Stay The Same (CC, A/I, TEEN, 1/1) [COMPLETE]

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Stay The Same (CC, A/I, TEEN, 1/1) [COMPLETE]

Post by Biged »

Title: Stay The Same
Author: Biged
Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.
Category: A/I
Rating: TEEN
Summary: A nice fluffy Valentine story that takes off from the events in my fic Broken.
Author's Note: The song used for this is 'Stay The Same' by Joey Mcintyre.


Looking in the mirror she put her earrings on and she smiled as she thought about the date she was going on tonight with Alex. The past few months had been great and Isabel enjoyed every second of it. The numerous other boys she had casually dated could never compare to Alex. He was the perfect boyfriend. Isabel spent countless hours dissecting her decisions when they pertained to him. The biggest mystery to her was Grant, the rough geologist who held no special qualities that could be seen. She couldn’t wrap her mind around why she even agreed to go out with him in the first place on her birthday none the less.

Her thoughts turned to the night when she finally realized her true feelings for Alex.

Vibrant images of him on stage singing overtook her mind as she played them over and over. A smile formed on her soft features and anyone stumbling across her would surely think her mad as she stood there with a goofy grin. That night proved to be one of the greatest nights of her life.

During the past weeks life had become far more complicated for their tight knit group. Nothing was ever simple when Aliens were involved as insane notions of royalty and war clouded their lives. Still they grew closer to knowing more of themselves and their people. No matter how difficult things became however they stuck together and survived despite the dilemmas they faced. A certain dilemma was one that had existed for as long as any of the teens could remember, Max and Liz. Wherever they met tension would rise and neither teen would look the other in the eye. The distance between the two perplexed Isabel as she thought that out of everybody they would be the most likely to be together after her and Alex of course. Maria and Michael were their usual exuberant selves fighting over the most trivial things, but maintaining a great relationship even after the whole Courtney incident. They had their ups and downs, but everything seems to be on the track with them finally. They weren’t the only ones that had been growing close, Kyle and Tess had been growing closer together steadily. ‘Hopefully Kyle will be the one to get Tess to forget about her self indulgent fantasies of past life romance and extravagant homecomings,’ she mused to herself. The ridiculous notion of ‘destiny’ has been long since forgotten by the rest, more or less.

Coming out her musings she gazed back into the mirror and was stunned by what she saw. The red dress clung to her curves showing off her hour glass figure, but what shocked her was the fact that she unconsciously revised her dress so that she looked exactly like she did in Alex’s dream so long ago. She smiled and nodded approvingly, ‘Alex is definitely going like what he sees.’

A deep voice echoed down the hall into her room jerking her out of her self appraisal. “Isabel! Alex is here!”

She looked herself over once more and made her way to the main room gliding elegantly down the hallway. Her eyes fell upon him standing there in a dark tuxedo holding a single sterling rose in his hand. Her heart fluttered at the sight of him a feeling she was learning to love.

Alex watched her walk towards him with shock written on his face. ‘She looks so….so beautiful.’ He stepped forward to greet her and handed her the rose. Leaning forward he kissed her lightly on the lips. “Isabel, you look beautiful like something out of a dream.” She blushed at his compliment and smiled knowingly at him.

“Like a dream,” Isabel teased and giggled at his shocked look. Moving closer to him she whispered huskily in his ear, “Only for your dreams. Only for you.” A discrete cough broke them from their flirting.

The two looked to see Philip Evans looking at Alex as if he was making about with his greatest treasure. “Remember to have her back by eleven,” he started to say but was interrupted by an elbow into his ribs. He looked at his wife and sighed in defeat, “Fine have her back by midnight.”

Isabel walked over to her father and hugged him tightly, “thank you daddy.” Turning her eyes to her mom she winked at her. Moving out of her father’s embrace she walked back over to Alex who gently took her hand and after saying goodbye the two walked out of the door. He led to her to the car and opened the passenger side door for her then ran over to the driver side. Getting in he buckled up his seat belt but didn’t turn the ignition on. “Well are we going to go anywhere,” she leaned into him pressing her upper body to his. “Or are we going to stay park her? Wouldn’t it be better if we did this in a more secluded are,” her voice was serious and left no room for doubt that she indeed would have been happy to do that.

