Truth or Dare (M/L, Adult) 12/18/08 [COMPLETE]

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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Adult) 12/9/08 p. 8 Ch 32 & 33

Post by Hunter »

Back with another part..

Chpt 33

A shocking revelation..

"Max?". Isabel's eyes widened as he approached her. He was covered in black clothes. A leather wife beater and leather pants with big black boots. His hair was a mess and he had at least five piercings on his head. One on his lip, two on his left eyebrow, two on the right ear. "Max...." Isabel gasped.

"What have you done to yourself?". Isabel grabbed him closer by the hand and leaned forward to whisper. "I heard of plastic surgery but what you've done is the fucking apocalypse."


"I mean look at you." Isabel tried hard not to laugh and pulled back. "You look like a right mess.." She went and grabbed hold of his goatee. "Get that fake shit off, you look old-" She stopped when she began pulling it...but it wouldn't move. "Don't tell me you put superglue on this.....there's no way you can grow a goatee within ten hours." Isabel remarked.

Last time she saw her brother was ten hours ago and he was clean shaven and dressed appropriately.

Who was this mess in front of her?

"Fuck!". He moaned and pushed her back. "Whatcha doin? Pulling off ma soul patch?". He quizzed her.

"Soul patch?". Isabel arched an eyebrow. "More like an Ug patch. Get it off." She commanded and looked around to see if anyone was watching. A couple of her body gauds were present and tried their best to hide their amusement. "Shit Max...people are watching..this is embarrassing." She lowered her head down.

"Dis is me chick. Watcha see is watcha get." His lips popped. "Ain't changing for nobody."

"Oh my god." Isabel groaned through gritted teeth. "Mom and Dad will flip when they see you and cut it out with that gangster accent. We're not shooting a movie here Max."

"I ain't Max." He huffed. "Ain't sure as hell no Max here."

"Fucking hell." Isabel rolled her eyes and took hold of his hand. "Come with me. We need to get you out of sight before people starting looking."

"Watch it sweetness!". He drew back his hand.

Isabel noticed a gold band on his marriage finger instead of the platinum one he usually wore. "Wait...Max...what happened to your ring?" Isabel looked at his hand. "You changed your wedding ring?". She gasped.

"Diz iz ma weddin ring. Bin wearing it for eight years straight."

"Eight years?". Isabel wondered what was wrong with her brother. He was acting so weird. First he showed up wearing a trampy look and now he was claiming to be married for Eight years. Eight years ago Max was barely romantically interested in women.

He noticed the look of confusion on her face."In case you wonderin who I am...I'm Zan." He answered.


"Oh god." Liz panicked, she had to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Liz wait!". Max called after her, trying to reach out for his wife who was running away from him again. "Don't leave me! Liz!".

"Max, stay away." Liz fought back the tears and spun around. "I can't do this anymore." She told him, making sure she gave direct eye contact with him. "I can't pretend this is okay because it's not."

"But you're my everything Liz." Max allowed his pain to shine in his eyes. "I can't be without you."

Liz licked her lips and wiped her tears back. "Well you found out that I was...unfaithful to you. I...slept with your best friend and this isn't a lie. We were together at the time as well and when I had no satisfaction with you...I went to M-Michael." Liz sobbed. "And now I'm paying for it by having his baby."

Max let the tears fall. "Liz...please.."

"No Max!". Liz stopped him coming closer to her by putting a hand between them. "Stay away. It was either you or the baby and I chose the baby." She cringed.

"We could be happy together..." He began.

"No." She shook her head. "We're not meant to be." And then turned around and entered the cab that was waiting for her.

Max was left watching her, standing alone in the rain that had just poured from the dark skies.

Maria woke up to find herself strapped to a chair in someone's dirty basement. "Holy crap, this is like the real live version of saw." She muttered, struggling with shackles that bound her to the chair. "What the fuck is this?".

She couldn't even move an inch. "Michael! Michael!". Maria called out but her voice only echoed through the stony walls.
Last she remembered was almost getting into a fight with Carmen and then nothing...Michael was with her at the time..

"Oh no." She gasped.

Carmen must have kidnapped them.


"So you're not Max?". Isabel asked again, just to make sure that her brother wasn't making fun of her and that this man..who resembled her brother was just a doppleganger.

"Iz yo bro a married man with an eight year ole little girl an bin wit da same woman for ten years?".

