Forget Me Never (AU,CC,TEEN) Ch 6 - 3/18/05 [WIP]

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Forget Me Never (AU,CC,TEEN) Ch 6 - 3/18/05 [WIP]

Post by liz_maria »

“Forget Me Never”

Author: liz_maria
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything that has to do with the show’s creators, cast & crew, bookmakers and etc…
Pairing: [maybe] no pairing [yet]…It’s centered on Liz, but the rest of the C/C members are in it. And so is Max.
Rating: [about] TEEN

Summary: Hmm… I’m not sure about this one.
Liz Parker is about to find out about some things that she might have missed
earlier in her life.

A/N: This used to be a holiday story, but is now a year-round story.

December 23, San Francisco

Liz Parker stared at the Christmas tree that was decorated in her living room. It was beautiful. And it had taken her all afternoon just to set it up. She knew it was so late, to just start setting up the tree, but she only recently, had the time off from work.

And this was how Elizabeth Anne Parker’s life was. She was twenty-three, working, and had so little time for those little details. But now, she was free, -even for just about two weeks.

She looked at the tree again, and felt a sudden loneliness. Christmas eve was happening the next day. And she was there, alone in her apartment. Suddenly, it felt so unbearably melancholic to Liz that she just had to move away from the tree and grab her coat from the back of a chair. She knew exactly whom she wanted to be with on Christmas. And that person was Sean Valenti, her boyfriend for a year. She made a little call, telling him that she’s be right over.

Liz hurried out into the street and looked at her car. It was ready and waiting, and she had the car keys in her hand. She thought for a while, and then stuffed the keys back into her pocket. She saw how pretty the weather was at this time of year. Even if the sun was setting, the snow glimmered a lovely pink and orange color. This was when Liz knew that the only way to go was to walk to Sean’s house, which was only a couple of blocks away.

She started her walk then, and smiled at how the city celebrated their Christmas so gaily. It was a sight that truly touched her heart. Everything was perfect, and it made her even more urgent to meet Sean, so she picked up the pace, walking briskly. She wanted to look at the sunset with Sean that day.

The streets were slippery at that month, since it snowed a lot. But Liz didn’t mind, she had been walking the snowy streets for years, and what were the odds of slipping now?

It wasn’t long now. There was an intersection that she only had to cross, before she would get to side of Sean’s apartment.

She slowly crossed the street, realizing that there were only a few people out at the time. But it was Christmas anyway, and almost everyone was celebrating in their own way. There were still a lot of cars on the street though. It seemed that they were all mostly in a hurry to be home.

Liz walked straight ahead, and slipped on a bit of ice on the floor. She regained her balance, but she failed to notice the fast Jaguar that beat the speed limit in its owner’s hurry to get somewhere. Liz never saw it coming. But just as she heard the frantic sound of the horn blaring, and the screeching of breaks, it was too late. Liz was hit by the car, and she rolled onto the pedestrian lane with a sickening bump.

She didn’t hear them. Didn’t hear the screams that came from what little people were out on the street. She didn’t see the person get out of the Jaguar and quickly dial 9-1-1.

She only felt the blinding pain in her stomach. Only felt the agony of hitting the asphalt, hard. She forgot everything. She even forgot about Sean. All she thought about was ‘It’s Christmas.’[/b], and the fire of the pain that had engulfed her wholly. But after that, there came the blackness. No memory whatsoever. Liz fell into the dark despair of pain before completely disappearing into the dark.


There was pain, and sadness at that moment on the street. There was panic and hysteria.

As those moments passed, nobody present knew exactly what would happen. Liz was unmoving, and her breathing was low and laborious, nearly gone.

The person from the Jaguar ran to where she lay still. He did not hesitate to carry her back to his car and drive madly to the nearest hospital. There, she was rushed to the ER and was taken immediate notice of. There was a decrease to the hospital’s staff, since some of the employees were on leave. But there were enough people present to take care of her.

She was loosing her pulse rapidly. It had become barely detectable when she was finally hooked up to some machines. They had started work on her immediately. But the damage was great. She was bleeding internally. Parts of her stomach were either scrapped, or wounded. And her body was losing its energy.

And after a few minutes, Liz’s heart had stopped.

But little did Liz Parker know, that this Christmas would be one of life-altering discovery. A Christmas that, not only would let Liz see something she might have missed in life, but also might be her last one on Earth.


