No Clue (UC, L/Z, Adult) [WIP]

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No Clue (UC, L/Z, Adult) [WIP]

Post by darkmoon »

Runner Up: Ava for Best Supporting Character

Thank you Dreamer19!!!!

Title: No Clue
Disclaimer:The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine. If I did, Zan wouldn't have died. It would have been a good day. I don't own Underworld, nor Lion King either.
Pairing: Zan/Liz, Kyle/Ava
Rating: Mature
Summary: Max and the rest of the Pod Squad left at the end of season 2. Liz was left to pick up the pieces of her life. She now lives with Ava, and goes to school at Yale. Liz was getting her life back when something happened.
Author's Note: This was supposed to be Death Is a Playground or the next part of Domestication of Zan. Burningchaos told me 'I don't care what you write, just write.' And I had the idea of Ava holding a Popsicle stick over Liz's heart babbling about a Vampire novel. That scene grew into this fic. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you to B, V, Carrie, Saavik, Rach and Kara. They are been fantastic cheerleaders who make me believe I can write anything.

Chapter 1

Ava held the Popsicle stick like it was a stake as she jumped on the couch. “And just when she thought she had to kill him…” She leaned over Liz in a stabbing motion towards her heart. “He told her he loved her.”

Liz cracked up laughing, grabbing Ava’s forearms. “You are so dorktastic! And you think this is high class reading?”

“Hells no! I think it has the bloodiest and hottest sex scenes that you can buy without having a paper bag around it and wearing a baseball cap.” Ava rolled onto the floor. “So when is Mr. Tall, Dark, and Bitey going to spring into your life? I mean, baby girl, I worry. You go to school, work, eat, and sleep.” Ava leaned over and pretended to grab fat off Liz’s stomach. “At least I have a good reason I don’t date.”

“Zan died four years ago. Ava, you’ve got to stop mourning him.” Liz bit her lip, the humor, which had been there only a second ago, had evaporated.

“I’m not mourning him anymore. I’m just world weary. I thought I loved him. I thought I loved him like all those novels I read. Now that I look back and as I read, I realize it was a crush. He saved me, and he became this unbreakable hero. Then I watched my hero die.” Ava shrugged, the Popsicle stick fell through her fingers as she looked down. “It wasn’t in a great battle or even against a worthy opponent. His own family turned on him like hyenas.”

“Scar wasn’t a hyena and you need to stop using the Lion Kingtm as a model for how to live one’s life.” Liz rolled her eyes, trying to lighten the darkened mood.

“I like Timon and Pumba.” Ava smiled sadly. “But it’s true. I don’t love him like all the romance novels read. I’ve just found that I’m happier just reading about true love instead of dealing with it. I mean if almost losing a crush broke me, how would losing my true love leave me?”

“Hollow inside.” A deadened tone came from Liz as she stared at her knees. “It doesn’t even hurt. There is just this dead feeling you can’t seem to shake.”

“And Max left a few months after Zan died, so it’s been just as long for you. You didn’t become hollow because he left; it was because you didn’t have the pain anymore. He broke you and your heart way before I showed up. I liked you the moment I saw you because I could see someone who knew the same lost feeling.” Ava took Liz’s hands in hers as she turned to stare at her. “Baby girl, he wasn’t your soul mate. Soul mates are… They aren’t what he turned out to be. You’ve got a love out there. You just have to get off this couch and find him.”

“I’ll look if you do.” Liz griped; the knowledge that there would be no other love weighed heavy in her lifeless heart.

“Fine. I’ll look too. But remember, I’ve had Zan, and my book collection… I have high standards.” Ava relented in a huffy fashion. Her arms crossed, as she allowed a small smile to play across her face.

“High standards? Slightly scummy, can drink blood, and can’t go out into the sunlight are high class? These are your standards?” Liz mocked.

“Hey girl, Rath was scummy… and a bastard. Just because he wasn’t clean-cut jock like Maxie pad doesn’t mean Zan was scummy; scruffy, yes.” Ava sniffed at the air as she tilted her head into the air. “And how does blood drinking and issues with sunlight end up being something you can’t work around? I mean, who wouldn’t want a man who could give her forever… literally.”

“So…” Liz started to change the subject. “When are we going to start looking for our ‘forever’?”

“Well… Tomorrow, you have the day off. I work a short shift since Satan has decided to cut hours again.” Ava complained. “We can go out tomorrow night.”

“No more bars. You can’t drink, and getting drooled on by the highly intoxicated isn’t my idea of a fun time.” Liz pleaded.

“We haven’t gone dancing in a long time.” Ava suggested.

“No one has dance clubs open on Tuesdays. Ok, no one has one that doesn’t include poles.” Liz shuddered remembering the strip club her coworker dragged her to. Martha was just trying to be supportive of Liz and Ava’s supposed relationship; somehow the idea of roommates never factored into Martha’s math.

“I remember that! Poor Martha thought we were lesbians!” Ava held her stomach as she giggled. “I swear I broke something laughing at you about that.”

“And you didn’t let me live it down for a month.” Liz pretended to glared.

“Ok, so strip clubs are out, as are bars and night clubs. Dinner?” Ava looked hopeful.

“Where everyone makes comments on how it’s nice to see young couples getting out?” Liz deadpanned.

“It’s not my fault our waiter was totally gay and thought everyone was.” Ava butted in.

“He was in my Advance Molecular class last quarter. You didn’t have to see him every day.” Liz pointed out in defense.

“I would have loved to! He had a fantastic ass. Best part of gay men, you can look all you want, and you never have to worry about him trying to pick you up for quick sex…” Ava stopped and thought about it. “And it’s also the worst part of gay men.”

“Give up? I think we need a video. I need to watch something with violence, and you need something with blood…” Liz stood up.

“Someday, we’re just going to break down and buy Underworld.” Ava stood up, and brushed off her clothes. “And I haven’t given up. I’m Ava, and I was a Queen of an alien world. I don’t give up… unless someone puts Jose Cuervo in my soda. Then I hide.”

“It’s not my fault alien metabolism can’t handle alcohol.” Liz laughed. “We both know we rent Underworld because the guy at the Blockbuster is hot.”

“Well, let’s not disappoint the hottie!” Ava pulled at Liz’s arm.

Liz grabbed her purse as she handed Ava her wallet. “Money helps the nice people at the store allow us to take Underworld out.” Her pea coat was shrugged on before she was forced to push the leather jacket into Ava’s arms. “Put it on.”

“Please, if I blow the hottie behind the store, he’d give it to us for free!” Ava wiggled her eyebrows as they walked out the door.

The chill of December in Connecticut blew across their bones. Ava quickly put on the coat for appearances, as she used her powers to heat her skin. It had been one of the first things she had learned to do with her powers. New York’s winters were just as bad, and living in the sewer with very little to wear could have ended in them freezing to death. Ava swore to herself that she’d never allow herself to be as cold as she was the first winter.

Liz pulled Ava from her mulled thoughts, with laughter and a hug. “It’s snowing!” Liz’s joy of snow puzzled Ava. Maybe it was due to Liz’s southwest upbringing that made snow still a novelty even after three years. Or maybe it was Ava’s lifetime of living up north that had tainted any joy that snow could bring.

A shriek escaped from Liz’s throat as a man grabbed her arm and pulled her towards a darkened alley.

Ava started to use her powers, trying to free Liz. Something stopped it, almost like a shield had been snapped into place, leaving Ava scared and unable to do more than kick, bite, and screech at Liz’s attacker.

The fight was over in minutes as Ava lay on the ground nursing a blackened eye, bloody lip, and what could be a broken arm. Her mind screamed for her body to get up and follow, as her body weakly flopped back onto the cement; her eyes never leaving the spot where Liz had just been.

Liz couldn’t remember how she got there, as she woke up in a strange room. It reminded her of either a convent or an isolation cell. As she rubbed her head, she winced.

“I’s can fix dat.” The voice was rough, but struck a cord deep in her heart.

“Max?” Liz looked over towards the slightly shadowed figure.

“Dats why they’s put you in heres? Dey dink I’s da dupe?” the laughter came gruff and annoyed. “Princess, I’s Zan.” The figure stood and walked into the weak light from the only window. He looked slightly like Future Max, his hair shoulder length. A slight beard covered his jaw, giving him an almost dangerous look, as his body was more filled out and mature than Max.

“You’re supposed to be dead!” Liz blinked as the hope and fear for Ava crashed into her as the realization of who he was broke though her headache.

“Dats what I’s been told.” Zan shrugged. “Nicky’s boys snagged me after he went poof.” Zan walked over to her, placed a hand to her head. “Blank outs ya mind.”

Liz let her thoughts fade as a feeling of safety filled her at the touch of Zan’s hand. It felt right, even more so than Max’s had so long ago. Warmth filled her as the pain of the headache receded.

“Why haven’t you escaped if you have your powers?” Liz asked confused, then blushed as she realized she hadn’t thanked him. “Thank you for that.”

“I’s can heal small dings. Dey keep me pill popped so bad dat I’s can’t do much else but’s heal.” Zan shook his head. “You’s welcome. So when’s da Calvary goings to gets here?”

“What Calvary?” Liz shook her head. “There is no Calvary.”

“So dis Maxie is goings ta let dem keep ya?” Zan crossed his arms in annoyance.

“Max isn’t on Earth anymore. He hasn’t been for four years!” Liz huffed aggravated.

“Den why snag you’s now?” Zan sat down next to her, staring at her, studying her.

“I don’t know! I was going out with Ava to…” Liz was cut off by a growl from Zan.

“You’s be work for dem. I should has known.” Zan stood up and walked to the corner before sitting back down.

“I’m not working for anyone… except for the school’s library… Oh my god, my school!” Liz shrieked slightly. Her mind raced over if Ava called the police, if they had called her parents yet, and what it would mean to her grade point average.

“School?” Zan raised an eyebrow.

“How did you survive the truck?” Liz asked back.

“I’s asked first.” Zan complained in a childish fashion. He hadn’t wanted to sink that low, but he wasn’t about to give anyone, especially someone who knew and hung out with Ava, any information. She probably knew Lonnie and Rath.

“I go to Yale. Ava and I are roommates.” Liz supplied.

“Aves at Yale?” Zan snorted.

“No, she takes online courses from the local community college. She’s smart enough to get into Yale though.” Liz defended her friend. This man, Ava’s unbreakable hero, was a complete asshole.

“How’d ya hook up wit dem?” Zan tried to come off blasé, but sounded more accusing then anything.

“Them who?” Liz closed her eyes and counted to five. As she felt her blood pressure start to sink she opened them to find Zan staring at her. “I don’t know who you think I’m with because I’m friends with Ava, who was broken hearted when she thought you had died, by the way. Could you have let her know you were alive? Was it too hard?”

“Why’s? So Lon, Rath, and her could’s try again?” Zan mocked

“Lonnie and Rath kidnapped Ava, and dragged her to Roswell. Then dumped her there when they took Max and Tess,” the name was spit in disgust. The vague memory of Tess was enough to turn her stomach. “Ava and I became friends. And we still are. I don’t know where Rath or Lonnie are, but they sure the hell don’t have anything to do with Ava.” Liz started to stand, but thought twice as a wave of nausea overcame her.

“Don’t stand. I’s couldn’ts get rid of all da concussion. It’s vague, but dere.” Zan shook his head. He didn’t know why, but he wanted to believe her. Something whispered that none of Nicholas’ goons were smart enough to come up with this kind of story. Nicholas had been the brains of the operation, and with him dead, it was like a chicken with no head, flailing around before it died of blood loss.

“So tells me how’s you ended up here?” Zan leaned back.

“Does this mean you believe me?” Liz sounded skeptical.

“Let’s just say da jury’s out’s on ya.” The response wasn’t what Liz wanted, but it was more than what she had expected to get.

“Ava and I were going to Blockbuster…” Liz winced, and rubbed her shoulder. “A guy came out of the alley by our apartment and grabbed me. Ava couldn’t seem to use her powers… She tried to get me out of the guy’s arms. I remember hearing a crunching sound…” Liz placed a hand to her lips. “I think he broke Ava’s arm.” Her eyes widened in fear for her friend. “We have to find her! He broke her arm and she was laying there… she’s hurt!” Liz tried to stand up again, pushing the nausea down.

Zan stood up and walked over to Liz. As she started to walk to the metal door of their cell, he picked her up.

“Let me down! I have to try to get out of here. She’s my friend. I know you might not understand friendship, but I need to make sure she’s fine!” Liz thrashed in Zan’s arms trying to get free of his iron grip.