Isabel didn't know how to respond. "You look so much like my brother Max...well minus the leather, piercings and that awful hair that needs a good wash..."

"Hey, ma wyf loves ma hairdo." Zan defensively said, running his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah..." Isabel nodded. She wondered if she did the right thing by allowing him to sit with her in the car. " you are.."

"Zan Behr." He admitted proudly.

"No...I are you related to the Evans?" Isabel corrected. "You can't be Max's twin brother because you're three years older then him. And you can't be our big brother because mom had her first child the year Max was born so Max is the eldest. Then who are you?".

Zan shrugged. "Dat's wat I've bin tryna figure out all dese years. Why dus Max Evans look a whole lotta lyk me?".
"Oh god...this is gunna be harder then I thought." Isabel muttered under her breath.

"I came ere teh warn you bout that beyotch, that Carmen beyotch." Zan finally said, coming to his point. All this talk about his origins was getting in the way of what he wanted to say.

"I know about Carmen." Isabel said. "What relationship does she have with you? Is she your wife?". Isabel accused, maybe that was the reason why she was also after Max. She wanted the best of both worlds.

"Hell no. She wuz ma wyf's patient an yo brother's ex."

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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Adult) 12/10/08 p. 9 Ch 34 & 35

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone!

A/N: Hopefully this update will explain most of the questions you guys have. Enjoy reading! :D
Chpt 34

Two face
Identity crisis

Liz slammed the door shut, causing all of them to jump. "Jesus Liz, you scared the crap out of me." Kyle scoffed, amused.

As soon as she turned around, all three guys were silent as they saw the look of rage written across her face. "The bitch has gone too far this time." Liz bit her lip. "I mean...that is disgusting. The way her mind works is...ew." She cringed as her eyes fell on a guilty Michael.

"I'm sorry Liz but she forced me to do this." Michael softly said. "I never imagined this in my whole life."

"Well, it's the perfect ploy. Getting the husband's best man intimate with his woman." Alex said. "That always works."

"Max and I, we were pretending." Liz revealed. "Max knows I would never cheat on him and I know he could never betray me." in a low tone, Liz said.

"That's good." Michael nodded. "Max had been through enough already."

"And so has Liz." Kyle added. "I mean, getting threatened by a psycho".

"Let's make this quick." Liz cut in. "What did you guys find out?".

"She still has Maria." Michael sighed. "I tried so hard but that Carmen had at least fifty men."

Kyle tried not to snigger. "So you couldn't take on fifty men to save your own girlfriend?".

Michael sent a death glare to Kyle which was enough to shut him up.

"Isabel sent me a text." Alex informed Liz. "She should be arriving any minute now."

The door rang. "Ah, that must be her." Michael said as Alex rushed to receive the door.

"Isab-el." Alex almost chocked when his eyes immediately fell on the rough looking dude with the unkempt hair standing behind Isabel. "Max?".

At hearing her husband's name, Liz went towards the door and almost jumped back when she caught sight of Zan.
Isabel smiled uneasily. "He's not Max guys. He' someone else". Said Isabel after she stepped in. Zan grinned at them and followed her in.

"Hey guys. Su'p?".

"Oh my god.." Michael muttered, looking at Zan. "Shoot me now because I must be having a nightmare. Max is that really you?".

"I'm Zan."

"Huh?". Kyle looked at Zan, head to toe. "Looks like Halloween came early this year." Kyle sniggered. Zan just ignored him.
Liz turned to Isabel. "Who is Zan and why does he look awfully like my Max?". She whispered to her ear.

"Zan is the husband of Carmen's doctor and I don't know why he looks like Max. It's strange but he's here to tell us more about Carmen." Isabel answered.

Liz frowned in confusion. Zan was Carmen's Doctor's husband? And he looked so much like Max. This was so confusing.
"I think he's a distant relative." Isabel added. "It's a long story but I'll tell you later." She patted Liz's shoulder in reassurance. All of the guys were cautiously looking at Zan who helped himself to the sofa.

"How do you know we can trust this guy?". Alex lowered his voice as he questioned Isabel.

"What's the harm in hearing his story?". Isabel shrugged and followed her brother's lookalike to the sofa.

Eventually they all sat down around the coffee table.

"I sees you got a nice face." Zan commented, looking at Liz. "Isabel tole me all bout you. How you are Carmen's next victim." He took out a cigarette from his back pocket and a lighter.

