Breathe Me In-CC-M/L Adult AN 9/6/07 [WIP]

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Breathe Me In-CC-M/L Adult AN 9/6/07 [WIP]

Post by Temptress »

Title: Breathe Me In
Author: Flora (Temptress)
Rating: Adult
Catagory: Max and Liz
Disclaimer: I don't own Roswell and unfortunately I do not own Jason Behr.
Summary: Takes place after the prom episode "Heart of Mine". A birthday party for Tess is being arranged and Liz is a reluctant participant. What happens when old urges take control and denying what you want is no longer an option? All couples are CC.

This is promising to be, ahem, very adult oriented. I haven't forgotten about my other fic "Fates Intervention" I just happen to have a very dirty mind and it has a current obsession with the Max/Liz relationship. :oops:

My friends knew i wouldn't last very long. :P


“Maria! Stop! I don’t want to go.” Liz Parker jumped off her bed in exasperation at her best friend. She started to absentmindedly pace the distance in front of the bed and pick up objects off her dresser before putting them back down again.

Maria Deluca watched her in sad amusement from her cross legged position on Liz’s bed before tilting her head and resting it in one of her hands. “And why not Liz? Oh wait, let me guess it wouldn’t have anything to do perhaps with a certain alien king would it?” Maria sighed as Liz gave her a look that could kill.

“Maria, why the hell would I want to go to a party that is in honor of Tess? I mean it’s not like we even know when her real birthday is. Or any of them for that matter.” She said, muttering the last part to herself as she gazed at the framed photograph in her hands.

Liz frowned as she put the picture of the whole group that had been taken the night of the prom, back on her dresser. She had been right. That night was the last time they had all been happy together. Or rather it was the last time her and Max had been happy together……if only for a little while. Then she had run into something she had hoped never to see again. Max kissing Tess. His hand tenderly holding her cheek as Liz watched through tear filled eyes.

Wasn’t this what she had wanted? Wasn’t this what she had sacrificed so much for? Then why did it still hurt so goddamn much?

Because even though you know what you did for Future Max was for the best it still tears you to pieces when you have to look at Tess and Max spending any amount of time together. Because no matter how much you talked about not being able to ‘breathe’ with all of the alien fiascos going on, it took you all of one day to figure out that without Max you might as well be hooked up to a permanent oxygen tank.

“Oh shutup.” She said aloud to herself, startling Maria who had been in the middle of a ramble.

Maria’s eyes went wide and her back went ramrod straight as she gave Liz an indignant look. “Well excuse me Miss-I-need-to-get-me-a-little. Seriously, pat the dust off of little Lizzie and relieve some of that god awful tension.” Maria hopped off the bed with a huff not bothering to notice Liz’s eye roll, “I was just trying to get you to have a little fun. Maybe get you to act you know HUMAN and stop walking around with that defeated look on your-.”

Liz quickly put her hands on Maria’s shoulders and sat her back down on the bed. “Maria, I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to myself. Which, now that I think about it, doesn’t sound any better.” Liz heaved a huge sigh and flopped herself on her bed. “Oh Ria. I just want to be happy and I don’t think I ever will be anymore. You have no idea how hard it is to look at Max’s face everyday and know and….and see….”

Maria’s face dropped a little at her friends tone as she lay down next to her on the bed, her head leaning on hers. “I know Liz. I know.” Maria reached for Liz’s hand and squeezed it once. “Why don’t you just go to the party? Wait,” She said when Liz started to protest again, “I know all of your reasons for not wanting to go and I understand all of them. Max doesn’t know you didn’t sleep with Kyle yada, yada. He’ll only give you those puppy dog eyes filled with hurt yada, yada. Tess is a fugly whore yada, yada.”

“Maria!” Liz exclaimed as she began to giggle. “That’s not nice.”

“The truth never is babe.” Maria smirked at Liz before her face turned stern. “Seriously Liz, we need to have a little fun. You don’t have to even look at them for more than thirty seconds. Enough time to say hello and have a nice night. I mean, Liz, the party is going to be downstairs at the Crashdown. How are you going to just sit here while you hear the party going on?”

Liz sighed again, “Who’s dumb idea was this again?”

“You mean who decided to give the fugly whore an identity?” Maria shrugged her shoulders at Liz’s snort of laughter, “Kyle and Mr. Valenti. They wanted to make her feel like more of a part of the family.”

“And me just handing her a boyfriend probably made her feel right at home.” Liz said dejectedly.

Maria squeezed her friend close to her, “Liz, don’t worry about them. Me and you will have a grand ol’ time. Me, you and Alex. Just like old times. Besides, Tess and Max aren’t a couple as far as I’ve heard. Max will probably try to avoid her as much as possible. So you won’t have to do anything but have oodles of teenage fun minus the angst.”

Liz started to shake her head no once again. Maria had no clue as to the feelings that were coursing through Liz on a daily basis. And she didn’t mean the depression over Max.

It was more like her obsession with Max’s body.

Her dreams had gotten a bit more….colorful as of late. It was the same feeling she had gotten around the time her flashes started to get more intense and the location of the orb had been revealed. But how do you explain to your best friend that you were horny beyond belief and didn’t know what to do about it?

Liz groaned inwardly as she put both of her hands over her face. If she saw Max up close and personal she didn’t know what she was going to do. It was easy enough to avoid him in school and, while it was difficult, even in class. Max just assumed she was steering clear of him as had been her thing these past couple of months. Except, ever since prom, he was finally letting her go. He was letting her avoid him. Before, he would do everything in his power to talk to her even if it was to ask for a pencil because in his heart of hearts he somehow knew she hadn’t slept with Kyle. And that had let her sleep at night, knowing he still loved her. Knowing that while the fate of the planet might be in her hands she had done everything she could and it wasn’t her fault that Max couldn’t get over her.

But now…….now he was letting her go. And her body craved him more than she ever had before. She didn’t know why she was even arguing with Maria. She was going to go. Knowing Max was downstairs would have proven too much of a temptation. Just seeing him made her feel better. But seeing him with Tess was going to break her heart…..

“ARGGGGG.” Liz screamed making Maria jump in surprise.

“LIZ! What!?!” Maria exclaimed.

Liz pushed herself up off the bed and slammed her closet door open. “Nothing Maria. Now are you going to help me pick out an outfit for the party or are you just going to sit there staring at me with your mouth open?”

Maria squealed with glee and quickly joined her friend at the closet door, “Now, to pick out the best, sexy, non-slutty, knock out Max’s eyeballs outfit we can find.” As Maria pushed various pieces of clothing to the side, she finally raised her eyebrows and looked towards Liz, “We may have to go to the mall.”


Max Evans lay in his bed with his arms behind his head and his headphones at full blast. The strains of “Weak and Powerless” by A Perfect Circle vibrated through his skull and he wondered why he insisted on depressing himself further. Yet Max made no move to remove the earphones or change the CD. It wouldn’t really matter anyway. It wasn’t like he was an owner of any CD’s that were peppy.

His eyes stared unseeing at his ceiling as his cell phone vibrated next to him and continued to go unanswered. He knew it was ringing. He also knew that it couldn’t be important. Isabel was in her room probably on the phone with Alex. Michael would’ve come through his window if it was of dire circumstances and well……it wasn’t Liz on the phone. It hadn’t been Liz on the phone for a very long time. So, everything else didn’t really matter. Right now he could listen to his music and brood. He was so good at it anyway. So why not?

But in reality, brooding was the last thing going through Max’s mind. As a matter of fact, a very half naked Liz was underneath him gasping for air as he took one dusky nipple into his mouth and bit down softly. His hands were caressing the bare legs wrapped around his lower waist and slowly making there way up her skirt to the warm juncture that beckoned to him. Her scent intoxicated him and made him strain through the zipper at his jeans.

“I love you.” She whispered, “Touch me.”

Both dream Max and real Max groaned at her words. Dream Max’s hands slid up the top of Liz’s thighs and finally entered uncharted territory. His thumb reached to rub at the top of her heat-


A loud pounding at his bedroom door brought him out of his daydream and back into the cold arms of reality. With a frustrated growl, Max reached for the book on the nightstand and laid it across his very obvious arousal. He raised his hand and sent a small burst of power towards the door and unlocked it.

Not removing his earphones, he watched an annoyed Isabel stride into the room with one hand over the mouthpiece of the house phone and the other directed towards his CD player shutting it off.

“Isabel!” Max yelled, annoyed. With a huff, he removed his headphones but didn’t move from his position on the bed. “What is it?”

Isabel rolled her eyes and shook the phone at Max, “What is it?!” Isabel repeated on a furious whisper, “What is it, is that I was trying to have a conversation with Alex but for some reason the call waiting beep kept interrupting. Take a guess who it was each and every time?”

Isabel angrily inclined her head towards Max and raised her eyebrows. Seeing that she wasn’t going to get a response and not really waiting for one she continued, “Tess! A frantic Tess who said she couldn’t get you on your cell phone no matter how many times she tried or no matter how many times she blew up the call waiting. I guess she didn’t get that someone was trying to have a normal conversation.”

Isabel finally let go of the mouthpiece and threw the phone at her brothers’ chest. “Make it quick. I told Alex I would call him back.” With that, she strode back out of the room and slammed the door behind her.

His expression never changing, Max picked up the phone and held it to his ear with all the enthusiasm of a cat in a Chinese food restaurant. “Hello?”

“Max!” Tess yelled, “Do you know how long I’ve been trying to get you?”

“I’m sorry Tess. I was…busy. If it was important I figured you’d leave me a message.”

Tess sighed, “I did. I left several.”

“Oh.” Not really knowing what to say after that, Max finally sat up and leaned against his headboard as the tightness in his jeans deflated. “So….what’s up?”

Tess seemed to hesitate for a second, “Well, You know my party is tomorrow night, right?”

Max rolled his eyes to the ceiling. It was all she had talked about for a week. “Yeah?”

Tess hesitated again, “Well, I was wondering if….if you would like to go…with me. Sort of like my escort.”

Max hit his head against the headboard and tried not to sigh in frustration into the phone. Ever since prom, Tess had been more clingy than usual and while he was attracted to Tess in an alien sort of way he couldn’t see himself with her long term. But he didn’t know how to break it to her and honestly didn’t know if he wanted to. While Tess may not be what he desired for a relationship, she always made him feel wanted. She made him feel important and in a sick and twisted way….loved. She helped to fill a part of him that he thought had died one night……as meager as her part actually was.

But none of this took away from the fact that she wasn’t Liz. Never could be. No matter how hard she tried. And really, he couldn’t see himself going to a party in Liz’s family’s restaurant with Tess on his arm. Regardless of how tempting the idea of making Liz jealous was he couldn’t bring himself to hurt Liz the way she had hurt him.

“Tess,” Max began trying to soften his voice as much as possible, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“But Max, what about that night at prom? I-I thought we were, I don’t know, getting somewhere. I could feel that you liked it so don’t deny it.”

Tess’s voice had taken on an edge that screamed of hurt. But Max couldn’t do anything about it. He wouldn’t throw any type of relationship with Tess in Liz’s face. “I’m not denying anything Tess. I just don’t think it’s a good idea okay? I want you to have a good time and you don’t need me to do that. Practically the whole junior class will be there, you won’t even remember I attended.”

Silence permeated the phone line and Max was starting to wonder if she had hung up until he heard her quiet voice again, “Even if the whole school were to go the only person I’d care about going… you.”

Max felt guilt start to permeate his senses. He knew what it was to desire something and never know if you were going to get it. He also knew that he was partially to blame for Tess’s reawakened determination to start a relationship. “I’ll tell you what Tess. Isabel is going to most likely be getting a ride from Alex and Michael and the Valentis are going to be there already helping the Parkers set up, so why don’t I go pick you up from your house so that way you don’t have to be there before everyone gets there. You can…erm, make what Isabel likes to call a grand entrance.”

“Umm, okay, Max, that would be great.” Tess seemed to hesitate for a second, “The invitations say 7:00 P.M., so why don’t you pick me up for 8:00 P.M.?”

“Yeah, okay. Great. I’ll see you at 8:00 tomorrow then.” Max said his goodbyes and hung up the phone.

Before he could even gather his thoughts, Isabel flung the door open and grabbed the phone from his hands before flouncing back out, closing the door hard behind her.

Max rolled his eyes to the ceiling once again before grabbing up his CD player and putting the headphones back into place. Determined not to think about the conversation he just had or the subject, he lay down back into his previous position and put his arms behind his head.

Now where was I…….

Last edited by Temptress on Thu Sep 06, 2007 7:45 am, edited 32 times in total.
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Post by Temptress »

First and Foremost, Thank you for all the awesome feedback. Its great to hear from you guys!

Onward forth......

Part II – The next day – Five hours before the party.

“Maria, I can’t wear that. In fact I absolutely refuse to wear that.” Liz shook her head defiantly at her friend as she shoved the offending garment back into Maria’s hands.

They had, had a wonderful time shopping up until this moment. Maria had found a very pretty lilac colored dress that complimented her figure and she had been successful in her endeavor of finding a killer outfit for Liz. The black sleeveless dress she had picked out was plain at first glance. It came to the top of Liz’s knees with the only color adorning it being in the small slit in the right leg that revealed the aqua blue lining. The top portion dipped low enough in the breast area to give even the most flat chested person the illusion of cleavage. But the minute Liz slipped it over her head it transformed from an OK dress to a knockout dress. It fit Liz like a dream. All she had needed was a pair of heeled sandals and she would be done.

Or so she thought.

When Liz had walked into the shoe store and had seen the black pumps sitting on display, she knew she had to have them. They looked like a regular satin pump until you got to the thick faux diamond encrusted ankle strap. They were stunning and they had to be hers. Only thing was, with closed shoes you needed stockings. Liz hated stockings. She always felt like she was fifty instead of seventeen when she wore them. Thus the argument she was now having with Maria.