(Should I continue :?: )
Last edited by liz_maria on Fri May 13, 2005 2:04 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Post by liz_maria »

A/N: Thanks to :) :

urpersonaloddball, LovinGuerin2much, roswellluver, QTgirl, OmegaRam1, Earth Angel, RoswellRulz

Blessed4Ever wrote:Do you have a livejournal? It's the easiest way for me to stay in touch with someone
I have a livejournal account. :D A Break from the Beach

Blessed4Ever wrote:I'm guessing Liz is either gonna be a Christmas angeland be sent to Max or she gets something tragically wrong with her and Max is there every step of the way. Love the start and I'm gonna catch up on your other fics asap k'? Be expecting overdue replies from me soon!
purpleant wrote:Please update this wonderful story soon I hope that Liz doesn't die.
It's a little different, but you'll have to read and see. hehehe :wink:

Chapter 1

“There was no pain, no fear no doubt…”
-Sarah Michelle Gellar, as (Buffy)

There was no pain. Liz felt nothing of her damaged organs. It made her a little curious, so she opened her eyes. All that she saw was gray and her own body that was as good as new, and it surprised her a little. But she did not feel any kind of fear at all. There felt no need to panic. And this surprised her as well. She realized that she was already standing, and so she walked and while trying to scan the area for any sign of life. It was already obvious to her that she was not on Earth any more. That, she did not doubt.

What made her flinch, though, was the voice that suddenly spoke to her “Liz,” the voice said gently. Liz noticed instantly whom the voice belonged to. “Grandma Claudia,” she said almost in a whisper. The voice sounded delighted that Liz had recognized her. “Correct.” It said cheerily.

It was, in fact, Claudia Parker, who passed away from a heart complication back when Liz was fifteen. They were very close back then.

In a second, Liz watched in astonishment as the speaker had appeared from behind her. It came from thin air. Liz saw her grandma, just as she had always remembered her. –with a kind face, soft features, and a warm smile.

“Lizzie, it has been ages since we last talked.” her grandmother said, reaching out to hug her. Liz hugged her back.

When they pulled away, Liz asked: “Grandma, I was just thinking, why isn’t this like the things people pictured?” she asked. “Where’s the white tunnel that you gotta travel on your own?” she asked. “-not that I’m not grateful for you company.” She added.

Claudia smiled at her. “There is a tunnel Lizzie.” She explained. “And you really do have to go on your own. But what some had failed, or did not want to mention was that there was a few things they had to see first.”

Liz looked at her curiously. “What’s that?”

“Oh Lizzie, this one’s pretty famous.” Claudia laughed. “Have you heard about the flashbacks?” she asked. Liz nodded mutely. “Well, I’m here as your guide. I will help you through the flashbacks, as well as do a few other things before it’s time for you to go through that infamous tunnel alone.” Claudia said. Liz seemed to understand the sum of it all.

“Okay, are you still overwhelmed or something?” Claudia asked. “Because we can give it a little bit of time before we start the process.” She looked at Liz and noticed her sense of calmness. She was pleased with the look of readiness on Liz’s face. “Shall we begin?” she asked, though she already knew the answer. “Okay.” Liz said, not really knowing what to expect.

Claudia held her hand out to Liz. She signaled for her to take it, and Liz did.

“We are going to start the flashbacks. This isn’t going to hurt or anything. You will be able to pass by the details of your life, as a distant observer. You may not change anything, for history is already as it is. You may only watch -and maybe comment or something, but you cannot alter anything. What you will see is like a movie, and it wouldn’t just be from your eyes, but in the eyes of the world in general. So you might see some things that you have never noticed while it was being seen through your eyes.” Claudia warned.

She sighed. “On three…” she said.




All of a sudden, there appeared a bright silver light in front of the two of them. It started as a tiny speck, and in a flash, it grew to the size of a huge square life-size screen that glimmered from an invisible light source.

“And so it is now, that you will see the events that took place in your life.” Claudia said, almost breathlessly.

Last edited by liz_maria on Wed Nov 03, 2004 7:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by liz_maria »

A/N: Hi everyone! I'll be back in a bit for some replies. :wink:

Chapter 2

-Liz Parker

The silver light subsided, and Liz saw a flash of vibrant color.

Images were whizzing past her, and she saw the formation of a book, with letters cut out to spell ‘Lizzie’s Book’

“I bet you remember that book quite well.” Claudia commented. Liz nodded. “I still have it somewhere in my apartment.” She replied. “Good,” Claudia mused. “This is a wonderful way to start one of your most earliest memories.”


“Oh, Jeff. It’s just so cute!” Nancy Parker exclaimed to her husband, showing him the book she made with all her free time.

Jeff nodded. “How long did it take you to make that?” he asked, sitting beside hr to get a better look at the book. “A couple of hours a day.” Nancy shrugged. “I have all this free time, and nothing to do.”

Nancy was in a delicate condition. She was having a pregnancy that was very dangerous if not taken proper care of.

“And you have a little bit more of free time left before it’s Liz comes out.” Jeff declared. Nancy sighed. “I’m bored.” She said, sadly. “Won’t be long now, Nan.” Jeff said smiling at her. Nancy smiled back.

“Mom!” Liz said, reaching out to the image of the happy couple. She tried to touch the image of her mother, but it was wind that she held in her hand. The tears made it hard for Liz to see. The image started to flicker away, and change into a new form.

At A San Francisco Hospital, 1980

The generic white lights shone brightly around the equally starched white room. Machines attached to the walls were beeping wildly, and screams were heard from the delivery room.

