Beyond the Threshhold (SG1,XO,UC,ADULT) AN 8/17/05 [WIP]

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Liz Parker Evans
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Beyond the Threshhold (SG1,XO,UC,ADULT) AN 8/17/05 [WIP]

Post by Liz Parker Evans »

Title: Beyond The Threshold
Author: Liz Parker Evans
Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing
Synopsis: Set in the SG-1 universe. For practical purposes this takes place after college and some work experience…I am making the Roswell gang about 25. Liz works for the SGC. The rest you will have to find out about.
Pairings: L/D, S/J. M/M….everyone else is up in the air. There is no season 3. Liz DID go to Sweden and never came back. The pod squad does go home….those are the only differences.
Rating: TEEN for starters. I will warn you if that changes but seeing how bad I am at writing smut it probably won’t unless I get some help later on.

WARNING!!! This is a Liz/Daniel centric fic!! Consider yourself warned!!




Things never seemed to quite work out the way that you had them planned. That was the first lesson that Liz Parker had really learned. Her junior year of high school she had planned to make a new start and let her soulmate, Max Evans start his destiny with Tess, but what nightmares came out of that. Alex had died and she couldn’t help but feel very responsible for that. When Future Max had visited her that warm fall evening he had told her about their wedding and the fact that they had met Alex and the rest of their friends after their wedding for a celebration. So, Liz knew something that she had done to change the future had changed Alex’s as well in a very dramatic and personal way.

She had left Roswell that spring for Sweden to get her answers. She had fully expected to find out something and then return home with the answers to all the questions but instead she only found more questions. She stayed in Sweden and finished school there. Her parents were very understanding under the circumstances. She then went to Cabridge University in England and instead of studying Biology like she always had dreamed she double majored in Astrophysics and BioChemistry. It seemed the logical choice seeing the path her life took on after Max had healed her that day at the Crashdown in more innocent of times.

But here she sat now in a lab of her own a team-member of a secret sect within the military known as the SCG. Now, if someone had told her that she would be working with the military in any capacity she would have thought them crazy. But Liz was still looking for answers only now her questions had changed. She knew that Antar was somewhere out there and someday one of the teams would end up there and maybe then she would have the answers she was looking for at least in some capacity.

“Hey Parker!” Colonel Jack O’Neill stuck his head in the door briefly. “We’re moving out in ten minutes.”

“On my way.” Liz replied throwing some last minute items into her pack. She loved going off-world. It appealed to the adventurous soul in her. And as much as she hated to admit it, whether she ever had the answers she was looking for concerning Max and Alex she had more than she ever thought she would. She had a life more fulfilling that the one she had left behind.

A/N...I know this is short but my prologues are always short. I am hoping to update weekly probably every Saturday if all goes well. Please leave feedback. I welcome it.)
Last edited by Liz Parker Evans on Wed Jun 01, 2005 4:36 pm, edited 22 times in total.
check out my fic Tomorrow Never Comes

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Liz Parker Evans
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Post by Liz Parker Evans »

A/N...Okay here is the next part. I am not overly thrilled with it, but there you have it. I am in a desperate search for a beta that could help me out here. If you would be interested or know anyone that woul be please let me know.,...And for those of you worried about Max, nevere fear there alas will be no gerbil in his life.

Chapter One – Through a Glass Darkly

The sight never ceased to amaze Liz. The enormity of the Gate and what it ultimately represented was staggering. Liz felt like the luckiest girl in the world to be standing here at this time and place. Dr. Daniel Jackson came running into the Gateroom, almost late as usual. This seemed to be the norm though, Daniel would run into the room out of breath and Jack would make some comment about him being glad he made it. What Daniel lacked in punctuality he made up for with his brilliance. This was the man who figured out the entire Stargate system and Liz was a little in awe of him. And for some reason he made her a little bit nervous. She was afraid of looking like a complete idiot in from of him more so than the others with the exception of Major Carter. These were the main power players around here. Colonel O’Neill may have the tactical knowledge and the raw field experience but the major breakthroughs that they have had in the fight against the Goa’uld came from science and science had always been Liz’s first love.

“All right, listen up!” General George Hammond ordered as he entered the room for one last set of orders. “Our Intel confirms that there is a Goa’uld stronghold on PX-6747 so be prepared. Do not engage the enemy if possible. This is recon only.” They all nodded in understanding. “That is all.”

“Don’t worry, Dr. Parker.” It was Daniel Jackson who spoke. The two of them really hadn’t much interaction since she joined the SCG. Not the he had been avoiding her it was he had been on loan to SG-3 for the past three missions. “Your first encounter with the Goa’uld is always the worst. After that it gets…less hellish.”

“Thanks Dr. Jackson, I’ll remember that. But please call me Liz.” She smiled as she absently played with the necklace that Max Evans had given to her so long ago. She wasn’t sure why she kept the damn thing maybe it was either a reminder of the life she almost had or a reminder of what could never be. Either way she had kept it and it was as much a part of her now as her own skin.

“What is that?” Daniel asked eyeing the strange medallion around Liz’s neck.

“What?” she asked looking at the end of the leather strap that held the pendant on. “Oh, just an old necklace. “

“What symbol is that? I am not familiar with it. Looks to be Indian of some sort…but not quite.”

“Um…yeah, it’s Indian. I got it at the reservation near my home in New Mexico.”

“New Mexico, huh? What part?” Daniel asked and he swore he saw a slight blush. “What?”

“Don’t laugh all right? I am from Roswell, home of the aliens.” Liz paused. “Though in retrospect given what I now do for a living it seems a little ironic.”

Daniel smiled at Liz as he watched as Jack gave the signal for them to head through the gate, “Shall we?”

“After you.” Liz motioned to the Gate as they made their way up the ramp followed close behind by the rest of their team.


Gate travel still gave Liz a headache. Major Carter had assured her that that would get better with him. Her brain chemistry would adapt. She only hoped that she was right.

“Well, this is a refreshing change.” O’Neill muttered sarcastically. “Rain”

Not only was it raining but it was torrential. The wind howled loudly through the trees while they got pounded. O’Neill took off towards the trees in hope that it would supply them all some sort of cover and it did help some but not as much as O’Neill had been hoping.

“Tell me again why we are here, Carter?” O’Neill asked not really expecting her to answer.

“We’re here to gain information on the Goa’uld faction situated on this planet, sir.” Carter yelled to be heard over the rain. “General Hammond feels that this is a new system lord or a system lord want to be trying to take control in this part of the galaxy.”

“I knew that, Carter. I was being facetious. “O’Neill grumbled but he knew by the look on Carter’s face that she already knew that.

“Where to, Sir?” Liz asked trying to get a lock on their surroundings. It was hard to get their baring amidst the driving rain.

“O’Neill, I think it would be prudent for us to find some sort of real shelter.” Teal’c spoke up. It was on rare occasions that Liz had actually heard the Jaffa speak and it was on even rarer occasions when he would speak to her. At first she had taken it personally and even asked Samantha Carter about it to see if there was something she could do to make it easier on Teal’c but Sam had assured her that Teal’c was just very quiet and only spoke when he had something to important to share. In short, Teal’c was not one for small talk.

“I agree.” O’Neill commented. “Where do you suggest we go?”

“East.” Teal’c replied.


“Yes, I think we will find shelter in that direction. Call it a hunch.”

“A hunch?” Daniel asked. “Since when do you act on hunches, Teal’c?”

“Since I became irrevocably drenched.” Teal’c said matter- of- factly as he wiped his brow in a vain attempt to keep the water from dripping into his eyes.

“Very well.” O’Neill stated as he turned his attention to the east. “Lead on MacDuff.”

It was a large stone statue that caught Daniel’s eye. He traced the base of it with his had and he took in the detail in the carving. O’Neill tried not to roll his eyes at his friend but after years of this it was hard not to. It was had to make out all of the detail in the rain but at least it had let up some. It appeared to be Native American in design. It was a sculpture of a man who appeared to be in his late thirties maybe early forties. It had been quiet sometime since they had come across anything Native American in origin.

“What do you think, Daniel?” Carter asked as she stared up at the large statue.

“It’s Native American, that is really about all I can tell right now.” Daniel rubbed his eyes. “I would like to examine it more closely in the light. “

“Speaking of which…”O’Neill indicated a large stone building about a hundred yards in from of them. It didn’t look too inviting but it was the closest thing to shelter that they had come across.

It had massive stone walls with large windows. It appeared to be medieval, if anything but that was incongruous with the Native American sculpture out front. As the team walk through the large front door they were greeted by what appeared to be a royal court. A man who appeared to be in his early thirties approached cautiously. There was no mistaking what he was as his eyes flashed gold.

“This is just great!” O’Neill grumbled. “Of all the places on this damn planet we have to find the Goa’uld.”

“Who are you?” his voice echoed with the familiarity of the Goa’uld.

“Hi there.” O’Neill spoke up again. “I am Colonel Jack O’Neill; this is Major Samantha Carter, Teal’c, Dr. Elizabeth Parker and Dr. Daniel Jackson. And you are?”

The man just stood in from of Teal’c with obvious disgust. “You are the traitor. You betrayed your god.”

Teal’c merely nodded. A look of disgust mirrored on his own face. “And you are Kivar, the most hated of the system lords.”

“Kivar?” Liz whispered to herself in recognition. How was this even possible? Were they on Antar and if they were did that mean that Max and Isabel were here as well. Liz’s head was swimming with questions; ones she knew would probably get her killed here in an instant if she allowed them too.

“So, let me guess.” Daniel muttered sarcastically. “We’re your prisoners now, right?”

“Actually, you are incorrect Dr. Jackson. My time on this world has been short-lived. I am soon to be sought out and executed. This is the last safe place for me to hide and there is no where for me to run. I seek exile on your world.”

“Didn’t see that one coming, sir.” Carter said to her commanding officer.

“I agree.”

“So, what do we do, Jack?”

“Why do you people always ask me?” he grumbled. “Oh yeah, cause I am in charge, right?”

Teal’c nodded. “I think it would be advisable to return with him to Earth, O’Neill. He has valuable information that could be of great use to the Tauri. “

“You really think we can trust him?” Carter asked.

“Trust? No. That does not mean we can not use his information.”

They all nodded in agreement.

“Well, let’s go then. Hammond is going to love this.”

O’Neill turned and headed back into the rain to make the trip back to the Stargate. “I really don’t like this, though.”

Carter and Teal’c flanked Kivar as they followed O’Neill out.

Liz and Daniel lagged behind for a moment.

“Are you all right?” Daniel asked not missing the distressed look on Liz’s face.

“Yeah, I’m good.” Liz mustered a smile and looked up at Daniel not missing the way his wet hair fell into his face and wondered briefly why she suddenly had the urge to brush it from his eyes. It was just the intensity of the moment when seeing Kivar. It couldn’t be the same Kivar that would be near impossible. But she knew that she would somehow have to find out and without everyone else discovering her own little secret. She knew how difficult that would be.

“We better catch up with the others then.” Daniel said as he held out his hand to her. It was just a friendly gesture and one she appreciated.

“Thank you, Daniel.” She said as they walked from the enclosure.

“For what?” he sounded confused.

“Just…thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He smiled as they headed to the gate. “We better hurry. Jack just might leave without us.”
check out my fic Tomorrow Never Comes

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Liz Parker Evans
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by Liz Parker Evans »

Well...I am reposting parts 2-3 since they vanished...I will be posting 4 later....

