Holding onto Sunsets (AU,M/L,ADUL) Pt 19 - AN 08/23/04 [WIP]

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Holding onto Sunsets (AU,M/L,ADUL) Pt 19 - AN 08/23/04 [WIP]

Post by Maia »

Title: Holding onto Sunsets

Rating: Starts up TEEN, moves up to ADULT

Category: AU M/L

Disclaimer: I don´t own anything connected to Roswell.

Summary: This is a challenge from LoveIsForever. This is mostly a Dreamer fic, with a few other couples as well.

Here´s the challenge: Liz is a player, she never stays with a boy for longer than 1 week. She´s that and a tease. Everyone knows that most of the boys have taken bets on who can get the tease.

Max is the goodie two shoes of the school. He has never had a girlfriend and his sister Isabel is starting to worry that perhaps he doesn´t like girls.

Liz and Max get thrown together for a school project. And for the first time both fall in love. But Max´s parents don´t like Liz, so they keep their new romance to themselves. While Liz tries to make people see her other than the town tease.


"She is such a slut" Tess looked over in the general direction to whoever it was who was getting on her nerves.
"Look at the way she´s dressed, my God could she be anymore revealing". The distaste was obvious.
Spotting a young girl Maria paused. "I don´t know about you, but I like what she´s wearing" Maria replied.
She was new at Roswell High, but there was one thing Maria knew.
There was no way she was going to let her cousin Tess influence her in anyway.

Maria tossed her long braided hair over her shoulders, taking another glance at the girl Tess was complaining about.
The dark haired girl leaned confidently against a wall, she was surrounded by guys from all sides. Maria watched as the girl moved away from the wall, and the 5 or 6 guys that were standing with her, obediantly followed her like little puppies, drool and all.

"What´s her story"? Maria mused as the girl and her faithful puppies followed behind her.
"That is Liz Parker", Tess answered in disgust. "biggest trollop in Roswell High". Tess sounded irate as she stood there with one hand on her hip.
"Now I know you just mixed up her name with yours" Isabel Evans sarcastically mocked Tess.
Maria had to laugh to herself as another blond walked passed herself and Tess in the corridor.
"Interesting" Maria whispered softly.
"What did you say"? A really pissed off looking Tess asked Maria.
"Nothing, hey Tess you don´t need to show me where to go for first class, I´ll just ask someone. Catch ya later" Maria faked a smile as she waved to her cousin. If there was something Maria couldn´t stand it was the way her cousin bitched and moaned all the time.
So instead of staying privy to Tess´s constant complaining Maria made a fast getaway, before her cousin could stop her.

"Maybe I should have stayed with Tess" Maria groaned, as she stood in the corridor unsure which way to go.
As the last remnants of students rushed passed her, Maria´s shoulders slumped down.
Now she would have to go to the office and ask for directions there, if only she could remember in what direction she had to go in.
Slapping her hand on her upper thigh, Maria began walking back in the direction that she had left Tess, when a hand touched her shoulder.
"Shit what the hell are you doing"? Maria turned to face a tall, dark, good looking young hottie.
"You just looked lost, do you need any help or anything" the hottie asked.
"Well I am lost actually". Showing the hottie her note. "I´m supposed have English this period with Mrs West, but I´m not too sure where to go".
"Oh what a coincidence, I have English with Mrs West as well, just come with me then" the hottie´s soft amber eyes seemed genuine friendly.
"Sure" Maria smiled, if all the guys around Roswell looked anything like this hottie she was going to like her stay here more that she thought.
"By the way my names Max, Max Evans" the hottie held his hand out to Maria.
"Hi Max, pleased to meet you. My names Maria DeLuca"
The chatter was pleasant as Max lead Maria towards there class.

Part 1

"Fuck Tommy did you see Parker this morning, woo wee, that girls just beggin for it" Kyle cocked his eyebrow up suggestively.
"I´m going be sliding in and out of that girl like there´s no tomorrow" the jock propped his chest out confidently.
"Yeah you, me and the reserves" Kyle and his team mate let out a chuckle.
Leaning back in his chair, Max rolled his eyes around as he listened to the two jocks sitting behind him. Max was just a few inches from losing it when his attention was caught suddenly.
"Now everyone, I know this is the first day back at school, but that doesn´t give anyone the right to start slacking off. Now Kyle read over the next paragraph please" Mrs West concentrated on the words in her book again.
"Ummm. Mam...what page are we on" Kyles question was replied with alot of snickers coming from his classmates.
"Now Kyle this isn´t the way to start off the school year now is it? We are on page 5, second paragraph", the teacher angrily retorted.

Max took in a deep sigh, as the words of Kyles and Tommys conversation reverberated in his head. Parker, Liz Parker, everyone at school knew who she was.
Liz Parker was the girl that every hot-bloodied, horny teenager guy wanted. Liz Parker was the girl that put it out for nearly any guy.....if the rumours were true.
Max thought about Liz, hell he thought about her nearly any spare moment he had, how couldn´t he? He´d had a crush on Liz Parker since the first grade.
But the things people said about her, all those stories he had heard when changing in the locker rooms after gym. The way all those jocks bragged about Liz, about them being with her.
Max shook his head, no they were just stories weren´t they?
Not wanting to let his imagination get away from him, Max shook off all those things people said about her, because there was simply no way that Liz could have slept with all those guys.
Could she?
As the bell eventually broke through Max´s thought he gathered his books together, making a dash for the door.
"Max, hey Max" a voice called from behind him.
"Hey what´s the rush there Max"? It was Maria, the new girl.
After stopping Max asked Maria if she needed more help finding her classes. After she showed him her class schedule, Max walked Maria to her next class.
Before Max walked away Maria asked him if he was doing anything for lunch. Shrugging his shoulders Max couldn´t think of anything, but then invited Maria to have lunch with him and his friends.
Once agreeing, Max told Maria to wait outside of her last class before lunch and that he would swing by to take her out to the Quad where he normally ate lunch with his friends. Then waving good-bye Max hurried to his next class before he was to late.