"Erm, we don't smoke in here." Alex told Zan lightly. He didn't like anyone smoking in his apartment.

Zan froze, looked at Alex before drawing his hands back and putting the cigars and lighter away in his pockets.

"How do you know about Carmen?". Liz asked, cutting to the chase. She put her left leg on her right leg and slightly leaned forward, clasping her hands together and looked directly at Zan. She wanted to know everything and not miss a single detail.

Zan smiled.

Four years ago

It was ten pm and Zan was so bored and went to hunt his wife down who was busy these days, working overtime ever since she started to work in the mental institution. He missed her and wanted to have a romantic night with her. He took off his piercings and combed his hair and slapped on a pair of jeans and a t-shit making him look casual. There was no way staff would let him in dressed the way he loved too. His wife adored him for him and he knew she was the one he'd be spending his entire life with.

Now he was missing her terribly.

"Angel?". He called, stepping into her office. It was quiet and that bothered him.

He walked toward the desk and picked up the photo which was of their daughter. He smiled. His wife was such a family woman. He couldn't wait to have her all to himself.

When a hand placed itself on his shoulder, he turned around and almost shrieked.

"Wat da fuck?". He shrank back as the sight of a woman in a hospital gown looked at him. Her messy mousy brown hair and her pale green eyes scared him. Her face was also too pale.

"Who da hell are you?". He questioned.

She smiled. "Oh Max..I knew you'd come back for me!". She threw her hands around him. "I love you so much!". She began to kiss him forcefully on the lips.

Zan groaned in disgust when he could smell ripe and bitter from her breath and pushed her away. He saw the trash next to him and spat in it. Grabbing a tissue from his wife's desk, he wipe her essence of his lips. "Yuck, ya stink of shit."

The woman began to cry. "Why are you rejecting me again Max?!". She sobbed.

"Who da fuck iz Max?". Zan asked her, looking bewildered. She practically tried to rape him and now was calling him Max? This was one crazy woman.

Her shoulders shook as she cried. "You don't want me to be your first." She pierced his eyes with her own.


"Just because I slept with guys when we were together! Can't you forgive me!". She screeched.

Zan put his hands to his ears. "I am not Max." He insisted, hoping she'd believe him.

She stopped sobbing and then looked at him. He was silent for a moment, wondering what was going to happen next. Without warning, she peeled off her hospital gown and exposed her naked body to him. Zan's jaw dropped and he instantly turned his eyes away from her bare form.

"Zan!". His wife whispered as she entered the room. "I am so sorry about this." She was so shocked that her most difficult patient had stripped in front of her husband.

She ran toward the crazy girl and picked her gown up, putting it back on again "Tara, this is crazy."

She never took her eyes of Zan. "You are my Max."

Zan's wife looked at him. "What is she talking about?".

"I dunno Angel." Zan panicked. "All I wuz doin was tryna findchu and she sneaked up on me, tarted to kissin me and then got naked." He sincerly told his wife.

His wife looked shocked. "Zan..Tara barely talks to anyone." His wife gasped.

Zan opened his mouth. "I ain't lyin to ya. I wud never cheat on ya Angel."

"I know you wouldn't Zan." Sighed his wife.

"Why are you calling him Zan. He's Max!". Tara screamed.

"Shhh." She shushed her over reacting patient.

This was it for Tara who lunged herself at her doctor, pulling fistfuls of her blonde hair. "Bitch, he's mine!".

Zan unfolded his arms and immediately went to his wife's rescue. In one swift motion, he tore Tara's fingers of his wife's smooth hair and pushed her against the wall using all the force he had.

But Tara was struggling to shift him off her. Zan was amazed at her strength and agility. "Damn, ya got some fire in ya doncha you crazy ass bitch". He struggled to get the words out the same time he had pinned her forcefully against the wall.
His wife had take out a syringe and asked him to hold Tara in place as she injected her with the sedative. Tara immediately calmed down and fell asleep.

"You okay?" Zan finally asked his wife.

"Yeah. I think so." She answered, running her fingers through her blonde hair.

They both looked at the sleeping form of Tara, none of them had guessed that this would be the same woman who would go on the rampage and change their lives.

"Oh my god." Liz trembled. "Tara...Max's first girlfriend." Now she understood why Carmen was after Max. It all made sense. His crazy ex had not died that night but was rushed to the hospital and she ended up in a mental institution.

