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Post by Fehr'sBear »


With my headphones tucked in my ears, and the radio blasting my favorite station, I dance around the house, vaccuming. Living with guys has it's ups: namely having Michael so close, but then again they are total and complete slobs. I've been using all my time off just to clean up around the house so it looks presentable. I mean, what if someone stopped by and there was an empty beer can and a greasy paper plate on the coffee table. Disgusting. But at least the cleaning's relaxing.

A noise starts to blare through my music, interrupting the cleaning zen, so I throw my headphones off angrily, ready to yell at Michael for blasting Metallica too loud. But the house is eerily silent. Except for a ringing phone, which stops as the answering machine picks up.

"Hi... it's Isabel. I'm going to be late getting home. I have a meeting with a client. When I get home, I need... I need to talk to everyone. There's something going on."

I listen to the message, then play it back again, shutting off the vaccum. Did Isabel sound worried or was it just me. Picking up the phone, I dial her cell. "C'mon, Isabel, pick up...hello?"
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Yeah, this is all my stuff," he says as he nods towards his bags. "Everything else is in the trunk."

"So, he have any idea you've got a brother?"
I snort. "Yeah right. The guy has given me one speech about how this was "His room and Im just another object of the furniture." He also then added that he didn't want to ever hear a whisper from me and to keep out of his life...real friendly guy." I say rolling my eyes.

I rock on my chair slightly, at a loss for what to do or say. I cant believe I let my brother in my room...I must have lost all sense of reality when I thought this could work.
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Post by NightshadeIsis »


I'm never going to see the end of my shift. I just want to get out of here, shower, and crash. This place stays busy, and I don't mean "STEADY." I mean so busy that you barely have time to scratch your nose, and even if you dared to scratch your nose in the kitchen, you'd be suspended on a health violation. Stupid. It's absolutely stupid.

"Michael, am I ever going to get that steak I ordered...say...about twenty minutes ago?"

I look up to see one of the servers from up front, Janice, coming back to rag on me yet again. She she go pro in that sport. The girl would win the gold in record time, I swear she would. Looking over at her with a completely disinterested look, I sigh.

"Well, that depends," I say. "On if they want it WELL DONE, like they ask for it, or if they basically want a dead cow skinned and bleeding and slapped on the plate. They want that then here...knock yourself out." I scooped up the steak from the grill onto my spatula and hold it up for her, to which I got my typical look of disgust from Janice as she waved it away. Fighting to hide the smirk of contentment that I had grossed her out, I go back to work as she sighed in aggravation.

"I ordered that twenty minutes ago!"

"Yeah, well so did everyone else that came BEFORE those yuppies. They're not the only ones who asked for food, J."

"Do you have to be such a disgusting pain?" she asks.

"Well if you don't like it, I could always just stop working all together and leave you girls short a cook in the kitchen. I'm sure that'll get food out faster."

"You wouldn't dare!"

Wrong words. I toss the spatula down and turn to lean against the counter, not doing a blasted thing, my arms crossed as I whistle contently while staring off across the room. After a moment, Janice yelps louldy in frustration, tossing her hands in the air, to which I can't help but smirk. I just love annoying her. Maybe I should make it a sport, not HER.

"ALRIGHT!" she exclaims. "Just get it done, like YESTERDAY!"

"Well," I say sarcastically, picking up the spatula and going back to the grille. "Since you asked so nicely." Janice stormed out of the kitchen so quickly it could have been a record, but I paid it no mind. I was too busy sighing in a mixture of happiness that I had once again put Princess Waitress in her place, and in annoyance at where I was. I so couldn't stand this job.
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Post by Buffsteraddict »

Occ~ Damn, so sorry it took so long for me to start posting. Anyway's, here I am. Finally.


I look up at the huge building in front of me. Worthington University. I'm so excited, this is going to be an amazing experience. I've been working my butt off my entire high school life for this.

I walk across the large campus, students are milling about, books in hand. Some are walking around with friends, sipping coffee.

I enter the building and walk up the stairs. I'm holding the piece of paper that has all the information about my new roomate and my room number. I walk down the hall, looking at each and every door to see if it corresponds to the number I have on my paper.

About 10 minutes of searching, I finally find the room. I stand in front of the door and take a deep breath before lifting my hand up and knocking on the wooden door.



I'm standing by my desk, placing my books on it and unpacking my clothes. I just got here about two hour's ago and there's still so much to see around the campus and around the dorm's, the place is just so big.

Before I have the chance to grab another book from my bag, my cell phone starts to ring and I quickly grab it and glance down at the caller i.d. I smile and click the talk button, holding the small phone up to my ear.

"Hey there, beautiful," I say, smiling into the phone.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


Sitting at the bar I chew my nails nervously. (Bad habit from childhood) I always do this when I'm anxious. Why? You wonder am I sitting here ruining a perfectly good manicure, because I am pretty sure I heard those guys talking about demons, and it didn't seem like the metaphoric ones that nag at you ,because you forgot to tell your boyfriend you love him before you left the house. I'm talking the real life in your face goopy messing human hurters.

I finally get my order ,but I find that I'm no longer hungry. Instead I pay for my breakfast and get my coffee to go. I need to talk to Willow. Maybe she could help me figure out what to do. What can I do? There's two cute guys who know demons are real. What am I going to stake them ,because they know too much? No, but I can keep an eye on them. Hastily I follow the hot one back to where his 'brother' (overheard that part) lives. Hmmm appears he's moving in. That should be interesting.

Sticking to the shadows I try to remain invisable to the unsuspecting strangers. The blonde one is so mysterious. I can't quite figure him out and that bothers me. They seem normal enough. The brunette seems wound a little tight ,but decent enough. maybe I just heard wrong. I'm sure it was just a big misunderstanding. Even if it's not what am I gonna do? Go up to them with one of those 'Hello I'm the Slayer' stickers. Much to my dismay we still haven't got to print those up.

Giles said it would look tacky. Personally I think it would save time having to explain to everybody that yes I am a cute petite blonde with super powers. Why is that concept so hard to grasp? Oh well, I make my way outside of the building and retreive my cell out of my pocket. Dialig Will's number I wait until she picks up. Sadly enough I get her voice mail. At the sound of the beep I do as instructed. "Hey will it's me. You won't believe what I..." Then out of the corner of my eye I see the strange hottie unloading some boxes. "I'll call ya back." Shutting the phone I dart around a corner trying to remain inconspicous. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"Well, we'll keep out of his life if he doesn't get in my way," I say with a grin, breaking the silence. I get up off the bed and rummage through my bags, looking for dad's book.

"I want to-" After another quick look, I realize it's not in there. "Hey, I'm gonna go grab some more stuff out of the car. Dad's book and junk. I wanna show you something."

He gives me a nod, and I exit the dorm room, making my way back to the car quickly. The book better be in there, or we're screwed.

When I search the trunk, thank god it's there, and I grab it and a few other things in a box before going back around the corner.

Unfortunately for me and the box, there is someone around the corner, and I collide with whoever it is, dropping the box, thankfully unopened. "Oh. Umph. Sorry."
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


Well, okay so I got a little distracted by the way his muscles bulged sexily as he brought a box out of the rather nice looking car. Maybe I can blame it on his good looks that caused me not to realize he was headed right for me. We collided rather ungracefully and he muttered an appologetic, "Oh. Umph. Sorry." Running a distracted hand through my dishelved hair I reply, "No problem." Something about the way his eyes glitter in the sunlight causes me to stand mesmorized for a moment.

What am I doing? I'm supposed to be investigating him not checking him out. Plus, my love life is way too confusing right now. Riley and I haven't been broke up for a couple of months and now I'm living with the guy I was in love with for three years. So... now is not the time for crushes. Even if he is devastatingly handsome. Well, he's out during the day so he's not a card carrying member of the undead. That's always a bonus. "Um.. do you need some help?" I offer motioning to the box.

Okay, such a lame excuse to talk to him ,but I've been out of the dating game for a while. Riley and I never really actually dated. We went straight into a relationship, and before that it was Angel, and the best we ever got was a cold cup od coffee and conversations of demon fighting strategy. I never just get to be the girl. I have to be the warrior. Well, we all moved here to fight whatever darkness is stirring ,but I want this to be a beneficial move. I need to make a new start. Starting with Mr. Too Cute and all trouble here. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


When I look up, I see the hot blonde from the diner. The one that had been making things out of sugar packets. Coincidence? I actually have to wonder about this one, just because of what I'd been talking about with Dean.

"No problem, Um.. do you need some help?" She asks, running a hand through her hair as she motions to the boxes I dropped. I could easily lift the both of them, but this girl is extremely good looking, and it'd be nice to know her name at least. I'm gonna be in Boston for a while, and I'm gonna need some 'friends'.

"Sure, thanks," I say, trying to look relieved as I hand her the smaller box that had fallen out of the larger one. "The name's Dean, by the way."
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


He smiles and seems relieved at my offer, but the smile doesn't reach his eyes. He acts suspicious of my intentions and with good reason. I am trying to figure out how he knows about the scary things that go bump in the night."Sure, thanks," I try to stifle a giggle when he hands me the smaller box. In all honesty I could probably throw this guy over my shoulder and carry him. Sometimes super human strength has it's advantages. "The name's Dean, by the way." He replies and then waits patiently for me to return the favor.

"I'm Buffy. Buffy Summers." I admonish with a gentle smile as I follow him into the building. "So... I'm assuming from the boxes that your moving in. Did you get a single or do you have a roomate?" Oh that probably wan't a good lead in question. What if he wants to know where I live. It's not like I can say that I'm living with three men and only one is under the age of 30. That would look really great. Especially since one happens to me an ex.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"I'm Buffy. Buffy Summers," she says with a small laugh as she picks up the box. I get the feeling she's far from weak, or knows I'm just using her helping me as an excuse to talk to her. Whatever. So, Buffy. That's a cute name. Smiling at her, I start walking towards Sam's hall.

"So... I'm assuming from the boxes that your moving in. Did you get a single or do you have a roomate?" She asks, and I look at her, a little confused for a second. Roommate? What? Oh.

"Oh, I'm not in college," I start, figuring that's not giving away too much. "I'm...visiting my brother, and he's letting me stay in his room for a few days until I can find another place to stay." Well, that sounds truthful enough.
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