Snowstorm - CC - M/L L/K - One parter {COMPLETE}

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Snowstorm - CC - M/L L/K - One parter {COMPLETE}

Post by m14 »

-One Parter- by M14
Rating: YTEEN
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters, only the idea. They rightfully belong to Melinda Metz and Jason Katims.
Coupling: M/L with brief L/K
Summary: Liz finally realizes how Max feels about her, and that she feels the same way. There’s a snowstorm. Will it interrupt their plans?

<center>Liz POV</center>
“Max!” I yelled down the hallway. My stud turned and shot me a grin from his position several classrooms down. I started to run towards him when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Hey Liz,” Kyle whispered in my ear. I looked back to where Max was. He was standing there, frozen stiff, eyes hurt seeing Kyle touching me.

So it was true; Max did like me. All of the time that we could have spent together, wasted by Kyle.

“I need to speak with you for a moment,” he said, noticing my drifted attention. I felt obliged to go with him, no matter how badly I owed it to Max to tell him how I felt, I still needed to break things off with Kyle.

We walked away from Max and into one of the empty classrooms. I knew that it would be the hardest thing that I had ever done. The truth was that I did love Kyle for some time. I loved that I had a boyfriend who was on the football team. I loved that his father was the sheriff, that way I always felt safe in their house.

I loved that Kyle loved me. That was what I saw in his eyes every time he looked at me. When we were in the movie theater, when we were ice-skating, bowling, about to kiss, it was there.

“Liz,” he said, once we were seated at desks opposite each other.

“Kyle, I don’t even know how to tell you this, I feel badly,” I told him.

“I know,” he cut me off. I could tell my face looked shocked because he chuckled a little.

“You look at him the way I look at you,” he continued, “I just want to know one thing.” He stopped, his eyes searching mine rapidly, and I wondered what he would find there. Was it that obvious?

“Do you love him like I love you?” Kyle asked. I felt tears filling my eyes. There was so much honesty in that direct statement.

“Kyle,” I started, taking his hand in mine and staring him in the eyes. “There is only one love that I have for you. It will never go to anyone else. You’re my first love, there’s no one that can replace the way I feel about you.” I sighed, hoping that everything would come out the way I wanted it to.

“I just think that our time might be over, the spark is faded and now, I can’t help it but, I’ve been looking at Max in a different light.”

“How long?” he asked, tearing his eyes away from mine. I withdrew into my sweater, my hands immediately cold since he had pulled away. The winter chill was unusual for Roswell. People all around town were talking about the expectation of snow.

Somehow Kyle’s glare made me feel colder than the wind chill outside.

“Maybe three days,” I said, knowing that it had been longer but not wanting to hurt him more than he already was.

“Go,” he said. I looked up at him after he stood, and frowned. “Liz, I understand, go. Find Max,” he insisted. I stood, shaky with relief and some fear. How would I explain myself to Max?

“Kyle, I...” The words wouldn’t come out. I stood before him. He pulled my arm and practically dragged me to the door.

“Know that whatever you feel for him now, that’s exactly the way I feel about you,” he said, opening the door. I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly. There was no one like Kyle at Roswell High.

“No more hiding Liz,” he muttered in my ear. I kissed his cheek as I backed away. “I know,” I replied, running out the door.

I had to find Max. I had a study hall this period, which meant I could skip and no one would really care. I tried to place Max in any class but I didn’t know his schedule, which made it difficult.

I jogged through the empty halls, my eyes scanning every door for a chance to see his muscular build, his dark eyes.

Finally, when the bell rang for the end of the day, I caught a glimpse of him heading out to the parking lot.

“Max!” I yelled, pushing my way past my fellow students. “Wait up!” He turned, his brown hair was frosting from the first few sprinkles of snow and he had his jacket zipped all the way up. The jeep had its cover on and the keys were in place. He was trying to warm it up, I figured.

“Liz, it’s freezing out here. Where’s your coat?” he asked. I realized that I had forgotten my jacket and my backpack. I had been so caught up with trying to find him.

“I, uh, I’ll get it in a minute,” I told him, already starting to feel the effects of the cold.

“Do you want to warm up in my jeep?” I blushed, shaking my head as I thought about all the times I wished that I was out in the desert, kissing Max, in that same jeep. Anything else would be second best.

“Maria’s driving me home...” I said. My hands clenched together as I struggled to tell him what was on my mind. “That was beautiful.” He glanced down at the ground, his face turning pink up to his ears. “Thank you,” I whispered, barely audible enough for him to hear but he looked up and nodded, knowing what I had said.

“Do you want to, maybe, go out sometime?” he asked, taking the initiative. I grinned widely.

“I’d love to. How about tomorrow night? Eight?” I suggested. He nodded.

“Alright,” I said, still smiling. I turned to head back for the building when he stopped me.

“Here’s my number,” he handed me a slip of paper, “in case you ever want to talk.” I took it, making sure to touch his hand when I picked it up. Maria’s flirting tips had never been that handy before. I’d have to thank her for this one. His touch sent a shiver up my arm, which he mistook for a sign of a cold. “Get inside and put your coat on Liz, I don’t want you getting sick.”

When I reached the school door I turned around, letting myself see his jeep as it turned out of the parking lot and honked “bye”.

Maria and I spent the entire shirt at the Crashdown talking about what I would wear and what we would do. It was like a dream come true. There wasn’t a big rush because of the weather, which had worsened through the night. Roswell had never seen anything like it in the past thirty years. Schools were closing and Maria ended up spending the night so she wouldn’t have to drive.

We blew off out homework and just gossiped and she listened as I told her about how well Kyle took it. I had been afraid that he would be mad but he had pushed me to talk to Max.

She squealed with excitement when I showed her the paper that had his home number on it.

“I just can’t believe it. I’m so happy for you Liz,” she said when the phone rang and it was Max calling to make sure I was alright. He got the number from Michael, Maria’s boyfriend who told had told her Max’s crush on me.

However, it wasn’t until he read his poem about me to the class that I really believed it.

We fell asleep soon after that. Me and Maria cuddled up under layers of clothing and blankets. Both of us weren’t ready for any large winter weather.

“What is that?” she mumbled, groggily, swinging her arm around, nearly knocking me in the head, to see her watch. “It’s seven in the morning,” she complained. I rubbed my eyes and peeked at the clock. She was right; it was that early.
The noise was getting louder and coming from right outside the Crashdown.

“Go check it out,” she ordered, pushing me onto my feet. I braced myself for the cold and grabbed a small blanket that I wrapped around myself, protectively.

The balcony was cold and covered with snow. My slippers sank down about two or three inches into it as I walked to the edge. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. There, below my balcony, and in front of the walkway to the restaurant, was Max Evans shoveling the snow. I smiled, watching as he scooped it up and tossed it to the right with a large red shovel. After about a minute I knew that I wanted to marry this man.

“I’ll be back,” I told Maria, trading my blanket for a coat. Downstairs I turned some water on to boil and grabbed a bag of marshmallows from the back.

“You’re too sweet,” I yelled, holding a mug out to him when it was done.

“Good morning, and thank you,” he replied, accepting the beverage. “I wouldn’t want you missing out on our date because of lousy Mother Nature.”

I smiled, locking eyes with him. “Me either.”


Last edited by m14 on Thu Feb 12, 2004 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.