The Age of Ulyssa (AU/UC/ADULT) Thread #1

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Post by isabelle »

*Isabel* (temping for Storm)

I'm still stunned by the boy's fall and standing in shock when suddenly I feel Alex's arms around me. He turns me towards him and I bury my face in his shoulder so I don't have to look anymore. I can't believe it. I've seen someone die before. I saw Michael kill Pierce. But this is different. So very different.

"Jason," I gasp. "It's Jason Teigs." I know every face in the school and usually something more than just their names. The 'popular' girls I hang out with have their gossip circles but I took it futher. My way of 'fitting in,' of being aware. It's part of how we keep safe. Max hides in his shell trying not to be noticed although I know he watches everything, too. Still, Max probably wouldn't know this boy, although I'm sure Alex does. He was in the Tech club. He had a brother and two sisters. He just got an after-school job... How could he be gone?

"Why would he do this?" I gasp, although I know Alex doesn't have the answers either.


*Max* (temping for Storm)

Liz appears in the seat beside me and I immediately wrap my arms around her. All thoughts of the Prom and what Liz wants from me for that are gone. Right now, she just needs me and I'm glad to give her what I can, although I know I can't make it right.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," I whisper into her hair. I tried. I really tried. I don't know why I wasn't fast enough, why I couldn't push him back from the edge of the building...

Liz was the one who told me I can't go saving everyone, although it was something I already knew. Still, I can't see people die around me and not feel anything. Having Liz here helps. It helps to concentrate on comforting her instead of thinking of what I didn't do...

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Post by emmylala »


I watch the boy’s body fall, rag doll like, to the ground. The noise his body makes when it crashes to the ground causes my heart to drop to the very pit of my stomach. I am vaguely aware of Liz leaving the table and rushing over to Max for comfort.

Chaos ensues, girls screaming and crying, guys staring in shock, teachers rushing to and fro. I replay the kids final words in my mind "Four ordinary...four extraordinary... you will honor me"

I look over to the others and see Maria. She's standing there, staring at the ground where the boy’s limp and mangled body lies. I walk behind her and turn her body away from the grisly scene and into my own. Maria buries her face in my chest and begins to sob, shaking slightly in my arms, as she does so.

I bend down to kiss the top of her head and caress her hair to offer her some kind of comfort, or just to let her know I'm there for her. Max looks up and I catch sight of him. We exchange meaningful looks, but say nothing. Words are not necessary, we both know what the other is thinking, the question that's burning a hole in our minds.... could this have something to do with us?
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Post by shadows »


"Four ordinary...four extraordinary... you will honor me" I listen to the boy say and then watch him fall to the ground. I think for the first time in my life I was speechless. I get up out of my seat and walk over where the boys body lands, though Im not sure why I did that. It's not something I really wanted to see, but I looked without thinking.

I felt Michael behind me and he quickly turned my body towards his and I buried my head in his chest. He kissed my forehead and continued to hold me. I didn't want to turn around. I wanted the imagine of what I just saw out of my head and never to return. A boy jumping off the school building? Things like that don't happen in Roswell. You wouldn't think someone in my shoes would think that. I mean my best friend was shot and would be dead if not healed by and ALIEN. And, then I fall in love with another alien who nearly dies but we save him....... with stones! And, of course then there is Nasedo who is a different person everytime you turn around. So, if most people knew this then they would be wondering why Im so astonished at a boy jumping off the building!

"Michael......I......" I say.

"Shh........" Michael says, still comforting me.

"Who is he Michael? I don't want to look again. " I ask, curious at who is was who just took their own life so maybe it could help me make sense of it all.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"Why would he do this?"

I pull her closer and stroke her hair. I have no answer for her. I can't believe Jason would do that. He is oh God was in the Tech club with me. I just don't understand. He had so much to live for. We used to be friends before I found about Roswell's real aliens . Not that I in anyway regret it. It's just that when all that stuff went down after the Old Soap Factory party I had to close myself off from all my other casual acquantinces to keep them from finding out our secret. I know he must have been hurt by my sudden stand offishness. I just wish I could have told him it had nothing to do with him. Now he'll never know.
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Post by isabelle »


Alex doesn't answer, although I didn't expect him to nor did I really need it. Just having his arms around me is enough.

The teachers are now warding the students away, demanding that we clear the quad. Just as well. I really don't want to be here.

"Let's get out of here," I whisper. I wrap my arm around his waist and turn away towards the doors.


Looking up over Liz's shoulders, I meet Michael's eyes. I nod slightly as does he. Four ordinary ... four extraordinary could describe the eight of us, although I don't have any idea how Jason could have a clue about it. Or what he would mean by asking us (or anyone-else) to 'honor him' just before he dies. Somehow, I don't think he's asking for a memorial...

"We should get out of here," I tell Liz. "Let the police do their work."