“Liz, you said you hate stockings. I am giving you an alternative. Now take it.” Maria thrust the item back at Liz.

“This is not an alternative.” Liz whispered fiercely to Maria. “What would people think if they knew I was wearing a garter belt? I am NOT a Playboy Bunny Maria.”

Maria rolled her eyes and snatched the garter and underwear set out of Liz’s hands. “You ARE wearing this Liz. The function of a garter belt is to hold up thigh high stockings. Nothing more. Nothing less. Get your mind out of the gutter, stop worrying about all these imaginary people that are going to see what’s UNDER your dress and deal.”

“But what about the stockings with the sticky thingy on thigh? Can’t I just use those?” Liz pleaded with hope in her eyes.

Maria looked at her in disgust, “What? And look like my grandmother when they start to bunch around your ankles despite that reliable ‘sticky thingy’? I don’t think so babe.” Maria made her way to the front of the lingerie boutique and picked up a pair of thigh highs, noticeably without the sticky substance.

Liz raised her head and looked to the ceiling while she mentally asked God for patience. “Fine. Whatever. Let’s just get out of here.”

Maria smiled in satisfaction as she held her hand out for the money for Liz’s purchase.

Liz grumbled as she handed over the cash, “How the hell do you always get your way?”

Two hours before the party

In the Evans house however, there were no clothing catastrophes to speak of. Especially since Isabel had promptly grabbed Max’s button down black shirt out of his hands and laid out what he was going to wear on his bed. One beige long sleeved t-shirt and a pair of black slacks were pointed to by one well-manicured finger. All this was done without a word before she walked back out of his room.

Max sighed and threw himself face down on his bed clad only in his boxers. He raised his hand and locked the door wondering to himself why he hadn’t done that earlier. Max closed his eyes and tried his hardest to summon up some kind of enthusiasm for this party.

None was forthcoming.

He didn’t want to pick up Tess. He didn’t want to go to the party. He didn’t want to pretend he was having a good time. And most of all, he didn’t want to see Liz.

He had been letting her go these days. Letting her avoid him. Letting her pretend he wasn’t in the room. It was easier for the both of them that way. Most especially for him. If she pretended he wasn’t in her classes, eating in her restaurant, he could almost believe that none of the past two years had happened and they were back to the days where he watched Liz from afar and she didn’t know he existed. He could go back to daydreaming about how perfect they would be together. How magical they’re relationship would be. How she would accept him mind, body and…….alien soul. He could pretend that Liz and he would have their first time with love and passion surrounding them in a light filled haze.

Max snorted in disgust as he realized that all of his daydreams consisted of a past reality until he got to the part where they made love for the first time with one another. That part was no longer possible. Liz had already taken that step….with Kyle.

Max felt the familiar anger and frustration well up. He also felt his most conflicting emotion: self-doubt.

He knows what he saw. He knows he saw his beautiful Liz glowing in bed with Kyle. Yet, after the initial shock wore off, something kept telling him that what he saw wasn’t what it seemed. But….Liz kept insisting that it was exactly as he perceived it to be. And he was only left with one option….to believe her. No matter how it ate him up inside and made him want to hurt everything and everyone associated with Liz.

But life moves on. And his daydreams continue. His restless, sleepless nights filled with images of times that were and times that never came to pass, continue. And in his own way, Max welcomes those images. While they may fill him with an ache that is both physical and emotional, it is still better than the emptiness that seems to flood his current days. It’s an emotion that hurts but is still proof that he is alive and not just the shell that he feels he is during the hours of daylight.

So Max closes his eyes and embraces the incendiary vision of a wonderfully nude Liz underneath him, her mouth slightly parted as small gasps of pleasure leave her moist lips. His head lowers down her body as he worships each patch of skin he encounters with his tongue. He can smell her arousal and it’s causing his stomach to tighten deliciously in anticipation of the moment his mouth surrounds her heat.

“Max,” She gasps, “Max, please….”

Max lifts his head with a wry smile,

“Please what?”


Max stomach tightens even further as her pleas echo in his ears. His head lowers once again and he trails soft, openmouthed kisses down the inside of her thigh before he nuzzles where she wants him most. His tongue reaches out and laps ever so softly at her opening. He moans as he realizes just how ready she is for him. Just how excited he’s made her. He brings his fingers to her heat and slips one inside of her before he quickly begins to bring it in and out.

“Oh God……”


Max jumps up out of the bed with such speed it’s as if he’s been caught playing with himself. He looks down at his obvious arousal trying it’s mighty best to stick out of the hole in his boxer shorts and realizes he might as well have been.

Max groans out loud and throws himself back facedown on the bed before raising his hand and unlocking the door.

“What is it Isabel?”

“Why aren’t you getting dressed?” Isabel demanded.

Without raising his head or removing his face from the covers Max mumbles, “Because the party doesn’t start for another two hours and I don’t need two hours to get ready. Unlike someone I know who needs at least four.”

He doesn’t have to look at Isabel to know she’s raising one haughty eyebrow at him, “Well, perfection requires time dear brother.”

“Go away Isabel.”

“Whatever Max. I just wanted to know what you had decided to get Tess for her birthday.”

“It’s over there on my desk. I haven’t wrapped it yet.”

He heard Isabel making her way to the desk behind him. She paused noticeably before clucking her tongue, “A sweater Max?”

Max finally raised his head and looked at his sister. She was clad in a simple but elegant light blue silk dress. Her hair was up into a loose bun with stray curls framing her face.

“What’s wrong with a sweater?” Max asked in confusion.

Isabel sent him a pained expression, “Well at least it matches her eyes.”

“It does?”

“Oh God.”

Max finally sat up and brushed his face with his hand, “Well, what did you get her?”

“Alex used some of his old music connections to get her some rare CD’s that she wanted. Some Industrial bands that are mostly based in Europe. I helped him pay for it.”

“Oh. That’s nice.”

Isabel shook her head at him and made to leave the room. “I’m meeting Alex a little early so that way I can help him wrap the gifts.”

She hesitated at the door before turning at the last second, “You know Max, we all know you miss Liz. We all know you still love her, but if she doesn’t want to be with you….maybe you should try to move on.”

Max lifted a pain filled gaze to Isabel’s rare compassionate expression, “You look beautiful Iz. Make sure Alex knows how lucky he is tonight.”

Isabel smiled sadly at her brother. For once she didn't try to get him to face his demons and let him ignore her comment. “You know it.”

And she was gone.

Max held his head in his hands as he tried to get his bearings back. Why didn’t he move on?

It was simple really.

How do you move on when images of a life you never had haunt you on a daily basis? How do you move on when you feel as if you’re centimeters away from uncovering a truth when you don’t know what lie you’re trying to reveal?

Shaking his head, Max finally grabbed the towel that was hanging off of the desk chair. It was time for a shower.

Too bad it wasn’t as simple to wash away pain.
Last edited by Temptress on Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Temptress »

Hey Y'all! Looks like can't seem to stop writing for this fic! I have so much built up anticipation for the moment Liz and Max meet it's ridiculous and i'm the one writing it! LOL. But I'm glad you guys are enjoying this and i just want to thank you for all the encouragement. I promise you'll have a Max Liz confrontation just may or may not be in this part. :wink:


7:20 P.M.

Liz walked from her bathroom to her desk and snatched up the large box that contained Tess’s gift. After the scene at the lingerie boutique, it had taken Liz and Maria another two hours at the mall trying to figure out what the hell to get Tess. Finally, ready to concede defeat, Liz had called Kyle and asked him what he was getting her. Apparently, Kyle’s old bed, which was now Tess’, had begun to break at the seams and was becoming uncomfortable. As a surprise, Kyle had been working extra hours at the mechanics shop and with some of his dad’s savings had decided to get her a new bed frame and mattress.

“Well la-dee-da,” Maria had said. “The poor wittle alien queen is getting a back ache? Are we sure its not cause of all the time she probably spends on it?”


“Whaaaaaaaat? Like you didn’t think that?”

Liz shook her head at the memory and smiled. They had finally decided on a nice sheet set and comforter. It seemed kind of weird to be giving someone sheets on their birthday but it was a necessity and it worked well with the Valenti’s gift. Plus it was as impersonal as possible. Just the way Liz wanted it.

Taking one final look in the mirror, Liz marveled at how grown up she felt in her dress. Though, she couldn’t put what exactly made her feel different into words. She tilted her head to the side and watched as her hair fell in soft waves down her back. The shoes that she had loved so much made her legs seem miles long. Her eyes sparkled with the silver makeup Maria let her borrow and they seemed to almost glow.

Everything was perfect.

Well….almost perfect. She still blushed every time she thought about the under garments she was wearing. But the blush didn’t only contain embarrassment. It contained something deeper. Something almost primal. She felt in a word: sensuous.

“Let’s not go down that road.” Liz muttered to herself.

She couldn’t think about all the conflicting emotions that were plaguing her. The only time she had been able to forget how much her body ached was when she had been shopping with Maria. But now, in the privacy of her room, with noone to distract her, it all seemed to come rushing back.

Liz finally just shook her head slightly and rushed out of the room, package in hand. Maria had called her five minutes ago to let her know that she was already downstairs helping out here and there. Despite all of Maria’s trash talk pertaining to Tess and an utter dislike for the blonde, she would still help out with party preparations if it made Michael happy. And accepting Tess into their lives is what made him happy.

Liz knew all about making sacrifices for the people you loved. Hell, she could write a book or two or ten about it.

Liz entered the staff locker room and swung open the door into the Crashdown. She took a look around and raised her eyebrows in surprise at the amount of people that were already there. It seemed as though Tess had more friends than Liz had thought.

She spotted Maria behind the counter setting up the last of the drink cups and smiled at how pretty her friend looked as she made her way over to her.

“Maria you look-.”

“WHOA!” Maria cut Liz off and put her hands on her hips, “Is that even the same outfit we bought together? You look amazing chica.” Maria’s smile faded a bit as her forehead crinkled a slightly, “You have this, I don’t know, aura about you.”

Liz rolled her eyes good naturedly at her friend, “Thanks. You look great too.”

Maria raised one hand in the air and kept the other on her hip as she twirled around in front of Liz before stopping and pursing her lips dramatically, “Don’t I though?”

Liz laughed at her friend’s antics before taking a seat in front of the counter and lay Tess’s gift on top of it. “Hey Maria, I have a question for you.”

“What’s up?”

Liz leaned her head forward and said in a low voice, “Doesn’t it seem like there are A LOT of people here. Like I mean, we don’t even know some of these people personally and we’ve lived in Roswell forever.”

Maria took a look around before resting her elbows on the counter. She raised her eyebrows at Liz. “Well, I’ll tell ya one thing that most of them have in common.”


Maria smirked, “Isabel. Most of these are Isabel’s friends. When the ice princess snaps her fingers throngs of peasants shall follow.”

Liz took her own look around and realized that Maria was right. “Isabel’s not that bad anymore. You know that Maria.”

Maria shrugged her shoulders, “Yeah. I know. But the name still sticks. Especially since we know she’s an actual princess.”

Liz turned herself around on the stool and surveyed the room. “Yeah,” She muttered to herself, “A princess.” And her brother was a king.


Just the name could bring that undeniable ache back into her heart and elsewhere if she let herself think about it.

Which I won’t dammit.

Except her mind wasn’t cooperating with her. A vision of Max’s body loomed into view. His arm and stomach muscles flexed as he went up and down the pull up pole. His pants hung ever so slightly off of his hips. The indent that separated his torso from his hips that she just wanted to lick……

Liz felt a moan gathering in her throat as she was assaulted by hazy images and……….. was that her legs opening?!?

Liz jumped back onto the seat and quickly crossed her legs in front of her as she felt her cheeks burning.

God. What the hell was wrong with her and where the hell was Max anyway?


7:50 PM

Max sat outside of the Valenti house in his Jeep and stared at the front door. He was stalling and he knew it.

Just get it over with Evans. She’s your friend. Remember that. Just try not to think about the fact that she was also your wife in a past life.

With a defeated sigh, Max finally got out of the jeep and walked to the door. Before he could knock the door swung open and a smiling Tess stood before him.

“Hey.” She said.

“Hey.” Max replied. “You look nice Tess.” Tess was wearing a light pink dress that came to her knees and had soft beads adorning the hem. Her hair was stick straight but it complimented her somehow. She looked, for lack of a better word, pretty.

Tess smile stretched from ear to ear. “Thanks Max. You look great. Dressy but casual. Isabel dressed you huh?”

Max couldn’t help the small half smile that graced his face. “Yep. Ready to go?”

Tess grabbed her purse and laced her hand through Max’s arm. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

Max struggled not to shrug off Tess’s arm and gave her a strained smile. He opened the door to the jeep for her and practically shoved her inside such was his haste to get her off him. Giving her one more weak smile, Max made his way over to the drivers side and started up the car.

The ride to the Crashdown was mostly silent. Max could feel Tess’ eyes staring at him from time to time and that strange alien pull was starting again. He grabbed the steering wheel tightly in his hands and watched as his hands started to turn white from his death grip.

Just relax. You can’t let her know she’s getting to you.

Images assaulted him from that day in the rain when Tess’s car had supposedly broken down. The day he had kissed her for the first time and the last day his life with Liz remained untainted.

His already tight grip on the steering wheel tightened even further as he felt the familiar frustration, which had suddenly become the only way he knew how to feel these days, well up inside of him to a fevered pitch.

Liz’s face.

All the hurt.

It had started that day because of Tess. Because of a life he didn’t remember.

Max’s foot pressed down the accelerator. He wanted to reach the Crashdown as soon as possible. He couldn’t be in Tess’ vicinity anymore.

“Max?” He felt a hand gently touch his arm. “Max, are you alright?”