Nancy was in labor, and the case was more complicated than they thought. It was not just the process of making the baby stay in her uterus for at least seven or eight months. It was also the actual process of letting the baby out into the world. It was a tricky process that had to go, just the right way, or both mother and child might not make it.

Jeff was panicking inside, but did not allow his wife to see it, so as not to complicate the procedure further by alarming his wife. She held on to his hand tightly for support.

“Just a little bit more, Nancy.” A doctor coached. Nancy put all her energy into one last push, and the baby finally came out.

The doctor immediately took it and gave it to the couple for a few seconds before leaving to do some clean up.

Nancy laid her head back, exhausted. She was happy to know that the baby was alive and finally safe. She rested soundly that night, knowing that the baby and her husband were right beside her the whole time.

later in 1980

“Are you feeling okay, today?” Jeff asked his wife with much concern.

Ever since they took her home from the hospital with Liz, Nancy’s health has been deteriorating. At first, it was just the lack of energy. They thought that it was just Liz’s birth that had tired her out. But after the next few months, there was collapsing, fainting, and memory loss that took place. It started to make Jeff suspicious. Though he knew that it was taking a little too long for Nancy to recover, he still considered Liz’s birth to be the reason.

He took her to the hospital, but the doctors saw nothing wrong. They said that Nancy might have lost most of her energy in keeping Liz nourished, and that she should be recovering very soon. Jeff believed them.

“I’m going to be fine.” Nancy answered putting a hand up to her temple. The headaches were coming back again. “Can you take care of Liz for me, honey?” she asked. “I have to go lie down for a while.” Jeff obeyed and took Liz from Nancy’s arms.

“Lizzie, you’re going with me for a few errands while Mommy’s resting.” He whispered to the little bundle that slept soundly in his arms. He carried Liz into his car and drove into to the local supermarket.

An hour and a half later

“Honey, I’m here! I got some juice for you.” Jeff declared while trying to balance both Liz and the groceries. He stopped into the kitchen to drop the food off, and then he made a glass of juice for Nancy.

Putting Liz back into her crib, Jeff took the glass and walked into their bedroom. He stopped on his tracks the moment he saw Nancy’s pale, unconscious face.

Last edited by liz_maria on Sun Nov 21, 2004 5:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by liz_maria »

A/N: Hi everybody. Just going to drop this off before I start my day. Thanks! :wink:

Oh, And there's another thing too... just a note: This chapter [,and the last one] took place in San Francisco.

Chapter 3

Liz stood stiffly in her place, and Claudia could feel the nerves in Liz’s strained whisper. “No,” she said softly. It hurt more than anything to see her mother suffering because of her, and she felt the full weight of guilt that had wrapped around her heart.

And even worse, was that she knew exactly what was going to happen next.

Nancy died.

She died a long week after the day she was rushed to the hospital by Jeff, when he found her unconscious.

According to the doctors, she barely recovered ever since she left the hospital after Liz’s birth. She had some kind of energy deficiency that was also brought about by the pregnancy’s difficulties. They knew that it had a tendency to go bad, but they didn’t expect that the difficulties would persist, even after Liz was born.

It was darkest day in Jeff’s life. He was confused and hurt and lonesome. And even worse was the fact that he knew that he couldn’t take care of Liz alone. Not without Nancy there. He knew that they would both die if he didn’t get help. And this was when he called on his mother, Claudia, to give them a hand while things weren’t so balanced.

And that was how the system worked out. Claudia joined the small family, just as Nancy had left.

Liz was crying hard, but she finally understood how her father had worked it out. And she was still happy to know that she had gotten so close to her grandma.

Liz Parker, aged five

“Hi Mommy!”, little Liz exclaimed as she set down the bouquet of flowers she brought for her mother. She was visiting in the cemetery with her grandmother and father.

“I brought you a little present.” Liz said cheerily. “I want you to know that I love you, Mommy. Have fun in heaven!” Liz smiled before frolicking into another direction with her waiting grandmother.

Jeff stood still for a while. He looked at Nancy’s grave and sighed. “Nancy, darling.” He started softly. “I know that you’ve been watching us from heaven. And, I guess you might not be so surprised if I tell you this now, but-” he trailed off. Then he gave an anxious laugh. “Oh, Nance. This has become so damn strange. I wish,- I wish I could see you again. I’d love to tell you about everything.” He struggled.

“And now, I really have to tell you about my plans.” He said clearing his throat. “The company is offering me to be a traveling representative. They’re prepared to give me a lot. And now, I’m going to New Mexico. Well, at least New Mexico, first. It’s gonna be a long trip from there. I’m gonna be in so many places. I’ll be in L.A., Chicago, New York, and so many other states.” Jeff said quietly. “And now you’re probably outraged by this.” He muttered. “But this is a really great offer, and it could get the ball rolling for us. Maybe if things turn out well, we could start over with a new business or something.”