"Da funny part iz...that crazy Tara, she changed da day after she saw me an got better very quickly. Last year she left and wuz no longer a mental patient of ma wyf. She change er name teh Carmen and soon after tried teh copy my wyf's looks. She changed er hair into strawberry blonde an started wearing blue an green contacts."

"So that means Tara is still alive?". Michael raised an eyebrow. Max had told him all about him maniac first girlfriend and how he felt so much guilt on the night she "died".

"Yup." Zan nodded and looked back at Liz. "She might be changing her look to copy ya now."

"Huh?". Liz was dazed.


Carmen smiled at the mirror as she looked at her new self. Dark brown hair and she put on the dark brown contact lenses in. That's it. She just looked much like Max's current wife Liz Parker. Changing hair color was so easy. Now it wouldn't be hard to seduce Max. Going from a mousy brown haired, to blonde haired and now to being brunette. It was worth the changes for Max, she reminded herself.

Everything was going smoothly. Now she had to get to Max and enjoy him as she beleived she had a right too. Plus, him being rich and famous was the reason why she was motivated in pursuing him. He should belong to her and no one else.
She wanted to be the woman on his arm when he walked down that red carpet. No other woman should be with him apart from herself.

When she left the bathroom, she turned on the tv to see Maria trying her best to break free from the tied ropes. "Idiot." Carmen muttered under her breath. She switched on the mic to communicate with Maria.

"Stop moving." Carmen warned.

"Or what Carmen!". Maria shouted back. "You're gunna kill me?".

Carmen smiled and took a remote control in her hand. "No." She pressed the button, sending volts of electricity running through Maria's body. Maria screamed.

Carmen was amused. "I'll torture you."


"I can't beleive this." Liz said. "She is so crazy...." She shook her head, unable to beleive how crazy Tara/Carmen was.
"I say we hunt this bitch down and give her a taste of her own medicine." Kyle announced. "How dare she kidnap Maria? Maria's done nothing to her."

"Yeah, I'm all up for it." Michael agreed.

Zan laughed. "Ya'll need teh scare her. She ain't easily scared."

"And what is she scared off?". Isabel asked Zan.

"Mud." Zan grinned.


Chpt 35

Confessing the Crime
Hot tub Horror

Max didn't know if he should have agreed to this plan but here he was, just outside the door of the home belonging to that psycho. Liz had talked to him on the phone and told him everything. About Tara's death not even happening, the plastic surgery on her face and how she faked an identity to pursue him. It all seemed like a crazy drama but shocking. He wanted this to be over and done with.

He rang the bell three times and stiffened, clutching the boquet of white jasmines in his hand. He really had to convince her.

She opened the door and smiled. After sending him the invitation, she hoped he'd arrive at her place. "Well...hello there..." She purred, drinking in his form.

Her eyes travelled down south and locked to where his manhood was sheltered behind his zipper and boxers she assumed. She couldn't wait to rip them off and ride him to glory. She always wanted him.


Max tried hard not to run away. He hated the way she was looking at him intently, like she wanted to rip his jeans and boxers of and do something very terrible to him. He didn't feel lust at all. Only when Liz was looking at him with desire then he went hard. "These are for you." He handed the jasmines to her, feeling awkward and not giving her full direct eye contact.

She made sure their fingers touched as she took them from. She let her fingers linger slowly on his fingers. "Oh." She moaned. "So exquisite."

Max forced a smile on his lips. "Hmm just like you."

She took a good smell of the flowers and exhaled. "Ahh, just the way I like it. Fresh."

Max nodded uneasily.

She knew he had probably slept with Liz already but that didn't mean he wasn't still fresh meat. He had slept with one woman only whereas she slept with a hundred men by now, she had lost count. Max was still a little inexperienced in her eyes and when she gives it to him, man...Wild would have a new definition altogether.

She would give it to him like no one else...

"Care to come in?". She showed him the puppy dog eyes.

"No." He answered.

"No?". She could feel her heart break.

"I'm taking you out." Max, dug his hands in his pocket to retrieve two tickets. "What do you think about going to the spa with me?".


"You sure this is gunna work?". Liz asked Zan as they broke into Carmen's apartment.

"Trust meh woman, dis bitch sends her security guards to get laid when she ain't around." Zan told her. "It's their wages basically."

"Ew." Liz made a face. "I don't think I want to know what their profits are."

Zan shut the door behind them. "Okay, we need teh do dis fast." Zan told the small brunnette. "Are you quick?".