He turned his head to look at the woman sitting next to him and saw concern marring her pixyish features. She slid her hand to one of his and passed an almost indistinguishable energy to him that soothed him. The image of Liz faded. His hands loosened on the steering wheel and one of them followed hers back down to the armrest in between them where she held it.

“Max, I just wanted to tell you that I’m so glad you’re here. Thank you for picking me up and taking me and trying to make me feel special.” Tess’ eyes seemed to consume him. His head felt like it was swimming but he felt…..peaceful. His eyes darted back and forth between her and the road. His foot slowly let up on the accelerator and he felt himself smile.

“No problem. It’s your birthday. You deserve to feel special.” His voice seemed hollow even to him but he was right. She did deserve some fun. “Ready to have a good time?”

The Crashdowns familiar sign came into view and he saw Tess’ eyes sparkle with something he couldn’t put his finger on. Excitement? Happiness? Anticipation?

“Oh yes Max. I think tonight’s going to be a night we’ll never forget.”



Liz smiled at Alex’s joke and tried her best not to let her eyes turn back to the Crashdown entrance for the one hundredth time that night.

Liz felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to see a smiling Kyle.

Kyle’s eyes widened slightly as he took in her appearance and slid down her body. When his eyes returned to hers something seemed to flicker in them. Longing. Liz shook her head at herself and finally returned Kyles smile. Who was she trying to fool? Kyle was so over her.

“Wow, Parker. You look….wow.”

Liz laughed slightly as she took in Kyles appearance. The cowboy boots were nowhere in sight. He had on a nice short sleeved blue button down shirt that seemed to bring out the color in his eyes. She noticed the leather band that encircled his wrist and for a moment marveled at how good that would look on Max.

“Thanks. Um..You look good too.” She said nervously. Not even for a goddamn second could she stop thinking about Max Evans. She was getting so tired of this.

“So, um, do you want to dance, maybe, with me?” Kyles eyes were lowered to the floor as if already expecting her to turn him down.

Liz heaved an inward sigh before plastering a smile on her face. Kyle was her friend. He was there for her when she needed him most and never asked questions. Not many would do that. “Of course Kyle.”

Kyle’s eyes lit up. He waited as Liz put her drink down on the table and took her hand in his and led her to the small dance floor that had been set up.

As they reached the dance floor the song changed from a dance beat to a slow song. Liz hesitated for a second before shrugging and letting Kyle lead her through the other dancers to the center of the floor.

Help, I have done it again
I have been here many times before

He took her in his arms and started to sway slowly back and forth, “You look different Parker. I think I may even use the word beautiful.”

Liz giggled and smiled up at him, “Gee, thanks Kyle.” He continued to say something else but Liz’s eyes strayed to the door once again, except this time Max was there. With Tess. Her arm through his. Liz’s smile slipped away.

Hurt myself again today
And the worst part is that theres noone else to blame

Everything faded and she knew her body was still swaying to the music but she couldn’t feel it. Her eyes seemed to be permanently lodged on the door frame as her heart wrenched in her chest. At that moment Max’s eyes drifted to hers as if some unknown force drew him directly to her.

Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me

Max’s eyes lit up momentarily before flicking to the person holding Liz in his arms.

Immediately, they seemed to burn and consumed Liz in their heat. Air stopped flowing into her body as breathing became a luxury instead of a necessity.

I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me

Tess’s eyes moved in confusion from the death grip on her arm to Max’s face. Liz could see her mouth moving, mouthing his name. Liz felt Kyle lean down and whisper something in her ear, trying to be heard over the music. Not that it mattered. Liz had no clue what he had just said nor did she care.

Ouch I have lost myself again
Lost myself and I am nowhere to be found,

Tess was finally dragged away by a well wisher even as she tried valiantly to bring Max with her. But Max seemed to be stuck to the floor unable to move. His amber eyes were staring, smoldering, consuming her.

Yeah I think that I might break
I've lost myself again and I feel unsafe

“Kyle,” Liz whispered, “I, um, I’m sorry, I have to um…I have to….” Shaking her head, her eyes still stuck in the entrancing stare of Max Evans, Liz pushed gently away from Kyle and walked off the dance floor leaving him with an expression that contained both bewilderment and hurt.


Song: "Breath Me" by Sia (Disclaimer: While it is a beautiful song it's not mine. :wink: )
Last edited by Temptress on Sat Oct 08, 2005 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 59
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Post by Temptress »

Hi everyone! First and foremost, I'd like to thank all of you for the wonderful feedback.

Erina258 - You're just going to have to read and find out if I'm a meanie who'll draw it out or just give you the Max and Liz talk right away. But then again how much talking do we really want our favorite couple to be doing? :wink:

cocopucks - Max truly never did get a clue did he? Even when the fugly duckling came back from Antar with his child he still believed words that came out of her mouth. *Sigh*

Ellie-*Takes a moment to enjoy Ellie's active imagination* :D Kyle grew on me like fungus in seasons 2 and 3. I truly began to like who he was becoming and thought he was great comic relief and while in my heart of hearts i am a dreamer to the fullest, i also have some lingering Kyle/Liz shipper feelings. :? Thanks for your awesome feeback Ellie. You never fail to make me giggle.

begonia9508 - Thank You!

sam_me- Thank you so much!

orphyfets - It's inevitable. Kyle will get hurt. But Max and Liz have too many issues to just let them go. Thanks for the feedback!

ShatteredDreamer- Tess is an evil bitch and in this story her evil knows no bounds. :twisted:

BehrObsession- LOL - well read on and you shall see just how much he'll be enjoying it....or not... :twisted:

ChemChic - Thank you! *Blushes* Your comments made my day. I'm glad you're enjoying it and i only hope i continue to do so. :)

Okay, so on with the next part!! :wink:
Part 4

Max helped Tess out of the Jeep with one hand and grabbed her present out of the back seat with the other. As they began walking the short distance to the Crashdown, Max took a good look around the area. “Wow. Look at all these cars. There must be a ton of people here tonight.”

Tess slipped her hand into Max’s and squeezed, “Like I said before Max, it doesn’t matter how many people are here. I’m just glad you’re here with me.” Tess raised her head and smiled at Max. She lifted up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.

Max’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. There was an innate feeling of disgust that rolled through him at the feel of her lips on his cheek but it was gone as quick as it had come. He smiled back down at Tess and squeezed her hand before stopping in front of the Crashdown. “Ready to be bombarded?”

Tess smiled, “Yup.”

Max reached for the door and the strains of a slow song reached his ears when he opened it. He was about to lead Tess further into the room when his eyes seem to lift by themselves and the sight before him was not what he had expected to see.

At first, all he saw was Liz looking so radiant she took his breath away. Her body was being hugged by a dress that he was sure he had never seen her in before and her face was highlighted by the lights swirling across the room. His stomach tightened as he looked up and found her eyes staring into his with a confusing myriad of emotions playing across her face. The most disconcerting one being the sorrow in her eyes as he saw them flicker to someone on his left.

Oh, that’s right. Tess was still on his arm.

Max felt more than a little guilt flood his senses until he took a closer look at Liz and realized she was wrapped in Valenti’s arms swaying slightly to the music. Kyle openly admired her and Max could understand more than anyone else why.

Immediately, the white hot anger returned but there was something else mingled in with it this time. Something that he couldn’t control as his eyes devoured Liz’s. He wanted her. He wanted to immerse himself deep within in her and bury some of this pain away. He wanted to bite her neck as he surged within her. He wanted to hear her cry out in his ear.

Almost as if she could read his thoughts, Liz’s eyes clouded over and her eyelids started to close slightly.

He barely felt Tess being led away. He had all but forgotten that there was anyone else in the room. The only thing he could see was Liz and the man that was touching her, whispering into her ear.

The man that wasn’t him.

He felt his nostril’s flare slightly and he felt a humm run through him as Liz mumbled something to Kyle and ran off.

But there would be no hiding for Liz Parker tonight.

Warm me up, and breath me…………………..


Liz pushed open the door to the employee lounge of the Crashdown and raced for the stairs. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she had to bite her lip to keep out the curses that threatened to spill over.

Damn him. Damn them all for bringing her into this mess. Damn her heart for never truly letting go of Max and all the what-ifs.

She had just made it to middle of the stairs and was silently thanking God that her parents were downstairs with the rest of the party, when she heard the swinging door slam open behind her. Abruptly, she turned around to face whoever had entered the below room and was nearly knocked on her ass when she saw the naked desire baking in Max’s eyes.

She unknowingly took a step backwards up the steps as the force of his gaze made her knees go slightly weak.

“M-Max? Wha-?”

Max’s eyes seemed to glow. His whole body was so ridged she barely recognized him.

“Why?” He said it so softly she barely heard him.


“WHY?” He shouted.

Liz jumped at the abrupt change in volume. “Why what? Why are you shouting?”

Max moved to the bottom of the steps and slowly started to make his way up them, “Why did you sleep with him? Why did you throw everything we had away? Why was it so easy to let me go?” His voice was back to that scarily calm treble. A voice that should have soothed sent shivers up her spine.

“Max. We’ve talked about this already. There’s nothing more to say.” Liz felt herself moving backwards up the stairs. It wasn’t so much that she was scared of Max, but there was an edge to him that made her want to stay where she was and let whatever may happen……happen. And that’s what scared her.

Max continued his slow ascent, stalking her as a jaguar would his prey, “There is plenty to say. There is plenty you’re not telling me. I know it. I can feel it.”

Liz shook her head at him. Her eyes traveled down from the power of his eyes to the softness of his lips. They slid down to the outline of his chest and to the straining muscles in his arms. She watched his fists clench and unclench and she unwillingly glanced at the firmness of his legs. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Liz said on a sigh. “You-you have to-you have to-.”

“I hate you. Do you know that?” Max practically whispered.

Liz eyes widened and automatically filled with tears. But she refused to let them go. She would not, could not give him the satisfaction. “I’m sorry to hear that.” Dammit. Her voice trembled. She immediately turned on her heel and made her way up the rest of the stairs and into the shadowed hallway. She stopped only when she heard him continue.

“I hate you because I can’t stop loving you.” Liz heard Max wince slightly, “No matter how hard I try, my heart won’t let my eyes tell it what they saw. It won’t listen. It only knows one thing. It only knows that you are the best thing that ever happened to it….to me……and it wants to know why you want to throw that away so much.”

Liz’s lifted her head to the ceiling in an effort to hold back her tears. Without turning around, Liz swallowed hard and let out a calming breath, “I can’t take back what happened Max. What’s done is done. You’re going to have to get over it.”

She never heard Max make his way directly behind her. Her mouth let out a sharp gasp when she was turned bodily and pressed up against the wall behind her. Max held her arms down and his furious face loomed in front of hers.

“I can’t! Don’t you get it?! I. Can’t. Get. Over. You.” Max’s eyes were wild as they took in her features. He lowered his eyes and brought his mouth to her ear and whispered, “You know you try so hard to act like you don’t care but your hands tremble every time I’m around you. And sometimes when I close my eyes and take a deep breath of your scent, I open them and notice you’re doing the same.”

Liz swallowed and tried her hardest not to swoon at Max’s close proximity. The tips of her breasts were pressed against Max’s shirt and they hardened as he unintentionally rubbed at them with each ragged breath he took. God, how easy it would be to just give in to him already. How easy it would be to turn her head and slip her tongue into his mouth. “M-Max. Stop. Please…..”

She felt Max grin into her ear at the huskiness in her voice. His tongue reached out and licked the outer shell of her ear gently. “I don’t think you want me to stop Liz. Let me show you how much better than Kyle I can be.”

Liz stiffened at once and finally gathered her strength to push Max away from her. She looked him directly in the eyes, “Go find Tess and show her. I’ve had enough for one night.”

Max laughed humorlessly, “You’ve had enough? Well I’m sure it’s nothing compared to how filled up to the brim I am.” Max stepped up to her once more, “Tell me Liz, if you’re so hell bent on me and Tess fulfilling our supposed destiny, how come you always look so devastated whenever I’m with her?”

Liz looked up at him angrily. She was mad at him for acting out on his hurt and mad at herself for being so obvious about her feelings, “I think you make things up to make yourself feel better.”

Instead of walking away like she had hoped he would, Max lifted his hand and caressed her cheek and looked at her with the intensity that used to make her legs tremble. His lips lowered until they were a scant space away from hers, “And I think you’re lying to me. Again.” Max licked his lips and Liz suppressed the groan trying to come out at the sight. “Stop running. Stop trying to push me away. Stop trying to get me to stop loving you. It won’t happen. Ever.”

Liz finally let out a small sob, “Max...” She whispered before crashing her lips down onto his.

Max let out a small moan as Liz tongue immediately pushed for entrance and deepened the kiss. He brought one hand to the back of her head and buried it in her hair. The other hand slid down the side of her body until it reached her bottom where he gripped one side of it and brought her flush up against his arousal. Max grinded his hips against her heat slightly before lifting one of her legs and wrapping it around his waist gaining a new leverage that took Liz’s breath away.

Liz broke away from Max’s kiss and lolled her head back against the wall letting a small gasp escape. Max grabbed her head once more and brought it back to his mouth. He nipped on her bottom lip before licking his tongue across the seam of her lips. He swallowed her moan with his mouth and slid the hand holding her leg up under her dress.

Liz tried to break away from his kiss. She tried to get her cloudy mind to cooperate with her before Max went too far up her leg. Before Max did something she didn’t know if she’d be able to stop.

Liz attempted words but Max’s hand had already met the top of her thigh and stilled. Slowly, he released her mouth and turned confused eyes to hers before letting them fall where his hand was fingering the material under her dress. He slid the silky material up until he encountered the hook that was pulled through the loop in the top of the stocking. His face registered something akin to shock before he shoved the rest of the dress up and took in the sight of the black lace garters and panty set.