Chapter 2 – Friends and Enemies

Briefing Room

General Hammond sat at the head of the long table looking a bit confused by the conversation. They had brought Kivar back to the SCG because he had claimed the other system lords out there wanted him dead. He didn’t see how this was a bad thing. Looking around the table he had learned to read his people well. Jack looked a bit ticked off that they had brought him back. Teal’c looked like he would like nothing better than to kill this Kivar himself, Daniel and Samantha looked full of interest and then there was Liz. He couldn’t get a clear read on her of course she had only been a part of the team for a short time but he had learned to trust her judgment as well as any of his people. She was smart and clever and was an easy person to like.

“All right, so we need to start interrogation of this Goa’uld. Of course from prior experiences I think we both know how well that goes.” General Hammond commented.

“Agreed.” He looked around the table. “All right, I want you Jack, Dr. Jackson and Teal’c to conduct the questioning. Is there anything else?”

At first everyone just shook their heads and looked ready to get off base as quickly as possible. “All right, you are all dismissed until tomorrow morning.”

Everyone started to rise to their feet. “General Hammond.” It was Liz who spoke up. “I would like permission to join in the interrogation.”
General Hammond looked at her a moment as did the rest of the team. He looked up at Jack O’Neill who nodded in agreement.

“Very well, Dr. Parker. I will see you here in the morning.” General Hammond turned and walked into his office. Liz sighed, she needed to find out about Kivar and she needed to find out about Max and the rest of them. Was that planet they were even on Antar? Or was it just some place Kivar had run away to in hopes of escaping death. And what of his automatic surrender? That all just seemed way too simple. No muss, no fuss. He wanted to be taken back to the SCG that much was blatantly obvious but what was not so obvious was why. Liz was so caught up in her own thoughts that she didn’t notice that Jack, Carter and Teal’c had already left the briefing room. Nor did she notice that Daniel was standing in the doorway watching her with curiosity.

“Are you coming, Liz?”

“Coming?” she asked.

“Yeah, we’re off duty till the morning. We are all going to Reilly’s Pub for a couple of beers before turning in for the night. Even Teal’c is coming.”

“Oh.” She said softly. She really didn’t feel like socializing tonight. What she felt like doing was rushing home and called Sheriff Valenti to see if he had any new information on her friends. She wished she could call Maria but she had disappeared along with them all those years ago. But she felt that she had to do it and it might actually do her some good to relax. She felt like she was so tightly wound right now that she might just explode. “Um, sure Daniel. I’ll be right there.”

He smiled at her. “Good. We’ll meet you topside in 15 minutes,”

She watched Daniel leave before she took out her cell phone to call Sheriff Valenti. He hadn’t actually been a Sheriff for some time now but to her he would always be the Sheriff of Roswell. One time nemesis and now friend. He had been brought into their world and they were all the better for it. In fact they were alive because of it. She listened as the phone quietly rang.

“Hello.” The voice said at the other end.

“Hi, Sheriff, it’s Liz.”

“Liz, my God it is good to hear your voice but dad isn’t home right now. It’s me, Kyle.”

“Kyle! I haven’t heard from you since…” her sentence trailed off. They both new when the last time that had really talked had been. It was right after Kyle had died and everything went to hell. “I thought your dad said you were working for some security firm out of Albuquerque.”

“I am. I am just home on a visit. “He said at the silence. “What’s going on, Liz.”

“I need to talk but let’s just say that is isn’t exactly a secure place. Can you and your dad come to Colorado?”

“Colorado? Geez, Parker, what are you doing there?”

“At the moment trying not to lose my mind. So, can you come?”

“Anything for you, Parker.” And she knew that he meant it. She quietly thanked him and gave him directions to her house. It would be good to see them again. She had periodically checked in with the Sheriff over the years and she had the feeling with the Sheriff’s contacts within the FBI that he knew some of what she was doing though she was positive he had no clue on the Stargate. No one did. She thanked Kyle once again and closed her phone.

Liz let out a long sigh before gathering up her gear to drop off at her lab before heading up to the surface. After the day she had had she could really use a drink. It had taken all her willpower not to stop off and see the Goa’uld who called himself Kivar. She had a lot of questions and she wasn’t sure how she was going to be able to get the answers without exposing the one secret she had promised never to reveal before joining the SGC.


Maj. Samantha Carter sat at every so slightly wobbly table cracking peanuts every few seconds. She was trying very hard not to pay attention to mind numbing conversation about fishing that was coming from the Colonel and Teal’c. She was just grateful that Daniel and Liz were here to rescue her from the monotony of it all.

“I’m telling you, T. You have to come fishing with me again soon. “O’Neill commented trying to ignore the pained look on Samantha’s face. “Or you could come with us, Major.”

“No offense sir, but hell no.” Carter retorted back.

“What about you, Daniel?” O’Neill asked only to be answered with silence. “Daniel? What’s so interesting?” O’Neill’s gaze followed Daniel’s over to the bar where Liz Parker was ordering some drinks for the group. If O’Neill didn’t know better he could have sworn he recognized the look in his friend’s eyes. A part of him was filled with jealousy. Where he and Carter could never indulge in anything but their own fantasies there were no regulations barring Daniel in Liz from indulging if they so chose to. To be honest, he really didn’t know much about the newest member of his team and he thought that maybe this would be a good time as any to find out.

Daniel watched Liz with interest. More out of curiosity to what she was hiding that to anything else. There was a secret hidden behind those velvety eyes and one he wanted to find out. Her personality had changed since they came back through the gate not three hours ago. Something had happened back there on the planet that he was not aware of and for her to ask to be a part of an interrogation when she was a Biochemist. What she felt she would add he wasn’t sure. Then of course he was a scientist himself being asked to interrogate so he really didn’t have any say in the matter.

“Here we go five beers.” Liz said as she set the longneck bottles down on the table. “What’d I miss?”

“Oh, only a most fascinating discussion on fishing.”

“Fishing? I love to fish.”

“Really?” O’Neill asked surprised. “They have fish in New Mexico?”

“Only the best in the world.” Liz stated proudly. “My dad used to take me to Lake Roswell on the weekends when the café wasn’t too busy.”

“Roswell?” Carter asked. “As in the place where the aliens first landed?”

“Yeah.” Liz took a deep drink from the bottle. “Made for an interesting childhood to say the least.”

“I bet.” Daniel said softly.

“You know, it just occurred to me that I really don’t know anything about any of you. Are any of you married, have families?” Liz asked.

“Divorced.” O’Neill chimed.

“Widowed.” Daniel answered.

“Just single.” Carter replied. “What about you, Liz? Leave anyone back there in Roswell?”

Daniel was sure that he saw her visibly pale. She seemed to shut down just for a moment and he fought the urge to put his arm around her in comfort. And then the moment passed as quickly as it came.

“Um…in Roswell? No, there’s no one there for me anymore.”

They all heard the sadness. If there was one thing that Liz was no good at hiding it was her emotions. It was a skill that would have done her well but one that she had never mastered. Max always said that that was one of the things that he loved most about her. She had been thinking about him a lot lately and with a modicum of guilt attached to it. Things had ended very badly for them. When she had finally called him from Sweden his mother had informed her that she didn’t know where he was. She then called Kyle who had told her the whole sordid story. That Tess had been the one to kill Alex and had left in the Granolith back to Antar with Max, Isabel and Michael with her. He believed that she was taking them to their execution. He hadn’t seen Maria since the night they found out about Tess. Michael had been beside himself with worry but in the end he had to leave as well. Maria’s fate was still something of a debate back at home.

“Um…you know what? I am really getting tired. I think I am going to head on home. I will see you all tomorrow.” Liz said as she got to her feet, pulled on her brown leather jacket and headed towards the door.

“Okay, Liz.” Carter called after her.

“What was that about?” O’Neill asked.

“Not sure, Jack. But I think I want to find out.” Daniel said as he watched her leave. “There’s something going on with her, Jack, I can feel it.”

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 –Whose Afraid of the Boogieman?

Kivar’s Cell

Liz slowly entered the Kivar’s cell behind O’Neill and the rest of the SG-1 team. She was scared if she were to admit the truth to herself and the way that Daniel kept looking back at her, he knew it as well. Kivar sat on the hard metal folding chair, his back still and a knowing smile on his lips. They all knew the possibility of getting anything of use out of him was slim to none, but they were all here to try. In their minds the worst that could happen was that they would get nothing out of him and then be able to enjoy tossing him into the gate to send him back where he came from. This wouldn't be easy Liz had heard the stories about him plus with the information gleened by Max and Tess while in N.Y.C she knew he wouldn't go down without a fight.

“So, Kivar,” O’Neill started. “Why don’t you save us all a lot of time and just tell us what we want to know.”

“And what would that be?” Kivar replied coldly.

“What do you know of the Goa’uld that would help us? Why should we put our necks on the line for yours?” Carter asked. Teal’c stood back by Liz and was uncommonly quiet, even for him.

“I would not waste my time, O’Neill. He will not tell you anything.” Teal’c said locking his eyes on Kivar.

"Teal'c what are you saying,it was your suggestion to bring him here"
"I am saying it might take more than questioning him to garner the answers we seek."
"Kivar had dealings with both Anubius and Ba'al they found him to be untrustworthy."
"Force may be required to gain the information we desire."

O’Neill stared at his friend for a moment. “For crying out loud, T. Couldn’t you have mentioned this before? Carter, Teal’c, step outside with me for a moment, will ya?”

Teal’c merely nodded as they left the room for a moment. “Daniel, keep an eye on our prisoner here. If he moves, shoot him.” O’Neill muttered before closing the door.

“You are wasting my time.” Kivar spoke. “I thank you for taking me off that planet but I need to get back to my home.”

“And where would that be?” Daniel asked. Liz’s interest was definitely peaked now. Maybe now she could get some answers. Maybe now she could learn what happened.

“It would mean nothing to you.”Kivar answered but his eyes drifted slowly to where Liz was standing. “Though I have a feeling it may mean something to her.”

Daniel snapped his head around and faced Liz. She didn’t look at him but kept staring at Kivar trying desperately to hide both the fear and the loathing. She took a couple of tentative steps forward briefly glanced at Daniel. This wasn't how it suposed to come out,in fact it was never supposed to come out.

“What are you talking about?” Daniel asked.

“That necklace you’re wearing, where did you get it?” Kivar asked leaning forward in his chair.

“A friend.”

“A certain friend from a royal family I would hazard to guess.” Kivar chuckled.

Daniel merely starred at Liz, she looked back at him and held his gaze for several moments before deciding what to do. If she went ahead with her questions to Kivar her secret would be revealed to Daniel. When O’Neill got wind of it that would probably be the end of her career here at the SCG but she had to know regardless of the consequences.

“Where are they?” Liz asked. Daniel looked at her as though he had never seen her before. He had to admit he was more confused than he had ever been in his life.

“You’re the one, aren’t you?” Kivar accused. “You’re the one who nearly ruined it all. All the plans that I had made for the meddling little king. Zan had nearly destroyed me once but I found a way to destroy him, all of them. I just didn’t forsee what his mother had planned. “

“Are they on the planet we found you?” Liz pressed on trying hard to ignore the way Daniel was looking at her. “Is he there?”

