Truth or Dare (M/L, Adult) 12/18/08 [COMPLETE]

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Truth or Dare (M/L, Adult) 12/18/08 [COMPLETE]

Post by Hunter »


Title:Truth or Dare

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from the show Roswell.

Summary: One bet changes both the lives of Liz Parker and Max Evans.

Rating: MATURE/ADULT- later on it will be adult.

Category: M/L, M/M

Author's note: Seriously, I have to write this fic. I cannot sleep till I write it. The idea hit me when I saw Jason Behr's pics in his new movie FROST. The spoilers are that Max is the playboy rich actor in this fic and Liz is the daughter of a wealthy couple who dares to make him fall in love with her as a bet. The rest, you gotta find out..

A/N: There also might be references to real people and places, just a note to say it's purely coincidal and I don't own any of them e.g. 'Shia Lebouf'.


It was just one stupid bet. One careless night of drinking and gambling with her friends and then a game of truth or dare. Liz ended up being the one where the bottle stopped at. Max Evans, the most eligible bachelor was her mission. To make him fall in love with her. Little did she know where destiny would take them. She completed her bet but lost him.

He was just across the hotel lobby. He wasn't alone. Some blonde was with him. That blonde was no one other then her annoying cousin Tess Harding. Liz looked at Max longingly as she stood at the reception. How she missed being with him. Tess was one lucky bitch. It was her arms around him. Liz should have been in his arms instead of Tess.

His eyes locked with eyes and he thought silently to himself, why did she betrey him like that?

Liz silently thought to herself..If only Max Evans knew how much she loved him.

He looked awefully stunning in that black sweater with that long black coat of his. She admired his style and it only made her want him even more. He looked away. She felt her heart break.

Max turned away from her and entered the elevator with Tess.

Was things going to be like this between them from now on?

A/N: Sorry for the short post. I'll be back tommorow though for more!.
Last edited by Hunter on Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:50 am, edited 50 times in total.
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) ch 1 p. 1 6/26/08

Post by Hunter »

Chp 1

One year ago, January the 1st....
Somewhere in Las Vegas....

"Happy new year!". They all cheered, lifting their champange glasses up before sipping on their drinks.

Today was a brand new year, a fresh start as they liked to call it. A few friends decided to party in one of the most exclusive casino's in Las Vegas. Dressed in their best outfits, riding in style and doing their thang was happening tonight. And the best place to forget all their troubles and celebrate was the one and only Las Vegas. All of them could get drunk, gamble endlessly until the night was over.

But the night wouldn't be over yet. Atleast not for pretty Liz Parker.

"Hey let's play spin the bottle." Jesse Ramirez announced, picking up one of the empty wine bottles which they had finished before and placing it on the table.
They all agreed to play the game in the half drunken state. "Yeah, let's do this shit." Kyle Valenti agreed.

Jesse spun the bottle which caused everyone to worked up in anticipation. No one knew who'd end up being the one where the bottle stopped at. As it kept spinning, Maria leaned over to Liz. "Oh shit, what if it's me? Should I truth or dare?".

"Nah, I don't think..." Liz began but stopped when the bottle was slowing down. "Shit." She mumbled.

All of their eyes was on the bottle which was eventually slowing down. Yvonne was there, almost sweating as she assumed the bottle would stop at her but much to her relief it didn't.

"Come on!". Alex urged, ready for any challlenge if the bottle stopped at his direction.

"Oh, it's stopping. It's stopping...." Maria said and then the bottle stopped. Everyone looked at each other first in silence like a stand off in a wild west war. Then looked to where the neck of the bottle was pointing.

Liz Parker froze. Uh-oh. That wasn't good. Even if she was almost drunk as hell she knew what kind of things her friends would have in store for her. Always giving her the challenging ones. "Oh god."

"Liz Parker!". Yvonne said aloud. "Wow."

"Oh no, spin it again." Liz said, trying to escape being the unfortunate one to have to choose between the truth and dare. "Get that bottle away from me."

"You know the rules Liz." Jesse shrugged. "One bitten, twice shy."

"Aw come on, how bad can it be?". Kyle asked her. "I know you Liz, you can pull anything off."

Well that was sort of true, Liz was the daughter of a rich couple. Her mother was a fashion designer and her father was a lawyer. Both were members of the upper class which made her belong there too. She didn't have to work for money as it all went to her bank. She had enough money in the world to buy herself a way out of trouble. Even the cops would let her go.

"Fine." Liz folded her arms.

"Truth or Dare Liz?". Jesse winked.

Not wanting to share any other information about herself, Liz rolled her eyes. "Dare." She said.

"Kay, you asked for it." Jesse rubbed his hands together, getting excited. "Max Evans."

"What?". Liz asked, unsure if she heard right.

"Your mission is Max Evans."

"What about him?". Liz asked. She knew who Max Evans was. Heck, everyone knew Max Evans. He was Chicago's beloved millionaire player, always seducing women and bedding them. He would change women everyday like he changed his shirts. A lot of scandal went with his name. Yes, the women were all crazy about him except Liz who thought he was a total jerk and a complete waste of time. He tarnished the name of love with his tantilizing tactics of seduction. Max Evans was a very rich actor. Yes he did have a handsome face but Liz certainly didn't think his behaviour was attractive.

She would hate it if she was ever associated with such a man.

"You gotta make him fall in love with you. Simple." Jesse shrugged.

"How about NO." Liz said, shrugging back. "I'm not interested in that prick."

"I'll give you a year Liz. How about that?". Jesse compromised. "A year of him not being able to touch you like he touches the other girls will drive him crazy. Trust me, if I was him and there was this one sexy girl I couldn't have for a year, I'd want her more then anything."

"That's how guys think." Kyle had to agree.

"Ew." Yvonne said. "Guys always want what they can't have."

Lewis intterupted. "Actually girls what want they can't have. Girl, don't getcha words wrong!". He said pointing at her. "You know coming from me, a sexy tall black guy know his things with a girl. Every girl I bin wit, has always, always wanted to marry me. I sed no girl, I'm too young for that shit."

"Okay, we're getting off topic now." Alex said.

"Yeah, so Liz are you gunna do it?". Jesse Ramirez challenged. "You'd be the first woman on the moon if you do."

Liz glared at him. "I can't make someone fall in love with me for the joke of it. I'd be as bad as him."

Then Maria decided to intervene. "Actually Liz, what goes around comes around. Don't you think Max Evans deserves a taste of his own medicine?".

"Well yeah but why do I have to be the one to do it? I can't stand the guy." Liz whined. She was only twenty years old. What would Max see in her? He was about twenty five- twenty six? Even Liz was rich, she wasn't sure if Max Evans would actually want her. She wasn't blonde, big breasted and certainly not blue eyed which most players went for. Her dark brown hair matched her dark brown eyes. She didn't have really small breasts but around the size of a B cup which would probably dissapoint guys like Max Evans who prefer girls with double DD busts.

"Guys, let her go. She's had enough." Yvonne said, noticing the uneasy look on her face. But none were willing to let Liz escape her dare.

"No Liz, please. I'll bet you one thousand that you can do it." Jesse said, wanting Liz to go for that dare. Till now, no one had ever dared to seduce Max Evans in the long run.

"In that case, I'll bet you one million dollars." Kyle announced without a care. "Think about it Liz, it's a million dollar dare."

"No, guy's you can't be serious." Liz shook her head. "This is ridiculous."

"Come on Liz!, we all drunk, we can can do shit and get away wit shit!". Lewis told her. "I'll bet you five million dollars that you can do it."

"I don't need the money, I have enough thank you." Liz said, thinking they were going over the top now. Betting too much money on a dare she didn't want to do.

"Seven million dollars." Maria said causing Liz to look at her in shock.

All of them were rich, losing a few millions wasn't anything major to them. They were getting millions everyday anyway. "Maria, you too?". Liz gasped, shocked at how her rich friends would just throw their money away for something stupid.

"Ten million dollars." Jesse said looking at his empty glass. "Come on Liz, give Max Evans what he truly deserves."

Liz gulped. "This is getting outta hand guys." She paused and thought about it. What would it be like to get into the mind of Max Evans? Secretly she always wanted to know more about him, why was he the jerk he was? Something did attract her to him, If she was the first woman that Max Evans finally fell in love with then not only the media and everyone would be shocked but she too and she would be pleased that she was the only one who could tame him.

She wanted to tame that Max Evans. Deep down inside, she knew that. "Fine. I'll do your stupid bet." She said and all of them shot up and cheered.