Zan stopped walking as he glared down at her. “I’s understands dat friendship and family mean jack if power and money’s offered as da alternative. I’s understands that yous don’t know me. Mine’s family was first. Dey tried to off me for it.” Zan started to walk over to the bed.

“I know that Ava had nightmares about your death. She still mourns your death!” Liz glared, as she was dropped onto a bed hidden in the corner of the room.

“Rest. We’s got not’ing to talks bout now.” Zan grumbled, as he walked to the other side of the room, and sat down on the ground, his back leaning against the wall.

Liz wanted to get up and demand answers from him, but the soft bed and the weariness of the fight both the mental and the physical ones that brought her there had drained any reserves as she fell into a dreamless sleep worrying about Ava.
Last edited by darkmoon on Sat Jun 19, 2010 8:59 pm, edited 21 times in total.
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I will never know the sweet love of Milk! ~ Khivar in Through The Looking Glass
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No Clue (UC, L/Z, Mature) Chapter 2 ~ 1/4

Post by darkmoon »

B ~ This is your fault. I wouldn't have just allowed myself to write if not for you. *Snuggles* I hope you continue to love this fic!!!!

Janetfl ~ Thank you very very much!!! I hope you feel the same for this part. This part is very Ava-centric, but I wanted to give the knowledge of what's happening to Ava at the same time as Liz. Thank you again for reading this!!

Carrie ~ Honestly, you have so much faith in me. And how could I not remember you if I got famous?! The first person to be in my author's chat before you even became my friend. I was in awe that you even knew my name, let alone that you knew Domestication of Zan. Then I told you about Death Is a Playground and you stayed up all night reading it! I still blink in shock that it captivated you like that. Thank you!!!

Lena ~ I think I'm still in shock that you are reading my stuff. I'm honored. And if Seki would stick with the program, I could get the next part of DoZ out. Honestly he's such a drama queen since he won runner up original character. PS, Seki is the gay waiter in this one too. LOL!

Saavik ~ Thank you!!! It means the world that you read all my stuff and love it! ^.^

V ~ Thank you!!! I hope this keeps you in love with it!!!

Crazedearthgirl ~ Thank you very much!!

*RebelBaby* ~ Thank you very much! I hope you keep enjoying this!!

K ~ I don't write Femslash. Ava and Liz are just best friends. But Seki is the waiter!! I hope this part is just as good!!! You know me, I like writing Zan offering different facets of his personality. ^.^

Orphyfets ~ Thank you very much!!!

Rach ~ You've been with me since the beginning of my writing. And I thank you!!!! I hope you love this part!!

Panda ~ Thank you!!!! I hope you enjoy this part as well!!!

Chapter 2

Ava tapped her fingers against the table. The police seemed more then useless, but she knew that it would have been worse if she hadn’t brought them into this. The last thing she needed was the police finding out that Liz had been missing and Ava hadn’t called in the attack. They would never let her do her own search then.

But for now she was stuck in the stupid station giving a sworn statement. It had taken all of her reserves to warp the nurses and doctors into believing they had taken blood tests. She was on the verge of exhaustion, and the detective was wearing on her last nerve. She had to make some calls, and then drop into a short recuperative sleep before getting up and figuring out what do next.

She almost called her boss to quit, but she knew that it would only lead to more questions. She thankfully was almost done with her classes online.

A bang of the door startled her from her thoughts, as the fat detective who was obviously playing bad cop walked into the room.

“So your story checks out.” He growled out as if sorry to see that she wasn’t the trouble maker.

“I told ya, some guy jumped us. Do you think I could break my arm for fun?” Ava held up the bright blue cast around her left arm, which had been the only reason she let the paramedics take her. Zan had been the only one of the group that had the healing touch.

“Never know… It could have been from a fight with Elizabeth. In the heat of the moment, she grabs your arm and breaks it as you knock her out?” The chair creaked as the detective sat down, his eyes trained to spot any twitches.

“First thing, her name was Liz. She doesn’t go by Elizabeth. Secondly, we don’t fight. No fucking or fighting. This wasn’t a lovers tiff. She is my best friend, and some dude grabbed her and dragged her into the alley. I got the broken arm by trying to get her away from the asshole. Now, if you are finished with ‘fuck with the witness’; I’d like to go home, take a Vicodin and sleep until her parents call and tell me what flight they are on.” Ava leaned back in her chair. She was tired of this shit. She understood they need to make sure she wasn’t a killer or something, but Liz was out there. And whoever had her knew that she was involved with the Antarians.

He sighed in annoyance as another man stuck his head in and shook it. “You’re free to go. Don’t leave town.”

“My best friend is missing, worry about getting her back. Then worry about where I feel like kicking my heels.” Ava flicked off the glaring man, as she walked out without another word.

She could feel all the eyes on her as she walked down the hall.

“Ms. Harding?” A clean cut all American Joe type called from behind her.

“If you are going to tell me not to leave town, your partner already pointed it out.” Ava swung around to glare at him. “I’ll give you the same answer I gave him.” Ava started to give him the finger, but stopped as he shook his head.

“I just wanted to let you know that we are going to try to do everything in our power to make sure she comes home.” He gave a half grin before shaking his head.

“Thank you.” Ava nodded; she wasn’t sure why she didn’t believe him. Maybe there was something in his smile or the dead spot in his eyes that she didn’t think he even knew was there. Something about him didn’t sit right with her.

She walked to the door, and stopped. She wasn’t sure what made her turn back to the detective, or even why the simple act of him scratching his ear as he pulled out his cellphone seemed to set her off wrong.

Her need to get home was outweighed her need to know why he bugged her so much. The walk did her good, it was nice getting lost in the crowd after the day she had. The feeling of heartbreak only grew exponentially as she opened the door to the empty apartment.

With a heavy heart, she tossed her jacket and wallet on the couch. As she picked up the cordless phone, Ava slid to the floor. Her eyes never leaving the phone, as her thoughts scattered at how to tell the people Liz loved.

She hit the speed dial button and held the phone to her ear, her hands shaking slightly.

“Crashdown, can ya hold?” The clipped tone broke through Ava’s self pity. She knew she had to be on the defensive with Maria on the other line.

“Sure.” Ava’s voice was monotone at best, droll if she was truly being honest with herself.

She could hear the phone being placed on the counter, as Maria yelled for Mr. Parker to pick up the phone. Ava let go of the breath she had been unintentionally holding. It came out in a stuttered sigh, as a masculine hello came on the phone.

“Hey Mr. Parker, its Ava… Can you have them hold down the fort? I got some stuff we need to chat on.” Ava looked down at her lap, as her eyes filling with tears.

“What happened?” Jeff Parker knew Ava since Liz had decided to move in with Ava during her first year at Yale. Ava’s voice never waivered and she sounded like she was ready to cry.

“It’s not something I can talk ‘bout with you where you is.” Ava’s New York accent started to leak through as she got more upset.

“I’m walking up stairs, sweetie…” Jeff talked softly, soothing Ava’s nerves. He could see his hand shaking as he gripped the banister. He just wanted to sink to his knees and cry. Something happened to his beautiful baby girl, and he couldn’t do anything about it.

“Let me knows… know when you get the living room.” Ava bit out as she realized her language was slipping back to her roots. She reminded herself that she’d never be that scared, helpless little girl who just stood back and watched the man she thought she loved murdered. She was a woman now. She had responsibilities, and damn it if it was telling a man, who had grown to be the only thing she’d ever known to be a parent, that his daughter, her best friend in the world, was missing.

“Ok, Ava, I’m in the living room and sitting down. What happened to Liz?” Jeff couldn’t stop the shaking from his tone. His worry lay bare as he waited for Ava to tell him Liz’s fate. The couch cradled his weary and scared form.

“Dad…” The word had never crossed her lips before, yet at this exact moment, it was the only thing that she could say. A cry escaped her mouth, as tears dripped down her cheeks. “I fucked up… I fucked up something fierce. I couldn’t save her…”

“So…” Jeff closed his eyes as he felt the tears fall. “Where do… Where do I…” His voice was lost. He couldn’t ask where he’d have to pick up her body from. “I want her buried here.” Jeff forced the words out as he tried not breakdown on the phone.

“No… No… Dad, Jeff… She’s missing. Someone dragged her off… She’s kidnapped. We don’t know by who, but the cops are on the case.” Ava tried not to think of Liz dead. As the thought skidded across her mind, she could feel the acidic bile crawling up her throat, burning and leaving it raw.

A shuddered breath came from Jeff as the knowledge that Liz wasn’t dead filled him with hope. Kidnapped was bad, it filled him with fear for his daughter, but it wasn’t as final as death. There wasn’t saving people from death. “Sweetie, I’ll make arrangements to be there tomorrow. I need you to keep calm. Remember, she’s ok. She has to be ok. She’s our Liz, Ava. Nancy and I’ll be there soon. Ava, she’s strong, our Lizzie, isn’t she? She’ll come back home to us.”

Ava nodded, and bit her lip. “She’s strong… Do you need anything? What can I do?” Ava knew she’d have to deal with Maria calling her, demanding to know if it was ‘Czech’ related. It wasn’t going to be a good situation when she’d admit it was. She also needed to call someone ‘The Sheriff’. Liz had told her if anything went wrong involving Ava’s heritage that he’d be the one to call. It wasn’t a call she ever thought she’d have to make.

“Hunny, I need you to keep calm. I know it’s hard to do…” Jeff let out a shaky laugh. “I’m going slight bit nuts at this moment too… Why haven’t the cops called us?” The last question was more rhetorical then actually directed at Ava.

“They had me in for questioning after I went to the hospital…” Ava was cut off with a growl of anger.

“They questioned you? What were you going to give them, the freaking address? What kind of Mickey Mouse operation are they running?” Jeff snarled into the phone. He had lost one daughter, and they were giving hell to his pseudo other daughter. “Why were you in the hospital, Ava?” The anger gave way to worry as the word hospital broke through the fog of fury.

“I told you, I tried. I tried so hard. He broke my arm, but I swear I tried to get her away from him.” Ava explained, hoping he’d believe that she wouldn’t just let someone take Liz.

“Ava, I would never think any different. Are you in a lot of pain? Did they give you medication? As soon as we get there, I’m making you some food. You need to believe that there is nothing you could have done to stop the guy. And unless you know the guy’s address, which lets be honest, not a chance in hell, there is no way you could have been much help to the police in your current state. Did they at least give you a ride home?” Jeff was beyond pissed.

“I think I’m going to lie down… but I needed to call you. I didn’t know if they had. I walked home, but the cold air was good for me. It helped keep my head from getting muggy. I’m getting really sleepy…” Ava trailed off, as the adrenalin gave out, leaving her a shell of haggard exhaustion.

“Go to bed. I’ll call later with our flight number and what hotel we’ll be at.” Jeff soothed, his anger simmering, as he could hear the fatigue in Ava’s voice.

“I’ll talk to ya later, Dad…” It was still weird saying, even for a second time. Yet in this moment calling him Jeff or Mr. Parker would have been weirder. It wasn’t the first time she had wished he knew the truth about who she was, and she knew it wouldn’t be the last, as she held herself back from why she felt so responsible for Liz’s kidnapping.

“Sleep well, sweetie.” Jeff felt weird hanging up, as if there was more that she wanted to tell him. As he hung up, he realized that she blamed herself and sleep wouldn’t come as easy as it should have.

As Ava hung up, she dragged herself to the drawer of stuff they didn’t speak of. It held a necklace Max had given Liz, Ava’s lip ring, pictures and a phone number. She grabbed the phone number, paying no mind to either box. As she slid the drawer shut, Ava slid to the floor again.

She absently mused to herself that they needed more rugs as she could feel the cold seeping into her butt from the wooden floor. The cold refocused her, reminding her that Liz was missing and this man could help.

“Hello?” A confused masculine voice was rich, and made Ava think of chocolate as she stuttered a hello back.

“I’m looking for the Sheriff?” The name struck slight fear into Ava’s heart, knowing that she actually needed to ask for him.

“I’m sorry; you’ve got the wrong number. This is my cellphone, and my Dad hasn’t been called the Sheriff in years.” The voice sounded amused.

“No… He has to be there. Liz told me to call this number and ask for ‘The Sheriff’.” Ava gripped the phone.

“Liz? Do you mean Elizabeth Parker, Liz?” The voice held a quality that made Ava weary.

