until all the hype of the bet would die down. She was probably shacked up in her apartment waiting for him to go around and see her.

How had Max become so unemotionally during the last weeks or so? He to was so surprised at how disconnected he felt about the whole Liz situation, so disconcerned, then standing Max shook off any feelings at all he should have been feeling, and languishly went into the kitchen to fill his waning appetite.

After filling his feed, Max went into his bedroom to gather a text book he had needed for his studies, as he went into the sun fulled room Max lost his footing and stumbled onto the ground.
"God damit". He sworn as he dropped to his knees, his hands breaking his fall.
"What the hell"? Max cursed again, rolling onto his butt, disgruntled at his own clumsiness. As he went to stand, he noticed the brightly coloured wrapping paper peck out to him, from the side of the drawers that his foot had hooked.

Spying the package a hollow smile tugged at his lips. That´s the present Liz gave me. A voice in his head repeated itself.
Standing to his feet, Max´s curiousity got the better of him, and he decided that it was about time that he actually opened the present Liz had given him.

Picking the parcel up, Max was surprised that Liz would have even gone to any trouble to buy him anything at all.
"May as well see what´s inside". Max nonchantly mumbled and lay the present on the ruffled sheet of his bed.
Peeling the paper apart, the contents of the package were revealed to Max.

"Holy crap". A stunned Max whispered when he sat down on his bed, and placed the present a top of his knees. He opened the casing of the present and was speechless when he finally realised what Liz had bought him. She got me a lap top. An aghast Max thought to himself.

As the days began to pass, and the more Max began to realise that something was missing from his life. It had been just on a week since he had last seen Liz, and then it finally hit Max, like a huge wave hitting and knocking a surfer from his board. That´s what was missing from his life-Liz.

From the day that Max had opened his present he had acted as if the sweet thought of Liz´s had not affected him at all. That it was simply a token, OK an expensive token of their accomodating relationship. But whenever Max placed his present on the chest in his bedroom everynight, it lay only as a constant reminder to him of what he had had with Liz.

Love on the highest level.

But it had taken Max a further 5 days before he could readily admit that fact to himself. It wasn´t like Max had been leading himself up to that admission, it was only a accidental walk down to the basketball courts that finally woke his senses up.

Max had needed to go down to the courts to shot some ball, unawares Max headed down there, with basketball boucing hard against the pavement alone. Once he got down there he began his usual routine of shooting hoops. Max had worked up a slight sweat after a good 20 minutes of shooting free-shots, or lay-ups or other various ball shots, when something caught the corner of his eye.
Letting the ball drop to the court and roll away, a near exhausted Max, leaned his hands tiredly on his hips, and watched as a young couple in love passed him by.

It was easy to see that the couple were totally into each other. The young woman had tucked her hand around her Lover, leaning her head on his shoulder. He in turn, touched her nose sentimentally, which caused her to laugh in the way that a young woman in love would do.

The woman lifted her head and began to stare into the eyes of her lover. A long, all consuming gaze that sent shivers down Max´s spine. Then feeling like he was intruding onto something privy Max turned around in horror, as he began to acknowledge for the first time for weeks what Liz really meant to him-and how much he had really missed her.

I fucked everything up! Max closed his eyes in disgust with himself, then he frantically picked up his basketball, knowing he had to somehow make this up to Liz.

To say that Max had made it to Liz´s apartment in record time was an understatement.

"Liz, let me in. It´s Max". He shouted as he pounded on her door.
"C´mon Liz, I know your there, just let me in would you".

"Hey Sonny, what´s you do there". The face of a disgrunted old woman poked her head around the corner of her apartment door. "You know people in this building are trying to get some sleep here". The old woman eyed Max suspicious.
He took a step towards the woman, but was barraged with insults from the woman.
"You keep your distant Sonny Boy. I´ve heard about people like you, harassing old people like me. Sometimes even robbing and beating them up. The world today, what´s it coming too".
"Ma´am, I´m not going to harm you in anyway, believe me". Max raised his hands up in a surrendering manner. "I´m just wanna see my financée, she lives next door to you....the small, petite, pretty brown haired girl that lives there". Max turned to point at the door, indicating where Liz lived. "I just wanna see my girl". Max said in exasperation.

"You mean that young, pretty thing who lives next to me. She´s a nice girl, she´s really a sweety". The woman talked endearingly about Liz.

"You know she goes and picks up my groceries for me sometimes, she´s a really nice girl that one". Then eying Max again the old womans demeanor changed once more when she spoke to Max.

"So who´d you say you were. Her fiancée. Well if you were her fiancée then you would have an idea where she is then. The Police came around knockin´on my door the other day. Said there´s a missing report been filed about her. Says no ones seen or heard from her for over a week. So if your the fiancée how come you don´t know where she is"? The woman squared her question off to Max.


I´ll try update another part, later on today. See how I go??? Thanks for reading.
read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter
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Post by Maia »

Hi everyone, thanks again for the fb again, I can never thank my readers enough. Welcome to this fic all the new readers, I know that some of you´s had left some harsh criticism about Max, and deservedly so, but I hope that won´t deters you´s or any of my regulars from reading this fic through to the end.

anonymousarfan....you had me in stitches with your last fb, ummm the twist comes in about 5 or so posts more, I can´t give you anymore than that.

Thanks again


Part 30

"Thank you Max, Jeffery and I would really appreciate it, if you could take care of things up there for us. Jeff and I are just worried that Lizzie may come home. So we´re sitting here in case she does turn up in Roswell".

"That makes alot of sense Nancy". Max replied as he rubbed the temple of his head with his fingers, trying to relief the pressure that had built up the head-ache he was now carrying.

"Max, I never realised that you and Liz were so close, until Maria told me Liz and yourself had become engaged. I´m sorry about what happened. I only hope nothing serious has happened to my Lizzie". Nancy bravely said, as her hand gripped the side of the sofa. Her knuckles had whitened a sickly colour.

"No Nancy, there´s no reason for you to be apologising". Max gulped guiltily. "Really I´ll keep you and Jeff informed of any further developments concerning Liz". Max closed his eyes, his conscious was so inflated now he seriously thought he was going to burst.

"Please Max, just if the Police find my girl, contact me straight away". A cold shiver ran down Nancys spine as she thought of the most heinous things that could have happened to Liz. "Please Max". Nancy pleaded one more time.

"I will" Max replied staunchly. "As soon as I hear anything about her". Max replied before ensuring Nancy Parker a few more times that he would do everything he could to find Liz. Then Max farewelled his maybe once to be future Mother inlaw before hanging the phone up dejectively.

Pleased that neither Kyle or Michael were home yet, Max retired to his bedroom, lying down on his bed.
Greeted by the coldness of the covers, Max surrounded himself with the single blanket. He felt sick, no Max felt physically sick, and in an attempt to beat away the numb feeling he had Max rocked his body backwards and forwards. But no matter how much he tried to keep himself warm, Max was in no state of mind to berate himself over his miss doings.

He blinked the eye-lids of his golden eyes, Max was in total disbelief about the turns of events in his life, and the longer he lay there alone, the more the events of last weeks come to surface, until his recollection of thoughts tumbled through his mind.
Max rueful snicker was admitted, as shamefully his "reward", for winning the bet poured into a sheen of sweat that covered his forehead.
"I´m such a fuckin idiot". He said aloud, disgusted with himself, then found himself perched sitting on the side of his bed.