Did you´s like that? Hope so.
Last edited by Maia on Mon Aug 23, 2004 6:35 am, edited 30 times in total.
read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
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Post by Maia »

Part 2

Walking to meet Maria, Max spotted her waiting outside the drama room,
Seeing Max, she let out a relieved sigh as he walked up to her.
"Hey Maria, you ready for lunch"? he smiled at her.
"As ready as can be" she shrugged her shoulders content on being in the hotties presence.
"So who are we going to have lunch with"? Maria asked wondering if there really was going to be any company.
"Oh my friends, Michael and Alex, your really like Alex he´s a real lay-back, funny guy" Max smiled enjoying the company. "As for Michael, yeah well I let you be the judge of that" Max hoped that Michael wasn´t going to be difficult because he had invited Maria to lunch.
"I look forward to meeting them" she followed the hottie as he walked outside.
Looking over to a set of tables grouped together, Maria saw two guys already sitting at a table, other girls and boys were seating themselves at other tables when Max approached the two guys.
"Hi Max, who´s your friend" Alex asked at out curiousity.
"Oh Alex, Michael this is Maria, she´s new at school. She doesn´t know anyone here, so I invited her to sit with us for lunch" Max turned to face both guys.
Maria just cringed knowing she wouldn´t be able to hide the truth much longer about being related to Tess, before her thoughts were interupted.
"Hey Maria, welcome to Roswell High" the guy named Alex seemed friendly enough, so she shook his out-stretched hand.
Max nudged Michael, he reverently held his hand out too.
"Maria, welcome".
The second guy didn´t seem quite as friendly but Maria wasn´t out to make any enemies on her first day here.
"Thanks" Maria felt a tingle from the touch of the guy.
"Take a seat" Max offered a spot for her, before she moved into the space.
They were comfortably talking among one another when a group of people moved noisely to the table next to them.
Maria hadn´t gotten a decent chance to see who the people were but it didn´t matter anyway. Apart from the guys at the table Maria knew nobody her, apart from her cousin Tess, but that was something she wasn´t ready to admit yet.
Max had known straight away who was sitting at the table next to them, how could he miss Liz Parker with her usual bunch of goons. And that skirt.
Max tried to get his head out of the gutter, but when it came to Liz Parker even Max surprised himself some of the rauchy dreams he had of her and him in a world where no one else existed.
He snapped himself out of his thoughts catching the conversation at the next table.
"So Liz have you planned on doing anything this year"? Paulie Stokes asked her.
"Oh I don´t know, I thought I would do something completely out of character" Max watched as Liz threw her hair over her shoulder.
"So I put my name down on the organising committee for the Senior Ball".
"No you didn´t"? Tommy Hall replied.
"Yeah I did" Liz ran her hand threw her hair. "What! Whats so funny". Liz looked around the guys gathered at her feet.
"Well it looks like a few of us will have to keep you company and put our names down too". Kyle winked at a few of the guys, Liz totally oblivious to what the boys were on about.

Circles started to run through Max´s mind, picking up his belongings he stood to leave.
Maria looked disappointed seeing Max leave.
"Hey Max where you going too"? Alex nodded his head in Maria´s direction once he had Max´s attention.
Dropping his things on the table again Max ran a nervous hand threw his hair.
"I just gotta go for a...you know" if Maria wasn´t there he would have normally have come out with the truth.
"I understand" Maria gave Max a sympathetic look.
"Just give me 5 minutes, I won´t be gone that long" Max put his hand in his pocket.
"We aren´t going anywhere" Maria replied.
Hurrying towards the reception, Max caught Mrs Humphreys at the desk.
Waiting patiently Max pretended to cough.
"Oh Max, hi what can I do for you"? The lady asked.
"Mrs Humphreys, I was just wondering if it´s to late to put my name down on the organising committee for the Senior Ball"? Max asked anxiously.
"I knew you´d put your name down Dear, sure Max, I´ll just go get the list" the woman bend down to retrieve something.
Max leaned patiently on one leg, hearing her shuffling from behind the desk.
"Here we go" she pointed to the list.
Max ran his eyes over the names, coming over Liz´s name.
"I was just going to give this to the Director later on today, but seeing as my favourite students name is now down on the list, I´ll give this to him after he comes back from lunch" the woman pulled at Max´s cheeks.
All the staff had a soft spot for Max, but some of there antics were darn right embarassing.
"Thanks Mrs Humphrey" Max blushed.
"Your welcome Dear".
Max turned wanting to get the hell out of there.
As he was walking back down the hallway he saw his sister up ahead, as she neared Max knew something was the matter with her.
She never smiled this much at him.
"Iz" Max nonchantly said.
"Max, just the person I was looking for" she looped her hand in his arm.
Why was Max getting weird vibes from his sister.
"What is it Izzy"? Max awaited what ever hell bent plan she had in her head now. Max knew his sister.
She lived to plan other peoples lifes.
"Oh I was just wondering who that cute little blond was that I saw you walking down the corridor with"? The effect Isabels smile was having on Max was making him light-headed, so much so he wanted to gag.
"You mean Maria" he rolled his eyes.
"Yes Maria" Isabel grinned a cheesy smile.
"She´s new here isn´t she"?
"If she wasn´t she wouldn´t be asking me who she was".
Isabel eyes threw darts at him, before she bounced her head saying.
"She´s really cute Max, are you going to ask her out or something" Isabel hoped so.
"Look Iz, if you think she´s so cute, why don´t you ask her out yourself" Max pulled away from her.
"Pig" Isabel looked like she was on the edge to do horrible things to Max.
"Get a life Isabel, instead of trying to control mine" Max was going to listen to her shit at school, he got enough of it at home.
"Now just stay out of my life Isabel" he stormed out.
Isabel watched her brother disappear. She didn´t mean to interfere in her brothers life, but she couldn´t understand him.
All of Isabels friends had in some way or another had a crush on Max, and when she had tried to convince him to go out with one of them, Max had always refused saying he was more interested in his grades than his school.
It made Isabel wonder if her brother liked girls at all, or did Max like boys. Because everytime she saw him he was only ever with Michael or Alex. Isabel only hoped that one day she would be able to convince Max to go out with one of her friends.
Then heaving a sigh Isabel decided that she would try another time.


