On The Other Side (AU,M/L,TEEN) Pt 34 - 09/13/04 [WIP]

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On The Other Side (AU,M/L,TEEN) Pt 34 - 09/13/04 [WIP]

Post by Maia »

Title: On The Other Side

Catergory: M/L

Rating: At the moment TEEN

Disclaimer: I own nothing whatsoever associated with Roswell

This is a challenge from LoveIsForever.
It is angsty, so be warned.


The wonderful banner was made by JustThisOnce.


Max and Liz were born and raised in Roswell. Max´s family is poor, while Liz belongs to a rich family.
Max has despised Liz for as long as he can remember.
But after leaving Roswell to attend College, Max and Liz´s lifes cross paths again.
They find love, but then because of a cruel act, Max loses Liz.
Will Max be able to find love again?

Don´t be put off from the prologue, incase anyone reading this doesn´t scroll down further after reading the prologue, you´s might miss a further message I posted. All I ask is that you leave your imaginations open.
Because what Max knows up until that point, may never have been true.

I know that I have 8 fics posted on this board at the moment. But I have alot of time to kill.


Standing on the sandy banks of a beach his eyes gaze over the grey waves of the ocean
The wind catches the soft bangs of his dampened hair, blowing them across his tear-filled eyes.

The quietness that lingers on the deserted beach seem fitting as he steps closer to the grey waves of the sea.
Max welcomed the coldness of the water as his bare feet become immersed in it´s depths.

It was 5 years to the day that she stood here-in this very same spot, and took her own life.
He had been the main architect to her short life, it was because of him, that she had gone to such desperate measures.

Wadding in waist high waters Max knew life wasn´t worth living anymore. Not without her to share it.
His thoughts went back to her, taking another step, he had no regrets, he was passed caring. Knowing that soon they would be together again.

I´m coming Liz, he silently thought.
I´m coming back to you.
As a wave crashed against his taunt body his soul called out to her.
Wait for me my Love.....wait for me on the other side.

7 years earlier

Part 1

"Max there´s some-thing I have to tell you". Alex approached his friend cautiously.
Max didn´t know why, maybe it was the sullen face Alex was supporting, but somehow Max knew he wasn´t going to like what Alex was about to tell him.
"What is it"? He asked nonetheless.
"Izzy told me. While she was filing some papers away......she noticed that Liz Parker has also applied for that scholarship to Stanford". Alex cringed awaiting the fireworks about to explode.
"What did you just say"? Max´s eyes narrowed.
"I said the same scholarship that your´ve had your heart set on for I don´t how long, Liz Parker put in an application for it as well".
"I can´t believe the gaud of that girl" Max threw his arms up in exasperation. Before he pushed his way passed Alex exiting the empty science lab.

Catching up to Max´s side Alex then said, "Max, hey Max slow down for a minute". Making a grab for Max´s arm.
"Don´t try to stop me Alex, I´m going to talk to Liz Parker and ask her what the hell is she trying to pull". Max nudged Alex´s unwelcome hand away.
"What are you going to say to her"? Alex had never seen Max this upset before, and he wasn´t going to let his friend do something he might regret later.
"I don´t know yet" he swallowed the bile in his mouth. "Wait until I find her", Max bussled his way between drones of students.
"Don´t do anything stupid Max, you could ruin your chances" Alex warned him.
"Oh don´t give me that shit Alex. You know that scholarship belongs to me. I´ve busted my ass my whole life for this. Who the hell does she think she is? I deserve this chance in life". Max clenched his fists in anger.
"I know Max, but what are you going to do if she wins this scholarship and you don´t"? Alex walked faster keeping up with Max´s rabid speed.

"Don´t ask!" He retorted. "It´s not fair, her parents can afford to pay for college fees, my parents would never be able to raise that sort of money in 100 years. I need this scholarship Alex. This is my ticket outta here".

Alex followed in step with Max knowing everything Max had said was true. But Alex also knew that Liz Parkers grades were as good if not better that Max´s. If Liz won this scholarship Alex knew that Max would be completely devastated. He had no idea what Max would do. Alex´s thoughts were then suddenly interupted.

"There´s the bitch"! Max spat out running up to Liz, he jerked her arm around to face him.
Alex´s pace quickened thinking how he regretted telling Max now.


Hope you´s liked the start.
Last edited by Maia on Sun Sep 12, 2004 8:40 pm, edited 51 times in total.
read my fics

Love In An Elevator
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On The Other Side
My Life With You
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Post by Maia »

Hi everyone,

some of yous may have read my note that I wrote earlier. I was sick over the week-end, but feel much better now.
Although I do admit, it was weird waking up at 5.00pm in the afternoon.

Part 2

"Max, what are you doing"? Liz turned to face Max.
"You knew that scholarship had my name written all over it, but you had to go and apply for it too didn´t you". He hissed at her.
"I swear, I had no idea that you were applying for that scholarship too", Liz grimaced trying to pull her arm free.

"Like hell you didn´t". Max wasn´t about to let her admission go.
"Hey if she says she knew nothing about it then she didn´t, and why don´t you get you damned hands off of her! I don´t like the way your handling my friend". Maria was ready to pounce him.

Realising where his hand was, he reluctantly withfrew it away.
"Besides we don´t have to stand here and listen to your crap. That scholarships open for anyone Evans, and if you get it. Good for you, if not? Deal! C´mon Liz. You and I have both heard enough from this idiot", Maria began guilding Liz out of the hallway.
"I´m not finished with you yet"! Max followed them.
"Hey Max, settle down would you. This isn´t going to help you anyhow soon". Alex attempted to stop Max´s progress.
"Let me go Alex". Max was beyond listening to Alex right now, moving forward, he stepped in front of Liz and Maria.
"I thought I told you, we´d heard enough of your crap", Maria grabbed onto Liz´s arm.
"Well I´m not finished". Max adamantly said.
"Make an appointment then" Maria holding onto Liz´s arm, side-stepped him. This time Max had no chance to follow them as Alex held tightly onto his arm.
"Max, just leave it would you! Your making a scene, the last thing you need is for someone reporting you to the Principal".
"Fuck"! Max watched as Liz and Maria hastily walked away.
"This is not the time or place". Seeing the urgency in Alex´s eyes, Max nonchantly walked away with him.