"Why the fuck couldn´t you stand up to those jerks". A tear jerked Max covered his face with his hands. "Why couldn´t you stand up to them". Max cursed himself when he thought about how much he really loved Liz, and how stupid he had been to ruin the one good thing in his life.

As jaggered breaths caused Max to break down and cry, and rolled his tired body back onto his bed again. He stared blankly at the wall, and an ironic laugh lodged itself in the back of his throat.
The wall pretty much reminded Max of how he had spent his time in Mexico. Staring at a white wall. To say that Max was over joyous when he first arrived in Mexico was an understatement. Max couldn´t really remember much of what was going on, now that he thought about it.
It had felt all to surreal for Max. One minute he was standing at the airport in LA, the next thing he was standing in the lobby of a plush 5 star hotel, with bell-boys and the manager escorting them to the rooms they had booked.

Once Max had settled down, he had been so tired from his days travel that he had retired to bed early, falling asleep peacefully.
Only a knock on the door had been able to stir Max from his slumber, on opening the door, a young Mexican girl maybe a year or two younger than himself slauntered into the room.
"Senor Kyle sent me". She said to Max in broken English, then to Max´s bewilderment the young woman began to undress herself from the scantily clad dress she had been wearing. It slipped to the ground, pooling around her feet, apart from the tiny pair of panties that barely covered her, she was naked from the waist up.
"No, no". An exasperated Max closed his eyes, and crouched to the floor. "What are you doing? Kyle sent you"? Max reached around to find the dress that lay at the womans feet.
"Here put you dress back on". Max fingered the garment, and stood bringing the dress upwards so that it more or less covered the woman again.
"No, Senor Kyle give money, he give money". The girl replied insulted at Max´s actions.
"I don´t care if he gave you the Crown jewels, I am not sleeping with you". Max pushed the woman in the small of her back as he escorted her to the door of his room and with a smile pushed her into the hotel hallway.

Later on Max discovered that the young woman was a token of Kyles gratitude, because Max had won Kyle so much money. Then after having it out with Kyle, Max basically spent most of his time in his hotel room, staring at the white walls and ceiling that surrounded him.

Sometime during the evening Max had finally fallen asleep. Rubbing his eyes he noticed that it was night time now, as the darkness from outside seeped through the window of his bedroom.
Procrastinating for sometime the rumbling of his stomach forced Max to finally get and and fix him something to eat.
Walking out into the living room, Max was surprised to find Kyle awake and quietly watching TV.
"Hey". Max greeted him, scratching at his stomach. "Anything good to eat"? He asked Kyle walking behind the kitchen counter in search of something to eat.
"Yeah Man". Kyle drew his attention long enough from the TV to answer Max. "There´s some hot-dogs in the fridge, you just have to heat them up". Kyle mumbled mostly entranced by the screen in front of him.

Preparing himself a meal, Max busied himself, and even asking Kyle if he wanted something to eat. Cutting up the bread buns, the telephone began ringing loudly.
"Kyle can you get that". Max said, picking up one of the hot-dogs. "Ouch! Damnit" He dropped the hot-dog on the counter top, after burning his fingers. Sticking his a single finger in his mouth, the phone continued ringing. "Kyle can you get that". Max said louder. But seeing that his roomie was taking no attention of him, he stormed over to the telephone, that sat nearby to Kyle.
"What the hell are you watching".
"Hmmm whatever Max". A disinterested Kyle replied, his eyes locked onto the television screen.
"God Kyle when are you going to grow up". Max peeked over to the television to see Kyle was in the middle of watching a lame low budget sex film.
"Quiet Man, have you ever seen this before, it´s a classic". Kyle rivoted his eyes back to the box.
"Hello Max here".
"Max Evans"? The voiced asked.
"That would be me". Max rolled his eyes trying to see what time it was exactly, seeing the time he wondered who could possibly be ringing him up this time of night.
"This is Sergeant Hovers from the Palo Alto Police station, and I wanted to inform you that we may have found Miss Elizabeth Parker".
"Liz, where is she? Where is she? She´s alright isn´t she Officer"? Max fired round-like questions to the man.
"We would like to believe that Miss Parker is OK, but as of yet we aren´t able to tell you 100%".
"But I thought you said that you found her". A frustrated Max shot out.
"Son maybe it would be a better idea if you come down to the police station".
"Right away Officer". Max replied hastily.
"It´s Sergeant, Sergeant Hover".
"Yes Sir, I mean Sergeant Hover. I´ll be down at the station as soon as possible". Max said without hesitation, and quickly hung up the phone.
"What was that all about"? A more than curious Kyle quizzically asked Max.
"Give me your car keys". Max asked, the adrenaline in his body rising 10 fold.
"Max I asked you..."-.
"Kyle give me your damned car keys". Max demanded in a near tyranical manner.
"Shucks Bro, chill would you". Kyle stood from the couch, and threw the keys that lay on the coffee table to an impatient looking Max.
"Hey Max, don´t you crash my car or I´ll kick your ass". But it was pointless for Kyle to go on, because Max simply picked up his Nikes and ran out of the apartment.
"Close the Goddamn door would you". A dishevelled Kyle called out to Max. "Damnit do I have to do everything around here". Kyle walked to the door, slamming it. "Damn you Max". Kyle then cursed walking into the kitchen to turn the element of the stove off.

Drving like a crazed man Max drove dangerously fast to the Local Police Station. It hadn´t dawned on Max that he was probably breaking every land speed record in California until he actually reached the station and saw a row of Police cars lined up one after another in single file.
Getting out of Kyles Mustang, Max didn´t even bother locking his roomies car, instead he ran into the station with only Liz on his mind.
"Hey Sonny where´s the fire". A rotund man behind a reception desk jokingly asked him.
"Sir, Sir...you have to help me. My fiancée has been missing for a week now, and you gotta help me..." Max frantically rambled out.
"Slow down now Son, slow down". The Officer held a calming hand up in the air, seeing how distressed the young man was, the Officer knew he had to calm him down before he could make any sense of what he was making.
"I just got a call from a Sergeant Hover, my fiancée has been missing since last Tuesday, but now she´s found. I wanna know where she is". Max said completely fazed out by the ordeal.
"You must be Max Evans then". The man said calmly.
"Yes I am. Where´s Liz? Where is she"? Max fired his questions rapidly. He needed to see her. He needed to make this up to Liz. Max needed to tell Liz how sorry he was and that he loved her, and if he couldn´t tell Liz exactly what an ass he had made of himself, he knew he wouldn´t be able to carry on with life.
"Son, we were able to establish that the evening of October the 25th Miss Parker hired a black Ford from a local car hire. Someone from the public reported today that the same black Ford had been been found unoccupied in a car park".
"So where´s Liz? Where is she now"? An emotional Max ploudered the man for answers
And as the Sergeant relayed the rest of the information to Max, he broke out into a cold sweat, one that left his feeling absolutely hopeless and more than distraught.


I´ll more than likely post again tomorrow, thanks for reading
read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Maia »

Part 31

Reaching the outskirts of the tiny village Coo´s Bay, Max slowed down Kyle´s mustang, not wanting to exceed any speed limits.
He had been driving for a solid hour and a half, after leaving the Police Station back in Palo Alto, and learning where the Police had found the hired car Liz had rented out.