“It’s going to be hard, but if this works out, we’ll be set for a better future.” He explained. “I just want you to know, Nan, that I’ve decided that this could be such a great opportunity for all of us. And I won’t leave Liz alone. I’ll be back very soon. And I’ll write her and talk to her as much as I can. She doesn’t know it yet, and I’ll be telling her later, but Nan, please be there with me when I do. Help me out. Help her understand. Please.” He pleaded, feeling the tears falling. “And I’m praying to God that He’ll make everything all right in the end… I love you so much, honey. Even until the day I die, I’ll love you forever.” Jeff finished. His hands were running through the smooth tombstone. He took one last look at his wife’s grave, before heading back to the direction of Liz and Claudia.

Liz realized what her father had really done, and it made her understand so much about how it all happened. She smiled a bit before turning to her grandma. “I pray for Mom everyday.” She said. Claudia nodded, “I know.” She replied. Liz stared at her. “Do you think she heard me?” she asked. Claudia let out a laugh. “Of course she did.” She answered. “And she’s never been more proud of you for loving her, even if you haven’t seen her in such a long time.”

Liz was wondering about something. “Grandma, will I see mother here?” she asked. Claudia’s brows furrowed. “There’s the thing. You can’t see her. –not yet. –maybe not ever.” She answered breathlessly. Liz frowned. “Why can’t I?” she questioned. “My child, you will know later. But right now, we’ll have to take things a step at a time.” She replied firmly. And Liz understood her.

They stopped for some ice cream to lighten the solemn cemetery mood.

Liz stared at her chocolate sundae; completely unaware of the worried glances Jeff and Claudia were giving her. She ate on without any knowledge of Jeff getting ready to tell her the big news.

He finally got enough nerve to start, and he swallowed the lump in his throat before proceeding.

“Lizzie, there’s something I have to tell you.” He began, praying that Nancy would help him out from where she was. Liz looked at him blankly. What could be so important as for him to interrupt her from her sundae? “What is it, Daddy?” she asked.

“Honey, there’s something I have to do.” He said slowly. “Then go and do it now.” Liz answered. Jeff shook his head. It was hard for him to tell a child who didn’t understand what was going on.

“Liz, I’m, -um, leaving.” He said uneasily. Liz’s almond shaped eyes widened into little saucers. “Where are we going?” she asked. There was a tinge of excitement in her voice. Jeff inwardly groaned. How ever was he to tell her that she couldn’t come?

“I’m leaving, and I’m leaving alone. I do not know when I can come back.” He said with a sense of finality as he took Liz’s small, and ice cream-sticky hands in his. Liz looked at him, bewildered. “Can’t we come?” she gestured to Claudia and herself. “No, Lizzie. I’m sorry, but you can’t.” he said lightly. Tears flowed from Liz’s eyes.

“Then why do you have to go?!” she argued. Jeff felt helpless. “I don’t think you’d understand it now.” He reasoned. “But even if you don’t, I’m still gonna have to do this because it’s for the best.” He concluded, looking at his mother for support. Claudia smiled sadly and nodded. Liz sat in silence, staring at the tabletop.

“That day, I remember being speechless up until the day Dad had to leave. I couldn’t say anything, coz’ I didn’t even know where to start.” Liz commented, staring at her younger self in amazement.

Claudia nodded, “Your father was sad that you couldn’t say anything to him. But he understood what it meant to feel like you’re about to lose someone forever. So he told me to give you time to get used to this new arrangement.”

Two Weeks Later

Jeff was worried. He was set to leave in a few minutes. And ever since the day he told Liz about his plans, she hadn’t been herself. She was quiet, distant, and looked troubled. Even her usually happy disposition in school had plummeted. They even received a phone call from the teacher asking if there was anything wrong at home.

He slowly walked to Liz’s room and gave a soft knock on the door. “Liz.” He called out to her. There was a small, muffled reply from the inside that told him to come in. Jeff opened the door in relief, and went inside.

There, Liz sat at the edge of her bed, staring out of the window. “Lizzie, why are you so sad?” he asked his daughter as he carefully sat down beside her. Liz shook her head. “Do you really, really
have to go?” she tried. Jeff nodded. “Liz,” he trailed off, trying to calm himself for the two of them. “I don’t know how to explain this, and I won’t even try, since you might jump to conclusions. But all I want you to know is that I love you and I’d never leave you, ever. I need to do this for all of us. And I promise that I’ll explain it to you when the right time comes.”

Liz knew that she couldn’t stop her father, no matter what. He wouldn’t tell her about his reasons now, but she knew that he meant what he said about telling her when it came to the right time. All she had to do was ask him again later in her life.

“Daddy,” she said, her heart softening at his earlier words. “I love you too. And I know that you’ll never leave us. But we’ll miss you so much.” She cried, embracing her father. “I’ll miss the two of you, too.” He said, giving his daughter kisses at the crown of her head.

There was a knock on the door, and in walked Claudia. “Jeffy, cab’s here.” She said wiping her eyes with her sleeve.

“Bye, Liz.” He slowly whispered to his daughter.

