The One Among Us (M/L CC, TEEN )CH18 6/30/08 [WIP]

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The One Among Us (M/L CC, TEEN )CH18 6/30/08 [WIP]

Post by tarajeff73 »


Title: The One Amoung Us
Author: TaraJeff73
Category: (M/L M/M I/K)
Rating: TEEN
Disclaimer: I do not own 'Roswell' or any of its characters I am simply borrowing them for my story. 'Roswell' is property of 20th Century Fox, Melinda Metz and Jason Katims
Summray: It's Almost four years after graduation.After getting word of no F.B.I activity, the PodSquad finally settle into a San Fransisco neighborhood. But their quiet life is short lived when Liz's receives terrible a vision that sends them on thier way back home, to Roswell.

Author Notes: Yep, I am Back from A.W.O.L After have had written "Destiny's still calling." I realize i had wanted to do so much more with the story and failed to do so. I had jumped around and never established the storyline i truly wanted.So i decided to re write it, and change a few characters "Destinies." and keep others intact.So i am redoing the story and giving it a new name, and hopefully keep it true to the show as i possibly can. I havent been in the "Fanfic" section of "RoswellFanatics" in quite some time and i just dont have time to skim ALL the CC fanfic. So any similarities to someone elses fic is purely unintended.

Liz Parker sighed contently as she stepped out into the small balcony, of her and her husbands small one bedroom apartment. After almost three and a half years of constantly moving from city to city, and town to town, they finally settled down in a quiet San Fransisco neighborhood. Although she loved the neighborhood, Liz was certain Max had chosen california to be in a shorter distance of a reluctant former "protector".When word was given that all was quiet, and there was and absence of F.B.I activity, The gang decided it was time to call a quite neighborhood "home".
Isabel and Kyle had gotten an similar apartment two blocks down from Max andLiz. After one year of living in The van Jesse had provided for their escape from Roswell and two more years of living in close quarters, it was inevitable that the two would grow close. When Kyles "latent" empathic pwers began to blossom, it was Isabel who stuck by his side and help him through the transition. When he began having nightmares, she dreamwalked him to soothe his fears and during day taught him how to focus and sharpen his abilities.
Maria and Micheal manages to get an apartment in the very same building, one floor above them. That suited Liz just fine, as she just couldn't imagine her best friend living anywhere else.
A warm California breeze floated through the tiny apartment, causing a lock of Liz's dark hair to wave gently in its wake..She smiled as she breathed inthe salt air. Now that they have settled, Liz began entertaining the thought of enrolling in one of the local colleges using an alias. Although she truly enjoyed using her powers to do good deeds during their travels, Liz's true passion was science, and it still burned strongly in her heart. Then maybe children? Why not? Didn't they decide it was safe to settle? After all The official word had come from Kal Langley. Although the protector refused to take his position as "protector" he still knew all the goings on of Antar, and the "Royal Four".
In the background, Liz could hear Max watching C.S.I on the television in their small t.v room. In front of her was a clear view of another set of of apartments. Just behind the other apartment and not to far back was the ocean and the perfect place to lay out and catch some rays.A place Liz had intentions of taking advantage of during the weekends.Liz's smile broadened
They were finally going to live some kind of a "normal" life. This time there would be no Tess to come in and turn their lives upside down, and no F.B.I trying to hunt them down. Frowning ever so slightly, Liz scanned the are looking for anything suspicious,and then rolled her eyes and scolded herself silently. "Old habits die hard." she mumbled quietly to herself.
Liz was wearing a yellow bikini and a pair of very short denium shorts with a comfortable pair of sandles. Although she felt she showed more flesh than she was used to, Max had threw a few appreciative stares in her direction the moment she stepped out of the bedroom that morning. And to her annoyance he kept humming the "yellow bikini" song. As she glanced down at her form, she felt pride stir inside her. Yellow wasn't exactly her favorite color, but the skimpy bathing suit and shorts managed to hug her curves in just the right way, accenting just how much she grown from a teenage highschool graduate, into a full grown woman.
Giving a sigh of contentment, Liz begins to step away from the balcony. As she does something catches her eye on the small round glass table, where she sits during the evening as she gazes up at the stars.She picks up a necklace with the antarian symbol. The moment her fingers touched the alien metal, her knees buckle beneath her as a flood of images and emotions assailled her mind. The pain was exscruiationg and Liz held her head and whimpered.
"Liz! Liz what is it?" she heard Max call to her. But she couldnt respond as one by one images filled her mind. "Liz!" Max rushes to Liz's side. He scooped her up and gently laid her on their second hand couch. His face filled with panic as he watched her writhe in pain.
A some one knocks at the door. Liz sees Mrs Evans opens open the door."Yes?" the blonde woman asks looking at the visitor puzzled. The visitor pushes its way in.
Liz sees Mr and Mrs Evans huddling in fear, somewhere in the dark. "What do they want from us Philip? Where is Max and Isabel"
Liz sees the message from Max and Isabel's mother from the podchamber.
a short haird red head flicks open a zippo lighter and lights a cigarette.

And then Liz's visions stopped and everything went dark.


Two Earth days Earlier..........

Deep in the castle, high in the main tower, a single light glowed in the royal library. Sitting silently looking out into the Antarian night sky, a single humanoid form is deep in thought. With exception of their skin and eyes, Antarian in general could be passed off as a human, in a quick glance. But like so many things in the universe, its not whats on the outside that counts, and Antar's current leader Khivar was no exception.
He was considered to be very attractive, for his people.With Amber eyes and golden hair and well toned body no Antarian female was immune to his charms, but unfortunatley for the ruthless ruler, thats where the beauty stops. He had no true respect for Antar's crimson lakes, nor its torquoise skies. To him Antar was simply a conquest, and when the young and arrogant Zan had taken the throne,it had been just the oppertunity Khivar was looking for.Now after sixtey years of ruling, he realized ruling the head of the sister planets was no easy task. The head rulers of the other planet had no respect for him, and the people of Antar were demanding that the throne be returned to the royal family. Khivar had no intention on giving up the power he held, especially not to the king he worked so hard to dethrone.
A loud rapping came from behind the closed door of the library. "Enter." Khivar ordered as he stood. The door opened as a short timid Antarian enetered. The male entered with a grim look upon his face. Khivar knew the news was not good.

"Good evening, my lord." The advisor said with a short bow. He slippeed a data chip into the computer consol embedded on a small table in the center of room. The elderly man's hand glowed a brilliant green as he waves it over the hologram projector. In an instant a three dimension land map of the castle and sourrounding land, flashed into view. Just below the image number percentages scrolled across and Khivar felt himself get ill.

"As you can see my lord, the numbers are slowly increasing." The balding blue eyed advisor pointed out with and aged hand. Khivar felt his temper rise as he clenched his fists to his sides.

"Tell me Ian" Khivar began obviously irritated. "How is it possible, that a ressurected , reluctant king, still have such loyal followers?"

The aging advisor arched an eyebrow momentarily at the merciless leader.To Ian the answer was obvious. Although king Zan had been young and inexperienced in the ways of ruling, the vernal ruler cared for his people and had their best interests at heart. Zan had such hope for his people, but tried too much too soon in the end, it proved to be his downfall.
"Pehaps it is because of princess Vilondra's rejection?" Ian replied with secret pleasure.

The indescriminate princess had made quite a reputation for herself, in her former life. Taking Khivar as a lover only added to the problem. So it pleased Ian greatly to see Khivar come home empty handed and humilated when he sought to win over the Antarian people's trust. Obviously living a more mediocre life had improved the princess's decision making He only hope the same held true for Zan.
Khivar flashed his advisor a nasty glare.The older gentleman had been forced to be his advisor, and Khivar knew that Ian had helped in the raising of Zan. But Ian's impressive skills in stragetics, was foolish to ignore, so Khivar allowed him to live inexchange for being his advisor.

"She is my only chance to remain as ruler." Khivar said, staring at the hologram thoughtfully.

Ian cleared his throat."Forgive my ignorance Sire, but didn't she tell you to never come back?"

Khivar smirked and a thought had struck him."She did, but who said anything about going back to Earth?"
Ian just looked at Khivar puzzled. "I am gonna make her come to Antar." Khivar said finally.

The look of satifaction on Khivar's annoyed Ian. "How?" he asked with more worry than he cared for Khivar to hear.

" Family isVilondra's strength, but it is also her weakness." Khivar pointed out."So, we'll just use that. Bring her human parents here. If she thinks their life is in danger, she's sure to return home, and Zan with her."

The little color that Ian had in his face drained away. "But Sire, it's against the law. No humans are allowed on Antar."

Khivar felt his temper begin to rise."That's right, but I made the law! and i can UNmake it."
He then waved a hand over the hologram projector to shut it down. Instantly the holographic image dissappeared. "Gather up a team, and ready the portal."

Ian said nothing, as he gave a short bow and exited the royal library.

Khivar sat back down in his chair in front of the library window. As he stared up at the sky Antar's two moons Demarus and Athailia began to rise just over the horizen. Not far in the night sky, Earth shined brightly.Khivar smiled contently at the little planet. as he sat back into his chair.

Later that evening, on the other side of Antar, another royal stared out into the night sky, wondering about the planet earth. Like Khivar, her hair was golden, but that was the only feature she shared with the ruthless king. Her eyes were a pale violet, but had shine a deeper shade in her youth. Her form although still slender, was showing her years. She was the queen of Antar, although she was not ment to be.But when her son and his queen were assasinated, she was forced to take the title once again. She was all that remained of the "true" royal family. As she stared up at the glittering planet, she wondes was her now reborn hybrid son was doing. Their had been no word of hime in four years. The people of Antar were whispering of the King's betrayal and abadoment, but the queen knew there had to be more to it, than Zan simply rejecting his responcibilities. Something had happened.The more time that had passed the more she feared that he had met his end.
Her bedroom door suddenly bursts open and her loyal handmaiden stands in the doorway, panic on her face."Your highness," the young antarian female gasps. The queen spins around at the sound of the female's voice.

