The Age of Ulyssa (AU/UC/ADULT) Thread #1

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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"You two riding with us?"

I nod not really able to process words yet. Looking at Isabel I realize how much she doesn't deserve this. She is such a beautiful and caring person. We are undoubtably going back to Michael's to figure out if this has anything to do with them and their special curcumstances. I pray for Isabel's sake that it doesn't. She may have an Ice Princess's persona, but I know her heart. Bad news would devastate her to no end, and with the conditon I seem to be in I would be useless in comforting her. Holding her hand I get in the back of the jeep. She gets in and I pull her close to me.
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Post by emmylala »


As I drive through the school parking lot I see Kyle and Tess emerge from the school. I stop the car and have Maria roll down her window "My place, 10 minutes" I say, Kyle and Tess both nod as Maria and I drive away.
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Post by M »

Thanks Emmy!


Kyle and I are walking out of the gym, silent with shock when Micheal and Maria drive by. Maria rolls down the passenger window and Michael leans across My place, 10 minutes he says before driving off.

I turn to look at Kyle, unsure of how he's feeling.

"I guess we should head over there now. Do you want to go together?"
I'm a little tentative as I'm still not totally sure of my place in the group, but Kyle and I have always gotten along and I do consider him my closest ally.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


The ride to Michael's certainly is a quiet one. What exactly are you supposed to say in a situation like this? I examine Isabel's expression. She looks just as lost as I do. I don't want this to be the wrong time, but my emotions get the better of me. I lean over and give her a soft and may I add chaste kiss on the lips. Giving her my most reassuring smile I tuck a stray hair behind her ear. then I gaze out the window. As complicated as things are between us I always want that to be simple. I love her, and will be there for her no matter what. I am not really sure all that came across in one kiss, but I hope she got the gist. :D
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Post by Anna-Liisa »


"My place, 10 minutes" Michael says, I nod with Tess and he leaves. I sighed silently under my breath. Then I hear Tess's voice. "I guess we should head over there now. Do you want to go together?" she asks.

I looked at her and nodded. "Yeah, sure" I said to her. I wasn't sure how to feel about the whole thing. Things happened too fast for me to think. I was just glad that there was someone near me right now. I didn't let my thoughs go to 'What if' questions then.
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Post by isabelle »

*Isabel* (temping for Storm)

I'm not really sure what Michael has in mind. I'm hoping he's just looking for a chance to unwind together, although I know that's not likely. My biggest fear is that he actually saw something or felt something alien. Maybe he got a flash. I would hate it if there was some reason for all this. Bad enough if it's just the usual generalized paranoia that comes with being different and hunted all your life...

I'm lost in this speculation, when Alex leans over and kisses me chastely on the lips. I blink as he pulls back, with a sheepish grin. I know he's just trying to be there for me and I appreciate it more than I could say. I should be trying to support him, too. After all, he probably knew Jason better than any of the rest of us.

I reach over and put my hand over his, giving it a gentle squeeze as I lean against Alex again. God, I hope this is all a lot of fuss over nothing...

*Max* (temping for Storm)

Liz sits next to me, not talking as we drive to Michael's house, but she doesn't seem to be distant. She's there with me in a way that reminds me of last year, before the whole Royal four thing drove her away.

I glance over and try to catch her eye. She's watching me and her eyes are full of questions. I wish I could say something to comfort her. Tell her it's all going to be okay, but it's not. Even if this has nothing to do with us... Even if the whole 'four ordinary ... four extraordinary' is just meaningless ranting ... It's still a student dead and that's going to affect the whole school, including us ...

In a few minutes we're there. I pull up in front of Michael's building and let out a sigh as I turn off the ignition. No need to announce that we've arrived. I just pocket the key and get out of the jeep.
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Post by emmylala »


As I pull up to my house, I put the car in park and shut off the engine. Maria, who's been quiet the entire ride home, looks out the window "Look, the truth is, I don't know if this has anything to do with us, but I'm gonna find out" I say feeling akward. I look away from Maria and down at my steering wheel. "I'm sorry we couldn't do anything to help him...watching his body fall like that, I just felt so... useless" Maria finally turns to look at me, I look up at her and see that she had tears in her eyes, which I wipe away with my thumb, when I notice Max’s car pull in
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Post by M »


Kyle agrees we should go together and as we walk to his car I can't help it, my hand reaches out and I grasp his fingers. His hand feels warm and dry and very much alive which is what I need right now. I try to always be strong and behave as Nesado taught me, but I'm a little freaked right now. I'm afraid to close my eyes as I think I'll just see his body falling and then, worse, stopping falling as it hits the unforgiving pavement. I haven't spoken since before lunch. I was content to watch the interactions of the others, but since... since it happened, I haven't known what to say and I'm afraid if I tried to say something I wouldn't be able to. I know this is our fault somehow. What he said- that's us, I know it, and so I know that if it wasn't for us that boy would still be alive. Before, when I lived with Nesado I wouldn't have cared, but since coming to Roswell my feelings have started to change. That boy had parents, he could have been anyone. He could have been Kyle, and that thought bothers me way too much to dwell on. as we reach the car I let go of Kyle's hand to walk around and slide in the door he has unlocked for me.

We ride in silence to Michael's and as we are walking up the path I take his hand again, not sure if it's ok, but not really worried if it's not.
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Post by shadows »


"There was nothing you could do Michael, not even Max. Max couldn't risk saving him, I know that. It's not Max's job to play God.... Lizten, Im sorry I stormed off earlier Michael. But, it's just that your all the time off on some wild goose chase and I don't think you need anything else to worry yourself with......." I sigh, " we better go inside, there's Max."

We walk inside the apartment and I make myself comfortable on the couch. Just what exactly were we all doing here? Nevermind, I knew the answer to that. The king Max and his royal side kick Michael think this boy has something to do with aliens. What was it the boy said before diving off the building?

"What was it that Jason said before he jumped?" No one answered at first, and I looked at Max. Whatever the boy had said had something to do with this little meeting of the pod squad.
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Post by isabelle »

*Isabel* (temping for Storm)

Alex and I follow Max and Liz into Michael's place. Max stands at the center of the counter, automatically placing himself in a position to lead this meeting. Liz slides into a seat at his side. Maria's already on the couch. Alex and I sit down beside her.

"What was it that Jason said before he jumped?" Maria asks. I look at her, somehow feeling a little surprised that she even knew who he was, but then, if he was a friend of Alex's then she probably did have some contact with him.

*Max* (temping for Storm)

I pause for a moment at Maria's question. It's still so weird. I don't really know what to make of it "Four ordinary ... Four extraordinary. Although if he did mean us, I'd say he got his count wrong. There are a lot more than four extraordinary people here." I say, looking at Liz. In my opinion, she's the most extraordinary one here, even without powers.

"... And there was something about 'You will admire me?' No. Honor. You will honor me." I shake my head, looking to the floor. "I tried to stop him. To push him back from the edge, but I couldn't 'get' him. ... It was so fast..." The confession comes out almost against my will. It was such a strange sensation. It was almost as if something had prevented me from holding him back. And then, afterwards, I couldn't even go to him to see if he was alive...