Dragnet NM, (CC / Teen) (Complete)

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Dragnet NM, (CC / Teen) (Complete)

Post by ken_r »

Dragnet New Mexico

This is the retired badge used in the TV show Dragnet. Jack Webb was given police honors at his death. The black stripe signifies the mourning for the death of a Police officer. The background is the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico with the Sandia Mountains in the east.

Title: Dragnet New Mexico
Author: Ken_r AKA Ken242 AKA Kenneth Renouard
Rating: Teen
Genera: AU without aliens; people are strange enough from our own planet.
Couples: conventional couples
Disclaimer: The characters are from the TV show Roswell. I have tried to use them in manners that fit the original characters. The sergeant is roughly patterned after Joe Friday played by Jack Webb so long ago, but he is still the Max we know. Liz is the intelligent and resourceful woman we always saw in the Roswell episodes. When reading Maria and Tess, think of Majandra and Emilie in the episode “The Summer of ’47.” My vision of Kyle is given by Bruce Weitz as he portrays Mick Belker on “Hill Street Blues.” I still try to let Kyle’s humor come through.

Summary: I am trying to write a police story with the dry humor and informative sidebars of the Dragnet show. Dragnet was a 30 minute show. The characters were never well developed. I hope you can see growth in them as we follow the escalating investigation that starts at the death of a street officer and, finally, ends up far differently.

Dragnet New Mexico

This is the city, Albuquerque, New Mexico. This is the home of almost a million people. High mountains on the east, Volcano cones on the west (we don’t know if they are alive or dead), the greater Rio Grande valley brings the count to well over a million. We have Anglos, Hispanics, African Americans and Native Americans, plus a few thousand members of various other ethnic groups. For the most part, they are all hard working people, taking care of their families and doing their jobs. Sometimes they are threatened; threatened by those who want to get ahead without working or those who want to take the security of our valley and use it to gain international power. When you get this many people thrown together, you are bound to have trouble. When this trouble comes, it becomes my business. I wear a badge, the name is Evans, Sergeant Max Evans, my partner is Detective Parker, the boss is Captain Guerin. He runs a tight ship, no room for mistakes. We work homicide.

The story I am about to tell you is strictly a dramatization. It logically fits together very well. There may be a moral somewhere. I do not know.

It is Friday, February 15th, 7:28 AM, 2008. The sky is clear, the air is cool and we are on days. Approximately 4:15 this morning, the report was that an officer was down. The preliminary report had been completed and the captain called us in.

“Evans, Parker, Patrolman Bob Clancy was shot at approximately 4:23 this morning. It was a routine stop. See Ms. DeLuca. She was on radio at the time. She prepared a transcript for you.

The captain looked down at his desk. He had told us all he knew and he hoped we could run with it.

“Captain, that just goes to show you there aren’t any,” I said.

“Aren’t any what, Max?” the captain asked.

“There aren’t any routine stops,” I replied.

Bob Clancy, married, two kids, one six, another ten. Did everything by the book! Always documented every thing he did. Wore his vest religiously, carried a Glock 40 caliber, had been on the force for almost ten years. Didn’t make many mistakes. Well, it only took one, mistake that is.

Officer, now Detective, Elizabeth Parker, five years on patrol, good arrest record, two years at Northwestern, majoring in Police Science, two years detective division. For those two years, she has been my partner. The official stand for partners of the opposite sex is very straightforward. No fraternization off duty. We keep our visible life right within the rules. That is why we are so good together. The Captain said so, just recently when he gave us our yearly evaluation.

We proceeded to the police lounge. A tired, but perky blonde was waiting for us. She knew who we were. She had been working for the captain in the radio room for some time. She and Detective Parker embraced. They had been friends since high school. This display of female bonding over, we got down to business.

“DeLuca, can you tell us anything that is not in these transcripts?” I asked.

The blonde was chewing her gum, smacking it from time to time. “Anything that happened over the radio is right there in the log,” she said.

“What about feelings? You have been on radio for several years. Did you pick up anything from the officer that is not strictly on the log?” I asked.

“Yeah, he said they looked a bit strange. I didn’t put that down because it was just a statement made as he got out of the car,” she stated.

“Well, you just told us something we didn’t know before,” I stated.

She looked up at me, “What do you mean?”

“Well, now we know there was more than one person in the car and we know that to an experienced officer, they appeared questionable,” I replied.

Then, I turned, “Never doubt DeLuca.”

“Never doubt what, Max?” she asked.

Never doubt feelings and intuition,” I stated.

We were in our car. I was driving. Parker was reading the transcripts from the radio log. She had made notations about the license number and description of the car. “Max, there should be some more information. I know that Maria would have run all this information through motor vehicle and, also, given it to the other patrols.”

I took the radio, “Evans to ABQ, check the teletype log for any reference to this morning’s homicide. We need the 10-28, owner and description of the car Clancy stopped this morning.”

It took a few minutes, but the radio crackled. “ABQ to Evans, Green, Chevrolet, Tahoe, SUV is the description of the car stopped. Registered owner is James Alrich. Stolen car report placed two days ago. Stand by, we will see if there are any statements from Clancy’s daily that might help. The complete transcript of his daily will be in your box when you get in,” The radio people informed us of the latest information.

“Good call, Parker. DeLuca is efficient,” I stated.

Parker was making notes on her clipboard. She took the radio, “Parker to ABQ, give me the address of that 10-28. We need to interview him personally.”

It was just a minute before the radio read off the address. It was in what is called the Four Hills district. Four Hills, a place where if you had to ask the price, you knew that you couldn’t afford to live there. This place was so swank that their garbage had resale value.

Trouble was, that this area was very close to the 10-20, location, where Clancy bought it. If the 10-29, stolen car report hadn’t been dated two days before, you might think that the SUV had just been stolen and they were on the run when Clancy stopped them. As it was, they didn’t seem to want to get too far away from the scene of the crime.

Parker would do the interview. I wasn’t too swift with people whose shit didn’t stink. I would be there, but her sweet voice would handle the interview. We walked up the curved walkway built right beside the immense concrete driveway. The drive way was lined with juniper bushes, which triggered my asthma.

Parker touched the musical doorbell button and it was just a few seconds before the door was opened by a mousey blond. “Yes, I am Mrs. Alrich. Can I help you?” she asked.

We were led down a hall to a richly appointed room. There was a large man sitting in a chair, a cigar in one hand and a news paper in the other. The beauty of the room was spoiled by the rancid smoke of the cigar.

“James, these police persons,” she said with inference to Parker, “want to talk to you about your SUV.” Mrs. Alrich’s soft voice was almost trembling.

“Mr. Alrich’s voice, in contrast, was booming. “It is about time they get off their dead asses and find that car. Where is it?”

I could feel my temper rising. Parker put her hand on my arm, reminding me that this was her part of the partnership. Parker, with the command voice that made up for her diminutive size, “No, Mr. Alrich, we haven’t found it yet, but we did contact it. It was used as the get-away vehicle in the death of Patrol Officer, Bob Clancy.”

Alrich harrumphed, “Yeah, now, maybe, we will see some action. Let a cop buy it and, then, the rest of you will get busy and do your job. Find the man who shot the cop and, then, you will find my car.”

I could really feel my hackles rising. First, this bastard’s juniper had triggered my asthma and, now, he was stating that old saw about cops working only to solve murders of their own and his obvious attitude concerning Clancy’s death. Again, the gentle hand of Parker calmed me down. I was thinking what I was like before Parker had become my partner.

“Mr. Alrich, you are right when we find the people who killed officer Clancy we will probably find your car. Now, we need a little more information about when and how it was stolen.” You could always count on Parker. You could count on Parker in a bar fight, also. Do not let her size fool you. This little gal could handle herself.

Alrich did not have anything to complain about so he just asked, “What more do you need?”

“You reported it missing on Wednesday, February 13th. When did you first notice it missing?” Parker asked him.

“Wednesday Morning, when I went out to drive to work,” Alrich replied. “I came right back into the house and phoned in the report. I had to drive that damned compact of my wife’s. An officer met me at the office with the forms I had to sign.”

Parker was making notations on her clip board. “When was the last time you actually remember seeing your Tahoe? Did you go out any time Tuesday night where you would have seen it? Did you hear anything that, now you might think was someone stealing it? Where do you park it?”

Alrich frowned, but before he could say anything, Parker repeated, “These are all things we need that might tell us something to find the thieves.”

Alrich was mollified, somewhat. “Well, I went out about 10:00 Tuesday night to check the security system. I think the SUV was there, then. I would think that if it was missing, I would have noticed. I always park it right near the house.”

Have you seen any strangers in the area?” Parker asked.

Alrich flicked an ash off his cigar. It was deftly caught, by Mrs. Alrich, before it reached the rug. “I wouldn’t know. You can ask security. I pay those clowns enough every month. They are supposed to watch the houses at night. They are supposed to stop any suspicious characters and ID them.”

Parker nodded and, looking at me, she stood. “I thank you for your assistance, Mr. Alrich. I hope we will have good news for you, shortly.”

James just growled. It was Mrs. Alrich who showed us the way out. “Did you find out what you needed, Officers?” she asked.

I looked at her, “Just the facts, Ma’am. All we need are just the facts.”

As soon as I got back in the car, I grabbed a Klenex. I sneezed to both rid myself of the Juniper pollen and, also, the stench I felt from Alrich. It was late when I drove Parker back to her place. We would have to check the security police who patrolled this neighborhood.