"Yes, Kareena? When she noties the panic in the younger female's face she frowns puzzled. "What has happeened?"

"Khivar your highness." she replies "He's brought humans to the planet."

The queen's face pales "humans? Here?"

The handmaiden nods "Not just any humans, your highness.King Zan's human parents."

The queen stiffens. "What! Why?"

'The news came from Ian your highness. Khivar is desprate to neutralize the approaching loyalists." she informed the queen. "He believes that with princess Vilondra at his side that the parties will back down."

The queen scoffed. "Khivar is a fool. The return of the royal four will only encourage the those loyal to tthe royal family to fight harder."

"Either way, Ian reports that Khivar plans on having Zan killed....again." the haidmaiden said dismally.

"What were Ian's suggestions?" the queen asked looking back out at the evening sky.

"To check the hybrid files." she said simply. "That scientists always create a back up plan just in case."

"Send someone." the queen ordered.

The handmaiden bowed "As you wish your majesty."

Last edited by tarajeff73 on Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:04 am, edited 37 times in total.
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Post by tarajeff73 »

In the darkness of the night, two cloaked figures walked close to the antarian ground. Every once in a while they looked around raking the area of awarness of their arrival. Satified that they have arrived to their destination undetected, one figure gently rapps on the castle's back entrance.
Instantly, Ian's head pops out from behind the large door. Looking just beyond the figures he glanced over the sorroundings. Certain that the coast was clear, he ushered the guest quickly into the castle. When they entered the manse, the mysterious figures removed thier hooded capes.
Instantly Ian recgonized the two as the queen's loyal handmaiden and the lead technician of Antars former technology team. Wasting no time, he lead them them to the laboratories, located, deep underneath the castle. The moment the doors were opened, the two Antarians headed for the computer consoles. The male waved a glowing hand over the instrument and at once the computer came to life. Several inches above the center of the console a little pale green dot flickered then expanded into a holographic monitor.

"Good evening doctor Falmead." greeted the computer in a silken female voice.

"Hello Eve." replied the middleaged Antarian to the computer.

The handmaiden arched an eyebrow at the Doctor. "You named the computer Eve?"

The male antarian gave a small laughed. "It seemed fitting at the time."

"Eve, access the hybrid files." He ordered the computer.

"Acknowledged." the computer replied. the was a series of clicks and then the computer spoke again. "Access Denied. I am sorry Doctor but you are no longer authorised to access these files." The computer reports in the same slow silken tone.

The hand maiden looks to the hologram and frowns." I figured as much. There is no way Khivar would allow and further creation of resistance. I am surprized he didn't completely delete the hybrid files all together."

"You forget who created the Eve program."Doctor Falmead snorts. "Eve, override authorization . Password, The fallen king."

"Verifying override." the computer responded. "Override exacuted."

The technician smiled contently at the holographic monitor, and began typing away on a keyboard.
Several minutes had passed, and then the holographic monitor began displaying archive hybrid files.The handmaiden stared up at the images in awe.

"Is that what they look like now?" she whispered.

Doctor Falmead nodded. "Yes." He then again started typing at the keyboard hight lighting a file called "genetic manipulation." but just as the file opened the holographic monitor shut down.
"Eve why did you shut the monitor off?" he asked annoyed.

"I didn't Doctor, an unknown file is conflicting with the database you are accessing." the computer responded.

The male antarian took a half step back puzzled. "Can you open the file Eve?"

"The data within has been encrypted." The computer stated.

"Display it anyways" the doctor ordered.

"Displaying now". the computer reported.

Within moments the the green holographic monitor began flashing one after and other pages of random numbers letters and symbols. The doctor brow furrowed as he watched the pages, trying to make some sense of the coding.

The moment she saw the coding flash on the monitor, the handmaiden knew she had seen it somewhere before. Although, she told no one, on her free time the young female would hide in her quarters, working on a computer that only the queen knew she had. It was during one of her free moments that she had found a way to hack into Lord Khivars personal logs in the palace's computer database. Since then it has been the queen's main resource for staying ontop of Khivars plans.

"Here lemme see the keypad for a moment." she said nudging Falmead over. She typed in a few variables and then tapped Eve's exacute button. Without hesitating Eve began displaying the pages once more. Both Antarians frowned again when Eve started displaying the page ina text they did not recognize."

"Eve? Is this more encryption?" Falmead asked in a resigning tone his shoulders slumping slightly.

"The text displayed is alphbet and language used in ancient antarian history.Little is known about it, and few can interprete it." the computer's voice states slowly.

"Eve identify those who can interprete." the handmaiden ordered the computer.

"Identifying." The computer responded obediantly.

The computer then began to identify the only known Antarians on the planet that knew the ancient dialect and writing. Some were a given but the last name the computer indentified stunned both parties.

"Ian?" the handmaiden asked, and spun around to face him. "Ian? you can translate this?" Falmead then followed suit and turned to look at the king's advisor.

"What does it say?" the doctor demanded to the ageing advisor.

The older advisor stepped forward towards the holographic monitor and squinted as he began read read to floating holographic screen.

"It says, Doctor Aytoon's personal logs and observations from the H.A.C project." the older antarian recited.

"H.A.C project?" the handmaiden asked aloud.

"The human, antarian connection project." the doctor stated. "It was the studies finally led to the creation of the hybrids.But i don't understand why Ayetoon's studies remain intact.. His studies and experiments were considered too unstable and life threatening, to the human subjects.He ignored the warnings to stop preforming the tests, and he was then banned from the project alltogether.

The two continued to listen on as the older antarian recited the contents of the page.

"Log entry 1 implantation number six. The implantation of fetus into human subject successful, pregnancy progressing at a normal human rate." the advisor dictated with no emotion.

Falmead felt the color drain from his face. "That can't be right." the befuddled antarian replied
"To the best of my knowledge, the studies never gotten that far." The doctor turned back to the advisor "are you sure you are reading that correctly?"

The king's advisor nodded. "Yes sir."

"Is there some kind of date on the page?" Falmead asked hoping to pinpoint a time phrame.

the antarian shook his head.

"Eve, access the user access archives for 00-006".Falmead dictated

"Accessing Archives." the female voice recited back.

"List all user access for Doctor Aytoon." Falmead ordered.

"Archive date, 000-002 four-hundred entries by Dr. Aytoon. Archive Date 02-04, four-hundred entries by Dr. Aytoon. Archive date, 83-84, thirty archives."

"Thats's enough Eve, give me the contents of Dr Aytoon's last user access entry."

"Accessing." The voice responded obediantly.

Almost instanly the female voiced computer, displayed the entire contents of the archive log.The two loyal servents of the queen turned to the advisor expectantly.

He cleared his voice and began. " The human implantation is a success. The female subject's body is showing no signs of rejection. Placental health is at a hundred percent and shows no signs or early deterioration. The human subject will have her memories of this encounter removed and returned to earth to her mate to continue on with the pregnancy. I have chosen to have the fetus to be a combination of the female subject's and her mate's, DNA to prevent suspicion and, or rejection.

I am sending a observer,a loyal follower of the royal family to earth, to watch over the child as it grows.
Should the need arise, the observer will reveal herself, and activate the hybrid's gifts so that it may defend it's self.In addtion,the observer has been implanted with the royal family's memories, in case rejection of the fifth hybrid occurs."

Falmead and the handmaiden stood frozen as the advisor finished reading the log entry. there was only silence when the impact of what Ian read back to them had sunk in.

"He created another. But why?" the handmaiden whispered breaking the momentary silence.

Falmead shook his head "I'm not sure, but we need to get this information to the queen. It's possible we just found a way to contact the king."

"How?" the handmaiden asked puzzled.

"The observer." Falmead replied simply. "Eve, can you make a data chip for all of Dr. Aytoon's entry logs?"

"Yes Dr. Falmead." the computer replied " Do you wish for me to create one?"

"Yes." the Doctor demanded.


Through the darkness, Liz could hear mumbled voices around her. Where was she? she tried to open her eyes but managed to only flicker her eyelids.

"I think shes coming to." Liz heard a familiar female voice say.

Something cool and wet was lifted from her forehead. As Liz once again attempted to open her eyes, she groaned as she felt a dull ache pounding against her temples.She imediately held her head as she began to sit up.

"What happened?" she asked groggily "Where am I? Max?"

Sitting on the right side of the bed, removing the damp cloth she had placed on Liz's forehead was Maria. Her green eyes were flooded worry and concern. The moment Max had called, Maria had rushed to the apartment from upstairs with Michael following close behind. She had been frightened that something was terribly wrong. Liz had many "visions" while they were on the road, most were about people they had gotten to know along the way. Some were about dangers they needed to avoid, others to prevent the untimely deaths. In all that time, with all the visions that they watched Liz had none, had rendered the petite brunette unconscious.

"Easy chica, slowly." she hears her bestfriend say, helping her to sit up.

"Where's Max?" Liz asks as her blurred vision begins to focus.

"I'm here Liz." Max replies sitting on the next to Liz trying to smooth out her diseveled hair, and tucking a stray lock of hair from her face. "What happened? Did you have a vision?"

Liz looked at Max puzzled for a moment, trying to remember." I don't know I can't..." Liz's voice trailed off as the memories of her vision came flooding back.

"Liz what is it?" Maria asked noted the color drain from her friends face.

Liz glanced over at Max. "Something's happened," Liz said dismally

Max shifted uneasily where he sat. Somthing in Liz's eyes told him that whatever she saw would directly impact him."Somthing?" he asked.

Liz then slowly looked at Isabel, who had been standing at the foot of the bed, looking on with obvious concern,.Liz almost didnt want to say the words, because of all people, Isabel would take the news the hardest. She had wanted for so long to tell her mother of their true origin, but Max and Micheal insisted that Mr and Mrs Evans continue to think Max and Isabel were normal human teenagers, unsure of their reaction. "To your parents." Liz said finally.

