Redemption (CC M/L / Mature) (Complete)

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Redemption (CC M/L / Mature) (Complete)

Post by kerri240879 »

Winner - Round 11



Winner - Round 9




Tess and Liz

Winner - Round 8


Title: Redemption.
Author: Kerri
Category: All CC with hints of UC
Rating: Strong Mature for strong language, dark subject matter, and sexual content.
Disclaimer: I don’t own so don’t sue.
Summary: When tragedy strikes, strength, love and friendship come from the most unexpected sources. Redemption is found for all, as past sins are forgiven, and the rebirth of a loved one pulls them all together again.
Feed back: Yes, please.

Authors note:
This takes place during season two right after prom. Jim never lost the Sheriff’s position; Tess and Max never hooked up; Alex never went to Sweden; and Tess was never mind warping him. Everything else that happened in the show has happened. Future Max, Copper Summit…. so on and so forth.

This is my first real attempt at a dreamer fic, so feedback is appreciated. This fic will hint at rape, but no more than hint. OK…. you’ve been warned. It’s going to be as angsty as all get out, but be patient…I promise a happy ending, OK! Thanks to Lucia for agreeing to be my beta on this one. I owe you one girlfriend!

This one goes out to Jenny and Abby. Hope I make you two hard-core dreamers proud! Love to you both. And big thanks to Paul for my amazing banner! It's link as it's a moving banner guys.


Her footsteps were quick as she hurried along the path towards home. Her bag bounced against her back as she walked, the darkness of the path and the cold wind unsettling her more than she’d like to admit. She could see the bright flashing lights of the Crash Down just ahead, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Her relief was short lived however. The silhouette of a man blocked her path, causing her to pull up sharp. “Hello, beautiful. I’ve been looking for you,” he said cheerfully. She took a step backward as the man took one toward her. “What do you want?’ she asked quietly. He smiled. “I can smell your fear,” he continued cheerfully, as if she hadn’t said a word.

Without another word, he lunged for her. A frightened cry escaped her lips as her bag was yanked from her back as she turned to run. The strap broke, bruising her shoulder as she ran toward the light. She was tugged back suddenly, her hair swinging violently around her face. The girl shrugged free of her cardigan wildly as she continued to run.

As she neared the lights, pain exploded in her head. Her attacker caught her by the hair, swinging her back to him. Her scream of fright died when she saw his eyes glowing in the darkness, her screams further cut off by the hand that squeezed at her throat, cutting off her airway. She clawed at his hands, his low chuckle echoing in the silence.

“I’m going to enjoy this,” he whispered, licking the side of her face. The girl reared back, her knee coming up instinctively. For a moment she thought she was free when he let go of her, and she once more turned to run. But the thought was fleeting as she heard the curse coming from behind her. Pain exploded in her skull as she was picked up and slammed down on the ground.

Stars exploded behind her eyes, leaving her stunned and helpless. His face loomed above her, a sadistic smile crossing his face. “I wonder if his highness will want you when I’m finished,” he murmered. Anger flashed in her eyes, her words slipping out before she could stop them. “I’d rather die than let you touch me!” He smiled. “You might die yet baby…but not before I’m done…”

Part 1.

Tess hummed to herself as she walked through the moonlit park. The group was all meeting up at the Crash Down to look at the prom photos. Liz was picking them up while Maria and Michael cleaned up the restaurant after it closed. The night air was cool and damp, the park silent in its leafy darkness. Not even the light of the full moon penetrated the darkness of the park, the only light coming from lamps set every few yards.

A cold chill skittered down Tess’s spine, causing her to pause. She took another step, stumbling over something at her feet. Tess looked down, seeing the brown leather book bag at her feet. Dropping down to one knee, Tess turned the bag over, her eyes narrowing when she saw the familiar green alien head dangling from the zipper. The strap was broken. Tess swallowed hard as she stood up.

Tess scanned the park, her breathing erratic. An object on the path further up had her dropping the bag and breaking into a quick jog, her heart suddenly in her throat when she saw a familiar red wool cardigan on the ground, the sleeves inside out. Her breathing came out in sharp gasps as Tess searched the surrounding area. As a sound caught her sharp hearing, Tess froze, trying to locate the direction of the sound. The sound came again - a strangled moan of deep pain and distress. It came from under the tall oak tree and Tess broke into a run.

The sight before her brought her to a screeching halt, nausea rolling through her stomach. “Oh my god,” she whispered, shaking off her fear and distress. She crossed the distance quickly, shrugging out of her knee length wool jacket as she did. Dropping to her knees, she draped her jacket over the shaking body in front of her before yanking her cell phone out of her jeans. Flipping it open, she hit speed dial, glancing around the park as she waited for an answer.

“Hello?” came the strong, familiar drawl and Tess slumped in relief. “Sheriff, it’s Tess…oh god…I need your help…I don’t know what to do,” she cried softly, her strength deserting her when she heard his voice. Tears ran down her cheeks; Tess started to shake as the reality of the situation dawned on her. “What is it Tess?” Jim asked, already swinging up from the couch and putting his shoes and jacket on.

“I was walking through the park, and I…I…found her like this Sheriff…I don’t know what to do,” she whimpered. “Who, Tess?…Who did you find?” he asked gently, already climbing into his land cruiser and starting the car. Tess started crying again, her voice choking her as her gaze was drawn back to the body in front of her. “Liz, Sheriff…I found Liz,” she whimpered.

Jim paused, swallowing as a mental picture of the petite brunette flashed through his mind. “Found her how Tess?” he whispered, throwing the car into reverse. “She’s hurt sheriff…badly hurt,” Tess whispered. “Is she alive, Tess?” Jim asked, putting the sirens on as he did well above the speed limit, desperate to reach Tess and Liz.

Tess swallowed. “Yes…I think so…I’ll check,” she whispered. Putting the phone down, Tess reached out hesitantly. Tess’s hand trembled as she touched Liz’s throat, finding the faint beat of her pulse. Tess swallowed hard as she tried not to throw up her dinner. Liz moaned again and Tess picked up her hand gently, surprised at the strength of Liz’s grip.

“Sheriff…she’s alive…please hurry,” Tess cried. She could hear the sounds of sirens approaching, tears running down her cheeks as Liz’s head slowly turned towards the sound. When Tess saw Liz’s face, her stomach rebelled in one large wave. Tess turned her head quickly, her stomach heaving as she swallowed hard once again, breathing shallowly as she controlled her nausea.

Liz whimpered as Tess swung her head back around. Compassion filled her heart, even as her mind stored the horrible sight before her. Tess reached out, smoothing the hair back from Liz’s face, the long silky strands sticky with blood - Liz’s blood. “You’re OK now Liz,” Tess whispered, watching as tears welled in Liz’s eyes, spilling down her face, cutting tracks through the blood and dirt on her face.

Footsteps thudded on the ground behind them and Tess whirled around, her hand outstretched and humming with power as she hovered over Liz. “Tess it’s me,” Jim’s voice called. Tess lowered her hand with a sob as he came running into view. Jim skidded to a halt, his face contorting with pain as he took in the scene before him.

Liz was curled into the fetal position behind Tess, a long cream jacket covering her body. Tess was kneeling in front of her, her hands coated in Liz’s blood, her hand glowing as she crouched protectively over Liz. Tess lowered her hand, turning back to Liz as Jim yanked his cell phone out of his pocket. He dialed quickly, requesting an ambulance to the park.

He hung up, approaching the two girls slowly. Liz whimpered, her grip on Tess’s hand tightening. “It’s OK, Liz…It’s Jim,” Tess said gently, smoothing the wet strands of hair back over her head. Liz started crying and Tess bent down to shield Liz from view. “Sheriff…please,” Tess whispered. Jim paused, struck silent by the fact that Tess had actually just pleaded with him.

“Lizzie…it’s Jim…Sweetheart…are you ok?” he said gently, kneeling down beside her on the other side. Liz didn’t answer him, trapped in her mind and her pain. Tess transferred Liz’s grip to her other hand, using her free hand to smooth Liz’s hair back some more. Liz looked up at Tess, not really seeing her as Tess kept her touch gentle, just stroking her hair and face.

They sat in silence, Liz never letting go of Tess’s hand. She simply laid there, her body shaking as a gentle touch kept her from disappearing into her pain completely. The sound of a siren reached their ears, faint at first, but rapidly growing louder as it got closer. It came down the path, stopping at the sight of the police cruiser. Tess sat back, watching in numbed silence as Liz was lifted onto the gurney, and placed into the back of the ambulance.

Tess stood up, pushing her hands through her hair to move it back from her face before wiping the drying tears off her face. She took a step backwards, a soft voice stopping her movements. “Tess?” Tess looked into the back of the ambulance, watching as Liz looked around, her fear coming off her in waves. “Tess?” she cried again, her distress mounting.

The ambulance officer looked at Tess, motioning for her to get in beside him. Jim helped her up into the back of the ambulance as Tess took Liz’s hand once again. “I’m here Liz,” she whispered, putting her discomfort aside. Liz’s dark eyes sought Tess’s, their gazes locking as another tear slid through the dirt on her face. “Don’t leave me,” Liz whispered. Tess choked back another wave of tears as she forced herself to smile gently.

“OK,” Tess whispered, smoothing her free hand down Liz’s hair again. Tess looked towards the back of the ambulance, her gaze finding Jim watching them. “I’m following you to the hospital Tess. I’ll see you there OK?” Jim said calmly. Tess nodded as the ambulance officer slammed the doors shut. Tess could still see him through the darkly tinted windows, and she watched as he pressed his hand to the glass, before the ambulance jerked and pulled away.

Jim turned and jogged to his land cruiser, climbing behind the wheel once more. As he followed the ambulance, he wasn’t aware of the screaming sirens that drew attention to the two vehicles. All he could see was the look on Tess’s face. Her cold outer walls had been stripped away in one foul act, leaving her more human and vulnerable than he had ever seen her.

Her eyes had betrayed everything, her emotions laid bare for the whole world to see. Fear. Pain. Rage. Confusion. And uncertainty. Jim knew the jacket he had found placed over Liz was Tess’s, showing that she had the compassion to hide Liz’s obvious injuries from public viewing. When Tess had wiped her face, she had left smears of Liz’s blood in her hair, on her forehead and under her eyes. She hadn’t even realized; she was simply too focused on concentrating on Liz.

Then there was Liz herself. Jim didn’t know if she had been raped or not, but he knew she had taken one hell of a beating tonight. The injuries he had seen on her face had sent a white-hot bolt of anger through him, the image of her face burnt forever into his brain. In all his years on the force, he had never felt the urge to throw up like he had when he saw her face.

The blood had stood out on her normally tanned skin, her face a mask of pale pain. One eye had been swollen nearly shut, bruises already mottling her face and throat. Fingerprints stood out starkly against her skin, a large jaggered cut on her temple the source of the blood. Only a complete examination would show the full extent of it all.

Jim was brought out of his thoughts as he pulled into the hospital grounds, parking and jumping out of the car. He jogged around to the emergency doors, catching up with the gurney as it was wheeled inside. Tess walked quickly beside the gurney; her hand still clenched in Liz’s. Tess’s eyes never left Liz’s face, even though Liz was now unconscious.

“Tess, are you ok?” Jim asked, his breathing choppy as he jogged alongside her. Tess nodded sharply, the jerking motion of her head sending her blonde curls bouncing wildly. The ambulance attendants wheeled Liz into an examination room, separating Tess and Jim from Liz with a swish of pale blue curtain. Tess came to a screeching halt, her eyes never leaving the shadowy figure that lay on the bed only inches away.

“Tess…I need you to sit down and tell me what happened,” Jim said gently, leading her to a nearby chair. Tess’s head turned slowly to meet his gaze, her eyes unfocused. “I was…walking…we were…we were meeting up to look at the prom pictures…didn’t Kyle look great in his suit?…we danced all night…god it was such a great night…and I found her bag on the ground. I started running, and then I found her…I wonder if she picked up the photos …I should go and check.”

Jim watched Tess in silence, knowing she was going into shock. He reached out, restraining her gently as she went to stand up. “Tess…I need you to focus for me. Can you do that?” Jim asked softly. Tess nodded, her movements still jerky as she stared up at him. “Did you see anyone?” he asked softly. Tess nodded, “I saw Liz…oh god.”

Tess was horrified to feel tears well up in her eyes, the unfamiliar emotion threatening to drown her. “I need to go…Liz will need some stuff…I…I need…” Tess stood up and bolted, her hair bouncing as she ran down the corridor. Jim let her go, knowing he had to make some phone calls. With a soft sigh he stood up, moving around the curtain that separated him from Liz.

The sight of a nurse cutting through Liz’s torn top with scissors large enough to do fatal damage almost brought him to his knees. The nurse spread Liz’s top open, before moving on to her jeans. Jim watched in mute fascination as the scissors ran slowly down Liz’s thighs, opening her jeans around her legs as another nurse placed an oxygen mask over her bloodstained face.

With a shudder, Jim stepped away, the image of the broken girl lying on the bloodstained sheets burnt into his mind. Opening his cell phone, Jim stared at the glowing numbers, wondering how the hell he was going to tell Jeff Parker that someone had taken their fists to his baby girl. That some monster had tried to kill her. That she might have been raped. How…

Nausea rose, overwhelming him as he ran for the men’s room. He was violently sick, his chest heaving as the acidic taste of bile caused him to gag again. And again. His stomach empty, Jim sank to the floor, sheer despair running through him. “How the hell am I going to tell him that his daughter might have died?” he whispered. But no answer came. Only the soft sounds of his sobs echoed through the empty bathroom as Jim cried quietly into his hands. “How…”

Part 2.

Tess walked aimlessly, her heart thumping slowly in her chest as she whispered to herself, “Keep putting one foot in front of the other Tess. Just keep going.” Tess paused, glancing across the street at the Crash Down Café, watching as the others laughed and joked, not knowing the horrors that had befallen their friend.

Tess could see Kyle sitting at the counter; her hand automatically rose to smooth her tangled blonde curls. The need to forget the night and join Kyle was a physical ache, Tess taking a step toward the curb. She could imagine taking him home, and curling up together to watch a movie, the taste of spicy popcorn almost real on her tongue. The red tobasco sauce would be handy. Red like Liz’s blood.

The roll of nausea in her stomach had Tess moving again, her whole body shaking as the cold air settled on her skin. She barely remembered taking her jacket off. She only knew she no longer had it with her. Tearing her eyes away from Kyle, she crossed the street carefully. Tess kept to the shadows as she skirted around the side of the building, heading for the ladder that would lead her up to Liz’s room.

Gripping the ladder rungs, Tess cried out softly, jerking away when she felt how cold it was. Lifeless. Hard. Cold like Liz had been. Her stomach heaved again as Tess lost the battle with her nausea, and vomited on the ground. Dropping to her knees weakly, she stared at the mess in front of her in mute fascination. “Kyle was right…peas and carrots,” she muttered, giggling softly as hysteria threatened her sub-conscious again.

It took a supreme effort to drag herself up off of the ground; Tess gritted her teeth as she quickly scaled the ladder to Liz’s room. The window was open as always and Tess slipped silently into the room. Liz’s bedroom door was shut, the silence heavy. Tess turned the small bedside lamp on, bathing the room with a soft glow. She realized that this was the first time she had been inside Liz’s room since the FBI had taken Max.

Swallowing hard, Tess could taste the bile on her tongue, another wave of nausea threatening to take her under. Crossing to the bathroom, Tess turned the water on, cupping her hands under the cold water and bringing her hands to her mouth. She rinsed her mouth out quietly, the taste of bile slowly leaving her mouth as she continued to gulp the water down.

She turned the tap off, watching as drops of water ran down over her hands, reminding Tess of the drop of blood that had slid from the corner of Liz’s mouth. With a harsh sound, Tess shook her hands dry, quickly returning to the bedroom. Yanking the wardrobe open, Tess spotted the duffel bag in the corner of the wardrobe. Reaching down, she grabbed the bag, shaking it out as she methodically began to throw things into it.

Clean underwear. Socks. Tee shirts. Tracksuit pants. Slippers. A jumper. The colorful blanket off the end of Liz’s bed. Hairbrush. Tooth brush. Toothpaste. Some vanilla bath soap. Shampoo. Conditioner. Tess paused, looking at the box of tampons. Would Liz need them? Tess sighed, her head dropping as another wave of emotion swept through her body. With a soft grunt, she turned around, heading back into the bedroom with the toiletries.

Tess dropped them on the bed, tucking each item into the nearly full bag. As she went to zip the bag up, a photo on the bedside table caught her gaze. It had been taken the evening of the prom, eight friends jammed into one photo. Happy smiles on their faces. Happiness had been theirs for an evening of fun. Happiness was now gone.

Reaching out, Tess picked the photo frame up, tucking it carefully into the bag between a tee shirt and a worn pair of tracksuit pants. Spotting what could only be Liz’s pajamas under her pillow, Tess reached for them, a strip of paper fluttering to the floor as she pulled the garments free. Tess bent down, turning the strip over, her heart clenching when she saw Max and Liz laughing in the strip of photos.

The strip was worn; Tess realized that Liz must sleep with it under her pillow, and that she looked at it often. It obviously meant something to her, even though Tess viewed it as a piece of the past, when innocence was still lingering. Innocence was gone now, stripped away and left to die on a cold, hard ground, not even the light of the moon able to chase away the demons.