“How do you know Liz?” Ava spoke softly.

“Tess?” A broken tone spoke of knowing their secret. It was someone who had known her clone.

“Ava… She was my clone. I go by Ava Harding now…” Ava wasn’t sure why she felt some kind of kinship with this man. Maybe it was the heart wretched tone that had infused the one word ‘Tess’.

“You really do need to talk to my Dad then… What happened? Why isn’t Liz calling us?” The voice demanded.

“Who is this? It’s kind of annoying calling you Deputy Dog in my head.” Ava smiled despite herself.

“I’m Kyle… Kyle Valenti.” Kyle was confused. “What happened to Liz?”

“Liz was kidnapped…” Ava looked down, as if he was in the room, and looking her in the eyes.

“I’ll get a hold of my Dad… I can take a few days off as well. Have you contacted Maria?” Kyle sounded in charge which is what Ava needed at this moment.

“Naw, Deputy Dog, I just got off the phone with Jeff.” Ava allowed herself to feel a little more. She could feel the tension bleed from her body as she sagged further onto floor.

“I thought if I told you my name, you wouldn’t call me Deputy Dog…” Kyle teased through the fear for Liz. He could hear the terror and fatigue in Ava’s voice.

“I said I was tired of calling you that in my head. I never said anything about not calling you it.” Ava giggled slightly, and looked around ashamed that Liz wasn’t there to tease her about flirting again. “Call the Freak, explain, please. I’m going to bed. Also, don’t forget to tell your Dad. I really hope he can help.” The teasing dropping out of her voice as fear once again reared its ugly head.

“I hope so too.” Kyle’s voice was soft and slow, as if talking to a wounded animal. “I’ll get a hold of Maria… get some sleep.”

“Talk to you soon, Kyle.” Ava hung up before Kyle could respond. Laying the phone on the floor, Ava curled into herself. The cold she felt wasn’t from the floor of the apartment, or even the chill in the air from when she walked in… The chill that haunted her was buried deep in her heart and memories. It was the same cold that she felt when she watched Zan murdered, the shame sapping any heat from her bones. She knew she’d find no comfort in her bed. As she fell asleep, her last thought was how two of the most important people in her lives, and she just watched both times as they were taken from her.
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I will never know the sweet love of Milk! ~ Khivar in Through The Looking Glass
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No Clue (UC, L/Z, Mature) Chapter 3 ~ 1/12

Post by darkmoon »

B ~ *blushes* Honestly I wish I deserved the cheerleading I get from you. You make me thankful every day that I'm your friend. And when I need a boost, even if you are in a crappy mood, you find a way to push me out of mine. You are my very best friend. And I'm thankful you know how to get me out of my funks and back to doing my 'job' writing. LOL!

V ~ You are awesome! I can believe that you are as amazing as a friend as you are. I'm happy that I can make you feel for the characters. And I am lucky that K introduced us. I hope this was a soon enough update.

K ~ Thank you for all your support. And I'm happy, as horrible as it sounds, that you sobbed for Ava. I didn't mean for the Kyle/Ava stuff to come this early, but Kyle has a soft spots for Damsels in Distress. And even if Ava can save herself, he feels the need to be there with her, just in case. Ava needed that voice on the other line to bond too. I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as the first two.

Crazedearthgirl ~ I hope this was soon enough!!! ^.^ Thank you for enjoying it!

Lena ~ I'm still amazed that you enjoy my fics. Thank you for all your feedback, and I hope this was soon enough for you.

Carrie ~ Some day I'm going to listen to you about how amazing I am, and I'll get a large head. But for now, I'm just going to blush and tell you that you are very very biased. I'm thankful that Ava and Jeff rang true to you. I'm honestly honored and amazed to call you my friend. And even more so that you'll follow me just to read what I've written. Your feedback is like candy, I want to gobble it all down, but at the same time, I feel the need to savor it. Your feelings towards Seki is all good. He loves ya too. ^.^ And I hope you never find yourself not wanting to read FLiz. To know you support me means the world.

Orphyfets ~ Thank you very very much. I hope you enjoy this part as well.

Whimsicality ~ Honestly, this made my night and is the reason behind me posting the next part instead of writing Death Is a Playground. Lol. I'm glad that Ava and Liz's friendship and comfort around each other shone as much as I hoped. I'm also thankful that Ava and Kyle don't seemed forced, but seem to flow naturally. I hope this helps with the Zan and Liz situation... a little. ^.^ Thank you again!

Chapter 3

Liz woke up to the delicious feeling of being held. She started to turn to ask why Ava had crawled into her bed, if the Zombie Rats had started to gnaw at her toes in her sleep. To many it seemed a weird and almost funny nightmare, Liz knew how it Ava's fears of her old life in the sewers and the death of Zan had played into her subconscious. With a dash of Ava's addiction to all things supernatural, zombie rats seemed a perfect fit for her subconscious.

A moment later, Liz was face to face with a sleeping Zan. His face seemed less harsh, yet still guarded. It reminded her that Zan had been affected by life in the sewers as much as Ava; even more so, since he was the protector. She raised a hand to brush his hair back, before she caught herself. She reminded herself that he wasn't Max.

"What's up, Princess?" Zan grumbled as he woke up.

"Nothing..." Liz shook her head. "Thank you."

"Princess, I didn't do it for you. I don't know what they want with you, but I refuse to allow them to hurt anyone more then they already have." Zan shook his head.

"Why do you call me Princess?" Liz tried to grasp what Zan was talking about, but without her morning coffee it all seemed very blurry. Her mind grasped the title and gave a strange error message that reminded Liz of the time Ava touched her laptop with a magnet on accident.

"You's his, so ya got to be a Princess. We’s don't go for da norm folk." Zan mocked.

"I'm as common as they come, Zan. I'm a simply college student trying to make ends meat. I fell in love with a boy who broke my heart, and I know that aliens exist. That's the extent of my uncommonness." Liz shook her head, the vague headache during her sleep had turned into a brain fog that seemed to make understanding more difficult then it should have been even at that early of the morning. "What time is it anyways?"

"I's don't know. Not like we's get a tick tock round here. I's lucky dat der a window. If you's so norm-like whaz makes you’s target for da Skins?" Zan shrugged, rolling away from her before getting up. He stretched, and cracked his neck.

Liz winced at the sound, reminding her too much of the pain and death that had followed her time with the Pod Squad. She wondered how Ava was dealing. Her heart broke for her friend. She knew what it was like being the one left behind, and had promised Ava that she would never do that to her. And yet there she was a prisoner of Skins who shouldn't have been alive. "I don't understand why I would be a target. Max isn't on Earth; he took the Granolith with him to Antar. There's nothing really left here that the Skins should want." Liz bitched toward the metal door.

Suddenly a small slot at the bottom of said door slide open as two plates were pushed into the room. The slot slide shut, and Zan walked over to pick up the plates.

"It’s morning." Zan shrugged, looking down at his plate.

"Why do you think that?" Liz held a hand out for her plate.

"Bacon, eggs and toast. I’s don'ts know why’s you're here, but you've upgraded da grub dat's for damn sure." Zan handed Liz a plate before digging into his own.

"This doesn't make sense to me." Liz started, but was cut off by her growling stomach reminding her that she hadn't had dinner that night.

"Eat first. Talk’s cheap." Zan motioned for Liz to start eating.

Liz felt strange not having utensils. She gathered the scrambled eggs on the toast, and ate it like a sandwich before munching on her bacon. The fog that had clogged her brain started to lift slightly as the food hit her stomach. She moaned in delight, not sure if it was the fact that it was food, or that it was well cooked.

"I knows dat feeling." Zan smiled as he bit into a piece of bacon.

"What do you know about here?" Liz started to question as she finished her plate.

"I knows I's been here too damn long." Zan shrugged.

"When did you get taken? Do you remember what day it was?" Liz wanted to know how long Zan had been a prisoner in this horrible place. She wasn't sure she liked him, but she knew no one deserved to be stuck in this room day in and out.

"November." Zan rolled his eyes. "Naw, it was October. Da last day, cause I snagged some candy from some tricker treaters. Snagged da wrong candy dat day."

"It's January now, January fifth. What do you mean you snagged the wrong candy?" Liz leaned in as if question it deeper.

"Nicky was tricker treating. I snagged his candy, saw who’s it was, and made him go all dust-like." Zan looked down at his food. "His goons ganged up on me, shot me in da head, and I woke up here. I don't think dey know what to do with me."

"If they have you, why need me?" Liz asked softly to herself.

"Dat's what I's thinking. Except I think it's more, if they snagged you, why need me? Da other one is up all second star to the right and straight on till morning." Zan took the plates and placed them next to the slot. "They'd want these back. Lets not piss off da ones who bring da best meal I's had in ‘ever. I's have ta say even before I got snagged."

"They grabbed me... They saw Ava; the guy punched her in the mouth. Why not grab the Queen? Why grab the human?" Liz leaned back in the bed. "Do we have a shower somewhere?" The realization of how grimy she was hit her.

Zan nodded, pointing to a wall. “In dere.”

Liz stood up carefully, a hand braced against her head. The pounding had subsided a considerable amount, but the dull ache was still there.

Zan placed a hand to her head, and looked deep into her eyes. The ache ebbed away leaving a warmth of pleasure.

She wasn’t sure what caused her to pull his hand from her head, and kissed the palm, but she had never been so grateful. Liz smiled as stood up, and walked to the wall. A hidden door opened to her questing hands. “Thank you again.” She stepped into the bathroom.

It was a very Spartan bathroom; a sink with no mirror, a toilet and a basic shower. Liz wished for a mirror for all of three seconds to see how horrible she looked, before realizing she didn’t want to know how bad she looked. The shower was a blessing. It was a basic, small thing that she swore to herself she’d never take for granted.

As Liz started to watch the grim, and dirt of her fight swirl around the drain, it hit her. This was going to be her life until they killed her or realized she was the wrong person. The water woke her from her sleep and shell shocked state. The knowledge of the fear her family was probably dealing with crashed into her driving her to her knees as she dry heaved. The look of Ava’s fear stuck face; a bloody lip, blacking eye and what could have been a broke arm reminded Liz that there was no help. There was no Max and crew coming to spring her from this evil place. If Zan had been unable to escape, what was a single human able to do?

The hot tears started fall, as the realization of what Zan had to endure. He didn’t have the family she did. He knew that no one was coming for him. The pain and hatred that it must have caused at first, as her heart bled for him. She knew he’d never accept her pity, nor would she want him to.

There was a knock on the door. “Hey, you’s ok, Princess?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Liz called out, hoping that it didn’t sound like she had been crying as much as she had.

“You’s sounded hurt.” Zan’s voice sounded worried.

Liz let the sound of caring, and vaguely similar tone of Max wash over her. It was a sound that had been absent in her life too long. “I slipped.” The lie slipped from her lips too easily. She wasn’t sure if it was a blessing or a curse.

“Didja hurt you’s self?” Zan’s accent should have broken her moment of peace, yet it just reminded her that there was a voice in this situation that cared.

“No, just shook me up a bit.” Liz stood up, and finished washing the soap from her hair. As she turned off the water, a sense of determination came over her. If Zan could make the best of the situation, so should she. She might not have had Max to save the day, but she was relatively unhurt, thanks to Zan, and not alone.

She wrapped the towel around her body as she realized, she had no other clothes. “Do you have a large shirt I could borrow? Or maybe demand clothes from our captors?”

“I’s can ask, Princess, no prom’ses.” Liz could almost hear the shrug in Zan’s voice.

“Explain that I’m not leaving the bathroom until I receive clothes.” Liz tried to sound as mighty as the nickname Princess would convey.

“Dat’s going ta make ours arrangement very neato.” Zan sounded annoyed. “Cause I’s maybe an alien, but I’s got needs too.”

“Then find me a long shirt to wait in.” Liz held back the strange need to stomp her foot. She felt slightly silly, but it seemed to fit.

“Told’s you’s a princess. Norm peeps not like dat.” Zan’s voice was almost a vocal eye roll.

She could hear him bang on the door demanding clothes for her. Liz opened the door an inch only see Zan in just a pair of boxers. Her face heated as she realized that she was ogling his butt.

What surprised her even more was the fact that Max hadn’t even crossed her mind in the entire time she had stared at him. Her eyes widened and she pushed the door closed as she noticed Zan had turned around, and had been staring at her. It was like he knew what she had done, and was doing the same.