“Bye Daddy.” She whispered back as they broke their embrace.

Jeff stood up and hugged his mother. “Mom, take good care of Liz. I’ll call to check in with you as soon as I get there.” He promised.

They followed him down to the front door, and he gave a little wave before the cab sped away.



Liz didn’t want to go to school. She was too sad to do anything. And though she begged and pleaded her grandmother to let her rest, Claudia knew that she had to learn to adjust, so she sent her to school anyway.

Liz had always been the strong, silent type. She was a bit different from the other children who were always so lively. But when Jeff was planning on leaving, she had been even more silent than usual.

Today, she sat quietly while they were drawing a picture in art class. She was coloring a heart she had drawn with a red crayon. While mindlessly coloring away, a person standing shyly in front of her snapped her out of her trance.

“Um, hi.” The shy little girl greeted her. Liz had never seen her before. She was slightly taller than Liz, had dishwater blonde hair, and bright green eyes.

“Can I borrow that crayon after you? The other kids don’t want to share,” she said cautiously. Liz nodded, “Okay”. The girl looked relieved. “Thank you,” she said happily.

“I’m Maria Deluca! I’m new here. I just moved in from New Mexico. My favorite color is red. My mother is working alone, and I don’t have a father.” She introduced herself, and acted as if it was no big deal to lack a father. “And my favorite color is red.” She repeated, while extending her hand out to Liz.

When Liz heard about Maria’s father, her eyes widened. “I’m Liz Parker,” she said taking Maria’s hand and not really knowing what to do with it. “My mother is in heaven and my father is working somewhere not-around-here. My grandma is taking care of me. And my favorite color is red too.” She said.

Maria beamed. “Wow, I think we’re going to be best friends.” She said to Liz. And for the first time in weeks, Liz smiled. It wasn’t the sad smile that she had been showing lately, but a smile that lit up the world. “I think so too.” She replied.

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Post by liz_maria »

A/N: I am way behind schedule with this story! :shock: Christmas is in 7 days, so I'll try to write non-stop to catch up on lost time. :( Everything's keeping me busy now, but I have 2 more days before a short Christmas break. I pray for the said break to be a very good opportunity for me to clear my head and ease back into writing on a regular basis. :roll:

Forget Me Never, Chapter 04

Liz smiled at the thought of Maria Deluca. They had been really good friends all throughout their high school and college life.

“I like Maria.” Claudia remarked. “She was very lively, your complete opposite, actually.” Liz agreed.

“Why didn’t you ever see each other more often?” her grandmother scolded her. “We’ve been so busy,” Liz said. She wasn’t really sure how Maria was doing now, since they haven’t talked to each other in years. “But I do wish that I made more of an effort to contact her. She was always willing to talk.”

Claudia understood her, since she had been watching over Liz, as well as her mother.

“So,” Liz looked curious. “What happens next?” she asked.

Liz Parker, aged thirteen

It was almost Christmas, Liz and Claudia lounged happily at their house. Maria was there too, for a sleepover.

“When’s Dad coming back?” Liz asked her grandmother. Claudia shrugged. “I don’t know, Liz. I haven’t gotten word from him in a month.” Liz looked disappointed. Maria noticed it, and was quick to tell them a joke she heard from school. They laughed at it pleasurably, but Liz was not as enthusiastic. And this, -the sad dim in her eyes, had not been left unnoticed

It had been going on for years, -Jeff’s absence.

What was supposed to be a temporary setback, turned into a more permanent fixture to their lives. Jeff was constantly traveling and was only home for a few days at a time, and it only occurred during some holidays like Christmas or New Year. He couldn’t really be a part of Liz’s birthdays, but he never failed to send her the best presents. But for the past three Christmases, Jeff seemed to be more and more busy, and was spending less and less time off from his job.

“Ria,” Liz paused thoughtfully. “How about spending another Christmas here with your mother?” she asked. Maria looked happy. “I’ll ask her.” She replied. “Mom enjoyed last Christmas here. She said that it was more fun when there was more company.”

Claudia was glad for Liz’s invitation. She had been encouraging the stay of Maria and Amy Deluca, since it seemed to take Liz’s mind off from her father’s homecoming.

“It was so much fun to have Maria and Amy over.” Claudia said. “They really did a good job in making it feel like a merry Christmas.”

Liz Parker, aged 15

“Ria, grandma said that she was making cookies. Stay the night.” She said excitedly at Maria. “Okay.” Maria said. “I’ll call mom.” They both loved Claudia’s home-cooked food. It was always so much better than any restaurant could make.

They stopped at the back door of Liz’s house, because Liz said that they’d have easier access to the cookies that way. But just as Liz was turning the knob, Maria noticed something. “Why is there smoke coming out from the window?” Maria asked as she observed the gray soot escaping the small white, -now darkening from the soot, kitchen window.

Liz felt a horrible turn in her stomach. Something was up in flames, literally. “Let’s take the front door, it might be safer.” She suggested. They quickly ran around the house and Liz pushed the door open. The problem was that something was blocking the way. She and Maria pushed the door together, and they felt the thing on the other end give way to them.