“What the-.”

Liz felt her face burn in embarrassment, “Max, I-.”

Liz watched as Max’s jaw clenched and he let out a breath through his nose. When his eyes looked into hers all words but one died on her lips at the liquid desire reflected there. “Max?” She breathed.

“Is that-is that what I think it is?” Max asked.

Liz nodded slowly.

“Oh God.” Max placed both of his hands on either side of Liz and took several deep breaths.

“Does it bother you?” Liz asked quietly. She wasn’t sure if he would be disgusted with her. For all intents and purposes Max was too sensitive for his own good and she was sure that before he saw her in 'bed' with Kyle he used to look at her and see only innocent little Liz that would wear white on their wedding day and sparkle in her purity.

Max raised his head and looked at her directly, “Does it bother me?” He repeated. Max reached down and took one of her hands and placed it right on his throbbing hardness. “Yeah it bothers me. But not in the way you think.”

Liz gasped at the sudden contact. This was uncharted territory. She didn’t know how to react to Max’s sudden boldness. So, she did the only thing that came to mind. She squeezed him and watched as his eyes slammed shut and his mouth opened with a surprised groan.

“Do it again…” Came the whisper.


“Please. Do that again.”

Liz let out a desperate little cry as she squeezed him again outside of his thin black pants and reveled in his moan. The pants did little to hide his arousal and she could feel the ridges of his penis with her thumb as she traced the top with it.

“Liz…” Her name left his lips and seemed to roll down her spine leaving delicious shivers in their wake. “Let me see.”

Her hand stilled. “Huh?”

“Let me see it. I want to see how it looks on you.” Max’s eyes were so heavy with desire they were almost drifting shut. Liz could only imagine how she must look.


Without answering her, Max dropped to his knees and looked her in the face as he lifted the material of her dress. Liz knew she should have been mortified or in the very least embarrassed, but she wasn’t. All she felt was the warm clenching in her belly and the buzzing sensation that had taken over her senses. So, she looked boldly down into his face as his eyes finally dropped from hers and took in the sight before him. She watched as Max seemed to move in slow motion as he skated his thumb up the silky ties of the garter to the top and then to the lacy panty that really left nothing to the imagination. Slowly, almost hesitantly, he brought his fingers to her heat and stroked it once with his thumb.

Liz’s breathing picked up and Max looked up a worried expression on his face. Liz knew he was wondering if he had gone too far. Wanting to make sure he didn’t stop, Liz moved her hips slightly forward inviting him to continue.

What the hell am I doing?

Just minutes ago they had been arguing and saying such hurtful things but this….just seemed so much more important than that. Being near him, touching him, having him look at her with all of that reverence, it all just seemed so much more of a necessity than her anger or her responsibility to the world.

“Don’t stop.” Liz whispered and even with all her bravado her face burned slightly with embarrassment.

Max closed his eyes for a second before bringing his thumb back to her heat. He pressed firmly against her opening eliciting a gasp of excitement from Liz. Liz watched as he brought his face to her most private area and placed a soft open mouthed kiss to the outside of her panties. Liz could feel his tongue dart out quickly and she knew in the back of her mind that he could taste the evidence of her excitement. Max let out a low groan that matched her own and lifted his finger to the edge of her panties obviously about to push them to the side.

“Max?” Came a soft voice from downstairs.

Max jumped up with a low curse as Liz quickly pushed her dress back down to the proper position. Max put a finger to Liz’s lips and she nodded her head in understanding. She followed him as he crept to the top of the stairs making sure to stay in the cover of the shadows.

There, standing next to the couch with a confused look on her face as she looked around the room, was Tess.

Last edited by Temptress on Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by Temptress »

Hey Everyone! Just wanted to take the time out to thank all of you that are reading my fic! :D

Luzser1800 - Sorry to keep you in suspense! But thanks for reading. :)
dreamer destiny - Thank you! Glad you're enjoying it! We'll evenutally find out whether or not Liz decides to tell Max about F. Max.
83 AlienAngel - Thanks for reading!
BehrObsession - Now, now. If i gave you Max/Liz action so soon, there would be no tension. And we do so love sexual tension between Max and Liz.
Ellie - *Dies Laughing* That human birth control comment took me by surprise and had me choking on my soda. *Note to self - never read Ellies comments while ingesting liquids* Thanks for all your lovely feedback Ellie!
DramastarOF06 - It was evil of me to leave it there wasn't it? :twisted:
Hopeless Romantic - Thanks so much! :D
lazza - Thank you! I think Bold Max is sexy as hell. We only really saw it when he was hurting or desperate. And in this instance its both.
cherie - Well here i am. Unfortunately, you guys are either going to hate me or love me after this part. We shall see :P.

And a big THANK YOU to those of you coming back to this fic and those that are new to it!

L-J-L 76

“Max?” Tess said again. Her eyes made it to the top of the stairs and Max pushed Liz behind him while leaning into the shadows even deeper.

Dammit. Why did she have to interrupt? Why now? And why was he hiding?

Max couldn’t answer that last question. All he knew was some instinct told him to stay back and hide, especially since he was with Liz.

He closed his eyes briefly and leaned his head against the wall as he tried to get his body to calm down. A lingering scent entered his nostrils and he sniffed once slightly confused as to the source until he realized it was the essence of Liz’s excitement. He licked his lips to get confirmation and tasted the little bit that had been left behind. His eyes grew hooded as he glanced down at Liz beside him and noticed her watching his mouth. One look into her eyes and he knew she was aware of exactly what he had been doing.

Max gently raised a hand and brushed back the hair that had fallen over one cheek. He leaned down and kissed her lips gently before opening his mouth and tangling his tongue with hers.

“Tess? What are you doing back here? You have guests that still want to say happy birthday.”

Max and Liz broke apart with a slight jump and peered down the steps. Jim Valenti was standing next to a wary faced Tess as she looked up to the top of the stairs.

“Tess?” Mr. Valenti asked again.

Max pulled Liz further down the hall and out of the sight of the stairs completely.

“Sorry Mr. Valenti. I, um, I was just looking for Max. I thought I saw him come in here.”

“Max? Why are you worried about Max? You have guests to attend to. This party is in your honor you should be out there entertaining not in here.”

“But Mr. Valenti-.”

“No buts. Let’s go.”

They heard an annoyed Tess still arguing with Mr. Valenti as the door swung shut behind them.

Max heaved a sigh and turned to look down at Liz. She had a strange expression on her face.

“What?” Max asked.

Liz continued to give him that strange look before crossing her arms in front of her. “What was that about? Why did you hide us?”

Max opened his mouth to answer her but shut his mouth again. He scratched behind his ear before sighing, “I don’t know. I just had this weird feeling. Like Tess just…shouldn’t know I was up here…with you.”

Liz raised her eyebrows, “You had a ‘weird feeling’ or you didn’t want your new girlfriend to know you were up here making out with your ex-girlfriend?”

Max shoved his hand into his pockets and gave Liz a tired look, “She’s not my girlfriend Liz.”

Liz snorted, “Well, you came to this party with her. You’ve been spending every minute with her. So I just assumed-.”

“Well you assumed wrong.” Max turned away from her for a second before bringing one of his hands to his hair, running it through in frustration, and leaning up against the wall, “What do you care anyway? You’re here with Kyle. What does it matter who I bring?”

“I’m not here with Kyle. Kyle asked me to dance, so I did.” Liz said defensively.

“Yeah well you didn’t see how he was looking at you. I doubt he considers you just a friend. Especially after what happened between you two.”

Liz sighed wearily, “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Kyle and I….Kyle and I….”

Max raised a haughty eyebrow. He felt his anger start to overshadow his desire for Liz once more. Or was it an even match? “Yes? You and Kyle what? Had sex? I already know that Liz.”

Liz gave him a disgusted look, “I’m aware of what you know. But Kyle and I aren’t a couple.”

“That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want to be.”

“Max, believe me when I say that Kyle doesn’t feel that way about me.”

Max pursed his lips slightly, “You used to think the same of me.” He said softly, “You were wrong about that too.”

Liz sighed in frustration, “Max, lets just go back downstairs and forget this ever happened.”

Max let out a short humourless laugh before turning back to Liz. His expression was thunderous and his body felt like tons of angry waves were being thrust from him, “Is it really that easy for you?” Max shouted, “Is it really that easy for you to forget? To pretend like I never loved you; that you never loved me? Was it that easy that night with Kyle?”

“I DIDN’T HAVE A CHOICE!” Liz’s eyes were wild as she started to breathe heavy.

Max stilled. “What are you talking about? What do you mean you didn’t have a choice? He didn’t force you did he? I’ll kill him.” He made for the staircase already thinking about how he could kill Valenti without the use of his powers.

Liz shook her head and grabbed for both of Max arms, “No. No Max, he didn’t force me.” Liz closed her eyes briefly. “Oh God. This is just getting so complicated.” She said quietly.

Max felt her hands burning into his sleeves. This simple touch just seemed to send him into a tailspin.

He watched as she opened her eyes and seemed to notice she was touching him. She quickly let go and took one step back. “We-we better go. People are going to start wondering where we are.”

Max looked Liz over and noticed the swollen quality of her lips and the wrinkles in her dress. Her hair was slightly wild and her makeup was smudged. All in all she looked thoroughly and completely ravaged. Anyone with eyes would be able to tell that she hadn’t just gone for a bathroom break.

Never moving his eyes from hers, Max reached up and slid a hand gently over her face. He healed her bruised lips and fixed her makeup as best he knew how. He reached down and removed the wrinkles from her dress. He hesitated only briefly before reaching to the top of her head and running his fingers through her hair feeling the silken strands thread through them. Liz’s eyes closed, never once protesting his actions. His hands shook slightly as he felt the air charge with an unnamable something. He felt her goosebumps rise almost as if they were his own and his breathing moved in sync with hers. Max gripped the back of her head in his palms and willed her eyes to open so he could confirm for himself what he needed to know. He needed to see love shining in Liz’s eyes.

Almost as if it was beyond her control, Liz’s eyes opened and before Max could stop it, a connection formed.
Short but there will be more very soon. :D
Last edited by Temptress on Mon Oct 17, 2005 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 59
Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:07 pm

Post by Temptress »

Heeeeeeey everyone!

dreamer destiny - Thanks for your continued support dreamer destiny. You'll find out in this part what Max sees.
orphyfets - Aww Thanks! :oops:
HBGO - Filly? LOL! That made me giggle. In an evil way of course. :wink:
Evans3 - :D Thank You! I'm glad you're enjoying it! Hopefully i can continue to meet your expectations.
roswell3053 - I'm always so happy to see that I have new readers. :D
Ellie -
So how soon are we talking here? Soon as is in the gestation time of an Antarian/Human hybrid?
LOL! Well, here I am a day later. I hope that's soon enough. :D Oh! and by the way, is that a Firefly quote i see?!? I knew i liked ya! Firefly and Mal rock my socks! LOL! Still have yet to see the movie but i hope its sooner rather than later.

Thanks to all those that read and respond to this fic!

su-lyn :D

This really should have been posted with yesterday's update but i didn't get a chance to read through it. So we'll call it part 5B. :wink: You may not like Max in this part and it may not be the reaction you were expecting, but believe me there is a method behind my madness. :twisted:


“Yeah, he has this whole other that doesn't include me.”

“No. He chooses love. He chooses you.”

“No one can know I'm here, especially not me...that is, my younger self.”

“We eloped. We were 19.”

“Cemented. So when you say cemented, you...”

“We made love.”

“It didn't work. We have to do something else.”

“Do you know how hard it was for me to tell him that I didn't want to die for him?”

“Don't you realize what you are to me...and you're always gonna be? You're the love of my life. Everyone else is gonna be second best. There'll never be another you.”

“I'm gonna be alone.”



The flashes came at an alarming speed almost as if Liz has been desperately holding onto them but she also desperately wanted to get them out.

Max started to breath erratically as everything became more and more clear. The hurt, the burning, the hate, all of it, had been based on lies. Liz had been suffering because of something a future version of himself had said.

And she had so readily believed him.

Max pulled away with a gasp and held his head in his hands. Too many images were coming to him, so many were trying to get into his conscious mind. Each one fighting to get to the forefront.

Max gasped again before looking up and seeing Liz on the floor of the hallway sitting with her legs wrapped in her arms. Tears slowly coursed down her face as she leaned her head against the wall behind her.

“It was all for nothing…Everyone is going to die because I wasn’t strong enough to stay away from you.” Liz bit her lip as the tears continued.

“Why…why didn’t you tell me?” Max asked.

Liz didn’t answer for a long moment, “I thought it would have been obvious. I couldn’t tell you. He…you…told me that I couldn’t.”

“You should’ve come to me anyway! You believed someone you didn’t even know instead of immediately coming to me. It could’ve been a Skin or a shapeshifer or any other million and one things that are after me. God!”

Max turned his back to her and stared at the wall in front of him. The flashes were still filtering in and he continued to feel disoriented. There had been so much despair in every flash. But the one emotion that had hit him the hardest was the hopelessness. Liz truly felt like she was going to be alone for the rest of her life. Her little dalliance with Sean Deluca was a welcome distraction but that’s all it had been.

“No Max,” Liz said quietly. So quietly he almost didn’t hear her.

Max turned around to face her and saw her staring at some distant point in the ceiling stuck in her memories of that night and the events that followed, “It was you. At first I didn’t think it was. But he…you…proved it to me. And really, I guess I knew the minute he walked in through that window.” Liz finally raised her eyes to his. “Whenever you’re around me you transmit this….like…wave of emotions towards me. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. But with this Max, a Max that another me had been with for years….that feeling had been magnified by a thousand.”

