A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, 08.26 [COMPLETE]

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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P9+9a,04.18.08

Post by uw51 »

and here is the POV...

10a, Tess and Ava’s POV
Well, we decided that I would do most of the talking, but you might find out for yourself that we have a tendency to talk at the same time. So, I’ll be the main talker and Ava will just add bits and pieces as she sees fit. “After all, you were the first one involved, so it’s only right if you do all the talking, right?” See, it didn’t take long for my sister to add her piece of wisdom, did it?

Anyway, maybe you can imagine just how grateful I am to Kyle and Alex, I mean I blew them off as they first approached me. I mean, really, what would you think, if two young men - that you’ve never seen - come up with such an outlandish tale about your new best-friend, huh? I’m sure you’d have done the same as I, not believed a word they said, actually I even sort of ridiculed them, you know, saying don’t you have any better pick up lines and stuff like that. Thank god they persisted and ignored my stupid comments.

Hmm, let me see… I think I should start with Isabelle Evans. You’ve already seen her, haven’t you? So, you know that she is just absolutely mind-blowingly beautiful, right? “Right, Tessie, everybody knows that, really, just get to it!” “Avaaa, just let me do it my way, ok? It’s not that easy, in fact it’s quite difficult to talk about that time. I mean, who wants to admit to fall for a person because she has a beautiful face, huh? Things like that don’t sound all that great in ones resume!” “What’s that got to do with your resume, huh? You’re just stalling. So, the faster you start the faster you’re done, agreed?” “I know you’re right, Avs. It’s just, well, you know, ok ok, you can stop glaring at me, I’m doing it, see?”

Huh, sisters - they can be a real nuisance - especially when they think they know it all. If you have any sisters I’m sure you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. I can see some of you grin, I bet you do have sisters of your own, don’t you?

Anyway, I guess when Ava is right then she is right. So, I’ll just jump right into my experience with Isabelle Evans. You know, I used to see her around the places I’d hang out with friends. Sometimes I saw her with a bunch of guys and they’d be staring at me. To me that was nothing new, I’m not boasting honestly, but I know I’m quite pretty. I guess my three B’s have a lot to do with it too. What, you don’t know what the three B’s are? Which planet are you from? The three B’s are Blonde hair, Blue eyes and a big Bust. Ahh, I see, you do know these three B’s!

Anyway, that was why I didn’t think too much about the guys ogling me – even though they were with this beautiful girl. And then suddenly I met Isabelle alone. We just happened to arrive at the movies at the same time, so we were standing beside each other in line waiting for the doors to open. Of course it happened completely accidentally, yeah right, I do know better now!

I can’t really remember what she said, but it was Isabelle who started our conversation. We hit it off right away. It was really great, we had many interests in common and in no time at all we talked like old friends. From that moment on we were together constantly, we went to the movies or shopping or we’d just hang out with each other. She invited me to her house and I met her nice family. Diane and Philip Evans made me feel welcome right away, they are such lovely people, really, they are. Max, well Max was being Max, you know very shy and quiet. After I got over my big crush on him we had a few talks and we got along quite well too.

I remember once, after Zan had been especially obnoxious and had left, Max and I talked. I remarked on his great resemblance to his older brother. He confided in me, saying how difficult it was that everybody expected him to be like Zan because they looked so much alike. That was when I told him about Ava because I really understood the problem. For some reason I never told Isabelle that Avs was my twin, just my sister.

After knowing Isabelle for a few weeks she invited me to join her and her friends on campus for lunch. I was sooo thrilled, I was convinced that we were fast becoming best friends. Only once in while Zan and co would sit with us, and when they did they behaved relatively well, you know, no lewd comments or so. Of course, after a while those comments came again, but only when I was alone. Finally I told Isabelle and they behaved better, for a while at least.

”Oh, Tessie, I remember well just how much you’d bitch about those schmucks! You really hated them, didn’t you?” Ava adds to my monologue, you know, she’s really good at doing that! It’s true, I used to call them schmucks, but now I know that that name was much too tame for them, because they’re real first class bastards and cowards on top of that too! I mean, they go after little girls, how cowardly is that, I ask you?

Ava decided to paint a clearer picture and explained, “just think, I’m relatively short, 5’4” but when those guys went after Liz she was barely over 5‘1”. Now can you tell me just how courageous you have to be to attack a little girl like that? To top it all, they were a group of grown men and had Isabelle drug Liz. So, you see, Tessie’s right, cowards the whole lot of them!” ”Thanks Ava, I couldn’t have said it any better!” See, just like I said, Avs is pretty good at bringing thing to a point.

Anyway, then came the moment when Alex and Kyle showed up. That was really heavy, I can tell you that much. “Yeah, what she said, really heavy!” my twin agrees. But we already talked about that, so I’ll just wind fast forward to our meeting with Liz, ok?

Ok, well, that Saturday we arrived in Roswell and I was actually convinced that we were barking up the wrong tree, so to speak. I was sure Alex and Kyle meant well and I was also sure that something bad had happened to their friend, but please, Isabelle Evans, Ice queen par excellence and the correctest student on campus involved in something shady? I’m sure you’d have agreed with me, I mean Isabelle and anything criminal or even incorrect that just didn’t mesh well in my mind.

Ava and I realised just how serious Kyle and Alex were when they stopped us outside the Parkers apartment, asking us to please not voice our opinions until we had all the facts. Right about then I started to feel a little apprehensive, you could even say queasy, wondering what that meeting would bring. “Yeah, me too! I have to say that I didn’t know this Isabelle chick, but my sister only had good things to tell about her. Right Tessie?” “Right, Avs!”

Anyway, once I saw Liz I knew that something terrible had happened to her. Really, all you had to do was look into her eyes and it was right there for all to see. She had the saddest eyes ever. As it was, the boys did most of the talking and Liz just sat there, listening and nodding from time to time. And then the babies woke up and this part we also already told you, you know, just how awful we both felt. I’m sure we don’t have to get into all of that again.

Anyhow, that was the moment when I recognised Zan’s ears on the little boy. I started to feel so many things, that I just couldn’t put any words to it. I was shocked and angry and afraid and at the same time I admired Liz for keeping the babies and for doing her best to deal with her situation. “Right, and then Sean and his friends showed up. They planted themselves behind Liz and all three were glaring at us. They sure let us know not to mess with Liz, didn’t they Tess?”

That’s true, Ava is right, and soon after the boys arrived Mama Dee showed up too, giving us the same kind of looks until she realised that we were in shock and in no condition to think straight enough to ask any questions. I mean, looking back to that moment were they all were glaring at us; it sort of looked funny. Can’t you just picture it? Luckily the glaring didn’t last very long. After we all talked some more Liz became tired and Nancy sent her to take a nap. The rest of us went downstairs to the diner to do some more talking. Well, they all were talking, we were mostly listening.

After a while Kyle and Alex drove us back to Albuquerque, but not before we promised to keep quiet, most specifically not to tell Isabelle. Of course we promised right away, they didn’t have to twist our arms or use any other kind of friendly persuasion.

”We really were very quiet the whole way back home. We just tried to come to terms with what we had just heard. Our parents were very worried about us. They realised that something very serious had happened because we didn’t giggle once that evening. They kept asking and asking and asking until we finally caved. We told them all about what we had learned that day. They were truly shocked and wanted to call the police, but we were able to talk them out of that notion.” Ava’s right, you know, we had a hard time convincing our parents not to go to the cops. Only after we told them that Liz’s friends and family were doing something about that – we couldn’t remember what – and if they went to the police they would endanger their whole project.

That night - right before falling asleep – I truly realised just how lucky I had been. I mean, if they hadn’t warned me I would’ve been the next one on Isabelle’s agenda. That realisation hit me hard and I had my first nightmare about it. In it I was raped over and over again and I heard Isabelle say things like ‘if you cooperate it won’t be so bad’ ‘or ‘it’ll be over soon, don’t worry’. I can tell you, I woke up screaming the house down. I was too petrified to go back to sleep that night. Our parents stayed up with us and we talked about it some more.

”I remember too how I suddenly asked myself what would’ve happened if Isabelle or those bastards had found out about Tessie and I being identical twins. I mean they were so twisted, who know what they would’ve done?” Ava inserted quietly and added, “I’m just grateful we wont ever find out. It’s really good to know that they are behind bars where they belong!”

Ava and I both hope that a warden looses the keys to their cells and they have to stay there forever, don’t we, Avs? Anyway, that night we decided to get involved in bringing those bastards down. I mean this had been a very close call, too close for comfort, really. Our parents agreed but wanted to know exactly what was going on. So, the following weekend the four of us travelled to Roswell and talked with everybody involved in this project.

We were pleased to meet everybody we had already seen the first time. The Parkers organised a big picknick in their backyard. Just imagine our surprise when we met the other people involved. Sheriff James Valenti, his - then - girlfriend Amy DeLuca and her daughter Maria with her boyfriend Michael Guerin were the first ones to arrive. Bones showed up with Mama Dee; now there is a very unlikely couple of friends, he is tattooed from head to toe and she looks like my grandma. Later Frank McCoy and his wife Patty joined us for lunch. Jose Ramirez, head honcho of the Roswell police department and his wife Sophia came right after his shift had ended.

Learning that all these people had bandied together to help bring down those bastards just convinced us to jump on the bandwagon too. “That was actually the meeting when we decided that Tessie should stay ‘friends’ with Isabelle. Sometimes I pretended to be my sister because I wanted to get to know those schmucks too. I figured it would be better for me to know exactly who they were.” “Oh, Ava, I remember just how weird it was to have you look like me, I mean you coloured your hair and wore my cloths. You don’t know how glad I was that it was just for a few weeks!”

And then the big moment came, when Isabelle invited me to this great party at her friend’s house. Of course my parents – who knew what was going on – very reluctantly let me go with Isabelle. They gave her a whole list with things that I wasn’t allowed to do, things like no drinking, no drugs, no boys and to be home by midnight. Isabelle promised to personally watch over me, make sure that I was safe and had fun. Did we believe her? Have a guess!

That night Ava and I were carbon copies of each other, I mean literally down to our underwear identical. I went with Isabelle and a little later Ava snuck in through the back door. There were so many people there that nobody even noticed that we had brought in a few extra ‘students’ who were always near my sister and I. When Isabelle brought me my drink we were able to discreetly exchange it with water, the same with the brownies. The ‘students’ let all the evidence disappear unnoticed. After a while, when I was getting really anxious and scared, I signalled Ava and we met in the ladies room to change places for a while.

“I was a great drunk wasn’t I, Tessie?” As you can see my sister really loved her part, in fact that was when she discovered her love for acting. She was really convincing too. “Yeah, I was! You know, if it hadn’t been such serious occasion I would’ve had a lot of fun, I mean, a lot of fun!” “Ava, you can stop wiggling your eyebrows, we do understand what you’re talking about!” See, what I have to put up with? “Poor Tessie, you know that goes both ways!”

Anyway, once the party was in full swing and I was ‘suitably high’ and on my way upstairs my dad showed up, making so much noise because I hadn’t answered my cell. Apparently, there had been a family emergency and we had to leave right away because his brother needed our help pronto! He yelled until Isabelle brought me to him. Once he saw the ‘condition’ I was in he started to yell for the cops, after all I was underage and very ‘high’. Isabelle turned on the waterworks and gave my dad her best kicked-puppy-look, tearyly explaining just how I had snuck off and how she had just found me again. She actually had the gall to tell my dad that she was just bringing me upstairs because she thought I needed some rest before she could take me home.

My dad of course ‘believed’ her and scolded me, saying I was grounded until I was thirty. Angrily he then grabbed me and dragged me from the party. Ava met us by our car and then we went straight to meet with sheriff Valenti. It turned out that my drinks had been laced with a very similar drug and alcohol cocktail as Liz’s had been.

Well, we were all very proud of our accomplishment and had a celebration of our own. Once all the evidence had been viewed, Frank Mc Coy prepared to bring in the accusations. Before he could do that the FBI knocked on his door, telling him that they had a hard case against some Brazilian Mafioso and his gang. When Frank wanted to know why that had anything to do with our case they informed him, that Zan and co had been approached by them and by now were working with them. So, if we decided to take our gang ‘hops’ - a Hilda expression that I just love - the others would be warned and disband.

Well, let me tell you that our Frank Mc Coy isn’t a very sought after attorney for nothing! Being the smart man that he is, Frank immediately agreed, figuring that even though our case against those schmucks was as tight as could be it would be even better if we had some more felonies to add to the list. You know, that would take those guys out of traffic for quite a bit longer.

I’m glad to report that six months, two weeks and three days later our bastards got hit with charges that had their heads spinning. They never saw it coming!

“What she said!” Ava adds and I’m not surprised because I know my sister likes to have the last word!


Thank you very much for reading my fic, please let me know what you think of it!

I'll post again in two weeks, till then take care

My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P10+10a,05.02.08

Post by uw51 »

Hello Everybody, it’s Friday again and you all know what that means!

pandas2001 <> I guess you’re right, Twins are in league of their own, but I somehow envy them. They always have somebody they that is close to them.
Kate <> Ava was somehow a last minute addition, she was suddenly there. I really liked to write this twin thing, it was a lot of fun!
As always many thanks to my great beta, what would I do without you? :wink: :wink: :wink:

Take care and enjoy…

11, Intermezzo – Liz
”Well, Tess, Ava, that was very interesting. I just like to say that I’m glad we’re on the same side, otherwise I might find myself in deep trouble!” Nathan grinned, as always he was quite impressed with these two young ladies. They were a very resourceful duo; in fact they had proved it quite often in the different projects they worked on. “It was really great having you two here, thank you!” Sarah added. Grinning broadly, Tess and Ava nodded and accepted their compliments, “it was totally fun!” Ava exclaimed and Tess - pointing at her twin - agreed, “what she said!” To prove their statement they both started to giggle again.

Sarah noticed that Liz was getting more and more agitated and decided to move on, saying, “Liz, are you ready for our talk?” Nervously, the younger woman nodded and smoothed her hair behind her ears. The twins took their cue and walked over to their friend. After hugging her and whispering in her ear, Tess and Ava moved toward the bistro joining Alex and Kyle at their small round table.