“No. But you take me where I want to go and I will tell you where he is.” Kivar answered. “But you better hurry. The time is ticking on your friends.”

“Liz, can I talk to you a moment?” Daniel asked.

“Not now Daniel, please. “ Liz pleaded.

“I was never sure what he saw in you. You’re a mere human…he was a king if an ineffectual one at that. I’ll never understand why he chose you to share in his power when he had Avaline.”


Liz tried to ignore Daniel.

“Liz!” he was more insistent. “We have to talk.”

Daniel took a hold of Liz’s arm and forcibly pulled her out of the cell. O’Neill looked at him questionably as Daniel and Liz walked past them into Daniel’s office.

“You want to tell me what that is about?” Daniel asked sternly.

“I really can’t, Daniel. I’m sorry.”

“I don’t think you understand. Either you explain it to me or to General Hammond. You’ll be thrown off the team Liz and I don’t think you want that to happen. You’re good at what you do but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out you’re hiding something. Now, are you going to let me help you or not?”

She stared for a long moment into his blue eyes. It wasn’t a question on whether or not she could trust him it was a question of the fact that she had never betrayed the trust that Max had except for when she told Alex, but that had gotten him killed in the end. She didn’t want to involve Daniel in this for fear of getting another person hurt.

“Daniel, it’s not that I don’t want to tell you. " I knew as soon as I opened my mouth in there I would have to tell you, but not here and not now."Liz said in a soft voice.

“Then when?” Daniel asked.

“I am meeting someone tonight, an old friend. Why don’t you come by my house around nine and I will try as best as I can to fill you in. Please, Daniel. You don’t understand how important this really is. It is so much bigger than me. Will you try and trust me in this?”

“All right, Liz. I will give you a chance here. I will be at your house at nine sharp if I don’t get answers I am going to Jack with this and let him deal with it.”

“Thank you. You won’t be sorry about this Daniel, I promise.”

Liz’s House

Kyle stood outside Liz’s house waiting impatiently for her to get home. It would be good to see her, he had missed her more than he cared to admit. They were all gone. All the people that had meant so much to him. His mother left when he was a small boy and he had found it hard to trust anyone enough to let them in until Liz and she had brought him into a world he really hadn’t wanted to be a part of. The world of aliens and danger. She had been his first real girlfriend but he knew early enough that she didn’t want him, not like that. She turned out to be the best friend he ever had then along with her came Alex and Maria followed by the oh so lovingly named podsquad.. She had dropped off his radar not long after she had left for Sweden and for her to resurface in his life was nothing short of a miracle. He needed to connect with someone from his past who knew what happened and she was the only one left. Alex was dead, Maria was missing. Everything had gone to hell because of Tess.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Sheriff Jim Valenti asked his son. “Or do I even need to ask?”

“I’m just thinking about Liz, dad.” Kyle told his father. “It has been so long since I have spoken to her and she sounded so desperate on the phone. Almost scared. I haven’t heard her sound like that in a long time.”

“I know, son.”

The sound of a truck driving into the driveway interrupted their conversation. Liz stepped out looking exactly how Kyle had remembered her. Her hair was a little shorter, more like it had been when they had been dating and she looked a little older and a little wiser but other than that he felt as though he had stepped back through time.

“Liz?” Kyle said as he approached her and grabbed her in a large hug. She clung to him longer than she intended but being here with him was like being home. He was familiar and she needed that in the midst of all this unknown.

“Kyle, it’s good to see you. Sheriff?” Liz turned to Sheriff Valenti and abruptly found herself in the middle of another rather rough hug. “How are you guys?”

“I think we should be asking you that, huh?” Sheriff said as he took her house keys from her hand and opened her door for her. “What’s going on, Liz?”

“Oh boy.” Liz stated as she walked into her small house and turned on the light. “I am waiting for someone to meet me here. There are somethings I need him to hear and I really only want to say any of this once.”

“All right.” Valenti said his radar going off. He knew this could only mean trouble and the part of his life that he though long gone was far from over. Liz went into the kitchen to get them all a beer and some nachos to snack on while they waited. Her small clocked chimed nine and right on cue her doorbell rang. She didn’t need to wonder who it was, there was only one person it could be. She quietly walked over to the door and opened it to see Daniel standing there.

“Okay, I’m here. Now what do you have to tell me?” she was a bit taken aback from the caution in his voice but then what did she really expect. She barely knew him, they had only shared a handful of missions, in fact today was the closest they had ever come to what would be considered a real conversation. That's why when his tone of voice, while unsurprising, cut her just a bit she was afraid to delve into the reasons why.
“Come on in, Daniel. There are some people I want you to meet.”

check out my fic Tomorrow Never Comes

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Liz Parker Evans
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Post by Liz Parker Evans »

Chapter 4

Liz’s House

Daniel entered her house with a very bad attitude if he were to be honest with himself. The more he thought about the situation or what little he knew of it the more upset he had become with her. If Daniel were to be honest with himself, he entered Liz’s house with a very bad attitude. In fact when he thought about how little he of the situation she had placed him in the more upset he became with her. He knew he should have gone straight to Jack after what he witnessed in the cell but instead he found himself lying to his closest friend. Jack had asked him point blank what was going on with Liz while they were in the locker room preparing to get off work and he had said that she was fine although things had just gotten a little ugly with Kivar after Jack had left. Daniel knew that Jack hadn’t bought a word of it but he hadn’t said anything further on the matter.

“Hey.” Daniel said as he walked into Liz’s living room and saw two men sitting uncomfortably on her overstuffed couch.

“Um, Daniel I would like you to meet Sheriff Jim Valenti and Kyle Valenti.” Liz made the introductions and both Kyle and Jim rose to their feet to shake Daniel’s hand. “Kyle, Sheriff, this is Dr. Daniel Jackson. We work together.”

“How do you do?” Daniel said politely and then sat in the rocking chair across from the Valenti’s. “Okay, Liz, I am listening.”

Liz sighed deeply; she couldn’t understand, didn’t know why Daniel’s opinion of her matter so much but at the moment it did. She glanced over at Kyle for support and as usual her rock smiled reassuringly at her. “I’m going to tell you a story, Daniel. I would like for you not to say anything until I am done and then I will do whatever you want regarding…” Liz looked over at the Valenti’s again. “Well, you know what regarding.”

“All right, Liz. I don’t know how you are going to explain what happened today.”

“Hey, give her a chance will ya, Jackson?” Kyle spoke up.

“I am.” Daniel responded a bit louder than he had intended.

Liz took a long, deep drink from her beer to steel her nerves before continuing on. “When I was 16 I was fatally shot in my family’s café in Roswell, New Mexico.” She could tell that Daniel was getting ready to interrupt her. “Please Daniel, let me finish.”

Liz recounted over the course of an hour all the pertinent details of what had happened with Jim and Kyle interjecting some of their own observations and opinions on the matter. She told how Max had healed her and revealed that he and his sister were aliens along with their friend Michael Guerin. She told him about how she brought Maria and Alex into the secret. Then about finding the orb in the desert and falling so deeply in love with Max Evans that she thought her heart would stop. She told him of Tess, of her deception and finally she told him of the history of a planet called Antar. How that it was ruled by Zan and his family, that they were brutally killed by Kivar and sent to Earth by their true mother to be reborn. By the end she had told Daniel the whole story that had only take a little over a year to live out but had become so much a part of her life.

“So, there you have it, Daniel. Now, what do you think?”

“What do I think?” Daniel asked amazed at the question. “That is the most amazing fascinating story I have ever heard.”

“You don’t believe me, do you?” Liz asked her voice thick with emotion.

“It’s just an incredible tale, Liz.”

“Hey look, buddy, it’s all true. We were all a part of that, you know?” Kyle jumped to Liz’s defense.

“It’s okay, Kyle. You know, Daniel, it is no more amazing than the pyramids being built by aliens.” Liz said as she smiled at Daniel. It was a vain attempt but an attempt all the same.

“Point taken.” Daniel sighed. “All right, what do you want to do now?”

“I think the question should be what do you want to do?”

Daniel thought on this for several moments and was about to answer when Kyle spoke up again.

“Not to be a pain in the ass, Liz, but why did you need us here?” Kyle asked and didn’t miss the way that Liz’s eyes searched out Daniel’s.

“I won’t tell them anything that would compromise security but for their own safety they need to know he’s here.” Liz said pleadingly to Daniel. She wouldn’t say a word to Kyle and Jim if Daniel told her not to and he knew that. He merely nodded knowing what a mountain of trouble this could potentially rain down upon them.

“Kivar is here on Earth.”

Liz’s statement couldn’t have shocked them more than if she had just told them she was a man. Kyle visibly paled at this information. Liz could see various scenarios playing out in his mind because they were the same ones that were playing out in hers.

“What does this mean, Liz?” Sheriff Valenti asked calmly which Liz was very grateful for.

“I don’t know, but he hinted at knowing where Max and the others are.” Liz sat on the arm of the chair which Daniel was sitting on.
The reality of everything was catching up with her and then it happened.


Liz suddenly felt nauseas and dizzy, detached from everything around her as her world slid out of focus. Everything was distorted; it was like looking and listening through water. She could see herself running, feel the panic, and taste the metallic bite of fear. Liz could feel the agony as she saw Daniel dying, and Max screaming. She could also see Tess; she could hear her laughter, and feel her delight at seeing Liz in so much pain. Then as quickly as it began it was over, the world came back into focus, but she was left with an overwhelming sense of fear.

End of Flash

“Whoa!” Liz said as she clutched the chair.

“You had a premonition, didn’t you?” Sheriff Valenti said as walked over to a pale and shaken Liz. She merely nodded at him. Daniel looked at her like he was going to ask a question but the Sheriff took it upon himself to answer before he had a chance. “When Max healed Liz he changed her. She has some powers we were never sure of the extent of them because by the time they showed up and she called me Max and the rest of them were already gone. We don’t know what it means or if it means anything.”

“It means something, Sheriff. I just don’t know what.” Liz half smiled. “I think I am going to lie down for a while.”

“All right, Liz.” Daniel responded.

“Before you ask, Daniel, tomorrow we’ll tell O’Neill the truth. I don’t think I will be able to do anything without his help.” Daniel nodded and watched as Liz lay down on the couch. He saw the way that Kyle watched her. It was amazing to see these people so protective of this small woman, but he could understand it. They were bound together and some bonds time and distance do nothing to break.

----REILLY’S BAR----

“I am telling you, Carter. There is something going on with her.” O’Neill ran his hand through his hair. “I don’t trust her…not fully anyhow.”

Carter just raised her eyebrows at her commanding officer. She couldn’t dispute that there were definitely something strange going on with Dr. Elizabeth Parker but she didn’t get sense of her being untrustworthy but then Col. Jack O’Neill was a lot slower to trust than she was.

“What do you think, Teal’c?” Carter asked.

“I do have a sense of duplicity in regards to Dr. Parker, although I believe it is related to our prisoner.” Teal’c responded as he looked into his half empty beer glass.

“How is that even possible, T?” O’Neill asked downing the last of his drink. “She’s never met a Goa’uld before today.”

“Indeed, but nonetheless that is the feeling I am getting. Maybe Kivar could illuminate the situation.”