"We have ourselves a winner!". Jesse cried out, drunk.

"Hit the jackpot motherfucker!". Lewis cheered louder, shooting both arms up in the air.

Liz shook her head and decided to pour herself another drink. What had she gotten herself into?
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) Ch 1 & Ch 2 p. 1 6/26/08

Post by Hunter »

Ch 2

Four days later
Back in Chicago..
The first move..

Max Evans was already there. Liz's heart skipped a beat as she watched him talk to his agent. She was hiding from him, using the pillar in the hotel lobby as a shield unsure whether this whole thing was a good idea. Dressed in a short cute white dress, with her hair in curls and her makeup done to match what she was wearing, Liz looked like a cute china doll. The first impression she had to make to Max was that she was a 'shy virgin' so he'd think he'd have the control.

Maria was just behind Liz and was impatient with her reluctance. "Go!". She hissed. "Don't forget your lines".

"Fine". Liz muttered and gasped when Maria pratically shoved her out from her hiding space causing her to collide with Max Evans. "Oh my god!". Liz gasped, clutching onto Max's scarf for balance over her thin heels. Max Evans in reflex, reached out to steady her and it wasn't until then both looked into each others eyes. "Oh god, I'm so sorry." She apologized and her cheeks turned bright pink.

Max Evans studied this girl for a moment. She looked stunning. Absolutely stunning. Like a china doll. "It's okay." He said. Did she know who he was?

Liz was vividly aware of his large hand on her hips. She took a step back. "Sorry." She said before walking away. At that moment, her bracelet fell off and she smiled, silently counting to three.

Max Evans was surprised. This girl completely ignored him. He noticed her bracelet slide of her wrist and fall to the floor. Max instantly dove for the platinum charm bracelet which had a letter 'L' on it with hearts, stars and butterflies. He stood up with the bracelet in his hands. "Hey wait..". He called out and she stopped allowing him to catch up with her.

"You dropped your bracelet." He said, looking at her angelic face again and handed her bracelet back. When she extended her hand to get her bracelet back, their fingers brushed against each other causing Max and Liz to feel butterflies in their stomach.

"Oh thanks." She smiled at Max Evans. "My grandmother gifted me this!, I would have been feeling so bad if I had lost." She exclaimed. "Thanks a lot." Liz, finding that she had forgotten the lines that Maria had told her. She wasn't good at remembering. Especially if somebody like Max Evans was standing in front of her.

"It's okay." He smiled back. "You don't need to thank me."

"Well.." Liz said, unsure of what to say. Why did she feel so shy in front of Max Evans?

"I was wondering if you'd like to grab a coffee or something?". Max asked her, wanting to know this girl a lot better. She was beautiful and nothing like he had seen before. He knew she was shy but he couldn't let her know, he found her interesting.

" I know you?". Liz asked, surprised. She hoped Max didn't mean something else by making up an excuse. She wasn't a sex object.

"You don't know me?". Max Evans asked, puzzled. Everyone knew him. He was sure that everyone who lived in America knew him, heck he was famous internationally too.

"". Liz shook her head like she didn't have a clue who Max Evans was. "You look handsome. Like a model. I might have saw you somewhere but I don't pay much attention to names...." She lied. Okay, now she was going off the record. This wasn't her rehearsed line. Maria put a hand to her forehead. What was going on with Liz?

"Max Evans. I'm an actor". He said and extended his hand. Liz looked down at his hand.

"Wow. That so cool. You're an actor. Wow. Amazing." Liz gasped. "Now could you help me with putting on this bracelet?". Liz asked him, extending her hand out.

"Sure." Max quickly said, jumping to her rescue.

When he put on her bracelet for her, he brushed his fingers on her skin on purpose. She was so soft. "Thanks again."

"You're welcome again." He smiled. "So what's your name?". Maybe by chance he could have a normal relationship with a normal person.

"Well...I'll leave that upto you to guess." Liz suggested and looked at her watch. "Oh my god, look at the time. I have to go now!". Liz was about to leave until Max stopped her by holding her wrist sending shivers down both their spines. His touch was electrifiying Liz thought, no wonder women were crazy about him.

Max was mesmorized by the softness of her skin. "When will I see you next?".

Liz turned around and smiled. "Well, if you're lucky you might get to see me tommorow at tiffany's and if you figure out my name then you'd be more then lucky..." She replied, giving him direct eye contact.

"You mean breakfast at tiffany's?". He said.

"Yes. See you there at ten pm sharp." She smiled before he let her go and watched her leave the building.

Max gulped. She was a fine piece. "See you there." He whispered.
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) Ch 3 p. 2 6/27/08

Post by Hunter »

Chp 3



Max Evans' bachelorpad- penthouse suite
Late at night, guessing her name...

"Okay why are you so interested in this girl anyway?". Micheal asked him, turning away from the computer and looking at Max Evans who was pacing up and down the room, eyes lowered, right hand fixed on chin gesturing that he was really trying to think. As soon as Max Evans had come back to his place, he was trying to guess that brunette's name. No girl ever had him hanging off a thread like that, yeah they did like to talk sexy but none of them were a challenge unlike the interesting brunette he met this afternoon. He was surprised she hadn't pulled his pants down and fixed her mouth onto his penis in broad daylight like the other women who desperatly tried to get laid by him.

She just walked away, not even bothering to kiss him or even acknowledge him. He didn't need his security guards to throw her out. This girl was such an enigma and he knew nothing about her. She didn't even leave him her name. "Micheal, now you tell me. Which girl doesn't give me her name? I've seen so many women, and I don't remember one name. I'm not the least bit interested in them. Heck, I don't even remember the names of some of my co-stars." He laughed. "But this girl, I want to know her name. I need to know her name."

Max Evans himself didn't know why he needed to know her name. She didn't look like the type of girl who got laid a lot. Infact she looked like a sweet virgin. Someone pure and fresh who attracted Max. He barely even met girls like her. "Why?". Micheal asked, thinking what the hell was wrong with Max Evans. Max could have any girl he wanted. A sexy blonde with big breasts and a lot of libido.

"Because...she doesn't know me." Max said.

"So?". Micheal shrugged.

"Which means I can totally be myself around her. I don't have to pretend to be this so called player."

"Which means you let someone penetrate your wall?". Micheal shook his head. "Max you'd totally be destroyed. This could be the end of your career if this girl knows you're a virgin too."

"She doesn't have to know about my sex status. I just want to know her name and more about her." Max said. "It's not like I'm gunna jump into bed with her."

Max Evans was a virgin. But that didn't mean he was without experience. He had been with girls, kissed, made out heavily and touched intimatly. But he thought he was too good for whores. He wanted to save himself for someone special..he thought.

"Oh god, you're even thinking about getting to know this girl?". Micheal asked. "Oh Max, you suck when it comes to girls like her."

"I've never been with a girl like her." He said, sitting on the king sized bed and folding his arms. "That's why I'm so interested in her."

"Okay, let's just say you meet this girl..Hello beautiful stranger, I think your name might be Linda, Lilly or Lenei?". Micheal asked with sarcasm. "Or it could be liar?".

"Shut up." Max said. "I need names. Fast."

"Max, we've been through the database. Every girl who has a name begining with an L is up here." He protested.

"She can't have a common name. Whores have common names. It has to be something exotic, beautiful...Lenei sounds nice. Lara? Lana?".

"You watch too many films." Micheal shook his head again. "Although the name Lana does sound nice for a pretty virgin girl whose a liar."

"That's only in smallville." Max said. "What about Louise? Lydia? Latoya? Lauren, Lorrianie? Latina? Laura? Leah? Leanne? Lena? Leona? Leta?" Max thought of possible names which left Micheal's mouth hanging open in shock. Max Evans was really trying hard to guess some girl's name. This never happened.

"Wow, you are really into this girl."

"Latifa? Levani? Libby? Lila? Lillith? Lindsay? Lisa? Nah that's too common...Liv? Livia..Liz?". He shrugged.

"Maybe Layla who wants to get laid!". Micheal sniggered and stopped soon after when he saw Max wasn't laughing with him. "What?".

"I really need to know this girl's name. I don't want to end up chanting names begining with L otherwise a whole bunch of girls would think I was interested or something..." Max rolled his eyes. "Micheal help me out man."