It was still dark as Max wound the car through the deserted streets of the sleepy village, passing the scattered buildings that littered streets, it only took Max a few minutes to find a sign that directed him to the sea-side.

Seeing ahead of him a cluster of cars, Max noted that they were all Police vehicles and slowing the mustang right down he parked up the car to the side of a road.
Tasting the dry saliva in his mouth, Max checked his appearance in the rear-view mirror. He looked haggered, he chuckled acrimoniously to himself. He looked like shit, but then maybe I deserved to be looking this bad, he thought indiscriminately.

Wiping his sweaty palms on the fabric of his jeans, he whispered as he closed his eyes. "Pull yourself together Max, pull yourself together". He repeated the heeded words.

Willing himself to step out from the vehicle, Max closed the door, and swept his golden amber eyes over the general area.

A shiver from the fresh ocean air swept down his sky, and although Max thought that he would probably end up with the flu or something. The moment felt so surreal Max didn´t even kick himself about not thinking to bring a jacket or any warm clothing when he had abruptly left his apartment earlier on.

Then Max noted the familiar red and white tape, that cordoned off an area. The types of tape that only the Police used to prevent the public from tampering with anything they were investigating.
Max gritted down on the back of his molars, he´d seen scenes like this on TV, and remembered that cordoned off Policed areas usually meant that something serious had occurred, and Max´s heart jumped a few beats in fear.
As Max neared the taped off area, he saw clearly the black Ford that Sergeant Hover had discribed to him back at the station, and Max´s soul filled with dread and horror.

An Officer approached Max, "hey son, nobodys allowed anywhere near here. This area is under Police investigation". He said in a warning voice.

"I´m her fiancée. The Police back in Palo Alto just informed me about an hour ago, that Liz´s hired car had just been found here. I drove here to find out what exactly is going on. Have you found her? Where is she? How come her cars parked up here"? Max asked fearing the worse, when he scanned the area and couldn´t see any sign of Liz anywhere.

"Sorry son". The Officer smiled grimly at Max. "We aren´t able to tell you where your fiancée is. A member of the public who walks this way daily, reported the car had been parked here for the last week, and that it didn´t look like the owner was coming to remove the car. You see your not allowed to park vehicles here any longer than 48 hours, so she rung us up".

The Officers words washed over Max, he stared into oblivion, repeating the words in his already racked up mind. We aren´t able to tell you where your fiancée is. Max repeated to himself in his mind, and it was only when the Officer placed a hand on his shoulder did Max wake from his own self conscious.
"Hey son, you wanna have a seat"? The Officer kindly walked Max over to the side of the carpark, assisting Max to sit down on the curb.
"Why don´t you wait here until myself or one of the other Officers come to assist you". The man patted Max on his shoulder.
"Yeah, Officer". A stunned Max replied almost inaudiably.

"Hey Steve". The Officer called out to his partner. "I think the kids going to lose it, you wanna get him a cup of coffee and a blanket so he can wrap himself up in it. The last thing we need is to be hauling him down down to the hospital".

"What about the letter she left". Steve replied taking a flask of hot coffee out from the car, and proceeded in pouring Max something to drink.
"I´ll give it to him as soon as I can establish that he´s the right person". The first Officer, heaved slightly, he hated to be the bearer of bad news, and in all of the years that he had been serving on the force, there was nothing worse than having to devulge bad news to anyone.

"Don´t forget to give the kid a blanket". The Officer reminded his partner.
"No I won´t". He replied pulling a blanket out for Max.

Sometime later, Max wasn´t exactly how long, not long after the second Officer had taken the empty cup away from him, that the first Officer was approaching him again.

Max sat silently on the side of the hard asphalt curb, he had a heap of questions to ask, but was pertailed to delay his questioning when the Officer began talking to him.
"Are you one, Max Evans"? The Officer asked him.
"Yeah I am". Max answered very puzzled, he hadn´t told anyone either in Palo Alto or here what his name was, so Max was surprised at how the Police knew his name.
"Can I see some ID then"? The Officer asked politely.
"Yeah sure Officer". Max poked his hand in the back pocket of his jeans, fishing out his drivers license. He sighed a sigh of relief, and thanked the heavens above that he as a habit always carried his drivers license around.

After checking Max´s face and his picture ID, the Officer was satisfied with Max´s identity.
"Son there´s no easy way to tell anybody this. But we believe that Miss Parker is dead".
The words totally shocked Max´s world, and he only wanted to wake himself up from this terrible nightmare.
"There has to be some kind of mistake Officer". Max replied as the blood drained from his face. "Liz is alive, this is some kind of bad joke. I don´t believe you". Max´s voice began to crumble as he watched the resigned face of the man standing opposite him.
"Son, no ones trying to play any mean tricks on you...I think you were meant to recieve this". Then taking a letter from the inside of his uniformed jacket, he handed over a white envelope to Max.

As a burst of emotions engulfed Max, he gently took the envelope from the Officers hand.
Too scared to open the envelope, he fingered the envelope in his hand, noticing his name on the front of envelope, a single tears dropped from Max´s eyes when he recognised Liz´s hand writing. He swallowed, trying to hold onto some resemblance of control, Max rolled his thumb over Liz´s writing and solemnly opened the contents.

"We believe that Miss Parker committed suicide.....and that she took her life by walking into the ocean"
Max could barely hear the words of the Officer, or rather he refused to hear the tragic words as he unfolded the single sheet of paper inside, and as Max read over the words his golden eyes misted over in grief.

The letter read.

I hope you read this letter one day, I hope that one day you will be fortunate to read what torture you have put me through. Because Max, I never want for any other woman or person to feel what I have had to endure, due to your actions.
God I was a fool. God how could I be so stupid! I just hate myself, how could I trust someone like you with my feelings, my soul, my love.
Don´t you have any comprehension of love?
Don´t you know what you have done to me Max?
Your´ve ruined myeverything illusion about what is wonderful in my life. You have ruined everything that I used to believe was pure.
Max my beliefs of love have died now, because of what you and the others have done to me.
You told me you loved me Max, you made me believe in all of those illusions of love. How could you be so heartless, or rather how could I be so gulible to believe what you told me? You asked me to marry you. Ha, ha and to think that I believed you wanted to spend the rest of your life with me. How could I be so dumb? Why did I ever believe you? I hate myself Max, I hate myself with every ounce of fibre in my body. But Max your not going to have to worry about the rantings of a crazy woman. Because Max I just don´t want to live no more. What´s the point to everything anymore, because by the time you get this letter, I will have been long gone, and then I don´t have to feel the pain no more.....yeah I don´t have to feel the pain anymore.

Finishing reading the letter, Liz hadn´t signed her name off or left any proof that it was indeed she that wrote it. But the writing was unmistakingly Liz´s and the contents of the letter left Max no doubt that Liz had written the heart breaking words.

The words literally ripped at Max´s heart, and every word that he read dug deeper and deeper into his soul, to the very depths of desperation and Max knew without prejudice that he had been inhuman in the way he had handled everything concerning Liz and the bet. This was all because of him, that Liz felt the need to take her own life. He had orchestrated this whole terrible affair, Max was the reason that Liz was now dead and he was living, breathing w´hile Liz body lay probably at the bottom of the ocean......ruggered tears overwhelmed Max and he slumped down to the ground. His body went suddenly slump, as his body racked in tears.