She slid to the floor, her heart racing. Liz wasn’t sure why her heart was racing, was it because she had been caught, or because she wanted to give into the hunger that she had glimpsed in Zan’s eyes as he looked at her.

She could hear male voices talking; even through they were loud enough, the mumbling of their words made it impossible to understand what they were saying.

“I’s told’s ya, she’s not budging from dat room. Clothes. How’s dat too fuckin’ hard for ya ta get? She needs threads.” Zan could be heard snarling at the voices. “Fuck ya too, bitches.”

The slot could be heard opening, then slamming shut.

“Wells, you’s higher on da food chain den me. Damn, Princess.” Zan’s voice held a quality of awe in her power over the captors.

“They gave you clothes for me?” Liz’s voice waivered and unsure.

“Dey be nice threads too.” Zan’s voice sounded like he was on the other side of the door.

Liz stood up, readjusting the towel as she opened the door.

Zan stood on the other side holding either a dress or a shirt in his fist. It was hard to tell being crumpled in his hand.

Liz’s eyes traveled down his chest, to his boxers and snapped up to his face as she realized what she was doing, again. “Thanks.” She grabbed the clothes and shut the door again.

The dress was wrinkled, but good material. It’s felt good against her skin, as she tried to compose herself. There was lust in his eyes just like before. She had forgotten how good it felt to be looked at like a woman by a man who she was looking at the same way.

She opened the door and walked out, hoping that she wasn’t going to give into the lust. That and in hopes Zan had a brush.
Last edited by darkmoon on Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I will never know the sweet love of Milk! ~ Khivar in Through The Looking Glass
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No Clue (UC, L/Z, Mature) Chapter 4 ~ 1/24

Post by darkmoon »

Crazedearthgirl ~ The Skins haven't explained anything. People are going to start trying to figure things out though. I hope you enjoy this chapter as well!

B ~ I have to thank you for making me just write. I forget at times that it's not about schedules and posting and feedback... It's about watching something born on paper. It doesn't matter what it is... Just that the process is there. I am honored that you have so much faith in me. And that you do nothing but support me.

AlysLuv ~ Thank you so much. I wanted this to be just as much about how Ava is going through to find Liz as Liz's ordeal of being a prisoner. I'm glad Ava's fear and worry shines through to you.

Pandas2001 ~ Thank you very much! The Skins will be more lively in this part then the last ones.

K ~ I'm glad you enjoyed this part. It was supposed to show how Liz's mind is racing. She has to deal with so many things... and it's hard to deal with. I mean she's not only worried about herself, Zan and her grade point average... also knows that her family is going crazy. Not only that, her best friend is hurt somewhere and she has no power to do anything about it. She's just spazzing because her world has become so small... the size of that room. And all the people that know where that world is... is the bad guys and Zan. Bad Guys aren't going to comfort Ava or her parents. Zan's in the same situation she is, so he can only comfort her... and he isn't the best at it.

Saavik ~ You read this like a fan who has had me turn things on their heads before... LOL! I can't answer that question, but I can say, THANK YOU!!!!

Mezz ~ Thank you very very much!!

Orphyfets ~ Thank you so very very much!! I hope this keeps ya reading!

Whimsicality ~ Thank you so very very very much!!! I'm glad that Zan is not just a 2D character and that he's believable. I really hope you enjoy this part as well.

V ~ I understand why it takes you forever to feedback. And just knowing you are in my corner makes the world of difference. Thank you for loving this story. And I hope you enjoy the next chapter.

Roswell3053 ~ I'm glad you found this fic!! I hope you enjoy this next part! Thank you so much!

Natalie36 ~ Thank you very very much!!! We get to hear from the Skins soon... hopefully. LOL.

Chapter 4

Ava woke up cold; the floor had stolen all her heat and replaced it with confusion and a chill that settled in her bones. “Liz? Sweetie, why… Oh god…” Ava could feel the blood from her face drain as the knowledge of yesterday came crashing back. Liz wasn’t going to be there to explain that someone had slipped her some alcohol and that she had to drag a half comatose, giggling mess that Ava had become, home.

The buzzing that had dragged her from the nightmare riddled sleep was the phone. She picked it up, looking at the caller id. A strange number with a Roswell area code blinked. She punched talk and held the phone to her ear. “Yo.”

“Yo? Is that how your college education is teaching you the correct way to answer a phone?” A teasing voice soothed Ava’s shot nerves.

“Dad, I take online courses. We don’t have to talk, that’s what netspeak’s for.” Ava smiled despite her fears.

“I wanted to let you know that I just got the earliest flight. I’m waiting for my connecting flight to depart at one fifteen. I’m hoping it doesn’t get delayed. If all goes according to plan…” Jeff looked at his boarding pass, and itinerary. “I should be there around four thirty.”

Ava gave a sigh of relief. “Where’s Nancy? I don’t hear her in the background.” Ava might have thought of Jeff as a surrogate father, but Nancy wasn’t much of a mother, not even really to Liz.

“She didn’t make the trip. We’ll discuss it more when I get there. I’m picking up a car at the airport.” Jeff juggled the cellphone and his paperwork. “This number is going to be the best way to reach me. Do you need me to read it off to you, or can you get it off the caller id or something?”

“I’m good, Dad. I’m going to let you go. I just woke up, and I need a shower and coffee.” Ava bit her lip. She needed to call Kyle, and see what was going on.

“Ava, remember I need you to take care of your self. That’s your first priority. You won’t do anyone any good if you aren’t well.” Jeff felt silly on lecturing Ava, but he knew that she wouldn’t think of herself, not until Liz was safe back home.

“Believe me, Dad; a shower isn’t just for me. It’s for your benefit too. The coffee is going to make the room stop spinning and the words you keep saying make a lot more sense.” Ava teased softly; she loved how he worried about her even as Liz was missing.

“I think I’m going to grab breakfast, you take care of yourself. I love you. I know it might embarrass you since you aren’t blood, but blood doesn’t always count. Love counts.” Jeff explained, looking for something that wasn’t fast food.

“I’ll let you get food. I’ll get coffee… and Dad… I love you too.” Ava stuttered out. “See you when you get here.” She pressed the red button hanging up on Jeff. She didn’t want to lengthen the goodbye process. She knew he’d try to keep her on the phone, not because she didn’t need the coffee or the shower, she knew she needed both, he was scared. One of the strongest men she knew had had his world tilted on its axis, and she was a constant in his universe.

She stood up and stretched before walking to the coffee pot. The coffee inside was old and burnt. Liz had forgotten to turn it off before they had left for Blockbuster. She turned off the button, as she poured the liquid down the drain. Ava washed out the pot to get the rest of the residue off before placing it back in place. As the grounds were measured out, she found herself in a moment of peace. With a stark realization, something she had forgotten about, the easiness of hiding behind mundane chores.

She pulled a Ziploc bag from a drawer to cover her cast. Quickly using her powers with the plastic bag to make the plaster waterproof, she reminded herself that she’d be no good to anyone if she had to go back to the doctors to get a new cast.

She flicked the switch on the coffee pot after she poured in the water, and walked to the bathroom.

While undressing carefully, she reminded herself that after her shower she needed to call Kyle. Ava would lay out all the information to him. The pep talk kept her going as she turned on the water and tested it.

She stepped in and let the water rush over her. Ava winced as the water hit her bruised face and busted lip. At the same time, it was cathartic, as well as warming her chilled body. Ava was reminded that she had woken up freezing as the hot spray peppered against her skin.

Her brain went over all the information from the day before. The officer struck her as odd. It was until she remembered him scratching his ear, that it hit her. Flakes of skin had fallen on to his shoulder as he got out his phone. Right after he had talked to her, he had called someone. When she had turned to look at him, he was dialing someone.

It hit her like a ton of bricks, the officer was a Skin. It sort of made sense; the shield, the interrogation, and police not calling Liz’s parents. Ava felt the burn of acid against her throat as she willed herself not to throw up. It was her fault. She wasn’t sure how they knew who she was, or what they wanted from her. She did know that what ever it was, they’d better take care of Liz if they wanted it done.

The fear burned away to rage as she turned off the water. She would kill Nicholas for this. Ava wasn’t sure how she was going to accomplish this, but she was going to make sure he suffered for trying to take away her family.

Ava sniffed the air for a moment, and then looked down to see the towel she was holding in flames. She was grateful she had been holding the towel with her healthy arm. She didn’t want to explain that somehow she caught her cast on fire. She yelped, forgetting her rage for the moment, dropping the burning towel into the tub. Ava quickly put it out with running water from the tap.

She stared at the smoldering towel, as a sense memory tickled the back of her brain. It was as if she should have known something. She knew that the only way the towel could have caught on fire was from her.

Ava pulled another towel off the rack, and as she dried her hair with her powers, the questions on her newly found power grew. She knew it was either connected to her emotions or stress.

She had never dressed so fast or clumsy in her life, as the questions circled her head like the birds did in the cartoons when someone got knocked out. She poured her coffee; poured in some Tabasco that Liz always kept next to the coffee pot. Holding the tiny bottle, Ava could remind herself of the promises she made in the shower. She sipped the coffee wondering when the Skins would contact her. She knew that it would a good thing to get in contact with the Sheriff and see what he thought. As she drained her cup, she went to make her phone call.

Liz walked out to ask Zan for a hair brush. She could feel the material scrap across skin that had never been this free before. She almost ran back into the bathroom to wash her underwear, and hide until they were dry.

The look in Zan’s eyes melted all thoughts from Liz’s mind. There was almost a liquid quality to his amber eyes that caught Liz like a bug in tree sap. There was a hunger that she knew she echoed. She wasn’t sure why her hormones were out of control. She tried to explain it away in her head as something the Skins had pumped into the room. The thought was quickly discarded as it was thought. Zan had already pointed out before that they weren’t the smartest apples in the tree.

The reminder of his strong hands cupping her head shook her from her haze. “Do you have a hair brush?” Her voice waivered a little, but Liz was proud that she could even speak at all.

“Naw, Princess. Dey don’t gives me stuff likes you’s.” Zan shrugged, before turning to pull on pants. He buttoned them up, and motioned for her to turn around. “I’s get it, Princess. We’s don’t be wanting da peeps to be seeing ya wit bum ass hair.”

Liz turned her back to Zan, not really sure what he was going to do. She could feel Zan’s strong hands massaging her scalp. A moan of pleasure escaped her lips as Zan’s nails scrapped against her head. Liz could feel his fingers working out the knots in her hair left from the shower.

“Dis… Tells me ta step off…” Zan’s hands stopped stroking her hair, and started to massage her shoulders. Stepping closer, Zan stopped and pulled Liz against him. His arousal evident pushes against Liz’s lower back.

“We need to stop. We’re both lonely…” Liz moaned as Zan cupped her breasts through the dress. “But…”

“It’s gorgeous one at dat.” Zan growled into Liz’s ear.

Liz moaned, and then reminded herself that Ava had loved this man. This wasn’t some back alley fuck that she could get lost in. This was Zan, and it was playing with fire. The thoughts doused the flame of her desire and pulled her back to her senses.

“Zan, we can’t. I want this to mean something.” Liz pulled away, her head lowered so her hair would cover her face.

“It’d mean sometin’ ta me.” Zan growled in frustration. He walked away and leaned against the wall. His unfocused eyes staring blankly at the wall in front of him, as he willed his desire away.

“You don’t understand, Zan.” Liz walked over and placed a hand against his back.

“Don’ts touch me.” Zan shrugged off Liz’s hand, his body stiff and taunt.

Liz pulled her hand away like it was burnt. “This… What I meant is that… well, this isn’t how I’d want my first time to be.” Her voice ended in a whisper. Shame clung to her body like a shroud.

“Waz?” Zan turned around, shaking off the daze he had been in. “Dis been you’s first time? Waz bout da dupe? You’s never bump uglies wit his?”

“No… He… We… No.” Liz shook her head.

“Waz? You’s make less sense den dem fortune cookies.” Zan shook his head. “You’s been sending me signals…”

“I’ll admit I’m very attracted to you.” Liz blushed, the shame more predominate. “But I couldn’t do that to Ava…”

“Whaz Aves gots ta do wit dis?” Zan growled. He didn’t like to be jerked around. He understood that she didn’t want her first time to be a quick bang, but now she was dragging Ava into it. Ava had nothing to do with the situation.

“Ava was in love with you. She says she wasn’t, but she was. And she’s my best friend. If we do get out, I don’t want to have to tell my best friend that I slept with the love of her life.” Liz bit her lip.