”So, Liz, how do you feel?” Sarah inquired worriedly. “I’m fine, a bit nervous, but fine.” Liz responded, wringing her hands agitatedly in her lap. Max grabbed her hands and squeezed them, trying to calm his fiancée. Suddenly Liz sat up straight and after inhaling deeply she demanded resolutely, “ok, can we just get to it? I mean, you know, start the talk?” and after seeing Sarah’s surprised expression, she explained, “you know, like with the band-aid that one is supposed to rip of fast!” “Oh, I see, I’m like your band-aid!” the hostess chuckled and dryly stated, “I’ve been called many things, but that’s a new one!” After Sarah saw Liz’s grin, she felt much better because a grinning Liz was easier to handle than a nervous one. Finally the hostess agreed, “ok, Liz, no more delaying!”

”Can you tell us some more about your life? I mean your recovery is quite remarkable!” Sarah started the interview by getting right to the point. Relieved that it was finally her turn to talk – which meant that her part in this madhouse was over soon – Liz nodded and answered, “sure Sarah, I can tell you about that. Well, you heard how we became friends with Michael and Kazuki. I can tell you, their classes were a very big help for me. Even when I was pregnant and couldn’t do too many of the exercises. Just the simple tricks - like the key-trick for instance - helped to make me feel stronger and more in control.”

”Next Rosa and her kids came along. I could see her struggle to build a good life for herself and her kids. In a lot of ways we were able to support each other. We both had to start from scratch, you know? I had been lucky enough to have such great helpers – Alex, Kyle, Maria, Jim and Amy Valenti – they started it all. My new family, Mama Dee and Bones, they all joined this project called ‘let’s help Liz’ the moment they heard about me. From that point on it just drew circles.”

”What do you mean when you say it ‘drew circles’?” Nathan asked. “Well, Roswell is a small town as you know and when someone with a history like mine moves here, the news spread fast. Before I went to town for the first time they all knew, I could tell by the looks they were giving me. Of course some stared at me outright, but most tried to be discreet. Once they were used to seeing me around, first in company than alone, they were very helpful and even protective.”

“Protective? How?” Sarah wanted know. After taking a moment to think of an answer, Liz stated, “oh, in many ways. For example if there were strangers around - meaning people who weren’t from town and thus didn’t know about me – they would make sure those people would give me space. In those days I needed a lot of space; if anybody came too close – especially men – I would completely loose it. There were a few scenes in the beginning and our Roswellians learn fast, hence they made sure that I always had enough space. You know they’d help me with things like that!”

Smiling, Liz kept on talking, “so you see, with all these examples I had no choice when I saw Rosa and her children having such difficulties. I could do no less than help too. Also, wasn’t that what my family and friends kept telling me when I wondered how ever I could repay them their kindness?” ”Now you’ve lost me, what exactly did they tell you?” Nathan asked curiously.

“Oh, you know, I wasn’t used to being given things so freely. My experience with Cindy and Chuck was that I had to earn things by doing them favours or stuff like that. So, naturally, when I started to receive all the help – a lot was finical help but just as much was emotional support – I assumed I had to repay them one way or another. But they all told me not to worry about it, to accept everything they offered and take all the time I needed to heal and build myself a good life. Later, when I was feeling better, I could help somebody else in need, that that was thanks enough for all of them. So, when I saw Rosa in that waiting room I couldn’t do anything less than help, you understand?” Seeing her host’s nod of understanding, Liz suddenly laughed, “poor Bones didn’t know what hit him, I mean, really, I just offered his help! But after the first shock wore off he was all for it. I could tell that he was glad to help.”

”Ok, I think I understand now,” Nathan replied and added, “it’s like a chain reaction, like an avalanche of good will, right?” “Oh, Nathan, you really said that very nicely and quite accurately too!” Liz conceded proudly.

After sipping some water, the young woman continued, “a few weeks later Sean came home from school and I could tell he was worried about something. I told him to spit it out, and he did. It seems that Sean had found Sally - one of his classmates - in an empty classroom crying her heart out. She was pregnant and her parents forced her to have an abortion. Since they were a poor family she had no savings to fall back on. Her boyfriend Rocco was in the same situation, no money and his family wanted the abortion too. Sean thought that even though our situations were different, I could talk with those kids, tell them how I juggled the babies and my studies and by then I had even started to work at the diner for a few hours a week. My brother thought that maybe if we all put our heads together we might find a solution.”

”We did find a great solution. You know, I have the most incredible and generous family and friends imaginable. Really, I do! As usual, Mama Dee showed up. She seems to have some sort of a radar for when she’s needed, because she always just ‘happens’ to drop by in those moments. Anyway, at first the kids didn’t really trust her, she was a grownup after all, but that changed very fast. Mama Dee heard their story and asked them what they wanted to do. They told her about their families’ orders to get rid of the baby. Mama Dee insisted and said ‘I don’t want to know what your families want, I want to know what you two want to do?’ With that question everything started. Crying hard, the girl told us that they wanted to keep the baby, but they didn’t have the money to raise a child, after all they were both still in high school, freshmen at that. Since their families were against them keeping the baby they had nowhere to turn to. After saying that she started to cry even harder.”

”What happened then?” Sarah wanted to know curiously. “Well, I suddenly remembered all the help I had received and I knew for a fact that some of my wealthier friends were involved in all kinds of charity projects to help the poor. I asked Mama Dee what she thought of my idea of asking my friends for help. I mean, instead of sending the money away, they could help right here and then even see the results too. Mama thought that that was a great idea and immediately offered the small apartment she had upstairs in her little house. She said it was small and simply furnished, but the kids could live in it for free. So, now we knew where the young family could live, all we needed now was help for the rest. Mama Dee, Sean and I started to call all our friends and explained the situation. Their help was coming so fast, you wouldn’t believe it. Help came so fast and plentiful that we decided to hold a meeting to plan exactly what we would do.”

Liz stopped for a moment, realising just how sappy her story sounded, and she didn’t like it one bit. Correcting the impressions her words might have given, she said, “you know, I just realised that I made us sound like these do-gooders that stick their noses in other people’s business, like we’re aspiring to sainthood, but really, we’re not! In fact, I have been thinking about all this for quite some time and I think I have found the answer.” The young woman stopped for a moment to take a sip of water from her glass before she continued, “it’s like this, once you start to get involved with helping others, you somehow become more sensitive to it and also you start to attract the same situations more often.”

Liz wasn’t really happy with her explanation thus far and tried again, “it’s like, hmm, when you find something new that interests you – that noone around you has had anything to do with so far – you begin to attract people with the same interests. Even neighbours that you never would’ve guessed suddenly do the same things. It’s like all of a sudden people with the same interest pop up all around you. I’m sure this has happened to you before, hasn’t it?” here she looked towards her hosts for help, hoping for understanding.

She wasn’t disappointed when Sarah nodded and answered, “actually, Liz, I do understand, really! It’s like I always donated money for good causes, but from the moment we got involved in your project I suddenly found myself surrounded with people who have done similar things or are very interested in getting involved too. That’s what you’re getting at, isn’t it?” Relieved, Liz nodded and beaming like at Christmas tree, exclaimed, “exactly, I couldn’t have said it any better, thank you, Sarah!”

Since Nathan knew more about their little organisation he knew he needed to have more specific answers for the viewers and asked, “Liz, what kind of help was offered, can you tell us?”

Besides her kids and Max, the little organisation was Liz’s favourite topic, no wonder she was glowing as she replied, “oh, I’d love to tell you all about that, really, it’s just absolutely fabulous, really!” Gushing happily, she continued, “on that meeting it was decided to start a new bank account for just these kinds of situations, you know, when you need money fast. For some reason these circumstances seemed to find me fast. You know, first Rosa, now Sally and Rocco. Anyway, Patty Mc Coy decided to plan some fundraising activities, Sophia and Jose Ramirez offered to help furnish the little apartment, you know, mostly the nursery but also everything else that was needed. Rosa offered help and advice with planning and running a home and be responsible for everything, you know, bookkeeping and all that. Mama Dee offered to baby-sit, my parents and Sean offered the same and my dad even offered them jobs at the diner. I tutored them, to be sure they passed all the tests and did well.”

After sipping some more from her water glass, Liz laughed, “you know, it was really like this avalanche you mentioned, everybody around started to get involved. One day after I had started my shift at the diner I noticed a new piggy bank beside the cash register, it was for our new friends. Isn’t that just fabulous? Huh?” “Oh, em, and at school some of their teachers helped the kids with special classes, you know, to help them finish high school sooner. You see, we all started to work together really well. Sally and Rocco were well taken care of and now they have a beautiful little boy, and both go the local college. Rocco is almost done with his schooling; he wants to be a teacher. Sally needs a little more time because of the little one, but soon she will be a nurse.”

Smiling, Sarah asked the next question, “and I know that from then on the helping avalanche grew fast. Liz, can you tell us what happened next?” “Absolutely, of course I can. You remember the social worker that helped Rosa? Well, after Joe found Rosa and things turned out really well, we were able to openly keep contact with her. In fact she came by quite often for a little chat, as she put it. But one day she came by and it was serious, very serious indeed. She had just called to inform me that she was on her way and that she needed our help, badly. And true to her word three hours later she stood in the back room of the CrashDown with a girl who looked a lot like I must’ve looked after my terrible experience. She was battered and bruised and still in shock. Our nameless friend told me that her foster family had mistreated Lisa - their orphaned niece. Their grown son started to demand favours from her and then even violated her. When Lisa went to the authorities for help, they just brought her back because that family was well respected by all. Nobody believed the girl. Our friend just happened to accidentally be on location when Lisa needed help, again. She realised that something wasn’t quite right and whisked the girl away. After she had heard Lisa’s side of the story and read the records she packed her in her car and drove all the way to Roswell, hoping to find some help here. Since then we have been working together quite a lot” Liz ended her explanations.

”Is it always this dramatic?” Sarah asked. Shaking her head, Liz answered, “no, thankfully not! We don’t have only dramatic emergencies. Sometimes we are able to come up with solutions for people who just need help for a short time, like help with baby sitting, or they need to recuperate after an illness but have no money to finance it. You know, things like that, or they need somebody to cook dinner for the kids while the parents work. You know, not all parents feel comfortable at leaving their kids at home alone, they want know that their kids are well taken care of.”

Nathan wanted more information and threw in, ”who can help, can you explain that?” “Everybody,” Liz replied succinctly. “What do mean ‘everybody?’” Nathan asked, “can’t you be more precise about it?” The young woman smiled and nodded, “everybody can help, you, me, just everybody!” “I understand that, Liz, but in your organisation, who can help there?”

After thinking for a moment Liz replied, “as I said, everybody can help, but you don’t need an organisation to do that.” She saw how Nathan prepared to broach the subject again and offered, “you’re persistent, aren’t you, Nathan?” then, grinning she continued, “anyway, by now we have a lot of people working with us. There are teachers, officers, doctors, high school kids, senior citizens, society ladies, we even have some people from the reservation working with us.”

Sarah asked the next obvious question, “what do they all do?” “Well, for instance, Riverdog takes kids from underprivileged homes out camping, tells them about his people’s history, teaches them about wildlife, things like that. Then we have some people in a senior residence, they are surrogate grandparents. The kids go there after school and stay with their ‘grandparents’ until their parents pick them up. Also, this depends on the needs of the people involved, some ‘grandparents’ see the children on a daily bases, some only from time to time. That solves several problems; one, the seniors feel needed and aren’t alone any longer; two, the kids don’t end up on the streets and three, the parents know their kids are safe and well taken care of. If expenses occur, we cover them. Then we have Rosa, who does all our books for free. Mama Dee helps in any way she can. We have families who love to help troubled kids and they are really good at it, but they can’t afford it financially. Here too we cover the expenses. And of course we have many, many people who raise funds, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to do anything at all. In many stores in town the owners put up piggy banks and donate the money. We have kids who donate toys. See, just like I said, everybody can help one way or another. Oh, I think I should add that we’re not restricted to Roswell, we help in other places too. You know, somebody who knows somebody and so on and on, it just somehow spreads!”

Looking very impressed, Nathan stated, “you know, no matter how often I hear you talk about your group of helpers, I still get Goosebumps listening to you. Anyway, I also heard something about a camp, can you tell us about that?”

”Oh, absolutely, that’s another example how things can get started. Em, I think we already talked about Joseph Seligman, didn’t we? The high school teacher who sent me some kids to tutor? Anyway, every summer our schools go to this summer camp. Joseph is a good friend of an owner of such a camp. So, about one year after we started with our organisation – which was growing in leaps – he was in camp with his class. One night he and his friend talked about our group of helpers and Joseph wondered if his friend Bill would be willing to help too? Bill was all for it and they discussed all the possibilities. When Joseph came back from camp he asked for a meeting. Once everybody was here he broached his idea of a camp for underprivileged families. He wasn’t really sure how to start that project and decided to ask for our input. Now, twice a year we have these camps and we have many friends who go there to help, right Nathan? Sarah?”

Sarah blushed profusely when Liz addressed her directly. She and Nathan had been to these camps already four times and enjoyed them very much. But this was the very first time that anybody talked about it in public. Liz grinned, enjoying her friend’s awkward moment. Taking pity, Liz said, “sorry, I just couldn’t resist. But seriously, I know that both of you have been to several of these camps and helped a lot. I also know that the families love you very much. You made many friends there. And to top it all off, I know that the last time you brought Johnny Depp along. That camp was for difficult kids. I have heard that he was able to win the kids over real fast and you all enjoyed a good time.”

”Yeah, Johnny really enjoyed himself a lot and he promised to come again. You know, by now I have a few more colleagues who want to come to camp with us. It’ll be a lot of fun, I can tell you that much already!”

Grinning broadly Liz stated, “so, you see, it’s just like I said, everybody can help!”

Liz's POV next post...
My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P10+10a,05.02.08

Post by uw51 »

and here is Liz's POV...

11a, Liz’s POV
We figured that right about now I should have my say, so here we go! I really don’t like to talk about myself too much. Ask me anything about my kids, about Max or about our group of helpers and I gladly tell you everything you want to know, but about myself, well that’s more difficult. So, I’m going to do it real fast, like ripping off that band-aid we talked about a little while ago, ok?

You know I really, really don’t like to be in the centre of attention but with this show Nathan and Sarah put together I ended up right smack in the middle of it. I know they mean well, but, well, you know how it is, right?