“I am tired, Max, and so are you. I will see you, tomorrow. Get some rest and take some asthma medicine.” She squeezed my hand as she got out. I waited until I saw her lights go on and her wave from the door. As I said before, we played our visible life straight. No fraternization. God, I was thankful for our secret life.
Last edited by ken_r on Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:17 am, edited 22 times in total.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: Dragnet NM, teen, conventional couple author note 6/28

Post by ken_r »


Chapter 2

It was approximately 7:01 in the morning. The date was Saturday February 16th. Due to the seriousness of Clancy’s murder, we came in on what would have, normally, been our day off. The air was still cool. It probably had been below freezing last night. The city had cleansed itself during the night. Most of the city was still in the shadow of the mountain to the east. Looking out to the volcanoes, I could see the hanging smog cloud. The cloud shown as a bronze curtain in the rising sun that was already reflecting off the far volcanoes. It would be several minutes before the sun reached the majority of the city. I pulled up in front of her house. I never honked or anything. I just sat and she was out to the car within a couple of minutes. Seeing her walking out to the car with her briefcase always gave me a lift. Her long hair, which she had had to pin up when she was on patrol, now flowed over her shoulder. I thought back to what it was like before Liz.

As soon as Parker was in the car, it was all business. It took us approximately 17 minutes to drive from her place to the station. We got out and Parker, with her clipboard, followed me into the office

“Parker, Evans get in here.” Captain Guerin was waiting for us. We sat down. “The blue and whites found the SUV last night. CSI, Crime scene Investigation, has it now. They are going over it, looking for prints and such. Check with DeLuca for her radio log.” Guerin was proud of his team. They were the best. He had to break up several other mixed teams. Evans and Parker could be counted to follow the rules, strictly business. Guerin spent a lot of time worrying about mixed teams. He ran a tight ship. No fraternization between officers of opposite sex. Some times, Guerin worried about whether there was anything going on with any of the officers of the same sex. He pushed that one out of his mind. There were no specific rules about that. Captain Guerin didn’t know or want to know about the private lives of his officers. That is, as long as they did not fraternize with each other.

Parker and I went to see DeLuca. As usual, she was smacking her gum. “Hey Max, Liz, here is the transcript. The blue and white found the Tahoe just after midnight. It was found at the picnic ground where the high school kids go to fuck. You might want to visit there a couple times to see if any of them saw anything. You know how horny they are. Some of those studs would be there every night if they could.”

“I take it there was no one around when the blue and whites got there,” I asked.

“No the blue and whites said they went up there because they saw so many lights returning from the picnic grounds and it was still too early for the kids to be through. That is when they saw the Tahoe. I guess the men in the Tahoe scared the kids out of their play for the night,” Maria explained.

I thought I detected a bit of sorrow for the kids and their love play from DeLuca. I knew that DeLuca and Parker had gone to high school together, I caught myself wondering how many times Parker had gone to the picnic grounds when she was in school. I kept remembering that there was to be no fraternization, so really, it wasn’t any of my business.

We let Ms. DeLuca go and went to our desk. We did hear Captain Guerin call for DeLuca to get in the office with her steno pad. I guess he wanted to use her secretarial skills.

What Max couldn’t see was that Maria came into the office and Michael Guerin closed the door. He tripped the lock. The curtains hadn’t been opened this morning, so no one could see through the glass in the door or through the windows that opened to the sea of desks of the detectives in the outer office. Maria pulled the pins out of her hair and shook her head. She had already taken off her blouse and folded it on his desk. Michael knew that there was to be no fraternization with other employees. That Maria girl was just too much. The fact that she spent most of her weekends at his place was just not enough. She was a gem. She was so good at so many things.

Parker and I were pouring over her notes and looking at the radio transcript for last night. With what we had, we had done all we could. We were waiting for information from the CSI people. Maybe, they would have something that we could sink our teeth into.

“Max, today is Saturday and we are both off tomorrow. I think we should wait until Monday night to roust the lovers in the picnic area. They will probably be a little scared tonight. It usually takes a couple nights for the boys to get their courage back up.”

I just wondered how much of what she said was logic and how much was experience.

About that time, Valenti walked in. He was a detective in the gang and terrorist Squad. His dress resembled the street people he worked with. “Hey, Evans, Parker, here is a make on two sets of prints that CSI found on that SUV.” Kyle dropped two cards on our desk. Parker immediately picked them up and was writing on her clipboard. Kyle continued, “Eloy Sandoval, and Emilio O’Rourk have rap sheets that are bigger than dictionaries. Sandoval has connections with Columbian rebels and O’Rourk is tied in with some mighty bad folks in Europe. No one knows what the hell they are doing in the southwest. They are boys who want big things to happen. They want headlines and there are not many things out here that can cause headlines the size they would want. I guess we will be sharing information for a while.”

Parker looked at Kyle Valenti. “Just remember, Kyle, information flows both ways.” The gang unit and terrorist squad had a habit of not sharing what they learned. They worked with the FBI a lot and the Federal Bureau of Investigation never shared what they had with anybody. The gang and terrorist unit followed them just a bit too closely.

Kyle smiled, “I brought you these print cards, didn’t I?

Kyle was off on whatever he was doing. Neither Parker nor I really missed him when he left. Parker went to her computer and printed out information that we knew on both of the men. Poor Clancy he was careful in all that he did, but he was expecting felons not international terrorist. The street cop just didn’t have a chance when faced with these people.

It would be at least another day before CSI was finished with the Tahoe. Alrich would be called when they were through. I was glad that I wasn’t the person who had to return his truck. It would have fingerprint dust all over. It would need to be detailed and cleaned before it was back in the condition that it was when stolen. Alrich was sure to want to sue to get someone else to pay for the detailing.

Parker and I spent the rest of the afternoon reading about our bad boys. I was determined to stop by the equipment window and check out another box of shotgun slugs. Parker had a short M-16 in the trunk of our car. I was sure she would want to check out a couple boxes of ammo also.

On the way home, Parker and I were talking about what we had. We knew that if these people were in the southwest, there must be something big that they were after. When I pulled up to the curb, Parker just said, “Pull around the back to the garage, Max.”

I let her out and, then, I pulled the car to the small garage in the back of her house. Liz met me at the back door. As soon as the door was closed I had her in my arms. It had only been a couple of days, but it seemed like forever since I felt her body against mine. We almost ripped each other’s clothes off as we stumbled to the bedroom. When we were there, we collapsed into bed. This was not our visible life, anymore. This was what we waited for the whole time we were at the station together.

Kyle had gone to the small bar where he visited every evening. He didn’t know if Tess had been a professional girl or not. She, now, worked at the bar and was off at midnight. No one else at the bar knew that Kyle was a cop. Tess had guessed it the second night they had made love. She had known many men who carried guns. Kyle was just too sure of himself and his equipment was just too well cared for, to not be a cop. Just like with the other men she had known, Tess had no intention of telling anyone what she knew about Kyle.

For some time, they could have been acrobats studying for a performance. It took almost an hour for their ardor to wear down. As they finally lay in each other’s arms panting from their exertions, Kyle asked, “Have there been any strange characters come by the bar recently?”

“Kyle, I sometimes think you do not care a bit about my body and only want any information I have,” Tess said.

Kyle turned to her, “Aw, come on, I would roust Willie, the Dip, if all I wanted was information. Your body is what I want. The information is just so I can put my bar tab on the books. I get paid for whatever I spend while working. They lay talking about the men and a few women who Tess had seen. Kyle would still have to put the squeeze on Willie, the dip. But, Willie would only have information. Squeezing him was not any fun at all.

All the captain could think of was that Maria girl. She was at his house last night and would be there tonight, also, until she had to go on duty. That was what made him able to put up with all that the department threw at him. At least, he had one strong team. Evans and Parker were good and they never gave him any trouble. They played right by the rules.

Guerin was still trying to figure out Valenti’s expense account. He was bringing in a lot of intelligence information, but that bar tab every night troubled the captain.

The captain was worried about Commissioner Whitman and that damned wife of his. Isabel Whitman was a psychologist and the department used her a lot in profiling and interpreting the actions of people under investigation. She knew her stuff, but you just knew that anything you said to her went right to the commissioner. The commissioner had a bad habit of meddling.

Then, there was Assistant Chief Valenti, yeah, Kyle’s dad. He was as hard on Kyle as anyone, but you still had to be careful. Blood would always be thicker than water. You could understand why the captain needed someone like that girl, Maria. She was all that was keeping him sane.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: Dragnet NM, teen, conventional couple ch 2 7/2

Post by ken_r »


In house romances are frowned upon as it causes problems between employees. Partners are especially vulnerable because they tend to allow them selves to be distracted and that could cause one or both to get seriously hurt. Of course the fantasy is that people can work that close togetber without some feelings.

Chapter 3

I was up by approximately 6:05 AM. I was showered and dressed by approximately 6:21. By the time Parker was ready, I had breakfast prepared and our thermos of coffee filled. I went out back and got the car started. I drove it down the alley and back onto the street. I only had to wait a few minutes before Parker was out the front door, her briefcase in the backseat and she was buckled in to face the new day.

It was Monday, February 18th and the weather in the city was warming up. This was a false spring. It would make the flowers bloom and the trees blossom; then, it would hit everything with a freeze.

