Cupid Strikes Hard (AU,M/L,Adult)chpt 12 8/25/08(COMPLETE)

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Cupid Strikes Hard (AU,M/L,Adult)chpt 12 8/25/08(COMPLETE)

Post by jake17 »


Runner-up for funniest fanfic

Title: Cupid Strikes Hard
Author: jake17
Disclaimer: I own nothing Roswell just my silly little fantasies of Jason
Rating: Adult
Pairings: M/L
Summary: Cupid helps out our favorite couple as an innocent blind date turns out to be a night they will never forget…
Authors note: The song "stupid cupid" was sent to me from Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00. Thank you so much sweetie, it's fits this story so perfectly!

I just want to send a huge thank you to Jo, (max and liz believer) for this BEAUTIFUL banner !!! You have just made me so happy, you have no idea ! Many hugs and kisses to you !! :D
Love Carrie :D :D

Chapter 1.

Stupid Cupid you're a real mean guy
I'd like to clip your wings so you can't fly
I'm in love and it's a crying shame
And I know that you're the one to blame
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid Cupid stop picking on me

I can't do my homework and I can't think straight
I meet her every morning 'bout half past eight
I'm acting like a lovesick fool
You've even got me carrying your books to school
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid Cupid stop picking on me

You mixed me up for good right from the very start
Hey now, go play Robin Hood with somebody else's heart
You got me jumping like a crazy clown
And I don't feature what you're putting down
Well since I kissed her loving lips of wine
The thing that bothers me is that I like it fine
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid Cupid stop picking on me

You got me jumping like a crazy clown
And I don't feature what you're putting down
Well since I kissed his loving lips of wine
The thing that bothers me is that I like it fine
Hey hey, set me free

Stupid Cupid stop picking on me
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid Cupid stop picking on me

“This is insane …a blind date on Valentines Day…no Maria I can’t go through with this”

“It’s not insane and yes you are going through with this ….you cannot stand someone up on Valentines Day …that is just too cruel”

Maria huffed as she looked through Liz’s closet for something decent to wear.

“This is it… definitely …you have to wear this”

“Are you out of your mind …I don’t even know the guy …he’ll think I’m a slut!”

Maria eyed the red slip of a dress and rolled her eyes.

“No he’ll think you’re a girl Liz … which is a good thing”

Liz gave Maria the death look not appreciating her sarcastic comment.

“No this is a bad bad idea …we’re going to be surrounded by lovie dovey couples all night that are going to be all over each other…oh my god why did I agree to this!”

“Because you haven’t had sex in six months and your imaginary relationship with that actor Justin is starting to get a little creepy.”

“It’s Jason Maria and my relationship with him is not creepy…it’s a beautiful magical thing”

Maria knew she had temporarily lost her friend as she watched her drool over the shirtless picture of Jason.

“God Maria isn’t he just amazing”

Maria sighed as she pulled the sexy picture out of her friends hand and tried to talk some sense into her.

“Yes amazing but he’s not coming tonight Liz … Max is …so lets put the pictures of Justin –


“Sorry …lets put the pictures of Jason away and get your butt in the shower and don’t forget to shave those legs!”

“Oh yeah Maria like that’s even going to be an issue …I’ll be back here by nine the latest watching my dvds of –

“God Liz please don’t say it again –

“Fine …but I’m telling you I’ll be back here watching my dvds of you know what with you know who and buried in a pint of cookies and cream in my comfy clothes …it’s a given Maria.”

“Why do you insist on being so negative …this could work out …you never know”

“Yeah and Jason’s going to walk through that door and pledge his undying love for me too…

“Look there is a good possibility that you may actually have a good time tonight…Angie set you up …she is so great she would never steer you wrong.”

“I know she is awesome …and if this Max is her best friend he’s got to be a nice guy …she's like the sweetest girl I ever met …but these things just never work out Maria…and why did it have to be on damn Valentines Day aren’t we under enough pressure.”

“Angie said it was the only night he had off …you never know maybe cupid will be on your side tonight”

Liz gave the death look again and pointed to the door …”Out Maria”

“Ok but your going to wear the red dress right?”

“Go Maria!”

“Fine but if you dress like a librarian again cupid is not going to be happy!”

Liz sighed as she heard Maria laughing down the hall of her apartment building.

“Yeah right like there’s going to be a winged cherub flying around my head tonight.”

Liz looked up at the sky and shook her head.

“Hey cupid if you’re listening …I prefer tall dark and handsome with soft sensual amber eyes and a body that …

Liz’s voice was soon muffled by the sound of the pulsating water of her shower.

She was completely oblivious to the small angelic fluttering figure that had been watching her closely through her window.


“Ang are you sure about this?”

Max stood in front of her mirror buttoning up his dark blue shirt feeling very unsure about this night. They had both just gotten off day shift at the hospital where they worked as first year med students. Her apartment was close to the hospital so Max would often stay over on her couch. They had been best friends since high school and all through college.

“Max you need a life besides the hospital …besides wasn’t you who set me up with Tom… I owe you”

“I know but a blind date Ang …it’s going to be so uncomfortable”

“No it’s going to be perfect …Liz is a great girl …she’s funny and –

“Smart and beautiful …I know Ang you’ve told me a million times …I’m just so beat … I’m not sure if tonight is the right night for this.”

Angie narrowed her eyes at Max “Tonight is the perfect night …it’s Valentines Day …you’ll have cupid on your side …romance is in the air …besides maybe you’ll get to resurrect that so called sex life of yours”

“It’s our first date Ang …unless cupid knows something I don’t …I see me home by nine getting some much needed sleep.”

“Why do you have to be so negative …here take these and go …you’re going to be late.”

Angie handed him a half dozen white roses that she knew were Liz’s favorite.

Max put his hands through his hair and nervously looked at her.

“Ok this is as good as it’s going to get do I look?”

“Max if I wasn’t engaged I'd attack you myself go!”

Angie laughed as she heard him talking to himself down her apartment hallway.

“Sure you couldn’t have told me that before I set you up with Tom”

“Good Luck Max …remember our code”

”I know I have my cell …I’m tired if it’s going bad and I feel fine if it’s going good”

Angie shook her head as she looked to the sky.

“Ok cupid he’s in your hands now”

She was completely oblivious to the shadows of the angelic creature as he rolled his fingers over the pointy end of his arrow.


Max stood outside her door staring at the peephole petrified to ring the bell.

‘Well I guess I can't stand out here forever …god I hate this …Angie why did you make me do this!’

Liz was running around her apartment with one shoe on and her curling iron still stuck in her hair when she heard the doorbell.

'Oh my god ...he’s early!’

She hopped around her apartment trying to put her other heel on as she pulled her tangled hair out of the curling iron. She stopped just in time to see herself in her full length mirror. Liz stood shaking in a panick as she eyed herself in her very skimpy red dress.

‘Oh why do I always listen to you Maria …hold on Max your dirty little whore is coming’

Liz was talking under her breath as she fluffed out her hair silently wishing she had dressed more conservatively.

‘Well here goes nothing’

Just as Liz pulled open the door a loud snap echoed throughout the room.

“Ouch! …what the -

“Hi you must be Max…I’m Liz”

“Wow…I-I mean hi”

All at once Max was struck by a feeling of undeniable desire and passion …his heart pounded wildly while his body burned with a need to discover what was beneath that fiery red dress and those soulful brown eyes.

“It’s nice to meet me...I-I mean you…It’s nice to meet you Liz”

Max tried hard to get a hold of himself as he handed the roses over to her.
He wondered quietly if the air would ever return to his lungs.

As Liz put the roses in a vase in the kitchen she couldn’t help but smile as she hid the picture of her imaginary boyfriend in the utensil drawer.

‘Nice job cupid …my god they could be twins’

As they left the apartment to head off on their blind date they completely missed the arrow that was still shaking on the side of Liz’s door and the feathers that floated down all around them.

The small hint of a whisper could be heard in the cool February air.

“One down …one to go”
Last edited by jake17 on Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:54 pm, edited 33 times in total.
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Re: Cupid Strikes Hard (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 1 2/10/08

Post by jake17 »

ShatteredDreamer: OMG thank you so much.. so happy you like the way Maria and Liz are together! :D and thank you for wanting me to come back quickly! :wink:
nitpick23: Ang is a great friend!! thanks so much for the great fb!! :D
dreamer19: oh there is no contest dreamer19 Im definitely more obsessed with jason...he's mine all mine! :wink: thanks so much for what you said about my writing it means so much to me really!! :D
confusedfool: thank you so much! lm so hoping you like the next part! :D
IheartMax: :lol: :lol: IM sooo happy you like this !! I can't think of a better best friend for Max to have! Really hope you enjoy the next part...something might sound familiar! :wink: :D
hazz: wow thank you so much for what you said!! im so happy you like my stories! I can't tell you how much I appreciate you letting me know!! hope you like this next part! :D
begonia9508: So happy you like the cupid character wasn't sure how everyone would respond to seeing you here eve..thanks so much! :D
Natalie36: whew! I feel so much better when I see you fb! thanks so much!! :D
angelina: hello!! so happy you like this!! love you being here!! thank you! :D
behrlyliz: So relieved you liked the premise ...was very unsure about it ! thanks so much for the very sweet fb!! :D
futuremrsmcdreamy: thank you so much ...hope so much you like the next part! :D
Roswell 10/2/00: Wow thanks so've fb was so sweet!! I know its needs a banner I just wish I knew how to make one.. :( thank you for reading this so hope you like the next part! :D
martine: hello you! so happy to see you here! you are so sweet!!! thank you so much!! :D
cassie: thanks so much so happy you like my little valentines story.. :D
dreamsatnight: omg chelle don't think I haven't alread thought of starting a jasonholics support group ..would could talk about how constantly dreaming about him has greaty disturbed our lives and our relationships... :lol: I would be a proud member your right ..I don't care I'll shout it from the rooftops I love that man!! :wink: so happy you like this! coming from my favorite writer that means a lot! :D
DreamerM&L: Happy you like how I stuck my obsession with jason in here ...thanks so much for the sweet fb! :D
Allie Xie: Happy you liked that line!!! my dreams always seem to make it into my stories :lol: thanks so much for the sweet fb..and there will definitely be an update on valentines day you can count on it! :D
Blink1lit: thank you so much! hope you like the next part! :D

Chapter 2.

Max’s hands were shaking as he opened the car door for Liz. His eyes were fixed on the way her shiny raven hair flowed back and forth against her golden skin as she glided in front of him.

His heart stopped as she lifted her long dark eyelashes flirtatiously up at him and softly spoke.

“Thank you Max”

All he could manage was a goofy dazed grin.

He thought for sure her voice had been created by the heavens above. It was as if god himself had taken the sound of the most exquisite songbirds and placed it against her soft cherry lips.

He stared breathlessly as he watched her raise one bare slender leg gracefully into the car at a time. His eyes wandered from the silky tan supple skin of her inner thigh down to the black stiletto heels that Max couldn’t help picture being wrapped securely around his waist.

“Umm Max are you ok?”

Max was lost in his fantasy as he heard the rare exotic songbird speak again.


“I said are you ok…I’m in it’s ok to close the door now”

“Oh…right sorry”

Max managed an embarrassing shaky smile as he started to close her door.

Again Max heard that very strange snap noise but this time it was followed by a loud thump on the passengers door.

Max looked all around to find the source of the noise but found nothing but a tiny dent by the handle of the car door.

“Where the hell did that come from? He whispered as he ran his fingers over the small indentation.