I just remembered that Nathan promised me to keep this show small, now I think I’ll have to explain to him the meaning of small! I mean, really, we’ve already seen tons of people who were brave enough to come on stage to be interviewed. Then we have another ton of people sitting in the back – the bistro – who came for support, and Nathan calls that ‘small’!”

Anyway, since you’re all here, ready to listen and I’m here too - not so ready to talk - I’ll just rip off that band-aid, ok? You know, I’m really in an very awkward predicament, because as much as I dislike sitting here on stage I have to say that I’m actually somehow glad that I can set things straight. You heard how everybody was praising me, making me look so brave and all that, but I’m not. Really, I’m not all that brave, in fact, without them – my family and friends – I shudder just thinking about where I would’ve ended, if you know what I mean.
You know, my good friend Maria advised me - in case I should get nervous and right I am - I should imagine you all sitting naked in front of me, you know, completely in the buff? Oh, you don’t have to be embarrassed, it hasn’t worked so far; you’re still wearing all your clothes in my imagination. But I’ll keep on trying, because I’m a totally nervous wreck. If it should work out, I’ll let know immediately, ok?

All right then, you’ve already heard about the most important events from the beginning, like how I came to live with my new family, how I met Mama Dee, Bones and all the others. Also about how I learned to kick ass with Michael and Kazuki, and let’s not forget Joseph Seligman who sent me kids to tutor.

You know, when I start to think about everything that has happened to me during these past few years, I’m still amazed at how everything took on life of its own. It’s truly just like I said, it all started with Alex, Kyle, Maria, Jim and Amy Valenti. They brought in my new family and Frank and Jose. It all happened with me doing nothing at all, really, I was in such a bad shape; I was scared of my own shadow. Everything seemed so scary and after I had misjudged Isabelle so badly, I was too afraid and insecure to trust anybody else.

My new family and friends really did their best to make me feel welcome and wanted. After a while I started to open up, at least a bit. But the first person I started to really open up with was Bones. I guess I somehow sensed that he had been hurt badly too and thus he had trust issues like myself. The next person I really trusted was Michael Guerin who also was an outsider like I thought I was. But with everybody’s help and persistence I finally was able to let go of my trust issues and become a part of my wonderful family.

I guess this all sounds a bit corny, doesn’t it? But honestly, it’s all true. They were all so very patient with me, helping me rebuild my life, heck, to start living again. That was why when I saw Rosa with her children in our social worker’s waiting room, I just couldn’t sit there and do nothing. In her I recognised the same kind of helplessness that I had just started to come out of. Our big difference was that she had no one to help her fast and unofficially. Rules and laws tied our social worker’s hands and obviously – for some reason - they didn’t keep her husband away. That was why I got involved. By then my trust and faith in my family and friends was never-ending. I knew that there was nothing they couldn’t or wouldn’t do to help, so I offered a very shocked Bones’ services and of course mine too.

I’m very happy to report that I have been proven right and I’m learning from the best what life is all about. It is about giving and receiving; about learning that in giving freely you receive thank-yous in the most unlikely and rewarding ways imaginable. By now, I also understand my family and friends who always told me, ”just get well and be happy, that’s thanks enough.” It really is one of the most rewarding feelings when you see that somebody is overcoming whatever difficulties with one’s help.

Ooops, sorry, I start to sound like a sanctimonious preacher. That’s what happens when I start to remember our early days. You know, they were all just heaping all this love, affection and protection on me, without ever asking anything in return, so I tend to get carried away.
Ok, what do I talk about now? This is really difficult, I feel like I’ve been talking on and on for hours. But when I look at my watch I see that it hasn’t been all that long. I’m starting to feel nervous again, ok, I’ll try Maria’s trick again… hmm, nope, still not working.

Oh, oh, em I can tell you about my babies, right? Do you want to hear a bit about my pregnancy? You do, ok. Well, it was quite a difficult time for me, because it was very strenuous on my heart and I was quite a bit smaller then too. The doctors were afraid that not only could I have troubles with my heart, no it could be too much for my body too. So, as the pregnancy progressed, I had to take things real easy. Of course I still attended Michael’s self-defence classes - sitting on the sidelines - but I was still learning things that way. Oh, and let’s not forget that I still had strong psychological issues, but I started to feel better, at least some days...

Let me tell you something else, morning sickness is most definitely the wrong name for what hit me, as I found out the hard way. The first thing I did every morning was run to the bathroom and well, you know… The last thing I did every night before hitting the bed was run to the bathroom and well, repeat that morning’s performance. Just to smell food got me running again and living above the CrashDown wasn’t very helpful at times. I guess you get the picture, don’t you? The toilet and I had a very close relationship for a while, eewww. Thankfully this phase only lasted about six weeks and then it became less and less every day.

Once that stage passed I was a lot better. I started to gain weight and my nightmares started to come less often. I started to look forward to sit in the diner and meet my new friends. I felt really safe there, because there were always family members or friends around looking out for me.

Of course I worried a lot if about my babies. I wasn’t sure if I could love my babies once they were born. I mean, you know, considering how they were conceived and all that. But here, Bones was the biggest help ever. He kept insisting that I had nothing to worry about. He had a very nice family all ready to give my babies a home if I couldn’t do it. That couple was even prepared to let me have contact with the little ones, if I should want it. I can tell you, that was really a big worry off my mind. I mean I didn’t want my babies to feel like I had felt growing up with my parents, unwanted. I have to admit though, that the more I felt the babies move the less likely I felt the need for that option, but there always was a big but…

Today, I’m thrilled to say that I didn’t need the help of these nice people, but in the meantime they do have a baby to take care of, and the very young mother too.

I absolutely loved Michael’s training sessions. They were always very informative but also a lot of fun, at least once I started to loosen up a bit. In the beginning I had a lot of issues with touching people, you know, those exercises where you grab and be grabbed, stuff like that? Of course my being pregnant made me quite clumsy, the bigger I got the more in the way my baby bump was – of course that was before I had to sit on the sidelines. Those exercises helped me feel safer, you know, just the knowledge that now I knew I could defend myself. Even though I was a complete greenhorn at it, I felt that at least I could do something if the need ever arose. That just opened up a whole new world for me. I became more curious about the world outside the CrashDown and it’s backyard. I started to take more and more control over my own life and as new and scary that was, as excited and stronger I got.
Anyway, after my babies were born – early and by caesarean – I needed a little more time than other mothers to recover, but recover I did. I have to tell you that I fell in love with my little ones on first sight. I couldn’t resist, I named my little girl Maxine – you guessed I’m sure - after Max my first love. With the exception of her eyes – hers are the most beautiful dark blue – she looks just like I did at that age. My son Sasha is Max’s spitting image; I guess you can imagine how glad I am that he resembles his uncle and not his biological father? I know that by now you all know that Max and Zan look very much alike, but Max has these beautiful golden eyes and cute ears, where as Zan’s eyes are an piercing watery light blue and he has these big ears that stick out a lot, these are the main differences, not many, but enough! It also helps that I never saw the resemblance between the two brothers, not ever.

As I was saying, the babies were delivered by caesarean and Sasha’s heart wasn’t fully developed. Thankfully it wasn’t too bad but needed to be treated as soon as possible. That was where our difficulties began. Sasha’s blood type is B-, just like his biological father’s. The trouble was that Zan wasn’t interested in helping, selfish bastard that he is! Even Isabelle couldn’t convince him, but that we learned later. I’m just glad that she was resourceful enough to talk Max into donating blood, and he did, anonymously, because he didn’t want any thanks.

All in all we were lucky, because Sasha’s heart condition could’ve been a lot worse. Only one surgery was needed and by his first birthday the doctors declared him ‘as healthy as any other baby that age’. Well, let me tell you that was a huge relief, really, and all the while my family and friends had been right beside me worrying with me and supporting me in anyway possible.

When I look at my son now, I’m glad to report that there is no difference between him and other boys his age. Actually, both of my children, even though they were preemies, have caught up beautifully. They are both so full of energy that sometimes I get tired just from watching them.

Oh, you should’ve seen how everybody spoiled my kids in the beginning, really they did. After they were a few months old I had to put my foot down though, really. I told everybody that I didn’t want my kids to become spoiled brats, that worked like a charm, after all nobody likes spoiled brats, or do you? No you don’t, that’s what I figured! Anyway, my kids still get a lot of attention from everybody and that’s ok. It also makes me feel more secure in my situation of being a single mom. I mean, with all that help the three of us are really well taken care of. If ever anything should happened to me, I will know that my babies are in good hands. That truly is worth a lot, honestly. Ok, I think that’s enough of that, right?
By the way, it’s still not working - you know Maria’s advise - I wonder why. Maybe I’m even too nervous for that? Could be, couldn’t it?

Ok, there is something that I really wanted to tell you that I feel very strongly about. You know, after everything that happened, I can tell you that I am a very lucky girl! I have no doubts about it. Just imagine, if anybody else had found me that day, where would I be now? That’s a really scary thought, isn’t it? It’s possible that somebody else would’ve helped me too but then things would’ve been entirely different as well. I might’ve found a whole other set of helpers and friends or I might’ve been sent back to my birth parents. I don’t even want to think of what would’ve happened then. Well, actually I do know what happened exactly but I’ll talk about that later on, ok? After Isabelle has had her next talk, because that was the next time I saw the two C’s.
The next thing I wanted to tell you is how I met Sarah and Nathan. They showed up when we had quite an emergency but let me start at the beginning, ok?

That day I was working, wearing my uniform that my boss insists we wear – hmhmm, you know who I’m talking about, right? Can you picture us girls wearing these awful teal coloured uniforms - you know the kind that has these snaps down the front? Right, you know which ones I’m talking about, good! Now we have to wear these aprons over it, aprons in the shape of an alien head… Oh, you’re laughing, well you haven’t heard anything yet, the best part of our getup is a set of antennas that we have on our heads and every time we move they move right along bobbing every which way, can you picture it? Yeah, now you really have something to laugh about!

So, as I said I was working my shift and a few of my friends were around. Then I had to go to the back for some reason that I can’t remember anymore and when I returned, I found a couple sitting in my section of the diner. Of course I recognised them immediately, who wouldn’t, besides that I’ve had such a crush on Nathan for quite some time and Sarah was one of my very favourite actresses. So, once I realised who they were I started to stutter and stammer like a bumbling idiot, but they were both very nice and I soon lost my misgivings.

After I had just served Sarah and Nathan their meals, my kids came running from the backroom, yelling “mommy, mommy she has a red coat!” Of course my first reaction was to say, “kids, what did we tell you? No running in the diner, remember?” But they weren’t to be deterred and my son proclaimed loudly, “grandma said it was very ‘portant to tell you about the red coat!” “Who has a red coat?” I wanted to know. Sasha answered first “I don’t know, I didn’t see one but grandma said to tell you about the red coat.” “Yeah!” Maxie added, “nobody has a read coat, not even a blue one. But one of the ladies that are with grandma is crying!” Well, for a moment I was puzzled and I repeated to myself “a crying lady? Oh, you mean code red!” I exclaimed and the kids responded “that’s what we said, a red coat!”

It turned out that Nancy didn’t want to upset the little ones by telling them that we had an emergency and in a spur of the moment she created a code system for us. Needles to say, I hastily excused myself by my guests and ran towards the back room where I found Nancy, an officer, a local social worker and a young woman who seemed to be in a very bad way. She had some nasty bruises and was crying hysterically. The social worker gave me an abbreviated version of what had happened.

You know, we found out that in most of the tougher cases the victims involved calmed down faster when I started to talk to them. When I wasn’t around they would go to Michael Guerin or Bones, but they always came to the CrashDown first. I think it had a lot to do with my own experiences, you know, I knew first hand what they were going through, more or less. It was just like I was able to open up more to Bones and Michael before anybody else. It’s like kindred spirits recognising each other, I guess.

Anyway, the young woman calmed down and we were able to talk with her, we needed some information, to know whom we could ask for help. We were so caught up in our drama we never noticed that Nathan and Sarah had followed me to the back room and were avidly listening. They actually stayed with us, observing everything carefully. After the young lady had been taken care of, our new friends wanted to know why an officer and a social worker would come to us for help. And just like that those two were roped into our little organisation.
Guess what, it’s working now; you know that naked stuff Maria said? It’s really working, I’m not quite as nervous as I was before! Wow, what a good trick, you should try it out sometime…


Thank you very much for reading my fic, please let me know what you think of it!

I'll post again in two weeks, till then take care

My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P11+11a,05.16.08

Post by uw51 »

Hello Everybody, here I am again!

Natalie36 <> Thank you, I’m glad you like it!

pandas2001 <> I guess it was really high time to bring in more clarity on the kids and the group. As it is, every guest brings in his POV and helps to clear up the mystery

Next you will read about Jose and Frank and quite frankly they are very difficult to write! For the first time I’m having trouble to think my way into a person. But that you will see next time. After that Isabelle will have to come and tell us about her side of when every thing blew up. Then Diane and Philip will let you know how they found out; and then Max will be back again. That’s how I have it planned at this moment, but who knows, maybe everything will change again, lol. After all, I still have the mystery guest to bring in, and that one will have to come soon too.

As always many thanks to my great beta, what would I do without you? :wink: :wink: :wink:

Take care and enjoy…

12, Intermezzo – Sarah and Nathan
Gravely, Nathan wanted to know, “well, Liz, I know you’re right when you say that everybody can help, but sometimes it’s really difficult to decide how to help. I mean, in the news, in the papers or on TV are always these stories about all kinds of scams, where crooks relieve unsuspecting people of their hard earned money in the name of ‘helping’,” Nathan explained.

“I guess you’re right. Actually I know you’re right. I’m well aware of the fact that I was really very lucky. I also am convinced that most people are honest and caring people and like to help. There are exceptions of course, like my parents who are very selfish, spoiled and don’t mind to bend the rules to suit them. Also I had the misfortune to meet Zan and his friends who are cowardly criminals. I mean, really, what kind of bravery is needed to attack children, especially if you’re with a group of strong young men. Anyway, I was fortunate enough that the majority of people that I have met so far are nice average people, you know, just like you and I. At least that’s my experience so far.”

”You know, I never set out to do all those things,” Liz said and continued, “for some reason these situations always found me. I mean, of course I now look consciously and try to help but in the beginning it just sort of happened. As far as those shams that you mentioned are concerned, I think you always need a good dose of trust but you can’t trust blindly. You also need to think, to look and find out as much as you can, before you invest in anything.”

