July Rhapsody (M/L ADULT) [COMPLETE]

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Post by pijeechinadoll »

here yee go TWO CHAPTERS :D

Chapter 37
An hour later Liz sighed as she woke up from crying herself to sleep, rolling over she rubbed her belly which had been aching. Maybe it was the time of the month she pouted; she felt so horrible. She looked at the clock in defeat it was still early in the morning 11:15am, where on earth was Leah, she should have been back by now.

Talk of the devil, Leah floundered into the bedroom with lots of shopping bag.

“Hey sweetie… Oh god you don’t look to good” Leah replied, as she dropped her shopping down and stepped forward.

Liz sighed.

“Leah I still feel sick…”

“Have you eaten?”

Liz shook her head in refusal.

“I don’t want to eat anything…”

“Liz you need to keep up your strength!” scolded Leah, as she reached inside her bag and pulled out a BLT sandwich.

Liz scowled at the sandwich. “Are you playing doctor?”

Leah frowned. “I am your doctor! NOW are you going to eat it?”

Liz shakes her head.

“No? You don’t want it? But I thought it was your favourite sandwich?”

Liz pulls the duvet over her head.

“I’m not hungry! Leave me alone!”

Leah raised her eyebrow in slight amusement and annoyance at Liz hiding underneath the duvet. She looked at the sandwich and back at Liz. She looks at the sandwich again and rips it open.

Liz throws the duvet off her head at the sound.

“What are you doing?” Liz cries.

Leah frowns, pulling one sandwich from the packet and attempting to take a bite.

Liz pouts.

“But I thought that was for me…”

“It was but you don’t want it!”

Liz looks at the sandwich with sad eyes.

“Fine!” Leah sighs as she handed the sandwich back to Liz.

Liz grabbed it greedily and started too munch away. Literally minutes later it was all gone. Liz looked at the packet expecting another sandwich to re-appear like magic; she shook the empty packet and scrunched her nose. Leah looked at her with a smile and dug her hand into her bag and pulled another one.

Liz smiled happily as she ripped open the next packet and started munching.

“I take it your hungry.” Leah said rolling her eyes.

Liz munched and nodded happily.

“Hmm mmm…”

Leah couldn’t help but sigh and she pulled out the paperwork.

Liz looked up as she munch.

“Mmm watts tat?” as she swallowed a bite. “Sorry what’s that?”

“The last of the tests…”

A flash of panic flashed past Liz’s face as Liz stumbled out of bed.

“Liz sweetie sit down.”

Liz shook her head in refusal.

“Just tell me Leah, just tell me please!”

“Well Liz all the tests I had done came back negative apart from the last one, this one.”

Liz gasped.

“What is it?! Actually I don’t wanna know! Leah I don’t want to die. I don’t want to be ill no more!” she cried.

Leah pulled Liz into her arms and hugged her.

Liz cried into her arms.

“Liz…” Leah whispered.

Liz sniffled.

“…Liz you’re not going to die. You’re going to live. Don’t you want the good news?”

“There’s good news?”

Leah smiled at her good friend.

“Liz you’re pregnant, you’re going to have a baby.”

Liz stumbled out of her arms and sat down on the bed.

“I can’t be!”

“You are sweetie. 6 weeks in fact.”

Leah knelt down and in front of her friend who looked confused and lost.

Liz looked down at her stomach and caressed it. Oh my god she was pregnant. She was carrying Max’s baby. Leah pressed the piece of paper inside Liz’s hand. There it was in black and white. Liz was 6 weeks pregnant. After the initial shock and minutes passing by a smile appeared across


Leah grinned and brought the bags over. She emptied the bags over the bed. Teddies, bibs, dummy, bottles and growths fell out of the bags.

“I’ve got you lots of pressies!”

Liz grinned as she looked through the presents. There were so many teddies.

Leah shook her head in amusement as she watched Liz. Leah pulled out her newspaper from this morning; it was the first time she had seen it. Usually she would read it with her breakfast but this time because she was so eager to get the results she didn’t have chance. She pulled off the elastic and unrolled it to the first page…

But it was one of those days where she wished she didn’t read the newspaper. Leah gulped at the sight.