Then color drained from Isabel's face as threw Max a look of panic." Omigod Max!" Isabel gasped.

Michael walked towards the bed from the doorway. "Are you sure it was Mr and Mrs Evan Liz?" he asked as Maria clung to him in shock. Michael stroked Maria's blonde hair inan attempt to comfort her.

"Yes." Liz replied seriously, bobbing her head.

Michael looked over at Max expectantly "Maxwell?"

Max looked over at his frightened sister and then back at Liz. "Liz i want you to rest." he ordered, then looked back at the others. "The rest of you, pack up your stuff. Looks like we're going back to Roswell."

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Post by tarajeff73 »

( Thank you all for the feedback, it's greatly appreciated I would also like to give a special thanks to RhondaAnn for taking on the task of being my beta! thanks girl!)

A set of keys jingle as they are taken from a silver, alien head apron. The door unlocks easily, and the figure steps into the apartment with a sigh of relief. She tosses the keys onto the kitchen table, then pulls out her very short ponytail. She desperately needed a shower, and crinkled her nose as the mixture of french fries, coffee, and sweat drifted up to her freckled nose.
It had been another long shift at the Crash Down and she had barely survived the morning rush. But she got through it, like she had been for almost four years now. As she walks towards the bathroom, she peels off her sweaty Crash Down uniform, steps into the small bathroom, and turns on the shower. After removing the rest of her garments, she steps into the hot spray of water.
She sighs contentedly as the hot liquid eases her stiff muscles, and slowly rinses the smell of grease from her short red locks. It had only been in the last few months, that she was able to experience such sensations. This one was one of her favorites. Turning around she submerges her face in the hot water to rinse the greasey residue that working at the cafe produced. Although she did not produce acne like the other waitresses, the sensation of grease on her face, still bothered her skin. She then grabbed a bar of her favorite scented soap and washed away the remaining smell of grease from her slender form.
Just as she is about to lather up her hair in shampoo, an unknown sound comes from within her bedroom. She pauses for a moment listening. Unable to make out the sound through the falling water, she shuts off the shower and pops her head out from behind the plastic curtains.
The sound was low and rhythmical, with a slight beeping towards the end. The girl stiffened. She had heard that sound only one other time, and it was seven years ago. She quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her dripping body. creeping slowly, she pokes her head around the doorway. A soft glowing light came from her top drawer of her dresser, and it pulsed in rhythm with the sound. She frowned as she tried to remember exactly what she kept hidden in that drawer, but nothing came to mind. When she finally reached her dresser she very carefully removed the clothing from on top of the light source. She picked up the flat disc in awe. She had the item for as long as she had been in Roswell, but this was the first time it had done anything but sit quietly in her top drawer, and the truth was, she had nearly thrown it away several times. But her conscience got the best of her and there it remained quietly hidden below her thong panties.
Earlier That Evening
The queen listened intently, as her servents relayed their discovery. When they were done, the queen stood silently, letting it all soak in. After several moments she sat down smoothing her iridescent nightgown, and sighed.

"So there's another." the queen said. It was a statement rather than a question.

"Yes your majesty," the handmaiden replied solemnly.

"Is this hybrid a threat?" the queen asked fearfully, getting right to the point.

"No," the young female replied. "Actually, just the opposite. Doctor Aytoon had suspicions that the cloning process had been sabotaged. That's why he started experimenting on human subjects for implantation. He later discovered that some DNA samples had been switched and his suspicions were valid. He then began sneaking back into the lab to continue his work. Apparently he had a few other scientists believeeving his theory, they helped sneak him in during the late evenings."

"Switched? By whom?" the queen asked, fearing the worse.

"We don't know." Falmead finally spoke. " Aytoon never mentioned it in his logs. What we do know, is that he created another. This hybrid was brought to the same area as the "Royal Four" ready to be activated when the time arose."

"He also sent a changeling. A loyal supporter of the royal family." the handmaiden piped in. "It was the changeling's job to observe the hybrid from afar, activate its powers, and restore its and the Kings full memories. There was no true need for a protector, because the hybrid would be completely unaware that it was 'different'. Being born from a human with no powers, its ignorance was the perfect protection."

"And the changeling?," the queen asked as a little hope stirred in her troubled heart.

"As far as we know, still waiting to be called upon," Falmead stated.

The queen stood up and looked upon her two loyal servants. "Does the changeling have the means to be contacted?"

"Yes your majesty," the handmaiden replied immediately, trying to contain her excitement. " It was sent to earth with a communicator. Would you like me to send a cloaked communication signal?"

The queen nodded then sat down with a sigh or relief. "Now if you'll excuse me, I would like to rest for a bit. Keep me informed as things progress."

"Yes your Highness," the two servents said in unison, and they quietly left the queen's small cottage.
She looked around making sure no door had been left ajar, and no shades were left open. She then laid the disc on the dresser, and waved a glowing hand briefly above the flat object. Within an instant a holographic image of the queen stood before her. Immediately, the red head dropped to one knee. "Your highness," she gasped slightly, her head bowed.

"Stand up Kayeleen," the queen ordered gently.

The red head stiffened when the queen called her by her given name. As she stood, she looked at the queen puzzled.

"Yes, " the queen responded noting the changeling's confusion. "I know who you are. I know why you are on earth."

Kayeleen nodded saying nothing.

The queen opened her mouth to speak, but then hesitated, and stared at the woman curiously. "Did I interupt something?"

Kayeleen frowned uncertain what the queen meant and then realized she was still only dressed in a towel. "No, I just finished bathing."

"Very well," the golden haired queen said with a nod. "Khivar has set up a trap. I need you to contact the king."

"But your highness." Kayleen interjected " There's been no word, not for almost four years."

The queen's face saddened. "What are you saying?"

Kayleen hesitated. She didn't want to tell the blonde haired Antarian that her son had rejected the throne. That he had turned his back on his people and his destiny. So she told only half the truth.
"He was being hunted down," she began. "He and the others. They fled Roswell, and went into hiding. No one knows where they are now."

The queen's proud stature faltered briefly. And for a moment, Kayleen was sure the queen suspected. But then a look crossed the regal female. "Thanus."

Kayleen froze momentraily at the name. It was a name she han't heard spoken since her youth. Not since Khivar had forcefully taken over the throne.
"What about him?" She asked not really wanting to know.

"Find him." the queen ordered. "He will know where they are."
"But your highness I don't know where to begin looking for the protector." She argued.

" My sources tell me, he is living in a city called Los Angeles." The queen offered. "You do know where this earth city is, do you not?"

Kayleen nodded her head obediently.

"Good!" the queen said satisfactorily. "Go, seek him out. Get the answers you need. When you find the king, ready him for his return home."

"Yes your highness," Kayleen replied again with obedience and turned to walk away.

"Kayleen?" The queen asked before the changeling stepped out of sight.

She turned and gave the queen a questioning look "Yes?"

"Bring the other with you, my children are going to need all the help they can get." the queen finshed and then the hologram disappeared.

She wasted no time, getting dressed. It had only taken minutes to pack up for the day trip to California. Like so many of the changelings, it was encoded in her genes to obey a direct order from the royal family, but that fact never bothered her. As long as she never came in close proximity of the royal family, she could avoid the genetic obedience. So it had suited her just fine to simply be an "observer", but now as she readied herself for her journey, she was not bitter or resentful of her orders. As a matter of fact, she fully enjoyed the idea of being the one to put the reluctant king in his place. Most of her people viewed the king pretty much the same, young, inexperienced, and selfish, but encoded obedience prevented any changeling from voicing their opinons. Still she was unhappy with her trip to California to fetch the cowardly changeling. She wanted nothing to do with him. None of their people did. Thanus had dishonored his people when he abandoned his set of podlings. Even though they had grown healthy and safe, it was his job that they were brought up properly. Thanus failed the podlings and the podlings had met their demise.
As she closed the door to the yellow volkswagon bug, she glanced over at the Crash Down cafe. It had been the closest thing she had come to being human. After today, she will never be that close again.
It was almost twenty-four hours later when she finally arrived in Los Angeles. It wasn't long before she was able to locate a cheap motel with internet access to check into. After finding the nearest fast food restaraunt, she headed to her room and unpacked a few articles of clothing and plugged in her laptop. It took a few strokes of the keys and a search engine before Kayleen found everything she had ever wanted to know about the changeling named Kal Langley, including his last known address.
Having formulated a plan and a full stomach, she decided to call it a night.
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Post by tarajeff73 »

After having altered the van to a new color and trim,everyone silently climbs in carrying their bags.
Max looks over at Liz who takes a seat in the passenger side.
"How are you feeling?" he asks concern evident in his voice. "Anymore visions?"

Liz smiles weakly, still shaken. "No" she shakes her head, "No more visions."

Max leans over and gently strokes her hair, then starts up the van.

"So what are we going to do Maxwell?" Michael asked in his usual stoney voice. "Just drive into Roswell? I mean how do we know the F.B.I aren't just hiding around the corner, waiting for us to return?"

"He's got a point Max." Maria piped in.

When Maria had chosen to stay with Michael on that fateful day almost four years ago, she had also decided to take a loyal place by his side, but unlike Max and Liz, Michael had yet to pop the big question. She decided not to press the issue. Things were always a bit slower when it came to him.

"We can't just stroll into Roswell the usual way." she pointed out.

"That's why we're going to take the back roads," Max replied from behind the wheel.

Kyle had taken his usual seat next to Isabel, when he noticed her staring fearfully out her window. He took one of her soft hands in his and squeezed it gently.
"I am sure that they are okay." he said trying to comfort her. Isabel turned to Kyle, tears shimmering in her brown eyes. When one began to slip down her cheek, Kyle quickly brushed it away. "I sensed no deception from Liz, and her visions have always been on the mark." he crooned. Isabel just gave a small smile and nodded. Then she returned to look out her window.