hope yous liked that. Thanks for reading

Hi Abbs, good to hear from you again.

read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter
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Post by Maia »

Hi everyone, thanks for the fb, good hearing from alot of my regular readers picking this fic up too!

LoveIsForever, I must admit I was a bit nervous when I posted this, but after reading your fb, I only hope I can do your challenge some justice.

Thanks Maia

Part 3

Going into the changing rooms, Maria pulled her bag over her shoulder once she entered the room.
Gym wasn´t particularly her favourite thing, she had absolute no co-ordination at all.
Shrugging her shoulders, she knew took a tentative step, she had nothing to loss.
Walking passed the gawking girls, she knew they were all talking about her, of course they were. She was after all the new girl.
Seeing as most of the girls were in their little click groups, she saw one girl changing alone in a corner, without anymore hesitation she walked over towards her.
Maria dropped her bag on the bench when someone tapped her on the shoulder, she turned to face a pretty blonde, who towered over her.
"Hey your Maria aren´t you"? The blonde asked.
"Yeah, how do you know my name". Maria remembered who she was, she was the one who had mocked Tess this morning.
"Oh sorry I haven´t introduced myself. I´m Isabel Evans" the blonde held her hand out to her. "I saw you walking with my brother in the hallway, Max".
"Oh so your Max´s sister then" Maria shook her hand, she seemed friendly enough.
"Yeah you could say that". She replied trying not to appear obnoxious.
"Pleased to meet you" Maria smiled had she noticed revulsion in the girls eyes.
"So how are you liking it at Roswell High"?
"Oh it´s hard to say, it´s my first day" she answered honestly.
"Well I hope to see alot more of you with Max then".
Maria wondered what Max´s sister was getting at.
"Yeah me too".
"I better finished getting changed, I´ll see you outside".
"Yeah sure" Maria nodded before Isabel walked back to her friends.

Watching the girl next to her, fold her clothes up Maria asked.
"You don´t mind if I change here do you"?
The girl turned around. It was that girl Liz Parker, no wonder Maria hadn´t recognised her, she had nobody drooling at her feet.
Liz turned to face the girl, weary as to way she wanted to change next to her, before she remembered she was the new girl.
"No, I don´t mind".
So Maria began to undress. She was about to say something to her, but Liz had managed to sneak away without drawing any attention to herself.

Being the last one to leave the changing rooms, Maria saw the rest of her gym class gather around their teacher.
"Excuse Mrs Grady, this is my first day at Roswell High, I got lost" Maria excused herself.
"Oh your Maria DeLuca, that´s fine just go and stand with the rest of the girls.
Turning she saw Liz Parker standing to the back of the group, Maria joined her there too.

"Now we´re going to split the class up into 2 teams, Isabel and Pam are going to be the team leaders, each of take turns picking the team. Once everyone is in a team, Isabel your team will put the red bands in the box on. Then we shall see ladies just how good you´s are at soccer".

Moans and groans were heard from the girls.

But then Isabel and Pam stood in front of the group, and took turns to pick team members.
Glancing over to Liz, Maria whispered. "It´s not to late to call in sick is it"?
Liz casually answered. "I think so".
Maria couldn´t believe that the girl she was standing next to, was the same girl she had noticed at lunch-time. This girl seemed so-withdrawn.
"Personally, it will be a waste of time picking me, I can´t play for shit". Maria tried to get a dialogue going.
"Me either" Liz replied.
This was starting to be difficult Maria thought, especially since Liz had only been giving her 2 or 3 word sentences, but Maria wasn´t going to give up.
Looking around Maria noticed that there were only a few girls left, then to her surprise Isabel called her name out.
Walking over to her team Isabel said, "welcome to our team Maria". The other girls greeting her too.
Listening to the other girls in her team, she heard them whisper about who to choose next.
"Not Parker" the red head suggested.
"But then we´ll get stuck with Sharon" another girl spoke out.
"But who wants the school slut in their team".
"It´s better than the school dork"
From all of the chatter, Maria wondered if Liz´s behaviour had anything to do with how the other girls treated her.
Then finally Isabel choose, "Liz".
Maria sighed a sigh of relief, hearing Liz´s name being called out.
She didn´t know why but she wanted to get to know this girl some more.


In the next few parts, I´m going to develop a relationship between Liz and Maria, then Liz will begin to take the a bigger role in this fic.
Hi, a
read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter
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Post by Maia »

Hi everyone

good hearing from those reading this fic again.


Next Part

Two days later, Liz walked down the empty corridors of Roswell High.
She had been caught up talking to Maria.
Since meeting her at there gym class the other day, she had been apprehensive of Maria at first, considering that most girls hated her.

While playing soccer, Liz had been accidently kicked by one of the girls ofrom the other team, when she had fallen, Maria seemed sincerely concerned about whether Liz was OK or not.
Then after the gym class, Maria had invited Liz out for a soda.
At first Liz wanted to decline, but Maria´s friendly nature had changed her mind, and she accepted.