Liz saw the confusion on her face.

“Leah you okay?”

Leah smiled.

“Yeah I’m cool…”

But Liz saw that the smile didn’t reach her face.

“What is it Leah?”

Leah sighed as she dropped the newspaper to the bed.

And there in black and white was a photo of Max coming out of a jewellers and another photo of Tess coming out of Hospital holding her growing stomach and another photo of them together. AND A HEADLINE: businessman will marry millionaire heiress lawyer!

Chapter 38
Max had to take Bob to the veterinary. He sat there as they had to sedate him and stitch his foot. Max was so worried about the break in, Bob and missing Liz; he never noticed people staring and whispering behind him.

“Here you go.” replied Dr Pillard as he handed a sleepy Bob back to Max.

Max stumbled up as Bob whined in his arms.

“Will he be okay?”

“Yeah he’ll be okay, though it isn’t advisable to let him walk on it as I stitched his foot up.”

Max nodded with a sigh.

“Max are you okay?” asked Dr Pillard, he was wondering how Max was coping with the fact that his love-life was splashed across the front cover of the local newspaper.

“Yeah I’m fine!” bite out Max.

“Sorry…” whispered Max.

Dr Pillard let out a breath; he wasn’t going to push Max into talking.

“So I’ll see you in two weeks time so I can take out Bob stitches.”

Max nodded and picked up the medicine and left the building.


Max stepped out of the building as his phone began to rang. He sighed as he shifted Bob into one arm and answered the phone.

“Maria what do you want?”

‘Max how could you want to marry that bitch?’

“Maria what are you talking about?”

‘Max it’s all over the newspaper.’

“What?” exploded Max. “What are you talking about?”

‘Where are you Max?’

“At the vets”

‘Don’t come here Max and definitely don’t go to Tess’s!’


‘Reporters Max! Photographers! Paparazzi! They want to do a follow up story!’


‘Max the story that on the front page of the BOSTON TIMES. It says that you and the bitch are getting hitched.’


Max stormed back into the vet building and grabbed newspaper of the counter. AND THERE IT WAS IN BLACK AND WHITE.

Max stumbled back in the seat with a thump, Bob yelped. Max couldn’t believe it, there was a photo of him coming out the jewellers from weeks ago of buying Liz’s ring. NOT TESS’S! HOW COULD THEY GET IT SO WRONG?

Dr Pillard came out of his office at the request of the receptionist and he saw the devastation on Max’s face. This was wrong, all very wrong…

TBC :shock: I KNOW another cliffy. please dont kill me. :D
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)
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Obsessed Roswellian
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JULY RHAPSODY chapter 39

Post by pijeechinadoll »

DestinyDreamer:yep i hate her as well and i'm the one writing the story :D
pandas2001: keep reading... :mrgreen:
begonia9508:keep reading as well :mrgreen:
Hunter: yep BLT i couldn't help it LOL ^^
keepsmiling7: KEEP READING LOL
Natalie36: Max will not let Tess get away with it. :wink:
destinyc FIX FIX FIX.......... ^^
crazedearthgirlhello crazedearthgirl. thank you for reading. x

Chapter 39
Liz was equally devastated at the news. She couldn’t stand it, she felt sick. She stumbled into the toilet and threw up.

“Oh god sweetie… let me get you some water!”

Liz knelt back against the bathroom and let her shuddering tears fall. Her brain couldn’t process the information fast enough. She stumbled back into the bedroom and started angrily ripping and shredding the newspaper. Leah walked back just in time to see Liz angrily throw the remains.

“Sweetie I know you’re angry but you really need to calm, especially for the baby’s sake.”

Liz stumbled back in shock and all the news; she caressed her stomach in sadness as tears fell down her face. Her heart was broken yet again. When she found out about the baby she was going to go back to him, I mean she was also going to go back to him because she couldn’t live without him, but now he was marrying Tess…Max was never going to know about their little miracle.

She pulled out her suitcase and started throwing things into it.

“Liz sweetie, are you going back?”

Liz looked up to her as a tear slipped down her face.

She shook her head.