He swallowed nervously, “Maybe later. I have plans for you.” He winked at her and turned the car on and started down the street. As he came to a stop sign and a thought occurred to him. He reached past Isabel and opened the glove compartment taking out a silk cloth. “Do you trust me,” he asked as he held up the cloth for her to see. Isabel nodded in the affirmative and Alex placed the cloth over her eyes and tied it around her head making sure not to bother her hair.

Isabel sat blind as Alex continued to drive her around. She never really liked surprises except when it came to Alex. Everything he gave her was always special and held meaning to her. It all dated back to elementary school when she had received a valentine card from a ‘secret admirer’ even though she knew it was from him. She never paid much attention to him until sophomore year and her life was better with him in it she decided.

They had been driving for nearly ten minutes when Isabel who had been growing more and more anxious with each passing minute asked, “Alex, are we almost there?”

He glanced over at the blindfolded beauty and smiled. “Almost there don’t worry,” he trailed off as he slowed down the car. Isabel felt the car come to a stop and sat straight up in her seat waiting for Alex to tell her what to do next. She heard the driver side door open and then felt the shift of the car as Alex exited the vehicle. She jumped at the sound of the door closing and turned her head slightly so that she was facing the window on her door. The cool breeze hit her bare skin as her door was opened causing her to shiver slightly. ‘Maybe I should have brought a jacket,’ she thought to herself while being helped out of the car by Alex. As she felt him untie the blindfold she closed her eyes to adjust to the fact that nothing was black out.

Isabel looked around shock on her soft features. They were standing in front of Alex’s house. She turned to Alex with confusion on her face but he only smiled at her and took her hand leading her into the house. Her mind raced with different scenarios as they walked through the dark house. Her nerves grew and breathing quickened as her mind filled with not so clean thoughts. He turned to the kitchen which only served to confuse her. “We’re not going to your room,” she asked slightly confused and disappointed.

He noticed but continued to walk. Finally they stopped in front of the door that led into the backyard. Turning his head he smiled at her as he opened the door and walked out. She followed him and stopped in amazement. The yard was decorated with soft glowing white Christmas lights that had been woven together several feet off the floor which had the effect of a field of stars. Underneath the lights was a table that was covered with white linen and two long candles lit in the center of the table. The rest of the table was covered by smaller white candles that were lined up to resemble a heart which had the result of creating a romantic glow but not overly bright. Soft music could be heard playing and a hint of strawberry filled the air.

“How did you do this,” she asked with love in her voice as she took in everything around her.

“I got to be honest and say I didn’t do it all by myself. Maria and Liz helped me out.” He turned to her and offered his arm to her, “Milady.”

She smiled and took his arm, “thank you kind sir.” They walked to the table and Alex pulled out the chair for her. “Thank you.”

“I will be right back,” he took her hand and gave it a light kiss. Isabel looked around as she waited for Alex to return. Everything around her made her smile and she couldn’t think of a better way to spend Valentines Day except maybe something in his room. The thought of being with him in his room alone made her blush but she didn’t push it away. A low rattling noise caught her attention and she turned around to find Alex pushing a cart.

“Dinner is served,” he said as he stopped the cart beside the table. He pulled off the lids with a flourish and Isabel laughed out loud.

“We’re eating food from the Crashdown,” she laughed as he took the food out of the bags as he hadn’t bothered to hide where the food came from

“Hey its good food,” he said breezily as he took his seat across from Isabel.

“What’s for dessert…snickers,” she joked as she took a bite out of her hamburger which was already prepared for her.

Alex reached under the cart and pulled out a bottle of cherry coke and orange soda. “What would the lady prefer,” he asked as he held them out for her like a waiter.

Isabel looked at both and did her best to appear as if she was thinking her choice through seriously. “I will take the cherry coke please,” she said with a smile.