It was 8 am when her alarm finally went off. Kayeleen opened her bright green eyes and blinked several times, then got up out of the cheap motel bed. Moments later she was dressed, packed and back on the road.
With a map in hand, she sets out to find the changeling's mansion.
Twenty minutes had passed when she finally found herself pulling up to the steel gate entrance. "Damn!" she cursed to herself noticing the cameras. There was no way she was going to get [in] to the mansion the conventional way. So she parks the car some distance away, and walks to one of the gate walls. Grateful that even the walls were hidden by tall trees, she looks around to make sure no one was walking by. She then spreads out a hand , her palm facing the ground. She stiffens her body and then shoots out a burst of green energy, using it as a rocket. Seconds later she was on the other side of the wall. Dusting herself off, she heads up to the mansion. When she reaches the main door, she rings the doorbell. A few minutes later she hears movement behind the door, when it opens a heavy set woman, with her dark hair pulled back in a knot peers down at her with suspicion.

"Yes? Can I help you." woman asked curiously.

Kayeleen sized the woman up before speaking. "Uh, yeah I am looking for Mr. Kal Langley."

The woman looked Kayleen over once more." I'm sorry but Mr. Langley is not seeing visitors at this time."

Kayleen nodded "I'm sorry too." she agreed.

Beofre the maid could comment on the red head's apology, Kayeleen waved a glowing hand and the heavyset servant slumped to the floor unconscious.
Kayeleen stepped into the large home, wide eyed. The house was huge, and beautiful. It was so like Thanus to surround himself in such luxuries. Even on Antar, he preferred the finer things in life, rather than help lead the royal armies.
Leaning against the wooden trim banister, she waits for the changeling.

"Emily?" a voice calls out from one of the rooms on the second floor. "Emily?" the voice asks again , this time much louder. The sound of a door closing and approaching footsteps could now be heard from the hall. moments later Kal Langley appeared at the head of the stairs he was looking down at his Rolex as he clasped the watch onto his wrist. "Emily, who was at the door?"

"I was." Kayeleen stated. "Are you Kal Langley?"
Kal looked up from his watch, stopped midstep and gave the red head a puzzled look. " Look kid, if your looking to be in movies, you've come to the wrong man. I quit the movie business."

Kayeleen gave a snort." More like the movie business quit on you."

Kal narrowed his eyes. "Who the hell are you? How'd you get ......" Kal's voiced trailed off when he noticed the unconscious servant at the doorway. "You stay right there!" he demanded as he pulled out his cell phone from his back pocket. But the moment he had the phone in hand, Kayeleen waved a glowing hand and sent the device sailing through the air.
The moment the phone crashed on the floor, Kal raised an outstretch hand to blast Kayeleen.But the changeling was expecting this and had already raised a green energy field for protection.
"Now, now Thanus, is that any way to treat a guest?" she taunted him.

Kal froze at the sound of his given name. He hadn't gone by that name since, he had left the podlings in NewYork many years ago. "Who are you?"
Kayeleen's bottom lip protruded in a false pout. "Aww Thanus. The
'All Knowing' Thanus. Don't tell me you weren't aware of my presence in Roswell." The befuddled look on the shorter changeling, told her he hadn't. Kayeleen was now enjoying the moment. When Max had returned from his trip from California, she had only caught bits and pieces of Maria's and Liz's conversation. One thing she had caught was the mention of the shapeshifter's boast of knowing everything. For one brief moment, she allowed her form to flicker revealing her true form to the other changeling.

Kal's eyes suddenly grew wide. "Kayeleen" He whispered. Then as quickly as he lost it, he regained his composure. "You can't take me back, I won't go back."

"Oh please!." she scoffed "I didn't come here for you." she then dropped her shield. "Besides, it's not like Antar would receive you with open arms. Not after abandoning the podlings."

Kal sneered. "Don't patronize me Kayeleen. Those podlings were merely backup!"

"That may be so, but it was your responcibilty to protect them! She spat at him. "To add insult to injury, when the king finally calls on you, you once again failed to give him the information he required."

"That punk kid was willing to expose everyone just to find that spawn of his!" Kal shot back venomously.

Kayeleen narrowed her eyes angrily at the shorter changeling. "When you say, everyone you really mean you! You haven't changed at all. You're still the same selfish Thanus you always were! Why the queen left you with such a great responsibility is beyond me!"

"Are you finished?" Kal asked haphazardly.

"No!" she shot back. "Max Evans."
Kal squared his shoulders "What about him?"

Kayeleen then, lost her patience, and grabbed the man by the throat and held him in mid air.
"Don't play with me Thanus! I know you know where he is!"

Kal only managed to gurgle out chokes as he grasped feebily at the hand around his throat. Kayeleen eased her grasp

"Roswell." he managed to choke out. "He's.......He's heading back to Roswell."
Kayeleen suddenly dropped Kal puzzled. "Roswell? Why?"

Kal grabbed at his throat as he struggled to his feet rasping. "Because they know." he gasped. "They have already left."

"How is that possible?" She asked still befuddled.

"Because," Kal said between gasps. "one of their human companions has the sight."

Kayeleen frowned in thought, her mind raced trying to comprehend the changelings words. And suddenly a memory of Liz's dying form in the Crash Down flashed in her memory. Her eyes suddenly went wide. "Of course!" she exclaimed. "How could I be so stupid?" With her mind still racing, she leaves Kal's mansion in a rush.

"You're welcome!" Kal mumbles softly as he dust himself off.
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Post by tarajeff73 »

RosDude wrote:I just thought I'd check this story out since the banner looks soooo interesting. lol J/K, but seriously, this a very good story. I am really looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
Thanks for the feedback RoseDude. I hope you enjoy the chapters to come :wink:

Part 5

Everyone had grown silent as the van entered Roswell, Max and Michael were sitting in the driver's and passenger's seats carefully looking around, looking for anything suspicious. The tension in the van was felt by eveyone. They couldn't have been in Roswell more than five minutes when suddenly flashing patrol lights were behind them.
Michael looked at Max in surprise, then cursed under his breath.
"I thought we covered everything." Michael then turned to look at Kyle accusingly.

"Kyle's eyes went wide."Hey don't look at me!" Kyle said defensivly holding his hands up, "All was intact when we left."

"Everyone just stay cool." Max ordered, he he pulled the van over to the side of the road.

The officer's car parked just behind the van. Minutes later, the officer was at the driver's side window.

"Is there a problem officer?" Max asked cooly.

The officer said nothing at first as he glanced at Max for a moment, then at the others in the van.

"License and registration please." The officer ordered in an even tone.

Max grabbed his license from his pocket, and then the registration from above his visor.

"Are you aware that one of your tail lights is not working?" The officer asked while glancing at the license.

"No sir, last time we checked it was working fine." Max replied.

"Hmm, well, I'll be right back , stay put." The officer said looking at Max suspiciously.

When the officer walked back to his vehicle, and out of earshot, Michael spoke again.

"So much for returning to Roswell without drawing attention." he growled.

"Just stay cool Michael." Max ordered then looks back at the others. "The worst that can happen is we get a warning."

"Or he regonizes us." Maria pointed out.

"I don't recognize this officer, so he must be new." Max explained "If he's new, chances are he doesn't know of us."

"Max is right." Liz supported. "Besides I am sure Valenti would have taken care of the media when we left."

Michael then gave a signal for the conversation to stop.

The police officer returned Max his license and registration. " Are you aware that you are driving with an invalid license plate?"

Max felt the color drain from his face. "Uh, um no officer." he stammered.

"Okay, well you folks are going to have to come with me to the station." The officer explained. "We're gonna take the van to the impound."

twenty minutes later.

Jim Valenti was sorting paper work in the last hour of his shift. He finally worked his way back up to sheriff after Hanson transferred to another county over. It was a long journey, but he finally started earning the respect back. He never regretted helping Max and the others, and if anything he'd do it again.

"Hey Sheriff?" a deputy asked popping his head through the open door.
Jim looked up curiously at the young officer.

"Yeah?" he replied gathering paperwork into a folder.

"We got a bunch of kids here, we picked them up as they were entering the town limits. Their license plate was invalid." the deputy explained handing the sheriff the report.

"Car thieves no doubt." Jim snorted "Send them in."

The deputy nodded and opened the door wider.
The sheriff's mood soured slightly. In last few years the crime rate in Roswell had risen slightly, and had kept him busy at the office, more than he cared for. As he skimmed the report, something familiar caught his attention. But before he could read anymore of the report, the culprits entered his office.

"Sorry sheriff, but I swear we didn't steal the van." A familiar voice explained.

Jim Valenti froze where he stood as he looked up. There standing before him was someone he thought he would never see again.

"Kyle?" Jim whispered almost afraid it was just another dream.

"Hi dad." Kyle replied with a small smile.

Realizing that the deputy was still a the doorway watching curiously, Jim cleared his throat. "That will be all deputy."

The deputy nodded and closed the door behind him.

The moment the deputy was gone from sight, Jim jumped from his seat and rushed to embrace his son tightly. The two men embraced each other tightly for several moments until Maria's shrieking voice interrupted the emotional reunion.

"What is this?" She demanded handing Jim a framed photograph.

Kyle watched his father's face curiously as Jim drew a sheepish grin as he took the photograph.
He then looked back up at Kyle and the other curious onlookers with a hint of guilt.
"While you were gone, Amy Deluca and I got married."

Maria let out another shriek "What! You married my mother?" she asked in disbelief.
Michael flashed Maria a disapproving look, while Liz just grinned happily at the sheriff.

"Congraulations sheriff." Isabel said with a smile as she stepped to Kyle's side.

Jim smiled and nodded, taking note of her close stance next to his son.
"Thank you Isabel. But I think we should continue this reunion at the Crashdown, don't you think?"

Max wrapped an arm around Liz's tiny waist, and looked into her dark brown eyes. "I could go for a coffee, what about you?" he asked her, but the excitment, the twinkle in her eyes was all the answer he needed.

At the Crashdown Cafe

Nancy and Jeff Parker were sitting at a booth with sales slips and a calculator at hand, adding up the sales for the day.