Max sat down uncomfortably in the car trying hard to hide the evidence of his body’s reaction at picturing himself ravishing her up against the wall – the bed – the elevator …everywhere.

He had never had such an immediate reaction to any woman before and he knew at that moment he owed his life to his best friend Angie.

‘God I’ve got to call her …she’s got to know that it was love at first sight …that I’ve met the girl I’m going to marry someday.’

Finally he was successful at actually turning the key and starting the car.
As they drove away the very frustrated angel of love flew down to retrieve his now broken arrow.

The tiny creature floated above the ground with his hands on his hips and a furrowed brow.

Again a barely audible whisper soared through the crisp winter air.

“Missed! …not to worry the night is still young” a small chuckle could be heard along the swirling wind that blew through trees.

Max tried desperately to push away the very dirty thoughts he was having about all the different ways he could make his dream girl scream. After several minutes he spoke with a cracking voice of a thirteen year old boy that was going through puberty.

“Liz …I hope you like seafood …b-because if you don’t I know this great Italian place we could -

His knuckles turned white as he griped the steering wheel firmly focusing hard on those ruby wet lips that parted once more.

“Oh Max I just love seafood …especially oysters …I just love how they just slide down your throat…sooo good”

His mouth went dry and all control had left the building as his body hardened.

‘Oh my god …I’m not going to survive this night ‘

“Y-Yeah those are really great …we should order some tonight”

Max glanced out the window as he tried desperately to will his painfully hard arousal down.

Liz couldn’t help stealing glances at him every chance she could. She would try and be discreet waiting till he looked away. She couldn't believe that she was sitting next to an actual fantasy come true.

She smiled brightly at him as he pulled out her chair for her. They were seated at a very secluded table that was tucked away in a quiet corner of the restaurant.

As he sat down across from her she was completely struck by the fact that he had the same unusual honey colored eyes as her boyfriend…her pretend boyfriend. They almost seemed to glow seductively as the candlelight illuminated the very extraordinary shade.

‘How is this possible that there could be two of them on this earth …god what did I do to deserve this!’

She kept staring at his arms wondering if he possessed the unbelievable muscles that her Jason did. This was her favorite part of her imaginary boyfriend. She couldn’t help picturing those strong muscles flexing as he held his chiseled body over her as he slowly moved inside her.

She crossed her legs as she felt a sudden rush of moisture pour from between her thighs.



“Are you ok? …I was just asking you how you met Angie …you seemed to be deep in thought over something.”

“Oh umm no …I was just thinking about this big paper I have to write …I’m so sorry”

Liz took a big sip of her wine as she tried to regain her composure.

“I was just wondering how you know Angie …she never told me”

Liz tried frantically to regain function of her brain so she could talk to him.

“Oh we actually met at the library at UNM…I’m studying to be a microbiologist.”

“I didn’t know you went there”

“Well I was a few years behind you …Angie was so nice …I was a freshmen and was completely lost and feeling very homesick... she sat beside me and we starting talking … from that day on we haven’t missed a day chatting with each other… one way or another …we txt or email… she’s so busy with med school but somehow she finds the time for me …it’s like the strangest thing how we hit it off …like we have something in common that bonds us but I can’t quite put my finger on it…god listen to me I’m rambling on and on.”

“No you’re not rambling I’m interested really …I want to know everything about you Liz …and it’s no mystery to me why Ang wants to talk to you all the time.”


Liz looked down shyly as she stroked the stem of her wine glass completely blown away by how interested he seemed in her.

Liz was blushing profusely not only by his sweet words but by his incredible sultry voice that was coming from his unbelievable sexy mouth.

‘God he even sounds like Jason’

“So how do you know Angie” Liz quickly added as she felt her body responding to him in a way she was no longer able to disguise.

Max noticed it too… his eyes were locked on her hard peaks that had no where to hide given that there was no way she could wear a bra with the thin straps and plunging neck line of her very revealing dress.

Max quickly went for his wine that he guzzled down in one quick motion.

“I’m sorry what did you ask again me?”

He remember very well what she asked he was just trying to buy some much needed seconds to compose himself.

“Angie …how did you two meet”

Max smiled remembering how he met the girl that would become his best friend and confidant for life.

“We were both freshmen in high school …both new to Roswell …her family had moved from Philadelphia …and mine from Minnesota…we knew no one and were totally alone and terrified…I saw her sitting at one of the lunch tables in the café all alone she was struggling to get the lid off her juice …some of the bitchy cheerleaders were sitting near her making fun of her ..I’m sure just because she was new…anyway this one serious bitch …you know one of those girls who snap their gum and talk like they don’t have on brain cell left in their head…If I remember correctly her name was Mandee…

“Are talking about Mandee Stickland?”

“Yes…do you remember her?”

“Oh my god everyone knows Stickland ….she was the meanest girl in school…I think she actually ended up marrying that bully Devin …don’t worry I think she’s paying for all the misery she caused.”

“Wow I had no idea she married him…anyway she was really giving Ang a hard time …I felt bad for her so I went and sat next to her and put my arm around her and pretended I was her boyfriend ….they backed right off ...we bonded right then and there …it’s just like what happened with you we’ve never missed a day talking since …she’s just the greatest”

“Yeah she really is”

This made Max remember that he was supposed to call Ang to let her know how the date was going.

“Liz I’ll be right back …I’m supposed to check in at the hospital on a patient …it will just take a second “

“Oh sure …take your time … I’m going to freshen up I’ll be right back”

As soon as Liz was out of sight Max quickly called Angie.

“Well it’s about time …tell me how is it going?”

Max’s voice was shaking as he tried to search for the words to explain his unexpected feelings.

“Angie I think I’m in love…I – she –oh my god I don’t even know what to say …she’s everything you said and more…I just love everything about her …and beautiful doesn’t even begin to describe how incredibly stunning she is …I just …I don’t know Ang I’ve never felt like this before …I really think I’m falling in love with her”

“SHUT UP!!..No freaking way!”

“No Ang I’m dead serious …I’m going to marry this girl someday”

" MAX!! …are you freaking kidding me …you never talk like this!”

“I’ve never felt like this –

“Max? Max? are you there …oh damn I can’t hear you anymore “

“Wait hold on I’ll walk around don’t hang up”


Liz hurried to the bathroom and quickly flipped open her cell phone.


“Finally!.. I’m dying over here…I’m driving Michael crazy waiting for you to call…how is it going? …what does he look like? …where did he take you –

Liz was cracking up realizing she wasn’t going to get a word in edgewise.

“Maria Maria wait I only have a second”

“Well then spill girl!”

“Maria you are not going to believe this …he looks exactly like Jason …not only that he sounds like Jason and is a complete gentleman like Jason –

“Hold on hold on… back the truck up Liz….are you seriously trying to tell me that your blind date is identical to the fanatasy man you've been lusting over for all these years?"


"Maria what is it ...what's wrong?"

Michael couldn't help but inturrupt feeling just as anxious bout this night as Maria.

"She's all excited because he looks like you know who"

Michael just rolled his eyes flabbergasted that even her blind dates have a connection to this actor she loves so much.

"Liz please answer me much have you had to drink...because you know how you get ...after a few shots everyone starts to look like Jason."

"I've had one glass of wine and I am dead serious ...this is like a dream come true Maria ....I feel like I'm actually talking to Jason...oh my god I LOVE ANGIE!!"

"Just calm down and go back to the table before he starts to wonder where the hell you are...Liz please tell me you shaved those legs of yours"

"Yes Maria I shaved my legs but it's our first date ...I can't sleep with him this soon ... what will he think of me?"

"Fine Liz but please promise me one thing?"

"Sure what is it?"

"When you get finished fighting yourself and your ridiculous morals and say the hell with it and jump his bones please remember who you're there in bed with...please don't screw up and call him Jason instead of Max!"

"Very funny Maria ...look I have no intention of sleeping with him ...even if he does look like the sexiest man that ever walked the face of this earth ...I have willpower I can handle this"

“Maria? Maria?…oh damn I’m loosing you…wait are you laughing at me?... hold on I’ll walk around maybe if I go in the hall-

Just as Liz stepped out of the bathroom she heard a strange noise .... suddenly something hit her hard making her stumble into the arms of the person standing right in front of her.

“Ouch!…what the hell -

Max caught her just in time and immediately wrapped his strong arms around her petite body. She stood completely bewildered staring up at him only inches away from his parted soft lips. An uncontrollable shameless yearning rushed through Liz’s body as she silently begged for him to kiss her.

Silently they closed the gap between them as he ran his hand through her silky hair. Slowly he tilted her face further up towards his eager mouth.

They were entirely unaware of the saintly cherub as he hovered over them smiling. He winked at the two lovers as he blew the smoke off the tip of his sharp arrow.

"The sparks are definitely going to fly tonight!"
Last edited by jake17 on Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:10 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Cupid Strikes Hard (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 3 2/14/08

Post by jake17 »

begonia9508: Hi eve hmmm you are very right it seems as though they really didn't need cupid arrow..thanks so much for the great fb !! love you being here!! :D
cassie: so happy you like this..hope you like the turn the story takes !thanks for the fb! :D
Natalie36: LOVE YOUR FB! as always always make me smile! thanks :D
Ricekrispy: thanks so much for the sweet fb!! :D
behr_able: so appreciate the great fb thank you! :D
roswell3053: Yes cupid struck Max outside of Liz's apartment and Liz got struck outside the bathroom at the resturaunt and fell into Max's arms...thanks for the sweet fb! :D
angelina; love you here so happy you like this !! hope you are well!! :D
Roswell 10/2/00: thanks so much for the incredible sweet fb and your advice about the banner ..I posted a request so I guess we'll see what happens ..thank you very much for your help! :D
trulov: im soooo happy you love this !! thank you so much!! :D
IheartMax:well you are just too sweet to me ..I don't even know what to say..except thank you thank you for everything !!! you always make me smile! :D :D
Jessibelle47: Im so happy you like my little nod to this mushy holiday...hope you enjoy the next part! :D


Chapter 3.

They inched closer and closer completely ignorant to the fact that there were several senior angels watching over head from one of the stars of the brightly lit clear winter night. They sighed in frustration completely astounded that Charlie had once again screwed up his assignment.

A very self assured Charlie stood polishing his arrow tips looking at the two love birds as they closed in on their first kiss.

“Who is better then me …just look at those two …they’ll be married before the years through…the senior angels have no choice now …I’ll be President of small miracles in know time.”

Charlie took off towards the heavens as the love struck couple stood breathless in each others arms.

“Liz?” a soft whisper came from Max as he brushed up against her soft lips.


“Is this ok …I mean is it ok if I kiss you?” she was amazed at how he could sound so deliciously sensual and so gentlemanly sweet at the same time.

“Honestly Max ….I think if you don’t kiss me right now … I’ll just stop breathing.”

Max felt dizzy drunk he couldn’t believe this was really happening.

He kept looking at her large doe eyes then down to her crimson lips. He felt so much pressure so much need to make this a kiss she would never forget. Sure he had kissed girls but she was no girl she was an intelligent funny beautiful women.

He couldn’t resist her any longer as he parted her tender lips as in invitation to taste her.

With both hands gently holding her face he parted his lips and descended upon her. They both felt their senses heightened as they sunk into a slow steamy endless kiss. He couldn’t help himself as he gently caresses her tongue.

They were completely lost in each other forgetting where they were as they breathlessly deepened their kiss as it spun passionately out of control.