"You Ok, Hun"? A concerned Maria asked.
"I don´t know Maria. I mean I had no idea that Max Evans had his hopes on going to Stanford as well". A down-hearted Liz replied.
"Well just because your´ve been in love with him nearly your whole life, that doesn´t mean you should let him treat you like he did". Maria comforted a bewildered Liz.
"But Maria..."
"No buts Chica. You deserve that scholarship just as much as he does. Your´ve worked to hard your whole life for it". Maria reminded her.
"So has he by the sounds of it". She said under her breath.
"So anyway, you up for a soda afterschool". Maria´s thoughts turned to other things.
"I can´t my Dad wants me to do some work for him in his office Maria". Liz held onto her books tighter in an attempt to calm herself down.
"Your Dad is such a Scrooge". Maria rolled her eyes in disbelief
"He is not a Scrooge Maria.". Liz defended her him.
"Well he is! If my Mom had as much money as your parents, I know she wouldn´t expect me to shuffle my butt for every cent I needed. I just don´t see why your Dad doens´t pay for your College fees". Maria walked onwards.
"Maria, my Dad happens to believe that I shouldn´t have everything in life handed to me on a silver plater". Liz smiled at Maria, she had heard this many a time from her friend.
"Whatever you call it" she said unamused, just as the bell ended the lunch hour.
"Call me tonight when you finish at your Dads office then Chica". Maria waved as she headed in the direction for her next class.
"Will do". Liz crossed over the school grounds heading for the school reception.

The last thing Liz had expected when she filled out the application forms was a run in with Max Evans. Liz knew why this scholarship was so important to him. Hell she knew nearly everything there was about him, but that little detail.
She knew his family were poor, and preparing herself to rectify what she had instigated. Liz knew the only thing to do was to withdraw her application.


just a short part, hope you´s liked it

read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter
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Post by Maia »

Hi everyone, thanks again for the fb, I´m feeling better again so on to the next post.

Part 3

"What did you do, are you crazy or what"? Maria narrowed her eyes on hearing what Liz had to say.
"I said, that I withdrew my application for the scholarship", Liz repeated herself.
"Have you completely lost it"? Maria frowned into the telephone.
"I know what your going to say Maria, but I can´t allow myself to come between Max and his dreams". Liz said bewildered.
"Excuse, but isn´t he the same guy who mishandled you today. And isn´t he the same guy that for as long as I can remember has gone out of his way to make your life miserable"? Maria questioned her.
"But Maria he´s the guy that I have been in love with for as long as I can remember". Liz sunk back onto her pillow.
"Chica, the guy doesn´t even know you exist, unless your the butt of his jokes". Maria paced her bedroom.
"I don´t care! I´m not going to be the one to jeopardise his chances". Liz resigned.
"So just how the hell are you going to raise the money you need to go to college then"? Maria knew she was fighting a losing battle with Liz.
"Well I kinda worked out a deal with my Dad". Liz admitted reluctantly.
"You did what"? She grabbed for her bottle of cedar oil.
"I borrowed the money from my Dad, on the condition that I pay him back in full once I graduate". Liz sighed.
"Breath Maria breath. Deep inhale". She inhaled the calming scent.
"Are you OK then, should I be worrying"? Liz looked suspiciously ahead.
"Only if I overdose from inhaling cedar oil". Maria steadied herself.
"Really Maria, by the time I graduate and find a job, I should be able to pay my Dad back in no time", Liz mused.
"Yeah when your 64", her voice had a sarcastic bite to it.
"Look Maria, I have to get going, I still have to study for tomorrows test" Liz glazed over to her clock.
"I´ll see you tomorrow then, so we can have this out face to face". Maria warned her.
"No Maria we will not be having this conversation again, I´ve made up my mind". Liz said with determination.
"I don´t want to argue with you Liz". Maria grimaced.
"Then please just drop it OK". The tone in her voice was almost at a whisper.
"Ok". Maria agreed.
"Love you".
"I love you too". Maria replied, before hanging her phone up.
Although Maria wanted nothing more than to see her friend won this scholarship, she knew not to push Liz, so readying herself for bed, Maria swore that she wouldn´t confront Liz again.


I thinking for the next part, that I will go a big into the future. Still havent´really decided. Gotta think some more.

Thanks for reading.
read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
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Post by Maia »

Hi all, thanks for the fb sent to me so far! I know Liz is getting a really hard time from all sides apart from Maria. And I know she´s being to noble, much like her character in the series. It will be some time until Max finds out the truth about what Liz has done. So you´s will have to be patient.

LoveIsForever, I didn´t mean to make you laugh, but you wrote a beauty of a challenge. LOL.

Part 4

Unpacking her belongings in her small room, Liz was deep in thought as she hung items of clothing up in the empty wardrobe.
Leading up to now, Liz had worked bent over backwards to reach this point in her life, after withdrawing her application.
It hadn´t been easy keeping her grades up to her normal excellent marks and work and study every free minute she had. But now only a few days from starting her College career at Stanford, Liz knew that all of her hard work had been worth it.