After school, Liz had waited for Maria in the carpark, then they drove in Maria´s jetta to Sam´s. One of the few hangouts for teenagers.
Liz didn´t know how to accept Maria, but then when Maria confessed to being Tess Hardings cousin, Liz had felt priviledged that Maria would share that piece of information with her.
Especially when Maria admitted she couldn´t stand Tess, and had sworn Liz to keep her cousin status to Tess a secret.

Liz found it strange having a ´girl friend`. She had had girls as friends when she was younger. But that was before she had attended high school, and she had always attracted all the attention of most of the guys there. Making her friends hate her out of jealousy.

Brushing her thoughts away, Liz opened the door, to the drama room. She had put her name down to be on the committee to organise the Senior Ball and now they were having there first meeting.
Walking in, she saw the distasteful looks she recieved from the other girls there.
"Hey Liz, why don´t you take a seat next to me"? Kyle offered patting a seat next to him.
"Thanks Kyle" Liz took a seat.
"What is she doing here"? One of the girls said in a hushed tone to another girl sitting next to her.
Liz pretended not to hear the rude comment, she was good at that.

"Now, now we won´t have any of that here". The Principal turned to scold the girls.
"Nice of you to turn up Miss Parker" he greeted her.
Liz sat there hoping she could camoflage herself into a wall.
"Well ladies and gentlemen, I´d like to welcome you all to our first official meeting for the Senior Ball". The Principal spoke.
"I wanted to be a part of this to make sure that I would be leaving the organising in capable hands".
"I´m more than capable" Kyle chuckled looking around to his buddies for support.
"I´m sure you are Mr Valenti and I know that as Captain of our Senior football team that taking this on as well will take up alot of time".
"Oh I hope so" Kyle looked suggestively at Liz.
Max watched on, he hadn´t missed what Kyle was insinuating, his blood boiled.

"But after long deliberations, I have decided to appoint someone myself to be in charge of this".
Kyle sat up, waiting for his name to be called out.
"That is why I have decided that Max Evans will be in charge of organising this years Ball".
The Principal patted a surprise Max on the shoulder.
Max couldn´t believe his luck, with him in charge this meant he could....
his thought were interupted by the Principals voice.
"Now we are going to need someone to assist Max in his role, do I have any volunteers"?
Max clenched his fists, hoping Liz would put up her hand.
She watched 4 of the other girls put there hands up anxiously.
Liz thought she didn´t stand a chance, so she kept her hand down.

The Principal held his chin with his hand, after looking one more time around the group assembled around him, he spotted Liz Parker trying to look inconspicious.
He had to admit he was surprised when he read Liz´s name on the list, she was a smart girl, but lacked confidence he had noticed.
Maybe this would be a chance for her to open up to others.
"Liz, how would you feel about assisting Max with his job".
"Ummm, I don´t know..." Liz saw the sour looks of the other girls staring at her.
"I think you and Max would make a good team, I hear you and him are science lab partners". The Principal urged her on.
"Yeah we are. I suppose I could help assist Max" Liz said watching for how Max would react.
"Well now that we have that settled, how about if we sort the rest of you´s into different groups".
He suggested next, as the room buzzed from the voices of the students.
"Max I know your do a good job"
"Thank you, Sir". Max replied.
"Now you better seat yourself next to Liz, so you´s can take down notes together" the Principal patted Max on his shoulder again.
Max moved over towards Liz, this had to be the best thing that had ever happened next to the time he found out that he would be Liz´s science lab partner.

"What you want me to be in charge of the clean up committee" Kyle eyed his buddies when they started laughing at him.
"Mr Valenti, although you may think this task is to menial for you, I´m sure that after the experience you would have learned something from it" the Principal replied to the cocky jock.
"Yeah like learn how to use a broom" Kyle whispered under his breath.
"But everyone will be helping you, it´s not like your be left to clean up everything yourself. You only have to organise with the care-taker for a key so that you and the others will have access to the cleaning materials."
"Wow, such responsibility" Kyle sarcastically said.
Ignoring Kyle, the Principal said, "I think that about wraps it up for today. Starting from now Max will be in charge of the meetings". He glanced over to Max.

After dismissing the students, Max turned to Liz.
"Looks like we´ll be spending alot of time together then".
"Yeah looks like it" Liz bit her lip nervously.
Not knowing what else to say to her Max suggested.
"Hey if your not busy now, I could bring you home and we could go over some things together".
Smiling at this Max Liz agreed. "Yeah why not"? She walked passed Max as he held the door open for her.


Hope you´s liked that. Thanks for reading
read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter
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Post by Maia »

Hi everyone

finally no more distractions. My husbands just left to go to a Deep Purple concert, so finally I have some peace.

Thanks alot for the fb. Because I´m posting so many fics, you´s may find that the updates are not as long as they could be. But I will try to post if not every day, every second day on this fic.

Abbs, sorry about this part, I will post a longer part for you then.

Thanks for reading

Part 5

Liz looked over to Max feeling weary. They had been sitting in The Crashdown for nearly 2 hours now, going over things that they needed to address in the next meeting.
She stretched her back, feeling the knots in her shoulders.
"Liz do you wanna take a break"? Max hoped he hadn´t been boring her at all.
"That might be a good idea, I´m starting to get a little restless here" Liz stretched her arms out in front of her.
"We could finish up here, if you like", he tried not to frown, wanting to stay with Liz as long as he could.
"Maybe, I just need to stretch my legs or something"? She moved her feet under the table, accidently brushing Max´s leg.
Max felt her feet against his leg, even that light touch made his hormones stand up on end.
"What about a walk"? he withdrew his leg spasmodically, cursing himself silently for his sudden movement.
"I´d like that, and we could go over this for another hour afterwards" Liz thought she would like to take the opportunity to learn more about her mysterious lab partner.
"Yeah, that sounds good" Max replied packing up his things.
"When your finished packing, give me your bag. I´ll put behind the counter". Liz offered, packing up her own things.