"Yet another busy day." She stated with an exhausted yawn.

"You're telling me. How we managed without Serena this morning I'll never know." Jeff replied sifting through the rectangular paper reciepts. "Want some coffee?" he asked yawning as well. When his wife nodded he got up and headed to the kitchen.

Nancy was still sorting the reciepts when the cafe's front door chimed.

"I'm sorry, the kitchen is closed." she called out without looking up.

"I'm sorry Nancy, I'm not looking for something to eat." Jim said removing his hat as he stepped in.

Nancy looked up surprised. "Oh, Jim I am sorry, I thought you were a last minute customer."

"That's okay." he said waving off her apology.

Nancy gets up from her seat and walks over to the sheriff puzzled. "What brings you here so late?"

The sheriff fiddles with his hat for a moment then looks up at her with seriousness. "We have an unexpected visitor."

Nancey frowns at him. "Really? Who?"

Jim steps aside to reveal the young woman standing behind him.

In the crashdown kitchen

The perculator had finally finished the coffee and Jeff was pouring two cups of coffee, when they sound of his wife's shriek nearly cause him to pour coffee all over his hands. "Nancy what is it?" he yells in alarm as he rushes out from the kitchen bursting through the door. "Nancy are you....." his voice trails off,when he sees a face he knew too well. Her long brown hair fell loosely around her small shoulders, and her brown eyes twinkled with happiness. "Lizzie?" he asked in disbelief. "Lizzie? Is it really you?"

Without responding, Liz Parker rushed into her stunned father's arms, and hugged him tightly. When the initial shock wore off, Jeff returned his daughters tight embraced, then glanced over her shoulder watching as the others piled into the cafe. He pulled away slightly and held her her face in his hands, tears brimming in his happy eyes. "You're back." he says, and hugs her tightly once again.

Max approaches Liz and her father clearing his throat, and Jeff looks up at him curiously. Liz breaks from her embrace and looks at Max and to then her father nervously.
Max holds out a hand with uncertainty and nervousness. Jeff looks at Max for a moment in consideration, then swiftly grasps the younger man's outstretched hand and pulls him into a brief embrace.

"Welcome back son."


~My Fics~
"The One Among Us"
Alorah's Story
Destiny's Still Calling
Consequences of a Child
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Post by tarajeff73 »

Hey everyone! hope all of you had a great Christmas and a great new years day. If there is any spelling errors, bear with me, i was anxious to get this chapter out after my dry spell, so much so I didn't wait 4 my beta. Sorry Rhonda i'll be patient with the next one :lol:

Part 6

Everyone had gathered into the booths against the wall, as Jeff dissappeared into the back to make a few more pots of coffee. When he came back everyone was engrossed into listening to their children's adventures on the road.

"That's when Max and I decided it was time to get married." Liz said as Max entwined his fingers with hers, and kissed her on the forehead.

Nancy Parker gave a dissapproving look. She had only just gotten her daughter back, and now she had to face the fact that her little girl, was no longer a little girl, but Max Evans wife.

"So have you guys decided where your going stay for the night?" Nancy asked curiously, hoping to change the subject. But before anyone could answer the question, the cafe's door chimed once again.

Where is she?" a voiced shrilled "Where's my baby!"

Maria's eyes shot opened and she then groan inwardly. Michael and Maria then stood up together holding hands. Immediatly Amy Deluca rushed to her daughter embracing her tightly, while Michael watched waiting for the third degree he knew the older woman wassure to give.

"Mom. I'm okay " she said annoyingly as her mother smothered her in a tight hug. "Mom!" she said trying to break from the embarassing hug. Amy then glanced over at Michael suspiciously. "Thank you for taking good care of my daughter." Michael simply nodded.

Amy lookedback at her daughter, wondering what brought her return. "You're not pregnant are you?"

Maria paled slightly, mortified at her mother's questioning. "What! No! Mom, I'm not pregnant." Maria gasped in shock. Amy glanced over Michael once more.

"Good." she replied cooly squaring her shoulders and flashing a icy glare in Michael's direction.

"Amy"Jeff greeted with a chuckle "Why don't you pull up a seat with the rest of us."

Amy Deluca cleared her throat and played with the colar of her shirt, uncomfortably when she realized just how much of a scene she had created.

"Thank you Jeff." replied Amy still not letting Maria leave her side as she pulled up a stray chair from a nearby table.

When everyone was seated, JimValenti cleared his throat, although he and the other parents suspected the reason for their return, he asked anyways. "So, why have you return?"

Everyone at the booth grown silent, and the happy reunion faded away to sudden silence. Max and Isabel glanced over at Liz their faces expressed obvious worry.

"Liz had a vision," Max began slowly, allowing the knowledge of Liz's change to sink in. "She saw our parents."

"A vision?" Nancey asked puzzled looking to Max and then to Liz who suddenly looked to her with slight fear and expectation.

Jeff'f hand slid over his wife's and grasped it reassuringly. "Remember? Liz was changed when Max saved her life?" Jeff gently reminded his wife. "But, she is still our Lizzie." Jeff added winking at Liz who's fear melted away at her father broad smile.

Jim gave a deep sigh as he fiddled with the edge of his hat on the table. "They have been missing for a couple of days." He hesitantly. "I wasn't sure if they had gone on a trip or not, since you left, we all kept tabs on each other. We didn't know what we were going to be up against. We figured they went to visit their family or something, but when I had a few deputies check out the house we realized the car still in the garage and the lights and T.V was still on."

Isabel's eyes were wide with worry as she listened to the sheriff. "Was there any sign of abreak in?" she asked.

The sheriff shook his head. "No, none at all. It's as if they vanished into thin air. It's either that or they welcomed the captures into the house."

"Who would want to kidnap Philip and Diane?" Jeff asked " The F.B.I haven't been poking their noses around in ages."

"It's not just the F.B.I we have to worry about Mr. Parker." Max explained apologetically "We have enemies from our home planet, that like to pay us a visit from timeto time."

"You mean they could be walking around us at anytime!" Amy shrieked suddenly shifting uncomfortably "and just snatch us up!"

"Mom, itspretty obvious who they are after." Maria stated "They wantMax and Isabel."

But Amy Deluca was convinced. "What makes you so sure?" she demanded

"Because Max isthe former King of our planet, and Isabel, the princess." Michael piped in. "Antars current ruler gain the throne by killing us many years ago, we were recreated ashybrids so that we may return to our home planet and that Max, would regain the throne."

"What would happen to Liz and Maria and Kyle?" Nancey asked fearing the fate her daughter had accidently became part of.

There was silence after Nancey's question andMax and Isabel looked down at their laps uncomfortably.

"Mom I knew what I was getting myself into when I married Max. I'm not completely defensless, I have abilities too." To prove her point, she grabbed a ketchup bottle and transformed it to mustard just like Isabel had, for Alex in that very same booth six years before. "Kyle and I can take care of ourselves."

Amy glanced at her daughter "What about Maria? She doesn't have"abilities". Who will keep her safe?"

"I'd never let anything happen to Maria." Michael replied defensivly.

Isabel rubbed her head then sighed. " The point is, everyone is safe for now what we need to be focusing on is our parents."

"No." Kyle argued "What I think we need to focus on , is getting some sleep. I don't know about you guys, but I'm beat." He yawns to add to the effect.

Everyone stands up agreeing and Liz looks to Max expectantly.

"I'm going with Isabel to our home." he explains to her. "You should stay here with your parents. You have alot of catching up to do."

But Liz's eyes were filled with worry. "Butwhat if you need me?" she asks. Max smiles warmly down at her and moves a stray lock of hair from her face.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." he says reassuringly. with that, he kisses her on the forhead and looks over at Isabel. "Ready?" he asks his sister, Isabel.

Amy Deluca is at her daughter's side once again, as everyone decideds where they will be sleeping for the night. Maria suddenly turns to her mother. "So I take it, we'll be heading to the Valenti residence...right Mrs. Valenti?" Maria said arching an eyebrow at her mother. Amy shot her daughter a stricken look. "How did you...." her voice trailed off.

"Yeah, the sheriff has pictures of you two on his desk." Michael offered uncomfortably.

"Oh yeah, right." Amy laughed in embarassedly as she played with the hair at the bottem of her neck. But the moment she saw the look on her daughter's face her face grew solemn. "Maria, do not look at me like that. I am a full grown woman I can marry whom ever I want."

Jim Valenti chuckled as he approched Amy from the other side. "How bout we all just head home for now, and meet up at the crashdown tomorrow, after the morning rush?"

Jeff and Nancey nodded in agreement, and soon so was everyone else.

"Okay then it's agreed." Jim stated. "Kyle you ready?"

Jim noticed a look pass between Kyle and Isabel. It was a look he was sure he had never seen pass between them before.

Kyle got up and cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Actually dad, I was thinking of staying with Max and Isabel tonight."

Isabel placed her hand into his when he had stood close enough to her. " Actually you should go stay with your father tonight." When Kyle opened his mouth to protest she quickly added. "He's hasn't seen you in ages, and Max and I are just going to up all night looking for clues. Stay with them, just for tonight please." Isabel pleaded with him.

Kyle hesitated for a minute, he really didn't want to leave her side tonight, but as he glances over at his father whom was now encircling an arm around Amy Deluca's waist, He realized they had lots to catch up with. Kyle gave a smirk "Yeah okay, but just for tonight."

Giving his hand a gentle squeeze Isabel smiles and leans in and kisses him lightly. As she pulls away she sees Maria give a look of horror as Jim and Amy snuggle close. "Looks like your night will prove eventful." she chuckles and nodds in his father's direction.

"Like the sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives." Kyle mutters to himself as he approaches his family uneasily, and smiles painfully.