Jeff had agreed to pay for Liz´s tuition as long as she paid him back once she had graduated and found suitable work afterwards, but still there was so much for Liz to pay. Although her college tuition were, ´paid`, for. The price of books and material were more than expensive, and more than what she could afford. Also wanting one luxury, she had worked hours in her Fathers office so she could afford to buy a lap-top computer.
Just so she could get her assignments in on time without having to fight for a chance to use a computer in the library.

Looking at her watch Liz panicked not realising that time had gone by so fast. Checking her appearance one more time in the mirror, she ran a brush through her long tresses until the silkinest of her hair shone, applying some lip gloss with her finger, she grabbed her jacket and hand-bag, then readying herself walked out of the small room, moving quickly down the dorms.

Still needing to earn money while she was studying, Liz had arranged a job interview with a tiny cafe in town. It wouldn´t pay much, but gave Liz enough money to make ends meet.
Although Liz had thought that with help of the scholarship she would be able to devote herself to studying, she had known she had made the right decision for all by withdrawing the application, and as the sun shone through the leaves of the tree lined avenue, Liz felt really proud of herself that despite her parents wealth, she was in fact paying her own way through college.
Although almost an hour to spare before the interview, Liz wanted to take the half hour walk, just to familiarised herself with her surroundings.

Walking for sometime, Liz turned the corner when someone almost bowled her over.
"Argh"! Liz felt herself fall backwards, when strong arms pulled her upwards forcing her to lean into his body.
"I´m sorry". The man said.
Liz inhaled a deep breath, initially to catch her breath back but was overcome by the mans mystic scent.
Her face moved up to meet the strangers face, but was taken back to the owner of the arms that surrounded her.
"Max, Max Evans". She gasped out in surprise.
"Like I said, I´m sorry". Max replied.
Within the drop of a hat he released Liz from his arms, and made a quick exit. Leaving a stunned Liz standing there in the middle of the pavement with her mouth ajar.

"Damnit" Max hissed, once he had enough distance between Liz and himself. "Why her of all people"? Max questioned himself aloud. Max knew he had won the scholarship fair and square because of his adept grades at school, and as he had also known, little Lizzie Parker had ended up getting Daddy to pay for her tuition.
Max cursed the day he ever meet Liz Parker, did she realise how hard she had made his last year at school? Did she have any idea what hell it had been for him not knowing if he would win the scholarship or not?
And now she was here, in the same town as he was, going to the same college as he was going.
Max´s thought became to consume him. Wasn´t it enough to have to grow up in the same town together? Either way Max was going to make sure that he had very little or no contact with Liz Parker. Even if he pretended he didn´t know her.

read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter
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Post by Maia »

Hi everyone, thanks for the fb again.

I know Max is being a real ass, unfortunately he´s going to stay an ass for a greater part of this fic, but he will eventually come around.

Part 5

Sitting with one of his room-mates Max watched as Kyle flirted with one of the girls there.
"Yeah, yeah. So tonight at 6.00 then". Kyle replied to the pretty blond who giggled so childishly at him.
Max leaned his head against his hand, rolling his eyes at Kyles antics, this guy was so full of himself.
"So Bud, take some pointers from me and the girls won´t be able to get enough of you". Kyle slumped into his seat next to Max, nudging him with his elbow.
"Yeah whatever you say Kyle". Max replied turning to stare at the front of the lecture room again.
It was almost 2 weeks into the semester, and Max was as tired as hell. That had more to do with his 2 room-mates who seemed to have nothing better to do with their spare time than to party non-stop.
Glancing to the door of the room, Max noticed Liz slip through the door, her face looked flustered, and as if pre-timed Max caught Liz peer up to him meeting his amber eyes with her own
"Ohhh". Max groaned trying to hide behind his hand. "Why her"?
"Yeah man what´s up with that chick. I tried chatting her up, and asked her out for a date". Kyle waved at Liz who turned abruptly from him, seating herself at a seat in the front row. "Yeah she told me in not so many words to stick my offer where the sun don´t shine".
Max nearly bowled himself over, he may not like Liz at all, but to hear that she had not bowed down to Kyle´s charm.
"I mean she´s so frigid! How could any good American girl pass up a guy like me"? Kyle asked not caring who heard him.
"I don´t know Kyle you tell me"? Max pretended to give a damn.
"Hey I gotta an idea, I might talk to her after our lecture and see if she will go out with me on Friday". Kyle put himself up for the challenge.
"If she will give you the time of day", Max added grinning.
"Hey by the end of the day I´ll have her eating out of my hand". Kyle sat up straight backed in his chair.
"Just as long as she says yes, you don´t invite her back to our flat".
"I´ll just have to make sure we take it back to her place then". Kyle raised his eyebrows up and down suggestively.
"I don´t care where you do it, as long as it´s not within a 2 mile radius of where we live". Max warned Kyle.
"Hey chill would you". But Kyle was interupted as the Lecturer finally ventured into the room pulling papers out of his brief case.
"So ladies and gentlemen I would like to go over the reading I gave you´s in the last lecture....".
"Oh man this is going to be a long hour". Kyle rolled his eyes in disapproval.
"Well maybe if you had of done your reading instead of partying you wouldn´t find it so difficult to understand him". Max shook his head in disbelief. People like Max had to work their asses off trying to get into places like Stanford, whereas people like his room-mates or Liz Parker just needed their parents to write out big checks to be accepted here.