"If I wasn't quick, would I be here?". Liz asked giving him the look. She still couldn't get it around her head that this man before her was her husband's lookalike and not her husband.

"Good." Zan began to head towards Carmen's room

"Hey wait." Liz stopped him. "Why are you helping us?". She gently took his arm and turned him around.

"Because it feels like da right thing to do." He slowly answered. "Besides, it's best if dis bitch is locked up for good." He smiled and then turned back, carrying on doing what he wanted to do.

Liz sighed and followed him into Carmen's bedroom.

"Most secrers are in people's room." He said slightly changing the way he spoke. "Always unda da bed." He bent down and threw the sheets back.

Liz helped herself to Carmen's closet. But it wasn't much of a closet full of clothes. She gasped when she stepped into some control room filled with tv screens and electrical equipment.

"Oh my god...she's been spying on everyone." Liz was horrified when she saw images of Max's bedroom and any other rooms in his house and especially Maria being tied to a basement. "Oh my Maria!".

"Bingo!". She heard Zan's voice from the bedroom. Liz sat on the chair and looked for the mic switch.

Zan found a diary and pulled it out. "The diary is da soul's voice." He said to himself and opened it to begin reading.
Liz pressed the mic button. "Maria?".

"Liz?". A very tired Maria lolled her head towards the speaker fixed on the left side of the basement wall. "I'm in the basement." Maria let her know.

"Maria, it's me. I'm gunna get you outta there. I promise!". Liz vowed. "Just stay there, I'm coming down in a bit."

Liz quickly jumped off the chair and ran back into the room. "Zan! I found Maria." Liz said, rushing towards the door.
Zan shut the diary and held it in one hand as he ran out to follow Liz down into the basement.


" very kind of you." Carmen gave a small smile as he lead her towards the room he had booked for her in the fancy spa.

"Just for you." He winked. She didn't see that as she had been blindfolded. "No peeking." He warned her and opened the door, pulling her in.

He had a wicked grin on his face. He knew how she was going to feel about the surprise he had in store for her. He took her at the side of the tub and then told her to step in, still with the blindfold on.

"Easy babe." He said, helping her in the tub.

"Max..." Carmen chuckled as the tip of her toe touching something cool and she could smell something. She sank into the liquid matter and almost gasped at the coolness of the liquid surrounding her. Her bikini felt soaked already and clung to her skin. Max couldn't stop grinning and left go of her hand.

"Max?". Carmen asked as soon as he left her side. She sniffed the air around her and almost gagged. Something was up. He began to handcuff her to the tub.

"'re a very naughty boy." She smiled, hoping it was a sex fantasy of his that she could dominate.
Max took off her blindfold. "Now you can look."

Carmen almost shrieked in horror to find herself sitting in a mud bath. And she was handcuffed to the mud bath. "Arghhhh, get me out of here!". She screamed, the smell of molten mud filling her nostrils, almost suffocating her.

She tried to move but her hands were firmly cuffed down. "Oh god...oh god.." She breathed, heavily. Trying to remember the breathing techniques to keep calm she learned back in the mental instituition.

"Like the surprise?". Max asked, with acid in his tongue.

She began to hyperventilate. " could you do this to me?". She asked him.

"Where's Maria?". Max asked, stepping away and folded his arms.

She wanted to laugh, realising this was a trick of his. How foolish she was to actually beleive him. But the mud was making it hard for her to breath. "She's good as dead." Carmen rasped.

"We can either do this the easy way or the hard way." Max told her.

"She's good as dead." Carmen repeated through gritted teeth. Why didn't she bring some of her bodyguards down?

"Guys?!". Max hollered, making sure those waiting outside could hear him.

Then the doors swung open. In strolled in Kyle, Michael and Lewis.

"Care to do the honors?". Max asked Lewis who had the tub of live earthworms in his hands.

"Ya man, been waiting for dis moment." Lewis laughed, and unscrewed the lid.

Carmen shrieked louder as she saw the tub of worms. "Oh hell no!".

"Dat's right bitch. You better pray to the Lord for mercy cuz you ain't getting none!." Lewis laughed like a maniac before tipping some worms into the mud bath near Carmen's feet.

"You think worms scare me!". Carmen forced a laugh, although she hated worms.

"Maybe not." Max answered but..

Kyle help up a tub of leeches. "Maybe leeches might." Kyle said.