"Steve, call an ambulance. I think the kids gone into shock". The Officer called back to his partner. "Son, you gotta stay with me".

But Max was to self-absorbed in his own run of emotions as the huge injustice of everything that had happened to Liz consumed him fully.
It was because of me, Max repeated the words to himself. It´s because of me that Liz took her own life.


I know that was totally mean of me to leave the last part there, but I will return tomorrow to post the next part. Thanks for reading, and well I know I´m going to be getting more than likely some upset, pissed-off or extremely sad fb. Hmmm, I know that last part wasn´t what most of you´s were expecting.
read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter
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Post by Maia »

Part 31

Lying in the hospital bed Max stared off into space. He hated hospitals immensely, the smell of sickness that lingered in the air, but Max was to spent to even voice his dread of being there.

Hearing a loud ruckus from somewhere outside of his room, Max edged nervously in his bed. He clutched the letter that Liz had written him in her, "supposed suicide note", very tightly in his hand. The letter had become for Max the life-line of hope that the terrible speculations the Police had formulated about Liz´s disappearance were under no condition true, that Liz couldn´t possibly be dead, that the letter was somehow some terrible hoax, although the hand-writing definately belonged to Liz.

The loud flurry of voices moved closer to Max´s room, and he huffed at the thin cardboard walls the hospital had, providing him with no stillness or the quiet haven that he needed.
As the door of his room opened, Max was then confronted with the last person on earth that he wanted to see.

"Sir, I´m sorry but you cannot see the patient, not in this state". The rounded nurse tried to block the way of the man who probably had the most reason in the world to seriously harm Max, or even maybe kill him.
Max sat straight up in his bed, he hadn´t fooled himself that this encounter wouldn´t take place. Max knew this encounter would inevitibly happen, just not today because an outraged Jeff Parker was not in the process of pushing himself passed the burly nurse.

"The little bastard, I´m going to kill him. He killed my baby, he killed my baby". Jeff Parker cursed and ranted.

"Oh shit"! Max swore under his breath, and berated his next plan of action, still dressed in his typical white, starch pressed material of his hospital gown, Max spotted his own clothes gathered in a tiny bundle on a table. In that moment Max Evans wished he could just blink his eyes and physical disappear as far away as possible.

"Jeffrey stop, your not going to make anything better, please Jeffrey get a hold of yourself". Max saw an overly distraught Nancy Parker, trying to pull her husband back from attacking Max.
"You little shit! I swear I´m going to kill you. Nancy let me go, he killed my baby". Jeff Parker swung back to evilly stare at his wife.

Max swallowed in anguish at the chaos he had caused, then double checked his decision to make a run for it, instead deciding that he would take full responsible of the tragic consequences and fixed himself firmly in his upright sitting position.

The nurse was in tithers, she knew that the small hospital had no real security guards who would be here in the instant in the heed of trouble. Coo´s Bay hospital was so small that this was the first time in all her 20 years that something like this had ever happened. Hell the hospital didn´t even have the funding to hire a proper surgery doctor, let alone security. But somehow she had to take hold of the situation for the protection of her patients.

"Please, if you do not calm down, I will be forced to call the Police". The woman stood, with her hands planted firmly on her hips. Blocking a clear pathway for Jeff Parker to bring her patient to any harm. "If you don´t stop harassing my patients, your be the next person who ends up in a hospital bed". The nurse stared frightfully at one very surprised Jeff Parker.

Nobody had ever talked to him like that, no one, not in all of his 45 years on earth. "Do you know who I am"? Jeff asked the woman in a chilling, that voice, that had Max literally shudding in fear.

"I don´t care if your the Governor of California, Buster. No one, and I mean no ones upsets, disturbs or threatens any of my patients". The woman and Jeff than duelled each other with combating eyes.

An embarassed Nancy Parker, was only relieved that someone was able to bring the situation under control again and said. "My husband and I prefusely apologise for any disturbances we may have caused. Isn´t that right Jeffrey". Nancy nudged her husband angrily, she would have to have a little talk to Jeff after this hospital visit. Nancy could understand Jeffs anger towards Max about Liz´s death, but she was in pain too, she was grieving as well, and Nancy knew all to well that finger pointing was not going to bring her little girl back.

"Yes". Jeff Parker said quietly almost humbly. He knew that when his wife called him Jeffrey that she was more than pissed at him. "I´m very sorry for making a disturbance". Jeff smiled sinisterly towards Max.

Max gulped because he was in no positon to defend himself. But then again, did he even want to defend himself against Liz´s Dad? He questioned himself, then nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"Mr Evans, if you want you don´t have to see these people". The nurse asked in a friendly but wary nature, flicking her eyes at the man who only a few minutes ago had gone totally beserk.

"No, I will be fine". Max replied, and although he had sounded self-assured about being left in the same room with Jeff and Nancy Parker, he knew that this was just a charade. Because Max seriously thought he was going to pee his pants.

"I´ll leave the door open if you like"? The nurse began to tuck the sheets of Max´s bed under the hard mattress.

"That will be fine, your hear me screaming if anything should happen to me". Max said trying to lighten the tension in the room.

"I´ll go and fill your jug up with some water and ice, I won´t be to long". The woman, picked up the nearly empty water jug, staring suspiciously at Jeff Parker as she left the room.

Max inhaled deeply, conjuring up some strength to offer the Parkers a kind word, anything he could, just as long as he broke the sudden silence that filled the room."Mr Parker, Mr Parker I just wanted to say..."

"Don´t you even speak my name or my wifes name ever again boy". Jeff abruptly interrupted Max.

Nancy looped her hand in her husbands arms. "Please Jeff for Liz´s sake, please just talk this out like a civilised person". Nancy pleaded to him, not wanting another unneccessary outbreak from her husband.

"Why did you do it, why did you do it? The Police showed us a copy of Liz´s suicide letter, it said enough for me to be able to figure out that you were the reason my Lizzie took her life......" At that moment, Jeff Parker broke down. He rested his head in his hands, pressing his temples firmly.
"You little shit, you stole my daughters life away". Jeff Parker spluttered out, gagging on the onslaught of tears that swallowed him, punishing his now every waking minute. "My Lizzies gone". Jeff rolled himself into the only condolensce that could comfort his loss now, into his wife´s arms.

"Jeff, I know". Nancy broke down herself, and Max watched on in silence.

Never in his life had he felt so worthless like he did now. He wanted to apologise to both of Liz´s parents at the part that he played in her dismise.
But Max knew that anything he said to the grieving parents would more than likely be poison to them, he knew that Liz´s parents would never forgive him, no matter how much he begged them to believe him.

"Max". Nancys voice hitched in her throat. "My husband and I came here today to ask you only of one thing". She stared the young man that her little girl had fallen in love with. She forced herself to look upon the young man that had caused her Baby so much pain that she thought it neccessary to take......Nancy couldn´t bear to even say the words silently to herself, rather she gathered the strength to say. "We both want the letter that Liz wrote you". Nancy said blankly unemotional. She knew she should be hating Max Evans at this very moment, but she couldn´t bring herself to do it. All that Nancy Parker felt for Max Evans in that moment was pity.