After the lecture had finished as planned Kyle packed his things up quickly, dashing after Liz as she left the room.
"Hey Liz, Liz wait up" Kyle called out to her.
Surprised to hear anyone calling her name, Liz turned to see Kyle Valenti running after her. Wishing she hadn´t looked back, Liz continued walking not wanting to talk to him.
"Hey Liz, what´s the hurry"? Kyle brushed aside the fact that Liz was trying to avoid him.
"I´m a very busy person". Liz kept on walking brushing passed mills of people.
"But not busy enough to maybe go out on a date with me this Friday"? Kyle ran in front of Liz, stepping backwards as she pushed forwards.
"In fact I am too busy to take you up on your offer". Liz halted her step, coming to a standstill.
"For the rest of my life busy". Liz stung Kyle with her eyes. "Now if your excuse me, some of us around here have a life". She then with conviction pushed her way passed Kyle who in turn chuckled to himself.
Max who had been keeping a good distance from Kyle and Liz finally went to his room-mate who was just standing there with a chassy grin on his face.
"So did she say yes"? Max asked curiously.
"No, not yet, but she´ll come around". Kyle watched as Liz´s tiny figure slowly disappeared.
"Hey you hungry"? Kyle then asked.
"Yeah I am actually" Max answered looking at his watch for the time.
"Well my treat then. Michaels over at the cafeteria, lets go see what he´s up too". Kyle suggested.
"Probably up to no good". Max chuckled as they walked down the hallway together.

Finding Michael in the Cafeteria, he was surrounded by a group of girls who were flirting with him.
"That´s my man". Kyle grinned, making Max wonder if Kyle ever stopped grinning.
As the two approached the table, Michael raised his eyes upwards long enough to see both of his room-mates walking in his direction.
They slapped each others hands greeting each other, and Kyle pushed himself into the middle of the group of girls, Michael letting him flirt with a few of the girls.
When they were about to go and get something to eat, Liz walked passed the table with a tray in her hand.
"Hey Liz there´s a spare seat for you over here Baby", he patted his lap invitedly.
Liz didn´t even bother looking in Michaels direction but spit out anyway.
"Owww, she loves me". Michael faned a hand over his heart. Pretending to be deliriously in love with Liz.
Max was only hiding behind his hands again, hoping Liz wouldn´t see him or worse approach him.
"Geez what´s with that chick, she´s so up herself". Michael belted out.
"What she sting you too"? Kyle asked, checking out one of the girls butts as she stood beside him.
"Yip! Me and nearly every guy on campus". Micahel replied, then sipping from his coke watched Liz as she sat down at a empty table.
"I don´t know about you Mikey, but I think we all have to do something about Little Miss Lizzie Parker". Kyle watched her as she ate alone.
"Yeah like what"? Michael asked genuiely interested in whatever Kyle had in mind.
"I´ll tell you later man" then turning to Max who sat slumped in his chair.
"So you in Max"?
"Yeah whatever" Max replied reluctantly.
"Yeah I got an idea that I´m sure all the guys would like to hear". Kyle grinned looking over to Max.


Hope you´s liked that part, until the next post.
Last edited by Maia on Mon Nov 10, 2003 6:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
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Khivars Daughter
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Post by Maia »

Hi all, I know aren´t Michael and Kyle Pigs, some guys???
Thanks again for the fb and now to find out what they have up their sleeves.

Hi Lullaby good to see a new reader. As the story pans out your questions will be answered

Part 6

Walking down the hall-way to his flat Max, could already hear the loud music coming from inside, as he slipped his key into the lock, and opened the door.
"Hey Max my man". He saw a very inebreated Kyle holding some cards in his hand, then look back to the other players at the table.
"Kyle", Max slung his back-pack onto the floor, he wasn´t in the mood for another all-nighter.
"Hey Max why don´t you grab yourself a beer". Michael called out to him. "Whohoo! I win you suckers". He threw his cards onto the table, showing his cards. The other guys at the table were cursing as Michael swept the money towards himself.
"You in for a hand"? Kyle asked Max when he neared the table indeed with a beer in hand.
"No way, not with the money you guys bet with, I couldn´t earn that kinda money in a year". Max leaned his hand against the back of Kyles chair, watching as the game went on.
"Never mind that Max, actually we have been waiting for you to get home". Kyle said as the room went into wild chaos and the other dozen guys who were there began yelling in a frenzy.
Once the room quietened down Max looked apprehensively around the room at the faces. All of the guys were either drunk or nearly on there way to passing out, "I wasn´t expecting this kinda reception when I came home". Max passed a nervous smile, took a sip of his ale.
"Well Max we all got talking her while you were gone" Michael said not taking his eyes off of his cards.
"And we were all wondering if you would like to take a trip to Mexico for a week all expenses paid". Kyle turned to him winking his eyes.
"Hell why the big surprise"? Max´s eyes googled out of his face.
"Well the big surprise comes at a price", Kyle added.
"What price"? Max went to lean against the counter that seperated the kitchen from the lounge.
"All you have to do is to get Liz Parker to put out". Michael replied licking his lips with his tongue as he eyed Max.
"Liz Parker, why the hell does it have to be her"? Max slammed his beer on the counter.
"Because see each and every guy in this room" Michael said.
"Yeah what about it"? He bought his hand through his dark hair.
"We have all been turned down by the lovely Miss Lizzie Parker, and while some of us in this room are betting she´s a lesbian, I think she´s just virginal material. And to prove those who tend to think differently than I do, I and a few others are willing to pay you an all expenses paid trip to Mexico to find out the truth about her". Michael now had his arms across his chest. "So will you take up the bet"?
"I don´t understand why it has to be me to find out if she´s a virgin or not". Max said, taking a sip from his can.
"You my friend are the only person we know who hasn´t tried asking her out and besides I´ve seen the way she looks at you". A smirk covered Michaels face.
"Yeah right Dreamer". The guys started to hackle Michael.
"Whatever you´s think, like I said. My money riding that she´s a virgin". Michael said standing from his chair. "Max all of us have tried breaking this girl but she´s a tough one. But don´t think I didn´t miss the first day of lectures when she came up to talk to you". Michael walked over to Max who was still leaning against the counter.
"I even noticed she knew your name, but you ignored her like you didn´t even know her". Max´s thoughts went back to that first day. Remembering quite clearly that particular incident and how when Liz came up to talk to him, he brushed her off as if she were a stranger.
"Is there something you should be telling us about you and Miss Lizzie Parker"? Kyle turned to ask him.
"No nothing at all". Max reddened at all the attention the guys were giving him.
"So will you do it"? Michael asked him again.
Circling his neck, Max stuffed his hands in his cargo pant pockets. Max thought about how little in common he had with the guys in this room. They all came from incredibly wealthy families, something that Max didn´t. A chance to go on a all expenses paid trip to Mexico-he would never get another opportunity like this ever again.
But also not to ruin the atmosphere in the room, Max nodded his head.
"I´ll do it". He finally answered.
"OK gentlemen the bets are on". Kyle began writing a list of guys willing to bet on the deal.
"Max your going to love the chicks in Mexico, they´re hot man". Michael patted him again on the back, and Max watched as the other guys began celebrating at his announement.
"Drink up Bud", Michael held his can out to Max, who with his own can clang it against the other can.
After about 10 minutes Kyle came over to them. "We´re make a killing here Mikey if we win" Kyle grinned at them. "Max your our only hope, don´t let us down, there´s alot at stake for all of us".