As they entered, they noticed a big bag that had blocked the door earlier. This made Liz wonder, but what scared her the most, was the sight of Claudia lying at the bottom of the stairs. She was not moving.

“Oh, my gosh.” Liz said nervously. There were so many things happening at once. She tried to get herself back from the surprise.

“Ria,” she muttered. “check the kitchen. See what’s going on there.” She ordered. Maria was shocked as well, but was quick to tear her eyes away from Claudia, and rushed into the kitchen.

While Maria was there, Liz ran to Claudia to try to feel her pulse. She really had no idea what to feel for, but she indicated that maybe there could still be a faint something there. This made her slightly optimistic. She ran to a nearby phone and dialed 911.

Maria came back from the kitchen, all sweaty and tired, just as Liz finished the phone call. “What happened?” Liz asked. “There was a fire from the oven.” She explained. “It looked like something malfunctioned. But we probably got here in time. The fire’s out.” Liz was relieved that the fire was out, but there was still Claudia.

The two girls ran to her and dropped to their knees. “Is she bleeding?” Maria asked. They checked around for any indication of wounds, but didn’t find any.

A few moments later, an ambulance arrived, and Claudia was carried, -by gurney, into it, followed (rather closely) by Liz and Maria.

Liz watched anxiously as the nurses checked her grandmother. A moment later, one of them turned to her. “Could you tell us what happened?” the nurse, a lean blonde, asked her. Liz narrated the earlier events, and Maria nodded once in a while to confirm the information her friend was giving. After they had filled the nurses in on the details, the blonde told her that they would soon figure out the problem in the hospital.


Liz sat anxiously outside Claudia’s hospital room. It had been a number of hours since they had arrived, and Maria had gone off to call Jeff up, sine Liz didn’t feel up for explaining much at the moment.

A doctor poked his head out of her room a few moments later. “Miss Parker?” he asked. Liz nodded quietly and rose to meet the doctor. They shook hands briefly, and Liz learned that his name was Rick Gavin.

When she saw his face closely, she noticed the grim expression messing up his, -usually friendly, features. “Is she okay?” she asked, immediately feeling nauseous. Dr. Gavin stumbled for words. “She,…-um,…she’s…” he started. He cleared his throat and finally found the right words to say after a moment’s pause. “There’s something we found after some tests.” He began.

“Claudia Parker, apparently, has some heart complications.”

Liz felt sick. She felt like throwing up at the surprising news. “C-complications?” she asked unsteadily. Dr. Gavin proceeded to explain that:

1) Claudia had heart complications for a long time, but she probably didn’t feel until recently, -perhaps the reason as to an overnight bag lying by the door when Liz and Maria arrived at Liz’s house.
2) The said complications had most likely been caused by the normal deterioration of health due to the natural aging process.
3) The small fire must have brought out the worst in Claudia’s heart condition, when she inhaled tons toxins from the smoke from where it burned in the kitchen.
4) At the moment, they couldn’t tell how she was doing. She was certainly alive, but the smoke inhalation might have done a good amount of damage. Nothing was certain.

Just as the impact of the problem started to sink in, Maria arrived. “You’re Father’s coming tomorrow.” She said in a tiny whisper. Liz was not so happy of the idea of her father arriving only when something like this was happening. But she was satisfied all the same; she knew that she couldn’t handle the problems alone. Even if Maria was there, she still needed Jeff there. After all, since Liz had been but a toddler, her father had always known what to do. And now, more than ever, he just
had to know what should be done.

(TBC-gotta' get on updating! :wink: )
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Post by liz_maria »

A/N: (Huffs) So much for a holiday story... :( Extended relatives visiting one after the other made it impossible to write a word. They're gone now, but I am late. Very, very late. There is probably no chance in finishing it on time, since the holidays are over.

Instead, I opt for just changing the story from a Holiday story to a Story story. [Does that make any sense at all? :? ] With a few modifications on future parts, it should be fine.

Now, it'll be a year-round story. hehe :wink:

Forget Me Never, Chapter 5

“He’s here.” Maria said with a small smile that Liz did not know what to make of. She saw her father walk into the hall looking stricken, precisely 24 hours later. Claudia was now in a coma, as Liz learned a few hours earlier.

As Jeff Parker walked closer still, Liz noticed that he looked so much older than she remembered him to be.
Was is because of what happened to Claudia? Or was it because of his job? Liz was wondering about which one, but pushed all other outside thoughts from her head as she stood to greet her father with a silent hug.

“Do you know about grandma?” Liz asked quietly. “Yes, the doctor informed me.” Jeff replied. And lucky for Liz, she was tired and talking didn’t make her strongest point at the moment.

They sat themselves in a corner, Maria, went to get food, to give them a chance to talk in private. “Did you know about-…?” Liz trailed off, pointing to Claudia’s room. “No. But I knew about the natural aging process, so-…” Jeff answered. This was some sort of small talk for them. They both knew all they had to about Claudia, but there were still some things other than that that they had yet to talk about.