“I can’t stay here Leah, but at the same time I can’t go back. It’s not just me I have to think about now. They’re two people in this life. My baby’s and mine, I don’t want it to grow up without a father. I don’t want to have to explain that when she/he asks me where my daddy; that I’ve got to say he’s with another family.”

“SO you’re not going to tell Max!”

“No! I won’t get risked being hurt again! OR THIS BABY”

“But Max does deserve to know!”

“He doesn’t deserve to know!” Liz cried.

“Liz you don’t mean that!”

Liz shrugged her shoulders in defeat.

“I’ve going to leave town. Go somewhere he won’t find me. If he wants to marry Tess I’m not going to stop him!”

“But it could be all lies!”

Liz shrugged her shoulders again.

“I don’t care anymore Leah. This is it! When ever we think we’re moving on Tessa always comes back and I’m sick of feeling like this!”

“Feeling like what?” asked Leah.

“Feeling like I’m never good enough, feeling like I have to compete for Max, feeling like im depressed every time I see that bitch! She’s never ever going to be out of our lives and I’m not going to expose my child to that kind of filth!”

Leah pursed her lips together.

“Are you even going to tell Serena and Kyle where you’re going?”

“I’ll ring them to tell them goodbye but that’s it. I know if I tell them, they’ll feel like they have to tell Max!”

“So you’re just going to run!”

Liz nodded sadly.

“Where to? I don’t want to leave you by yourself…” asked Leah.

“I don’t know yet… I might go up to Florida I hear it’s nice up there.”

Leah sighed as she watched Liz continued on packing the stuff that she brought with her.


Liz looked up at Leah.

“Let me come with you, I’d feel better if I was with. And maybe we could pop to Roswell, you know after we’ve settled. You know see your parents and Alex and I could see my family.”

Liz looked shocked.

“What about your practice?”

It was Leah’s turn to shrug her shoulders.

“Long term sabbatical, they can just draft in a locum. So how about it, can I come?”

Tears slipped down Liz’s face as she smiled. Leah pulled her in a hug.

“You’re my friend. I won’t let you fall!” she whispered into Liz ear.


Elsewhere Tess was reading the newspaper grinning like a Cheshire cat, if this didn’t stop Max Evans in his tracks. Nothing will! And hopefully! His bitch would have read the newspaper.

She looked up as she saw Max enter the house.

“Max how lovely to see you!”

Max sighed and threw the jewellery box at her.

Tess gleamed as she opened it and look at the ring.

“I knew you would come to your senses. Wow for me!”

Max then blew up.


Tess had the nerve to pout.

“But Max I’m having your baby!”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure!”

“I want a DNA test right now!”

Tess scowled.

“I won’t harm my baby! You’ll just have to wait till I have it!”

Max shook his head and actually laughed.

“You have a baby? Are you joking? Even if you were to pop this baby out, you haven’t gotten a maternal bone in your body!”


“You’re the bitch!”

Tess grinned.

“I know and I love it.”

“Why did you do it Tess?”

“Do what?”

“The newspaper?”

“Publicity and enjoyment. Shame I couldn’t see that Bitch’s face!”

Tess started howling with laughter.

“And my flat?” whispered Max.

Tess hadn’t heard him.


Tess looked up and grinned.

“Oh Calvin did that for fun! He saw that I was upset and asked me if I needed cheering up!”

“Who’s Calvin?”

Tess shouted his name a big bulky European man stepped forward. She stepped up to him and caressed his arm.

“This is Calvin. I suppose you could call him my D.I.Y man. My Do it yourself man except he does all the hard grafting for me!”

“Oh you mean like the intimidation of witnesses?”

Tess grinned.

“Now would I do such a thing?”

“We know you did!”

“Max now why would I admit that?” smirked Tess.

Anger flashed in Max’s eyes.

“You lie and cheat about everything else.”

“And what are you going to do about it Max. You couldn’t shop me into the police. I’m the mother of your child!”

Max grinned.

“That’s where you’re wrong. I’m sick of you wrecking my Life Tess. This is over Tess, you will have that DNA today and if it is my baby I will give you maintenance but that’s all you’ll get from me!”