"Okay, here's what I suggest. You want this girl so badly right? Then pick three names beginging with L which you think sounds most appealing to the girl you met. Take these three names to her tommorow morning at tiffany' the way this girl's got class so start off with getting classy names and then ask her if any of these three is her name and whatever you do...don't use chat up lines seriously chicks hate that stuff, they know when a guy is trying to hard."

"I. Don't. Use. Chat. Up. Lines." Max warned. "Don't stereotype me."

"Max, enough of licking your bruised ego and pick three names quick. It's almost midnight and I need to sleep. My job is a bitch. I hate being a security guard."

Max and Micheal were best friends since Micheal was appointed to be his security guard five years ago. The two were like brothers, Micheal also gave Max good advice on women. Max trusted Micheal completely, especially when it came to women. Micheal wasn't good with his former girlfriends as he got bored off them and dumped them but he knew what most women always wanted. Love and loyalty from a man. All his exes wanted that, he did fullfill their wishes but none of them kept him satisfied. They were so dull. All of them.

"Three names..right." Max said. "I need a notebook".

Micheal grabbed one of the desk and picked up a pen before handing both to Max. "Hurry man, I need to sleep."

" goes...Lenei?".

"Sounds nice."

"Lenei.." Max quietly muttered while he scribbled the name down. "What about Latoya?".

"Latoya sounds like a bitch who toys with her men."

"Okay what about Leona?".


Max put that name down on the list too. "Okay, last one...umm Liv? Livia? Liz?".

"They all sound nice. Tell you what, why don't you call her all of them?". Micheal snapped, he was half asleep and Max was keeping him awake, dragging him along with this stupid challenge.

"I'm going to put down Liv or Liz. I like both of them. So that makes it four." Max said while he wrote down those names. "I just hope by god's grace, one of them is her name."

"And I hope by god's grace you've finished for tonight." Micheal said, almost dozing off.

"Thanks Mike". Max said and got up. "Well I'll leave you to it. I'm off." Max said leaving the room.

Finally Micheal could get some rest but it was Max he was worried about. He knew that man would spend all night just thinking about that girl's name. Max Evans was such a little boy..

A/N: More to come.!! promise!
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) Ch3 & 4 p. 2 6/27/08

Post by Hunter »

Chp 4

Breakfast at Tiffany's
Waiting for him...

She arrived half an hour ago, dressed in a floral shirt with wide angle length jeans. Maria had introduced a completely new wardrobe to her. The innocent virgin collection. Liz had to laugh. She was a virgin still but never dressed like one but she never dressed like a whore either. The short halter neck dress had to be discarded, she didn't want to give Max Evans the 'I'm easy so take me' impression. She wondered how many women Max Evans slept with and why was he so late? Liz checked her watch.

Max Evans had rushed up the stairs and barged into the room. He knew he was late. Micheal had forced him to be late saying it had chicks more interested. He would work his charm on this girl. He spotted her sitting down at a table, apparently waiting for him. He smiled. She was alone. This was a great opportunity to get to know her.

"Hey." He greeted her, grabbing the chair opposite her and sitting down.

"Hey Max." She smiled. "How are you?".

"I'm okay thanks. Sorry for being late." He said taking off his coat. Most young women in the room turned to look at him. Both of them noticed that and Liz felt uncomfortable.

"It's okay." Liz mummbled, noticing stares from across the room. "Let's just start eating. Come on." Liz said getting up and taking his hand.

Both of them went to the line and grabbed a plate before choosing their range of breakfast from waffles, crossaints and muffins. "So...I spent the whole of last night trying to guess your name." Max smiled, taking a crossaint in his plate.

"Hmm so what did you come up with?". Liz asked, reaching for some maple syrup and her hand accidently met with Max's hand in the process. Both looked into each others eyes.

"Umm sorry." Max said and handed her the maple syrup.

"Thanks". The two were rudely interrupted by a red head who walked right in, between Max Evans and Liz Parker.

"Hey handsome." She purred and Max cringed. She was one of the girls who he met before. They were so close to having sex and she was the only one who actually was fully naked with him.

"Hey..." Max drifted off, unsure of who this girl was. She was just a random girl who was so close to being his first.

"I remember that night so well." She put her hands on his chest. "I think we should have an encore."

Max shuddered in embaressment. Not now he thought. Not while he was with this nice girl. "Max?". Liz asked, getting annoyed with this random red head.

"Oh yeah sorry." Max said. The red head was hot but he wanted to focus on Liz now. "Maybe later." He swiftly moved away and Liz moved towards him, taking his arm and leading him back to the table where the red head couldn't reach them.

"Sorry about that." Max apologized, sitting down.

"Don't worry about it." Liz said. "A guy like you is very attractive. I can see why girls go after you." Liz said in a forced voice. First day and there had to be a distraction.

"Anyway, getting back to our conversation. I was guessing your name and..." He smiled and took out a piece of paper from his back pocket. "To be honest I came up with three names."

Must have been some of his whores, Liz thought to herself. She would have been surprised if he actually remembered their names. "And?". Liz smiled back.

"Well the first is as guessed..Lenei." He paused. "Am I right?".

"Keep trying." Liz said, finding this amusing. He actually guessed her name all night? That meant her plan was working? If it was then it was good.

"Leona for the second guess and...for the last guess I came up with two. Liv or..." Max's phone started to ring. It was his sister Isabel. "Shit." He muttered under his breath. "Sorry." He mouthed to Liz and took the call. "Hello?".

"Max, this girl is being a bitch. She's got the papparazi following me, asking for your whereabouts. Apparently you owe her another night."

"Call the cops, FBI if you have to." Max said getting frustrated. He knew who Isabel was talking about. That same girl who he dated just after the film they starred in together hit the cinemas. Danielle Davis. Everyone knew that black haired girl with dashing red streaks. She just wouldn't leave Max alone. Yeah, so what if he french kissed her and got to massage each other with oil. It was long ago. She wasn't as hot as she used to be. "I'm hanging up now. Bye." He put his phone away. He wasn't liking the distractions.

"Is everything okay?". Liz asked innocently, suspecting Max had another girl problem. She was starting to eat now. God knew whether another distraction would occur any minute now.

"Sorry about this. I really am." Max apologized again.

"Well, this is something new for me." Liz began. "I've been in spain for the last ten years. I really don't know how people react around you but I'm assuming you're some kind of chick magnet?".

"Yeah, you could say that." Max laughed, begining to eat his food as well. "Everyone around here sees me as a player."

"Are you?". Liz wanted to ask that question to him for so long. She would remember seeing him in movies in very intimate scenes with girls and he even performed erotic scenes where he was having sex with girls. She used to think he was incredibly handsome but she didn't want to have a crush on somebody would slept with so many women and used it to their advantage.

"Well..." Max hesitated. He wanted to tell her the truth so badly. But he knew if he did, everyone would know. Girls who ended up in bed with him thought they had sex. The only girls who managed to get him in bed were drunk and Max left it like that. He would never screw a drunk girl. No. And the girls he had been with, yes they wanted sex but somehow he always managed to pull back which only made them want him more and delude themselves into thinking they had...fucked.

It all happened one night with this other girl who he saw at his graduation. They were about to make love. He did like her but it was just lust. Back in the days, he had a numerous amount of girlfriends. He lost count. They would experiment with each other. He was so horny that night, all he wanted to do was take her right there. Before he could take off his boxers, his mother called. He forgot to switch off his phone. He ignored the call and went back to kissing his girlfriend. He took off her bra. The next thing he knew was his mother barged into the room, his girlfriend was screaming and his mother was yelling at him and gave him the sex talk in front of his naked girlfriend. Talking about condoms and stuff...he had never been so embaressed like that in his life. Till date, he would worry if history repeated itself again. Yeah, he knew the situation was different now. He could have any girl he want and he was actually considering meeting some tonight but he wasn't so sure now. What if that girl sitting across him was the one for him?

"Max?" Liz called him name, he looked like he was lost.

"Huh?". He came slowely out of his daze. Her dark brown eyes drew him to her. "I'm very interested about you. I need to know more about you." He said, determined to have this girl.

"Oh okay..." Liz said after sipping on her water. "What do you want to know?".

"" Max almost coughed out the question. He wasn't sure who was who these days. He didn't like to stereo-type.

"Umm...yeah." Liz said, wondering what he was thinking. "Why?".

"I just...well I'm not." Max said. "People around here know who I am. And I just wanted to let you know that I am not a virgin. I have been with lots of girls and that girl you saw there, I know her carnally."

"Oh god." Liz said. "So you are a player?".