Tucking the photos into the bag, along with a teddy bear from Liz’s bed, Tess zipped the bag shut. She wiped her nose as she stood up before turning around and freezing when she saw Mr. Parker standing in the doorway, his face pale. They stared at each other in the silence that followed until Mr. Parker’s silence was broken when he started to cry…

Twenty minutes earlier….

Jeff Parker glanced at the clock, wondering what was taking Liz so long to return from picking up the photos. A burst of laughter caught his attention. Jeff watched Liz’s friends through the window in his office, a smile playing over his mouth as he watched the relatively secretive group laugh over drinks.

Maria was wiping down the counters, a bounce in her step as she sang along to the boppy music that was blaring from the small CD player she kept behind the counter for when she was closing. Jeff could see her silent boyfriend Michael cleaning the grill, his ever-present blue head bandana keeping his long hair off his face.

Jeff watched in silence as Michael followed Maria’s movements with his eyes, obviously listening to his girlfriend’s powerful voice as she began to really get into the song she was singing along to. Michael smiled, his whole face lighting up. Jeff was so astonished that he dropped his pen. In the twelve months Michael had been working for him, Jeff had never seen him smile until now. It transformed his face; his eyes sparkling as he started clapping when Maria finally stopped singing.

Jeff let his gaze wander across the room, a smile splitting his face as he watched Alex bounce out of his chair, pulling his beautiful girlfriend Isabel with him. Isabel started laughing as Alex dipped her backwards over his arm, reminding Jeff of Alex’s impromptu strip routine for Isabel’s eighteenth birthday only months earlier. God the kids had laughed that night. Jeff knew he hadn’t seen the group of friends that happy all summer.

Isabel’s brother was sitting in the booth Alex had just pulled her from. Max. Serious Max Evans, who had stolen his baby girl’s heart, no matter how much she tried to deny it. Max and Liz hadn’t been together for some time now, but it didn’t stop Jeff from noticing the looks of longing they gave each other when they thought the object of desire wasn’t watching.

But Jeff saw them all. The frustration. The anger. The love. Not some puppy love as Nancy so blindly called it, but a strong love. Pure love. Jeff sighed. Max had taken Liz to the prom last week, a sure sign they were working things out. Movement caught his gaze, causing Jeff to look at the final member of this mismatched group.

Kyle Valenti sat at the counter, a part of the group, yet alone. Something had happened in the fall - something that divided the group. Jeff knew things had cooled between Max and Liz back then, and that Max didn’t bother to disguise the mistrustful looks he aimed at the sheriff’s son.

Jeff had found out first hand how much Kyle had changed over the summer. He had spoken to Jeff for an hour about Buddha, and how the divine teachings of this fat little icon were showing him his true path in life. That he was part of a bigger picture, and that life was an unbreakable circle. It had left Jeff both astonished and amused.

The sound of the phone ringing broke him out of his thoughts; Jeff waved to Maria as he answered the call that would change his life forever. “Crash Down Café, Jeff speaking,” he said cheerfully, sitting back in his chair.

“Jeff, it’s Jim Valenti here,” a voice said quietly. Jeff smiled as he watched Maria start dancing with Alex.

“Hello Jim, how are you?” Jeff asked.

Jim sighed softly, “Jeff, there’s been an incident.” Jeff continued to watch the group of friends, a cold band of steel tightening around his chest. “It’s Liz, Jeff. She’s in the hospital.”

“What happened?” Jeff asked calmly, even though a voice started shrieking in his head.

“She was attacked in the park Jeff. She’s about to go in for x-rays, to determine the extent of the damage to her body.”

Maria slipped on a wet patch of floor and Alex caught her as she laughed out loud.


“I’m here,” he said softly, watching as Maria hugged Alex.

“I need you to come down here Jeff. I need you to sign the release forms for the lab to do a rape kit.”

The band around Jeff’s chest continued to tighten; suddenly Jeff found breathing very difficult. “Jim…answer me something,” he said faintly.

“What’s that Jeff?”

“Is my baby girl OK?”

The question was open ended but Jim obviously decided honesty was the best policy. “I don’t know Jeff. We’re just lucky Tess found her when she did, otherwise I would be saying no.” Jeff stood up slowly, feeling every one of his forty years of age.

“Jim, I’m giving you permission to sign those forms. Lizzie will need some things. I’ll be there soon,” he said faintly, hanging up before Jim could answer. Jeff left his office slowly, climbing the stairs to the apartment. His bones creaked. His heart thudded in his chest slowly.

He could hear movement in Liz’s room; his heart thudded painfully in his chest as he realized Jim must have been wrong. Liz was home safe, moving around her bedroom. Opening the door quietly, Jeff stopped short, watching as an obviously agitated Tess packed Liz’s pajamas into an already overflowing bag.

Jeff watched in frozen silence as Tess wiped her nose on her sleeve before she bent down to zip the bag shut. She hoisted the bag over her shoulder, turning towards the door - spotting Jeff as she froze herself. Jeff’s gaze took in everything. The blood stains on her clothes. The blood in her hair staining the pale blonde strands red. The blood highlighting her pale face with color. His daughter’s blood.

They stared at each other as eternity stretched out between them. Jeff felt the band around his chest break, along with his heart. Emotions boiled over, spilling out as he dropped to his knees and started to cry. The silence was broken by his harsh sobs, Tess shuffling her feet nervously. She approached him cautiously, Jeff slowly falling silent once again when he felt Tess tentatively touch his shoulder.

“Mr. Parker? Sir, we need to go. Liz needs you,” she whispered.

Jeff nodded, standing up slowly as Tess took a step backwards. Jeff looked at her, really looked, and saw emotional fatigue on the girl’s face. Reaching out, Jeff took the bag, slinging it over his own shoulder before taking Tess’s hand in his. “Thank you,” he murmured as he drew her out of the room, leading her down to the café.

Tess paused. “For what?” she asked in confusion.

Jeff simply looked at her. “My daughter’s life.”
Last edited by kerri240879 on Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:44 pm, edited 59 times in total.
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Post by kerri240879 »

Thanks guys...I see a few familiar names part. Get ya tissues ready.

Part 3.

Kyle drummed his fingers on the counter before glancing at his watch again. Pulling his cell phone out of his pocket, he dialed Tess’s number, almost dropping his phone in surprise when he heard the familiar jingle of Babylon Zoo’s “Space man” echo in the back room. He had changed the ring tone on Tess’s cell and Tess had kept the jingle as proof that she had a sense of humor. Turning around, he caught sight of a familiar head of blonde curls, and slid out of his seat to greet her as Mr. Parker gently guided her through the door.

The greeting immediately died on his lips as Kyle saw the bloodstains on Tess’s face. “Tess!” he cried, knocking his stool over in haste as he ran the few steps separating them. Kyle caught her by the upper arms, his hands sliding up over her shoulders to cup her face as he searched her body frantically for signs of injury. “Tess?” he asked uncertainly, unable to find the cause of the blood on her clothing and skin. The others crowded around them. Kyle fell silent as he watched Tess raise her eyes.

Before she could answer, the phone rang. Jeff dropped the bag in his hand to go and answer it. “Tess?” Kyle said softly once more. Blue green met brilliant blue; Kyle watched as the ocean-colored orbs turned a murky blue green as they filled with tears. Tess whimpered and Kyle immediately pulled her into his arms. Tess clung to him, her body racked with silent sobs as she buried her face in his chest.

“Tess…what happened?” Max asked. Kyle glared at him as he tightened his grip on the shaking girl in his arms.

Before anyone could speak again, Jeff ran out of the office, touching Tess gently on the arm. “Tess…that was Jim. Liz is asking for you. He said she was nearly hysterical. We have to go now.” Tess pulled herself together so quickly it left the others wondering if she had broken down at all. Her carefully constructed walls were back in place, a grim expression on her face as she turned to follow Jeff to the front of the restaurant.

“Mr. Parker…what’s happened?” Maria cried.

Jeff paused, opening the door for Tess as she ducked under his arm. An expression of surprise crossed his face, almost like he had forgotten the others were even there. He shuddered. “Liz was attacked, Maria. She’s in the emergency room. I have to go. Can you lock up please?” he mumbled. Not even waiting for an answer, he let the door close with a bang. The others watched with mounting horror as Jeff and Tess took off at a run. The squeal of tires a few minutes later spurred them all into action.

Isabel dumped their empty glasses in the sink while Michael used his powers to finish cleaning the grill. Max and Kyle had the chairs on the table in a matter of minutes. Alex counted the till as Maria quickly grabbed her spare clothes out of her locker, changing even though she knew if the others looked into the back room, they would see a lot more than they bargained for. Within minutes of Tess and Jeff leaving, the others were piling into the jeep, Max pushing the speed limit as they raced through the empty streets.

When they pulled up at the hospital, Maria and Alex scrambled out of the jeep before it had even slowed down enough. Maria fell but Alex grabbed her hand and dragged her to her feet as they ran towards the front entrance. Maria heard Michael yell out behind her but she ignored him, continuing to run as Alex dragged her through the double doors of the hospital. Reaching the nurses station, Maria bit back a sob. “Liz Parker?” Alex asked desperately. The nurse’s welcoming smile faded as she took in their desperate expressions as well as the four other people running up behind them.

“She’s in with her father and another girl at the moment. Go through to room 809…. quietly though, please,” she said gently, watching as six young heads nodded before they moved at a fast yet quiet pace down to the hall she had indicated. As they disappeared around the corner, she heard their footfalls break into a run, a sigh escaping her mouth. She knew they were upset. Most the staff had been horrified when the young Parker girl had been bought in. So young. Such a tragedy for all of them to overcome.

Coming to the room the nurse had told them Liz was in, they all skidded to a stop, unsure of how to proceed. It was actually Jim who decided their fate, opening the door as Maria reached for it. “Kids…what are you all doing here?” he asked softly.

Maria tried in vain to peek over his shoulder. “Where’s Liz? What happened to her?” Maria asked, standing on tiptoe as Jim continued to block the door. Jim gestured to the waiting room just opposite, sitting down as six faces looked at him, the tension mounting as he fiddled with his hat.

“From what I understand, Tess found Liz in the park when she was on her way to the café tonight. She called me, and I went to her straight away. I rang the ambulance from the park, and I’ve been here ever since,” he said quietly.

Maria blinked. “Found her how? What happened to her Sheriff?” she asked, her mounting hysteria evident in her voice.

Jim looked at her sharply, his eyes turning cold. “Pull it together Maria, or I won’t let any of you in to see her,” he said. Maria paled as the others voiced soft protests.

“I don’t know. She was in x-ray for quite some time, and her father is currently filling out the paper work for the lab to do the necessary kits on her, due to her being a minor.”

“Kits?” Michael asked.

“Rape kits,” Max said dully. Jim nodded as Maria paled again, turning to bury her head in Michael’s chest. “Pull it together Maria. Tess is with Liz right now…” Maria stood up, her whole body shaking with indignation.

“What?” she cried. “I’m her best friend! I should be with her,” she cried.

Jim snorted softly, gripping Maria’s hand in his, and tugging her back into her seat. “No, you shouldn’t, Maria. Tess was the first thing Liz remembers seeing when she opened her eyes. And to be honest with you, Tess is better suited for this because she won’t let her emotions get the better of her. So sit down, and shut up,” Jim said quietly. Maria went to protest but Jim silenced her with a single look.

“Do you honestly think you’re prepared to watch as your best friend is given an internal examination to collect any fluids that might be left behind? To watch while they take photos of all the bruises and cuts? To watch as they measure the fingerprints that are currently bruised on her throat? To watch as they scrape what DNA they can from under her nails? Or what’s left of them. She fought, Maria. She fought hard. And whoever did this to her fought back. She’s a mess Maria. So as I said, either pull it together, or go home. I won’t have you just go in there, and say dramatically, “It’s OK now…I’m here.”

Maria bit back a sob. Jim shook his head as he stood up.

“Sheriff,” Max said softly, squirming as he tried not to think about what Jim had just said.

Jim turned to face him. “Yes, Max?” he asked.

Max sighed. “Can I heal her?” he asked softly.

Jim shook his head. “I wish you could Max. If I didn’t think that rape was involved, I’d say yes in a heartbeat. But I don’t know all the facts, so I had to bring her here. I wish I hadn’t had to, that I could have called you, but I couldn’t Max.” With a soft sigh, Jim turned to Maria.

“Maria honey, I’m sorry I yelled at you. You have such a big heart, and I know you only want to do what you think is best for Liz. But you have to understand something. You all do. Liz was brutalized tonight. And it’s going to take a hell of a lot more than ice cream and cuddles for her to heal. Make sure that when you go in that room tonight, you are all aware of that. Because this is only the beginning. From here on out…it’s going to be an uphill struggle, and it’s going to take all of you. Remember that.”

Part 4.

While the others were on their way to the hospital, Tess was calming Liz down, stroking her hair back from her face gently. Jeff had been warned not to go in yet, to let the lab team do their thing while Liz was unaware that her father knew she was there and what was happening to her. The doctors had already stitched up the cut in her hairline. All that needed doing now was to bandage her other injuries. A young woman entered the room, closing the door behind her.

“Hi Liz. I’m Fiona. I’m here to take the photos and collect the trace evidence, OK sweetie?” Liz looked at her blankly through her good eye, the drugs they had given her leaving her in an incoherent state of mind. Her gaze slid to Tess, who was still in shock that Liz even wanted her there. “Tess?” Liz asked softly. Tess squeezed her hand gently. “Its OK, Liz…Let Fiona do her job. I’ll wait outside,” she said gently. Liz shook her head vehemently. “No! Please Tess…. will you stay with me?” she pleaded. Tess swallowed, glancing quickly at Fiona, who nodded her consent. “What do I do?” Tess asked softly.

Fiona smiled. “Why don’t you help Liz sit up? I’ll start with her face, and we’ll move lower as we go. How does that sound?” she asked gently. Tess nodded as she sat down next to Liz on the bed. Sliding her arm around Liz, Tess took her hand, squeezing gently as Liz’s grip tightened. Fiona moved in closer, checking the dials and flashes on her camera before she raised it to her eyes, studying the devastation through the viewfinder. She moved quickly, documenting the bruises and cuts as she went.

Tess studied each injury as Fiona documented them.

*Flash* The cut on Liz’s temple. The cut was angry, the edges jaggered.

*Flash* The swollen eye. The blood vessels in the delicate tissue broken, throwing black bruising to the surface.

*Flash* The split in the right hand corner of Liz’s mouth, brought on by a vicious right hook.

*Flash* The fingerprints on Liz’s throat, where her assailant had squeezed hard, trying to snuff out the bright light that was Liz.

“OK Liz, that was really good sweetheart. Now what I need you to do is undo your gown and lower it to your waist OK?” Liz nodded, her face burning with humiliation as she fumbled with the blue gown she was wearing. Tess saw her fingers shaking, and slid from the bed, placing herself between Liz and Fiona.

Liz looked up slowly, the two girls regarding each other silently. When Tess reached for the ties that held the gown together, Liz felt the burning sensation that came with blinking back tears. Tess slowly undid her gown, helping her tug it down around her waist. Liz felt the slight tremble in Tess’s hands as she sat back down, her eyes never leaving Liz’s face.

*Flash* The bite mark on her left shoulder where her neck and shoulder met, the edges already bruising.

*Flash* The discoloration on Liz’s ribs where her attacker had kicked her repeatedly, the indentation of the boot clear.

“OK Liz, while we’re sitting here, I’m going to take the evidence, before we go any further,” Fiona said gently. Liz nodded as Tess squeezed her hand again. Fiona turned to her evidence case, taking out glass vials, swabs, and sheets of what looked like contact paper. Turning back to Liz, Fiona slid the portable tray over Liz’s lap.

“OK Liz, I want you to put your right hand on this piece of paper.”

Liz’s movements were slow. Tess slid around behind Liz on the bed, sitting with her legs on either side of Liz’s hips. Liz leant back against Tess as if it was the most natural thing to do in the world as Tess absorbed the tremors that wracked her body.

Tess watched as Fiona took what looked like a cuticle stick out of her bag. She picked Liz’s hand up and Tess watched as Fiona scraped the stick along Liz’s nails. One thing Tess had always envied her for was the fact that Liz had long, oval nails, perfect in length.

They were no longer perfect though. Liz’s nails were all broken, the edges jagged and torn. As Fiona gently moved the stick along Liz’s nails, dirt and dried blood fell onto the paper. Fiona smiled gently, “You fought back Liz. I’ll be able to get a good DNA match with this. Good girl.”

Fiona repeated the process on Liz’s other hand before picking up a pair of tweezers. She gently removed a small shard of glass from Liz’s hairline, dropping the bloodstained shard into a vile. Fiona moved methodically, using the sticky paper against Liz’s wrists. Tess watched in amazement as fingerprints were revealed when Fiona put the paper onto another sheet. “Wow,” she said softly. Fiona gave her a quick smile.

Fiona put her samples away, turning to face Liz and Tess with a grave expression on her face. “OK, Liz. Now comes the hardest part. But we’re nearly done, so I’ll do this as quickly and as painlessly as possible OK?” Tess turned to face Fiona, who lowered her gaze. “I need to do the rape kit, Liz.” Liz nodded mutely before Fiona pressed her down onto the bed and covered her lower body with a sheet.

Tess sat down beside Liz on the bed, holding her hand and looking into her eyes. She heard the sheet rustle as Fiona lifted it and felt Liz tense up almost immediately. A small sound of distress escaped Liz’s pale lips, tears slipping silently down her face as she squeezed her eyes shut. Tess couldn’t handle it. Reaching out, she placed her hands on either side of Liz’s face, her own eyes sliding shut as she used her powers.