Max laughed as he turned to walk away.

Tess screamed in rage and grabbed the gun from behind Calvin’s back and aimed it straight at Max and fired.

Max stumbled as he turned round in shock.

Tess let off another shot and another and another.

Suddenly the door burst open, the police were here. But was it too late as there was Max was lying on the floor.
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)
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JULY RHAPSODY chapter 40

Post by pijeechinadoll »

Sorry this part is short. But there is a reason to this. By the way this story has only two chapters left.x

Chapter 40
Michael was pacing backwards and forwards as Isabel sat there crying her eyes out. Maria was had just finished getting off the phone to Max’s parents.

The three of them were in the corridor of the hospital, outside the theatre that Max was inside.

“Have you gotten through to Serena or Kyle? Do they know where Liz is?”

Maria shook her head in sadness. “Apparently they’ve left The Tavern for the day and they told everyone that they didn’t want to be disturbed…”

“FUCK! Liz should be here!!” swore Michael.

Maria stumbled back at the anger Michael was projecting.

“Don’t shout at me Michael It’s not my fault!”

Michael sighed.

“Sorry okay!”

Maria nodded as she went and sat next to Isabel.

“Sweetie are you okay?”

Isabel sat there biting her thumb nail as tears slipped down her face. She shook her head.

“I… want… I want… my… brother… to be… okay?”

Dr Pillard the vet came over with a policeman to speak to Michael.

“Michael this is my friend Jerry, he’s the one who was behind the investigation and raid.”

“Why didn’t you stop her?” cried Isabel as she stood up.

“You were listening to the whole thing! Listening to the whole conversation! You should have stopped her! You should have gone in earlier. You should have stopped that Bitch from shooting my brother!”

“Your Brother didn’t think Tess would be physically violent towards him, let allowed fire a gun at him!”


“Isabel sweetie you need to calm down.” whispered Maria, pulling her into a hug.

“What if he dies?” cried Isabel.

“What if my brother dies? And I never get to tell him I love him? What about my parents? What about Liz? Oh God please we have to find her. He loves her so much...!”

Maria pursed her lips together in sadness; she didn’t even want to think about the fact that Max had five bullets rigged inside his body. One near his heart, another near his spine, another near his neck, she didn’t want to think about the fact she may not see her friend again.

But what Isabel said. They really did had to go find Liz.

Michael had looked physically sick at the amount of blood that was coming from Max. When he went to reach for him, the blood covered his own top and hands…

“MUM DAD!” cried Isabel.

She flung herself into her mother’s arms.

“What the hell happened Michael? What the hell happened Max?” asked Philip, as he watched his daughter cry in wife’s arms.

“Tess happened!” spat Michael.

“But I thought he was dating someone else. He was going to introduce us!” whispered Philip.

“Where is he Michael?”

Michael pointed to towards the theatre doors as the surgeon came out. He removed his mask, with a defeated look on his face.

Philip stepped forward.

“Where’s my son doctor?”

The doctor pursed his lips together.

“I’m sorry Sir its bad news…”

TBC? :(
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
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JULY RHAPSODY chapter 41

Post by pijeechinadoll »

ok apart from this chapter the next one will be the last. >< :cry:


PS: i sorry it's short again. The final chapter will be longer. forgive me :D

Chapter 41
8 months later

Liz finally dropped her bags in the living room of her parent’s apartment. Her parents must be out in the front of the restaurant.

“They must be downstairs!” sighed Liz as she plunked herself down on the sofa.

“Don’t you wanna go down to find them?” replied Leah.

Liz pouted.

“My feet hurt! And my back” whined Liz.

Leah sat down next to her and rubbed her back.

“Well you are pregnant sweetie.”

Liz pouted even more and sunk back against the cushion.

Leah looked at the tired pregnant Liz with sympathy.

For the last 8 months they had been living in Florida, Liz had cut all ties in Boston. She just needed a clean break from everything. She needed that emotional break. And though she would miss Serena and Kyle she didn’t actually tell them where she was going. She tried to explain to them about how she was feeling and they understood but were arguable upset. Hell she didn’t even tell them that she was pregnant; she thought it would be easier if they didn’t know because they would have persuaded her to stay and she couldn’t have that. She did however promise them that when she was ready to come back to Boston she would ring them immediately.