~My Fics~
"The One Among Us"
Alorah's Story
Destiny's Still Calling
Consequences of a Child
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Post by tarajeff73 »

I wanna thank RhondaAnn for continuing to be my beta for this fic *hugs* thanks girl!! :D and for those Candy fans that are saying "Tara what ARE you doing to Michael and Maria?" don't worry these two will work out their situation as Michael and Maria always do. Just have a little faith. I have something special for these two :wink:

Chapter 7

Isabel s brown eyes twinkled with laughter as she watched Kyle leave. Amy Deluca was already laying down a set of rules for Maria and Michael. She chuckled slightly when Michael’ s eyes flashed a “ help me!” Glance in her direction.

” Ten bucks says we’ re going to have an extra guest by morning.” Max pointed out suddenly from behind her.

Isabel snickers “ Count on it.”

Max lets out a sigh. “ Just like old times.”

“ We should get going.” She points out and grabs her coat from the booth and returns to the door. “ Good night Mr. and Mrs. Parker.” Isabel says as she steps out the door, heading back to the van.” Don’ t take too long saying goodnight Max, I want to get home.”

Max nods to his sister and rejoins Liz and her parents at the booth. “ Well, I guess its time to call it a night.” He says almost sadly. It would be the first time in a long time that he had slept without Liz by his side. Although he knew the both of them would most definitely survive one night without each other, he just wasn’t thrilled about Liz defending the life they have come to know, alone. “ Excuse me for a moment.” He said awkwardly to her parents, as he took Liz by the arm and out of earshot. “ Are you going to be okay?” He asked her looking over at her parents warily.

Liz arched her eyebrows and smirked at him curiously. “ Max I’ll be fine. I think I can handle my parents for one night.”

“ Yeah I know.” He replied taking one of her small hands into his. “ I mean about explaining the whole alien part.”

“ I’ll be fine.” She says taking his other hand. “ They really have no other choice but to accept the situation. I’ m sure they know that.”

Max smirks. “ Like your mother did when you changed that bottle of ketchup?”

Liz giggled. “ Yeah that surprized her a bit.”

Max’ s smiled faded a bit as his hazel brown eyes roamed across Liz’ s form. “ Try to convince them to change the sleeping arrangements. One night is fine, but you ARE my wife. Besides you know as well I do that you‘ve always wanted to do it on…”

Liz’ s face paled as one of her petite hands suddenly covers Max mouth. “ Okay you need to go home. Isabel has been flashing some nasty glares in our direction.”

Max glances over in Isabel’ s direction, noting the undeniable look of impatience on his sister’ s face, Max gave a sigh of defeat. “ Yeah she doesn’t’ t look too happy. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Max then gently brushes his lips against hers and says goodnight. “ Goodnight Mr. And Mrs. Parker.” He says with a smile. As he is half way out the door he hears Liz whisper to him.

“ Max!” she whispers only loud enough for him to hear. His eyes suddenly concerned again. But Liz flashes him a wicked grin. “ Later on, when everyone is asleep.”

Max’ s eyes suddenly sparkle with life, as he returns her grin knowingly.


“ Mom! You’ re being ridiculous! Michael and I have been sleeping in the same bed for almost three years now!” Maria complained as she watched her mother toss a blanket and pillow to Michael for the couch.

Amy Deluca arched an eyebrow. “ Really?” she asked angrily and then glared at Michael who shrank slightly under her angry glare. “ Are you even talking about marriage yet?”

Michael eyes went wide and tried to spit out a reply but failed. He then looked to Maria for help. “ Can you help me out here?”

But Maria crossed her arms and glanced at him indifferently. “ Well, she has a point.”

Michael’ s jaw dropped slightly when he realized Maria was taking her mother’ s side. He wasn’t ready to be confronted about marriage. He had hard enough time expressing his feelings as it was and although he had intended to bring the subject up with Maria there was just no way he was going to talk about it with an audience.

“ Fine.” Michael said tossing the blanket and pillow onto the couch angrily. “ I’ll go sleep over Max and Isabel’ s house.

“ Michael wait!” Maria pleaded not wanting him to go.

Michael clamped his jaw, trying to control his anger. “ I knew it wasn’t a good idea.” He then sighs and his shoulders slump. “ You and your mom have a lot of catching up to do. I’ll see you in the morning.” Michael kisses Maria quickly and then heads out the door.

Maria then spins around and glares at her mother.

“ What?” Amy Deluca asked innocently.

“ Mom, I am not a little girl anymore. I’ m not even that teenager that left Roswell four years ago. What Michael and I have is, well, its complicated.”

“ Yeah, complicated. You just up and leave during graduation. No goodbyes or nothing. I think I had been pretty understanding of your relationship with Michael. But you just up and left. Being your mother, I think I deserved more than that.” Amy replied with a mixture of anger and hurt.

“ There was no time. A decision had to be made and we made it. I wanted to be with Michael. I love him. We were all in danger. So I decided to go. Didn’t you read Liz’ s journal? It explained it all.”

“ Yes Maria, I read the journal. But think I deserved more than that. You leave for that boy Michael, but you guys didn’t marry? Why?”

“ Because it’s,” Maria tried to explain

“ Complicated, right. I got that part.” Amy replied dryly.

A throat suddenly clears behind the two women.

“ Talking about Michael are we?” Jim Valenti asks as one of his arms encircles Amy’ s slender waist, as he plants a kiss on her temple.

Amy sighs with irritation. “ Yes.”

“ That boy is a stubborn one of the bunch. Not very big on showing his emotions, much less verbalizing them.” Jim explained. “ Don’ t be too hard on those two It just takes him a while, but he will get to it.”

Kyle suddenly appears behind his father. “ My dad is right. Trust me I know, I lived with Michael too.”

Maria arches a brow at her mother then gives her an I-Told- You-So look.
As she watches the happy family reunion from her Volkswagen, Serena lights up a smoke. “ So the traitor was right.” She thought to herself as she deeply inhales the smoke and slowly lets it out. They had indeed returned. When the group showed signs of dispersing, she quickly ducked lower into her car and out of sight. From what she could tell, everyone was headed off to their homes for the night, much to her relief. She was tired and just didn’t have the energy to confront the royals that evening. “ Tomorrow.” She told herself. Tomorrow she would reveal herself to the king, and the fifth one. All would be revealed She only hoped that they were ready to hear what she had to say.

~My Fics~
"The One Among Us"
Alorah's Story
Destiny's Still Calling
Consequences of a Child
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Post by tarajeff73 »


When the van pulled up to the Evan’s home, brother and sister stared at the house in suspicious silence. With the exception of the porch, no light illuminated the home that evening.

“There isn’t any sign of a break in.” Isabel said as she squinted trying to get a better look.

Max however wasn’t convinced. “Just the same, we should be on our guard, Liz didn’t see who took mom and dad. We need to be ready for anything. You take the back door, I’ll take the front.”

Isabel gave a brief nod and quickly slipped out the passenger door quietly. Creeping low the two siblings separated at the driveway stopping only momentarily to observe that the family car was still parked by the house. “The car is still here.”

Max nodded at stared at the car thoughtfully. “Which means they were probably home when they went missing.”

Isabel’s face paled. “F.B.I?”

“No,” Max replied confidently “They wouldn’t bother keeping the house intact. They would want us to know who was responsible.”

Isabel the quickly darted for the back door keeping her head low, while Max quietly crept to the front door. When the door opened easily, Max suspicions were confirmed. His parents had been home. Max slowly opened the unlocked door.

Isabel’s heart pick up a few bits when she tried the back door and it gave no resistance. Opening it up slowly, she watched carefully for any movement. When nothing leapt from the darkness. She released her breath unaware that she had been holding it. As she shimmied past the washing machine, her hand blindly scurried across the wall searching for a light switch. It was then she heard a light click followed by the sound of a gun cocking.

“I don’t know what the hell you think your doing, but you better have damn good reason to be here.” A male voice growled.

Immediately Isabel put up a force field to protect herself. “This is my home! So what the hell are YOU doing here?” As her eyes adjusted to the faint green glow of her force field, Isabel realized she knew the man who held the gun pointed at her face. “Jesse?” she asked hoping it wasn’t her imagination playing tricks on her. The figure stumbled backwards slightly at the mention of his name and then with the gun still aimed at her, he flicks the light switch on. When the flooded the room, Jesse Ramirez’s eyes grew wide as he lowered his gun.

“Isabel? What…what are you doing here?” He asked he blinked several times to make sure he was seeing right.

Realizing that there was no threat Isabel dropped her force field, and beamed over at Jesse. But the moment he had asked why she was the there, her grin melted away as quickly as it had came. “Liz had a vision, that something had happen to our parents.”
Isabel looked at Jesse puzzled. “Why are you here? And with gun?”

“Since you left I moved to Boston, but I kept in frequent touch with your father. About two weeks ago I tried contacting him, he was always good about returning my calls so when I hadn’t heard in a few days, I became worried. That’s when I found out he hadn’t been in work for a few days. So I took the first plane here. When I saw everything intact but your parents, I figured it must have been a F.B.I matter.” Jesse explained.

Isabel stared as Jesse spoke. She had convinced herself that tearful night by the van she as she clung to him sadly, that she would never see him again. But then she also thought she’d never see Roswell New Mexico again. Now there she was in her parent’s home in Roswell, staring at her husband. The moment she thought it, Kyle’s face appeared in her mind’s eye, and she was struck with a feeling of guilt.

Isabel shook her head. “That’s what I thought at first too. The F.B.I wouldn’t cover up their tracks, they would want us to know it was them.”

“Do you think it was a. alien related?” Jesse asked stumbling over his words, his face turning red slightly.

Isabel smirked briefly, Jesse hadn’t changed much, and Isabel found it endearing that he still struggled to say the words without offending her. “We’re not sure,” Isabel replied as she began glancing around the room looking for any clues. “We’re hoping that Liz will have another vision and shed some light on the whole thing.”

“Isabel did you find anything?” Max asked as he stepped into the kitchen where Isabel and Jesse stood.

“Ah, no! Nothing yet.” Isabel blurted feeling awkward that her brother had walked in at that particular moment. As if she got caught committing a crime. “Jesse and I were just talking.”