“I’s not da love of Aves’ life. We’s kick it, yeah, but dat be it. If you’s don’t wanna I get dat. Don’t be dragging Aves into dis. Not’ng got to do wit her.” Zan paced back and forth in the tiny room.

“I can’t help but worry that it does. She’s my best friend.” Liz looked down. “Friends don’t do that…”

Liz was cut off midsentence as the door banged. A male voice growled to stop fighting.

“Whaz if we’s don’t? Waz ya going do ta us?” Zan snarled back.

There was soft talking that could be heard on the other side of the door. Noises of disagreement and agreement could be heard from different voices. Sadly neither Liz nor Zan could make out what was being said.

“We don’t need you anymore,” A definite male voice that held a tone of authority.

“Which one of us?” Liz’s voice wobbled in slight fear.

“The annoying male one,” The voice explained.

“Well, I need him. If you want me to cooperate, you have to leave him alone.” The wobble stricken from her tone as steel lanced through her words. She knew that to save Zan’s life, she needed to live up to the princess nickname.

“How do you know that we need you to cooperate?” The voice chuckled, as if the whole situation amused him.

“The dress and breakfast proves that you want me happy. I will not make a good guest if I’m not happy.” Liz sneered the word guest. Her voice held a snooty tone that spoke of high class, and money.

Zan looked over at her, an eyebrow raised as her tone. He wasn’t sure why she was helping him, if it was misguided loyalty to Ava, or the connection that seemed to spring up as soon as they locked eyes. He wasn’t sure, but it saved his life, he wasn’t going to bitch.

More talking could be heard at Liz’s demands. “Then stop fighting!” The voice commanded.

“I’m a female. It’s my job to drive the male population nuts. If you don’t want to hear us fight; stop listening in to our conversations like a bunch of perverts! We aren’t going to have sex so you and your merry band of idiots can get off.” Liz yelled at the door, the high and mighty tone still in full effect.

At the lack of rebuttal, Liz snorted. “I’m feeling hungry. I want lunch, and I want a corned beef sandwich with a side of home fries.” Liz looked over at Zan. “What do you want, since I’m making my lunch demands?”

“I want a piece of hot sausage and pepperoni pizza with a bottle of hot sauce.” Zan shrugged as he called out to people on the other side of the door.

“I expect it soon. Get going!” Liz walked over and slapped her hand against the door.

She could hear some complaining; no real words could be distinctly heard. But the tone was enough to know that they didn’t like that she had the upper hand. She wasn’t sure how long she could keep it up, but it was the only card they had.
Last edited by darkmoon on Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
My Author's Page ~ Click on picture

I will never know the sweet love of Milk! ~ Khivar in Through The Looking Glass
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Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:35 pm

No Clue (UC, L/Z, Mature) Chapter 5 ~ 3/22

Post by darkmoon »

Panda ~ Thank you! Nancy situation will be explained soon. I hope this was worth the wait!

*RebelBaby*, LizMichael 4 Ever, Behrstars, Crazedearthgirl, Roswell3053 ~ Thank you very much!!!

Saavik ~ I knew you'd be amused by that line. It seems to be everyone's favorite. Thank you for being so awesome during my hellish work schedule.

Whimsicality ~ I love you insight into this. Thank you!! I hope this lives up to the last chapter.

K ~ Thank you for all your support.

Carrie ~ It's ok. I know that you support all thing that I write. And I thank you for it!!!

V ~ I hope this Ava/Kyle moments keep you going! ^.^

Garcia88 ~ Thank you for all your bumps and for loving this!!

Detzer84 ~ Thank you for enjoying this and the bumps!

Liz1490 ~ Thanks for the bump!

Buddha-boy ~ Thank you. I'm glad that even though you aren't a big L/Z fan, that the friendship between Liz and Ava resonates with you!

Yasmania ~ Don't worry, the more I write Liz and Zan, the more I understand why I am an UC gal. Thank you!!

Rach ~ It's ok. I didn't really tell anyone that I've been updating. LOL! I am so glad that you enjoyed them!!!

C&N214 ~ I hope this was worth waiting for. Thank you!!

Chapter 5

Ava started to grab for the phone with her bad arm, the cast stopping her from picking up the receiver from the floor. She sipped her coffee as she pondered how she could fight Nicholas with a broken arm. Her eyes glued to the phone that seemed to mock her.

She downed the last of the coffee, and walked back to put the cup in the kitchen sink. Just because she wanted to get the call didn’t mean she was willing to allow little things to go. She rinsed out cup, and glared towards the living room.

The cup was carelessly plopped down in the drainer, as Ava walked back to get the phone.

Using her good arm, she snagged the phone and dialed the number burned in her brain. She had only read the slip of paper with the Sheriff’s number once, but it was enough. The only saving grace was the voice on the other line, Kyle; his voice the only light in the darkness that her life had become.

“Hey Ava…” Kyle’s greeting brought a slight smile to Ava’s lips. His voice was warm and the greeting felt genuine. Liz had been one of the first genuine people she had met. Everyone, herself included, hid behind façades. Liz was exactly who she had put herself out to be. Sure Liz had secrets, but in all honestly, who didn’t.

“Hi Kyle.” Ava’s voice was soft and almost shy which shocked her. She had never been shy nor meek, not in the presence of violent forces like Rath and Lonnie. Shy had almost innocent feel to it, and she was far from innocent.

“I have a feeling this isn’t a social call…” Kyle’s voice took on a resigned tone displacing the light one he’d greeted her with.

“I think I know who took Liz. The Skins are the only ones who would have the ability and reason to kidnap her. Also, the cops never called Jeff. Before I left I was stopped by a young detective, who set me off wrong. Between the exhaustion and the pain it never clicked together that when I looked back at him, he was scratching his ear as he made a phone call.” Ava started to talk, her words flowing faster as she gained momentum.

“Wait… You think the Skins are involved because a detective scratched his ear?” Kyle cut Ava off. His voice was confused, but not mocking.

“When he scratched, flakes of skin fell onto his shoulder. Believe me, those weren’t dandruff flacks either.” Ava sighed, slightly annoyed that she had been cut off.

“Ok, but why take Liz? Why not you?” Kyle started to sound more like the investigator she needed him to be.

“I don’t know. That’s what doesn’t make sense. My only thoughts are they need her as leverage to make me do something for them.” Ava shrugged, even though she knew Kyle couldn’t see.

“Well, my dad is on his way. After he heard from Jeff, he decided to call the police himself. According to their records, you called them an hour after you left and explained that Liz had made her way home. The guy wanted her purse, and had taken her with it. He dumped her a few miles away when he realized that he wasn’t going to get anything more from her.” Kyle sounded slightly angry. “Well, we know what his phone call was about.”

“If you knew that, why were you confused by the idea that the Skins were behind this?” Ava growled. She didn’t like being played. She wasn’t sure why it hurt at the idea that Kyle had this knowledge yet questioned her reasoning. It was a deep hurt, that kind that made her chest feel slightly tight.

“Woah!” Kyle yelped at the change of tone in Ava’s voice. “I just wanted to know why someone scratching their ear would be suspicious. For all I knew, it was more of the Alien Voodoo.”

“Alien Voodoo?” Ava allowed herself to ease from the defensive.

“That you do.” Kyle teased, hearing the easing hostility in her voice.

“I’m not even going to dignify that with a correct response.” Ava rolled her eyes. “So, Big Daddy Sheriff is on his way? Was he traveling with Jeff?”

“Promise me that you will never refer to my father as that again…” Kyle sounded both horrified and grossed out.

“You are so easy.” Ava mused, fully recovering from her hurt. “How did the Drama Bitch take the news?”

“First off, you haven’t known me long enough to know how easy I am. I could be completely chaste. Secondly, my step-sister did not take it well. She wanted to come with us. And to go back to your original question, no. Dad and I are flying out in about an hour.” Kyle covered the voice piece for a moment.

Ava could hear his finger scrap across the microphone; she could hear him speaking to someone.

“Ava, sweetie, Dad said he pulled some strings, so I have to go. I’ll call you when we land in Hartford.” Kyle felt weird, the conversations with Ava was too easy. It felt almost too right. He should be scared out of his mind for Liz, but there he was teasing Ava keeping her mind off the situation.

“I’ll talk to you later. Take care of yourself. I… I can’t wait to meet you in person.” Ava stuttered out, blushing at her feelings.

“I’ll see ya soon.” Kyle smiled at Ava’s voice.

Liz slumped to the bed, her bravo drained. “I don’t know how long I can keep it up…”

Zan’s thankful look slide away to the stony façade that had graced his face when she first mentioned knowing Ava, “I’s sorry it takes all of ya’s strength not ta let dem kill me.”

“What? No…” Liz shook her head, realizing that Zan had taken her comment the wrong way. “I meant… I meant I’m not very good at channeling my inner Isabel. We called her the Ice Princess. I’m not very good at being this high class… bitch, for lack of a better term.” Liz bit her lip, not sure how to patch the hole between the two of them.

“Ya did da bitch well.” Zan smirked. The tone of his voice hinted that he now understood her position. The tension still there eased slightly.

Liz smiled back. “Thank you,” her eyes thanking him for not pushing.

The moment of peace was broken as the door rattled, and slowly opened. Both Liz and Zan were startled, but in different ways.

Liz sat frozen on the bed, unable to move from fear of what was going to happen.

On the other hand, Zan jumped into action. His years on the streets were even more apparent as he started to attack the man who came through the door.

The intruder raised a hand, and blasted Zan into the wall easily.

Her brain screamed for Liz to move and help Zan. But flashbacks of the fight in the alley and fear held her limbs unable to move. She couldn’t even move even when the man grabbed Liz. As he pulled her to her feet, she let out a wail of broken fear, as her arms flailed like a wounded animal.

Liz looked to Zan for help, only to realize that none would be available. Zan had been knocked unconscious by the blast.

She fought harder as a hood was slipped over her head, her nails digging into the skin of her attacker.

Something was forced over her mouth, and nose through the material of the hood, and she could feel herself weaken. Her last thought was how effective ether was on someone with her body mass.
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I will never know the sweet love of Milk! ~ Khivar in Through The Looking Glass
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No Clue (UC, L/Z, Mature) Chapter 6 ~ 5/25

Post by darkmoon »

Garcia88 ~ We are finding out more. ^.^ I promise!! I hope you enjoy this part as much as the last.

Jan ~ It's ok that you missed chapters! It just means you can make it up by reading them all at once. Lol. I'm glad that Jeff and Ava are sympathetic characters. I hope this helps explain a little more.

Carrie ~ I hope you enjoy this as much as the last one. ^.^ I'm glad that Ava and Kyle's romance rings true. And that the Liz and Zan moments are just as good. I love you and Seki loves you!! And I'm proud to call you my friend.

Saav ~ *blushes* Thank you. Thank you for all your support and love. It truly means the world to me. ^.^

K ~ Sadly I did. But I fixed it a little in this.

Panda ~ I hope this explains it a little. ^.^

V ~ I hope this is explains what's going on. And I LOVE THE ICON!!!!

Buddha-Boy ~ Thank you very very much! I didn't mean to leave it at a cliff hanger, it just wrote itself that way. I hope this was worth waiting for.

Natalie ~ We learn a little of the Skins' plan in this one. Or at least it deepens the mystery. ^.^

B ~ THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!!!! I honestly could not do this without you. Between school, work and home you still have time to push me towards my goals and I love you.

Roswell3053 ~ Thank you very much!!

Kara ~ Yes, I left it there... I left it there to upset you. Lol. J/K. I left there because it fit. I was thinking that I was going to get this reaction out of you. And it's fun. I'm enjoying every minute. ^.^ I'm glad that Kyle and Ava aren't going to quick, but at their own pace that seems to fit them. I'm glad Zan and Liz's relationship seems as strained as it should under the circumstances. In a month I've given you; an update of DiP, a new DoZ (which you still haven't said anything about) and now this. ^.^ I'm sleeping next month. Yep. Sleeping! Lol. I'm glad you still love my stuff.

Detzer ~ Thank you very much!! See! I promised it would be before June!! ^.^

Now on with the show!

Chapter 6

The hood was pulled off with little regard to Liz welfare as it pulled at her hair when it came off. Her eyes tried to focus, but the drugs still swirling through her system causing what should have been a simple, unconscious act into an almost impossible feat of will.

“State your name.” A voice growled into Liz’s ear.

“Isth Than otay?” Her voice cracked from the dry mouth the ether had created. Her tongue wetted her lips as she let her head lull back.