Walking through town the talked comfortable with each other.
Liz felt so at ease talking to Max, he wasn´t like most boys that talked to her.
"But what I can´t understand is that if the Scorpion King defeated Memnon because he was a tyranical leader, how come he followed in Memnons footsteps"? Liz asked as they talked about their favourite movies.
"That was because when he couldn´t defeat his new enemies he sold himself out to a God, and the Scorpion King couldn´t control the power the God had given him, in the end he turned against everyone".

"Wow, you really know your movies" amused that Max knew the answer to nearly all her movie questions.
"Yeah I do" he gazed over to Liz, wishing he could ask her out to watch a film.
"Max, I was really wanting to go to watch Curse of the Carribeans" Liz blushed. "But I don´t know anyone that will go with me. Would you be interested in going to watch it with me"? She stopped walking, fidgeting with her fingers. "I mean that´s if you haven´t got a girlfriend". Liz shrunk she was such a dick.
Thinking that God was truly blessing him, he couldn´t help the grin that plastered his face when he replied, "yeah, I´d love too! And no I don´t have a girlfriend. How about on Friday night"? He asked thinking it was only fair that he took the next step.
"Yeah, sounds good to me". Liz squeezed her fingers together.
"Why don´t we go back to The Crashdown, it´s starting to get a little late now" Max suggests not knowing what else to say.
"OK then". She replies.

Finally slumping down on her bed, Liz notices her answering machine is flashing.
"Oh who could that be now", she pushes the button, lying back onto her bed as the messages begin to play.
Smiling she hears Maria´s voice.
"Hey Liz it´s me, call me when you get home, see ya".
Sitting up, she dials Maria´s number, then waits patiently.
"Hey Maria here".
"Maria, it´s Liz sorry I didn´t get back to you any sooner" she apologises.
"Well I knew you had that meeting, but I didn´t expect it to be this long, it´s almost 8`O Clock".
"Yeah, well they ended making me assistant organiser, or something like that" even Liz didn´t know exactly what her position was called.
"Really, good on you Liz".
"Yeah it looks like I´m going to be really busy now, I´m going to be helping Max Evans alot. He´s the main organiser".
"Max Evans, I know Max he´s a real Sweety" Maria mused.
"Yeah that´s true" she agreed.
"That boy is a hottie"! Maria felt the shivers run down her spine, at the mere mention of Max.
Liz paused hoping her thoughts were not true. "Maria you don´t like Max do you"?
"Well he´s definitely HOT" Maria answered. "Whys that Liz"?
"It´s just that Max and I have a date on Friday night, well it´s not really a date.." Liz knew she was babbling.
"Oh"! Maria sighed. "Look Liz, he was just friendly enough to show me where my classes were when I got lost, and he invited me to sit with his friends on my first day at school. But don´t worry about it, if the guys up for grabs, go for it". Maria replied.
"Are you sure". Liz closed her eyes, she had heard other girls say that so many times.
"Oh course I am" Maria hoped she sounded convincing. "Look Liz my Aunts calling me, I have to go now".
"So I´ll see you at school tomorrow"? Liz asked uncertain.
"Yeah your see me at school tomorrow". Maria reassured.
"Bye then".
"See ya".
Liz put the phone down, drawing her legs up to her chest, wondering if she hadn´t spoiled another friendship because of a boy again.


Hope you´s liked that. Until next time.
Last edited by Maia on Mon Nov 03, 2003 11:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Maia »

Hi all thanks again for the fb left behind.

I really thought I would have more time today to update more of my fics, but as things go...anyway a little later than usual, but then better late than never.


Part 6A

Leaning against a car, Liz waited patiently for Maria to arrive at school in the carpark.
"Hi Liz" a few of the male students chorused out to her.
"Hi guys" Liz greeted them. Looking down at her watch she knew Maria had to turn up soon, as the bell was due to ring any minute now.
"Where are you Maria"? Liz kicked herself. She had decided that she would just be up-front with Maria today. If she had her intends on Max, Liz would take a step back.
Pulling up into the almost full carpark, Liz waved seeing Maria at the steering wheel.
Parking up, Liz approached the car.
"Hey Maria" she said the friendliness in her voice a little overdone.
"Liz", she managed to smile.
"I thought I´d try to catch you before the first period" Liz followed into step with Maria.
Swinging her bag over her shoulder Maria reply simply. "Sure whatever-":
Turning Maria around to face her Liz asked quite frankly.
"Maria do you like Max a little more than your´d like to admit to me"?
"Liz...I can´t get into this with you". Maria downcasted her eyes.
"Maria if you do? Look I don´t have to many friends around here.... and I thought that I could find a friend in you. But if my going out with Max to the movies bothers you then I will cancel out on him". Liz admitted regretfully.
"Liz, despite what I feel about Max you can´t go cancelling out on him". Maria bit her lip nervously.
"Maria please. I just thought that it was so nice getting to know you...2
"Liz don´t say it. Hey if Max´s is going to take you out on a date, then he was probably asking the right girl. Go ahead". Maria said.
"Well actually I asked him out to the movies. It´s just that we got talking about the movies, and he seemed like he enjoyed going alot. So I only asked him because I don´t know anyone else that wanted to go with me." Hearing the bell go, she picked her pace up.
"Really Liz it´s OK" Maria pulled to a halt. "Look I´m going to be late for my drama class, I have to get going"?
"Will I see you at lunch then"? Liz asked.
"Yeah I´ll meet you outside at the tables" Maria answered.
Liz breathed in a deep sigh, somehow Maria´s effort to make Liz go on this date just didn´t pass Liz at all.


just a short teaser. I will post again tomorrow.
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Love In An Elevator
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Part 6B