And Liz started, when she thought that she was going to burst. “Are you going to stay, now?” she asked carefully.

Jeff looked startled at this. “I don’t know.” He answered. “I still have a job. –and this job is a great opportunity. It will take a lot of thinking of.”

“Even through this?” Liz asked, referring to the state of Claudia. “What you’re looking at now-,…do you still have consider that?!” she said starting to heat up. She did not know what to do anymore. She had to face the truth in the knowledge that there was something seriously bad, happening. And there was a tendency, -as the doctors pointed out, that recovery would never be attained.

“What if-…” she trailed off. It was a terrible thing to think of her grandmother that way. But that was reality for you, it couldn’t be shaken off so easily.

They both looked at each other. At that moment, they looked so much alike. There was this miserable expression on each of their faces that was the mirror image of the other, also mirroring their feelings.

Jeff and Liz didn’t say anything more to each other, but they shared nervous glances once in a while at the thought of Claudia Parker in a coma.

Maria left in a little while, wanting to talk to her mother and get some rest as well.

A few minutes into midnight, and there was a noise coming from Claudia’s room. Doctors and nurses seemed to be coming from out of nowhere. They entered her room, Liz, -yet again, staring after them helplessly, while Jeff followed shortly.

As Liz finally regained enough strength to stand just outside the door that was still opened a crack, she heard the doctors inside, talking to Jeff about what had just happened. Claudia’s heart was withering away. There were temporary lapses in its beating, and they weren’t sure if it would remain temporary or indefinite, the next time.

Liz’s heart definitely broke upon hearing the doctors’ news. She couldn’t take a step further, but, -instead, slumped down on the floor in tears, -just as the door to Claudia’s room was fully shut by one of the nurses.

When the door had blocked out any sounds from coming into her grandmother’s room, Liz finally allowed the sobs to escape her throat. All her suppressed cries of pain were finally let out in that moment. It was like an explosion of grief to her.

Five minutes later and the doctors still didn’t leave the room. Liz was still crying, but suddenly stopped when she saw something from the corner of her eye. A person, -to be exact, in dark clothes walking in her direction.

Through blurry eyes did she see that it was one of the newest residents of Roswell and one of the latest additions to West Roswell High. It was also someone from her class. It was a shy boy by the name of Max Evans.

She was a little embarrassed by being seen in tears and on the floor, so she hid her face behind her arms and moved to a chair so that Max could pass by without noticing her.

But he did notice her. Just as he was walking past her, he suddenly stopped and sat right beside her, -further mortifying Liz.

“I’m sorry for disturbing you, but are you okay, Liz?” he asked with concern.

Liz just shook her head. “No, but I’ll be fine.” She said in a mere, -almost incoherent, whisper. To her surprise, Max heard her clearly. “I heard about your grandmother.” He said quietly.

Liz blinked. “How did you find out?” she asked. He looked confused at first, but said in a slightly embarrassed tone “I’ve been hearing about it a lot, lately.”

“Yeah well, it probably went around school fast.” Liz half-shrugged, half-sobbed.

Max was looking uncomfortable. “Sorry.” He said quietly. “How’s she doing?”

Liz shook her head. “Terrible. I didn’t know that that fire could have caused that much damage to her heart. I mean-, there was some smoke inhalation, but I didn’t know that it would have so much of an effect on her heart.” She ranted on. “It’s all happening so fast!…The doctors, -they told us that her heart just stopped beating for a few seconds. They said that the next time that it would happen, it might take longer for her heart to get back, or it might not get back at all.”

By this time, there were silent tears running down Liz’s face. She didn’t bother wiping them off, since her shirt was wet enough with tears already. Max noticed this, and he reached into his own pocket and took a handkerchief from it. He handed it to Liz who looked hesitant to take it. “It’s clean, don’t worry.” He said with a small smile.

Liz took it and laughed a bit. “It’s not that, -it’s just that I’ve never spoken much to you in class before. Now, I’m telling you all about my grandmother’s condition.” She remembered something, and then asked. “What are you doing here?”

“My sister just got her tonsils out.” He said. “I’m here to visit her.”

Liz looked at him in disbelief. “Visit?! It’s past midnight. They aren’t allowing other people to enter at this hour.”

Max blushed. “We’re actually staying the night. Isabel doesn’t want to be alone when she’s just gotten operated.” He explained.

Liz nodded in comprehension. “Is she okay?”

“She is.” Max answered confidently. He looked at her tired appearance, and then asked, “Would you like to have breakfast with me tomorrow-” he corrected himself. “ Um, -later in the morning? –er… -just to have something to do.”

Liz smiled. It was a comfort to have somebody other than her always-gone father around. “I’ll be here. I’m not going anywhere.” She joked.

“Okay then,” Max said. “Can I just stop by here, later?” he asked. And Liz nodded. “Alright, I have to go now. Mom’s probably waiting.” He explained sheepishly.