“I have an idea” Carter attempted to interject but O’Neill was too busy with his new plan to really hear her.

“I know, tomorrow I will go and talk to this Kivar myself and if I don’t get the answers I am after I am going to Hammond. I will not be lied to.”

“Sir?” Carter tried again.

“Dr. Parker has not lied to you precisely, O’Neill. She's just not being forthcoming in what she knows.”

“It’s the same, T.”

“Sir!” Carter said in a loud commanding voice. “I don’t mean to interrupt your sense of betrayal here but I have an idea. Why don’t you just ask her what is going on?”

Both O’Neill and Teal’c looked at Carter as if she were a genius, which of course she was. Nonetheless she relished the feeling, and if she were to admit it to herself she loved impressing O’Neill. Though this was hardly a monumental event here. She was merely pointing out the obvious and suggesting the use of common sense.

“Very well, I’ll speak to her tomorrow.” O’Neill sighed as he looked around. “Do you guys know where Daniel is tonight?”

****Liz’s House****

Daniel watched as Liz slept soundly on the couch. It was one of the few times that he had taken the opportunity to really look at her. He had to admit she was beautiful. She had long flowing brown hair that he itched to run his fingers through, but that would hardly be professional. He had to admit he was relieved that she trusted him enough to share her unbelievable secret with him. When it came down to it Though he had hardly given her a choice in the matter. He glanced up only to notice Kyle Valenti staring at him with unconcealed worry.

“What?” Daniel asked.

“Don’t hurt her, Jackson. Liz has had more than her fair share in that, and well, I don’t think she can take much more.”

“I don’t plan on hurting anyone, Kyle.” Daniel said as he rose from his seat and started to put on his coat to leave.

“That’s just the thing though. It usually isn’t planned, is it?” Kyle held Daniel’s gaze for several moments before either of them spoke again.

“Tell her I will meet her in the morning at work.” Daniel took his keys out of his pocket and quietly left Liz’s house. He wanted to go home and try to sleep but he also knew with everything that he had been told tonight sleep would be impossible. Tomorrow they would be telling O’Neill the truth and hopefully Liz would be able to get some of the answers she needed.

TBC....Next we meet up with the podsquad. And thanks to burningchaos for being my beta
check out my fic Tomorrow Never Comes

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Liz Parker Evans
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 36
Joined: Wed May 07, 2003 7:17 pm

Post by Liz Parker Evans »

Here is the next part. I hope you all like it and as always thanks to my wonderful beta Burningchaos!

Chapter 5 – To Infinity and Beyond

Max paced uneasily around large throne room which was now his sanctuary from all those annoying advisors trying to tell him how he should handle the Kivar situation. One would think that since he was now officially the king that he would be able to handle this himself but instead his advisors treated him as though he were a child. In his calmer moments he could understand why they felt that way. He had grown up on Earth and had little or no memory of being Zan. His clearest memories were of a girl with chocolate colored eyes and that information would do no one, especially him any good. Isabel laughed at his unwillingness to give up the past for a better future but his heart wouldn’t let her go. That was the last time in his life that he could truly say he was happy but that happiness was like a dream, the harder you try to remember the more you actually forget.

Isabel walked into the room unobserved by the guards; it was a little trick she remembered from her time as Vilandra. Unlike her brother the more time she spent here the more she remembered from her previous life and the less she wanted to cling to what she had before. It was too painful to remember the parents she loved but would never see again, to remember the kiss of a boy she knew too briefly but had touched her once cold heart in a way no one else ever would. The council had been pushing her to marry for years now. They still held on to the vain belief that she would continue with her life as it was before and marry Rath, but Michael was taken and had been for years. He married not long after they arrived on Antar and out of all of them he was the one that was happy, as ironic as that was. He had been the one who had the most miserable past and maybe that was why he was happy now. The past no longer threatened him and his future for, once in his life, was secure.

“Max?” Isabel said softly as she approached her pensive brother. “What are you thinking?”

“I don’t know, Isabel.” She smiled at the use of the familiar names. Everyone else had insisted on calling them by their former names but they had always felt wrong to them. Like clothes that was two sizes too small. “We tracked Kivar to Nyac but then he just disappeared. He went through the gate and then…nothing.”

“We’ll find him. He can’t run forever. He will pay for what he did in the past and now.” He sighed deeply. “How is she?”

“She’ll live but it is going to be a long road, Max.”

“I should be able to heal her, Is. I owe that much to Liz.”

“Max, forget about Liz Parker. It’s been years and she is safe on Earth. Concentrate on Kivar and on trying to help Maria. Concentrate on helping Michael not grab the nearest pod and going after Kivar by himself.”

Max smiled at the truth in Isabel’s statement. Michael would seek his revenge at the first opportunity. Maria was his world and when Kivar escaped from the royal prison he took his revenge on the first available person. Maria Guerin was a much a part of Max’s family as any of them had been but she should never had been here. When Tess activated the Granolith Maria and Kyle had arrived to inform them of Tess’s treachery, that she had betrayed them all and killed Alex. It was then that she activated it. It immediately drew her, Max, Michael and Isabel into the Granolith and because Maria had been clutching so tightly to Michael’s hand she too had been taken aboard. There was no time to get out. She had been miserable for the first couple of weeks but then resigned herself to this life and Michael knowing everything she had given up for him and because he loved her much, to his own perpetual dismay, married her in the first grand ceremony that Antar had seen. Of course those first few weeks had been hell. They arrived to what was supposed their own execution. Tess had betrayed them more than anyone had ever suspected. She had been working for Kivar all these years, plus she had been Nicolas’s lover in their former life, a bond which had not been broken. What they had not been suspected was that Zan’s mother still living in exile and had amassed her own forces. Upon learning of her children’s return she attacked at the first available moment. Kivar nor Nicholas expected anything from the petite queen and had been taken by surprise. Kivar was captured, while had Nicholas escaped with Tess and anyone who would not swear fealty to Max had been dealt with.

“Have we heard from Selmac?” Isabel asked.

“He doesn’t know much more than we do. He said he would contact us as soon as he had any information.” Max grumbled. Isabel could sense his frustration but she knew that nothing she could say would ease her brother’s mind in any way. It was times like these that she actually wished Liz were here. It amazed her how quickly Max had forgiven Liz when Kyle told him the truth after she left town. Kyle had seen no reason to keep their supposed night of passion a secret. The instant that the truth had been revealed it was as if nothing had ever happened to separate them. She had gone back to being the love of his life and nothing compared to the bond the two of them had shared. Isabel once again wondered if Liz Parker was having as hard of time connecting romantically on Earth that her brother was having. None of the young eligible woman on Antar interested him in the least and Isabel could understand it. She really hadn’t connected on an emotional level since they had left Earth either. Alex had been her last great love.


Liz paced nervously back and forth in her small lab. She was not looking forward to this day. She knew more than likely she would be asked to pack up her things and leave and she didn’t want that. She loved her job, it was a dream come true but she had lied, not overtly but lied nonetheless. If she had learned anything about Jack O’Neill it was that he could forgive just about anything except dishonesty and right now he was the poster girl for it.

Daniel stood in the doorway of Liz’s lab watching her. The conflict within her mind was obvious. He had been unsure how he was going to deal with this situation until this exact moment. He was going to help her and he knew that might mean going against Jack. That was not something that anyone took on lightly. He slowly walked over to Liz and placed his hands on her shoulders in an effort to calm her. She looked up at him questioningly and for a moment she forgot her turmoil.

“Blue.” She said.

“What?” Daniel asked in response.

“I never noticed that you had blue eyes before.” She smiled shyly and it pleased Daniel more than he wanted it to.

“Have been since I was born.” Daniel now understood Kyle’s desire to protect this girl. There was something in her that screamed out for it. But he also had the sense to realize that she was quite capable of protecting herself without any help from him. Then again she had never gone up against a very angry Jack O’Neill.

“So, what’s the plan?” Liz asked as she turned from Daniel unexpectedly and began to straighten papers in her lab as if she was trying to distance herself.

“We’ll meet Jack, Teal’c and Sam in the conference room in about ten minutes. I know Jack, let me do the talking. He’ll understand after a bit of bluster on his part but he will understand.”

“I hope you’re right, Daniel.” She looked back at him. “Um, Daniel. If all goes well I need to…”

“I know. You need to speak with Kivar again. I can’t promise you anything but I will see what I can do.” Daniel studied Liz for a long moment. “You still love this guy don’t you?”

“I don’t know.” Liz replied honestly. “Come on, lets get this over with.”

Liz and Daniel walked down the corridor in silence that led to the conference room they had reserved for their meeting. They didn’t do it in the briefing room because she and Daniel didn’t think it wise to do it where General Hammond could hear them. They needed to see what Jack had in mind first. They walked into the small room and sat down at the small wood table opposite Jack, Teal’c and Carter.

“All right, Daniel, what’s going on?” O’Neill snapped at Daniel the moment that he and Liz entered the room. They both looked guilty as hell and under different circumstances he might have enjoyed this a little more but he knew he would hate whatever was about to be said.

“Jack, before Liz starts I want you to have an open mind.” Daniel said before nodded to Liz.

“I have an open mind! Don’t I have an open mind? Carter? Teal’c?”

Carter merely looked at Jack not saying much of anything and Teal’c was not much more help. He merely raised one eyebrow in response. Teal’c then looked over at Liz and saw the young woman’s obvious discomfort. He was very intrigued and wanted to find what all the mystery has been about.

“Colonel O’Neill, I have a confession of sorts to make to you but I hope that you truly do have a mind open enough to hear my story through. “ Liz said calmly belying the panic that was rising in her throat. She knew that this could be the end of her career. A career which she gave up pretty much everything to have.

“All right, Parker. Let’s hear it.” Jack leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. He may have been going for a look of casual interest but it came acrossed intimidating.

“I know the prisoner. I know Kivar.” Liz thought she should go with the biggest shock before moving onto the more intimate details.

“What?” Jack exclaimed.

“How is that possible?” Carter echoed the colonel’s thoughts. Teal’c on the other hand just raised that eyebrow at her yet again. One day she would have to sit down with him and have him teach her exactly how he did that.

“That is where my story gets a little bit interesting.” Liz sighed and began to recount her life in Roswell. She tried not to leave out any details. She knew that if she wanted to remain with the SCG that complete honesty was her only chance and Jack O’Neill would know if she were omitting anything. He was very good at what he did. When she was done with her story they all stared at her in disbelief, none of them speaking. She felt Daniel’s hand reach into her lap and squeeze her hand which was resting there. She looked over at him and was caught, yet again, by the blueness of his eyes.

“You were in love with a teenaged alien?” Jack said. The disbelief in his voice was obvious to everyone. “I think you may need some psychiatric counseling. Not everyone is cut out for Stargate travel.”

“I believe her, Jack.” Daniel stated to his amazed friends.

“Daniel, it’s preposterous.” Jack said as he defended his position.

“Actually it’s not, Colonel.” Carter interjected as Jack looked at her like she too had lost her mind. “I mean think about it, sir. We have met, how many aliens? We cannot discount the liklihood that Liz is telling the truth. I mean, if she were to lie to us would you pick a story about the Roswell aliens?”

Jack stared at Carter for a moment before turning his attention back to Liz and Daniel. “All right, let’s say for arguments sake that I believe you and that I am not going to throw you out of the SCG. What does all this have to do with Kivar?”