”Aren’t you contradicting yourself when you say you need to trust, but then you have to check out things?” Sarah asked curiously. Liz laughed and replied, “no, not really. We all have been given a brain to think with and instincts to listen to, it’s called listening to your heart or your gut, whatever works for you. I mean, really, otherwise I could just come and tell you the most fabulous story of this project in Timbuktu that I have just started. I can even show you some pictures because I know you haven’t been there. I can even tell you about all the people involved, etc, etc. But, do I truly have this project in Timbuktu? Have I even been there? Are those people really involved too?” Looking very sincerely at her host she explained, “just because I can tell you a story very convincingly and I look so very honest and innocent doesn’t mean that I have to be an honest person. I could be a good actress or what ever!”

Suddenly Liz looked directly into the nearest camera and advised, “it’s always good to help, just make sure that the organisation really exists, really does what it promises and that your help really goes where you want it to go to. If you don’t trust anybody else you can do something by yourself, something like visit people in a senior-citizens home or go the pound and walk with the dogs or even ask your community where you could help. I’m sure if you look around your own neighbourhood you’ll find something too.”

Grinning broadly, Sarah added, “or you can be lucky enough and just stumble into a rescue operation like Nathan and I did!” Grinning just as broadly as his wife, Nathan picked up the thread and said, “there’s that too, isn’t there?” and after a moment he added, “nicely done Sarah, you did that like a pro, really; steered the discussion towards the next couple on our list!” After turning towards the avidly listening spectators, Nathan announced, “yep, it’s our turn now!”
After getting comfortable in his seat, Nathan started to unravel the story of his and Sarah’s involvement in Liz’s group of helpers. “As many of you know I have been in the entertainment business for quite a while, in fact I was a child actor, starting my career at the tender age of 5 in one of my mom’s movies. I guess you could say that acting is in my blood, you know, it runs in my family.”

“Oh boy is he right!” Sarah mumbled under her breath. “What did you say, sweetheart?” Nathan inquired intrigued. “Hmm? What?” his wife offered innocently. “Didn’t you say something? You know, just now?” The actor insisted. “Oh THAT, that wasn’t important, just thinking out loud, you know,” was Sarah’s cryptic reply. His only comment was, “I was afraid of that!”

Coming back to the topic of the night, Nathan - after clapping and rubbing his hands, continued, “alright then, where was I? Ok, that much to my background. Anyway, Sarah joined the business later, actually she was in her late teens when she starred in her first movie.” With a devilish twinkle in his eyes he added, “but of course she had a huuuge crush on me, that goes without saying, hey, hey stop that, help!” Nathan tried to avoid his wife’s attack. Sarah launched herself at her spouse and admonished him, “you wish, but it’s just like I have told you countless times, I had my eyes set on Johnny Depp! He was the pirate of my heart and in my dreams he rescued me from all kinds of dire fates!”

Acting outraged, Nathan asked, “you expect me to believe that?” Trying hard to suppress her giggles, Sarah nodded quite resolutely, knowing well that her dear husband couldn’t let this remark go by without some crazy comeback. Squinting his eyes into small slits, Nathan acted overbearingly conceited and said, “nah, you just say that, I know because a husband always knows best!” Accepting this outlandish challenge, Sarah coolly threatened, “careful now, you’re treading on dangerous territory!”

Laughing, Nathan gracefully gave in, ”ok, ok, I give up, my wife used to have a big crush on Johnny Depp!” After the laughter died down, he picked up his story again, “anyway, even though I knew and really liked Sarah’s work I had never met her personally. So, when we started this movie here in Roswell I wanted Sarah for the leading female role. My partners wanted to have two other actresses, but after the three ladies auditioned it was clear that Sarah and I worked together the best. Somehow we had a really great chemistry going for us.” Sarah sat beside Nathan and nodded approvingly, smiling dreamily all the while.

”Ok!” the host exclaimed and straightened in his seat, “we worked really well together, didn’t we, babe?” “We sure did!” she agreed. “Yeah, we sure did, ain’t that the truth! Anyway, towards the end of our first week in this lovely town of Roswell they had troubles with some equipment and Sarah and I got a totally unexpected day off. We decided to explore the town, take in the tourist sights, and all that.”

”Exactly, and that’s where Mama Dee comes in! Right, Nathan?” “Hmhmm, right!” Nathan confirmed. “Well, we had already walked around town for a bit and this dry desert heat was getting to us. We decided to look for something to do that was inside where it was nice and cool. While we were standing there on that sidewalk trying to come up with something to do we determined to ask the first person that came our way some for much needed advice. As you already know that was how we met Mama Dee, she was the first one that came our way.”

With a big grin on his face Nathan took over the telling and said, “we approached her and asked very politely ‘Good morning Ma’am! We’re just visiting here, and we were wondering what the real must-see’s are in town and then we’d also like to know a good place where we could have lunch?’ Her answer was quite clear, first go to the UFO-Museum and then to the CrashDown for lunch, and that was just what we did, didn’t we sweetheart?”

”Absolutely, Nathan and for those of you who don’t have the pleasure of knowing Mama Dee, let me tell you that even though she is a self-proclaimed busybody, she doesn’t gossip, she just likes to spread the news, just like she never forgets anything, she just doesn’t remember it sometimes...” Mama Dee loudly interrupted, “you got that right, girl!”

With aplomb Sarah continued as if Mama Dee hadn’t pitched in her remark, “but of course, these things we learned that later on. At the time – after Mama Dee had ordered us to behave if we should be lucky enough and meet this lovely young girl called Liz - we just thought ‘what a busybody, the gall of her, telling us how to behave!” “I have to admit that I was more insulted than Sarah, really. She took it in her stride, but I wasn’t that easy going, after all I wasn’t in kindergarten any longer. Let me tell you, if Mama Dee hadn’t left us as fast as she did, I would’ve given her a piece of my mind, you can count on it.”

The Parkers exploded into uncontrollable laughter and after a moment Max joined them. By now even he knew that nobody gave Mama Dee a piece of their mind - that just wasn’t done. Even among the spectators some laughs could be heard from people who knew the lady in question. “What? What’s so funny?” Nathan asked cluelessly. This set his guests off into another bout of hilarity. After wiping the tears of laughter off her face, Nancy hiccupped and stuttered, “we just… we just tried to pic… pic… picture how you give Mama Dee… we could see that scene going down, and, none of us have any doubt about who would’ve given whom a piece of mind! Right, Jeff?”

Sarah had joined them in the merriment - by now she too knew just how resolutely Mama Dee could be - and at this moment she tried her best to calm down. Still chuckling she continued, “you should’ve seen him, all red-faced and sputtering in his outrage! He was too cute; really he was just so adorable!” “Wife, how many times do I have to tell you, that men aren’t cute?” and turning towards the audience he called, “right men, we aren’t cute?” The spectators were of different opinions and their quibbling could be heard quite clearly until finally they broke out in hysterical laughter!

”Ok, ok, I think we better save that discussion for our next round table meeting, right guys?” Grinning proudly at the hollered responses from his peers, Nathan nodded and let Sarah take over the story telling.

POV's in next post...
Last edited by uw51 on Fri May 30, 2008 10:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P11+11a,05.16.08

Post by uw51 »

and here is the rest of Part 12...

12a, Sarah and Nathan’s POV’s
You know, you can’t imagine just how much has happened since I first auditioned for that Sci-Fi movie in Roswell. Looking back it seems like my life has become a real rollercoaster ride. From one excitement to the other, it’s been a truly amazing trip, honestly.

Oh, by the way, I did have a big crush on Nathan, you know, back in my teens; actually it was a toss up between him and Johnny Depp. When I was in an adventurous mood I saw myself sailing the stormy seas at the side of Captain Jack Sparrow, but for my more romantic moments I dreamed up ‘dates’ with my heartthrob Nathan Brooks. So, you see, I had a different man for different occasions. Already then I knew what I wanted, didn’t I?

Anyway, I digressed, sorry! You know, they really happen, these random discoveries. I was discovered that way too. Acting was never on my list of dream jobs, absolutely not. That would’ve been much too frivolous for me. Oh, you wonder about that because of my infatuations with Johnny and Nathan? That was exactly what they were, infatuations, and I was well aware of that fact. For me in those days life was very clear cut, there were things that were just for daydreams – Johnny and Nathan - and then there was my real dream, my passion, the kind that I’d work for really hard. In those days my real dream was to become an archaeologist and make some very important discovery.

Also, you might have a hard time to believe me when I tell you the following but I was a real tomboy. When I wasn’t busily sticking my nose into anything to do with archaeology you could find me in the park playing basketball with the boys and I even got into a fight or two. In fact that was where I was discovered.

There were quite a few random happenings that led this talent scout – and now my very good friend Fred - into my backwoodsy little hometown. He was supposed to go somewhere else, but his car broke down outside of our town and while he was waiting for it to get fixed he came to the park and saw me. Anyhow, Fred knew that Steven Spielberg was searching for an unknown face that could play a tomboy convincingly and thinking that an unknown tomboy would be even better, he called Steven.

Now of course you might assume that I’d say no, after all I was a very serious-minded teen working towards my career as an archaeologist. My first reaction was accordingly, a very decisive ‘hell no!’ I didn’t feel like wasting my time on something so frivolous. Then Fred started to talk money and after a lot of convincing he managed to change my mind. I can tell you that - since I was a very practical girl - it was the money that swayed my decision. I figured that as an archaeologist I would need a lot of money to finance my digs, and the rest - as you know - is history. On that first movie I discovered a new passion, acting! Now I act and one of my biggest hobbies is archaeology. And get that, I go on dates with my husband Nathan Brooks, what more could I want, hey?

Ok, this covers both of our beginnings in the entertainment business; now we talk about Roswell. I was actually quite nervous when I found out that I had been selected for this movie. I mean it was my first big leading role and to play alongside Nathan, well, let me tell you, on my first day of work my knees weren’t the steadiest ones. After a while it got better and Nathan and I worked really well together.
We have already told you of our first day in Roswell and of meeting our very dear friend Mama Dee. Nathan and I decided to visit the UFO museum. It was a lot of fun and also, some things made me wonder, you know, about life in outer space? What else is out there? Anyway, that’s beside the point.

After we had seen everything and learned much new stuff we were hungry enough to go and give this CrashDown a try. In real Roswell manner, the sign of the diner couldn’t be overlooked, it was half of a UFO sticking out above the entrance with wildly flashing lights all over it!

At the CrashDown some people were sitting outside, some inside. We decided to go inside since it was just too hot for us. Well, let me tell you, the diner is an experience in itself. The walls are covered with wall paintings of UFO’s and aliens. The waitresses wear these really tacky touristy uniforms that grow on you. And guess what, I’m the proud owner of one too. Jeff was really a very tough guy to convince to letting me have one, in fact I had to wait tables for a whole evening for one. But it was well worth it! “Oh, yeah, there’s nothing like popping those snahmpf…!” Nathan sometimes really doesn’t know what can be said and what not. I just had to slap my hand over his mouth real fast to stop his outrageous comment.

I have to say that I’m almost afraid to remove my hand because I just know that there will be some other crazy comment, but here we go. “Can I at least say that it was your birthday present for me? The best one ever?” he asks me quite innocently. What did I tell you? Darned, and double darned! I think I best ignore these comments and continue!

Ok, here’s to my next try! The next thing that we noticed in that diner was the diversity in customers and how well they all mixed. I mean, really, where else do find three scary looking tattooed bikers sitting around a big table with men old enough to be their grandfathers? And while we were waiting for our food to arrive a sheriff joined them, and a bit later two young boys arrived and sat at their table. It was really interesting to observe how everybody just was accepted and joined in the lively discussion that was going on.

Anyway, our young waitress further spiked our curiosity. I’m sure you have guessed that none other than the mysteriously mysterious Liz Parker waited us on. Mama Dee really got our curiosity going overtime. Well, as it was, once we saw her name on her nametag and we started to wonder what was so special about this girl that Mama Dee warned us to be on our best behaviour. Don’t get me wrong; she was a very beautiful girl, very nice and a very competent waitress too. But, why the warning?

First we thought she might be Mama Dee’s granddaughter, but then we abandoned that idea. Really, if that were the case we figured that the old lady would’ve been very proud of the girl and would’ve told us about their relationship. Soon we also noticed that some other costumers kept a close eye on the girl, really, and none of those leery lusty ogling’s either.

Then that Liz girl served us our lunch with these outlandish names like ‘Galaxy-Sub’ and ‘Blood of an Alien-Smoothy’ and just as we were getting ready to ask her some questions, we heard this commotion from somewhere in the back of the diner. Next, two little kids – first a boy then a girl - came in crashing through the backdoor and running through the diner yelling, ‘mommy, mommy’. A dark-haired man behind the counter admonished them ‘kids, you know better than that, no running in the diner!’ But by now the kids were already by our waitress, excitedly pulling on her apron and babbling something about a red coat. Liz calmly excused herself and turned towards the kids, who to our everlasting surprise turned out to be hers. Aahhh, immediately we smelled the mystery.

Well, you already heard the story about the ‘red coat’ incident so I won’t repeat that. But let me tell you, those kids were just so cute; they almost made me wish for some of my own, but only almost.

Anyway, after Liz ran towards the back, the man behind the counter grabbed the two small kids and brought them over to the table with the bikers around it. After depositing the little ones he too ran towards the back. I guess in all the commotion nobody really noticed that Nathan and I snuck through the backdoor too.

Once there we found our waitress hugging another girl and both were crying. Liz was crooning soothingly “everything will be alright, really, you’ll see, in time everything will be alright!” The other girl didn’t seem to believe a word of it because she became more upset and cried, “just how would you know that, huh? Can you tell me?” At this point they decided to move the distressed girl upstairs, but she refused to budge because she didn’t trust them. That was the moment Liz decided to tell her about her own story, not in great depth, but enough to convince the other girl of her sincerity.

Well, let me tell you - that day in the backroom of that diner - we heard a lot more than we had ever bargained for. As Liz’s story unfolded we couldn’t believe it, we were in shock. It made me literally sick. I mean just a few minutes ago this young woman was happily serving our lunch, and then that? I could barely get my mind to work around this new piece of information. Now we knew what the mystery about Liz was, why everybody seemed to watch out for her. I wished that it could’ve been any other mystery, like a lost princess, or a baby found on somebody’s doorstep or something like that.