Liz ran both hands through her hair and stopped when she reached the nape of her neck. “Every time I looked into his eyes, I saw all this yearning. Almost the way you look at me sometimes. But with him he was yearning for his wife. He wanted his life back so badly, even with all the problems, even with all the deaths, he wanted to love his wife forever.” Liz’s tears started to fall faster until her voice was shaking. “But he sacrificed it all and I have a funny feeling that the other Liz is the one who made the final decision. Just like in this lifeline. I made the choice. I did it all. Because I couldn’t be the cause of every ones death. Because if you hadn’t healed me that day none of this would have happened to begin with.”

Max just stared at the small petite woman sitting on the floor in front of him. This woman, who had taken the world onto her shoulders and given up everything just because he had asked her too. Because really that’s what it came down to. Max asked her to sacrifice her happiness and she did it.

Max knew he should be grateful. He knew he should be on his knees in front of her, hugging her, telling her that they would fix it, but an anger he couldn’t describe was still burning his senses.

And the anger was directed at her.

She may have sacrificed her happiness but in the process she had sacrificed his as well. He would also never get that wedding day. He liked Tess but he could never love her. Not like Liz. Never like Liz. He would have gone the rest of his days miserable, wanting what he thought he could never have.

Max took a couple of steps and loomed above her, “You never gave me a choice.”

Liz’s head raised and looked at Max in confusion. “Wh-what?”

“You never gave me a choice to decide what I wanted my fate to be. You never gave me the option of trying to fix my life! You didn’t trust that I could let you go so you just took it upon yourself to save the fucking world!”

“I did it for you! For us. For all of us!”

“Do you have any idea what hell I’ve been through?! The nights I didn’t sleep because every time I closed my eyes all I saw was you and Kyle in BED!” Max let out a short humorless laugh, “I knew it. I fucking KNEW you hadn’t slept with him. But I kept convincing myself that I was crazy. That I had seen it with my own eyes. And then those images of.. you…and me…”

Liz’s head snapped up, “What images?”

Max clammed up, as he stepped back, “Nothing forget it.”

Liz finally stood up, “No Max. What images?”

Max’s lips firmed into a line, “I said forget it. It’s not important. I just….need some time to process this.”

Liz shook her head in disgust, “I don’t get where I’ve suddenly become the bad guy here Max. This wasn’t what I wanted. I told you. I didn’t have a choice.”

“No! That’s where you’re wrong. You did have a choice. Just like that day at the Pod Chamber when you left me behind. You just made the wrong one.” Max gave her one final look that was a mixture of anger and hurt but mixed in with all of those emotions was love. A love that took Liz’s breath away but ironically also helped her breathe easier.

Seconds ticked away until Max finally turned and went down the steps leaving Liz in her hallway too bewildered to do anything but laugh at the insanity of what just happened.


Max reached the swinging door and pushed it open. He could feel how ridged his body was and he knew he had tears of anger still burning his eyes and threatening to come out but he was determined to try and celebrate Tess’s birthday. It was the only normal thing that was going on in his life at the moment.

“Max!” Max turned to see Maria making her way through the crowd to his side. “Lord, there are way too many people here.” Maria blew a hair out of her eye before taking in Max’s appearance. “Hey, what’s wrong? You look like someone told you there is life on other planets and you were next in line for the alien probe.”

Max didn’t smile at Maria’s comments. He only continued to stare at her and try to figure out what he wanted to say to her. “You knew didn’t you?” He finally said.

Maria’s eyes crinkled in confusion, “Knew what? What are you talking about? Max, what happened? I saw you follow Liz into the locker room. Is everything allright?”

Max shook his head, “No. Everything’s not all right. I just found out that apparently it’s my own fault that Liz had to quote/unquote sleep with Kyle.”

Maria’s eyes widened. She gulped once and looked around, making sure no one was in direct earshot. “Umm, I’m not sure I’m following you here Max.”

Max snorted in disgust, “Now, I’m positive you know. Why didn’t you stop her? Why didn’t you come to me? I thought we were friends. Good friends even.”

Maria sighed wearily, “It was too late by then Max. Everything had already happened. She only told me because I knew something was wrong and I was hurt that she wouldn’t tell me.”

“Oh, so she told you to salvage your friendship but she didn’t tell me! The person who’s life she was changing?!? That makes sense.” Max finished sarcastically.

Maria turned enormous eyes toward Max, “Are you for real?! Liz didn’t risk everything because she was bored one day Max. She did it because she loved you. She did it because she’d rather lose you than see you or the people you love die!”

Maria picked up a finger and started to poke Max in the chest with it, punctuating her words, “I really, really hope you didn’t get that ‘I am King, hear me roar’ attitude with her Max. She doesn’t deserve it. You should be kissing her ass in gratitude. All of you should. Down to the blonde bimbo that’s taken over her life.” Maria gave a bewildered Max a hard push into the wall behind him before walking away and melting into the crowd.

Max let out a small huff of disbelief. Did he really just get roughed up by a girl?

With a groan he pushed away from the wall. He was still so very angry with Liz and the situation, but Maria had made some headway into his psyche. While she hadn’t said anything different than Liz had already said to him or that he already didn’t know himself, it still made a difference to hear it from someone who wasn’t directly involved in the situation.

He was being a jerk.

He knew that.

But knowing and doing something about it were two very dissimilar things.

Max started to make his way to the refreshment table, intent on getting something to drink, when he felt a hand slip into his.

“Hey you. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”


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Post by Temptress »

*Waves* Hey Everyone!! Again, I'd like to re-iterate just how much i enjoyed all of your responses to Max's reaction to the reveal of Future Max. I never thought it would cause so many to voice their opinons and i loved to read them! So again, Thank You!

Breathless - Thank you for coming out of lurkdom to comment on my fic. I'm always do happy to see new readers! :D
su-lyn-Cursing only shows me that I have done my job! 8) And i have to say that I agree with all of your points on how Max would've reacted had it been F.Liz to come back instead of him.
Emz80m - Love your Stories! Thank you for taking the time out to comment on mine!

dreamer destiny
Bloody Crow
Sidewalk Doctor - And last but defintily not least, one of my most favorite people in the world. Cat darling, I've said it before but i'll say it again, having you enjoy my fanfiction is one of the highest compliments I could ever get. You know just how much your fanfiction inspires me and im humbled by the fact that you read mine. Thank you! :D

Max started to make his way to the refreshment table, intent on getting something to drink, when he felt a hand slip into his.

“Hey you. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”


Max immediately felt uncomfortable with the more than friends contact. He gently pulled his hand out of hers before giving her a forced smile.

“Having fun?” He asked.

Tess gave him a hurt look at his withdrawal but immediately covered it up with a bright smile. “Yeah. It’s a good party. It’s nice to be the center of attention every once in awhile, you know?”

Max nodded his head not sure if Tess was giving him a little dig because he obviously didn’t lavish her with all the attention that she wanted. “Erm, yeah. Well, I usually try my best to stay out of the spotlight for obvious reasons. But I’m glad you’re having a good time. You deserve a little fun.”

Tess’s smile faltered a bit at Max’s slightly condescending manner. She gave him a searching look before licking her lips nervously, “Max, are you okay? What happened? I, um, I saw you go into the backroom.”

Max shrugged, “Nothing happened that should interest you.” Max let his eyes roam over the massive amount of people filling every space of the Crashdown. “Listen Tess, why don’t you mingle a bit with your guests. I’m not good company right now.”

Tess’s eyes narrowed in confusion and not a little bit of anger. She grabbed Max’s hand once more before caressing it in between her fingers, “Max, tell me what’s wrong.” She said soothingly. “Maybe I can help.”

Max felt a barely distinguishable warmth enter his hand and was aware of himself relaxing slightly. He let out a soft breath and opened his mouth to share his burden with Tess, when his eyes spotted an agitated Liz speaking to Maria in a far corner of the restaurant. Liz had her head in her hands while Maria was saying something that finally made Liz’s head pop up. He obviously couldn’t hear her over the music and the people, but the movement of her lips was easily distinguishable, “…..I wanted him to.”

It would take a fool not to know whom she was referring to and an even bigger fool not to know what she was talking about. That kiss that had progressed into so much more. The passion that had overridden his senses leaving the only ones remaining being touch and smell. An image of Liz with her head thrown back against the wall behind her while he was on his knees before her looking up burned through his minds eye. He felt his breath start to quicken as his heart started to pound erratically.

“I’m….I’ll be back.” Max breathed as he dropped Tess’s hand, his eyes locked on Liz.

“Wait, Max. Max? Max! Dammit, where are you going?”

“I have to…” Max left the sentence unfinished as he began to walk in the direction of Liz.

But Tess wasn’t going to be left behind again.

“Max! Look at me!” She demanded as she grabbed his face with her right hand and turned it to her.

Max was still breathing erratically as he faced her. His eyes may have been looking at the blue-eyed alien but his heart was still trying its very best to move towards the dark haired, dark eyed beauty that he was still so very angry with but who he also wanted more than anything else in the universe.

“Oh my God.” Tess whispered, “Max…your eyes….what did you do with Liz upstairs? Did you…did you….” Tess couldn’t seem to bring herself to finish the sentence and instead brought her up her left hand to join the other. Immediately, that same strange sensation overcame him. But this time Max flinched away from her before grabbing her hands in his and bringing them down gently.

He gave her a confused look mixed with suspicion and stepped back from her. He opened his mouth to question her but out of the corner of his eye he saw Liz’s dark head making its way through the dancing partygoers following a tense Maria.

His body moved toward her before his mind registered it. He pushed his way through the crowd leaving disgruntled partygoers in his wake and a strange faced Tess behind him.
Approximately 10 minutes ago

Liz made her way back downstairs after taking several deep breaths to calm her nerves. She pushed open the door to the restaurant and was immediately bombarded by a pissed off Maria.

“Liz!” Maria shouted before wrapping her friend in a hug, “Oh babe. Are you okay? I just ran into that self-involved asswipe also known as your ex-boyfriend.”

Liz accepted the hug for a second before pushing herself away. “I’m…I’ll be fine. What did Max tell you?”

Maria rolled her eyes before crossing her arms in front of her chest, “Only that he knew about Future Max and then he got all pissy about how he thought me and him were friends and why didn’t I tell him, and then he got all sarcastic with me. ME! The queen of sarcasm.”


“But don’t worry I ripped him a new one. I mean, like how dare he try and even hint at this whole thing being your fault! I mean it was HIM that came back from the future-.”

“Maria!” Liz shouted, “Please. Stop. I appreciate what you did and what you’re saying, but Max….Max’s right.”

“WHAT?!” Maria’s face took on an outraged expression, “Are you shitting me Liz? He is NOT right. You sacrificed everything for him! Your dignity, your heart!” Maria shook her head at Liz but seeing the tears of frustration in Liz’s eyes caused her to stop mid-rant. “Oh Lizzie. What the hell happened in there?”

Liz closed her eyes as the memories assaulted her, “We….we kissed.”

Maria raised her eyebrows, “Okay, and then?”

Liz put her head in her hands, not able to look Maria in the eye, “It was more than that Maria, we were doing stuff, stuff that we’ve never done before.”

Maria stilled. “Stuff? What kind of stuff?”

“Let me put it this way. Max saw that stupid thing you made me buy earlier today.”

“What stup-. Noooooooo! You let Max-and then he-and you guys were-……” Maria let out a breath of shock. “How? I mean, well, I don’t know if I want to know……fuck it. Yes I do want to know. How?!”

With her head still in her hands, Liz tried her best to answer Maria’s question without dying of embarrassment. Normally she would keep these kind of things to herself but there was just so many things going on right now, so much confusion, she desperately needed her friend at the moment. “He was saying all these awful, spiteful things. But it was so obvious that it was out of hurt. I mean, he told me he hated me, Maria. Hated me because he loved me so much. Honestly, I was the one who kissed him first. Then it just went so much further and before I knew it he was touching me. Like really touching me.”

“Liz! Why didn’t you just stop him? Push him away? He’s dangerous to your sanity!”

Liz’s head popped up and she gave Maria an anguished look, “Because I wanted him to. God Maria, I wanted him to so much.”

Maria shook her head and gave Liz a sympathetic look. “Wow. You really are far gone aren’t you?”

Liz rubbed a weary hand over her forehead, “I love him. Even though we are so bad for each other in some ways, I know I’ll never feel this way for anyone else. Being that close to him..I just…for a second I’d never been happier ‘Ria.”

Maria sighed and took her friends’ arm in her hand, “Come on babe. Let’s go somewhere we can talk more privately. We’re going to go get you some punch and hope one of the more immature students of West Roswell High spiked it.”

Liz managed a weak nod before following Maria through the throng of people. A deep, thumping, slow beat was reverberating through her and as she looked around she noticed a lot of couples grinding to the music.
Suddenly, a hand grabbed hers and spun her around before she could react. She was met with a hard chest and was about to spit out a couple of un-friendly words, when the familiar scent assaulted her.


She finally looked up and gave him a confused expression, “Max, what are you doing?”

He looked down into her face, before placing his hands on her hips and swaying slightly to the music. “Dancing.”

“Max, you don’t dance.”

He raised his head and looked around them, “Doesn’t look like there’s much to it.”

“Max, what are you trying to do? Weren’t you just furious with me?” Liz’s eyes darted away at that last question.

Max’s mouth twisted in agreement. The barest hint of a smile lingering at the edges. “I still am. But I can’t seem to stay away for too long. I never could.”

Liz closed her eyes for a second before looking up into Max’s eyes once again, “Despite what you might think Max, doing what I did was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life. Even harder than walking away from you that day at the pod chamber.”

Max’s faint smile faded away completely. “Don’t you mean running away? ‘Cause that’s what you did. You ran.”