Last thing I want to do is earn the attention of a legal investigator. Maybe Valenti can fill us in if there's anything unusual discovered...
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Post by emmylala »

(The vice principal's somber voice booms over the school PA system)

Attention please...will all students, please report to the school gymnasium....Again, all students report directly the school gymnasium, thank you .
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Post by shadows »


"We better go." I tell Michael, finally looking up at him. An anonncement had just been made for us all to go to the gym. I started to look back at Jason as we walked off but I stopped myself before I seen his body. I had seen enough to haunt my dreams for a while already.

As we all walk to the gym I began to think about what Jason had said. What was four what? Who knows! Maybe the poor guy had lost it, and that's why he jumped. I look back and forth from Max and Michael. I could see it on their faces.

"No! Wait a minute." I say stopping and still looking back and forth from the two of them. "Please don't tell me you two think this had anything to do with the...... the czechslovakians !"

I could see the wheels in Michaels head turning. Michael was already always off on all these little alien missions, the last thing I needed was something else to consume his attention.

"Great! Just great!" I said thorwing my hands in the air and shaking my head. I walked off and continued toward the gym.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


Attention please...will all students, please report to the school gymnasium....Again, all students report directly the school gymnasium, thank you .

Isabel leads me to the door and I let her. I am feeling so confused. What did he mean by "Four ordinary...four extraordinary... you will honor me."
Does this have anything to do with The Pod Squad. I will never be able to forgive myself if I find out that this has something to do with the secret I help keep. I love Isabel, and I'll do anything for her. I'll make an sacrafice it takes to keep her. I just hope Jason wasn't one.
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Post by emmylala »


No! Wait a minute. Please don't tell me you two think this had anything to do with the...... the Czechoslovakians! I look at Maria for a moment, but say nothing. Great! Just great! Maria says and storms off ahead of me, clearly upset. I walk over to Max and the others and say "Let's go" and we all make our way inside the school and over to the gymnasium. We arrive to a jam-packed gym; kids are sitting in the bleachers and on the floor murmuring to one another. Others are standing in groups, talking, crying and comforting one another. I spot Maria and motion to Max and the others towards her. As we arrive I try to take Maria's hand in my own, but she jerks it away, I throw up my hands in defeat "Fine!" I say pissed off, I've never been ny good with emotional crap. Turning away from Maria I look at Max "We need to talk, now" I say in a low whisper. I go stand off by the wall, fold my arms against my chest and wait for Max to join me when Mr. Summers, the school's principal calls for our attention.

Settle down everyone, please settle down... he says over the bullhorn, in the same somber tone the Vice-Principal used earlier. It takes a few seconds for everyone to quiet down. When everyone finally stops talking, Mr. Summers clears his throat and continues.

"Due to the tragic incident that has taken place today at our school, all classes are here by cancelled for the remainder of the week. Mr. Summers stops for a moment as a low murmur starts up again, among the students.

"However, grief counselors will be meeting with students tomorrow morning at 10:00am in each of your homerooms to discuss today's saddening event. All students are absolutely required to attend, without exception. Absence from this session will result in automatic suspension. Should any student feel the need or desire to speak with someone presently, please remain in the gymnasium, as members of the faculty will be around to speak with you shortly. You are all dismissed.

As students start to leave, I walk over to the others "Let's meet back at my place, we can talk there" I say, and extend my hand to Maria, she takes it this time and we walk out of the gymnasium. Once outside, I notice an ambulance parked next to the school along with two police cars. The paramedics are taking away the kids body, taking the keys from her other hand, I walk Maria quickly to the car, hoping she doesn't notice and we get in. As I start the car and drive out of the school parking lot I keep repeating the kids words over and over in my head. "Four Ordinary, Four Extraordinary, you will honor me"
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Post by isabelle »


I'm still holding onto Alex as though that will somehow help the situation as we walk to the auditorium. It's incredibly crowded, which isn't surprising. People talking in small groups, but mostly being silent. "Do you think they'll send us home early?" I start to ask, when suddenly the principal stands up and starts his announcements. Not only home early but no classes for the rest of the week - although we still have to come in for 'grief councelling.' Well, okay then, I think, biting my lip.

I look into Alex's eyes and we silently head for the parking lot.


I frown as Michael demands that we talk immediately. This room is far too crowded for a private conversation and I know that what he wants to say will definately require privacy. Things would be so much simpler if we could still talk telepathically...

In a moment, that problem is over as we're all dismissed for the day. My arm around Liz, I head outside towards the parking lot. Michael suggests his place, which is the best possible location as far as I'm concerned. I nod in affirmative as Liz and head for the jeep. I notice Alex and Isabel nearby.

"We're heading for Michael's," I tell them, opening the passenger door for Liz. "You two riding with us?" I ask.