Max realised that he was still holding onto the letter that Liz wrote him. His initial reaction was to say, "no way. She wrote this to me". But Max could understand the anguish and pain that the Parkers must be going through right now. "The letter". Max berated himself to say something to Liz´s parents, just anything, and although that was the last thing that Liz had probably done, the last thing she more than likely had in her hands. Something that she had written to him, Max couldn´t deny her parents this.

With his golden amber eyes now watering over Max said very softly.
"Yes, Liz´s letter it belongs to the both of you´s". He unfolded the letter one last time, his fingers gently tracing over her handwriting one last moment, trying to take to memory every choosen word she had written.
As Nancy Parker reached out for the letter, Max almost hesitated not wanting to let go of the last remnant of Liz.

But before he could re-think his decision, Nancy Parker tugged gently at the letter. Surrending the thin sheet of paper, Max felt it slipping through his fingers. He bit down on the back of his teeth feeling another wave of tears flow over him. Turning his face towards the faraway wall, Max almost missed the sound of disappearing footsteps as the Parkers left his room and vanished from his life.

Returning eventually to their hotel room. Jeff had taken some sleeping tablets, so that he could rest his exhausted body. Sleeping soundly, Nancy watched the sleeping form of her husband, watching how his chest would rise and deflate as he snored away in a discomforted sleep.
She never knew she could cry so much, she couldn´t even count the amount of times she had simply broken down crying today.

The loss of her daughter was something that Nancy Parker was not ready to accept yet, because until the Police were able to provide her with the body of her daughter, Nancy Parker would never truly believe that her daughter was dead.

When she had first recieved the phone call from the Police in Coos Bay, Nancy had at first thought she was recieving a crank call. But when the Officer had revealed that Liz had also left her personal identification in the car glove box and began describing the possessions found in Liz´s tiny hand bag, she suddenly began believing the authenticy of the call.

When the Officer explained to Nancy what they believed had happened to Liz, she dropped the phone to the floor.
"No, my Baby". Jeff heard the panicked shriek of his wife coming from the kitchen".
"What the hell"? He mumbled out as he went to see what the commotion was all about.
"Nanc, sweetheart what´s going on hear". Jeff asked seeing the distress in his wifes eyes.
"It´s Lizzie Jeff, it´s Lizzie". Nancy cried out in pain.
Evaluating the scene, Jeff noticed the telephone that lay on the ground. Instinctively he knew that was something was wrong, and in the position his wife was in now, Jeff also figured he would be getting no answers from her for awhile.
Pulling his wife into his arms, she rested her head against Jeffs chest, quivering from the tears that soaked her eyes.
"OH God no"! Was the last thing Nancy heard her husband saying before he placed the phone on the top of the kitchen bench.

That had been a little over 15 hours ago, and packing a small suitcase of clothing, she and her husband had bent over backwards trying to make there way to the little seaside village, that yesterday had played absolutely no significance in her life before.

She and Jeff had actually argued about what to do, when they had left the hospital. Nancy choose not to believe that Liz was dead, whereas after reading Liz´s original letter Jeff suddenly began to believe that his Baby girl was gone, that his Lizzie was never coming back.

Jeff had actually pulled up on the side of the road, after going to the hospital to see that scum who had killed his Baby. He had no idea why, but the urge overcame him to arrange a memorial service as soon as they finished up with the paper work in Coos Bay. Jeff wanted......to see his Baby again, to tell her one more time that he loved her, and there were so many other things Jeff wanted to say to Liz right now. But to upset to admit how much pain Liz´s death was causing him, Jeff ended up in a shouting match with his wife.

Nancy always the calmer one out of the two, then dismissed her own opinions and thoughts of Liz´s disapperance. But up until then, that was all this was. Her daughter had disappeared, she would rather she could never belief that Liz was truly gone. Jeffs pain, subdued Nancy to let him deal with everything his way, and she on her part would go through the motions for her husband. Besides that, she wouldn´t have to be sitting in the middle of nowhere arguing with her husband about what to do now. Nancy agreed with Jeff that as soon as she could, she would begin arranging the memorial service he so much wanted.

Now flicking through the tiny address book she always had on hand, Nancy closed her eyes momentarily wondering how she was going to break the news to the person who loved Liz the most apart from herself and Jeff - Maria.

Dialling Maria´s phone number Nancy wished there was an easier way to break the bad news to her daughters best friend.
Sitting down at on the edge of the bed, one of Maria´s roomies had answered the phone call and had politely told Nancy that she would fetch Maria for her, waiting patiently, Nancy could hear Maria in the back-ground. Maria was singing, happily away to herself, Nancy just wanted to breakdown again.

The girl blabbered on about how Maria was in the middle of painting her toe nails. Which ironically bought a calming smile over Nancys face as she remembered how many times she had walked inside Liz´s bedroom and watched the two girls painting each others toe nails, chatting away to each other very easily, just like most teenage girls who had grown up together would do.

"Hey Mrs Parker". Nancys thoughts were interrupted by the cheery voice of the young woman she considered another daughter. She sighed Nancy loved Maria like her own, and now she had to be the bearer of such terrible news, and more than likely break Maria´s heart.

"Wow this is a pleasant surprise, so hows it hangin? What about Mr Parker"? Maria said in the really casual manner Nancy was so used too hearing.

Nancy felt so hollow, how was she supposed to tell Maria, someone so young and with so much energy, that her best friend had gone missing more than likely was dead. She simply closed her eyes, trying to force the tears away.

Maria was babbling, something that she was completely oblivious too, but then she heard Liz´s Mom sobbing on the phone.
"Mrs Parker, has something happened to Liz? Why are you crying"? Maria asked as something in her stomach began telling her, that something seriously wrong had happened.

After telling Maria of Liz´s demise, all that Nancy could do was apologise profusely to Maria.

"NO"!!! Nancy could hear which was promptlyt followed by the smashing of glass breaking in the back-ground, and Nancy knew that Maria was going crazy, as the smash of more glass could be heard as it shattered to the ground.

"Maria". Nancy called to her, but no Maria picked up the phone. Nonetheless Nancy stayed vigilantly on line, not wanting to hang the telephone up until she was 100 % sure Maria going to be alright. A twisted smile covered Nancys face, then she bit down hard onto the back of her knuckles, chuckling sarcastically at her thoughts. Who was she kidding, how can anybody be calm after recieving such news.

Nancy listened intently, calling Maria´s name repeatedly until she heard another voice in the back-ground.
"Maria, what the hells going on here"?
"Fuck off! Fuck off and leave me alone". Maria shouted in anger and frustration.
"Maria". Her roomie called out to her, but Maria had slipped from shock to anger to denial all within a mattter of seconds.
"Leave me alone, get the hell away from me". Maria picked up anything she could lay her hands on throwing the items randomly in any direction she willed.
In overdrive Nancy began calling Maria´s name again.