Without thought or reason he backed her up against the wall of the very small hallway at the restaurant knocking down a picture off the sea foam green wall.

Both their phones fell to the ground up against each other behind one of the fake potted plants.

“Max are you there?”

“Hello Liz is that you?”

“Oh no it’s not Liz …Maria is that you?”

“Yes it’s me …Angie”

“Maria what the hell is going on …where are they?”

“Shh hold on …do you hear that Ang?”

“Yeah “ suddenly laughter broke out of both ends of the phone as they realized what was going on. “Well I guess the date is working out huh Maria”

“Oh this is too funny call me tomorrow …I want to know everything”

“No way I have to let the nurses at work in on this they have been following Max's lovelife forever...come to the hospital ...we'll all meet in the cafe for coffee...Heidi, Trish, and Kathy are not going to believe this!"

"Ok Ang see you then"

The two of them continued to belly laugh well past the moment they ended their phone conversation.

Meanwhile back in Lustville:

Max’s hands had a mind of their own as they roamed from her face down to the small of her back to cup her bottom.

Liz let of a soft moan as she felt his hard arousal up against her burning core.

They ate at each other’s mouths shamelessly breathlessly completely out of control.

Max felt as if he was flying through the heavens oblivious to everyone and everything around him.

With all self restraint gone all that was left was the need to feel skin …her skin …immediately.

While one hand was busy pushing her butt up against his hardness the other was racked through her hair. He was quickly loosing control he had to have her as if he was a man possessed.

Gone was the shy librarian dressing live by the rules Liz Parker. She wanted him just as bad and was not ashamed at showing it either.

While his hands were occupied her hands were all over him.

Liz had to know ...she just had to find out if his looks weren't the only thing that resembled Jason.

She had a great burning desire to feel his tight stomach as she pulled his shirt from his dress pants and ran her tiny hands up his sculpted abs.

'Good God they are identical...except this in not a fantasy!'

Liz had no choice but to break the kiss and look directly into his golden sexy eyes.

“Your body is just…just –

“Excuse me Miss. But this is a public place and we do not condone sexual displays of affection…I’ll make this easy since you only had two glasses of wine consider it on the house …just please leave the premises now.”

Liz and Max pulled apart stunned by their both out of character behavior.

Once back in his car they were hoping that the cold February air would help to cool their desire for each other down. They were sadly mistaken.

As Max approached her apartment building he was having a very serious discussion with himself.

‘You like this girl …you want more than a fling with her Max…don’t blow this ..she special …she may be the one….she’s got the sexiest legs I’ve seen….and her breasts god if I could just have one taste of that lily white skin that is peeking out from the low cut of her dress.’

‘Liz get a hold of yourself …he’s going to think you really are a dirty little whore!'

‘Okay tell him the wine went straight to your head and that is why you practically mauled him in a public place….oh crap that makes no sense.'

As they approached Liz’s door they were both trying hard to get control over their overwhelming lust that was coursing through their veins.

As Liz opened her door they stood there both looking quite disheveled and flushed.

“Max I’m sorry for my behavior tonight …I swear I’ve never acted this way before….I have no idea what came over me”

Liz nervously paced her living room floor leaving the door wide open for Max to come in.

“Liz you have nothing to apologize for …here let me make us some tea and we can just sit and talk and get to know each other ….besides I believe I was mainly responsible for what ever happened back at the restaurant”

Unfortunately although their hearts were pure with good innocent intentions the powerful spell that cupid had placed on them was more then they could handle.

After a total of two seconds on the couch Max and Liz were once again in the throws of passion.

“Ouch!…was that really necessary Stanley!”

“Do you see them…can you see the disturbance you have caused down there?”

“It was an honest mistake …angels make them too …they seem to be happy ..I don’t see what the big problem is here.”

“What does your work order say Charlie…please humor me “

Charlie let out a big sigh as he read the names.

“Mac Stevens and Lisa Perkins

“And who did you strike down tonight?”

An exhausted Charlie dryly stated back to his boss.

“Max Evans and Liz Parker”

“Do you have any idea of the ramifications of afflicting a couple that were already set to fall in love and didn’t need the help of a heavenly angel."

“I know …I know the passion is completely out of control …it’s all they can think about it’s all they can do …they will just make love till they die of starvation or exhaustion what ever comes first.”

“Charlie you messed up big time …you need to get back down there pronto and fix this…here take these arrows …wait till morning then strike …make sure you get both of them or the spell will not be broken.”

“Ok I promise I'll fix this …you have my word “

“Good because if you fail Charlie you’ll be back in that crummy park getting used as a personal restroom for the residing pigeons.”

“I promise by noon tomorrow everything will be right as rain…you can count of me Stanley”
Last edited by jake17 on Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Cupid Strikes Hard (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 4 2/17/08

Post by jake17 »

begonia9508: hello eve sooo happy you like this thanks for the great fb!! :D
angelina: hello sweetie hope you like the next part...thanks for the sweet fb! :D
Natalie36: oh no they wont break up ..but they will be very confused! thanks so much for the fb! :D
IheartMax: hi you,,,thanks so much being here ...hope you like the jason references! :wink: :wink: :D
Ricekrispy: yes they are definitely meant to be together...thanks for the fb !! :D
roswell3053:thanks so much for your sweet fb! hope you like the next part!! :D
ShatterDreamer: thanks so much for your great fb..cupid has really got their heads spinning now! :D

Chapter 4.

“Wait …wait …what are we doing Max”

Liz breathlessly pulled back from his searing hot mouth.

He was like a man possessed he had been softly moaning against her lips as he caressed her tongue over and over again. One hand was buried in her long raven black hair and the other was desperately trying to make it’s way up her silky thigh under her blazing red dress.

“Oh god …I’m sorry Liz …I have no idea what’s come over me”

Max moved over to the corner of the couch and held his hand over his heart.

“My god Liz you’re going to give me a heart attack in that dress…and those heels …wow…you are seriously the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life.”

“God there I go again I sound like a sex maniac ….really I’m sorry Liz…I really want to get to know you….we should talk …yes talking is good …umm so are you originally from here?’

The entire time Max had been talking she was oblivious to every word. Instead she was concentrating on his incredibly sexy sultry voice…she was convinced that somehow Jason and Max were twins separated at birth. Really she didn’t care what he was saying as long as he keep moving those luscious full lips and sounding like her fantasy that made her melt everytime she heard him.

“I grew up in Roswell Max…is that enough talking?”

“Yeah I think that’s good”

Max pulled her onto his lap so she was straddling him as he pulled her dress up further so he could cup her bottom.

As she settled down on him her eyes widened feeling his very hard arousal against her aching heat.

“Oh god Max ….kiss me please”

Unexpectedly Max pulled the thin straps of her dress sliding them down her arms revealing her perfect breasts in his direct view.

Before she could even think how fast this was all moving Max took her hard peak in his mouth releasing a long moan from her parted lips.

Uncontrollably she began to grind against him.

Quickly he increased her speed with help from his hands that were pushing her ass back and forth driving him completely crazy.

Now it was his turn to push her off gently and place her on the couch.

“What are we doing …we hardly know eachother and I really like you Liz …I don’t want to ruin anything by going to fast”

It took everything in him to gently raise her straps back up to her shoulders …he wanted nothing more than to spend hours lavishing his mouth against her.

“Liz?’ he looked over at her again and he thought he would lose it right there. Her face was flushed and her hair was wild all around her face. She was breathing as if she had just run a marathon. ‘God look at me …what the hell did Maria do …I really am acting like his dirty little whore..Paker get a hold of yourself’

“Yes Max”

“Can I use your bathroom?’

“Oh sure It’s the last door down the hall to your right”


Max stared at himself in the vanity mirror.

He kept picturing his tongue flicking against her and the soft whimpering sounds she had been making. Before he knew it his head was against the mirror as he stroked himself imagining his head buried between her creamy thighs.

“Max? …are you ok “

“I’m find Liz ….be right out”

‘God Evans what the hell are you doing’

This was a first for Max almost getting caught masturbating in the bathroom on a blind date.

He turned on the faucet and splashed some cold water on his face hoping that would help to cool him off ..unfortunately he turned the faucet on too high and soaked his shirt making it stick tightly to his muscular chest and rippled abs.


He opened the door to find Liz standing in the hall.

Seeing him with his shirt in this condition was all it took. She lost all control as she lived out her number 101 fantasy of ripping Jason’s shirt off his body revealing the most hottest stomach she had ever seen in her life and worshipping ever last inch of it.

Max soon found himself thrown up against the wall. Buttons were flying everywhere as she practically ripped it off .

When she ever laid her eyes on his arms she thought for sure she would just faint on the spot.

“Y-Your arms…a-are so …so …

“God Liz you are so freaking hot”

He took those strong muscular arms and lifted her up in the air wrapping her legs around his waist. (fantasy #535)

“BEDROOM!” he rasped up against her neck demandingly.

Too weak to speak Liz just pointed across the hall to the opposite door.

Once in the bedroom he laid her down on her comforter and knelt down on the floor spreading her legs desperate to finally taste her (fantasy #1).

“Is this o-okay Liz?”

She propped herself up on her elbows and panted as she nodded slowly.

Max gently pulled her dress up over her waist with his shaky hands.

“Oh god Liz”

Maria had talked her into wearing a red thong to help her make her feel more sexy on her date…never in a million years did she ever think Max would be ripping them off her body.

Slowly he kissed his way up the inside of her thighs.

Liz was moving her head back and forth almost coming apart just knowing what was about to happen. Just then she spotted a framed picture of Jason that she kept on her nightstand. She somehow managed to grab the bottom of the frame with her fingertips just as Max ran his tongue through her wet folds.

The picture of poor Jason went flying across the room and crashed up against the wall as Liz bowed off the mattress moaning as Max kissed her sensitive nub gently as her held her hips down securely. Slowly and gently he caressed her sweet spot taking all the time in the world with her. He reached up and pulled her dress down past her breasts and began to gently stroke her back and forth with the pad of his thumb.

"Max..oh god ..oh god" she moaned loudly

This was the sweetest torture she had ever known. She begged for him to go faster …stroke her harder but he refused. He kept his deliberate leisurely pace gently swirling his tongue around her burning core then kissing it softly as he barely stoked her aching peaks. She refused to close her eyes as she watched this beautiful god please her over and over again. Just as she would start to come down from one trembling fall into ecstasy he would start again feeling like he could never get enough of her sweet honey essence and the look that came over her face when she screamed his name.

Finally she could take no more she needed to feel him inside her ..she needed it more than the air she was gasping for as she panted staring at his dreamy strong arms as they rested against her stomach while he worked his magic on her firm peaks.

“Max please …make love to me…I need to feel you inside me”

His eyes flew opened as he slowly stood to unbutton his dress pants and slid them down his muscular hard thighs (fantasy #213).

They were completely unaware of Charlie fluttering outside her bedroom window at this point….Charlie knew very well the power of the passionate potion that flowed through his arrows…he knew they would never make it through the night without ravaging eachother. He was so worried that this would completely screw up the natural approach their relationship would’ve have taken if he had not struck them.

He decided not to listen to Stanley and wait till morning. He rolled his eyes as he heard the moans and screams coming from Liz. When he heard her request he thought he still had time ..maybe if he loaded the anti venom arrows and was very lucky he could strike them at the same time and prevent something from happening way too soon.

This would prove to be tricky because he was not allowed to actually see people in this very personal act or position or even naked. Charlie carefully blindfolded himself and felt around for the window sill. After successfully getting a good grip on it he lifted it up quickly just as Max was easing his boxers down over his firm tight ass.