“Kivar was or is Zan’s enemy. He killed him and the rest of his family before and he was probably planning on doing it again. Now, I never knew he was a Goa’uld but at the time I didn’t know what a Goa’uld was. Kivar knows where Max is. That is who he is running from and he wanted us to bring him here for a reason. Don’t you think it was a little too easy? I mean, we find him on that planet, he doesn’t even try to fight us and he is just a little on the cocky side, don’t you think?”

“He’s a Goa’uld, they’re all cocky.” Jack replied.

“Look, Colonel. I realize that you have no reason to trust me but if we can find out where Max and the others are I think it would be to our advantage.”

“How?” Carter asked.

“The Antarians, for lack of a better word are an advanced race. You’ve been looking for allies against the Goa’uld? You’ve been looking for weapons? They will help us.”


“Because once upon a time he loved me. So if Kyle and I…” Liz quickly caught Daniel’s eye. “Forgot that part didn’t I?”

Jack O’Neill looked as though his head was going to implode when Liz told him about Kyle’s involvement and that she told him about Kivar being on Earth. She also explained to him that Kyle had no knowledge of the Stargate and they would have an even better chance of getting what they wanted out of the Antarians if he was there as well.

“I need a drink.” Jack mumbled as he rubbed his hands across his face. “Before we can do anything, Parker, I think we need to decide what exactly to do with you.”

Tune in next week for the next part
check out my fic Tomorrow Never Comes

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Liz Parker Evans
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 36
Joined: Wed May 07, 2003 7:17 pm

Post by Liz Parker Evans »

Okay....Here is The Next Chapter. Now, i have another one already written and I am in the process of finishing up Chapter 8 but I am not going to post 7 until sometime next week and then Chapter around the 1st. I am going on vacation on the second and will not be back till the th and I hope to have several new parts written out for you then.

Okay, On with the show!! Oh, and thank you Burning Chaos for your patience with me!

Chapter 6

Kyle stood in from of the wooden mantel over Liz’s fireplace looking at the pictures that adorned it as he finished his coffee. He had seen his father off a half hour ago but he didn’t feel it was time for him to leave. He had forgotten how nice it was to be with Liz, to be with someone other than his father who knew his whole past. It was hard to really connect on an emotional level with someone when you couldn’t share everything with them. The picture on the mantle proved that past. It showed pictures of him and Liz together in more innocent times, of Liz, Maria and Alex laughing together and then there were the pictures of the others that had defined their lives. Liz smiling at Max the way she did that made him sick to his stomach. Maria looking with disgust at Michael, which paled in comparison to the looks she would give him on a daily basis and Alex in the middle of a group shot of all of them sneaking a look at Isabel. These were his friends, this was his family and he missed him all.

Kyle had been too absorbed in his own thoughts to hear the car door shut outside if he had he would have taken the opportunity to escape out the back and down the mountain slope. But as it was the doorbell rang and not expecting any trouble answered it.


“Mr. Valenti?” The man asked dressed in an Air Force uniform. “I am Sgt. Wilcox. Will you come with us?”

“Um…I don’t think so.” Kyle responded and he knew immediately that this had to do with Liz and as a result with Max Evans. In Kyle’s opinion Evan’s never stopped screwing with his life.

“I’m afraid you don’t really have a choice.” Wilcox nodded to two men who were standing directly behind him and they purposefully walked up to Kyle and took a hold of his forearm a little stronger than he thought was absolutely necessary.

“Hey, wait! What do you think you’re doing?” Kyle said as he fought against the men. He knew it was stupid of him to even try but his instincts told him it was time to flee. Unfortunately his instincts were being suppressed by two rather mean looking MP’s.

“Mr. Valenti, calm down. All will be explained to you as soon as possible.”

“Well, isn’t that reassuring.” Kyle sighed as he stopped struggling. “Very well, take me to your leader. But there’s going to hell to pay. I know people man…No one that can really help me, but I know people.”

Sgt. Wilcox walked back to the black S.U.V. and climbed into the back as the guards pushed Kyle in next to him before starting the vehicle up.

“You know, you guys really need to think about getting a vehicle that doesn’t say “Look at me, I’m a fed.’” Wilcox just stared at Kyle as the truck started up and drove away. “He, just a thought.”

“This is ridiculous; I told I don’t know anything.” Kyle repeated himself for at least the third time in the last thirty minutes. His head was throbbing and he felt he desperately needed a drink. He hated the military but this came about after hearing of Max’s own experience with the FBI.

“Don’t make this harder on yourself, Mr. Valenti.” Wilcox continued. “What did Miss Parker tell you?”

“Don’t you mean, Dr. Parker?” Kyle corrected.

“Very well, Dr. Parker, Now Kyle, what do you know about Kivar and about the Stargate?”

“First off, what the hell is a Stargate?” Kyle asked exasperated. “I know about as much about Kivar as you do. “ Kyle knew very little about Kivar but what he did know he wasn’t about to share with these goons. This was part of the past that he wanted to keep buried. This was part of his past with Liz , Maria and Alex.

“Very well.” Wilcox said apparently nearing the end of his rope with this one. “Call the General and have them bring her in.”

The young guard who helped to escort Kyle here nodded and quickly exited the room. Wilcox and Kyle sat in silence for what seemed like hours. The door to the small chamber opened and the guard brought Liz in followed by Daniel. A man with silvering hair also entered along with a very large African American man, but somehow he didn’t seem right. There was something different about him. He was followed up by an attractive blond.

“Colonel O’Neill, I told you that I wished to have this interview alone.”

“Yeah, well, you know me and orders Wilcox. Besides, if this concerns a member of my team it concerns me.” O’Neill took the seat directly across from Kyle. “I’m Colonel Jack O’Neill.”

“Kyle Valenti. I would say nice to meet you but in all honesty, its not.”

Jack smiled at the younger man’s comments. “A smartass? I like that. “Jack inclined his head towards the others. “This is Major Samantha Carter, and Teal’c. I believe you already know Daniel and Liz.”

“Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on?” Kyle pleaded, his eyes locking on Liz’s. She merely shrugged. Apparently she was just as in the dark as he was.

“Sir, is this really necessary? I already told you what I told him, which is pretty much nothing. All I told him was about Kivar being here, not why we are all here.” Liz tried to explain to Colonel O’Neill.

“All right then, let’s try this one.” Wilcox started again. “What do you know of the planet Antar?”

Liz looked just as taken aback as Kyle. She didn’t expect O’Neill to completely sell her out. Though in retrospect she probably hadn’t given him much of a choice. She looked a bit angrily at O’Neill.

“Don’t look at me like that, Parker. I didn’t tell them squat.” O’Neill grumbled. “However, bare in mind that there isn’t a room in this entire base that isn’t on a camera with the exception of Teal’c’s room. It was only a matter of time before all this got out.”

“Still seems a little quick to me.” Liz responded.

“Me too.” Daniel said.

“Um…back to my question. What do you know of the planet Antar, Mr. Valenti?” Kyle didn’t answer at first he simply starred at Liz waiting for her go ahead. She mere watched Wilcox and then nodded to Kyle.

“It’s okay, Kyle. It’s not like this can hurt Max now.”

“Are you sure?” Kyle asked one last time. “All right, here’s the stitch…” Kyle then proceeded to tell them what he knew about Antar and the podsquad, leaving out some very critical information. He didn’t tell them about Max and Liz’s connection, he didn’t tell them about her latent powers and he didn’t tell them about how Tess had killed Alex. He didn’t tell them how he was fairly sure that their disappearance from Earth had something to do with Maria’s. He wished he could remember more of that day. He remembered arriving at the Granolith with Maria and then nothing until he woke up at home a couple of days later. He didn’t know what happened during those missing days but he had the uncanny suspicion that Maria was with the others although it was nothing he could prove and he never wanted to voice his suspicions to Liz for fear that she would try to find a way to get to them. He couldn’t bare the thought of losing her as well. He didn’t want to be alone anymore.

“Is that all?” Wilcox asked.

“All that I can remember.”

“And what about you, Dr. Parker. What do you know of the Antarians?”

Kyle had expected her to answer, he really did. But instead she leaned over the table her resolve intact. “Kyle told you everything we know. There is nothing else to say. Please release him into my custody and I will see him safely back to Roswell.”

“I’m afraid it won’t be that easy. He has seen this base, he has been informed that to speak of this place with anyone will be constituted as high treason and what’s more we are planning on finding this Antar and obtaining their support against the Goa’uld. For that we will need both you and Mr. Valenti.” Wilcox smiled evilly as he reached into his briefcase and threw Kyle an I.D. card. “Welcome to the SGC, Mr. Valenti.”

“The what?” Kyle asked dumbstruck. He looked over at Liz and the others that he had just been introduced to and they all looked just as shocked as he did.

“The SGC, Mr. Valenti. Star Gate Command.”

“I know I probably don’t want to know the answer to this but what is a Stargate?” Kyle asked. Liz looked very uncomfortable and glanced over at O’Neill for reassurance as to how she should proceed. He merely nodded his acceptance of the situation. He didn’t like the situation but unfortunately Wilcox answered directly to the Joint Chief of Staffs so there was little that O’Neill could do about it.

“Go ahead and tell him, Parker. I get the feeling we will do better with him as a friend than anything else.”

“Okay Kyle, The Stargate is well, I guess you would call it a stable wormhole in which we can travel to other worlds.”

“Huh?” Kyle asked a bit mystified.

“Okay, you remember on Star Trek Deep Space Nine the wormhole that would take them to the Delta quadrant?” Kyle nodded. Liz had forgotten that she had to put everything into Kyle-ese. He was a very smart man, more than he would allow himself to admit to but he also shut down the moment she started speaking of anything remotely scientific.

“Okay, I am with you.”

“Well, it is kind of like that only a whole lot cooler.” Liz smiled. She never wanted to drag Kyle into the new mess she had made with her life but she had to admit she was glad that he was here. She had missed him more than she thought she would. Of all the people she had left behind when she was seventeen, Kyle was the last person she thought would have come through for her in such a grand way.

“You want to see it?” Daniel asked as he shoved his hands in his pocket. Kyle looked up at him and smiled like a kid in a candy store. He grew up on science fiction and this day had just taken a turn for the better.
Last edited by Liz Parker Evans on Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
check out my fic Tomorrow Never Comes

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Post by Liz Parker Evans »

Here is the next part. I will probably have Part 8 to you by mid week and Part 9 before my vacation. Let me know what you all think. I love the feedback. Oh, and once again thanks to BurningChaos for being an awesome beta. You rock!

Chapter 7

Kivar sat stiffly on what he supposed was a poor excuse for a bed. He was used to the finest luxuries the universe had to offer and now he was reduced to the meager comforts of Earth. He knew that they were not really trying to make him comfortable; in fact it was quite the opposite. They wanted the information that he had. They wanted to know why he was alone on the planet where he was found. They wanted to know what information he had and they wanted to know why he had come with them so willingly; in fact it had been his idea in the first place. He had no intention of telling any of them the real reason he was here. He didn’t think they would even vaguely begin to comprehend why he needed to get to Earth to find her. He never for a moment thought that she would actually be the one to find him. When she appeared on the planet with the rest of that pitiful little team he knew that the gods had blessed him. He would have fallen down on his knees and thanked them if he wasn’t already perceived as one in everyone’s eyes.