"Hi Max, where´s Maria"? Isabel caught up with her brother as he walked down the hallway.
"Maria", Max replied.
"Yeah Maria, the new girl, the one that you seem to be taking an interest in" Isabel raised an eyebrow in expectation.
Stopping to a halt, he pulled Isabel over to a wall.
"Isabel, I want to explain this to you once and only this one time", Max watched at how Isabel scoffed him.
"I have no interest in Maria at all", he admonished.
"But you seem to have taken some kind of interest in her", Isabel crossed her arms angrily at the way Max was treating her.
"Yes Isabel, I have. But mostly because she is new here, and I thought it would be a good idea to make her feel welcome here", Max explained.
"And you don´t have any other interest in Maria other than that"? Isabel questioned him.
"I like Maria, she´s a nice girl....but she´s not my type". Max replied his head leant over to one side.
"So what is your type Max? Or should I ask which way do you swing"?
"What the hell are you on about"? Max asked almost hurt at Isabels tone of questioning.
"It´s just that I have never seen you date a girl before Max, and I only see you hanging out with Michael and Alex. People are starting to talk about you Max, your almost 18 years old, and no girls. You haven´t even shown any interest in any on my friends". Isabel pointed her finger at Max´s chest.
"That´s maybe because all your friends are as fake as the boobs they have". Max snapped at her.
"Take that back", Isabel scolded him.
"Well it´s true. When are you going to grow up and realise that having a 2 week fling with some Bimbo friend of yours is not what I call a relationship. When are you going to stop judging people who don´t live up to your standards. Hell I don´t even know why I´m having this conversation with you".
Then without any hesitation Max bounded away from Isabel, leaving her standing there in shock-Isabel noticed all the funny looks she was recieving from the students that were milling passed her, and went to go. Turning the corner, she bumped into Maria.
"Maria, I´m sorry, I didn´t know you were standing here". Isabel apologised, but then saw how tears had began to seep from the Pixie girls eyes.
"Maria you didn´t just hear what Max and I were arguing about did you"? Isabel looked sympathetically to Maria.
Not able to find her voice, Maria only nodded yes.
"Maria I´m sorry you had to hear all of that". Isabel apologised again.
But Maria turned on her abruptly and ran from her. Leaving Isabel for the second time within 2 minutes standing there alone.

Maria only wanted to get as far away from this school as she could. Last night when Liz had told her that Max and she were going out on a date, Maria couldn´t believe it to be true, especially since Max had taken a interest for her. Only Maria had interpretated Max´s interest to make her feel welcome to Roswell into something more......but hearing it from Max himself before that he wasn´t interested in Maria romantically was crushing to say the least.

Making her way out of the school building Maria rushed to her jetta, driving off without any care to where she would end up.


Hope you´s liked this part. Until next time.
Last edited by Maia on Sun Nov 09, 2003 8:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Maia »

Hi all, thanks again for the fb! Now onto the next part.

Part 7

Seeing Max talking to some other students in the hallway, Liz made her way to him.
"Oh hi Liz", he greeted her with a smile.
"Max, hi". She beamed her teeth at him, nodding to the other students.
"Hey I´ll get back to you´s later", Max told the others anxious to see what Liz wanted.
As the others moved on, Max turned to Liz.
"Hey, can I do something for you"? He asked her.
"Max, I was just wondering if your´ve seen Maria, she was supposed to meet me for lunch, but I can´t find her anywhere". Liz said worriedly.
"Sorry Liz, I haven´t seen her all day, maybe she´s sick or something". Max suggested seeing the worry that masked Liz´s face.
"No she´s not sick, I met her in the carpark this morning before school started". She held her chin with her fingers.
"Well I haven´t got anything planned, so I could help you look for her if you want"? Max offered wanting to spend as much time with Liz as possible.
"If you don´t mind"? Asked graciously.
"No, I don´t mind".
"Good then maybe we could check the drama room or something". Liz mused trying to figure out where to start.
"Well have you checked the carpark, maybe she had something to do during her lunch hour"? Max said as he shoved his hands into his jean pockets.
"Why didn´t I think of that"? Liz almost kicked herself.
"Then lets go then". Max smiled warmly at Liz.

Once outside though it was obvious that Maria had taken off somewhere, as her Jetta was not parked up where it had been.
"I don´t understand, she said she would meet me later....maybe she´s". Liz shook her head in disbelief.
"Maybe she´s what Liz"? What saw the sudden sadness that covered Liz´s sweet features.
"It´s nothing really". Liz shrugged not wanting to indulge to much information to Max.
"Please Liz tell me, if there is something wrong with Maria I would like to know". Max asked her.
"Max...it´s to complicated, and I don´t think it´s for me to tell you". Liz began feeling like she was trapped.
Not wanting to push his new found friendship with Liz, Max didn´t push her any further on the matter.
"Why don´t you try her cell-phone, maybe she had an appointment, and forgot about it". Max then said calmly.
"I already have, but she´s either not answering or she hasn´t got it on her. If I don´t find her before school finishes then I´ll call her at home then".
"Well since lunch-time is nearly finished, why don´t we find somewhere to sit down and eat". Max began walking away from the spot they had been standing at.
"Yeah now that you mention it, I am feeling abit hungry now". Liz´s thought then turned to her stomach that was rumbling away.