I turned to Parker. “We have a long day. If we are going to roust the lover’s lane tonight, we might as well, also, schedule time to see the security at the Four Hills. We might want to stop at my place for a couple hours rest after lunch.” She just nodded.

At the station, we noticed that Captain Guerin’s office had its curtains pulled. Whatever the captain was working on, he didn’t want to be disturbed.

Whatever Sandoval and O’Rourk were into, it meant something that would make national news. Parker had made a list of possible organizations that we should contact. It started with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. I took that one. I started by explaining that we had rumors that there was to be some demonstration against some event and we wanted to check to see if there was going to be any important religious personage traveling in this area in the next six months.

Parker was calling the secret service. They took a lot more finesse to interrogate. But, the same answer came back. We worked all morning. You would think someone important wanted to see the southwest. It seemed that they considered us so backward that they were going out of their way to avoid our state.

Our next plan was to check with the financial institutions to see if they had any large amount of money going to be moved through this area in the next six months. We wasted the whole morning. We couldn’t find a single reason why prominent Terrorists would want to be in this area. I became certain that nobody else wanted to be here.

We broke for lunch. We informed Captain Guerin that we were going to take a couple hours break because we would be up late tonight. He nodded. I told him to call me on my cell, if he needed us. I would have the car and I would pick up Parker before we came in. He could leave a message on the answering service and I would pick up on it when I woke up.

Parker and I drove to my house. We drove into the garage. I had a remote so no one had to even get out of the car to open the door. We entered and I pulled the curtains. Just like the captain, I wanted privacy. The difference was he was working on some sensitive information and I just wanted to not be seen by any neighbors.

Parker and I took off our clothes down to our undies. We lay down on my king size bed. Yeah, that is all we did. We both needed our strength for tonight and we had had a good romp this weekend. We just, comfortably, lay in each other’s arms until the damned alarm rang at approximately 4:00 PM.

At 4:30 pm I was in my car. I radioed the office. “Evans to ABQ, I am 10-8 back in service. We will be in, as soon as I pick up Parker.”

Two minutes later, Parker was in the car and I backed out of the garage, shutting the door as I backed out of the driveway. We drove to the office and checked to see if there was any more information about the men who killed Clancy.

We caught supper about 6:00 PM and proceeded out to the Four Hills area.

Four Hills was a place where rich families could live and worry about $10,000 debts like the rest of us worried about $50 dollar phone bills not being paid. One of the bills everyone in this neighborhood encountered was a monthly call to support the private security. There were four men on duty at all times, three on patrol and one on the radio. Anything that came up they were to call us. They were just an expensively paid neighborhood watch. The men had to attend the security school at Santa Fe like any security personal. They were given firearms training which was 80% about when not to shoot. They were given a few tips on patrol and a few sessions on approach. Some of them were fairly good. Within three years, these men would find their way to city, state or county departments. The rest of them were at their level of competence. Two of the four men on tonight had been working the night of the auto theft. Parker and I sat and talked with these two men.

Elias Johnson was a security veteran. He had been with Four Hills for over eight years. Benny Chavez was barely 21. He had applied the minute he was of legal age to purchase a firearm. They both had seen a pickup parked at 2100 Wagon Wheel Circle. There was no one in the truck and except that it seemed out of place with the SUVs and BMWs, they figured it was just visiting the house it was parked by. Benny, the eager beaver that he was, pulled out a pocket notebook. He read off the license number. It was a Colorado plate. We would check it as soon as we were through. Yes, both of the men knew James Alrich. They had quit going by his house since he had complained about their spotlights interfering with his privacy. We got up to leave. “I guess you can’t have both,” I said as we prepared to walk out.

“Both of what?” Elias asked.

“Privacy or security. You have to make a choice which is most important,” I answered.

We went back to the office. We needed two blue and whites. The sergeant on duty arranged for them about 10:00 PM. We ran the Colorado plate number that Chavez gave us. We were asking for ownership of vehicle, that is a 10-28. The Colorado system was down. We would have to wait until tomorrow.

We ran the address 2100 Wagon Wheel Circle. We got a name and we would try to make contact tomorrow. It wasn’t good to go beating on someone’s door late at night.

There was one paved street running parallel to the mountain from which the dirt trail ran off to the picnic grounds. We met our blue and whites at a service station near there and they followed us in.

There were several picnic grounds against the mountains in the foothills. There had been one called Dead Horse canyon. I don’t know how long ago it was that the horse had deceased. It was an unofficial place to take families in the daytime, but after dark, the local high school studs and their sweeties would park to neck. There hadn’t ever been much trouble at this place giving belief that they were lovers and not fighters. The high school colors didn’t seem to be noticed here. A willing girl and a car radio was all a boy needed to have himself a real fine night. A few would take blankets and move out into the sage. Most, just used the back seat of their car if it was too tight in the front seat. There were a few cowboys with pickup shells. They were the elite of make-out artist, having air beds and bedrolls in the back of their pickups. The rest of the kids just did, with what they had.

There was only one way in or out. We dropped one of the blue and whites. He turned on his emergency lights and blocked the road. The other blue and white, drove into the picnic area, with us. We were in an unmarked car and both in plain clothes. We needed the blue and white to give us authority.

Parker would take over some of the interrogation. For now I took the bull horn. “Okay kids, we need to talk to any of you who were here two nights ago. We are not here to turn you in to your folks or upset your romance. All we want is information about a SUV that was left here last Friday night.

There were almost 20 cars. We started our interrogation. The first car I walked up to had a jock and a girl who was crying. When I told them to roll down the window, the first word the girl said was, “Are you going to tell my father? He will kill me if he finds out I was out here.”

I told her boyfriend to step out of the car while she repaired her clothes. He rolled up the window and we stepped to the rear of the car. “Yes, I was here two nights ago. I would prefer you didn’t tell my girl that. She wasn’t the one with me.”

Did you see someone drive up in a SUV and leave it?” I asked.

“Yes, we thought it was strange. The girl I was with is game for almost anything, but she didn’t like the looks of things when those men were walking around that truck.”

I asked him his name and address with the assurance that I would contact him and not his father. I wrote down what he said and gave him my card. The girl he was with, he assured me, hadn’t ever been out here before. “In fact, I wonder if I will be able to talk her into coming out here again,” he stated.

I went on to the next one.

Parker and the uniformed officer had, together, covered almost 15 cars. With what I interrogated, we figured we had found out all they knew.

We released the blue and white, which was blocking the road. The blue and white that was with us, followed us to a nearby diner.

We each read what we had copied and, finally, Parker surrounded with notes stated. “One of he boys thought that the pickup that was with the SUV had Green and white plates, that would be Colorado. They ditched the SUV because it was to identifiable. Sandoval and O’Rourk stole it and someone decided that it wouldn’t do. That means that whatever is planned Sandoval and O’Rourk aren’t the bosses.”

We thanked the uniformed officer and I took Parker home. As Liz was getting out, I suggested, “How about we go in at 9:00 instead of 7:00?”

She squeezed my hand and smiled. I was sure she thought that was a wonderful idea.

That , Kyle was waiting for Tess. He had squeezed Willie, the dip. Willie didn’t know much, but he had said the word was that some real heavy characters had moved into the area. Poor Willie was so gone that Kyle didn’t even have to rough him up very much.

Tess informed Kyle, that she had been approached by a man who knew her when she was in the business. That clarified for Kyle whether or not she had ever been professional.

This man asked Tess if she would be free to come to a party in about a month. He told her that some really big people would be there. Some old friends had requested her to be there. Tess told him that she was not free at the moment. She said he just shrugged. Kyle thought that when telling him all this, Tess was a little tense.

Captain Guerin was worrying. He was sure that Parker would be wanting that Whitman woman soon. Guerin had looked at what Max and Liz had given him and from past experience, he believed that Parker would be wanting a profile. He didn’t mind the doctor, but that damned husband, when he heard of an interesting case, would want continuous and instantaneous reports.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
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Re: Dragnet NM, teen, conventional couple ch 3 7/7

Post by ken_r »

michelle in Yonkers

Chapter 4

It was Tuesday February 19th , approximately 9:05 AM. The mild weather was still holding. There were still a few flowers that believed it was still winter. The weather would remain until the last of the holdouts got the word. It wouldn’t do for the remaining bad weather to strike until most of the flowers and trees were in full bloom.

I backed out the car and drove to pick up Parker. Again I only waited a minute when she came out. As always, Parker was perfect, in every way. She had been a good partner. I always worried what I would do when she decided to move on.

It was approximately 9:23 when we arrived at the office. Liz went to pull any messages either of us might have gotten from the mailbox in the office. I went to our desk and proceeded to hunt for Kyle. As much as I hated to deal with him, we needed information before we moved on the house at 2100 Wagon Wheel Circle. I would tell Kyle what we had on Sandoval and O’Rourk. I only hoped that I didn’t have to put too much pressure on him to find out what else he knew.

Parker came in with the messages. The only one of importance was the 10-28, owner, of the Colorado plates. They were on a Chevrolet Pickup owned by José Garcia, Trinidad, Colorado. I would telephone to see if the pickup was missing or not. There wasn’t any 10-29, stolen car, report on it.

Parker caught the captain when he was outside of his heavily cloistered office. We still wondered what he was working on. The captain sighed but he signed off on her request for a profiler.