Liz bit her bottom lip in remembrance. That summer had been horrible. She had spent most of her days moping around her aunts house daydreaming about Max and most of her nights waking up in cold sweats from the nightmares that she had about the white room and the events thereafter. Sure she had run but everything that she had been running from always caught up to her at night.

Max lowered his mouth to her ear, “I needed you then Liz and you left,” Before she could respond, Max had whipped her around and had pressed her up back up against the front of his body. His mouth returned to her ear, “And I need you now. Don’t leave me again.”

Liz immediately leaned back into Max’s embrace. Her back molded so well with his front, every curve of her body was tucked in into his muscled hold. His hands were currently squeezing her hips and she placed her hands on top of his. The warmth of his body was starting to become an inferno and all she could bring herself to do was move to the music and lean her head back against his shoulder.

“I can’t promise you anything Max. There’s too much at stake.”
She felt Max’s lips make a slow path from her neck to her ear, “You know, I was under the impression that I was one who always over thought everything. Maybe it’s time for the both of us to stop. Stop thinking Liz. Just feel.”

The thumping beat of the music was only overridden by the thumping beat of her heart. God, she wanted to let go. She wanted to forget any of the past months had happened. She wanted to lean back into Max and let him take the lead. Let him be strong for the both of them.

Liz’s eyes shut as she guided Max to the rhythm of the music making her hips slide against the front of his black pants. The silky material of her dress combined with the thin material of his dress pants was enough to send her into another dimension all together. She pushed slightly harder against him and felt his arousal pressing into her backside. Max groaned into her ear before thrusting her more fiercely against him, deliberately running his hands lower to her thighs and squeezing them. He rotated his hips and mimicked a motion that should have left Liz scandalized but only caused her to press harder against him. The distinct throb of the music seemed to form a haze around them and everything else was forgotten. For once it was forgotten.

“All I do is feel Max. That’s what got me into this in the first place. Everything I feel for you. No matter how much it hurts…. .I’ve never stopped feeling.”

Max’s hands glided up the sides of her body and back down. Up, down. He grazed the sides of her breasts on the up and squeezed the back of her thighs on the down. His breathing was shallow and it tickled Liz’s ear. “I’m so angry with you Liz. But, God, I want you so much. Please, let’s go somewhere.”

Liz’s breath came in short gaps and she bit her lip to suppress the moan that threatened to come out at his words. “Go somewhere? Where? How? People are going to be looking for us. Tess will be looking for you.”

Max let out a low sound of disgust. “Fuck Tess. I don’t care. All I care about is you. Please Liz. I…need you.”

“Oh God.” The aching of Liz’s body made the decision for her. She nodded her head jerkily and took Max’s hand in hers. She led him through the crowd to the back of the Crashdown, not really sure where she was going but knowing she had to get there fast.

Both were oblivious to the frustrated but amused stare of Maria, the hurt stare of Kyle and the livid stare of Tess that followed them out of the room.

Last edited by Temptress on Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Temptress »

mlover25 - How do you always know when i'm about to post? 8)

Well here I am with another update. This one is going to get a mite bit confusing. But bear with me!

Oh and erm, just to let you know, this part is going to get, ahem, a bit on the dirty side. :P

Thanks to all of my wonderful feedbackers! Both the new and the faithful. I'm so happy that you guys are sticking this out with me.

dreamer destiny
ShatteredDreamer - You'll find out in this part what Tess may or may not have seen in Max's eyes. 8)
Sidewalk Doctor :wink:

Maria rolled her eyes as a couple bumping and grinding on the dance floor blocked her way.

“Uh, hello! This isn’t that kind of party. Do you mind moving so we can get through? Thanks.” Maria said as she pushed past them ignoring the dirty looks that she received.

“God Liz, can you believe some people? They hear party and they equate it with the freedom of humping on a dance floor. It’s time like this that I’m so glad Michael and Max aren’t dancers cause I don’t know how I’d feel if they tried to cop a cheap feel in front of, you know, EVERYONE. Don’t you agree Liz? Liz?” Maria, having finally reached the other end of the restaurant, turned around to face her friend and instead was met with the sight of her best friend doing exactly what she had so valiantly preached against.

“Well, dayum.” Maria scoffed in amusement for a second before taking a step towards them intent on stopping her friend from adding another scar to her heart.

Immediately she hesitated. The look on Liz’s face was so different from the Liz she had been encountering in the past weeks. She was so……alive. Her face seemed to glow as she leaned back against Max’s body. Her eyes were closed and her hands were clenched tightly to his. There was so much sensuality in her movements as well as a longing that made Maria’s breath lodge in her throat.

And Max…….where the hell did he learn to dance like that? Did Michael take him to Juanita to learn how to shake what his alien momma gave him?

But on closer inspection, she realized there weren’t learned dance moves involved. This was pure instinct and if Maria really let herself examine what was happening, she knew that even she, with all her bravado, would blush.

Maria watched as Max whispered something in Liz’s ear that caused Liz to bite her lip and nod her head disconnectedly. Before Maria could do anything Liz was leading Max away to God knows where.

But she let her go.

Maria knew if she really wanted to she could follow them and stop Liz from doing anything stupid. She knew with one raised eyebrow she could make Liz come out of her Max induced haze sputtering with both embarrassment and not a little bit of frustration.

But she let her go.

Liz loved Max. Max loved Liz. Why couldn’t it just be that simple for them?

This time Maria would let it be that simple.

Maria looked up to the ceiling for a second and closed her eyes briefly. It wasn’t her birthday but she would make a birthday wish for her friend nonetheless.

Please, God, or whoever is out there listening. Just let her be happy. That’s all I ask.

At that moment Maria opened her eyes, and spotted a determined Tess making her way through the throng of people, pointedly ignoring those calling out her name, obviously trying to catch up to Max.

“Oh no you don’t skanky.” Maria muttered under her breath. She pushed her way through and grabbed Tess’s arm right before she hit the swinging door.

“Tess! Hey! Happy Birthday.” Maria reached around the girl and gave her an over exaggerated hug. She felt Tess tense immediately in her arms but didn’t let go. Giving her once last squeeze, she held onto Tess’s arm and gave her a once over, “You look fabulous! I just love pink on you. Was it expensive? Oh and your hair! It looks magnificent!”

Tess jerked her arm out of Maria’s grasp and gave her a suspicious look. “Excuse me, what?”

Maria laughed again, “I said you look great! Are you enjoying yourself? I hope so. Kyle and Mr. Valenti put so much thought and energy into this.” Maria tried to keep the façade of a caring friend up. She really did. But her animosity towards Tess was just too great. And before she knew it she was saying too much. “Spending so much money that they probably didn’t have just for their favorite girl.”

Tess’s suspicious look turned into an out and out glare. “Cut the crap Maria. What are you trying to do?”

Maria gave Tess an over exaggerated shocked expression. “Why whatever do you mean Tess? I’m merely paying you a compliment. You know most humans would say thank you but I guess…well…you know…you’re not exactly in that category so I guess I understand.” Maria let out a little laugh and effectively blocked the entrance to the break room.

Tess’s eyes narrowed further and she pursed her lips, “I know you don’t like me Maria. And frankly I don’t care. But before you go judging me, maybe I should remind you I could crush you like a bug with one thought.”

Maria felt her heart start to pound slightly in fear, as she shrugged in indifference trying her best to look calm. “Maybe. But then I guess your true colors would show not only to me but to the rest of the world as well. Including Max.” Maria leaned forward until she was a breath away from Tess’ face. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re trying to do or what you’ve been trying to do since day one.”

Tess looked defiantly into Maria’s eyes. “You don’t know anything. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you know a damned thing about me. You don’t know what it’s been like. Noone does.”

Maria rolled her eyes and started mimicking Tess while she was speaking. Abruptly she stopped and turned a glare to Tess. “I may not know how it was for you but I sure as hell know how it was before you. Leave him be. Let him make the choice to love you or not to love you. Stop being a selfish bitch.”

Tess’s eyes widened in shock before her teeth bared, “You crossed the line here today Maria. I want you to remember that.”

Maria raised one eyebrow at Tess, “You crossed the line the day you walked into our lives. I won’t let you hurt Liz anymore. You remember that.”

Tess’s eyes dropped for a second before she shook her head, “And who’s going to stop me from hurting?” She whispered. Almost as if to herself.

At that moment Kyle walked up to the two of them. His eyes darted back and forth between them, “What’s going on guys?”

Maria finally let her gaze leave Tess’s face, and met Kyle’s eyes. “Nothing much Kyle. Me and Tess were just discussing how she should open all of her presents before people start to leave.”

“Wha-what? No I didn’t. I mean-I-.” Tess stuttered.

Kyle’s eyes suddenly brightened and it was then that Maria realized that Kyle hadn’t been too happy when he had walked up to them. What was up with that?

“Hey. That’s a great idea. I can’t wait for you to see what me and dad got you. You’re going to love it.” Kyle smiled at Tess affectionately and put an arm around her. “Come on. I’ll tell dad.”

Maria watched as Tess’s eyes closed briefly and she let herself lean into Kyle’s brotherly embrace before abruptly pulling away, “Um, can’t we do that later? I mean we still have plenty of time-.”

Kyle’s smile faded, “Why? I thought you’d be excited. Tess, is something wrong?”

“No! No. Everything is fine. Come on. Lets go get Mr. Valenti.”

With one last glare over her shoulder to Maria, Tess followed Kyle.

Maria let out a woosh of breath and let herself relax. Tess was taken care of. For now. She only hoped Max and Liz were working out their issues….wherever they were.


Max let Liz lead him up the steps but before they could reach the door to enter her apartment he stopped her and put both of his hands on her face. He looked into her eyes for one moment before slowly bringing her lips to his. His mouth caressed hers with the gentlest of kisses and he was reminded of the day on her balcony when he had first kissed her and in turn had his first kiss ever. Back then there wasn’t an urgency, there wasn’t pain behind the kiss, there wasn’t desperation. There was just a boy very much in love with a girl who had the sweetest smile and the softest skin. Max wanted it to be that simple again. He wanted that so much.

Max broke away from the kiss and lay his forehead on hers, “Liz…..”

Liz brought her hand up and placed a hand on his mouth, “I know.”

Max kissed the fingers on his lips softly. He could smell the faint scent of her hand crème and placed a small lick to the finger directly in front of his tongue. He watched as Liz’s eyes lowered to her hand and she bit the corner of one lip. Max licked again a little more forcefully and he heard the faint moan that came out of her mouth. He removed her hand and brought his mouth back down on hers letting his tongue plunder her before breaking loose with a gasp.

“I miss you.” Max whispered as he let his fingers glide from her cheek to the top of her dress. He softly caressed the exposed skin at the top of her breasts and finally let his hand surround one and squeezed. “I want you.” He said when Liz’s breath hitched, “God, do I want you.”

Liz’s back arched slightly as she leaned into his embrace further. “M-Max. What are we doing?”

Max brought his lips to her neck and bit down softly, “I don’t know. Just don’t ask me to stop.”

She brought both hands under the back of his shirt and let them slide up and down his muscled back before bringing them to his ass and squeezing. Max jumped slightly at the contact before humming deep in his throat and bringing her closer to him. He licked a path down her neck before stopping at her shoulder and biting there. Marking her. Branding her.

Max let his hand move under her dress and caressed her thigh before bringing both hands to her bare backside and squeezing.

“Do you have any idea how hot that garter is?” Max whispered into Liz’s ear.

Liz let out a small scoff, “Do you have any idea how embarrassing it was to buy it?”

“Why did you buy it?”

Liz shrugged. “It wasn’t for any other reason than it was practical and……Maria made me.”

Max chuckled, “Well remind me to thank Maria later.” Max met his lips with hers for one more soft kiss. “Come on lets go inside.”

Liz moved towards the door and hesitated. Max could see the wheels in her head starting to turn. He knew she was second guessing her decision to be alone with him and let whatever happened happen. But Max couldn’t allow that. It had been too long since they had been together like this. He had too many daydreams to count and now that they were finally coming true he couldn’t let them go.

Max stepped up behind Liz and pressed her up against his body. He softly pushed her hair up off her neck and across one shoulder. He nuzzled the newly exposed skin before kissing her there. He felt Liz shiver and watched as goosebumps formed on her arms.

Liz sighed before finally opening the door and leading him straight to her bedroom. Max thought he’d have to coax her back into his arms once again but it was only a second before the door closed behind them that Liz launched herself into his arms and began hungrily kissing him. Her tongue plunged into his mouth and greedily began to take everything he had to give.

“Take off your shirt.” She breathed.

Max was reminded of a time like this before. Only, this time the innocence was gone. There were no shaking hands. There were no darting eyes. There wasn’t any uncertainty. All that was here tonight was a burning and a yearning to complete something that he somehow felt should have been fulfilled long ago.

Max brought his hands to the bottom of his shirt before pulling it over his head. He watched as Liz licked her lips and ran her fingers over the ridged muscles of his abdomen. Anther finger brushed over one nipple and Max’s breath hitched. Liz raised an eyebrow in surprise and brushed her finger over it again, more deliberately.

“I really didn’t know that guys could be sensitive there.” Liz said with a smile.

Max grasped her hand in his and brought it back down to his stomach. “Yeah well, I don’t know about other guys but I know about me.”

Not one to be deterred, Liz brought her mouth over his nipple and licked softly. Max felt his stomach tighten as her warm mouth caused his nipple to distend.



“I just….I….”

Liz watched as her fingers ghosted across the satin skin of his abdomen and finally her eyes lifted to meet his.

“Do you have any idea how much I love to look at you?” She whispered.


Liz’s eyes roamed over his face as if memorizing the contours. “That day that I came to you in your room and said all of those awful things, I was one step away from kissing you instead of breaking your heart. You looked so…so….”

Max smiled softly down at her. His first real smile of the night. “You felt how I feel everyday when I look at you.”