He wondered how much Liz Parker actually knew about herself. He felt his mark on her, Zan’s mark. There was no mistaking it, but no one really understood what is meant, not even him. No human had ever been touched by an Antarian before. The Antarians had been feared for generations because of the powers that they had. The Goa’uld’s were the most powerful race in the galaxy but they could only harness that kind of mental abilities with the use of hand devices and the like, but the Antarians were able to just use the force of their minds. From what he understood of their history it came from a bit of crossbreeding between the Antarians and the Asgard. The Asgard had once been part of the High Council in the Whirlwind Galaxy. The experiment was one that should have never taken place did take place. Genetic material from the High King of Antar was mixed with that of a female Asgard and from there history was rewritten. The started off looking pretty much like your standard Asgard but slowly over thousands of years their outward appearance changed, they became more humanoid looking with every passing generation until the final outcome was the royal family that Kivar had grown to up abhor. While the Antarians were more revered because of their gentler appearance there were those on the neighboring planet that were also descendants of that same experiment that were not so lucky, where they lacked the more pleasing appearance but they made up for it in other abilities.

Kivar brought his thoughts back to that of Miss Parker. She was an enigma to him. He needed to find out how far the change, that Zan had started all those years ago, had proceeded. Eventually he knew that she and her team would stumble upon the planet where Zan and the rest of the royal four were, it was only a matter of time. He needed to know what to expect and then he could get the hell out of here and report back to Ba’al, not that Ba’al would even believe him anymore. Kivar was thought to be the most untrustworthy among all the Goa’uld, but that didn’t mean they didn’t want the information that he would have to offer. Then maybe he could come out of this a bit more ahead than when he started.

The door to his cell open slowly and the large Jaffa known as Teal’c entered. Teal’c was well known among his people, he was the betrayer. This one had a bounty on his head larger than any before. If he could manage to get a hold of him then the galaxy would be his.

“Kivar, you WILL tell me what I need to know?” Teal’c demanded as he entered not even breaking stride until he was standing before Kivar.

“I will tell you nothing!” Kivar responded, the time for niceties was over. “I will not answer to the likes of you! You betrayed your god, Apophis. There is none lower.”

Teal’c didn’t respond verbally. He merely clenched his large hand in a fist and punched Kivar in the face. “I suggest you tell us what we want to know?”

“I can’t believe you are allowing this, Sir.” Major Samantha Carter complained to her C.O. “Isn’t this slightly barbaric?”

Colonel Jack O’Neill turned away from the monitor that showed what was happening in the cell to face Carter. “Relax, Carter. It was just one punch and that is all there is going to be, but what a hell of hit.”

“What do you mean?” Daniel asked as he looked at Jack from where he stood between Carter and Liz.

“I mean, we needed Kivar to know that we mean business and can be just as barbaric as he is given half the chance. I am hoping that is all it will take, that he is just a coward at heart but I doubt it. Give it ten minutes then I want you and Liz to go and have a little chat with him. I am hoping he will feel a little chattier now.”

Liz and Daniel looked at one another. For the first time since she came to work with the SGC she really didn’t want to do her job. She was glad that Kyle was still in the middle of a lengthy debriefing with General Hammond and didn’t have to deal with Kivar. He had haunted her nightmares for so long. She saw him killing Max over and over in her sleep. She just prayed that her nightmares didn’t come to fruition.

“Sir?” Liz wanted to voice her objection in the matter but knew it would be useless against Jack O’Neill. He looked at her expectantly but instead she just calmly walked out of the room. A little too calmly.

“Daniel, go after her.” Jack ordered. Daniel nodded his head and followed Liz.

Jack turned his attention back to the monitor and saw Teal’c standing there looking very menacing and talking calmly to Kivar. Of course Teal’c did most things calmly. That made him scary as hell when he was actually angry. Jack had only witnessed it a handful of times and it was not something you would soon forget.

“What are you thinking, sir?” Carter asked. “I know that look.”

“It’s nothing Carter, it’s just I don’t like this situation at all. I don’t like the secrets, and I don’t think the outcome on this one is going to be very pleasant.”

“You blame Liz for this, then?” Carter asked. He ran her hand through her short blond hair and look up at Jack with shining blue eyes. “This isn’t her fault, Sir. Granted she should have told us from the beginning but the fact remains that she did tell us.”

O’Neill nodded. He knew that Carter was right, but then again she was always right and it was starting to infuriate him. At times he felt he couldn’t even really hold his own in a conversation with her if any kind of science was involved. Now The Simpson’s, if she would just talk about The Simpson’s with him, there he ruled supreme. He looked at Carter again and smiled. Someday, when he had done all he thought he could do for the SGC he was going to retire and ask the major out on a date.

“What?” Carter asked noticing the smile on O’Neill’s face.

“Nothing.” He quickly looked back at the monitor and noticed that Teal’c had left. Now, it was all up to Daniel and Liz. He only hoped that they were up to it.

Daniel caught up to Liz in the hallway on the way to her lab. He had called her name several times before finally managing to get her to stop. He was unsure if she just didn’t hear him or just didn’t want to hear him. When he finally caught up with her he could practically feel the anxiety pouring out of her.

“Are you all right?” he asked her.

“Fine.” She lied openly. She knew that he didn’t believe her but she wasn’t in the mood to discuss her feelings on the matter. She really wasn’t sure how she was feeling. She wanted this part of her life to be over with, yet here she was preparing to go and interrogate the man who had killed Max in one life. He was probably looking to do it again.


“Don’t Daniel. Don’t ask me how I am feeling. Don’t ask me what I am thinking because quite frankly I am not sure myself and I am not in the mood to discuss it.”

Daniel nodded but she could tell he was a little hurt. He had wanted her to share her feelings with him and the fact that she didn’t only proved that they had a long way to go in the friendship department. He slowly reached out, took hold of her shoulder and then it happened again for the second time in two days.


The room faded as her stomach turned sickly, she thought in the back of her mind that it was a good thing she hadn’t eaten lunch. Once again the floor started to slip out from underneath her, she reach out and cling to…someone who she couldn’t see anymore. A image formed in her mind, it was so clear. She was a beautiful woman, earthy, real, and full of love. She could see a man looking at this woman and knew that without her he would forget how to breathe, to live, to be, that this man would always love her. Liz knew that it was Sha’re without being told, Daniel’s wife, his first real love. It changed so rapidly that her stomach took another turn, she gasped out load with the horror of what it had changed to. Gone was the loving scene between a husband and wife, it was replaced with terror. Liz was suddenly looking through Sha’re’s eyes, she was being brought in front of Apophis, by a large Jaffa. She was stripped naked; Apophis examined her to determine if she was worthy. He had Amonette placed within her and now, now she was a Goddess, and no longer the wife of the man she once called Dan’yel. Abruptly as it started it ended, the room came back into focus and Liz returned.

End of Flash

Her breath came back to her in jagged gasps; she felt her legs go weak beneath her. Daniel caught her and helped to steady her on her feet as he quickly got her to her office. Kyle was sitting at her desk with his feet propped up on the corner. His debriefing had let out about fifteen minutes ago and he was hoping to get a few minutes alone to talk with Liz.

“What happened?” Kyle asked upon seeing Liz.

“I’m not sure. We were just talking and then it was like she wasn’t there anymore, the next thing I know she is shaking and almost fell. She ever did anything like this before?”

“No. Never.” Kyle took Liz’s hands within his own and was shocked when she quickly grabbed them back.

“Sorry.” Liz looked apologetically up at Kyle.

“What happened?” Daniel asked. “Was it another one of those premonitions?”

“No, I didn’t see the future. I saw the past.” She looked at Daniel then slowly reached out and touched his face with more tenderness than she had touched anyone in a long time. She swore she felt her heart start to beat again. Watching the scene that had unfolded before her eyes made her respect him more than she already did. What he had endured and still managed to keep going and to remain so open and approachable.

If her touch had caught him by surprise then the look in her eyes did even more so. He swallowed hard and was about to speak when Kyle did that for him breaking the spell. He hated Kyle in that moment. “What did you see, Liz?”

She was about to answer when the phone in her office began ringing loudly and annoyingly. That could only be Colonel O’Neill, she thought to herself.

“Hello?” She asked as she walked over to her desk and picked up the receiver.

“It’s time. You and Daniel are on.” Colonel O’Neill’s voice ordered on the other end.

“On our way.” She hung up the phone and looked over at Daniel and Kyle. “It’s time.”

Daniel nodded and slowly followed her out the door. But not before glancing back at Kyle. Kyle had a look of sheer terror on his face and Daniel couldn’t say he could blame them. There was an old saying ‘The devil you know is better than the one you don’t’ or something along those lines and this was the devil that had killed their friends in their former life. This was the devil that Kyle was afraid was going to drag Liz and him back into the nightmare along with everyone else. Kyle didn’t see anyway for this to end well. If nothing else Kivar would bring up old memories for Liz and for himself. He knew what Tess was but that didn’t stop a part of him from missing her. She had become a sister to him, someone who he could talk to about anything. He had placed that faith in the wrong person when he should have placed it in Liz from the beginning, instead of the one person that really did destroy their lives. She had killed Alex and with it their innocence.

She stood looking out of her small window which was the focal point in the equally small room. This was not where she was supposed to be living. She was not suppose to be in a self proclaimed exile, she was supposed to be living in the royal court reaping the benefits set forth for her a lifetime ago. Kivar had promised Nasedo, but Kivar was no better at keeping his promises than Nasedo had been. Nonetheless Nicholas had promised her that Kivar would be returning and when he did their revenge would be at hand in such a way that not ever she could dream of it. At the thought of that, Tess smiled.
check out my fic Tomorrow Never Comes

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Liz Parker Evans
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Post by Liz Parker Evans »

All right, I have decided to go ahead and post 8. I will try to get Chapter nine finished and hopefully out to you all before the 2nd which is when I go on my vacation so I can come back the day before school starts up on the 13th. Unfortunately that means that posting will slow waaay down. I am still hoping for one every week but in reality it might be every other week but I will not abandon this. I will finish it because quite frankly the stupid thing won't leave me alone. I am even starting to dream about it. Anyway, on with the show. Now, once again Thank You Burning Chaos for being an awesome Beta!! One last note, this part is kind of a transition a little bit of a history lesson so it might be a little on the dry side but it was also a necessary evil

Chapter 8

Kivar smiled as he heard the door to his cell open. It didn’t take a genius to know who it was. He tenderly rubbed the area right under his eye where Teal’c had punched him. He had been livid right after it happened and Teal’c had the standard reserve of a Jaffa. He had been one of the best that much was obvious, not to mention the fact that he had become First Prime to Apothis at an early age. He would have loved to get into a game of wits with the young Jaffa; he had a feeling that this was a very intelligent man regardless of the stoic silence. When Liz Parker entered the cell followed closely by Daniel Jackson, Kivar realize that there was another game afoot.

“Dr. Parker, what a surprise that you have come back to visit.” Kivar said as Daniel quietly closed the door to the cell, his hand sliding down unconsciously to the gun at his side. He normally only wore his weapon when going off world but something told him that it would be prudent to be armed while questioning this Goa’uld. He tried to ignore the voice in his head that told him the reason was that he wanted to protect Liz at all costs.