Maria´s roomie tried to stop her from breaking and throwing anymore things around, but to little avail, then a muffled voice caught the girls attention. At first she thought she was nuts, hearing voices in the back of her heard, but the more the voice called Maria´s name the harder the girl became aware that Maria had only been on the phone minutes before, and if she was right, the little voice was coming over from the foot of Maria´s desk.
Nearly diving for the phone, the girl talked to whoever it was on the phone.
"What in the hell did you say to Maria"? The girl asked in near hysterics.
"I´m Maria´s best friends Mom".
"Your Liz´s Mom, Maria´s told me so much about her". The girl replied very carefully. Something not right had caused her usually non-aggressive roomie to completely lose her head, and she had to know how and why Maria´s normally calm personality had done a 360 degree turn-in the opposite direction. But the girl was not prepared for the words Liz´s Mom was about to say.
"Dear, Liz has disappeared, and the Police suspect that she´s dead".
"Oh, I´m so sorry". The girl said sullenly.
"Can you just make sure that Maria´s alright for us please, I have to know that Maria´s not going to do anything rash". Nancy begged the girl.
"I´ll do it". The girl volunteered.
Then Nancy began to explain what she and Jeff had in mind for Liz´s Memorial service, the girl jotted down the details onto a bland piece of paper on Maria´s desk, watching from the corner of her eyes how her roomie had just sunk to the floor in dispair.


Hmmmm, these last couple of parts can be so depressing to post. I´m just going to pack a few cartoons up now. If I get any-time later on, I´ll post again. Probably in about another 6 hours or so. Thanks for reading, and hopefully before I leave next week I can wrap this fic up.
Last edited by Maia on Thu Apr 01, 2004 4:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter
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Post by Maia »

Part 32

Hours after the Parkers had left Max alone in his hospital room, he lay there contemplating over everything concerning Liz. From the time he had known her back in Roswell to the time where he had really gotten to know her at Palo Alto, and fallen in love with her.

His nurse would worriedly check on him every half hour or so, and Max thought that the gesture was comforting, just to know that somebody, even though she was only his nurse was taking the time out to make sure he was fine.

After the Parkers had left as hastily as they had arrived, the guilt that Max was now suffering was so inbearable, he was under the belief that nothing could possibly be worse than for anyone to be in his situation.
And as his nurse one more time doted over him, Max quelched in disgust at himself and wondered if the woman would even bother giving him the time of day if she knew what Max had done to the girl he was supposed to be in love with.

"Max, the Doc wants to give you one more check over tonight, he thinks that maybe tomorrow you could discharge yourself". The woman looked sympathetically onto the sunken features of her young patient. "I know this is none of my business son. But if you wanna talk about it, everyone has always told me that I´m a really good listener". She offered good-heartedly.
"It´s a long story". Max stared blankly to the white ceiling above. "I...I...can´t talk about it. It´s all to soon". Max admitted at how raw his emotions really were.
"I understand son". The woman replied, smiling inwardly. She had no idea what Max´s story was, but she could tell just by looking at him that it must be something serious. "Just call me if you need anything".
Max pulled his eyes away from the spot on the ceiling that he had become fixated with, long enough to acknowledge that the nurse was actually standing to his side.
"Thanks". Max replied before turning his eyes back to that point in the ceiling again.

The next day as Max´s nurse had correctly predicted he discharged himself from the hospital. Although initially Max had wanted to spend the rest of his life crawled up in that bed, his health insurance would never be able to cover the stay. But then was surprised that he was taken into this hospital anyway, because he was sure he had missed a payment on his health insurance, and on leaving asked whether or not he was covered or not.

To say that Max was surprise was to say the least when he was dutifully told that a Kyle Valenti had pulled strings and had agreed to pay for all of Max´s hospital expenses. Max didn´t know how that was possible, but the discharge nurse had assured him that Mr Valenti had indeed paid in full any costs that Max had been charged.

Max was too wrapped in Liz to even care about anything about Kyle and Michael, but nonetheless on arriving back to his apartment would confront Kyle for his kind charity token.

After leaving the hospital Max made his way to the Police Station where he was told he could pick up Kyles car. Walking the short distance there, Max was met by the same Officer who had first approached him on the morning of Liz´s suicide.

The Officer informed Max that they had traced the owner of the car, seeing as they had no other information on any contacts for Max, who then figured out that that was probably how Kyle knew of Max´s whereabouts. Knowing the little rich boy Kyle was, Max could fully believe that Kyle was quite capable of paying and arranging anything if Kyle so wished so.

Recieving directions to where Kyle´s car was, Max thanked the Officer for all that he had done and left, still unsure what he was going to do now. with his life.
The obvious was to go back to College, will to his apartment first. But the underlying questions about what Max should do now that Liz was dead still daunted his ability to come to some kind of useful conclusion on what direction his life would lead him too.
Max had had some time to ponder his thoughts, and even thought that he had in only the space of a little over 24 hours, had become even very philosphical about his life.

Driving back to Palo Alto, Max had time enough to deliberate his future without Liz in his life anymore. Unfortunately the more he thought about Liz, the more Max became depressed about life, and he broke down crying at the wheel.
Nothing seemed to matter to him anymore, because a life without Liz anymore was a life not worth living for him.

"I am such a dumb fuck". Max cursed himself he was on the verge of driving himself crazy when suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a loud hooting of a car, heading directly towards him.

"Oh shit". Max swerved the wheel of the car quickly in the opposite direction as the oncoming car, and Kyle´s Mustand skidded to a screeching halt.
Max´s head banged against the steering wheel, and he grasped onto the handle tightly with both of his hands. Leaning his head down, hot tears began rolling over the smoothness of his skin. He licked at the saltiness of his own tears, as they freely flowed cascading from his golden eyes.

"Oh God"! Max snapped himself out from his revel of sadness, realising what a close call he had just had. Jacking the gear back into first, he cranked the car up, driving away this time with more caution.

Opening the door to his apartment, he slammed the door loudly, not caring who was home or not to hear him.
Kyle jumped up from his seat as did Michael, both throwing suspicious stares between one another.

"Hey Max, shit we were worried about you". Kyle swiped an anxious hand through his hair, then rested his hand on his hip.
Whatever". Max snapped at him, throwing the keys to Kyles Mustang at him. "It´s nearly empty, you might wanna fill it up". He then said, turning his back on his roomies walking towards the hallway.

"Max, we heard about what happened to Liz". Michael walked quickly in front of him, blocking Max´s only way to his bedroom. "And...". Michael stared guiltily down at his hands, before he drew the courage up to look back into Max´s glaring eyes, "......from my part, I´m really sorry about what happened". Michael apologise looking dumbly around the the room, before having the courage to stare Max in his eyes again.

"Save it for someone who cares". Max pushed against Michaels chest, not wanting to see his or Kyles or any of the other guys faces ever again.

"Max, we just wanted to apologise..."- but Max didn´t want to hear them, any of them and he ignored the words that Kyle wanted to say to him, as he angrily walked into his bedroom, slamming the door.

"Just leave him for now". Michael pulled at Kyle´s sweat-shirt holding his friend to the spot.
"Michael I just want him to know that I feel like shit for my part in the bet and everything I done. How was I supposed to know Liz would go this far and kill herself". Kyle whispered to Michael, trying to pull away from Michaels grip.

"How were any of us supposed to know Liz would go so far". Michael released Kyle. "But just give him time, fuck he just found out that Liz killed herself and all because of a bet that we instigated. Give him some time Kyle". Michael half warned him, not budging from the spot he had planted himself firmly too.

Sighing in defeat Kyle admitted. "I need a beer. You up for a beer Mikey"? Kyle asked him, feeling useless about how everything and life in general.

"Yeah I don´t think Max is going to wanna talk to us tonight, let´s go down for Charlie´s then". Michael suggested before both he and Kyle left the apartment. "Besides I´ve been doing some more thinking about how we can help Max out, and we can talk about it better over a beer. Just incase Max want´s to eat or something, more than likely we´re the last people in the world he wants to see".