So the game begins. Tell me what you´s thought about the last part.
Last edited by Maia on Tue Nov 11, 2003 10:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
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Post by Maia »

Hi everyone, yes I know Max is an ass, he will be for most of this fic unfortunately.

Lullaby, I haven´t meet an Mexican girls before, only from TV etc JLO, and Salma Hayek, that´s why I wrote that.

Thanks again for the fb!!!


Part 7

Max stared at Liz as she studied in the library. He knew where she sat everyday, in the same position she was in now, with her head leaning against her hand, her elbow propped up on the table.
She wrote furiously, the paused to thumb through one of her text books, then catching something in the corner of her eyes, she tilted her head upwards seeing Max Evans staring at her.
Liz was unsure if she should be friendly to him and smile, but deciding it would be a waste of time, scanned the page of the book carefully looking for the information she needed.
Something caught itself in Max´s throat, normally he would have tried to avoid the table Liz always sat at, rather he would weaved himself inconspiciously between the shelves of book until he could find a secluded corner undetected from Liz.
Digging his hand deeper into his pocket, Max thought back to the bet-then stepping forward reluctantly he approached the table Liz sat at.
Shoving his pack on top of the table, Liz kept her head down pretending she was still reading.
"Ummm, do you mind if I sit here"? Max asked her wincing his face.
"It´s a free country". Liz responded keeping her eyes glued to the page.
Agitated, Max sat at the free chair and proceeded to pull her books and stationary out of his pack.
Not understanding why Max all of a sudden wanted to sit next to her, Liz bit on his bottom lip nervously, confused about the whole situation. She glanced over to him, to see what he was doing, but when he sneaked a peek over at her she diligently went back to writing.

As time passed neither of them had spoken a word to each other, and although it looked like Max was studying he had in fact been figuring out what to say to Liz-it was a difficult task, it´s not like he had ever treated her well anyway.
Frustrated at how to start a conversation with Liz, he leaned against his chair, then screwed up a piece of paper throwing it without taking any notice in with direction the ball of paper landed.

"Ouch", Liz shrieked when the ball hit her forehead.
"If you want to practise your pitching try an open field", she glared at Max.
"Shit I didn´t mean to hit you Liz, I´m really sorry". Max said noticing how Liz rubbed away at her forehead.
"Well be careful would you". She frowned at him.
Taking the chance to open a dialogue between the two, Max shyed his head regrettable. "I´m really sorry, it´s just that this assignments starting wear me down a bit. I was thinking I might need a break for awhile". Max fumbled with his fingers. "Liz do you want to join me for a coffee"? Max asked in a flat bass tone, but nevertheless managing a friendly smile.
Stunned from Max´s invitation, Liz´s realised too, that she may need a break. "Yeah why not"? She smiled nervously, realising that Max had talked to her more in the last 3 minutes that he had her whole life.
Still wary that he didn´t want to seem to over-anxious about her agreeing, Max nonchantly stood up. Packing his things together in his pack.
"So are you ready then"? Max watched as she put her jacket on.
"Almost". Liz straightened her clothes out, hooking her pack over her shoulders.
"Then lets go". His eyes began to prick in the back of his head from all the sudden smiling.

Walking through to the hallway, Max turned to Liz.
"So Liz how are you liking Stanford"?
"Well I´m really busy you know, and it gets kinda lonely here sometimes but yeah it´s what I´ve always wanted, so you can say I´m happy about how everythings worked out". Liz reached her hands up to the straps of her pack, tugging nervously.
"Yeah I know what you mean, with all the studying, it can be a real work-load sometimes". Max agreed with her.
"So how are you fitting in around here? It´s alot different from Roswell".
"Oh OK I guess". Liz answered him. "But I haven´t made very many friends around here, but then I didn´t come here to socialise".

Thats probably because your a stuck-up cow Max thought to himself.
Then asked. "So what about Maria? Do you still hear from her"?

"Yeah Maria calls me at least once a week". Liz smiled. "Or I ring her up".
"So what is Maria up too"? Max asked not knowing what else to say to her.
"Oh Maria´s enrolled in a sing/dance academy in LA, she´s loving it".
"You must really miss her though"? Max asked remembered how the two girls were practically joined at the hip back home.
"Yeah I do miss her alot, but she´s happy doing what she´s doing, and so am I. We´re really close, so it´s not like we´re going to give up on friendship despite the distance".
"Next time you talk to her then, say hi to her from me". Max held the door open for Liz to walk through.
"I will". Liz smiled again enjoying the conversation she was having so far with Max.
As she walked through the door, Max looked at the back of her before following her, wondering how long he would have to keep this act up.