11:35 and Kyle phoned in. I explained what we had and that we wanted information on the place, 2100 Wagon Wheel Circle. For several seconds Kyle was quiet. “Don’t do anything about that address. I will be in about 1:00. I will fill you in at that time,” he stated.

Parker had been busy getting all we had in order to give to the profiler. Doctor Whitman would be in about 2:30 this afternoon.

The butcher boy came by with his cart. Parker and I grabbed a quick lunch. I had a bologna sandwich and she had a shrink-wrapped salad.

Parker went to the lounge and grabbed us each a Coke. We spent the time sitting at our desks, me eating shoe rubber laced with library paste and she a healthy bowl of grass clippings and vinegar. We discussed, between choking down our repast, the known facts of our case.

1:20 PM Kyle came into the detective offices. He knocked on the captain’s door and asked to use his private office. Kyle wanted the captain to be privy to what he had to offer.

“Don’t touch 2100 Wagon Wheel Circle. The man listed as owner is a fake. He doesn’t exist. He pays taxes on the place and pays all the utilities, but he still doesn’t exist. No such person,” Kyle concluded.

We told Kyle about the Colorado pickup that had been parked in front of the house. Kyle pulled out a tattered notebook. “Yeah, that is about right. When you get information on the truck, let me know. We haven’t had time to run the plates yet. It is interesting that you can tie Sandoval and O’Rourk to that truck. I don’t know what it means, yet,” he replied.

“Could Sandoval and O’Rourk be working for someone? We have intelligence that they are not the boss,” Parker asked.

Kyle sat for several minutes, like he always did when he was trying to decide how much information to let go. Kyle had received similar information from Tess last night. There were some real heavies in town. Someone who would keep two petty terrorist in line.

The captain spoke up, “We always appreciate it that you are willing to share information, Kyle.”

Kyle smiled. “Yes, they might be imported to carry out something, but they aren’t the bosses.” Then, Kyle looked at the captain, “I am always ready to share what we have.” With that, Kyle left. I excused myself and pointed to the captain’s private bathroom. The captain nodded. Once I closed the door, I could smell the sweet smell of perfume. I guess that Maria girl had used it just before she left when Kyle came in.

Parker and I cleared the captain’s office just in time to get our notes out and receive our profiler.

Dr. Whitman was a beautiful and sophisticated woman. She knew it and she played it. She was tall and her fake blonde hair never showed any darkening of the roots. She had large brown eyes. The only one who didn’t want to fall into them in public was her husband. Alex Whitman, in private, was reported to feast on everything else she had, so in public he could contain himself.

It always started the same way, “Good afternoon, Doctor Whitman.”

“Oh Max, Liz, just call me Isabel,” she said.

“Well, ah…Isabel, we have some information on two internationally known characters who are in our area,” I said while Parker shuffled through some papers to give Isabel the two folders of what we knew about them. “Here are some things that we surmise or know for a fact about their activities while in this area.” Parker gave her a shelf of papers stapled together.

“Now, we figure that these men would want to work on something big. They are known for protests or causing incidents that would cause big headlines,” I continued. Parker handed her another list of places we worked this morning trying to find some organization who was planning an event that would be worthy of these men. “These groups were contacted this morning. Now we realize that they might not be telling the truth. We could not find anything to be worth these men working in this area,” I finished.

Doctor…ah, I mean Isabel, took everything in, that we gave her. She smiled with a smile that assured the world that, with her here everything would work out.

Parker had said very little. Here, she would use her organizational skills in preparing what we gave the good doctor.

As soon as Isabel left, we looked up to see Kyle standing in the hall. He came in as soon as he saw that we were no longer busy. “Look guys, find out what you can about the Colorado plate. I am sure it will lead to a dead end. Lay off the 2100 Wagon Wheel location. We are already in a tiff with the witness protection program over that address. We do not need you in this mess, also. Look, I promise that if I get intelligence about anything that concerns your guys, I will give it to you. We are burning the feathers of the witness protection guys. We really do not need anyone else mixing in.” Kyle explained

With that, Kyle left. Kyle went to the bar early today. He sensed that Tess seemed relieved that he was there. Kyle took his beer to a table in the corner. He saw that Tess would look over to reassure herself that he was still here from time to time.

Kyle had just returned from the restroom. He settled down and Tess brought him a cup of coffee. It was about another hour when a seedy man approached him. “You the man with the blonde broad up front?” Kyle was asked.

Kyle just nodded.

“Well, here are two big ones if you release her to go to a party next month,” the man said.

Kyle looked at the two one-thousand dollar bills. For several minutes he just sat there. “Naw, I don’t need money and she does me good. I don’t think I want to share her with someone else,” Kyle pushed the money back.

The seedy man reached in his coat for his wallet, “Here is another two bills. Will this change your mind?”

Kyle again watched the man. He yearned to grab the little weasel and squeeze him until he would confess even whom his mother was screwing. “Tell you what, let me think on it. See me next week,” Kyle told him.

The little man scooped up the four bills and left.

Tess came over. She was clearly scared. “Look babe, get a replacement. We need to talk and I do not mean just pillow talk,” Kyle told her.

It was almost an hour before Tess could arrange her replacement. She and Kyle left immediately for his apartment.

“Look, babe. Ordinarlly I wouldn’t care what you did, but now you are attracting some really big fish. I need to know your whole life. Spill it. There is something big going on that I do not understand.”

Parker and I finished up. We finally got the message from Colorado. I had tried, but I couldn’t get José Garcia. I called the county sheriff of Las Animas County. I gave him the phone number and asked him to ascertain that the pickup was there, and if had the right plates on it? They promised to get back with me and leave a message in my mailbox. We checked with the captain and, then, proceeded home.

I had two prime steaks in my frig and there were some fresh veggies in the crisper also. A bottle of wine and we could play domestic tonight.
Second Crash Roswell the way i think it should have been

Cowgirl Princess just for fun a story about a girl leaving home for a new future.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: Dragnet NM, teen, conventional couple pg 2 ch 4 7/14

Post by ken_r »

Michelle in Yonkers

One of the things about Dragnet, and it might have been because of the time when it first came on radio, was the innocence that Jack Webb had to personal things. Any romantic life was barely mentioned and later on TV many times he talked as a confirmed bachelor. In the first programs it was alluded to a a close relationship he had with his mother. In the Tom Hanks movie the romantic life of Sgt Friday was part of the parody. That is why i made Max so oblivious to the goings on with the captain and DeLuca. Isabel is the public relief as she sees what we all do in their private lives.

Chapter 5

Still Tuesday, February 19th: It was 10:00 that night and very dark outside. Kyle was sitting with a shaking Tess.

“I was 18. I had gone with my boyfriend to the picnic area. I was a woman, now. We came home and I was expecting to see him a lot more now that I had made love to him. School was out. I had to decide what I wanted to do. I could go to college, but that looked like what I had just completed. I could go to secretarial school, but watching some of those women who would never get out of the typing pool, I just couldn’t see a future in that. Denny didn’t call and I waited for him. I had a couple of hundred bucks saved up. At the time, it looked like a fortune. Finally, I saw Denny one night. He didn’t see me, but I could hear him as he was talking to this redhead. She was a year younger than I. I could hear Denny trying to talk her into going to the picnic area. Finally, I walked over and told the girl that it was a neat place, but that was the last time I had seen Denny. I left that night.

I arrived in Los Angeles. I still had most of my $200. I had spent what money I had in my purse for bus fare. I was sitting in the station, resting thinking about what I was going to do. A real nice looking boy sat down beside me. He said he was just taking a break. Talking to me, he got most of my story. He told me that he knew of a nice place I could stay and it wouldn’t cost much. I took him up on it. He took $50 and returned, telling me I had a place for a week. It was a nice place. I just couldn’t see why it was so cheap. There was a pool and everything. My new friend was Harry. We talked about me getting a job. He found me a job with a movie company. It paid $200 a week. I ran messages and carried scripts for these people. I was making $200 a week and my rent was $50, so I was sitting good. One day, Harry didn’t come by and I took the a $50 to the manager. He wanted to know what the $50 was for. I told him my weekly rent. “Sweetie, that apartment that Harry has you in is $800 a month. You have one more week on what he paid. Then, I expect the $800 on my desk bright and early. The dead line was approaching. I had the $800, but that is all I had. I would be wiped out. Harry came by. “Hi Doll, you want to get a better job?” he asked.

The new job was still working on a movie set, but now I was wearing a G-string and two pastes. At first, I was self conscious. Harry showed me pictures of several actresses and said they all started that way. I was given a walk-on part and that hooked me. I was paying my own rent now.

Soon, I was offered a part. It was a small part. I walked up the street and this guy jumped out and ripped off all my clothes. They were special built so they came off easily. This was pretty good money. Harry started taking me out. We would come back to his house most times. We stayed there a whole weekend one time. Then Harry offered me $1000. He said it was my part for the movie we had made that weekend. Harry had taped us making love.

Soon, I was offered another $1000 to do a movie for a company that Harry knew. The company was owned by a man, from back east. I never learned his name. He started leaving me gifts and all I had to do was be nice to him. Later, I had to be nice to his friends. It didn’t matter, the money was the same. I didn’t think much about it when I started getting calls to meet men at different places. They always left me money. The last man I knew was a US senator. I didn’t ever know his name. He roughed me up quite a bit and they moved me. That is when I started working for the bar. I think he wants me back. If they can get their hands on me, I think I might never be heard of again.

Kyle was thinking. A US senator, that might be big, He would have to see what he could find out about the man. Tomorrow, he would get a collection of mug shots of all the senators.

“I want you to quit your job. You can stay here for a while. Then, we will see what we will do with you,” Kyle told her.

That evening, Isabel, wearing her glasses, was sitting before her computer. She was looking for any information on Sandoval and O’Rourk. Isabel had several passwords which would get her into different crime computers. She was looking up their whole rap sheets. She didn’t print the sheets. She just made electronic copies. They both were extensive.

Isabel would study the characters of both the suspects. Then, she would look at the notes Parker gave her. Now, that was a thought. Parker, she was a pretty woman. Isabel wondered who in the department she was sleeping with. Evans always looked like he had a ramrod up his butt. You never could tell. They had worked together for two years. Just like that man Guerin. The captain was so straight laced, but he was balling the radio-room girl for sure. Isabel could even smell her perfume on the captain’s shirt when she shook hands with him.

Isabel enjoyed her work for the police, but she enjoyed her own research even more. It had become her hobby.

It would take a couple days, but Isabel would present a well thought out report for the department. Then, she would gain more information for her private profile. To Isabel, the world was an oyster and she was constantly digging into it for what ever pearls there might be.
Second Crash Roswell as it could have been.
Cowgirl Princess is almost over.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: Dragnet NM, teen, conventional couple pg 3 ch 5 7/18

Post by ken_r »

Michelle in Yonkers

Chapter 6

It was Wednesday February 20th. The warm breeze was on its last legs. The pollen was blowing in the air. The buds were bursting and I could see the evidence of color, in the many flower gardens. The weather boys said that it would freeze hard tonight. The time was approximately 6:15. I would be showered by 6:30. Parker would be ready by 6:45 and we would be on our way by seven o’clock. Traffic was light this morning, so we made it to the office at approximately 7:12 AM.

I was sniffling now, but I would have my revenge tonight when the plant romance would be cut short by mother nature.

The medical report of Clancy’s death was on our desk. This along with the CSI report gave us some more information. Three slugs, nine millimeter, had been removed from Clancy’s body. They were metal cased. That is, they had no exposed lead. The bronze jacket surrounded the bullet. Those bullets didn’t deform much and the rifling marks were sharp. When they found the gun, it wouldn’t be hard to identify. There were two brass casing found outside on the ground, near Clancy’s body. The marks of the firing pin were round. Many semi-auto pistols like the Glock had square firing pins. That narrowed the field, but it still left a large selection of weapons. Glocks didn’t have the same rifling as most American weapons. The bullets would be obvious if they had been fired in Glocks.

I noticed that the captain’s office had the drapes and blinds pulled back. What ever he was working on must be partially complete. When I walked back to the lounge, I noticed that Maria had gone home. Usually, she stayed for a few hours after the officers came in. I wondered if she secretly had the hots for one of the officers. I hoped that if she did, they had the sense not to get caught. The captain was a stickler for rules.

Kyle came in about 11:07. He plopped a picture down before Parker. Liz was looking at the picture. I recognized the picture as that of a senator from a mid-western state. The senator had won his post by waging a holy war against sin in all of its forms. His constituents were mostly good, hard-working people.

“That man might be tied in with something that Sandoval and O’Rourk are involved with. He roughed up a prostitute who belonged to the mob. They have had him in their pocket ever since. Some elements connected to the incident, may be still in the area. There is something big, but that is all I know so far.” Kyle was sitting across from Liz and he leaned back. “I told you, Parker, that I would share.”

The picture was completely clean. No writing on it what-so-ever. Liz picked it up and put it in the folder. She also did not write anything on the picture. Pictures like this, if found by the wrong people in the wrong place, could be trouble.

We had suffered the butcher boy’s lunch fare, again. It was approximately 2:55 PM when a tall lanky man walked in the office. He came over to our desk. He took out his wallet and showed us his ID. Police Commissioner Whitman sat down on the other side of our desks. “I just wanted to assure you, Evans, Parker, that if you need any resources to work on the Officer Clancy murder that you can count on me to get them.”

There was nothing for us to do, but to nod our thanks. “Just how is it coming?” he asked.

Parker looked at me, “Oh, you know, it is still too early to really tell. We just got through with the SUV. We gave your wife two men to profile for us. We will see if she comes up with anything that will help us.”

If I wasn’t already in love with Parker, I would fall for her now. She made the commissioner feel like he was one of the most important people we talked to while telling him almost nothing.

Whitman left, leaving us with his card. As soon as he was gone, Captain Guerin came out of his office. “What did you tell him, Parker?”

Liz, just smiled at the captain. “I just thanked him for his support and told him how much we appreciated it. I told him that the work his wife was doing was of great importance.”

Again, I had to smile. Parker could handle those from both sides of he desk.

We decided to call it a day. Parker had ordered deli food and we would be playing domestic again, tonight.

Kyle came home. It was dark and the single light he saw in his apartment worried him. When he entered the room, he saw Tess curled up in his easy chair sound asleep. She heard him and she bounded up, a little confused at first. When she saw that it was him, she came over and put her arms around him. Kyle looked around the place. She had been cleaning all day. There was chicken in the oven and the table had been set. Kyle could get used to this life. His head was a lot clearer since he hadn’t gone to the bar for his normal couple of drinks.

Captain Guerin came home to an empty apartment. Maria had had the sniffles this morning, probably brought on by the pollen. She hadn’t felt like taking dictation this morning. Michael sure missed her. He hoped she would be better by the weekend.

The captain had a cold supper and spent the rest of the evening thinking about the commissioner, the murder of one of his officers, the frightening things that Evans and Parker were learning andwondered how he could get out of this silly non-fraternization rule. Back to Evans and Parker, that two terrorists might be planning something in his district was more than he could think about. He hoped they came up with some good evidence soon.
Second Crash
Cowgirl Princess
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
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Re: Dragnet NM, teen, conventional couple pg 3 ch 6 7/24

Post by ken_r »

Michelle in Yonkers

I did the eulogy by memory. I wish that I could find hard copy of the original. Weeks of research did not reveal it to me. What Jack Webb was saying was that police all turn out to find the murderer of a policeman for more reasons than just revenge. Any man who would attack a trained officer is way too dangerous to let loose on society.

In an upcoming story named “The Curse of the Cat,” the natives of a village realize the same thing and even though scared, they realize the evil man is too dangerous to be allowed to run free. I think this is a belief of responsible societies.

Chapter 7

It was Thursday February 21. The air was brisk. The flowers were seen wilting in their beds. The buds on the trees would be brown and the pollen count was down. It was almost a week since Clancy had been killed. There had been several delays, but now there was nothing else, but to have his funeral. I was dressed in my best blues. I was wearing a white cravat and had a pair of white gloves in my pocket. I had polished my boots last night. The leathers of my uniform had been cleaned and were shining. My normal baby Glock, that I carried under my sport coat, was replaced by my full sized Glock carried in its shiny holster, at my side.

Parker came in. She was wearing her uniform skirt, a white blouse and her dress uniform jacket. She had her baby Glock in her purse. I didn’t often see her in hose and heels. We didn’t have the privilege of going on formal dates. Her hair was pinned up under her white uniform cap. Parker was wearing make-up. I got into the car and called in. Evans to ABQ, “We will be 10-8, in-service, as soon as I pick up Parker” Two minutes later, Liz was belted in the car and we were on our way to a somber morning.

The whole week, the weather was mild. The day they planted Clancy in the ground, was freezing. It just figures. I drove to the station first. The captain was there. “Hey, Evans, Parker, you want to ride with me?” I nodded. The captain was looking around. He spotted Maria. “Ms. DeLuca we have room for one more.”

The four of us were in the captain’s blue and white. It was an officer’s car so it didn’t have a screen separating off the back seat. Liz and I climbed in the back seat. I noticed that Maria was sitting near to the captain. I didn’t say anything. I would ask Liz later if there was anything going on.

The priest was a police chaplain, one of many volunteers who ride with the police to offer comfort to victims and help breaking the death messages to family members who have lost somebody. Bob’s own pastor was there, also. He opened the service with a standard eulogy. Then the chaplain took over. He used the words of Jack Webb from Dragnet, an old TV show. “When a man kills an armed and trained policeman, he is a danger to the whole community. He has shown no respect for authority and proven himself to be an outcast of society.” There was more of course, the ashes to ashes and the rest that was proscribed for a funeral.

The uniformed police were lined up as an escort. All red lights were on and, from time to time, the wail of the sirens was heard. They all, slowly, made their way from the church to the cemetery. We interfered with everyone. Today was Clancy’s day. Departments from all over the state were represented. After all, this could be any of us. We all felt competent but so had Officer Robert Clancy. None of us were competent to take on international terrorists. In all probability, that is what we would be doing soon.

It was noon by the time the service was over. There were the shakings of hands of men and women who we hadn’t seen since the last funeral. There were the scenes that were etched on our minds, like the angst of Bob Clancy’s wife and children. We collected in small groups talking in subdued tones, almost whispers. In the background, I saw the cemetery personnel who were waiting for us to get cleared so they could fill the grave. The funeral people watching their watches as they knew that there was another procession on the way by 1:00 PM.

It was afternoon when Liz asked me to drop her off at her place. I would be back to pick her up in about an hour.

I was back in my slacks and sports coat. My full sized Glock was in the gun safe and my baby Glock resting in its holster inside the waist band of my slacks.

I could have gone to the funeral in the clothes I wore to work, but for many reasons I felt that, to see Clancy off, I should dress my best. I am sure Parker felt the same way. She was a sight to behold no matter what she wore or didn’t wear.

Kyle hadn’t wanted anyone to see him in uniform. He dealt with seedy people all the time. He was dressed in slacks and sport coat over some sort of shirt. I wondered how he rated the little blonde on his arm. They seemed to be close. I thought, I really knew very little about Kyle’s private life. I just knew that it was like pulling teeth to make him share intelligence information. It was almost like sharing was left out of his genetic makeup. I was, to later learn that the blonde was another thing he didn’t want to share.

I was thinking about the funeral. I had seen the Whitmans. Isabel was in a black sheath dress and was wearing black gloves, hat and veil. The commissioner was in a dark suit. He was attending his wife very carefully. Again my mind went back to the captain. I wasn’t surprised that he asked us to ride with him. We had worked for him for several years. It just seemed that he was setting up something. Then, there was the, almost, casual way he invited Ms. DeLuca. Why did I almost feel we had been on some sort of double date?

2:38 PM: I was back in the car, back in-service, and back to pick up Parker. I was, actually, really on the way to pick up Parker this time. Parker, wearing slacks, blouse and SAS walking shoes, approached the car. Her hair was down and blowing in the breeze. I knew that she was carrying her baby Glock in her purse, but I also knew that somewhere about her person, she was packing an even smaller, semi-automatic pistol called a Walther TPH. This was a small pistol, which for a time, was forbidden to the general public. Now, they were manufacturing them in Alexandria Virginia. Anyone could possess one, given the high price tag of almost $500.

In the car and belted in, we had a few hours before we would, , call it a day. We hadn’t yet decided, her house or mine, or if we might only want to go back to our respective homes to be with our thoughts. Today, “there but for the grace of God, went I.” It could have been anyone of us. Clancy just didn’t know what he had approached.

When we arrived at the station, every one was in a depressive mood. The captain could be seen through the open windows of his office just sitting at his desk, holding his head. The phones were ringing and every one was trying to go about business as usual. That just wasn’t working. Of course, Kyle was no where to be seen. We got a call that Doctor Whitman would like to see us tomorrow morning about 10:00 AM.

We weren’t getting anything accomplished, so we called it a day. Liz said she wanted to come to my place. Once again, I drove into my garage and closed the door. Neither of us felt like celebrating tonight. We spent a lot of time just holding to each other. When we went to bed we continued this. We just held each other as if somehow, one of us let loose, we would drift apart and, never come back together again.
the next post will be the last of the Cowgirl Princess
Second Crash is Roswell as i would have written it.
Last edited by ken_r on Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: Dragnet NM, teen, conventional couple pg 4 ch 7 7/28

Post by ken_r »

begonia9508 Max and Izzy are not related
Michelle in Yonkers the standard round for their Glocks would be S&W 40 a good caliber for police as it has more penetration than the 45 which is better for military and civilian carry.

Chapter 8

Parker and I were up and ready by 7:30. That was later than usual, but for some reason, we didn’t care. I went 10-8, in-service, with a mention of picking up Parker. We drove down the streets, which the other day were bursting with spring. Now they were brown and shriveled. Spring was the hope eternal, of renewal. Now, we just saw the brown husk of failure.

Friday, February 22, 2008, the air was freezing. It seemed worse because the department was still depressed over yesterday’s funeral. Doctor Whitman would be by to see us sometime this morning.

Just before we were to receive the good doctor, I got a call from Kyle. “Danny DeSolvo, he is the man who had it in for the senator.” More than that, Kyle didn’t yet know. Privately, I wondered why Kyle was being so helpful.

“Doctor, I mean Isabel, come in,” I greeted her.

Gone was the somber dress of mourning she had worn yesterday. She was dressed in a flowered skirt with a white jacket over her blouse. “First of all,” she told us, “I know the Alrich’s. Kathy is a wonderful woman, but she ought to poison that husband of hers. He is a first class Ass, with a capital ‘A’” she stated. “I do not think he is important, other than being a random victim. I agree that the thieves took his SUV and someone made them get rid of it. It is just too flashy. Again, I am sure that the thieves were Sandoval and O’Rourk.” Isabel looked at us for agreement.

“Now, these are bad, bad, boys,” Isabel shuffeled some papers she had, “they never had an original thought in their lives. They have been implicated in many demonstrations and terrorist happenings. There is no evidence that any of these activities are their own planning. They just put on the show. They know how to place bombs and to move crowds.” She looked at both of us, “Before I go on, do you have anything more you want to add?”

I looked at Parker and she, imperceptibly, shook her head.

Isabel went on, “You need to find some big time personage. Whatever they do, it won’t be small. You need to find a car theft of a truck, probably a reasonably old one. One that won’t stand out.”

Isabel got up, “I will see you when you have more information that you can share with me. Remember, Alex was correct when he said he could help you if you find yourselves needing resources. He can make it happen.”

The doctor had left. I turned to Parker. “Did we learn anything?” I asked her.

“Well, we got professional conformation on things we surmised. That might help if we need warrants, later,” Liz replied.

About that time, I got a telephone call from the Animas County Sheriff Department. “Hey Evans, Deputy Trujillo here. That Pickup which is owned by José Garcia, he is deceased. The pickup is still in his yard, but the plate on it is registered to a Toyota compact.”

I was quiet for a minute. I was trying to collect my thoughts. “Look, Trujillo, can you check your records and see if there is anything of a pickup being stolen, probably a few weeks ago. We need the date, if possible.” I held out my hand and Liz handed me the description we had of the pickup. Neither Benny of Four Hills Security nor the boy at the lover’s lane location, had seen or recorded it closely. With the promise to keep in touch, the county sheriff rang off.

While I was talking on the phone, Liz was putting together a file on Danny DeSolvo.

Danny DeSolvo, not important himself, but he was related to some big names back east. He had been questioned about supplying prostitutes to members of congress. The girl in question had disappeared, so except for some sputtering and threatening, nothing came of it. Parker added another file to our case.

Just for the fun of it, I put in a request for the tax records on 2100 Wagon Wheel circle. They would have them for me by Monday. Parker and I were going to take the weekend off. I was going fishing and she was visiting an aunt in one of the southern most towns in New Mexico, Jal. Actually we were going to stay in a very nice hotel in Phoenix, Arizona. I know we would be out of district, but we would call in morning and night to the radio room. There was nothing pressing that couldn’t wait until Monday.

Chapter 9

February 25: It was a Monday. We had flown in late last evening. The weekend had been good. We walked around the city holding hands, eating at real restaurants and not worrying about being seen. The weather in Phoenix was balmy. This time of the year, Phoenix was fine. In a few months when Albuquerque would warm up, Phoenix would be a hell with temperatures above one hundred. The Phoenicians, as they sometimes wanted to be called, were used to it. While Parker was shopping, I had stopped at the city police department to see a friend of mine on the force. He knew that I did a lot of things that the department might not approve of, so he agreed to keep this on the QT, that is, off the record. He knew a lot about our mysterious senator. Seems the gentlemen spent a lot of time in the neighboring state of Nevada.

James, (Jimmy,) Weston had been on the force in Phoenix for five years. I had met him at a conference on Driving Under the Influence, back when I was still in uniform. Making contacts was about the only thing I found of value at conferences. We kept in touch with Christmas cards, emails and such. Jimmy, also, had a friend back in the mid-western state where the senator was from. A phone call and introduction, a bit of conversation and information on the senator’s latest problems was on the way to Max Evans in care of Captain M. Guerin, Albuquerque Police Department.

Karl Gustavo, a 20-year veteran of his state police detective division. We talked a while and I told him what we had. He perked up when he heard the names Sandoval and O’Rourk. They had not been in his district, but he knew the names. The senator, well, he lived just ahead of an indictment. He was a great senator. You have a kid having trouble getting a student loan, you just call Senator John Bellweather. You having trouble with your Social Security check, just call Senator John. None of this run-around busness. Leave your name and number and Senator John would call you right back, personally, as soon as he could.

That was the good side. Now, the other side. The senator couldn’t keep his pecker in his pants for anything. He was just a little too cozy with some real shady characters. He had supported several bills which angered some very important people; people who didn’t wait for the next election to get even. His own party wanted to dump him, but Senator John didn’t just do for his own district, anyone in the state could call on him even if they were from the opposite party. No, Senator John could probably survive a “write in candidacy.” He did what a politician was supposed to do. He took care of his constitutes. He also had the morals of a mink and was friends with way too many, “Most Wanted People.” His other friends and constituents loved him, but the law enforcement organizations had special drawers in their files just tying to keep up with his activities.

With the knowledge in hand and promise of intelligence in the hands of my captain, I thanked Karl. I, also, thanked Jimmy. Yes, sometime I would come by when we could go out for a drink. We both knew that this would never happen. Police work just didn’t leave much time for personal things and my personal time was entirely centered on Miss Parker.

It was almost 10:00 AM when I picked up Parker. I had gone 10-8, in service. We proceeded to the station. As we drove, the only consolation I saw was the brown cast to the frozen blooms on the trees. I hoped the pollen would be down for a few days.