“Liz I’ve been dreaming of making love to you from the first moment I laid eyes on you.”

“Max hurry please”

He quickly stripped her of her dress and lifted her further up on the bed.
He stared into her eyes with the most intense look of burning desire she had ever seen.

Max hovered over her body as Liz ran her hands slowly up his strong arms feeling every rippling muscle that was flexed as he held his body over hers. (fantasy #12)

He leaned down to ravage her mouth as he settled in between her shaky thighs.

Just then Charlie pulled back his bow and said a prayer as the two arrows flew across the room with perfect technique.

“Sorry kids”

Charlie knew he had done his job. He pulled away his blindfold as he backed up against the brick building trying to catch his breath.

Now all he had to do was locate Mac Stevens and Lisa Perkins surely he was back in the senior angels good graces now. Stanley will definitely be pleased he thought to himself as he flew away in search of his clients.

He had completely forgotten about the stunned confused couple that was sitting next to each other wrapped in whatever blanket and sheet they could find.

They were both bright red from embarrassment as they sat there completely unaware as to how they ended up naked and in that very intimate position.

“Max the last thing I remember is talking to Maria in the bathroom at the restaurant”

“I don’t even remember going to a restaurant …the last thing I remember is you opening your door”

“Well then how –

“I have no idea …and Liz what’s with the arrows?

“What about these feathers? Max what the hell happened?”

Max had no clue but as he shyly looked over at the dark haired beauty sitting wrapped in the sheet next to him he wished to god he did.
Last edited by jake17 on Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cupid Strikes Hard (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 2/28/08

Post by jake17 »

keepsmiling7: yes that was very awkward and it's not going to get any better...cupid is far from finished with them :wink: thank you so much for reading this!! hope you enjoy the next part! :D
angelina; hello sweetie so happy to see your name ...thanks so much for the sweet fb ..yes poor Max in the bathroom...his troubles are far from over! :D
Natalie36: Thanks so much for your fb Natalie...more craziness is in store for this poor couple seeing you here!! :D
believer_evans: So happy you think this is funny ...thanks so much for your fb! :D
ShatteredDreamer: sorry to leave you hanging I know that was cruel...don't worry iM not done with them yet...thanks so much for your sweet fb and wanting more!! :D
IheartMax: hello you! I know that scene in the bathroom was difficut to get out of your head too! :lol: soo hope you like this part I wrote it just for you! :wink: thanks for always leaving such sweet funny fb! :D thank you for the bump too sweetie! :wink:
txndreamer06: sorry to interrupt them and I promise in the very next chpt you will find the "heat" you are looking for..I promise I wont let you down I end this one is where im picking up the next! :wink: thanks so much for reading this story and your great fb! :D
hazz: hello! so happy you enjoyed that update...happy to see you here...hope so much you like the next part! thanks so much for your great fb! :D
Michelle in Yonkers: oh you are so right he is a bugger and he needs glasses I think!! :lol: I think no matter what cupid does our couple will be just fine...thanks so much for your fb! :D
begonia9508: oh yes they will be surprised and definitely shaken you here Eve! so hope you enjoy the next part! thanks so much for your great fb! :D
kay_b: thanks for your fb kay and for giving me the word I was desperately searching for ...perfect for Liz!! :wink: hope you enjoy the next part! :D
roswell3053: Oh Charlie will try but he is very very confused :roll: I think Max and liz are just fine! :wink: thank you for your fb..I so appreciate it! :D
martine: hey you! sorry to frustrate but you know I don't do it for long :wink: next update for sure!! thank you so much for your always sweet fb! :D
Roswell 10/2/00: wow thank you so much for the song (I loved it!)and the incredibly sweet happy you like this so much!! I so hope you enjoy the next update! :D
ms_BuffyAnneSummers: thanks so much for the bump...hope you enjoy the next part!! ...sorry for the long wait.. :D

Chapter 5



“Umm what do you think we should do now?”

They were staring at the opposite wall away from each other nervously finding it impossible to look each other in the eye.

Max knew with out a shadow of a doubt that something happened …he could smell her perfume all over him and he had never felt more turned on in his life.

Liz’s body was tingling all over… all she wanted to do was push this gorgeous naked man down on her bed and have her way with him.

“I just don’t understand…how did we end up …I mean look at us…why can’t we remember anything”

“I have no idea maybe someone slipped something into our drinks at the restaurant”

“Max why would anyone do that…and who?”

“I don’t know none of this makes sense”

“Besides I don’t feel woozy or anything you feel ok?”

“Yeah I feel…fine Liz… ‘besides the fact that I’m about to explode’ ..completely normal”

Liz got up from the bed holding the sheet tightly around her as she searched for her clothes.

“I think we should get dressed I can’t talk to you while your…umm…

“Sitting here completely naked …I have to admit it’s a little distracting Liz”

“Here are your umm…well here I’m going to get dressed in the bathroom …you can stay here and I’ll meet you in the living room maybe we can figure all this out”

“Ok Liz sure”

As Max got dressed and did everything he could to calm himself down but it was no use. Imagines of Liz breathless and calling out his name kept filling his mind. Her naked body writhing under his touch was all he saw when he closed his eyes.

Max walked out to find Liz dressed and sitting on the couch clutching a coffee mug for dear life and staring at the floor.



Max sat at the opposite end of the couch nervously grabbing the pillow and placing it on his lap.

A long stretch of silence pasted between them before Liz finally spoke up.

“W-Would you like some coffee?”

“Oh no thanks Liz I’m fine”

Max could feel how anxious Liz was ...he couldn’t help thinking how incredibly uncomfortable this must be for her and he could help noticing how much he cared how she felt.

“Look Liz if your worried that I am responsible for this I can ease your mind…tomorrow come down to the hospital we’ll run some toxicology tests and we can find out if exactly what happened…I can prove to you that whatever happened to you happened to me too.”

Somehow Liz knew that Max wasn’t involved in their mysterious memory loss…she didn’t know why but she trusted him completely…she knew there had to be a logical explanation for all this…and she couldn’t help but notice that this was the perfect opportunity to see him again.

“Well maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad idea …I mean I know it wasn’t you Max …but if someone slipped us something at least we’ll have a reason why we umm.”

“Were naked on your bed with absolutely no idea why?”

Liz smiled as some of the tension left her body…it was obvious that he was just as uneasy as she was.

She moved closer to him and was now able to look him in the eyes. She could see he was a nice guy and that he meant her no harm.

Max on the other hand was dying inside …his goal was to make sure that he would see her again and now that she had agreed he needed to leave before he had a heart attack.

“Wow look at the time …I really should be going I have to get up early for work and everything.”

Liz smiled warmly at him… she couldn’t help feeling like they were somehow closer …she knew one thing for sure she wanted to see him again. She couldn’t help but stare at his butt as she walked him to the door and she definitely couldn’t help but notice how incredible she felt…her whole body was humming. She felt better that she had in years. Liz couldn’t help wondering if he had something to do with that feeling.

They both stood at the door totally clueless as to what to do next.



“So I guess I’ll see you tomorrow is there a time that’s good for you?”

“Oh I guess lunch time if that’s ok … I’ll get Angie to help us out…it shouldn’t take long…well ok then …make sure you lock your door after I leave…it’s pretty late.”

‘Oh my god what’s wrong with me she’s a grown woman she’s know to lock her door…why am I worried about her.’

“I always do Max …but thanks for the concern”

Max turned to leave and was surprised when he felt her hand in his.


She looked innocently up at him as she got up on her toes and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Max just stood there like a deer caught in headlights completely frozen…completely trying to resist the temptation to throw her up against the wall and tear that red dress off.

“I-I really should go Liz…I have a really early start”

“Ok I see you tomorrow?”


Liz closed the door and rested her back up against it sighing at the feeling of his lips. Usually she would never be that daring but she just couldn’t resist… she felt like she had her dream man in her sights and she wasn’t about to let him go.

next morning at the hospital:

Angie came tiptoeing behind Max as he was filling out a patients chart and whispered in his ear.

“You can’t avoid me all morning Max…I want details…and I want them now”

Max jumped a mile sighing as the chart went flying into the air.


“ Oh here you go big baby …here’s your chart all safe and sound …now stop avoiding me and give me all the gory details I want to know absolutely everything!”

Max couldn’t help smiling at his best friend as she jumped up on the empty bed next to his sleeping patient.

She winked at him and smiled devilishly

“I’m waiting Max”

“Yeah well it’s the details that might be the prob-

“HOLD ON! …oh my god …the girls will kill me if they miss this …

Max shook his head as he watched Angie’s blond hair fly away in a blur. Ever since they started working on the orthopedic floor he was constantly surrounded by not only Angie but three other nurses that were always giving him advise on his love life …or lack of. These were all young and beautiful single girls and anyone of them would’ve made a good catch for Max but his no dating in the work place rule put in end to that.

Max went on with his rounds imagining Angie running to each girl telling them that the gossip was about to start.

He was just finishing his notes on Chelle Night a very sweet girl who had broken her wrist in the shower a few days ago. When Max asked her how it happened she blushed profusely and lowered her head. She went on to explain in a very vague round about way that she hadn’t been alone in the shower... apparently her boyfriend Jason was let's just say heating things up and she lost her balance. This was Max’s favorite patient she was a writer and always had something extremely funny to say to brighten up his hectic days. He felt bad that the break was so severe that it required surgery he could tell how much she enjoyed writing and it killed her to be away from her laptop. He also knew how much her readers missed her regular updates on her amazing stories.

Suddenly he was yanked out of the room by Angie who was laughing hysterically.

“Sorry Chelle …I have to borrow Dr. Evans but I promise to bring him back as soon as I’m done”

Max stared Angie down with his arms folded.

“You could’ve waited till I was finished…that was very unprofessional Ang”

“Oh come on Max …you have got to loosen up…Chelle doesn’t mind she is the coolest girl on this floor… besides I think she’s got a crush on you.”

“Doesn’t everybody?”

“Trish!..finally you’re here what took you so long?”

“Oh my god this better be good… I was just giving a sponge bath to the most beautiful guy you ever saw in your life”

“Was it the guy with the knee surgery in room 245?” Angie winked at Max already knowing exactly who Trish was taking about since she had not stopped talking about him since he arrived last week.

“Yes …his name is James and have you heard that British accent of his …holy freaking cow I just wanted to close the curtain and kiss it and make it all better!”

“Nice…very professional Trish”

The girls were rolling their eyes at Max when they spotted Kathy walking in a daze down the hallway. They quickly pulled her in the small break room to join them.

“Kathy are you ok?”

Kathy stood holding her heart and breathing heavy unable to talk.

“Trish has she been sneaking visits to Sebastian again?”

The whole hospital had been notified that a certain lead singer of a certain famous band was being treated for a back injury that happened on a tour bus accident. They changed his name to Sam for security reasons. Kathy had been treating Sebastian but they had to switch nurses due to Kathy’s usual spike in her blood pressure whenever she was around him. Of course her health did not stop her from sneaking a visit at least once a day.

“H-He needed h-help in the shower”

Kathy sat in a chair trying hard to catch her breath.

“Oh no you didn’t …ok well I’m going to get a blood pressure cuff and look for Heidi.. no one start without me!”

Angie left the room searching for Heidi when she happened to spot Liz out of the corner of her eye.


“Angie…hi how are you?”

“I’m fine and how are you this morning?”