Later on during the day at the Hardings residence, a bubbly Tess walked into Maria´s bedroom, finding her cousin on her bed Tess could see that Maria had obviously been crying.
"Oh have you found trouble already in Roswell Maria" Tess said unsympathetically. "Maria your´ve hardly been in town for 2 weeks". Tess sat casually onto Maria´s bed.
"Who invited you in, and what´s it too you anyway Tess"? Maria sat up folding her arms over her chest.
"Well I´ve seen how your have been spending alot of time with Liz Parker lately, what happened did she disappoint you already". Tess looked at her fingernails nonchantly.
"Like I said Tess, what´s it to you"? Maria questioned her.
"I warned you Maria, the girls trouble, and if you were smart enough you would find someone else to spend all your spare time with". Tess narrowed her eyes at Maria, if Tess had one soul purpose in life it would be to make everyone feel as bitter as she did.
"Tess do you mind leaving"? Maria wasn´t going to put up with Tess´s crap no more.
"Like I said Maria, the girls trouble, and your´d be doing yourself a favour by finding new friends". Tess stood abruptly.
"Leave now Tess". Maria ordered her, and watched as Tess smiled at her innocently and left her alone.
Lying back on her bed Maria was about to go back to her depressed slumber when her phone rung.
"What now"? She said aloud, moving over to pick the phone up.
"Hello", she said angrily.
"Maria it´s me Liz, is everything OK? I was worried about you when I couldn´t find you at lunch-time. I hope your feeling OK"? Liz rambled, still nervous about the whole Max situation and Maria.
"Liz hi, I´m sorry I snapped at you" Maria apologised her voice trembling.
"It´s fine....hey are you OK because you don´t sound to good". Liz mentioned hearing the unstability in Maria´s voice.
"Liz I feel like such an idiot". She said swiping at her eyes.
"Why"? Liz frowned confused.
"Well it´s just this whole thing with Max, and anyway I heard Max talking to his sister about me". Maria explained, tears still streaming down her face.
"Why were they talking about you though"? Liz asked.
"It´s just Isabel thought that Max was interested in me, and I heard him say in so many words that I´m not his type". She sniffled.
"Maria I´m sorry, really I am". Liz replied feeling guilty now about her date with Max.
"Hey Liz it´s not your fault the guy doesn´t see me like that"? Maria huffed.
"Maria what are you doing now"? Liz asked hoping she could be there for Maria.
"Nothing why"? Maria asked wondering what Liz was getting at.
"It´s just that when I´m feeling down, I always grab a tub of ice-cream and eat my depression away....if your up to it, I could come by with your favourite ice-cream"? Liz offered.
"No I´ll tell you what, how about if I come around to your place, I gotta get outta here anyway. How about chocolate chip cookie"?
"I´m liking the sounds of that". Liz smiled.
"Say in about half an hour"? Maria stood, already grabbing for her car keys.
"Just tell my Dad that your coming around to visit, I´ll be waiting upstairs for you".
"Good see you then".
With some new conviction in her life, Maria grabbed her things, anxious to see Liz again, because if there was anything in life that Maria had learned from her Mom it was to never let others persuade your opinions of others, especially if those others went by the name of Tess Harding.
Trotting down the stairs, Maria left her Uncles house, suddenly eagar to go see Liz and chill out with a tub of her favourited ice-cream.


I think the next couple of parts will concentrate more on Liz and Max, but Maria will be making a few appearances with a potential guy.
read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
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Post by Maia »

Firstly thanks for the fb everyone. Our Maria isn´t one who sways easily.

Part 8

Seeing Maria waiting for her, Liz moved to her quickly through the throngs of people.
"Hey Chica", Maria waved out to her.
"Hey Maria". Liz answered her. There girls night had been a huge success. After Maria explained to Liz what she had her that afternoon, Liz had hugged onto Maria, apologising that she had to find out about how Max really felt about her in that way.
After Maria had poured her heart out to Liz, instead of trying to insist that Liz stop seeing Max for her sake, Maria said that she would support Liz fully. No matter what happened because her and Max.
Then Liz had confessed that she was starting to like Max, she had never meet anyone like him before. He treated her differently than most guys.
But when Maria asked Liz about all the rumours that were going around about her, Liz couldn´t tell Maria anything. Maria refused to push the issue.

"Maria, Max asked me if I could join him for lunch so we can go over a few details about the ball together before todays meeting. Do you mind? I can cancel on him if you want me too"? Liz looked over to Maria.
"No Liz, I have to face him sooner or later, and as far as Max knows I only think of him as a friend". Maria held onto her books tightly.
"Well Alex and Michael are going to be there too. So it´s not like it´s only going to be the three of us".
"Then lets go and get this over and done with". Maria said sounding even confident to herself.

"Hey don´t throw those away". Michael watched as Maria took the strips of ham from her sandwiches and put them to the side. "That´s perfectly good food your throwing away there". Michael took the strips stuffing them into his mouth.
"Don´t worry about Michaels table manners Maria". Alex saw Maria wrinkle his nose up at Michaels eating habits.
"That´s Michaels way of trying to scare people away". Alex rolled his eyes at Maria.
"Hey how can you watch good food go to waste"? Michael asked with his mouth full.
"I think I´ve lost my appetite". She slid the sandwich away from her.
"Hey thanks". Michael grabbed the sandwich proceeding to eat away from it.
"When you share you lunch with Michael that´s his way of saying your accepted into our group". Alex said as the others laughed at him.
"But don´t make it a habit of sharing your lunch with him Maria, it takes a big budget to support his eating habits, trust me I know". Alex warned her.