Carmen's mouth dropped in horror. "What do you want!".

"Tell us everything." Max demanded. "How you faked your death, changed your name and blackmailed my wife or the leeches will be set loose." Max warned.

Carmen shivered.

She was screwed.

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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Adult) 12/18/08 Ch 36 & 37 *Complete*

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb


A/N: I'm sorry this will be the last time I post a Truth or Dare update. I have too many stories to write and not enough time to deal with so many. I have more stories on my mind and I typed this final chapter up. I almost gave up on this story. But I'm finishing it. Thanks so much for the feedback to all of you for every update!

This is for all of you! Enjoy! :D

Chapter 36

What goes around comes around

"This isn't over yet". Carmen screamed as the police handcuffed her and dragged her away towards the police car. "Max Evans you belong to me!". Her piercing scream could have been enough to shatter the windows of the police car. The officer shoved her in the belly of the car before shutting the door.

"Max!". Liz ran towards her husband who enveloped her in his arms. "Is everything okay?".

"Yeah." Max said, holding his gaze at Carmen who was screaming in the police and then looked at his wife. "Everything's going to be okay now." He kissed her forehead.

"Oh thank god." Liz sighed blissfully her husband's arms. Hopefully now nothing could come between them.

Just as Max was about to relax, Zan appeared out of nowhere to thank Liz. "Hey Liz.."

"Holy crap..." Max's arms dropped as he started at his lookalike. "Who the hell are you?".

Zan smiled. "I'm ya couzin man. We got da same looks."

Liz tried not to laugh. "Max, this is Zan who happens to be your third cousin or something." Liz rolled her eyes and smiled. "Zan this is my husband Max."

"Nice to finally see ma lookalike in face." Zan gave a single nod.

Max couldn't say anything. He was too shocked and trying to digest the fact that someone looked so much alike to him despite the piercings, leather and the rough hair.

Zan laughed. "Looks like cat got his tongue." Zan smiled. "Thanks Liz. I always will be grateful for you help. Now I can go back to my wife and kid and live in peace. Laters Liz! Laters Max. Maybe ya'll invite me to your baby shower or something." He teased before making a move.

Maria and Michael ran towards the couple. "Hey, thank god this is finally over." Maria said.

"Yeah." Max nodded, still in shock over Zan.

Liz laughed as she knew what was on her husband's mind. "Max had just met Zan." She told Michael and Maria.

Michael laughed. "Ha, you could blame it all on Zan if things get fucked up." He joked.

"Yeah." Max forced a smile and wrapped an arm around his wife. "Is everyone else okay?".

"Yep." Maria nodded.

"Good." Liz. "Now we can go and party." She said.

"Max!!" Dianne Evans cried when she caught sight of her son. "I heard what happened". She trampled over the wire which was connected to the camcorder. The paparazzi seized the chance as soon as they caught wind of this situation.

Diane threw her hands around her son and squeezed the wind out of him that Max could barely breath. "Mom.." He chocked.

"Thank the lord that you're okay.." Dianne plastered a kiss on Max's cheek and then grabbed Liz in a big bear hug. "Thank heavens you are okay as well!".

Liz was also getting choked by Dianne's tight hugs. "'re..choking us." Max coughed.

"Dianne, take it down a notch". Phllip laughing, watching the pair suffocate in Dianne's arms.

"Oh sorry dears." Dianne released them and stepped back.

"Everything's taken care of. The media blames Carmen ahem Tara for the mishap." Phillip said quietly.
"Oh that's such a relief." Liz sighed. "Max, your career is secure."

"But however, they do want to know when did their player Max Evans fall in love and got married." Phillip finished.

Max blushed. He hadn't told his parents until after marrying Liz about the wedding. It happened all so fast.

"You guys still are holding on to that?". Max asked.

"No son." Dianne cupped his cheek. "We're proud of you that you made the right choice in marrying Liz although you were in a rush to tie the knot."

They all chuckled. "Wow...what a day it's been." Phillip remarked.

"Urghh, if you had been part of the action dad then you'd realise how suspensful it was." Isabel rolled her eyes. "Even watching out for them was scary."

"Thanks everyone." Max thanked everyone from Alex, Kyle, Lewis, Isabel , Michael, Maria and Liz from the bottom of his heart.

"It's okay man." Kyle shrugged. "It was fun."

"Yeah man, I ain't busted an ass like that since the commodos." Lewis agreed. "I have to say...that Carmen's got a tight ass."

