liz_maria's Fics

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liz_maria's Fics

Post by liz_maria »


I think it's time to put my list of fics here...

Completed Stories

Mesmerized -(Completed)


I'd like to thank Mia Nora for this spectacular banner! :D

Disclaimer:Don't own the characters. . .
Rating: PG-13
Summary/A/N:This fic has Max as the jock/prom king material guy and Liz is the girl who has a crush on him,but he doesn't notice. . .They're gonna get together, but there are certain situations that make it harder for them...


Stories Put On Hold

I'll Be -(On Hold)


Thank you to qt4167013 for this totally awesome banner :D

Diclaimer: Don't own the characters or the song I'm using. . .
Rating: Probably PG-13 or higher...
Summary (This is gonna be pretty lengthy so I'd suggest that you guys just read the prolouge. It's clearer that way. . .The story will unfold from there): Max Evans had the perfect girl. Everyting went right for him until an accident claimed the live of the woman he truly had feelings for. . .how could he ever feel the same way about somebody else again? The answer lies in the next following parts to come.

Forget Me Never -(On Hold)

Disclaimer: Don’t own anything that has to do with the show’s creators, cast & crew, bookmakers and etc…
Pairing: [maybe] no pairing [yet]…It’s centered on Liz, but the rest of the C/C members are in it. And so is Max.
Rating: [about] PG-13

Summary: Hmm… I’m not sure about this one.
Liz Parker is about to find out about some things that she might have missed earlier in her life due to an accident that leaves her to recall memorable events.
Last edited by liz_maria on Sat May 13, 2006 2:17 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Location: The city of parties and never-ending dreams(a.k.a. the Philippines)

Post by liz_maria »

Work In Progress

From Loathe to Love -(WIP)


Applauds to jasonbehrschick for such a wonderful banner! :D

Disclaimer: Don’t own anything that has to do with the show’s creators, cast & crew, book makers and songs to be used…

Pairing: It’s an M/L, M/M, I/A pairing. No Aliens here.

A/N: This is from one of the challenges of lovalien Thank you for the great plot!

Summary: This is how hate can turn to love...
Last edited by liz_maria on Sat May 13, 2006 2:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Location: The city of parties and never-ending dreams(a.k.a. the Philippines)

Post by liz_maria »

Additional Messages

1. I'm going to compile everything (and I'm hoping it happens pretty soon). I'm making a website that I want to be super-organized. I'm not sure when exactly said website will be released, but I'm working on it.

As for now, I'll try setting up base here.

2. In reference to "1", I'll include links to my blog and other stories (in different fandoms) for the sake of a good, complete compilation.

My Blogs
The old one: The Olive Isle

The new one: My LJ

Other Fandoms:
My Harry Potter Stories at FictionAlley.Org

My Harry Potter Stories at

Supernatural fics on my LJ
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