Oddities [AU/CC TEEN] Thread #3

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Oddities [AU/CC TEEN] Thread #3

Post by KarenEvans »

(OCC-post away people)


Post by POM »

littleroswell wrote:This is an idea I had for a fic but don't have time to write it and I think it would be fun if I wrote it with other people.

Title: Oddities

Disclaimer: No one who participates in this story owns Roswell or any of it's characters. The idea of the story was inspired by a book I read a long time ago but I don't remember the title or anything about it other than three cousins didn't live up to the expectations of society for their come out. Please don't sue as this is all for fun only.

Couples: All CC
Category: AU, romance (regency type)

Summary: Liz, Maria, Isabel, and Tess are cousins about to make their come out season. Their mothers are all sisters and they were sensational beauties in their day so there is quite a stir about their daughters' come outs. The thing is, society is in for a bit of a disappointment. Lady Isabel Banning is so tall that she almost looks like a giant to most men and it scares them off with just one look. The Honorable Miss Elizabeth Parker is far too dark in complexion and looks like the daughter of a pirate. As she does not possess society's idea of beauty, most men look past her quickly. Lady Maria Valenti is pretty enough but she has a horrible problem keeping her tongue in check. If she isn't chattering on making people around her nervous, she's giving pieces of her mind to anyone who upsets her quick temper. Her step-brother, Lord Kyle Valenti, is one who can quickly upset that temper but also is someone who has been a comfort to her when she buts heads with her mother Amy and Amy tells her just what a disappointment she is. Lady Tess Harding seems to be the only one who can uphold the family name with her beauty and her quiet, demure behavior. The other three cousins have stayed close through letters but Tess is a stranger. The thing that seems most strange about her is that she seems to dread this come out more than any of them. Lady Amy Valenti is the only one of the original sisters that is helping the cousins and they are all staying in the Valenti home. Amy may not realize it but Maria gets her sharp tongue from her, and she can be quite imposing and intimmidating when she chooses to be.

Duke Michael Guerrin, Lord Kyle Valenti, Earl Alexander Whitman, and Count Maxwell Evans are the most eligible bachelors of the ton. Not one of them has any intention of marrying but when the four cousins, daughters of the infamous Whitmore sisters, make their come out will they be able to resist the charms that the rest of the society finds less than adequate? Kyle especially is intrigued by the quiet Tess who, to the jealous horror of the rest of the young ladies of the ton making their come out, has every man's attention due to her beauty. The fact that she doesn't encourage any of them frustrates Amy and interests Kyle. Can he figure out why she seems to dread what every other girl looks forward to?

Count Maxwell loves his bachelor status and despite the best efforts of many mommas and other matrons of society, has remained so far uncaught by any young ladies. When he gets a visit from his father before the official opening of the season who says that he wants to see Max married before he dies, Max decides maybe he'll give the infamous cousins a chance. He's immediately drawn by Tess's beauty and decides she's the one but another certain one of the cousins seems to keep his attention, despite the fact that she aggravates the life out of him. (I don't want Liz and Max to hit it off right away, but kind of get thrown together a bit and them to argue a bit.)

I want this to be light and fun...flirty.

Profiles on the characters would be nice. You don't have to include pictures if you don't want. You will be expected to post regularly. If you can't post for a time, please just let me/us know. More characters might pop up from time to time and in fact, you might insert one or two where they might appear at balls or what have you. Once we have cast everyone, I'll tell you where I would like to start this off.


Lady Maria Valenti: madroswellfan
Honorable Miss Elizabeth Parker: maxandliz4ever1357
Lady Isabel Banning: KarenEvans
Lady Tess Harding:maxandliz4ever1357

Lord Kyle Valenti: KarenEvans
Count Maxwell Evans: POM
Duke Michael Guerrin: Fehr'sBear
Earl Alexander Whitman: madroswellfan

Amy and Jim Valenti: POMONA [ ME] :wink:

I want to keep this light and flirty and not rush things. So who wants to sign up?

Thank you Beth for giving me permission to take over this RPG!! All Credit go to LittleRoswell!! :D
I'm restarting this RPG...Everyone who signed up prior to this reposting still gets the characters they want! Casting Calls are still open :)


~POM~ :!: :wink:


Character Bio's Updated:

Name: Count Maxwell Evans



He is a man of high ideals and high standards. He won't settle for less than the best from yourself and others. He is intelligent, sharp, skilled, and motivated to excel. This ideal though causes animosity in some and you may get into arguments often. He also can't stand incompetence in others. But if you get to know him...he's really the complete opposite. But he only shows that to the people who he really cares for.