Liz felt Tess grip her face and the familiar tingle that came when one of the hybrids were using their powers. Liz felt warm water wash over her feet; her eyes flying open in astonishment. Looking around she saw she was on a pristine beach, the warm waves washing over her feet. The sky was bright blue, the sun beating down and warming her cold body.

“Hey Liz…come and have a pina colada with me,” a voice called. Liz turned around, spotting Tess behind her. She was lounging on a sun chair, a bright pink drink in her hand. Liz knew that Tess was mind warping her, but she was grateful for the few minutes’ escape it gave her. Liz took a step towards Tess, confusion swirling around her as the beach melted away, the gray walls of the hospital room returning.

“It’s over Liz,” Tess whispered. Liz nodded silently even as the tears continued to run down her face. “OK Liz, you can get changed now, have a shower, whatever,” Fiona said. She came to stand by the edge of the bed; her hand gripping Liz’s hard for a moment. “The doctors will be in shortly to finish dressing your injuries, but until then, you can just rest OK?” Liz nodded and Tess watched as Fiona left the room, leaving the two girls alone.
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Post by kerri240879 »

Part 5.

:lol: @ Ann ~ still crack me up mate. And Abbs?... :P

Jim leaned against the door to Liz’s room, watching the kids as they waited silently for news on Liz. They had been waiting for two hours already, and the more minutes that slipped past, the worse the tension got. Michael and Maria sat together quietly on one of the couches as they gave comfort and strength to one another.

Michael as always was silent, his serious eyes trained on the floor. Maria was sitting close to his side, her hands twisting in her lap as she continually took little peeks at the door. Michael saw what she was doing and slid his arm around her shoulders. Drawing her close to his side, he pressed his lips against her temple and Maria’s eyes momentarily closed as she took comfort in his embrace.

Isabel and Alex sat across from them, in poses mirroring those of their friends. Isabel sat close to Alex’s side, silent as she gripped his hands in hers, offering what support she could. Alex was deathly pale, his eyes flat as he stared at the floor. His normal wit and humor had deserted him, leaving behind a quiet sense of desperation and fear. Jim saw Isabel squeeze Alex’s hand, his mouth tightening as he fought back tears.

Kyle was sitting on the floor, his knees drawn up to his chest, his head in his hands. Jim could practically feel his son’s fear rising off of him like the heat emitted from concrete on a summer’s day. Kyle had yet to utter a single word; Jim knew that his son would retreat into himself rather than seek company for his fear. As if feeling his father’s gaze, Kyle lifted his head and Jim saw that Kyle’s eyes were rimmed red, showing why he had hid his face.

It was Max who worried Jim the most though. Max stood apart from the group, facing the window that overlooked the car park. Tension was obvious in his shoulder, likewise in the way that he stood with his head bowed, his hands in his pockets. Jim wasn’t sure what was happening between Liz and Max, but it was obvious that Max still loved her very much. He had fallen into silence after explaining what Jim had meant by kits. Jim worried that Max would never speak again.

The silence of the room was deafening, Jim knowing that he would shatter the illusion if strength if he spoke. Footsteps drew their attention and all five teenagers stood up and joined Jim as Jeff Parker approached them. “Any news?” Maria asked quietly, rubbing her arms to try and ward off the chills that had crept into her body. Jeff shook his head, his answer forgotten when the door to Liz’s room opened. Fiona walked out, closing the door silently behind her.

“Jim,” she said in greeting.

Jim tipped his hat in response. “How is she?” he asked.

Fiona glanced at the gathered group. “Maybe we should discuss this in private,” she said softly but Jeff shook his head.

“No…these are Liz’s friends. They’ll want to know as well.” Fiona nodded, leading them over to the waiting chairs. She sat down, biting her bottom lip as she gathered her thoughts. “Was she raped?” Jeff asked bluntly, unable to stand the suspense any longer.

Fiona smiled. “No. Her hymen is still intact Mr. Parker.” Three sets of startled eyes swung to Kyle. Maria squeezed his hand as he lowered his gaze. Fiona’s voice broke the staring contest, all of them eager to hear any news. “In a lot of rape cases, the perpetrator can’t function. I think this is the case with Liz. When he was unable to do what he wanted, he took his anger out on her physically.” Jeff paled and Maria reached out to take his hand.

“I’ve spoken to the doctor, and he gave me a list of her injuries. He’ll be by later to discuss them with you. The thing is though Mr. Parker, in a lot of cases like this, it’s the emotional trauma that takes the longest time to heal.” Jeff nodded. Fiona stood up slowly; “I won’t keep you from her. Tess was helping Liz clean up. Give them a little longer…Liz is going to want to take a long shower.” Jeff nodded again, waiting until Fiona rounded the corner before he bolted out of his chair and through the door to Liz’s room.

Maria went to follow but Jim held her back. “Wait, Maria. Let them have their time OK.” She nodded, sinking back into her chair as they continued to play the waiting game.

Kyle went back to his lonely spot by the wall, his lowered gaze watching as a pair of worn boots filled his vision. Raising his gaze, he watched as Max knelt down. “How is she still a virgin?” he whispered, his voice trembling.

Kyle shrugged. “You’ll have to ask Liz that Max,” he said quietly.

“Did you sleep with her?” Max whispered desperately.

Kyle looked up, seeing raw grief in Max’s steady gaze. They looked at each other for a long time, before Kyle finally sighed. “No.”

Max sat down with an audible thud, his eyes filling with tears. “Why?” he whispered.

Kyle shrugged. “I don’t know Max. She asked me to help her out, so I did.” Kyle raised his gaze again, suddenly angry.

“And you crucified her for it. Even though you kissed Tess. Even though you weren’t together. Even though she begged you to leave her alone. You still hung her out to dry. You let those vicious rumors go around school. You let Michael and Isabel treat her with open hostility. And you sat back, playing the role of the victim to perfection. Well guess what Max? You’re not the victim here anymore. So let it go. We’ve got more important things to worry about.”

Max nodded even though Kyle’s words ate away at him like acid. Max stood up, stumbling back to the window. A gentle hand touched his shoulder a few minutes later. Max turned around to see Maria standing behind him. “You knew,” he said. It wasn’t an accusation, just a fact.

Maria nodded. “I knew.”

“Why?” he pleaded again.

Maria smiled sadly. “That’s not my place to say Max. But I will tell you this. All that time that you and Liz were fighting? She loved you Max. She’s never stopped loving you.”

“She walked away from me when I needed her most Maria,” he whispered, feeling the all too familiar pain settle around him like a weight.

Maria smiled sadly. “And you let her go Max. Remember that.” Max blinked, the truth of her statement hitting him like a bolt of lightening.

The door to Liz’s room opened and Jeff walked out in silence. Jim stood up, catching Jeff’s arm and leading him to a chair. Jeff collapsed, his face pale as he stared blindly at the floor, rocking back and forward slightly in his chair. “Jeff?” Jim asked gently. Jeff continued to rock, tears slowly filling his eyes and spilling down his cheeks. Jim squatted down, his grip firm as he squeezed Jeff’s hands.

Jeff looked at him, a look of utter devastation crossing his face. “You find the sick fuck that did this to my baby Jim. You find him, and you kill him,” he whispered. Jim swallowed, but nodded anyway. “Promise me Jim,” Jeff hissed. Jim looked up, his eyes compassionate. “I promise. I’ll get him Jeff.” Jeff nodded, tears continuing to slide down his face. “They’re keeping her in here for a few days. Liz and Tess are already asleep. I told Tess she could stay,” Jeff said softly. Jim nodded.

Maria spoke up softly. “Mr. Parker? Can we see her please? We won’t wake her up. I just need to see her for myself,” Maria said, tears sliding down her cheeks at the thought of having to wait until the following day. Jeff sighed, shaking his head sadly. “Please Maria. Just wait until tomorrow. Please.” Maria started crying but she nodded anyway. It was a very gloomy group that left the hospital that night. Everyone was caught up in their own fear. Only Jim noticed that Max took a look around, noting the staff, and the door leading outside near Liz’s room.

Part 6.

The minute the door clicked shut Liz started struggling to sit up. Tess slid her arm under Liz’s neck, supporting her as she sat up weakly. Keeping her arm around Liz, Tess helped her from the bed, supporting her as Liz walked unsteadily into the bathroom. The drugs were still impeding her abilities, and she collapsed on the toilet with a soft sob of frustration. The darkness that had prickled at the edge of her mind rose, swamping her completely. With a soft sigh, Liz simply stopped fighting, letting it take her.

Tess squeezed her hand before turning to the small bathtub and turning the taps on. The water steadily filled the tub as Tess jogged back into the main room to grab Liz’s bag. Returning to the bathroom, she set Liz’s stuff down on the floor, rummaging through the bag to pull out the toiletries. Opening up the bath soap, she poured some under the running water, watching as scented bubbles filled the tub.

When the water was near the top of the tub, Tess turned it off. Turning back to face Liz, Tess sighed softly. Liz had fallen silent, her eyes vacant as she looked at the bath. Kneeling down, Tess slid the robe from Liz’s shoulders again, helping the silent girl to stand up. The robe fell to the floor and Tess kicked the offending item to the other side of the room. “Come on Liz,” she said gently.

Liz didn’t answer. She had retreated into her mind making Tess feel like a puppeteer. Liz let Tess lead her to the bath, stepping into the fragrant water and sitting down when she was told too. When she didn’t move again, Tess sighed softly, unsure of what to do. “Lie back Liz,” she said finally, watching as Liz slid bonelessly into the water, her hair swirling around her and turning the water pink.

“OK…sit up now Liz,” Tess said. Liz sat up, the water streaming down her body. Reaching for the shampoo, Tess started to wash Liz’s hair, the foam turning pink. Picking up the jug that sat by the bath, Tess rinsed her hair clean, the water turning a muddy color. Tess wrinkled her nose before waving her hand over the water, turning it clean again.

Tess washed Liz’s hair a second time, feeling the strands slide squeaky clean through her fingers when she rinsed it a second time. Grabbing the conditioner, Tess smoothed it through Liz’s hair, feeling the silk of the heavy strands as she slid her fingers through to detangle them. Once more water was poured over Liz’s head, the silent girl not even blinking as the water streamed down over her face.

Picking up a face washer, Tess rubbed some of the bath soap into the surface, wincing when she felt how rough it was. Another wave of her hand turned the material soft and Tess lifted it to Liz’s face. As she washed the dried blood and dirt away, Tess began to talk softly. “You were really brave tonight Liz. I don’t think I could have done what you did.”

Liz was unaware of what was going on around her. But a gentle voice pierced the darkness she was trapped in, and she clung to the voice, letting it comfort her. A gentle touch accompanied the voice, soothing the pain as it drifted across her subconscious. Tess moved the cloth across Liz’s neck, before starting on her shoulders. Tess battled with her conflicting emotions. She knew she should hate Liz, but she couldn’t. She’d never been able to. And now? …Tess sighed.

Unaware that Jeff had walked into the room, Tess continued to talk. “You and I never really got the chance to be friends Liz, so I know this is really hard for you. But I’d like to change that. I’d like the chance to become your friend. Do you think that’s possible?” Liz nodded mutely. Tess felt the prickle of tears as she carefully washed Liz’s hands. Tess’s back ached from where she was hunched down over the tub but she ignored it, methodically removing all the grime from Liz’s skin.

“There you are,” she said finally. “I knew I’d find you under all that.” Liz turned her head slowly, seeking out Tess’s face. Tess smiled at her gently, standing up and grabbing the towel that hung on the bathroom door. Frowning, she once more changed the surface of the towel, heating it at the same time. “Come on, we need to get you dried,” Tess said. Liz obediently rose from the tub.

Jeff backed away from the door, giving his daughter the privacy she needed. Tess dried her body briskly, knowing there was no room for squeamishness. The water was sucked away, taking the physical evidence with it. Within minutes Liz was dressed in fresh clothing and sitting on the toilet again. Tess picked up the brush, running it gently through Liz’s damp hair. The brush slid through easily and Tess smiled again as she set the brush down.

Helping Liz to her feet, Tess turned, startled when she saw Mr. Parker in the doorway. “Can I help?” he asked softly. Tess nodded. Jeff picked his daughter up in his arms and tucked her into the hospital bed. Tess grabbed the blanket out of the bag along with the photos and hurried back into the room. Setting the prom picture down on the bedside table, Tess slid the strip of photos under Liz’s pillow.

That done, she shook the blanket out over Liz’s bed, adding some color to the otherwise all gray room. Tess took a step backwards, Jeff’s voice halting her movements. “Tess. I wanted to say thank you for helping Liz tonight. You didn’t have to, and it takes a true friend to go through something like this with her.”

Tess looked up in shock. “Huh?” she whispered, dumbfounded beyond relief. Jeff smiled wryly. “You stayed with her. Packed her stuff. Gave her a bath. You are friends with my daughter Tess, and she’ll remember this.” Tess nodded, blushing slightly as she looked down at the floor. “Thank you,” she said uncertainly.

A wide yawn escaped Tess’s mouth and Jeff smiled gently. “Tess, I can’t stay here tonight. Would you mind staying with her?” he whispered. Tess’s eyes flew open. Jeff sighed. “I have to pick Nancy up from the airport. She’s flying back in on the first flight she can get. So would you mind staying with Liz?”

Tess shook her head, the need to escape her emotions a physical need. But then she caught sight of Liz and paused mid-shake. “Before you go Mr. Parker? I need to take a shower,” Tess mumbled. Jeff nodded, watching as Tess walked into the bathroom. The sound of running water was heard a few minutes later. Jeff turned his attention to Liz. She was curled up on her side, her hair fanned out across the pillows.

Walking around to the other side of the bed, Jeff sat down, taking one of Liz’s hands in his. Her eyes were open, the spark gone. All that was left was a vacant hollowness. Jeff bit back a sob, reaching out to touch her face gently. Liz flinched away from his touch causing Jeff to lose the battle with his tears. So he sat there in silence, Liz’s hand limp in his. Never in all his life had he felt as helpless as he did right then.

The bathroom door opened and Tess walked out in a pair of Liz’s tracksuit pants and one of the Crash Down Café tee shirts. Her hair was damp, the curls hanging around her face in disarray. Walking over to the bed, Tess placed her watch, wallet and phone on the bedside table before climbing into the bed behind Liz. Liz rolled away from her father, scooting closer to Tess.

Tess placed her arm along the pillows above Liz’s head, her free hand reaching out and clasping Liz’s gently. “Go to sleep Liz. It’ll be OK in the morning. You’ll see,” Tess whispered. Liz closed her eyes as she bent her head. Her head rested against Tess’s chest. Jeff nodded as he brushed his lips over Liz’s head. Then he surprised Tess by kissing her on the forehead. “Thank you Tess. I won’t forget this,” he said softly.

Tess closed her eyes, exhaustion causing her to slip into sleep quickly. As she drifted off, she heard Liz’s breathing even out, the sure sign that she too had found peace in the land of dreams. Liz tensed and Tess shifted closer. Tess let Liz’s hand go, slipping her arm over Liz’s shaking form. And when the door opened an hour later, that’s how Max found them. Max shut the door quietly, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before approaching the bed.

In the dim light that shone down from above the bed, Max was able to see Tess’s body. As he walked closer, he saw that her hair was damp, proof that she’d needed to clean away the physical evidence of the night. Max stopped suddenly, Liz coming into his view on the other side of Tess. Grief rose bitterly like bile in Max’s throat when he saw her face, and he was unable to stop the tears that swam through his vision.

“Max?” Max looked at Tess as she lifted her head from the pillow; the opening of the door had woken her up. “Hey Tess…how is she?” Max whispered. Tess shrugged, sitting up slowly. “She hasn’t said a word since they started the examination Max. She’s been like this ever since.”

Max and Tess regarded each other silently, communicating without saying a word. Tess slid back a bit in the bed as Liz rolled over to face the other way. She snuggled back against Tess, who slid her arm back over Liz’s waist. Max nudged his shoes off, before slipping in beside Liz. He reached out, gently taking her hand in his as he slid in beside her. Smoothing the covers back up over their bodies, Max let his head drop onto the pillow, feeling emotionally ruined as he tried not to cry.

Liz whimpered again and Max crept closer to offer what strength he could. Her knee slid through his, her hand inching up under his tee shirt to settle over his heart. Max slid his arm over her waist, and brushed his lips gently over her temple. He could feel Tess’s hand against his stomach where her arm curled under his across Liz’s waist. “Liz?” he whispered. There was no answer. Max let his grief slip down his cheeks. In the darkness, Tess closed her eyes, leaving Max to mourn in privacy.
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Post by kerri240879 »

Part 7.

I'm posting four parts today. Enjoy, and thanks.


As Maria walked through the front door Amy shot up off the couch in annoyance. “God, Maria, do you have any idea what time it is?” she cried. Michael closed the door behind him and Amy turned her annoyance to him. “I should have known you’d be together,” she said, shaking her head in anger.

“Mum,” Maria began, but Amy waved her hand in anger.

“It’s half past two in the morning Maria! I don’t want to hear it. I’m so sick of your excuses. The car wouldn’t start. We had customers. I had to help close up at the last minute. If I had a dollar for every time you came home late, with an excuse ready, I’d be a rich woman.” Michael came up behind Maria, gripping her shoulders. He could feel them trembling under his touch; he knew that Maria was close to losing it completely.

“Mrs. Deluca…” he began before Amy started pointing at him.

“Shut up Michael. I don’t want to hear it,” she spat. Maria started crying and Michael pulled her into his arms as she buried her head in his chest. Her slender frame was wracked with sobs and Amy stopped mid rant.

“What is it? Oh god, you’re pregnant aren’t you?” she cried, taking a step towards them. Finally, Michael lost his temper, shouting to be heard over Amy’s voice.

“Will you please just shut up for a minute? We were at the hospital,” he began. Amy went quiet, sitting down as Michael glared at her. “Liz was attacked tonight. That’s why we’re late. We were waiting to find out if she was OK or not,” he said angrily. “So instead of jumping on Maria because she’s late, I’d suggest helping her instead.”

Amy visibly sagged. “Is she OK? What happened? How are her parents?” Amy said, shooting the questions off in rapid-fire succession.

Michael scowled. “To answer them in order - No, she isn’t; she was attacked and beaten; and Mr. Parker’s upset. Can I take Maria to bed now?” he asked sarcastically. Amy nodded, too shocked to say anything else as Michael led Maria to her bedroom and closed the door.

Amy sat there in shock, picturing Liz’s sweet face. A pain shot through her chest and Amy felt thankful Maria that was home safe. With that thought in mind she climbed to her feet, heading for her daughter’s bedroom door. Maria’s rapidly rising voice caused her to pause at the door, the true horror of the night rising with each word Maria spoke.

“I need to see her Michael. I mean…some bastard tried to rape her. He hurt her Michael. And I was too busy to even know she was in trouble. She might have died, and where was I? Bitching at the fact that she’s become so distant lately. I mean…God, what kind of person does that make me?” she cried.

Michael sighed. “It makes you normal Maria. You aren’t physic. How were you meant to know this was going to happen?”

Maria wiped her nose. “Liz always knows when I need to talk. She’s always there for me Michael.” Amy closed her eyes, moving away from the door, knowing Maria was in no frame of mind to talk to her right now.

Michael sighed again. After a while he asked, “What happened with Liz and Kyle?” Maria looked away, biting her lower lip. “Maria…come on. Tell me,” he said softly. Maria shook her head but Michael caught her chin in his hand.


She sighed softly, looking him in the eye. “Do you swear you won’t tell the others you know?” she said seriously. Michael paused as Maria shook her head. “I mean it Michael. If you don’t swear, I’m not telling you, because this is big deal, OK?” Michael finally nodded and Maria fluffed the pillows up behind her as she sat up. Looking at her fingernails, Maria sighed again. “She saved the world,” she said in the end.

Michael blinked. “From what?” he asked.

Maria smiled sadly. “From what she told me Michael, it sounds like, in fourteen years time, your enemies invade. Tess leaves, and you become weaker as a group. You and Isabel die. We all do. So Max came back in time to change it all.” Michael felt his jaw drop, his eyes almost bugging out of his head.

“Huh?” was all he could manage.

Maria sighed. “That was my reaction too,” she said softly.

“Liz and Max took off to Vegas when they were nineteen, and got married at the Elvis chapel. We met them half way, and we danced all night in this dive in Phoenix. Max started treating Tess pretty badly, so she left. They were together until the end, Michael. Isabel had died two weeks earlier.”

“And me?” he asked quietly.

Maria sighed. “You died the day Max came back. This chick called Serena altered the granolith, and Future Max and Liz got time for one last look before they were torn apart.”

Maria sighed again. “He went to Liz. And he told her that she had to make him fall out of love with her.” Maria lifted her gaze, tears brimming in her eyes. “So she did. She tried everything, Michael. Our Max wouldn’t listen, so she went to Kyle for help.”

Michael scowled slightly. “And slept with him?” he spluttered.

Maria snorted. “No. She’s still a virgin Michael. They posed together, and Max drew his own conclusions.”

Maria sighed as Michael mulled over her words slowly. The weight of the situation hit him like a ton of bricks, and he suddenly sagged against the pillows. “She did this to save us didn’t she? I mean she gave Max up, to save us all.”

Maria nodded, tears welling up and spilling down her cheeks. “She pushed Max towards Tess, Michael, so that she wouldn’t leave. Liz gave up her future, knowing what she could have had, to protect you all.”

Michael swallowed. “And we did nothing but condemn her for hurting Max,” he said softly, feeling guilt swim through him.

Maria nodded. “All Liz has ever done is protect you guys, Michael. Right from the start.”

Michael lowered his head. “I should be pissed that she didn’t come to us. To me. But I can kind of understand.” He sighed again. “Promise me something,” he mumbled. Mara looked at him closely, seeing the hurt little boy through walls that were slowly crumbling.

“Anything,” she whispered.

Michael looked up at her. “That if any thing like this happens again, you’ll come to me. Let me help.”

Maria nodded. “Only if you promise me something,” she said. Michael looked at her, waiting silently as Maria wiped her eyes. “That you won’t pounce on her. That you’ll help me get through this with her. And that you’ll stay with me tonight.”

Michael nodded. “There’s nowhere I’d rather be,” he said gently.

When Amy got up to check on them an hour later, she found them asleep together. Michael was lying on his back with Maria’s head cushioned on his chest. Their legs were tangled; Michael was holding Maria tightly as he snored softly. With a quiet sigh, Amy moved closer to the bed, covering them up with the blankets before bending to kiss Maria’s head, thankful that her daughter was in her bed and not some cold sterile hospital room.

Part 8.


Max pulled up in the driveway, his silence scaring Isabel. Alex was lost in his own thoughts; Isabel knew that he wasn’t ready to talk yet. The sensor light flicked on, illuminating Max’s face as he turned the jeep off. The look on his face broke Isabel’s heart. Misery, fear and helplessness danced across Max’s pale features, his dark eyes haunted as he climbed silently from the jeep.

Isabel turned to Alex, watching as he stumbled from the jeep, his shoulders ridged as he straightened up. The front door opened as Max neared it and Mr. Evans stopped short when he saw his children. “Max?” he asked. Max remained silent as he slipped through the front door and headed up stairs. Phillip watched his son in surprise, turning back to his daughter for answers. “Izzy?” he asked. Isabel glanced at her father before turning to face Alex.

“Why don’t you stay here tonight?” she began. Alex shook his head, taking a step into the shadows as Isabel took a step towards him. “Alex,” she pleaded. He shook his head again, his rapid footfalls echoing in the silence as he turned and ran. “Alex!” Isabel cried, the silence mocking her as she dropped her head in defeat.

“Isabel?” Phillip asked again, unsure of how to proceed. When his children had failed to be home by their 12.30 curfews, he had been angry. His anger had turned to worry as the minutes slipped past, only to return when he saw the time was 3.00 am when the jeep’s headlights flickered through the curtains as it pulled into the driveway. But instead of excuses, he had been greeted by silence, and that scared him.

“Isabel?” he asked again, taking a step towards his daughter. She turned slowly and Phillip’s eyebrows drew together sharply when he saw her face. Tears cut through her make up; her mascara was smudged under her eyes. That’s when he knew it was serious. Serious enough that his normally vain daughter gave no apparent concern to how she looked. Her eyes filled suddenly with tears, and she ran to him. Phillip held her tightly as she cried against his chest.

Still cradling her in his arms, Phillip led her inside, lowering them both to the couch as Isabel continued to cry. Diane heard the soft sounds of sobbing from the kitchen where Phillip had told her to wait and followed them to the lounge room. The sight that greeted her stopped her in her tracks, her hand immediately going to her heart. The light from the lamp cast a soft glow over where her normally composed daughter was curled up beside her father as she wept into his shoulder.

As Diane watched, Isabel crept closer to Phillip, so close that he only had to tug gently for Isabel to crawl into his lap. Diane hadn’t seen Isabel sit on her fathers lap since she was a small child, and so to see her eighteen-year-old daughter like this scared her terribly. And judging from the look on Phillip’s face as he stroked her back and hair, he was just as scared.

Diane moved closer to the couch, sitting down beside them as Isabel slowly calmed down. Phillip glanced at the clock. Only ten minutes had passed since he had first heard the jeep but he felt like he had aged ten years. “Isabel?” he asked quietly. She lifted her head, her face pale, her eyes rimmed red and swollen. “What is it?” he asked gently. The question had tears welling in her eyes again and Phillip reached up to wipe them away. “What happened, Isabel?”

She looked at her father, seeing the question in his eyes. She swallowed hard. “Liz was attacked tonight. She’s in the hospital.”

Phillip nodded, watching as Isabel’s eyes slowly started to become shuttered. “Is she OK?” he asked.

Isabel shrugged. “I don’t know dad. They wouldn’t let us see her,” she whispered. Phillip nodded, glancing up the stairs towards his son.

“Is Max OK?” he asked quietly. Isabel shook her head. “He hasn’t said a word since the Sheriff said they were doing a…a rape kit,” she managed. Diane flew out of her chair and up the stairs to her son’s room.

Phillip watched her go before turning his attention back to Isabel. “Would you like me to call the hospital? See what I can find out?” he asked.

Isabel nodded. “I’m going to check on Max,” she whispered. Phillip nodded as she headed towards the stairs.

Isabel found her mother outside the bathroom door, the sound of running water telling them both that Max was taking a shower. The two women regarded each other before moving into each other’s arms, seeking and receiving comfort as only a mother and her child can do. Diane stroked Isabel’s hair gently, thankful she was home safe. A few minutes later, Diane led Isabel down stairs, knowing that Max would be out when he was ready.

Inside the bathroom, Max sat on the floor of the shower, the scalding water pouring over his chilled body, drowning out the sounds of his soft sobs. Pain like he’d never felt before coursed through his body, leaving him cold and shaken. Not even when he’d been in the white room had he been this scared. Max lifted his head from his knees, leaning back against the tiles as his tears mingled with the water and ran down his face unnoticed.

“How is she still a virgin?”

“Did you sleep with her?”


“You’re not the victim here anymore.”

“She’s never stopped loving you.”

“She walked away from me when I needed her most.”

“And you let her go Max. Remember that.”

“Did you sleep with her?”


“She walked away from me when I needed her most.”

“Did you sleep with her?”


“You’re not the victim here anymore.”

“And you let her go Max. Remember that.”

“Did you sleep with her?”

Max punched the tiles hard, the skin on the back of his hand splitting, spilling his blood as he stared at it in silence. Snippets of conversation ran through his head, leaving him questioning everything he thought he’d known. The one thing that stood out was that Liz had lied to him. Not some small white lie, but one that had destroyed everything.

“Did you sleep with her?”


It was obvious to him that only Kyle and Maria knew what was really going on, and neither of them was very forthcoming with their answers. Even after everything they’d all been through, they still closed rank to protect each other. In a way it made sense. Michael, Isabel, Tess and himself did it a lot too, and if Maria had clammed up, you could be certain that whatever it was, it affected them all.

Kyle’s outburst had rung with the truth and Max winced as he recalled telling Liz he didn’t want to be her friend. The way he had hounded her about “sleeping” with Kyle. The way he had casually told her he was taking Tess to New York with him. And when Liz had begged him to trust her regarding the granolith, he had shot her down.

When they had gone to Vegas for the weekend and he had told Liz about his vision, he had been so sure she was going to tell him something - something important. But the moment had ended with the music, Liz’s silence as frustrating as ever. Max had been so tempted to make her form a connection that he had seriously thought about kissing her, whether she wanted it or not. But the moment of madness had passed, leaving him in the dark once more.

“She walked away from me when I needed her most.”

“And you let her go Max. Remember that.”

It all came back to the summer that Liz had run from him after learning about his destiny. He and Maria had really bonded during those three months - Max leaning on her to slowly try and heal wounds that went deeper than the cut on his chest. He still had the occasional nightmare about the white room but Liz the only one who knew just what had happened to him.

Isabel had seen the cut on his chest the day Liz had left for Florida, a look like nothing Max had ever seen before crossing her face. Complete fear and horror. She had asked him to tell her about what had happened to him at Pierce’s hands, but he had clammed up, shoving the pain down deep. It was still buried; Max dealt with it one day at a time.

“You’re not the victim here anymore.”

A new pain had surfaced though, and it had taken the love of his life with it. Whether he and Liz were together or not, he still loved her. He always would. With that thought in mind, Max rose, turned off the shower, and quickly dried his body. After dressing in a pair of comfortably worn jeans and a tee shirt, he eased the bathroom door open, thankful when he heard his parents still downstairs with Isabel.

Grabbing his shoes and the keys to the jeep, he slipped through his bedroom window, keeping to the shadows as he jogged to the jeep. His powers allowed him to maneuver the jeep out of the driveway before he started it and shifted from reverse into first. His father heard him then though and the front door banged as it swung open.

“Max!” Phillip called and Max lifted his haunted gaze. Phillip stopped short. The two men regarding each other silently before Max stepped on the gas, taking off into the darkness. He had a single destination in mind. A single purpose, and as always, it came back to one girl. Liz. Her name hummed in his mind; Max was determined for the lies to stop. Now.
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Part 9.

Alex walked aimlessly, letting his feet take him where his heart feared to go. He had no clear destination in mind, just a driving need to out run the demons that nipped at his heels. The silence of the night suited his bleak mood, not even Isabel’s tear stained face able to make him feel. All he knew, was that a girl he loved like a sister, was lying in a hospital bed, and he hadn’t been there to protect her.

Images of Liz ran through his mind, documenting their years of friendship. The trials they had faced, and the wonders they had learnt. The secrets they shared, both small and large, yet both equally important. The countless times he had been teased because his best friend was a girl, Alex taking the good-natured ribbing with a smile.

He could remember the tears that had stained her face, and the pain in her eyes when she had finally reveled Max’s secret. “I believe that you believe.” Alex shook his head slightly. That secret had opened up a world both fascinating and frightening. Beautiful and scary. The ability to love, and finally have the girl of his dreams love him back. Friendships that would last the test of time. All bound by a secret that he had been included in.

Lifting his gaze, Alex looked up at the clear night sky. Dawn was only a few hours away, the stars filling the sky. They twinkled brightly, lending artificial warmth to the cold night. The sound of water broke his thoughts, Alex realizing he was standing at the edge of the lake. The surface was still, mirroring the sky perfectly.

Moving to the dock, Alex walked to the end slowly. His footsteps thudded hollowly on the wooden planks, the silence of the night broken only by his light tread. “Walk softly, where angel’s fear to tread” he murmered, sitting down and hanging his legs over the edge. Alex heaved a sigh, feeling the slight breeze that rippled the water dance across his skin.

Secrets. They had a habit of destroying people. And by the looks of things, Liz had been carrying a huge one. He had heard the rumors about Liz and Kyle sleeping together, and hadn’t wanted to believe them. He had confronted Liz as she closed the café one night, wanting to set the record straight.

“Liz, I heard about you and Kyle. Is it true?”

She had looked him dead in the eye. “Yes.”

Alex had been surprised. “But I thought you and Max…”

Liz had cut him off with a wave of her hand. “Max and I are over Alex. He’s with Tess now. Or he will be.”

“But you don’t love Kyle!”

“Sorry to sound like a record Alex, but what’s love got to do with it? I did what I had to do, and it’s all good now. I’m fine.”

That lie had been shown wrong in many ways over the past four months. And then tonight at the hospital, when the examiner had told them all that Liz was still a virgin; only Maria and Kyle had shown no surprise. Secrets once more divided the group. Max and Liz had drifted so far apart, that it made Alex wonder if they would get it together, or if Max would follow destiny.

Destiny. Thinking about it made Alex think of Tess. The blonde alien was colder than Isabel had ever been. She had tried hard at first to fit into the group, but she had eventually stopped trying, spending almost all her time with Kyle. Tess had walls that made Michael’s seem transparent, but those walls had been gone tonight.

The look on her face when she had first come out into the café had shown devastation, shock, fear and something Alex had never thought he’d see on her face. Compassion. Compassion for a girl who stood in the way of destiny. Alex knew that Tess watched Liz sometimes, a puzzled look on her face as if she was trying to figure out what made Liz who she was.

An owl hooting brought him out of his memmories again, Alex watching the surface of the lake ripple. The wind was cold against his face, causing his eyes to water. It was only after he’d wiped them half a dozen times that he realized he was crying. The fear returned, Alex drawing his knees up, and crying openly.

When his tears finally subsided, his whole body numb with the cold, Alex finally stood up. He headed back into town slowly, his gaze following the path his feet took. When he could walk no more, he looked up, not surprised to find himself outside the Evans’s house. The front light was still on, a lamp casting shadows against the drawn curtains.

Alex stood there silently, before walking the few steps to the front door, and knocking softly. Footsteps echoed toward him, the door opening to reveal Mr. Evans. “I’m sorry it’s so late…” Alex began, Mr. Evan’s waving off his apology with a simple gesture. Alex found himself drawn into the comforting warmth of the living room, Isabel looking up from where she was curled up under a blanket on the couch.

Alex swallowed. “My parents are away at the moment.” Alex dropped his gaze, suddenly nervous. “I don’t want to be alone anymore,” he mumbled. Phillip watched from the shadows as Alex took a hesitant step forward, Isabel launching herself from the couch, and wrapping both the blanket and her arms around a suddenly pale Alex. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, dropping his head to her shoulder.

Isabel drew him back to the couch, sitting down with him still locked in her arms. “It’s ok Alex,” she whispered, feeling the first tremors that rocked his body as he tried to muffle his tears. Isabel tightened her grip. “I won’t let go. I won’t let you get lost,” she whispered, Alex nodding even as he started to cry. He could remember telling her that when the FBI had taken Max. Back when things had been relatively normal. His arms crept around her waist, holding on tightly as he felt her own tears wet the side of his neck.

Phillip walked away softly, leaving them to grieve alone. Entering the kitchen, he made himself a cup of coffee, knowing he needed to be awake when his son eventually returned home. When he had rung the hospital, the nurse on duty hadn’t given him any information, so he had rung Jim. The sheriff had given him the whole story, Phillip glad he was seated as he learnt what had happened.

Picking his mug up, Phillip returned to the lounge room, a sigh escaping his mouth when he saw the kids. Alex was lying on the couch; Isabel curled up in his arms. Their bodies were pressed tightly together, the blanket tucked down firmly around them. The tears they had shed stained their cheeks, sleep unable to erase the worry that clouded Alex’s face. Phillip sat down in the armchair, watching as his daughter and her boyfriend slept soundly. The sun rose slowly, giving dawn to a new day, Max yet to return. Wherever his son was, Phillip knew he had to let Max be. He needed time to grieve. They all did.

Part 10.

Jim entered his house as the sun rose, yawning widely as bone-numbing fatigue settled in. He dropped his hat and keys on the table by the door, before locking his gun and holster in the cabinet under the table. Pocketing the key, he turned to check the couch for Kyle, stopping short when he smelt the lingering scent of lemon furniture polish and bees wax. The couch was empty, soft music drifting around the suspiciously clean house.

Something broke in the kitchen, Jim following the sound silently. What he found had him pausing, his jaw dropping slightly. Kyle was on his hands and knees, wearing his football jersey, a pair of sweat pants and Tess’s pink apron, that had ‘Love the cook, she’s an alien’ on the front. He was scrubbing the oven, muttering under his breath as he worked. His hair stuck up all over the place, the kitchen sparkling.

Jim remembered when Kyle had gotten the apron for Tess. It had been for Christmas, after she had worked so hard to make it a happy occasion for them. He had bought the apron when Tess had dropped gravy on her top, muttering that she needed an apron if she was going to save her clothing. Kyle had taken it to Isabel, who between snorts of laughter had used her powers to apply the words.

A picture of Tess with a chef’s hat and a wooden spoon in one hand, and a whisk in the other had been applied under the words. A picture of the world had been put near Tess’s head, the words ‘saving the world and the male race, one fantastic dish at a time’ coming out in a speech bubble near her mouth.

Kyle wrapped the apron carefully in matching pink paper, using black gaffer tape to seal it shut. Tess had been surprised when he had handed it to her Christmas morning, her surprise turning to amusement when she saw the front. She had laughed out loud, hugging Kyle tightly. That had been the defining moment of their friend ship, Tess wearing the apron every time she cooked. Kyle never said any thing, but Jim knew it made him happy that Tess continued to wear it.

“Kyle?” Jim asked softly, Kyle whirling around in fright. He relaxed when he saw Jim, a sad smile crossing his face. “Hi dad…want eggs for breakfast?” he asked, hopping to his feet and grabbing the egg dish before Jim could answer. Jim watched silently as Kyle broke six eggs into a dish, muttering softly. Jim listened, his worry for his son increasing as the minutes ticked by. Grabbing the whisk, Kyle got started.

“Ok Valenti. Whisk gently, so that the eggs don’t become rubbery.” Grabbing the quart of milk from the fridge, he turned back to the bowl. “Add the milk slowly like Tess does, whisking all the time.” Kyle dribbled the milk down the edge of the bowl, the whisk mixing it through the eggs. “Add some salt, pepper and a little dash of tabasco,” he muttered, doing just that.

Kyle glanced up mid mutter. “Sit down dad…this will be ready soon” he mumbled, Jim nodding silently as he sat down at the table. Tess had insisted on getting another two chairs, using her powers to fix all four chairs and the table, so that it all matched in. He watched as Kyle quickly grated some cheese. “Tess always makes me do this bit,” he mumbled, crumbling the cheese over the egg mixture, and whisking it through.

Turning back to the stove, Kyle placed the pan over the flame, adding a knob of butter that sizzled as it melted. “Pour gently Kyle. Now make sure you keep it moving,” he mumbled. Grabbing the wooden spoon, he moved the eggs around slowly, watching as they turned fluffy. Jim stood up slowly, seeing the faint tremble that skittered through his son.

Kyle continued slowly stirring the eggs, his eyes closing as his father’s hands closed over his shoulders. “Are you ok son?” Jim asked quietly. Kyle shook his head, opening his eyes as he stirred the eggs through. Jim leant against the bench, waiting patiently as Kyle reached up above his head, grabbing some pepper and shaking it onto the eggs. He stirred them through once more, before turning the flame off.

As he bent down to search for some plates, he spoke quietly. “I keep thinking how you said Tess had found her. What if it had been Tess, and not Liz? What if it was Tess lying in that bed, and not Liz? Tess who had been hurt, and not Liz? And then I hate myself; because I can’t help but be grateful that it is Liz, and not Tess. I didn’t want this to happen to Liz, coz she’s my friend, but…it’s Tess…you know…”

Kyle sighed softly, dishing up the eggs quickly. “Does that make me a bad person?” he mumbled. Jim sighed. “No Kyle. It makes you human.” Kyle sighed again. “That might be true Dad, but I still feel like crap” he mumbled. Handing his father a plate, Kyle left the room, the soft click on his old bedroom door cutting off further conversation.

Alone in his old room, Kyle flopped down on the bed. The lingering scent of Tess’s lemon shampoo assaulted his nostrils as he buried his head in her pillows, Kyle swiping angrily at the tears that were forming in his eyes. The though of Liz lying in hospital had gutted him, but not as much as the look on Tess’s face when she had walked into the café earlier.

The emotions he had seen in her eyes had floored him. The look of complete helplessness on her face, and the pained bewilderment in her eyes, had bought forth feelings he wasn’t sure he should have. Add to the fact that icy fear had skittered long his spine when he saw the blood, and he had been reduced to a shaken mess by the time they had reached the hospital.

As they had been waiting, Kyle had promised himself, that if Liz pulled through ok, he would be a better friend to all of them. He would put his bitterness at Max aside, and try to get along with him. Then the doctor had dropped her bombshell, unraveling Liz’s carefully constructed lie. The look on Max’s face when he had finally admitted to not sleeping with Liz showed just how much the lie had hurt him.

“No more lies” Kyle whispered. He would find Tess, and sit her down, and… “Do what exactly?” he muttered. He wasn’t sure himself, but he had to tell her how much she meant to him. How much he had come to rely on her friendship, and how he didn’t always think of her as a friend. That she was the one good thing in his life. Because if tonight had shown him anything, life was too short to sit on your hands.

Kyle sighed again. “Buddha, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can not accept, and the divine wisdom to hide the body of the prick who did this to Liz, coz I’m gonna hunt him down and kill him” Kyle whispered. With a final sigh, he closed his eyes.
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Post by kerri240879 »

Part 11.

Jeff Parker swore as he maneuvered through the early morning traffic, angry with his wife beyond all reason. The only seat left on the plane had been in first class at a cost of nearly two thousand dollars. She had shaken her head, deciding to wait until that night to return to Roswell when the seats were cheaper.

“Cheaper,” he muttered angrily. If it had been him in Florida he would have paid anything to get on the plane. He had spent an uncomfortable night in the airport since Nancy had called to tell him this only after he had already been waiting for an hour. Now after a dusty two-hour trip home, he was hot, tired, and worried about Liz. The café would remain closed today and Jeff stopped by home just long enough to shower, change his clothes, and put a notice on the door.

Parking the car, he climbed out, a quick glance at his watch showing the time to be nearly seven AM. With a sigh, he hurried towards the double doors at the entrance to the hospital. Nodding to the nurse on duty, Jeff slipped quietly down the corridor to Liz’s room. Easing the door open, he slipped through, letting his eyes adjust to the dim light of the room.

He took a step towards the bed, stopping short when he saw it. He didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or get angry, so he just stared, his silent gaze taking it all in. Max was lying on his side, his head cradled by his arm. His other arm was wrapped tightly around Liz. Liz was facing away from him, her head tucked under his chin.

Their bodies were melded together with Liz lying full length against Max. Tess was facing Liz, mirroring Max’s pose. She had one arm under her head, the other wrapped around Liz. The covers were pulled up high tucked around Tess and Liz’s chins yet exposing Max’s broad shoulders. And all three of them were fast asleep lying in a narrow bed designed for one. Jeff sighed softly, the sound waking Max.

Jeff watched as Max’s eyes fluttered open, his sleepy gaze drawn down to Liz in his arms. Max brushed his lips over her head. The pain in his eyes was clear in that moment before he closed his eyes once again. Jeff slipped out of the room and headed for the pay phone in the waiting area near Liz’s room. Picking it up, he dialed, hearing the phone ringing on the other end.

“Hello? Max?” came a familiar male voice.

Jeff sighed. “No. It’s Jeff Parker, Phillip.”

Phillip sighed softly in reply as he put aside his worries for his still missing son. “How are you Jeff? I heard about Liz. Is there any news?” he asked gently.

Jeff shook his head. “She’s sleeping still. We won’t know anything until she wakes up. As for me…well…my daughter’s in a hospital bed, so I’m not doing really well. But thank you for asking,” he mumbled.

Phillip sighed again. “Is there anything we can do?” he asked.

Jeff shook his head again. “No. But thank you. The reason I called has to do with Max,” he began.

Phillip sighed yet again across the phone line. “He came home last night, but took off again pretty quickly. He still hasn’t returned as of yet, Jeff.”

Jeff chuckled softly. “I gathered that when I found him asleep in bed with Tess and Liz at the hospital,” he said.

Phillip sagged against the counter. “Oh god. Thank you for letting us know, Jeff,” he said softly.

Jeff nodded. “That’s OK. I’m going to go…I want to be there when she wakes up,” he mumbled.

Phillip nodded even though Jeff couldn’t see him. “Is it OK if we come down and get Max?” he asked softly.

Jeff sighed. “Yeah.”

“OK, we’ll see you soon,” Phillip said.

Jeff hung up the phone slowly before returning to his daughter’s room. Tess had obviously woken up. The sound of the shower running signaled as to why her side of the bed was empty. Max and Liz had adjusted themselves. Max was still laying the way he had been but now Liz was facing him with her hand tucked under the waistband of his tee shirt. Her head was nestled under his chin and his arm was wrapped tightly around her waist.

Jeff sat down and leaned back in the chair, lifting his right foot so that it was resting on his left knee. Fatigue crept through him slowly as Jeff slowly lost the battle with sleep. His head dropped forward so that his chin was resting on his chest and his eyes slid shut. When the bathroom door opened a few minutes later that’s how Tess found him. She smiled sadly and grabbed the blanket from Liz’s bed to cover him up.

Grabbing her wallet, Tess left the room silently and headed for the nurses’ station to ask directions to the café. She was only gone ten minutes and when she returned with a tray laden with food and drinks a nurse let her back into the room. The sound of the door opening woke Jeff who blinked and rubbed his eyes as he sat up. Tess set the tray down and handed Jeff a steaming cup. “I wasn’t sure how you took it, so I bought cream and sugar with me,” she mumbled.

Jeff smiled gently. “Thank you Tess. I brought something for you too. I’m not really sure what it is with you guys and this stuff but I figured you might like it.” Reaching into his jacket pocket, he produced a bottle of tabasco sauce. Tess chuckled softly, taking the spicy sauce and dumping some in her coffee. Jeff chuckled as her eyes almost crossed in pleasure as she took the first mouthful. “You and Liz both need coffee to get going in the morning I take it,” he said.

Tess grinned. “Nectar of the gods…they really should make this its own food group,” she quipped. Jeff chuckled again. The sound woke Max, who opened his eyes again and stretched. He caught sight of Jeff and paled as he sat up in bed. “Ohhh…Mr. Parker…umm…”

Jeff smiled. “It’s OK, Max.”

Max nodded hesitantly before slipping from the bed. “I need to go to the bathroom,” he mumbled. Jeff’s soft chuckle echoed in his ears as he shut the door.

Tess grinned behind her cup as Jeff caught sight of her sparkling eyes. “He’s scared of me,” Jeff said and Tess was unable to muffle the soft giggle that escaped her lips.

“Yeah. Kinda understandable though,” she said. Jeff raised his eyebrows. “You just sprung him in bed with your daughter…” she said, leaving it open-ended. Jeff shook his head. The bathroom door opened slowly as Max slipped through.

“Sorry, Mr. Parker” he mumbled.

Jeff simply sighed. “It’s OK, Max. Thank you for looking after her. Both of you.” Tess glanced at the bed before handing her cup to Max as she approached Liz. Liz was still lying on her side, her eyes open and still vacant. Slipping her arm under Liz’s neck, Tess helped her sit up. Both Max and Jeff closed their eyes momentarily when she sat up.

Liz’s bruises had settled in, the black marks standing out harshly against her skin. Her usual healthy glow was gone and her current state of pallor was especially pale in the harsh light of day. “Do you want to go to the bathroom Liz?” Tess asked softly. Liz nodded after a minute and Tess helped her out of bed and led her into the bathroom. The door clicked shut softly just as Max sagged against the empty bed.

“Jesus,” Jeff mumbled, shaken to the core. Max nodded, sinking into the chair next to Jeff. He blew out a breath slowly just before both men turned to look up as the door to the room opened and a doctor stepped through.

“Hello, Jeff. Liz’s awake I see,” she said. “I’m Joy Carmichael. I’ll be checking Liz over today,” she said. Jeff nodded just as the bathroom door opened and Tess led Liz back to the bed.

The doctor approached Liz slowly, a clipboard in her hand. “OK, Liz. Lets see how you’re doing today,” she said. She reached for Liz’s hand but Liz flinched away from her. Tess sighed softly, hoisting herself up beside Liz on the bed. Taking Liz’s left hand in her own, she laid their hands so they were palm to palm. Joy flashed Tess a quick smile, examining Liz quickly with Tess’s help.

Joy motioned for Jeff to follow her, leading him outside to discuss Liz’s release in a few days. Max watched Liz silently as Tess helped her lay back down. Liz went willingly, lying on her side and staring at the wall in silence as Tess covered her back up. Dragging his chair closer to the bed, Max sat at Liz’s side, looking into her vacant and unseeing eyes. The three of them were silent; Liz lost in darkness, Max staring at her, and Tess watching them both.

Part 12.

The door to Liz’s room opened quietly as Max’s parents slipped inside with Alex and Isabel. They stood there silently. Isabel found Alex’s hand and squeezed it tightly. Tess was sitting on the window ledge with her hair a mess and her face bare as she stared silently through the slated blinds. The sunlight streaming through caught the dust partials spinning in the air, lending an almost ethereal feel to the room.

Max was sitting by Liz’s bed, his head in his hands, tension radiating off of him. His back was to the door - neither Tess nor Max was aware that they had company. Liz was lying on her side facing Max, the shadows in the room hiding her mostly from view. Phillip reached out for Diane’s hand, his wife meeting him halfway. They clung together, giving each other strength.

The silence of the room was deafening. The two teenagers were obviously wrung of all emotions and yet somehow filled to the brim with all of them at once, both of them lost in their private thoughts as they sat with Liz. Isabel took one step forward, followed by another, crossing the distance between her and Max silently. When her hands closed gently over his shoulders, he didn’t even flinch. He just sighed softly, leaning his head against her stomach as he continued to sit there.

“How is she?” Isabel whispered. Tess turned around and both Alex and Isabel were struck silent by the look on her face. Deep shadows ran under her eyes and her face was pale and drawn. She simply nodded, turning back around to gaze out the window again. Max sighed. “The doctor was in before. She said that the bite on her shoulder is infected, and that they have to keep her in for a few more days.” Diane paled and Phillip tightened his grip on her hand.

“Bite?” Isabel asked softly.

Max nodded as tears started to slide down his face. “He bit her Isabel. Here.” Max gestured to where her hands rested on his shoulders. “It’s pretty deep. The doctor said that when he was unable to…you know…. that’s when he probably turned violent.” Alex stood in the shadows, rocking slightly on his feet as he stared at Liz. His face was pale with a light sheen of sweat breaking out along his brow and upper lip.

Isabel turned to face him, holding her hand out in a silent command. Alex shook his head slightly but Isabel crossed over to him. “Alex…. Liz needs you to be strong. You need to do this like a band-aid. Do it quick…it’ll hurt less…OK?” Alex nodded, breathing shallowly. Isabel tugged on his hand and led him across the room to the bed. Dropping to his knees, Alex looked into eyes that stared through him.

Tears welled in his eyes when he saw her face, anger like he’d never felt rolling through his heart. Reaching out hesitantly, Alex touched Liz’s cheek, letting his thumb trace her jaw line gently. The faintest flicker of life appeared in Liz’s eyes and Alex gently tilted her face up so he could see her clearly. Her eyes rose with her face, brown locking with green, faint recognition flickering through them.

Alex stared down at Liz silently, letting every ounce of love he had for her shine in his eyes along with the deep sorrow he felt. A single tear slid down Liz’s face and Alex followed the path it took with his fingertip. Another followed the path the first had taken as Alex stood up slowly and sat down beside Liz on the bed. Picking up her hand, he squeezed it gently. Alex could feel the slight pressure as Liz clenched her hand around his.

Without letting go of her hand, Alex scooted down on the bed, lying beside Liz as he pulled her gently into his arms. Her head lifted slightly and Alex slid his arm under her neck to support her head. Sliding his other arm around her body, Alex held her tightly. The silence was still deafening and Alex felt helpless as it closed around them. Willing to try anything, Alex closed his eyes, his voice soft as he murmered the words of “their song” in her ear.

There's no one in town I know
you gave us some place to go
I never said thank you for that
I thought I might get one more chance.

What would you think of me now
so lucky, so strong, and so proud?
I never said thank you for that
now I'll never have a chance.

May angels lead you in
Hear you me my friends
on sleepless roads the sleepless go
May angels lead you in.

Alex felt the first tremors that ran through Liz’s body as he sung to her quietly. Max buried his head in his hands again as tears welled in his eyes. Isabel held her brother tightly, watching as Tess’s shoulders started shaking slightly across the room. Tess kept her back turned, her grief private as she listened to Alex’s words.

What would you think of me now
so lucky, so strong, and so proud?
I never said thank you for that
now I'll never have a chance.

May angels lead you in
Hear you me my friends
on sleepless roads the sleepless go
May angels lead you in.

The door swung open behind Phillip and Diane as Jeff stepped through the door. He saw Alex lying with Liz, and with a jolt he realized that Alex was singing to Liz. He listened to the words silently, recognizing the song as one that the three kids had dubbed as their own. It was clearly their own private way of staying together and letting each other know it was all going to be OK. Diane reached out with her free hand and took Jeff’s in hers, pulling him toward her and Phillip to lend him strength.

And if you are with me tonight
I’d sing to you just one more time
A song for a heart so big
God couldn’t let it end.

May angels lead you in
Hear you me my friends
on sleepless roads the sleepless go
May angels lead you in.

Alex felt his throat constrict with tears as he let his voice rise slightly in level. He could feel Liz starting to shake. His tightened his grip on her body as he let the words to their song say that which he couldn’t find his own words to express. Tears slid down his cheeks, wetting Liz’s hair as he sang. He could feel dampness on his chest where Liz’s cheek rested against the open collar of his shirt yet her tears were as silent as she was.

May angels lead you in
Hear you me my friend
on sleepless roads the sleepless go
May angels lead you in.

“Lizzie? …” Alex looked down at his silent friend, his heart breaking when she slowly lifted her gaze. There was life in those haunted eyes now. A life that had been shattered in violence. But a life he could help heal. They could all help heal. Alex managed to smile through his tears. “God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered. Liz started crying and Alex pulled her tightly against him as she buried her head in his chest.

The sounds of her soft sobs broke Jeff who slid bonelessly to the floor, tears flooding his eyes as he wept in relief. Diane slid down beside him, holding him tightly as he openly grieved for his daughter. Phillip crossed over to Max, pulling his shaking son to his feet and into his arms. Tess turned around when a gentle hand touched her shoulder and she found Isabel’s eyes looking into her own.

Tess took a step backwards but Isabel simply took the other girl’s hand and pulled her into a hug. Tess was stiff at first and Isabel rubbed her back gently. Tess fought an internal war, years of Nasado’s’ conditioning telling her what she was feeling was a human weakness, a thing to be ashamed of feeling. But something had broken in her last night, and for the first time in ten years; Tess felt her iron clad control slip again. And for once, she wasn’t ashamed.
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Part 13.

Maria approached Liz’s room slowly, an unnatural fear squeezing her heart. Stopping outside the door to Liz’s room, Maria felt her chest constrict again. She reached blindly for Michael’s hand, his reassuring squeeze allowing her to push the door open. She blinked when she saw the empty bed, the sound of voices leading her to the small bathroom.

Liz was sitting on the toilet with Tess standing behind her. Isabel was sitting on the edge of the bath, her shoulders shaking in silent laughter. As Maria watched, Tess ran a brush through Liz’s long hair, smoothing the tangles out gently. They had obviously been talking. Maria listened silently as Tess giggled.

“Oh yeah, I always hated the fact that you had this hair.” Tess tugged Liz hair playfully. Liz smiled slightly as Tess continued talking. “Your hair’s long, and shiny, and straight. And the color!”

Isabel started laughing. “What about Maria’s hair?” she asked.

“God, don’t even get me started on Maria. That honey color she has? I can’t even buy that color! I’m telling you Liz, alien or not, I missed out in the hair department. All I got were these damn curls!” Liz smiled again as Tess’s nimble fingers braided her hair quickly

“Oh please!” Isabel said. “I have to use hot rollers and my powers to get curls like yours Tess! But I agree with you about Maria. She has beautiful hair.”

“And those lips!” Tess cried. Liz smiled again, her eyes starting to darken with fatigue.

Isabel snorted. “She may have gotten the lips Tess…but you got the damn curls!” Tess giggled again, straightening up as she put the hairbrush down on the small sink.

As Tess turned back she spotted Maria in the mirror and nodded silently, motioning with her head to Isabel. Isabel glanced up, the smile on her lips faltering as she took in the tears that were forming in Maria’s eyes. “I’ll go straighten up the bed Liz,” she said quickly.

Tess smiled as she picked up the face washer and wet it down. Tilting Liz’s head back, Tess washed under her swollen eye gently, removing the crusted tears. “How you feeling now?” she asked quietly.

Liz shrugged. “I don’t really know Tess,” she whispered, her voice husky from lack of use. Tess nodded in understanding. Liz looked up at her silently, weighing her words before she spoke. “I wanted to thank you.”

Tess frowned. “For what?” she asked, carefully wiping under Liz’s other eye.

Liz gestured helplessly. “This. For helping me. I don’t really remember what happened, but I know that you found me. That you stayed with me.” Tess dropped her gaze as Liz spoke again. “I guess I just wondered why,” she whispered.

Tess straightened up, her eyes serious as she spoke. “We all have the need for redemption Liz.”

“Redemption?” Liz asked quietly.

Tess nodded. “For so long Liz, I thought humans were inferior. That we were the superior race. I was led to believe humans could be used and thrown away at whim.” Shame flooded Tess as she spoke, staining her cheeks a dull pink. “But I was wrong. So wrong,” she whispered. Tess lifted her gaze to meet Liz’s eyes directly. “They…you have strength. A strength I can’t even begin to comprehend.” Liz frowned slightly as the two girls continue to gaze at one other.

“I watched you last night, Liz. Even though you were hurt, even though you were embarrassed, you still had a quiet sense of dignity about you. You were being poked and prodded. Photographed and examined. Spoken about like you weren’t even there. Yet you still remained strong.”

“That’s because you helped me,” Liz argued quietly.

Tess shook her head. “No…it’s not only that Liz.” A shuddering breath escaped her lips as Tess looked down at the floor, turning over in her mind just how to broach the subject.

“I know about Future Max,” Tess said finally.

Liz’s face turned ashen. “What? How? For how long?” she whispered.

Tess sighed again. “When I warped you yesterday, we formed a connection. I was in there for a while, Liz. And I saw it all.”

“All?” Liz whispered.

Tess nodded. “That’s what I mean by strength, Liz. You gave Max up…for us. Even though you knew the cost, you still put protecting everyone else before yourself, before your own happiness.”

Tess sighed again. “For the summer you were gone, I was so sure I had won. That Max would fall in love with me. But then you came back from Florida and I knew I was wrong. I’d lost him to you before I even met him. I could see that you still loved each other. And it didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. And it didn’t seem to bother me because I was finally starting to fit in.” Tess sighed again.

“But then you came to me. And I immediately knew there was something wrong. You seemed so desperate. Almost like everything was riding on Max and I getting together. I should have known then. But when I found out that you had supposedly slept with Kyle, I was so hurt. And I didn’t understand why. But I had Max to help. So I stood back and watched as everything fell apart around me.”

Tess sighed again. “So I went back to watching from the outside. I knew something was wrong when you and Kyle didn’t act like a couple that had been intimate together. And you seemed to withdraw into yourself. Away from Maria and Alex. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I saw you crying in the Crash down when it was closed. And I continued to watch, trying to piece it all together. And last night I finally did.”

Liz dropped her eyes but Tess dropped to her knees so she could still see Liz. “I meant what I said yesterday, Liz. About you and I. I always envied you. For so long, I thought you stood in the way of destiny. But I was so wrong. Max’s destiny isn’t with me. It’s with you.”

Liz shook her head mutely. “No…I mean…you’re his wife,” she whispered.

Tess smiled sadly. “I was Liz. In another life. This life is a second chance. For all of us.”

Liz sighed softly. “I don’t know how to live this life anymore,” she whispered.

Tess smiled, reaching out and squeezing her hand gently. “Will you let me help you figure out to live in it?” she whispered. Liz saw the hand of friendship Tess was extending, a hand she had hardly let go of since the night before. Raising her gaze, she saw the small spark of hope in Tess’s eyes. And so she nodded. That’s all it took, for another one of Tess’s walls to crumble.

Tess gave her a small smile, even as she blinked back tears. “Thank you,” she whispered.

Liz nodded again, her voice soft. “Thank you,” she said just as softly.

Tess nodded. “Maria’s here,” she said. Liz swallowed and Tess could see the uncertainty in her eyes. “Liz? What is it?” she asked gently. Liz shrugged slightly.

Tess snorted quietly. “You think Maria’s going to look at you differently don’t you?” she asked.

Liz looked up in surprise. “How’d you know?” she whispered.

Tess smiled slightly. “Maria’s your best friend, Liz. She loves you. All she’ll want is to make sure you’re OK. To give you a hug. She’s not going to look at you like you’re a freak you know,” she admonished gently.

Liz gave a shaky sob. “I just feel so different now Tess. I don’t know how to tell her that.”

Tess gave Liz’s shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Just tell her the truth.”

Liz bit back another sob of frustration. “And what is the truth?” she whispered bitterly.

Tess smiled gently. “That you were brutalized Liz. That someone tried to hurt you.”

Liz looked down at the floor, her whispered words almost lost to Tess’s ears. “I don’t remember.”

Tess frowned slightly. “What do you mean, Liz?”

Liz looked up, tears swimming in her eyes. “I don’t remember, Tess. Any of it.”

Part 14.

Isabel shut the bathroom door gently, turning to pin Maria with an icy glare. “Don’t even think about crying, Maria. Do it later when you get home. Liz needs your strength…not your tears.”

Maria sniffled. “It’s just…I mean…”

Isabel sighed, crossing to the bed and straightening the bottom sheet. “She’s only just started talking Maria. It was Alex who got through to her, and believe me…I’ve never seen him as scared as I did this morning.”

Straightening out the blankets, Isabel waved her hands over the pillows, fluffing them up so they would be more comfortable. That done, she turned back to face Maria. “Alex and Max have gone home. Max came back here last night, Maria. My father had to force him to go home, so he could have a shower.”

Isabel sighed, her icy exterior melting suddenly. “Tess and I have been talking beauty and shit like that for the last hour just to take Liz’s mind off of why she’s here. When I get home I plan on eating a tub of ice cream and bawling my eyes out. Because I know I can’t do that here. Tess has been here since the start, Maria. I’ve never seen her as emotionally ruined as she is now. But she refuses to leave.”

Maria snorted softly. “Tess doesn’t have a compassionate bone in her body,” she spat angrily.

“Oh yeah?” Isabel challenged. “Then why did she warp Liz into thinking she was on the beach while they did the rape kit yesterday? Why did she give Liz a bath? Stay with her all night? She could have been spouting about how Liz is only alive because she found her, but she isn’t. In fact, whenever some one goes to thank her, she brushes it off and changes the subject!”

Maria looked down in shame. Isabel sighed as she crossed over to Maria. “Look. Tess knew you would be in at some point this morning. She’s already made the decision to slip away while you’re here so she can go home and get changed. But after that Maria? She’ll be coming back here. So please, for Liz’s sake, give her the benefit of the doubt, OK?”

Maria nodded, straightening up and quickly wiping her face as the bathroom door started to open. Tess slipped out, shooting a worried glance at Maria. Maria nodded coolly to her, straightening up as Tess helped Liz through the door. Stepping forward, Maria slid her arm around Liz on the other side, her clear green eyes meeting Tess’s gaze straight on over the top of Liz’s head.

What she saw stunned her. Fear. Uncertainty. The look of a puppy that had been kicked once too often. And Maria’s heart broke. “Thank you,” she mouthed.

Tess nodded silently as she helped Liz up onto the bed. “Hey Liz? I’m going to go home and get some clean clothes. I’ll be back in a couple of hours, OK?” Tess said softly, smoothing a stray strand of hair back over Liz’s head.

Liz looked up, her lower lip trembling slightly. Tess smiled slightly. “I promise, OK? In time for the afternoon soaps. We can spend the rest of the day laughing at bad make up, and even worse hair, OK?” Liz nodded, the room falling into surprised silence when Liz reached up and folded Tess into a quick hug.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

Tess returned her hug. “No worries. Ice cream?” she asked. Liz nodded.

Isabel reached down, giving Liz a quick hug. “I’m gonna go to Liz. Tess, you want a lift?” she asked. Tess nodded, flashing Liz another quick smile as the two girls slipped out of the room. Maria looked back at Liz in the silence that followed, watching as Liz plucked at the blanket covering her. Liz looked pale and lost, almost childlike in the oversized tee shirt she was wearing.

Taking a deep breath, Maria crossed the room and sat down beside Liz. Reaching out, she picked up the hand plucking at the blanket and gave it a strong squeeze. Liz slowly raised her gaze, fear swimming in her eyes. Maria swallowed hard, remembering what both Isabel and the sheriff had said to her. Liz’s lower lip trembled and Maria giving her a reassuring smile. That’s all it took. Both girls burst into tears then and found comfort in each other’s embrace.

Michael slipped away silently, leaving the two girls to their tears. “Oh god Liz, I was so scared. Are you OK?” Maria asked, holding Liz tightly.

Liz shrugged. “I don’t remember what happened, Maria,” she whispered angrily, wiping away her tears.

Maria’s eyes widened. “What?” she exclaimed softly.

Liz bit back a bitter sob. “I know I was walking home. The next thing I remember is feeling Tess holding my hand.”

“Oh Liz,” Maria said softly, pushing back a stray strand of hair.

“I wish I knew,” Liz exclaimed. “I wish I knew what he…she…they did to me, but I don’t. I know they hurt me. But I don’t know how…or if…”

Maria grasped Liz’s hand tightly. “You weren’t…you know…raped,” Maria whispered softly. “The doctor told us all last night.”

“All?” Liz echoed, her face draining of color.

Maria nodded. “Max knows Liz. Not the whole truth,” she hurried on. “Just that you didn’t sleep with Kyle. They all know.”

Liz flopped back on the pillows. “Oh god…what am I going to do, Maria?” she asked, tears trailing down her face.

“I told Michael the truth, Liz. But he won’t say anything,” Maria said softly. Liz nodded silently, her gaze trained on the ceiling. “I’m sorry, Liz. I just didn’t want to lie to him anymore,” Maria whispered.

“I know. And I’m sorry I dragged you into this,” Liz said, feeling Maria lay down beside her.

Maria rolled onto her side, her arm sliding across Liz’s waist as they lay there. “You didn’t drag me anywhere, Liz. You’re my best friend and alien conspiracies be damned, I’m going to follow you to the ends of the earth if you need me. You should know that,” Maria admonished gently.

Liz sighed softly. “Maria?” she said softly.

“Hmmm?” Maria returned.

“Promise me something.”


“That you’ll never leave me. That you’ll always be my friend.”

Maria leant up on her elbow, her eye seeking Liz’s gaze. “I promise. Till we’re both old and grey, sitting side by side in our rocking chairs. You and me, chica.” Liz nodded even as she felt her eyes fill with tears. Maria gave Liz another gentle smile before folding her into her arms, and letting her cry.
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Post by kerri240879 »

Will do Abbs...will do! :lol: Thanks guys. Get your tissues again...

Part 15.

Tess stared out the window as Isabel drove, the silence like a heavy blanket covering the two girls. “You OK, Tess?” Isabel asked at length. Tess simply nodded as she continued to stare out the window. Isabel sighed, leaving Tess to her silent thoughts as they continued towards Tess’s home. Isabel pulled into the driveway a minute later, turning to watch as Tess slid out of the jeep.

“Thanks for the lift, Isabel,” Tess said quickly and Isabel nodded. Isabel watched as Tess shuffled across the lawn and disappeared inside before putting the jeep into gear and pulling away.

Tess shut the door quietly, leaning against its solid form and letting a sigh of relief escape her lips. Sliding down the door quietly, Tess sat on the floor and lowered her head to her knees, too tired to even move. Her mind was racing; it was so filled with new knowledge. The radio was playing in the kitchen and Tess was able to hear Kyle moving around as he and Jim spoke quietly. Tess continued to sit there quietly, her emotions moving into overload as Nasado’s voice echoed in her head.

“They’re human Tess…garbage…”

“We are the higher power here…”

“You need to get the book translated…use any means possible…”

“Kivar wants the royal three dead, and you by his side…”

“You are the queen Tess…she is a human play toy…”

Tess put her hands over her ears, desperate to drown out the voice of her dead “father.” She had never agreed with him yet whenever she raised her voice in protest, he would punish her for it. And even now that he was dead he was still in her head, whispering his plans in her ears.

“You have a destiny to fulfil…”


“Your destiny is to return home with his child…”

“Your destiny was determined when you were recreated…. I’ve made the deal Tess…you need to follow through…”

“Your destiny…”

“Is what I make it,” Tess whispered. The voices in her head fell silent and Tess sighed in relief. “My destiny is here on earth…my destiny is to help Liz…not kill her or her friends. That was your destiny, Nasado…not mine, and I choose my own path now. You’re dead…you can’t hurt me anymore. You have no ownership over me anymore. And I choose life over death. I choose them…over you.”

The radio played on in the silence. Tess could feel the first tears fall as a new song filtered through to her. As Switchfoots “I dare you to move” played, Tess smiled slightly at the irony of the words to the song.

Welcome to the planet
Welcome to existence
Everyone's here
Everyone's here
Everybody's watching you now
Everybody waits for you now
What happens next?
What happens next?

Tess smiled again. She was unsure of what would happen now, but she knew she could be happy. She had a good home, with a man who loved her like his own child. A man who had welcomed her into his home and put clothes on her back - food in her mouth. A good man, who wanted her to be happy. And another young man, who opened his heart to her…no, don’t go there yet Tess…. not yet.

I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened before

Welcome to the fallout
Welcome to resistance
The tension is here
The tension is here
Between who you are and who you could be
Between how it is and how it should be

Tess’s smile faded slightly. She knew she would have to come clean with Max about Nasado’s deal. She also knew that the tentative friendship she had built with Liz would probably be destroyed by the truth. But Tess knew she had to change. That she could change. And that at the end of the day, she would become a better person for it.

I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened before

Tess started crying softly. She had never been so scared in her life. Not when the pod had opened and she realised she was alone. Not even when Nasado had left her on her own for weeks on end. Tess had learned from an early age how to care for herself. Could she open up now and admit that she needed to be loved as much as the next person? Would she lose two men in her life, both of whom had come to mean so much to her?

Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself?

Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go?

Footsteps echoed towards her. Jim paused when he saw Tess sitting by the front door, her face wet with tears. He crossed the room silently, kneeling down in front of her and placing his hand on her arm. Tess looked up and Jim smiled wryly. When she choked on a sob, Jim pulled her into his arms.

Salvation is here

I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened

Tess cried on Jim’s shoulder as he stroked her hair and back, whispering soft words of comfort in her ear as she cried. Kyle walked out of the kitchen, wondering where his father had gone. He stopped when he saw his dad with Tess. Kyle leaned against the door jam as his eyes filled with tears, relief swamping him as Tess cried.

Tess looked up a few minutes later. Jim wiped the tears from her face with the pad of his thumbs. “You OK, sweetie?” Jim asked softly. Tess shook her head.

“No…but I will be.” Jim smiled, standing up slowly and helping Tess to her feet. Tess looked up at him, her eyes clouding over briefly before she spoke again. Time for her to bury the past.

Today never happened

“Thanks…. Dad.” Jim stopped, his eyes suspiciously bright.

“I just wanted to see how that sounded,” Tess whispered.

“And how’d it sound?” Jim asked quietly.

Today never happened

Tess smiled through her tears. “Good…really good.” Jim smiled again as he pulled her into his arms for another tight cuddle. Jim rested his head on her soft hair, and closed his eyes.

“Yeah…it did.”

Today never happened before.

Part 16.

Michael opened the hospital door silently, relieved to see Liz and Maria sitting up and talking quietly. The two girls looked up when he walked in, seeing Michael waving a white bag as he stood there. “Is that what I think it is?” Liz whispered. Michael grinned before crossing the room and handing her the bag.

Liz opened it up, her eyes shining as she lifted the cream doughnut out of the bag. “Thank you, Michael,” Liz said, taking a bite of the sweet treat. Her eyes closed slightly. Michael nodded as he set down a small container of milk. He looked over at Maria, who smiled at him through eyes that were bright with unshed tears.

“Mmm,” Liz mumbled.

Michael laughed softly. “You always eat the last doughnut of the day with milk at work, so I figured you might like one here,” Michael admitted. Liz nodded, her eyes still closed. Maria glanced at Michael, who nodded towards the door. Maria shot him a look before slipping away silently.

When Liz opened her eyes again, Michael was watching her quietly. “Why didn’t you come to me, Liz?” he asked softly.

Liz sighed before setting down her doughnut and regarding him seriously. “You didn’t want to know, Michael. You were fighting with Max. Telling Maria you didn’t want to be with her. And you were looking at me with distrust because Max wanted me over destiny.”

Michael sighed softly. “I just thought that after we helped you get Max back from the FBI that you’d come to me if you had a problem,” Michael admitted.

Liz laughed shortly. “Not with this, Michael. He told me I couldn’t tell anybody he was here. He was really specific on that. I had to help him, and then suffer the consequences on my own.”

Michael sighed again. What did he say?” he asked.

Liz snorted. “That because we loved each other, the world ended…literally.” Michael frowned slightly. Liz laughed bitterly. “We got married young and because of the way that Max treated Tess, she left. Without her, you were weaker as a group.”

Michael watched as Liz slid from the bed, her walk slightly unsteady as she walked to the window and looked outside. “Future Max told me that I had to make this Max fall out of love with me. So I did. And I kept lying to him, day after day, knowing that everything I did was for him.”

Michael stood up slowly, crossing the room to stand behind her. Lifting his hand, he gently touched her shoulder. Liz winced as she jerked away from him. “Don’t touch me, Michael…I’m fine.”

Michael backed off easily and thought for a minute. Michael whistled softly. “Wow…” When he thought about all that she had been through, words began to fail him.

Liz shook her head. “I loved him with all I was and more, Michael.” Liz sighed, her head dropping forward.

“You still do love him, don’t you Liz?” Michael whispered.

Liz shrugged. “I don’t know, Michael. I’m afraid that the girl who loved Max died last night. Me? I don’t know. I don’t know if I can love.”

Michael snorted, instinctively reaching out to touch her shoulder again.

As Liz flinched away from his touch again, Michael realised it had nothing to do with him or the subject, but what had happened to her. He dropped his hand helplessly, watching as Liz held herself rigid. “He still loves you Liz,” he said gently.

Liz shrugged. “I’m not worth it, Michael.” Liz turned around slowly, pinning him with sad eyes. “Wasn’t it you who said that?”

Michael sighed again, shuffling back to his chair. “I said a lot of things I didn’t mean,” he said softly.

Liz snorted in disbelief. “No, Michael…one thing I can count on from you is the truth.”

Michael raked his hands through his hair. “I was angry, Liz.” Liz shrugged, wavering slightly on her feet.

Michael stood quickly, catching her and sweeping her into his arms as she started to stumble. Liz went stiff in his arms so Michael quickly laid her back on the bed and moved away. “Get some sleep, Liz,” he said gruffly. Liz nodded just before her eyes slid shut. Michael sat down with a thud, his head in his hands as her breathing evened out.

The door opened and Maria slipped back into the room. Crossing over to Michael, she closed her hands over his shoulders, feeling the slight tremors that ran through his broad shoulders. “How’d it go?” she asked quietly.

Michael shook his head. “She’s changed so much Maria,” he mumbled. Maria smiled sadly.

“What’d you expect Michael? Someone tried to kill her last night. I’d change too.”

Michael shook his head. “It’s not that, Maria. She said she doesn’t know if she loves Max anymore. That she doesn’t know if she can love.”

Maria sighed. “She doesn’t remember what happened to her, Michael. Not a single thing.”

Michael nodded slightly. “She flinched when I touched her just now, Maria. Like she was scared of me. I’d never hurt her. You know that.”

Maria sighed, coming around to sit on his lap. “Don’t take it personally, Michael. She was hurt last night. It’s going to take time.”

Michael sighed. “I’m wondering if Max will be able give her that time,” he said softly.

Maria sighed. “He better…coz otherwise I’ll have Tess zap his arse.”

Michael sighed again, knowing patience wasn’t one of Max’s strong suits. “Well, he loves her. Hopefully he’ll be able to figure out what to do,” he murmered, holding Maria tightly, as they both watched their friend sleep.
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Part 17.

Liz lay back against her pillows with her eyes closed as she listened to Michael and Maria talk quietly. She was tired, no doubt about it, but she found she was unable to go to sleep. They didn’t understand. Hell, she didn’t understand. She still felt dirty. Used. The need to have another scalding shower rose and Liz bit the inside of her cheek.

The sound of Maria and Michael talking softly continued on in the background. Liz could feel the first finger of panic tickle her spine as the need to be clean rose up again. To her bewilderment, Liz felt a tingle of electricity run through her. All she knew was that she couldn’t help but scream inwardly, the words, “Get out!” emerging over and over again in her mind.

Maria scratched her head slightly. “Come on Michael…lets go get something to eat,” she said, her mind feeling slightly foggy. Michael nodded, feeling the same way. The door closed silently behind them and Liz’s eyes snapped open at the sound.

“Oh, thank god,” she whispered as she sat up and got out of bed. Her feet hit the floor, followed by her body. Tears of frustration welled in her eyes as she used the bed to pull herself up.

Liz stumbled as she moved toward the bathroom, leaning against the wall as she slipped inside and partially shut the door. She yanked her tee shirt over her head and dropped it to the floor as she turned the hot water on. Her body hurt all over, a combination of dull aches and sharp pains. A soft, thankful sob escaped her lips as she stepped under the hot water. It scalded her skin but somehow seemed to ease the pain as it washed over her body.

Picking up the face washer that Tess had put in the shower, Liz grabbed blindly for the liquid soap, using it to scrub her body. The water turned her skin red. Liz scrubbed her shoulder, crying out in pain when the face washer came in contact with the bite mark. She dropping the soapy cloth and she reached up, brushing her fingers over the wound. A flash tore through her, bringing her to her knees as her eyes slid shut.


The ripping of cotton as her top was torn down one side of her neck.

Blinding pain mingling with her screams as teeth sank onto her soft skin.

The area where her neck met her shoulder bursting into flames as pain wracked her body.

“No…god no…”

Another scream….
echoed through the shower. Liz stuffed her fist into her mouth as she resurfaced from the flash. Her chest heaved as she fought the urge to tear at her skin with her nails. Fear crawled along just under the surface, clawing to get out as she continued to shake. Liz curled up into a ball on the floor of the shower, the water still stinging her raw skin.

Panic rose; Liz could feel her control slipping. With a soft sob, she stopped fighting her grief and fear and let it rise and spill free. Her injured eye stung from the tears with a burning sensation as scalding to her skin as the water that ran over her trembling body. She could hear footsteps echoing in her room and then a pause just before they came to the bathroom.

“Oh Liz.”

Liz looked up into her mother’s gentle eyes and cried harder. Nancy reached up and turned the water off. She winced when she felt how hot it was and moved quickly to grab a towel. Flicking it out, she wrapped the soft cloth around Liz’s body and helped her daughter to her feet. Liz stumbled but her mother tightened her grip as she helped her back to bed.

Jeff turned away as Nancy helped Liz get dressed, his back ramrod straight with hidden anger towards his wife. She had finally caught a flight in and then they had fought the whole way to the hospital. She didn’t have a reason for taking her time, just using the price of tickets as an excuse.

“There you go baby,” Nancy said gently, covering Liz up as her daughter sank into the pillows.

Nancy sat by Liz’s bed, reaching for her little girl’s hand. She shot a look at Jeff when Liz shrank back, pain visible in her eyes. “Where were you mum?” Liz asked softly, tears still streaming down her face. Nancy looked down at her hands. “I couldn’t get a flight out Lizzie…I came as soon as I could.” Jeff was unable to stop the snort that slipped past his lips and Liz wouldn’t help but catch the looks her parents were shooting at each other.

Liz sat up, wincing in pain as she stared at her parents. “What’s going on?” she demanded in a quiet whisper.

“What do you mean Lizzie?” Nancy asked nervously.

Jeff snorted again. “She’s practically an adult Nancy…treat her like one,” he spat angrily.

Nancy sighed. “I was looking at apartments in Florida,” she began.

“Why?” Liz interrupted, fear beginning to trickle back into her body.

Nancy looked up with a sigh. “Your father and I are separating Lizzie.”

Liz turned to face her father, seeing the raw grief and anger that was blazing out of his eyes. “Daddy?” she croaked.

Jeff sighed again. “I’m sorry, Lizzie. Your mother informed me of her decision just before she left.”

Liz swung her gaze back to her mother, searching the older woman’s face and eyes for answers. “Who is he?” she spat suddenly. Nancy paled, shaking her head in denial even as her hand rose to toy with the crucifix she wore around her neck.

“There isn’t anyone else Liz. But I know in my heart that if your father and I don’t do this now, I’ll grow to hate him as I’ve grown to hate Roswell, and all it represents,” her mother said softly. Liz stared at her mother in shock. She could see the misery in her mother’s eyes as well as the dark circles under her eyes. Her mother looked suddenly old. Worn. Liz turned her head slowly, looking up at her father.

He too looked older. More tired. Unhappy. “Daddy...what will happen to me?” Liz asked quietly. Jeff sighed.

“That’s your decision baby. If you want to go and live with your mom, that’s OK. I’ll see you on the holidays.”

Liz nodded, then turned to look at her mother. “Did you try marriage counselling?” she asked quietly.

Nancy shook her head. “I love your father, Liz. I always will. But I can’t stay here anymore. In Roswell. I need to get out.”

Liz looked down at her hands. “What about me?” she asked softly.

Nancy reached out, taking Liz’s hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. “You are the best thing in my life, Liz. I’ve never regretted having you or marrying your father. You have to believe me.”

Liz nodded slowly. “I know.”

Nancy swallowed, trying to stop the tears from welling in her eyes. “But?” she asked.

Liz sighed. “I’m staying here with Dad. I have my friends here. School. And Dad needs help with the café. School finishes in a few weeks and I’m gonna be a senior next year.” Nancy nodded. Deep down inside, she’d known that her daughter would stay. But it still hurt.

“Well, maybe you can come out in the summer for a week or so…. if you want to that is,” her mother hurried on. Liz nodded and Nancy sighed. “Liz…I’m so sorry baby.”

Liz shrugged. “If I come out…. can I bring some friends?” she asked.

Nancy nodded. “I’d like that.” Nancy held her daughter’s gaze for a long time before standing up. “I’ll go get some coffee,” she mumbled.

Liz turned then to face her father, who was trying to hide his grief.


Jeff looked over at her. “Yeah, baby?” he asked.

Liz held her arms out and Jeff moved to sit beside her, gathering her in close. “I love you,” she whispered. Jeff nodded even as he continued to fight his tears. “We’ll be OK, Daddy,” Liz whispered.

Jeff pulled back, cupping his daughter’s face in his hands and pressing his lips to her nose. “This might be a bit selfish baby…but I’m so glad you’re staying with me,” he whispered. Liz nodded as she closed her eyes and snuggled up next to Jeff, listening to her father’s steady heartbeat.

“Me too,” she mumbled into his shirt.

Part 18.

Max watched as Nancy and Jeff Parker left Liz’s room, their bodies held tensely as they walked away. He waited until they were out of sight before approaching Liz’s door. He opened it silently, peeking through the small opening he’d made. Liz was standing by the windows, gazing down at the car park. Max slipped into the room quietly, shutting the door behind him.

Walking over to Liz, he stood behind her, watching in silence as her parents fought as they approached the car. “They’re getting divorced,” Liz said softly. Max glanced down at her. He hadn’t realised she knew he was there.

“I’m sorry, Liz,” he whispered. Liz shrugged, raising her hand and pressing it against the glass.

“Doesn’t matter,” she said softly.

“How are you feeling?” Max asked gently. Liz turned slightly, looking up at him through her good eye.

“How do you think I feel, Max?” she asked quietly. “I want to go home, Max,” she continued before he could answer. “I want things to go back to being normal.”

Max looked down at her again. “When did they say you could go home?” he asked quietly.

Liz sighed. “Depends on the infection in my shoulder,” she admitted.

Max’s hands started tingling, and he clenched them tightly to stop himself from just grabbing her and doing whatever he could to heal her. “Do you want me to fix it?” he asked softly. Liz looked up at him, the answer “no” on the tip of her tongue. But then she saw the look in his eyes. Fear. He was scared she would push him away again. And even though her skin crawled with the thought of being touched, she nodded anyway.

Max stepped away, giving her room to get to the bed. Michael had already told him that Liz had flinched when he touched her and the fear that she would shy away from him was a physical weight. Liz walked unsteadily over to the bed, suddenly tired of fighting. Sitting up on the bed, she watched as Max approached and sat down beside her. Her mother had dressed her in a zip front hooded sweatshirt and Liz’s hands trembled as she tugged the zip down slightly.

Max reached out, brushing the edge of her shirt off of her shoulder. The bite mark came into view and Max swallowed hard when he saw the injury. Liz tensed up at his touch but Max met her eyes. “I won’t hurt you, Liz,” he said softly, a pleading note entering his voice as he held her gaze. Liz nodded, wincing in pain as Max’s hand closed over the bite mark.

He met her gaze again, and was in. Images tore through him. Max watched helplessly as he held on tightly to Liz. He could feel Liz fighting him, trying to keep him from seeing too much, but now that he was in, he could feel everything…see everything. And as hard as she fought to get him out, he fought harder to stay in. Her walls were down for the first time in a long time and he needed to see it all.

“NO! You're not Max, OK?'re like a shape shifter. You are like some other kind of alien, with, like, the ability to look like Max with that beard and those...and those grey hairs.”

“Hello beautiful….”

“You want me to help you and Tess get together?”

“I can smell your fear….”

“I need you to help me fall out of love with you.”

“I’m going to enjoy this….”

“We eloped. We were 19.”

“I wonder if his highness will want you when I’m finished…”

“Just 25 minutes before I came here, I held Michael in my arms...dead. Isabel died two weeks before that. Now you have to do this. You have to find a way. All of our lives depend on it.”

“You might die yet baby…but not before I’m done….”

“Don't you realize what you are to me...and you're always gonna be? You're the love of my life…everyone else is gonna be second best.”

“Oomph.” Max landed on the floor with a thud, the connection with Liz severed. Liz yanked her top back up, her eyes flashing anger. “Get out,” she hissed, her chest heaving. Max looked up at her in surprise. “Just get out,” she repeated.

“Liz…. Please,” Max whispered desperately. Liz shook her head as her lower lip started to tremble.

“I didn’t say you could have a free invitation to walk around in my head, Max. You did that. How could you?”

Max scrambled to his feet. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, still reeling from what he’d seen and heard. He shook his head, coming out of the trace-like state he’d been in.

“Get out!” she cried as tears started to well in her eyes.

Max saw the tears and Isabel’s words came back to him. “You need to do this like a band-aid. Do it quick…it’ll hurt less…”

“No,” he said firmly but gently.

Liz looked like she’d seen a ghost.


Max gave her a look that seared through her broken soul. “I’m not going anywhere.” Max stood up slowly, using his height to his advantage. “You continually push me away. No more.”

Liz scrambled from the bed, putting distance between them. Max shrugged, walking around the end of the bed and toward the door. Liz felt a wave of panic as Max locked the door and turned back to face her. “You’re going to tell me what the hell it was I just saw. What the hell it was that you did. And you’re going to tell me now.”

Liz shook her head. “What’s done is done, Max. It’s in the past,” she hissed.

Max shook his head again. “No, it isn’t. It just happened for me. Please Liz.”

Liz lost her temper. Max’s prodding was opening up a wound she had thought she had kept tightly closed. “Fine Max! You want to know what happened?”

“Yes!” he shouted. “I want the truth, Liz. For once, stop lying to me. What happened?”

Liz smirked slightly as she leaned against the bed. “You did, Max. You happened.” Max stopped short at her words and Liz stood up straight. “I’m not telling you much more than that, Max. But it was you. I only did what you asked me to do.”

“I need you to help me fall out of love with you.”

Max shook his head. “No. I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t ask you to do that.”

Liz shook her head. “Yes, Max…you would.” A single tear slid down her face. “You did.”

Max looked at Liz and knew she was really talking about him not loving her, not whether or not some crazy future version of him would ask her to try and make him stop caring for her. “I do love you, Liz.” Liz smiled sadly even as she turned her back on him and crawled into the bed.

“You don’t love me, Max.” Liz turned to face him again. “You love the memory of me. Now please…just…go.”

Max crossed the room quickly, cupping her face in his hands. “I do love you, Liz.”

Liz smiled sadly. “Maybe Max.” Liz raised her gaze, tears blurring her sight. “But I don’t love you.”

Max swallowed hard, feeling a sharp pain in his heart caused by her words. She believed them. He could tell. Just as he could tell she was lying to herself again. He just needed time. They both did. “I’ll leave you alone then,” he mumbled.

Liz nodded, turning her head away from him. And when she heard the door open and close…that’s when she gave way to her tears. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

Max stood on the other side of the door, and her words gave him hope. They just needed time.
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Post by kerri240879 »

Abbs baby!! Baaaaaaaaaaaaa! :lol:

Part 19.

Jim walked back into the lounge room, a mug of steaming hot chocolate in his hand. He paused at the doorway, his eyes softening slightly as he watched Kyle fuss over Tess. Kyle had helped her to the couch and wrapped her up in the blankets he slept in at night. They were sitting side-by-side with Kyle holding onto Tess’s hand. As Jim watched another tear slid down Tess’s face. Kyle reached out and wiped it away, all the while stroking the back of her hand with his thumb.

“Here you go sweetie…three spoons of chocolate, three of sugar, and one of tabasco…six marshmallows melting…just how you like it,” Jim said softly, handing Tess the steaming cup.

Tess’s hands started trembling, so much so that she spilt a small amount of the hot liquid. Kyle took her cup, setting it down on the coffee table and moving closer to her. Jim sat down on the coffee table, his eyes filled with worry and compassion. T ess looked down at her hands before taking a deep breath.

“I need to tell you both something. If you want me to leave afterwards, I’ll understand. But I still want to tell you,” she began softly.

Jim’s eyes narrowed and without a word, he shifted from the table to sit on the other side of Tess. Tess glanced at him before lowering her gaze to the floor again. Taking another deep breath, she began to speak, her spine ridged, fear emitting from her every fibre. Her hands twisted together but her voice never wavered.

“When I first came out of the pods, Nasado was waiting for me. I couldn’t talk. I didn’t know how too. But I knew I would be safe with him. He bundled me into his coat and took me with him. He taught me to talk. How to live as a human. How to use my powers. And he taught me about Antar.”

“I was told from day one that Zan would recognise me straight away and that we would resume our great love. That we had a destiny together and that destiny was to return home. I would go to sleep every night, dreaming about the day I would be reunited with my husband. How he would see something in me…recognise me and love me again.”

Tess sighed. “When I first started getting my…you know…Nasado started telling me that I had to get pregnant with Zan’s child. When I objected, he punished me.”

“How?” Kyle croaked.

Tess glanced at him before shaking her head. “Doesn’t matter how, Kyle. I’d been with Nasado for six years by this stage, when he started to change. We were always on the move. Never in the one place for very long. I was schooled at home…Roswell was the first school I ever attended. That’s when he really started driving destiny home to me.”

Tess sighed again. “Nasado treated humans badly from the start. He told me they were worthless. Lower beings. Not fit to breath the same air we did. I lost count of the amount of times he killed someone, whether it was using his powers, or using human methods. But the outcome was always the same. He made me get rid of the body. He told me he was training me for the greater good.”

“I remember when we were in Nevada. I met a local boy. We became friends, something I hid from Nasado. We had a lot in common in a way. We were both lonely. We were both hiding who we really were. I liked him.”

Tess sighed again. “Liam gave me my first real kiss. He was slightly older than I was but that didn’t matter. He thought I was beautiful. I knew he was beautiful. He had the most amazing soul. Of course Nasado found out and promptly put a stop to it. He found us in the lounge room studying and revealed to Liam just who I was. Then he killed him in front of me.”

“We went to New York when I was thirteen and met up with Cal Langley. That’s when I realised something was up with Nasado. Something big. Cal took one look at me and asked Nasado to leave me with him. Nasado refused, to the point that he nearly killed Cal. I never met the other set while I was there but I remember Cal saying that his Zan would be pissed if he knew what Nasado was planning.”

Tess rubbed her temples slightly before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. “When the signal went off, Nasado dragged me out here. He knew this was where the others were. He’d always known. He’d watched over Max and Liz while they slept in the desert after finding the orb.”

“We studied them first. What they ate. Where they lived. What classes they took. Who their friends were. What their new names were. Nasado had been watching them for a while by this time and he had already killed Michael’s foster father Hank. I saw Isabel first. And I watched her in silence as she flirted with Alex. I was so jealous. I had missed out on being with them for ten years. When I told Nasado, he punished me again. Called me ungrateful.”

“When I made myself known, I lied, used people, manipulated them, mind warped them. And I thought that this was what was the right thing to do. I used every trick in the book to take Max from Liz. And the whole time, Nasado was reminding me of my destiny. What I had to do. It didn’t matter that I was becoming friends with people like me. That I was becoming friends with humans. I had a destiny.”

“Over the spring Nasado found out that Alex was a computer wiz. He told me to mind warp Alex into decoding the book. For the first time in my life, I said no. And he broke my jaw for the effort. Of course he healed me. But that was three days later, when I collapsed from lack of food and water.”

“He told me then what destiny was. I had to use any means possible to get pregnant with Max’s child, return home, and deliver the three of them to Kivar. Kivar had made the deal with Nasado forty years ago. I would then stand at his side as his queen and watch as the other three were publicly executed.” Tess felt both men stiffen at her words, tears springing to her eyes as she kept her gaze trained firmly on the floor.

“Nasado concocted the whole plan. He would make it seem that Alex had been sent to Sweden, when in fact he would be in a local university, decoding that damn book. I told him then that overuse of the mind warps would kill Alex, but he didn’t care. He wanted to go home and I was his ticket. He expected me to follow his plan to the letter.”

“I started to fight Nasado again when he took Liz and Max was caught by the FBI. When he went to Washington, it was easier to say that things were going to plan, because he couldn’t see me lie. But I had my own destiny now. And that didn’t include the one he had made for me all those years ago.”

“When Nasado was killed, I cried. The others thought I was mourning him but to be completely honest, I was relieved. I was finally free of him. Free of his deal. Free to be me. But by then it was too late. The others didn’t trust me and I knew I had blown any chance of becoming their friends.”

Tess sighed again. “I remember when I first mind warped Max into kissing me. It was raining, and it was cold. The sky was clear though, the moon full. And the entire time we were kissing, I felt like crying, because I could literally taste his love for Liz. And I knew I’d never stand a chance.”

Tess stood up, shrugging out of the blanket and going to stand by the window. “I can’t change what has happened. But I am sorry.”
She turned slowly, facing Jim and Kyle. “I’ll go and pack now. I’ll be out of here within an hour. Thank you for taking me in though. For letting me be a part of your family for a time.”

Jim held his hand up before she could move.

“Have you done any of the things he’d planned?” he asked quietly.

Tess shook her head and Jim glanced at Kyle before standing up and crossing over to Tess. He cupped her face in his hands, his steady gaze locking with hers.

“Then why the hell are you packing?”

Tess swallowed hard, her voice husky. “You want me to stay?”

Jim smiled before pulling her into his arms. “We want you to stay.”

Tess nodded. Jim’s next words caused her to start crying and laughing at the same time.

“But you’re grounded until you’re thirty.”


Part 20.

The line, “You…off my planet,” is Lelea’s line from “Failsafe,” and I’m using it with her permission.

Liz wiped her eyes quickly when the door to the room swung open ten minutes later. Her eyes widened when a large bunch of flowers walked through the door. Flowers that had legs… “Shit!” Kyle’s voice came ringing out as he bumped into a chair. Liz smiled slightly. Tess’s soft giggle echoed around the room as she helped Kyle put the flowers on the bedside table. Kyle peeked at Liz and then started laughing as he bent to rub his knee.

“Damn chair…damn florist,” he joked. Liz smiled again as he bent down and brushed his lips over her hair. “How you doing, Liz?” he asked, sitting down in the chair as Tess climbed onto the bed close to Liz’s knees.

Liz shrugged. Tess studied her face closely. “You’ve been crying again…do you want to talk about it?” she asked bluntly.

Liz shrugged. “Max came by. He healed my shoulder and took a peek while he was in there,” she whispered.

Tess’s mouth tightened slightly, but it was Kyle who beat her to the punch. “He what!” he exploded softly.

Liz shrugged again. “Doesn’t matter. I asked him to leave, so he did.” Kyle nodded, glancing at Tess as he did. Tess was composed, but he could see her anger just below the surface.

They made small talk before Kyle said he had to get going. He needed to burn the kitchen down. Tess grinned, before straightening up. “You know what Liz…I forgot the ice cream. I’ll be back soon, OK?” Liz nodded. Tess stood up and gave her a quick hug. Kyle gave Liz another kiss before following Tess down to the car park.

“Where to, little lady?” Kyle asked, even though he already knew the answer. He’d seen the look in Tess’s eyes and was planning on enjoying the show. “Max’s house Kyle. Then the supermarket for the ice-cream,” Tess said quietly, her anger still seething just below the surface. The ride was a quick one and before they knew it Tess was knocking sedately on the Evans’ front door.

Max opened the door and Tess schooled her face into a smooth mask of indifference. “Hi Tess…Kyle,” Max said quietly.

Tess smiled at him sweetly. “Are your parents home Max?” she asked. Kyle hid a grin. Max was about to get a lesson in alien smack down 101.

“No…just Isabel, Alex, Michael and Maria,” Max said, letting Tess and Kyle into the house.

Tess turned to face him. “Good.”

Max never knew what hit him. Tess used her powers on him, hitting him fair in the chest and sending him flying into the lounge room where the others were waiting. He hit the floor with a thud. Tess stalked into the room as the others jumped up. “Tess!” Isabel cried in horror as Max struggled to his feet. Tess flicked her fingers at him. Max yelped in pain as he grabbed his arse, feeling the strong sting as if Tess had physically hit him.

“You bastard,” she seethed, flicking him once more. Max yelped again and Kyle laughing softly as he sat down in the armchair. Alex covered his own grin as Isabel wrung her hands. Michael sprung up to defend Max. Tess pointed at him as he took a step towards her. Kyle became helpless with laughter when Michael sat down meekly. The general was scared of a tiny blonde. Too funny in Kyle’s opinion.

“How could you Max!” Tess cried. “You know what she’s been through, and you waltz on in and demand answers. Well fuck you very muchly, but who do you think you are? Stay away from her Max, or so help me god, you won’t need a ship to get home, coz I’ll kick your arse so hard, that you’ll go into orbit without one!” Maria clamped her hand over her mouth, smothering her laughter as she saw the funny side of the situation.

Max sat up, rubbing his stinging arse as he glared at Tess. “What would you know, Tess?” he cried. “You don’t know how I’m feeling…”

Tess flicked her fingers again and Max yelped again as he bit his tongue. “Stop right there Max! Frankly, I don’t give a rat’s arse how you’re feeling. I only care about how Liz is feeling…or did you forget that she’s in the hospital coz someone tried to rape her last night?”

Tess’s comment was as successful as a bucket of ice water. Tess didn’t see how the others had reacted - she was so intent on her focus with Max. Max paled, but he continued to stare at Tess, engaged in a silent battle of wills with her. “She’s keeping something from me Tess…something big. And I want to know what it is,” Max said quietly, willing her to understand. But as Kyle knew, Tess was like a rabid dog when she was protecting someone she cared about. And Liz was number one on that list at the moment. She’d made that clear once her tears had finally dried after she revealed her story.

“Did you ever consider Max, what she wants? Of course you didn’t. Because you’re the king. Fuck everyone else, hey?” Max swallowed hard as Tess took a step towards him. “You want to know so bad? Look inside yourself, Max. What has Liz done since the day you told her you were an alien?”

Max glanced at the floor. “Helped us,” he mumbled.

Tess clapped her hands sarcastically. “Give the King a cookie! Everything she’s ever done is about helping us. Protecting us. No matter the cost, Max. Now ask yourself this. Why would she ‘sleep’ with Kyle?” Max shrugged, Kyle shooting a worried glance at Maria as Tess stood over Max. Tess shook her head. “Think hard Max. Who did she push you towards?”

Max glanced up at Tess. “You,” he whispered.

“Right. Why would she do that Max?”

Max shrugged again but Isabel spoke up softly. “Because of destiny?”

Tess smirked, shaking her head as she stared at Max. “Think along the lines of our powers, Max. We’re stronger as a group.” Max nodded, even as he frowned.

“Now what would happen if say, Michael left?” Tess asked softly. Max frowned again. “We’d be weaker as a group,” he said slowly.

Tess clapped her hands again. “Another cookie for Max,” she spat. “Now Max…if Michael was gone…and our enemies suddenly invaded…would we win? Or would we all die?” Max heard Maria’s sharp intake of breath and swung his head to look at her. Maria had gone pale, as had Michael. Neither of them would meet his eyes, a piece of the puzzle snapping into place.

“You both know.” Max looked back at Tess. “So do you.”

Tess held her hand up, silencing him with a warning look. “I found out yesterday when I connected with her. So I know more than Maria who Liz told. Maria has obviously told Michael. But I know how Liz felt. I know what it cost her Max. No offence to Maria, but she doesn’t. I know, because I lived it as if it had only just happened. But that’s not the point Max.”

Tess took a deep breath, trying to get a hold of her anger. “You knew Liz was in the hospital because someone attacked her. She was weak. Defenceless. And you walked in and tried to get your own way again.”

Max stood up in anger, towering over Tess. “How do you know this, Tess? How would you know details? It’s almost like someone came back in time and told you, which is imposs…”

“It was you.”

Liz’s words floated to the front of his mind. Max shook his head. “That’s impossible,” Max whispered, his face paling again.

“Just 25 minutes before I came here, I held Michael in my arms...dead. Isabel died 2 weeks before that. Now you have to do this. You have to find a way. All of our lives depend on it.”

Max shook his head again, stumbling back and sitting down with a thud. “No…she would have come to me,” he whispered.

Tess shook her head again. “Really Max? What if you told her not too?”

Tess stepped away from Max, turning to face Kyle. “Can you take me back to the hospital please, Kyle?” she asked wearily. Kyle nodded just before Tess left the room without another word. Kyle turned to face Max, staring across the room at him until Max raised his gaze. Kyle pointed at Max.

“Stay away from her, Max.”

Michael snorted and Kyle turned his gaze toward the alien who had helped make his life a living hell since helping Liz. Kyle shot him a glare before pointing at him and Max. “You! Off my planet!” With that he stalked after Tess, leaving a quiet group behind.

Max turned to face Maria, who simply shook he head. “Not my story to tell, Max. You’ll need to talk to Liz. But with her permission this time…or I’ll help Tess kick your arse,” she added as a warning.