"Ew." Maria cringed.

Michael took his girlfriend's hand and pulled her closer to him and kissed her forehead. "Well the good news is we can all go back to our lives now."

"Yeah". They all agreed.

Liz noticed Jesse lingering in the corner watching them with a mournful expression on his face and then she walked upto him. "Jesse!". She called him before he had a chance to escape.

He was caught dead in the tracks, frozen to the spot as the red and blue lights flashed at him as the police cars drove off. "Liz."

"So, I guess you heard what happened."

"Yeah I did." Jesse nodded. "Carmen got arrested."

"Which is bad news for you right?". Liz tried to test his reaction. "I mean, you wanted revenge on Max..."

"I-" Jesse began. "I did want to have revenge on Max." His lips tightened. "But then I realised it wasn't worth my time. I mean I might have cared for Isabel like my girl in the past but I see she's happy without me." Jesse focused on Isabel laughing with Alex and Liz seemed to have noticed it too.

"Oh." Liz could finally see the picture.

"We don't belong together and all this time I thought I was doing it for us when I was really doing it for myself. My pride was hurt when Max broke us up of a misunderstanding. But it's not worth it and I'm not lying."

"I'm sorry to hear about that Jesse." Liz said. "But you should move on. You're right."

"I understand if you can't forgive me..." Jesse scratched the back of his as he was nervous.

"I can't forgive you because I'm not in the position to." Liz corrected him. "I don't think you've wronged me."


"When I come to think of actually did me a favour." Liz chuckled. "You got me to meet and fall in love with my soul mate Jesse. If you had never dared me, I don't think I would have understood how special Max is to me and that what the people make of him in the media isn't true but a pack of lies."

Jesse smiled. "Atleast something good came out of it."

"Yes." Liz agreed smiling back. "Although you had to deal with a crazy woman."

"Yeah." Jesse nodded.

They were silent for some moments. "I'll see you around Jesse." Liz playfully punched him on the shoulder. "Take care.
"You too Liz." Jesse nodded.

Liz started to walk away and so did Jesse after giving her one last wave.

She turned around and came face to face with Maria. "Oh my god! Michael just asked me to marry him in front of everyone!" Maria sqeualed, pulling Liz into a tight hug.

"Whoa.." Liz smiled incredulously. "That's awesome!". She hugged an over excited Maria back.

Liz saw Max smiling at her and she returned it back to him.

Things were definetly going to be getting better.


"You can take her home." The nurse said, wheeling Tess towards Nancy and Jeff Parker.

"Thank you Doctor." Jeff said, looking at the doctor. "For taking care of her."

"It's my duty." He smiled. "Take care."

The Parkers wheeled Tess away and entered the elevator. When they finally got out of the hospital and helped Tess into the car to drive her home. They weren't aware that someone was watching.

"Time for another round." She smiled, getting her car started.

"Shit, Jeff, I have a meeting." Nancy said. "I'm supposed to meet Amelia a few blocks down."

"I'm also kind of busy as well." Jeff said.

Zan walked upto them at the right time. The piercings were not there and he was dressed in a smart shirt and casual jeans which made him look just like Max. "Hey."

"Max Evans." Jeff growled. It took him some time to get used to that Max Evans was his son in law.

"Erm Liz sent me..." Zan lied. "To take Tess home."

"How nice of her." Nancy smiled. She always wanted Liz and Tess to look out for each other. "See Jeff, Max isn't that bad."
Zan tried his best to hide his devilish smirk as he noticed his wife from across the parking lot, smiling at him too. "You guys hitch a ride with my car." He handed them his keys and took the keys from Jeff's hand.

"I'll take care of Tess."

"You sure?". Jeff said after "Max" had thrusted the keys in his hands.

"Yep." Zan patted him on the shoulder and already started to get in the car. "I'm sure."

"Thanks Max!". Nancy smiled. "Come on Jeff. Let's go." She tugged his arm.

Tess looked at "Max" who just got in the car. She was such a sitting turkey unaware of the plans he and his wife had in store for her. Zan tried not to cringe remembering Tess almost given him a head and tried to get it on with him just like that mad woman Carmen had. And neither of them left him alone so it was payback time.

He started the engine and drove off. But not home. To some abandoned highway. He parked the car in the secluded area and shut the engine off. Without saying anything, he got out and opened the boot to take the wheelchair out and unfold it.