We were in the office at approximately 10:13 AM. Everyone complemented us on our healthy tans. The Captain asked, “How was the fishing.

I nodded my head. “You know, Captain, I don’t even put a hook on my line. I just take the time to relax.”

Parker told everyone that her aunt was fine. She talked about the town of Jal. Liz had actually visited the town when she was 13.

“I forgot to tell you, captain,” I said. “I talked to a friend on the Phoenix force. He had a friend who is going to send you a package of sensitive information. If you would, try to be looking for it. It might help us sometime down the line.”

The captain nodded and we went back to our desks. Parker listed Desolvo, the senator, (we still weren’t naming him in public,) Sandoval and O’Rourk. This was quite a collection of names. Parker, then, added Ass hole one and Ass hole two. She looked at me. “Everything points to at least two more with Sandoval and O’Rourk. At least one more person has more pull than either of them. The two might just be hirelings and there still is somebody that we haven’t found yet.”

Kyle wandered in. He sat and I filled him in on what I had on the senator. I assumed that he knew all he wanted to about the two terrorists and DeSolvo. Now, Kyle was born a smartass and he would always be a smartass. When we were talking about the senator and DeSolvo, he didn’t crack a grin. Kyle seemed preoccupied or something. I don’t mean he didn’t listen to us, but as we were talking I had the impression his brain was doing something else to the information. Kyle left shaking his head.

Kyle took the information that Evans had given him. If there was a chance where it could happen, Kyle was willing to see either DeSolvo or the senator die.

Way back in his mind, though Kyle knew that if something erupted it wouldn’t just be the people he was growing to hate, but there would be a lot of innocent people killed. That would not be right. Kyle put back on his policeman’s shirt. This was just a , but Kyle went back to thinking like a cop. Well, he was thinking like a cop in love. Something new had been added to Kyle’s life.

When Kyle entered the door of his house, normally, he would be in a cold room that would take over an hour to heat up. He would be faced with opening a can that he might not even bother to heat.

Tonight, Kyle smelled something good in the oven. The room was clean and cozy. As he came in, his senses were buried in the perfume of the woman whose arms were around him. Yes, this was something that Kyle had never known. His own mother had left him and his father when he was five. His father usually left Kyle with a relative or a paid sitter until he returned from work. Kyle had never known anything like what he had here.

Oh, how Kyle would like to “pop a cap” in either or both DeSolvo or the senator.

I drove Parker to her house, When she got out, I looked at her questioningly. “This is not a good time of the month, Max. I want to just go to bed tonight. She leaned over and, without regard of what anyone saw, she kissed me. I drove home. I would have to talk to Parker. It wasn’t just sex with her. I enjoyed everything with her. I even wanted to share her discomfort. That is, I would like to bring whatever comfort I could to her.

The captain didn’t drive over to DeLuca’s. She would be sleeping. She needed all the rest she could get. Michael was thinking about how he could get her on a different schedule. He wasn’t even sure she would want a change. Michael knew several people who like the weird schedules. He would have to approach her carefully, and then, keep watch for a vacancy.
Cowgirl Princess is finished. I know i do not take as long with finishing a story as some others, but that may be because i do not have that long a time and i want to get as many stories out of my head as i can. I hope they are not as easily forgotten.
Second Crash is Roswell as it i think it should have been.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Dragnet NM, teen, conventional couple pg 4 ch 9 7/31

Post by ken_r »

begonia 9508 you will see the danger of partners having affairs at the end of the story
Michelle in Yonkers

Chapter 10

February 26, 2008: It was a brisk Tuesday morning. The air was crisp and that had settled the smog somewhat. It was 6:30 AM. I was up and fixing my coffee. I was also missing Liz. I wanted Liz to be with me all the time. I wanted her company. I wanted to hear when I did something wrong and to hear her suggestions about what I should do right. I wanted to be there when she did not feel well and for her to feel comfortable telling me that she just wanted to be left alone.

I went 10-8, in-service, and told the office that I was coming in as soon as I picked up Parker. I pulled in front of her house and in about two minutes she was out to the car. Briefcase in the back and Parker belted in beside me I prepared to proceed to the station. I was not prepared when Liz leaned over and, for the second time in clear view of the public, she kissed me.

When we arrived at approximately 7:25 AM. The first things I noticed was that the captain’s windows in his private office were clear. The blinds were pulled up and the drapes pulled back. I guess that he wouldn’t be working on whatever sensitive information that had consumed last week. Maybe, it was over or at least put on hold. A uniformed officer, just going off duty came up to our desk.

“Hey, Evans, Parker,” he tipped his hat to Liz. Could you guys take a listen to Freddie Ortiz? He is a gang banger, belongs to the East LA gang that we have out on our west mesa. He and his boys got into quite a squabble last night. You might want to hear what he says about who they were fighting.” With that, the uniformed officer left.

I called Juvenile. “Can you bring one Freddie Ortiz to the interrogation room?” I asked.

It was about 30 minutes when they notified me that he was ready. Parker with her briefcase, would wait behind the mirror. I entered the room. Freddie was definitely not a juvenile. They had just brought him back from the hospital and hadn’t gotten him sorted out yet.

“Hey, Freddie, ¿Que passa?” I started.

“Hey, Gringo, don’t give me none of that ¿Que Passa? Shit,” he almost spit it out.

“Have it anyway you want it, Freddie. I just want to talk,” I continued.

“Yeah and I want my lawyer,” Freddie stated.

“I don’t want to talk to your lawyer, Freddie. It is you I want to talk to.” I told him. “I need some information about those dudes you were fighting with.”

“Stick it, copper. I don’t rat on nobody,” he snapped.

“Aw, come on Freddie. Those men were very bad boys. If they stay in town, you are going to have to learn to kiss a lot of ass,” I informed him.

“Hey, the East LA gang don’t kiss nobody’s ass,” Freddie bragged.

“Hey, Freddie, don’t you never read the papers or see news on TV? Don’t you know anything about those guys who drive trucks or wear dynamite around their bellies? Those guys last night are the ones who load the trucks with explosive and tie the dynamite around the chests of the kids they talk into blowing themselves up. You want that around here, Freddie?” I asked him.

Freddie didn’t like that very much. He was a gang banger and deserved anything that happened to him, but he, also, was understanding that, maybe, these people were bigger than he was.

“Come on Freddie. Take a look at some pictures and unless someone makes a complaint against you, all they will have is destruction of property,” I motioned at Liz on the other side of the mirror. There was a knock at the door and Liz slipped me two pictures of Sandoval and O’Rourk. The minute Freddie saw the two pictures, his eyes got bigger.

“Yeah, but copper, you ain’t got pictures of the other two. Both were gringo, but they might not have been ‘Merican gringos, if you know what I mean. One of them probably was, though, come to think about it. He was dressed in a suit. The other was like a Rambo or something. His muscles had muscles. He had a short hair cut and he sounded like that terminator character. He was one mean bastard! He was the one who mainly fought.” Freddie looked up as if to see if he was doing o’kay.

I nodded, “Freddy, you are doing real well. I will tell them that you were real cooperative.” I left him and signaled the guard to return him to jail.

We needed Kyle. Parker and I went back to the desk. She was already calling Kyle’s department. Kyle was not an easy man to catch. It was again afternoon when we finally caught up with him. He came in the office about 3:00 PM.

“Kyle, put O’Rourk and Sandoval in the same room,” I started.

Kyle grinned, “Then, we dynamite it I suppose.”

“Naw, just listen Kyle. Put another man in the room, a Rambo look alike. Give him a European, probably a German accent. Make him real mean, sadistic even. Now, tell me who you have?” I sat back to see the reaction on Kyle’s face.

The reaction was there, “Klaus Schlinger. I didn’t think that son-of-bitch was in the states. Look guys, I will talk with you later. I gotta see a bunch of men about a whole pack of dogs. The minute Kyle was out of the office, he was on his cell phone. He was telling someone about the information that Max and Liz had given him. Kyle was still talking when he got to his car. He signed off and, immediately, took off for home.

(“See a man about a dog,” is a saying for doing some private business. It can also be, “I need to see a man about a horse.” Many times it is given as needing to go to the bathroom. Here the way Kyle said it, he needed to talk to someone privately about something really important and do this quickly.)

When Kyle got home, the smell of baking was evident. He immediately called, “Tess, Tess, where are you?”

Tess came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron. The second Kyle saw her he embraced her crying, “Oh Tess, I was so scared. You stepped into a real deep hole when you were with that senator.”

Tess pulled away from Kyle and quickly went into the kitchen to turn off the stove. Supper was far enough along that it probably wouldn’t be spoiled.

Tess came back and sat facing Kyle on the sofa. “Tess,” Kyle began, “I think someone is going to kill the senator and several others. They were going to use you to do it.”

Kyle told Tess a lot of what he knew and what he thought he knew. It was enough to scare her. They talked a long time and Tess had to reheat supper. That night, there was no wild sex, but Tess slept tightly held in Kyle’s arms.

Max drove Liz home. “Liz I won’t push you, but if you would like you can come home with me. If you feel badly or anything I can get whatever you need to feel better. I would enjoy your company.”

“Max, this is sort of embarrassing. I never lived with anyone before like we have been doing the last few weeks. When I had cramps, I just said I was tired and we left it at that. I do miss you,” Liz related.