Max looked at Isabel strangely. She never felt the need to explain herself before. Still the hint of color in her cheeks and her sudden awkwardness gave him the impression that he walked into more than just conversation, even if it was unseen. Max then smiled over at Jesse.

“Jesse! It’s good to see you again. How is Boston?”

Jesse nodded. “It’s going pretty well.”

Max noticed the gun in Jesse’s hand and flashed a puzzled look. “What’s with the gun? Were you attacked?”

Jesse looked down at his gun as if just noticing it was there. “Huh? Oh! No, I brought just in case. You know, in case there was an alien.”

Isabel and Max looked at each other and grinned. “Well, you found some.” Max replied and held his hand out for the gun.

Max and Jesse sat at the kitchen table playing catch up as Isabel began setting up the coffee maker for coffee. How would she even begin to tell Jesse about Kyle? Maybe she would be lucky. Maybe Jesse had moved on, found someone new. Jealousy tugged at her heart slightly. She had wanted a normal life with Jesse, but she is anything but normal. Their marriage had started with lies and secrecy and that wasn’t fair to him. Although in the end Jesse would have follow her to the ends of the world, Isabel was sure it would not have been the case, if he had known what she was from the very beginning. Closing the coffee basket shut, Isabel turned the appliance on and joined Max and Jesse at the kitchen table.

“So it was Liz’s vision that brought you here? Have her visions ever been wrong?” Jesse asked concerned evident in his eyes.

“No.” Max replied shaking his head. “Not yet.”

“It was Liz’s visions that kept us one step ahead of the F.B.I.” Isabel joined in “If it weren’t for her, we’d probably be goners a long time ago.”

After a cup of coffee, Isabel had excused herself, slipped into her favorite red silk pajamas and climbed into bed. But sleep wanted nothing to do with her that night. Instead she laid in her bed looking up at her ceiling wondering what Kyle was doing. A smiled spread across her lips. He was playing referee between Amy and Maria Deluca no doubt. A gentle thump coming from her brother’s room, told her that Max just couldn’t stay away from Liz, and snuck off to be with her. Isabel rolled eyes and gave a loud sigh, she hoped she would fall asleep soon. After Max’s noisy exit another sound could be heard. Isabel strained her ears to hear it. It was then she noticed a faint glowing on top of her dresser. Isabel sat up slowly and cautiously. Swinging her legs over, she noticed the light pulsed gently and now gave off a faint mechanical chirping sound.
Isabel crept slowly to her dresser making sure to protect herself with a force field. One her dresser was a small black disk two and a half inches in diameter. On its surface, the whirlwind galaxy symbol, that shined brightly with a pale blue light in a solid but faint beam all the way up to the ceiling. Dropping the force field, Isabel stared at the circular object curiously. Again the object gave a mechanical chirp as if paging her. Isabel reached a hand over to test the beam. She waved her hand through the faint light’s flow, this time the mechanical chirping suddenly grew louder then suddenly stopped altogether. A Orb of light shot through the disk floated briefly above Isabel’s head then drifted slowly down in front of her like a bubble but instead of popping, it expanded then brightened and revealed a tall form. Isabel squinted at the sudden increase of light, and raised a hand against it to protect her eyes.

“Hello Vilandra.” the form in the light greeted.


~My Fics~
"The One Among Us"
Alorah's Story
Destiny's Still Calling
Consequences of a Child
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Post by tarajeff73 »

Hey everyone! Heres the next part!!! :D

Isabel stiffened at the sound of her old name, and was immediately on her guard.

"As you probably noticed by now, your parents are not home." The form in the prerecorded message stepped forward. The being was only five foot five "You probably do not recognize me in the this form, so why don't I refresh your memory." The alien's form flickered briefly and took on a face she remembered confronting during her honeymoon with Jesse.

"Khivar!" Isabel hissed angrily.

"Don't worry princess, your human parents remain unharmed. For now." To prove his point, he stepped aside revealing Mr. and Mrs. Evans bound by unseen force. Fear and confusion evident in their eyes.
A slender hand flew to her mouth as Isabel gasped. Tears began to brimmed in her brown eyes. "Mom, Dad." she barely managed to whisper.

"If you wish for them to remain alive," The voice warned, "Then you will return home to Antar, and stand beside me as my wife. If you do not, I will kill these humans myself."
The hologram flickered then faded away.

"What the hell was that?" Michael's voice growled behind Isabel.

Isabel spun around in surprise as tears spilled down her cheeks. "Oh my god God Michael, It's Khivar! Khivar has my parents!" Isabel threw herself into his arms and cried softly.

As she slips on one of her old nightshirts, she spies a set of old photo booth photos of her and Max sitting seemingly faithful on her dresser. As she smiles warmly, she remembers a time when a much older version of Max had paid her a visit in that very same room holding those very same pictures. As she snatched up her hairbrush and began to brush her soft dark tresses, she can't help but wonder about all the details of that other "time." In, the end, she and Max had gotten back together, and married after all. Tess had died, and Max has a son, whom she had no doubt would come seeking him out in the future. Had she really helped save the future? Without Tess the royal four was no longer a "complete unit". Where exactly did she fit in all of this? She was Max's wife, but if they had to go to Antar, would their marriage be accepted? At the time, in that little church she hadn't cared. All that had mattered was she and Max were free to marry, no destiny to worry about, no F.B.I hot on their tail. Just their love, and their friends. But now, as she sits in her old room, she can't help but wonder if they were starting up another chapter in their life, a destiny that would always and inevitably be linked to Roswell New Mexico.
So deep in her thoughts, Liz didn't hear the gentle rap on her window. I wasn't until the window open that she turned around in surprise. "Just couldn't resist huh?"

Max climbed in with a sheepish grin. "What can I say? I just couldn't pass up the opportunity."

Liz helped Max in. "We have to be quiet, if my dad catches you in here, it wont be pretty."

Max frowned at Liz "They don't accept that we're married?"

Liz sighed. "They don't accept that you took their only daughter away from them without getting the chance to say goodbye. Although he's grateful that you saved my life, he's concerned that my life will always be in danger."

Max looked down at his feet dejected.

Liz slipped her arms around his waist in comfort. "Max you're my husband, and nothing is going to change that. I love you, and my dad is just going to have to accept that."

Max looks into Liz's dark brown eyes, nods then gives a weak smile. The uncertainty was brief when Max remembered exactly where they were. His brown eyes drifted to Liz's bed as a crooked smile crept over his lips. "So, here we are, in your bedroom."

Liz smirked up at Max. "So we are."

"Hmmmmm what to do?" Max contemplated playfully.

Liz bit her bottom lip holding back a grin. "Oh I am sure we'll come up with something."

Max arched an eyebrow at her. "No pun intended?"

Liz giggled but said nothing as she began to unbuttoned his shirt. They never grew tired of the little games they played before they made love. It had always been the same after their first time. Liz smile softly remembering that the porch outside her window that had witnessed many of her and Max's firsts, and now here in her room, yet another first. When the shirt was completely unbuttoned Max help Liz ease it off as he always did and then returned the favor. It was this act that began the build up of energy, an energy that Max and Liz knew, wasn't human at all.
When Max's arms encircled Liz's tiny waist, the connection began, random thoughts memories, sensations, it was like an exchange of information through a form of telepathy. No secrets could be kept hidden, which is just the way they liked it. Although Liz was the only one so long ago to have kept a secret, but after making love several times, Max understood the ultimate sacrifice Liz had given, by letting him believe she had lost her virginity to Kyle. Over the years Max had learned not to think about it after several times "killing the mood."
The moment their lips met, hormones began to surge and hands began to roam to the most intimate parts. Their memories began to flash by faster and faster as the rest of their clothing was peeled off. Max then scooped up Liz's naked body and carried her to the bed, still kissing her deeply. With Liz's parents bedroom only a few feet away, it was not the place for an "all nighter" that they enjoyed so much and Max could sense a hint of worry in Liz's thoughts. The moment their bodies became as close as man and woman could be, Liz's most recent vision flashed into Max's mind. Although disturbing as it was, he could not stop what their bodies had started. Their climax was too close to gain any control over his body had already began to vibrate all over. Liz too was crackling all over with green energy and shivered slightly. He had no choice but to ride the energy until it came to an end.
Moments later, slick with sweat, they laid side by side trying to gain control over their breathing. Liz turns to Max's side to snuggle but stops when she sees the expression on his face.

"Max what is it?" she asks sitting up.

Max glances over at her briefly a hint of fear in his eyes. "Your vision. I could feel their fear, I mean YOU could feel their fear and then I could feel it. They were so scared Liz."

Liz tucked her tussled hair behind her ears. "Yeah, they were."

"What are we going to do?" Max asked unable to conceal his fear.

Liz swallowed hard. The truth was she had no idea what could be done. Max's only way of going home was the granolith and Tess had already used that. "I'm not sure Max. But I am sure that I had that vision for a reason, there must be some way, why have a vision if nothing could be done? If there was no hope?"

Max knew Liz was right of course. There was hope to every vision she had. They themselves had escaped death because there had been a vision and hope. Proving once again that saving Liz proved to be a blessing over and over again. "You're right." Max agrees with a nod. I don't know why I am letting my fear get the best of me."

Liz reaches over runs a petite hand through his dark hair. "Because you love them. If it were my parents, I would be in the same condition."

Max gave Liz a grateful smile and leaned in and kissed her. "I love you."

Several hours after Liz, Max had finally fallen asleep, although his parents fearful face haunted his dreams all night.

The next morning, first thing at 9 a.m. Liz was adjusting a silver alien apron across a teal crashdown uniform. "So, he stormed out?" Liz asked as Maria sat, watching her stepping into the uniform .

"Yeah, our first night home and already we're arguing." Maria says with melancholy.

Liz spun around and arched an eyebrow at Maria. "Maria, it's what you and Michael do, it's always been what you do."

Maria snickered and then nodded "Yeah." and then as if just becoming aware of Liz in her uniform, stared in disbelief. "I can't believe your actually gonna wait tables."

Liz shrugged indifferently. "My dad needs the help."

Maria lowered her voice "I know, but you never know, someone could be watching. I mean there could be a….." her voice trailed off as a redhead waitress walked passed them into the storage closet. Then walked back again. Maria leaned in closer then spoke in a hushed tone. "Aliens near by or maybe a barely surviving skin somewhere around."

Liz rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Maria, the skins are dead okay? And the F.B.I we've been told by many sources that they haven't been seen in quite some time."

Suddenly, The back door burst open and Max, Michael and Isabel rush in with sober expressions on their face, giving both Maria and Liz a start.

Liz recovered immediately "Max? What's going on?"

Isabel was the one who spoke first. "It's Khivar. Khivar has our parents."

Maria stood up and glanced over at Michael who simply nodded. "You mean the guy who from your honeymoon?"

"He left a message in Isabel's bedroom." Max offered. The look of worry unconcealed on his dark features.

"If Isabel doesn't go back to Antar, Khivar said he will kill Mr. and Mrs. Evans." Michael explained as he joined Maria's side.

Liz's jaw dropped slightly and her face paled. "So what's the plan?"

"We don't have one yet." Isabel stated and sat down on the couch by the door. Jesse entered and took a seat next to Isabel, surprising both former waitress's of the Crashdown.

"Hey guys, I just got the…." Kyle explained as he walked into back room. He stopped mid step when the flood of emotions hit him all at once. "What's happened?" he said finally, looking around at them expectantly and stopping on Isabel and Jesse. The sight Isabel's former husband hit him like a punch in the stomach. Uh, Hey Jesse." Kyle greeted uncomfortably.

Jesse gave a quick nod but said nothing. Isabel however was once again reminded of the awkward predicament that she was in.

"Khivar kidnapped our parents." Max explained to Kyle.

Kyle's eyebrows shot up. "As in crash the wedding Khivar? I thought Isabel killed him?"

"No," Isabel replied, "I force him back into the portal to Antar. He didn't die."

"So what's the plan?" Kyle asked looking at Max expectantly.

All heads turned to Max curiously, But Max let out a defeated sigh. "I don't know. Tess already used the granolith and the ship I found with the help of Kal, doesn't work."

Liz turned to Max "What about Brody? Maybe you could contact Larek?"

Max thought about it for a moment, "We tried that when we came across the gandarium, remember?" Isabel interjected. "Contacting Larek that way nearly killed Brody!"

Max gave his sister a helpless look.

"No Max! It's not an option!" Maria snapped "Or did you forget about his daughter Sydney? You can't do that to him or her!"

"There's gotta be a way." Liz said on the verge of being frantic.

Michael slipped an arm around Maria's slender waist and rubbed her shoulder with the other in attempts to soothe her. "Maxwell there has to be someone who can shed some light on this."

"There is." a female voice piped in "Me."

All heads turned to the redheaded waitress that managed to sneak her way into the meeting without being detected. "And from the sounds of things I am the only hope you got."

Without thought Max , Isabel and Michael raised a hand to attack, but the redhead was expecting this and raised up a green protective shield.

"Who ARE you!!" Max demanded forcefully.

Liz stared at the waitress in shock. All this time there had been a alien working at her dad's café. Liz barely could recall how long her father had mention she had been working there. She appeared quite human, but then again so did Courtney, and yet she had been anything but. Was she a shape shifter like Nasedo and Kal? Why work in Roswell when they have been away for so long? Was this waitress responsible for Isabel and Max's parents disappearance?

The waitress gutted her chin up unaffected by Max's anger or power. "My name is Serena."


~My Fics~
"The One Among Us"
Alorah's Story
Destiny's Still Calling
Consequences of a Child
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Re: The One Among Us (M/L CC, TEEN ) CH9 9/14/06 [WIP]

Post by tarajeff73 »

Hey everyone. First off I want to apologize for my AWOL. Just as I started this remake of another story of mine. My life threw me 4 a loop and demanded my full attention. In doing so, i lost my muse for this story and all together, my desire to write. But my desire to write has returned in full swing and "TOAU" started nagging at the back of my mind. So, here I am ready to continue on with the Pod squad's adventure. Again, I haven't read any fics in quite some time, so any similarities that this story has to anyone else's fic is unintentional and purely accidental. I will be continuing the plot I was going with and for those who don't know this is a remake of my old fic "Destiny's still calling".

Without further ado, heres the next chapter. :D

Chapter 10

"Serena, she's gonna be a friend of yours one day." Liz heard Future Max sayin the back of her thoughts.

"No wait!" Liz says suddenly standing in front of Serena tp protect her. "Max remember when i told you about the future version of you coming to me?"

Max frowned his hand still up in an attack stance. "When you tried to get me to fall out of love with you?"

Liz nodded "Yes! You said Serena would be a friend of mine some day!" Liz then turned and gave Serena a stern look "I am going out on a limb here so explain yourself quickly."

"I am a changling, from our home planet Antar." Serena explained.

"What like Nasedo and Kal?" Liz asked

Serena nodded. "Yeah something like that. But I assure you, I am no traitor to the throne."

Max relaxed slightly at Serena's claim to loyalty.

"Why are you here?" Liz asked warily,not sure she wanted to hear the explaination.

"Like Nasedo and Kal I am a changling. I was sent to keep an eye on things."

"What? and not protect? You're not here to protect us?" Micheal asked his eyes narrowed suspiciously and hand still out in defense.

"No, not the royal four anyways". Serena said non chalantly

"If not us who then?" Max demanded.

"Another hybrid hidden where no one would suspect. Not even the hybrid itsself knows."

Liz felt her heart sink. After Tess, the knowledge of another hybrid left her uneasy. Anyone not raised around remaining hybrids have proven themselves untrustworthy. including the shapeshifters genetically design to protect the Royal Four.
A new hybrid was not what Liz wanted to hear and she began to back away from Serena and return next to Max's side.

"Why another hybrid?and how can you or it help our situation?" Liz demanded angrily.

Serena saw the fear flash in Liz's dark brown eyes. It was a fear Serena had observed many times from Liz long before she and the podlings fled Roswell with their friends. It was a look that constantly resided on her features while Tess lived in Roswell, trying to recliam her place as Max's former wife. Serena only hoped that revealing the fifth hybrid would ease Liz's fear of Antar once and for all.

"This fifth hybrid was sent to earth 36 years after the 1947 crash. The scientists discovered that there had been a security breach in the cloning process of one of the female hybrids the Antarian DNA had been replaced
with another. But it was too risky to go to earth and retrieve the hybrid. So instead we sent another, inside a human in disguise as a normal human pregnancy." Serena explained "Niether the hybrid nor its parents would suspect the child's Antarian origin.Not until it was called upon, to rise up and fight for the royal family. But for extra measure and the king's safety this hybrid, was created with the essence that should have been used originally, to ensure the hybrid's loyalty."

Max frowned at Serena's words. Tess's betrayal had been completely unforgiveable. When he discovered her plan to deliver him, Isabel and Micheal to Kihvar to be killed Max could not believe the woman he had once called his wife and loved deeply in his former life, could be so cold hearted. But knowing that she wasn't truly carrying his true former wife's essense suddenly made sense of alot of things except one.

"But Tess had memories, of her and I being married, being......" Max hesitated to finished the sentence when he saw Liz shift uncomfortably at his words. "In love."

Serena nodded. "Implanted memories. You all should have a few. They were ment to keep you together. Tess's memories were that of your bride. To keep you close and focused on the plan you were engineered for."

"So if Tess wasn't Max's true wife who was she?" Michael asked, he was beginning to believe the changling's story.

Serena glanced over at Isabel. "A lover and informent of Kihvar's"

Isabel rolled her eyes and gave a snort."Why am I not surprized. Why did he betray Tess when she returned to Antar with baby Zan?"

"I'm not sure really, although Kihvar has never had any real loyalties to anyone but himself."

"And this other hybrid? who is it?" Max asked curiously and in doing so he felt Liz suddenly cling to him tightly.

Jeff Parker suddenly appeared inthe designated changing room for the waitresses. "Serena ah! good your back. Hey whats up with the meeting?" Jeff asked suddenly noticing everyone.

Serena look to Max waiting for him to produce a story.

"They know," Isabel offered "All of our parents do." and with that she sighed and sat down on the couch not far from where the waitresses watch television..

Soon after, everyone began to follow suit.

"Dad, Serena knows she's a shape shifter like Nasedo." Liz explained to her puzzled father.

Jeff Parker's jaw dropped slightly as he stared at Serena in awe. Four years she worked in his cafe and not once had he suspected anything odd about the redhead.

Soon after, Amy Deluca and Jim Valenti along with Kyle joined in the back room with the others. The growing numbers began to worry Serena, the last thing the delicate situation needed was an audience.

She quietly took Max aside. “Your highness,” she whispered loudly to him. Bring the others to the ruins of the pod chamber. Meet me inside.”

Max grabbed her arm be fore she could walk away. “Our parents know what we are, they can be trusted.”

“They’re humans Max; some of them might be shocked after hearing what I have to say…….what I have to do.” She pointed out as she watched the group of concerned parents listening to the story of the communication device found in Isabel’s room that night. “It’s not them knowing I am worried about, it’s their reaction.”

When Serena left, Max rejoined the group and Liz’s side.

Jeff Parker still in work clothes look up at Max both with respect and concern. “So what’s the plan Max?”

Liz couldn’t help but smile, She had been a little worried that her father would be angry at Max for taking her out of Roswell so abruptly, without being able to say goodbye. As Liz saw Serena leave, she frowned, it would not be the last time they saw Serena and in the back of her mind she had a feeling that the changeling’s presence would turn both her and Max’s world upside down.


~My Fics~
"The One Among Us"
Alorah's Story
Destiny's Still Calling
Consequences of a Child