Stepping into the cafeteria, Max noticed Michael, Kyle and a few of the other guys who were on with the bet, sitting at the table.
Liz noticed them too, they were grinning at both her and Max, and Kyle waved at them both.
"Look Max, I can see your friends over there at that table, if you don´t mind I think I´ll pass you up on that coffee". She went to exit the cafe again.
"No, don´t leave". Max grabbed onto her arm. "We don´t have to sit with them if you don´t want to". He released her. "Why don´t you find us another table and we can sit by ourselves, I´ll go get us our coffees". Max sounded even convincing to himself.
"If you insist". Liz responded warily.
"I do insist actually. Hey how do you take your coffee"? Max then asked.
"White, 2 sugars". Liz replied.
"I won´t be a minute".
As Liz went in search for a table as far away from the other guys, Max went up to the counter ordering 2 coffees, when someone nudged him in the side.
"Hey Bud looks like everythings going to plan". Kyle smirked at him.
"Just don´t bother us". Max nodded at the girl serving him. "I´ll keep my side of the deal, but let me just work on her by myself". Max placed the ready coffees on a tray.
"Will do Max". Kyle then paid for his drink. "Just don´t disappoint". Kyle said to him as Max went to walk away.
"I won´t". He answered before going to look for Liz.


I know, Jerks, Jerks, Jerks, Jerks, Jerks. Some guys need to grow up!
read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
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Khivars Daughter
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Post by Maia »

Hi everyone, thanks again for the fb!!

I really love Max´s as a character in general but in this fic having him being such a (&()&$(/& was a good writing challenge for me, and I couldn´t pass the opportunity up.

Take care all


Part 8

"Max, I´ve seen you everyday for the last three days sitting drinking coffee with Lizzie Parker". Kyle said to Max as he prepared a cup of coffee in the kitchen.
"Yeah what about it"? Max spooned some cornflakes into his mouth.
"If your going to bag her, you have to do more than ask the girl to join you for a coffee". Kyle stirred the sugar in his drink.
"What are you saying"? Max asked.
"I´m saying by the time you get Liz Parker in bed we´ll be all geriactric". Kyle joined Max at the kitchen counter.
"It´s simple Max-if you want in, take her out somewhere nice! I can even spring the cash for her". Kyle began planning the next attack strategy.
"Knowing Liz Parker, she would be an easy one to bag. Maybe 7 or 8 times max. And she´s all yours".
"Watcha´s talking about". Michael scratched through his uphevelled hair.
"Bagging Lizzie Parker". Kyle told him, clinging onto his warm cup.
"Wine and dine her, or take her to the movies. Under that hard exterior, she´s the corny type". Michael took a bowl out of the cupboard. "Where´s the damned spoons around here". He mumbled to himself.
Max stared at Kyle and Michael. "So both of you´s were able to analyse all of that from Liz then". Max poured some more flakes into his bowl.
"Max observing girls in an art for me". Kyle leaned against the counter, sipping from his coffee.
"Max what did you do when you were in high-school"? Michael glared at him in astonishment.
"I studied most of the time". Max admitted, getting up from his stool, hoping this topic would end soon.
"And your got your money riding on this guy". Michael rolled his eyes at Kyle.
"So have you". Kyle stood there becoming hyponised in the liquid in his cup.
"Well it´s a good thing we´re giving him pointers then". He patted Max on his shoulder.
"Yeah the way you´s two treat woman, I know I´m going to learn alot from you´s". Max added sarcastically, putting his dishes on the stack of unwashed dishes that already lay on the bench.
"Look I gotta hurry or I´m going to be late for my first lecture". Max checked the time on the clock. "See you´s later then". He shouldered his pack on his back.
"Yeah later man". Both Michael and Kyle rung out.
When Max left the apartment, Michael turned to Kyle taking a seat at the stool. "I gotta alot of money riding on that guy". Michael mumbled.
"Me too. That´s why we have to help him out as much as we can". Kyle looked over to Michael.
"I already figured that out". Michael then poured some milk onto his cereal.

Sitting in the cafe with Liz again, Max was gearing himself up to ask her out. During the last couple of days, Max had been keeping the conversations safe, talking mainly about their studies or people and things they knew back in Roswell.
Max had tuned out on Liz ages ago, not really interested in the things Liz liked. Then knowing he had to make his move soon, listened to her voice again rambling about something.
"Excuse me what did you say"? Max snapped himself out of his thought.
"I was saying that the last reading we had in English 103, was really interesting, I didn´t know Chaucers works could be so...so enthralling". Liz moved her hands eloquently in the air.
"Hey Liz...I hate to change the subject and everything but I was wanting to ask you something". Max lowered his voice somewhat.
"What did you want Max"? Liz drew herself up in her seat.
"It´s just the time that we´re been spending together the last couple of days has been really good for me....and I would like to get to know better". Max fisted his hands together, rested on his lap.
"Oh really". Liz replied taken back from Max´s sudden revelation.
"Yeah, that´s why I was wondering if your´d like to go out on a date with me on Saturday"? He spat out exasperated.
Blushing slightly Liz hadn´t been expecting anything more from Max than just there daily coffee-breaks they shared together-although she had dreamed of having much more.
"That´s if your free". Max smiled at her sweetly.
"Well I just have to check if I´m scheduled to work that evening". Liz bit her lip nervously.
"You work"? Max asked totally surprised by her admission.
"Yeah I work at a little cafe down-town, I do some waitressing there.". Liz could tell Max was taken by surprise.
"Since when have you ever worked"? Max couldn´t believe that this little rich even lifted her own cup.
"I´ve been working practically since the first day I got here". She fumbled with cup in her hand. "But if I´m working that evening, maybe I could swop my shifts with one of the other girls". She continued.
Shocked that Liz even worked let alone had a job, and curiously he wondered if there was more to this girl than he thought.


That´s me for today on this fic, hope you´s enjoyed it.

Last edited by Maia on Thu Nov 13, 2003 7:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Love In An Elevator
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Post by Maia »

Hi everyone things could be on the up and up for Liz, I know I´m being somewhat cryptic, and for those who know the challenge you´s do have an idea where this is going to.

Thanks again for the wonderful fb!

Liz when are you posting another part? Hint, hint.

Eternal Dreamer, wow what an awesome complete, glad your´ve joined reading this fic.

I have an hour up my sleeve, so onto the next post.


Part 9

Confused about Liz´s admission that she worked, Max was deep in thought as he crossed the street that lead to where he lived. He had no idea why a person like Liz Parker would need to work to earn her money. He knew that the Parkers were the richest family in Roswell, hell everybody from there knew it. But Max wasn´t sure how to take that piece of information as he let himself into the building. Rounding he corridor to his apartment door, Max began to think that maybe he had been to judgemental when it came to her, then unlocking the door he dropped his pack on the floor, once he was inside.

"Hey Bud, was wondering when you´d get home"? Kyle sipped his brew from the can.
"What´s up with you"? Michael glanced at him briefly before gluing his eyes back to the TV screen. "Looks like your´ve got heaps on the mind".
"Oh it´s just that Liz Parker told me something today, and it had me thinking". Max joined them at the couch, plonking his feet on the table.
"Yeah what did she have to say"? Kyle asked his eyes entranced on the game on television.
"It´s just that she told me she´s got a job". Max said looking ahead into the screen.
"So what´s so strange about that"? Michael asked, popping some chips into his mouth.
"She works in a cafe as a waitress".
"Your kidding"? Michael and Kyle said at the same time staring at each other.
"No I´m not. But what I don´t understand is why someone whose parents are as rich as hers would ever have to work as a waitress". Max said in disbelief.
"Maybe her Dad was a Harvard graduate and when he found out she was going to Stanford told her he wouldn´t support her". Kyle laughed cynically.
"Whatever". Max rolled his eyes at Kyle.
"So what, she´s got a job. I used to work". Michael admitted.
"Michael, I don´t think jet-setting all over America accompanying your Dad on his business trips counts as a job". Kyle raised his eyebrow skeptically at Michael.
"It was hard work getting up in the mornings. Do you know how early my Dad gets up". He drank from his beer, burping afterwards.
"Your Dad owns the cooperation, all you have to do is smile and shake hands all day".
"So". Michael said.
"Hey guys I think we´re getting off the point here a bit". Max stood up, crossing his arms across his chest.
"Max don´t get caught in the trap"? Kyle said still with his eyes focused on the screen.
"What trap"? He asked wondering what the hell was Kyle on about.
"Don´t get caught up in the personal affairs of a woman, because if you do, it´s all downhill from there". He added.
"Yeah Max, Kyles right! Remember this is just a bet. So no personal commitments, no personal baggage afterwards". Michael looked up to him.
"I suppose you´s are both right". Max agreed nonchantly with them.
"Hey who´s winning anyway"? Max scouted back onto the couch, not thinking twice about Liz again that evening.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Meanwhile a few blocks away.

"Liz, I know your´ve always had the hots for Max, but personally I don´t trust him". Maria lay back on her bed, listening intently to the strange news that Liz was going out on a date with Max.

"Maria, can´t you just accept that Max and I are finally getting along now"? Liz sighed thinking it wasn´t such a good idea to have told Maria about the new developments with Max.

"Chica, can´t you remember the way he used to treat you back in Roswell. He didn´t give a rats ass about you, so why the sudden interest"?

"Look what happened back in Roswell between Max and I is in the past"! Liz said adamantly, figeting with phone in her hand. She knew that Maria wouldn´t even give Max Evans the time of day, but Liz had to convince otherwise. "Why can´t you just leave it"?

"How can you be so forgiving? God you make me so mad sometimes". Maria sat up on the edge of her bed. "Or have you forgotten that Max is now living off of the scholarship that you would have won. Does he finally know about that"? Maria said, she wasn´t going to sit there and let things slide so easily like what Liz was doing.

"No he doesn´t know Maria". Liz bit down on her bottom lip. "I mean that was my decision to do in the end, and there´s no reason for Max to ever find out". Liz run her fingers through her soft hair.

"Look Liz, I´m sorry if I´m getting on your back, but I´m only doing it because I care about you and I don´t want you getting hurt". Maria said, she knew Liz all to well, and although somethings Liz could be so damn-Liz, that was one of the reasons she loved her so much.

"Ria, I know you care about me, but Max and I aren´t in Roswell anymore, and I just see this whole sitution as a learning process for both of us. Who´s knows where this could end up"? Liz relaxed as the conversation balanced itself again.

"Just don´t go into his blind! Make sure that your´ve got all your bases covered before you do something you might regret later". Maria warned her wisely.

"I will promise". Liz grinned into the phone, taking her Aunt Gertrude advice willingly.

"So he really asked you out, didn´t he"! She crocked an eyebrow, perking her interests up.

"Yeah he did Maria"?

"Were there any strings attached? Like big bank loan from Daddy? Or nights of unbridled sex"? Maria asked knowing Liz would be sqirming in her seat from the sudden direction of her questioning.

"Maria"! Liz said aghast. "We haven´t even gone out on our first date yet". Liz blushed embarassingly.

"OK that´s question 1 and 2 out of the way". Maria back-checked the set of questions she had in her head.

"Maria, your´ve got a list"! Liz giggled, swatting her forehead with the palm of her hand.