"Yeah, let´s get outta here". Kyle nodded agreeingly, putting on his letterman jacket before they left.

The next couple of days that passed by, apart from the telephone calls that Max had recieved from his concerned parents or sister he basically drew himself deeper and deeper into his own little world. Max refused anything Michael or Kyle offered him, even if they only wanted to see if he was OK. Normally yelling and screaming at them to get the hell out of his bedroom.

Michael and Kyle had tried constantly to talk to Max about everything that had happened, but to no avail. They both became so concerned for Max that Michael arranged for a Doctor to make a home visit, to check-up on Max´s well being. While Kyle talked to Max´s Professors, explaining Max´s bad turn of health. Feeling indebted to do something to help Max. Kyle and Michael knew how important his studies had meant to him, and after talking to their Fathers came up with a good solution. Both Jim Valenti and Mr Michael Guerin Snr. two very powerful businessmen in America had not only the right political contacts but also good contacts at Stanford University. Having been able to pull some strings, Kyle and Michael were both pleased with themselves when there Fathers told them that if Max was unable to finish this years study, his scholarship would be left open until he was able to return.

But this was all lost on Max, who grovelled for days in his bed. He hadn´t showered since he had returned from Coo´s Bay, and he knew he probably was in great need of a bath or shower. Max couldn´t remember the last time he had eaten properly, and the trays of food that Michael and Kyle had been bringing to his room, were normally returned mainly untouched. But by the fourth day, both Kyle and Michael were getting tired of Max´s uncharacteristic behaviour and both had entered Max´s room ready to put this insanity to an end.
Two minutes later, Max sat, kicking and screaming also fully-clothed in a warm bath.
Although somewhat extreme, Michael and Kyle had deliberated and decided that Max needed a wake-up call, because neither one of them were going to sit by and watch another person kill themself when they could prevent it from happening.

Meanwhile in a hotel room in Portland.

"Lizzie Baby, it´s going to be OK now, Momma´s here". Nancy held onto the shaking body of her daughter.
"But Mom, it just hurts so much". Liz wept in her Mothers arms.
"Baby, don´t think about that boy anymore, he´s brought you nothing but trouble from the first day you met him".
"Chica, c´mon girl pull yourself together, we´ll get through this all together". Maria cuddled into the Liz´s back, so that she and Nancy surrounded Liz in their arms.
"But the more I think about Max...". Liz´s voice hitched in her throat.
"Chica, don´t you ever mention that pigs name ever again. He never deserved you, your better than scum like Max Evans". Maria reminded her, thinking how stupid she was to have listened to all the sugar-coating descriptions Liz had made of Max when he had started to become interested in Liz.
"I still don´t know why you won´t confront him about this Liz, or even better let me confront him". An angry Maria crossed her arms across her perky breasts.
"Because like I told you´s all. I don´t want Max to know I´m alive, as far as he´s concerned I died for him on that day, I don´t exist anymore in his life". Liz angrily spat out. "I never want to see him ever again". Liz resigned herself to another set of fresh tears.
"Anything you want Lizzie, whatever you want you know I´m behind you 100%". Maria nodded in agreement.
The three woman sat there in silence, holding onto each other with only the whimper of Liz´s tears crackling the air around them. Once Liz had cried herself dry of tears she then said, wiping at her swollen eyes.
"Mom, how long until Dad gets back, I´m getting hungry now". Liz slowly drew herself away from her Mothers arms.
"He should be back any moment now Baby. Why don´t you go and freshen yourself up before he gets here". Nancy suggested, watching at how bravely Liz was trying to be.


I wasn´t going to let this drop for at least another 5 or 6 parts, but yeah I had a change of mind. Hope that last part puts some of your minds at ease. Thanks for reading.

read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter
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Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 104
Joined: Tue Mar 05, 2002 2:46 am

Post by Maia »

Hey everyone, thanks again for the fb once again. Yes Liz is alive, and no I wasn´t offended by any of the fb that some of you´s wrote at the anger pointed towards Liz. In the next part it will explain more about what really happened to her although it won´t tell the whole story.

Extingman, I´m a mink...lol.....I hear that quite often from my husband and friends...I can´t help it some times.

Part 34

Driving back to the hotel room that his family were staying in Jeff had no regrets about what he had arranged over the last few days. Two days ago after talking everything over with Nancy, they had both decided that for the sake of keeping their family together, that he needed to spend more time with his wife and daughter and stop putting their needs on the back burner.

Flying back to Roswell, Jeff contacted his lawyer and proceeded to inform him that he wanted to sell up his business, and all the properties he owned in Roswell and New Mexico.

This had come as a shock to his lawyer who through his years had become used to Jeffs disciplined business type life-style. Both men went back years, and his lawyer tried to persuade Jeff from selling,to no avail at all.

Determined to be there for his family, Jeff concluded that if he didn´t get out of the business now, he never would. For Jeff the time had come for him to make the break, and quite simply start enjoying life.

Now that his lawyer was drawing up the papers, and his employees were informed of the change, it felt strangely weird for Jeff. Tomorrow he would wake up in the morning like any other God given day and for the first time that he could remember, relax and start concentrating himself fully on his family.

Sighing, Jeff heaved a relieved sigh, thinking back about how lucky Nancy and himself were at being given a second chance at having their daughter. Knowing how close they had come to losing her.

"Jeff.....Jeff Honey wake up, the Police are here, they want to talk to us". Nancy shook gently at her husbands shoulder.

"Nanc, what´d you say". A subdued Jeff replied rolling his head to the
side, trying to push his lazy eyes open.

"Jeff, get up! The Police are here, they have something to tell us about Lizzie".

His first reaction was to tell them to get lost and leave him and his wife in peace, but found himself instead pulling his heavy lead legs to the side of the bed. All Jeff knew was that his little girl was dead, and couldn´t understand what the Police thought was so important that they had to go and disturb him.

"I´m coming". A jadie Jeff stood to his feet, "just give me a few minutes to freshen up".

"Of course Mr Parker". One of the Officers tipped his hat, as Nancy lead the two men into the small hotel room.

"Could I fetch you gentlemen a drink or something"? She offered.
Almost in unison, they both replied. "No thank-you Ma`am". The silently waited until Jeff made an appearance.

Once seated, one of the Officers turned to Nancy then Jeff.

"We just wanted to inform you that we recieved a report about 20 minutes ago, saying that a Jane Doe has been found and is now lying in a hospital just south of Salem".

"Lizzie". Nancy gasped, clasping her hands over her head, her eyes watering over in hope. Standing to her feet she hurried about gathering a jacket and her purse. "Jeff we have to go up and see her. Lizzie will be wondering where we are"? She voice stammered and tears of hope filled her eyes

"Nanc, don´t get your hopes up to high, she might not even be our Lizzie". Jeff placed his arm around her shoulders.

"How can you say that´s not our Lizzie. Jeffrey how can you give up hope so easily". Nancy cupped her hand over her mouth, her tears muffled, and when Jeff tried to surround his wife in his arms, she beat angrily with her fists against his chest.
"Our Baby could be lying in some strange hospital with no one she knows around her and your wasting precious time in denial. Please Jeffrey I have to know whether or not that´s my Lizzie, don´t let me give up hope that she´s alive". A broken Nancy, feeling deflated of life collapsed against her husbands chest.