I mean, it’s like this, you always hear about such tragic things happening, but it never happens this close to home, right? Once you are confronted with such an awful truth directly, your whole world tilts and you need to rethink your values… or something like that. I mean such knowledge really threw me for a loop. That was also the moment when we realised three things; one was that Liz had been a victim; two, the other girl had just become a victim - had been somehow brutalised; the last thing we noticed was that after listening to Liz the battered girl started to believe her. Believe that there was indeed someone who knew, who understood and she started to trust, very carefully and even more reluctantly, but it was a beginning. After that things started to calm down a bit and that was the moment when we were discovered.

To say the least, we can honestly inform you that they weren’t very happy with us, in fact, quite the opposite. We received a good scolding, and boy let me tell you, Jeff Parker – for all his easygoing ways – is a world-class scolder! He made us feel so small - about two inches short including a hat on top of our head; really we were surprised he didn’t send us to bed without our diner.

Luckily for us we were able to convince him that we meant no harm, in fact we offered our help and after some serious discussions we were accepted into the group. That was about two-and-a-half years ago and we can proudly say that we still are a part of this little organisation. We work mostly in the money-raising branch and at least once a year we go to one of the camps.

I can assure you, it is a very rewarding experience, and we wouldn’t miss for anything, right Nathan? Of course my dear husband agrees, in fact every time we decide to go to one of those camps – sometimes we go for a day, sometimes for two weeks – he really goes overboard preparing games and other activities with the other camp leaders. I sometimes think that this way he can compensate on what he missed out on as a child star. I usually let him prepare everything and all I have to do is show up at the allotted time at the right place.


Thank you very much for reading my fic, please let me know what you think of it!

I'll post again in two weeks, till then take care

My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P12+12a,05.30.08

Post by uw51 »

Hello Everybody, here I am again!

pandas2001 <> don’t worry about missing an update, their here to stay, at least as long my story is on the board, lol! I’m glad to know that I still have one reader that I write for! You’re very much appreciated, you know!

Anyway, next post brings us back to Jose and Frank. Things start to clear up more and more and hopefully make some sense.

As always many thanks to my great beta, what would I do without you? :wink: :wink: :wink:

and here it is, enjoy…

13, Intermezzo – Frank McCoy and Jose Ramirez
”Well, Nathan, wasn’t that strange, to be our very own hosts?” Sarah inquired humorously. Always ready to deliver one of his – what Sarah called – special brand of jokes, Nathan quipped, “I guess you could say that, Sarah. I just wonder do we have to say our good byes now or later, what do you think?” “Hmmm, I’d say we better stay for a bit longer, after all, not all the guests have arrived yet! Anyway, right now we have Franky and Jose waiting to come and have their say!”

”Of course you’re right, but I think they have to wait just a bit longer because I saw somebody sneak into the bistro, trying hard to go unnoticed!” Grinning, Nathan turned towards the back. The spotlight followed his progress until he stopped at the table where Mama Dee, Hilda and Martha were sitting. Everybody could see that an elderly man in a chauffeur’s uniform had joined the ladies.

Nathan could feel the nervousness radiating off of his latest guest and he decided to make it as quick and painless as possible, he addressed the newcomer quietly, “hello Sparky, how are you?” Looking straight ahead the older man answered noncommittally, “fine, sir, just fine!” For a moment the host was at a loss, he wasn’t quite sure how to handle this situation, because he knew Sparky as an open and warm person with a wicked sense of humour. Suddenly Nathan remembered that Anthony Sparks had a ‘Jekyll and Hide’ personality and when he was wearing his uniform, he lost all of his humour and became the most dignified and correct person imaginable. His style rivalled that of the starchiest English butler, it was almost frightening.

Realising his faux pas, Nathan decided that introductions were in order and very correctly announced, “ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you Mr. Anthony Sparks, Chuck and Cindy’s chauffeur? Tonight’s he was assigned to take care of our mystery guest!” Stiffly Sparks stood up and lifted his chauffeur’s cap off of his head, holding it in front of his chest. Bowing slightly, he accepted the introduction quietly and dignified. Straight-faced and equally dignified Nathan inquired, “Sparks, has our mystery guest arrived? Was everything as it should be?” “Yes sir, everything is fine, sir, just fine!” Sparky almost barked.

”Good, good!” this was becoming ridiculously ridiculous; Nathan thought and decided to lighten the mood. “Sparks, tonight you’re here as our guest so please, won’t you give your cap and your jacket to our assistant and take off your tie?” Seeing the elder man’s indecisiveness he cajoled, “I’m sure you’d feel more at ease. Come on you’re here as a private guest and friend of Liz, what do you say, huh?” After some more weighing his options he curtly nodded his agreement. Sparks carefully eased out of his jacket and handed it with his cap to the pretty assistant that miraculously appeared by his side.

Smiling broadly he sighed, “oooh yes, that is so much better now!” “Good, good, I’m glad you’re more comfortable,” Nathan grinned just as broadly and then invited, “why don’t you take a seat? We still have quite a lot going on tonight.” As he walked away Nathan could hear Sparky whispering excitedly, tattling all the latest news to his three curious ladies. Smiling approvingly, the actor thought of the quartet sitting around the small table behind him, the four of them were an amazingly lively bunch, always right smack in the middle of any action.
After joining Sarah in the front of the stage, Nathan introduced his next guest, “well, my friends, now I’d like to announce our next guests. Those two made sure that everything was done correctly and according to the law. After all, we put so much work, time and energy into our ‘let’s help Liz’ project - and also into others - that nobody wanted to risk its failing on a mere legality. Well, folks, put your hands together for Jose Ramirez and Frank McCoy!”

From the side entrance two men strode onto the stage; one was casually dressed, in jeans, shirt, cowboy boots and carrying a black Stetson; the other one wore a very elegant dark grey Armani suit. Their appearances were as different as night and day. As they reached the hosts, the lady was greeted with hugs and kisses, whereas her husband received some hearty backslaps. Frank, the man in the suit, suddenly tugged off his tie quite decisively. Seeing his host’s raised eyebrows he grinned and explained, “I want to be comfortable too!”

Together the foursome strolled towards the seating arrangement and the waiting guests.
After the latest meeting and greeting was done and over with and everybody was comfortably seated, Sarah asked, “well, my friends, what can you tell us without endangering anything, you know, things like cases and such?” Jose was the first one to answer, “well, Franky, what can we tell them without endangering anything, you know, things like cases and such?” He mercilessly teased his hostess, knowing full well that she had a very hard time to keep any kind of legal talk straight. After all, Sarah had teased him often enough about all the mumbo-jumbo he and his friend Frank discussed. Grinning like a fool Frank McCoy stage whispered, “Jose, I thought we weren’t supposed to talk any kind of mumbo-jumbo? I mean, you know, things like cases and such?”

”Alright, alright, that’s enough out of you two!” Sarah exclaimed and added laughingly, “just because – once in a very weak moment - I confided my difficulties with all this legal talk you two are so fond of, you don’t have to mock me!” Raising her eyebrows the hostess asked severely, ”really, what are you, first graders?” “Ahh, tesoro mio, we just couldn’t resist!” Jose joked while Frank sat beside him, nodding his agreement.

”Yeah, right, scoundrels the both of you!” Sarah shot back but before she could add to that statement Nathan broke in, “now, children, please, enough is enough. We’re here to do a job, aren’t we?” From experience he knew that his wife, Frank and Jose could go on for quite a long time, trading pleasant insults without repeating themselves. They had honed it down to a fine art form. From the looks he received from the three of them he realised that he had caught them just in time, before they really got started. Squinting her eyes menacingly, Sarah hissed, “spoil sport!” Franky added fiercely, “kill-joy!” Jose gave his input and - knowing well that ‘el Gringo’ didn’t understand one word in Spanish - stated nonchalantly, “si, eres un aguafiestas!” Aaha, seeing Nathan’s face that clearly stated he didn’t understand and he didn’t like it… Jose grinned victoriously and crowed, ”Mission accomplished!”

”Mind your manners, kids!” Mama Dee yelled from the back and threatened, “or do I have to come and break up this endless bantering? We elders would like to go home before midnight we need our beauty sleep, you know!” Everybody burst out laughing. After things calmed down Nathan smiled and agreed, “right, Mama Dee!” and to his guests he muttered, “you heard the lady, now behave!” Jose too called to the back, “Mama Dee, you know exactly how it is with these two! I mean, it’s so easy to push their buttons, really, I just couldn’t resist!” “Don’t I know it?“ Mama Dee replied dryly.

Suddenly Jeff spoke up from the couch opposite, “I remember when we were growing up and we started to think about what we wanted to be when we were grownups, Jose was always torn between a cop and a comedian, right Franky? He’d go on and on about what he should do.” “Yeah,” Frank recollected, “until one day his padre said, ‘hijo be a cop, because a cop can be a comedian on the side, but a comedian can’t be a cop on the side!’” “Oh, boy, that’s right, he did say that, didn’t he? Well, my padre is quite a smart guy, that statement settled things for me, and here I am, a cop who is a comedian at heart!” Jose added fondly.

”Ok, now before things slip away completely I better bring us back on track!” Sarah stated and then rephrased the last question, “what can you tell us about your involvement in this group?” “Well, as you know Franky and I both are men of law and we have seen a lot in the line of our work. Granted, some things were a lot worse than Lizzy’s case, but still, for the people - who were supposed to help and protect her - to deny her help in such a moment, well, that was just unacceptable. I mean, who knows where Liz would’ve ended up if Kyle and Alex hadn’t found her, if Maria and Jim Valenti hadn’t decided to do what was right. It’s quite possible that she might’ve ended on the street.” Even though Jose was on a roll he needed to stop and breathe, and just as he had feared, his meddling friend took over.

Sedately, Frank supplied, “you know, everybody that was asked for help not only helped at that moment, no they got involved for the long haul. It was really inspiring, next Amy jumped on the wagon too. Of course, when Jeff, Nancy and Sean got involved everything developed a life of its own…” Matter-of-factly Jose threw in the next comment, “so, you see, there was nothing else for us to do then to help, really, it was a very catching virus, or something, right Franky?” Jose grinned wickedly, enjoying his take over.

Turning towards his friend, Frank smirked, “do you feel better now?” “Sure I do!” his long-time friend stated coolly and shot back, “you know very well indeed that you drive me nuts with your slow talking ways! I mean, really, do you have to mull over each and every word before you utter it?” The attorney looked heavenwards, sighed deeply and stated dryly, “it’s a mystery that we haven’t killed each other in the forty years that we’ve been friends, huh?” “It sure is!” Mama Dee informed them from the back. Sheepishly Jose replied, “sorry, I forgot myself, but hey, that’s how the two of us function, isn’t it?”

”Alright, Franky do you want to tell the story?” Jose offered most generously. “No, no, you do it, you’re much better than I, at least in the talking department!” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Hmm, nothing, just that you’re better at talking than I!” was Frank’s straight-faced response. Suspiciously Jose observed his friend closely and after a moment said, “okay, I’m going to let this remark slide for now because I’m not quite sure what you want to tell me with it!”

Nathan spoke up, “I’m glad to hear that Jose and I hope that this means we can come back to our topic of the night? Right?” Looking most innocently Frank and Jose stared at their host and said, “of course, Nathan!” “Whatever you say, Nathan!”

Facing the nearest camera Nathan explained, “it’s always like that when these two get together and as difficult as it may seem to believe, when you add Jeff Parker and Jim Valenti into this mix, they can quibble for hours!” Grinning Jeff exclaimed, “hey, now I’m offended!” and Jim yelled from the bistro, “I’m with Jeff!” and the friends on the couch just grinned and nodded.

Taking over, Jose changed from rogue to lawman and stated, “you know, it wasn’t planned or anything like that, but when Jim called for our help we just went to find out what it was all about and the more we heard the more outraged we became and we had no other option than to help. Once we were involved with Liz’s case it was only natural for them to come to us when they needed counselling for their new friends too. Well, the first time we were asked for advice was for Rosa because it was really strange how her husband was able to find her so fast when she and the children were in a safe house. And he found them twice, so it was quite clear that somehow he got some information from an insider. We looked into that problem and found out where the leak was.”

”Yeah, and then they needed some advice for the teens who started a family and after that on how to start their little organisation and things like that!” Frank filled in, “at some point I needed help and asked my secretary to search for information. Once she found out what it was all about, she offered help and had the idea that our office should offer legal help to the poor. My wife Patty heard that and - being an attorney too - offered to run a small office where she would work for free.” “Of course, my wife Sophia got involved too, once she heard what her best friend Patty was up to. Sophia decided to become the handmaid and does everything from writing to snooping and she loves it,” an obviously proud Jose bragged. Smirking at his friend he asked, “our ladies are quite a pair, aren’t they?” “Yeah, that they are!” the friend replied very proudly. The camera swerved towards the bistro, zooming in on the two lovely ladies in question and showed their big smiling faces.

Their POV is in the next post...
My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P12+12a,05.30.08

Post by uw51 »

et voilà, the POV...

13a, Jose and Frank’s POV’s
Well, it’s my turn now, isn’t it? Don’t worry, I won’t go on and on and on about my poor childhood, but I do have to mention it because it helps you understand things, ok?

My parents came into this country illegally and they were dirt poor. Well, actually, they didn’t even have dirt, they had absolutely nothing. Anyway, they managed to find work and in time they were even able to become legal citizens. Of course it wasn’t as easy as it sounds now, but that’s all I’m going tell you about it.

Well, anyway, I’m the oldest of five kids; I have two sisters and two bothers. Before we kids started schooling we moved to Roswell and for a while things were quite good. Then, one day, my dad lost his job and things went downhill again, fast. On my first days of school I met these two great boys – Jimmy Valenti and Jeff Parker - and we became instant friends. When we were in second grade a new kid came into town, I’m sure you figured out that it was Franky McCoy. He became D’Artagnian to us three Musketeers. Amazingly enough the four of us had a great time. I mean, really, in those days it wasn’t very common to find friends from such different social backgrounds.

There was Jimmy who came from a middle class family; his dad was the town’s sheriff. In those days we only had one and that was quite enough. Jeff’s family, well, they were more upper middle class or maybe lower upper class? I don’t really know if there’s a difference. Anyway, Jeff’s dad was a lawyer and from his dad – Jeff the first, the good-for-nothing granddad - he inherited the old rundown Saloon. Years later my friend Jeff turned it into the Crashdown. Anyway, even his mom was quite successful as an archaeologist; she actually had quite a reputation amongst her peers.