“Answer the question, bitch!” A younger, angrier voice demanded. She focused on the voice noticing short brown hair. His face seemed a blur of eyes, nose and lips. In the back of her drugged mind, the common sense scientific part reminded her that in the case of how much ether she was probably given, she should be thankful that she recognized that he had short brown hair.

“Wather…” Liz closed her eyes, and could feel herself slipping back to the world of sleep.

A slap in the face shocked her back into the real world. Her mouth still dry, but a straw made quick work of that, as she sipped cool water. She could feel her cheek ache as she sucked on the straw. She blinked from the bright lights.

“Now, state your name!” Another voice growled, making three voices. This one sounded familiar, it was the same voice that explained so abruptly that Zan’s life held no consequence. She still couldn’t discern anything more the shapes.

“Zan…” Liz’s voice was stronger, and clearer as the drugs started to wear off. “Where is he?” She gritted her teeth after asking, she had to know if it was even worth her cooperation.

“He’ll get the medical attention if you state your name.” The voice growled.

“This is not going to help your cause. You have hurt a woman, and threatening her colleague. I do think that she will say what ever name you want her to.” A forceful voice came out almost mechanical.

“My name is Elizabeth Parker. I don’t know who you want me to be… But I’ll lie if it helps Zan.” Liz hoped her voice didn’t waiver as much as she thought it did.

“Are you sure you are willing to admit you are Liz Parker, Miss?” The mechanical voice seemed to be originating from what looked like a computer.

“Willing to admit?” Liz blinked and squinted, as her pupils started to contract and things started to focus.

A young man, with no real distinguishing features started to come into focus. His flat forehead seemed to run perpendicular to his equally flat nose. She could make out two small nasal holes. His lips were so thin it was as if someone had made a cut in the fabric of his face for his mouth. His eyes were shiny and black. He reminded her of the aliens in the crash museum. He reminded her of what Nasado looked like right before he had died. He cocked his head, as she realized he was on the monitor of a computer.

She looked around her, noticing that the room was bare. A table held the computer, and a strange glowing device attached to the computer that seemed to pulse. It struck Liz at the reality of why it was so easy for the Skins to blend in with the general populous. None of the four men that were in the room stood out to her. If someone had asked her to describe any of them, she would save they were average, very average.

The man with short brown hair paced like a lion in a cage. He alternated from glaring at her to glaring at the monitor.

An older gentleman, his hair graying at the temples, raised an eyebrow. He turned his head to a teenager that leaned against one of the walls. “Go heal our other guest.” The sound of his voice startled Liz. He was the leader of this outfit without a doubt.

“I told you I had her. Now, we need to talk terms. I need to speak with the King. I won’t deal with anymore of you stupid underlings. Tell him the Parker girl’s quality of life depends on his answer. He might get her in one piece or many.” With a Gallic shrug, he motioned to get Liz out of the room.

The brunette grumbled before stalking over to Liz. He cut her bonds, with what Liz assumed was his powers, before throwing her over his shoulder. “Don’t fight, bitch. We don’t want something to happen to your little friend, Ava was it?” He sneered as he walked out with her over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes.

Liz tried to look around instead of thrashing about and fighting. She knew it would be more useful to Zan if she could memorize where they were rather then get herself beaten. Zan would feel it was his duty to heal her since she had supposedly saved his life. She knew that when in doubt, her brain was their best chance out of here. The walls were equally as bare as the room that held her. It was also the same grey matte color as the other room as well. Her inner Ava bitched that they must have had a sale at Walmart for the same shitty color. She stifled the laugh the thought brought.

Her world flipped as she was roughly tossed on a bed. This room was not the one that she had been dragged from. The bed was bigger, and the walls were a cream color.

“Stay… Good bitch.” The man sneered before walking out, and closing the door.

Liz could hear the bolt click in place before she stood up. Her head swam from both the head rush of being carried the way she was, and the drugs that they must have pumped into her. She had considered how much she weighed and how quickly ether metabolized, and her brain went fuzzy; which only reinforced the fact that she had been drugged while she was out with something more then just ether.

She sat back down, holding her head. Her only thought was wondering when, or even if, Zan was going to be brought back. He said that he would get medical attention, not that he would be returned to her.

As she leaned back, she heard the bolt slide back. Liz jackknifed up, her head pounding from the sudden change in pressure.

Zan was thrown in; limp like a rag doll, Liz worried he was… She wouldn’t let the thought finish in her head. She walked carefully to him, hoping to drag him to the bed. Praying he could do so on his own.
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I will never know the sweet love of Milk! ~ Khivar in Through The Looking Glass
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Addicted Roswellian
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No Clue (UC, L/Z, Mature) Chapter 7 ~ 7/8

Post by darkmoon »

So this is my early b-day gift to you all. I'm turning 27 and hopefully will be getting the next chapter of DiP out before the 11th as well. ^.^ This is Unbeta-ed. I figured since Burningchaos is unable to do it due to lack of net, and since DiP has been laid at Vampy's feet. That I'll just take a chance and post unbeta-ed.

Random disclaimer: I don't own Buffy the Vampire Slayer, nor Angel the series. I don't own any of the music from the shows either. I also don't own the movie, The Great Escape, or the show Battlestar Galactica.

Detzer ~ Sorry this took all of June and part of July to get out. I started college, and my brain has been fried. I'm so glad you like how this is progressing.

B ~ I can't wait till you get net back and can see this. And you can tell me what to fix. LOL.

Carrie ~ I promise, this isn't the small fic that I warned you would happen if Zan was dead. LOL. I hope you love it. Really hope you love it. And Seki says nothing says I love you like a great cliff hanger.

Kris ~ I hope you enjoy this part as much as you've enjoyed the previous!!

Crazedearthgirl ~ I'm back!! I just got lost along the way. I need to remember to keep my GPS on me at all times. LOL. I hope you enjoy this part!!

Saavik ~ Thank you!!!!!!! You are the best Internet Mommy ever! I hope this is longer for your tastes, but as you always say, it's always too short. LOL.

Destinyc ~ They get closer, not promising nookie. But closer! Lol. I'm really glad you like this. It really makes my day. Thank you!!!

Kara ~ You are absolutely right.... About what, I'm not saying a word. Ha Ha! I don't mind you harassing me for more parts. It reminds me that people love my stuff. And Yes, I admitted it, but only because you've been on my butt about it again. LOL. P.S. Remember, I'm ebil. Very ebil.

V ~ You are amazing and you don't realize how much! I hope this satisfies you enough to get me DiP beta-ed for my b-day!!! ^.^ Thank you for all your support and love!!!!

Jan ~ I hope this clears up all questions on how Zan is. ^.^ I'm so happy to see that you enjoy this. I means a lot to me!!! Thank you!!!!

Maiqu ~ Thank you so very much!!!

Chapter 7

Liz carefully flipped Zan over. She was thankful when he cracked open an eye.

“You’s a bad peep to knows, Princess.” Zan groaned, trying to pushing himself into a sitting position.

“Are you ok? I’m so sorry. They are making a deal for my life with a King… I assume with either Max or Kivar. I’m sorry that it involved you. I don’t know why they are involving you.” Liz babbled; her hands shaking as she helped Zan sit up.

“I’s good. Dey be bitches. Dey can’t take down me’s as easy peesy as dey dink.” Zan shrugged off Liz’s help. “Princess, I’s gots it.” He swayed a little as he stood up, but he was steady on his feet. He stumbled slightly as he walked towards the bed. He fell face first into the soft mattress, and sighed. “Cell, sweet cell.”

Liz rolled her eyes as she let the worry drain slightly from her body. “Did they heal you? They asked me questions and I told them that I would if they just healed you.” Liz could feel herself babble in a Maria like fashion which made her cringe. She was no one’s damsel in distress.

“I’s outta da box special.” Zan flipped onto his back and smirked. “How’s you doing?”

“Other then my cheek, I’m fine.” Liz pressed her cheek for a moment to see how tender it was. She winced slightly before putting on her brave face.

“Lets me.” Zan leaned and motioned for her to move closer.

Liz shook her head. “You need to conserve your energy.”

Zan rolled his eyes. “Stop da martyred shit.” Zan grumbled as he sat up, and started to get up. “You’s don’t comes ta me, I’s going to have ta go ta ya.”

“Fine! Don’t get up.” Liz grumbled under her breathe of hard headed men and stupidity being universal to all male of species.

“Yeah, yeah. Da women folk needs ta bitch ‘bout some’ing.” Zan settled comfortably sitting up on the bed, as Liz sat down next to him. “Nows, you’s needs ta looks me in da eye. None of dat squeeze eyes crap.”

“You need to find a better pick-up line.” Liz glared.

“I’s got da hands. Don’t needs pick-ups lines.” Zan’s smirk got bigger as he cupped Liz’s cheek. “I’s gots alls da moves I’s needs.”

Liz locked eyes with Zan hoping to get this out of the way. She wasn’t expecting the flashes that scrolled through her brain. She could see Zan pretending to enjoy the stealing and tricks that helped him get his group fed; the weariness of his life that ate away at his soul. Liz could feel the pain, both physically and emotionally as Lonnie, Rath and Ava tried to kill him. The joy that lifted his spirits at Liz’s confession that Ava wasn’t a part of the assassination filled her senses.

The connection slammed shut as Zan pulled away.

“I’s wasn’t ‘pecting dat. What’s you see?” Zan seemed almost angry at the idea that Liz had seen parts of his life.

“Stuff. You aren’t as much of a jerk as you want me to think.” Liz bit her lip for a second before asking. “What did you see?”

“Stuff.” Zan mocked back.

“I gave more of an explanation then that.” Liz pulled back.

As Liz started to pull back, Zan grabbed both sides of her face and kissed her.

It wasn’t like the soft kisses of Max or even the kisses during the most passionate moments. It was even less like Kyle’s kisses. She was completely immersed. The flashes weren’t of galaxies, or even memories. They were dirty, sexy and made Liz moan as the images seared into her brain.

Zan groaned as the images flooded him. It crashed into him like waves hitting the rocks. He pulled her onto the bed, closer. His hands caressed her body in ways that she had forgotten, and unknowingly craved.

As Liz ground in Zan, her body screaming for more, he pulled away. “If dis is happenin’ I’s wanna not be givin’ dem da show of deir’s life.” Zan petted Liz’s hair as the realization of her actions came crashing into her.

“You’re…” Liz took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly hoping to calm her racing heart. “You are right…” She looked everywhere but Zan, shame flooded her.

“Hey,” Zan grabbed Liz’s chin, and made her look at him. “Dis will still happens, but nots here.”

“Ok.” Liz blushed, still not wanting to look him in the eye.

“We’s talk ‘bout dis later. We’s needs ta plays Steve McQueen and James Garner like. But’s I’s be McQueen, you’s hear?” Zan kissed Liz’s slack lips before slipping from under Liz. He stood and stretched.

“You shouldn’t be standing! You just took the beating of your life.” Liz stood up, shocked.

“I’s good. And dey ain’t watching us.” Zan looked around. “I’s feel better den I’s has been in a while.”

“What? How do you know they aren’t watching us? Why aren’t they if they thought we’d try to escape?” Liz looked around, hoping she wouldn’t spot a camera that Zan hadn’t.

“Dey be dumber den rocks.” Zan smirked, pulled Liz back to him for a kiss. “We’s getting outta here soon-like. I promise ya.”

“We aren’t getting out of here. That’s the part of being prisoners.” Liz licked her lips wanting more of Zan’s taste.

“So’s dis be prison sexing?” Zan smirked. “Baby, I’s didn’t knows you kinky like dat.”

“What is your problem? You almost get killed again, this time it’s my fault, and you come back all horny and confident. What is wrong? Are you like a Cylon?” Liz looked all confused, and took a step back from Zan.

“What’s a Cylon? And I’s happy ands horny cause I’s back.” Zan gave a flash of teeth in his grin.

“A Cylon is a robot that looks human, acts human but isn’t human because it’s a robot. And I can’t believe I just used that term in real life. I’m killing Ava when… if I get out of here. That damn show has gotten into my vocabulary.” Liz face-palmed. She lifted her head from her hand after a moment, realizing his last words. “What do you mean you’re back?”

Zan placed his hand on the bed spread, and the comforter changed from a floral pattern to a pitch black.

Liz gasped, her eyes widening. “Oh my god…” She didn’t mean to, but the physical, emotional and psychological exhaustion, caused Liz to faint.