"So Max, I was thinking at todays meeting that we could throw around some idea´s about this years theme, and once we have a list we could then arrange for a vote for the most popular idea". Liz suggested.
"Yeah I was thinking the same too, once we have our theme then we can start arranging what we need for it". Max agreed with Liz idea. "Got any ideas for some themes, maybe we could start a list"? Max added.
"I don´t know famous couples in history, the 50´s or something". Liz stared up into the air in her own world.
Max noticed how she tipped her head upwards when she was deep in thought.
He leaned his head on his hand, his elbows propped up on the table, losing himself in Liz´s angelic face.
"Maria you got any ideas for the ball theme"? Liz asked her breaking Max from his thoughts.
"Whatabout a Grease theme or something". Maria said turning her attention from Liz.
"You girls are so pathetic! Grease as in John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John c´mon now". Michael moaned.
"How I never knew you were such a fan". Alex kidded him.
"Don´t even go there". Michael narrowed his eyes.
"Or what about famous movie characters". Maria smirked over at Michael. "You could go as Captain Caveman or something". Maria looked over to Michael.
"Umphh"! Michael let out. He wasn´t even going to bother to comment on that one.
"Hey I like that idea, there´s just so many different possibilities". Liz mused tilting her head again.
"Well that´s a start anyway". Max finished writing the ideas down.
"It´s a good idea to ask girls about these things, yous get into things like this". Max said sitting back up straight.
Then as the bell rung, Max asked Liz as she packed up her things.
"Do you want me to wait for you after school before the meeting starts"? Max asked hopefully.
"Yeah I´ve got AP Math last period, what about you"? Liz stepped unconsciously closer to Max.
"I´ve got English, but I can swing around passed the Math class after I´m finished" Max suggested taking Liz´s sweet scent.
"I´ll see you then". Liz smiled then saw Maria waiting for her.
"See you then". Max said to her. "See ya Maria".
"Yeah bye Max". Maria managed a smile as well.
As they walked away to there gym class Liz asked Maria.
"So how are you after lunch I mean"?
"It wasn´t so bad as I thought". Maria put a hand on Liz´s shoulder. "Hey you don´t know anything about Michael do you"? Maria whispered.
"No you don´t do you"? Liz opened her mouth in astonishment
"I just wanna know more about him, it´s not like I wanna jump his bones or anything". The smile not leaving Maria´s face, the two girls giggling as Liz told Maria all she knew about Michael.


Hope you´s like this part. See ya´s more than likely tomorrow.

read my fics

Love In An Elevator
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Post by Maia »

Hi everyone sorry about being late on my updates today, kinda got busy. Thanks again for the fb everyone.

Cherie, LMAO!!! I´ve been called a Queen before, I`ll take Queen of updates though, LOL!!!

Part 9

"Max don´t forget to mention the list of ideas". Liz whispered to him after he began asking for ideas for the ball theme.
"Oh yeah and I already have a few suggestions made to me...". Max read over the ideas.
Scooting his chair over to Liz, Kyle leaned against the back-rest of the chair.
"You seen to be spending alot of time with Evans lately". He said to her, as she continued to stare in Max´s direction.
"Well I do have to help him you know". Liz tried to tune in to the other students that voiced ideas.
"I saw you walking with him the other day". Kyle mentioned.
"Why are you jealous of Max"? Liz asked trying to keep the sarcasm out of her voice.
"What´s there to be jealous of"? Kyle eyed Max up and down.
"Either way Kyle, if I want to hang out with Max, that´s really none of your business". Liz bit at him.
"That´s why I like you so much Liz, you can be so fiery one minute and so sweet and innocent the next". He leaned over to whisper in her ear.
"Kyle". Liz jerked her head to face him. "Max happens to be a really decent guy. So why don´t you just leave it alone".
"The guys a geek Liz, I mean just look at him". Kyle motioned in Max´s direction.
"Yeah Kyle". Liz admired Max´s muscular frame. "That´s alot of man". Liz winked at Kyle, she knew that would piss him off.

Max was fully aware that Kyle had schimmied his chair over to sit next to Liz, he pretended not to notice. But Max had unconsciously looked over to them a few times, not missing how Kyle whispered in her ear. Max sighed in relief when Liz had reacted lethargically to Kyle. But when she winked at Kyle and grinned Max tried not to become jealous-which for him was physically impossible.

After putting all the idea´s to a vote, Max walked over to Liz attempting to be as calm as possible.
"How are the notes going". Max asked her.
"Fine Max, once the top 3 ideas are decided upon, then we can arrange for for a final vote then". Liz showed him what she had written down so far.
"Good then Liz". Max eyed Kyle suspiciously as he talked to his buddies.
"Hey Liz are you busy after this"? Kyle turned around on his seat and asked her.
"Umm..". Her eyes widened at Max. "Yeah as a matter a fact I am, isn´t that right Max".
Max knew that they had arranged to meet after this, but seeing Liz needed his help. "Yeah we are actually", he replied. "We´re gotta go over the arrangements for the ball".
Liz relaxed back into her seat.
"You can join us if you want"? Max asked him,knowing Kyle wouldn´t accept.
"No way, it´s enough sitting in here". Kyle frowned. "How much longer is this going to take". Kyle said becoming agitated.
"Well after the vote, then we need to organise a few voting stations so that all the seniors who want to can choice their favourite option". Max smiled.
"What do we have to vote for again"? Kyle asked out to anyone who was listening to him.
"DUH"! One of the girls mocked him. "The question is why do you even bother to come to these meetings".
Kyle shrunk in his seat, as everybody laughed at his expense.

After the meeting, Liz and Max walked out together.
"Max, I want to thank-you for saving me back there". Liz said to him.
"Anytime I can". Max replied to her.
"It´s just Kyle´s been asking me to go out with for ages now, and he just doesn´t seem to get the hint". Liz pursed her lips together.
"I thought you and Kyle went out with each other though". Max looked at her surprised.
"Max, Kyle and I were never a couple despite rumours. We have only ever been friends". Liz found it weird how she could so easily open up to Max.
"Oh". Max replied, feeling comforted that that certain rumour wasn´t true.

"So how about if I invite you over for a meal at the Crashdown of course on the house". Liz smiled over to him.
"Yeah I´d like that". Max continued walking with Liz exiting the school building.


I´m not to sure how I´m going to write up the next part, hmmm something will pop up. Thanks for reading

read my fics

Love In An Elevator
Chances Are
Holding Onto Sunsets
On The Other Side
My Life With You
Secret Desires
Don´t You Touch Me
Dream Girl
Khivars Daughter