Liz just leaned her head against his naked chest and brushed her cheek back and forth over the smooth, warm skin. Max buried his hands into her hair and brought her mouth back to his.

Where it belonged.

Without breaking the kiss, he walked her backwards to her bed before laying her down underneath him. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he hitched her dress up until it was bunched up around her hips. His lips attached themselves to her chest and nipped there way down to her cleavage. Gently, he pushed one side of her dress to the side. He moved the cup of her bra slightly and was rewarded with his first sight of her naked breast. Max lowered his head and took her nipple into his mouth and sucked gently.

“Oh….” Liz sighed.

He sucked harder and reveled in her unabashed moan. His tongue flicked rapidly as he brought his hand up to squeeze her breast.

“Oh God.”

Liz began to move underneath him and it wasn’t until he felt her warmth come in contact with his front that he realized what she was trying to do. Groaning low in his throat, he reached underneath her and brought her hips against him more fully and rubbed her experimentally against him. His eyes closed abruptly at the sensations that coursed through him and he hardened painfully.


His hips pressed harder against her as he moved more quickly. Liz’s bent her legs at the knee and lifted her hips into his thrusts. She reached down and grabbed his ass in an attempt to bring him closer…always closer.

Max felt himself rapidly losing control as he kissed Liz with a fervency that should have scared him but only made him moan into her mouth.

Liz broke the kiss with a gasp and her head dropped back into the pillow. “Ughhh.”

“Look at me.” Max demanded on a breath. He didn’t know why it was so important, only that she needed to.

Liz’s eyes shifted and she met his burning eyes with shock. “Max, your eyes….they’re glowing. Why are they-.”

Max cut Liz off with another kiss. His eyes remained open and he held her gaze until he was lost in their brown depths. When the flashes came, they were expected but the contents, however, were not.

What Max had thought was his daydreams were quickly being shot back at him from a distant place in Liz’s mind. The connection between them opened to the point where he could barely tell where he began and Liz ended.

As his body moved in the outside reality, another Max was also surging into a gasping Liz. Only in this alternate view, both Max and Liz were very much naked. Max could feel the heat of Liz surrounding him as her wetness engulfed him over and over again. He could hear Liz moaning in his ear but theses weren’t the timid moans of a virginal girl. They were the lusty whispers of a woman who had done this many times before.

“Oh God……..Harder…….”

Both his Liz and the alternate Liz gasped out as Max followed the command. Somehow, someway, Max knew what was about to happen.

She was close…… close.

Reaching down in between their bodies he rubbed at the top of her heat and watched as Liz shattered. Her sudden orgasm took them both by surprise and Max quickly kissed her again and muffled her loud moans.

Max pulled away from the kiss and stared at Liz in amazement. “What the hell was that?”

Instead of answering Liz got a wicked gleam in her eyes and pushed him with a strength he didn’t know she had onto his back.

“Liz? What are you doing?”

Liz winked at a stupefied Max as she straddled his hips. She reached for his zipper and stroked his still throbbing hardness once. Max jerked at the touch but pulled her hand away.

“Liz! Wait. We shouldn’t-.”

Liz lowered her head and did something that will forever stay engraved in his memories. She mouthed his hardness through his pants and blatantly licked the length of him.

Max eyes widened in surprise and lust as he felt the pull in his stomach. It would take so little to move him past the point of no return.

Liz placed her hand back onto the fly of his pants and slid the zipper down with one hand as she unbuttoned the pants with the other. Before she reach in and pull him out Max sat up and stayed her hands once more, “Liz wait. This is moving very fast-.”

Still not saying a word and never moving her gaze from his, Liz pulled Max in for a kiss effectively silencing his protests. As she kissed him, Liz pulled out Max’s hardness and quickly started to stroke him.

Max broke the kiss, sucked in a breath and gasped as his hips involuntarily moved with Liz’s long strokes. Before he could even think to stop her, she bent down and sucked the head into her mouth while using the flat of her tongue to tickle the underside of it.

That was all it took. Max let out a drawn out moan as his hardness twitched in Liz’s mouth and he came down her throat leaving his body trembling.

Liz slowly lifted her head and licked her lips. She let out a startled huff and her eyes darted around her in confusion before looking into his face. “What the hell just happened?”

Max was still trying to catch his breath. He looked at Liz with a dumbfounded expression. “I have no idea.” Max collapsed on the bed behind him and ran his hands over his face, “Why did you do that Liz?”

He could feel Liz start to make her way over to him and lay down next to him, “I don’t know. It was almost like it wasn’t me. I mean-it was me but it ….wasn’t.” Liz let out a small breath of frustration, “Did it bother you that I did that?” She said lowly.

Max’s hands left his face abruptly and he gathered Liz close to his side, “No! No, no, no. I just….I don’t know what’s going on here Liz and I just don’t want you to do anything that you didn’t want to do. Something that was out of your control.”

Liz buried her face into Max’s neck before answering. “Umm, I’ve thought about doing that before. Or at least I’ve, um, fantasized about it. But I never thought that I actually would.”

The embarrassed tinge to her voice made Max smile slightly. Before another thought made it fade. The flashes that he had gotten from Liz. “What were those images Liz? I had thought for a second that you had seen what I had imagined in the past…but these were…real. They were almost as if they had happened to us already.”

Liz lifted her face to his, “Max, I have no idea. It was just so strange. I felt everything almost as if it was happening right now.”

Max’s eyebrows lowered in thought, “Liz….when the future…me came here, did he touch you at all?”

Liz’s gave him a confused look, “Touch me? Well, yeah. We…we danced right before he left.”


“I’m surprised you didn’t see that when we connected earlier. He told me a little bit about our wedding and in his past, we had danced the night away. God Max, we were so happy. And…and I wanted that Max. I wanted to take a little piece of you with me. Something to think about. Something to comfort me.”

Max’s heart wrenched at the desolate expression on Liz’s face. The anger was still very much apart of him but his mind wasn’t so focused on it. He didn’t know how any version of him could have ever been so adamant in his desire to ruin what they had. How he could just leave Liz behind in a new world that didn’t have him to protect her, to soothe her.

But the simple answer was, he wouldn’t. He couldn’t. And he did leave something of himself behind. Liz just wasn’t aware of it yet.

“Why?” Liz asked “Why did you want to know if he touched me?”

“Liz, I want to connect with you again. I want to be sure of something. Will you let me?”

Last edited by Temptress on Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Temptress »

And we've been pruned! :D Thank you all sooo much for the encouragement and the bumps. I'm warning you all ahead of time that this part is verrry long. But i was happy to get so much down that i wanted to share it with you all. Again thank you to all the new readers, all the faithful and all the lurkers! 8)


Meanwhile downstairs…….

Kyle smiled at Tess as her eyes widened at the pillows that had come in huge box he and his father had put together.

He watched as Tess’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Umm, thanks Kyle, Mr. Valenti.” She gave them both a small smile, “Kyle’s old pillows were getting a little flat. Glad to see you noticed.” She lifted on tiptoes to kiss Kyle on the cheek.

“Well, Tess, as nice as the pillows are that’s not all of your present.” Mr. Valenti said with a chuckle.

Tess gifted him with a smile of excitement. “It’s not?”

Kyle shook his head and pulled her close to his side, “Nope.” Kyle reached into his back pocket and pulled out a Polaroid. He handed it to her and watched as her eyes once again crinkled in confusion, “It’s a picture of a bed.”

From one corner of the restaurant, a snort could be heard and a giggle that was unquestionably Maria’s. When all eyes in the restaurant turned to her, she gave them an innocent expression, “What?”

Kyle rolled his eyes before pointing to the bed in the picture, “Yes Tess, it’s a bed. It’s your bed. Your new one.”

“My new…..bed?! You got me a new mattress and everything?!” Tess laughed in joy and threw her hands around Kyle and then Mr. Valenti. “No more springs in my back and no more moldy smell!”

Kyle gave her a hurt look, “Hey! My bed did NOT smell moldy!”

Tess giggled once again and threw her arms around Kyle once more, “Thank you.” Tess’s eyes seemed suspiciously bright as she gazed up at Kyle, “You have no idea what this means to me. Noone has ever…..I mean Nasedo, he never…..thank you.”

Kyle looked down into her face and noticed something flicker in her expression. He could tell she was happy about her gift but there was something else lingering in her face. A look that he knew well. Regret. It was finely etched in each crinkle. A regret so deep that it worried him. Immensely.

“Tess,” Kyle started, “Is everything okay?”

Before she could answer, Michael interrupted with a resounding slap on Kyles back, “Well buddy, I hope you can fluff that sofa to be as comfy as that new bed you gave Tess.”

Kyle lifted Michael’s hand off his back, “He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.” At Michaels blank look Kyle pursed his lips, “In other words I’ll be fine with my even moldier couch.”

“Right.” With another slap to Kyles shoulder, Michael walked away to join Maria who hadn’t moved from her place at the door to the break room.

She almost looked like a guard dog and with her caustic words she most certainly did bite.

Sighing Kyle looked around the room and smiled faintly as Tess oohed and ahhed over her gifts. He was glad she was happy. Someone deserved to be. He on the other hand had no idea how he was feeling lately. He yearned for something and he wasn’t sure he wanted go down that road again. That road only led to pain and disappointment. It was a road well traveled and had many an alien impediment in the way. But while logic stayed at the forefront of his mind, his heart was in strong disagreement.

Sighing once again, Kyle’s eyes strayed around the room for the millionth time that night. He felt a scowl take residence on his face as he realized what Maria already knew: Liz and Max were not in the room with the rest of the party guests. They were upstairs doing God knows what.

Kyle swallowed hard as an alien boulder blocked that well traveled road.


“Why?” Liz asked “Why did you want to know if he touched me?”

“Liz, I want to connect with you again. I want to be sure of something. Will you let me?”

Liz’s eyes roved over Max’s face and she placed a soft kiss to his lips before breaking away and sitting up, “Okay. But sit up. Just in case, we get interrupted.” Liz’s eyes roved Max’s body and she blushed, “You may want to ummm, fix up. Put your shirt on and…stuff.”

Max glanced down at himself and hurriedly tucked himself back into his pants with a startled sound. He jumped up out of the bed and turned his back to Liz as he grabbed for his shirt. He roughly pulled the shirt over his head before running his hand through his hair and stood staring at the wall in front of him.



“You may need to look me in the eyes to do the whole connecting thing.”

Max sheepishly turned toward a blushing Liz who was sitting up on the bed, “Umm, yeah, sorry. I guess I just feel a little..”


“No.” Max said making his way to her before sitting next to her on the bed, “Never uncomfortable. Not around you. I guess it’s more like…shy…maybe.”

Liz gave him a small smile, “Oh. After everything that just happened, I guess I just didn’t think that….”

Max lifted his hand and caressed the soft skin of her cheek before giving her a small smile of his own, “I know.” Max lifted his free hand to her other cheek, “Ready?”

Liz hesitated for a second before giving Max a contemplative look, “What exactly are you looking for Max?”

He shook his head, “I’m not sure. I just have to see if maybe, I, I mean, the other me left something behind.”

Liz’s eyes furrowed, “What would you leave behind? How would you do that?”

Max shrugged, “I’m not sure Liz. I just have a feeling.”

Liz nodded her head. “Okay Max. I trust you.”


That one word could make or break a relationship. It had broken theirs. Or so Max had thought. In actuality, trust is what Liz had based her decisions on. Trust is what Liz had to believe in. She had to trust in the future version of himself and believe that breaking them up was in everyone’s best interest. No matter how angry her decisions made him, all of her decisions were based on his word.


Such a small word that held so much significance for the both of them. Max had put his life and everyone’s life in her hands because it was Liz that he had trusted. Liz he had believed in. Liz he had loved with his everything.

That was exactly why Max couldn’t accept that he would just leave her behind in an uncertain world. He could never just let her go. He knew that as sure as he knew that he was not from this planet.

“Ready?” Max whispered.

Liz nodded and Max lost himself in a sea of brown.

Max paced under the ladder leading up into Liz’s room. He made his way to the bottom rung and hesitated before shaking his head and releasing the metal poles. He began pacing once more as he tried to gather up his courage. Time and again Liz had rejected him. But he knew she was weakening. It was only a matter of time. She loved him just as much as he so desperately loved her. He would go upstairs and get her to go with him to the concert. After the concert they would drive to the desert and he would kiss her and let her see just how much she meant to him.

And just how much Tess didn’t.

Taking a deep breath, he climbed the metal stairs, tickets in hand and this time made it to the top. He smoothed his hand down the front of his shirt before crouching down to the window getting ready to knock. His hand stayed in mid-air as the sight before him made his heart stop.

Liz was sitting on her bed with just a robe on, her hair wet from the shower that she had just taken. She seemed to be entranced by an object in her hand and with a closer look Max realized it was the strip of pictures that he and Liz had taken at a photo booth when they had been together.

One of the last happy moments of their relationship.

Max watched as she wiped a lone tear that had slipped down her cheek and at that moment Max knew that if he walked in there right now she wouldn’t reject him. She was fighting him off with everything in her but what she hadn’t counted on was the determination that Max had in him to get her back.

Max waved his hand over the lock in her window and lifted it up before stepping quietly into the room.

At the noise, Liz lifted her head up and gazed at him with misery in her eyes, “Max…Max what are you doing here?” She said wearily as her voice caught and she stood up. Liz had frustration in her eyes. Frustration that was directed at both him and herself.

Max took two steps forward and lifted a hand to a wet strand of hair that was hanging in her face. He rubbed the silky texture between his thumb and forefinger before answering, “I….I had to see you.” He said softly. Gazing intently into her eyes, he continued, “Please Liz. Just go to the concert with me. I just want to spend time with you. I miss you….so much.”

Liz’s eyes closed, “It doesn’t matter Max. None of it does. You have this whole other planet to think of. I’m just Liz Parker from Roswell. You….You’re a king for heaven sakes. Those things will never change. Just let me go. Please.” Tears coursed freely from her eyes and even as she said words to push him away, she leaned into his hand when he cupped her cheek.

“Maybe those things will never change Liz, but neither will my loving you.” He whispered. “Why can’t you see that we belong together?”

Liz bit her lip and finally turned away from him, “No Max, that’s where you’re wrong. We don’t belong together. You and Tess do. You were made for each other remember?”

Max felt his own frustration start to build up. “No, I don’t remember. And that’s the problem Liz. I don’t remember that life and even if I did I wouldn’t want anyone else but you. How can you doubt how I feel about you Liz? After everything we’ve been through?”

Liz turned around angrily, her shoulders tense, “Because Max, how do I know you won’t leave me the minute you
do remember? How do I know you won’t turn your back on me when you remember your wife?! Your WIFE Max. Not your girlfriend. Your WIFE.”

Max’s heart wrenched in his chest. God, she truly had no clue. She truly didn’t realize just how much he would sacrifice for her in a heartbeat. “Because I love you Liz. And I refuse to believe that I could ever love anyone else the way I love you. No matter what lifetime I’m in.”

Liz swallowed hard and held Max’s gaze as he made his way to her. “You’re the only thing that keeps me sane. The only thing that helped me get through one of the hardest moments in my life.” He said referring indirectly to the White Room.

Max lifted his hand once more and traced a line of heat from Liz’s cheek down to her throat where he caressed the pulse point that throbbed erratically. He watched as her skin began to glow under his touch and he knew she felt the same. Knew that her body temperature was rising in desire even as his body tightened. He moaned softly as his eyes drifted down and saw her nipples harden through the silky material of her bathrobe.

“Liz?” He whispered.

Liz’s eyes fluttered at the current flowing between them back and forth. Max could feel the heat almost as if it was a solid object just waiting for him to come and claim it.


Max’s mouth came crashing down on hers and even as his tongue tried to gain entrance, Liz’s mouth was already opening up underneath his, ready to take everything he had to give.

He let the Gomez tickets flutter to the floor as he wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her flush against his body not bothering to hide how aroused he was. He wanted her to know. He wanted her to feel. He wanted her to see………..

And even as that thought crossed his mind their connection opened and it was as if they were coming home. Images and feelings of Liz’s heartbreak swirled in his mind. He saw her crying herself to sleep when she was with her aunt in Florida. He saw the love shining in her soul when she saw him in the hallways in school. The yearning to run to him and throw her arms around him and tell him she’d always be there for him.

No matter what.

Max felt the chasm that had taken residence in his heart start to fill as his head swam with the pleasant haze of passion. He felt something shift in Liz and he felt her resolve to never be with him again disappearing.

They were so close…so close. But there was something more…something elusive that was waiting to be completed.

Max just couldn’t figure out what.

Max broke the kiss with a gasp, “Liz, I-.”

Liz shook her head and placed a finger at his lips. She laid her forehead against his chin and sighed deeply. “It doesn’t matter does it? It doesn’t matter how hard I try to stay away from you………”

Without another word, she helped Max remove his jacket and slipped it past his shoulders and let it drop to the floor. She brought her hand to the bottom of his t-shirt and tugged.

Never taking his eyes off of hers, he lifted his arms and let her take the shirt off him. Max watched as she brought her face to his chest. She rubbed her cheek against his skin before placing a soft kiss above the pounding beat of his heart. Liz lifted her head and slowly brought his head down to her waiting lips kissing him softly. She took a step back from him before placing her hand on the belt of her robe.

Max breathing started to pick up but he felt the need to stop her from doing something she might regret, “Liz, you don’t-.”

Before he could finish the sentence, Liz’s robe slid to the floor and she stood in front of him with only her panties on. Her breasts were bared to his gaze and he felt as if his heart was going to stop.

“Oh my God.” Max cleared his throat, “Liz, you don’t have to, I mean, I want more than anything-but you don’t have to-.” Even as his mouth was saying no, his hand was making it way up to of her bare breasts. He caressed the nipple with his thumb and watched as Liz’ s mouth opened in a gasp.

A blush stained her cheeks as she lifted her gaze to his, “I love you Max.” She whispered and Max’s heart tightened as he heard the words he had waited to hear for months. His mouth collided with hers once more as he plundered her mouth with his tongue, trying desperately to taste every part of her. His hands frantically caressed her exposed skin and he groaned as Liz nipped her way down his neck.

“You don’t have to do this.” Max said again.

Liz smiled serenely and a new knowledge lingered in its depths, “Don’t you understand? You’ve already touched my soul Max. This is just a step that we skipped along the way.” Liz lifted her hands to both of his cheeks and cupped them within her palms. “I love you.” She said again. “I love you more than I can ever love anyone. There will never be another you. I know that now.”

Max eyes squeezed shut as he let the words sink in, “I’ve always known that. About you.”

As Liz left soft kisses on his throat, she brought her lips to his ear, “Then show me.”

Max heard himself groan as he gave into the fervor that was overwhelming his senses. He lifted her in his arms as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He looked into her eyes and smiled for the first time in along time before kissing her breathless.

Before he knew it, he was on top of Liz laving her breasts with his tongue and suckling her nipples into his mouth. Her moans of excitement were only overridden by the roaring in his head.

Liz shifted and sat up and brought her hands to the waistband of his pants. She unbuckled and unzipped him and watched as he dropped them on the floor. Her eyes widened when she saw his arousal prominently outlined through the material of his boxers. Her hand reached out of its own accord before hesitating in mid-air. Seeing how nervous she was, Max reached for her hand and placed it on top of his arousal and quickly moaned when she squeezed it.

Afraid of embarrassing himself, he quickly buried his hand in her hair and brought her lips to his in an attempt to distract from the delicious feel of a hand that wasn’t his own stroking him.

Quickly gaining confidence, Liz reached inside his boxers and placed one warm hand around his hardness and squeezed gently.

“Jesus. Liz………”

He had to touch her. He had to feel her. Max let his fingers stroke her belly gently before reaching into the top of her panties. Down, down he went until he felt wetness soak his fingers. He experimentally massaged the hole of her opening before inserting the tip of one finger inside. He shuddered as Liz moaned loudly and moved her hips forward urging him on.


He inserted his finger the rest of the way inside and quickly established a rhythm that matched Liz’s strokes. Rapidly, he felt himself losing control once again and stayed Liz’s hand before removing his finger despite her whine of protest.

Wordlessly, he removed his boxers and lay Liz down on the bed and removed her panties. Reaching for the jeans that he had discarded on the floor, he reached into his back pocket and took out the protection that he kept in his wallet.

At Liz’s raised eyebrow he blushed. “That night in the desert……I kept it……just in case……..”

At Liz’s amused nod, he quickly ripped open the package and attempted to put the condom on. After a few jerky moves, he finally got it on properly before finally raising his eyes to Liz’s. The love that shined there took his breath away and he lowered himself into her waiting arms and kissed away both of their nervousness.

Bringing his mouth to her breast once again, he bit down softly on the nipple. He brought his fingers to her opening and made sure she was ready for him. His eyes reached for hers and she nodded wordlessly at the question in his eyes.

Slowly, he attempted to enter her and his eyes closed at the tightness he encountered. Searing heat enveloped him as he pushed until he reached the point where he could go no further.

“I love you.” He whispered before breaking through her barrier. His groan echoed Liz’s short cry of pain. He stilled and couldn’t help another low moan as he desperately tried to control himself and soothe Liz.

“Ok?” He asked looking down into her face. Liz smiled softly at him and nodded before wrapping her arms around his neck and lifting her hips slightly, urging him on.

Not needing further encouragement, Max slowly started to build a rhythm. A haze enveloped his senses and something seemed to click inside of him. Faster and faster Max moved as Liz gave him everything she had. Max worried that he may be hurting her but he sensed, no, he
knew she was fine.

“Look at me Liz.” He said hoarsely as the overwhelming urge to have her look into his eyes became too much, “Look at me.”

Liz’s eyes fluttered open and immediately a barrier was broken and he was lost…….lost…….

**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~* ~*~~*~*~*~*
Last edited by Temptress on Fri Apr 14, 2006 11:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Temptress »

“Max! The bride is not supposed to be seen by the groom before she walks down the aisle. You know that.” Liz squealed as she opened the door to her hotel room and immediately covered his eyes with her hand.

Max chuckled before giving her a little pout, “Aww, come on Liz. We’re not exactly a ‘conventional’ couple. How do we know that where I come from the groom isn’t supposed to have
liberties with his wife before the wedding.”

Liz giggled as Max wiggle his eyebrows up and down suggestively over her hand.

“Well Max,” She said huskily, her hand still over his eyes, “If I remember correctly, you took plenty of
liberties two hours ago when we first got here.”

Max licked his lips as if he could still taste her on his lips, “Is it a crime for your future husband to be insatiable?”

Max felt Liz lick at the seam of his mouth before she nipped the bottom lip making Max groan with the lust that shot through him.

“No, it’s not a crime Max. But that doesn’t mean you’re going to see me before the wedding. Now scoot!” Liz abruptly turned him around and shoved him through the door before slamming it behind him.

“Come on Liz! Let me in!”


Max sighed in faux frustration as he looked up and down the hall making sure he was alone before leaning his back against the wall and putting his mouth close to the crack in the door, “How do you know I can’t see right through this door?”

He could practically see Liz rolling her eyes at him, “Because A – You’re an alien but you’re not Superman. And B – I know everything there is to know about you. And I do mean

Max chuckled, “Yeah, I guess you do.” Max let a beat pass before saying, “Have I told you today how lucky I am to have you?” He said softly.

“Yes, but I think it bears repeating.”

Max smiled as he caressed the door with two fingers. He warmed the wood under his touch, knowing that Liz was on the other side of the door leaning against it and could feel the warmth enveloping her. “I love you.” He murmured, “So much.”

He heard Liz sigh in contentment, “I love you too. Now go so I can finish making myself beautiful to become Mrs. Max Evans.”


Liz launched herself into Alex and Maria’s arms when they and the rest of their friends walked into shabby hotel lobby. “Alex! Maria!”

“Ooof!” Alex groaned, “Liz you are way too heavy to be doing that.”

Liz turned wide eyes to Alex, “Are you calling me fat? On my wedding day?!”

Maria rolled her eyes, “Uh Lizzie, Alex would have to be blind and dumb to think you were fat. And while he may have the dumb part down pat he isn’t blind.”

“Hey! My delicate sensibilities are hurt.”

Ignoring Alex, Maria twirled Liz around and looked for all the world that she was about to bawl, “God Lizzie, you look radiant!”

Liz giggled. “Thank you. I feel sorta radiant.”

Max watched through a happy haze from across the lobby, as Isabel and Michael made their way over to him.

“So,” Isabel started, “Married huh? And you didn’t think to call the rest of us to let us in on it?” Isabel narrowed her eyes at her brother and gave him a withering look.

Max shrugged his shoulders and gave Isabel a serene smile, “This wasn’t about you or Michael or anyone else. It was about Liz and me. Noone and nothing else.”

Isabel opened her mouth to say something further but Michael stepped in between them and gave a surprised Max an awkward man hug. “Congratulations Maxwell. You and Liz…you belong together. And we’re happy for you. In our own way.”

Max let out a surprised sound, “Thanks Michael. That means….a lot.”

Isabel’s mouth twisted in annoyance before Max grabbed her hand and held it between his own. He let Isabel in just the tiniest bit. He let her see just what this meant to him. Just how important Liz was to him. He let her feel just a small part of how deep his devotion was to her. How his love for Liz consumed his entire being.

Isabel’s eyes widened and she bit her lip, “Oh Max.” She pulled her brother into a hug and held him, “Congratulations.” She whispered.


“No!” Liz screamed. “I’m not doing it. I refuse!”

Max launched himself at her in the tiny hallway of their apartment building, “Yes. You will.”

Liz giggled uncontrollably and ducked out of Max’s reach. Running at top speed to the front door of their apartment she slammed it open and ran for the steps that led to the roof.

Her flip flops made a distinct slapping sound and Max watched as her soft skirt twirled around the tops of knees before running after her. He reached her just as she reached the door to the outside and spun her around to face him.

“And where do we think we’re going?” He asked.

Liz squirmed in his grasp, “We are not going anywhere. I, however, am running away from my sex crazed husband.”

Max arched an eyebrow before giving her that slow smile that drove her mad with desire, “Do you really want to do that?” He asked before licking the exposed skin on her neck.

Liz’s breath came out in a gasp as her legs lifted of their own accord and wrapped around Max’s waist. Max leaned her against the door that a moment ago she was so desperately trying to get out of before reaching underneath her skirt and finding her bare to his caresses. He laughed out loud as he realized she wasn’t wearing any panties.

He looked into her face and saw her grinning wickedly at him. “You are such a tease.”

Liz shrugged, “Gotta keep the passion in the relationship.”

Max smiled tenderly at her, “Believe me the passion isn’t going anywhere.”

Reaching down, Liz squeezed Max’s behind through the thin material of his sweatpants, “Prove it.”

“With pleasure.” Before bringing his mouth down to hers, Max smirked, “Told you we’d have sex in the hallway of the apartment building.”

“Oh hush.”


Swirls of color danced in Max’s eyes before they were able to re-focus on Liz shocked expression. Tears were coursing down her face as her heart broke from all that was and all that would never be.

But there was more……more waiting to be uncovered. Max had been right. He hadn’t left Liz behind. He had kept a part of himself forever imbedded within her. But Max knew that not only happy memories existed. He had felt the despair within that far corner of her mind but he didn’t want to see the bad. Not yet. Right now he only wanted to immerse himself in the good. He wanted to immerse himself in Liz.