“That is okay, Liz, but we can still be together. When you feel all right you can tell me,” Max explained.

Liz looked at Max. “You could rub my back for me. That would help. Let me get some more clothes and I will be right out.”

Captain Guerin, again, spent the evening home alone. He had called Maria that afternoon. She said not this morning but maybe the next, she would be in. He hoped she was getting better.

Alex was sitting in his chair in the living room. He was dressed in pajamas with a dressing gown over them. He, in his slippers, was reading the paper and trying to catch the late news on the TV. Isabel, dressed in her night gown with a robe over it, was sitting at her computer. She had her charts out and was busy filling in what she had observed.

Guerin was listed by DeLuca. The perfume on the captain’s shirt was still in her mind. She thought she might have seen a bit of lipstick on his collar. Then, she listed Evans and Parker. She put a question mark by their name. They worked so hard and were together so much, she didn’t see how they could have time for anyone else. Then, she remembered that strange under-cover or something fellow. She had seen him in the hall way when she last saw Evans and Parker. She had, also, seen him at the funeral. He was with that quiet blonde. She needed to know more about him. She also needed to know more about Evans and Parker. This was what made the rest of her work fun.
Second Crash who or what imprisoned Alex?
lycanthropy the act of a person taking the body and character of an animal. What is the danger of a man crying that he can not be killed by any man? See the mighty acts of Maria. The Curse of the Cat.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: Dragnet NM, teen, conventional couple pg 4 ch 10 8/5

Post by ken_r »

Mishelle in Yonkers

Chapter 11

Wednesday, February 27, 2008, the breeze which still had the hint that winter hadn’t forgotten us, was blowing lightly. I was up by my usual 6:30 AM. Parker followed shortly. Last night was a taste of what it would be like to be with Liz full time. If they found out they would break up our partnership so that would be a reason to still keep our secret.

By 7:05 AM, we were both in the car. I wasn’t in a hurry, so it was almost 7:30 before we reached the station. There was a message to call Trujillo in Trinidad, Colorado. When I called, it was a few minutes before they found him at the station. This reminded me of how easy a person could get lost in our own station if they wanted to.

“Hey Evans,” was the greeting. “Remember, this is farm country. In the last two weeks, there have been 15 pickups stolen. We think we are the irrigation supply for most of the south of the boarder farms.” This was the allegation that trucks were dismantled and their engines used on irrigation pumps in Mexico. The other parts would be stripped and sent back across to this side of the boarder as replacement parts. Sold cheap because they were not listed as factory parts or did not claim to be. This gave credence to the statement just as good as the factory replacement. “I am faxing you a list of the stolen trucks and their descriptions. Hope this helps,” Trujillo rang off.

Yes, he had been more than helpful. We would try to match something on the stolen list with the sketchy description that we had on the truck seen at 2100 Wagon Wheel Circle.

I called my friend, Weston, in Phoenix. “Jimmy, can you get in touch with that friend we talked to in the mid west? Ask him if Danny DeSolvo and Klaus Schlinger mean anything.”

It was two hours when I heard back on that one. “Evans,” a voice boomed out of the phone. “This is Karl Gustov, I am the friend of Jimmy Weston. What the hell are you people doing out there? It looks like you are in the middle of a plot for secession. DeSolvo isn’t that important, but he has been seen moving up. We lost track of him when he cooled it with the senator. Now, you put his name in the same conversation with Schlinger, Sandoval and O’Rourk. I have seen governments quake at hearing those names. Do you have the feds involved yet? No, I guess you don’t or you wouldn’t be free to contact me.”

“Hey Karl,” I started, “I am just a poor greenhorn who stepped in a cow pie. We had an officer gunned down and tracing that murder keeps bringing up these names. As far as we can tell, the officer was shot because he stopped a stolen car. He didn’t even know it was stolen. Now, we have America’s most wanted. I don’t know what we have and I don’t want to deal with the feds until I have to.”

“Look buddy boy, you passed America’s most wanted. You are now looking at Interpol and beyond. Pull your booties up. You may be wading in some deep shit.” Karl hung up leaving me worried if I should give this to the feds or keep going to see what we had?

The day just kept getting worse. The tax record for 2100 Wagon Wheel Circle came in. Stapled to the form was a note, call a certain number. The number was an 800 one and it was a number I had never heard of. Parker read over my shoulder and then just sat looking at me waiting to see what I wanted to do. I had an obligation. Some dirt bags had killed one of our officers. This wasn’t vengeance. I kept remembering the words of the police chaplain, yeah, his quotes from Jack Webb. They should be inscribed somewhere.

“When a man kills an armed and trained policeman he is a danger to the whole community. He has shown no respect for authority and proven himself to be an outcast of society.”

If I turned this over to the feds, the death of a city police officer would get lost in some greater investigation. The men would probably eventually be apprehended and tried, but not for the murder of just a city cop.

Yes, when it rains it pours. Kyle called the captain. He wanted to meet with us in the captain’s office before we left this afternoon. With Kyle, what ever time he told you, you could add a couple hours to it. It was getting late. I was surprised that Kyle was at the office within the hour.

We were all in Captain Guerin’s office. Parker handed the captain a copy of most of the file we had put together. Kyle had a ratty notebook that he was reading from. “Evans, I told you not to stir up that Wagon Wheel address. The witness protection boys are calling in the big guns from Washington. They don’t give a rat’s ass about what is going down anywhere as long as they cover their witnesses. I would have thought that with us nosing around, they would have picked him up and transferred whoever it is. Seems that is not what they want to do. They just want to insure no one, and I mean no one, gets too close. We have no idea of who it is.”

I was having a hunch. “I will bet he is a man with a back east accent and wears a suit and is friends with three men, Sandoval, O’Rourk and Schlinger. I bet he likes to see them beat up gang bangers.” I was reading a lot into what we had, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw Parker nod. That is what I mean. Liz tells me when I am wrong and, also, when I might be on track.

Kyle was frowning now. Here was intelligence that I had not shared, but it was information that I had just digested. I think I was right.

Kyle began. “You see, there was this girl I ran into sometime ago. For a while, I was just hanging around because she saw a lot of things. Soon, we seemed to be hitting it off pretty good. Someone from her past started to come around. He wanted her to go to a party next month. She told him that she wasn’t free to do so. I guess he saw me around her. The other night he offered me $4000 to let her go. It seems that the mob, sort of, has its own witness protection program. They had stashed her here after she got roughed up by that senator.” Kyle paused while Liz passed the captain the sanitized picture of the senator.

Kyle went on, “CSI turned the prints from that SUV which pointed to two thugs named Eloy Sandoval, and Emilio O’Rourk. Their rap sheets combine make an encyclopedia. They, in turn, tie into two other persons, at that time unknown, but they were seen at 2100 Wagon Wheel Circle up in the Four Hills. The four of them are seen by some kids, who are just getting a little lovin, at the picnic grounds. Now, the four of them disappear only to reappear in a fight with some gang bangers from the East LA gang from the west mesa. This brings in another name, Klaus Schlinger, sort of a soldier of fortune type.” Kyle rested on this.

I, then, took up the tale. “The senator is known in Arizona for being a big player in Nevada. Back in his home state, he seems to be untouchable. He is totally insulated politically. There is a man, who Kyle turned up, a petty criminal named Danny Desolvo. He was working with the senator.”

Kyle interrupted, “Yeah, he is, probably, the man who introduced Tess to the senator and probably, the same one who stashed Tess here after the senator beat her up. That is the name of the woman out here. We don’t know if he is working for or around the senator. Desolvo might have something on the senator. He knows all about Tess. He might be using that to put pressure on the senator.”

I nodded, “My contact in the midwest said that DeSolvo was moving up. Someone wants the girl who was with the senator and they are willing to pay high for her. Four thousand dollars is a lot more than just wanting the use of a whore for a party. That money is so she will be released and forgotten.” I looked at Liz. Her attention was riveted on Kyle as I was talking. I would talk to her tonight to see what she had learned.

“We need eyes in Four Hills. We need to make the fourth man.” Kyle said.

Liz spoke up. “We have a man. Benny Chavez.”

The captain said, “What about the girl? Kyle will she wear a wire?”

Kyle vigorously shook his head. “No way. If they get their hands on her, she is dead. I think they want to use her, in some way to get close to the senator and/or Delsovo.”

With this, we broke up. Parker and I headed home. She was very quiet. “What’s wrong, Parker?” I asked.

“Kyle is in love with her,” Liz said.

“In love with who?” I asked again.

“Kyle is in love with the girl he is talking about. There is no way he is going to give her up. If the feds get in this, they will make him give her up. It will kill him.” Liz was totally sure of what she said.

Liz wanted to stay a couple of days at her house, so I put the car in the garage out back and went in her back door.

Kyle went straight home. The apartment had all the windows blacked out. The blinds were pulled and the drapes also. At first, he was frightened, but when he entered, he did smell supper. He hoped that was an indication that all was well and the closing of the blinds was a precaution.

The captain was again, alone. Deluca had called in that she would be at her post early tomorrow morning. She also said she had some dictation to take tomorrow morning. The captain would be there early to pull the shades in his office.

Everyone has something to hide. There is the visible life and the secret life. The first can’t stand without the other. I am only stating the facts, just the facts.
Stories by Ken
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-