“Oh I’m fine …I’m supposed to meet Max here for some tests but I’m early do you think you can just let him know I’m here…tell him I’ll just meet him in the café whenever he’s ready.”

“Tests?…oh yeah sure I’ll tell him…so how did it go last night?”

“Go?… umm well lets just say it was pretty unforgettable”

Liz waved at Angie laughing to herself as the elevator door shut.

“Unforgettable …tests…oh he has some explaining to do!!”

Angie was walking quite fast when she noticed something usual in one of the rooms.


Heidi had a huge infatuation with a very handsome and sexy local fireman named Sawyer. He was constantly running into burning buildings to save people and although his bravery made him a hero in the city it also made him a reoccurring visitor at the hospital. Heidi and Sawyer were extremely attracted to eachother and would end up making out on his hospital bed constantly.

“Heidi …stop that if anyone catches you!”

“Then I’ll be the happiest person that was ever fired from this hospital.”

Heidi breathed out as Angie pulled her out of Sawyers bed and into the break room to join the others.

“What is so important that we all had to come in here immediately”

Heidi angrily spoke as she attempted to fix her uniform.

“Max is about to give us details on his blind date with a certain brunette who just happens to be in this very hospital right now.”

“Oh I can already tell this is going to be good”

Trish laughed as she sipped her fourth cup of coffee that day.

“Oh this is going to be better than good… Liz told me that the date was …unforgettable…and get this she here for some tests …what is that all about Dr.Evan’s are we having a special patient consultation today I’m not aware of “

“Ang is she really here?”

Max was suddenly flushed and very nervous.

“Where is she …what did she say?!”

“She said she’d meet you in the café…Max are you ok?”

“I’m fine Ang ..but girls I have to run ..I promise I’ll fill everyone in on the details later…well the details that I can remember anyway…

Before they could get a word in Max was gone. The four of them peered at him as the elevator doors closed.

“What the hell was that all about?”

“I don’t know Ang but did you see how flustered he was?”

“I sure did Trish …I’m going to see if I can find anything out”

Her friends rushed after her as she too disappeared behind the elevator doors.

“Oh my god the two of them are insane…well I have a very urgent sponge bath I need to back to…see you girls later”

“Bye Trish have fun…well my pulse seems to be fine now so Heidi I’m going …Heidi?..where did that girl go?”

As Kathy made her way back into Sebastian’s room she laughed as she heard her friends familiar voice coming from Sawyers bed.


Down on the first floor:

Angie pressed the button for the floor to the cafeteria when she felt something strange against her leg…bending down she slowly picked up a snow white feather from the floor.

“Where the hell did this come from –

Just then the doors open and she found herself staring directing into the opposite set of elevators.

Her mouth fell open as she quickly viewed Max peeling off Liz’s shirt while he feverishly made his way down her long graceful neck. Liz had her back to the door and her hand down his pants.

Max looked up just before the doors shut to see Angie’s mouth on the ground and her eyes open wide.

Before ether of them could react all the doors shut while the door to the entrance for the stairs swung open.

An exhausted Charlie was leaning up against the railing holding his little chest trying to catch his breath. He clung to the five used arrows for life. The senior angels did not appreciate him leaving them behind at Liz’s house and his neck was on the line as it was.

“Wow those girls were hard to get …I’m pooped!!”

“At least I fixed all my mistakes and Dr. Stevens and Miss. Perkins are finally swooning from my spell…they are going to love me upstairs!”
Last edited by jake17 on Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Cupid Strikes Hard (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 3/22/08

Post by jake17 »

IheartMax: :lol: :lol: You're right those nurses are definitely out of control! :lol: and Liz is about it get luckier...sigh...why IheartMax why not us??. love you here but you already know that! :wink: Thank you!! :D oh and thanks for the bump sweetie! :wink:
begonia9508: Yes Eve I agree something bad is going to happen to Charlie with all his mistakes!!! :lol: love that you are liking this ...thanks so much for the sweet fb! :D
roswell3053: so happy to see you here again! hope you like the next part..thanks so much for the fb!! :D
Michelle in Yonkers: WOW :shock: I can't believe you caught all that!! I am so impressed! You were totally right ...James McAvoy from Atonement..sigh!...sawyer from lost..whoo hoo!! and the Sabastian is from a band Ive never heard of but someone is madly in love with....if you have a crush I would be more than happy to throw you in here!!..thanks for the awesome fb..i was very shocked!! :D
txndreamer06: Angie did see him and she is dazed!! Charlie did not! :shock: poor charlie! so happy you are liking this ..thanks so much for the sweet fb! :D
littlelover: Judith how freaking sweet what you wrote!! I'm so happy that you are finding this so funny ..I hope you enjoy the next part and kisses right back to you! thanks so much!! :D
Ms_BuffyAnneSummers: they will only forget if he shoots them again to take away the spell...thanks so much for reading this!! :D
Natalie36: I agree ...that hospital needs some hot male nurses natalie! thanks so much for your fb..I love it!! :D
Jessibelle47: they will only forget if he manages to strike them again! So we need cupid to stay away! :lol: thanks so much for your sweet fb ...i so appreciate it! :D
dreamsatnight: so happy you enjoyed your apppearance!! :wink: Hope all is well and your life slows down so we can read more of you awesome work! :wink: thanks so much for the sweet fb! :D
angelina: Hello sweetie!! you are so right ..I would want to remember my night with Max too!! :wink: kisses right back to you!! thanks so much for being here!! :D
LegalAlien: thanks so much! I think they will have a better chance at remembering this time! :wink: thank you for being here! :D
Roswell 10/2/00: Hi! I think their days of being embarrassed are far from over! and although he should Charlie isn't ready to give up yet! thanks so much for your fb! hope you enjoy this update! :D
ShatteredDreamer: thanks for wanting more!! hope you like this part!! :D

Chapter 6

“Oh my god Max… hurry!”

Max was still stunned at seeing Angie seeing him but that quickly subsided as he breathed in Liz’s perfume.

“I’m trying …oh my god Liz you taste so good”

Liz started to remove her hand from inside his pants when she heard his plea for more.

“No Liz ..please don’t stop!”

She looked up at him with a devilish grin and whispered slowly.

“You better press the emergency button Max ….I have no intention of stopping ..I just can’t go another second without tasting you”

Max immediately slammed his hand down on the red button and his head back against the wall as she pulled his scrubs down and took him in her mouth.

“Oh god …Liz …oh my god!”

Liz moaned as she gripped his hard thighs tight and savored the sweet essence that touched her tongue.


“Do you think she’s ok Heidi?”

Trish waved her hand in front of Angie’s eyes and got no response.

“I don’t know I found her standing on the elevator staring out into space holding this feather …when I asked her if she was ok she muttered ‘sex Max elevator’ …she hasn’t spoken since”

Just then Kathy returned with some water.

“Here maybe this will help…has she said anything yet?”

“Nothing …wait I think I have an idea …Hey isn’t that the famous actor Jason Behr …. and where is his shirt?”

“What shirtless Jason!…where is Jason …Jason is here!”

Suddenly Angie snapped out of her daze.

“You’re a genius Trish!”

“Please Kathy like she’s going to ignore Jason Behr …we’re just lucky she didn’t pass out!”

“Relax Ang Jason isn’t here…we had to think of something to get you back to us”

“EVIL! …that is just evil Trish …you know better than to joke about Jason ..oh my god you almost gave me a heat attack!”

“Yeah we all know I’m evil now what the hell is all this talk about sex and max in an elevator?”

Angie sat back down and grabbed the water out of Kathy’s hand.

“Oh my god …I went down to the first floor to get a snack –

“You mean to spy on Max”

“Fine Hiedi to spy on Max and the next thing I know I found this feather and then the doors opened and then-

“WHAT..and then what Angie!”

“And then I saw Max tearing Liz’s clothes off in the elevator opposite mine …the way they were going at it …I just …I never…

“Wait …Angie are you positive it was Max …our Max?”

“Positive and he saw me ..seeing him …oh my god”

Angie hid her face in her hands.

“Angie there is no way Max would have sex in an elevator …he’s wound so tight I’m surprised he can manage to have sex at all …and at work ..hell no …you have to be mistaken”

“Trish it was him and he was …wow …I didn’t know he had it in him …he was so …

“So what Ang?”

“I don’t know Kath …so passionate… so fired up …all I can say is that Liz is one lucky girl’

The four girls sat staring out into space trying to imagine the usual uptight nervous Max Evans having hot naked sex up against the wall in the hospital elevator.


“Wait …Liz stop”

Liz looked up at him confused

“You want me to stop”

“I want your clothes off”

Max rasped as he quickly switched places with her slamming her up against the wall.

“Oh god Max!”

Liz cried out as he reached up underneath her skirt and pulled her panties down her soft thighs and placed his mouth on her hot core.

Max slid his hands down to cup her bottom and pressed her hard against his lips as he ran his tongue quickly over her dripping heat.

Her screams echoed off the walls and caught the attention of the waiting patients and visitors that stood outside the closed doors. It also caught the attention of Charlie. He was sitting in the stairway blowing on his nails and rubbing them on his chest.

“Seriously who is better than me ..just listen to them …they can’t get enough of each other…I am the best!”

Suddenly the door opened and Charlie ran for cover.

“Freaking elevator’s in this hospital …I swear someone needs to be accountable for these mishaps!”

“Dr. Stevens please relax …remember your blood pressure?”

“Miss Perkins my blood pressure is fine it’s the incompetence in this hospital that needs to be dealt with!”

“Sorry I was just trying to help”

“I know ..I didn’t mean to snap at you…can I make it up to you with a cup of very bitter hospital coffee?”

“Sure Dr. Stevens I would love that”

Charlie slapped his forehead with his hand.

‘Damn if that’s Dr. Stevens and Miss. Perkins who the hell is in the elevator!’


“Max …oh god don’t stop …faster ..oh god right there”

Max slid his soft tongue inside her again and again while he tortuously rubbed her sensitive spot in slow circles.

“Liz you taste so sweet ..I could do this all day…

“Umm Mister …I’m sure she does and I’m sure you could but there are people that need to use this elevator”

Max quickly pulled her skirt down and looked up at the intercom.

“Holy shit Liz …the camera…we forgot about the damn security camera!!”

“Yes you did Dr. Evans and although I am really enjoying the show …we really need to get this elevator moving.”

“Jack …oh god Jack is that you!”

“Yeah it’s me Max …and don’t worry my lips are sealed …I just wish they were where yours was a second ago!”


“Sorry Max but …damn she is hot!”

“Oh god Liz I’m so sorry ….don’t mind him …he’s a friend of mine that works for the hospital …he’s a good guy but he can be quite the Neanderthal when he wants to be..can’t you Jack!”

“Soooorry…jeez if you didn’t want an audience maybe you should’ve thought of that before you decided to maul her in the hospital evevator!”

“Forget it Jack …I don’t know what got into me …were all dressed now you can start it back up…and please Jack….

“No worries Max I’ll keep this to myself”

They both looked down at he floor in total embarrassment as they heard Jack’s laughter and felt the elevator move.

“Max…what is wrong with us?”

Max kept his eyes locked on the floor as he whispered back.

“I have no idea... but I know a place where we can go... that’s completely private …I mean I understand if –

“Take me”

“Damn!… take her Max!… take her!”