And then there was I, a poor Mexican immigrant kid with nothing to his name. Two years later Franky came to town, he was from a filthy rich family, I mean, boy were they loaded - not that it matters but they still are! To our everlasting surprise he turned out be quite a normal kid and fit into our group beautifully.

About three years later Franky’s dad offered my dad a job. At first he was working as a cowhand on the ranch. You have to know that my dad never learned to read and write properly, just enough to get by. That changed though when Pat McCoy offered my dad the job as foreman. You know, my dad being illiterate didn’t mean that he was stupid, oh no, after talking things through with my mom he went back to school and became foreman for the McCoys’ Roswell Ranch!

So, while I was growing up I had my dad as a role model to show me that you can achieve anything you want if only you apply yourselves to it. Also, Jimmy’s dad, the sheriff was my big hero, especially when Jimmy and I could ride with him in his cruiser and work the sirens. In those days there wasn’t much crime in our little town, but boy was it exhilarating when I could bring the ‘hardened criminals’ their lunch. Most likely those men had been in a brawl or drunk or both and every once in a while we’d get a petty thief. Thanks to my lively imagination they became murderers or spies, dangerous criminals that were wanted nation wide.

Oh, that reminds me, I used to study all the ‘wanted’ posters. I knew all the actual mugshots by heart, just to be prepared in case I should come across one of those villains. I wanted to be able to recognise them and then arrest them.

Later, when I was in high school, sheriff Valenti gave Jimmy and me ‘real’ after school jobs where we could do important work to keep our town safe, things like clean the cells or run errands. The sheriff also showed us how the paperwork was done, gave us pointers on how to be a good cop. He’d tell us stories from his more important arrests and sometimes would even ask our opinion on things. Those days were magic and Jimmy and I never had to wonder what we would become when we were grownups, that was a given.

Anyway, I just told you all of this to show you that I knew from a very young age on what impact the social surroundings could have. I knew that without Franky’s dad my dad most likely would’ve stayed a cowhand. You know, especially in those days many people wanted to keep the Mexican immigrants as illiterate as possible and not let them do anything else than menial work. I don’t know if they were afraid that we would take over their country or something. Of course, sheriff Valenti, my friend’s dad, treated me the same as Jeff or Franky. I really, really appreciated that very much, because to many people in town I was just one of those irritating Latinos.

So you see, good social surroundings and help are needed; otherwise it’s very difficult to break out of a given path and to build up a healthy sense self-worth and self-assurance. Those things are very difficult to obtain if you are poor, hungry, have no education and live in the ‘barrios’.

So, when my friends’ families treated my family with respect, you know, as equals, it gave us a sense of self-esteem, like we mattered, and to them we did.

I also want to add something about help and charity, you know, what I personally think about it. I’m convinced that both are very much needed. Charity is important in the beginning, when people are in such bad shape that they can’t help themselves, but after that they need help to learn to help themselves. I’m sure that as long as you’re a so called charity case it’s very difficult to develop a healthy sense of self-worth, you stay depended on charity, but if you learn or are even given the resources to help yourselves, that changes your whole outlook, it gives back your pride.

But, enough of my opinions and sermonizing, I’m well aware of the tendency I have to go on and on and, well, you get the picture. I’m sure it has a lot to do with my growing years and the people who believed in me.

Anyway, being the smart people that you are, I’m convinced that you have found out by now why I got involved in Liz’s projects, first in the ‘let’s help Liz’ project, then in the other ones that kept popping up. Oh, I’m not saying that I didn’t help before, no no, I did, it just wasn’t very organised. I’d help here a little, there a little, donate money here and there too. I have to tell you though, that that way wasn’t as satisfying as it is now. Here I can see the difference we make and that is a feeling like no other feeling! It’s gratifying and humbling at the same time, especially once you see the people that received our help suddenly help others, some even get involved in our projects too!

Oh, and I almost forgot, the one outstanding moment - the biggest success we had so far - was when we were able to arrest Zan and his cronies. Luckily I was working that day even though I was supposed to have a few days off. I was there to witness Isabelle’s arrest, well, that’s not quite correct; I was there when she was handed over to the authorities. And of course I was there the next day when none other than Isabelle lured Zan into coming to town. He never saw it coming, but it served him right!

You can’t imagine just how crazy the whole town went after that. I mean Roswell, being a small town, has news spreading real fast. Isabelle was arrested in the CrashDown and in no time at all the whole street was full of people who came over to be a part of our impromptu fiesta while we waited to hear from Albuquerque about the other arrests. With the exception of Zan – who at the time was in Brazil - they got the others all at once. Hank Miller senior and Hank junior were at home. The other young men, Dr. Anthony Carpenter and John Walters, Chief of police in Albuquerque, were in their respective offices at work. Even Chuck and Cindy were arrested for abandoning their daughter. You can’t imagine just how wild things went from that moment on, really, really wild, oh, yeah!

You would be surprised if I told you exactly who came to celebrate our victory with us, some really important people, and when the Parkers found out about them, they turned green with envy. At least that’s what the prison guards told us later on. Anyway, I’m sure you want to know just who that was, but I can’t tell you because they will be here soon as our mystery guests, so you just have to wait and see!

That’s all from me for tonight, if you want to know more you can contact me through my office, they’ll tell you where you can reach me. Right now I see Franky is getting very antsy, I bet he wants to have his say too, so, that’s all for now, over and out!

Isn’t he gracious? Letting me have my say too? But that’s Jose for you; he likes to hear himself talk. Sorry, I’m just being a bit mean because I do know well enough that if I wanted to go first I could, but hey, where would the fun be then, huh? It would be a sad day indeed if I couldn’t rib my friends any longer, ehh?

But I digress, don’t I? Well, our best intensions aren’t worth much because – as you could see for yourself – quibbling is second nature to Jose and I and it gets worse when Jim and Jeff join in, really, Nathan wasn’t kidding. Even though it’s been known to bug onlookers, we have fun with it, especially if we try to outdo the others in our group. All four wives – Sophia, Patty, Nancy and Amy – just roll their eyes at our behaviour, like indulgent moms with their wayward kids! They have given up all hope that we would ever change, poor girls! But sometimes they become very temperamental and that’s where the fun really begins, but that’s another story!

Anyway, you probably would like to know more about us and our contribution here, right? So, I’ll tell you a few words about my background first, ok? I was born and raised in New Mexico, in fact my younger years I spent right here in Roswell. My parents are Edna and Patrick McCoy. My dad was an attorney too and had his own firm. For a while he worked closely with his stepbrother and best friend John Stanton, before that one decided to go into politics and run for office. Yes, that John Stanton, our very own president!

As it was I inhaled anything to do with law at a very young age and I became hooked. As soon as possible I joined my dad and his firm, first doing odd jobs in high school, then as an intern, later I worked my way up and now I’m the senior partner and I have a few people working for me.

After I had just started college I found Patty who was just as crazy about the law as I. Let me tell you, one of my smartest moves ever was to marry that girl! Until we started our own family she worked in our firm right along side my dad and I. Once the little ones started to arrive Patty cut back on her workload drastically, but she always stayed on top of legal trends. That was the reason she was able to jump right in and start her project of opening her own law office, the one for good causes that was mentioned earlier. She said that she didn’t need to earn money, after all we have plenty of it, but she had spare time to invest and that’s exactly what she does. Ah, what a gal, I’m still crazy about her!

And then of course Sophia joined her and together they are quite a fearsome duo, let me tell you. And like Pit-Bulls, once they sink their teeth into something they don’t let go until they are good and ready. So, my advice to you is, don’t cross them or else.

You know, as hard and difficult this ‘helping Business’ can be, as much fun and joy it is when we are successful and see the happy faces afterwards. Of course our biggest success so far was Liz’s case, especially in view of the offenders’ other criminal activities.

The great thing about our helping business is that we get to do things that we can’t normally do in our own office. I mean, what we do here is done in our spare time. When we were still working on Liz’s case, we often worked with the FBI, well not in the beginning but after a few months. I did things like help Alex with his work *cough* hacking *cough* on his computer. He *cough* almost *cough* always made sure that everything was on our side of legality when I was involved. Oh, that was such fun; I really loved to dig around on the Internet, trying to find those culprits activities. I mean, the mafia had their very own computer specialist, but none were as good as our Alex here! I can tell you, I learned a lot and I discovered that I even liked working with those things. Before that, I’d only work on a computer if I had to. Don’t get me wrong, I knew my way around on those machines well enough, I just wasn’t too crazy about them. I bet if you would work with Alex you’d understand what I’m talking about.

One of the reasons I couldn’t really go on watch duty in Albuquerque was that I have very illustrious connections. Some of my family members are well know in the States and through them I show up in the media from time to time too. It’s in fact quite a nuisance, but it can’t be helped. Well, to be honest, it’s not just my family members that get me into the media, I have managed to acquire certain fame for myself too, and so I got stuck with Alex. That was how I saw it the beginning, but not for long, that guy is a whiz on computers and, have I already mentioned that it was actually a lot of fun? To this day I help Alex in my spare moments. After all I don’t want to lose my touch, right!

While I was busy with helping Alex, Jose was on the road a lot with Kyle and Jim. They took turns on observation duties, every time we found out that Zan and co. had something planned, we’d be sure that at least one of us was nearby, just in case. Of course it wasn’t just those three on watch duty, no, our professors kept their eyes and ears peeled on campus, listening to the rumours that made the rounds, things like that. Even Michael and Sean and his two buddies were part of that team. That was before the FBI got involved, after that there were more people on hand and ‘our’ people had to be more careful, after all they had had no training in stealth and things like that.

Anyway, it was a good thing that the FBI thought that Isabelle wasn’t important enough to follow around, because that way they weren’t there when – as Kyle would say – the shit hit the fan! It was just us, the original crew, and the ones that weren’t there when it happened, came as fast as they could. For once the FBI was late, and I can tell you that we noticed this quite gleefully. After all, they did behave as if their work was far more important than ours, as if they knew more than we did – at least concerning Liz’s case. So, that was actually quite a nice quittance, don’t you agree?

Aaahh, I know, I know, you want to know more about my very evasive remarks concerning Isabelle’s arrest, but, sorry, I can’t tell you, you’ll just have to wait for a bit longer, not much, because I think the mystery guests are next! After that it will quite probably be Isabelle’s turn to bring light into those events. So, patience is the word, right!


Thank you very much for reading my fic, please let me know what you think of it!

I'll post again in two weeks, till then take care

My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P13+13a,06.13.08

Post by uw51 »

Hello Everybody, me voilà!

pandas2001 <> hi pandas, thank you for your feedback. You’re right, they had a way with their bantering, but I think that if have been friends with somebody for a very long time, you start to have your own quirks as a group.

I hope you all enjoy the next part, I had a great time writing it and hope you’ll get a few laughs out of it!

As always many thanks to my great beta, what would I do without you? :wink: :wink: :wink:

Take care and enjoy…

14 Intermezzo – The mystery Guests
”Well, my friends, I always like to listen to your stories, they are so colourful and interesting,” Sarah complemented her two guests and Nathan continued, “me too, I think it’s funny how everything just comes together. I mean, just think abut it, the four of you come from such different backgrounds and you still match each other so well. Also, your friendship had endured a lot and is still going strong.” Slightly embarrassed Jose and Frank nodded and Franky mumbled, “stronger than ever, really!” Both realised that their stint on stage was practically over and done with and soon they could join the others in the bistro.

Especially Jose was glad to beat a hasty retreat since he liked to avoid the public eye as much as possible. ‘Only a few more minutes,’ he thought ‘only a few more minutes and then I can go!’ ”Well, Jose,” Sarah addressed her dark-haired friend who started to fidget impatiently, “I know very well that you’re not too fond of these public displays, but I have to tell you that you really did well, you were very natural and entertaining!” Deciding to tease her poor guest a bit longer she inquired innocently, “maybe you should reconsider your choice of profession and join the ranks of us entertainers?” A look of absolute horror flashed across Jose’s face, was she nuts? True, he loved to play the class clown, and it was just as true that he loved to make people laugh, but to stand up on a stage in front of all these cameras and people, no thank you, he’d rather be a cop anytime. Giving Sarah a closer look he realised that she’d nicely caught him. By flashing her a big grin, he let her know that he had understood but refused to get into a discussion about THAT topic.

Smiling too, Sarah acknowledged his meaning and brightly continued, “we want to thank the both of you for coming to this show. We have very much enjoyed our talk, haven’t we, Nathan?” After questioning her husband, Sarah stood up and approached their two guests, “by now I know you two well enough to realise that you’ll be pleased to hear that you can finally join the others in the bistro!” Nathan too came over to stand by his guests to add his goodbyes to his wife’s.

While Sarah accompanied her friends to the back, Nathan approached Liz and wanted to know, “how are you holding up, little one?” Smiling, the guest of honor replied, “I’m fine, overwhelmed, but fine!” “What do you think of this show, about everything you’ve heard so far?” Nathan prodded. After exchanging smiles with Max, Liz answered, “you know Nathan, when I heard of this production you and Sarah were putting together, I almost passed out when I realised that I had to come on stage and stay here for the whole time of it. Really, I had a serious meltdown, you can ask Max. But anyway, I have to say that now, after sitting up here for all this time I’m somewhat getting used to it. Also, to hear all my friends’ stories helps a lot because they are so interesting and…”

Suddenly, Liz developed a case of bad nerves and she stopped in the middle of her sentence. Grabbing her glass of water she drank deeply from, trying to calm her fluttering nerves. After swallowing the last gulp and almost choking on it, she continued a little short-winded, “So, em, to answer your question, I enjoy everything and I’m almost not nervous anymore!” Seeing Nathan and Sarah – who was back again - looking at her incredulously, she stretched out her trembling hands and said, “see, they're practically steady!”

“Ok, ok, we believe you!” Sarah exclaimed laughingly and asked her next question, “so, sweetheart, have you any idea who your mystery guest could be?” After mulling over this question for a moment, Liz replied, “I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time now, really, I have but I need to know if it’s a woman or a man. Can you tell me?”