When he opened Tess' door she questioned him. "What are you doing?".

"I'd let you fuck me if you sit in this chair." Zan licked his lips. "But shame you can't move much."

Tess smiled. She hadn't been laid for days. "I can move much. I let the doc fuck me so he'd lie to Jeff and Nancy about me being ill." She told him the truth. "I need you to fuck me."

She let him take her to the chair and he shut the door. "I just want to you get some air before we get down to business." He imitated Max's voice instead of his usual accent. Boy, watching all those films had it's advantages.

Tess couldn't hide the joy in her eyes. She still despised Liz for getting everything and Max was such a hottie. She had tried to get laid by a lookalike by him but Max was more richer and her future seemed rewarding if she was with him.

"Fuck me all you want." Tess purred, getting back to her slutty business.

"I sure will." Zan pushed the wheelchair around and then stopped. "I need to drink water. You have no idea what I have in mind for you." He told her. "Be back in a sec".

"Okay." Tess nodded and waited.

Zan quickly fled and sat back in the car after his wife got out of hers and creeped upto Tess.

She put on the leather gloves and then grabbed the handles to Tess's wheel chair and wheeled her forward slightly.

"Max that was quick." Tess smiled and looked back to see him but instead saw a blonde woman grinning at her.

"Oh god..." Tess' face fell.

A/N: You can decide whatever happens to Tess. :lol:
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Re: Truth or Dare (M/L, Adult) 12/18/08 Ch 36 & 37 *Complete*

Post by Hunter »

Chpt 37

Wedding Bliss
Honeymoon delights

When Michael and Maria had said their I do's at the altar, everyone was clapping and cheering. There was tears, there was laughter and photos.

After Alex took the pictures, Isabel strolled next to him. "So, when do you think the next couple's gunna get hitched?". She teased. She had to admit, Alex was probably the only guy she had flirted with of her own accord and that she really took a liking to him. Working with him on the Carmen case was exciting and brought them closer in a way.

Alex shrugged. "When the next person catches the flowers I suppose?".

As Maria and Michael ran out of the church hand in hand, the confetti was thrown and then Maria threw her boquet of flowers behind her. Some of the female guests were fighting to be the one to catch it and then it fell in Isabel's unsuspecting hands.


Alex smiled. "Looks like you're gunna get hitched next. "He teased her.

Isabel smiled. "Probably to you." She winked.

The limo turned up to take the couple to the private jet which Max had ready for them.

Liz joined her husband he watched the limo drive off. "Hey."

"Hey Beautiful." Max kissed the crowd of her head. "We didn't have our honeymoon properly." He reminded Liz.

Liz smiled. "True."

"I have something in mind for us." He winked.


"You're gunna love it."

"Come with me." Liz said.


Liz took his hand and lead him away from the wedding guests and towards the beach near where Maria and Michael got married.

When they were walking on the sand, Liz turned around. "Max..I wanted to tell you everything before we go back to our lives..." She said. "I know it seems okay and everything's back to normal but I just wanted to let you know...In the end...I'm glad this happened." She told him. "I mean, come to think of it. If I had never done that dare then maybe we wouldn't have reached this far. I'm happy this happened because I ended up with a man like you. I realised that the truth is a stranger until you discover it for yourself."

Max battled the tears but relented. "Liz, I guess you're right." He cupped her cheek. "I'm also happy this happened because we met, got to know each other and be together. For the rest of our lives."

"Yeah." Liz nodded. "That Truth or Dare game had totally changed our lives."

"For the best." Max smiled and kissed his wife's lips.

Liz smiled and let the kiss develop. Or was about to part her lips to let his tongue slid in but he pulled away.
"There is just one thing though."


"I want to try it out."


"I wanna play the game too."

"Okay." Liz smiled. "Truth or Dare Max?".

"Dare." He said with a wink.

Liz smiled. This was going to be fun. "I dare you to..." She placed both her hands on his chest. "To give me such a night I'll never forget...and you know what I mean."

Liz's words caused him to shudder in pleasure. "Yes I do know what you mean." His voice was husky.


Max gave her one look before sweeping her into his arms. "Liz Evans...I'm going to give you many nights that you'll never forget."

And with that, he carried her away into the sunset....


A/N: Corny I know lol! :lol: :roll: But I couldn't think of anything else better. I hope you enjoyed this story! Thanks so much for the support and the feedback everyone! :D
