Oddities [AU/CC TEEN] Thread #3

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Post by madroswellfan »

"Yeah I think so, Kyle said something about a picnic at around midday I think...why? Don't you want to come? Or do you just have a hot date you don't want to miss out on?" I joke.

I sigh. "Kyle's been speaking to Viccy....yeah....it wasn't....good..." I say.
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Post by KarenEvans »


"Nevermind" I said reassuringly rubbing his arms which he'd wrapped around me "everything will be okay."

(occ-sorry guys will not be able to post till the 1st of oct,havent' had time to read the rules but if anyone wants to take over isabel till then its fine by me.will be back definitely on the 1st)
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Hmm...I think he's going to question you, you had better be prepared for it" I say quietly.

(ooc: no problem karen! We will miss you!!!)

Post by POM »



"You know just in case we get caught...by Amy...she can be really demanding when she wants to be...trust me, I know..." I smiled at her, I looked at her..."What's wrong..." I took her face in my hands, and wiped away the extra tears on her cheeks. "I just have to do something...hand me my cell phone.." I smiled as she did so. I quickly dialed the number--"Hello...David... yeah did you get everything together, The presents...yeah...okay...well, I'm staying at a friends house right now...yeah..so could you meet us over there. Don't worry about the word 'US' and just do it...please...yeah...be there in ten minutes..Yeah I know bye." I hung up the phone. "We got 15 minutes..." I got up in quick motion...I felt the pain but I bit it back...I put on my black slacks, and Maroon button down shirt, and carefully tucked it in. and walked to put on my shoes. Now that took the longest time..."Do you think they'll mind if I don't where shoes." I laughed. "This isn't going to work..." I said grabbing the side on my chest.


What the hell are you doing Maxwell....GET IN BED!!! THE DOCTOR SAID YOU SHOULD STAY IN BED!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING?" I shouted as I walked into the room, with Jim quick to follow.


"I'm going to a benefit across town...WHY?" I asked back, trying to seem alright.

"Oh..no you don't mister...you are staying in this bed and that's final a--"

"You don't understand I have to go...I promised them, I never turn back on my word!!"

"Then they will have to understand that you are injured and you cannot attend...I'm sorry Max, but you can't go...you can't even sit down...for goodness sake!!

I knew she was right...I could barely walk for that reason, "Well if I can't go...can I send Liz for me...I already have my assitant waiting for me over at the event." I asked.

She looked at me for a long while before answering..."I suppose...." and nodded my head. "Just as long as you stay in here."

"Thank you Amy..." I smiled. She helped me back in bed as Liz came back inside the room. "Liz.." I smiled more brightly. "Plan B is in order!" I chuckled.
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Post by maxandliz4ever1357 »

<center> Liz </center>
I jumped when Max hung up the phone and got out of the bed. I was in too much shock about the upper torso he had just revealed to realize that I shouldn't have let him do get up. Turning around quickly, I heard him shuffling to get dressed. After about a minute he spoke, and I turned back around.

"This isn't going to work..." He said, doubling over in pain.

I rushed over to help him as Amy burst into the room. The two proceeded to yell at each other until Max said," Well if I can't go...can I send Liz for me? I already have my assistant waiting for me over at the event."

My breath caught as Amy gave her consent, and I didn't know what to say.

"Plan B is in order!" Max said, looking too happy for me to turn him down.

"Great, but I've never been to a benefit before... what do I do?"
<center> I was terrified and would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile? </center>

Post by POM »


"You don't have to do anything really...Amy could you give me a piece of paper and pen." I looked at her and she nodded.
Once I had the paper I wrote a note explaining my absense.

Dear Medith,

I'm sorry, I am not able to come on my own but due to an accident, I am unable to attend. Don't worry, I am fine...no need in troubleing your heart any futher. Since I will not attend...I'm am sending this check to you...you will know what to do with it. I only wish I could give more, this wonderful amazing woman that you see infront of you is my most trusted friend, do show her the kindness and respect she is needed. I will visit in two weeks time...I should be better by then.

Thank you and Take care,


Count Maxwell Evans

I handed the piece of paper to Liz, "Just take this to the hopsital instead...Give in the head nurse...Meridith Johnson. Thank you Liz, you don't know how much this means to me.." I smiled at her as she took the paper.
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Post by maxandliz4ever1357 »

(sheesh Mad, nominate everyone in this roleplay except for me! :lol: Just kidding, I don't deserve it anyway, lol.)

<center> Liz </center>

I took the letter, feeling slightly confused. "That's all? What about the banquet?" I asked, staring at him. I also felt the beginnings of jealousy; who was this women, and why did Max know her so well?

"Max, who is she?" I asked, my voice coming out much sharper than intended.
Last edited by maxandliz4ever1357 on Sat Sep 24, 2005 9:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
<center> I was terrified and would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile? </center>
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"Oh, darnit. You got me. I'll just have to get out of that date," I say, throwing my hands up in mock dissapointment. "No, really though, I think it'll be fun; it'll give us a chance to all hang out and have fun."

Post by POM »

<center> Liz </center>

I took the letter, feeling slightly confused. "That's all? What about the banquet?" I asked, staring at him. I also felt the beginnings of jealousy; who was this women, and why did Max know her so well?

"Max, who is she?" I asked, my voice coming out much sharper than intended.[/quote]


I looked at her...and nodded, "I didn't want to say anything...on my mothers side of my family... Meridith is my grandmother. She gave up her title when she was my age...I believe--and became a nurse, her family disowned her--I visit her every chance I get. I'd rather the money go to her...she'll know what to do with it. Mainly if you give it to the people at the banquet--they take half of the portions for themselves..and only give a fraction of it to the hospital. Every year, I give a check to her...and she sees that it is spent where it's needed. Not even my Dad knows that my grandmother...works there...if he found out...there nothing knowing what he'd do to me. I'm not suppose to be in contact with her, I'd care...she's my family...and that's something..that I don't have a lot of right now." I looked down at my hands and felt tears running down my face, I quickly wiped them away.
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Post by madroswellfan »

(ooc: maxandliz4ever1357 - sorry! I nominated who I thought was fair, and since I only had 3 votes I voted POM cos we're in loads of roleplays together and I love her style, Karen because I think her Isabel is spot on and Fehr'sBear because she's sooo good as Michael. I really wanted to nominate you too, but you're only allowed three. I'm really sorry!)

I smile. "Yeah it should be. But I want to hear more about this girl you had a hot date with. What's she like? I bet your gutted you can't go" I say smirking.