Both, Sarah and Nathan shook their heads vigorously and stated together, “no, I won’t!” “hmhmm, I can’t” After looking at her hosts, Liz surmised, “ok, that cleared things up nicely, really it did!” Giving her hosts another inquiring look and seeing the same expression as before, she offered, “well, seeing as there has been this big to do about our mystery guest it must be somebody quite well-know, right!” Her hosts stared blankly back at her, not giving anything away. “You know, you both are really tough, I mean, really, give a girl a break!” she grumbled plaintively and after still not getting any information, Liz gave up and offered, “ok, I’m guessing it’s somebody who has worked with us, right? Hmm, I’d say it’s aunty Cilla, it must be her!”

Grinning Sarah offered, “I guess we best have our mystery guests join us then, what do you say, Liz?” Immediately, Liz nodded and looked around curiously as Sarah and Nathan crossed towards the side entrance. As soon as the new couple crossed the threshold onto the stage, the national anthem could be heard over loud speakers. John Stanton, President of the United States of America and his wife Pricilla, walked into the spotlight and could be recognised by all. The crowd rushed to their feet and started to clap their hands very enthusiastically.

Liz sat frozen in her seat, she had been quite sure that aunty Cilla would be the mystery guest, but to have the President here too, well that was a really big surprise. Now she realised that they had all been feeding her these bogus stories about his whereabouts. She loudly snorted, “important meetings, my foot!” and after impulsively jumping up she ran across the stage and right into the President’s arms. “Uncle President, I really believed you when you told me that you were at some important meeting today and I was so disappointed!” She scolded him.

After hugging his young friend heartily, John Stanton grinned broadly and stated the obvious, “well, young lady, that’s your own fault. You kept bugging me about coming to the show and since I was your mystery guest, I had to keep you off track somehow, didn’t I? After all, I can’t really be your mystery guest if you know in advance that I’m coming, don’t you agree?” After a final squeeze, the president handed Liz to his wife who welcomed her with a big hug of her own.

Once the situation had calmed down and hosts and guests walked back towards the couches, the difference in height between the president and Liz was clearly visible; with his 6’4” he seemed almost twice her size!

Moments later everybody was seated comfortably and the hosts picked up the interviews again. Nathan asked, “Mr. President, it’s always…” “None of that Mr. President stuff here!” John interrupted jovially and explained, “Nathan, my wife and I aren’t here on official state business, we’re here privately to support our friend. Also, all of us here are friends, so we really don’t need to stand on ceremony, agreed?” On a lighter note he added, “it’ll be more fun this way, believe me!”

”Ok, John, I have to agree with you, especially since tonight we are all here to celebrate and have fun, right Lizzy?” Nathan wanted know from his guest of honour who - by now - was squeezed in-between the president and the first lady. “Absolutely!” she agreed, smiling happily.

Nathan started again, “alright John, let me tell you, that my wife and I always like to hear the stories of how everybody got entangled with this group. There are as many different and interesting ways of meetings as there are friends,“ suddenly the host started to laugh and explained, “but your story beats them all, it most definitely is the funniest one of them! I mean, really, just thinking about it has me stitches from laughing!” And truly, the laughter seemed to be very contagious, because one by one, the people on stage joined in the merriment. Even the first lady was laughing tears.

Looking at his wife, John seriously proclaimed, ”you too, Cilly, are laughing at one of the most painful and embarrassing moment in my life?” That was as far as he got with his serious expression, because after that he started to laugh just as hard as everybody else. Sarah, hoping to be luckier, posed the next question, “John, cccan you tell us about how you met our Lizzy hhhere?”

After taking some deliberate and deep breaths to calm down, John began to tell the story of his first meeting with Liz. “Well, my wife and I first met Liz on Thanksgiving 2003. You have to know that my brother Pat has this big ranch near Taos where the whole family usually meets for the holidays. That year was no exception, at least at first we had all agreed on spending some quality family time together. Of course something came up and Cilly and I had to cancel. After that, Pat decided to invite the Parkers with Liz and the twins instead. Michael Guerin and Maria DeLuca decided to come along too. Pat had heard about Liz’s difficulties to be around new people and in places she didn’t know. My brother figured that coming to the ranch would be a good experience for Liz. After all, there would be new surroundings and many new people since there are quite a few people working on that ranch. Before Liz came they were all informed of her problems.” Smiling at the girl sitting beside him John asked her, “that’s how it was, right?”

Liz nodded her head and informed them seriously, “you have to understand that by that time I was doing a lot better, at least at home and here Roswell where I knew my way around and the people all knew not to take my sometimes strange behaviour personally. Especially on my bad days I was prone to still having panic attacks and they weren’t pretty. So everybody who knew me knew not to crowd me or to sneak upon me from behind. Or at least to make sure I knew they were coming.” Remembering her difficulties, she smiled sadly and added, “when I had to go to new places I would always feel lost and overwhelmed, it used to be really frightening, you know. I’d scare very easily, actually much too easily.”

Liz really didn’t like to talk of those times, they were still very painful to her, but she knew she had to explain her situation, otherwise people wouldn’t understand. Decisively she continued, “of course, all the training sessions with Michael bore fruit and I started to feel more confident, but still, it was very, very difficult. So when Pat offered his Taos Ranch to help me become accustomed to new people and surroundings, I gladly accepted. I mean, if I made a fool of myself, it would only be family and friends to witness it, right?”

Seeing Liz’s discomfort, Pricilla Stanton decided to help her of the hook and picked up the story, “of course everything turned out completely different than expected. At the last moment the meetings my husband was to attend where cancelled. Now we suddenly had some free time and we decided to go to Taos. We called Pat, who in turn informed us of his new guests and said we were still very welcome to join them. He gave us Liz’s background story again and hammered into us the few rules of how to behave. You know, don’t crowd her, don’t scare her, and most definitely don’t sneak up on her. We understood and I have to add that by then we were quite intrigued and wanted to meet this girl. It was plainly obvious that Pat was very impressed by her, you could tell just by the way he spoke of her that she was somebody special. So, we called our security guards, hopped on our helicopter and flew to Taos.” Grinning over her whole face, Pricilla added, “it turned out to be a most memorable weekend, for all of us, right John dear?”

”You are enjoying this way too much!” John complained mockingly, only to add, “but you’re right, Cilly, it was truly a most memorable Thanksgiving!” With a big grin spreading over his face, John Stanton started to recount his adventure of meeting Liz, ”let me tell you, our first meeting started out very innocently - at least for me, really, but after that I didn’t know what hit me, right Lizzy?” “Right, uncle president, but you had been warned!” Liz replied, her eyes twinkling merrily…

POV's in next post...
My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P13+13a,06.13.08

Post by uw51 »

...and here are the POV's...

14a, The mystery Guests POV
Well, by now you know that I am John Stanton and that today I’m here on a purely private matter, to support our friend Liz Parker. You know, the wife and I actually heard about this girl quite a while before we finally met her. The first time we heard her name was through my nephew Franky – wonderful boy that, just wonderful, he’ll go far, mark my words, he’ll go far.

Anyway, at the time he got involved because his friend Jim Valenti asked for his and Jose’s help. Of course it intrigued them all when they found out that this girl was their friend Jeff Parker’s niece and nobody even knew she existed. The four boys had a hard time understanding Chuck and Cindy at this point, I mean, all four of them are such family oriented men, really, family oriented to a fault. So, you might say that Franky and Jose were a part of the ‘let’s help Liz’ group from the start.

At first the wife and I would hear about what had happened to Liz, and that was already very difficult to understand, very difficult. Next he told us of her convalescence, then how the first people got involved, and then let’s not forget about when the twins were born. I remember Franky passing out cigars like they were his kids. The wife and I always liked to hear about her progress too. This Liz Parker turned out to be a very level headed and smart girl, really, very level headed and smart. So you see, we already knew quite a bit about her before we ever laid our eyes on her.

And then Thanksgiving 2003 came and as always the wife and I were going to the ranch. This time something important popped up and we had to cancel our plans. My brother – oh, in case you’re curious why he has a different last name than I, we have different fathers. Anyway, my brother changed his plans and invited Liz with her twins, the Parkers, Michael and Maria to join our big family instead. He figured, since his house was always full to an almost bursting point on holidays, it might be a good opportunity for Liz to mingle with new people. That was actually a very good idea Pat had, really, a very good idea indeed. The girl needed all the practice she could get.

As it was, our meeting was postponed at the last minute and suddenly, the wife and I had some free time on our hands. We decided to see if we could join Pat and the family and called. As you know he invited us – again – and gave us all these instructions of behaviour. I remember I felt a bit insulted by that, really, you’d think that everybody knows that a president knows the latest rules of correct behaviour, right? Not so Pat, he kept harping and harping on the importance of it, really, he drummed the rules into our heads until the wife said her head was spinning.

You know, Pat’s protective behaviour over Lizzy showed us just how important she was to him. Usually my brother is a really mellow and easygoing guy, really mellow and easygoing.

Well, anyway, since our security men knew the ranch like the back of their hands, we were able to leave in a fairly short time. Upon landing near the homestead we were met by Pat - in-the-flesh. I remember how the wife and I looked of out the car windows because we both love the short drive from the Helicopter-landing-pad to the house. The ranch is in such a beautiful valley, really, beautiful valley.

Once we were at the house and out of the car I heard Pat mutter about something being just perfect, then he proceeded to point towards some kids playing in the playground. There were three kids, one was bigger than the little ones, and they seemed to have a great time laughing and screaming, really, a great time.

Pat told me, “John, see those kids over there? Those are Liz and her twins!” and he gave me one of his very penetrating stares which meant, ‘better pay attention to what I’m telling you now!’ Turns out, Liz was such a short slip of a girl, barely 5’1” tall. Anyway, once my brother realised that the wife and I understood exactly who this was, he repeated his rules, which I won’t go into anymore, since we’d heard them enough. I knew he meant well, but really, enough was enough, right!

After that, the wife and I went to our rooms to get settled in. You know, this place is really a very good place for us to come to, because we don’t need to bring along any luggage. We have our own rooms where we have our own things, so, you see, it’s like coming home.

Once we had freshened up, the wife and I decided to join the masses and went downstairs in search of everybody. We just followed the laughter. But then I got sidetracked and had a little talk with one of our old friends, while Cilly went ahead to join the others. A few minutes later I was looking for everyone else, when I heard them in the big family room. As I moved closer to the den I could hear them through the open door. When I came around the last corner I saw a young woman standing in the door, leaning against its frame. She was obviously fascinated by the little kids in the room entertaining all the grownups.

The little ones sidetracked me too, they were just too funny the way they were charming everybody. Lost in my observation of the kids I walked towards the door. Not wanting to disturb the young woman from her musings, I gently grabbed her by the shoulders to move her out of my way so I could pass.

Well, em, this is where it gets really very embarrassing for me, really embarrassing, mark my words! I have no idea what happened next, it was just like a blur, all I knew was, that suddenly I was laying on the floor, flat on my back and this girl had her foot on my chest, pressing me down and hissing menacingly, “don’t mess with me!” If you think that was crazy, let me tell you, that was nothing, really, nothing.

This next part is very complicated to tell, because everything seemed to happen all at once. I mean it seemed like there was this uproar, it was pure mayhem, really, pure mayhem. Before I got my breath back, I could see the exact moment when my pretty attacker realised whom she had floored. Her eyes turned as big as saucers and she started to panic. Two of my security men rushed in and grabbed her roughly, pulling her off of me and in the process scaring her even more. My brother started to yell loudly and very accusingly in his very carrying voice, “idiot, I told you not to sneak up on her! Didn’t you hear a word I said?” and then he ran towards my security men, ordering them to let the girl go. Of course they refused; after all, she had just floored the President of the United Stated of America. Thus she became a big safety risk. Next, Michael Guerin decided to get involved in the action and took on my men. Maria started to yell a mile a minute until she was hyperventilating and almost passed out from lack of oxygen.

Now, let me tell you, that that was also the moment where I learned a very important fact about the four-year-old twins. Threaten their mom and they go wild, oh, boy, do they ever go wild! Sasha ran to my men and started to kick and yell at them, ordering them to stop scaring his mommy and to let her go. He did everything just like he had learned it in Michael’s classes when somebody was out to get him. Those were his very favourite classes too and thus he vigorously applied his knowledge on my men. Later on my men told me that he was worse to get under control than a bag full of fleas, because the little boy was moving so fast they couldn’t grab him.

His sister, Maxie, on the hand clung to her mom’s legs and, while she tried to pull her off the men’s clutches, she praised her, telling her, “that was really well done, mommy, you got him good!” That too was part of Michael’s classes. He always praised his pupils most generously on a job well done, and flooring your opponent was a job well done!

The Parkers too joined the scuffle and tried to move the twins out of harm’s way. And then there was the wife, well, the wife was sitting on the couch laughing like crazy. And she wasn’t the only one laughing either, I tell you, it was a really very embarrassing moment.

Well, here I was, still laying flat on my back and everybody’s attention was on Liz and her dire straights. I was in a very undignified position, I might add – and I was wondering if I had landed in the loony bin. After a while I tried to carefully move my limbs and found out that my shoulder hurt quite a bit. That was also the moment the wife realised that I had gotten hurt and - still laughing - she came to my aid. She continued laughing and kept apologising for it, but she just couldn’t control it. Finally she managed to help me up and take care of my shoulder.

Now you know what happened to me, when I had to wear that sling. I was bested by a girl half my size! Well, that was how I met Liz for the first time. Let me tell you, as far as first impressions go, that one was tops, really, tops! I’m not likely to ever forget that moment! The wife said that for her it had been very memorable too, because she hadn’t been entertained like that in forever!

The only part that I’m really sorry for was that Liz had a very hard time to come to terms with the fact that she had reacted so violently and for hurting my shoulder. She wasn’t sorry for flooring me, the president, no; she said that I had been warned and I had no business coming from the behind and just grabbing her like that. Of course she was right, I had been warned, in fact I had been warned multiple times. In the end I just forgot to follow the rules. Let me tell you something though, I have never ever forgotten those rules again and most likely never will. As it was, this turned out to be the beginning of a most wonderful friendship! Since then we've been keeping in touch, closely.

Of course, when – a few months later - things went down in Roswell, you know, when the villains were apprehended, the wife and I too dropped everything and joined the impromptu party that followed. We couldn’t stay as long as we wanted to, but we were at the party, and what a party that was, mark my words, what a party that was!
Pricilla Stanton
Can’t you just see how much John enjoys to tell this story? He tells it to everybody who wants to listen to it. He likes to use it to loosen up a straight-laced party too, you know, the kind where people take themselves much too seriously. That little episode usually manages to crack smiles from the most dour-faced old cronies.

I remember I was feeling really badly for my husband, at least after I realised that he had been hurt, but I just couldn’t stop the laughter. I bet you couldn’t have stopped it either. Just picture it; there I was, laughing my head off all the while patching up John’s shoulder. It was really funny to watch and luckily he wasn’t hurt too badly. I think his pride was bruised the most, at least for a short time, until he realised that it had been really hilariously funny. Now, of course he likes to laugh the hardest of us all.

I remember once things calmed down and the twins – after much convincing – decided that my husband and his men were trustworthy; we ended up having one of the best Thanksgivings ever. Everything was just simple and straightforward, no standing on ceremony and things like that, it was just the way I really like it.

I also learned – firsthand - of the projects Liz and her friends were involved in by then. We had long and serious talks about ways of helping the less fortunate. I begged Liz to keep me informed on all her projects and if I could help I would. After that Thanksgiving, we parted company as the best of friends.

My staff soon learned that Liz became important to me and when she called they’d put her through as fast as possible. My staff also learned about her involvement and my small part in it. After that, my friend and manager approached me – I call her my manager because she manages everything for me. She said that one of the younger staff members had been so impressed with what she had heard, that she wanted to something like that too. Especially, since one of her friends from high school had been mistreated too. Apparently the girl on my staff felt unsure and helpless and thought this would be a good way to approach her friend. If she could tell her about Liz and show her that life wasn’t over because some bastard attacked her, it might mobilise her friend’s will to live again, and not just to survive.

After talking things through with Liz I passed on her mailing address to my manager and that was that. First the girls in Washington wanted to work as a group with the Roswellians, but together they soon decided that the group would become far too big and complicated. That wouldn’t have helped their cause, because so far they had been able to help quickly precicely because they didn’t have much bureaucracy to go through. That was why they started their own group here in our beautiful capitol. I have to add that the groups do work together closely. For instance, they decided to share their campground. Sometimes they even have people there form both groups. They share their experiences and help each other when needed.

Of course, I am too busy right now to be of much help. Being a First Lady doesn’t give me much spare time, but once we’re out of the White House I have already planned to join the Roswell group. They need somebody who goes between the different groups, because the last I heard somebody mentioned a group starting on the West Coast.

What really impresses me the most here is, nobody ran any commercials on TV or the Radio. There have been no reports or ads in the papers or magazines, and still, they grow. It’s all by word-of-mouth and it’s spreading. Somebody who knows somebody who has heard something, you know how it works. All I can say is that I’m very proud of my friends and that as soon as possible I will join their ranks…


Thank you very much for reading my fic, please let me know what you think of it!

I'll post again in two weeks, till then take care

My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
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Re: A very lucky girl…, M/L,CC,AU,Mature/Adult, P14+14a,06.27.08

Post by uw51 »

Hello everybody,

I have just realised that the end is coming closer and closer and… I’m guessing somewhere between 2 to 4 postings are left. But then again, when I wrote my other story I thought I’d write about 10 parts and ended with somewhere around 50, lol. No, seriously, there isn’t much left to tell in this story and I’m starting to feel sad about it.

On the hand, I have a new project, no fanfic at this time, but I decided to write my moms biography. In her younger years she led the most incredible life, had some very awesome adventure too.

Just imagine, in 1942, as a young girl of 15 - she moved from a small town in the heart of Switzerland first to Zürich and then four years later to South America where she stayed for 10 years.

Anyway, we already started to record the interviews and I’m learning about our family history and I’m hearing things, ayayay! :shock: :oops: :cry: :lol: Needless to say I’m very excited about my new project and I don’t know if I will have time or ideas for another fic. Maybe later, who knows.

but right now I want to address my dear Feedbackers: thank you both very much for taking the time to leave me your thoughts, it’s greatly appreciate it!

pandas2001 <> hi pandas, I’m glad you had to laugh about Liz meeting the president, that was exactly what I was aiming for, to give everybody a good laugh. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to convey the craziness and hilarity of such a situation.
paper <> hey paper, a new Feedbacker, welcome! I’m glad you like my story and that it has you crying, because that means that I’m doing my job well, I’m eliciting emotions from my readers!

As always many thanks to my great beta, what would I do without you? :wink: :wink: :wink:

Take care and enjoy…

15, Intermezzo – Isabelle
Sarah had been laughing so hard that her eye makeup was in serious danger of getting smeared. Since she had no desire to look like a panda, she very carefully dabbed her eyes, trying to save what she could. It was a difficult feat though, because every time she looked at John, she started to laugh all over again, thus undermining her own efforts with a fresh batch of tears. Nathan didn’t look much better, except his makeup wasn’t as visible as hers.

Finally Sarah felt safe enough to risk addressing her most illustrious guest, “John, you know that there are stories that you hear once and you forget immediately. Then there are stories that are fun to hear the first time but they turn very boring after that. Then, of course, there are the stories that one can hear again and again, and every time they become better. Well, let me tell you, my friend, this is one of those latter stories. I can’t remember just how often I’ve already heard it, but each and every time I hear it, it has me in stitches. So, I really want to thank you for all the good laughs you have provided me with thus far!”

”I know,” John Stanton grinned back, “even the telling gets better and better every time. And of course it’s funniest when people see Liz and I together, then they can really appreciate the irony in it. I mean, here is this slip of a girl who floors me, a man twice her size, really, just how ridiculous does that look, huh?” Suddenly Pricilla spoke up, “I always thought it was a shame that we didn’t record that incident. As it was, somebody was filming the little ones and when John went flying our friend just froze up in shock and by the time he realised what was going on, all he could film was Liz being held by my husband’s men, Michael and the little ones attacking the bodyguards, and the Parkers tying to grab the kids. Oh, there’s also a close up of me, laughing like an idiot. But because our friend was laughing himself, the whole recording turned out to be too wobbly and shaky; it can’t be used it for anything, really.” “We really tried to save anything from that scene, but it just wasn’t possible. Ah, where are the paparazzi when you need them, I ask you?” John lamented.

Sarah agreed, “that is really a shame, but maybe you could sort of re-enact that scene?” “No, no, no, I’m not going to be on film throwing our president over my shoulder, you can just forget that. And anyway, what if he got hurt this time? NO, forget it!” Liz declined very decisively, and to emphasise her point she was shaking her head vigorously.

”See, there’s nothing we can do about it!” John smiled, and he added mischievously, “anyway, to be quite honest, I really prefer to tell the story, it’s more fun this way and people need to use their imagination.” “I can understand that,” Nathan agreed, “I mean, this way we get to see how you explain it, and that alone is a lot of fun.”

Standing up, Nathan continued, “and now we have to move around a bit, because we have three more people joining us.” Looking at his guests, Nathan ordered the Parkers to sit with John and Pricilla. Max and Liz moved to the far corner of the couch they had been sitting on all along and the three next guests were left with the three places closest to their hosts.
After everybody was seated the way Nathan directed them to, he stepped up to his wife and signalled that she could do the honours of calling the next guests. Looking seriously, Sarah announced, ”well, ladies and gentlemen, our next guests have been here already and are now prepared to shed some more light on what happened five years ago. Ladies and gentlemen, here is Isabelle Evans for her second interview tonight. Her parents, Philip and Diane Evans, are here too, to lend their daughter support. Of course afterwards they will let us know just how they learned about all these events. I hope you all understand that this Isabelle tonight isn’t the same as the one five years ago. I just wanted to let you all know that I really admire Miss Evans for her strength and courage to come here and publicly talk about her past deeds. So, please, let Isabelle say what she has to say and appreciate her courage for volunteering to come out here and talk to us. Thank you!”

Turning towards the back, Sarah saw Philip and Diane approach her, closely followed by Isabelle. She held out her hands in welcome. “Phil, Diane, I’m very glad that you are willing to share such a difficult experience with us.” Smiling serenely, Sarah turned towards the younger Evans and asked her beautiful guest, “Isabelle, how are doing with all the attention you have focused on you?” Quietly the taller woman answered, “thank you, I’m fine, don’t worry about me!”

After guiding her guests to the seating arrangement and offering them a glass of water, Sarah asked her, “Isabelle, what are you thinking about everything you have heard so far?” “Well, I’m just amazed, really. I have heard a lot of all this already, you know, but still, it’s just mind-blowing! Actually, Liz and her helping friends have inspired me. I think I have already told you about that little program that I have started in prison. Nothing big, mind you, I’m just helping the girls that want to finish their schooling, with their homework or finding an appropriate college or things like that. Sometimes a girl needs help afterwards. You know, when they get out of jail, they need help to make a new life for themselves and not fall back into the scene that brought them into prison in the first place. So, one day I asked my mom for some advice and she in turn asked Liz and then Liz in turn called me and offered her help and that of her group and their resources.”

”She did?” Nathan asked surprised, he hadn’t heard about that yet. “Why ever would she do that? I mean, after all you did to her? Did she tell you, Isabelle?” “I can tell you that one because I asked her the same thing. Well, all she said was that if she and her friends could help then they would. Of course I asked her how she could trust me after everything, you know. She said that some of her group members talked about my project and they decided that it was a good thing. Also, if they wanted to do something like that, they needed somebody who had the connections in prison and knew the ropes and the girls who were seriously interested in bettering their situation. Anyway, they also decided to give me this second and last chance because I have been sort of a victim of Zan and his cronies and because I decided to accept responsibility for my action and all that!” After coughing nervously, Isabelle added, “Liz also said that they had seen how seriously I was doing everything to help her against Zan and to make amends. She said that if she kept telling her kids that everybody deserves a second chance, then she had to include me too, otherwise she wouldn’t be very believable!”

”Isabelle, you make me sound like some sort of a saint and I’m not, really I’m not!” Liz exclaimed embarrassed. She was upset because it made her feel very uncomfortable when anybody started to sing her praises. “All I did was what my family and my friends have done for me, so, if you want to sing somebody’s praises sing theirs because they started all of this!”

Smiling, Isabelle replied, “I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable, Liz, but the truth is, for some reason you are one of those people who inspires others to do things like that. Also, you didn’t have to agree to my becoming a part in this prison program, you could’ve easily found somebody else, and we both know that, don’t we?”

Liz had been prepared to defend her point of view, but the last part of Isabelle’s statement was the truth and even she knew that. Mutinously she grumbled, “still, I’m no saint!”

Isabelle, like everybody else, had to laugh at Liz’s last statement. Still grinning she agreed, “true, you’re no saint but you have the biggest heart imaginable and that IS the truth, you can ask anybody in town, you won’t hear anything else!” Very embarrassed Liz begged, “can’t we just change the subject?”

”Ahh, isn’t it fun to see Liz squirm?” a grinning Sarah intercepted the dialog between the two young women. On a more serious note she continued, “I have to agree with my friend here, we do have to change our topic to the events leading up to your getting arrested, Isabelle.” Sighing deeply, Isabelle concurred, “I know, I guess I was just sort of stalling!”

Very sincerely Nathan stated, “I guess I can understand that Isabelle. I realise that this is a very difficult situation for you.” With his next question he brought the talk back to the reason of his beautiful guest’s presence this evening. Soberly he asked, “Isabelle, can you tell us what reasons you had to search out Liz in the CrashDown on that fateful day?”

Isabelle’s face lost all expression and before she started to talk she grabbed her parent’s hands, “ok, I think I best start with my parents. They are the best parents ever, really they are. They taught us everything we needed to know and most especially right from wrong.” After hearing the murmurs from the viewers, she turned towards them and explained forcefully, “it’s the truth! I mean, if we hadn’t known right from wrong, do you think we would’ve gone to so much trouble to hide our activities? No! We knew exactly what we were doing!” After Isabelle’s outburst Diana’s face appeared on the big screens, showing tears running down her cheeks and smiling proudly.

Turning back towards her hosts, the blonde continued, “I’m not bragging but we kids were quite smart and devious. Especially Zan and I, we both knew how to play our parents to get what we wanted. A few tears here and there went a long way, especially with the male species. For some reason they have a hard time seeing a girl cry, it’s really quite amazing. They see a few tears and they stop thinking. Of course you have to know exactly how to cry and I understood that art like nobody else.”

Remembering the last occasion she tried to manipulate a situation to her advantage with tears, Isabelle smiled and explained, “you know, it took two remarkable little kids to make me see just how manipulative I had become and I felt so ashamed of myself. That was actually the last time I used tears that way!” “Are you talking about Maxie and Sasha?” Sarah inquired. “Yeah, Maxie saw me cry and asked if I was crying real tears or if they were just pretend. Next her brother added that their mom said if you cry pretend tears all the time, there will come a moment when you cry real tears and nobody will believe you any longer.”

From her seat opposite Isabelle’s, Liz explained, “my little rascals had their phase too, you know where test how far they can go without punishment. They were both great little actors, but nobody could resist Maxie’s tears, absolutely nobody!” Nathan laughed and added, “ain’t that the truth, huh? She tried it with me too, big crocodile tears hanging in her eyelashes and a quivering bottom lip. I almost started to cry right along with her, didn’t I Sarah?” “Absolutely, when it comes to Maxie you’re a real pushover, sweetheart, there’s no doubt abut it, no doubt at all!” his wife agreed sweetly.

”Mom told me about that, she said Maxie’s performance was Oscar worthy! Anyway, hearing those two kids ask me that really made feel like I had become somebody I didn’t like anymore. And then I really looked at little Sasha and I could see Max in him, I mean, you see pictures of Max that age you almost can’t tell the difference between the two of them. Also, after the first shock was over I realised that this little boy was the one who had needed help from Zan and didn’t get it. And then everything just went haywire in my mind, everything that I had done to Liz and to Max and to my parents, all the lies, the manipulations, the drugs, and then I saw those little ones and knew I had to stop being such a manipulative bitch and do what was right. Suddenly my path was very clear, frightening but nonetheless clear.”

Isabelle stopped for a moment, needing to sort out her thoughts before she revealed her last nasty deeds…

POV next post...
My Fics:
The Granolith's Chosen Ones
A very lucky girl... http://www.roswellfanatics.net/viewtopi ... 36&t=17828

Ancient Indian proverb: Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.