He grew up very wealthy...and always getting everything his heart desired. And since he was old enough to walk...he's had his eyes on the girls. He has a major repution for being a ladies man. Sometimes dating two or three women at a time. His friends... Michael, Kyle, and Alex all know this...and they also know not to leave there girls with him in the room. He easily attracts any and every girl. Kyles step sister Maria--is the only girl his charm has never worked on. He probably wants to keep it that way--she has a mouth like no other--not his type. His father wants to see him wed before he parishes--and Maxwell feels pressured into finding true love...to satisfy the likes of his parents--but who know it might just hit him with a ton a bricks or it will be just around the corner...he dosn't know... but all he knows is that time is running out! Will he find that special girl? He only hopes...and prays he will--but until that day...Bring on the girls !! LOL :wink:

TB: Fehr'sBear

Age: 20

Personality: Michael isn't always the most outgoing type, but he is smart, and can be very thoughtful and romantic when he wants to be. He is very artistic, and spends much of his time sketching, when he should be attending classes. It calms him down considerably when his easily provoked temper flares. He can be extremely protective of those around him, jealousy can fuel his temper as well. Known for being a 'stonewall', he may seem a bit cold when you first meet him; but if you get to know him, and he cares for you, then there is the chance that he'll open up, showing you a side that doesn't surface very often.

Background: Michael grew up in a wealthy family but his parents weren't the kindest of people, so he spent most of his time with his close friends. The only person that has seen the softer side of Michael is his best friend Max Evans. Michael is a bit of a loner, he doesn't usually date very often-except there is this one girl who he has seen walking around occasionally; a girl that since then has invaded his dreams...but he doesn't know her. He realizes that he probably won't ever get the chance, but little does he know he is very wrong.

Name: Maria Valenti
TB: Madroswellfan

Lady Maria Valenti is rather pretty, but she has trouble with her tongue. She often rants, argues, raves, says things she shouldn't in polite company, argues, complains and argues. In particular she argues with her Mother Amy. When the two of them get on well, things are good. But there are often times when Lord Kyle has to comfort after nasty argues with Lady Amy about how she disappoints. However, saying this Lord Kyle oftens annoys her temper too. Lasy Maria's temper can be quite nasty and Maria has problems knowing when to stop talking, and therefore making things uncomfortable for whoever is listening.
Lady Maria gets on well with her cousins, but in particular Liz. Although Maria seems confident on the outside, she often worried what people actually think of her. She doesn't have the best track record with men and on the few occasions shes met someone nice she has scared them away. She values her friendship with Liz, but is scared that Liz may not like her.
Maria's relationship with her mother is some what procarious. Although she wants to help all the cousins to be perfect for there coming out, she pressures Maria to be the best, and therefor alienates Maria. They have never been very close, and Maria is starting to pull away further from her due to the pressure being piled against her.
Maria is looking forward to teh arrival of her cousins...but at the same time is not. Although it will be great to have someone to talk to who is going through the same thing...she knows that she will be in fierce competition with them, even though she doesnt want to be

Name: Lady Elizabeth Parker
TB: maxandliz4ever1357

Age: 18

Personality: Liz is not overly headstrong, but she's not unassertive either. She knows what she wants, she has strong opinions and beliefs, and, above all, she has an extremely sharp mind. Still, in public company she usually hides these characteristics, remaining soft spoken and charming. However, if you watch her behaviors closely, you can see signs of willfulness. For example, she always looks a man in the eye, instead of glancing demurely away as is usually custom. Yet despite this, most of society is fooled by her act, thinking her the perfect lady. Or, she would be the perfect lady, were she not dark-complexioned.

Background: Liz Parker is beautiful, but in a way that is not accepted in society. She is very dark skinned, with brown hair and sparkling brown eyes. Since most men look for beauty rather than brains or personality, and since Liz Parker does not fit the usual description of beauty, most men pass her by without a thought.

Lady Liz Parker grew up in a wonderful estate, where her every wish and whim was granted. Her mother, Lady Nancy Parker, married a very rich and kind man who would buy anything and everything for his wife and daughter. Yet, even with all the pampering, Lady Liz never became spoiled or rotten. She kept a sweet, generous nature throughout her childhood, which probably came from her wonderful, caring parents. Liz’s mother taught her how to be lady-like and charming, while Liz’s father taught her about science, philosophy, mathematics, and all other subjects considered “man’s” knowledge. Due to these unique teachings, Liz’s personality reflects a balance between the two; she is the perfect lady in company, but also smart as a whip and ready to defend her thoughts

Name:Lady Isabel Banning
TB: KarenEvans


Personality-Isabel although seemingly very confidant and self-assured always has doubts about herself.This is mainly due to an over-bearing mother who has constantly pointed out her faults(not in a mean manner but her way of trying to improve her daughter).Isabel feels uncomfortable about her height,since most of the men she meets are taller than her thus she tends to withdraw to the background.However she only needs some encouragement for her wit and humour to surface.Her secret desire is to meet a man who will understand her completely and accept her as she is.

Background-Grew up in the lap of luxury.In a house full of boys she is the only daughter so was indulged by both her mother and father.She's the apple of her father's eye.Attended one of the most prestigious finishing schools in Switzerland and is now back to make her debut in society along with her cousins.

Name: Lord Kyle Valenti


Personality-Powerful and aggressive,Kyle is used to getting what he wants.Yet,that tough as nails exterior hides a softer side which only his family has seen.After having lost his own mother at the age of 6 he's become anxiously possessive of all those who are dear to him.His biggest fear is losing someone he loves again.

Background-Being the sole male heir Kyle stands to inherit three huge estates from his father.He's had the best of education money could offer and now partners his father in the family business.Kyle is also an avid sportsman,excelling in horse-riding,boxing,hockey and football.He's never shown the slightest interest in any of the women his step-mother has introduced him to,dismissing them as being artificial.However one lady has been on his mind alot of late...

Name: Lady Tess Harding

Duke Victor Van Dyke


Background-Eldest of three sons of the Duke of Genovia,small province in Switzerland.Educated in England,is a well known and respected lawyer aside from running his father's estate which was bequeathed to him on his father's death-bed.Married as per his mother's wishes but was widowed shortly after his wedding.

Personality-Very loyal to his family(part of why he married as per his mother's wishes upon his father's death),yet now realises he has to live for himself as well.He is used getting what he wants and generally does.Smooth talker,confident,handsome and ruthless,Victor has a never-say-die attitude
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Post by KarenEvans »

(OCC-reposting this from the old thread)


I laughed as I entered his room,shy men were new territory for me.All my life I'd only met men who thought they were god's gift to womankind.

Alex was a breath of fresh air..."Why'd you change?" I asked smirking
"You know,I have seen men in their swimming trunks,so boxers ain't no big deal."

"and in answer to your question-no I wasn't watching t.v.,I was waiting for you to come up.I don't know about you but I'd had enough of being probed for one night by my cousin.Thus my t.v. watching excuse." I explained while settling myself comfortably onto his bed

Post by POM »

<center> Liz </center>

I walked into the dining room and greeted everyone. "Hey guys! I'm eating upstairs with Max, can I have our plates?" I asked, watching surprise flicker on everyone's faces. "Hey, it's nothing. It's just... he's hurt, and I kind of feel responsible. Our food?" I prompted. Isabel passed me two plated, and I took them and carried them to Max's room.

"Max? I have our food..." I drifted off when I noticed he was sleeping. I closed the door quietly and set our food on the table. In sleep he looked peaceful, like an angel. "Lord, you're beautiful," I whispered.

I woke up and saw Liz sitting there next to me...looking at me. I attempted to stretch and completely forgot about the accident and cried out in pain, "I'm so stupid..." I winced, and bit the pain back. I looked back at her, "How long have you been sitting there?" I asked her but before she could answer I quickly added. "You look so beautiful with the firelight reflectin off your geougus face, I mean it..." I smiled.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Oh...right...ok......you were watching for me?" I ask as I go and sit down in the corner of the room.

"Why?" I ask confused.

I smile at him. "I don't mind, what do you want to do Michael?" I ask.
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Post by KarenEvans »


"Because I wanted to spend some time with you...but if you are too tired I'll go back to my own room." I said standing up again
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"I don't know, we could watch a movie in your room or mine or something," I say, grinning. "Or we can get back to what we were doing in the cupboard if you want," I add, putting my arms around her.
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Post by madroswellfan »

I look at Michael, and quickly look around..."Perhaps we should watch a movie..." I say and then lean closer to him..."But Im sure what we did in the cupboard doesnt have to have the requirements of being in a cupboard."

"No!" I say quickly "No no! I'm not...I just...thought you wanted to watch your program...but if your not then I would love to spend time with you...unless you really do want to watch tv or something" I say nervously.
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Post by KarenEvans »


"If I wanted to watch t.v. I'd be in my room" I said settling back down on the bed
"Why're you sitting in that corner?I don't bite"
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Oh...I know you don't." I say. I get up, and sit on the other side of the bed.