Ava zoned out watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Normally it would put her in a better mood, but there was no breaking her feelings guilt and regret. She wanted Liz to be ok, she just wanted her to walk in the door and tell her it was all a misunderstanding. Ava sighed, hoping something would happen.

A ringtone jarred her from her dark thoughts, and the mermaid episode on the television.

The theme from ‘Lost in Space’ signaled that Jeff was calling. She had felt good doing the task of putting his cellphone number in her phone. It gave her a sense of purpose during the dark parts of waiting.

She didn’t know why she had also saved Kyle’s cellphone number under the ringtone of the Angel theme. She imagined he’d look a little like Angel, with dirty blond hair. She remembered the pictures of Liz’s high school years before Max and the group left. It was before Liz’s break down and her time in the all girl school. Liz looked happy, and Kyle looked like every cheerleader’s wet dream of a varsity football player. He was hot, happy looking and had a charisma that jumped off the page.

Ava quickly reminded herself of the ringing phone. “Hello?” She answered, praying her voice sounded more level then her rampaging emotions.

“Sweetie, I’ve been delayed again, but I talked to an old friend. He’s flying in with his son, which was a friend of Liz’s. I know you aren’t fond of the police, but one’s a Sheriff and the other is a Deputy. They wanted to see if they could help. Thankfully for them, they are flying a different route, and aren’t stuck in Chicago. I guess there is an electrical storm between here and you. Jim and Kyle are coming up from D.C. I gave Kyle your phone number. I hope that was ok, but I thought we could use all the help we could get.” Jeff rambled, out of his mind with worry for both his girls.

“Dad, breathe. I’m ok. Liz will be ok. Just worry about not falling asleep and missing your flight from the delay.” Ava felt lighter talking to Jeff. She didn’t know how something as silly as hearing his voice could make things seem okay in the world, especially under the circumstances.

“Ava, you do realize that from the last time we spoke, our places are reverse. Now you are the one calming me down, and I’m the basket case.” Jeff teased, wishing that he could be there.

“One of us has to be the calm one. Besides I’ve had my freak out, and you’re stuck in the airport. I think it’s totally understandable.” Ava reasoned, the guilt still teasing her senses.

“Ava, I know I’ve said this a million times, and I don’t even know why I’m saying it now. But remember sweetie, it wasn’t your fault.” Jeff didn’t know why, maybe his years of being a dad or just knowing that Ava must be feeling the same guilt he did, but he needed to remind her. He needed to let her know that when this was all over, no matter what the outcome, there wasn’t anything she could have done to prevent this.
Last edited by darkmoon on Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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I will never know the sweet love of Milk! ~ Khivar in Through The Looking Glass
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No Clue (UC, L/Z, Mature) Chapter 8 ~ 9/21

Post by darkmoon »

First off, THANK YOU!!! To everyone who reads this, and mostly to my amazing feedbackers. Who have dragged me into writing this. And btw, I want feedback on if I should change the level on the rating. Should I just go all out and actually have the Liz/Zan moment written out, or should I gloss over it. BTW Carrie: I know your answer. LOL.

Carrie ~ I hope you are still around to pass out from the hotness of Zan in general. ^.^ I'm still giddy that I can get you with the Kyle/Ava stuff even when you are so desperate for the Liz/Zan parts. *Snuggles* Yes, you got me to write. Are you happy?!?!? LOL! DiP is next on the list. I swear.

Kris ~ Thank you so much!!! I hope this was worth the wait.

Saav ~ My Online Mummy!! You always think it's never long enough. Even if I wrote a chapter that is like 20 pages long. But that's because you honestly think I have talent. And you keep pushing me to better myself. And I thank you!!! And I told you I'd get another part of something out this weekend. It's not DiP, but it's something! *Huggles*

Detzer84 ~ I'm so thankful that as well as the Liz/Zan, the Ava parts are just as well loved. Thank you!!!

Destiny ~ So can I count you in on the wanting to see that Mature turn into Adult crowd? ^.^ I'm glad that it is hot enough for you. Coming from you, it's a compliment. And I'm glad the Ava/Jeff family relationship shines. ^.^ Thank you!!!

Roswell3053 ~ Thank you!!! I know I was a little slow. But I hope it was worth it!

Natalie36 ~ Thank you!!! I love when the relationship between Ava and Jeff is as loved as the Liz and Zan parts.

Kara ~ I know I'm a tease. Seriously, I'm good at writing just enough to squeak past the censor. :lol: I love that you still can't figure if it's Max or Kivar. Let me give you a hint... You are right. So you can stop pouting, there is Ava/Kyle moments. ^.^ I love how in depth your feedback is. Thank you!!! *Snuggles*

Lizandzackfan ~ Yay!!! I hope this was quick enough for you! ^.^

Janet ~ Poor Liz, you have to figure she just got groped by Zan, she found out he has his powers back and got interrogated by the Skins. Not only that, she knows that they are after her, not Ava. That is a little more then just; Hi, I'm an alien. :lol: I hope this is still as good as the last chapter. Thank you very much!!!

Ruthandnina ~ Thank you!!!!

WinchesterBunni ~ I hope this was worth the wait. Thank you very much!!!

Undiscoveredtwilight ~ It's updated. Thank you for reading!!!!

Chapter 8

Ava felt as if years had gone by the time the Angel theme rang on her phone. “You know, I think I’m about a hundred years old now. Thanks.”

“Hi honey, I’m in Connecticut!” Kyle teased. “And it hasn’t been a hundred years, but I bet you look really sexy with silver hair…” Ava could hear a slapping against fabric, as Kyle yelped. “Dad says hi.”

“Hello Ava, I was wondering if you could give us your address so that the two of you can get back to flirting.” An older gentleman’s voice came on the line. Ava could only imagine that it was Kyle’s dad, aka The Sheriff. The one whose nickname had placed fear in Ava’s heart of all things alien related.

“Ok, Big Daddy Sheriff.” Ava rambled off her address, and realizing that the voice was too warm to be called The Sheriff, with exclamation points and underlining. The voice was of someone who deserved the moniker of Big Daddy Sheriff.

“Big Daddy Sheriff?” The voice was amused. “How about you call me Jim?”

Ava could hear Kyle whining about promises of never saying that nickname again.

Jim chuckled, “Never mind, sweetheart, call me Big Daddy Sheriff anytime.”

She could hear the phone being shuffled around. “Yes, yes, the GPS is the greatest creation of all time… and I know you didn’t have these when you were on the force…” Kyle grumbled under his breath to the phone. “Save me…”

“I don’t have that power.” Ava giggled. It took her by surprise again. For some reason, this man could get her to giggle. She wasn’t sure how or why.

“Please tell me I’m close…” Kyle begged.

“Close to what? Insanity? Yeppers!” Ava teased as she heard the read-out of how long it would take.

“You do realize this is going to be the longest 42 minutes of my life.” Kyle complained.

“I can still hear you…” Jim growled from the driver seat. “Ava, tell him to suck it up and stop being a baby.”

“You heard Big Daddy Sheriff. Suck it up and maybe…” Ava blushed bright red as she stopped herself from adding ‘and maybe I’ll suck you off.’

“And maybe what? I’ll survive? I don’t know, you better be worth it.” Kyle teased, not realizing Ava’s predicament.

Ava had never been so thankful that the world didn’t have video phones. “And maybe I’ll make you my half assed coffee for your troubles.” She tried to save herself.

“It’s only half assed? Well, it’s probably better then Maria’s trying really hard version.”

“Deputy Dog, I can do anything better then that tiara-wishing-half-a-brain harpy. She just sits around at night dreaming that she was half the woman I am.” Ava got all defensive, but she found that Maria always got her that way, even if she was just mentioned in passing.

“I’ll remember that for next time. I’ll see you soon.” Kyle sounded weary and cut the line off before Ava could respond.

Liz awoke to a blinding headache, and the realization that Zan had moved her to the bed. She groaned as she sat up.

“I’s can’t do any’ing bout dat whiles you’s night-bye time.” Zan stroked her face, staring deeply into her eyes.

Liz could feel her headache recede, but the flashes of their bodies entwined. Liz shifted a little, and biting her lip.

“I’s give it ta ya real good,” Zan leaned down and breathed the words across her cheek.

“I can…” Liz ripped his hand away, tearing the imagines from her mind, “see that.”

Zan stood up, adjusted himself, before walking towards the door. “Dis ain’t norm.”

“You think this is normal for me? The images I ever got from kissing Max were of space!” Liz yelped.

“But ya gots dem. Never did dat with Aves.” Zan looked around the room, looking at anything but her.

“This is more…” Liz looked at her hands. “What is this? Are we in love? Is it chemical?”

Zan shrugged. “I’s don’t talks bout girly crap.”

“I forgot the testosterone in your body made you unable to discern feelings.” Liz grumbled, getting up from the bed, and walking to the bathroom. “If you need me, I’m taking a shower.”

Liz stepped into the bathroom, as she closed the door she pondered if she should lock it. For the second time in her life, she let her emotions guide her. The first time was when she dragged Max into the Band room to demand what the hand print meant. She smirked in the ironic fate that the second would be with Max’s clone, Zan. She undressed, thankful for a mirror. She quickly brushed her teeth, she wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was because it felt like a lifetime between brushings, or maybe something more primal. As she readied the shower, she glanced at the door again.

Stepping into the stream, she was reminded of the first time she had taken a shower in captivity. It had only been a day or so before. It was hard to believe that what had felt like a lifetime were only a few days. It was hard to guess at how many days had passed, since she really had only had one meal.

Remembering the lack of food, her stomach growled. She clutched her stomach before a draft of cold air hit her.

Zan’s arms wrapped around her body, pulling her to his naked body. “I’s don’t care what’s ya wants ta call dis, but I’s don’t wants ta leave ya.”

Liz turned, ready to give into what her body had been craving.
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I will never know the sweet love of Milk! ~ Khivar in Through The Looking Glass
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No Clue (UC, L/Z, Adult) Ch 9 ~ 11/24

Post by darkmoon »

Disclaimer: Never watched Gilmore Girls, but I needed something that Jared was in about the same time as 6th Season of Buffy had been on. I don't own Gilmore Girls, nor Jared. I would like to own Jensen and/or Jared though. (I would have used Supernatural, but the time line wouldn't have added up)

NotYourChick ~ I know! I'm so happy at how she's turning out. Lol. Thank you!!!

Carrie ~ Here is your chapter that you demanded. I wrote it. Now write me another chapter of Love Letters. I have the text message with promise of it!!! I love torturing you, you know that. LOL. I did change the rating! ^.^ I love ya! Don't kill me!!! And as always, Thank you for being the bestest and loudest cheerleader of all.

Jan ~ Sorry about the Janet thing, I was having one of those moments when it's like... :? need more sleep. LOL. I can't wait to see what you have to say about this chapter. :lol: :lol: :lol: I hope I keep you laughing like I have through all the funny parts. Thanks for bearing with me! ^.^

Pandas2001 ~ But it's so much fun leaving it there. I promise it won't take as long as it did for the next chapter as it did to get this one. Thank you very much!

Kris ~ ^.^ I'm evil, and for that I'm sorry. But here it is, the next chapter! ^.^ Thank you very much!!!

Natalie ~ Thank you very much!!!

AlysLuv ~ I feel the same way. Thank you very much!!!

Saav ~ I stopped it there... And I'm evil and know it. ^.^ You are the best cybermommy in the world! And thank you for being there for me. And don't kill me.

DollyF ~ Thank you very much!!! I love her nickname too. ^.^

Ruth ~ Thank you for waiting!! And thank you very much for loving my Zan and Liz!!!! Finals did well and I got a 4.0! So I'm a giddy girl!!

Chapter 9

Ava decided that the best way to wait for Kyle and Jim were seeing if she could control the fire inside of her. It finally hit that it was always in her. She was using a form of it to warm herself growing up, and if she could make bigger it would help in her fight against the Skins. She needed to work on it. Liz’s life could hang in the balance if she could create a decent fireball.

She giggled at the idea of her in sorcerer robes throwing out fireballs like she was Evil Willow. The idea of Liz and her going as Willow and Tara for Halloween made her giggle harder. Martha had been absolutely certain that they were lesbians anyways. Ava pondered if Kyle would be more of Oz or Xander. As the laughter ebbed away, Ava felt more empowered then she had been in a very long time. She knew that she’d help save Liz. And that she’d make the whole group of them, Jim and Jeff included, dress up as Buffy characters for Halloween. It wasn’t the sanest moment Ava had ever had, but it was focal point for Ava to work on her fire.

Ava walked to the sink. She didn’t want to burn down the apartment while she practiced. She thought about how she had warmed herself, and focused it in the palm of her hand. At first, the palm just got warm. She allowed herself to think of what could be happening to Liz. The idea that she was hurt, alone and scared angered Ava. The moment would etched in Ava’s memory for as long as she lived, as the warm feeling in her palm grew painfully warm before exploding into a flame hovering an inch above her open hand. It started to flicker out as Ava started to lose concentration. She quickly focused again. She smiled as she moved her hand, watching the flame move with her. She had made fire, and it was an extraordinary feeling.

A knock at her door startled her, causing the flame sputtered out. Ava walked to the door, growling in annoyance. She swung the door open to a surprised sexy Dean Forester look alike, and an older man who reminded Ava a little of the baddie from Die Hard 2. Then reminded herself that she had never watched Gilmore Girls and don’t know what Dean Forester looked like, or that Jared Padalecki played him. That it was a horrible memory from Liz’s addiction. She patted herself on the back for blaming Liz, and then felt slightly guilty before realizing they expected her to speak.

“What do you want?” Ava demanded. “I have no money, and I don’t need to be saved by anyone’s savior. Thank you…”

“Umm… Ava, sweetie, it’s us. Liz must have really crappy pictures of us.” Kyle looked worried for Ava’s long pause and then her ramblings.

“Kyle? You didn’t look nearly this hot in your photos.” Ava blurted out and then slapped her hand over her mouth.

Jim laughed, as Kyle looked shell-shocked by Ava’s blunt attitude. “I can see why Liz likes you so much! You are just a little firecracker, aren’t you?”

“I prefer alien goddess, but firecracker works.” Ava dropped her hand, and stated to Jim with a straight face.

“Wait… You make innuendos to my Dad with a straight face, but you make a comment about me being hot and you blush? What’s up with that?” Kyle looked confused.

“Difference is you’re her age…” Jim rolled his eyes at Kyle before walking into the apartment. “So let’s stop with the pillow talk and start getting down to the dirty.”

“I like your mind.” Ava smirked. She could handle Jim. Big Daddy Sheriff was like every other man she’d ever flirted with. Kyle, on the other hand, he was her wild card. He made her feel like she was next to Zan again, except Zan never made her feel this tongue tied. It was like all those books she read, and it scared her.

Kyle shrugged and walked in as well. The two men sat on the couch, as Ava sat on the lazy boy. Liz and she had found it on Craigslist for a mere thirty bucks. It was the best thirty bucks Ava ever spent, since all the work to make the chair habitable was all Czech magic as Liz called it.

“So I figured that there is no way they could get across country to the old base. But just in case, I called in a few favors, and had them take some satellite photos of the area.” Jim pulled out a few pictures. He laid them on the coffee table, and explained what they meant. “There are no heat signatures, and it looks abandoned. So we should assume that she is still in Connecticut.”

Ava looked unconvinced. “Other than a picture, what proof do you have?”

“The fact that one of the Skins works for the police here says a lot. The base has to be nearby if they are using the police. Secondly, these guys used brute strength to get you two. The only thing they were smart about was putting up a force field against you. This gives us the idea that they might not be smart enough to move Liz to a base farther out.” Jim went on to explain. “So, with the same favor I asked for pictures of areas around here that should be black, but are now showing power surges.”

This sparked Ava’s interest. “Ok, you have my attention.”

Jim tossed a few more pictures on the pile. These showed reds and yellows on a topical map. “These are showing an old farm house that according to all records is abandoned.”

“One word for you, squatters,” Ava rolled her eyes.

“Four words back at you, missy. Too. Much. Energy. Usage.” Jim wasn't in the mood to play games. He wanted Liz back, safe and sound.

“What Dad is trying to say is that squatters usually have a generator, or tap into someone else’s power line. These guys have a main line going right to them. Also, these heat signatures are way off the scale for even your basic household of six.” Kyle tried to keep the two of them from going to battle over pictures.

“According to the person who took the photos, it looks more like a military base, then anything family oriented he’s ever seen.” Jim finished out. He hoped that Ava would realize that they were all trying for a common goal, get Liz back. He wasn’t trying to fill her with false hope, just stating facts as they were given to him.

Something broke in Ava; a warm feeling filled her chest, as she realized it was hope. They had an idea where Liz was. Now what they needed was a plan, and she needed to practice her pyrokinetic abilities. One never knew when it would be needed.
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I will never know the sweet love of Milk! ~ Khivar in Through The Looking Glass
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Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:35 pm

No Clue (UC, L/Z, Adult) Ch 10 ~ 2/12

Post by darkmoon »

Jan ~ Thank you very very much! Sorry for all the delays. I hope this makes up for it! Thank you for loving the Ava side as much as the Liz side.

Carrie ~ I know you've waited for what feels like forever for this chapter. Wait no more! Sexing has commenced... Sorta. Pyrokinetic was a term coined by Stephan King to describe a person who has the ability to channel fire. I'm so glad that you enjoy the Ava/Kyle side as well as the Liz/Zan side.

AlysLuv ~ Thank you!! I'm letting it happen as it will. Ava has admitted though that she knows that her feelings for Zan were more crush based. He was her white knight, and she loved him for that. So I don't think she'll have as much of a problem as Liz seems to think she will. I hope this was worth the wait!

Scorpio6 ~ Thank you so very much!

Kris ~ Thank you so much!! I hope this was worth the wait!

Kismet ~ Thank you so very very much! This means the universe to me, since there are so many talented authors who are writing Liz/Zan fics right now. So thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

Behrstars ~ Thank you!! I hope this was worth the wait!!

Yasmania ~ Thank you very much!!

Jojotheorange ~ Thank you!! I hope this was worth the wait!!

Whimsicality ~ I love that you are so getting this! I don't know how you get inside my head so well, but you are on the right track! And I'm like a cheerleader giggling in happiness! I'm so giddy and happy that you truly understand the depth of the relationships of everyone involved. I'm so happy that Ava seems like a real person and not just a cardboard cutout secondary character to you. And I'm thrilled that Kyle and Ava ring true as a real couple not just forced together so that I can get Liz with Zan. I want Kyle and Ava's chemistry to be true, and feel as real as Liz and Zan's do. Because Kyle isn't just Ava's white knight that is going to save her. He gives her strength, and a solid base, but he knows she needs to save herself to keep the person that she's become intact. I'm blushing at your praise. And I truly am thankful for your feedback.It means the world to me.

Ms_BuffyAnneSummers ~ Thank you so very much!!! I wanted to leave Zan and Liz on edge. And then I felt that we needed to hear how the search for them were going. Lol. I'm so glad that both relationships are so true, and not just throw to people together and let them be in a relationship. I love that you enjoy the humor as well. I'm sorry it took so long and I hope it was worth the wait.

Kara ~ I love it when I make you think. I know you'll have some more ideas on everything. And I know that you'll be picking apart things I say and situations that I've left as hints. I am so thankful!! I hope this was worth the wait!!

Roswell3053 ~ Thank you for your patients! I hope this was worth the wait!!

LilithAnn ~ Thank you for leaving feedback now! I'm just happy to see that people are loving this fic. I think it's fantastic that you love Ava. She is such a hot mess, but she's getting better. Thank you for loving this fic! I hope this was worth the wait!!

To Everyone who voted for me: THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!!! Seeing that Ava got second place for best secondary character just blew my mind. I am honored that so many of you love this fic and my characterizations of the characters. I have tried so hard to make Ava seem like a realistic character giving her depth and emotion. And seeing that second place makes me know that I've succeeded. This makes the lack of sleep, and computer crashes worth it, as is your feedback. Thank you again!!!!!

Chapter 10

Liz looked up at Zan. “I thought we weren’t going to have prison sex.” She put her arms around him, letting his strength and hard body cloud her mind.

“Yous lefts me wit ‘pinions. I’s take da one I’s like dat best. We’s might be bang like two monkeys in a cage, but we’s not on show heres.” Zan leaned down and kissed Liz deeply. His tongue dueled with hers in a way that made Liz think of all those stupid romance novels Ava read. She wanted to pull back for a moment, thinking of Ava. Instead a flash, a glimpse into Zan’s mind filled her senses instead. The feel of him pumping inside of her, her head thrown back against the tiles as the water pulsed around them embraced her. She could feel herself react physically, her body tightening to hold Zan inside of her, but feeling empty.

Her hands gripped his hair, as she wrapped a leg around Zan’s hip. She groaned as her leg slipped back down from the water and awkward position.

Zan grabbed Liz’s leg as it slide, holding it against his thigh. He lifted his head, breaking the kiss. His forehead against hers, his breathe heavy against her face. Zan’s eye closed from the onslaught of emotions and flashes he received. “I’s got no’ing.”

“I don’t care…” Liz moaned. She was finally letting herself enjoy it, and Zan was stopping because of no condom. Liz mentally laughed at the situation. “We can do other things…”

“You’s sure? None of dis what’s bout Aves shit?” Zan couldn’t open his eyes. He knew he’d never get the words out if she looked at him with her liquid brown eyes. Her eyes that made him feel like if he could save them both. He was going to make sure she never lost that look in her eyes, but right now he just wanted them to glaze over with lust; to scream and tight around him as he thrust into her.

“I think we both know what we want. Ava isn’t here. She’s my friend, but you’ve been dead to her for a long time.” Liz allowed herself to let go of any guilt that this might bring because of her deep friendship with Ava.

“Thank you.” Zan opened his eyes, and looked down at Liz; her eyes wide and her blown pupils. He kissed her forehead as he slide to down. He looked at her breasts at first.

Liz was worried that she wasn’t big enough to satisfy him. Her thoughts were put to rest as Zan kissed each nipple, licking it into a hard nub. Liz threw her head back and moaned happily. Her fingers massaged his head in approval.

Zan’s hand let Liz’s leg to slide down his thigh, as he skimmed her rib cage. His fingers almost counting out each rib, taking note. Liz rubbed her legs together trying to ease the ache that kept gaining strength. She giggled slightly as he found her ticklish spots. Liz let her fingers untangle from Zan’s hair, as she moved down to grip his shoulders. Her fingers found the smooth muscle and dips of bone.

Kissing Liz’s stomach, Zan got to his knees. “I’s goin’ ta make ya feels fant’ic.” As he lifted her leg over a shoulder she was gripping. “You’s might wanna grab wall.” As he leaned down to lick her.

Liz let one of her hands grip the wall as her other gripped Zan’s shoulder tighter. Her head falling back into the water, she sputtered through the tide of water.

Zan, never looking up from his destination, waved a hand. The water shut off, as Liz spit out water. She didn’t care. Her world had shrunk down to Zan’s mouth, and one hand. His fingers poked softly and teased her. She never realized the sexy deliciousness of having it done to her by someone else.

Her back arched as Zan blew hot air against her, and her hips bucked begging for more. She mewed for the first time in her life. She just wanted his mouth on her, and his finger exploring her in the most intimate of fashions.

His mouth moving in different rhythms, Liz could feel herself building pressure. With a few more licks and nips, her mouth opened in a broken scream. She felt reborn, and pleasured to the deepest part of her. She slide against the wall as Zan let her leg skim down his arm from his shoulder.

“Give me time, I’ll repay…” Liz mumbled from parched lips. Her mouth felt raw, as her lips ached from the scream. The corners of her lips felt sore from being open so wide. She had never felt so satisfied, used and content in her life. If nothing else happened to her sexually again, she would remember this moment in time as the sexiest feeling she’d ever felt.

Zan smiled, licking his lips. “Dat’s a thanks.” Turning on the water slightly to wash off the salt from their skin, he soon gathered up Liz in a towel. He carried her out bride style on to the bed. As he knelt on the bed, he unwrapped her from the towel, letting her wet hair fan across one of the pillows.

Liz looked up at him from half closed eyes. A smile graced her face as she turned to cuddle against him. She fought to stay awake, but lost the battle as Zan soothed her face with kisses.

Zan pulled the covers over the two of them, and pulled her against his chest. He had a plan of attack, and he was going to get them out. Liz could then reciprocate all she wanted, and they’d have condoms. He kept that happy thought in his mind as he let himself fall asleep as well.
Last edited by darkmoon on Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
My Author's Page ~ Click on picture

I will never know the sweet love of Milk! ~ Khivar in Through The Looking Glass