“Excellent choice,” he told her as he poured a glass for her and then one for himself. Reaching under the cart again he brought a bottle of Tabasco. She thanked him and poured some in her drink.

“I don’t think I will ever get used to that,” he laughed as he watched her take a sip of her tainted soda.

“Well, you don’t know what you’re missing,” she teased him. They continued their meal while chattering back and forth about several subjects. They finished their meals and Alex went back inside to get the dessert. Isabel turned to her thoughts to keep her company. ‘Alex really did go through a lot of trouble. I might have to return the favor somehow.’ Once again her thoughts turned dirty and she found herself smiling at the possibilities of firsts that she would share with Alex in the coming months. She didn’t notice Alex return as she was deep in thought. He walked up to her and noticed the vacant look on her face. He placed the cake he was carrying down on the cart and leaned foreword and kissed her softly on the lips startling Isabel.

“What’s on our mind,” he asked as he sat down once again and served the cake.

“Nothing,” she blushed again as he watched her. He always knew when she wasn’t being one hundred percent truthful a trait she was learning to deal with the more time she spent with him.

He glanced at her with a look that clearly said “Yea right!” but he decided to drop the subject and concentrate on more important issues, namely Isabel. He served the cake to her and they enjoyed their dessert in relative silence.

Isabel placed her fork on her plate and smiled at Alex. “A lot better then a Snickers,” she said as she watched him finish off his cake. “So anything else planned,” she asked as she watched the lights over her head twinkle.

“Well there is one last thing,” he stood and walked over to a small table to the right. He bent down and messed with something that Isabel could not see. A few seconds later music poured out all around Isabel. He turned back around to her and smiled. “Surround sound, accept no substitute.” He walked over to her and held out his hand. “May I have this dance?”

“Yes you may.” She stood and was spun into his arms wrapping her arms around his neck and they danced slowly as the song played softly..

<center>‘Don't you ever wish you were someone else,

You were meant to be the way you are exactly.

Don't you ever say you don't like the way you are.

When you learn to love yourself, you’re better off by far.

And I hope you always stay the same.

‘Cause there’s nothin’ 'bout you I would change.’ </center>

Isabel laid her head on Alex’s shoulder as they swayed together, and she basked in his being and essence. She inhaled his sent and molded further into him.

<center>‘I think that you could be whatever you wanted to be

If you could realize, all the dreams you have inside.

Don't be afraid if you've got something to say,

Just open up your heart and let it show you the way.’ </center>

He ran his hands gently through her golden silky hair cherishing the feeling. He had the girl of his dreams in his arms swaying with him to the music and he was defiantly in heaven.

<center>‘Don't you ever wish you were someone else,

You were meant to be the way you are exactly.

Don't you ever say you don't like the way you are.

When you learn to love yourself, you’re better off by far.

And I hope you always stay the same

‘Cause there’s nothing’ 'bout you I would change.’ </center>

They were so lost in each other and soon their surroundings faded out as the music continued to flow softly around them.

<center>‘Believe in yourself. Reach down inside.

The love you find will set you free.

Believe in yourself, you will come alive.

Have faith in what you do.

You'll make it through.’ </center>

Alex pressed his lips softly to hers treating them as though they were fragile and rare. He licked them wetting them as he continued to massage her lips with his.

<center>‘Don't you ever wish you were someone else,

You were meant to be the way you are exactly.

Don't you ever say you don't like the way you are.

When you learn to love yourself, you’re better off by far.

And I hope you always stay the same.

‘Cause there’s nothing’ 'bout you I

Would change.’ </center>

“I love you Isabel Evans. Happy Valentines Day,” he whispered softly as the kiss broke. “I love you Alexander Whitman. Now shall we continue this in your room,” she asked softly as she gazed into his eyes. This was definitely a good date.

<center>‘No there’s nothin’ ‘bout you I would change.

Don’t change’</center>
Last edited by Biged on Mon Feb 14, 2005 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.