“All right Kivar.” Liz said softly as she closed the door. “I have had enough of games to last me a lifetime. I want to know…”

“I know what you want and I really don’t think you are in a position to be asking me anything “Liz looked at Kivar in disbelief. He had to gall to think that he had the upper hand in this situation? What really upset Liz was that he was probably right.

“All right, then. What is it that you want?” Daniel asked as he leaned against the far wall.

“You see, this is where we enter into a bit of a quandary. The plan was to bring you to Antar to adequately distract Zan while she takes control but you found me instead of me finding you. I may have started out in control of that planet but in reality I was never in complete control. It was always her.”

“Her?” Liz asked feeling bile rise into her throat. She knew who Kivar was talking about; he didn’t even need to answer the question. “You mean Tess.”

“Tess? Yes, I think that was the name she was using while on this planet. I knew her as Avaria the Queen of Antar, wife to the king and consort of the Nikel.”

“Nikel?” Liz asked in confusion. “You mean Nicolas? Nicolas is involved in all this as well?”

“Yes. You see initially Nikel and Avaria were to marry to bind the allegiance of peace between the Antarians and the Goa’uld. Nikel is the son of Ba’al and the reason I am in this mess to begin with.”

“Wait. Nikel or Nicholas is a Goa’uld and Ba’al’s son? But Nicholas is a Skin.”

“A skin?” Daniel asked from where he had been standing in silence. Once Liz started talking he decided it was best if he took on the role of observer unless called upon for help.

“They are a race of alien that cannot survive on Earth in their normal bodies. They create these humanlike husks in order to live but they only last about fifty years before they disintegrate. “She explained to Daniel before turning back to Kivar. “That doesn’t explain about Nicholas being a Skin?”

“The Antarians are known galaxy wide for their scientific meddling, thus the botched experiment of Zan and the others. But there were other failures. Antar had been at war for years prior to Zan coming to your planet. They were only people of note that was able to successfully hold off our forces for any significant time. Nicholas was my second in command and I trusted him to do what he was told. That was a mistake I should have never made. He and Avaria teamed up and plotted against both sides. They really made a formable team. She of course was the brains of the operation he seemed to be there more to cause more conflict than anything. That was when he brought up the idea of courting Vilandra. He wanted to do it himself for she was the most beautiful Antarian I had ever in my life seen, so I could understand him wanting to. She was a fruit that I alone wanted to taste and that was the way it had to be. I never meant to develop any kind of feeling for her, I did but that didn’t stop me from doing what I had to do. I created strife. I distanced her from Zan, widened the already existing gap between her and that idiot Rath. Then I betrayed her. I still remember her screams as she watched as I killed both Zan and Rath before her eyes. It is still a thought that gives me pleasure when there is such little pleasure to be had. Then I killed her. But their meddlesome mother took it upon herself to dabble once again in science where no one should, especially those that haven’t a clue to the ramifications of their actions. She sent Zan, Vilandra and Rath to Earth to incubate and to be reborn.”

“And Tess.” Liz added.

“No, she was never meant to join them. Her treachery in the matter was found out almost immediately and it was well known about the King’s distrust of his young queen.”

“But the hologram in the cave?”

“Never heard of editing?” Kivar grumbled at the young woman. “Anyway, she remained and the queen in one last effort to save her children launched a weapon that in essence made Earth poisonous to us. At least the one ones that were on the planet at the time. They couldn’t survive without husks. It took a few years before we perfected that and by that time Nicholas had killed his precious Avaria and sent her essence to Earth with Nasedo to be reborn with the others. I believe you know most of the rest.”

“How are you able to be here without a husk?” Liz asked. She had to admit she found all this to be quite amazing.

“One, I was not there at the time. I had been called by Ba’al to come and give him a status report on this progress so at least I was spared that little indignity. Ba’al has always had a great interest in Antar and it kills him that he has never been able to get it. That is why I am here. You are the king’s greatest weakness and one we intend to exploit.”

It happened so fast that there was no time for their minds to register what was going on. Kivar reached into the lining of his clothing and pulled out a small metallic device no bigger than a dime. It took Daniel completely by surprise though nothing a Goa’uld does should surprise him anymore. A small vortex opened in the middle of where they were standing. It swirling lights surprised Liz and she let out a gasp as she looked over at Daniel. A moment passed between then as they both understood what was about to happen.

Daniel looked pleadingly up at the camera in the corner of the room and yelled. “Jack!”

Kivar laughed, it had to be one of the few times that he had ever seen a Goa’uld laugh and it was an eerie thing to behold. Daniel knew there would be no time for help to reach them and he also knew he was not about to leave Liz to face this alone. Kivar grabbed Liz then he quickly turned and stepped into the vortex disappearing in an instant. Daniel glanced once more at the camera before committing himself. He then took a deep breath, then with no real thought in his mind other than helping Liz he leaped into the fading vortex and felt his world go black.

“Jack!” Sam turned to the monitor that she had just momentarily turned away from to sign some papers that a young petty officer had brought into her. She turned quickly at hearing the panic in Daniel’s voice and she called over to Jack who had just returned from a quick briefing with General Hammond.

“What?” Jack answered as he joined Carter over by the monitor. The sight before him left him a bit speechless. “What the hell is that?”

“I have no idea. I have never seen anything quite like that.” Carter said as she picked up the phone that was hanging on the wall and dialed General Hammond’s extension. Right before he picked up they say the three of them; Kivar, Liz and Daniel disappear within the vortex.

“Damn it Daniel!” Jack cursed. “I wish he would stop trying to play the hero.”

Carter didn’t respond. Things had just gone bad to worse and unlike in the past they hadn’t a clue where to go to from here.
check out my fic Tomorrow Never Comes

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Liz Parker Evans
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Post by Liz Parker Evans »

Chapter 9

Larek stood silently in his boardroom as he listened to his advisor read off the latest list of complaints from his council. He had been the leader of Nyack for more years than most people could count but the sheer idiocy of his own council still managed to catch him by surprise. It had gotten to the point where he really was no longer paying the attention that he should.

“The council would also like you to look into the matter of speaking with King Zan about finding a bride. Since Queen Avaria is no longer in the picture it is time that he produces an heir.”

“I know, Jaer.” Larek sighed in exasperation. Every week it was the same thing. The council was so worried about the alliance that they had with Antar and they wanted Zan to desperately to either produce and heir or to name an heir apparent. Larek knew the necessity for all of this as well and he had spoken to Zan about it but Zan had been less than open to the idea and Larek was afraid he knew the reason for this. It was that Earth girl again, the one that Zan had healed during his time there, the one that he had marked as his queen much to the horror of Avaria. It was such a sad thing the way it all worked out between them. In the beginning Avaria and Zan had been very much in love or rather, he had been in love with her and she had been in love with his power. They were married when they had been quite young and for a while they had seemed genuinely happy. Then Kivar had arrived with Nikel in tow and that was the beginning of the end. Kivar had come under the guise of peace and it took less that the moons cycle before Avaria and Nikel were sharing a bed and secrets. Kivar had taken a liking to Vilandra almost instantly and she had been very flattered by him. She had been ignored by Rath for quite some time. It wasn’t that Rath didn’t love his flighty little princess it was just that he had been busy trying to quell an uprising outside of the capital and had little time for his betrothed and if the honest truth were spoken it was not a marriage to be born out of love but out of duty. Larek couldn’t really blame Vilandra for her interest in Kivar but then the truth was soon discovered. He was of a race called Goa’uld as was Nikel and more horrifying was that Avaria had been aware of it almost from the beginning. She had plotted with him to do away with not only her husband but the entire royal family and rule Antar herself. Kivar had other plans.

“Oh, and your sister asked for you to come to her lab as soon as you can.”

“She did?” Larek asked a little too eagerly. He wanted nothing more than to have Jaer stop his droning on about matters that he could do nothing about. “Can we continue this later? Thank you, Jaer.” Larek practically ran out of the room. He didn’t stay to even hear Jaer’s response. Bless his sister for her timing. He rounded the corner of scientific wing to his palace and walked into the spacious lab. He watched from the doorway as his sister sat in front of her monitor and it appeared to be tracking something.

“You summoned me?” Larked asked as he stepped the rest of the way into the lab.

“How can I summon you, you are the king of Nyac?” The woman asked as she looked up from what she was doing and smiled.

“And yet I always seem to come running when you call, Serena.”

“That’s because you are afraid of what your council will ask you to do next.” Serena said as she turned the monitor to face her brother. “You need to see this, Larek. I have been monitoring the transmissions from Earth for sometime now. Ever since they found and started using their Stargate.”

“I know. What is this about?” Larek asked trying to make sense out of what he was seeing.

“We believe the gate is located in what the people of Earth call Colorado.” She explained and noticing the confused look on her brother’s face try to explain her findings. “Everything had pretty much going as it should until about twenty-four hours again when what I believe was a Katanzan was activated.”

“Are you sure?” Larek asked alarmed at the ramifications.

“I’m sure, Larek. They were all destroyed before Zan was killed before, all except one.”

“Kivar’s.” Larek said and it was not a question. Larek knew it was only a matter of time before Kivar made his move on Earth with or without Zan being there or not. He knew why Kivar would have activated the device. He had found her.

“What are you going to do, Larek?” Serena asked.

“The only thing I can do. I am going to Earth to see what happened.” He looked at his sister as she nervously brushed a strand of reddish gold hair from his green eyes. “When you visit with Maria later you must not mention to anyone what has happened. Zan will put two and two together and he will know who Kivar has gone after. He is too emotionally involved in this nothing good can come from this.”

Kyle paced back in forth in the general's debriefing room waiting for O’Neill and Carter to come out of General Hammond’s office. Teal’c sat silently in the chair he usually occupied with his patented unreadable look on his face. He watched the newest member of their team as he muttered under his breath.

“Mister Valenti, what it is you hope to accomplish from your endless walking?” Teal’c asked.

“What?” Kyle asked stopping only briefly to regard the large man. “Oh, just a little habit I picked up from Liz I guess. It helps me to think.” Teal’c merely nodded in understanding and watched once more as Kyle went back to his pacing. The door to General Hammond’s office opened as O’Neill and Carter came out looking as defeated as Kyle felt. O’Neill looked at the younger man with something akin to pity.

“Will you all have a seat?” Hammond said as he came out of his office and took his seat at the head of the table. Kyle had the sinking feeling that he was not going to like this. “I need to hear everything you know about this Kivar and what he would want with Dr. Parker and Dr. Jackson?”

“He doesn’t want Dr. Jackson.” Kyle explained as he sat down. “He wants Liz.”

“Be that as it may we still have the same problem. How do we get back Dr.Parker and Dr. Jackson?” Hammond asked. O’Neill looked a bit pale. It was then that Kyle knew that O’Neill had little to no hope to their recovery.

“We could start by going back to the planet.” Carter offered. She knew as well as the rest of them the hopelessness of the situation but she also knew that they owed it to their friends to at least try.

“Any news from the Tok’ra?” O’Neill asked his commanding officer.

“I tried to get in touch with Jacob but he isn’t there right now.”

“Not there?” Carter asked. “Where is he, sir?”

“They wouldn’t say and frankly I wasn’t of a mind to ask.”