"Liz this is me your talking too. You should know me by now". Maria shrugged her shoulders naturally. "And don´t dress to kill. I´m still dubious about what Max really wants from you, and you don´t need to be looking like some sex-up little kitten who´s just asking for it. Go for the elegant, not on the first date kinda dress-code". Maria suggested.

"And this is coming from the person who wore red tight pants with a tiny halter top to graduation right". Liz laughed easily.

"But I pulled that outfit off perfectly, besides I´m not the one going out on a date with Max Evans".

"OK. OK. So it´s black knee-length skirt, black boots, and a red turtle neck then". Liz said at the top of her head.

"Perfect"! Maria answered. "The red turtle neck with the short sleeves".

"Gotcha, hey I gotta go now". Liz looked out of her window, seeing the streets were dark and deserted.

"Call me on Sunday morning and fill me in on the details". Maria said grinning.

"Will do". Liz answered.

"Night Chica".

"Night Ria".

Then after she hung the phone up, she sat down at her lap-top studying for a few hours more, before finally retiring for bed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Walking into the library, Liz walked towards the table where she knew Max would be awaiting her. She had just finished her morning lecture, and seeing as Max had none that morning said that he would wait for her there. Seeing him busy writting away Liz put her pack on the table.

"Hey you been waiting long". Liz whispered to him, unpacking her things.
"No really, I slept in this morning and only got here about half an hour ago". He looked up to her, dropping his pen to the surface below.
"So can you get off tomorrow evening or not"? He asked.

"Sshhhh". Chorused a sound from some other students sitting nearby, causing both Liz and Max to quickly glance in that direction.

"Liz", he said in a hushed tone. "Are we on for tomorrow evening"? Max even managed to smile playing his role perfectly.

"Yeah, we are". Liz replied not noticing the insincerity in the under-tones of his voice.

"Good then, because I´m really looking forward to it". Max forced himself not to roll his eyes in the back of his head.

She finally settled herself down, taking a seat. "Me too Max". She whispered back at him.

"I´ll pick you up about 7.00pm then, just write your address down". Max pushed his pad to Liz, and she did so in the corner of the page.

"7.00 then". Max took the pad from her, reading the address written there. "Oh damn"! Max said looking at his watch. "I´m running so late today. I said I would meet Kyle in another 20 minutes". He began packing his things together.

Liz tried to keep a straight face not wanting to show how disappointed she was that he was leaving.

"Sorry about this Liz, but it completely slipped my mind yesterday". He said slinging his pack over his shoulder.

"That´s OK". Liz said understandable.

"So I´ll see you tomorrow then. I´ve got lectures the whole afternoon".

"Yeah I´ll see you then". Liz smiled at him.

Then knocking his knuckles on the table, he mouthed out. "Bye". Then quickly made his way out of there. Like Kyle and Michael had told him last night, no commitments, no personal baggage afterwards. Max thought as he walked down the hallway.


That´s me for today, hope you´s liked that part, or maybe not, but tell me what you´s thought anyway.

read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter
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Post by Maia »

Hi everyone, I wasn´t going to post tonight because it´s really late where I am, but hey change a mind.

Thanks again everyone for the fb, this is just a short part but I will post again tomorrow.

Take care all


Post 10a

Knocking on the door to Liz´s apartment, inspecting the bouquet of roses in his hand.
"Nice touch Kyle". He whispered under his breath, and as the door opened he hid them behind his back.
"Hey Max". She greeted him with a dazzling smile.
Max raised his eyebrow upwards thinking that if she wasn´t Liz Parker he would think she looked quite beautiful.

"Liz, you look great". His smile not really reaching the back of his amber eyes. "Oh here, these are for you". Max held the roses outstretched with his arm.

"They´re beautiful Max". Liz took the roses from his hand. "Thanks". She bought the roses to her nose, inhaling there sweet scent, then lifting her eyes upwards again she remembered that Max was still standing on her doorstep.

"Oh sorry Max, come in and take a seat". She gestured him inside.
Smiling as he entered the tiny apartment, Max was surprised at the how humble Liz´s home looked. "This is a nice place". Max did the quick scan over, noticing that there were not the usually amount of ornaments or plants that he imagined every female adorned the rooms with.

"It´s not much, but it´s home". Liz went into the kitchenette, and taking a cup from the cupboard, filled it half-way up with water. "The places around here are so expensive, this is all I could afford. She added sugar to the water, then began splitting the stems expertly.

Liz was just full of surprises, Max hadn´t expected that she would be supporting herself. But then his mind went back to what Kyle had said to him before he left on the date. "Don´t get emotionally involved, it´s just a bet". Max repeated the words in his mind like a mantra. But out of curiousity asked. "But I thought your Dad could afford to support you".

"Oh he can". Liz cut the stems shorter then sliced the thorns off from the roses. "But from a really young age I was taught that I should learn to pay my own way". She smiled gracefully.

Max controlled his eyes from not rolling in the back of his head hearing Liz´s last comment. How moralistic he thought. But before he could say anything, Liz then said. "These roses will definately brighten this room up a bit". Then arranging them to sit in the cut properly, she placed the cup in the middle of the kitchen counter, then proceeded in desposing the rubbish.

"Glad you like them". Max said and then his mind began to wonder, thinking whether or not Liz meant by her supporting herself financially whether that included the scholarship they had both applied for.
With his curiosity begging to know the truth, Max thought that one way or another he would find out.

"I suppose we can get going now". Liz walked passed him, getting her jacket down from a hook.

"Here, let me help you with that". Max helped her put her jacket on. Liz could not see his sullen expression as she turned her back on him.


The screen is getting harder to see with each minute that pasts, I know it was a teaser, but tomorrow will be about the actually date.

Last edited by Maia on Sun Nov 16, 2003 6:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter