Shameless (AU,M/L,Adult) [Complete]

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Shameless (AU,M/L,Adult) [Complete]

Post by jake17 »

Thank you Hunter for this awesome banner!!! You are incredibly sweet and a wonderful writer! This story is dedicated to Hunter a way she gave me the inspiration to write it! Thank you so much sweetie!! You made me very happy!

Title: Shameless
Disclaimer: I own nothing Roswell
Author: jake17
Pairings: M/L
Rating: Adult
Summary: What happens when a lonely librarian meets a beautiful stranger that tempts her to change her ways...

Chapter 1.

She looked up at the clock and sighed. Four minutes till closing and once again it’s just the two of them in the darkened quiet library.

Nervously she taps her pencil on her desk as she glances at him out of the corner of her eye.

It had been exactly one month since the mysterious devastatingly handsome dark haired stranger had made his presence known.

He would arrive three hours before closing and hover over his books silently reading. He believes she doesn’t notice his brief but smoldering glances at her….but he is wrong.

She notices. In fact it’s what has been keeping her up at night and leaving her completely dazed and dizzy during the day.

The way he stares at her it’s almost as if he can see right through her. Right through the façade she presents to the world.

Liz Parker Librarian… organized intelligent and most of all responsible. A person who would never do anything rash or spontaneous. Someone who would never act on her desires ..give in to her needs. Someone who is always in control.

She definitely looked the part with her long dark brown hair pulled tight into a bun. Her clothes were always conservative. Tonight she wore a white button up blouse with an appropriate length boring brown skirt and of course her glasses which screamed spinster in training.

She had long given up on silly romantic foolish dreams. Although still only in her late twenties she resolved herself to living a safe secure life. A life filled with predictable days and comfortable reliable nights.

Only he had changed all that.

She felt it the minute he would walk in. She instantly knew he was there. She could feel her pulse quicken as he walked slowly by her desk. He always took the same seat… the corner table by the isle of Romantic literature.

Tonight was the same as all the other nights. The library was closed. He knew it but waited for her to tell him anyway.

He licked his lips in anticipation as he eyed the clock. It was the best part of his day watching her uncross her legs and straighten her skirt out. He longed to glance at the way her breasts strained up against the buttons of her shirt as she moved across the room to speak to him.

“Sir I’m afraid I have to ask you to leave.. it’s past closing.”

“O-Oh sure ..sorry I hadn’t noticed"

“It’s no problem”

His hands shook underneath the table as he dug his fingers into his jeans for control. Her smile was intoxicating …her deep brown eyes hypnotizing.

As she walked away he couldn’t help imaging himself pushing off the dusty books that sat before him and lying her down on the dark mahogany table.

Shaking his head he tried to clear his mind of his unending fantasies of her.

Trying hard to steady his hand he held out his card for her.

“Only one book tonight?”

“Yeah I’m kind of tired”

He scratched behind his ear holding his breath as she took off her glasses and rubbed her sore neck.


He stared at the curve of her breast as it rose each time she moved her hand across her shoulder.

“What…sorry … what?”

“Are you ok? You are Max right? I’m mean that’s what it says on your library card.”

“Oh yeah Max …is me. I mean yes my name is Max.”

“Well my name is Liz Parker…if there is anything I can help you with please just let me know.”



Liz handed him his book and grabbed her keys, a ritual that the two had shared for the past month.

Smiling shyly at him she nodded as he walked through the door.

Usually Max would just keep walking to his jeep and she would enjoy the view as she locked up but tonight was a little different.

As she put the key into the lock her lips parted and her eyes widened in shock as he turned back towards her and gazed deeply into her eyes.

It was a look of hunger… of intense desire. For several seconds they both stood there captured by the heat that refused to let them go.

Max swallowed hard as he watched a piece of her chocolate silky hair fall loose from her bun and graze the edge of her pink lips.

It was too much for him.

Blinking several times he forced himself to finally tear his eyes away from her.

Looking down at the ground he slowly walked away.

Liz stumbled backwards to her desk and leaned up against it.

She quickly unbuttoned the top of her blouse and held her hand over her heart in a futile attempt to get her breathing under control.

Although she hadn’t quite realized it yet control was something that Elizabeth Parker would not be experiencing for a very long time.

Should I continue? :wink:
Last edited by jake17 on Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:42 pm, edited 11 times in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Shameless (AU,M/L,Adult) Chpt 2 8/11/08

Post by jake17 »

Hunter: thank you sweetie! I was so happy to see you here! :D
Emz80m:thank you for your fb! :D
angelina:Hi you! So happy to hear from you! thank you for being so wonderful and all your support.. It means so much to me! :D
keepsmiling7:Thanks so much for wanting more! I appreciate the fb! :D
Lena7: Lena you are diving me crazy with your stories!! Please get back and write more! Seriously Destiny's Pleasure is just amazing!! thanks so much for your very sweet fb! :D
begonia9508: HI Eve! thanks so much for wanting to read more! I love seeing you here! :D
sarammlover: HI Sara! thanks so much for being here! hope you like this part! :D
sheeperz:So happy to see you here! thank you so much for wanting more.. I loved you fb! :lol:
darkmoon:D! I loved that I have you reading dreamer fics!! :wink: thank you so much for being so sweet to me! :D
IheartMax: :lol: Yes seashell I know you want him to throw her up against the bookself! :wink: Don't worry it will be there! :wink: thank you for being so amazingly wonderful! I don't know what I would do without you. :D
Natalie36:thanks Natalie I always breath a sigh of relief when I see you here! :D
Veronica:Im so happy you like this! thank you so much! :D
RiceKrispy: Thanks so much for your fb! :D
Evans3:Thank you for your fb! I really hope you like this next part. :D
cocopucks: thanks so much for wanting more! :D
destinyc:Ive seen your fb at all my stories.. wow thank you so much! I really appreciate you being here! :D
ythaler:Yatie! thank you so much for wanting me to come back! You are so sweet! :D
hazz: :lol:thanks so much for your funny fb! hope you like this part! :D

The quotes in this chapter are from Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.
Thank you so much for being here! Carrie :D

Chapter 2.

Liz pushed the cart of books up the aisle scanning the many authors Max had been reading throughout the past month.

She couldn’t get the way he looked at her out of her mind. No one had ever looked at her with such desire such need. In school she was viewed as a nerd and a bookworm. No one made advances at her. Which drove her into her protective shell even more.

The more and more she thought about it she figured there had to be another explanation for his behavior. Surely this beautiful sensitive romantic man couldn’t be interested in her. With his tall lean muscular body and his dark striking features he could have any girl he wanted ...why would he be interested in her.

Still with every sound of the door she had to look to see if it was him. The anticipation of seeing him again was overwhelming. The feelings she was having were both exciting and scary to her. She couldn’t get through her normal everyday chores without thinking of him.

She stopped and let her fingers gently drift over the worn fabric of the binders that held such beautiful words. Words she longed to hear…words describing love and passion …words of desire.

Loosing herself once again she picked up a copy of Romeo and Juliet. Her lips parted as the words drifted through her awaking something that had been untouched for far too long.

She closed her eyes so she could better imagine that it was him speaking the words. In her mind she could see the curve of his lips ...the darkening color of his sensual eyes. The sound of his deep soft voice as he rained his passionate words over her again and

She licked her dry lips and sighed as her body started to react to her fantasy. The hard peaks of her breasts strained against her blouse as her thighs moved to try and relieve the ache that was growing between her legs.

Quietly she whispered under her breath...

“Then have my lips the sin that they have took”

Suddenly her body stiffened as she heard his soft velvety voice behind her.

“Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urged. Give me my sin again.”

Liz spun around to find herself staring into his intense amber gaze. The book slipped out of her hands as she fumbled forward catching her glasses as they slipped off her flushed face.


He bent down and picked up the worn book and placed it in her shaky hand.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you”

“Y-You didn’t. I was just putting these books back.”

“It’s a beautiful story”

“W-What’s a beautiful story”

He moved very close to her. She could feel his breath against her ear as his body brushed up against her.

His hands rested on the shelves on either side of her caging her in. To see her this way sent him over the edge. He didn’t know how much longer he could keep from touching her or tasting her soft lips.

She was at his mercy - frozen – holding her breath unable to think or move.

His whispered tone made her gasp. She could feel him move against her every time he breathed. Her eyes widened as she gazed upon his broad shoulders and strong arms that surrounded her. He spoke slowly as if he wanted to linger close to her for as long as possible.

“The one you are pretending not to read.”

Suddenly he pulled back and looked down at her blushing face. His hand lifted her chin up towards him.

“Your eyes…

“What? Oh!”

She looked down and realized she was holding her glasses in her hand. She fumbled to put them back on but he gently held her close preventing her.

“No…please… your eyes they’re so… He suddenly noticed that she was trembling. Hearing the other voices in the room he took a deep breath and started to back away. “You shouldn’t hide such beauty…Liz”

Before she could think of what to say he slipped a book out from one of the shelves and disappeared around the corner

Liz quickly put her glasses back on and returned Romeo and Juliet back in it’s place.

Her heart was racing as she looked around hoping that no one had seen them. She smoothed out the wrinkles of her skirt and tucked the loose pieces of hair behind her ears.

Her mind was spinning. There was no mistaking it ...he was interested in her.

And although it scared her to her core she wanted more.

As she continued placing the stack of books back in their proper places as she glanced up the clock. Still two more hours till closing... two more hours till they would be alone again. Completely lost as to how to act or what to do she tried her best to avoid him.

She was terrified that he would realize just how inexperienced she was. She winced thinking that she would do something wrong.

As the night went on she felt more and more insecure about the situation. She could feel him watching her ..staring her down.

Approaching Mildred the part time older woman that worked in the back room she had made her decision.

“Milly would you mind switching with me and covering the desk till closing?”

“Sure honey is everything ok?”

“Oh yes everything’s fine. I’m just not feeling very well and I’d rather work back here on the computer than with the public tonight”

“I understand dear. It’s no problem at all”

Max watched with curious eyes as Liz disappeared into the back and the older woman took her seat at the desk.

He sat there for several minutes before walking to confirm his suspicions.

“Excuse me I was wondering if I could speak to Liz. She told me she would help me with a project I'm working on.”

“Oh I’m afraid Miss. Parker isn’t feeling very well. I would be happy to assist you if you need help”

Max smiled politely and glanced over at the closed door.

“No that’s ok... thank you”


Liz rubbed her blurry eyes as Mildred approached her at he computer..

“Liz dear I just wanted to tell you that I’m heading out. We’re all closed up for the night. I’m going to lock you in if your going to stay.”

“It’s that late already?”

Liz looked at her watch and then towards the door.

”Time flies when you’re back here doesn’t it?”

“Yes I guess it does. Thank you for staying so late Milly”

“It’s no problem dear. I hope you’re feeling better. Good night”

“Milly wait!”


“Are you sure everyone is gone. There is no one left in the library?”

“Quite sure. It’s been empty for some time now. You have a good night dear”

“You too Milly… drive safe.”

Liz looked down in disappointment then shook her head realizing that this is what she wanted. This was good. She was definitely in control …safe. She sighed as she put her files away and shut the computer off.

After rearranging her desk the way she liked it she took gathered her things and moved towards the wall behind her.

One by one she turned off all the lights until only the red exit light was glowing above the door.

She walked over to his table and stared at the empty seat. Her hand reached out and touched the arm of the chair as her mind started to once again fill with thoughts of him.

“Looking for someone”

Her eyes flew up to the voice that whispered out to her. The lights from the passing cars illuminated him as he stood quietly in the darkness.

“Max! What are you doing here?”

Liz walked backwards as he slowly approached her.

“I think you know”

“W-What? I mean you shouldn’t be here we’re closed.”

“Liz why are you hiding from me”

Liz looked down at the floor in shock. In a panic she walked quickly to her desk and grabbed her keys.

Suddenly she felt him behind her.

Her mouth fell open as she watched his hands slide around her waist.

She stuttered nervously as she felt his hard chest against her back.

“W-What are you doing. I-I ... please you have to go.”

She bit her lip and closed her eyes as his mouth grazed the back of her neck.

“Is that what you really want Liz”
Last edited by jake17 on Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Shameless (AU,M/L,Adult) Chpt 3 8/31/08

Post by jake17 »

Natalie36: Hell no! is right she doesn't want him to go! :wink: thanks Natalie!! :D
Lena7: thank you so much for being here! I love that you like this, I just hope I don't disappoint you! :D
twilight: You are right! Max should never be kept waiting!! :twisted: thanks so much for being here! :D
Emz80m: thanks so much for your great fb!! :D
darkmoon: You! are the awesome one D.! Im so happy you think this is hot! thank you sweetie!! :D
roswell4life: I would love Max stalking me too!!! :shock: :lol: thanks so much! :D
begonia9508: Eve I love what you said about Liz being the lamb and Max the wolf!!! :D :D awesome!!!! thanks so much!
angelina: Hi you!! I hope you are good! Im not sure if Michael or Isabel is going to make an appearance in this may just me M/L :wink: thanks so much for always being here! :D
sarammlover: Sara!! I know I am a very naughty tease! :twisted: and IM sure it won't be the last time either! :wink: love that you are here!! thank you!! :D
IheartMax: Seashell!! :D
IheartMax wrote:Ok you DLFW...That was so awesome! How could you not know that?!
:lol: :lol: OMG you are the best!! and yes Liz is going to be a very very lucky girl!! :wink: thank you!!! :D
crazedearthgirl: So happy you love this! thanks so much for letting me know! :D
Cocogurl: So happy you found this!!!!! :oops: wow thank you so much for what you wrote!! means more to me than you know! :D
Hunter: Thanks so much hunter!! I love that you are here!! :D
ythaler: Hi Yatie!! So happy you love this!! I love seeing you here! :D
francesca: So happy you wanted me to come back! thank you! :D

Chapter 3

Liz let out a shaky breath as his words teased the skin on the back of her neck sending shivers up her spine.

Her mouth opened as if she were going to speak but she was unable to form any words. Her mind was too busy concentrating on the way his warm hands felt on her waist…how his fingers slowly danced dangerously close to her hips.

She gasped as he pulled her in closer against his hard body. He wanted her to know what she was doing to him.

She bit her bottom lip as his hard arousal pressed up against her.

The lustful feelings that were rushing through her were terrifying to her… she felt her control slipping away.

Soon her inexperience was going to be obvious. She could not let herself be in this dangerous position no matter how good it felt. She was sure she'd look like a fool.

She felt her face turning red with humiliation.

Taking a deep breath she grabbed his hands and pulled them away from her.

Spinning herself out from under him she quickly made her way to the door.

Breathlessly she clutched the handle for the door for dear life and rested her forehead against the cool glass hoping it would help the heat that was making her light headed.

“Please Max. just go”

Her words were barely audible as she asked him to leave.

Slowly he took her keys and walked up to her. He stood facing her with almost no space between them. He braced his hand against the door and started to caress her hip. Running the palm of his hand up and down her upper thigh as she shook staring down at her feet.

“What are you so afraid of?”

Liz darted her eyes back and forth to his smoldering heated amber stare to the empty dark library. It was impossible for her to even hold a thought as she let herself pause to hold his bright honey eyes that was asking for more than she was able to give.

A small whimper escaped her lips when he wrapped his gentle but firm fingers around her bottom and pulled her up against him. She could really feel him at that moment… all of him.

Her racing heart beat furiously up against his hard pounding chest. His hard cock pressed up against her quivering belly. Hot puffs of his breath blazed against her neck.

Her body was on fire… burning …aching for more. She had never felt such a need such a powerful intense desire to be taken by someone in her life.

She could feel herself growing wetter between her legs as the ache drove her to bring herself onto her toes bringing him close to her heat.

“Oh yes …Liz”

He let out a quiet long drawn out moan as he buried his face in her neck and pushed himself harder against her core.

Her breathing became more erratic as she let her control slip further away. Unconsciously she let her head fall back giving him full access to her long graceful neck.

He began to place small tentative kisses along her neck that quickly turned into more. She moaned helplessly as he started to devour her skin nibbling sucking kissing her, dragging is tongue over every inch as he placed his hand through her hair and held her head back.

He clutched her cheek harder pushing her more forcefully into him. Slowly he began to move up and down sliding himself over the burning apex between her thighs.

The doors became completely fogged up by the heat that was being generated between them. All you could see was the imprint of Liz’s hand as she ran her fingers down the pane of glass.

Max now held onto both cheeks as he pushed her up against the door still grinding into her. He softly groaned as his burning lips sought out her mouth.

Simultaneously they both opened their eyes. He gave no warning as he slammed his mouth up against hers. He held the desperate kiss for what seemed like an eternity before he slowed everything down and removed his hands from her bottom and placed them through her hair.

Very gently he parted her lips and breathed her in. Groaning with relief as if he had fulfilled some fantasy he had about her he continued. Slowly he took possession of her stroking her tongue deepening the passionate kiss even further.

She mimicked his movements so afraid that he would see that she had never done any of this before. She knew he would never understand. She wondering to herself it would be better to tell him the truth or let him think that she was a horrible lover. Both choices were embarrassing and would probably ruin everything.

She realized she better stop while she still had a shred of her dignity and control left.

Using what little strength she had left she broke away from their kiss and put both her hands up against his chest giving him a gentle push.

Completely dazed and breathless he stumbled backwards and looked down at her with wide confused eyes.

Liz crossed her arms in front of her chest knowing how ridiculous she must look. She could feel her aching hard nubs pressed tight against her blouse and her hot red flushed cheeks. There was no hiding the effect he was having on her.

Max braced himself with one arm against the wall as he breathed deeply trying to get himself under control.

She glanced up at him through her long dark eyelashes that were directed at the ground. She was almost mesmerized by his heaving chest. She could see the muscles in his arms as he desperately tried to fight his desire to pull her close once again.

“W-What’s wrong Liz?”

His sultry shaking voice almost did her in as he continued to stare at her for answers.

Liz took a deep breath and cleared her throat trying to find her voice again.

“Max I-I can’t do this.”


“This is very unprofessional…I-I could get fired. Besides I’m not like …this”


Liz's eyes flew up to meet his darkened wild gaze stunned by his bold whisper.

“Excuse me?”

She tried to sound confident but her voice came out shaky and insecure.

He stepped closer holding onto the handle of the door. They were only inches apart but it might as well have been miles away. Both their bodies screamed for the closeness that they had just shared moments ago.

He reached out and caressed her soft cheek with the back of his hand as his eyes locked with hers in an intense determined stare.

“What do you mean you’re not like this. You just are so used to hiding Liz”

“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Liz stiffened up as her defensiveness took over.

She stepped backwards causing his hand to fall from her cheek.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. Your clothes –

“What’s wrong with my clothes?”

“Nothing if you’re seventy five and a preachers wife…then there is your hair and those glasses…

“I beg your pardon, If you have such a problem with my appearance why don't you just leave!”

“You misunderstand me Liz. Even though you dress this way and wear your hair all tied up a tight bun and sport those glasses you are ..stunning, gorgeous. It's all there to keep you safe..hidden, but you can’t hide Liz. Your attempt at keeping people far away doesn’t work… not with me it doesn’t.”

“I’m not hiding and there is nothing wrong with…

“It’s all a disguise, a wall you put up so you don’t have to risk what you so desperately want”

“Oh and you know me so well what is it that I so desperately want”

Max left her and walked to the aisle that was filled with the romantic poets and literature that he had been studying for months.

His hands grazed the Author’s names that he had caught her reading over and over again.

“You want what’s in these books. You want the passion …the desire the heat that comes from the words described in these worn yellowed pages.”

He rushed back up to her standing only inches from her face.

But you’re afraid. Afraid of letting someone get that close to you. Letting someone really see you.

His mouth brushed up against her ear as his arms wrapped around her and pulled her flush up against him letting her feel his need for her.

He spoke to her very slow and calm. His low soft determined sultry whisper almost brought her to her knees.

“I want you Liz Parker. I want to taste you till you come so hard you can’t remember where you are. I want to make love to you till you can’t tell where my body ends and yours begins. I want you to feel pleasure that you never knew could exist ."

He pulled back and stared into her wide eyes and pressed his forehead against hers.

“No matter what do to hide the beautiful stunning desirable woman you are, I see you!

“But Max…

He pressed his finger up to her lips and gently replaced it with a light feathery kiss.

"No matter how hard you try to deny it, I know you want me too. I can feel the way your body reacts to mine. I can feel it in the desperate cries of your sweet moans when I touch you. So tell yourself anything you want Liz. I can feel it and I know you can to. Sooner or later I will have you."

With his soft whisper still floating up through the air he pushed opened the door and in a second she saw his jeep fly out of the parking lot.

Liz touched her lips with her fingertips while she replayed his scorching words over in her head.

Had she really been hiding all these years…could he really see through her?”

Are the words in the books she loved just fictional or could that kind of passion really exist?

More importantly how long would it be before she would feel his touch once again.
Last edited by jake17 on Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:54 pm

Re: Shameless (AU,M/L,Adult) Chpt 3 8/31/08

Post by jake17 »

destinyc: :lol: so happy you liked it so much sweetie! Thank you so much for your sweet fb! :D
Natalie36: She's coming Natalie :wink: thanks so much for being here! :D
darkmoon: Hi sweetie! You are about to read what another sleepless night has produced :roll: :lol: thank you so much for all your amazing support! :D
begonia9508: Thanks so much Eve for you fb! I really appreciate you being here! :D
Lena7: Thank you Lena! You are exactly right! So happy you were able to see that... thanks so much for being here! :D
Pijeechinadoll: Ping! So happy you like this so much..and yes I loved you play on the title :wink: So happy your here! thank you! :D
Emz80: "Awesome" wow thank you so much!!! :D
Hunter: Hey you! Yes this story is yours! My banner is just incredible, it inspires me everytime I update! thank you so much!! :D
Cocogurl: hi! You know what Cocogurl I wouldn't resist him either :twisted: :wink: thank you so much sweetie! :D
ythaler: Hi Yatie!! So happy that you like this! thank you so much! :D
angelina: Hello sweetie!! Always wonderful seeing here!! Your are definitely right about Liz, you are always right about figuring out my stories! How do you do that? :wink: :D
sarammlover: HI Sara! OMG I was thinking the same thing :twisted: :lol: love that your here sweetie! thank you so much!! :D
paper: so happy you like this!! thank you so much! :D
IheartMax: yes I know seashell if he said that stuff to us he'd be all done... nothing left! :wink: :twisted: love love that your here!!! thank you so much!! :D
dreamer19: Hi K. so happy you liked this. You know I love seeing your fb! :wink: thank you so much and If I anything to do with inspiring you to write I take that as a huge complement! your stuff is amazing sweetie! :D
behr_able:Omg I would pass out too!!! :shock: thank you so much for your amazing fb!! :D
maxandlizforever: thank you so much! hope you like this next part! :D

Chapter 4.

Liz sat at her desk looking at his empty chair. It had been over a week since their encounter. She knew in her heart that she had pushed him away…he was gone.

She pushed her keys around her desk as she sat in the dark vacant library. It was an hour passed closing but she just couldn’t leave. She realized how much the past few months had meant to her… how much he meant to her.

She missed the brazen way he would stare at her especially with people around. Like she was something addictive something he craved. She longed for the sound of his low husky voice reaching out to her always when she least expected it.

She missed his hard muscular body and the way it felt up against her. Like a magnet pulling connecting, an unabashed attraction that couldn’t be denied …that refused to be ignored.

She missed his sultry amber eyes and his soft full lips. The way he would part her mouth and breath into her with soft urgent moans like he always needed more.

She realized that she had missed her chance, that like the tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet their time together was brief and fleeting and extremely unfulfilled.

Walking to the door she looked across the parking lot to the spot where his jeep would always be.

His disappearance didn’t surprise her at all. He was way out of her league and she knew it. She understood without any question that she couldn’t possibly measure up to the many conquests that he must’ve experienced in his young life.

She looked down at her conservative outfit and rested her head against the window. Of course he would run.

Although a part of her was relieved that she didn’t have to face the prospect of totally humiliating herself with things she knew nothing about there was a spark of regret within her...more than a spark actually.

She couldn’t dismiss the way he made her feel. It was beyond anything she had ever known. The risks she was willing to take to explore that passion that fire were like nothing she had ever faced before. She was convinced that he was the only one in this world that could light that flame inside her.

She also couldn’t dismiss all of the late night dreams of him that she was having. Dreams where he would ravage her leaving her naked and breathless and wanting more… always wanting more.

There was that special part of him too that she would miss. The part where he seemed to know her better that she knew herself.

He knew how she felt inside. He saw through her disguise. When he looked at her she felt beautiful …desired…wanted. For the first time in her life she felt shameless like the earth could cave in and the stars could explode all around them and she wouldn’t notice …wouldn’t care.

All that mattered was them… his hands his mouth on her pushing her towards a place where nothing exists except that moment that incredible moment where –

“Am I interrupting something?”

Liz opened her eyes wide and stumbled back against the wall holding her heart.


“So you didn’t forget me?”

She tried desperately to contain the excitement she was feeling but she was failing miserably.

“I don’t think that’s possible.”

She was breathless, as her eyes looked him over. She immediately became flushed her cheeks a bright red. Something he had grown to love about her.

She licked her lips and fixed her glasses realized how stupid she must appear to him.

“You can see right through me can’t you? Why am I even trying?”

“I think we shouldn’t pretend anymore Liz.”

She tried to steady her shaky hands as she walked over to the rows of dusty books and leaned against the shelves. She decided to change the subject having no idea how to respond to him.

“Where have you been?”

Max kept his eyes glued to her keeping up with every thought that was racing through her mind. He saw her blouse visibly move from the sheer force of her pounding heart and smiled.

“I’m happy to see you too Liz.”

She broke his gaze and stared blankly at the floor hating how transparent she was. Hating how there was just nowhere to hide herself from him. It was all there. All her embarrassing flaws all her strange quirks. She wasn’t the woman she wanted to be, not even close and he was there to see it all.

“I think it’s obvious how I feel. It's you I’m not so sure about.”

“I left because …because…

“Just stop. It’s ok you don’t need to explain. I get it. You made it quite clear what you wanted from me and if I was a normal woman we would’ve had an amazing night.”

Liz closed her eyes and whispered very low hoping that maybe only she would hear herself.

“But I’m not.”

Max clenched his jaw and ran his hands through his hair completely infuriated with her.

He slammed his hands down on the table hating that no one in this world could get him so fired up.

“Normal woman? You think I left because you’re not normal Liz. What did this to you…who did this to you!!”

He rushed over to her so enraged he ended up pushing her against the bookshelf.

“M-Max what’s wrong-

You know what Liz? You’re right you’re not a normal woman, not even close.”

Tears welled in her eyes as her worst nightmare was coming true. She had pushed him too far and he was going to drill it into her how ridiculous she was.

She closed her eyes bracing herself for the assault that she knew was coming. This was all too familiar to her, it was just coming from a different face.

Suddenly he became very quiet and calm although his hand was trembling when he cupped her cheek to wipe away her tear.

Softly he whispered to her as he tilted his head to the side and stared at her lips.

“No normal woman can make me feel the way you do Liz. Why are you so blind?”

Slowly he reached up and pulled her glasses from her face as he stared deeply into her eyes.

“I ran because that night …that last night I came so close …too close.”

Liz parted her lips as shaky puffs of air shuddered from her body. Very gently he reached behind her head and pulled each one of the pins out of her hair until her raven locks had fallen all around her face and shoulders.

Her mouth trembled as his eyes burned into her.

“So close to what?”

He hesitated for a moment as if he was contemplating telling her such a dangerous notion.

His thumb traced her bottom lip as he glared further into her soul.

“So close to loosing control Liz. To taking you right then and there because make no mistake about it Liz if I pushed you any further you would have been mine that night.”

Liz was breathing heavy now almost matching his intensity.

“W-What stopped you?”

Max looked shocked at her question like she should already know, that it was completely obvious.

You stopped me …remember.”

Liz nodded slowly as his hand gently touched the top button of her blouse.

She backed up against the shelves and held on to the worn wood as she forced the words from her quivering lips.

“Well Max...

"I’m not stopping you now.”
Last edited by jake17 on Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Re: Shameless (AU,M/L,Adult) Chpt 5 11/16/08

Post by jake17 »

paper x2
Janetfl (you are just too sweet to me! :wink: )

Sorry I barely have time to post this, I hope you all realize how much your incredibly sweet fb and support mean to me! thank you!! thank you!! thank you!!
Ok all the writers out there know just how hard these scenes are to write so bear with me, I did my best! hope you enjoy!

Chapter 5.

“Well Max...

"I’m not stopping you now.”

A shaky breath left her parted mouth as Max licked his lips and moved slowly closer and closer.

His chest was heaving in and out as his whole body trembled.

He inched his way towards her staring into her eyes with a hunger that described everything he was going to do to her.

Liz stood there waiting, finally ready to be taken, to be ravaged by his hands, his mouth.

Her knuckles where pure white as she held onto the shelf as if it was the only thing keeping her shaky legs up.

Leaning his head down he closed in on her. Every move he made was agonizingly slow and precise.

He wanted this to be something that she would never… could never forget.

Her head was back against the shelves with her chest jetting out begging to be touched.

Her hard peaks pressed against her white blouse straining the buttons barely keeping the silky material together.

His expression was serious and fierce as he leaned his head down and stepped between her legs.

“Tell me you want this.”

Her mouth fell open as the words she so desperately wanted to say swirled around her head making her even more lightheaded.

The roughness of his five o’clock shadow grazed against her delicate cheek as his eyes drifted shut from the alluring scent that was hers and hers alone.

Wetness pooled between her trembling thighs as he lingered for what seemed like an eternity gently breathing against the shell of her ear.

“Tell me.”

Each time his powerful broad chest took in air the texture of his black cotton tee grazed against her sensitive achy nipples sending a sharp mixture of the most intense pleasure right to her throbbing clit.

She couldn’t help releasing a low desperate moan from the back of her throat from the pure strength of the orgasm that threatened to explode at any moment.

He listened intently to her uneven breathing and whispered moans. He knew she was close and he hadn’t even touched her yet.

Moisture poured from her folds as she instinctively tried to rub her thighs together.

Forgetting that his leg was nestled firmly against her burning core she shamelessly let her head fall back as she clamped onto his powerful muscular thigh and began to grind against him.

The friction that was created against her searing heat made her gasp as delicious shivers skimmed across her burning hot skin.

Backing away from her enough so he could see her face he took her flushed cheeks in his hands and brushed his soft full lips against her open mouth. His husky whisper sent another pulsating shock to her sensitive spot as she groaned softly into his mouth.

“My beautiful Liz, tell me what you need.”

Licking her lips with her eyes still clamped shut she moved her head quickly back and forth knowing full well she could never be able to say the words that he was asking of her.

He pulled back his leg from between her thighs and lifted her chin pressing his forehead against hers.

“Tell me.”

Suffering greatly from the loss of his big strong thigh pressing against her she grew desperate as her heart visibly pounded beneath her blouse.

Her voice was strained and shaky as she licked her dry lips.

She slightly opened her heavy lidded eyes feeling the heat engulfing her cheeks.

“I ache for you.”

Without breaking his stare he pried her hand away from the shelf and place it over his.

In one swift move he turned them around so he was against the shelves and her back was pressed hard against his muscular chest.

Weaving their fingers together lightly he once again brushed his lips against her ear but not before dragging his open mouth along her neck licking a path to her ear.

“Show me where you ache my sweet Liz.”

Her whole body shook uncontrollably as he attempted to spread her legs father apart.

“M-My skirt, it’s too tight, I –I can’t.”

Letting go of her hand he flattened his palms against her hips and gently slid his hands down her past her thighs as he gathered the material in his strong grip and pulled her skirt up to her waist.

Taking his hand in hers again he breathed out his request once more.

“Now, show me.”

Liz let her head fall back against his shoulder and clutched her eyes shut as his mouth closed over the rapidly beating pulse of her neck.

“I-I can’t.”

Knowing it would only be a matter of time before she released her fears and insecurities that she had been holding onto for so long he began to touch her.

Wrapping his hand around her tiny shoulders he grasped the opening of her blouse.

With great care he slowly released one button after another until it fell open revealing her soft breasts that were spilling from her white lacey bra.

She felt his body shudder at the sight her.

He began to rain down gentle kisses over her shoulder and collarbone as he slid it off her shoulders.

Reaching around her again he released the front clasp letting the material fall from her onto the floor.

She was breathing so hard it was almost embarrassing, but it was too late to stop now as she arched her back pressing herself into his big gentle hands as hard as she could.

He barely let his fingers graze over her hard nipples rolling them ever so gently against the soft palm of his strong hands.


“Is this where you ache my love?”


Reaching his mouth around to her open panting lips he captured her in a searing deep kiss.

Again and again he lapped at her tongue swallowing her whimpers and moans.

Lost in his total possession of her she hadn’t notice his hand that was skimming across her pale belly and over her bunched up skirt.

Grasping the edge of her panties that rested on the curve of her hip he tore them from her body and cupped her dripping core.

She released his mouth crying out loud as his fingers swirled through her moist folds to her pulsating clit.

“Oh god Max please!”

Flipping her back around so her back was against the shelves he swallowed hard as he gasped air.

“Say it Liz! Tell me what you want!”

Her mouth fell open as she lifted his shirt up over his head and reached out for the button on his jeans.

With shaky hands she lowered his zipper as her eyes wandered over his perfectly sculptured chest and stomach.

Her fingers skimmed torturously along his hard arousal that was straining painfully against his stomach begging for a release.

Finally he could take no more.

Pushing her hand away he lifted her up against the dusty books and wrapped her thigh around his waist.

Pulling the rest of his clothes down his legs he moved forward letting the tip of his cock glide against her slick core.

Grabbing onto to the shelves for dear life Liz whimpered as she watched his mouth capture her hard peak in his mouth.

Slowly he lapped at her flicking it back and forth as his eyes burned into hers.

“Max! Now come inside me! Please!”

With one powerful surge he buried himself deep within her groaning as she clamped her warm walls around him and came for the first time in her life.

Over and over he took her against the bookshelf that day as the words that had lived in her head finally played out in her life.

At last she understood the passion and love that she read about in her cherished books.

One thing was now clear as she held him tight bracing herself as he took her deeper and faster that night.

From this day on Liz Parker would be living her life, not dreaming about it.

Without fear and without shame.

~ The End ~
Last edited by jake17 on Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare