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Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 11:05 pm
by kerri240879
Thats how i see him too! or like this....Image

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 12:17 am
by femmenerd
This is my Zan.


Or the closest I've found anyway.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 12:22 am
by kerri240879

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:13 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
Wow, he's pretty! I wouldn't kick him out of my bed. Um.... You know like ifhe was already there. :oops:

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 11:07 pm
by candygirl1012
New to the awakened dreamers forum

I just wanted to recommend some fics

Duplicity by hipntrendy on the archive boards

Secret of Zan by Dmartinez it's on her board. This is really good. If your a m/l shipper or a z/l shipper you will be happy. It's the reason i like it so much.

aftermath by breathless. this is actually a M/L fic but she intro zan. very good read. offers a diff view of the alien mythology. Completed board

afterburn by breathles. this continues with Zan story Alien Abyss

Bennie has a fic of Z/L I can't remember the name.

check the roswell link thread for this board.

No one's mentioned A dupe jones by pinkybanana. one of the best fics written. archive board or dead and buried

does anyone have any others?

One of the reasons i like Zan is because he doesn't seem like he'd be such a pushover like Max. Max let everyone decide for him who he should be with instead of taking a stand.i was always wondering how he got to be king. He probably needed help deciding which shirt to wear to school. Zan would never let anyone dictate his decisions.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 11:26 pm
by femmenerd
Hey thanks for the recs! Got any links?

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 4:00 pm
by Taty
Hi, I just found this topic and I agree with you: Zan is a very good character.
Thanks for posted some links to FF, I'll definitely take a look at that. I noticed that is not so easy to find FF about Zan/Liz (or maybe I would search better.... :? )
About the goatee... I don't like it so much, but it's part of Zan so...
I love his hair and tattoos but what it's the best is the piercing on the eyebrow, that's hot!!
And I definilty love the second pic you posted.. very good!!

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 12:41 am
by femmenerd
So....forgive me for some shameless self promotion for a minute.

I have two Awakened Dreamer fics posted on this board in case anyone wants to check them out.

One is called Second Chances and it's WIP 11 parts in and a future fic.

The other is called I Want You and it's a short story - 3 parts and complete. Very NC17 in which Zan is the lead singer of a punk band.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 2:17 pm
by Taty
I've read "I want you" just last week and I found it beautiful.
I wrote a story of a singer too (but it is in Italian) and the Max I described is much similar to Zan.... you know the piercing, the tattoos and the behavior. It was very funny for me writing it.
Thanks again for the links.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 5:28 pm
by harroc83
I read I want you also I was amazed really. I do enjoy the Zan charcter. But still haven't gotten around to writing him yet. I need time to think about it you know. I want to get him right. I like that side of "Max" because i dont think if Zan was by the window when he saw Kyle and Liz laying on the bed would he have walked away, he would have probably gotten in the room and kicked Kyle's ass. Max is passive and when I write Zan in my stories he is always more aggressive then Max. Always loved the bad boy, trust me. The tats, the piercings, god that is sexy. Can't sleep on Zan though. To tell you the truth I wished that Zan had survived the 2 seconds that he got on screen. It would have been fun because I have a feeling that he would have gotten Liz over Max. Also I was reading fics where Max actually joins Zan called Becoming ONe that is on the conventional couples that is good too but the author hasn't gotten deep into the Zan chacter yet but Its a good read. I have Zan in my fics Transferance and Losing My INhibtions too but I dont know I have to correct some stuff about Zan in there. Peace