However Leah and Liz decided to pop decided to pop back to Roswell to have the baby; Liz finally wanted to see her parents and brother after a year of avoiding them.

“I’m scared Leah…”

“Why sweetie?” asked Leah.

“I’m unmarried and pregnant… my parents are going to kill me when they find out. They’re going to kill me for not telling them I ran away to Florida. They’re going to kill me for lying; for making them think I was still in Boston. Oh god I’m such a bad person.” cried Liz.

“Yeah but you needed to get away sweetie.”

Liz sighed and rubbed her forehead; trying to ease the headache.

“You okay?”

Liz blanched.

“I feel sick and a little dizzy.”

Leah reached inside her bag and pulled out a flask. She handed a drink to Liz, who gulped it down.

“Any better?” whispered Leah.

Liz nodded a little sadly. She caressed her belly as she closed her eyes to rest them.

“Liz before we go and find your parents can I ask you a question?”

Liz opened her eyes.

“Do you regret not saying goodbye to Max?”

Liz cried and nodded.

“I will always still love him; I don’t think I could love anyone else.” She whispered.

“Liz!” cried Alex.

They both looked up to see Alex standing there. He looked absolutely shocked by the belly that Liz had.

Leah couldn’t help but giggle. Liz had a look on her face of absolute horror; she shrugged her shoulders in defeat at Leah and burst out laughing.

“Liz! You’re pregnant!” Alex sat down on the coffee table in front of his sister.

“Didn’t you think you should tell mum and dad? And talking and your pregnancy you haven’t been in Boston. So where the hell have you been? Liz you better start talking to me before the parentals get up here because I won’t defend you if you don’t.”

Liz pouted.


Leah sighed. “She 8 months pregnant Alex, she’s perfectly healthy by the way.”

Alex sighed.

Liz cried.

“Do… do you… think… mum and dad… will kill me?”

“Liz! We’ll they’ll be worried more than anything. What happened to the father?”

Liz started sniffling as Leah hugged her.

“He’s gone. Gone from my life.” Whispered Liz.

TBC? final chapter. x
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by pijeechinadoll »

kitten 88

it's a bittersweet day, in away i'm sad to see it go but at the same time im happy its final finished. 42 chapters, i hit 21 pages before pruning. Lots of feedback. OMG thank you fo reading. I hope everyone has enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it. x :mrgreen:

ps: i hope i didnt miss anyone's name. x


Chapter 42
Nancy was wondering where Alex had got to so wondered upstairs, even before she got there she could hear talking and shouting.

She pushed the door open and saw her daughter there crying. But that wasn’t the sight brought her to her knees, it was the sight of her daughter pregnant.

“Oh my god Sweetie.” She cried.

Liz looks up to see her mother standing there in shock.

“Liz you are pregnant…”

It wasn’t a question or statement but Liz nodded as the tears slipped down her face.

There was a look that past between Alex and their mother.

“Go and get your father. Just your father.”

Nancy sat down to her daughter. “Leah it’s nice to see you.”

“Hi Mrs Parker!” Leah answered in reply.

“Are u going to see your parents?” a question more than a statement.

Leah knew she was not wanted.

“I shall come and find you later.” She whispered to Liz.

Leah left just as Alex and Jeff came back. To say they were shocked was an understatement.

“Daddy!” whispered Liz.

Jeff hated seeing his daughter cried. He quickly pulled her into a hug.

“Lizzie why didn’t tell us hunny? Why did you come back to us straight away? Why did you not tell us on the phone or email? And to find out that you wasn’t in Boston all these 8 months. Where were you?”

Liz a lost for words. The only word she could get out was Florida.

“Lizzie where’s the father of the baby? Is he someone from Florida?” asked Nancy.

Lizzie cried into her daddy’s arm.

“He… he… married someone else.” She whispered.

Alex eyes widened in shock but then calmed down.

“Liz its okay… Come on you know what, I think you need come down to the restaurant.” He replied as he helped his pregnant sister up.