Last edited by jake17 on Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 947
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Re: Cupid Strikes Hard (AU,M/L,Adult)chpt 7 4/19/08

Post by jake17 »

Alien-Friend: So happy you thought that was funny! hope you enjoy the next chpt thanks for the sweet fb! :D
angelina: Hi sweetie... I loved your quote from Voltaire...thank you for that! and your always wonderful fb! :D
totallizfan: thanks so much for reading my fics...Im so happy you like them! :D
martine: Hello! thanks so much for the sweet fb...Im waiting patiently for your updates ..Im missing your stories! :D
Natalie36: oh you just kill me it as always Natalie thanks so much for being here! :D
believer_evans: I wouldn't mind Max mauling me in an elevator ether.. :mrgreen: thanks so much for your sweet fb! :D
pookie76: Im so happy you liked Jack! thanks so much for you wonderful fb!! hope you like the next part!
IheartMax: Fired up Max is the best!!! :D :D So is Angie :wink: thanks so much for you sweet fb and the bump! :D
Keepsmiling7: So happy you liked Jack's line...So appreciate your fb! :D
roswell 3053: Thank you so much for your fb and wanting me to come back! :D
Sammlover: So happy you thought that update was funny...thank you so much for you sweet that you are here :D
paper: Thank you so much for thinking this is hilarious...that was very sweet! :D
max and liz believer: hi Jo! Hope you like your appearance. :wink: ..and thank you again for my banner..I just love it! :D

Chapter 7.

As the elevator doors opened a very disoriented Max and Liz found themselves exactly on the floor they didn’t want to be on.

Max turned five shades of red when his eyes fell to the four women staring at him with they’re eyebrows raised in desperate need of an explanation.



“Your needed in the staff room…. there has been some …developments on a certain patient and I really think we need to catch up on his current symptoms”


“Yes,.. he seems to have developed a high fever and is acting very peculiar… as in not himself

Without much of a choice Max found himself ushered into the staff room while Liz was seated in a chair in the hallway.

“Liz ..I’ll be right out” Max managed to get out before the door slammed shut.

Liz sat looking around the empty hallways suddenly worrying what she looked like after they’re experience in the elevator.

Seeing a woman’s bathroom nearby she quickly ran in to check her hair and makeup trying to hide any evidence of her near earth shattering orgasm.

To her surprise she could hear perfectly the current conversation that was going on in the staff room.


Max was pushed down by his shoulders by Trish but quickly recovered and stood again.

“No way Max …you’re not getting out of this that easy”

As quickly as he stood he was once again pulled back down into the chair this time by Kathy.

Max rolled his eyes in frustration…serious frustration!

“Listen I know what you saw and I know you want answers but I have to go …right now actually …I will call you later Ang”

“Hold on Max…please I can’t wait for later… I’ve known you forever you would never –

Angie tapped on the table searching for a delicate way of wording what she wanted to say.

“Be intimate …

“Angie!” Max buried in face in his hands in embarrassment knowing what she witnessed.

“If you’re confused she’s talking about your little fuck fest in the elevator Max”

Trish smirked as she raised her eyebrows over her coffee….she loved making Dr. Evans squirm.

“Trish…I did not ….we did not fu…I mean it didn’t get that far…I mean…

“The word is fuck Max …oh my god Angie I told you nothing happened Mr. Rogers can’t even bring himself to say the word!”

“Really not helping here Trish”


“What I’m trying to say Max is that …well …I’ve known you for years and there is no way you would be ….intimate

“I like fuck fest better”

Ignoring her crude friend Angie went on with her questioning.

“There’s no way …unless you had serious feelings for her for her...and you literally just met Liz what the hell is going on with you?”

“I do ..have serious feelings...I mean ...I think I love her”

All four of the women in the staff room and Liz in the bathroom responded at once.


“Max you can’t fall in love in two days’s impossible …it’s crazy …it’s –

“It’s exactly what happened”

Max whispered while staring off into the distance picturing Liz in his mind still tasting her on his lips.

Liz leaned up against the sink for much needed support.

Heidi immediately put her hand over his forehead to feel for a temperature.

“Oh my god …I’m not sick …this is real …I’ve never felt this way before …she’s just …just –

“I’ll tell ya one thing she’s just not sitting in the hallway anymore”

Trish sarcastically announced.

Liz straightened up and quickly applied her pale pink lipstick and smoothed her hair before getting ready to go back to her seat.

Angie looked at Max in a panic.

Shit!” she mouthed looking at him with her eyes wide.

“What?” Max stared at her completely confused

Kathy spoke up loudly “What the hell is going on!”

Angie waved her arms around for everyone to shut up and began mouthing her words again.

“I think she’s in the bathroom across the hall!!”

The three nurses sat down and slapped there hands over they’re mouths and looked at Max.

WHAT!” he mouthed

“Max I’m so sorry but the vent to this room leads directly to the vent in the bathroom so if she was in there she heard everything –

Max heard enough and rushed towards the door running directly into Liz who was exiting the bathroom.

Liz’s eyes quickly dropped to the floor having no clue as to what to say.



Just then whispers could be heard through the hall…making Max wish harder that the floor would open up and swallow him whole.

“Move over I need to get closer to the door”

“Ouch that’s my foot …just open the door a little I can’t hear a thing!”

“If I open the door they’ll definitely know were spying. ..just be quiet I don’t want him to hear us!”
Max let out a big sigh and loudly responded.

“Don’t worry we can hear you just fine Angie!”

Max scratched nervously behind his ear and closed his eyes.

“Oh this just can’t get any worse”

“Umm Max how did Angie know about …the elevator”

“Ok so I was’s worse ...the doors opened …just for a second but it was enough time for Angie to see…well to see …us”

Max ran his hand through his thick black hair and whispered under his breath.

“So you heard them …me talking”


“How much did you hear Liz”

Liz looked up at him through her long dark eyelashes blushing furiously and whispered almost bringing Max down to his knees.





“That place where you said …umm where you said we could be alone could we still go”

A warm shy smile appeared on Max’s face as he took her hand and quickly made his way down the hall....feeling inside that this was an indication that she also was falling in love.

“Are they gone?”

“Yeah they’re gone did you get anything?”

“No…but I have a feeling I’m going to be hearing a lot from him as soon as he finishes his...

” Fuck fest”

“Seriously Trish... therapy ...look into it”

Angie sighed staring back at the feather that she found on the elevator.

“Hey wouldn’t it be funny if there really was a cupid and they really did get hit with an arrow …and that’s how he fell madly in love overnight.”

“Ang go call Tom tell him you need a vacation”

“Very funny Trish but I have to start my rounds and don’t you all have work to do”

Angie’s first patient was a very sweet girl named Jo.

Jo was a local artist that was also an accomplished writer. She had recently injured her knee running around trying to help a certain writer get just the right look for the cover of her new book. She was thrilled to hear while recovering in the hospital that because of her amazing artwork people where so attracted to the book it launched sales. She could now go back to torturing the people who read her continuing romantic story that she posted on the computer every couple of days. She did this to keep herself occupied while she was in the hospital but took great joy in making her viewers check in daily just to read if the couple she so brilliantly wrote about got together...this included Angie.

“So Jo is my favorite couple EVER going to have sex in that story of yours ?”

“Sex as in the freaking hot elevator sex that Dr. Evans has been enjoying lately?”

Angie smiled as she peered over her chart.

“So you heard”

“Jack ...has been by...I always new that boy had it in him’s always the quiet ones”

"Jack knows!"

Angie couldn't help herself from laughing out loud knowing that the entire hospital would now be aware of Max and his... well ...fuck fest.


Charlie stood outside the second floor staff room ready and waiting for Dr. Spencer and Miss. Perkins to get they’re bitter coffee.

“No way I’m messing up this time …now I know exactly what they look like …there is no way I can screw this up”

As luck would have it the two doctors and they’re female companions were walking down the hallway right towards each other.

Charlie was totally focused on the right couple for once as he reached back for his arrow and closed one eye to aim.

He heard the connection ..he knew he made a hit …with overwhelming confidence he shot the second arrow immediately after the first.

Charlie was so focused on his aiming his arrows on exactly where they needed to hit he hadn’t noticed the two couples crossing paths at the exact same time.



Max breathlessly looked up at Liz as he swung the door open to the empty abandoned doctors lounge and pulled her inside.

Liz looked up at Max breathlessly with extreme urgency.


Max seized her lips and backed her against the bed laying her down as gently as he could lifting his shirt over his head throwing it to the floor.

Liz’s eyes raked over his beautiful bare chest and tight stomach as lowered himself over her.

She let out of gasp at the feeling the very hard evidence of just how ready he was for her.

Liz wrapped her legs around his waist pulling him closer against the ache that was burning between her thighs.

Her hands slid under his scrub pants and over his bare ass desperately trying to pull them down.

His lips were latched to her neck as he pulled her skirt up over her hips.

The need for him to be inside her was so intense he fumbled frantically with her clothes needing terribly to feel her skin.

“Wait ...wait Max”

“ something wrong?”

“No...I just... I need ...did you really mean what you said to the girls....I mean do you love me?”

Max lifted his sweaty face up from her skin and stared deeply into her eyes snapping out of his lustful needs and tenderly brushed a stray hair from her face.

He had never said these works to a woman before ....he was thrown by her vulnerable big brown eyes that looked intensely back at him.

“Freakin answer her dude!”

Max and Liz shot up from the bed pulling the thin blanket that was folded on the end over themselves.

Jack!...oh you have to be freaking kidding me ...what ...get the ...oh my god Jack!”

“Leaving ...leaving right now ...dude I was fixing an outlet and you guys came in here all ...well you know...I didn’t want to ruin the moment ...I swear I was going to sneak out ...but I got all caught up in everything”


“Dude ....I’m already gone ...oh and Liz my boy Max definitely loves you....he hasn’t been laid in-

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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 947
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Re: Cupid Strikes Hard (AU,M/L,Adult)chpt 8 5/17/08

Post by jake17 »

Alien_Friend: thanks so much for your sweet words! hope you like the next part! :D
Max and liz believer: Hi Jo! happy you liked your intro. :wink: still loving my banner! you are the best sweetie! :D
IheartMax: hmmm Angie getting hit with an arrow...interesting :wink: thanks for the fb. have I told you lately how Dynamite you are? :wink: :lol: thanks for the fb CB loves it! :D
txndreamer06: So happy you think this is cute.. thanks so much! :D
dreamsatnight: hello chelle! I know charlie should've been fired by now!thanks for being here! :D
RebeccaBehrEvans: The sex is coming I promise! :wink: thanks for the fb! :D
angelina: Yes they need their privacy so he can say those three little words..I agree.. love you here sweetie thank you! :D
Natalie36: I agree with your moral :wink: thanks for the fb ..I always love it! :D
keepsmiling7: wow you read it twice :oops: how sweet are you! thanks for the bump..hope you like this! :D
dreamer19: hello kristin! Hope you like this part :wink: sorry it took me so long to get you here :oops: too many stories going on :roll: thanks for the sweet fb! :D
hazz: you know I don't even know you but IM not surprised you liked that line :wink: thanks for being here! :D
roswell3053: hopefully they won't get busted anymore.. but there will be more drama to keep Max occupied..thanks so much for the great fb! :D
XAF RU208: sorry I made you blush :oops: Im bad that way :twisted: I think this chptr is safe, the next one will be very bad or good depending how you look at it :wink: thanks for the fb! :D
sarammlover: are you kidding im so happy you're here! thank you for reading my little story! hope you like this part! :D
paper; yes soon paper soon I promise!! :D thanks for the fb!
Ythaler: thanks so much! Im so happy you're here! :D
ladylou: so sweet thank you!! hope you like this next part! :D

Chapter 8.