A young officer walked into the conference room and looked around nervously. Hammond merely glanced up at him and signaled for him to come close. The officer walked over to Hammond and leaned down and whispered something that only the Commander could hear. Hammond’s face was emotionless when he turned to face Kyle.

“Mr. Valenti, would you be so kind as to tell me why there is a Brody Davis here to see you?”

“Brody? He’s here?” Kyle asked very confused.

“Yes. Who is he?” Hammond asked.

“He runs the UFO museum back in Roswell. Max used to work for him. Brody is a self made millionaire. A bit eccentric but a nice guy.” Kyle explained.

“How is he eccentric?” Teal’c asked.

“Well, he believes that he was abducted by aliens and I guess in a sense that is true.”

“What do you mean?” Hammond asked.

“Well, there is an alien…a friend of Zan if you will named Larek and from time to time he would take control of Brody.” Kyle ran his hand over his face.

“So, that begs the question of who is actually here to see you, Mr. Valenti.” Hammond stood and turned to the young officer. “Show Mr. Davis in.”
check out my fic Tomorrow Never Comes

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Liz Parker Evans
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Post by Liz Parker Evans »

A/N I know I promised one big chapter but it wasn't flowing right so I broke it into two. I should have 11 up later today if all goes well or by tomorrow at the latest. Let me know what you think

Chapter 10

General Hammond as well as the rest of SG-1 looked disbelieving as the rather small man was escorted into the conference room and stood before them. Kyle immediately recognized Brody Davis and there was no reason that he shouldn’t. He had seenn him in Roswell no less than a few weeks ago.

“Brody, what are you doing here?” Kyle asked noticing the way that Brody’s eyes locked onto Teal’c.

“You are Jaffa.” It was not a question and just by him asking it he answered the question that Kyle had been wondering about. This was not Brody…this was Larek.

“Larek.” Kyle stated as he sat back down. “I know I shouldn’t be surprised.”

“You are the one they call Valenti, are you not?” Larek asked as he noticed the young man that had addressed him. “You were a friend of Zan.”

“In the loosest definition of that word.” Kyle explained then turned towards General Hammond. “General Hammond I would like to introduce you to Larek, an alien. Larek, this is General Hammond, he is the commander of this base. That is Colonel Jack O’Neil, Major Samantha Carter and Teal’c.”

“Greetings.” He nodded his head slightly. “I do not have much time before this vessel rejects me. I fear that Brody has become stronger since I last inhabited him so I must make this quick. Where are Kivar and the Katanzan?”

“Katawhat?” Jack asked really getting tired of all the words that he had come in contact with in the last seven years that he hadn’t clue how to pronounce. “Teal’c?”

“Katazan is device left behind by the ancients. There are very few in existence. I, myself have never actually seen one but Apophis was constantly trying to locate one.”

“Very nice, but what the hell is it?” Jack snapped annoyed at his friend. This day had turned out to be one big headache and he wanted nothing more to go home, have a beer and have someone tell him that none of this had actually happened.

“It acts as a miniature Stargate. It will transport the user to a destination of the users choosing.”

“Really?” Carter asked a bit too enthusiastically and Jack immediately knew that what was to follow would be a barrage of questions about physics, engineering, and a plethora of other subjects that only she and Daniel would be able to understand. “How does it work?”

“I do not know, Major Carter. I have never had the chance to actually see one.”

“This is all well and good but can we get back to the subject at hand and that being the possessed alien standing in the middle of the room.” Jack said as he pointed to Larek.

“That is a bit inaccurate. My race does take temporary control but it is tenuous at best and we could never do something while in control that the host would not agree to.” Larek looked back at Teal’c. “Where is the Katazan?”

“I believe that is what Kivar used when he left with Dr. Parker and Dr. Jackson.”

“So he does have her.” Larek cursed loudly. “This is all going to hell. I best be getting back. I have to make preparations.”

“For what?” Kyle asked knowing he really didn’t want to hear the answer.

“For the end. If Kivar has Miss Parker then they finally have the key to breaking Zan. Ava and Nicholas will be primed to overthrow him.”

“I wouldn’t count Liz out just yet, Larek.” Kyle told the small man as he tried to stuff the fear that was starting to well up. Liz had been in dire situations over and over since she knew Max. This was just another in a long list.

“We’re going back with you, Larek.” O’Neill said stubbornly not even bothering to ask Hammond if that would be all right. Luckily Hammond nodded his head in agreement. He had learned long ago to trust O’Neill’s instincts.

“I am afraid that you don’t understand. This body that I am using I only have temporary control over. When I leave Brody will remain.”

“Then give us your Gate address.”

“Our Gate? No one has used those for about one hundred of your Earth years.” Larek starred intently at O’Neill and sighed. “I will never understand this gunho fool heartiness that you all seem to share. I have even witnessed it in Zan and especially in Rath.”

“Sounds like Michael.” Kyle muttered under his breath causing Carter to look at him. “If it works, Larek, give us the address. We can’t let Tess get her hands on Liz. You know what she is capable of. You know what she would do. She killed Alex do you really think she would blink twice in killing Liz?”

“All right. I can make no guarantees on your safety.” Larek took a small piece of paper out of his pocket and quickly scrawled the symbols down. “I will have my people waiting for you.”

“Very well.” Hammond stated realizing that he hadn’t actually spoken since Larek entered the room. “Please escort Larek back topside. I wouldn’t want to have to explain this place to Mr. Davis.”

“Sir, what about Mr. Davis. Won’t he think it strange that he is now in Colorado?”

“Nah!” Kyle interjected. “He’ll just think that he has been abducted by aliens again. It’s nothing new to him.”

“We’ll be there in twenty four hours, Larek.”

Larek nodded one last time before he was escorted out of the room. Hammond and the rest of them just looked at each other in silence for a moment. Uncharacteristically it was Teal’c who spoke first.

“This will be most dangerous, O’Neill. I do not mind telling you that I am uneasy. Kivar has always been the most hated of the Goa’uld and the least trusted. Ba’al has had more prices on his head that anyone and yet he always managed to get find himself back in his good graces.” Teal’c rose to his considerable height. “I do not envy us this task.”


It was dark. That was the first thing that Daniel noticed when he opened his eyes. It was dark and his head hurt. Daniel tried to focus. He concentrated on the shapes in front of him. He couldn’t quite make them out. He tried to get to his feet but found that his hands and feet were bound with what appeared to be cords made of light. He heard breathing in the darkness and that was when he remembered that he did not come through alone. Kivar had taken Liz and he had jumped in after her. It was in all honesty a stupid thing to do but he wasn’t about to just let him take her.

“Liz?” Daniel called out in the darkness. “Liz?”

He heard a soft moan coming from across the room and he could just make out the same cords he had on her ankles. He wished he had some idea where he was or even what time it was. He remembered coming out of the other end of the vortex and seeing a very pretty blond with cold dead eyes and seeing the look of sheer loathing on Liz’s face upon seeing her. There was another man with them as well whom Daniel didn’t recognize although he didn’t know why he should. This was not his usual cast of character’s this was Liz’s. Her life was far more complicated than he realized. Even after she had trusted him with the truth of her past he hadn’t realized what it really entailed. Now he was smack dab in the middle of someone else’s nightmare instead of his own. It was a nice change of pace.

“Ow!” Liz groaned as she tried to sit up. “Daniel?”

“I’m here, Liz. Are you all right?”

“I think so. I am surprised that Tess didn’t try to work me over or something. She must be getting soft.” Liz muttered half amused.

“Got any idea where we are?”

“Whirlwind galaxy.” She said with certainty. “I’d bet my life on it.”

“Whirlwind? What makes you think that?” Daniel asked.

“That’s where Antar is and Antar is where Max is and where Max…that is where you will find Tess.” Liz sighed deeply. “Why couldn’t I see this in my premonition?”

“Can you move?” Daniel asked hopefully.

“Not much.” Liz admitted.

“How long have you had premonitions?”

“Umm…about five years, I guess. Actually the energy blasts started first and then I got the premonitions not long afterwards.”

“Energy blasts?”

“Yeah, No offense, Daniel, but can we talk about this later? Right now I would like to try and find a way out of here.”

“Sorry. I tend to talk…a lot when I am anxious.”

“I can’t believe a little thing like being held captive on an alien planet would make you anxious. It should be old hat by now.”

“Yeah…go figure.”

Kivar stood staring angrily at Tess and Nicholas. This was not the plan. The plan was to use Miss Parker as the bargaining chip with Zan but by the look of things Tess was trying to change the rules. He knew the little queenlette was capable of a great many evils but he never saw such blind fury behind her eyes before. One would never think that this small human could elicit such a response. Blind love from a king and hatred from a queen. He felt sorry for Liz; he admired her in a way even if in the end it would have little bearing on anything.

“Tess, sit down.” Kivar commanded. “I grow tired of watching you fume, endlessly about our prisoner.”

“Who is the man with her, Kivar?” Nicholas asked from his place next to Tess. He tried to touch her hand in a consoling way but she rapidly grabbed it back.

“Tsk, tsk, trouble in paradise?” Kivar asked. “The man is Dr. Daniel Jackson; he is from earth and a friend of hers. He hijacked the portal.”

“Interesting.” Nicholas offered up.

“When do we approach Max?” Tess asked trying to control her emotions. “I want to watch him as he sees her beg for mercy and die at his feet.”

“Bloodthirsty, my lamb?” Nicholas smiled at her. “You will have your vengeance in good time.”

Kivar watched the interchange between the two. If Nicholas wasn’t Baal’s son he would have killed him long ago. He had been one to take liberties and to try his patience. He had attempted to entice Vilandra on more than one occasion. For that alone Kivar was in his right to kill him. For years Kivar had dreamed of getting Vilandra back and now it was within his grasp.

“Send work to Nyack that we have the queen.” Kivar smiled.

“I am the queen!” Tess bellowed.

“That is where you are wrong my dear. You got to Zan a little to late. He had already branded his little earth girl. You are merely his whore.”

“Watch it, Kivar”

“No, you watch it, my dear. I have put up with a lot from you because of your position and out of respect for Nasedo. But Nasedo is gone and all you have is me and Nicholas. Do you really think Nicholas would stop me if I were to snap that pretty little neck of yours? I let you play with your power but remember I am the one in control. I control Liz’s fate and I control yours. If you want to survive you would do well to remember that.”

Tess didn’t say anything but merely nodded. She was afraid of Kivar, just about anyone with a brain was. She loved his power and tried once to appeal to him. She figured if she could no longer have Max then she would have his enemy. He wanted nothing to do with her so she settled for Nicholas. Everything had fallen apart. She should have had it all. The King and the heir but what she had was nothing. An existence where she could not show her face outside this world or else she very likely would end up dead. Max had put a price on her head years before. She blamed Liz for her fall from grace. Things had been good between her and Max in the beginning. Or at least they pretended that they were. She knew he didn’t love her at least not like he had love that mousy little Liz Parker. Everything had fallen apart. She was willing to abide her time, hearing him call out Liz’s name in his sleep, seeing flashed of he and Liz together every time he deigned to even touch or kiss her. Liz was the cause of it all. It was because of Liz that Alex had to die. She had tried to mindwarp her into decoding the Destiny Book but for some reason she was resistant to it. Everything that had happened ultimately went back to Liz Parker and for that she would have to die.

TBC....Maria recalls the night of her attack.
check out my fic Tomorrow Never Comes