“Cherry banana smoothie!” sniffled Liz.

Both of their parents were going to protest, but Alex silenced them with a look.

“Yep one Alien Galaxy drink for you. I’ll even make myself just for you.”

Liz gave her brother a small smile as they made their way down to their restaurant. But before they stepped through the door, Alex stopped her sister. “Liz whatever happens in the future I just want you to know next time if there’s anything you want or need; I’m here for you. Okay?”

Liz sighed and nodded and then pouted.

“Can I have my smoothie now?”

Alex smiled and pushed Liz through the door, just as someone pulled it opened.


Liz eyes widened in shock.


Liz fainted.


Liz stirred awake to find herself lying on the couch. She sees Max sitting next to her with a shock look on his face as he stared at her stomach.

“I thought you couldn’t have children.” Whispered Max.


“But you know what I don’t care Liz, I don’t care that I’m not the father.” Max caressed her stomach.


“Shush sweetie. Let me talk. For 6 months since I woke up and 4 weeks since I’ve been in Roswell, all I’ve been doing is waiting for you to come to Roswell. I know you think I married Tess, but I didn’t. I wouldn’t. I couldn’t do that to you. Don’t you know how much I loved you Liz? Don’t you know how much I’ve missed you?”


“I didn’t marry her Liz.”


“Liz! Tess is dead; she died after trying to kill me.”

“WHAT?!” cried Liz in shock.

Max lifted up his shirt.

She ran her fingers across the bullet holes and cried, tears slipped down her face.

Max cupped her face, with tears himself.

“I would have come tried to come find you early, but she put me in a coma. MY heart stop in the operation theatre but the surgery team got it re-started. But my brain was starved of oxygen, when I woke up I couldn’t talk and my left side of my body was damaged. I had to have physio I still sometimes have problem walking and lifting things.”

“Oh god I didn’t know. I didn’t know!” cried Liz shaking her head.

“I ran away to Florida thinking you… when I saw the newspaper… I just had to get away. Oh god! I’m sorry Max.”

“I don’t care Liz. I don’t care; just tell me you still love me. I don’t even care if I’m not the father of your baby!”

“…Max.” whispered Liz.

“It was all a lie Liz; I was never the father of Tess’s baby. The autopsy, the tests showed that I wasn’t the father. It was this odd job guy Calvin who she got to do all her jobs for her, he was the father.”


“Have you moved on without me Liz?”

Liz sniffled and shook her head.

“Do you still love me?”

Liz nodded with a gulp. Max pulled her into a hug.

“I love you Liz Parker.”

“I’m sorry you couldn’t find me. Me and Leah when… when we were in Florida we were using different names… we didn’t tell anyone where we were. We…”

“I’m sorry that Tess caused you so much pain Liz…”

They both said at the same time.

Liz smiled for the first time in ages.

“I don’t care.” Max replied with a smile.

“As long as you love me.” he continued.

Liz nodded with shiny eyes.

“Do you?”


Liz sighed and Max kissed her. It was a bittersweet Kiss, delicate and wanting. It had been 8 months since Liz felt Max’s lips upon hers.

“I love you Liz and I will love this baby. I don’t care about the past. I’m looking to the future.” As he kissed her again.


“Hmm… yeah…”

“I think our baby has broken my water!”

Max looked down in shook at the sight of the water spreading underneath Liz.

“Shit Baby!”

Max went in to panic mode as Liz giggled.


8 hours, 32minutes later

Bella Sophia Evans entered the world to a tired but elated mother and an even more happier father. On the way to the hospital through all the panting and breathing, Liz managed to tell Max that his super sperm made her pregnant. Max secretly and mentally punched the sky. He was so happy! He finally got his soulmate back and had a new baby daughter. Life was perfect, well not quite. Inside his pocket was a new ring he had been carrying around.

Wouldn’t it be just prefect for Liz?

They finally waited for love and won.

Last edited by pijeechinadoll on Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.
♥LUv roSWEll♥lOvE MaX eVAns♥LoVe Liz PaRKeR♥luV bEiNg a DrEamR♥LuV FANFICS♥
To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour
(william blake)