"Yes." Max lowered his eyes. "I just thought I'd be honest with you, you know to break the ice."

"Atleast you're honest." Liz laughed a little by force. *Oh god, he's been with so many girls* Liz thought. How was she supposed to react to that?

" have not heard of me at all?". Max asked, wondering where did this beauty come from.

"No sadly. I haven't." Liz shook her head. "I lived in spain over the past ten years..and now I'm here. In America".

"What about your parents? What do they do?". Max curiously asked.

"If I tell you..I have to kill you". Liz slowely joked and Max raised his eyebrows to which Liz giggled. "Just kidding Max. My father is in the army and my mother works as a nurse in the army. So basically I don't see them much at all. Grew up with the nanny."

"Oh." Max said, feeling bad for Liz. Atleast both his parents where there. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. That's how they met." Liz lied again, hiding the lie with a chuckle. "What about your parents?".

"My dad is a director and my mother was a makeup artist." Max said. "They still are what they were before they met."

Smiling, the two carried on their conversation until breakfast was over. "Well, that was a lovely morning. Thank you Max." Liz said as he helped her out of her seat and into her coat.

"No." Max said. "Thank you for a wonderful morning. I must say you have class. Your taste is fantastic." He complimented her and realised this was the first time ever that he was complimenting a girl other then his sister.

Liz smiled. "You're welcome."

They paid the bill and were just walking out of the room. Max linked his arm with hers as he walked her to the door. "You know, I never got your name."

"You guessed?".

"Lenei? Leona? Liv or Liz?". He suggested.

"Yes, one of them is." Liz smiled, shocked that her name was in his list. "Three words."

"Ah." Max smiled and lifted his head slightly. "Then it's...Liz right?". He assumed the last was always the one.

"Yeah. Congrats." Liz smiled and bent to kiss his cheek. "For that you deserve a kiss."

*How about your number?* Max secretly thought. Her kiss put him in a trance though. So soft and warm and...

"Well see ya." Liz said.

"Wait." Max stopped her, and took his card out from his breast pocket. "Here's my number." He handed the card to Liz. He needed more.

Liz took the card which had his number on it. Neat. "Thanks." She smiled. "Take care." She hurried out of the building before he could say another word, rendering him hopeless in falling in love with her.
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) ch 5 p. 3 6/28/08

Post by Hunter »

A/N: Surprise Surprise, twist.

Chp 5

Waking up from Wonderland...
Late for breakfast...

"Hey Liz!, wake up!". Maria nudged Liz. Today was her first date with Max Evans and it was almost ten already. Liz only had fifteen minutes. "Shit Liz! Wake up!!".

Liz groaned and tried to hide her face deeper into her pillow. "Leave me alone" She turned her back to Maria who was frantic, Maria had left like a dozen of messages on her cell phone and called twice at her place. Liz's mother had told her Liz was still asleep to which Maria practically ran to Liz's place.

"Liz, breakfast at tiffany's with Max Evans the player remember?!".

Upon hearing Max's name, Liz's eyes were forced wide open and she shot up. "Oh shit!". She gasped. "But I thought we did go..".

Maria looked at Liz in confusion. "Were you dreaming about him?". She knew Liz like an open book. In their late teens, Liz was always crushing on Max Evans even if she hid it.

"No Maria." Liz protested but then knew she couldn't get away with lying to Maria. "Yes..I had this dream.." Liz said when it all rushed back to her, sitting with Max in tiffany's, eating breakfast, him being chased up by some redhead and their weird conversation about being a virgin or something. "I had some stupid dream that we already ate at Tiffany's and I had a feeling that he was a virgin."

"Don't count on it." Maria said. "Max Evans is definetly not a virgin." She said and then got off the bed and opened Liz's closet. She already picked out the outfit for Liz and brought it back to her. Liz was surprised. It wasn't a floral shirt with wide angle length jeans. Maria had picked out black skinny jeans and a full sleeved dark brown top. That was definetly going to fit on her curves.

"Maria, that is so not virgin like." Liz pointed out.

"What do you want to wear? Overalls?". Maria scoffed back with sarcasm. "Liz sweetie, you gotta tantalize him the same time you act all innocent otherwise he'd never be interested in you."

Liz nodded. Maria had a point. "Fine but I'm wearing that with those thin heeled boots." Liz said, throwing the sheets off her before getting up.

When Liz quickly freshened up and threw on her clothes with a bit of makeup and Maria helped put her credict card, phone and cosmetics in her bag she handed it to Liz and they rushed downstairs where Liz's mother was sitting in the lounge. Nancy Parker spotted her daughter. "Hey honey. Aren't you gonna have some breakfast before you go out?".

"Nah mom, I'm gunna eat at Maria's place today." Liz lied, hating lying to her mother who wouldn't let her roam around with men like Max Evans. Nancy Parker eyed her daughter. She knew her daughter was lying but she quickly let it go. Her daughter wasn't going to get into something drastic, she was sure off that.

"Okay, I'll see you later hon." She dismissed her daughter. "See you Maria."

"See ya Mrs Parker." Maria said, almost excited, she couldn't wait for Liz to meet Max. Liz and Maria quickly hurried out the door and Nancy watched them leave. She hoped her daughter stuck to the discipline she taught her before turning back to the newspaper.


Breakfast at Tiffany's,
Waiting for her...

Max Evans checked his watch. It was three minutes past ten and there was no sight of the pretty brunette who he met yesterday. Perhaps she stood him up? He should have know better to let himself get hurt by a girl again. He shook his head and was about to get up until he caught sight of her, rushing into the room. She was wearing fitting clothes and had a huge bag on her left arm. Her shades were resting on top of her head and she smiled when she saw him.

Liz was trying not to act like a fool. Whenever she rushed, she always managed to bump into people and knock things over. Fergie's song clumsy repeated over in her head whenever that happened. She mustured up a smile when she reached Max. "Oh I'm so sorry. I was busy with something." She lied. "I'm ever so sorry."

"Nah." Max smiled. "It's okay." Max excused. He didn't mind. Atleast she was here now. "Shall we?". He asked, gesturing that they should help themselves to the food now.

Liz nodded and the pair walked off toward the table full of food just waiting to be picked off. It was mouth watering. Max grabbed two plates and handed one to Liz. "Here you go."

"Thanks". Liz said and both of them helped them selves to the food.

"So I was thinking.." Max began the conversation. "I was spending all night guessing your name and...".

"And what?". Liz said in anticipation, overwhelmed that someone like Max would spend all night guessing her name out of all the women he'd been with.

"I came up with four to be honest." Max smiled and reached for the maple syrup which surprisingly Liz found herself doing too and their hands brushed. They looked at each other. Max handed the bottle of maple syrup to her.

"Ladies first." He grinned, damn he was fuking hot when he smiled Liz thought. Then a thought crossed her mind, maybe that's the same grin he gives to women before bedding them and her smile quickly dissapeared as she poured the maple syrup over her pancakes.

"So what did you come up with?". Liz asked, handing the bottle back to him. Thank god no such red head was intterupting this conversations.

"First, I guessed Lenei, then Leonna, then the last was Liv or.." Max was cut off by Liz who saw a red head walk in their direction.

"Let's go back to the table." Liz said and took hold of Max's hand, leading him back to the table.

Max was surprised by Liz's hastiness but politely went over to her side and helped her into her seat like a gentleman should.

Liz was secretly thinking he was trying to get brownie points he could sleep with her or something. "Thank you."

He went back and sat down in his chair. "So where were we?".

"The part about guessing my name?". Liz reminded him, pressing her lips together. "I'm really flattered you'd spend all night guessing my name." Liz pressed a hand to her chest and battered her eyelids, just as she practised with Maria.

"Liz." He said, continuing. "That was the last name but obviously you might have something like Lorraine or Lana.." .

Liz was surprised and shocked. This was just a little like her dream. "Wait..did you just say Liz?".

"Yeah I did." Max was about to babble until he realised he had just guessed her name. "Your name is Liz isn't it?".

Liz lowered her eyes in embaressment, she'd never guess that Max Evans would be right in guessing her name. Her cheeks went pink and she was very shy. "Oh my god, is my name that common?".

Not intending to insult her, Max protested. "Oh no, no, I didn't mean it that way. I'm just saying you look so classy and posh that you surely must have a posh name." Then Max realised he was stereo-typing and stopped babbling again. "Liz is a beautiful name and goes perfectly with a beautiful girl like you."