Max and Liz sat on the edge of the bed breathing heavy still trying to get over the shock of having Jack surprise them …again!

Max looked over at Liz and suddenly felt like this wasn’t the place for this. Especially after the question she had asked him.

“Liz we can’t do this here.”

Her face fell in disappointment.

“Don’t get me wrong. I would love to .. make love to you. Actually more than anything else in this world but you deserve better. Better than an old cot in a deserted doctors lounge. You deserve romance…you deserve to be swept off your feet.”

Liz blushed furiously. No man had ever spoken to her that way before - especially someone that could have passed for Jason Behr’s twin with the heart of an angel.

“Max really all that is not necessary”

He wrapped his arm around her and brought her in close to his bare chest. She swore she felt as if she could melt right there feeling his warm skin.

“It is necessary. He leaned in and whispered in her ear as he kissed her neck It’s very necessary”

Suddenly through the intercom a woman’s voice was heard.


“Damn. Liz I am so sorry.”

“Max don’t be silly. I think I’ve taken up enough of your day actually”

As she went to get up he pulled her back down onto his lap for a passionate kiss.

“Liz Parker you can take up as much of my time as you like”


“I am seriously going to kill him. Look Liz come to my apartment tonight at seven. I’ll make you dinner. I’ll take care of everything.”

They both stood and reached for their clothes.

“That sounds great. Umm Max?”

Liz ran her hands over his rippled stomach and up his hard chest as she nibbled on his ear.

“Y-Yes Liz”

“This time can you promise me there will be no… interruptions?”

He was breathless again as he grabbed her and stared deep into her intense dark eyes”

“I can guarantee it”

She lifted herself up on her toes and brought her lips to his ear and whispered seductively.

“Good because if I don’t feel you inside me soon I think I might just explode”

As she put on the last of her clothes she wink at him and left him shaking and painfully hard closing the door behind her.

Liz walked down the hall shaking her head in disbelief.

‘Where the hell did that come from?’ That was about as far away from anything I would ever say.

Max raced down the stairs thinking it would be quicker than taking the elevator. Plus he didn’t needed to be reminded of how incredible she was and the things they did. He would never look at an elevator the same again after today.

Pushing open the door he finally made it to the pharmacy window.


To Max’s surprise there was no one there.

“Kristin are you there?”

Just then Max could hear the faint sounds of moaning coming from inside the janitors closet. Jack’s closet.

One side of Max’s face curled up into a devilish smile as he sneaked up to the big metal door.

“Paybacks a bitch Jacky boy”

Suddenly Max whipped open the door to find Jack and Kristin “the pharmacist” up against the wall half dressed and in a very compromising position.

“Well well well what do we have here!”

“Max! Do you mind!”

Jack protectively covered up Kristin standing in front of her so she would be hidden from view.

“I’m in love with this woman and I demand that you show her a little respect! Now would you please give us some privacy!”

Max shook his head completely confused “Of course I’m so sorry”

He closed the door and stood there completely bewildered.

‘Did I just apologize to Jack? Was that Jack? That looked like him but what the hell? It’s as if aliens had abducted him and left a gentlemen with actual feelings and consideration for the opposite sex in his place.’

Max was standing with his mouth covered by his hand still confused at to what had just occurred.

Just then the door opened. Kristin emerged completely breathless and flushed.

She was attempting to fix her clothes and mumbling to herself incoherently “Please tell me I just didn’t have sex with Jack…please someone tell me I just didn’t have sex with Jack!”

Max was floored. Kristin was beautiful and smart. She would be the last person in the world that would fall for Jack’s …charm. He “screamed sex” as Heidi once described him but the way he treated women was deplorable. Max was so confused had everyone gone completely insane today.

As she walked into the pharmacy she handed Max the master copy of the video titled “elevator love.” A movie that Jack was about to distribute around the hospital, or had tried to that is before Kristin took it from him.

“What the hell? I’m going to kill him! Kristin what were you thinking honey?”

“I-I heard him talking about the tape under his breath as he passed by. I pulled him in the closet and locked the door. I was just keeping him in there till you came and then everything became very…strange.”

“Kristin what is that in your hair?”


Max reached up and pulled a white feather from her soft brunette hair.

“Excuse me Max I think I need to have a sudden emergency sick day…starting right now.”

“Kristin wait…thank you so much for getting that tape for me ..

“No worries Max. I really need to go home now”

She was holding onto the walls as she made her way to the elevators clearly shaken by her unexpected passionate moment with Jack.

‘I have got to get the hell out of this place. God knows what’s going to happen next’

Max ripped the tape apart threw it in the garbage and ran down the stairs.

Just then Jack emerged from the closet with his buttons to his shirt in the wrong holes and his hair a complete mess.

His only thought was to make it to the florist before they closed to get a rose for Kristin.

‘Wow I’m in love! I never realized how horrible I’ve been to women. From now on I’m going to be respectful. A complete gentleman!’

As he turned to lock the closet door a tall busty red head walked by him.

Jack hesitated for a moment then smiled very big. ‘Starting first thing tomorrow!’

“Heeello my names Jack. Are you just visiting or are you here in need of some medical attention?”

He wriggled his eyebrows up and down as he put his arm around the busty irritated woman.


Max was putting the finishing touches on his apartment when the doorbell rang.

Quickly lighting a candle he made his way over to the door.

“You’re a little early dinners not quite… oh it’s you –

“So excited to see you too Max”

“No offense Angie but Liz is on her way over here and I’m very nervous.”

“Why! Is something going to happen tonight Max? I knew it! Spill Max spill!”

“Angie… I would love to …spill but I promised her no interruptions tonight so you can’t be here when she shows up”

Max looked at the clock and started to push Angie towards the door.

“Which should be any second now”

“Okay I’m leaving, but tomorrow we are meeting at my place at ten am for coffee and I’m not taking no for an answer!”

“Fine …now will you please go!”

As Max opened the door a surprised Liz was standing in the hall with her fist raised as if she was going to knock.

“Oh hi Angie”

“Angie was just leaving. She left her umm…frying pan here …oh silly Ang you almost left it here again. Let me go and get it for you.”

“Ookay Max”

“Liz I love your shoes what size are you. I’d love to wear those to a wedding I’m going to next week.”

“Let me look”

Liz bend down to search out the size on the bottom of her shoe - which left Angie standing where Liz should’ve been.

“Ouch..what the hell was that?”

Just then Max returned.

“Here you go Ang. Now you can make those …umm scrambled eggs you’ve been dying for”

“Gee thanks Max”

Angie was dizzy as she gazed upon her best friend in a totally new light.

“Ang are you ok?”

“Y-Yeah I-I mean yes. I’m more than ok I’m actually feeling better than I’ve felt in years. Coffee tomorrow right Max?”

“Yeah Ang …are you sure you’re ok?”

Max was answered with a hug that almost knocked him down.

“I’m great I just have to go and have a little talk with Tom. Bye Max”

Max was completely confused by his friend’s odd behavior. He stood in the hall and watched her as she giggled and walked backwards down the hallway dreamingly waving back at him.

“Is she ok?”

Max pulled Liz in the apartment and spun her around.

“She’s fine interruptions remember?”

Liz smiled and pulled him close tasting his lips as her pulse started to race once more.

“Yeah I remember”

Shutting the door with his foot Max left a very love sick Angie leaning just around the corner against the wall.

“I have to go tell Tom the weddings off! I can’t believe it! I’m in love with Max Evans!”

“uh oh”

Last edited by jake17 on Thu May 29, 2008 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 947
Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:54 pm

Re: Cupid Strikes Hard (AU,M/L,Adult)chpt 9 5/29/08

Post by jake17 »

angelina: hello sweetie! thanks so much for your fb!! love you here! :D
begonia9508: Oh Eve its going to get worse... :roll: :wink: hope you like it!! thanks for the great fb! :D
keepsmiling7: HI! things are about to get crazy! thanks so much for being here! :D
Natalie36: bullet!! :lol: :lol: I think after this episode Charlie is going to be retired! :roll: thanks so much for you awesome fb Natalie! :D
ythaler: oh he's is trouble now!! thanks so much for reading this happy your here! :D
believer_evans: Yeah charlie's all done :roll: thanks so much for your fb!! :D
dreamer19: omg how crazy in the middle of the day kristin's hair changed from sandy blonde to a soft brunette! I wonder how the hell that happened! :wink: hope you enjoy kristin's adventures!! :D thanks for all your sweet words!!
IheartMax: hmm I think you will be pleased with the position Angie ends up in ... :wink: this is just for you sweetie... thanks for always making me laugh ..even when it seems like the world is against me.. :roll: you are incredible! hope you have fun at your lost party!! thanks again seashell!! :D
sarammlover: Hi Sara! I really hope you like this update! thanks so much for your always sweet fb! i really appreciate it! :D
roswell3053: I think in this update everyone gets in trouble ...poor charlie! thanks so much for your fb! :D
Ms_BuffyAnneSummers: thanks so much for the bump! hope you like this! :D
elizasere: thank you so much for you very kind words! :D oh and by the way the picture of jason in your banner is making me weak!! omg !! :D
DestinyDreamer: Wow what a compliment!! thank you so much!! :oops: So sweet!!! I really appreciate it !! hope you enjoy this next part! :D

Chapter 9.

All through dinner Max was mesmerized as the candlelight danced off of Liz’s beautiful face.

All he could think about was finally making love to her. Every time she moved he pictured her beneath him writhing and moaning. Her naked body sliding against his as he moved inside her again and again.

“This is delicious Max”

“Hmm? What? Oh thank you it was nothing really. Are you ready for dessert?”

She rose from the table and slid onto his lap wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Sounds promising …exactly what did you have in mind for dessert Max?”

Max became instantly aroused as she started to kiss his neck and play with the back of his dark thick hair.

“Liz… umm why don’t we move this to the couch?”

“Sure anything you want Max”

Liz moved painfully slow off his lap and walked to the couch all along looking back to see if he was watching her. And of course he was.

“Would you like more wine or should I make some coffee?”

He wondered how he was able to find the strength to even talk at this point.

“Wine ….definitely”

“I’ll be right there”


meanwhile across town….

Angie knocked anxiously on Tom’s door. ‘Please be home …come on!’

Suddenly the door opened and a breathless familiar face appeared.

“Jack?! What the hell are you doing here!?”

“Kristin actually if you must know now please leave!”

Jack tried to close the door on Angie but she stuck her foot in the entrance.

“Jack where's Tom!? How did you get in here and .. .hold on… do you mean Kristin from the hospital?”

Angie stood with her mouth to the ground as Jack quickly smiled that devilish grin she knew so well. He nervously looked behind him to make sure Kristin was out of earshot.
He spoke at the speed of lightening making it quite obvious that Angie has interrupted a very steamy moment.

“That’s exactly who I mean and if you would check your damn messages once in a while you know that Tom was called away on an emergency business trip to Korea he gave me a key in case I got lucky you know my place isn’t exactly lady friendly now please go you caught me right in the middle of one of my special moves where I –

“NO STOP! please I don’t want to know … just go back to whatever you were doing. I’m so sorry to umm have bothered you.”

“No bother …in fact would you be up for a little three way lovin? You know there’s plenty of Jack to go around …

He winked at her and widened the door as an opened invitation.

Without even a word Angie was running down the hallway desperately trying to get the image of a Jack love sandwich out of her mind.

“Who was that?”