"I´m sorry Honey...I´m sorry Honey". Jeff held her quivering body.
"Are you sure this Jane Doe is our Lizzie"? He asked precautiously, Jeff knew he couldn´t get his hopes up to high about this...but now with Nancy on the verge of a break-down, how could he possibly deny his wife this thin thread of hope.

"Sir, we have reason to believe she is your daughter, she fits the discription you and your wife made out for us, and we´re as anxious as you´s to find your daughter. But first we need the both of yous´s to escort us. We have to confirm whether our Jane Doe is indeed your daughter". The Officer said, sympathising with the couple.

"Yes, of course we´ll escort you´s". Nancy dropped her arms and tugged at Jeffs hand to get a move on.

Later when it was confirmed by Nancy and himself that the Jane Doe was indeed his Lizzie, they waited patiently by her bedside until she woke.

"If I had words to make the world for you, I´d give you a morning golden and blue"- singing to an unconscious Liz, Nancy held onto Liz´s slump hand.

Jeff walked quietly into his daughters hospital room, catching his wife singing to their daughter, Jeff held onto the door, not wanting to interrupt the moment. As Nancys song come to an end he spoke gently.

"I remember when that movie came out, I didn´t think her and Maria would ever stop watching that movie. I thought I would go crazy if they made me watch Babe with them again". He mentioned watching his Baby motionless face.

"Maria and her used to sing that song over and over again.....eventually it ended up sticking in my head". Nancy managed to smile, that was the time of innonence...before one Max Evans walked into her daughters life. "Speaking of Maria, did you ring her up? Maria was absolutely devastated when I broke her the news". Nancy replied, not being able to draw her eyes away from Liz´s still face, she ran her fingers over Liz´s skin, sweeping a few stray tresses of hair behind her ear.

"I told Amy actually. She went up to see Maria as soon as she heard the news. Poor kid, Amy said Maria needed some tranqulisers, she was that much in shock". Jeffrey said angrily, as he thought of 101 different ways he would like to make Max Evans suffer.

"Oh God, what was she thinking of". Nancy bit back on the tears that were going to spill over if she didn´t pull herself together.

"Nanc when Lizzie wakes up, I don´t want you or anyone torturing my Baby about what she was going to do". Jeff said adamantly.

"I didn´t mean it like that Jeff, it´s just if everything was going so badly in her life, why didn´t she feel like she could come to you or myself"?

"Nanc, who knows why kids do the things they do. All I know is that my Baby, was only inches away from losing her life, and quite frankly I don´t care what she´s done, I´m thankful that my Babys alive".

"Did you talk to the Police about her disappearance"? Nancy asked.

"Yeah somebody found her lying on the beach about 5 km from here. She was unconscious and when the paramedics came, they discovered that she was very dehydrated and was suffering hyperthermia".

"Oh God! I´m only glad that some one found her before....."

Coming up behind Nancy, Jeffrey placed his one hand on her shoulder.
"I know what you mean Nanc, we are all very lucky and greatful to whoever found our Lizzie. He could have left her there to die".

"Don´t say that Jeff, the very idea scares me". Nancy scolded him.

"Well he could have".


"Sorry Nanc".

"And you tell me that I have a tendancy for dramatics"!

"Mom, Dad please that´s enough". A very weak voice spoke out. Licking her dry lips, Liz was in a haze, wondering if she was dreaming. Her head was so light-headed she had to have been in a dream state.

"Liz Baby, it´s me Baby. Mom and Dads are here Honey". An elated Nancy stood from her stool, and sat on Liz´s side.

"It us Baby, we´re here now, it´s alright Baby, we ´re going to stay by your side, we ´re not going to go anywhere".

Turning down the street where they were all staying, Jeff thought back again to the night that Lizzie was returned to Nancy and himself. Steering the wheel straight, Jeff huffed in frustration. For the next couple of days Nancy and himself had gone out of their way, fusing and pampering Liz.
The Police tried to take down a report from Liz, but she had remained tight-lipped not wanting to talk about anything that had happened.

Jeff was under the impression that if Liz wanted to talk about her ordeal then all in good time. But Nancy had been pressuring Jeff into sending Liz to therapy, and although Jeff knew his wife was right, he didn´t have the heart to make Liz do something she didn´t feel comfortable doing right now.

In the end, both decided that if anyone was going to get Liz to open up it would be Maria, and it hadn´t taken the young pixie girl to rebound from her own ordeal and come to be on Liz´s bed-side.

Now unlocking the hotel room door where they were all staying Jeff put his thoughts behind him as he saw his three girls all waiting for him to return from his business trip.

"Mr P, we were wondering how long you were goin to take. You do realise your 45 minute late for the dinner date you promised us three". Maria tried to suppress the smile she was disguising behind her little facade.

"Yeah Dad, we were about to go without you". Liz folded her arms over her chest, playing alone with Maria.

"So what are you´s all waiting for". Jeff galiantly swept his arm and held the door wide open. "Your table is waiting".

Breaking out into laughter, Liz and Maria gathered their jackets, Maria then walked out of the door saying. "Hope you brought your check-book cause I could eat a horse".

"I know you could". Jeff replied jokingly.

"Hey I heard that". Maria, turned back with a trying to be intimidated gaze.

"I hope you did". Jeff laughed at her.
Liz went to walk out of the door to follow Maria.

"And where´s my hi Dad, how are you Dad, good to see you again Dad kiss". He hinted to Liz.

"Dad, I think I´m a little to old for this". Liz rolled her eyes at him.

"No your not kiddo, you give you old Pa a kiss". He patted his finger aganist his cheek.

Liz smiled, planting a kiss on her Dads cheek, then walked ahead on Maria´s side.

Nancy deliberately waited back so she could exchange a few words in private with her husband.

"So it´s all been taken care of now". She encircled her arms around Jeffs neck, pulling him into a sensual kiss.

"Yeah, Pete´s taking care of everything for us". He leaned his fore-head against Nancy´s.

"Good". Nancy replied happily. "C´mon Honey, the girls will be waiting for us". She pulled her husband by the hand out of the door.


Tomorrow my next part will be Max orientated, then I´m going to more than likely mix the posts up, so that there´s a piece about Max, and then Liz. Thanks for reading once again.

Last edited by Maia on Fri Apr 02, 2004 10:36 am, edited 3 times in total.
read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Maia »

LoveIsForever wrote:Maia have you gotted all settled in yet?

I had to laugh, some one must have hit my head. LoveIsForever, yes and some more.

Sorry for not updating for so long, as some of you's may not know, I was hit in my car by a drunk driver, recieving neck injuries and my writing arm was badly damaged. I wrote to Borderinsanity to ask if none of my fics be pruned due to circumstances. With physio I may be able to use my arm again in another 4-5 weeks, lets see what happens. So be patient please everyone.

Missing everyone

read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter
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Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 104
Joined: Tue Mar 05, 2002 2:46 am

Post by Maia »

Hi everyone, it's good to be back and posting again. My arm is not 100% yet, but I have been doing alot of physio so I can at least type again.

LoveIs Forever, sorry about what happened to your computer, I hope you didn't lose to much files etc. Take care :) :)

Did anyone have probs getting on the board yesterday?