"Are you gunna keep paying me with so many compliment or can I actually let me tell you a bit more about me?". Liz joked, meeting his amber eyes. Gosh, they were so amazing..

"Infact I was wondering the same thing. Me and my mouth." Max chuckled. "So let's start from here Liz, where are you from?".

"Well, I've just arrived here from spending the last ten years of my life in Spain." Liz made up, remembering her dream. Well, she hoped he didn't ask that she was a virgin. That was uncomfortable coming from a guy who she didn't know that well.

"Wow, so you must now some spanish". Max said as they both tucked into their breakfast.

"Umm yeah but I sound like an amatuer. I'm not that good at spanish." Liz said with honesty, the last thing she wanted to do was make a fool out of herself, chanting some words in spanish which she didn't know the meaning off. She didn't want to say something wrong.

"What about your parents?" Max asked. "My parents are rich, well you know both of them work in the hollywood industry. So let's just say they're into films." Max said, he didn't disclose too much on the first date.

"My parents, they're both into the army. My dad is in the army and my mom, well she works as a nurse in the army. That's how they both met." Liz lied again, without batting an eyelid.

"That's cool." Max said, biting into his crossaint. "I have no idea how my parents met, seriously. They never tell me. I'm twenty six and they've never told me anything."

"Why's that?". Liz asked with curiousity.

Max shrugged. "I dunno." He chuckled.

"Well...I'm the only daughter in my family just to let you know. It's nice having stories about my parents even if they're not around me most of the time." Liz made up again.

"So you've been..." Max was surprised and felt bad for Liz.

"Growing up with nannies and going to boarding school. Most of my life, I've been locked away from the world."

Max totally brought her sob story. "Oh I'm so sorry."

"Don't be." Liz gave him a cheeky grin. It was working. The sympathy story always had to work with guys even if they thought with their dicks. "Atleast I got to meet you. Maybe you could show me around here."

A part of Liz's lie had some truth in it. Her parents were busy most of the time and she had no siblings to have some family time with. Her friends made up for that. She and her parents moved everywhere. Her father was in Wyoming at the moment and her mother was staying in Chicago for a couple of days.

"I'd love to." Max's words brough her out of her trance.


And the two finished eating their breakfast and paid. Max helped Liz up and both left the scene. He walked her to the door and Liz felt Deja Vu all over again. "So...I must thank you for a wonderful breakfast." Max thanked her. He really enjoyed breakfast with her today. He was hoping to see more of her.

"Me too. Thanks for the lovely morning. It was nice talking to you." Liz faced him.

Max reached in his breast pocket and pulled out his card before giving it to her. "That's my number, if you ever want to meet up.. just call me."

Liz took the card. "Sure. Of course."

"I'll see you soon?". Max said, with hope. "You'll call me right?".

Liz nodded. "I'll call you." She said, slowely stepping away from him and waving. "Bye."

"See you." Max waved back and watched her walk out the doors and away from him again. There was something about this girl..he could see himself in her which attracted him. The innocence and the shyness, reminded him of his past self.

Maybe, she was the one who could help him?
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) Ch 6 p. 4 6/30/08

Post by Hunter »

A/N: Thanks everyone for the lovely fb! I just had a very busy night last night, my feet are killing with all the dancing in the prom, I needed a big fat sleep so I could update on this fic.

Thanks to..

RonaldoC- Thanks for the pep talk, ur a star. :wink:
jake17- I'm glad you enjoy my stories and hope you enjoy more to come. I reali like ur fb, very nice positive comments. :D

and many others out there, thanks for reading my fic and hope you enjoy it.

Chp 6

Two days later..
The phone call...

Liz turned the tap off and slide open the door to retrieve her towel. She used the torwel to dry her hair of any excess water before wiping her wet body and then wrapping it around her body. She stepped out of the steamy shower and walked out of the bathroom, just about to go into her bedroom until Maria same charging at her with a phone in her hand and Max's number card in the other hand.

"Liz..I've dialed the number. Talk to him." She urged, thrusting the phone into Liz's hands who was taken aback. She just stepped out of the shower needing to get changed and this Maria wanted her to talk to Max Evans while she only had a towel on.

"Maria what the hell?". Liz hissed. "I ain't even changed."

"Shit Liz. Talk to him." Maria hissed back, shoving the phone near Liz's ear and at that moment, Max picked up.

"Hello?". Max's Evans voice from the other line caught Liz's attention.

"Umm hi Max, it's me. Liz." Liz mumbled as Maria dragged her to the living room. Liz didn't have time for this now. She could catch flu if she didn't change quickly. It was January as well, not a very warm month.

"Hey Liz, how are you?". Liz could practically feel Max's grin from the other side of the phone. Maria sat Liz on the sofa before sitting oppisite her, excited to see how this conversation goes. Liz didn't give much details about their little talk in tiffany's.

"I'm okay thanks, what about you?". Liz replied and at that moment Maria decided to grab a writing pad and a black marker pen that was just sitting on the coffee table. She flipped through the pages and began scribbling something down much to Liz's surprise.

"Oh..I'm good..just a little busy with work." Max answered. "I was wondering if you're up for coming to my latest movie premiere."

Liz was trying to work out what Maria was writing. "Sure thing Max, I'd be delighted."

"Great, I'll pick you up. It's a week from now and this is a perfect opportunity for you to meet my friends."

"Yeah." Liz said and gasped aloud when Maria turned the writing pad towards Liz, showing her what she had written down. Max had heard Liz's gasp and became worried.

"Is everything okay Liz?". He asked.

Liz couldn't beleive the nerve of that Maria. Such a cheeky one she was. Maria had scribbled down 'Ask Max what underwear you should wear since you're having trouble deciding which one. You closet is like a Victoria's Secret collection'. Liz never discussed her underwear with guys other then her two closets friends, Kyle and Alex who weren't like other guys since they were like family. Still she didn't directly ever bring the topic up about lingerie and thongs to them. It was embaressing. This Maria would not stop until Liz was tortued to absolute embaressment.

"Umm yeah." Liz said and gave a death glare at Maria before putting a finger across her neck indicating she was going to kill Maria for this. The two girls started to argue in whispers over the coffee table.

"Liz do it!". Maria hissed.

"Hell no Maria!". Liz hissed back, putting her hand on the speaker's mouthpiece so Max couldn't hear their little arguement.

"Anyway, I don't suppose you're up for a walk in central park then?". Max asked. Chicago's finest park was central park, it was one of it's main tourist attractions and he would like it if he and Liz could spend some time there.

"Okay what time?". Liz asked, trying so hard to ignore Maria who just wouldn't give up.

"In an hour?". Max suggested.

"That's okay. I'll be there." Liz said and got up, running into her room. Maria followed. Liz opened the closet and then began. "Umm Max, I'm having a little trouble.."

"With what?". He asked polietely. "Could I help?".

"Yeah you see..." Liz said, shooting a glance at Maria who entered the room. "I own like a victoria's secret in one side of my closet. Seriously theres so much lingerie here and I can't seem to...can't seem to decide which one to wear for today. I just stepped out of the shower and I really need to put on some lingerie and clothes or I'd be cold." Liz breathed out. Never in her life had she been so humiliated. She knew Maria would hound her all year if she didn't comply to her. While Liz was the kind of girl to not disclose too much information and keep it cool, Maria was the total opposite. She knew how to press a guy's buttons and was very very cheeky. She was like a jalpeno on fire salsa sauce and Liz was like the cool creme fraiche in a craker snack dish.

Max gulped. She was talking about her underwear. He lay back on his bed. How was he going to survive this phone call without thinking about her underwear? "Um...I think any color would suit you fine."

"How about I'll give you a choice?". Liz recited the words of that writing pad which Maria showed her. "Satin blue? Silk dark brown, Red lace with a thong, Black french set with suspenders, pink cotton matching bra and panty set or the purple lace bra with french knickers?". Liz had to force these words out her mouth. She was too shy. Maria was loving every minute of this. Watching Liz's face go red with shame.


Then Max cleared his throat. He was seeing things in his head. Liz in her underwear. The strain in his pants was increasing. He had to make a choice quick. What would he like to see Liz in? "Satin blue." He said in a husky whisper, hoping the bulge in his pants would decrease. It was so painfull being turned on. Damn, any mention of Liz being in underwear would be the end of him. "You would look great in satin blue." He sqeezed his eyes shut and titled his head up, trying to command his erection to go away.

Liz looked at Maria. "Satin blue it is then. Thanks for your help Max." She said.

"No worries." He said in a strained voice.

"I'll see you one hour from now."

"Okay, see you then." Max said before both disconnected. Liz shot a glare at Maria.

"You so owe me Maria. That humiliation is gunna cost you." Liz pointed at Maria.

"Whatever it takes Liz. Whatever it takes." Maria smirked taking the phone. "Lover boy wants to see you in satin blue." She teased. "Damn he's even picturing you in that underwear!".

"Yeah sure." Liz rolled her eyes.

"Liz that was the first choise, guys usually go for the last." Maria stated as a matter of fact. "Max chose the first which meant he was listening carefully!". Maria sqeaked, jumping up and down. "Way to go girl!, you have his attention now." She said before making an exit from the room.

Liz watched her leave as she quietly too her clothes out. Did she really have Max Evans' attention? Was the rich player interested in her now?
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) Ch 7 p. 4 7/3/08

Post by Hunter »

Chp 7

At the central park..
Getting to know each other more

"Thanks Max." Liz smiled as Max handed her a meat free hotdog. Liz wasn't a vegeterian but she didn't like the taste of bacon, pork and anything related to pigs.Max also brought the same as Liz, he was interested in her. She wasn't like the other girls who barely ate anything except for a leaf of lettuce and even then they felt they were obese when they were really deathly skinny. Liz was slim but she had curves and looked very healthy. There was a tinge of pink her her soft cheeks and her chocolote orbs possessed a happy glow in them unlike the girls he had been with who were so boney, looked like they were on drugs and were so pale that Max was afraid to touch them with one finger, fearing that they might crumble down. With Liz, he had never seen someone so laid back and relaxed. It eased the atmosphere between them and he felt relaxed and at ease which he hadn't been feeling so much before he met her.

He smiled back at her before they walked in the opposite direction of the hot dog vendor. Today was peacefull in the park which was reserved only for rich folks. There were security guards in place to keep away any obsessed fans and the paparazi was also restricted behind these lines.

"It's nice to spend some time away from all the havoc." Max began the conversation.

Liz smiled and looked down. "Hmmm, I can't really imagine.." She took a bit out of her hot dog which was decorated with ketchup and mayonaise. She hated mustad. Another fact Max found out about her today which wasn't made up. "With paparazi following you most of the time, it's probably difficult or impossible even to have a little me time." She stopped and faced him.

Max blushed. His boyish smile sent Liz off guard. He was cute Liz thought. "Okay, try to guess how much percentage of my time is busy with trying to deal with the crazy media?".

Liz raised her eyesbrows. " I'd say about seventy five percent of the time you're trying to dodge the bullets of the merciless paparazi?".

"Close." Max chuckled. "Very close. I would say I only have twenty percent of me time if I'm lucky enough and usually ten percent is what I'm given. Five percent with my family and friends and the other five percent by myself just recovering and sleeping."

Or fucking whores, a little voice in the back of Liz's mind told her. "You know, listening to you I actually might reconsider being famous. You see, my parents..they're rich but not famous. I'm rich but you know I'm not out there on the media. I actually wanted to experience it but..listening to you I feel a little scared I guess."

"No-no no." Max said. "Don't be scared on my account, I'm just giving you an insight of what my life is actually like being a celebrity. You may love it or..." Max stopped and Liz took over.

"Or hate it." Liz smiled. "Just like that yeast spread, marmite." They both laughed. Niether of them felt so good before, just talking and having a good conversation. Liz felt something vibrate in her bag. It was her phone.

Who was it now?

"Sorry." She said to Max as she unzipped her bag and took out her samsung cell phone. It was a text message. From Maria who wrote 'Don't get your knickers in a twist. LMAO'. Liz sighed and knew that naughty Maria would be upto her cheeky habits again. For a girl, she was extremely cheeky.

"Who is it?". Max casually asked.

"Ah, just Maria. My annoying best friend." Liz said and decided to send a message back. Using her fast fingers, she quickly texted, 'When I get bk, I will slap u silly.' And put her samsung away back in her back after sending that message. Liz zipped the bag up again. "Now where were we? Yeah about being famous and trying to get away from the media."

"Yeah." Max nodded. "So Liz, have you got any dreams for your future? Any ideas of what you want to do?".

"Currently I'm doing a degree on psychology in university. I'm really interested in becoming a psychologist or working in that field." Liz only told him a half truth. She was in university but studying law which was really hard. That's how she met Jesse Ramirez, the idiot who got her into this mess in the first place.

"Wow that's amazing..a psychologist..that's really good." Max said in wonder, atleast she wasn't one of those who flaunted their body around, dyed their hair beach blonde and complained about food. This Liz was making someone out of herself, she had drive and ambition. He loved those qualities in a girl. He longed to meet a girl like her. And he considered his wish granted when he met her. "How you finding that?". He asked.

"Right now it's hard. Really hard. But I'm sure hours of grovelling and working ma a-best.." Liz paused, refraining herself from using foul words in front of Max to retain her shy virgin girl image and then continued. "I'm sure it'll pay off."

"I'm sure it'll pay off too." Max agreed. "You seem like a nice hard working girl who deserves sucess."

"Why thank you Max." Liz smiled. "You know most of our conversations have me thanking you." Liz pointed out. "And we only met like three times."

"Very true." Max nodded and Max extended his arm for Liz to link hers with his. "Shall we?".

Liz linked her arm with his one before they started to walk again. "So Max..what kind of movies are you into?".

And they used this time to ask and answer each others questions as they expored the depths of the central park of Chicago not knowing Liz's friends were hiding, taking snapshots of the couple as they were walking.

Jesse Ramirez smiled, this was going to be good when it hit the tabloids and held his camera tightly in his hands, aiming for Liz and Max before taking another photo.
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) Ch 8 & ch 9 p. 4 7/6/08

Post by Hunter »


begonia9508-Liz is lying because she thinks Max is a spoilt playboy who uses girls for his advantage and Max is keeping up the playboy image as a defence mechanism. That's all I can give away. 8)

veronica- Glad to know you loved the update :)

Lena7- looks are very deceiving lol, first impressions are always important but can mislead you. Yeah, that's why Liz is going to hurt Max by mistake because of her first impressions of him.

jake17- Wow! Ur on holiday! Hows the weather over there? It's on and off raining here. U lucky gal, I'm still stuck here bored senseless. Wow, glad to hear from u and hope that you're having a great wonderful time on ur vacation. Holidays are always an inspiration to me for writing stories. Trust me, that's where I get most of my ideas from..close encounters with (blush) holiday inspiration (if u get what I mean) :oops: . The underwear scene was something I'd be sooo embaressed if my bst m8 made me talk about it to a hot guy over the phone, Glad u loved it. Tell me how was ur holiday wen u get back. :D

sarammlover-Thanks, happy to know this story is getting interesting. Glad u enjoy the fic.

RonaldoC- Hunni, don't worry I'll keep updating, positive comments equals more updates :D

Ch 8

The coffee table drama
Alex's place...

It was raining like mad outside and the friends were sheltered in Alex's house. Looked like they were staying there for the night. Alex's parents were away on a business trip which meant he had a free house and invited all his friends over to stay on Maria's behest. Maria was a big fan of sleepovers and this was an opportunity to review over Liz's meetings with Max Evans.
They all huddled around the coffee table while Jesse and Lewis slapped the photo's of Liz and Max on the coffee table.

"What the hell is that?". Liz asked just about to drink her hot chocolate. She caught a glimpse of herself with Max in these photos.

"That my friend, will be the record breaking news ever. Max Evans, Chicago's most beloved millionaire playboy falls in love." Lewis announced. "Damn I can picture the big bold black letters on every newspaper in this city. This story will sell more faster then light travelling."

"No-No, that's not happening." Liz protested. "It's only been three times we met and already you're planning on announcing it to the world?".

"Liz honey, we don't want Max to think you're sleeping material now." Maria tried to reason.

"Shit guys, what the hell is this? This is stupid. I haven't had time to get to know him a bit more. I need to know Max Evans properly before we jump to things like this." Liz pointed at the photo's. "We can't be sure he's in love with me yet because for a story to be printed out, you need facts. Baseless gossips will only end up on the back page of the inquisitor."

"She's right." Yvonne said, agreeing with Liz. "Love takes time."

"So you don't beleive love at first sight?". Kyle asked Yvonne, he always had a thing for Yvonne ever since they met three years ago. He would harmlessly flirt with her but they never hooked up yet. Kyle never knew if she liked him back.

"No. I don't." Yvonne told him. "Love isn't a plaything and takes time to develop. It's really important."

"Which is why, I'm seriously considering to back out of this thing." Liz said. "I feel so bad playing with him in such a way that makes me feel low."

"Max Evans has been ruining so many lives not only of girls who he slept with but guys too. How do you think guys feel when their girlfriends or wives walk through that door and tell them it's over because they prefer one night stands with that playboy Max Evans and how do you think these girls feel when Max Evans uses them for their bodies like they're sex on legs." Maria argued.

"They are sex on legs." Lewis said causing everyone to look at him. "What?". He asked while their eyes fell on him.

Mutters of disgust and dissproval were sent at Lewis' way before they re approached the topic of Max Evans again. "Listen, all I'm saying is that we shouldn't mess this up." Liz said. "We should take it slow and like Jesse said, a year will be sufficient although I don't have any idea how I will spend a year with Max Evans trying to make him fall in love with me."

"But you guys looked so comfortable linking arms together in central park while I was taking pictures of you guys." Jesse said.

"What?!". Liz's eyes widened. "That was you?". She grabbed a cushion from behind her and threw it at Jesse. "I should have known you would be an idiot!".

The cushion hit Jesse on the face who was a little to late to dodge the cushion and he cracked up. "Well I had to do something."

"Yeah, how about kissing my ass!?." Liz threw back. "Listen to me.." Liz said, taking those pictures. "I'm keeping these pictures and no one and I mean nobody, publishes these pictures or anymore taken snapshots of me and Max together wihout my permission. This is my mission, my dare so nobody intervenes unless I tell them too, is that understood?". Liz demanded hating the idea of them sneaking up on her and trying to take control of her misson which she should only be in charge off. She was doing the hard work. Not them.

"Understood." They all bowed their heads in agreement.

"Good." Liz said, putting the pictures together in her hand. For now, she would have to hide them.


Chp 9

Whispers in the night
And a Pillow fight...

The rain hadn't died out yet by past midnight, it was howling with rain shattering against the surface. The rain drops hit the roof and formed a beat, beating and drumming followed by an unexpected thunder which caused Liz to jump up in fright. She hated thunder. As a child she had always been afraid of thunder, the noise of it was disturbing and always caught her off guard.
Even now, she still hadn't got over that childhood fear. She lay still in the king sized bed which she was sharing with Maria and Yvonne in one of Alex's guest rooms. Maria was in the middle and Yvonne was sleeping on Maria's right side which meant that Liz was on Maria's left.
In the dark, she could make out silhouettes of each object of the room. The moonlight did a good job in painting a beautiful late night canvas of this room, even in the rain. The window was stained with raindrops and Liz noticed the curtain was slightly drawn back. Not that she had obsessive compulsory disorder, Liz couldn't sleep when the curtains were not closed properly. It was another childhood things. And what was even more worse, there was a tree right next to the window.

She got up and closed the curtain before silently crawling back into the bed again. A voice startled her just before she shut her eyes.
"Hey Liz." Maria whispered. Maria also awoke by the sound of the thunder.

Liz turned to see Maria's face and could make out only half of it as the other half was buried in the pillow. "Hey Maria, thought you were sleeping?".

"The thunder woke me up." She whispered back.

"Oh. Yeah me too." Liz said.

Then Maria pondered over one thought which was eating away at her. "Liz..?".


"How do you feel when you're with Max Evans?".

Liz grinned, she knew that question had to come out from Maria's mouth anytime soon. "Well..I try to hide most of myself and to be honest, I feel shy. It's not like I'm with someone who doesn't know how to handle girls."

"It's just that so many girls say they feel...I dunno..over the moon when they're with him?".

"I haven't known him long enough to feel like that with him." Liz confessed. "Although he has a nice ass." Liz said in a cheeky whisper and silently giggled with Maria.

The two girls giggled and tried hard not to wake Yvonne up who stirred in her sleep. "Shit Liz."

"Shit Maria." Liz whispered before they started to giggle again but quieter then before and clasped their hands on their mouths to stop the noise waking Yvonne up. "He asked me to accompany him to his movie premiere you know."

"He did?". Maria wondered what Liz and Max were talking about on the phone that day, Liz wouldn't tell Maria anything afterwards only to keep her from suggesting anything naughty but Liz felt like telling Maria now in the dead of the night.

"Yes. So I get to meet his friends." Liz said. "But I'm scared, what if they don't like me?".

"Liz, this isn't meet the parents you know." Maria told her, trying to make her feel better.

"I know." Liz sighed. "I just..get worried, while I'm playing Max off...can I also deceive his friends too?".

"Why not?, cause you can chica. You have charms and you know..well charms." Maria muttered.

"You're funny." Liz smiled. She had been dying to talk about Max with Maria but had to find the right moment, she didn't want the rest of the gang to tease her or try to take control.

"Liz trust me you can-" Maria began but was cut off by a loud roaring thunder which made all of them jump.

"For fuck's sake." Yvonne cried out, annoyed with the weather. "Fukin rain, fukin thunder." She mumbled in her sleep.

The two girls looked over at Yvonne who was on the brink of almost waking up when all of a sudden the door swung open and the lights were switched on. The guys barged in and Jesse was at the front. "PILLOW FIGHT!". He hollered before they ran towards the girls on the bed.

For Jesse Ramirez this was a perfect opportunity to retrieve those photos...
Last edited by Hunter on Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:40 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Mi/Mar, Adult) Ch 10 p. 5 7/9/08

Post by Hunter »


keepsmiling7- I can't wait to write the more to come lol. I tried to stay away but had to write the next part.

Natalie36- The women Max has been with are bitches. Selfish and they only taint his image more. Yes, Max is a virgin but for now.

jake17- Aww, sounds like you had so much fun there! I heard that Maine speasilised (can't spell it :oops: ) in seafood like lobsters, crabs and crayfish..sounds really posh. U like that kind of food? I've never tried squid, scallops,crabs or crayfish. U tasted them? How does it taste like? Atleast the weater is nice n hot over there, here in the UK it's just raining. I wish I was on holiday. :lol: Aww is my story so good? omg, to be honest when I first came here..I thought my stories would not be that good at my friends urge me to write something for them lol. And you're not wrong, no not at all. Max is this sweet innocent guy, trust me I'm crazy over that kind of Max. Yeah, he has to pretend to be a playboy because of some conflict in his life (which would be later revealed).

Michelle in Yonkers- I guess the funniest feedbacker is true. Lol. Yes, you're right about Liz softening on Max because she wants to beleive that he's not a playboy. She's a logical person who needs facts and logic and strong evidence and she's not stupid to beleive everything the media says because she knows they tend to exaggerate sometimes. But she isn't perfect, she has her flaws like everyone else. Which is why she ends up in trouble. And whereas the children of wealth is concerned, most of them are stuck up but they would do anything for each other. But no ones perfect.

RonaldoC- Ronnie!, so happy to hear from u. Oh u are gunna be so surprised to see Max's reaction when he eventually finds out about Liz. And the time it happens as well. Trust me on that.

sarammlover- Jesse is peristant. He's annoying stubborn but everyone has their reasons. But you'll find out why he's doing this later in the story.

Here's the next part, enjoy!!

Chp 10

Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Advising Max about women..

The next morning, Max got up at nine and went to refresh himself in the washroom. When he opened the door, he was surprised to see bits of clothes on a trail in the hallway. Micheal's trousers and belt was lying on the floor followed by a pair of huge high stilletoes, scarlett red lingerie with a huge double FF bra staring back at Max at is was hanging on the door handle of the bathroom. Max grimaced. He should have known Micheal would have gone drunk and brought a slut home. His own best friend did all the sex and Max got the labelling. He hoped they hadn't done in it in his perfect spotless bathroom. Carefully, he stepped over the clothes and avoided them like obstacles until he reached the bathroom.

Flicking the bra off the handle like it was something dirty, Max remained silent and carefull before reaching out to open the door. Quickly he opened the door, ready for a fight and flight response but much to his releif, no one was in the bathroom. Max sighed and entered the bathroom.

Walking up to the basin, he turned the tap on and cupped some water before leaning over the basin and throwing it on his face. That always refreshed him. After he completed his morning ritual of brushing his teeth and taking a shower, Max wrapped the towel around himself and proceeded to exit the bathroom, until Micheal was standing there just about to knock with some blonde who had red streaks in her hair which matched the lingerie which was on the floor.

"Micheal..what's going on?". Max asks.

"She wanted to use the toilet". Micheal shrugged.

"Make sure she doesn't leave a mess." Max warned Micheal before heading out and back into his room. The woman with Micheal was staring at Max's towel clad ass and smirked. He had a nice ass. Max quickly walked into the room and locked the door. Micheal looked at Stella, the woman who'd been his accomplice in having hot sex last night.

"There you go. After you're done, pick up your clothes and get gone okay?". He told Stella. She was just a one night stand, just like the other girls. She wasn't something special. Her breasts were so big that Micheal almost chocked on sucking them and she was just dull like the other whores he'd been with. Just the same old dish everyday. She strutted in with the sheet wrapped around her body and closed the bathroom door.

Micheal left and waited till Max was clothed. Max opened the door and wore a grey t shirt with black jeans. "I need to talk to you." Micheal said.

"Sit down." Max said and shut the door. Micheal sat on his bed. "So what is it that you want to say?". Max said, not that he had a problem with Micheal sleeping with a lot of women but he did mind when they 'christened' the rooms of his penthouse suite. This wasn't a brothel or a whore house, it was his home. The place where he can unwind and relax from the havoc of his career. Micheal knew what Max was hinting.

"Just because I'm a sex addict Max." Micheal shrugged. "So what. I need sex."

"I'm not comfortable with you having sex with numerous amount pickup girls from the side street club all over my home. You got a room, use it."

"Atleast we don't fuck in your room. We left it for the one so when you decide to have that special moment with your soulmate, you both can make love.." Micheal sniggered. "Right here, just call this the virgin room. Only for you and your soulmate."

"Very funny." Max sniggered in sarcasm as he folded his arms and leaned against the window frame.

"What's happening with that Liz chick?". Micheal asked, wondering how things were going between Liz and Max. He hadn't met Liz but by Max's description he had a pretty good image off her, the shy virgin girl who was just made for Max by the heavenly creatures. Max couldn't have got a better match then Liz. They were just made for each other.

"She's actually very sweet and we have a great time together. You know, getting to know Liz during the past few days have been amazing. She's..I can't describe. Exactly what I want in a woman. You know..tender, sweet, kind and she has a great sense of humor. And not to mention she's not like them other girls who try to get into your boxers. I'm surprised she hasn't made that kind of move yet."

"Aww, isn't that sweet." Micheal cooed, almost about to laugh. Max was in his dream world. "Prince Charming has found his sweet ickle pwincess." He imitated a five year old child to piss Max off. It was funny teasing Max about the fairytale romance which Micheal didn't beleive in. For years he had been looking for the one and hadn't found her so resorted to one night stands. To Micheal, love was just make beleif. Just a thought to protect one from distress.

"Shut up Micheal." Max snapped and frowned. "This is serious. I like being with her. I trust her."

"Do you want her?". Micheal said darkly, indicating a sexual meaning to his words.

"You're sick man." Max told Micheal. "You know I'm not like that." He sighed.

"The whole world thinks so." Micheal said in a low voice, aware of Stella outside. "Is that bitch gone yet?". He quickly asked and got up to check. Stella was still in the bathroom and at the same time opened it. She picked up her underwear and the skimpy outfit on the floor. Micheal handed her the stilletoes. "Get changed quick." He growled.

This one was taking a lot of time. Stella quickly got changed behind the door and then said to Micheal. "Great night." She purred. Micheal was good in bed, he was wild and Stella liked that but she wanted to taste that hottie Max Evans. All the other girls would brag and say how hot he was in bed, Stella wanted her fair share of Max Evans and was hoping to get some but didn't. She'd have to go back and make shit up that she had been with Max Evans all night instead of Micheal.

"Bye." Micheal said and moved aside so she could leave the penthouse. He quickly shut the door behind her and locked it then picked his discarded clothes up and entered his room, throwing them on the bed. He'd sort them later. Right now he had to get back to Max Evans.

"Evans...let me give you the bedknobs and broomsticks 101." He said and sat back on the bed again. Max was already still near the window.

"What's bedknobs and broomsticks? Isn't that a kid's film?". He asked, these days everyone who thought X rated would use words connected with children like lollipop to mean something dirty. Max was so shocked when a slut approached him to ask him if she could lick his lollipop to which he assumed she wanted him to go the candy store across the town and have one but then why would she ask him for something like that. Lollipops were only five cents. Then Micheal told him what it meant. Max had never been so embaressed in his whole life.

"Bedknobs..well in our world, they mean the knobs on your bed. Basically a notch on your belt. Who you've bedded." Micheal explained. "And is not that...broomsticks is cleaning up the mess of the one night stands. Like brooming the bitch off fast."

"What the hell has this got to do with me?". Max asked, still not quite getting the picture.

"You bed a woman and brush her off fast." Micheal said. "Don't let her be hanging around or she's gunna become a golddigger. Say if Liz wanted know bed you and you guys did it...then you need to forget her the next day otherwise she's gunna use you for her advantage and the next thing you'll know is you're a used up product and ending up in the trash."

"Liz isn't like that." Max protested tightly. "And no, I'm not going to treat her like dirt." He said stubbornly. "You may bedknobs your girls and broomstick them off fast but I'm am not doing that to Liz at all. Ever." Max said in a serious tone. "Don't you ever think it either. "He warned.

"Max..I'm not saying Liz is a whore..all I'm saying..if this does happen...if she only wants a good fuck then you gotta use the bedknobs and broomstick method before it's too late. Love can kill. Trust me. Women are like glass, they're fragile but can cut you if you break them."

"So I don't supposed brushing them off with a broomstick is gunna break them and cut you in the process?". Max asked in sarcasm, trying to prove Micheal's theory wrong.

"That's why we have the broomstick. To sweep the broken glass away." Micheal corrected him making sure Max would understand.

"Oh..I can't hear anymore of this!." Max sighed, putting a hand to his forehead in frustration. He opposed Micheal's views on women. His mother taught him better then that and this was why Max treated women with respect. His mother was a big influence on his life. "I'm going to make me some breakfast." He said, quickly excusing himself.

Meanwhile outside the penthouse, Stella walked out the doors and made her way out. She wore a leather jacket over her see through short dress. Kyle and Alex were on their way back from shopping for food supplies from a food store nearby and were loading the bags in the back of Kyle's car until they caught a sight of the red streak haired blonde strutting outside where Max's penthouse suite was.

"Shit man..this dude's been fucking even after meeting Liz. What an ass." Kyle whispered to Alex.

"Let's get some proof to show Liz what a bastard Max is." Alex said, taking out his camera phone. "This will show Liz who she's really dealing with. Liz had been becoming soft on Max and they clearly saw that. They feared she might get her heart broken and as her best friends, they wanted to save her from the hearbreak before it was too late. They knew Liz was the kind of girl who wanted a fairytale romance and spending a lot of time with Max Evans might delude her into thinking he was the one and when that time arrives when she finds out that she was just another notch on his belt...she'd sink deeply into depression. Kyle and Alex wasn't going to let that happen to Liz.

"Right." Kyle said and shut the boot of the car and both guys walked upto the unsuspecting Stella. "Hey girl, you been with Max Evans all night?". Kyle asked and Alex decided to film their conversation in his phone.

Stella was wide eyed. This was her opportunity to get famous. Be one of Max Evans' playgirls. She ran her hand across her hair and tried to make herself look better for the camera if this was going to be on the internet and shared worldwide. "Yeah..Max Evans is soo good in bed. We have have three rounds of sex last night." She lied, enjoying the attention already. "He's so big.." She cooed causing both Kyle and Alex to gag.

"Urghh too graphic." Kyle made a distorted face and was about to be sick.

"He truly gives the best sex." Stella continued. "Max Evans is soo hot."

"What's your name?". Alex asked her so he could have extra proof.

"I'm Stella, I'm twenty four and I work as a dancer at some club." She introduced. "The side street."

"Thank you, that'll be all." Alex said, stopping the recording and saving it on his phone.

"Will that be on youtube?". Stella asked.

"That'll be on youtube and every website we can get out hands on." Kyle corrected. "Come on man. Let's go now." He said and jumped into his car. Alex shortly followed noticing papparazi head their way and circle viciously around Stella. They were always hanging around like vultures, Alex thought when he made his way in Kyle's car and Kyle drove off leaving Stella to deal with the media alone.

They couldn't wait to show Liz that little clip.