Liz smiled. “See you.” She said as she watched Max disappear further down the hall.

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Post by liz_maria »

Forget Me Never, Chapter 6

“That first impression can really last long. –Longer than we expect, as a matter of fact.”

Liz leaned back on the chair, fast asleep. From the way she sat, her face devoid of all emotion, she looked peaceful. There were no indications of worry to be seen there.

As sunrise had crossed the horizon, she stirred into wakefulness. Her head slightly lolled to the side, before her senses sharpened, and she remembered where she was and what was happening.

The worried frown returned almost instantly to her features, and she was surprised that she had slept at all that night. There was a feeling of guilt that seeped in.
How could she have slept at a time like this?

And all those thoughts kept her from noticing the paper bag that was placed on the empty seat beside her. That was why she gave a little start, when she noticed it.

“Dad,” she called out. “Is this yours?” But Jeff was nowhere to be found.

A moment later, she saw Max approach and he sat down beside her with two cups of coffee, -one of which was handed to her.

“Didn’t want to wake you up,” he said, gesturing to the paper bag. “Looked like you didn’t get much sleep at all.”

Liz smiled. “Thanks,” she said, taking it.

It dawned on her that she had just woken up, and that her early morning looks might not have been presentable. She stood up with a start, and excused herself to visit the bathroom.

“I probably look like I got hit by a truck,” she said sheepishly.

“You look all right,” Max said.

But she went off, anyway.


“You liked that boy!” Claudia exclaimed.

Liz could feel herself burning up. “He was awfully nice to me,” she mused. But then, she thought of her grandmother.

“Grandma!” she screamed. “How could you be so cheerful at a time like this?! You were sick!”

Claudia merely looked at Liz. “Liz, I’ve seen this before. It isn’t new to me. It happened that, just after I had died, I had recalled these things as well. And why would I sadden myself with that? I’m having all the fun I want right here! If it weren’t for that inconvenient time, I’d probably have such an arthritis, that I could barely walk!” she laughed.

Liz giggled along. “Is mom having as much fun as you are?” she asked.

“As a matter of fact,” said Claudia. “She is. She’s having the time of her,…um…-afterlife.”

“Good to know,” Liz said, though slightly disconcerted.

“So how was your time with that boy?” Claudia asked, changing the subject.

“I remember how much fun I had,” Liz recalled, dreamily. “–Sorry, grandma,” she added quickly.

Claudia waved a hand dismissively. “It’s okay,” she said. “Let’s finish this clip up,” she suggested. They looked back at the image.


They were in the middle of breakfast, when Jeff stepped out of the room in alarm. He had a look of panic and anxiety.

“Call a doctor! Someone, quick!” he said, looking around the halls frantically.

“Dad, what is it?” she asked, dropping her sandwich on the paper bag.

“Grandma’s heart has stopped again,” he said as he took off down the hall.

“What?” Liz said faintly. She looked at the halls just as Jeff had done. “No…” she said.

Max sat there, gaping a bit at what had just happened. He was so surprised himself. At instinct, he had grabbed Liz’s hand, and said, “Let’s wait for your father, okay? I bet he’s already gotten some help.”

And sure enough, Jeff returned, flanked by two doctors, and two nurses. Like the last time, they had gone to examine her. But this time, they had wheeled Claudia out of the room, and off to the ER.

Max and Liz followed on the next elevator ride down.

From the outside of the ER, she was pacing. Waiting for Jeff to appear, and hoping that he would be followed by the nurses back to Claudia’s room, with her on the hospital bed again, to be wheeled back up.

It didn’t happen.

Jeff stepped out of the area with a distraught look on his face. He was alone. There were no nurses, and no Claudia.

And there was nothing to be said. Liz knew. She knew with all the wisdom that she had had since she was born. –Since she had lost her own mother.

“I know what happened,” she said. And only faintly aware that she was holding Max’s hand at all, she let go and went to embrace her father.

There was little comfort though, it was like she was with a stranger whom as introduced as a long, lost relative. –Like an uncle who lived rather far away.

They pulled away briefly, and Jeff went to make arrangements immediately.

She sat on a chair, not different from the ones outside Claudia’s room’s door that served as a mini-waiting area.

Beside her, Max felt strange. He wasn’t supposed to be part of any of it. It was supposed to be something that only Liz’s family would be on. He felt like a real outsider, since he had never known Claudia Parker. And he wanted to give Liz a moment to take it all in, but nobody else was around. And he knew that he just couldn’t leave her alone. She needed someone, but no one was there.

“Tell me,” Liz said. “Is this real? Is this really happening? Is grandma really gone?”

Max was at a moment of pure confusion. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he also wanted to make certain that she wasn’t straying from the truth, so he nodded once on confirmation, and watched as Liz broke down in front of him.

And he knew that it didn’t seem right. They had barely knew each other at all. But he did what he thought would be of comfort to her. He had pulled her into his arms and let her head rest on his shoulder at an embrace.