Jack’s smile widened as he felt Kristin's hands wrap around his hard muscular stomach.

“Oh just someone lost …looking for directions”

“Oh… well I’m definitely not lost. I have what I need right here”

Jack groaned as Kristin reached under the sheet he was holding around his waist and stroked him slowly. Leaving him unusually lost for words.

“Now weren’t you right in the middle of something”

“Hell yeah I was!”

Kristin cried out as Jack quickly spun around and lifted her over his shoulder and back to the bedroom.

It wasn’t that Jack was unattractive actually it was quite the opposite. He was tall and toned and tan with sandy blond hair and bright green eyes. It was the fact that he was a dog in every sense of the word. In fact his attention span with women usually lasted one date…maybe two if he thought she was hot enough to go back for seconds. Jack was very good at one thing …and that one thing was sex. Women who gave him as little as a kiss good night were doomed …sucked in by his many talents.

Little did he know that cupid's spell was going to change all that. Little did he know Kristin was going to steal his heart away forever.


“Damn! Damn! Damn!”

“Charlie what are we doing here?!”

“Look Stan she was here a minute ago… that girl moves too fast!”

“You know where she’s headed next don’t you Charlie?”

Charlie rolled his eyes and rubbed his temples.

“Yes I know but if I can just get there in time –

“Do you have any idea how long it took to get her and Tom together? This is a match literally made in heaven and in one stupid move you have destroyed everything!”

“Well not everything.. Tom’s away maybe she won’t get in touch with him in time and I seriously don’t think Max is going to answer his door right now. We have enough time. I can fix this! Come on let’s go!”

“You better be right Charlie. I don’t think I can protect you much longer If you screw up again.”

“Don’t worry I have every thing under control!”


Meanwhile back at Max’s apartment….

“More wine?”


“Liz I just want to tell you I know it’s only been a few days. A few completely crazy amazing insane days but I-I lov-

“Oh shit!”

Right at that moment Max misjudged her glass and spilled the wine all over her white sundress.

“Oh my god I’m sorry! Did I run it? I can’t believe I did that!”

“Max it’s ok really”

Liz stood in front of him and licked her lips.

“I think it was time that I got rid of this dress anyway”

She bent down and captured his mouth drawing in his tongue and playfully biting his lip.

Her voice went to a whisper as she moved her mouth to his ear.

“I’m going go to the bathroom and rinse this wine out of my dress…why don’t you get rid of these clothes. You need to finish that sentence and I need you inside me.”

Max shuddered as he watched her disappear into the hallway.

‘Oh my god …oh my god’

Max nervously ran around the apartment blowing out the candles and ripping off his clothes until he was left standing in the kitchen in his boxers throwing the dishes in the sink making sure everything was perfect.

Angie stood in front of Max’s door ready to knock when she noticed that it was very quiet inside and dark.

‘Something must’ve went wrong… she’s gone … oh my god he’s alone …this is my chance to show him just how much I love him’

Thinking it would be more romantic to just surprise him with her new revelation she slowly turned his doorknob. Her heart leaped with excitement when it easy opened.

The room was pitch black she couldn't see anything because her eyes had yet to adjust from the bright lights of the hallway.

Suddenly she felt his hands pulling her close.


In that low husky sultry voice that only Max Evans could possess he whispered to her.

“Shh don’t say anything... I need to get this out... I love you! I've loved you from the first moment I laid eyes on you!”


“Shh don’t say anything I have to have you... I’ve dreamed of this moment for so long... I’m going to make love to you all night.... I need you … I need to be inside you”

Suddenly Max was kissing Angie. A hot fiery passionate kiss that left her shaking and breathless and desperately wanting more. She couldn’t believe it! He had the same feelings for her and those feelings were quite evident as he pushed her against the wall and reached under her dress wrapping her legs securely around his waist.

Suddenly she could feel him pressing his hard arousal against her. Her hands grasped his strong arms. Her heart raced as his hard muscles flexed under her fingers. Angie could feel every part of him from his broad chest that moved sensually against hers to his hard tight stomach and what pulsed against her just below. She felt as if she might pass out from the powerful orgasm that was already quickly approaching. To her this was truly a dream come true! :wink: :D Soon their moans grew louder and louder.

Suddenly Max pulled away. She could feel him smiling against her face.

“What’s going on Liz... I thought you were going to get out of that dress?”

“What do you mean ... LIZ?!”

Max gently eased her down from his body and backed away in shock.


Suddenly the lights flew on.





Last edited by jake17 on Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:49 pm, edited 7 times in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Cupid Strikes Hard (AU,M/L,Adult)chpt 10 6/25/08

Post by jake17 »

Natalie36: hell in a hand basket! :lol: yes you are right! thanks sweetie! :D
DestinyDreamer: thank you for your fb! Happy you found this! :D
keepsmiling7: oh it's going to get even crazier!!thanks for reading this! :D
begonia9508: Hi Eve!! Hold on Eve hell is about to break loose! :lol: thanks so much for your fb! :D
angelina: Hi sweetie! so happy your here.. this is a mess and Im afraid it won't be straightened out yet! thanks so much for your fb! :D
IheartMax: So happy you enjoyed your little moment with Max! :wink: that was just for you sweetie!thanks for always being here! :D
sarammlover: Hi Sara! so happy you like Jack! He's my favorite too! :wink: thanks so much for being here! :D
Alien-friend: So happy you think this is hilarious! thanks so much!! :D
ShatteredDreamer: thank you for your bump and for your great fb! hope you enjoy this part! :D
L-J-L76: no questions will be answered yet IM afraid's going to get insane! thanks so much for your question sweetie! :D
dreamer19: So happy you are enjoying your moments with Jack sweetie! Thanks for the fb! :D
ythaler: HI Yatie! so happy I was able to make you laugh!! :D thank you so much!! :D
roswell3053: thanks so much for being here! hope you enjoy the next part! :D
paper: no threesomes don't worry! :lol: thanks for your fb! :D
forever dreamer: Hey Rachael!! So happy to see you here!!! thanks for the sweet fb!! Yes the fireworks are about to begin!! :D

For Sarammlover(sara), paper, and ShatteredDreamer... Max was so caught up in finally being able to make love to Liz that he was lost to the fact that it was Angie.. :oops: It had to happen for my story... so do you buy it? it's the best I could do :lol: He was completely blinded by lust!

Ok just a warning: this next part might be a little confusing. It's quite clear in my head but that's me! :wink: I hope I was able to convey what I was seeing .. this was not easy. I know you will have questions at the end and don't worry I have an explanation for everything! :D

Hell is about to break loose! :D

Chapter 10.

Charlie had his ear to the door and his hand against his chest.

Hearing the mess that was unfolding inside he backed away and started to hyperventilate.

Stan was pacing up and down the hallway rubbing his temples as he imagined his career literally going up in flames.

“Charlie what are we going to do now!! This is a catastrophe!! There is no fixing this!! You have ruined so many lives here not to mention our careers!!”

“Stop yelling at me Stan I can’t think when you yell!”

Stan began to bang his head against the wall in frustration.

Suddenly Charlie became very calm.

Taking a deep breath he turned to Stan and told him his plan.

“Stan I know this is against the rules and I know that I’ll be stripped of my wings but I have no choice…it’s the only way.”

Stan’s eyes grew wide understanding what Charlie had in mind.

“NO! NO! Charlie you can’t!!! It’s against the rule of nature the rules that god himself put forth!! Charlie you’ll be kicked out of heaven for this!!”

Stan reached out and grabbed Charlie refusing to let him go forth with his suicidal plan.

“Stan I’m sorry for this but you give me no choice”

With one hard blow to the jaw Charlie knocked Stan out cold.

“This is all my fault and I have to make it right.”

With that he opened the door and walked in.

With all the yelling and confusion no one even noticed the tiny cherub.

“How could you Max! I don’t understand !!”

Liz was in tears as she stood in her sexy negligee.

“Liz I’m sorry you had to find out this way but Max and I belong together. I just didn’t realize until recently. Tell her Max tell her that you love me”

Max stood up against the wall holding his head. He had no idea how he didn’t know that he was kissing Angie and not Liz. He didn’t want to hurt either one of them. He was totally stunned at Angie’s new feelings for him. He seriously was wishing the floor would swallow him up at that point.

Just then they heard someone clear their throat.

“Umm excuse my everyone. I think I could be of some assistance.”

Max was the first to see Charlie and slid down to the floor covering his eyes.

“Oh my god now I’m hallucinating!! What is happening to me! Wait maybe this whole night is one big hallucination…maybe I am sick with a high fever! Yes that must be it!”

Charlie walked over to Max and lifted his hands from his eyes.

“Sorry Max I’m afraid this is quite real”

Liz walked over to Charlie and started to touch his wings.

“Is this some kind of sick joke Max?”

“What! I have no idea what’s going on!”

Angie started hysterically laughing.

“It’s freaking cupid!!”

“Angie there is no such thing as cupid”

“Max don’t you see? You and Liz went on your first date on Valentines Day! This …this little angel is cupid!! Look at his arrows! He must’ve realized that we were meant to be together and came down from heaven to open my eyes!”

Liz sat down on the couch and held her face in her hands unable to cope with all that was unfolding.

Max was furious.

Standing up he went over to Charlie and leaned down to inspect him.

“Look I don’t know what or who you are but if you are responsible for all the craziness that’s been going on here you sure have a lot of explaining to do!”

Charlie slowly began to back away with his hands out in front of him.

“I know I messed up! I really messed up but I can fix everything!”

He turned around and pointed to his wings and his arrows.

“See I really am cupid! I was sent here to get you two together”

Angie ran to Max and threw her arms around him.

“See Max! We were meant to be together!”

At that moment the door flew open and Tom came running in and punched Max in the eye.

“What the hell!!”

Max fell to the floor holding his face in pain.

“I thought I could trust you but the minute I leave town you go after my girl! I always knew something was up with you! Like any guy could handle just being friends with my Angie! I should’ve known!!”

“Tom No!!!”

Angie ran to Max and held him in her arms.

“I can’t believe this is happening!!! I knew I had no business messing with love.. why why did go out that night to begin with!!”


Liz stood from the couch.

“How could you say that! You told me you loved me!! Was all that a lie!”

“Y-You love her Max is that true”

“Oh my god you! You! Cupid cherub angel thing you better fix this and fast or I’m going to kick your ass straight back to heaven!”

“Wait a second … Tom how did you know about me and Max? I never got a hold of you?”

“Jack called me told me you were all upset looking for me when you weren’t at home I thought you’d be here …with you best friend!!”

“Freaking Jack!”

“Someone mention my name?”

Just then Jack and Kristin came through the door.

“Hey what do we have here? Look it’s a midget!”

“No look at the arrows Jack it’s cupid!”

“Is there a party going on here? And will someone tell me why I wasn’t invited? Whoa look at the rack on Liz… now that’s a surprise. Actually I think that’s the only part of you I haven’t seen.”




Charlie had flown up to the kitchen table to get everyone’s attention.

Just then Trish, Heidi and Kathy came flying through the door.

“Max what happened to your eye?”

“I hit him! It seems that Max has stolen my fiancé away!”



Suddenly Stan stumbled into the room holding his jaw.

As soon as he saw all the people and Charlie standing on the table for everyone to see he immediately passed out again.

“Who is that?”

“Umm that’s Stan … I guess you could say he’s my boss”

“Will someone please tell me what’s going on here!”

“Shut up Jack!”
Last edited by jake17 on Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare